COPS DE ROCK #515 Hem tornat! (per tu Ricky)

Xavi Carafí Mauri

Cops de Rock

COPS DE ROCK #515 Hem tornat! (per tu Ricky)

Cops de Rock

Bona nit

Good night

Doncs bona nit

Well, good night.

Dos anys

Two years

Dos mesos

Two months

I vint-i-vuit dies

And twenty-eight days

O el que és el mateix

Or what is the same.

Set-cents-vuit-en-t-a-set dies

Seven hundred eighty-seven days



De que diguéssim

That we said

De que diguéssim adeu

That we said goodbye.



Torna el cops de rock

Rock returns.


Well then

Doncs sí senyors

Well, yes gentlemen.

Benvinguts, benvingudes

Welcome, everyone.

Comencem una edició més del cops de rock

We kick off another edition of rock hits.

Després de tantíssims dies

After so many days

De tantíssimes setmanes

Of so many weeks.

De tantíssims mesos

Of so many months

I de tantíssims anys

And of so many years

Han sigut dos anys i pico

It has been two years and a bit.

Sense fer el cops de rock

Without making the rock moves.

Vam decidir penjar les botes per un moment

We decided to hang up our boots for a moment.

I em sento altre cop parlant en català

I feel like I'm speaking in Catalan again.

A la ràdio

On the radio

Cosa que feia moltíssim temps que no fèiem

Something we hadn't done in a very long time.

I em fa gràcia, em fa il·lusió

It amuses me, it excites me.

Avui serà un programa molt festiu

Today will be a very festive program.

Aquest retorn al cops de rock

This return to rock blows.

Serà un programa molt festiu

It will be a very festive program.

Però que tindrà com a protagonista

But it will have as the protagonist

Una persona que no hi és

A person who is not there

O com a mínim

Or at least

Una persona que no pot estar aquí entre nosaltres

A person who cannot be here among us.

Un programa que dediquem avui a una amiga

A program that we dedicate today to a friend.

Que ens deixava fa un temps

That was leaving us some time ago.

I no ens posarem tristos

And we won't get sad.

Perquè hem promès

Because we have promised

No posar-nos tristos

Not to get sad.

Hem promès no posar-nos tristos

We have promised not to get sad.

I per no posar-nos tristos

And so we don't get sad.

Tinc una sintonia aquí preparada

I have a tune prepared here.

Que em servirà

What will it serve me?

Per donar la benvinguda també a dos protagonistes

To welcome also two protagonists.

Que estaran uns minuts aquí

They will be here for a few minutes.

Sobretot un d'ells

Above all, one of them.

Que estarà tota l'hora d'estar en seda d'antena

It will be the whole time of being in silk antenna.

Del cops de rock d'avui

Of today's rock hits

Que de seguida us presento

That I will present to you shortly.

I no ens posarem tristos

And we won't get sad.

Perquè no ens posarem tristos

Because we won't get sad.

Senyor Art del Mou

Mr. Art of the Move

Bona tarda, bona nit

Good afternoon, good night.

Bona tarda, bona nit, peluts

Good afternoon, good night, furry ones.

Com estem?

How are we?

Molt bé

Very well

Peluts, diu

Furry, he says.

No ens has vist bé

You haven't seen us well.

És un remember, no?

It's a remember, isn't it?

Sí, és un remember

Yes, it's a remember.

Avui serà un programa

Today there will be a program.

Què serà avui el programa?

What will the program be today?

Què hi haurà avui el programa?

What will be on the program today?

Doncs música

Well, music.

Música i què més?

Music and what else?

I ambi, no?

And I too, right?

Rock i no sé

Rock and I don't know.

Què hi posem?

What do we put in it?

Home, una mica de tot, no?

Home, a bit of everything, right?

Un humor

A sense of humor

I algun anunci d'algun festival, no?

And any announcement of some festival, right?

Sí, doncs

Yes, then

Sí, senyor

Yes, sir.

Com dèiem, avui el programa

As we said, today the program

Ara ens anem a posar una mica més transcendentals

Now we're going to become a little more transcendental.

Una mica més seriosos

A little more serious.

A programa que li dediquem

To the program that we dedicate to you

Òbviament a la figura d'Enric Aranda

Obviously to the figure of Enric Aranda.

Que va ser el primer tècnic de so

Who was the first sound technician?

Que vam tenir

What we had

Quan vam començar a fer ràdio

When we started making radio

Cap allà al 93

Around '93

Al 93, eh?

At 93, huh?

Al 93

At 93

Vam començar fent ràdio

We started by doing radio.

Això, a l'any 93

This, in the year 93.

Ell no va començar amb naltros

He didn't start with us.

A l'any 93

In the year 93

Sinó que va començar una miqueta més tard

But it started a little later.

Amb el Joan Sastre

With Joan Sastre

Jo tampoc

Me neither.

Tu tampoc

You neither.

Jo vaig començar més tard, eh?

I started later, yeah?

Ni l'Oriol que està per aquí

Neither Oriol who is around here.

Per cert, bona tarda

By the way, good afternoon.

Que et reincorpores, eh?

That you rejoin, right?

Molt bona tarda

Good afternoon.

Què tal? Bé?

How are you? Good?

Sí, sí, aquí m'he trobat

Yes, yes, here I have found myself.

De sopetón


El parlant català

The Catalan speaker

T'hi has trobat, no?

You've found it, haven't you?

Que ja és estrany, ja

That it's already strange, indeed.

Ara parlarem del tema lingüístic

Now we will talk about the linguistic issue.

Sí, jo també, eh?

Yes, me too, huh?

Vull dir, jo

I mean, I

Quan surto pels mitjans ja ho saps

When I go out in the media, you already know.



Ara t'anava a dir

I was just about to tell you.

T'anava a dir

I was going to tell you.

Que tu que ets un

That you who are one

Un home experimentat

An experienced man

En el periodisme nacional

In national journalism

Podríem dir

We could say

No sé si és estrany

I don't know if it's strange.

Això de la llengua

This about the language

Jo m'estic sentint ara estrany

I am feeling strange now.

En la meva pròpia llengua

In my own language

La llengua mare

The mother tongue

No, jo no

No, not me.

Perquè, a veure

Because, let's see

De fet

In fact

El tenir un grup de música

Having a music group



El fer-nos entrevistes

Doing interviews with us

En català

In Catalan

En ràdios

In radios

I també

Me too.

L'haver treballat

Having worked

Doncs en ràdios catalanes

Well, in Catalan radios.

Jo no m'ho trobo estrany

I don't find it strange.

Molt bé

Very good

Però, no sé

But, I don't know.

Molt bé

Very good

Tu ja has dit que sí, no?

You have already said yes, right?

Que veig que

That I see that

Doncs jo m'estic sentint

Well, I am feeling myself.

Està girant

It is spinning.

Estrany, estrany de nou, eh?

Strange, strange again, huh?

Estrany de nou

Strange again

En fi, el Cops de Rock torna

Anyway, the Cops de Rock returns.

En un programa que dèiem

In a program we used to call

Abans de perdre el fil

Before losing the thread.

Li dediquem a Enric Arant

We dedicate it to Enric Arant.

D'aquell personatge

From that character

Aquell amic

That friend

Aquell gran amic

That great friend

Un dels nostres amics

One of our friends

Que ens deixava víctima del càncer

That left us victim to cancer.

Fa un parell d'anys

A couple of years ago

Va estar el nostre tècnic de so

Our sound technician was there.

Del programa

Of the program

Va ser un col·laborador habitual

He was a regular collaborator.

Del programa

From the program

Amb Joan Sastre

With Joan Sastre

Que tampoc pot ser avui aquí

That also can't be here today.

Per motius diversos

For various reasons.

I sobretot professionals

And especially professionals

I bé, Enric Arant

And well, Enric Arant

Que es va convertir

What it became

Doncs una mica

Well, a little.

En el nostre tercer home

In our third man

No el de Cúpric

Not the one from Cupric.

Sinó en el tercer home

Unless in the third man.

De les ones martorellenques

Of the Martorell waves

De Ràdio Martorell

From Radio Martorell

I ens deixava fa dos anys, no?

And it left us two years ago, right?

Ja vam plorar-lo molt

We have already cried a lot about it.

El seguim plorant

We continue crying about it.

I avui li dedicarem aquest programa

And today we will dedicate this program to him/her.

Perquè també li dediquem un festival

Because we also dedicate a festival to it.

El dia 16 d'abril

April 16th

Sí, senyor

Yes, sir.

Li dediquem un festival

We dedicate a festival to him/her.

Que es dirà

What will be said

Es diu, vaja

It is said, well.

Ricky Rock Night

Ricky Rock Night

El dia 16 d'abril

April 16th

Es farà el 16 d'abril

It will take place on April 16th.

A partir de les 11 de la nit

From 11 at night

A la Taneu de Martorell

At the Taneu of Martorell

Està al carrer Gomis número 10

It is at 10 Gomis Street.

Està al costat

It is next to.

Al costat, al costat

Next to, next to

De l'estació intermodal

From the intermodal station

De Martorell Central

From Martorell Central

És a dir, l'estació

That is to say, the station

Que connecta la Renfe

That connects the Renfe.

Amb els ferrocarrils catalans

With the Catalan railways

És a dir, un lloc

That is to say, a place.

De molt fàcil accés

Very easy access.

El preu val 5 euros

The price is 5 euros.

I el subtítol de Ricky Rock Night

And the subtitle of Ricky Rock Night

És Rock contra el càncer

It’s Rock against cancer.

Tot el que recaptem

Everything we raise

Aquella nit

That night

Anirà a l'Associació Espanyola

He/She will go to the Spanish Association.

Contra el càncer

Against cancer

I el subtítol

And the subtitle

A la lluita

To the fight

Contra aquesta xacra social

Against this social scourge

Que tenim

What do we have?

Que a veure si

Let's see if

Aquests dies estem tenint

These days we are having

Bones notícies sobre el tema

Good news on the topic.

A veure si acabem de fotre-li el peu al coll

Let's see if we finally finish putting our foot on his neck.

I acabem amb aquesta malaltia

And we end with this disease.

Avui ens en farem un tip

Today we will have lots of it.

De recordar-vos

To remind you

Tot el que hi ha

Everything that there is

En aquest festival

In this festival

Tota la idiosincràsia

The whole idiosyncrasy

Si es pot dir d'aquesta manera

If it can be said this way.

D'aquest festival

Of this festival

Que recordo serà el dia 16 d'abril

What I remember will be April 16th.

A la Taneu Martorell

At the Taneu Martorell

Parlarem de moltes coses

We will talk about many things.

Parlarem de les bandes

We will talk about the bands.

Escoltarem molta música

We will listen to a lot of music.

Parlarem de l'Enric

We will talk about Enric.

I el recordarem en vida

And we will remember him in life.

No volem recordar com va morir

We do not want to remember how he/she died.

Sinó el recordarem en vida

Otherwise, we will remember him in life.

El recordarem com a amic

We will remember him as a friend.

El recordarem com a semiprofessional

We will remember him as a semi-professional.

De la ràdio que va ser

Of the radio that was

Durant molts anys amb nosaltres

For many years with us.

Parlarem, riurem

We will talk, we will laugh.

I tot el que es vagi succeint

And everything that happens

En aquests 60 minuts

In these 60 minutes

Que hem començat a les 9

We started at 9.

Que ens portarà a les 10

What will take us at 10?

A maten a través de Canal 9 FM

They kill through Canal 9 FM.

A través de la ràdio

Through the radio

De Vilanova i de Geltrú

From Vilanova i de Geltrú

I si tot va bé

And if all goes well

Ens escoltareu també

You will also hear us.

A través de la ràdio de Martorell

Through the radio of Martorell

Que és la casa on vam créixer

What is the house where we grew up?

Com a periodistes

As journalists

Aquella casa que ens va

That house that we are going to.



Durant bastants anys

For several years

I a tu també, Oriol Cardó

And you too, Oriol Cardó.

A tu també et va caronar

You were also crowned.

Tu també vas ser staff de ràdio Martorell

You were also staff at Radio Martorell.

Sí, ho reconec

Yes, I admit it.

Jo també vaig estar a ràdio Martorell

I also worked at Radio Martorell.

Per cert, és la primera vegada

By the way, it's the first time.

Que crec que coincidim tu i jo en antena

I think you and I agree on air.



En antena potser sí

On the antenna, maybe yes.

Havíem anat coincidint

We had been coinciding.

Però així junts, junts, junts en antena

But like this together, together, together on air

En el caos de rock sí

In the chaos of rock yes

Però en seccions diferents

But in different sections.

Ens creuàvem

We crossed paths.

Aquest era el mateix que jo volia fer

This was the same thing I wanted to do.

Que sí que havíem coincidit

Yes, we had met before.

Però no junts, junts, els tres

But not together, together, the three.

Molt bé, doncs anirem escoltant música

Very well, then we will listen to music.

Anirem escoltant molta música

We will listen to a lot of music.

Sobretot la que li agradava a ell

Above all, the one he liked.

A l'Enric Aranda

To Enric Aranda

Hard rock, heavy metal, rock and roll

Hard rock, heavy metal, rock and roll

Actitud, ganes, somriures de tot

Attitude, eagerness, smiles of everything

Avui aquí a la sintonia de Canal 9 FM

Today here on the frequency of Canal 9 FM

A la sintonia de Ràdio Martorell

On the frequency of Ràdio Martorell

Ara són les 21.09

Now it is 21:09.

Donem el tret de sortida

We kick off.

D'aquest programa Ricky Rock Night

From this program Ricky Rock Night

Que ens farà disfrutar moltíssim

That will make us enjoy a lot.

A la sintonia de Ràdio Martorell

On the frequency of Ràdio Martorell

Donem el tret de sortida

We kick off.

Bona nit

Good night

Estarà una nit molt guapa

It will be a very beautiful night.

Jo abans pensava la colla que era

I used to think about the group that it was.

amb tota la gent que estava en aquella època

with all the people who were there at that time

parlant amb Arturell, tot plegat

talking with Arturell, all in all

i un protagonista

and a protagonist

un element més de la colla era la música

Another element of the group was music.

Sí, crec que era

Yes, I think it was.

una de les coses que

one of the things that

un dels centres

one of the centers

en els quals girava la colla

in which the group was turning

sempre estàvem pensant

we were always thinking

en grups, discutint de

in groups, discussing about

música, posant

music, putting

música en els cotxes

music in cars

que si l'últim disc

that if the last album

que si l'últim disc de no sé què

that if the last album of I don't know what

o no sé, el tocat aquell que hi posava

oh I don't know, that touch he added

100 peles i digava en un vídeo

100 pesetas and I said in a video.

Sí senyor, hòstia

Yes, sir, damn!

El láser disc, em penso que era, no?

The laser disc, I think it was, right?

Això està més

This is more

Sí senyor, digueu-n'hi no

Yes sir, say no.

La gent, jo no sé qui ens està escoltant

People, I don't know who is listening to us.

i qui ens escoltarà i qui no

and who will listen to us and who won't

però clar, ara tu dius, va

but of course, now you say, come on

vull aquest grup

I want this group.

vull aquest EP, vull aquest àlbum

I want this EP, I want this album.

vaig a baixar-lo, poses l'iTunes, poses on sigui

I'm going to download it, put on iTunes, put wherever it is.

no vull fer apologia de la pirateria

I do not want to make an apology for piracy.

ni molt menys

not at all

Spotify, on sigui

Spotify, wherever you are.

Apple Music, i dius, vaig a baixar-me aquesta música

Apple Music, and you say, I'm going to download this music.

però aquella època no, aquella època

but that time no, that time

ens havíem de dividir les tasques una mica

we had to divide the tasks a bit

el Marc tenia la cinta de Van Halen

Marc had the Van Halen tape.

l'Enric tenia els de White Lion i Dream Theater

Enric had the ones from White Lion and Dream Theater.

jo tenia Poison i Whitesnake

I had Poison and Whitesnake.

i ens havíem d'anar roland

and we had to go rolling

les cintes

the tapes

i la Taneu

and the Taneu

que era la sala on anàvem, doncs ens va donar

that it was the room where we went, so it gave us

una oportunitat, una miqueta

an opportunity, a little bit

de poder anar

to be able to go

a seleccionar alguns clips

to select some clips

algunes cançons que

some songs that

ai Déu meu, que ens estem fent grans

Oh my God, we are growing up.

Marc, ens estem fent grans

Marc, we are growing up.

per tu

for you

bueno, aquests són Radio Let's Go

Well, these are Radio Let's Go.

una banda que retindrà un homenatge

a band that will hold a tribute

al rock and roll de tots els temps

to the rock and roll of all time

i també estaran

and they will also be

una banda que són Rock the 80's

a band that is Rock the 80's

una banda de Vilanovina

a band from Vilanova

que em fa molt feliç perquè

that makes me very happy because

uneixo, unim en aquest festival

I unite, we unite in this festival.

Martorell i Vilanova

Martorell and Vilanova

i són Rock the 80's

and they are Rock the 80's

una banda molt amiga del programa també

A band that is also a good friend of the show.

com ho són Radio Let's Go, una banda que

like Radio Let's Go, a band that

d'alguna manera


en clau de rock, no en clau de hard rock

in the key of rock, not in the key of hard rock

ni de metal, però en clau de rock versiona

neither metal, but rock version

molts temes dels 80's com Michael Jackson

many songs from the 80's like Michael Jackson

Hugh Lewis and the News

Hugh Lewis i les Notícies

Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi

moltíssims temes que

very many topics that

escoltareu d'aquella època, d'aquella dècada

you will hear from that time, from that decade



ens va encantar, els 80's

We loved the 80s.

jo, de veritat, insisteixo, jo els he vist

I, really, insist, I have seen them.

en directe dues vegades

live twice

i les dues vegades, en sèrio

and the two times, seriously

les dues vegades he al·lucinat

both times I was amazed

jo no, però m'he informat i la veritat

Not me, but I have informed myself and the truth.

és que se m'ha posat la pell de gallina

it's given me goosebumps

i he de dir que no sé si

I have to say that I don't know if

estarem a l'alçada seva perquè

we will be up to your height because

ho fan molt bé, vull dir, ja tinc ganes

They do it very well, I mean, I can't wait.

de conèixer-los perquè ho fan molt bé

to get to know them because they do it very well

Són uns grans amics del programa

They are great friends of the program.

l'Enric, dic, el

Henry, I say, him.

Martí Bernal i companyia que

Martí Bernal and company who

segur, segur que ens faran

sure, sure they will make us

una gran nit de rock'n'roll

a great night of rock'n'roll

amb aquests Rock the 80's després de Radio Let's Go

with these Rock the 80's after Radio Let's Go

i després ja parlarem

And then we'll talk.

després ja parlarem del que vindrà

then we will talk about what is to come

després de les bandes

after the bands

aquí una miqueta parlarem del que vindrà

Here we'll talk a little about what is to come.

després de les bandes

after the bands

les bandes vanreating

the bands are grazing

al lundi

to Monday

els clausos

the nails

els calés

the money


to touch

Såbre les cantologies

About the cantologies

la música

the music

i el violonn

and the violin









mob interact dd

mob interact dd



Human interrupt dor

Human interrupt door



Bona nit.

Good night.

Però aquella nit segur que servirem

But that night we will definitely serve.

perquè la gent que estigui allà segueixi passant-s'ho genial

so that the people who are there keep having a great time

i perquè segueixin amortitzats

and so that they remain amortized

en aquests 5 euros perquè es faran

what will these 5 euros be for

molt, molt

very, very

curts en comparació amb el que

short compared to what

oferirem. Una nit guapíssima de rock'n'roll

we will offer. A beautiful night of rock'n'roll

que comença amb Radio Let's Go,

that starts with Radio Let's Go,

que continua amb Rock the 80's,

which continues with Rock the 80's,

que continua amb música genial

that continues with great music

enlleonada, Macy D, Sigans & Roses,

enlioned, Macy D, Sigans & Roses

Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest,

Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest,

totes aquestes bandes que ens van encantar

all those bands that we loved

i que la gent pot anar demanant, òbviament.

And that people can ask for it, obviously.

Estarem allà perquè la gent demani,

We will be there for people to ask.

sol·liciti i reclami, si cal.

Request and claim, if necessary.

I després,

And then,

a més a més, hi haurà

furthermore, there will be

sorteig de lots

raffle of lots

de productes. Pel simple fet

of products. For the simple fact

de venir, per la Jeta

to come, for the Jeta

farem un sorteig. Es donarà un número

We will hold a raffle. A number will be given.

a l'entrada a cadascú

at the entrance to each one

que entri i

let it in and

entre banda i banda

between band and band

es farà algun sorteig i després entre

There will be a raffle and then among

l'última banda i els

the last band and the

DJs, Xavi

DJs, Xavi

Cables Satinats

Satin Cables

i el Joan Sastre,

and Joan Sastre,

doncs també hi haurà

then there will also be

sorteig. Joan Sastriani, que també

raffle. Joan Sastriani, who also

estarà per allà.

He/she will be around there.

Good time, si és que serà de puta mare, nens.

Good time, if it's going to be awesome, kids.

Heu de venir, 16 d'abril.

You have to come, April 16.

I can barely make it through the week

I can barely make it through the week.

Saturday night

Dissabte a la nit

I'd like to make my girl

I'd like to make my girl.

But right now I can't make it

Però ara mateix no puc fer-ho.

It's really no

It's really no.

I'm always working, slaving

Estic sempre treballant, esclavitzant-me.

Every day

Every day

Gotta get a break from

Gotta get a break from

Same old, same old

Same old, same old

I need a chance just to get away

I need a chance just to get away.

If you could hear me, baby

If you could hear me, baby

This is what I'd say

Això és el que diria.

Don't need nothing

No necessito res.

But a good time

But a good time

How can I resist?

How can I resist?

Ain't looking for nothing

Ain't looking for nothing.

But a good time

But a good time

And it don't get better

I no es millora.

Than this

Than this

Say I spend my money

Say I spend my money.

On women and wine

On women and wine

But I couldn't tell you

Però no et podia dir.

Where I spent last night

On va passar la nit passada.

I'm real sorry about the shape I'm in

I'm really sorry about the shape I'm in.

I just didn't like my phone

I just didn't like my phone.

Every now and then

Every now and then

I'm always working, slaving

Estic sempre treballant, esclavitzant.

Every day

Every day

Gotta get a break from

Gotta get a break from

Same old, same old

Same old, same old.

I need a chance just to get away

I need a chance just to get away

If you could hear me, baby

If you could hear me, baby

This is what I'd say

Això és el que diria.

Don't need nothing

Don't need anything.

But a good time

But a good time

How can I resist?

How can I resist?

Ain't looking for nothing

Ain't looking for nothing.

But a good time

But a good time

And it don't get better

I no millora.

Than this

Than this

You see, I

You see, I

I raise a toast to all of us

I raise a toast to all of us.

Who are breaking our banks

Who are breaking our banks

Every day

Every day

If only good life

If only good life

Is such a crime

It's such a crime.

Blow them, pull me away

Blow them, pull me away

Yeah, it's to you

Sí, és per a tu.

Mm, get down

Mm, baixa't.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Vinga, aquí continuem amb clàssics, amb bona música,

Come on, here we continue with classics, with good music,

amb bones sintonies, amb bones ones, amb bones vibracions

with good tuning, with good waves, with good vibrations

a aquestes hores de la nit, a les 21.53, nenes.

At this hour of the night, at 21:53, girls.

Bona nit.

Good night.

han fet a mà, que ha fet a mà

they have hand-made, that has been hand-made

la Georgina, que és la

Georgina, who is the

parella de l'Enric, és a dir, més emocional,

Enric's partner, that is to say, more emotional,

més emoció a tot això,

more excitement to all of this,

no hi pot ser. Hi ha simbolisme a tot arreu.

It can't be. There is symbolism everywhere.

Exacte, a tot arreu, i hem volgut

Exactly, everywhere, and we have wanted.

esquitxar una bona dosi de

splash a good dose of

simbolisme, de coses que són

symbolism, of things that are

boniques i maques,

pretty and beautiful,

perquè sí. I que valdrà 5 euros,

because yes. And it will cost 5 euros,

hem de dir. Exacte, 5 euros. Tot destinat

we have to say. Exactly, 5 euros. All addressed.

a la lluita contra el càncer.

in the fight against cancer.

I què més?

And what else?

Xarxes socials, per exemple.

Social networks, for example.

Xarxes socials, ens podeu trobar al Facebook,

Social networks, you can find us on Facebook, barra Rikirocknight,,

també hi ha un esdeveniment obert,

there is also an open event,

i també tenim

and we also have

la web, que és

the web, what is it, Riki,, Riki,

escrit amb CK i amb Y, eh?

Written with CK and with Y, huh?, sí, també,, yes, also,

Instagram, Facebook, hi ha l'esdeveniment,

Instagram, Facebook, the event is there,

hi ha la pàgina

there is the page

del Facebook, la pàgina web que diu

from Facebook, the website that says

també el Marc Delmau,

also Marc Delmau,

i res, em sembla que

and nothing, it seems to me that

poca cosa més, que es poden

not much more, that can be

aconseguir les entrades online, es poden aconseguir

You can get the tickets online.

les entrades també en persona,

tickets also in person,

a les botigues i establiments que estan

to the shops and establishments that are

col·laborant amb nosaltres,

collaborating with us,

i poca cosa més.

and not much more.

Escolta'm, podríem anomenar algunes d'aquestes

Listen to me, we could name some of these.

botigues i establiments,

stores and establishments,

començant per l'Ajuntament de Martorell,

starting with the Martorell Town Hall,

seguint per la ràdio de Martorell,

following on the Martorell radio,

pel Canal Blau,

through the Blue Canal,



per... ara se m'ha anat

for... now it has gone away from me

alçant el cel, de veritat.

lifting the sky, really.

Que entrin a Rikirocknight,

Let them enter Rikirocknight,

per l'Altigues, per el celler

for the Altigues, for the cellar

de Calxavi,

of Calxavi,

per... qui més?

for... who else?

Per Can Rossell.

For Can Rossell.

No, home, no.

No, man, no.

Can Rossell, per l'Ananà. Ah, sí? També?

Can Rossell, for the Ananà. Oh, really? Also?

Sí, també, també. És que s'hi van afegint

Yes, also, also. It's just that they're being added.

comerços i botigues.

shops and stores.

El Forn Garriga, per exemple.

The Garriga Oven, for example.

Per exemple, molts llocs que podreu aconseguir

For example, many places that you can reach.

les entrades, que les anem actualitzant,

the entries, which we are updating,

dades que anem actualitzant a la pàgina del programa.

data that we are updating on the program page.

L'imprinta Rodman,

The Rodman imprint,

estic fent memòria, eh? Molt bé, veus com

I'm making a memory, huh? Very good, see how

no eren tan poques? No, no, no,

weren't there so few? No, no, no,

Déu-n'hi-do, Déu-n'hi-do, la gent que col·labora, eh?

Well, well, the people who collaborate, huh?

En fi, Enric, per tu, company, que segur que ens està

Well, Enric, for you, my friend, who is surely watching over us.

escoltant des d'algun lloc.

listening from somewhere.

Aquest programa va per tu, company.

This program is for you, buddy.

Un petó sigues on siguis. Exacte,

A kiss wherever you are. Exactly,

et seguim trobant a faltar, amic.

we still miss you, friend.

El dia 16 ens trobem, tots i totes, eh?

On the 16th we meet, everyone, right?

Tots i totes. No falteu.

Everyone. Don't miss it.

No hi ha excuses. Contra el càncer. Rock'n'roll!

No excuses. Against cancer. Rock'n'roll!





com d'algun sol

like some sun

















jo chỉ

I only

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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