De Star Wars a la Meditació

The Festival of Consciousness

Inconscients Anònimes

De Star Wars a la Meditació

Inconscients Anònimes


I remember

sentar-me en una cadira

sit on a chair

a la cuina de casa meva

in my home kitchen

mirar cap al carrer a través de la finestra

look out at the street through the window

veure el sol reflexar-se

see the sun reflecting

a la corrosseria dels cotxes i pensar

to the car corrosion and think



Això és meravellós!

This is wonderful!

El 1994

In 1994.

després de 5 lustres

after 5 decades

de pràctica, el Leonard Cohen

in practice, Leonard Cohen

va prendre una decisió dràstica

she made a drastic decision

ingressar en un

to deposit in a

centre zen

zen center

al monestir Sasaki

to the Sasaki monastery

ubicat a les muntanyes de Sant Gabriel

located in the mountains of Sant Gabriel

al nord de Los Angeles

north of Los Angeles

Tenia 60 anys

He was 60 years old.

i com recordaria anys després

and how I would remember years later

estava en plena baixada als inferns

I was in the midst of a descent into hell.

Després de la gira del This the Future

After the tour of This the Future

vaig caure en picat

I fell headfirst.

havia begut moltíssim i la meva salut

I had drunk a lot and my health

estava tocada, així que vaig

I was touched, so I went.

decidir retirar-me

decide to withdraw

cuidar-me com mai no ho havia fet

take care of me like never before

Al cap i a la fi

After all

un monestir zen és un lloc de rehabilitació

A zen monastery is a place of rehabilitation.

per persones trasbalsades per la vida

for people shaken by life

Per la seva rigorosa disciplina

For its rigorous discipline

els monjos zen

the zen monks

podríem dir que són una mena de marines

we could say that they are a kind of marines

del món espiritual

of the spiritual world

Benvingudes a Inconscients Anònimes

Welcome to Anonymous Inconsciousnesses.

el podcast que parla de consciència

the podcast that talks about awareness

sense saber-ne gairebé res

without knowing much about it

i sabent-se inconscient

and being unaware

sense músiques esotèriques

without esoteric music

ni cibernètiques

nor cybernetic

amb humor i amor

with humor and love

amb normalitat i humanitat

with normality and humanity

que al capdavall

that in the end

d'això va

That's what it's about.


of humanity

o era humilitat

or it was humility

Un podcast que dona suport i amor

A podcast that gives support and love.

al The Festival of Consciousness

to The Festival of Consciousness

Un festival que se celebrarà a Barcelona

A festival that will be held in Barcelona.

el 29 i 30 de juliol

July 29 and 30

i al que us animem a seguir en xarxes

and we encourage you to continue on social media

visitar la seva web

visit their website

i per què no, si us ve de gust

And why not, if you feel like it?

comprar una entrada

buy a ticket

Benvingudes a Inconscients Anònimes

Welcome to Anonymous Unconscious.

La meva aliada és la força

My ally is strength.

i és un poderós aliat

and it is a powerful ally

La vida la crea i la fa créixer

Life creates it and makes it grow.

La seva energia ens envolta a tots

Her energy surrounds us all.

i ens uneix

and it unites us

Has de sentir la força al teu voltant

You must feel the strength around you.

aquí, entre tu i jo

here, between you and me







han tingut per valor

they have considered it valuable

De täkin

The cats.

� rivers

The rivers

I Tu

I You

I Maria

I Maria





Volt loop

Volt loop









Am hay

Am hay















Your faith was strong but you needed proof

Your faith was strong but you needed proof.

You saw her bathing on the roof

You saw her bathing on the roof.

Her beauty in the moonlight over through you

Her beauty in the moonlight overwhelmed you.

She tied you to a kitchen chair

Ella et va lligar a una cadira de cuina.

She broke your throat and she cut your hair

She broke your throat and she cut your hair.

And from your lips she drew the hallelujah

And from your lips, she drew the hallelujah.



Andrés Martín Azuero, benvingut.

Andrés Martín Azuero, welcome.

Encantado, Mireia, me ha encantado.

Nice to meet you, Mireia, I loved it.

Leonard Cohen es uno de mis héroes.

Leonard Cohen is one of my heroes.

No me digas, qué casualidad.

Don't tell me, what a coincidence.

Parece que la guionista lo sabía.

It seems that the screenwriter knew.

Ya, qué bien.

Yeah, that's great.


I was,

estuve en sus 75 cumpleaños en el Palau Sant Jordi

I was at his 75th birthday at the Palau Sant Jordi.

y le pude cantar cumpleaños feliz con mucha otra gente,

and I was able to sing happy birthday with many other people,

pero estaba adelante bastante cerca.

but I was ahead quite close.

Así que, digamos, eso es lo más cerca que he estado de él.

So, let's say that's the closest I've been to him.

Quan feia el guió,

When I was writing the script,

per la coneixença que tinc de l'Andrés

for the knowledge I have of Andrés

i les referències que fan als seus retirs,

and the references they make to their retreats,

a Leonard Cohen,

to Leonard Cohen,

de seguida em va venir al cap que podia ser un bon link amb la cultura

Right away it occurred to me that it could be a good link with culture.

i també comú.

and also common.

I que va ser un gran meditador, que va ser Leonard Cohen,

And he was a great meditator, who was Leonard Cohen,

que seria interessant,

that would be interesting,

la conversa amb ell.

the conversation with him.

Sí, a veure, jo no sé si és un gran meditador,

Yes, let's see, I don't know if he is a great meditator,

però crec que sí que és un gran poeta.

but I believe that he is a great poet.

I també crec que era una gran persona.

And I also believe that he/she was a great person.

El que passa és que això és difícil de dir d'un personatge públic

What happens is that this is difficult to say about a public figure.

del qual coneixes només el que es filtra.

of which you only know what is filtered.

Però jo, en la gira que vaig fer

But I, on the tour I did

quan tenia 70 anys,

when I was 70 years old,

75 anys,

75 years,

la relació amb el públic i la humilitat que transmetia

the relationship with the audience and the humility that she conveyed

em va semblar impressionant.

I found it impressive.

I jo, realment, m'agradaria envegeixer com ell.

And I, really, would like to envy like him.

Jan, l'Andrés Martín,

Jan, Andrés Martín,

el presento ben presentat,

I present him well presented,

diguéssim que és

let's say it is

un biòleg expert en tècniques de reducció de l'estrès.

an expert biologist in stress reduction techniques.

És llicenciat en Ciències per la Universitat de Navarra,

He has a degree in Science from the University of Navarra.

té un màster en Administració d'Empreses

he has a master's degree in Business Administration

i és doctor en Psicologia per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

He has a PhD in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

És escriptor de més de cinc llibres,

He is the author of more than five books,

de molts d'ells porta moltes edicions.

Many of them have many editions.

És un gran meditador

He is a great meditator.

i a nivell personal jo pot dir que és el millor mestre

And on a personal level, I can say that he is the best teacher.

de meditació que he pogut trobar.

of meditation that I have been able to find.

Així que crec que amb aquesta intro

So I think that with this intro

fa una mica de susto, eh?

It's a bit scary, isn't it?

Bueno, sí, és molt amable, Mireia.

Well, yes, that's very kind, Mireia.

A ver, un gran meditador no creo que sea verdad,

Let's see, I don't think it's true that a great meditator...

pero sí soy un meditador que lleva muchos años meditando.

but I am indeed a meditator who has been meditating for many years.

Llevo pues ya casi 30 años meditando.

I have been meditating for almost 30 years now.

Y he hecho muchos retiros y he tenido la suerte

And I have made many withdrawals and I have been lucky.

de sentarme a meditar y aprender

to sit down to meditate and learn

de varios maestros de primera división.

from several first division teachers.

Y de eso sí estoy orgulloso

And I am proud of that.

de esa oportunidad que he tenido

of that opportunity that I have had

de lo que he aprendido de ellos

of what I have learned from them

y cómo ha conformado mi forma

and how it has shaped my way

de relacionarme con la vida.

of relating to life.

Y es una de las...

And it is one of the...

de lo que intento transmitir

of what I am trying to convey

en los libros, conferencias y cursos que doy.

in the books, conferences, and courses that I give.

En algunas

In some

charradas que has donat

chatter that you have given

he sentit a parlar de grans personatges

I have heard talk of great figures.

que meditaven.

that they were meditating.

El Leonar Cone és un, me'l vas descobrir tu.

The Leonar Cone is one, you discovered it for me.

Aquí he llegit una frase de Yoda

Here I have read a quote from Yoda.

perquè diuen que el George Lucas

because they say that George Lucas

és un gran... o és un meditador, com a mínim.

he is a great... or he is a meditator, at least.

A Star Wars hi ha frases que ens poden...

In Star Wars, there are phrases that can...

Sí, digamos que

Yes, let's say that

la filosofía que sustenta la meditación

the philosophy that underlies meditation



estaba en la vanguardia de los hippies

was at the forefront of the hippies

en los años 60 y 70.

in the 60s and 70s.

En la guerra de las Galaxias

In the Star Wars

está Harrison Ford

Is Harrison Ford here?

y Harrison Ford también meditaba

and Harrison Ford also meditated

o medita, no sé, o en algún momento ha meditado.

or meditate, I don't know, or at some point has meditated.

Y luego hay otras personas

And then there are other people.

que meditan, por ejemplo, Pau Gasol

that meditate, for example, Pau Gasol

como deportista, también es un gran fan

As an athlete, he is also a great fan.

de la meditación.

of meditation.

Políticos, como

Politicians, such as

Javier Solana

Javier Solana

también tiene como su forma de meditación

it also has as its form of meditation

por lo que me explicó a mí una vez.

from what he explained to me once.

Y creo que ahora ya hay mucha gente que

And I think that now there are many people who

digamos que ha salido del armario

let's say he has come out of the closet

y habla de su meditación.

and talks about his meditation.

Antes era una cosa más privada, ¿no?

It used to be a more private thing, right?

Pero la vicel en Dakar y del gobierno vasco

But the vice in Dakar and the Basque government

una vez me escribió porque quería aprender

Once, she wrote to me because she wanted to learn.

a meditar. Y nos vimos, tomamos un café, y luego

to meditate. And we saw each other, had a coffee, and then

hizo un curso conmigo.

He took a course with me.

Y la verdad es que le ha ido muy bien

And the truth is that it has gone very well for him/her.

y lo ha elogiado mucho y nos seguimos

and he has praised it a lot and we continue

en comunicación por las redes sociales.

in communication through social networks.

Ahora, com diu l'Andrés, és molt fàcil

Now, as Andrés says, it is very easy.

o més fàcil parlar de meditació, però fa 30 anys

It's easier to talk about meditation, but 30 years ago.

quan tu vas començar això no era tan fàcil

When you started, this was not so easy.

ni estava tan acceptat.

nor was it so accepted.

No. Mis padres tenían miedo porque pensaban

No. My parents were scared because they thought

que si me metia en una secta

that if I joined a cult

i llavors la meditació era una cosa molt rara.

And then meditation was a very rare thing.

En Estados Unidos

In the United States

hi va haver un boom de la meditació

there was a boom in meditation

però el que va passar és que

but what happened is that

amb aquest boom de la meditació

with this boom of meditation

als anys 60 i 70 també va venir la cultura hippie

In the 60s and 70s, hippie culture also came.

van venir els psicodèlics

the psychedelics came

i llavors tot aquest món

and then all this world

d'alguna manera va col·lapsar.

In some way, it collapsed.

En parte por abusos que se cometieron

Partly due to abuses that were committed.

y en parte por la represión del sistema.

and partly due to the repression of the system.



los que meditábamos y meditaban

those of us who meditated and they meditated

antes que yo lo hacían un poco a escondidas

before, they used to do it a bit in secret.

hasta que ha llegado una nueva ola

until a new wave has arrived

y la nueva ola es la ciencia.

and the new wave is science.

Entonces la ciencia ha empezado a validar

So science has begun to validate

los principios de la meditación

the principles of meditation

porque algunos científicos eran meditadores en el armario.

because some scientists were closet meditators.

Y luego está la figura del Dalai Lama

And then there is the figure of the Dalai Lama.

que ha hecho mucho

that has done a lot

por normalizar la meditación

for normalizing meditation

porque es un gran líder.

because he is a great leader.

Así que con todo eso yo creo que en los años 90

So with all that I think that in the 90s

y principalmente en este siglo

and mainly in this century

hemos visto un resurgir de la meditación

we have seen a resurgence of meditation

y una normalización de la meditación

and a normalization of meditation

por un lado como un ejercicio de cultivar una mente sana, bella y eficaz

on one hand as an exercise to cultivate a healthy, beautiful, and effective mind

y por otro lado una forma de dar sentido

and on the other hand, a way to make sense

a este mundo que a veces

to this world that sometimes

se nos hace muy complicado de vivir.

it becomes very difficult for us to live.

Es que queda

It is left.

como un paralelismo una mica bestia

like a bit of a brutal parallel

pero como el Dalai Lama ha aconseguido

but how the Dalai Lama has achieved

acostar a Occident la meditación

bring meditation closer to the West

sobretot fent-la passar

above all making it go through

a lo millor pel prisma dels científics

perhaps through the prism of scientists

¿no? Sí.

No? Yes.

Hem trobat molts més espais

We have found many more spaces.

a empreses, a organitzacions

to companies, to organizations

que s'han obert

that have been opened

i ja no ho han vist tan esotèric

and they no longer see it as so esoteric

ni tan de circodèlic ni tant

neither so circus-like nor so much

i llavors aquí al nostre país

and then here in our country

t'han vingut a buscar tu

they have come to get you

entre moltes altres persones.

among many other people.

L'Andrés acompanya moltes organitzacions

Andrés accompanies many organizations.

de molts tipus, amb moltes persones, amb molts formats

of many types, with many people, in many formats

de manera individual, de manera grupal

individually, collectively

al sector públic, al sector privat

in the public sector, in the private sector

a l'Institut Gutmann

at the Gutmann Institute

és que no sé si penso...

It's just that I don't know if I think...

Voy a dar tres ejemplos recientes

I am going to give three recent examples.

de los que mi equipo y yo estamos muy orgullosos

of which my team and I are very proud

Uno es, hemos participado en el Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

One is, we have participated in the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.

en el estudio

in the study

del estrés y el embarazo

of stress and pregnancy

más ambicioso que se ha hecho en España.

more ambitious than has been done in Spain.

Con 1200 mujeres durante tres años

With 1200 women over three years.

y hemos demostrado que si cuidas la salud

and we have shown that if you take care of your health

de la mamá mental y física

of the mental and physical mom

con mindfulness, la salud mental

with mindfulness, mental health

y salud física con una dieta mediterránea

and physical health with a Mediterranean diet

mejora la salud de los bebés y de las madres

improves the health of babies and mothers

y hemos podido medir científicamente

and we have been able to measure scientifically

que nacen niños que tienen más peso

that babies are born with more weight

porque hay un nivel de peso en los bebés

because there is a weight level in babies

que genera muchos problemas de salud.

that generates many health problems.

Y eso lo hemos publicado

And we have published that.

con el equipo del Clínic

with the Clínic team

en una de las revistas científicas más prestigiosas

in one of the most prestigious scientific journals

del mundo, que es el JAMA.

of the world, which is the JAMA.

Ese es un ejemplo

That is an example.

creo que impresionante de dónde ha llegado

I think it's impressive where it has come from.

la meditación, porque piensa que ahí hemos

meditation, because he thinks that there we have

llevado la meditación a un hospital público.

taken meditation to a public hospital.

Otra cosa que ha sido muy interesante

Another thing that has been very interesting.

es que la Armada Española nos ha contado

it's that the Spanish Navy has told us

que ha tratado para entrenar a dos fragatas

that has tried to train two frigates

que combaten la piratería en el golfo,

that combat piracy in the gulf,

entrenar a las dotaciones del barco

train the ship's crews

para que tengan mejor ambiente a bordo

so that they have a better environment on board

y tomen mejores decisiones en una situación tan estresante

and they make better decisions in such a stressful situation

como es una situación de vigilancia

how is a surveillance situation

con la piratería, porque los piratas van armados

with piracy, because pirates are armed

y no se andan con chiquitas.

and they don't mess around.

Y luego, otro proyecto, hemos ganado un concurso público

And then, another project, we have won a public tender.

en aire, que es un concurso público,

in the air, which is a public competition,

que es quien lleva el control del tráfico aéreo

that is who controls air traffic

para mejorar la calidad de las decisiones

to improve the quality of decisions

en el control del tráfico aéreo

in air traffic control

y reducir el estrés.

and reduce stress.

Y esto ha sido un concurso público

And this has been a public competition.

que ha permitido que cientos de controladores

that has allowed hundreds of controllers

hagan cursos de mindfulness con nosotros.

Take mindfulness courses with us.

Es decir, que estamos empezando a normalizar esto en España también.

That is to say, we are beginning to normalize this in Spain as well.

A normalizar, molt.

To normalize, a lot.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

¿También ven en personas de manera individual?

Do you also see individuals in person?



¿Qué buscan estas personas

What are these people looking for?

o qué busquen las personas que han vingut

or what people who have come are looking for

y que no son de cap organización?

and that they are not from any organization?

El mayor impacto nosotros lo tenemos en las personas

The greatest impact we have is on people.

a nivel individual.

at an individual level.

Este trabajo con organizaciones está muy bien

This work with organizations is very good.

y permite llegar a cientos de personas.

and allows reaching hundreds of people.

Pero no son intervenciones de mucho impacto.

But they are not interventions of much impact.

La de las mujeres embarazadas sí,

Yes, for pregnant women.

pero los controladores aéreos menos

but the air traffic controllers less

y con las fragatas de la Armada menos.

and with the frigates of the Navy even less.

A nivel particular, las personas obtienen

On a personal level, people obtain.

una mejoría clara en su bienestar,

a clear improvement in their well-being,

lo que sería reducción de estrés.

what would be stress reduction.

Obtienen también mejores habilidades en su trabajo,

They also gain better skills in their job.

mejora su atención, concentración,

improves their attention, concentration,

capacidad de escucha, memorización.

listening ability, memorization.

Habilidades buenas en cualquier trabajo.

Good skills in any job.

Y luego mejoran sus relaciones interpersonales.

And then they improve their interpersonal relationships.

Si tú estás bien

If you are well

y te prestas atención,

and you pay attention to yourself,

te cuidas más.

you take better care of yourself.

Y también cuidas más a otros.

And you also take better care of others.

Y la conexión humana

And the human connection.

es una gran fuente de felicidad entre las personas.

It is a great source of happiness among people.

Y es algo que debemos cuidar

And it is something we must take care of.

en un mundo que cada vez va teniendo más velocidad

in a world that is increasingly speeding up

de generación.

of generation.

Así que las personas vienen por eso.

So people come for that.

Algunas por razones de salud,

Some for health reasons,

otras porque quieren desarrollar habilidades en el trabajo

others because they want to develop skills at work.

y otras porque se sienten un poco solas

and others because they feel a little lonely

y les gustaría volver a reconectar

and they would like to reconnect

con lo que les apasiona en la vida.

with what they are passionate about in life.

A totes les persones que venen al podcast

To all the people who come to the podcast.

els faig una pregunta molt gran,

I ask them a very big question,

com li sembla?

What do you think?

Ja que estarem al Festival de la Consciència,

Since we will be at the Festival of Consciousness,

per tu què és consciència?

What is consciousness for you?

Bueno, para mi la consciencia tiene que ver

Well, for me, consciousness has to do with.

con qué tipo de conversación tengo yo con el mundo.

What kind of conversation do I have with the world?

Qué tipo de relación tengo con lo que me rodea.

What kind of relationship do I have with what surrounds me?

Hasta a qué cosas presto atención

To what things do I pay attention?

y a qué cosas no presto atención.

and what things I don't pay attention to.

Y en esta consciencia

And in this awareness

me parece que es muy interesante

I think it's very interesting.

la metaconciencia,


la capacidad de yo darme cuenta

the ability for me to realize

a qué cosas estoy prestando atención,

what things I am paying attention to,

qué tipo de pensamientos estoy generando en la mente,

what kind of thoughts am I generating in the mind,

qué tipo de sentimientos estoy viviendo ahora

What kind of feelings am I experiencing now?

mientras estoy en esta conversación contigo.

while I am in this conversation with you.

Es decir, el darme cuenta

That is to say, realizing.

de lo que está pasando, pero también

of what is happening, but also

de cómo me estoy sintiendo con lo que está pasando.

about how I am feeling with what is happening.

Y quizá cómo te puedes estar sintiendo tú.

And perhaps how you might be feeling.

¿Cómo está fluyendo esta conversación que estamos teniendo?

How is this conversation we are having flowing?

Así que eso sería la consciencia.

So that would be consciousness.

¿El mindfulness o las técnicas

Mindfulness or the techniques

que tú enseñas en diferentes formats

that you teach in different formats

y en diferentes organizaciones, personas,

and in different organizations, people,

pueden ayudar a ampliar esta metaconciencia?

Can they help expand this metaconsciousness?

Más bien, digamos que el mindfulness

Rather, let's say that mindfulness

es una forma de entrenar esa consciencia.

It is a way to train that awareness.

La conciencia y la metaconciencia la tenemos todos.

We all have consciousness and metaconsciousness.

Forma parte de las cualidades de la mente.

It is part of the qualities of the mind.

Ahora, esa, como cualquier cualidad de la mente humana,

Now, that, like any quality of the human mind,

no todo el mundo la tiene desarrollada

not everyone has it developed

en la misma medida.

to the same extent.

Pero, como parte de la mente humana

But, as part of the human mind

que es plástica,

what is plastic,

si yo lo entreno, lo desarrollo.

if I train it, I develop it.

Y si lo desarrollo, lo fortalezco.

And if I develop it, I strengthen it.

Y eso influye en mi vida.

And that influences my life.

Me gusta mucho la cita de Santiago Ramón y Cajal,

I really like the quote from Santiago Ramón y Cajal,

que dice,

what does it say,

que fue el primer premio Nobel español

who was the first Spanish Nobel Prize winner

y que es uno de los científicos más citados,

and that he is one of the most cited scientists,

porque él describió la neurona

because he described the neuron

y cambió el paradigma para entender el cerebro de su época.

and changed the paradigm for understanding the brain of his time.

Y por eso le dieron el premio Nobel,

And that's why he was awarded the Nobel Prize,

a pesar de que trabajaba con muy pocos recursos.

despite working with very few resources.

En realidad era un campeón.

In reality, he was a champion.

Y una cita, él dice,

And a quote, he says,

si una persona se lo propone puede ser el escultor de su propio cerebro.

If a person sets their mind to it, they can be the sculptor of their own brain.

Porque si tú eres el escultor de tu propio cerebro,

Because if you are the sculptor of your own brain,

desarrollas más unas zonas y no otras.

you develop some areas more than others.

Y si pudieras ser el desarrollador

And if you could be the developer.

o escultor de tu cerebro

or sculptor of your brain

para hacer un cerebro que fuera sano,

to create a brain that would be healthy,

bello y eficaz.

beautiful and effective.

Es decir, un cerebro que despliegue

That is to say, a brain that deploys

la mejor versión de ti mismo.

the best version of yourself.

Eso es lo que empezamos a ver ahora.

That's what we are starting to see now.

El cerebro es uno de los caminos

The brain is one of the paths.

para desarrollar esa mente sana, bella y eficaz.

to develop that healthy, beautiful, and effective mind.

Desarrollar un cerebro extraordinariamente humano.

Develop an extraordinarily human brain.

I si la gent vol començar,

And if people want to start,

les persones que ens estan escoltant,

the people who are listening to us,

volen començar a ser els escultors

they want to start being the sculptors

del seu propi cervell,

from its own brain,

quines recomanacions els hi fas tu?

What recommendations do you make to them?

Bueno, hay como cuatro circuitos neuronales

Well, there are about four neural circuits.

que son fundamentales para tu bienestar.

that are essential for your well-being.

Uno es el circuito de la presencia.

One is the circuit of presence.

La presencia es la capacidad de darte cuenta

Presence is the ability to be aware.

de lo que está pasando aquí y ahora,

of what is happening here and now,

de conectar con esto.

to connect with this.

Sabemos que una persona distraída es una persona infeliz.

We know that a distracted person is an unhappy person.

Las actividades que nos apasionan en la vida

The activities that we are passionate about in life.

tienen esta capacidad de hacernos sentir presentes,

they have this ability to make us feel present,

de estar allí.

of being there.

El tiempo fluye de una forma distinta.

Time flows in a different way.

Los griegos decían el tiempo kairós,

The Greeks referred to time as kairós,

un circuito fundamental para el bienestar.

a fundamental circuit for well-being.

Otro circuito es el circuito de la amabilidad.

Another circuit is the circuit of kindness.

La generosidad, la amabilidad,

Generosity, kindness,

cuidar a los demás,

to care for others,

hacer cosas por los demás,

doing things for others,

también nos hace sentir bien

it also makes us feel good

porque nuestro cerebro premia los actos prosociales.

because our brain rewards prosocial acts.

Un ser humano no puede sobrevivir solo.

A human being cannot survive alone.

Necesitamos a los demás.

We need others.

Los demás también nos hacen crecer, madurar, aprender,

Others also help us grow, mature, and learn.

conectar con la vida.

connect with life.

Así que el segundo circuito es el de la amabilidad y generosidad.

So the second circuit is that of kindness and generosity.

Luego está el circuito de la resiliencia,

Then there is the circuit of resilience,

que es la capacidad de manejarte en la ambigüedad,

what is the ability to manage in ambiguity,

de superar la adversidad,

to overcome adversity,

de crecer con los obstáculos,

of growing with the obstacles,

de aprender de los errores.

to learn from mistakes.

Fundamental también para el ser humano.

Fundamental also for the human being.

Hay algunas personas que aprenden resiliencia

There are some people who learn resilience.

por los golpes que te da la vida.

for the blows that life gives you.

Pero también ahora sabemos que hay entrenamientos

But we also know now that there are trainings.

para resiliencia,

for resilience,

que no implica pasar por un cáncer, una enfermedad difícil

that does not involve going through cancer, a difficult illness

o un divorcio o perder un trabajo,

either a divorce or losing a job,

sino que lo puedes entrenar de otras formas.

but you can train it in other ways.

Y luego estaría el circuito del talante,

And then there would be the circuit of the attitude,

que es la capacidad de ver lo bello,

what is the ability to see the beautiful,

lo bonito en el mundo,

the beautiful in the world,

de orientarte hacia las posibilidades, y no ver solo a mí.

to guide you towards possibilities, and not just see me.

Y también el circuito del talante,

And also the circuit of the demeanor,

que es el de la esperanza,

what is the hope,

de tener una sana esperanza en el futuro,

of having a healthy hope for the future,

de creer que un futuro posible es mejor.

to believe that a possible future is better.

Y este circuito también es neuroplástico

And this circuit is also neuroplastic.

y también se entrena.

and also trains.

Así que estos circuitos los podemos llevar a hábitos.

So we can turn these circuits into habits.

Y los hábitos,

And the habits,

a medida de repetirlos,

as they are repeated,

van configurando la estructura neuronal

they are configuring the neural structure

que hace que el bienestar no solo dependa de lo que te pase,

that makes well-being not only depend on what happens to you,

dependa de cómo eres.

it depends on how you are.

Esto no se puede conseguir en un día ni dos,

This cannot be achieved in a day or two,

ni un mes ni dos,

neither one month nor two,

pero nosotros, por ejemplo,

but we, for example,

en dos meses, que es lo que dura un entrenamiento de mindfulness

in two months, which is how long mindfulness training lasts

de tipo MBSR,

of the MBSR type,

si hay una mejora medible

if there is a measurable improvement

en el grosor de determinadas zonas del cerebro,

in the thickness of certain areas of the brain,

y luego hay una mejora medible

and then there is a measurable improvement

en el bienestar de las personas

in the well-being of people

entre el 30 y el 50%.

between 30 and 50%.

Eso es algo que lo ve uno,

That's something you see.

pero también lo ve su pareja y su familia

but his partner and family also see it

y lo ve su equipo de trabajo.

and his work team sees it.

Así que la felicidad se puede entrenar

So happiness can be trained.

y eso me parece que es súper interesante.

And that seems to me to be super interesting.

Muy interesante.

Very interesting.

I l'Andrés no ho fa explícit, però les persones que estigueu a Barcelona

And Andrés does not make it explicit, but the people who are in Barcelona.

ofereixen un munt de cursos,

they offer a bunch of courses,

us podeu acostar i que us ajudin a poder entrenar,

you can get closer and have them help you train,

perquè no és tan fàcil i no passa en un dia o dos,

because it is not so easy and it doesn't happen in a day or two,

però en unes setmanes sí que es pot fer algun curs

but in a few weeks you can take a course

que té impacte positiu individual

that has a positive individual impact

i amb les persones que t'envolten.

and with the people around you.

L'Andrés fa 30 anys ja va ser disruptor,

Andrés at 30 years old was already a disruptor,

quan decideix meditar

when he/she decides to meditate

i a casa seva es veu com una cosa molt exòtica,

and at his home it looks like something very exotic,

i en el festival, en aquest cas,

and at the festival, in this case,

el Festival of Consciousness ho tornarà a ser,

the Festival of Consciousness will be back,

perquè com que ja això de meditar

because since this of meditating already

ja s'ha tornat molt mainstream

it has become very mainstream

i ja està molt demostrat,

and it is already very well demonstrated,

doncs fa un pas endavant.

So take a step forward.

I en el festival, en aquest cas,

And in the festival, in this case,

ens parlarà del microdosing,

he will talk to us about microdosing,

de les microdosis, aquest tema que està ara tan de moda

of microdoses, this topic that is currently so in vogue

i que ha de ser tractat

and that must be treated

amb un cert rigor, i que ell, des de la seva base,

with a certain rigor, and that he, from his base,

segur que l'analitza així,

sure that analyzes it this way,

i que ens pot portar a estats

and that can lead us to states

expansius de la consciència,

expanses of consciousness,

o com ho veus això?

Or how do you see this?

Bé, parlaré del que es coneix

Well, I will talk about what is known.

com a drogues psicodèliques,

like psychedelic drugs,

que no són drogues propiament dites,

that are not drugs per se,

però sí que són unes substàncies

but they are indeed substances

que faciliten estats alterats de consciència.

that facilitate altered states of consciousness.

I això pot semblar molt hippie,

And this may seem very hippie,

però la revista Science,

but the magazine Science,

que és una de les tres revistes més prestigioses

it is one of the three most prestigious magazines

de ciència del món,

of science of the world,

el setembre passat, quan analitzava

last September, when I was analyzing

els deu grans descobriments de ciència

the ten great discoveries of science

de l'any passat,

from last year,

i no és la vacuna del Covid, que això és de l'anterior,

"and it's not the Covid vaccine, that's from the previous one,"

ja hem deixat el Covid, ja estava la vacuna funcionant,

we have already left Covid behind, the vaccine was already working,

va posar els psicodèlics,

he put the psychedelics,

com un dels deu grans descobriments.

as one of the ten great discoveries.

I què és el que tenen els psicodèlics?

And what is it that psychedelics have?

Doncs tenen la capacitat

So they have the ability.

d'oferir uns tractaments

to offer treatments

molt efectius

very effective

per a alguns problemes de salut mental

for some mental health issues

que són una epidèmia a Occident.

that are an epidemic in the West.

Per exemple, la depressió,

For example, depression,

o, per exemple, problemes d'ansietat

or, for example, anxiety problems

i drogadiccions.

and drug addictions.

Com funcionen?

How do they work?

Doncs funcionen d'una manera diferent

So they work in a different way.

a altres fàrmacs que s'estan utilitzant.

to other drugs that are being used.

I és un fàrmac que funciona

It is a medication that works.

en psicoterapia.

in psychotherapy.

El que és un desafiament

What is a challenge

per als psicoterapeutes.

for psychotherapists.

I és del que parlaré.

And that is what I will talk about.

Com la meditació, la teràpia

Like meditation, therapy.

i els psicodèlics,

and the psychedelics,

poden resoldre alguns dels grans problemes

they can solve some of the major problems

de salut mental

of mental health

que està generant el nostre estil de vida.

that is generating our lifestyle.

Perquè són problemes derivats del nostre estil de vida.

Because they are problems derived from our lifestyle.

I com a biòleg em sembla fascinant

And as a biologist, I find it fascinating.

que unes plantes

that some plants

ens oferissin una solució a això.

they offered us a solution to this.

Que la natura,

Let nature,

que no tractem tan bé com hauríem de fer,

that we do not treat as well as we should,

ens oferís solucions a problemes

offers us solutions to problems

que estan creant el nostre estil de vida.

that are creating our lifestyle.

Així que, si voleu saber més

So, if you want to know more

i poder aprendre més sobre aquest tema

and to be able to learn more about this topic

que ara és certament disruptiu

that is now certainly disruptive

però que ve de la natura,

but that comes from nature,

ve de lo més pur, ve de lo més ancestral

comes from the purest, comes from the most ancestral

en realitat, però que ho veig a ser molt disruptiu,

in reality, but I see it as being very disruptive,

l'Andrés ens explicarà això

Andrés will explain this to us.

durant els dies del festival.

during the days of the festival.

La relación de los seres humanos

The relationship of human beings

con las plantas psicodélicas

with psychedelic plants

se produce en todas las culturas

it occurs in all cultures

durante miles de años.

for thousands of years.

Lo que ha ocurrido es que

What has happened is that

en los últimos años

in recent years

la relación con algunas de estas plantas

the relationship with some of these plants

se ha sacado de contexto

it has been taken out of context

y se ha abusado de ello.

and it has been abused.

Entonces los abusos han producido

Then the abuses have produced

una criminalización de muchas plantas

a criminalization of many plants

en parte por no conocer bien

partly due to not knowing well

y en parte porque no se estaban usando bien.

and partly because they were not being used properly.

Entonces yo pienso que

So I think that

hay que recuperar una relación sana

We need to restore a healthy relationship.

con las plantas

with the plants

y con la naturaleza en general.

and with nature in general.

Y es muy interesante los avances

And the advancements are very interesting.

que se están produciendo

that are occurring

en terapias asistidas con psicodélicos.

in psychedelic-assisted therapies.

Creo que eso puede revolucionar

I think that could be revolutionary.

completamente la salud mental

completely mental health

y eso sería muy bueno para mucha gente

and that would be very good for many people

que los fármacos actuales

that current drugs

no ofrecen una solución.

they do not offer a solution.

Va, per anar acabant.

Come on, let's wrap it up.

L'Andrés, tant en el format de curs

Andrés, both in the course format

com en els retirs, sempre fa el que fem aquí,

as in retreats, it always does what we do here,

que és parlar d'altres inputs culturals,

that is talking about other cultural inputs,

que ens poden,

that can us,

o que no tenen molt a veure,

or that don't have much to do with it,

sí que tenen a veure amb el tema,

they do relate to the topic,

però busca lligams amb poetes,

but seeks connections with poets,

amb música, amb pel·lícules,

with music, with movies,

per fer recomanacions

to make recommendations

que ens facin continuar

let them make us continue

amb la dinàmica,

with the dynamics,

de fluir una mica amb la vida.

to go with the flow a bit in life.

Sabem que el Leonard Cohen

We know that Leonard Cohen

és un músic al qui et sents molt proper,

he is a musician you feel very close to,

li tens molta estima.

you hold him/her in high regard.

Què ens recomanes?

What do you recommend to us?

Hi ha una pel·lícula

There is a movie.

que es diu Drive my car, japonesa,

it's called Drive My Car, Japanese,

que em sembla que és un exercici

I think it's an exercise.

de meditació veure-la.

to see it in meditation.

Són tres hores.

It's three hours.

Sí, però també transmet

Yes, but it also conveys.

amb elegància i sutileza

with elegance and subtlety

aspectes interessants del cor

interesting aspects of the heart

i de la ment humana.

and of the human mind.

Aquest seria un exemple.

This would be an example.

Per a qui els agrada el cinema,

For those who enjoy cinema,

en Filmin, que és una plataforma independent,

on Filmin, which is an independent platform,

nosaltres tenim un canal de Mindfulness

we have a Mindfulness channel

on recomanem pel·lícules

we recommend movies

i documentals amb sentit

and documentaries with meaning

i per veure, tenir una mirada diferent.

And to see, to have a different perspective.

I hi ha com,

And there is like,

tenim crec que cinc capítols, cinc temes,

we have I think five chapters, five themes,

i hi ha com deu pel·lícules,

and there are like ten movies,

i hi ha com deu pel·lícules o documentals

And there are like ten movies or documentaries.

en cada tema.

in each topic.

Us deixarem el link de la carpeta Filmin,

We will leave you the link to the Filmin folder.

de l'espai que tenen a Filmin,

of the space they have on Filmin,

amb totes les recomanacions que allà fan.

with all the recommendations they make there.



I després, no sé,

And then, I don't know,

en quant a llibres,

regarding books,

últimament he llegit un llibre molt interessant

Recently, I read a very interesting book.

que es diu

what is it called

¿Por qué el budismo es verdad?

Why is Buddhism true?

de Robert Wright, crec que és,

by Robert Wright, I believe it is,

però ja et deixaré exactament la referència

but I will leave you the reference exactly

perquè la posis.

so you can put it.

I per a la gent que li interessa el budisme

And for the people who are interested in Buddhism.

i la meditació,

and the meditation,

em sembla que és un llibre fonamental.

I think it is a fundamental book.

A mi m'ha encantat.

I loved it.

Després, bé, com a poetes,

Afterwards, well, as poets,

m'agrada molt David White,

I really like David White.

que és un biòleg reconvertit en poeta

who is a biologist transformed into a poet

i que també és meditador zen.

and who is also a Zen meditator.

Així que, és clar,

So, it is clear,

biòleg, meditador zen i poeta,

biologist, Zen meditator, and poet,

és un èxit assegurat.

It is a guaranteed success.

Però crec que hi ha molts cantants i poetes

But I believe there are many singers and poets.

que tenen una sensibilitat especial

that have a special sensitivity

i que connecten amb aquest misteri de la vida

and that connect with this mystery of life

i per a mi són una gran font d'inspiració.

And for me, they are a great source of inspiration.



va, així ets.

come on, that's you.

És que ni l'he ensenyat a ell jo,

I haven't taught it to him either.

o sigui que,

that is to say,

una frase per acabar,

a sentence to finish,

que tu sempre tens frases d'aquestes que ens inspiren,

that you always have phrases like these that inspire us,

la que et vingui al cap.

whichever comes to your mind.


Come on.

Una frase para acabar.

A phrase to conclude.

Mira, estoy ahora aquí hablando contigo

Look, I am now here talking to you.

y estoy viendo detrás una puesta de sol

and I am watching a sunset behind

en un castaño y el verde de la lluvia.

in a chestnut tree and the green of the rain.

Y una frase para acabar sería,

And a phrase to conclude would be,

la vida te está esperando.

Life is waiting for you.

Inconscienc Anònimes és un podcast de consciències i inconsciències,

Inconscient Anònimes is a podcast about consciousness and unconsciousness.

de noms propis i d'anonimats,

of proper names and anonymities,

d'art, de tecnologia, de ciència i de creences.

of art, technology, science, and beliefs.

És un espai d'inspiració i reflexió

It is a space for inspiration and reflection.

que s'emmarca en les activitats promogudes

that is part of the activities promoted

pel The Festival of Consciousness,

for The Festival of Consciousness,

un festival on s'abordaran aquests temes

a festival where these topics will be addressed

que hem parlat avui i molts d'altres.

that we talked about today and many others.





Viu-vos, compartiu a xats, grups i espais on cregueu que pugui despertar interès.

Live it, share it in chats, groups, and spaces where you think it might spark interest.

Fem que el grup d'inconscients anònimes sigui més conscient i menys anònim.

Let's make the group of anonymous unconscious individuals more conscious and less anonymous.

Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya

Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia

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