Dilluns 23-09-2024. Festival de Sant Sebastià, Mutacions Festival i esmorzars saludables.

Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa

El Submarí

Dilluns 23-09-2024. Festival de Sant Sebastià, Mutacions Festival i esmorzars saludables.

El Submarí

Per la porta 95.2 FM, horari previst d'arribada a les 12 del migdia.

For 95.2 FM, expected arrival time at 12 noon.

La nostra tripulació us hi desitja un bon viatge.

Our crew wishes you a good trip.

El submarí, amb Mariona Tomàs.

The submarine, with Mariona Tomàs.

El submarí.

The submarine.

Molt bon dia i benvinguts a una nova edició del Submarí,

Good morning and welcome to a new edition of the Submarine.

una nova setmana i primer dia de tardor aquí al Submarí.

A new week and first day of autumn here at the Submarine.

Ja des d'ahir, que som en aquesta estació de l'any,

Since yesterday, we are in this season of the year,

sembla ser això, que ja hem entrat en bon peu,

it seems to be this, that we have already started off on the right foot,

si més no pel que fa a la climatologia,

at least in terms of climatology,

però en qualsevol cas contents també d'entrar amb vosaltres

but in any case happy to join you

a navegar, com dèiem, a aquesta estació de l'any,

to sail, as we said, at this time of year,

que a mi personalment m'agrada molt com és la tardor.

I personally really like how autumn is.

Comencem aquesta setmana, comencem aquestes dues hores de recorregut,

Let's start this week, let's start these two hours of journey,

com sempre, d'entrada saludant Helena Jara.

As always, starting by greeting Helena Jara.

Bon dia. Bon dia.

Good morning. Good morning.

Avui ja màniga llarga del tot. Sí, avui ja del tot.

Today already long sleeves for sure. Yes, today definitely.

Ha anat bé el cap de setmana? Molt bé.

Did you have a good weekend? Very well.

Han passat moltes coses a la ciutat i arreu,

Many things have happened in the city and elsewhere,

però aquí Déu-n'hi-do, eh?, cap de setmana que hem tingut.

But here, it's something else, isn't it?, what a weekend we've had.

Pieles carregades. Sí.

Loaded skins. Yes.

I a mi m'ha agradat molt la tardor.

I have really enjoyed the autumn.

A tu t'ha agradat molt la tardor? Sí, ho has dit i dic.

Did you enjoy autumn a lot? Yes, you said it and I say it.

Home, doncs, escolta'm, quina és la teva...

So, listen to me, what is your...

Clar, quan hi havia estacions,

Sure, when there were seasons,

perquè ara les quarts de setmana hi ha hagut de fer

because now there have been quarters of weeks to do

quatre estacions de l'any, tampoc no és que siguin, no?

four seasons of the year, it's not like they are, right?

Tampoc hi ha molta diferència. Sí, poc a molt.

There isn't much difference either. Yes, little by little.

És com estiu-hivern. Sí.

It's like summer-winter. Yes.

La primavera i la tardor ja estan... Exacte.

Spring and autumn are already... Exactly.

Quina és la teva preferència? L'estiu.

What is your preference? Summer.

L'estiu és el que més tarda? Per les vacances, sí, és molt típic.

Is summer the one that takes the longest? Yes, for the holidays, it's very typical.

Però després jo crec que la tardor. Sí?

But then I think autumn. Yes?

Tardor i primavera. Tardor i primavera són boniques.

Autumn and spring. Autumn and spring are beautiful.

Però la tardor, que és la castanyada, les fulles...

But autumn, which is the chestnut season, the leaves...

A mi és que m'agrada molt el fred, m'agrada...

I really like the cold, I like...

Sí, és que és fred, però no... Sí.

Yes, it is that it is cold, but no... Yes.

Allò de sofà i manta i pell... No pateixes encara.

The thing about the sofa and blanket and skin... Don't worry yet.

És molt... Exacte.

It's very... Exact.

Molt maca. Sí, i més com que aquest cap de setmana

Very nice. Yes, and more like this weekend.

ha sigut una mica de tardor, perquè hi ha hagut aquestes pluges,

It has been a bit of autumn because there have been these rains.

doncs, vaja, li hem donat la benvinguda com cal i com toca.

Well, there you go, we have welcomed him as we should and as is appropriate.

A veure què ens depara aquesta tardor, que, com deies, ja res,

Let's see what this autumn has in store for us, which, as you said, nothing.

d'aquí cinc setmanes tenim ja la castanyada,

in five weeks we will have the chestnut festival already,

i després ja ens lleguem amb campanya de Nadal, i vaja...

and then we'll read each other with the Christmas campaign, and well...

Ara totes les festes, ja. I els dies passen volant.

Now all the holidays, yes. And the days fly by.

Tot i això, demà els estudiants que...

Nevertheless, tomorrow the students who...

O els treballadors que aneu a Barcelona, és festiu,

Either the workers who are going to Barcelona, it is a holiday,

demà és la Mercè. Sí.

Tomorrow is La Mercè. Yes.

Per tant, n'hi ha alguns que avui tenen pont,

Therefore, there are some who have a long weekend today,

d'altres demà només és el dia de festa,

Tomorrow is just the holiday for others,

en qualsevol cas també una setmana allà una mica d'aquella manera.

in any case, also a week there a little bit that way.

Dit això, tenim l'ascensor a punt i entrem? Entrem.

That said, is the elevator ready and shall we go in? Let's go in.

Doncs anem-hi.

So let's go.

Doncs com cada dilluns us expliquem com ens hem de vestir aquesta setmana.

Well, as every Monday, we explain how we should dress this week.

Doncs aquesta setmana tindrem una mica de tot. Sí.

Well, this week we'll have a bit of everything. Yes.

Una mica poti-poti, com es diu. Sí, poti-poti, poporri,

A bit of a mishmash, as they say. Yes, mishmash, potpourri,

de totes les coses.

of all things.

Sí, poti-poti, força. Sí.

Yes, mishmash, force. Yes.

Perquè sembla ser que avui veurem el sol de cara al migdia,

Because it seems that today we will see the sun directly at noon,

amb temperatures màximes de fins a 25 graus.

with maximum temperatures of up to 25 degrees.

O sigui, avui també pugen una mica les temperatures

That is to say, today the temperatures are also rising a bit.

respecte als últims dies.

regarding the last few days.

I avui una mica cel, allò de si heu d'estendre la roba,

And today a bit cloudy, about whether you need to hang the clothes out.

potser és avui, eh? El moment, avui és el moment.

Maybe it’s today, huh? The moment, today is the moment.

Avui és el moment.

Today is the moment.

Però de cara a demà potser haurem de tornar a obrir el paraigua.

But for tomorrow we may have to open the umbrella again.

Clar, és que tornaran a haver-hi roixadets,

Of course, there will be drizzles again.

temperatures, tot i que es mantindrà les màximes

temperatures, although the maximums will be maintained

en 25-26, o aquesta franja,

in 25-26, or this range,

les mínimes ja baixen a 14-15,

the minimums are already dropping to 14-15,

a la nit ja,

at night already,

una mica de tapat, eh?

A little bit of a cover-up, huh?

O sigui, no està malament, perquè no fa fred,

I mean, it's not bad, because it's not cold,

però bueno, ja està bé que plogui perquè és necessari.

but well, it's fine that it rains because it's necessary.

Llavors, bueno...

Well, then...

Veurem què és el que passa. En qualsevol cas,

We'll see what happens. In any case,

setmana, allò de no feu encara el canvi d'armari,

week, don't make the wardrobe change yet,

perquè jo crec que haurem d'anar mirant una mica de cara.

Because I think we will have to look at things a bit face-on.

Sí, n'agafem de les dues bandes, no?

Yes, we take from both sides, right?

I el comodí, que és fantàstic, que són els mocadors de coll.

And the wild card, which is fantastic, which are the neckerchiefs.



Aquests mocadors llargs, grans, doncs escolta,

These long, large handkerchiefs, well listen,

ben embolicada, i ja no tenim por.

well wrapped up, and we are no longer afraid.

Seguim, va, pels que som de Terrassa,

Let's keep going, come on, for those of us from Terrassa,

avui el titular d'actualitat passa per on?

Today, where does the current headline go?

Doncs ens porta a parlar del futur de les rieres.

Well, it brings us to talk about the future of the streams.

És que a Terrassa tenim dues rieres que transcorren la nostra ciutat,

In Terrassa, we have two streams that run through our city,

i l'Ajuntament vol afrontar el seu futur

and the Town Hall wants to face its future.

d'una manera participativa i responsable.

in a participatory and responsible manner.

Aquest dissabte, un primer pas ha estat una jornada

This Saturday, a first step has been a day.

que ha portat com a títol el futur de les rieres,

which has been titled the future of the streams,

i que s'ha celebrat a les dependències de la UPC.

and that has been held at the UPC facilities.

Un grup d'oponents procedents de l'àmbit científic i mediambiental

A group of opponents from the scientific and environmental field.

han donat el seu punt de vista sobre quin model

they have given their point of view on which model

hauria de seguir aquests torrents d'aigua.

I should follow these streams of water.

Escoltem l'Albert Santa Susagna,

Let’s listen to Albert Santa Susagna,

ponent-hi professor de Geografia a la UB.

having a Geography professor at the UB.

...amb la resta de la ciutat,

...with the rest of the city,

també potenciar el seu valor educatiu.

also enhance its educational value.

El torrent de Vallparadís seria un precedent molt a tenir en compte

The Vallparadís stream would be a very noteworthy precedent.

com a model a seguir.

as a role model.

La ciutat ja ha guanyat,

The city has already won,

i per tant el mateix podem pensar de cara a la resta de rieres,

And therefore we can think the same regarding the rest of the streams,

especialment amb la Riera de les Arenes,

especially with the Riera de les Arenes,

que podria fer aquest balanç també de nou espai públic i espai verd

What this balance could also do is create new public space and green space.

a un extrem de la ciutat.

to one end of the city.

Avui en dia la Riera de les Arenes té una certa condició perifèrica,

Nowadays, the Riera de les Arenes has a certain peripheral condition,

i això es podria...

and this could...

canviar, reorganitzant, per exemple, alguns carrils de circulació,

changing, reorganizing, for example, some traffic lanes,

potenciant nous usos,

enhancing new uses,

i també d'alguna manera fent que la gent veiés la Riera

and also somehow making people see the Riera

com un espai també a poder-hi passejar

with a space also to be able to walk around

i per recórrer la ciutat de nord.

And to travel through the city of the north.

Aquesta seria una mica la idea de futur.

This would be a bit the idea of the future.

Molt interessant aquesta proposta del professor,

Very interesting this proposal from the professor,

i de fet en aquesta primera jornada ja s'han marcat

And in fact, in this first day, goals have already been scored.

en les accions de participació ciutadana

in civic participation actions

que aniran vinculades al pla estratègic de les rieres

that will be linked to the strategic plan of the streams

i que introduiran sessions didàctiques i formatives

and will introduce teaching and training sessions

que han fet la ciutat de la Riera de les Arenes.

what they have done to the city of the Riera de les Arenes.

i que introduiran sessions didàctiques i formatives que han fet la ciutat de la Riera de les Arenes.

And they will introduce teaching and training sessions that have been held in the city of Riera de les Arenes.

I que ampliaran els coneixements dels assistents

And that will expand the knowledge of the attendees.

i afegiran, com no, noves veus

and they will add, as expected, new voices

que donaran pluralitat i diversitat al debat.

that will provide plurality and diversity to the debate.

Per tant, debat servit, interessant,

Therefore, the debate is served, interesting,

donar aquests nous usos a les rieres,

give these new uses to the streams,

veure com s'han de fer,

see how they should be done,

però ara parlava l'Albert Santa Susana, Helena,

but now Albert Santa Susana was speaking, Helena,

de donar-li aquest nou format,

to give it this new format,

també fins i tot espais de lleure, de passejada,

also even leisure spaces, walking areas,

pot quedar una fesúvia xula

it can turn out to be a cool festival

de la ciutat.

of the city.

Veurem què és el que passa.

We'll see what happens.

Sí, normalment estan una mica com deixats.

Yes, they are usually a bit neglected.

Sí, doncs mira, donar-li un nou ús.

Yes, well then, look, give it a new use.

Seguim a l'ascensor, va, avui ja ens hem posat

Let's continue in the elevator, come on, today we've already started.

ai sí, les mans al cap,

oh yes, hands on head,

quan hem sabut que...

when we have known that...

Parlar en català és el quart motiu de discriminació a Barcelona.

Speaking Catalan is the fourth reason for discrimination in Barcelona.

Les denúncies per discriminació lingüística

Reports of linguistic discrimination

a la capital catalana

to the Catalan capital

s'han disparat un 40% en un any

they have surged by 40% in a year

i els casos en l'àmbit de l'administració pública

and the cases in the field of public administration

un 80%.


L'últim any, les denúncies

The last year, the complaints

per discriminacions lingüístiques a Barcelona

for linguistic discrimination in Barcelona

han augmentat gairebé un 40%

they have increased by almost 40%

fins a arribar a les 125.

until reaching 125.

Totes, sense excepció, pel català.

All of them, without exception, for Catalan.

Tot això ho diu no només l'Helena,

All of this is said not only by Helena,

sinó l'informe de l'Observatori

but the report from the Observatory

de les Discriminacions a Barcelona,

of Discriminations in Barcelona,

que situa el català només pel darrere

that places Catalan just behind

del racisme, els motius de salut

of racism, the health reasons

i l'LGTBI-fòbia

and LGTBI-phobia

com a causes de discriminació

as causes of discrimination

a la ciutat de Barcelona.

in the city of Barcelona.

Del conjunt de 865

Of the total of 865

situacions discriminatòries que es van denunciar

discriminatory situations that were reported

a Barcelona l'any passat,

in Barcelona last year,

230 van ser per racisme

230 were for racism.

i xenofòbia, 217

and xenophobia, 217

per qüestions de salut,

for health reasons,

205 per LGTBI-fòbia

205 for LGBTI-phobia

i 125 per parlar

and 125 to speak

en català.

in Catalan.

En el cas de la discriminació lingüística,

In the case of linguistic discrimination,

la majoria de denúncies són de persones

most complaints are from individuals

a qui els ha negat l'atenció en català

to whom has denied attention in Catalan

en bars, restaurants, comerços o bancs.

in bars, restaurants, shops, or banks.

La gent discriminador majoritàriament

People are mostly discriminatory.

pertany a l'empresa privada,

belongs to the private company,

en una vuitantena dels casos.

in about eighty percent of cases.

Doncs ho tindrem en compte,

Well, we will keep it in mind.

dades importants,

important data,

que no hem de passar allò de puntetes,

that we should not pass that by lightly,

sinó que ens hi hem de posar una mica

but we have to put in a bit of effort

a veure què és el que passa i per què passa.

let's see what is happening and why it is happening.

Dit això, continuem a l'ascensor

That said, let's continue to the elevator.

perquè el primer WhatsApp del dia

because the first WhatsApp of the day

que sigui per felicitats...

Let it be for congratulations...

Ai, Helena,

Oh, Helena,

qui fa anys il·lustrant.

who has been illustrating for years.

Doncs el cantant Julio Iglesias,

Well, the singer Julio Iglesias,

fa 81 anys, avui.

81 years ago, today.

81 anys, Déu-n'hi-do.

81 years, goodness gracious.

Sembla que no es conserva gaire bé,

It seems that it doesn't keep very well,

ho dic perquè diuen alguns

I say this because some say.

que té bastants ja,

that has quite a lot already,

està una mica allò que no es pot gaire bé moure,

it's a bit like something that can't really move well,

no ho sé, no tenim fil directe,

I don't know, we don't have a direct line.

però en qualsevol cas,

but in any case,

Julio Iglesias sempre serà Julio Iglesias.

Julio Iglesias will always be Julio Iglesias.



Les seves cançons,

Their songs,

més enllà de la seva vida privada,

beyond her private life,

ens agraden i l'escoltem una mica

we like it and we listen to it a little

que sempre ens dóna aquesta alegria.

that always gives us this joy.

Tu les has escoltat alguna vegada?

Have you ever listened to them?

A mi ja em queda una mica lluny,

It feels a bit far for me now.

però sí que és veritat que tothom coneix

but it is true that everyone knows

algunes cançons del Julio Iglesias.

some songs by Julio Iglesias.

A mi m'agrada una...

I like a...

Ai, com era?

Oh, how was it?

Ella és mi nana, nana, nana,

She is my nana, nana, nana.

ella és un sueño de mujer.

she is a dream of a woman.

Ai, quina no sé aquesta.

Oh, I don't know this one.

La Spanish Girl.

The Spanish Girl.

Home, home, doncs escolta, Spanish Girl.

Home, home, so listen, Spanish Girl.

És que no m'ha vingut al cap.

It just didn't come to my mind.

Bueno, ell coneix moltes girls,

Well, he knows a lot of girls,

també t'ho has de dir d'aquesta manera.

You also have to say it this way.

En qualsevol cas, Julio,

In any case, Julio,

felicidades, felicitats,


81 anys i avallà.

81 years old and down.

Vinga, abans de sortir de l'ascensor,

Come on, before getting out of the elevator,

avui acabem...

today we finish...

Amb una paraula que s'utilitza poc,

With a word that is seldom used,

que és rai.

what it is worth.

Rai, que no és la misora italiana,

Rai, it’s not the Italian misora,

la rai, no, no, no.

no way, no, no, no.

No, aquest mot,

No, this word,

tal com diu el Dieg,

as Diego says,

és una partícula intensiva que,

it is an intensive particle that,

posposada a un membre d'una oració,

postponed to a member of a sentence,

introdueix o enfatitza

introduce or emphasize

un sentit satisfactori

a satisfying feeling

que contrasta amb el que es desprèn

that contrasts with what is inferred

del context lingüístic,

from the linguistic context,

més o menys ampli

more or less broad

o amb el que es pressuposa o sobreentén.

or with what is presumed or implied.

És a dir, a veure, no patim,

That is to say, let's see, don't worry,

perquè les definicions del Dieg

because the definitions of Dieg

sempre a vegades són feixugues.

sometimes they are tedious.

Per exemple, clar, clar,

For example, clear, clear,

això ens sorprèn a tots,

this surprises us all,

no que sigui escoltar,

not that I listen,

sinó aquest llenguatge.

but this language.

Per tant, per això la paraula rai

Therefore, that's why the word rai.

té diferents equivalents segons el context,

it has different equivalents depending on the context,

com ara, per exemple,

like now, for example,

bé, prou, no és res,

well, enough, it's nothing,

tant se val,

it doesn't matter,

i també té diferents significats,

and it also has different meanings,

com, per exemple, tanta sort,

like, for example, so much luck,

encara rai, és a dir,

thank goodness, that is to say,

si jo dic, oh, no sé,

if I say, oh, I don't know,

doncs aquest no li he tocat la loteria,

so I haven't won the lottery with this one,

tu pots dir, bueno, encara rai,

you can say, well, at least,

que té una casa ja pagada, no?

that has a house already paid off, right?

Per tant, també vol dir poca importància,

Therefore, it also means little importance,

allò de dir, ai, és que estic molt preocupada

The thing is to say, oh, I'm very worried.

perquè no sé si aprovaré l'examen

because I don't know if I will pass the exam

o si entraré aquí,

oh yes, I will come in here,

doncs, eh, va, no t'amoïnis, això rai,

well, eh, come on, don't worry, that's fine,

que té solució, eh?

that has a solution, huh?

Aquests serien els usos.

These would be the uses.

Curiosament, hem de dir que l'etimologia d'aquest mot,

Interestingly, we must say that the etymology of this word,

ara, és incerta, però sí que se sap

now, it is uncertain, but it is known

que també és compartida amb l'occità.

that is also shared with Occitan.

Per tant, aquest rai, a mi m'agrada molt.

Therefore, I really like this ray.

Jo, quan escoltava, deia, va, això rai,

I, when I was listening, would say, come on, that's nothing.

tira, tira, deixa, no?

come on, come on, let it go, right?

Tu ho saps dir, o...?

Do you know how to say it, or...?

Jo, a vegades, ho dic.

I, sometimes, say it.

Perquè crec que t'he escoltat algun cop.

Because I think I have heard you before.

Jo, a vegades, ho dic, perquè m'agrada aquesta paraula.

I, sometimes, say it because I like this word.

El que passa és que la pregunta que ens fem tots,

What happens is that the question we all ask ourselves,

i això no ho resoldrem avui, és

and we won't resolve this today, it's

si la sabríem traduir a altres idiomes.

if we could translate it into other languages.



Uh, això rai, posem-ho així, eh?

Uh, that's fine, let's put it this way, okay?

Clar, en castellà, com seria?

Of course, in Spanish, how would it be?

Eso rai.

That's fine.

No, no, no ho sé, però

No, no, I don't know, but

s'hauria d'aprovar.

It should be approved.

Això ho resoldrem un altre dia.

We'll solve this another day.

En qualsevol cas, rai, utilitzem-la,

In any case, oh well, let's use it.

perquè és una expressió, una paraula

because it is an expression, a word

molt, molt baixa,

very, very low,

molt bonic. Sortim de l'ascensor?

Very nice. Shall we get out of the elevator?

Sí. Doncs vinga.

Yes. Let's go.

I sortim de l'ascensor

We exit the elevator.

per explicar-vos què i qui ens acompanyarà avui

to explain to you what and who will accompany us today

al submarí.

to the submarine.

Des d'ara i fins a les 12.

From now until 12.

De seguida, convidarem aquí a l'estudi

Soon, we will invite here to the studio.

a l'Associació de Comerciants de Campalets,

to the Campalets Merchants Association,

han constituït recentment, i volem, doncs, això,

they have recently constituted, and we want, therefore, this,

anar de compres en aquest barri que tenim colindant

to go shopping in this neighboring district

el nostre, i, per tant, veure una mica

ours, and therefore, see a little

com és aquesta entitat.

What is this entity like?

D'altra banda, qui també compta amb un punt d'informació

On the other hand, who also has an information point

a Terrassa és l'Associació pel Dret a Morir Dignament.

In Terrassa, there is the Association for the Right to Die with Dignity.

Parlarem justament d'aquesta entitat,

We will talk specifically about this entity,

d'on es troba aquest punt d'informació,

where is this information point located,

i parlarem justament de la mort digna.

And we will talk precisely about dignified death.

I abans de les 11,

And before 11,

amb l'advocat Joan Tamayo,

with the lawyer Joan Tamayo,

us convidarem a la xerrada, que tindrà lloc justament

we will invite you to the talk, which will take place just

avui, a les 7, a l'ICIAT,

today, at 7, at the ICIAT,

sobre la tortura, un delicte invisible,

about torture, an invisible crime,

és a dir, drets humans i dignitat.

That is to say, human rights and dignity.

Ja a la segona hora,

Already in the second hour,

ens n'anirem directes cap al

we will go directly to the

Festival de Sant Sebastià,

Festival of Saint Sebastian,

allà hi tenim el nostre periodista i cronista

There we have our journalist and chronicler.

Andí de Calcántara, i ens portarà, doncs, això,

And from Calcántara, he will bring us this,

les novetats, què s'ha vist, el tenim allà des de divendres,

the novelties, what has been seen, we have had it there since Friday,

i avui ens parlarà una mica, doncs,

And today he will speak to us a little, then,

de tot el que passa, com dèiem,

of everything that happens, as we said,

al nord d'Espanya.

in the north of Spain.

D'altra banda, tindrem el responsable

On the other hand, we will have the person in charge.

del Festival Mutacions, que ens convidarà

of the Festival Mutacions, which will invite us

a participar-hi, una proposta, un cartell

to participate, a proposal, a poster

meravellós, el proper 27 i 28

wonderful, the next 27th and 28th

de setembre, i atenció al d'Eri, d'abord...

of September, and pay attention to Eri's, first...

Doncs parlarem d'esmorzars saludables.

So we will talk about healthy breakfasts.

Esmorzars saludables.

Healthy breakfasts.

Perquè, com sabeu, divendres passat vam fer una enquesta

Because, as you know, last Friday we conducted a survey.

als nostres seguidors, i ja tenim

to our followers, and we already have

a casa tots. Els que no ens seguiu, perdona, Elena, els que no ens seguiu

at home everyone. Those of you who don’t follow us, sorry, Elena, those of you who don't follow us.

a Instagram, no sabeu de què estem parlant,

On Instagram, you don't know what we're talking about,

molt malament. Ens heu de seguir

very bad. You have to follow us

a l'Instagram del Sumarit,

on the Instagram of Sumarit,

perquè, clar... I així, doncs, us

because, of course... And so, then, you

avantareu... Us avantarem, clar,

you will advance... We will advance you, of course,

d'aquestes coses, perquè són molt guais.

about these things, because they are really cool.

I ara començarem a fer enquestes cada divendres,

And now we will start doing surveys every Friday,

segurament. Llavors, atents.

Surely. Then, pay attention.

Com estava dient...

As I was saying...

No, no, no, no, no et preocupis.

No, no, no, no, don't worry.

D'esmorzars saludables va la cosa.

It's all about healthy breakfasts.

Comentarem una mica l'enquesta, els resultats.

We will briefly discuss the survey and the results.

Primer de tot, l'enquesta. Què esmorzeu?

First of all, the survey. What do you have for breakfast?

Sabrem una mica els nostres seguidors què esmorzen.

We will know a little about what our followers have for breakfast.

D'altra banda, com han de ser aquests esmorzars saludables.

On the other hand, how should these healthy breakfasts be?

I, evidentment, ja us podeu imaginar

I, obviously, you can already imagine.

que l'Elena i jo us explicarem què esmorzem.

Elena and I will tell you what we have for breakfast.

Sí, també. Doncs ja ho tenim tot a punt.

Yes, me too. Well, we have everything ready.

Vinga, que estem a punt de començar,

Come on, we're about to start,

que pràcticament res, uh, dos minuts i s'ha deixat

that practically nothing, uh, two minutes and it has stopped

un quart d'onze. Ho tenim tot a punt

a quarter to eleven. We have everything ready.

amb en Jordi Dueso, les Vies de Son,

with Jordi Dueso, the Vies de Son.

en Jordi Rué de la producció,

Jordi Rué from production,

el Salvador Ferrés a la realització

Salvador Ferrés in the production

i qui ja us està parlant, Elena Jara

And who is already speaking to you, Elena Jara.

i Mariona Tomàs. Com dèiem, gairebé

And Mariona Tomàs. As we said, almost

un quart d'onze del matí. Fem una pausa.

A quarter past ten in the morning. Let's take a break.

A tu, Elena, et seguim a les xarxes socials.

We follow you, Elena, on social media.

Ens veiem d'aquí una estona al diari de bord

I'll see you in a little while at the ship's log.

i tornem després de la pública.

And we'll return after the public one.

I et trobaràs de tot.

You will find everything.

Mantes, nòrdic, adredons, jocs de llit,

Blankets, duvet, bedspreads, bed games,

jocs de taula, tovalloles, barnussos,

board games, towels, bathrobes,

raps de cuina, puixins, bànovas.

cooking rags, pujs, boughs.

A més, per cada compra que facis, et regalem

In addition, for every purchase you make, we give you a gift.

una participació de la Loteria Nacional.

a participation in the National Lottery.

Pots guanyar fins a 10.000 euros

You can win up to 10,000 euros.

i pots pagar les compres amb targeta de crèdit.

And you can pay for the purchases with a credit card.

Vine a Tot Rova i ho comprovaràs.

Come to Tot Rova and you will see for yourself.

Estem al carrer Galileu 212, al costat del Parc de Sant Jordi.

We are at Galileu Street 212, next to the Parc de Sant Jordi.



Ja ens segueixes a Facebook, Twitter

Are you following us on Facebook, Twitter?

i Instagram.

and Instagram.

Estigues informat del que passa

Stay informed about what is happening.

a la teva ciutat minut a minut.

in your city minute by minute.

Arroba Terrassa.cat

Arroba Terrassa.cat

La nova jescava està d'aniversari.

The new jescava is having an anniversary.

30 anys oferint

30 years offering

l'actualitat del jazz de casa i internacional.

the current state of domestic and international jazz.

Concerts de primera als caps de setmana,

First-class concerts on the weekends,

dijous les jam sessions

Thursday jam sessions

amb el talent emergent

with emerging talent

i els dimecres swing ballable.

And on Wednesdays, swing dancing.

Vine a celebrar-ho.

Come to celebrate it.

Tota la informació i venda d'entrades

All information and ticket sales

a jazzterrassa.org

a jazzterrassa.org

Bon dia Terrassa, sóc l'Oriol Carreras

Good morning Terrassa, I am Oriol Carreras.

i cada matí de dilluns a divendres a les 8

And every morning from Monday to Friday at 8.

t'oferim les millors notícies curioses,

we offer you the best curious news,

els millors moments divertits,

the best fun moments,

les millors històries per començar el dia

the best stories to start the day

i el pitjor programa per presentar-lo.

and the worst program to present it.

Escolta tu, qui ha escrit això?

Listen you, who wrote this?

Eh! Escolta, això no ho podria gravar algú?

Hey! Listen, couldn't someone record this?

Un altre veu?

Another voice?

Compte! Que està armat!

Watch out! He is armed!

Està bo!

It's good!

Què és això?

What is this?

On vas, Carreras? On vas?

Where are you going, Carreras? Where are you going?

On vas?

Where are you going?

Estàs escoltant El Submarí.

You are listening to El Submarí.

Passen 16 minuts a les 10 del matí

It’s 16 minutes past 10 in the morning.

o el que és el mateix,

or what is the same,

un minut d'un quart d'onze,

a minute to a quarter past ten,

continuem navegant en directe amb El Submarí

we continue sailing live with El Submarí

i obrim ja aquesta tardor

and we open this autumn

i aquest Submarí de dilluns

and this Monday Submarine

passejant per la ciutat

walking through the city

i coneixent, doncs això,

and knowing, then this,

noves entitats i noves associacions

new entities and new associations

com dèiem a l'inici.

as we said at the beginning.

Avui no anem gaire lluny

Today we're not going very far.

perquè els tenim aquí al costat.

because we have them right here beside us.

Hem convidat a l'Associació de Comerciants de Campalet.

We have invited the Campalet Merchants Association.

Recentment s'han constituït

Recently they have been established.

i avui ens volen explicar exactament

And today they want to explain to us exactly.

el perquè de tot plegat.

the reason for it all.

Per tant, m'acompanyen i saludo

Therefore, they accompany me and I greet.

la vocal de l'Associació de Comerciants de Campalet,

the member of the Campalet Merchants Association,

Olivia Ferrer. Bon dia.

Olivia Ferrer. Good morning.

Hola, bon dia.

Hello, good morning.

I també ens acompanya el tresorer de l'entitat,

And we are also joined by the treasurer of the organization,

en Francisco Viziana. Bon dia.

In Francisco Viziana. Good morning.

Hola, bon dia.

Hello, good morning.

Enhorabona d'entrada i felicitats

Congratulations from the start and best wishes.

perquè sempre que vingui una bona entitat

because whenever a good entity comes

i associació que vetlli pel barri

and an association that looks out for the neighborhood

és una gran notícia.

It's great news.

Per tant, suposo així d'entrada

Therefore, I suppose this at first.

que esteu contents, satisfets.

that you are happy, satisfied.

Sí, molt, bastant contents.

Yes, very, quite happy.

Això sí, per tant, genial començar com dèiem,

That said, it's great to start as we mentioned.

també amb aquesta embranzida.

also with this momentum.

Anem una mica als orígens.

Let's go a little to the origins.

Per què d'entrada

Why at the beginning

vau decidir tornar

you decided to return

una mica a fer

a little bit to do

aquesta Associació de Comerciants de Campalet?

this Association of Traders of Campalet?

Per què neix aquesta idea actual,

Why does this current idea arise,

la d'ara?

the one from now?

La d'ara, no la d'atra.

The one now, not the other one.

La d'ara ja hi anirem.

We'll go there later.

La d'ara és que vinieron a buscarnos

The one now is that they came to get us.

l'Associació de Vecins i l'Ajuntament

the Neighborhood Association and the City Council

perquè s'hi fes una associació de comerciants

to create a merchants' association there

una altra vegada com s'havia fet abans.

once again as it had been done before.

I a partir, vam començar a tenir contacte

And from then on, we started to have contact.

amb l'Ajuntament,

with the City Council,

l'Associació de Vecins i tot això,

the Neighbors' Association and all that,

ens vam posar les dits

we put our fingers

i llavors vam dir, fem-ho, fem-ho.

And then we said, let's do it, let's do it.

Volem provar si surt bé o no surt bé.

We want to see if it turns out well or not.

I fins ara, de moment,

And so far, for the moment,

s'estan fent ja bastantes campanyes

There are already quite a few campaigns being carried out.

i hi ha almenys 43 socis.

and there are at least 43 members.

De un i dos.

From one to two.

Sí, molts.

Yes, many.

En tres mesos, 43 socis.

In three months, 43 members.

Hem anat a Pinyon Fijo.

We have gone to Pinyon Fijo.

Sí, sí, de un i dos.

Yes, yes, one and two.

Portem des del juliol,

We've been doing this since July,

va començar tot el maig.

It all started in May.



I cap al juny, juliol,

And towards June, July,

va ser quan vam començar a anar

it was when we began to go

porta per porta,

door to door,

jo amb un noi de l'Ajuntament,

me with a boy from the Town Hall,

que és el nostre assessor,

that is our advisor,

l'enllaç, diré,

the link, I will say,

amb l'Ajuntament,

with the Town Hall,

vam anar porta per porta,

we went door to door,

comerç per comerç.

business by business.

I són bastants comerços,

And there are quite a few shops,

perquè tenim uns 78-80 comerços a Campalet.

because we have about 78-80 shops in Campalet.



Sí, i en tres mesos

Yes, and in three months.

tenim 42 comerços

we have 42 stores

i tenim un enllaç

and we have a link

també amb la comunitat marroquí,

also with the Moroccan community,

perquè són comerços de Campalet

because they are shops of Campalet

i som tots.

and we are all.

És a dir, que hem d'estar tots junts.

That is to say, we all have to be together.

Ara hi entrarem,

Now we will enter it,

ara navegarem.

Now we will sail.



En realitat, faig un apunt.

In reality, I'm making a note.

Anem enrere, clar, dèiem,

Let's go back, of course, we said,

ara sí, eh?

Now yes, huh?



De dir, ens van demanar, no?,

They asked us to say, didn’t they?

de dir, tornar a impulsar.

to say, to drive again.

Campalet ja tenia una entitat,

Campalet already had an entity,

una associació, és així.

an association, that's how it is.



Però va desaparèixer.

But he/she disappeared.



Fa anys.

Years ago.





Fa dos o tres anys.

Two or three years ago.



El 2007, 2009, no?

In 2007, 2009, right?





Sí, 2007-2009 va desaparèixer.

Yes, it disappeared from 2007 to 2009.

Per tant, 15 anys després,

Therefore, 15 years later,

més o menys,

more or less,

és quan es decideix

it is when it is decided

tornar a reprendre

to resume

aquesta entitat,

this entity,

aquesta associació.

this association.

Jo, va,

Come on,

i dir, a veure,

and say, let's see,

l'associació de Campalet

the Campalet association

es va fer en el 93.

It was done in '93.

D'un i dos.

One and two.



En el 95,

In '95,

agafo jo el càrrec del president.

I will take on the position of president.

He estat 15 anys de president

I have been president for 15 years.

en l'associació de comerciants de Campalet.

in the Campalet merchants' association.

Jo vaig començar amb 30 socis

I started with 30 members.

i vaig arribar a 100 socis.

I reached 100 members.

D'un i dos.

One and two.

És a dir,

That is to say,

érem la tercera més forta de Tarrassa.

we were the third strongest in Terrassa.

Primer el centre,

First the center,

centre amb 250,

center with 250,

Can Inglada amb 180

Inglada with 180

i Campalet amb 100.

and Campalet with 100.

D'un i dos, eh?

One and two, huh?





tot això,

all this,

per això,

for this reason,

s'ha arrencat

it has been torn off

perquè em van dir a mi,

because they told me,

a l'Ajuntament,

to the Town Hall,

que sé de què va la campanya,

I know what the campaign is about,

l'hi faig jo tota,

I'll do it all for you.

amb la meva junta,

with my board,

però s'ho explico tot

but I explain everything to myself

el que cal fer

what needs to be done

i per això anem arrencant

And that is why we are tearing away.

i anem tirant

and we keep going

i cada setmana

and every week

anem fent coses noves.

we're doing new things.



ell té molta experiència

he has a lot of experience



Clar, clar,

Sure, sure,

per suposar.

to suppose.

L'experiència és un grau

Experience is a degree.

i ell té molta experiència

And he has a lot of experience.

perquè ha estat molts anys

because it has been many years

a dins del que és una associació.

within what is an association.

Nosaltres som nous,

We are new,

però, bueno,

but, well,

tenim ganes

we are excited

i amb ganes,

and with enthusiasm,

doncs les coses...

well, things...

Les ganes és la primera carta

Desire is the first card.

de presentació, no?

for presentation, right?

I l'experiència va acompanyada,

And the experience is accompanied,



Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

amb ell,

with him,

ell té molta experiència,

he has a lot of experience,

sap moltes coses

knows many things

perquè ha estat molts anys

because it has been many years

i llavors,

and then,

amb l'experiència d'ell

with his experience

i les ganes nostres,

and our desires,

doncs hem tirat endavant

so we have moved forward

una mica

a little bit

el que és l'associació.

what the association is.

Com ho explicaríem?

How would we explain it?

Ara deia,

Now I said,

després tornarem,

then we will return,



que volies continuar

that you wanted to continue

una mica el discurs,

a little of the speech,

però ara,

but now,


little field,

si l'hem de definir

if we have to define it

a nivell comercial,

at the commercial level,

quines característiques té?

What characteristics does it have?



no sé si té algun eix

I don't know if it has any axis.

allò com altres,

that as others,

com altres barris

like other neighborhoods

que tenen,

what they have,

sinó que és més

but it is more

tastets, no?

tastings, right?

És a dir,

That is to say,

vas passejant,

you are strolling,

és un barri obert

it's an open neighborhood

i et vas trobant,

and you find yourself,





que donen vida,

that give life,



a aquell carrer.

to that street.

Per tant,


com definiríeu

how would you define

comercialment parlant

commercially speaking

el barri de campalet?

the Campalet neighborhood?



Aquesta radiografia,

This X-ray,



Perquè és...

Because it is...

N'hi ha de tot.

There is all kinds.

El que passa que,

What happens is that,

amb els anys,

with the years,

s'han anat tancant

they have been closing down

moltes botigues,

many shops,

no per tema

not for the subject

que sigui campalet,

let it be a small field,

sinó a tot arreu,

but everywhere,

les botigues...

the shops...

Sí, sí, sí,

Yes, yes, yes,

està clar, està clar.

it's clear, it's clear.

Les botigues petites

The small shops



arriba un par ballers

a couple of dancers arrives

que et fa

What makes you

botigues a saco,

stores in bulk,

i llavors

and then

han desaparegut

they have disappeared

moltes botigues,

many shops,

però hi ha de tot.

but there is everything.

Hi ha de tot,

There is everything,



pots trobar,

you can find,



una òptica

an optician's

que està xula,

that looks cool,

que pots anar a comprar,

that you can go buy,

hi ha de tot.

There is everything.

I, a més,

I, moreover,

és un barri

it is a neighborhood

dins dels barris

within the neighborhoods

de campalet,

of campalet,

és un barri

it is a neighborhood

bastant tranquil.

quite calm.



És cert.

It is true.

És bastant tranquil.

It's quite calm.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que hi ha

What's going on?

de tot,

of everything,

com a tot arreu.

like everywhere.

Però que és

But what is it?

un barri tranquil,

a quiet neighborhood,

un barri

a neighborhood

que pots anar

that you can go

passejant tranquil·lament,

walking calmly,

que no et trobaràs

that you will not find yourself

mal rotllo,

bad vibes,

mal d'allò,

pain of that,

a la biblioteca,

to the library,

està bastant

it is quite

ben ubicat.

well located.


Of course,

perquè tens

because you have



A més a més...


Si hi ha biblioteca

If there is a library







tens biblioteca,

you have a library,

tens el CAP,

you have the CAP,


you have...

A més a més,


està molt d'allò

it's a lot of that

per anar...

to go...

Agafes l'autopista

You take the highway.

de seguida,

right away,

estàs a 10 minuts

you are 10 minutes away

del centre,

from the center,

és un barri

it's a neighborhood





Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Fa 20 anys

Twenty years ago

més maco encara.

even prettier.

El que passa

What happens

és que, bueno,

it's just that, well,

amb tot el que hi ha ara,

with everything there is now,

doncs bueno,

well then,

ja estem batallant,

we are already battling,



Jo porto 28 anys

I am 28 years old.

a la botiga de Can Valet

at the Can Valet store

i no he tingut mai

and I have never had

cap problema.

no problem.



Quin és el principal objectiu

What is the main objective?

quan agafeu aquesta nova,

when you receive this news,



És un repte

It's a challenge.

en definitiva,

in short,



Quin és l'objectiu

What is the objective?



com a associació

as an association

de comerciants?

of merchants?

La repte

The challenge

de que,

of what,

com jo havia sigut

as I had been



s'havien fet

they had become

molts estudis

many studies

dels comerços,

of the shops,

el que hi havia,

what there was,

el que feia falta,

what was needed,

hem vist que,

we have seen that,

segons han anat

as things have gone



hem dit,

we have said,

veient el panorama

seeing the panorama

que hi va havent,

that there is,

Can Valet

Can Valet

s'hi va apagant.

It's fading away.

És clar, és clar.

Of course, of course.

Com s'hi va apagant,

As it fades away,

vam dir,

we said,

si estem conformes,

if we are in agreement,

anem a fer

let's go to do

l'associació de comerciants

the merchants' association

i anem,

and let's go,

perquè jo vaig haver de parlar

because I had to speak

un dia

one day

amb un ayuntament

with a town hall

fa 3 anys

three years ago

i va dir,

and he said,



posa'm la llum de Navidad

put up the Christmas lights

perquè això

because of this

sembla ja un cementerio.

it already looks like a cemetery.



I vaig dir,

I said,

no hi ha associació

there is no association

de comerciants

of merchants

amb la llum de Navidad,

with the Christmas light,

no dona vida

does not give life

i això el comerci

and this the merchant

ho estava ondint.

I was waving it.

Llavors jo,

Then I,

i vaig aconseguir

I managed.

posar unes quantes llums.

put some lights.

Llavors ara és

Then now is

potenciar otra vegada

to enhance again

el comerci

the trade

com diu en el seu dia,

as he/she/they said in his/her/their day,

que dic,

what I say,

de 30 passeja a 100,

from 30 to 100,

però perquè

but why

s'estaven fent coses,

things were being done,

la gent s'animava,

the people cheered,




the other,

i llavors,

and then,

que per què?


Ara torno otra vegada

Now I come back again.

i llavors cada mes

and then every month

es faran coses noves.

New things will be done.

No és difícil,

It's not difficult.

cada 3 mesos.

every 3 months.

Donar-li vida,

Give it life,

donar-li vida

give it life

al que és el comerç.

to what is commerce.

Ara per un exemple,

Now for an example,

ara mateix ja tenim

right now we already have

per al mes que ve,

for next month,

per el 25 de novembre,

for November 25,

de set de octubre,

of October seven,

el comerç al carrer.

street commerce.





el nostre acte que és

our act which is

sempre ser

always be

la plaça de Campalés.

the Campalés square.



Ahí no es como el centro

It's not like the center there.

que sacan las...

what they take out the...



Ahí se pondrán las carpas,

There the tents will be set up,

las paradas,

the stops,

y será siempre el punto

and it will always be the point

de inicio

from the beginning

de la asociación de comerciantes

from the merchants' association

de Campalés.

of Campalés.

Y todos los actos que hagamos

And all the acts that we do

y todo lo que se haga

and everything that is done

sea o en el centro cívico

sea or at the civic center

o plaza Campalés.

or Campalés Square.

Y ahí nos desencaremos

And there we unbuckle.

con eso.

with that.

Per tant,


d'una banda,

on one hand,

tornar a donar,

give again,

com dèiem,

as we said,



per exemple,

for example,

donar-li vida.

give it life.

Al barrio y al comercio,

To the neighborhood and to commerce,

porque yo siempre he dicho

because I have always said

que si no hay comercio,

that if there is no trade,

no hay barrio.

there is no neighborhood.

El comercio es muy importante.

Trade is very important.

Si no hay comercio,

If there is no trade,

no hay vida.

there is no life.

Porque la gente coge el coche,

Because people take the car,

ya se van para el centro,

they are already going to the center,

a los centros comerciales.

to the shopping centers.

Teníamos una de toda la vida

We had one for a lifetime.

de electrodomésticos,

of appliances,

que era Aurelio Rosa,

who Aurelio Rosa was,

y como pusieron media mar,

and how they put half a sea,





perquè teniu,

because you have,

ara sense assenyalar,

now without pointing,

però si teniu un gran

but if you have a great

centre comercial

shopping center

com és el Parvallès,

how is the Parvallès,

a tocar,

at hand,

perquè hi pots anar

because you can go there

i relativament a peu,

and relatively on foot,

si vols,

if you want,

i amb l'autobús.

and with the bus.



siendo presidente,

being president,

ya luché

I already fought.

para que no se hiciera

so that it wouldn't happen

el paro,

the unemployment,

que yo ya era presidente.

that I was already president.

Hicimos manifestaciones,

We held demonstrations,

porque sabía

because I knew

lo que podía pasar.

what could happen.



pero lo tenemos.

but we have it.




of course,

pero luchemos.

but let's fight.

Si no lo hubiésemos luchado,

If we hadn't fought for it,

pero lo paremos

but we stop it

por lo menos

at least

medio año o más.

half a year or more.

Lo que había por detrás,

What was behind,

porque me mandaron

because they sent me

de Madrid

from Madrid



de plano


y todo eso,

and all that,

y al final se comprobó

and in the end it was confirmed

que sí.


Per tant,



to try,



com dèiem,

as we were saying,

donar vida al barri,

bring life to the neighborhood,

donar suport al comerç.

supporting commerce.



ajudar-nos entre nosaltres.

help each other.

Fer una ajuda

Make a help



comerç amb comerç.

commerce with commerce.


Of course,

perquè a més a més,

because moreover,

Campalet és un barri

Campalet is a neighborhood.

que té aquest comerç

what this business has

molt de proximitat.

a lot of closeness.







De botiga que coneixes

From the store you know.

els noms.

the names.

De botiga de tota la vida.

From the traditional shop.





De botiga de tota la vida.

From the shop of a lifetime.

I no té gran...

And it doesn't have much...

Teniu en Parballès

You have in Parballès.

al costat,

next to,

però dins,

but inside,

en els carrers

in the streets

del barri de Campalet

from the Campalet neighborhood

no hi ha superfícies

there are no surfaces

o supermercats.

or supermarkets.

Tenim la sort

We are lucky.

que no tenim supermercats.

that we don't have supermarkets.

Per tant,


és molt...

it's very...



és que a Campalet

it's that in Campalet

pots anar a buscar el forn,

you can go pick up the oven,

des que hi vaig jo,

since I've been there,

a l'òptica que tu deies,

in the optics that you were mentioning,

a farmàcia,

the pharmacy,

roba també,

clothes too,

vull dir que pots fer de tot.

I mean you can do everything.



hi ha una miqueta de tot.

there's a little bit of everything.



hi ha coses que potser falten,

there are things that may be missing,


they are missing,

perquè han tancat

why they have closed

i s'han anat més al centre

and they have gone more to the center

o a un altre lloc,

or to another place,

però tenim quasi bé de tot.

but we have almost everything.

Per tant,


per donar aquesta vida,

to give this life,

com dèiem,

as we said,


you will organize

activitats periòdiques.

periodic activities.




to begin with,

és el que deia

it's what I was saying

el meu company,

my colleague,

que farem

what will we do

el comerç al carrer

street commerce

el 25 d'octubre,

October 25th,

que és una campanya

what is a campaign

que les botigues

that the stores

es poden posar

they can be put

amb carpes,

with tents,

que hem aconseguit

that we have achieved

el comerç de Can Valet,

the shop of Can Valet,

hem aconseguit

we have achieved


the association,

hem aconseguit

we have achieved

que ens posin carpes,

let them put up tents,

taules i tal,

tables and such,

i farem

and we will do

una campanya xula

a cool campaign

per posar

to put

el centre

the center

a la plaça del Can Valet,

in the Can Valet square,

perquè la plaça

because the square

és el que ell deia,

it's what he was saying,

no podem posar,

we cannot put,

si hi ha tres botigues

if there are three stores

en un carrer,

in a street,

no pots posar

you can't put

el carrer

the street

en una,

in a,

no és el mateix.

it's not the same.


Of course,

perquè és molt esponjat,

because it is very fluffy,

és el que deien,

it's what they said,



Que no està,

That is not,



jo encara que tinc

I still have

set comerços

seven businesses

al meu costat,

by my side,

però les botigues

but the shops

estan molt escampades,

they are very spread out,



ho vam dir,

we said it,

una referència

a reference

on podem fer

where can we do

que es vegi

that it is seen

una mica més xulo

a little cooler

és al centre cívic,

it is at the community center,

que és la plaça

what is the square

de Can Valet,

from Can Valet,

i a més a més,

and furthermore,

parada d'autobús,

bus stop,

vull dir que

I mean that

qui estigui

whoever is

a l'autobús

on the bus

és xula,

she is cool,

és maca,

she is pretty,

allà es posaran carpes,

there will be tents set up there,

es farà

it will be done

un comerç al carrer

a shop on the street

i qui vulgui

and whoever wants

de soci

of partner

de l'associació

of the association

pot posar

can put

la seva paradeta.

his/her stall.

Aquesta és la primera

This is the first.



que farem

What will we do?

en sèrio


de l'associació.

of the association.

25 d'octubre,

October 25,

que és un divendres,

what a Friday is,

de 9 a 2.

from 9 to 2.

Llavors entenc

Then I understand.

que a partir d'aquí...

that from here on...



s'ha hecho ya

it has already been done

el mes de setiembre.

the month of September.





de comercios

of stores

de Can Valet.

from Can Valet.



això és una altra iniciativa

this is another initiative



6.000 folletos

6,000 brochures



por todo Can Valet.

throughout Can Valet.

Perquè la gent

Because people

vagi en aquests comerços.

go to these shops.



per incentivar la gent

to encourage people

a conèixer també, no?

to get to know too, right?



Esto es más

This is more

para la gente mayor

for the elderly

que entra a los comercios

that enters the stores



que de vecinos

that of neighbors

y esto

and this

que se pone

what is he/she putting on

en el vidrio

in the glass

perquè la gent

because the people

els més joves

the youngest

més modernos

more modern

més actualitzats.

more updated.

Y esta es la mascota

And this is the pet.


of the...



ara ja anava,

now I was going,

és que claro.

It's clear.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



que tenemos una mascota.

that we have a pet.




Of course,

perquè això també fa il·lusió.

because this is also exciting.

Crec que som

I believe we are.

l'única associació

the only association

que tenim mascota.

that we have a pet.


I believe.

No estic segura,

I am not sure,

però crec que sí.

but I think so.

Ara em fas ballar el cap, eh?

Now you're making me shake my head, huh?

Per tant,


és un ratolinet.

It is a little mouse.



és el Balín.

It is Balín.



Es diu Balín.

His name is Balín.


Ball bearing

y ha salido

and has come out

en televisión española

on Spanish television

en la 2,

in the 2,

en TV3

on TV3

que dice

what does it say

que eso tiene

what that has

un derecho de...

a right to...

Que és famós,

What is famous,

que és famós.

that is famous.



Aquest Balín és famós,

This Balín is famous,

no és qualsevol ratolí.

It is not just any mouse.

És que per poc

It's just that for a little.

no us hi poseu, eh?

Don't get involved, okay?

És a dir,

That is to say,

us hi poseu

you get in there

per com cal, no?

As it should be, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Per poca cosa no us hi poseu.

Don't get involved over something so trivial.

La empresa de Balín,

The company of Balín,

para que te hagas la idea,

to give you an idea,

es Neptuno Films.

It is Neptuno Films.

Ja, ja,

Yes, yes,

és que

it's that

tiene el trazo

it has the stroke

Neptuno Films, eh?

Neptune Films, huh?

Y todo de patitos feos,

And all of ugly ducklings,

un montón de...

a bunch of...

La granja,

The farm,



I entenc que

I understand that

aquest Balín

this Balín

acompanyarà a tothom

will accompany everyone

qui vulgui, no?

Whoever wants to, right?

És a dir,

That is to say,

no és una mica

it's not a bit

un reclam bonic, no?

A lovely claim, isn't it?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I familiar,

I familiar,

perquè tothom vingui a...

so that everyone comes to...

Sí, és com...

Yes, it's like...



és la nostra mascota

it's our pet

que estarà present a tot arreu.

that will be present everywhere.

Vem present a tot arreu

We present everywhere.

quan fem la loteria

when do we do the lottery

sortirà el ratolí,

the mouse will come out,

quan fem la propaganda

When do we do the advertising?

de cada mes

of each month

surt el Balín,

the Balín comes out,

i quan fem alguna campanya

And when we do a campaign

i tal,

and so on,

la nostra idea

our idea

és que surti,

it is that it comes out,

que estigui present

that it be present

a tot arreu.


Vam fer un escrit

We made a document.

o una explicació

or an explanation

de que abans ja hi era

that it was already there before

a l'associació

to the association

que jo antiga era

that I was ancient

i ha estat 15 anys dormint

he has been sleeping for 15 years

i ara...

and now...

Que es desperti

Let it wake up.



Ha despertat amb ganes

Has woken up with enthusiasm.

d'ajudar-nos una mica

to help us a little

amb l'associació.

with the association.

A veure,

Let's see,

deixa'm el bac

leave me the rod

que l'ensenyarem

that we will teach him/her

perquè és molt xulo.

because it's very cool.

És el que se lança

It is what is thrown.

aquesta setmana.

this week.

I això és la loteria,

And this is the lottery,

vos veus,

you see yourself,

surt el Balín.

Balín comes out.

Aquí ja reparte dinero.

Here they are already distributing money.

Bueno, bueno, bueno.

Well, well, well.

Y de ahí va

And from there it goes.

con las bolsas de compra

with the shopping bags

y aquí ya

and here already

con dinero...

with money...


Of course,

el farem servir...

we will use it...

Lo vamos a explotar,

We're going to exploit it.

el Balín treballarà bastant.

Balín will work quite a lot.

Bueno, per això hi és, no?

Well, that's why it's there, right?

Sí, treballarà bastant.

Yes, he will work quite a bit.

El Balín treballarà bastant

The Balín will work quite a lot.

amb nosaltres.

with us.

Y esto es que...

And this is that...

Porque el autor...

Because the author...

¿Qué pasa?

What's happening?

Tú esto lo sacas

You get this out.

porque el autor es mi hermano.

because the author is my brother.

Ya, bueno,

Yeah, well,

es que con este apellido...

It's just that with this surname...

Claro, cualquiera, ¿no?

Of course, anyone, right?

Y entonces todo esto

And then all this

le pides permiso

you ask for permission

y dices tú coge lo que tú quieras.

And you say, take whatever you want.

Entonces estamos todos

So we are all here.

hablando con él

talking to him

y entonces ya...

and then already...

Y de hermano a hermano

And from brother to brother.

la entidad.

the entity.

Ahí no hay nada.

There is nothing there.

Entonces, ¿qué pasa?

So, what happens?

Que si alguien quiere copiarlo

That if someone wants to copy it.

se lo diré

I will tell him/her.

y lo van a sancionar.

and they are going to punish him.



Té drets d'autors

It has copyright.

que el Balín ha vingut

that Balín has come

molt ben sortit, eh?

Very well done, eh?

Vull dir,

I mean,

que no, no?

That no, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

El Balín està aquí

The Balín is here.

ben acompanyat.

well accompanied.

Aquí cosa de cuando se hacían

Here is something from when they were made.

que salía por la tele.

that appeared on TV.

Que xulo.

How cool.

No, no,

No, no,

és que és reconegut

it is that it is recognized

i conegut el Balín.

I have met Balín.

Per tant...


La gent jove potser no el coneix

Young people may not know him.

però un ratolí

but a mouse

sempre és xulo.

he is always cool.

És xulo.

It's cool.

Pels nens,

For the children,

pels nens i tot.

for the children and everything.

Ensenyem també una mica

Let's also teach a little.

aquests dibuixos tan bonics.

these beautiful drawings.

Per tant,


per anar acabant,

to conclude,

és a dir,

that is to say,

recuperar, com dèiem,

recover, as we said,

el comerç del barri.

the neighborhood shop.

És la nostra prioritat.

It is our priority.

Fer activitats,

Doing activities,


above all,

en aquest nucli central

in this central nucleus

que és la plaça de Campalet.

What is the Campalet square?

Ara, dèiem,

Now, we said,

a l'octubre

in October

ja tenim la loteria de Nadal

We already have the Christmas lottery.

aviat en marxa.

soon in operation.

Ensenyem que campanya de Nadal

We teach that the Christmas campaign



Farem campanya de Nadal,

We will campaign for Christmas,

farem coses a la plaça

we will do things in the square

que estigui guarnida

that it be adorned

com cal

as needed

una plaça

a square

per Nadal.

for Christmas.

I dèiem,

We said,

d'aquests 100 comerços

of these 100 shops

poc o molt

little or much

que hi ha

what's up

al barri,

in the neighborhood,

40 llargs

40 long ones

ja formen part

they are already part

de l'associació.

of the association.

I els distingim,

And we distinguish them,


I understand,

amb aquest logo.

with this logo.

Sí, tenen un logo

Yes, they have a logo.

del barri.

from the neighborhood.

I aquest logo

And this logo

que tenen tots els comerços.

that all the stores have.



Sí, per tant,

Yes, therefore,

ara passejar,

now to walk,

gaudir i comprar.

enjoy and buy.

I comprar.

I buy.

I ara,

And now,

els comerciants

the merchants

també n'hem fet,

we have also done it,

perquè és el que ja he dit.

because it is what I have already said.

Llevo tants anys,

I've been so many years,

jo sé com va tot això,

I know how all this works,

com funciona,

how it works,

com puc aconseguir

how can I achieve

un soci.

a partner.



ara hem fet ja també

now we have also done it

que hem entregat

that we have delivered

el carnet de soci

the membership card

a tots els comerciants.

to all merchants.



el que vingui a la meva tienda

whoever comes to my store

a un altre comerç

to another business

a la meva tienda

to my store

ha associat-se.

has associated.



jo a alimentació

me in nutrition

poso un 5%.

I put in 5%.

A mobles

To furniture

li fa un 20%.

It gives him a 20%.

Per tant,


en entrar als socis

upon entering the members

també cuida els socis.

it also cares for the partners.

Sí, és una mica...

Yes, it is a bit...

No només al ciutadà,

Not only to the citizen,

sinó que entre els socis

but among the partners

també hi ha aquesta voluntat

there is also this will

de dir,

to say,




associates me.

Ajudar-nos entre els comerços.

Help each other among the businesses.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs mira,

Well, look,

si esteu a Campalet

if you are in Campalet

i teniu negoci,

And you have business,

doncs ja podeu

so you can now

anar a veure l'Olivia.

going to see Olivia.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Si és soci

If he/she is a member.

de l'associació

of the association

de comerciants,

of merchants,

té un tant per cent

it has a percentage

de descomptat.

of course.

Doncs escolta,

Well, listen,

com que som veïns,

since we are neighbors,

ja ens anirem veient,

we will see each other soon,

perquè jo

because of me

hi passo els migdies

I spend my afternoons here.

i hi passo sovint

and I often pass by there

pels carrers de Campalet

through the streets of Campalet

i la veritat és que

and the truth is that


I love it,

és comerç de proximitat,

it is local commerce,

d'aquell que es troba a faltar

of that which is missed

i que el tenim a casa

and that we have it at home

i que et coneixen

and who know you

amb el nom

with the name

i et coneixen

and they know you

per qui ets

for whom are you

i per tant,

and therefore,

doncs val la pena

then it's worth it

que ho aprofitem.

Let's make the most of it.

Qualsevol cosa,


aquí estem.

here we are.

Vull dir que

I mean that

ja anirem passejant

we will go for a walk later

amb el Balín.

with Balín.

I ara també estan treballant

And now they are also working.

que el treball jo

that the work I

és que

it is that


let's go

a sacar

to take out

un fullet

a leaflet

d'un llibre

from a book

del comerç

of trade

de Campalet.

of Campalet.

Ah, fantàstic.

Ah, fantastic.

És a dir,

That is to say,

que la relació

that the relationship

de vecinos

of neighbors

la sacó

she took it out

hace dos años

two years ago

y yo dije

and I said

yo lo quiero sacar también.

I want to take it out too.

Claro, hombre.

Sure, man.

Todavía tienen

They still have.

toda la documentación,

all the documentation,

lo tienen todo,

they have everything,

pero no se podía sacar

but it couldn't be taken out

porque no había asociación.

because there was no association.

Pero ahora sí.

But now yes.



y dijeron

and they said

ahora sí,

now yes,

entonces ahora

so now

la semana que viene

next week

me tienen que decir algo

They have to tell me something.

y hasta lo tienen todo

and they even have it all

para asociación.

for association.

O sea que hay noticias frescas

So there is fresh news.

pronto, ¿no?

Soon, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Es mismo viéndose

It is the same seeing oneself.

y no para.

and it doesn't stop.

Que la gente vea cosas.

Let people see things.



ya te digo,

I'll tell you.

yo tenía 100 socios

I had 100 partners.

por un problema que tuve

because of a problem I had

con uno de las directivas,

with one of the directives,

no voy a decir nombres ni nada,

I'm not going to say names or anything.


I took

y dije

and I said

me voy.

I'm leaving.

En dos años

In two years

de 100 socios

of 100 members





pero ahora lo importante

but now the important thing

es la hora

it's time

y el hoy.

and the today.

Que això ha començat,

That this has started,



en tres mesos

in three months

la meitat dels comerços

half of the shops

formen part de l'entitat.

are part of the entity.

Això és un treball

This is a job.



que heu fet

What have you done?

des de l'associació.

from the association.



i crec que pareix també

and I believe it seems so too

que tenen ganes.

that they want.


Of course.

Tenen ganes de...

They want to...

Crec que és necessari.

I think it is necessary.

Passegem pel barri de Campalet

Let's walk through the Campalet neighborhood.

que és molt bonic

that is very beautiful

i estiguem pendents

and let's stay alert

sobretot el 25 d'octubre.

especially on October 25.

Doncs, home,

Well, man,

anirem a la plaça Campalet

we will go to Campalet square

i allà

and there

farem costat també

we will also support

a acompanyar el Balint.

to accompany Balint.

Gràcies a tots dos

Thank you both.

i qualsevol cosa.

and anything.

Aquí estem.

Here we are.

Que vagi molt bé.

Take care.


Thank you.


Come on.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Vinga, fem una pausa

Come on, let's take a break.

per la publicitat

for the advertising

i tornem.

And we're back.

Fins ara.

Until now.

El Submarí

The Submarine

de 10 a 12 del matí.

from 10 to 12 in the morning.


Funeral home

és l'empresa municipal

it is the municipal company

de serveis funeraris

of funeral services

de Terrassa.

from Terrassa.

Som la teva,

We are yours,

la del cementiri.

the one from the cemetery.

L'única que t'ofereix

The only one that offers you



al jardí.

in the garden.

Un espai a l'aire lliure

An outdoor space

per celebrar el recomiat

to celebrate the farewell

o memorials

or memorials

rodejats de natura.

surrounded by nature.


Get informed.

en el

in the

900 268 268

900 268 268


Funeral home

Acomiadar-se bonic

Saying goodbye is beautiful.

Acomiadar-se bé

Say goodbye properly.

Estigues informat

Stay informed.

del que passa

what is happening

a la teva ciutat.

to your city.

Segueix l'actualitat

Stay updated.

de proximitat

of proximity

a Terrassa.

to Terrassa.

El web de Canal Terrassa

The website of Canal Terrassa

i la ràdio municipal.

and the municipal radio.

El 6 d'octubre

October 6th

corre la cursa

the race is on

Fany Sallés,

Fany Sallés,

la cursa de les dones

the women's race

a Terrassa.

to Terrassa.

A les 11 del matí

At 11 in the morning.

al Parc dels Catalans

at the Catalans Park

gaudiràs d'un diumenge familiar

you will enjoy a family Sunday

i ple d'activitat.

and full of activity.

Inscriu-te a

Sign up for



ara i prepara't

now and get ready

pels 5 quilòmetres

for the 5 kilometers

de recorregut

of circuit

corrent o caminant.

running or walking.

Cursa Fany Sallés,

Fany Sallés Race,

la cursa de les dones

the women's race

a Terrassa

to Terrassa

és la teva.

It is yours.



per a tots els públics.

for all audiences.



revisió de clàssics,

review of classics,









Vine a viure

Come live.

una experiència única

a unique experience

al Cinema Catalunya.

at the Catalunya Cinema.

Un cinema

A cinema

com els de tota la vida.

Like the ones from all our lives.

Informació i entrades

Information and tickets

a Cinema Catalunya.

at Cinema Catalunya.



Estàs escoltant

Are you listening?

El Submarí.

The Submarine.

Passant 6 minuts de dos quarts d'11 del matí

Six minutes past ten thirty in the morning.

continuem navegant en directe al Submarí

we continue sailing live on the Submarine

i ho fem per parlar amb l'Associació

And we do it to talk with the Association.

pel dret a morir dignament

for the right to die with dignity

que a més a més, i aquesta és la bona notícia

that moreover, and this is the good news

també, compta amb un punt d'informació

It also has an information point.

a Terrassa. Us hi volem convidar,

to Terrassa. We want to invite you there,

volem parlar justament

we want to speak fairly

d'aquest dret a morir dignament

of this right to die with dignity

i ho fem amb dues membres

and we do it with two members

de l'Associació. D'una banda

of the Association. On one hand

ens acompanya la Maria Benítez, bon dia.

We are joined by Maria Benítez, good morning.

I d'altra banda la Montserrat Montada,

And on the other hand, Montserrat Montada,

bon dia. Hola, bon dia.

Good morning. Hello, good morning.

Ara explicarem el punt d'informació

Now we will explain the information point.

perquè és important, que és una mica el titular

because it is important, which is a bit of the headline

d'avui, però anem

of today, but let's go

a l'origen, anem a explicar

at the origin, let's explain

a l'entitat, l'Associació

to the entity, the Association

pel dret a morir dignament

for the right to die with dignity

qui sou

who are you

i què hi feu, tot i que el nom

And what do you do there, even though the name?

ja és evidentment clarivident,

it is already obviously clear,

però expliquem una mica, presentem-ho

but let's explain a bit, let's present it

als oients. Molt bé.

to the listeners. Very good.

És una entitat

It is an entity.

que des de l'any 84

since 1984



va néixer

was born

amb la voluntat d'empoderar-se

with the will to empower themselves

la població dels drets

the population of rights

a una mort digna.

to a dignified death.

I des d'aleshores

And since then

està fent aquest treball

is doing this work

al llarg de tota la història

throughout history

ha ajudat a fer canvis

has helped to bring about changes

de lleis

of laws

i també ha donat informació

and has also provided information

a la població perquè pugui

to the population so that it can

exercir aquests drets.

exercise these rights.

Fins a dia d'avui

Until today

i és una entitat

and it is an entity

que funciona amb voluntat

that works with will

que això és un èxit.

that this is a success.

I tant, i tant que sí.

Of course, absolutely yes.

Ara explicarem també més coses,

Now we will also explain more things,

però ja has dit paraules interessants.

but you have already said interesting words.

Dret, dignitat

Right, dignity

i sobretot

And above all

aquest dret, com dèiem,

this right, as we said,

a morir dignament.

to die with dignity.

La mort és un tema tabú encara avui en dia,

Death is still a taboo subject even today.

tot i que nosaltres també des d'aquí

although we also from here

fem bastanta pedagogia,

we do quite a lot of pedagogy,

però si la mort ja és un tema tabú,

but if death is already a taboo subject,

el tenir aquest dret

having this right

a morir dignament,

to die with dignity,

jo crec que encara ens queda més lluny

I think we still have further to go.

quan en parlem perquè hi ha un cert desconeixement

when we talk about it because there is a certain misunderstanding

sobre aquest dret.

about this right.

Per tant, encara hi ha molt treball a fer,

Therefore, there is still much work to do,

tot i que n'heu fet molt.

although you have done a lot of it.

Sí, perquè hi ha el que seria els drets,

Yes, because there are what would be the rights,

però llavors hi ha una cultura.

but then there is a culture.



La cultura de no parlar de la mort

The culture of not talking about death.

perquè ens espanta

because it frightens us

i perquè la nostra trajectòria ha estat

and because our trajectory has been

de deixar això en mans de Déu.

to leave this in God's hands.

Llavors, no abordem

Then, we do not board.

una cosa que ens fa por

one thing that scares us

i que ja vindrà.

and it will come.

I a més, volem viure molts anys

And furthermore, we want to live many years.

amb molta qualitat

with a lot of quality

i que tot funcioni meravellosament bé.

and that everything works wonderfully well.

I no ens plantegem el final.

We don't think about the end.

No, perquè això ja arribarà.

No, because that will come.

No cal.

No need.

Què vol dir morir dignament?

What does it mean to die with dignity?

Què vol dir això?

What does this mean?

Bàsicament és morir

It is basically dying.

com un desitge.

like a wish.

La dignitat la marco jo

I define my own dignity.

com a persona, com a entitat,

as a person, as an entity,

que soc jo mateixa.

that I am myself.

Soc qui ha de decidir

I am the one who has to decide.

com vull morir.

how I want to die.

I aquesta és l'escolta,

And this is the listening,

que s'ha de tenir.

that must be had.

I aquest és el dret que tinc.

And this is the right that I have.

Llavors, no hi ha una mesura exacta

So, there is no exact measure.

de dir això és digne i això no és digne.

to say this is worthy and this is not worthy.

Perquè això és com

Because this is like



alguna cosa que no es pot categoritzar.

something that cannot be categorized.

Perquè dependrà

Because it will depend.

del meu moment.

of my moment.

Potser per mi ara és una dignitat,

Perhaps for me now it is a dignity,

però em donen un diagnòstic

but they give me a diagnosis

i un exemple.

and an example.

Em donen un diagnòstic

They give me a diagnosis.

que jo ara teòricament

that I theoretically now

penso quan algú el té.

I think when someone has it.

Està allà, no és meu.

It is there, it is not mine.

I jo puc teoritzar.

And I can theorize.

Però quan jo estic involucrada emocionalment,

But when I am emotionally involved,

potser allò que deia

perhaps what I was saying

ara ho diria diferent.

Now I would say it differently.

I això passa.

And this happens.

Quan estàs fred,

When you are cold,

dius, bueno, jo vull morir sense dolor.

You say, well, I want to die without pain.

I potser posant hora i dia,

And perhaps by setting a time and date,

no ho sé, per dir-ho,

I don't know, to put it simply,

els 70, els 80, els 90,

the 70s, the 80s, the 90s.

no vull morir.

I don't want to die.

Sí, això ho diem molt.

Yes, we say that a lot.

Jo, mira, els 85,

Me, look, the 85,

ja si arribo bé d'allò, mira...

Well, if I arrive well from that, look...

Sí, però arriben els 85 i la vida t'agrada.

Yes, but when you reach 85, you enjoy life.

I dius,

And you say,

ah, no, no, espera't,

ah, no, no, wait,

me n'aniré una mica després.

I will leave a little later.

Doncs això és la dignitat.

Well, that's dignity.

És a dir, jo ja decidiré en el moment

That is to say, I will decide at the moment.

si puc decidir-ho,

if I can decide it,

perquè tinc la meva capacitat,

because I have my ability,

i si no, hi ha el document de voluntats anticipades

And if not, there is the advance directives document.

que jo ja faig una important informació

that I am already providing important information

perquè es tingui en compte.

so that it is taken into account.

Però si jo estic capacitada,

But if I am qualified,

jo vull decidir.

I want to decide.

I això és la dignitat.

And this is dignity.

És important aquest document.

This document is important.

Sí, molt important.

Yes, very important.

Però també ens fa por.

But it also scares us.

Clar, perquè,

Sure, because,

hem d'abordar què passarà

we must address what will happen

quan jo no pugui parlar.

when I can no longer speak.

Què diu aquest document i per què és important?

What does this document say and why is it important?

Perquè això, perquè marques

Why this, why brands?

què és el que vols i el que no vols.

What is it that you want and what is it that you don't want?

I en aquest amplimentat del què vols i què no vols,

And in this expansion of what you want and what you don't want,

clar, no tenim fins i tot...

of course, we don't even have...

Clar, la gent pot dir, jo vull morir sense dolor.

Sure, people can say, I want to die without pain.

D'acord, però hi ha uns supòsits, no?

Okay, but there are some assumptions, right?

Hi ha de dir, doncs mira, jo, si ja no em val per mi mateixa,

I have to say, well look, I, if it's no longer valid for me,

si hi ha, no ho sé, mil coses.

if there is, I don't know, a thousand things.

Llavors, aquest document,

Then, this document,

on es fa?

Where is it done?

El primer és picar a la porta de l'entitat,

The first step is to knock on the entity's door,

això d'entrada, perquè, i ara anirem al punt d'informació,

this at the outset, because, and now we will go to the information point,

és important, però

it is important, however

és fàcil de fer,

it's easy to do,

costa, és a dir, com l'abordem,

cost, that is to say, how we tackle it,

aquest document, i què hi posem, no?

this document, and what we put in it, right?

Tot dependrà del procés

Everything will depend on the process.

que la persona porti, de reflexió prèvia.

that the person carries, of prior reflection.



Perquè, si un ja hi pensa,

Because, if one thinks about it,

anirà a buscar aquest document per fer-lo.

He will go to get this document to do it.



Però, de vegades, el document arriba

But sometimes the document arrives.

i un no ha fet la reflexió,

and one has not reflected,

i aquest document, potser, et posa davant

and this document, perhaps, puts you in front

d'una realitat que necessites encara

of a reality that you still need

un temps de reflexió.

a time for reflection.

La nostra entitat fa formació prèvia

Our organization provides pre-training.

perquè puguis arribar a trobar les teves respostes.

so that you can find your answers.

Perquè aquest document no és una instància.

Because this document is not a request.



És una carta d'amor que fas

It's a love letter that you make.

a tu mateix, a la teva família

to yourself, to your family

i als metges que t'han de cuidar,

and to the doctors who have to take care of you,

al final, perquè han de decidir coses

in the end, because they have to make decisions

que tu els has de donar pistes

that you have to give them hints

per on vols que vagin.

Where do you want them to go?

Per tant, tot això és una cosa que,

Therefore, all of this is something that,

de vegades, com dèiem,

sometimes, as we said,

la cultura no és una cosa que es fa per tu,

culture is not something that is done for you,

però és una cosa que es fa per tu.

but it's something that is done for you.

I, per tant, la nostra entitat fa formació prèvia

And therefore, our organization provides prior training.

perquè puguis arribar a trobar les teves respostes.

so you can find your answers.

No ens ha portat, perquè no parlem,

It hasn't brought us, because we don't talk.

ni a les famílies, no es parla d'això,

Neither to the families, nor is this talked about,

els fills no saben què vol el pare o la mare

The children do not know what the father or the mother wants.

quan ja no pot parlar.

when he can no longer speak.

Doncs això és el que fem.

Well, that is what we do.

A part de moltes altres coses,

Apart from many other things,

però, definitament,

but, definitely,

per anar a fer el document de voluntats anticipades,

to go and make the advance directives document,

hi ha un procés d'aprenentatge,

there is a learning process,

a fer-te preguntes,

to ask you questions,

i deixar-te el temps perquè puguis reflexionar

and give you the time to reflect

i, finalment, quan tinguis les idees clares,

and finally, when you have clear ideas,

fas el document.

you make the document.

És molt important això que deies,

What you were saying is very important,

d'aquest aprenentatge, d'aquesta pedagogia,

of this learning, of this pedagogy,

per tant, aquesta formació.

therefore, this training.

Però, d'altra banda, deies de donar pistes,

But, on the other hand, you said to give hints,

perquè, si no, a vegades, quan ja t'hi trobes,

because, if not, sometimes, when you find yourself there,

quan ja potser no ho pots ni decidir,

when perhaps you can no longer even decide it,

els que t'envolten, siguin els professionals sanitaris

those around you, be they healthcare professionals

o la família, fan el que farien ells

or the family, they do what they would do

o el que creuen que pot anar millor,

or what they believe might go better,

però, clar, potser va en contra

but, of course, it might be against

del que tu haguessis fet.

of what you would have done.

Per tant, aquest donar pistes és molt important.

Therefore, giving clues is very important.

Sí, i, a més a més, ho fem divertidament.

Yes, and moreover, we do it in a fun way.

Ah, mira?

Ah, look?

Sí, perquè...

Yes, because...

Perquè és un joc.

Because it's a game.



Tenim unes cartes, que juguem a les cartes,

We have some cards, we play cards,

i en aquestes cartes hi ha uns missatges

And in these letters, there are messages.

que és preguntar-te

what it is to ask you

què voldries

What would you like?

si fos el darrer dia de la teva vida?

if it were the last day of your life?

Què voldries fer?

What would you like to do?

I llavors, bé, doncs, a vegades ja ho tens clar,

And then, well, sometimes you already have it clear.

però, de vegades, no.

but, sometimes, no.

És interessant, això.

That's interesting.

I amb qui t'agradaria parlar abans de marxar?

And who would you like to talk to before leaving?

Què tens pendent?

What do you have pending?

Què t'agradaria sopar?

What would you like for dinner?

Voldries fer...

Would you like to do...

És a dir, hi ha coses que no tens pendent.

That is to say, there are things that you don't have pending.

Hi ha coses d'aquest tipus,

There are things of this type,

perquè és una manera de trencar-los.

because it is a way to break them.

Hi ha també per anar a coses més profundes,

There is also to go to deeper things,

però és aquesta manera de jugar,

but it's this way of playing,

així ens parlem, a la mort.

this is how we speak to death.

Per tant, no hi ha només la pregunta fersa,

Therefore, there is not only the fierce question,

sinó que n'hi ha moltes, no?

but there are many, aren't there?



I també deu dependre,

And it must also depend,

perquè, esclar, aquest document el puc fer jo,

because, of course, I can make this document myself,

que tinc 50 anys,

that I am 50 years old,

el pot fer una persona de 80.

It can be done by an 80-year-old person.

Quan es fa aquest document?

When is this document made?

O quan s'aconsella fer-lo?

Oh when is it recommended to do it?

Doncs, a partir dels 18 anys ja es pot fer,

Well, from the age of 18 it can be done.

perquè es necessita, per fer el document,

because it is needed, to make the document,

ser major d'edat,

to be of legal age,

que ningú et pressioni,

let no one pressure you,

que ho facis de manera lliure,

that you do it freely,

i que el que demanis en el document sigui legal.

and that what you request in the document is legal.

Ja està.

That's it.

Això ja és suficient.

This is already enough.

I si tens 18 anys,

And if you are 18 years old,

normalment no penses en la mort.

normally you don't think about death.


Of course.

Llavors, això és una dinàmica familiar, potser,

Then, this is a family dynamic, perhaps,

d'anar parlant,

of going on talking,

i explicaré una anècdota.

I will explain an anecdote.

Jo, quan vaig enterar-me que aquest document

I, when I found out that this document

es podia fer d'una manera tan fàcil,

it could be done so easily,

i vaig escoltar un metge

I heard a doctor.

que donava,

that gave,

que tenia pistes de com fer-ho,

that had hints on how to do it,

explicava davant d'una persona que es qüestionava,

I was explaining in front of a person who was questioning.

sí, però bé, quan li dius a la família,

yes, but well, when you tell the family,

o quan reuneixes a la gent i els dius,

or when you gather people and tell them,

vull parlar d'això.

I want to talk about this.

I ell deia, doncs, mira,

And he said, well, look,

quin dia és el que reuneix la família?

What day brings the family together?

El dia de Nadal.

Christmas Day.

Anava a dir-ho per Nadal.

I was going to say it for Christmas.

Doncs, després de dinar, tots sentadets a la taula,

Well, after lunch, everyone sitting at the table,

tu dius, ara parlarem de la mort.

You say, now we will talk about death.

I clar, jo, que era la conferència aquella, vaig pensar,

And of course, I thought it was that conference,

ostres, no m'ho havia pensat mai,

wow, I had never thought of that.

però a casa tenim una tradició que és fer-nos la carta dels Reis Mags,

but at home we have a tradition of writing our letter to the Three Wise Men,

encara que som tan grans.

even though we are so big.

Jo crec que aquesta tradició la fem molts, eh, també, sí.

I think that many of us practice this tradition, right, yes.

I jo vaig començar a fer la carta als Reis Mags

And I started to write the letter to the Three Wise Men.

posant com a demanda de regal

putting as a gift request

el document de voluntats anticipades dels meus fills.

the advance directives document of my children.

Vaig trigar uns quants anys, però ho vaig aconseguir.

It took me a few years, but I did it.

Dels fills?

Of the children?

Sí, perquè jo ja tenia fills majors de 18 anys,

Yes, because I already had children over 18 years old,

i vaig pensar, ui, és veritat.

I thought, oh, it's true.

I qui no ha passat per una experiència

And who hasn't gone through an experience

de tenir gent jove en una situació

of having young people in a situation

que no sabem si voldrien ser-hi?

that we don't know if they would like to be there?

Per què? Perquè no n'hem parlat mai.

Why? Because we've never talked about it.

Llavors, si tu fas un pas per parlar,

Then, if you take a step to speak,

els que ja tenim aquesta dinàmica de parlar d'aquest tema

those of us who already have this dynamic of talking about this topic

a casa ja ens coneixen, i potser ja n'estan una mica tips, no?

At home they already know us, and maybe they are already a bit fed up, right?

Segur que no.

Surely not.

Però en el meu cas va ser aquesta l'experiència.

But in my case, that was the experience.

Jo vaig fer la demanda, finalment la vaig aconseguir,

I made the request, and I finally got it.

va trigar uns quants anys, però sí, sí, la vaig aconseguir.

It took a few years, but yes, yes, I got it.

I els meus fills tenen el document de voluntats anticipades.

And my children have the advance directives document.

Perquè hi ha famílies que han passat per situacions difícils

Because there are families that have gone through difficult situations.

per no saber què fer amb un fill que estimes,

for not knowing what to do with a child you love,

però que no saps si ell voldria estar com ha estat.

but you don't know if he would want to be as it has been.

Clar, perquè aquest document quan agafa forma?

Sure, when does this document take shape?

És a dir, quan s'aplica?

That is to say, when is it applied?

Posem algun exemple també perquè la gent ho entengui.

Let's give some examples as well so that people understand it.

Ara, diguem, gent jove, que evidentment la gent jove és vida,

Now, let's say, young people, that obviously young people are life,

però malauradament mor gent jove.

but unfortunately young people are dying.

I tant.

Of course.

A partir de naixement ja et pots morir?

Can you die from birth?



Però clar, no hi atines, que és el que tu deies, no la fas,

But of course, you don't get it right, as you were saying, you don't do it.

perquè costa emocionalment fer-te aquesta imatge,

because it is emotionally difficult to create this image for yourself,

perquè en definitiva el que fas en aquest document

because in the end what you do in this document

és escriure una imatge que tu segurament tant de bo no la visquem,

it is to write an image that you probably hope we never experience.

però és així, perquè tard o d'hora morirem.

but it is like that, because sooner or later we will die.

Per tant, quan agafa presència aquest document, en quin moment?

Therefore, when does this document come into effect, at what moment?

En el moment que no puguem parlar.

At the moment when we cannot speak.

Quan nosaltres no puguem parlar és la nostra veu,

When we can no longer speak, it is our voice,

el document de voluntats anticipades.

the advance directives document.

Mentre nosaltres podem parlar és la nostra veu que s'ha d'escoltar,

As long as we can speak, it is our voice that must be heard.

encara que allà diguéssim una altra cosa.

even though we said something different there.

Però si jo ja no puc, el document és la meva veu

But if I can no longer, the document is my voice.

i llavors l'equip sanitari pot trobar allà respostes del que calgui.

And then the healthcare team can find answers to what is needed there.

Ara, diguem, algun exemple, jove que té potser un accident,

Now, let's say, for example, a young person who perhaps has an accident,

queda en estat vegetatiu i a partir d'aquí li diuen

remains in a vegetative state and from here they call him

mira, no hi ha res a fer, l'estem mantenint en màquina,

Look, there is nothing to be done, we are keeping him on the machine.

entenc que aquí és superimportant aquest document també.

I understand that this document is also super important here.

Clar, llavors aquest document ha de sortir a la veu, a la llum,

Of course, then this document must come to light.

algú l'ha de fer sortir si és que no està.

Someone has to make him go out if he isn't already.

Per exemple, l'equip sanitari pot consultar si el tens registrat,

For example, the healthcare team can check if you have it registered.

estarà a la història clínica.

It will be in the medical history.

Val, això ja és un bon pas.

Okay, that's already a good step.

Sí, però de vegades no es consulta, perquè tampoc no hi ha la pràctica d'anar.

Yes, but sometimes it is not consulted, because there is also no practice of going.

Ara ja els comença a fer més, eh?

Now they're starting to care more, aren't they?

Però els primers temps va ser així.

But in the early days it was like this.

Clar, ningú entén què hi ha d'haver aquest document.

Of course, no one understands what this document should contain.

Bé, i que als metges potser també la seva trajectòria és el fet que preguntaran a la família.

Well, and perhaps the doctors' trajectory is the fact that they will ask the family.

Ja, ja, decidiran la família.

Yes, yes, the family will decide.

Bé, doncs en aquest cas es nombra un representant que la llei recomana,

Well, in that case, a representative is appointed as recommended by law.

no és obligat, però és recomanable, i ho diu la llei,

it is not mandatory, but it is advisable, and the law states so,

recomanar tenir un representant o dos, perquè ara la gent viatja, potser,

recommend having one or two representatives, because now people are traveling, perhaps,

doncs tenir representants dobles.

so having double representatives.

Ja, esclar, esclar.

Yes, of course, of course.

I el representant ha d'estar a la guai.

And the representative has to be cool.

No ha de fer res més que veure si el document es té en compte,

He just needs to see if the document is taken into account.

si es porta a terme les idees.

if the ideas are carried out.

Si això funciona, el representant no ha de fer res.

If this works, the representative doesn't have to do anything.

Però si no, ha de dir, ei, tingueu en compte aquest document.

But if not, it should say, hey, take this document into account.

Val, vetlla, perquè es faci un bon ús i una bona aplicació d'aquest document.

Okay, ensure that this document is used and applied properly.

Per tant, aquella carta de risc que vas fer, l'haurien de fer tots, no?

Therefore, that risk letter you did should be done by everyone, right?

Una mica de dir, escolta...

A little bit to say, listen...

Sí, jo la recomano.

Yes, I recommend her.

No? Què vull...

No? What do I want...

Què no vull...

What I don't want...

Com ens imaginem, i des de la llibertat absoluta,

As we imagine, and from absolute freedom,

poder decidir aquest final d'una vida, no?

to be able to decide this end of a life, right?

I per altra banda, tu fas un document ara,

And on the other hand, you are making a document now,

i d'aquí dos anys la teva realitat ha canviat,

and in two years your reality has changed,

o has fet un pensament diferent, el pots anul·lar i tornar a fer un altre.

If you have made a different decision, you can cancel it and make another one.

El darrer serà el vàlid.

The last one will be the valid one.

No és una sentència de mort.

It is not a death sentence.

Clar, exacte, exacte.

Sure, exactly, exactly.

És molt important.

It is very important.

Molt, molt important.

Very, very important.

Potser és a l'hora d'entendre...

Maybe it's time to understand...

És com quan dèiem també, quan fem el testament,

It's like when we said as well, when we make the will,

no vol dir que t'hagis de morir l'any demà.

it doesn't mean that you have to die tomorrow.



No, però faig-ho jo,

No, but I'll do it myself.

i dius, ostres, ja estic parlant de la mort.

And you say, wow, I'm already talking about death.

Clar, clar, clar.

Sure, sure, sure.

Per tant, aquesta pedagogia que falta molt,

Therefore, this pedagogy that is greatly lacking,

i que és tan necessària, no?,

and it is so necessary, right?

fer aquesta pedagogia entorn a la mort,

to do this pedagogy around death,

al nostre dret, que és un dret que tenim,

in our right, which is a right we have,

i que a vegades, doncs, això ens passa desapercebut,

and that sometimes, well, this goes unnoticed by us,

i tant és així que, i aquest és el titular amb el qual començàvem,

and so much so that, and this is the headline with which we started,

a Terrassa ja hi tenim un punt d'informació de l'entitat.

In Terrassa, we already have an information point for the entity.

On es troba aquest punt d'informació?

Where is this information point located?

Doncs, es troba en un espai que es diu l'Espai Solidari de Salut,

Well, it is located in a space called the Solidarity Health Space,

que ens cedeix l'Ajuntament,

that the City Council grants us,

i nosaltres hi som els dilluns de 10 a 12.

And we are there on Mondays from 10 to 12.

No és nostre, vull dir, hi ha moltes altres entitats

It's not ours, I mean, there are many other entities.

que el compartim, uns hi van un dia, uns hi van un altre.

that we share, some go there one day, others another.

I aquest punt té una persona, doncs, que és en principi el referent,

And at this point there is a person, therefore, who is initially the reference,

i està allà, bàsicament, per informar, assessorar,

and is there basically to inform, advise,

a persones que van a fer una consulta.

to people who are going to make an inquiry.

Fins ara, qui volia consultar,

Until now, who wanted to consult,

havia d'anar a Barcelona, perquè, bé,

I had to go to Barcelona because, well,

a l'origen havies d'anar a Barcelona.

At the beginning, you had to go to Barcelona.

I clar, que si vull treballo, que si demà no sé què,

And of course, if I want to work, if tomorrow I don't know what,

que si ara no està obert, que si ara no sé quan...

that if it's not open now, that if I don't know when...

Costa arribar-hi.

It's hard to get there.

Com que tampoc no estàs, potser, per pensar que et moriràs l'endemà passat,

Since you are not perhaps in the mood to think that you will die the day after tomorrow,

doncs ho vas deixant, deixant, deixant, fins que potser ja et convé.

so you keep leaving it, leaving it, leaving it, until maybe it suits you.

I per tant, des de l'entitat, tots som d'MD Catalunya,

And therefore, from the entity, we are all from MD Catalunya.

però s'estan obrint diferents punts on es pot,

but different points are opening up where it can be done,

on hi ha voluntaris disposats a fer-ho,

where there are volunteers willing to do it,

s'obren punts, doncs, per facilitar aquesta tasca.

Points are opened, therefore, to facilitate this task.

Però tota l'entitat, o sigui, no és una persona.

But the whole entity, I mean, is not a person.

La persona està allà per atendre,

The person is there to assist.

però si la mena de consulta que li fan és més aviat jurídica,

but if the type of consultation they are making to him is rather legal,

o més aviat clínica, o més aviat no sé què,

or rather clinic, or rather I don’t know what,

aquesta persona farà d'enllaç amb la part de l'organització,

this person will act as a link with the organization part,

que tenim,

that we have,

i serà capaç de donar, no immediatament,

and will be able to give, not immediately,

però de respondre allò que li puguin plantejar.

but to respond to what they may raise to him.

És important tenir aquest punt,

It is important to keep this point.

i, bueno, a la ciutat, doncs, ens sembla que hi encaixarem.

And well, in the city, we think we will fit in.

És una ciutat gran.

It is a large city.

De fet, amb nombre d'habitants, la tercera més gran de Catalunya.

In fact, with its population, it is the third largest in Catalonia.

I la veritat és que estem també molt agraïts a l'Ajuntament

And the truth is that we are also very grateful to the City Council.

per la sessió, i amb les altres,

for the session, and with the others,

i amb les altres entitats.

and with the other entities.

Vull dir que tothom té el seu espai, però tots ens respectem,

I mean that everyone has their space, but we all respect each other.

tot, en principi, funciona a la mar de bé.

Everything, in principle, works perfectly.

Situat al carrer de les Parres, número 6, cèntric, eh?

Located at 6 Parres Street, central, right?

Això ho tenim a tocar de la plaça Vella.

We have this close to the Vella square.

Els dilluns, doncs, de 10 a 12, us hi trobem.

So, on Mondays from 10 to 12, we'll see you there.

Qui pot venir? Qualsevol?

Who can come? Anyone?

Entenc que qualsevol persona, major de 18 anys.

I understand that anyone over 18 years old.

Bueno, potser no, no?

Well, maybe not, right?

A buscar informació, sí.

To look for information, yes.

De fet, les persones que han entrat, molts,

In fact, the people who have entered, many,

és perquè hi passen, i al veure, o que ja n'havien sentit parlar.

It is because they pass by, and upon seeing, or that they had already heard about it.

Fa molt poquet que ha començat, però hi ha, bàsicament,

It has just started, but there is, basically,

com dos o tres perfils.

like two or three profiles.

Una de persones que ja són sensibles,

One of the people who are already sensitive,

perquè són, diuen, com del ram.

because they are, they say, like from the branch.

El ram en un sentit extens.

The branch in an extensive sense.

Ho enteneu, ho enteneu perfectament.

You understand it, you understand it perfectly.

Per exemple, va entrar un higienista, un noi que havia estat treballant,

For example, a hygienist came in, a guy who had been working,

em penso, a la Mútua,

I think, at the Mútua,

i que duia camilles.

and that was carrying camilles.

Bueno, vull dir, persones, diguem-ne, entre cometes,

Well, I mean, people, let's say, in quotes,

d'alguna manera properes.

somehow closer.

Una altra, això que deia la Maria,

Another thing, what Maria was saying,

persones, doncs, que ho volen fer, però no ho tenen molt clar,

people, then, who want to do it, but are not very clear about it,

és una mica així, com...

it's a bit like this, how...

Ho han sentit a parlar, però no saben ben bé el què, clar.

They have heard about it, but they don't really know what it is, of course.

I d'altres, també, que ho havien fet fa molts anys, quan...

And others, too, who had done it many years ago, when...

O sigui, això ha tingut com unes etapes, no?, aquests 40 anys que existim.

So, this has gone through stages, right?, these 40 years that we have existed.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Abans d'aquest document de voluntats anticipades,

Before this advance directive document,

tu podies fer el teu propi document.

you could create your own document.



Però no hi havia una matriu, un formulari.

But there was no template, no form.

Era un paper en blanc...

It was a blank sheet of paper...

I tu escrivies i signaves.

And you wrote and signed.

Si tu tenies molta capacitat,

If you had a lot of capacity,

autorredactaves, i d'altres que no.

self-writers, and others that do not.

D'altres es ficaven en mans d'un notari.

Others turned to a notary.

I els notaris, doncs, tampoc tenien una escola per fer això.

And the notaries, therefore, also did not have a school to do this.



Un ho feia d'una manera, l'altre de l'altra.

One did it one way, the other did it another way.

I ara, que hi ha una llei com la Lore,

And now, that there is a law like the Lore,

doncs ara molta gent diu

well now a lot of people say

allò que vaig fer jo ho voldria revisar.

I would like to review what I did.

Per tant, també és una bona ocasió per posar-ho al dia

Therefore, it is also a good opportunity to update it.

i tenir-ho com toca.

and have it as it should be.



Tenim feina, pedagogia, que dèiem, per...

We have work, pedagogy, as we said, for...

Tenim un dret, l'hem d'utilitzar, pensem-hi, treballem-ho,

We have a right, we must use it, let's think about it, let's work on it,

i més ben acompanyats, com dèiem,

and in better company, as we said,

per l'entitat, per l'Associació de Dret a morir dignament,

for the entity, for the Association of the Right to Die with Dignity,

amb aquest punt d'informació que en teniu a diversos punts de la geografia, eh?,

with this information point that you have in various parts of the geography, huh?

però vaja, tenim a Terrassa, per tant, utilitzem-lo.

but well, we have Terrassa, so let's use it.

Gràcies a totes dues per explicar-ho.

Thank you both for explaining it.

Continuarem pendents i probablement us tornarem a convidar també

We will stay tuned and probably invite you again as well.

perquè és un tema que cal parlar-ne molt i parlar-ne bé,

because it is a topic that needs to be discussed a lot and discussed well,

però avui volíem posar sobre la taula justament aquesta notícia

but today we wanted to bring this news to the table

que creiem que és bona per la ciutat,

that we believe is good for the city,

el fet que podem, els dilluns de 10 o 12,

the fact that we can, on Mondays at 10 or 12,

doncs picar a la porta de l'entitat per dir

so knock on the door of the entity to say

escolta'm, això de morir dignament, què vol dir i quin paper hi tinc?

Listen to me, this thing about dying with dignity, what does it mean and what role do I have in it?

Ho farem. Gràcies a totes dues.

We will do it. Thank you both.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.


Thank you.

Que vagi molt bé, Maria Montserrat.

Take care, Maria Montserrat.

Va, fem una pausa molt breu i tornem de seguida. Fins ara.

Come on, let's take a very short break and we'll be right back. See you soon.

Tens un negoci o empresa i t'interessa fer-ne publicitat?

Do you have a business or company and are you interested in advertising it?

Al Cinema Catalunya t'ho posem molt fàcil.

At Cinema Catalunya, we make it very easy for you.

Contacta amb nosaltres i t'explicarem com projectar el teu anunci

Contact us and we will explain how to project your ad.

a la gran pantalla.

on the big screen.

No t'ho pensis més i escriu-nos a...

Don't think about it anymore and write to us at...

Estigues informat del que passa a la teva ciutat.

Stay informed about what is happening in your city.

Segueix l'actualitat de proximitat a terrassadigital.cat,

Follow local news at terrassadigital.cat,

al web de Canal Terrassa i la ràdio municipal.

on the Canal Terrassa website and the municipal radio.

El 6 d'octubre corre la cursa Fany Cellers,

On October 6th, the Fany Cellers race takes place.

la cursa de les dones de Terrassa.

the women's race of Terrassa.

A les 11 del matí, al Parc dels Catalans,

At 11 in the morning, at the Park of the Catalans,

gaudiràs d'un diumenge familiar i ple d'activitat.

You will enjoy a family Sunday full of activities.

Inscriu-te a mitjaterrassa.org ara

Sign up at mitjaterrassa.org now.

i prepara't pels 5 km de recorregut, corrent o caminant.

And get ready for the 5 km route, running or walking.

Cursa Fany Cellers, la cursa de les dones de Terrassa.

Fany Cellers Race, the women's race of Terrassa.

És la teva.

It’s yours.

Fany Cellers, la cursa de les dones de Terrassa.

Fany Cellers, the women's race of Terrassa.

Ai, Carreras...

Oh, Carreras...

Terrassa, desperta't amb rialles i bon rotllo.

Terrassa, wake up with laughter and good vibes.

I és hora de Desperta Carreras amb Oriol Carreras.

And it's time for Desperta Carreras with Oriol Carreras.

No donaria, però si sóc jo.

I wouldn't give, but if it's me.

Vinga, va, tira, va.

Come on, go ahead, go.

Desperta Carreras amb mi,

Awaken Carreras with me,

la teva dosi diària d'humor i entreteniment,

your daily dose of humor and entertainment,

a la ràdio municipal de Terrassa.

at the municipal radio of Terrassa.

No t'ho perdis.

Don't miss it.

No, que sí, que amb teu.

No, yes, with you.

Bueno, i si t'ho perds, mira, no el teu problema.

Well, if you miss it, look, it's not your problem.

Ja està, Jordi.

That's it, Jordi.

Estàs escoltant El Submarí.

You are listening to The Submarine.

3 minuts per arribar a les 11, els butlletins.

3 minutes to 11, the bulletins.

Abans, però, us volem convidar a una activitat

Beforehand, however, we would like to invite you to an activity.

que té lloc avui justament a les 7 de la tarda

that takes place today at 7 PM.

a l'Auditori de l'ESIAT de la UPC.

at the Auditorium of the ESIAT of the UPC.

Per tant, aquí al carrer Colom número 11,

Therefore, here at number 11 Colom Street,

ja organitzada per actes,

already organized by events,

i tenim una xerrada.

And we have a talk.

Ens ho explica l'advocat Joan Tamayo.

Lawyer Joan Tamayo explains it to us.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Hola, bon dia, què tal?

Hello, good morning, how are you?

Hola, Joan, benvingut de nou a El Submarí.

Hello, Joan, welcome back to El Submarí.

Explica'ns una mica...

Tell us a little bit...


Thank you.

Avui, justament, a què ens convideu, exactament?

Today, precisely, what are you inviting us to, exactly?

Mira, això és un acte que ha organitzat actes

Look, this is an event that has been organized by acts.

d'aquí, de la UPC,

from here, from the UPC,

i va considerar, a partir d'un llibre

and it was considered, based on a book

que va escriure la periodista Gemma Pasqual,

that was written by journalist Gemma Pasqual,

i escriva Torturades,

and write Tortured,

que era el testimoni de dones

that was the testimony of women

que durant l'època franquista,

that during the Franco era,

o posteriorment, fins al dia d'avui,

or subsequently, up to today,

han passat per l'edifici aquest terrible de Via Laietana,

they have passed by this terrible building on Via Laietana,

que encara perseguim que sigui convertit en una altra cosa,

that we still pursue it to be transformed into something else,

doncs han passat per allà i han patit, doncs això,

so they have passed by there and have suffered, well that's it,

tortures, maltractaments per part de la policia,

tortures, ill-treatment by the police,

o sigui, evidentment, per part de l'Estat.

that is to say, evidently, on the part of the State.

Llavors, aquest testimoni d'aquestes dones,

Then, this testimony of these women,

hi ha dues dones que surten al llibre,

there are two women who appear in the book,

que és la Mireia...

who is Mireia...



La Mireia Comas i la Pilar Rebaque,

Mireia Comas and Pilar Rebaque,

que estaran presents

that they will be present

per explicar el seu testimoni directe

to explain his direct testimony

del que van patir en el seu dia,

of what they suffered in their day,

la Pilar, doncs, ja cap als anys 70 i...

Pilar, then, already around the 1970s and...

al principi dels 70,

at the beginning of the 70s,

i la Mireia Comas, doncs, recentment, aquests últims anys.

And Mireia Comas, then, recently, in these last few years.

I llavors, doncs, bueno, farem una situació general

And then, well, we'll make a general situation.

del delicte com es troba actualment

of the crime as it currently stands

i les perspectives de cara al futur

and the prospects for the future

de la lluita contra aquest delicte.

of the fight against this crime.

Per tant, entenc que és un acte obert,

Therefore, I understand that it is an open act,

entrada lliure i pot venir tothom qui vulgui.

Free entry and everyone who wants to can come.

Sí, sí, sí, és totalment obert, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, it is completely open, yes.

Avui a la tarda a les 7,

Today at 7 in the afternoon,

a escoltar aquestes dues veus molt interessants,

to listen to these two very interesting voices,

lligades, evidentment, amb la teva pròpia veu, Joan,

bound, obviously, with your own voice, Joan,

i, per tant, parlar, com dèiem,

and, therefore, to speak, as we said,

d'aquests drets humans i de la dignitat, no?, en definitiva.

of these human rights and dignity, right?, ultimately.

Sí, bueno, clar, és preguntar-nos justament avui,

Yes, well, of course, it's asking us just today,

precisament que Nacions Unides celebra el Dia Internacional,

precisely that the United Nations celebrates International Day,

o commemora el Dia Internacional

or commemorates International Day

contra el tracte i el maltractament de persones,

against the treatment and mistreatment of people,

i justament avui, que també s'inicia la cimera

and today, which also marks the beginning of the summit

del futur de la humanitat de Nacions Unides,

of the future of humanity of the United Nations,

per veure què es fa amb Nacions Unides

to see what is done with the United Nations

i en el futur de la humanitat,

and in the future of humanity,

doncs, bueno, pot ser un bon dia...

well, it could be a good day...

I tant.

Of course.

...per repassar que tenim un delicte

...to review that we have an offense

o tenim un dret que continua vulnerant-se,

or we have a right that continues to be violated,

que és el dret a la dignitat

what is the right to dignity

a través dels maltractaments i la tortura.

through mistreatment and torture.

No només de forma directa pels estats,

Not only directly for the states,

sinó que, fins i tot, hem arribat a un punt

but that, even, we have reached a point

en què la vulneració dels drets

in what the violation of rights

està provocant psicològicament processos,

is psychologically provoking processes,

processos de tortura,

torture processes,

o sigui, el que diem entorns torturants.

that is to say, what we call torturous environments.

Una persona li manca un habitatge o queda sense habitatge,

A person lacks housing or becomes homeless,

o que una persona està passant problemes greus

or that a person is going through serious problems

i no té l'alimentació adequada, etcètera.

and does not have the proper nutrition, etcetera.

Per tant, és un tema que és transversal a tots els drets.

Therefore, it is a topic that is transversal to all rights.

I tant.


Doncs avui, com dèiem, a les 7 de la tarda,

So today, as we said, at 7 in the evening,

convidats i convidades.


Joan, gràcies, que vagi molt i molt bé,

Joan, thank you, I hope it goes very well.

i que ens veiem ben aviat aquí al Submarí.

And that we see each other very soon here at the Submarine.

Molt bé, moltes gràcies.

Very well, thank you very much.

Una abraçada, bon dia.

A hug, good morning.

Doncs avui, a les 7 de la tarda,

Well, today at 7 in the evening,

a l'ICIAT, al carrer Column número 11, aquesta xerrada.

At the ICIAT, at 11 Column Street, this talk.

Són les 11, ens n'anem als butlletins i tornem,

It's 11 o'clock, we're going to the bulletins and we'll be back.

perquè ens n'anirem directes

because we will go straight there

al Festival de Cinema de Sant Sebastià.

at the San Sebastián Film Festival.

Moltes gràcies i molt bona nit.

Thank you very much and good night.

Dues rieres transcorren pel terme municipal de Terrassa,

Two rivers flow through the municipal area of Terrassa,

i l'Ajuntament vol afrontar el seu futur

and the Town Council wants to face its future

d'una manera participativa i responsable.

in a participatory and responsible way.

Aquest dissabte, un primer pas ha estat una jornada

This Saturday, a first step has been a day.

que ha portat com a títol el futur de les rieres,

that has been titled the future of the streams,

i que s'ha celebrat a les dependències de l'OP100.

and that has been held at the OP100 facilities.

Un grup d'oponents procedents de l'àmbit científic i mediamental

A group of opponents from the scientific and environmental field.

han donat el seu punt de vista

they have given their point of view

torrents d'aigua. Escoltem Albert

water torrents. Let's listen to Albert

Santa Susagna, és ponent i professor

Santa Susagna is a speaker and professor.

de Geografia a la Universitat

from Geography at the University

de Barcelona.

from Barcelona.

Tenim la Riera de les Arenes, que en cap cas

We have the Riera de les Arenes, which in no case

podem pensar en un soterrament.

we can think of an underground solution.

Tenim la Riera del Palau, que és un canal de transbassament

We have the Riera del Palau, which is a transfer channel.

amb una amplitud molt més

with a much greater amplitude

reduïda i, per tant, en algun

reduced and, therefore, in some

tram, per guanyar una mica més d'espai públic,

tram, to gain a little more public space,

sí que es podria pensar

it could indeed be thought

en un cert soterrament. El que passa és que haurien

in a certain burial. What happens is that they would have

de ser trams curts i sempre tenint en compte

to be short stretches and always taking into account

el risc d'inundació. A la Riera de les Arenes

the risk of flooding. In the Riera de les Arenes

es pot potenciar molt

it can be greatly enhanced

des del punt de vista paisatgístic,

from a landscape perspective,

nous espais verds, connectar-lo

new green spaces, connect it

amb la resta de la ciutat,

with the rest of the city,

també potenciar el seu valor educatiu.

also enhance its educational value.

Una de les branques més

One of the branches most

conegudes del cristianisme, el Prostantestima,

known from Christianity, Protestantism,

compleix 100 anys de documentació

it marks 100 years of documentation

a Terrassa i, per aquest motiu, l'Església

in Terrassa and, for this reason, the Church

Evangèlica Unida ha celebrat un acte institucional

Evangelical United has held an institutional event.

per comemorar aquest segle d'obres benèfiques,

to commemorate this century of charitable works,

socials i de fe a la ciutat.

social and faith events in the city.

I ho ha fet aplegant un munt de fidels i representants

He has done it by gathering a lot of faithful and representatives.

de diferents institucions, entre les quals trobem

from different institutions, among which we find

el president del Parlament de Catalunya,

the president of the Parliament of Catalonia,

Josep Rull, el conseller d'Empresa i Treball

Josep Rull, the Minister of Business and Labor

en representació del govern català,

on behalf of the Catalan government,

Miquel Sàmper, l'actual alcalde Jordi Ballart

Miquel Sàmper, the current mayor Jordi Ballart

i els darrers alcaldes de la ciutat

and the last mayors of the city

acompanyats de regidors

accompanied by councilors

i antics edils.

and former councilors.

Escoltem Andreu Dionis,

Let's listen to Andreu Dionis,

pastor de l'Església

pastor of the Church



No es celebren cada dia

They are not celebrated every day.

i la veritat que és un...

and the truth is that it is a...

ha estat un honor i un privilegi

it has been an honor and a privilege

fer memòria,

make memory,

però fer memòria compartida, no?,

but to have shared memory, right?

amb tots els membres de la comunitat,

with all the members of the community,

però també amb tots els estaments

but also with all the estates

de la societat civil, política,

of civil society, politics,

de la ciutat,

from the city,

realment un regal.

really a gift.

Perquè hem fet camí junts,

Because we have traveled together,

hem compartit diferents processos i diferents moments

we have shared different processes and different moments

i ens han honorat amb la seva presència

and they have honored us with their presence

i també és una part

and it is also a part

de caminar, de llibertat,

of walking, of freedom,

de convivència fantàstica.

of fantastic coexistence.

Aquest dissabte s'ha donat el tret de sortida

This Saturday the starting signal has been given.

a la temporada artística i cultural de la ciutat

to the artistic and cultural season of the city

amb l'esdeveniment Terrassa i Xec al Taló

with the event Terrassa and Cheque at the Tail

en un acte que es feia al Teatre Alegria.

in an event that was held at the Alegria Theatre.

L'actor Guille Guillado ha estat

The actor Guille Guillado has been

l'encarregat de conduir i presentar

the person in charge of driving and presenting

aquesta programació unitària, donant la benvinguda

this unit programming, welcoming

a festivals, cicles i programacions

to festivals, cycles and programming

estables de diverses propostes.

establishing various proposals.

I un moment ja per repassar

And a moment just to review.

el més destacat de l'esport del cap de setmana.

the highlights of the weekend's sports.

Miqui Romagosa, bon dia.

Miqui Romagosa, good morning.

Molt bon dia, Francesc.

Very good morning, Francesc.

Derrota dolorosa del Terrassa Futbol Club

Painful defeat of Terrassa Football Club

al camp de la Penya Deportiva Santa Eulària

at the field of Penya Deportiva Santa Eulària

per dos gols a zero.

by two goals to zero.

L'equip de Xus Trujillo es va trobar

Xus Trujillo's team met.

amb un gol en pròpia porteria

with an own goal

de Borja López

from Borja López

i a partir d'aquí va anar a remolc

And from there, it was all downhill.

durant el partit.

during the match.

A la segona part va arribar

In the second part, it arrived.

al dos a zero, que seria definitiu,

to two zero, which would be definitive,

amb un Terrassa que pràcticament

with a Terrassa that practically

no va inquietar la porteria

it did not disturb the goalkeeping

de la Penya Deportiva.

from the Sports Club.

Escoltem a Xus Trujillo, entrenador del Terrassa.

Let's listen to Xus Trujillo, coach of Terrassa.

No, nada que decir. Derrota, derrota

No, nothing to say. Defeat, defeat.

merecida y punto.

deserved and that's it.

No hemos jugado, no hemos sido reconocibles

We haven't played, we haven't been recognizable.

y cuando no eres reconocible

and when you are not recognizable

entras en...

you enter into...

vas para adentro, ¿no? Pierdes y punto.

You're going inside, right? You lose and that's it.

No hay nada que decir. Igual que la semana pasada

There is nothing to say. Just like last week.

creo que fuimos mejores y la derrota

I believe we were better and the defeat.

no es merecida.

it is not deserved.



merecida y punto.

deserved, period.

Per la seva banda, el Sant Cristóbal

On its part, the Holy Christopher

treu un bon punt del camp de l'Atlètic Lleida.

They take a good point from the Atlético Lleida field.

Els de Cristian García

The ones from Cristian García.

han sumat cinc dels nou punts

they have gained five of the nine points

possibles i encara estan invictes

possible and still unbeaten

a la competició davant un rival

in the competition against a rival

que havia guanyat els seus dos partits.

that she had won her two matches.

A la primera catalana, derrota

In the first Catalan, defeat.

del Natació Terrassa davant el Júpiter.

from Natació Terrassa against Júpiter.

L'equip de Vicenç Díaz va fer un partit

Vicenç Díaz's team played a match.

molt complet, però un error en defensa

very complete, but a mistake in defense

va condemnar els agarencs

he condemned the Agarens

a poder aconseguir com a mínim un punt.

to be able to achieve at least one point.

I en hòquei es disputava

And in hockey it was being played.

la segona jornada tant a la Divisió d'Honor

the second round in the Honor Division

masculina com a la femenina.

masculine as well as feminine.

A la masculina, aquests són

In the masculine, these are

els resultats.

the results.

La Roza 0, Atlètic Terrassa 2,

La Roza 0, Terrassa Athletic 2.

Sanse Complutense 2, Club Deportiu Terrassa 2

Sanse Complutense 2, Club Deportivo Terrassa 2

i Tenis 4, Clube Gara 3.

i Tennis 4, Clube Gara 3.

A la Divisió d'Honor femenina,

In the Women's Honor Division,

Atlètic Terrassa 1, Tenis 0, Sardinero 1,

Atlètic Terrassa 1, Tennis 0, Sardinero 1

Clube Gara 2 i Club Deportiu Terrassa 1,

Clube Gara 2 and Club Deportiu Terrassa 1,

Júnior 1.

Junior 1.

Això és tot. La ràdio municipal de Terrassa

That's all. The municipal radio of Terrassa.

seguirà amb més notícies.

there will be more news.

Les notícies al 95.2 FM.

The news on 95.2 FM.

La ràdio municipal de Terrassa.

The municipal radio of Terrassa.

11 i 6 minuts, és dilluns,

11 and 6 minutes, it's Monday,

avui viatgem amb el Submarí,

today we travel with the Submarine,

ens n'anem cap al Festival de Sant Sebastià,

we're heading to the Festival of Sant Sebastià,

allà hi tenim el nostre periodista i crític de cinema,

there we have our journalist and film critic,

Didac Alcántara, bon dia!

Didac Alcántara, good morning!

Hola, molt bon dia a tothom!

Hello, very good morning to everyone!

Com anem? Com va per Sant Sebastià?

How are we doing? How is it going for Saint Sebastian?

Va bé, va bé, el Submarí el tenim aquí,

It's good, it's good, we have the Submarine here.

on desemboca l'Uromea,

where the Uromea flows.

és la vista que tinc jo ara,

it's the view that I have now,

tinc aquí les roques,

I have the rocks here,

i el Maristina i tot allò,

and Maristina and all that,

i ja veig allà el periscopi,

And I can see the periscope there,

genial, genial, hem fet la parada aquí.

Great, great, we have made the stop here.

A Sant Sebastià, bé, menys gent,

In Sant Sebastià, well, fewer people,

menys gent del que és habitual

less people than usual

el cap de setmana de festival,

the festival weekend,

és un comentari que fèiem,

it's a comment we were making,

perquè el temps més o menys acompanyava,

because the weather was more or less favorable,

aquí ja sabem el que hi ha,

here we already know what there is,

jo ara estic patint perquè cauen 3 o 4 gotetes

I am currently suffering because 3 or 4 drops are falling.

i dius, encara no...

and you say, not yet...

i s'ha parat la connexió.

the connection has stopped.

Però els dies abans, previs, ha fet bon temps,

But in the days before, it has been nice weather,

és a dir, feia solet,

that is to say, it was sunny,

però dissabte ja la cosa es va començar a ennobular,

but on Saturday things started to get better,

i ahir va caure el xàfec,

and yesterday the downpour fell,

però clar, que és Sant Sebastià sense que plogui, no?

but of course, what is Saint Sebastian without rain, right?

Clar, clar, doncs escolta...

Sure, sure, so listen...

Si no, no tindria la gràcia.

If not, it wouldn't have the charm.

La gràcia perquè el glamur ja el posen els convidats,

The charm is because the guests already bring the glamour.

els actors, directors, aquesta cartellera,

the actors, directors, this billboard,

però si et sembla, anem al gra

But if you don't mind, let's get to the point.

i comencem acompanyats de bona música,

and we begin accompanied by good music,

que això ens agrada molt,

that we really like this,

perquè, vaja, tu mateix fes el tret de sortida,

because, well, you just go ahead and kick things off,

inaugurem tant el festival com la crònica.

We inaugurate both the festival and the chronicle.

Això mateix, ens traslladem 50 anys enrere,

Right now, we are moving back 50 years.

50 anys enrere amb un tema musical que ho va petar,

50 years ago with a hit song,

en el sentit d'aquelles músiques que sentíem abans,

in the sense of those tunes we used to hear before,

perquè ara ja no existeix això,

because this no longer exists now,

a les sales d'espera, als ascensors,

in waiting rooms, in elevators,

que va acompanyar una de les pel·lícules

that accompanied one of the films

que en aquell moment més trencadores,

that at that moment were more groundbreaking,

que aquí no es podia veure,

that could not be seen here,

s'havia d'anar a prensa per veure-la,

it had to be taken to the press to see it,

perquè tenim aquí una dictadura i el tema,

because we have a dictatorship here and the issue,

la pel·lícula estava censurada,

the movie was censored,

que és en Manuel.

that is Manuel.

Si et sembla, sentim aquest tema tan clàssic

If you agree, let's listen to this classic piece.

que segurament tothom recorda.

that everyone probably remembers.

I tant, va.

Yes, let's go.

Va, perquè no només la música va acompanyar,

Come on, because not only the music accompanied,

sinó que hi va haver, com tu ara explicaràs,

but there was, as you will explain now,

és el film inaugural.

it's the opening film.

Clar, el per què d'aquesta música.

Of course, the reason for this music.

Volia recollir un fil de fa 50 anys,

I wanted to pick up a thread from 50 years ago,

quan es va fer en el 1974 en Manuel,

when Manuel was born in 1974,

un film trencador basat en una novel·la

a groundbreaking film based on a novel

que va catapultar la popularitat a Sílvia Cristel,

that catapulted Sílvia Cristel's popularity,

una triu holandesa,

a Dutch triad,

que la recordem en aquella cadira

that we remember her in that chair

que es va anomenar a partir de llavors en Manuel.

who was named Manuel from then on.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Amb la cuixa a sobre de l'altra

With one thigh over the other.

i amb aquell colla de perles,

and with that bunch of pearls,

i ho veiem aquí,

and we see it here,

que és una imatge icònica del cinema.

that is an iconic image of cinema.

Doncs bé, com deies,

Well, as you said,

50 anys després es fa un remake,

50 years later a remake is made,

no de la pel·lícula.

not from the movie.

Jo no diria que és de la pel·lícula,

I wouldn't say it's from the movie.

jo diria que és una altra adaptació

I would say that it's another adaptation.

de la novel·la original, diguéssim.

from the original novel, let's say.

Perquè, clar, hi ha coses que 50 anys després

Because, of course, there are things that 50 years later

tampoc tindrien massa sentit.

they wouldn’t make much sense either.

No sé si m'explico,

I don't know if I'm making myself clear,

en el sentit que ja s'ha parlat molt

in the sense that it has already been talked about a lot

del tema de la sexualitat,

on the topic of sexuality,

del tema de la descoberta de la llibertat sexual,

on the topic of the discovery of sexual freedom,

de poder...

to be able...

Doncs no...

Well, no...

...experimentar amb diferents persones i tal.

...experimenting with different people and such.

Jo crec que aquí hi ha hagut una altra mirada diferent.

I believe that there has been another different view here.

No és una pel·lícula que hagi agradat gaire

It's not a movie that I liked very much.

la veritat per ser la inaugural.

the truth to be the inaugural.

No, ha deixat la gent una mica desconcertada.

No, it has left people a bit confused.

Tot i que la factura és molt bona, la pel·lícula.

Although the bill is very good, the movie.

La directora és Audrey Divan,

The director is Audrey Divan.

que és una de les directores que...

who is one of the directors that...

És a dir, de les aquestes europees actuals,

That is to say, of the current European ones,

molt ben considerada.

very well regarded.

Pensem que va guanyar el Lleó d'Or

We think that the Lion of Gold won.

del Festival de Venècia,

from the Venice Festival,

i aquest que acaba de guanyar Pedro Almodóvar

and this one that Pedro Almodóvar just won

a l'habitació de l'Ado.

in Ado's room.

Doncs el mateix, l'any 21,

Well the same, in the year 21,

amb El acontecimiento, no sé si us recordeu,

with the event, I don't know if you remember,

era aquella història d'una noia dels anys 60

It was that story of a girl from the 60s.

que queda embarassada

who gets pregnant

i tot el procés del tema de l'avortament.

and the entire process regarding the issue of abortion.

És a dir, com...

That is to say, like...

com la directora, d'alguna manera,

with the director, in a way,

des del punt de vista de la protagonista,

from the protagonist's point of view,

que està patint,

that is suffering,

que té aquesta situació a la vida

what does this situation have in life

i no sap si decantar-se per una cosa o per una altra,

and he doesn't know whether to lean towards one thing or another,

i com la mirada aquesta, molt personal,

and with this look, very personal,

és a dir, és una directora

that is to say, she is a director

que ha estat molt per l'univers de la dona,

that has meant a lot for the universe of women,

que sap molt bé traslladar

that knows very well how to convey

aquestes maneres

these ways

de veure

to see

certes situacions

certain situations

en el sentit que afecten directament a la dona,

in the sense that they directly affect women,

i en aquest cas, amb aquesta

and in this case, with this

en Manuel, s'ha acompanyat

Manuel has been accompanied.

de Noemí Marlán,

of Noemí Marlán,

que és una de les autors franceses actuals

who is one of the current French authors

molt reconegudes,

very recognized,

i és la viatge aquesta de l'experimentació

And this is the journey of experimentation.

d'anar a Hong Kong,

of going to Hong Kong,

i a partir d'allà

and from there

va a la recerca, diguéssim,

goes in search, let’s say,

del plaer, a través de diferents parelles sexuals.

from pleasure, through different sexual partners.

És una pel·lícula que també compta

It's a movie that also counts.

en un paper de repartiment

on a distribution paper

amb Naomi Watts,

with Naomi Watts,

i s'estrena ja.

And it premieres already.

I d'interès per veure-la, el divendres

And I'm interested in seeing her on Friday.

ja la té a la cartellera.

It is already on the billboard.

Doncs, escolta'm, Manuel,

Well, listen to me, Manuel,

aquesta estrena, com dèiem, ja del concurs

this premiere, as we said, already of the competition

de la 72ena edició del Festival de Sant Sebastià,

of the 72nd edition of the San Sebastián Festival,

aquest divendres, tothom qui vulgui

this Friday, everyone who wants

la podrà veure.

you will be able to see her.

Seguim amb altres pel·lícules,

We continue with other movies,

que tu ja has vist,

that you have already seen,

els altres les veurem, explica'ns una mica

We'll see the others, tell us a little bit about it.

aquest recorregut.

this route.

Doncs, vinga, ara anirem

Well, come on, now we will go.

amb una pel·lícula francesa,

with a French movie,

Emilia Pérez,

Emilia Pérez,

que és la que ha escollit

which is the one she has chosen

l'Acadèmia del Cinema Francesc

the Academy of Cinema Francesc

per representar el país als Oscars.

to represent the country at the Oscars.

Jo crec que ho té bastant encarrilat,

I think he/she has it pretty much sorted out.

com a mínim la nominació,

at least the nomination,

jo ja dic des de la classe assegurada,

I already say from the assured class,

l'any passat va

last year it went

equivocar-se a França,

to make a mistake in France,

perquè va enviar a Fuego Lento

why he sent to Fuego Lento

una pel·lícula amb la Juliette Hinoj

a movie with Juliette Hinoj

i el Benoit del Gimel,

and Benoit from Gimel,

i tothom parlava de l'anatomia d'una caïda,

and everyone was talking about the anatomy of a fall,

que després va ser

that later was

la millor pel·lícula, no sé si recordeu

the best movie, I don’t know if you remember

aquest debat que hi va haver.

this debate that took place.

Doncs, potser, per no repetir aquest error,

Well, perhaps, to avoid repeating this mistake,

ha apostat per guanyador

he has bet on a winner

amb aquesta història que,

with this story that,

si et sembla, podem escoltar

If you like, we can listen.

un capítol del tràiler

a chapter of the trailer

i així ens situem una miqueta

And so we position ourselves a little bit.

i ara us explico una mica més.

And now I will explain a little more to you.

Doncs, vinga, l'escoltem.

Well, come on, let's listen to him/her.

Emília Pérez.

Emília Pérez.

Buenas noches.

Good evening.

Nos conocemos.

We know each other.



¿Eres tú?

Are you there?


Little hands?

Manitas se nos fue.

Manitas has left us.

Yo soy Emília Pérez.

I am Emília Pérez.

¿Qué haces por acá?

What are you doing around here?

Te necesito.

I need you.

Traiga a mis hijos de regreso conmigo a México.

Bring my children back with me to Mexico.

No puedo vivir sin ellos.

I can't live without them.

¿Y tú?

And you?

Yo no sé si esa Emilia será.

I don't know if that Emilia will be.

Eso sería muy peligroso para ti.

That would be very dangerous for you.

¿Y tú?

And you?



¿Y tú?

And you?



Y te arrepiento de muchas cosas.

And I regret many things.

Y eso se verá.

And that will be seen.

¿Y tú?

And you?

Doncs va, explica'ns, que estem veient,

So go on, tell us, what are we seeing?

com dèiem, aquest tràiler cap on ens porta.

As we said, where is this trailer taking us.

Sí, sí, jo deia, jo pensava, ja tallem, tallem, tallem,

Yes, yes, I said, I thought, let's cut, cut, cut,

perquè potser estem explicant massa coses.

because maybe we are explaining too many things.

Ah, val, val, val.

Ah, okay, okay, okay.

No, no, però això no podem fer res nosaltres.

No, no, but we can't do anything about that.

És el problema dels tràilers que, a vegades,

It is the problem of trailers that, at times,

tot és tan explicat.

everything is so explained.

Ja t'ho expliquen tots, sí.

They all explain it to you, yes.

Clar, no deixa...

Of course, it doesn't let...

Bueno, després ho gaudim i anem descobrint coses a la pel·lícula.

Well, then we enjoy it and start discovering things about the movie.

Bé, el punt de partida està clar, és el que s'acaben de sentir.

Well, the starting point is clear, it is what has just been heard.

Hi ha un líder molt perillós, un càrtel de la droga a Mèxic,

There is a very dangerous leader, a drug cartel in Mexico,

que es posa en contacte amb una advocada que comença

who gets in touch with a lawyer who is just starting out

perquè li prepari tot i s'informi per fer un canvi de sexe.

to prepare everything for him and inform himself to undergo a sex change.

Ell vol ser dona.

He wants to be a woman.

Ell té clar que vol ser dona i vol fer aquest canvi de sexe.

He is clear that he wants to be a woman and wants to make this gender transition.

Déu-n'hi-do, també, en quina situació ens trobem.

Goodness, what a situation we find ourselves in.

Però bé, aquestes situacions jo crec que poden sorgir en qualsevol àmbit, no?

But well, I think these situations can arise in any field, right?

Però clar, aquí ho posen un punt molt extrem,

But of course, they put it to a very extreme point here,

perquè és un dels grans, grans, grans capos de la droga.

because he is one of the great, great, great drug lords.

Doncs bé, el que veurem és com es fa aquest traspàs

Well, what we will see is how this transfer is made.

i les conseqüències que pot tenir, perquè aquest senyor té un passat.

and the consequences it may have, because this man has a past.

Aquest senyor té un passat, i un passat no es pot esborrar.

This man has a past, and a past cannot be erased.

És a dir, tu pots canviar la teva identitat...

That is to say, you can change your identity...

Clar, clar, clar, però el passat no, clar, clar.

Sure, sure, sure, but not the past, sure, sure.

Clar, si tens família...

Sure, if you have family...

Bueno, si es dedica al càrtel de la droga, doncs imagina't el que suposa.

Well, if he's involved with the drug cartel, just imagine what that entails.

La gràcia d'aquesta pel·lícula d'Emilia Pérez, que la dirigit Jacques Laudier,

The charm of this film by Emilia Pérez, directed by Jacques Laudier,

és que és un musical.

It's that it's a musical.

És a dir, aquesta història ambiental, Mèxic,

That is to say, this environmental story, Mexico,

que després també passa als Estats Units, l'excí i tal,

that then also happens in the United States, the exci and such,

com la història s'explica a través de cançons.

how history is explained through songs.

O bé la història, la música, no sé,

Or maybe history, music, I don’t know,

perquè podem agafar qualsevol de les dues idees, no?

Because we can take either of the two ideas, right?

I, per tant, és una pel·lícula que ja pinta molt, molt pels Òscars.

And therefore, it's a movie that already looks very, very promising for the Oscars.

De fet, quan es va estrenar al Festival de Cants,

In fact, when it premiered at the Festival of Songs,

va guanyar el Premi de Millor Interpretació per totes les actrius protagonistes,

won the Best Performance Award for all the leading actresses,

que són quatre, Carla Sofia Gascon, Zoe Saldanya, Selena Gomez,

that there are four, Carla Sofia Gascon, Zoe Saldanya, Selena Gomez,

que apareix en aquesta pel·lícula, la de Solo asesinatos en el edificio,

that appears in this movie, Only Murders in the Building,

i Adriana Paz.

I'm Adriana Paz.

Francesc, doncs jo, que recordi, no vaig sentir gaire cosa de francès.

Francesc, well, as far as I remember, I didn't hear much French.

Ja, o sigui que...

Yes, so...

En castellà, la pel·lícula està parlada en castellà

In Spanish, the movie is spoken in Spanish.

i en alguns moments en anglès.

And sometimes in English.

I què dir-te més?

And what more can I say to you?

Que va guanyar també el Premi del Jurat al Festival de Cants

He also won the Jury Award at the Song Festival.

i aquí ens haurem d'esperar una miqueta més,

and here we will have to wait a little longer,

perquè arribarà el 5 de desembre.

because it will arrive on December 5th.

Home, Déu-n'hi-do, fins al 5 de desembre, bueno, esperarem.

Wow, until December 5th, well, we will wait.

Sí, a mi em va agradar molt, Mariona, a mi em va agradar molt.

Yes, I liked it a lot, Mariona, I liked it a lot.

Tot i que sembli un còctel molt estrany,

Although it may seem like a very strange cocktail,

el resultat final a mi em va convèncer.

The final result convinced me.

Doncs escolta, 5 de desembre, Emília Pérez,

Well listen, December 5th, Emília Pérez,

i ara ens n'anem a un altre nom propi, també.

And now we're going to another proper name as well.

I tant, un nom propi que va ser portada de diaris

Indeed, a proper name that made headlines.

que va sortir a tots els programes de televisió,

that appeared on all the television programs,

un cas que, amb el pas del temps, no?

A case that, over time, right?

Ara que ja han passat 24 anys,

Now that 24 years have passed,

es plantejaria d'una altra manera, evidentment,

it would be thought about in a different way, obviously,

perquè està en boca de tothom

because it is on everyone's lips

i és un tema que ja s'ha legislat d'una manera molt determinada.

And it is a topic that has already been legislated in a very specific way.

I parlem del cas d'Ana Benca Fernández,

And we are talking about the case of Ana Benca Fernández,

que, si us recordeu, va ser regidora elisenda

that, if you remember, was councilor Elisenda

de l'Ajuntament de Pontferrada,

from the Town Hall of Ponferrada,

que va patir, d'alguna manera, un assetjament continu

who suffered, in some way, continuous harassment

per part de l'alcalde d'aquest municipi de llavors,

on behalf of the mayor of this municipality at that time,

i fins al moment d'arribar a la depressió

and until the moment of reaching depression

i de la forma baixa per la pressió,

and in the low form due to pressure,

i després, assessorada, denunciar aquest assetjament.

and then, advised, report this harassment.

Qui s'ha encarregat de portar això al cinema?

Who has taken care of bringing this to the cinema?

I Fier Goyaí, no?

I Fier Goyaí, right?

Un actriu directora molt compromesa, oi?

A very committed actress-director, right?

Sempre amb pel·lícules de l'Olivo, no?

Always with Olivo movies, right?

Per exemple, parlava de l'emergència climàtica, no?

For example, you were talking about the climate emergency, right?

O la destrucció dels entorns rurals.

Or the destruction of rural environments.

Amb Aixabel, que també us va presentar aquí sense les que fa uns anys,

With Aixabel, who also introduced you here without them a few years ago,

parlava del retrat, no?,

You were talking about the portrait, right?

de la dona d'aquell polític assassinat pel Pareta.

of the woman of that politician murdered by Pareta.

I ara, doncs, explica, vol posar a la pantalla,

And now, then, explain, do you want to put on the screen,

el procés de l'assetjament.

the process of harassment.

No pas tant el que va ser després el judici, no?,

Not so much what the trial was after, right?

que va comportar,

that brought about,

que va ser, de fet, el primer,

which was, in fact, the first,

polític condemnat a Espanya per assetjament sexual,

politician convicted in Spain for sexual harassment,

sinó aquest procés, no?,

but this process, right?

de com, des d'una dona empoderada i forta,

of how, from a strong and empowered woman,

aquest procés l'acaba destruint completament.

this process ends up completely destroying him.

La pel·lícula, Jo soy... No, Soy Nevenka.

The movie, I am... No, I am Nevenka.

Soy Nevenka.

I am Nevenka.

Que, a més a més, aquests dies, ella ha estat a Sant Sebastián.

Also, these days, she has been in San Sebastián.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

No va estar a la presentació a la premsa,

He was not at the press conference.

ni en altres actes com el fotocall,

nor in other events like the photobooth,

però sí que es va reservar la presentació oficial de la gala,

but he did reserve the official presentation of the gala,

i va aparèixer, juntament amb la ministra d'Igualtat,

and appeared, together with the Minister of Equality,

perquè, pensem plenament que a Fernández va haver de marxar d'Espanya.

because we fully believe that Fernández had to leave Spain.

Sí, sí, és així.

Yes, yes, that's right.

És a dir, va haver de marxar d'Espanya,

That is to say, he/she had to leave Spain,

perquè a Martí Conferrada tothom li va girar a l'esfera.

because everyone turned against Martí Conferrada.


Of course.

És a dir...

That is to say...

Bueno, dic clar, vull dir...

Well, I mean clearly, I want to say...

Vull dir, clar, sí, sí, clar, malauradament és així, no?, encara, clar.

I mean, of course, yes, yes, of course, unfortunately it's like that, isn't it?, still, of course.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, però en aquell temps entenc que encara pitjor, no?,

Yes, yes, yes, yes, but at that time I understand it was even worse, right?

perquè tothom estava...

because everyone was...

L'alcalde era una persona molt popular, saps?,

The mayor was a very popular person, you know?

molt d'acollir a tothom, etcètera,

very welcoming to everyone, etc.

però, clar, hi havia...

but, of course, there was...

Ara passa una cosa, aquesta noia ho estava explicant a tothom, però...

Now something happens, this girl was explaining it to everyone, but...

Vam acusar-la de víctima, clar, sí, sí.

We accused her of being a victim, of course, yes, yes.

Sí, ja saps com ho és, no?, és que...

Yes, you know how it is, don't you? It's just that...

Sí, exacte, sí, sí.

Yes, exactly, yes, yes.

És que Martí i tal i qual, i aquí ho deixàvem.

It's just that Martí and such and such, and we would leave it here.

Però és molt trist, aquesta dona, doncs, això,

But it is very sad, this woman, so, this,

va haver de marxar del país i estava vivint al Regne Unit

he had to leave the country and was living in the United Kingdom

amb la seva parella i els seus fills,

with his partner and their children,

i ha tornat expressament per la presentació d'aquesta pel·lícula

I have returned specifically for the presentation of this movie.

que interpreta Mireia Oriol,

that Mireia Oriol interprets,

un actriu a la qual sí que coneixia el seu nom,

an actress whose name I did know,

però no l'havia vist en gaires papers.

but I had not seen him in many papers.

Jo en alguna sèrie, a les de l'hoquei, ha fet coses, sí, sí, cert.

I in some series, in hockey ones, has done things, yes, yes, true.

Ahà, doncs ella és la que interpreta Nevenka,

Aha, so she is the one who plays Nevenka.

potser amb un accent...

maybe with an accent...

Jo, com a català, crec que es nota aquest accent,

I, as a Catalan, believe that this accent is noticeable,

no és gaire de León,

it's not very León,

però tot i així té una interpretació molt contundent

but still it has a very strong interpretation

i probablement la ponem en alguna llista de nominacions a previ.

And we will probably put her on some nomination list for the pre-awards.

No sé si ens dona temps d'escoltar-ho.

I don't know if we have time to listen to it.

Escoltem, escoltem una mica el tràiler de

Let's listen, let's listen a little to the trailer of

Soy Nevenka, de Cier Bollain.

I am Nevenka, from Cier Bollain.

No podían moverme.

They couldn't move me.

Responden únicamente a una palabra.

Respond only with one word.

Mi dignidad.

My dignity.

¿Por qué pasó usted por ese calvario?

Why did you go through that calvary?

La señorita Nevenka Fernández no es la acusada.

Miss Nevenka Fernández is not the accused.

Nevenka, por favor,

Nevenka, please,

¿qué les dirías a las mujeres que están en una situación

What would you say to women who are in a situation?

como la que has vivido?

like the one you have lived?

Que no se callen.

Do not be silent.

Que lo cuenten.

Let them tell it.

Yo ya no soy Kenki.

I am no longer Kenki.

Dida, com necessitem aquestes pel·lícules, eh?

Dida, how much we need these movies, right?

Perquè en aquest cas hem de dir allò

Because in this case we have to say that.

que la realitat sí que són les pel·lícules,

that reality is indeed the movies,

que supera la ficció, malauradament,

that surpasses fiction, unfortunately,

encara tenim...

we still have...

Doncs això, se'n parla,

Well, that's it, it's being talked about.

aflora en aquests casos,

it emerges in these cases,

les dones no estan soles,

women are not alone,

però es fa xarxa i comunitat,

but it creates network and community,

però encara necessitem, com dèiem,

but we still need, as we said,

aquestes pel·lícules.

these movies.

Per tant, quan la veurem, Soy Nevenka?

So, when will we see it, I'm Nevenka?

Sí, sí, t'anava a dir això, dos cosetes,

Yes, yes, I was going to tell you this, two little things,

que s'estrenen el 27 de setembre.

which premiere on September 27.

Ah, perfecte, divendres.

Ah, perfect, Friday.

Sí, sí, sí, normalment algunes dones

Yes, yes, yes, usually some women.

t'hi arriben ja ràpidament a la cartellera,

they quickly arrive at the billboard.

per tant, aquest divendres, Soy Nevenka,

therefore, this Friday, I Am Nevenka,

i estarà a molts cinemes, eh?

And it will be at many cinemas, right?

La distribuïdora del film,

The distributor of the film,

vol fer, saps, un estrenar com cal,

do you want to, you know, make a proper debut,

i crec que, com tu molt bé deies fa un moment,

and I think that, as you very well said a moment ago,

és un tema de tots,

it's a universal issue,

i sumereix aquesta reflexió.

And he/she immerses himself/herself in this reflection.

I també et volia dir una altra cosa...

And I also wanted to tell you something else...

Ah, sí, ja acabo.

Ah, yes, I'm finishing up.

El que també, diguéssim,

What also, let's say,

em sopta molt, quan veus la pel·lícula,

It surprises me a lot when you watch the movie,

és el tractament dels mitjans de comunicació

it is the treatment of the media

del cas Atracción, eh?

of the Attraction case, right?

I nosaltres, que som periodistes,

And we, who are journalists,

saps, ens hauríem de pensar una miqueta

You know, we should think a little.

com es va tractar aquell cas.

How was that case handled?

Ja et pots imaginar, també, els programes

You can also imagine the programs.

d'aquests matrimonis de tradició,

of these traditional marriages,

i també,

and also,

la premsa, eh?, també, alguns titulars que heu vist.

The press, huh?, also, some headlines that you have seen.

Doncs, reflexions per a tothom.

Well, reflections for everyone.

Les coses han de progressar, i progressa el tema social,

Things must progress, and the social issue is progressing.

i progressa, també,

and progresses, too,

la percepció,

the perception,

i com s'informa d'aquests temes.

And how are these topics reported?

Tens encara 3 o 4 minuts,

You still have 3 or 4 minutes.

Dida, o has de marxar ja?

Dida, or do you have to leave now?

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

Mentre tingui un marge de 3 minuts

As long as I have a margin of 3 minutes.

per la cua, cap problema.

No problem for the queue.

Doncs, escolta'm, va, anem a Los Destellos.

Well, listen to me, come on, let's go to Los Destellos.

Sí, i què et sembla si escoltem una miqueta...

Yes, and what do you think if we listen a little bit...



I després parlem una mica.

And then we talk a little.

Sí, escoltem el tràiler de la...

Yes, we are listening to the trailer of the...

Ah, el tràiler, val.

Ah, the trailer, alright.

Doncs, anem a veure com sona,

Well, let's see how it sounds,

bé, com es veu i com sona Los Destellos,

well, as you can see and as Los Destellos sounds,

aquest nou, aquesta pel·lícula.

this new, this movie.


Let's go.

Me vas a preguntar cómo está papá.

You are going to ask me how dad is.

¿Cómo está tu padre?

How is your father?

Mamá, está mal.

Mom, it's wrong.

O sea, ¿qué vas a hacer?

So, what are you going to do?

¿Vas a faltar a clase cada vez que tenga una cita médica, o qué?

Are you going to skip class every time you have a doctor's appointment, or what?

Pues, si hace falta, sí.

Well, if necessary, yes.



Que Madalén me ha dicho que venga una vez a la semana,

Madalén has told me to come once a week.

intentará hacerlo, y tan.

He will try to do it, and that's that.

Molt intimista, no?, de la mà d'aquí,

Very intimate, isn't it? With the hand from here,

perquè aquesta directora ens agrada dir de cap on ens porta.

Because we like to say where this director is taking us.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, ens porta a la història de quatre personatges,

Well, it takes us to the story of four characters,

perquè són els que surten al film.

because they are the ones who appear in the film.

La Isabel, que és la mare de la Madalén,

Isabel, who is Madalén's mother,

que té un pare que es diu Ramon i que està malalt,

who has a father named Ramon and who is sick,

però molt malalt, mal determinat.

but very sick, badly determined.



I Iñaki, que és la parella.

I Iñaki, who is the partner.

I és la filla que li demana a la mare si pot donar un cop de mà, no?

And it's the daughter who asks her mother if she can lend a hand, isn't it?

Bueno, ja ho hem sentit, no?,

Well, we've heard it already, haven't we?

es preocupa d'escolta, saps com està el pare,

He worries about listening, do you know how dad is?

o t'interessa com està el pare.

or are you interested in how dad is doing?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Pare, parella separada, eh?

Father, separated couple, eh?

I la mare, la veiem freda, no?,

And the mother, we see her cold, right?

la veiem amb una resposta, saps?,

we see it with an answer, you know?

que ens concentra una mica.

that focuses us a bit.

Entenem que pel passat, no?,

We understand that because of the past, right?

perquè és una relació que ja s'ha trencat,

because it is a relationship that has already broken.

el vincle és amb la filla, però ja no hi ha més, no?

The bond is with the daughter, but there is nothing more, right?

Però com la filla li demana, sisplau,

But as the daughter asks him, please,

si pot portar la casa,

if you can take the house,

del pare, no sé què,

from the father, I don't know what,

o si li pot acompanyar el metge,

or if the doctor can accompany her,

a partir d'aquí s'estableix,

from here it is established,

es torna a renovar aquest, no vincle,

it is renewed again, not link,

perquè el vincle ja està trencat, no?,

because the link is already broken, right?

però aquest acompanyament a la mort,

but this accompaniment to death,

perquè jo crec que la pel·lícula parla d'acompanyar a la mort,

because I believe that the film speaks about accompanying death,

d'estimar-nos, de compartir moments,

of loving each other, of sharing moments,

no de la...

not from the...

És a dir, d'acompanyar la mort,

That is to say, to accompany death,

però també dels últims moments de la vida.

but also of the last moments of life.

És a dir, és una pel·lícula amb llum,

That is to say, it is a movie with light,

no és una pel·lícula, saps?,

it's not a movie, you know?

com trista.

how sad.



Jo crec que la paraula és vida,

I believe that the word is life,

sí, sí, és acompanyar els últims moments de la vida.

Yes, yes, it is about accompanying the last moments of life.

Doncs, escolta'm...

Well, listen to me...

No hi ha pas a la mort.

There is no step to death.

Déu-n'hi-do, quines pel·lícules has pogut veure en primícia,

Wow, what movies have you been able to see in advance?

per això, això és el que tenen els festivals.

That's why this is what festivals have.

Aquesta s'estrena el 4 d'octubre, pot ser?

This premieres on October 4th, can it be?

Sí, s'estrena el 4 d'octubre,

Yes, it premieres on October 4th.

sí, sí, sí, molt bé, molt bé, molt bé.

yes, yes, yes, very good, very good, very good.

La direcció és de Pilar Palomero,

The direction is by Pilar Palomero,

les niñes, la maternal...

the girls, the maternal...

Fantàstica, fantàstica.

Fantastic, fantastic.

La maternal també va passar per aquí, per Sant Sebastià,

The maternal also passed through here, through San Sebastián,

les niñes va ser Goya, la millor pel·lícula i direcció,

The girls was Goya, the best film and direction.

i els protagonistes, Patricia López Arnaiz,

and the protagonists, Patricia López Arnaiz,

Antonio de la Torre,

Antonio de la Torre,

Julián López, que sorprèn molt,

Julián López, who is very surprising,

perquè és un actor que normalment sempre fa comèdia,

because he is an actor who usually always does comedy,

però és el que diem sempre, no encasellem,

but it's what we always say, let's not pigeonhole.

perquè un actor és actor per tot,

because an actor is an actor for everything,

per cantar, per ballar, per fer-nos plorar i fer-nos riure.

to sing, to dance, to make us cry and to make us laugh.

I la Marina Guerola, que és una actriu valenciana,

And Marina Guerola, who is a Valencian actress,

que és la capa de filla, que també estan tots perfectes.

What is the daughter layer, where they are all perfect as well.

A veure, el comentari ahir era que és una que sona per Palmarès.

Let's see, the comment yesterday was that it's one that sounds for Palmarès.

Encara queda festival,

There is still a festival left,

estem a dilluns, ja acaba dissabte,

we are on Monday, it ends Saturday,

però és una pel·lícula preciosa,

but it is a beautiful movie,

molt ben fotografiada per la Daniela Cajías,

very well photographed by Daniela Cajías,

que està basada en un conte,

that is based on a tale,

que es diu Un corazón demasiado grande,

which is called A Heart Too Big,

per si algú el vol llegir, de la Eide Rodríguez,

in case anyone wants to read it, by Eide Rodríguez,

que és una autora basca de renteria,

she is a Basque author from Renteria,

i ja et dic que és una pel·lícula preciosa,

and I tell you that it is a beautiful movie,

molt ben feta,

very well done,

i està rodada a Horta de Sant Joan,

and it is filmed in Horta de Sant Joan,

que els va explicar la directora que el seu avi era d'allà

that the director told them that their grandfather was from there

i que havia passat molt els festius en aquest municipi.

And I had spent many holidays in this municipality.

I per tant té molta relació amb l'Ebre i tot el que comporta.

And therefore it has a lot to do with the Ebro and everything it entails.

De fet, hi ha una cançó,

In fact, there is a song,

que si es pot sonar de fons...

that if it can play in the background...

Ara hi anàvem, ara hi anàvem.

Now we were going there, now we were going there.

És la que té la relació també amb la pel·lícula,

It is the one that also has a relationship with the movie,

perquè és d'un grup d'autors en el seu moment,

because it is from a group of authors at their time,

de finals del 60, que es diu Los Junios,

from the late 60s, which is called Los Junios,

que jo ho sabia, vaig parlar amb la directora i m'ho va explicar.

I knew it, I spoke with the director and she explained it to me.

Són d'emposta, són d'emposta.

They are from Emposta, they are from Emposta.

Jo pensava que aquest pas doble que hem sentit tantes vegades

I thought that this pasodoble we have heard so many times

era potser d'Andalusia.

it was perhaps from Andalusia.

Però sona a la pel·lícula i és un referent nostàlgic,

But it sounds like the movie and is a nostalgic reference,

i d'alguna manera que és un dels temes que sona a la pel·lícula

And somehow it is one of the themes that plays in the movie.

i que fa aquest vincle familiar.

and what this family bond does.

A la pel·lícula de Los Destellos.

In the movie Los Destellos.

Doncs, escolta'm, amb música ens acomiadem.

Well, listen to me, we say goodbye with music.

Ara, on vas? Ràpidament, que no et vull entretenir.

Now, where are you going? Quickly, I don't want to hold you up.

Sí, vaig ràpid. No, no, no, no, no pateixis, no pateixis.

Yes, I'm going fast. No, no, no, no, don't worry, don't worry.

Ja m'he col·locat fantàsticament a prop d'on he d'anar,

I have positioned myself fantastically close to where I need to go,

perquè així no perdo gaire temps.

so I don't waste much time.

Ara vaig a veure, atenció, atenció,

Now I'm going to see, attention, attention,

l'última d'Albert Serra.

the latest by Albert Serra.

Perquè Albert Serra no havia competit mai a San Sebastià,

Because Albert Serra had never competed in San Sebastián,

si a Canes, en moltes seccions de Canes,

if in Cannes, in many sections of Cannes,

i presenta Tardes de Solera, que va del món del toreo.

and presents Tardes de Solera, which is about the world of bullfighting.

A veure, són dues hores i poc més

Let's see, it's just over two hours.

sobre el seguiment d'un torero molt conegut,

about the following of a very well-known bullfighter,

que és l'Andrés Roca Rey.

who is Andrés Roca Rey.

Molt conegut, perquè jo estic bastant perdut en aquest tema del toreo.

Very well known, because I am quite lost on this topic of bullfighting.

A veure què ens explica.

Let's see what it tells us.

I també t'hem vist en aquell Blanchet, que ha fet un Premi d'Honòstia.

And we have also seen you in that Blanchet, who has received a Prize of Honesty.

El Javier Bernet va recollir el seu Premi d'Honòstia,

Javier Bernet received his Honesty Award.

perquè l'any passat va demanar a l'actor

because last year he asked the actor

i no va venir, per deferència, a recollir-lo.

and he did not come, out of deference, to pick it up.

I que el dijous tenim a Pedro Almodóvar també recollint

And on Thursday we have Pedro Almodóvar also collecting.

un Premi d'Honòstia, que serà l'endemà del seu aniversari.

an Honesty Award, which will be the day after his birthday.

I per tant serà un regal.

And therefore it will be a gift.

I tu, en tu salsa, que ens encanta i ens agrada que ens ho expliquis

And you, in your element, we love it and we like that you explain it to us.

i visca el Festival de Sant Sebastià.

Long live the Festival of Sant Sebastià.

I que vagi molt i molt bé.

And may it go very, very well.

Gràcies. Igualment, un abraçada molt forta.

Thank you. Likewise, a very strong hug.

Adéu, bon dia.

Goodbye, good morning.

Ai, que bé, el nostre cronista de capçalera.

Oh, how nice, our head columnist.

El Festival de Sant Sebastià en marxa,

The Sant Sebastià Festival in progress,

pel·lícules de les quals n'hem parlat,

movies we have talked about,

algunes d'elles segur que es veuran al Cinema Catalunya,

some of them will surely be seen at Cinema Catalunya,

al cinema de proximitat de casa,

at the local cinema near home,

i per tant pendents de tot allò que passi a Sant Sebastià.

And therefore, we are waiting for everything that happens in San Sebastián.

11 i 26. Va, una mica de los juniors d'aquest tema musical.

11 and 26. Come on, a little bit of the juniors on this musical theme.

Pausa i tornem per parlar.

Pause and we'll return to talk.

Queda de mutacions.

Mutations remaining.

Tu lindo pelo, tu linda boca,

Your lovely hair, your lovely mouth,

tus lindos ojos recordaré

I will remember your lovely eyes.

porque te llevo dentro del alma desde la noche en que te miré.

because I carry you within my soul since the night I looked at you.

Los claveles y las rosas

The carnations and the roses

se tendrán que marchitar

they will have to wither

cuando pasas tan preciosa

when you pass by so precious

con tu rápido y azar.

with your quick and random.

Te querré toda la vida.

I will love you my whole life.

No te quisiera perder.

I wouldn't want to lose you.

Tú eres la flor perfumada

You are the fragrant flower.

que yo siempre guardaré.

that I will always keep.

¿Te acuerdas la noche aquella

Do you remember that night?

en que tus ojos miré?

In what did I look in your eyes?

La vida que yo poseí.

The life that I possessed.

De vida linda y bonita

Of beautiful and lovely life

que jamás te olvidaré.

that I will never forget you.

Que jamás te olvidaré.

That I will never forget you.

El Submarí, de 10 a 12 del matí.

The Submarine, from 10 to 12 in the morning.

Tens un negoci o empresa

Do you have a business or company?

i t'interessa fer-ne publicitat?

Are you interested in advertising it?

Al Cinema Catalunya t'ho posem molt fàcil.

At Cinema Catalunya, we make it very easy for you.

Contacta amb nosaltres

Contact us

i t'explicarem com projectar el teu anunci

And we will explain how to project your ad.

a la gran pantalla.

on the big screen.

No t'ho pensis més

Don't think about it anymore.

i escriu-nos a

and write to us at



Estigues informat del que passa a la teva ciutat.

Stay informed about what is happening in your city.

Segueix l'actualitat de proximitat

Follow local news.

a terrassadigital.cat

to terrassadigital.cat

al web de Canal Terrassa

on the Canal Terrassa website

i la ràdio municipal.

and the municipal radio.

El 6 d'octubre

October 6th

corre la cursa Fany Cellers,

the Fany Cellers race runs,

la cursa de la ciutat de Terrasa.

the race of the city of Terrassa.

La cursa de la ciutat de Terrasa.

The race of the city of Terrassa.

La cursa de les dones de Terrassa.

The women's race of Terrassa.

A les 11 del matí

At 11 in the morning.

al Parc dels Catalans

to the Park of the Catalans

gaudiràs d'un diumenge familiar

you will enjoy a family Sunday

i ple d'activitat.

and full of activity.

Inscriu-te a mitjaterrassa.org

Sign up at mitjaterrassa.org

ara i prepara't pels 5 quilòmetres

now and get ready for the 5 kilometers

de recorregut corrent o caminant.

of common route or walking.

Cursa Fany Cellers.

Fany Cellers Race.

La cursa de les dones de Terrassa

The women's race of Terrassa

és la teva.

It's yours.

A la ràdio municipal de Terrassa.

At the municipal radio of Terrassa.

No t'ho perdis.

Don't miss it.

Claro que sí, campeón.

Of course, champion.

Bueno, i si t'ho perds, mira, no és el teu problema.

Well, if you miss it, look, it's not your problem.

Ja està, Jordi.

That's it, Jordi.

Estàs escoltant El Submarí.

You are listening to The Submarine.

Dos quarts de dotze del matí.

Eleven thirty in the morning.

Continuem navegant en directe amb El Submarí

We continue sailing live with El Submarí.

i ho fem per parlar del Festival Mutacions

And we do it to talk about the Mutacions Festival.

que arriba aquest cap de setmana,

that is coming this weekend,

tot i que en podem veure algun tastet,

although we can see a little sample of it,

ara ho explicarem aquests dies,

now we will explain it these days,

però en qualsevol cas, 27 i 28 de setembre,

but in any case, September 27 and 28,

a la nostra ciutat, com dèiem,

in our city, as we said,

al Festival Mutacions.

to the Mutacions Festival.

Us hi volem convidar,

We want to invite you.

volem que hi navegueu amb nosaltres també

we want you to sail with us too

i és per això que hem convidat un dels responsables,

And that is why we have invited one of the responsible individuals,

el responsable del Festival Mutacions,

the person in charge of the Mutacions Festival,

en David Martínez, Makuto.

David Martínez, Makuto.

Què tal? Bon dia.

How are you? Good morning.

Bon dia, molt bon dia.

Good morning, very good morning.

Tot a punt, ara ho dèiem fora d'antena, no?

All set, we were just saying that off the air, weren't we?

Hi ha pràcticament quatre serrells, que es diu,

There are practically four threads, as they say,

però ja tot a punt per arrencar aquest cap de setmana.

but everything is ready to kick off this weekend.

Setmana intensa.

Intense week.

De l'última organització, cosetes que surten, això.

From the last organization, little things that come up, that.

Però sí, sí, estem ja a punt, a punt de Mutacions.

But yes, yes, we are already ready, ready for Mutations.

Ai, que bé. Va, anem als orígens.

Oh, how nice. Come on, let's go to the origins.

A l'inici, una mica, expliquem allò de les beceroles.

At the beginning, somewhat, we explain the thing about the foals.

El Festival Mutacions, què és exactament?

The Mutacions Festival, what is it exactly?

El Festival Mutacions és un festival

The Mutacions Festival is a festival.

que no neix com a festival,

that does not arise as a festival,

neix com a una acció, una activitat, diguem.

it is born as an action, an activity, shall we say.

El Festival Mutacions és com una branca

The Mutacions Festival is like a branch.

de les diferents accions que fèiem a Terrassa

of the different actions we carried out in Terrassa

amb la nostra entitat.

with our entity.

Vam decidir un cap de setmana a l'any

We decided on a weekend a year.

fer un esdeveniment més lúdic,

make the event more fun,

més festiu.

more festive.

És a dir, és una entitat que té un recorregut

That is to say, it is an entity that has a history.

durant tot l'any, hi fa activitats culturals,

throughout the year, there are cultural activities held.

relacionades amb la música, amb l'educació,

related to music, with education,

i té recorregut tot l'any.

and it runs all year round.

Per tant, Mutacions,

Therefore, Mutations,

ara tenim el festival, però per situar-ho,

now we have the festival, but to put it in context,

tenim ja l'entitat Mutacions.

We already have the entity Mutacions.

Que neix quan, aquesta entitat?

When does this entity come into being?

L'entitat Mutacions neix en paral·lel una miqueta

The entity Mutacions is born in parallel a little bit.

amb la discogràfica Arquetip, que també té base a Terrassa,

with the record label Arquetip, which is also based in Terrassa,

i neixen

they are born

més o menys el 2018,

more or less in 2018,

una mica abans del Covid.

a little before Covid.

I el primer Mutacions el vam tenir

And we had the first Mutations.

justament a l'any del Covid,

just in the year of Covid,

el 2000, que va ser un inici

the year 2000, which was a beginning

una mica, com tothom,

a little, like everyone else,

que va ser un inici una mica o dur o estrany.

that was a somewhat hard or strange beginning.

Sí, sí, exacte, aquell 2020 que tots recordem.

Yes, yes, exactly, that 2020 that we all remember.

Però, bueno, vam aconseguir

But, well, we managed.

seguir endavant, seguir fent activitats,

keep moving forward, keep doing activities,

i quan es van començar a normalitzar

And when did they start to normalize?

les activitats lúdiques, doncs hem pogut

the recreational activities, so we have been able to

anar creixent, creixent fins a aquest any,

growing, growing until this year,

que és el Mutacions més gran que haurem vist fins ara.

what is the biggest Mutations we have seen so far.

Ara hi entrarem, perquè Déu-n'hi-do

Now we will go in, because wow.

també quin cartell, ara ho explicarem tot,

also what a poster, now we will explain everything,

però acabo amb l'entitat,

but I end with the entity,

l'Associació Mutacions. Per què neix?

The Mutations Association. Why was it created?

Una mica quin és a l'ADN

A bit what is in the DNA.

el viatge que feu des de

the trip you made from

l'entitat Mutacions?

The entity Mutations?

El nostre viatge a Terrassa és molt llarg.

Our journey to Terrassa is very long.

Nosaltres iniciem la nostra activitat

We start our activity.

o, bueno, activitats més o menys

oh, well, activities more or less

el 2004, quan hi havia

in 2004, when there was

el festival Calidoscopi, que es feia

the Calidoscopi festival, which was held

a la Bauman. Nosaltres treballàvem

in the Bauman way. We were working

el de la mà amb la Bauman

the one with Bauman

i érem els responsables

and we were the ones responsible

d'una miqueta de tota la part

of a little bit of the whole part

lúdica, relacionada amb l'electrònica,

playful, related to electronics,

etcètera, que es feia dins del Calidoscopi.

etcetera, which took place inside the Kaleidoscope.

Ara hem fet un ritme,

Now we have made a rhythm,

els que tenim una edat ja, és veritat.

Those of us who are of a certain age, it's true.

Doncs a partir d'aquí ja vam començar,

Well, from here we started.

nosaltres vam seguir treballant sobretot amb la música

we continued working mainly with music

discogràfica i, ja et dic, sobre el 2016

record label and, as I said, around 2016

o el 2017, vam agafar un espai

In 2017, we took a space.

que era l'espai que ara ocupa el Corralito.

which was the space that is now occupied by the Corralito.

Sí. Vale? Nosaltres teníem allà

Yes. Okay? We had there.

l'espai La Lloberna.

the space La Lloberna.

L'espai era de la nostra entitat

The space belonged to our entity.

que vam haver de

that we had to

parar les activitats una miqueta degut al Covid.

pause activities a little due to Covid.

Clar. I, bueno,

Sure. And, well,

quan va tornar a arrencar tot, ens va agafar força

when it all started again, it gave us strength

el Mutacions i aquí vam ajuntar

the Mutations and here we came together

moltes activitats que fèiem, la música,

many activities we used to do, the music,

la discogràfica, i vam dir, bueno,

the record label, and we said, well,

posem-li una mica de cara

let's put a little face on it

de nom fort en això i

strongly named in this and

plantegem un cap de setmana fort anualment,

we propose a strong annual weekend,

que serà a finals de setembre,

which will be at the end of September,

normalment sempre ho fem,

we normally always do it,

on farem el Festival Mutacions, per fer

We will hold the Mutacions Festival, to do

una acció gran i lúdica

a great and playful action

a Terrassa.

to Terrassa.

L'objectiu, ara tornarem,

The goal, now we will return,

repeteixo, en el festival, però l'objectiu

I repeat, at the festival, but the goal

una mica, no?,

a little bit, right?

el motiu de ser de Mutacions és

the reason for being of Mutacions is

avarçar la música, l'actualitat,

advance the music, the news,

tecnologia, per tant hi ha una mica de tot, no?,

technology, so there's a bit of everything, right?

de Mutacions? Hi ha una mica de tot.

About Mutations? There's a bit of everything.

El que nosaltres ens basem molt és

What we base ourselves on a lot is

intentar exportar

try to export

una mica tot el que són

a little bit of everything they are

tant els artistes de Terrassa

both the artists from Terrassa

com el que és la nostra ciutat.

like what our city is.

Això ho veurem, per exemple,

We'll see this, for example.

ho veiem amb la programació del Mutacions

we see it with the programming of Mutacions

o ho veiem, per exemple,

or we see it, for example,

en tots els llançaments que ha fet l'Arquetip,

in all the launches that the Arquetip has made,

en el qual sempre hi ha

in which there is always

vinculada gent de la ciutat,

linked to the people of the city,

A BN Terrassenc,

A BN Terrassenc,

i sempre intentem que espais de Terrassa

And we always try that spaces in Terrassa



com pot ser Vallparadís,

how can Vallparadís be,

com pot ser el Llac Petit, etcètera,

how the Little Lake can be, etcetera,

surtin una mica al món,

get out a bit into the world,

i projectar una mica

and project a little

la ciutat, no només els artistes.

the city, not just the artists.

Ara sí, anem a aquest

Now yes, let's go to this one.

cap de setmana, dic cap de setmana perquè els divendres

weekend, I say weekend because on Fridays

ja comença, eh?, el cap de setmana

It’s starting, right?, the weekend.

27 i 28 de setembre,

September 27 and 28,

Mutacions, aquest festival,

Mutations, this festival,

d'entrada, com el presentem, aquesta edició?

To begin with, how do we present this edition?

Tu deies un dels més potents, no?,

You said one of the most powerful, right?

que hem fet mai, però què en diries

what we have never done, but what would you say?

d'enguany? És l'edició

of this year? It's the edition

més gran que hem fet, però nosaltres, normalment,

greater than we've done, but we, normally,

sempre basàvem molt les mutacions,

we always based a lot on mutations,

estàvem molt relacionats amb la música electrònica

we were very involved with electronic music

o la música urbana, i aquest any

or urban music, and this year

vam voler fer un pas més, perquè sí que

we wanted to take a step further, because yes

és veritat que l'equip de mutacions no només es dedica

It is true that the mutations team not only focuses on

a l'electrònica i a la música urbana,

to electronic music and urban music,

també estem molt implicats amb el rock'n'roll,

we are also very involved with rock'n'roll,

altres estils més acústics, etcètera,

other more acoustic styles, etc.

i volíem fer dos dies,

and we wanted to do two days,

per tant, aquest any vam decidir

therefore, this year we decided

fer un divendres molt enfocat a banda,

to have a very focused Friday on the side,

rock'n'roll, música més acústica,

rock'n'roll, more acoustic music,

i el dissabte,

and on Saturday,

a la nit, aquestes són les dues nits,

at night, these are the two nights,

l'enfoquem igualment a l'electrònica,

we approach it similarly in electronics,

i a la música urbana,

and in urban music,

i després, durant tot el dissabte,

And then, throughout the whole Saturday,

tenim una jornada lúdica i familiar

we have a fun and family day

a l'Espai Vela de Vallparadís.

at the Vela Space of Vallparadís.

Per tant, ara anava a dir, obert també

Therefore, now I was going to say, open as well.

tota la família, hi ha aquest cartell musical

the whole family, there is this musical poster

que ara hi entrarem, que us anem fent una pinzellada,

that we will enter now, that we are giving you a brief overview,

però com tu molt bé deies, també està previst

but as you very well said, it is also planned

que el Festival Mutacions sigui

may the Mutacions Festival be

un festival obert a la família, no?

a family-friendly festival, isn't it?

Per tant, el punt de trobada

Therefore, the meeting point

és aquest Espai Vela del Parc de Vallparadís

this is the Vela Space of Vallparadís Park

tot el dissabte.

all Saturday.

Tot el dissabte nosaltres farem el que ja venim fent fins ara,

All Saturday we will do what we have already been doing until now,

que és fer una jornada oberta

what is holding an open day

en la qual plantegem una cabina oberta

in which we propose an open cabin

i un micro obert, que això ja ho veníem fent

and an open mic, because we were already doing that

a les edicions anteriors en un format molt més petit,

to the previous editions in a much smaller format,

en la qual nosaltres

in which we

plantegem una cabina oberta

let's set up an open booth

en la qual la gent que vingui pot venir amb vinils

in which people who come can bring vinyls

a posar els seus vinils, és a dir,

to play their vinyl records, that is,

no ho obliguem,

we don't force it,

però la cabina que muntem

but the cabin that we assemble

és per posar vinils.

It is for putting vinyls.

Vinils, eh? Vinils, exacte.

Vinyls, huh? Vinyls, exactly.

Ben tornats. Ben tornats.

Welcome back. Welcome back.

I això ho farem de les 11 del dematí

And we will do this at 11 in the morning.

a les 3 del migdia a l'Espai Vela.

at 3 in the afternoon at Espai Vela.

D'acord? És una jornada familiar,

Okay? It's a family day,

hi haurà foodtrucks, hi haurà música,

there will be food trucks, there will be music,

la gent podrà venir, hi haurà un micro obert,

people will be able to come, there will be an open mic,

per tant, la gent que vulgui venir,

therefore, people who want to come,

que aquí a Terrassa hi ha molt

that here in Terrassa there is a lot

col·lectiu urbà de rapejar, de freestyle, etcètera,

urban collective of rapping, of freestyle, etcetera,

podrà venir

he/she will be able to come

i fer

and do

el seu show

his show

fins a les 3

until 3 o'clock

i després, des de les 5 fins a les 9,

and then, from 5 to 9,

tenim una classificatòria de Catalunya Freestyle,

we have a qualifying event for Catalonia Freestyle,

que aquest any

that this year

ha estat molt fort, que ells van guanyar

It has been very strong, that they won.

el Premi Carulla,

the Carulla Award,

han fet moltes classificatòries

they have made many qualifiers

aquest any, de fet, aquest cap de setmana passat

this year, in fact, this past weekend

van estar a la Mercè i els hi va anar molt bé,

they were at Mercè and it went very well for them,

molta gent, i ens estan informant

a lot of people, and they are informing us

aquesta setmana que hi ha molta gent que vol venir

this week there are many people who want to come

aquí a Terrassa, que s'inscriurà molta gent

here in Terrassa, a lot of people will sign up

i convidem a tothom a venir

And we invite everyone to come.

sobretot al dematí a participar i després a la tarda

especially in the morning to participate and then in the afternoon

a veure la classificatòria de freestyle a Catalunya,

let's see the freestyle standings in Catalonia,

que estarà molt bé. Aquells que potser diguin

that will be very good. Those who may say

i ara que m'estan dient què és això

And now they are telling me what this is.

del freestyle, Catalunya Freestyle,

of freestyle, Catalonia Freestyle,

què és exactament? Catalunya Freestyle,

what exactly is it? Catalunya Freestyle,

bueno, és una...

well, it's a...

T'ho explicaria millor ells, però et puc fer...

I could explain it to you better, but I can...

Una pinza allà, una pinza...

A clip there, a clip...

Exacte, la versió.

Exactly, the version.

És un conjunt de col·lectius que es van ajuntar

It is a group of collectives that came together.

a Barcelona, a diferents llocs de Catalunya,

in Barcelona, in different places in Catalonia,

que van veure que hi havia molta escola

they saw that there were a lot of schools

de gent que feia freestyle,

of people who were doing freestyle,

que rapejava en català. I tant, aquí n'hem tingut uns quants, eh?

who rapped in Catalan. Sure, we've had quite a few here, huh?

De fet, a Terrassa hi ha molta gent.

In fact, there are a lot of people in Terrassa.

Van decidir, doncs, fer això,

They decided, then, to do this,

l'estep cap endavant, crear una marca

the step forward, create a brand

forta, es van presentar al Carulla,

strong, they showed up at Carulla,

els hi està anant molt bé, i ara estan fent

they are doing very well, and now they are doing

diferents classificatòries per Catalunya,

different classifications for Catalonia,

en el qual es va classificant gent,

in which people were being classified,

i després fan una fase final.

And then they have a final phase.

Per tant, no obriran.

Therefore, they will not open.

El que veurem, això, no?, rapatge o hip-hop,

What we will see, this, right? Rapping or hip-hop,

aquesta improvisació que és un art,

this improvisation that is an art,

el veurem dalt de l'escenari de l'Espai Vela.

We will see him on stage at the Espai Vela.

Exacte, vindrà gent de tot Catalunya,

Exactly, people from all over Catalonia will come.

a més a més ells fan classificatòria, donen premis,

furthermore they hold qualifying rounds, give prizes,

i tenen com una lliga,

and they have like a league,

diguem-ne, d'una manera, en el qual et classifiques,

let's say, in a way, in which you classify yourself,

i vas a la fase final

And you're going to the final phase.

de Catalunya Freestyle.

of Catalonia Freestyle.

Per tant, això ho tindrem, com dèiem,

Therefore, we will have this, as we said,

a l'Espai Vela el dissabte,

at the Vela Space on Saturday,

però anem ara sí al cartell musical,

but now let's go to the music poster,

divendres ja comenceu,

Friday you already start,

a la Nova Jascaba a les 9, amb dos noms propis,

at the New Jascaba at 9, with two proper names,

que no estan gens malament.

that are not bad at all.

Sí que tant, divendres 27,

Yes, indeed, Friday the 27th.

volíem enfocar-nos més en el rock'n'roll,

we wanted to focus more on rock'n'roll,

música acústica,

acoustic music,

sempre posem artistes de Terrassa

we always feature artists from Terrassa

i un artista de fora.

and an artist from outside.

L'artista de Terrassa és Guineu,

The artist from Terrassa is Guineu.

com tots coneixem,

as we all know,

i finalment vam lluitar molt,

and finally we fought hard,

vam lluitar molt,

we fought a lot,

hem aconseguit portar Estanestil,

we have managed to bring Estanestil,

que és un grup que

that is a group that

li ha donat molt a la música catalana,

he has contributed a lot to Catalan music,

a la música en general

to music in general

d'aquí del nostre país,

from here in our country,



ara s'han tornat a ajuntar

now they have come together again

per fer una gira de festivals i de sales,

to go on a tour of festivals and venues,

i vam creure que era el moment ideal

and we believed it was the ideal moment

per portar aquesta banda

to bring this band

en una sala estupenda

in a wonderful room

que és la Nova Jascaba,

what is the New Jascaba,

una sala que els podràs veure molt de prop,

a room where you can see them up close,

de fet,

in fact,

ara Estanestil fa una gira per sales,

Now Estanestil is going on a tour for venues,

només fa una data a Catalunya,

there is only one date in Catalonia,

fins ara,

until now,

que és la que fan a la Polo al novembre,

which is the one they do at Polo in November,

la qual està soldada,

which is welded,

per tant,


qualsevol persona de Catalunya

any person from Catalonia

que vulgui veure els Estanestil,

who wants to see the Estanestil,

l'opció que té és venir divendres a la Jascaba

The option you have is to come to Jascaba on Friday.

i veure'ls a un pam de la cara.

and see them a hand's breadth from my face.









és top aquest duet,

this duet is great,

cadascú amb el seu,

each one with their own,

però vull dir que realment la Nova Jascaba

but I mean that really the New Jascaba

serà l'epicentre d'aquests dos noms

it will be the epicenter of these two names

que són meravellosos.

they are wonderful.


We said,

tot dissabte,

every Saturday,

Espai Vela,

Sailing Space,

tota la família,

the whole family,

també food trucks,

also food trucks,

per tant,


ens hi passegem,

we stroll there,

però tornem a la Nova Jascaba al vespre

but let's return to the New Jascaba in the evening

amb un cap de cartell

with a headliner

que Déu-n'hi-do.

Well, I'll be!

Déu-n'hi-do, exacte.

Wow, exactly.

Preguem a l'Espai Vela a les 9

We pray at Espai Vela at 9.

i a les 9 i mitja

and at half past nine

ja comencem a la Nova Jascaba.

We are already starting at the New Jascaba.

I, com sempre,

I, as always,

amb la mateixa filosofia.

with the same philosophy.

Tot artistes de Terrassa

All artists from Terrassa

excepte un artista internacional

except for an international artist

que sempre ens agrada portar.

that we always like to wear.

Aquest cop és James Raskin,

This time it’s James Raskin,

que ve des d'Anglaterra.

that comes from England.

I tant.

I certainly do.

Un dijockey productor

A producer DJ

amb molta història,

with a lot of history,

amb una discogràfica molt potent

with a very powerful record label

que fa molts anys que està dins del sector

that has been in the sector for many years

i que ens encantarà veure la Terrassa

and we will love to see the Terrassa

per primera vegada.

for the first time.

Per tant,



let's say,

exclusiva potser no,

perhaps not exclusive,

però gairebé, no?

but almost, right?

Exclusiva no,

No exclusive,

perquè sí que és veritat

because it is true

que és veritat.

that it is true.

Que és veritat que ell de Barcelona

It is true that he is from Barcelona.

és molt, però costa molt,

it's a lot, but it costs a lot,

de fet, costa molt portar artistes internacionals

In fact, it is very difficult to bring international artists.

a una ciutat com Terrassa,

to a city like Terrassa,

que de fet Terrassa

which in fact is Terrassa

és la tercera ciutat més gran de Catalunya.

It is the third largest city in Catalonia.



costa molt

it costs a lot

portar artistes internacionals de Terrassa.

to bring international artists from Terrassa.

No sé si és perquè no tenim l'Europor a prop

I don't know if it's because we don't have Europor nearby.

o perquè les grans ciutats com Barcelona,

or because large cities like Barcelona,

Madrid, s'ho mengen tot.

Madrid, they eat everything.

Jo diria que més aviat

I would say rather more.

deu anar per aquí, no?

It must be around here, right?

Deu anar per aquí,

He must be around here.

però hem de lluitar amb això.

but we have to fight with this.

Mutacions és un festival,

Mutations is a festival,

així com d'altres festivals,

as with other festivals,

que hem de lluitar perquè aquests artistes internacionals

that we must fight for these international artists

arribin no només a les grans ciutats,

reach not only the big cities,

o sigui,

that is,

arribin una mica terra endins.

they arrive a bit inland.

Bé, i que siguin també escenaris, no?

Well, and let them also be stages, right?

Que Terrassa sigui un escenari també

Let Terrassa be a stage too.

per aquest estil de música,

for this style of music,

per aquest tipus de producte,

for this type of product,

i que sigui referent.

and that it be a reference.

Vull dir que,

I mean that,

evidentment, la nova jazz cava ho és,

evidently, the new jazz cava is.

en l'àmbit del jazz,

in the field of jazz,

però ara també toca que Mutacions

but now it is also time for Mutations

doncs tingui allò,

then have that,

el seu món propi i la seva agora.

his own world and his agora.

Per tant, James Ruskin,

Therefore, James Ruskin,

però això és un dels quatre noves.

but this is one of the four new ones.

Dos quatre.

Two four.



Després tenim Lars Vector,

Next we have Lars Vector,

que és de Terrassa.

that is from Terrassa.



un dels millors productors d'electro del món.

one of the best electro producers in the world.

I és de la nostra ciutat.

And he is from our city.

I vindrà a presentar...

I will come to present...

Ara l'Ivan va començar a fer directes,

Now Ivan has started doing live streams,

a editar música sense parar.

to edit music non-stop.

Va començar a fer directes potser fa un any i mig, dos anys,

He started doing live streams maybe a year and a half, two years ago.

i ho està fent molt bé,

and he/she is doing very well,

li està anant molt bé,

it's going very well for him/her,

està actuant per tot Espanya,

is acting throughout Spain,

inclús per fora d'Espanya,

even outside of Spain,

i vam parlar amb ell i vam dir

and we talked to him and said

has de venir a la jazz cava

You have to come to the jazz cave.

a presentar el teu espectacle,

to present your show,

els teus discos...

your records...

Pot ser molt interessant.

It can be very interesting.

I ens fa molta il·lusió

And it makes us very excited.

que vingui l'Ivan a la nova jazz cava.

Come Ivan to the new jazz cave.

I per acabar tenim, com dèiem,

And to finish, we have, as we said,

el James Ruskin,

James Ruskin,

Dark Vector,

Dark Vector,

i ens en queden dos que també són molt coneguts

And we have two left that are also very well known.

i en aquest programa també.

and in this program too.

Tenim l'Aleuza Alvit,

We have Aleuza Alvit,

també d'aquí Terrassa,

also from here Terrassa,

que vindran presentant singles que està sortint.

that will be presenting singles that are being released.

També moltes sorpreses que els vindran més endavant,

Also many surprises that will come to them later on,

que diu no vull desvelar,

what I say, I do not want to reveal,

que ho desvelaran ells a l'escenari.

they will reveal it on stage.

Ja ho faran dissabte.

They will do it on Saturday.

I us animem molt a escoltar l'Aleuza Alvit,

We strongly encourage you to listen to Aleuza Alvit.

la veritat,

the truth,

és una banda molt xula d'aquí Terrassa

It's a really cool band from here, Terrassa.

i molt bona,

and very good,

i molt bona.

and very good.

I per començar tindrem

And to begin with we will have

una banda molt bona,

a very good band,

i per començar tindrem a...

And to begin with, we will have...

a replegats,

have been gathered,

que ens encanta portar replegats,

that we love to carry folded,

perquè una mica

because a little

la llavor de tot el que és Catalunya Freestyle,

the seed of everything that is Catalunya Freestyle,

entre d'altres coses,

among other things,

són col·lectius com replegats.

they are groups like collected.



De fet,

In fact,

de fet,

in fact,

molta base de Catalunya Freestyle

a lot of base of Catalunya Freestyle

són gent de replegats,

they are people of the replegats,

com el Marcos,

like Marcos,





l'Albert no és de Terrassa,

Albert is not from Terrassa.

però el Marcos sí,

but Marcos does.

i els vam comentar,

and we told them,



de fet,

in fact,

ells ens van fer el pont cap a Catalunya Freestyle

They made us the bridge to Catalonia Freestyle.

i vam dir,

and we said,

heu de tenir un espai,

you must have a space,

l'Aleuza Escava,

the Aleuza Escava,

a venir a presentar el vostre projecte,

to come and present your project,

que vingui el vostre col·lectiu

let your collective come

i ensenyar una miqueta a tothom

and teach a little to everyone

i ens ajudaran una mica

and they will help us a bit

a començar la nit,

to start the night,

que suposo que vindran una mica de cul,

I suppose they will come a bit late.

perquè ells,

because they,

de fet,

in fact,

acabaran a les 9,

they will end at 9,

a Vallparadís,

in Vallparadís,

i hauran de venir corrents

and they will have to come running

a presentar replegats.

to present gathered.

A Vallparadís,

In Vallparadís,

a l'Aleja Escava,

to Aleja Escava,



hi ha una estona,

there is a moment,

però mira que vagin replegant

but look that they are gathering

i ràpid,

and fast,



Per tant,


Déu-n'hi-do quin dissabte al vespre,

What a Saturday evening!

a partir de quarts de 10,

starting from quarter past 10,



Araus del Vit,

Now of the Vit,

Dark Vector

Dark Vector

i en James Ruskin.

and James Ruskin.

Això és el cartell,

This is the poster,

els concerts,

the concerts,

també dèiem la jornada festival dissabte,

we also called the festival day Saturday,

però també teniu exposicions

but you also have exhibitions

en aquest Mutacions.

in this Mutations.



Nosaltres aquest any,

This year, we



no és la primera exposició immersiva que fem.

It is not the first immersive exhibition we have done.

Mutacions es dedica també

Mutations is also dedicated to

a fer instal·lacions immersives

to make immersive installations

una mica dedicades

a little dedicated

a la recuperació del patrimoni.

to the recovery of heritage.

De moment ens hem centrat

For now, we have focused.

en aquesta temàtica.

on this topic.

En vam fer una

We made one.

al Museu de la Ciència,

at the Museum of Science,

dedicada als sons de la nostra indústria,

dedicated to the sounds of our industry,

recuperar una miqueta

recover a little bit

a través d'una base de dades de sons

through a database of sounds

que es va gravar

that was recorded

a diferents museus de la ciència

to different science museums

i vam fer una peça immersiva.

and we made an immersive piece.

Vam estar també muntant

We were also assembling.

a la sala Montconill

to the Montconill room

i ara el que fem

And now what do we do?

al Museu del Tèxtil

at the Textile Museum

està dins de la Vianal

it is within the Vianal

del Manifesta 15

from Manifesta 15

i hem muntat una instal·lació immersiva

and we have set up an immersive installation

amb 18 altaveus i 3 pantalles

with 18 speakers and 3 screens

en la qual treballem una miqueta

in which we work a little bit

i mostrem una miqueta

and show a little bit

l'entorn de Terrassa,

the surroundings of Terrassa,

el parc natural,

the natural park,

la mola,

the mill,

des d'una perspectiva

from a perspective

en tres dimensions.

in three dimensions.

Això ho podeu veure

You can see this.

al Museu del Tèxtil

to the Textile Museum

en horari de museu

during museum hours

des del 17 de setembre

since September 17

fins al dia 29.

until the 29th.

És a dir,

That is to say,

la gent de fora

the people from outside

que no és a la sala

that is not in the room

i que vingui a Terrassa

and come to Terrassa

al Mutacions

to Mutations

pot aprofitar

can take advantage

per anar al Museu Tèxtil

to go to the Textile Museum

i gaudir també del museu

and also enjoy the museum

i de la proposta,

and from the proposal,





Doncs ja la tenim aquí

Well, here it is.

o ja el tenim aquí,

oh, we already have it here,

aquest festival,

this festival,



a partir de divendres,

starting from Friday,

Museu Tèxtil

Textile Museum

que ja està obert,

that is already open,

aquesta setmana

this week

ja podeu escalfar motors

you can start revving your engines now

i anar-hi,

and go there,

però en qualsevol cas,

but in any case,




Goodness gracious,

és un festival

it's a festival

com Déu mana,

as God commands,

intens i potent

intense and powerful

i per posar,

and to put,

com dèiem,

as we said,

no només Terrassa

not only Terrassa

però sinó la música

but if not the music



dalt de l'escenari

on stage

que també hi ha

that there is also

espai a la ciutat

space in the city

per això, no?

that's why, isn’t it?



Doncs escolta'm,

Well, listen to me,

27 i 28.

27 and 28.

Esteu tots més que convidats.

You are all more than invited.

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

per tenir-nos aquí.

for having us here.

A la web

On the web



hi trobareu

you will find

tota la informació.

all the information.

Fem una pausa

Let's take a break.



tres quarts de dotze

a quarter to twelve

i tornem per tancar

"And we return to close."

el programa

the program

amb el diari de bord

with the logbook

i la pregunta

and the question

de com ha de ser

of how it should be

un esmorzar saludable.

a healthy breakfast.

Fins ara.

Until now.

El Submarí

The Submarine

de 10 a 12 del matí.

from 10 to 12 in the morning.

Si ets un apassionat

If you are passionate

de l'esport

of sport

i desitges estar al corrent

and you want to stay updated

de tota la informació local

of all the local information

sintonitza amb nosaltres

tune in with us

tots els dies

every day

de dilluns a divendres

from Monday to Friday

a les 7 de la tarda

at 7 in the evening

a la Ràdio Municipal

to the Municipal Radio

de Terrassa.

from Terrassa.

També pots veure'ns

You can also see us.

a Canal Terrassa

to Canal Terrassa

a dos quarts de nou

at a quarter to nine

o escoltar-nos

or listen to us

a l'Spotify

on Spotify

on podràs trobar

where you will find

el programa diàriament.

the daily program.

Així que no importa

So it doesn't matter.

si estàs a casa

if you are at home

a la feina

to work

o en moviment

or in motion

Àrea de Joc

Play Area

està disponible

is available

en múltiples plataformes

on multiple platforms

per mantenir-te informat

to keep you informed

i entretingut

and entertaining

amb tota la informació

with all the information

esportiva local.

local sports.

Àrea de Joc

Play Area

Ara pots omplir

Now you can fill.

casa teva

your home

amb tota la roba

with all the clothes

que necessites.

What do you need?

Tot roba

All clothing

teixits per a la llar

fabrics for the home

i trobaràs de tot

and you will find everything







jocs de llit

bedding games

jocs de taula

board games





raps de cuina

cooking raps





A més, per cada compra

In addition, for every purchase

que facis

that you do

et regalem una participació

we gift you a share

de la Loteria Nacional.

from the National Lottery.

Pots guanyar fins a 10.000 euros

You can win up to 10,000 euros.

i pots pagar les compres

and you can pay for the groceries

amb targeta de crèdit.

with credit card.

Vine a Tot Roba

Come to Tot Roba.

i ho comprovaràs.

and you will verify it.

Estem al carrer Galileu 212

We are at Galileu Street 212.

al costat del Parc de Sant Jordi,

next to the Park of Sant Jordi,



Fonerària és l'empresa municipal

Fonerària is the municipal company.

de serveis funeraris de Terrassa.

funeral services of Terrassa.

Som la teva,

We are yours,

la de sempre,

the usual,

la del complex funerari.

the funerary complex.

L'única que t'ofereix

The only one that offers you

tots els serveis funeraris

all funeral services

reunits en un reciclat.

reunited in a recycling.

Un complex funerari

A funerary complex

municipal de Terrassa.

Terrassa municipal.

A la carretera de Montcada,

On the road to Montcada,




Funeral home.

T'ho posem fàcil.

We make it easy for you.

T'ho donem tot.

We give you everything.



Una experiència radiofònica

A radio experience

a Sabadell.

to Sabadell.

Ràdio Sabadell, 94.6.

Ràdio Sabadell, 94.6.



Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa, 95.2.

Municipal Radio of Terrassa, 95.2.

Sant Cugat.

Sant Cugat.

Ràdio Sant Cugat, 91.2.

Radio Sant Cugat, 91.2.

El Prat.

The Prat.

El Prat Ràdio, 91.6.

El Prat Radio, 91.6.



Ràdio Castellà, 90.1.

Radio Castellà, 90.1.

I Badalona.

In Badalona.

Ràdio Ciutat de Badalona, 94.4.

Radio City of Badalona, 94.4.

Cada tarda de 4 a 6, connectats.

Every afternoon from 4 to 6, connected.

Estàs escoltant El Submarí.

You are listening to The Submarine.

Diari de bo.

Diary of good.

Doncs ja tenim aquí el diari de bord.

Well, we have the logbook here.

Ja la tenim aquí, Elena Jara.

Here she is, Elena Jara.

Bon dia de nou.

Good morning again.

I avui al diari de bord comencem la setmana

And today in the logbook we start the week.

preguntant, ara ho estructuraràs tot plegat,

asking, now you will structure it all together,

com ha de ser un bon esmorzar.

what a good breakfast should be like.



Vaja, perquè sigui saludable.

Wow, to be healthy.

A veure, deixem-ho clar.

Let's clarify this.

Jo no soc aquí nutricionista ni experta.

I am not a nutritionist or an expert here.

Però una mica d'allò de dir, escolta,

But a little bit of that saying, listen,

amb el que hem trobat, perquè les xarxes també són un imperi

with what we have found, because networks are also an empire

i allà hi anem, però vaja,

And there we go, but well,

jo crec que a hores d'ara tots sabem una mica

I believe that by now we all know a little.

que és un esmorzar saludable, però volíem jugar

what is a healthy breakfast, but we wanted to play

també amb això, perquè divendres ja vam penjar

also with this, because we already posted on Friday

a les xarxes la pregunta i ara

on social media, the question is now

veurem una mica com anà l'enquesta,

we will see a little how the survey went,

què esmorzem aquí, Menda i l'Erenda,

What are we having for breakfast here, Menda and Erenda,

i com ha de ser un esmorzar saludable.

And what should a healthy breakfast be like?


Let's begin.

Doncs comencem. Com sabeu, divendres passat

So let's get started. As you know, last Friday

vam fer una enquesta on les opcions

we conducted a survey where the options

eren tres i eren les següents.

there were three and they were the following.

Primer opció, si esmorzes làctics, cereals i frita,

First option, if you have dairy, cereals, and fruit for breakfast,

les vam ficar en el mateix sac.

We put them all in the same bag.

Sí, a veure, evidentment aquesta podria ser

Yes, let's see, obviously this could be.

molt extensible, però anàvem una mica

very extensible, but we were going a bit

per aquí, vam obviar altres coses,

around here, we overlooked other things,

però anàvem per aquí.

but we were going this way.

Després, entrepans.

Afterwards, sandwiches.

I l'última, croissants i magdalenes,

And the last one, croissants and muffins,

és a dir, doncs...

that is to say, then...

Una mica també de bulleria, que esperem

A bit of pastry too, which we hope.

que no vam posar industrial, vam creure...

that we did not put industrial, we believed...

O sigui, estem segures

So, we are sure.

que mengeu bulleria de pastisseria

that you eat pastry shop delicacies

i de forn, eh? Sobretot.

And from the oven, huh? Especially.

Sí. Per tant,

Yes. Therefore,

tres opcions. Anem al resultat.

three options. Let's go to the result.

Anem al resultat.

Let's get to the result.

Hem de dir que hi han participat 110 persones.

We have to say that 110 people have participated.

Per tant, us agraïm a tots i totes.

Therefore, we thank each and every one of you.

No, no, no, Mariona. Han participat 30.

No, no, no, Mariona. Thirty have participated.

Ah, 30. Ai, perdona.

Ah, 30. Oh, sorry.

110 són les persones que van veure l'enquesta.

110 are the people who saw the survey.



O sigui, aquí jo vinc

So, here I come.

a renyir les persones, perquè de 110,

to scold people, because of 110,

només 30. Tu renyes malament.

Only 30. You scold poorly.

Jo agraeixo les 30 persones que hi heu

I thank the 30 people who are there.

participat i tu renyes

you participate and you scold.

a la resta, que serien 70,

to the rest, which would be 70,

80, 80 que heu virat

80, 80 that you have turned.

i no heu participat. Sí. És molt lleig

And you have not participated. Yes. It's very ugly.

mirar i no trobar el botó. És molt lleig.

to look and not find the button. It is very ugly.

Era només donar-li un botó, eh? Sí. Perquè

It was just pressing a button, right? Yes. Because

estava entre posar l'opció d'escriure... I ho sabem tots.

I was between putting the option to write... And we all know it.

Clar, clar. Hi havia una opció d'escriure,

Sure, sure. There was an option to write,

i vam pensar, millor donar-li,

and we thought, better to give it to him/her,

perquè és molt més fàcil, llavors la gent participarà.

because it is much easier, then people will participate.

Doncs no. Hem de fer ple. Malament no.

Well no. We have to do it fully. Not bad.

Tantos han visto, tantos han respondido.

So many have seen, so many have responded.

Sí. En qualsevol cas,

Yes. In any case,

aquestes 30 persones que han respost,

these 30 people who have responded,



per ser més exactes,

to be more precise,

què han dit?

What have they said?

Doncs el 48%, que és el guanyador,

Well, the 48%, which is the winner,

ha votat làctics, cereals i fruita.

He has voted for dairy products, cereals, and fruit.

Bueno. Bueno.

Good. Good.

No, no, escolta'm.

No, no, listen to me.

Aquí no estem molt... Per tant,

We are not here for long... Therefore,

l'opció guanyadora és làctics, cereals i fruita.

The winning option is dairy, cereals, and fruit.

Pot ser que la gent sigui làctics amb cereals,

It may be that people are dairy with cereals,

però clar, és veritat.

but of course, it's true.

Entrepans? El 45% ha votat.

Sandwiches? 45% have voted.

Home, queda bastant 50-50, eh?

At home, it’s quite a 50-50, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I els croissants i magdalenes només el 6%?

And the croissants and muffins only 6%?

Un 6%. Mira, no m'ho crec.

A 6%. Look, I don't believe it.

Jo tampoc m'ho crec. Perquè el croissant,

I don't believe it either. Because the croissant,

cae segur.

it falls for sure.

Sí, cae segur. Un cop a la setmana o més.

Yes, it happens for sure. Once a week or more.

Ja et dic jo, però no més, més.

I'll tell you, but no more, more.

La gent fa també croissant i tallat.

People also make croissants and café au lait.

Llavors, he estat investigant qui votava, no?

So, I have been investigating who was voting, right?



Llavors, més o menys,

Then, more or less,

predominava els de làctics, cereals i fruita,

predominated by dairy products, cereals, and fruit,

gent adulta de...

adult people from...

A veure, m'he guiat per la foto de perfil.

Let's see, I've been guided by the profile picture.

Clar, clar, clar, clar, clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear.

Deia molt, eh? Però...

He said a lot, didn't he? But...

predominava la gent adulta, és a dir,

adults predominated, that is,

de més de 20, de més de 30...

more than 20, more than 30...

Val, per tant...

Okay, so...

Els que ja tenim una edat de dir fruita,

Those of us who are already of an age to say fruit,

potser que l'anem incorporant, seria.

Maybe we should start incorporating it.

Sí. Després, entrepans, gent de la meva edat,

Yes. Afterwards, sandwiches, people my age,

joves, adolescents.

young people, adolescents.

Clar, perquè van amb l'entrepà al col·le,

Of course, because they go to school with a sandwich.

a universitat, o el que sigui. Val.

to university, or whatever. Okay.

I després, croissants i magdalenes, com només han sigut dues persones,

And then, croissants and muffins, since there have only been two people,

tampoc et sé dir l'edat per la foto.

I can't tell you the age from the photo either.

Són els que no es defineixen, si una cosa o una altra,

They are the ones who do not define themselves, whether one thing or another.

i són els que viuen més feliços menjant sucre.

and they are the ones who live happiest eating sugar.

Són els que hem vist aquí, croissant i magdalena, pa.

They are the ones we have seen here, croissant and muffin, bread.

I li han donat perquè...

And they've given him because...

Per tant, tu què esmorzes, reina?

So, what do you have for breakfast, queen?

Va, aviam. Abans d'entrar en matèria,

Come on, let's see. Before getting into the subject,

jo vull saber, l'Helena, què esmorza.

I want to know, Helena, what she has for breakfast.

Sí, abans de criticar, no?

Yes, before criticizing, right?

Sí, abans de criticar, no posem la...

Yes, before criticizing, let's not put the...

Jo què esmorzo? Doncs mira, ara,

What do I have for breakfast? Well, look, now...

que vaig a la uni, treballo i tal,

that I go to uni, work, and so on,

no tinc molt de temps per fer-me un entrepà...

I don't have much time to make myself a sandwich...

Ai, un entrepà. Un esmorzar molt elaborat.

Oh, a sandwich. A very elaborate breakfast.



I llet amb cereals. Cada dia.

And milk with cereal. Every day.

I malament, no?

And bad, right?

No, no. Jo no dic re, goita.

No, no. I'm not saying anything, look.

Clar, és a dir, la gran majoria

Of course, that is to say, the vast majority.

d'estudiants, també potser els que treballem

of students, maybe also those of us who work.

en un horari, doncs, més intensiu,

in a more intensive schedule,

tots de les que quan

all of those when

et despertes ja tens gana i esmorzes,

you wake up, you are already hungry, and you have breakfast,

ho han de passar una estona?

Do they have to spend some time?

Em forço perquè passi una estona

I force myself to spend some time.

i així, durant el dia, no tinc...

And so, during the day, I don't have...

Clar, perquè els que esmorzeu

Of course, because those of you who have breakfast.

entre... fem una franja entre

between... we make a strip between

7 i 8 del dematí, però no dinem

7 and 8 in the morning, but we don't have lunch.

fins a quarts de 3, clar,

until a quarter to 3, clear,

què passa a les 12? Jo quan acaba aquest programa

What happens at 12? I when this program ends.

tinc gana. Sí. Clar, no?

I'm hungry. Yes. Of course, right?

Per tant, tu esmorzes, fas un esmorzar fort

Therefore, you have breakfast, you have a hearty breakfast.

de làctics i cereals a casa,

of dairy products and cereals at home,

i a mig matí aquí...

and in mid-morning here...

No, no, m'hauria de portar

No, no, I should be taken.

alguna cosa perquè... Has de portar un temtempier.

Something because... You need to bring a pacifier.

Una poma, una fruita... Sí, l'emporada passada

An apple, a fruit... Yes, last season.

els últims dies portava coses, però...

in the last few days I was bringing things, but...

nous... Com que estic treballant, tampoc

nuts... Since I'm working, neither.

no em sento a gust menjant, però sí, ho hauria de fer.

I don't feel comfortable eating, but yes, I should do it.

Però tu dines més d'hora. Sí.

But you have dinner earlier. Yes.

Clar, tu dines a quarts de dues. Sí, sí, perquè

Of course, you have dinner at a quarter to two. Yes, yes, because.

he d'anar a la URI. I a la tarda esmobrenes.

I have to go to the URI. And in the afternoon, they will open.

Sí. D'acord. Em compro

Yes. Alright. I buy it.

alguna cosa allà a la URI, a les màquines aquestes...

something over there at the URI, at those machines...

Molt malament, Helena Jara! És que és veritat,

Very bad, Helena Jara! It's true,

és que he de dir la veritat i això és dolentíssim.

I have to tell the truth and that's very bad.

Helena Jara no pot ser. Sí. Un dia

Helena Jara cannot be. Yes. One day.

parlarem de berenars. Sí. I merdufies.

We will talk about snacks. Yes. And merdufies.

Sí, sí, sí. I tu?

Yes, yes, yes. And you?

Jo ets a dir que faré

I am going to tell you what I will do.

una mica de ràbia perquè jo soc una mica

a bit of anger because I am a bit

healthy, sí, ho has de dir-ho, i jo

healthy, yes, you have to say it, and I

de dilluns a divendres

from Monday to Friday

faig chia

I make chia.

amb llet

with milk

sense lactosa, amb

lactose-free, with

baies de gogi, amb una

goji berries, with a

cullera, cullerada de

spoon, tablespoon of

cereals integrals

whole grains

i canyella. Oh!

and cinnamon. Oh!

Oh! I llavors,

Oh! And then,

jo esmorzo a les vuit.

I have breakfast at eight.

Llavors prenc

Then I take

quatre nous

four new



Estàs molt coberta. Puc fer dues opcions.

You are very covered. I can make two options.

Si necessito molta energia

If I need a lot of energy.

com és avui, em foto,

how it is today, I’m off,

perdoneu, un dàtil dels bons.

Excuse me, a good date.

Sí, sí, perquè porta sucre.

Yes, yes, because it has sugar.

Un dàtil i amb pinyol, que els que

A date with a pit, that those who

no porten pinyol porten més sucre. No, no, no.

They don't have a pit, they have more sugar. No, no, no.

Un dàtil dels més jong aquest que no sé mai

A date of the most young this that I never know

pronunciar, dels bons, perquè això és la meva

pronounce, of the good, because this is my

energia. El dàtil?

Energy. The date?

Sí, perquè jo no prenc sucres afegits, llavors

Yes, because I don't consume added sugars, then.

el dàtil és l'única cosa, que ja ho porta el mateix dàtil.

The date is the only thing that the date itself already carries.

Si no, vaig al Tarnan,

If not, I'm going to Tarnan,

faig xocolata, de xocolata

I make chocolate, of chocolate.

soler, una rajola

to tile, a tile

petita de xocolata, de més de

little chocolate, more than

80%. Vale. Val.

80%. Okay. Fine.

O de 73 si porta

Or it carries 73.

ametlles. Val, ja està. O sigui,

almonds. Okay, that's it. I mean,

ho tens tot com quadriculat, no? Molt, molt.

You have everything all squared away, right? Very, very.

Jo només us puc dir ara, sense

I can only tell you now, without

que es catalogi que ja entrem en matèria,

What is a catalog that we already get into the subject,

que des que faig una dieta més

since I've been on a diet more

saludable i també exercici,

healthy and also exercise,

però a mi la chia,

but to me the chia,

jo vaig tres o quatre cops al lavabo, eh,

I go to the bathroom three or four times, you know.

durant el dia, i la merda, bé,

during the day, and the shit, well,

tampoc ara explicaré amb les coses, però

I won't explain things now, but...

home, hi ha gent que m'hi costa molt.

Man, there are people that I find very difficult.

Regula molt la mucosa, els intestins,

It regulates the mucosa, the intestines,

les inflamacions, i

inflammations, and

està molt bé. Llavors dissabte i diumenge

That's very good. So Saturday and Sunday.

faig torrades

I make toast.

amb proteïna, ja sigui una mica de

with protein, whether a little of

pavo, o una mica de formatge de

turkey, or a little bit of cheese from

cabra, i un plàtan.

goat, and a banana.

Ah, el plàtan, em poso un quart de

Ah, the banana, I take a quarter of it.

plàtan a la chia, perquè el plàtan

banana with chia, because the banana

porta potassi i va molt bé. Ostres.

It carries potassium and works very well. Wow.

Doncs mira, home, no has de fer aquí un menú

Well, look, man, you don't have to make a menu here.

per la setmana. Alerta les chies,

for the week. Alert the dogs,

alerta les chies. La deixo un remull al dia

alert the girls. I leave her a dip every day.

abans, vull dir, té tota una història. Total. Ostres.

First, I mean, it has a whole story. Totally. Wow.

Sí, que esmorzo això.

Yes, I am having that for breakfast.

Llavors sucres afegits

Then added sugars

i coses d'aquestes, zero patatero.

And things like that, zero patatero.

També ens ha dit que si algun dia algú porta

She also told us that if one day someone brings

uns croissantets de pastisseria,

some pastry croissants,

de pastisseria i de forn,

of pastry and bakery,

en menjo un.

I eat one.

Passa res, tampoc no d'allò.

It's nothing, neither that.

Ara, tot allò de bulleria

Now, all that nonsense.

que estigui embolicat per un plàstic,

that is wrapped in plastic,

a casa meva no entra.

He doesn't come into my house.

Molt bé. Val, seguim. I també afegir

Very well. Okay, let's continue. And also to add.

que el cas de la xocolata, la gent

that in the case of chocolate, people

es pensa que menjar xocolata és dolent.

It is thought that eating chocolate is bad.

No. I jo, com he dit,

No. And I, as I have said,

no sóc experta, però tot en excés és dolent.

I'm not an expert, but too much of anything is bad.

Sí. No, però la xocolata ha de ser.

Yes. No, but the chocolate has to be.

Això, negre. El tema és

This, black. The issue is

xocolata negra, heu de mirar que això de

dark chocolate, you have to make sure that this of

xocolata Soler crec que Blanchard també

Soler chocolate, I think Blanchard too.

té, que el primer ingredient sigui

it has to be that the first ingredient is

cacau i no pas pasta de cacau.

cocoa and not cocoa paste.

Sí, és veritat. Cacau.

Yes, it's true. Cocoa.

Ha de portar cacau, sucre i ximpunt.

It must contain cocoa, sugar, and ximpunt.

És que no ha de portar res més i el sucre

It's just that he doesn't need to bring anything else and the sugar.

amb una proporció, doncs clar, si compres

with a proportion, so clearly, if you buy

xocolata negra amb un 83%

dark chocolate with 83%

de cacau, sucre és un 6 o 7%.

of cocoa, sugar is about 6 or 7%.

Sí. Que amb una rajoleta, ja

Yes. With a small tile, already.

ves tu. No és res. Ara,

go ahead. It's nothing. Now,

clar, quan diem mengem xocolata sana tampoc vol dir

Of course, when we say we eat healthy chocolate it doesn't mean

que t'has de fotre tota la presa de xocolata.

you have to eat all the chocolate.

Una rajoleta i amb la justa mesura.

A small tile and with just the right measure.

Sí. Val, anem al tanto que ens

Yes. Alright, let's keep track of that.

queden 4 minuts i hem de dir que és

There are 4 minutes left and we have to say what it is.

saludable. Sí. Llavors, comencem.

Healthy. Yes. Then, let's get started.

Un esmorzar complet ha de tenir farinazis,

A complete breakfast must have cereals,

làctis i fruita. Però

dairy and fruit. But

no tot s'hi val. Els nutricionistes recomanen

not everything is acceptable. Nutritionists recommend

evitar productes com els cereals ensucrats

avoid products like sugary cereals

o les natilles. Cereals han de ser aquells

or the custards. Cereals must be those

que tenen gust a res. A res. Sí.

that taste like nothing. Like nothing. Yes.

A res. I ara hi posaràs tu canyella.

Nothing. And now you will put cinnamon in it.

A res. Allò, ai, cereals és com miel,

Nothing. That, oh, cereals are like honey,

crunchis, crunchis i cacau.

crunchies, crunchies and cocoa.

Merda. No. Merda, sí, sí, sí. No, no.

Shit. No. Shit, yes, yes, yes. No, no.

És avena o cibada o flocs

Is it oats or barley or flakes?

d'aquests, del que sigui, tal qual.

of these, whatever it may be, just as it is.

I si pot ser integral, millor. El que passa que jo entenc

And if it can be whole, even better. What happens is that I understand.

que és un rotllo, eh, Mania, això. No, no.

What a drag, huh, Mania, this. No, no.

Amb llet i canyella i una mica de plata.

With milk and cinnamon and a little bit of silver.

És boníssim. Boníssim.

It's delicious. Delicious.

Seguim. Boníssim. Llavors, què

Let's continue. Very good. So, what?

ha de tenir un esmorzar saludable? Per a un esmorzar

Should it have a healthy breakfast? For a breakfast.

saludable, els nutricionistes suggereixen evitar

healthy, nutritionists suggest avoiding

aliments processats, com has dit tu, els croissants

processed foods, like you said, croissants

embolicats en paper, doncs no, fora,

wrapped in paper, so no, out,

sucres afegits i brioixeria,

added sugars and pastries,

és a dir, bolleria, tant a casa com al migmatí.

In other words, pastries, both at home and in the café.

Val. Importància de l'esmorzar.

Okay. Importance of breakfast.

Després d'una nit sense menjar, és important

After a night without food, it is important

que els nens, bé, els nens i totes

that the children, well, the children and all

les persones del món, esmorzin per tenir energia

People of the world, have breakfast to gain energy.

a l'escola, al treball,

at school, at work,

a la uni, és a dir, pel teu dia a dia.

at university, that is, for your day to day.

A l'esmorzar és l'àpid

For breakfast, it is the celery.

més important del dia. Sí. Que passa que aquí,

most important of the day. Yes. What's going on here,

la cultura mediterrània, fem el dinar i fins i tot el sopar.

the Mediterranean culture, we have lunch and even dinner.

Però altres cultures

But other cultures

més nòrdiques és això. L'esmorzar és

more Nordic this is. The breakfast is

l'àpid que et donarà tota l'energia i que

the celery that will give you all the energy and that

el teu cos recollirà, que si els sucres

your body will gather, that if the sugars

per un cantó, que si les vitamines

on one hand, that if the vitamins

per un altre, i és el que et donarà energia,

for another, and it's what will give you energy,

partirà endavant, 12 hores

it will depart forward, 12 hours

que tens per endavant fins que no arribes a casa

what you have ahead of you until you get home

per dormir. Val. Llavors,

to sleep. Okay. Then,

anem a les tres propostes d'esmorzar saludable

let's go to the three healthy breakfast suggestions

perquè ens queda poc temps, anem a lo important.

Because we have little time left, let's get to the important part.

Anem-hi. Vinga. Primera opció.

Let's go. Come on. First option.

Torrades integrals amb el

Whole grain toast with the

volcat i ou. Això dissabte també ho faig.

I’ll do scrambled eggs too this Saturday.

Sí? Sí. Ostres.

Yes? Yes. Wow.

Ingredients. Pa integral,

Ingredients. Wholemeal bread,

el volcat, ou, sal i pebre.

the scrambled eggs, salt, and pepper.

Ja està. Com veieu és una cosa molt fàcil de fer

That's it. As you can see, it's something very easy to do.

i que no has de ser aquí un cuiner per fer-te

And you don't have to be a cook to make yourself.

un esmorzar saludable. Ou, paella, res, una gota

a healthy breakfast. Egg, paella, nothing, a drop

d'oli. Esparciu amb un

of oil. I sprinkle with a

drap de cuina, amb un paper de cuina, l'oli

kitchen cloth, with a paper towel, the oil

per tota la paella, així no se us enganxarà.

For the whole pan, this way it won't stick to you.

Poseu l'ou i tapeu.

Put the egg and cover it.

I serà un ou ferrat sense oli

And it will be a fried egg without oil.

boníssim. Sí. I si no, posa un remenat.

very good. Yes. And if not, make a scrambled egg.

Seguim. Seguim. Iogurt natural

Let's continue. Let's continue. Natural yogurt.

amb fruites i fruits secs. Per exemple. Això

with fruits and nuts. For example. This

m'ho faig. Veus? I m'encanta.

I'm doing it. See? And I love it.

Doncs ja està. Perquè m'encanta el iogurt. Perfecte. I també

Well, that's it. Because I love yogurt. Perfect. And also

una mica d'avena. Com has llunyat l'avena?

a bit of oats. How have you removed the oats?

El fa cibada. Cibada? Iogurt

He makes cibbled. Cibbled? Yogurt.

amb cibada i fruits del bosc.

with bulgur and wild fruits.

Molt bé. Boníssim. Jo ho recomano molt. Fruits del bosc

Very good. Delicious. I highly recommend it. Forest fruits.

també n'hi porto. Baies i...

I'll bring some too. Berries and...

Ara han de nus, que ara no em surt

Now they have to us, because now I can't think of it.

la paraula. Navius. Navius, gràcies. Exacte.

the word. Navius. Navius, thank you. Exactly.

I després, batut de fruites

And then, fruit smoothie.

i cibada, també. Val.

And food, too. Alright.

Ingredients. Pot ser llet, pot ser

Ingredients. It can be milk, it can be.

vegetal, també. Si és vegetal, no és

vegetable, too. If it’s vegetable, it’s not

llet. Alerta amb les

milk. Watch out for the

líquids begudes vegetals, eh? Ja, he escritat.

liquid plant drinks, huh? Yes, I have written.

Ojo les begudes vegetals.

Watch out for the plant-based drinks.

Llet, semidesnatada o

Milk, semi-skimmed or

desnatada, bueno, depèn de cadascú, l'nutricionista

skimmed, well, it depends on each person, the nutritionist

que us ho digui. Però vull dir que no abuseu

let it be said to you. But I mean that you shouldn't abuse it.

de la lactosa, és a dir, també podeu fer

of lactose, that is to say, you can also make

una mica allò de cada, però

a bit of what everyone has, but

llet de...

milk of...

Com es diu això? Beguda de soja

How do you say this? Soy drink.

no és llet. Vale. I beguda de soja

It's not milk. Okay. It's soy drink.

seria saludable? És vegetal, això? Diuen

Would it be healthy? Is it vegetable? They say.

que cada cop la recomanen menys per un

that they recommend it less and less for one

tipus d'hormones que aporten, però...

types of hormones they provide, but...

Bueno, llavors aquí cadascú... Jo aquí no hi entro perquè no

Well, then here everyone... I'm not getting involved in this because no.

soc nutricionista.

I am a nutritionist.

Llavors, llet, vegetal o no, plàtan,

Then, milk, plant-based or not, banana,

maduixes, bueno, o la fruita que a tu més

strawberries, well, or the fruit that you like the most

t'agradi, cibada i una culla

you like, eaten and a cradle

que t'agrada de llavors de chia.

What do you like about chia seeds?

Preparació. Digues, digues.

Preparation. Go on, go on.

No, no, no. Vas a dir alguna cosa de la chia. No, que la chia

No, no, no. You were going to say something about chia. No, that chia.

s'ha d'hidratar. És a dir, les chia són

it must be hydrated. That is to say, chia seeds are

unes llavors que s'inflen amb l'aigua.

some seeds that swell with water.

Per tant, abans de prendre, les has de deixar

Therefore, before taking, you have to let them go.

com a mínim, jo les deixo tota la nit, però com a mínim

At least, I leave them all night, but at least.

mitja horeta, 10-15 minuts

half an hour, 10-15 minutes

si teniu molta pressa. Però les heu de deixar

If you are in a hurry. But you have to leave them.

hidratar perquè s'inflen. Vale. Si no,

hydrate so they swell. Alright. If not,

si us les preneu tal qual, com si fossin allò

if you take them just as they are, as if they were that

llavors de sèsam, que ja estan torrades i això sí

sesame seeds that are already toasted and that's for sure

que tu pots prendre així, què passa? Que se t'infla

What can you take like this, what happens? Does it inflate?

la panxa amb el líquid. Clar, se t'infla la panxa.

the belly with the liquid. Of course, your belly swells.

No, clar, s'infla la panxa, aviam, no passa res,

No, of course, the belly gets swollen, let's see, nothing happens,

però potser la digestió és més

but perhaps digestion is more

pesada. Per tant, les chia és amb remull.

heavy. Therefore, the chia is soaked.

Vale. Preparació.

Okay. Preparation.

En una liquadora barreja la llet, el plàtan,

In a blender, mix the milk, the banana,

és a dir, les fruites que tu li vulguis

that is to say, the fruits you want to give him

ficar. Tens 10 segons. Ui! I l'estiba

to put. You have 10 seconds. Oh! And the stowage.

fins a obtenir una consistència suau.

until obtaining a smooth consistency.

Afegeix la sabor, la llavor,

Add the flavor, the seed,

la llavor de chia i barreja

the chia seed and mix

novament. I tu serveixes en un got i ja

again. And you serve it in a glass and that's it.

ho tenim. O sigui, les 3 receptes

We have it. So, the 3 recipes.

molt fàcils de fer. Teniu nous

very easy to make. You have nuts

ametlles, avellanes, panses, orellanes,

almonds, hazelnuts, raisins, dried apricots

ous, formatge, hummus, oli d'oliva,

eggs, cheese, hummus, olive oil,

alvocat, torrades, chia,

avocado, toast, chia

per ser saludables. Sí.

to be healthy. Yes.

Deixem la bolleria que no val la pena. Demà

Let's leave the pastries that aren't worth it. Tomorrow.

ens veiem? Veiem, ens veiem. A les 10. Adéu-siau.

Do we see each other? We see, we see each other. At 10. Goodbye.



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