ENGANXATS A LA VIDA #8 - Tens un amic


Enganxats a la vida

ENGANXATS A LA VIDA #8 - Tens un amic

Enganxats a la vida

Quan has tocat el cel i sents a prop l'infern,

When you've touched the sky and feel hell nearby,

camines sense fes, sense destí, sense saviesa.

you walk without faith, without a destination, without wisdom.

Fugint del que no entens, fugint d'aquest present,

Fleeing from what you don't understand, fleeing from this present,

pensar en aquells anells és l'única forma que tens de continuar.

Thinking about those rings is the only way you have to carry on.

Tornarem a ser grans i tu...

We will be great again, and you...

Crec que ja heu escoltat l'últim programa, l'últim podcast,

I think you have already listened to the latest program, the latest podcast,

que va ser una entrevista molt interessant.

It was a very interesting interview.

Ja no pensàvem en l'Albert que seria interessant,

We no longer thought of Albert being interesting.

però potser no tant com va arribar a ser l'entrevista amb la Judit.

but perhaps not as much as the interview with Judit became.

Mira, només perquè la gent se'n pugui fer una idea,

Look, just so people can get an idea,

normalment el programa té una edició mínima en quant a retallar i tal.

Normally, the program has a minimal edition regarding cutting and such.

Una que vam tenir algun problema tècnic

One that we had some technical problem.

i l'altra que hi va haver alguna cosa que va ser sorpresa.

And the other one that there was something that was a surprise.

Aquest sí que ha requerit un pèl més d'edició,

This one has indeed required a bit more editing,

només perquè és la cosa una mica més presentable.

just because it's a little more presentable.

Però és que jo hi va haver dos moments del passat programa

But there were two moments in the last program.

que em vaig quedar allò amb la boca oberta

that I was left with my mouth open

i sense saber què dir,

and without knowing what to say,

anar escoltant a la Judit com ens anava donant les dades

listening to Judit as she was giving us the information

i ens anava desmuntant un tòpic rere l'altre.

And it was dismantling one cliché after another.

I és, hòstia, jo vaig quedar en xoc, sincerament.

And I was, damn, I was left in shock, honestly.

Mira que ho havíem comentat, eh?

Look what we had talked about, right?

Ens passarà això. Cuidado que ens passarà això.

This will happen to us. Be careful that this will happen to us.

I tot i així es va enllepar.

And still, he/she licked it.

No, no, jo què us vull dir.

No, no, what I want to say to you.

És que ella anava explicant i, per sort, és una persona

She was explaining, and luckily, she is a person.

que està molt avesada a parlar amb gent

who is very accustomed to talking to people

i a fer explicacions i a fer xerrades i és professora, no?

And she gives explanations and talks and is a teacher, right?

Però, esclar, a mesura que anava xerrant i anava explicant

But, of course, as he was chatting and explaining

és que ens teníem que veure les cares de boca d'edat

it's that we had to see each other face to face from a young age

i de les sorpreses que van quedar i això, no?

And about the surprises that were left, right?

I, sobretot, això, l'interessant va ser que

I, above all, the interesting thing was that

tota la xerrada va ser molt interessant

The whole talk was very interesting.

però dels mites i d'agendes que hi ha sobre

but of the myths and agendas that exist about it

sobre el voltant del suicidi va ser molt interessant

The discussion about suicide was very interesting.

i ha quedat pendent i esperem complir-ho

It has been left pending and we hope to fulfill it.

d'aquí dos, tres mesos

in two or three months

de tornar a xerrar amb ella

to talk to her again

i ampliar temes que van sortir molt interessants

and expand on topics that became very interesting

i molt importants.

and very important.

Esperem que el Dal diu.

We hope that Dal says.

I avui portem un podcast.

And today we bring a podcast.

Com que no ho veiem,

As we don't see it,

anem alternant conscient i conscientment

let's alternate consciously and intentionally

un programa nosaltres dos

a program for both of us

i un programa d'entrevistes

and an interview program

i és un format que sembla que també va agradant

And it is a format that seems to be well received as well.

perquè les escoltes es mantenen bé

because the scouts are kept well

no ens deixen sorprendre més de més

they no longer let us be surprised any further

o sigui que

that is to say

alguna cosa ho haguem de fer bé.

We must be doing something right.

A veure, com està provant aquesta entrada d'estiu?

Let's see, how is this summer entry going?

Sempre hem dit que pels addictes

We have always said that for addicts





és complicat el canvi d'estació

the change of season is complicated

el canvi de temperatura

the change in temperature

el canvi de temps

the change of weather

i ara hem entrat en un estiu d'aquests potents

And now we have entered a powerful summer like this.

de calor forta

of strong heat

no sé com ho portes tu Albert

I don't know how you handle it, Albert.

Molt malament

Very bad

molt malament

very bad

a nivell de

at the level of


it was doing

farà un any i pico

a year and a bit ago

quan jo estava ja recuperant-me

when I was already recovering

de la meva debacle personal

of my personal debacle

que no recordava

that I didn't remember

tenir un canvi d'estació

to have a change of season

que me les fes passar tan putes

that she made me feel so miserable

com aquesta

with this

que m'ha enganxat

that has caught me

amb els meus múltiples problemes

with my multiple problems

i reincidències

and recidivism

a l'hora d'intentar deixar el tabac

when trying to quit smoking

amb aquesta última onada de calor

with this last heat wave

amb un intent de fer servir

with an attempt to make use of



amb dosis

with doses

cada vegada més


petita de nicotina

little of nicotine

per arribar al que no en tenia

to reach what I did not have

i que m'han fet mal

and they have hurt me

i els he hagut de deixar

and I have had to leave them

m'han fet mal però del plan

They have hurt me, but it's part of the plan.

penso que no m'hauré d'anar al metge

I think I won't have to go to the doctor.

va anar al canton d'Undro

he went to the corner of Undro

que el dissabte

that on Saturday

estàvem a la

we were at the

friqui de Banyoles

Banyoles geek

i el diumenge

and on Sunday

de poc no me'n vaig a urgències

I nearly went to the emergency room.



un dolor al pit

a pain in the chest



i el que passa que és allò

And what happens is that it's that.

al final ja no sé

in the end I don't know anymore

si és que estava agafant un refredat o què

if I was catching a cold or what

però és que ja el dissabte

but it's just that already on Saturday

vaig acabar amb el vapejador

I finished with the vaporizer.

que m'estava molestant tot

that everything was bothering me

i amb una tos

and with a cough

que ja m'havia passat

that had already happened to me

quan havia fet un intent

when I had made an attempt

amb una altra marca

with another brand

d'un altre vapejador d'aquests

of another vaper like these

però el dissabte a la nit

but on Saturday night

va ser molt bèstia

it was very beastly

i el diumenge

and on Sunday

vaig passar

I passed.

però molt, molt, molt malament

but very, very, very badly

i és allò de

and it is that of

si això segueix

if this continues

agafo el cotxe i me'n vaig

I take the car and I'm leaving.

a urgències

to emergencies

a canvi

in exchange

que m'està passant

what is happening to me

en els pulmons

in the lungs


Goodness gracious!

a l'engany

to deception

ja va estar

it has already been



o sigui

that is to say

tornant a la pregunta

returning to the question

perdó que me n'he anat

Sorry that I left.

no, no

no, no

el canvi d'estació

the change of season



feia més d'un any

more than a year ago

que no recordava

that I didn't remember

un canvi de temps

a change in the weather

que m'afectés com aquest

that affected me like this

no, jo havia

no, I had

jo havia

I had

jo havia tingut

I had had

bueno, portava una temporada bé

Well, I had been doing well for a while.

sí que havia tingut

yes, I had had

un principi d'any

a beginning of the year

amb una

with a

amb una baixada d'ànims

with a drop in spirits

un estat d'ànims

a state of mind

bueno, molt

well, a lot

ja està

it's done

que tenia fallos a la memòria

that had faults in the memory

i que

and that

i que em feia preocupar

and that made me worry

però ara t'ha hagut també

but now you must have it too


above all

a la feina

to work

hi ha hagut la feina

there has been the work



passa tot amb les feines

everything happens with the jobs



falta personal

staff shortage

gent que es posa a baixar

people who start to go down

gent que posa

people that puts





ja has de donar més de tu

you have to give more of yourself

però clar

but of course

és que

it's that

és un punt que t'acabes

it's a point that you reach the end



angoixant molt

very distressing

i ara

and now

des del febrer

since February

que no vaig fer vacances

that I didn't take a holiday

ara les necessito

now I need them

estan gravant això

they are recording this

10 de juliol

July 10th

al vespre

in the evening

la setmana que ve

next week

començo vacances

I start vacation.

o sigui

that is to say

tinc unes ganes

I have a strong desire.

encara que no sigui una setmana

even if it is not a week

de desconnectar

to disconnect



i carregar

and load

carregar una mica les piles

recharge the batteries a little

que és necessari

what is necessary

i és això

and is this

i a vegades

and sometimes

mira que ens ho recordem

look that we remember it

i ens ho diem

and we say it to ourselves



que els addictes

that the addicts

han d'anar al tanto

they need to be careful

amb els cops de calor

with heat strokes

amb els canvis de temperatura

with the changes in temperature

i tot així

and yet

i a moments

and at times

que encara

that still

em despisto

I get distracted.

i és hòstia

and it's a damn shame



com estic

how am I?

què m'està passant

what is happening to me

però bueno

but okay



tot hi fa

everything matters

i és

and it is

està al cas

he is aware



d'on venim

where we come from

jo ara

me now

aquest any

this year

nada menos

nothing less

m'he celebrat

I have celebrated myself.

7 anys

7 years



des que vaig deixar l'alcohol

since I quit alcohol

podria dir que

I could say that

són 7 anys

it's 7 years

28 dies

28 days

22 hores

22 hours

i com ho saps

And how do you know that?

hi ha una aplicació per això

there is an app for that

si també existeix una aplicació

if there is also an application

que et diu

what it tells you



the back

the back

serveix per tot

it serves for everything

o sigui

that is to say

l'obert també

the open one too

es pot fer

it can be done

amb el tabac

with tobacco





llàstima que és una aplicació

It's a pity that it's an application.



l'hauria de buscar

I should look for him/her.

no sé si està

I do not know if it is.

en espanyol

in Spanish

segur que menys en català

surely less in Catalan

es diu

it is said









està basat una mica

it is based a little

amb el que parlàvem

with what we were talking about

del col·lis anònims

of the anonymous collars

perquè també

because also

té els 12 passos

it has the 12 steps





quan tu vas al col·lis anònims

when you go to anonymous meetings

els 12 passos

the 12 steps

te'ls donen

they give them to you

amb papers petits

with small papers

i tu els pots portar a la cartera

And you can carry them in your wallet.

perquè te'n recordis

so that you remember

i aquí els tens escrits

and here you have them written down

i és una llàstima

and it's a shame

estava mirant

I was looking.

que no es pogués traduir

that could not be translated



no no

no no

és llàstima

it's a shame



que no és estar

that is not to be

amb anglès

in English

de fet ja buscaré

In fact, I will look for it.

ja ho faré saber

I will let you know.

per xarxa

by network

si està

if it is

si m'està en espanyol

if I'm being spoken to in Spanish

i saps això

And you know this?



per saber el temps

to know the weather

que portes net

what do you have clean

i fins i tot

and even

hi ha un telèfon

there is a telephone

que tu pots ficar

that you can put

apuntes al teu telèfon

notes on your phone

que tu vulguis ajuda

that you want help

i si un dia et sents apurat

and if one day you feel overwhelmed

a través d'aquesta aplicació

through this application

pots trucar

you can call

si necessites ajuda

if you need help

doncs a veure

so let's see

quan ets

when are you



i entres en un centre

and you enter a center

tens com a padrins

you have as godparents

i en aquest cas

and in this case

tu pots trucar

you can call

24 hores al dia

24 hours a day

al teu padrí

to your godfather

perquè et doni

to give you

un cop de mà

a helping hand

el padrí

the godfather



és una persona veterana

he is a veteran person.

que ja ha passat

that has already happened

pel que t'has passat

for what you have spent

i quan tens ganes

And when do you feel like it?

de consumir

to consume

el truques

you call him/her

i dius

and you say

no passa això

this doesn’t happen

no sento així

I don't feel that way.

i ells

and they



i et fa

and it makes you

et calma

calm down

parla amb tu

talks to you

aquí ho tens tot instal·lat

here you have everything installed

i per això sé tan bé

And that's why I know so well.

fins i tot


anys, dies i hores

years, days, and hours

que porto

what I'm wearing

sense consumir

without consuming

la veritat és que

the truth is that

miro enrere

I look back.

de 7 anys

of 7 years

i dius

and you say



una pregunta

a question



aquest últim temps


que t'has preocupat

that you have worried

perquè havies notat

because you had noticed

allò que fallava

that which was failing

la memòria

the memory

això que ens explicaves

this that you were telling us

és que

it's that

quan et passa això

when this happens to you

hi ha alguna

is there any

d'aquestes circumstàncies

of these circumstances



que et faci pensar

that makes you think

més en

more in

faria un trago

I would take a drink.


of someone

o aquestes

or these






they have





d'un temps cada dia

of a time every day

i cada cop menys

and less and less

sí que

yes that

hi ha moments que penses

there are moments when you think

i ara que et fies de calor

and now that you are trusting the heat



el que penses és

what you think is


to fuck you

alguna cosa




però no

but no

et passa

it happens to you

pel cap

for the head



tot darrere

everything behind

encara d'horrible

still horrible

no perquè no

no because no



jo ara foto

I take a picture now.

la meua aigua

my water

la meua coca-cola

my coca-cola

que em bec

I drink.

però tampoc no abuso

but I don't overdo it either

crec que

I believe that

potser faré dos coca-coles

I might have two cokes.

al dia màxim

to the maximum day

com a molt

at most

no és com el cafè

it's not like the coffee

que n'abuso més

that I abuse it more

però no

but no

és una cosa

it is a thing

que em feia por

that made me afraid

en el seu moment

at its moment

quan deixes de

when you stop

en el meu cas

in my case

quan deixes de beure

when you stop drinking



jo el dia mai

I never the day

la temptació

the temptation

i quan tinc l'alcohol

And when I have the alcohol.


in front

faig dinars familiars

I have family lunches.

sopars familiars

family dinners

poden beure alcohol

they can drink alcohol

davant meu

in front of me

que jo estic tan tranquil

that I am so calm

amb la meua aigua

with my water

amb el coca-cola

with the coca-cola

o el que em vingui de gust

or whatever I feel like


to drink

només va haver-hi

there was only



va haver-hi una vegada

there was once

fa potser l'any passat

maybe last year

amb el típic sopar d'empresa

with the typical company dinner

van sortir de

they left from





i hòstia

and damn

i una

and one

una de les meves millors amigues

one of my best friends

de la feina

of the work

la Cristina

the Cristina

m'ha dit

he/she has told me

per què no et demanes

Why don't you ask yourself?

un combinat sense alcohol

a non-alcoholic combination

vaig pensar home

I thought man.

és que

it's that

em pots recordar

can you remind me

com he vist alcohol

as I have seen alcohol

i vaig demanar

I asked.

aquest sense alcohol

this non-alcoholic

una cosa així

something like that

però bueno

but okay



tampoc li vaig trobar el cas

I didn't find it relevant either.

m'ha sentit incòmode

I have felt uncomfortable.


you know

no em va

it doesn't work for me

no em va agradar

I didn't like it.

i no no

and no no

a mi no em treguis

don't take me away

si surto de la meua coca-cola

if I run out of my coca-cola

o no em fa res

or I don't mind

demanar un aigua

to ask for a water

un aigua amb gas

a sparkling water

i no no

and no no

això ganes de beure

this makes me want to drink



la veritat és que

the truth is that

que no


jo tinc la sort

I have the luck.

que diuen que el sucre

what they say about sugar

calma l'ansietat

calm the anxiety

i les ganes de

and the desire to

de beure

to drink



jo de sucre

I of sugar

menjo bastant

I eat quite a bit.

menjo molt de dolç

I eat a lot of sweets.

en aquest sentit

in this regard



per lo meu

for my part

el fet d'estar

the fact of being

en parella

in a couple

amb una relació estable

with a stable relationship

que tot està

that everything is



súper genial

super great

si ja ho tenia

if I already had it

més o menys controlat

more or less controlled

o controlat

or controlled



com havíem anat parlant

as we had been talking

i tal

and such



en aquest sentit

in this regard

i a més

and furthermore


the stuck ones



ha sortit

it has come out



no volia

I didn't want to.


to face









volia afrontar

I wanted to face.

una possible

a possible

nova relació

new relationship



tenir totes les cartes

to have all the cards

sobre la taula

on the table







en aquest sentit

in this regard

m'està anant

It's going away from me.

tot molt bé

everything very well


the only



que noto

what I notice


it is





estic afrontant

I am facing


el tema

the theme

del tabac

of tobacco



m'han fet

they have made me

aquell programa

that program

en el

in the

no puc deixar de fumar

I can't stop smoking.



aquest últim intent

this last attempt

que havia fet

what had been done

amb els vapejadors

with the vapers

que semblava

that it seemed

que estava anant bé

that it was going well

i que ho estava controlant

and that I was keeping it under control



sí que havia notat

I had certainly noticed.



uns pics de

some pictures of

de consum de cafè

of coffee consumption





m'ha fet mal

It has hurt me.

aquesta setmana passat

last week

m'ha fet mal

It has hurt me.


it has me

m'ha deixat apurat

it has left me anxious





avui ha sigut un dia

today has been a day

dels dolents

of the bad ones

molt dolent

very bad

amb el tema del tabac

with the topic of tobacco

ha sigut un dia

it has been a day



molt dolent

very bad

perquè a més a més

because moreover

se m'estan ajuntant

They are coming together.

a la feina

to work

a sobre

on top

jo estic cobrint

I am covering.

la baixa de paternitat

paternity leave

d'un company

of a colleague

amb una feina

with a job

que ningú més

that no one else

el sap fer

he knows how to do it

i m'han enxufat

they have caught me out

a un dels més inútils

to one of the most useless

a que

to what

l'haig d'ensenyar

I have to teach him/her.

a fer

to do

la mateixa feina

the same job

i és

and it is

en sèrio


o sigui

that is to say


the annoyance



porto tatuat

I have a tattoo.

en la cara

in the face

el professor

the professor

a la meva nòmina

on my payroll

es repercuteix

it is reflected

que jo hagi d'estar

that I have to be



quan és la teva feina

when is your job

senyor Carregat

Mr. Carregat



a sobre

a cover



que no et vinguin

don't let them come to you

i te diguin

and they tell you

no eh

no eh

que la feina ha de sortir igual

that the work must turn out the same

ah sí

ah yes

molt bé saps

you know very well



aquestes emprenyades

these annoyances

amb el fet de

with the fact of

lo del tabaco

the tobacco issue



avui ha sigut un dia

today has been a day





dels que feia temps

of those that had been a long time ago

però molt de temps Sergi

but a long time Sergi

que no recordava

that I didn't remember

passar un dia

to spend a day

de no treure'm el puto cigarro

stop taking the damn cigarette away from me

del cap

from the head





i mira

and look



que ens hem vist

that we have seen each other

amb la Karen

with Karen

a mitja tarda

in the mid-afternoon

jo de dir

I mean to say

vale va

okay, go ahead


let's disconnect

hem sortit a fer una volta

we went out for a walk

hem estat parlant del tema

we have been talking about the topic

i la cosa

and the thing

l'he acabat

I've finished it.



una mica més

a little more



que no

that no

que molt malament

that's very bad

les calors

the heat

el tabaco


estiu desastre

summer disaster

per qui no sàpiga

for those who don't know

la Karen

the Karen

és la parella de l'Albert

she is Albert's partner

es diu la Karen

her name is Karen.



ja ho he repetit

I have already repeated it.

en molt de programes

in many programs

em sembla que

it seems to me that

la majoria de programes

the majority of programs

ho he repetit

I have repeated it.

jo sempre vaig quedar parat

I was always left stunned.





projecte home

project home

algun dels meus terapeutes

some of my therapists

me deia

he/she told me

ells fumaven

they were smoking

quasi tots fumaven

almost everyone smoked





tu també

you too

tu també podies fumar

you could also smoke

ja no

no more

tenies les teves hores

you had your hours



per fumar

to smoke

i quan tu els hi preguntaves

and when you asked them







quan ja t'estaves

when you were already preparing





en el projecte

in the project


you said



lo pròxim

the next



quan estigui

when it will be



la meva


el deixar

the leaving

l'addicció a l'alcohol

alcohol addiction

deixaré de fumar

I will stop smoking.

i tots reien

and everyone laughed


they say

el tabac tranquil

the calm tobacco

no tinguis pressa

don't hurry

ja el deixaràs

You will leave him/her.

home perquè

man because

és diferent

it is different


it is

és una altra droga

it's another drug



és un altre rotllo diferent

it's a whole different story

i costa molt més que

and it costs much more than

que qualsevol altra droga

than any other drug

perquè és

because it is



funciona d'una altra manera diferent

it works in a different way



i jo me'n reia

And I laughed at it.

i hòstia

and damn

i les vegades

and the times

que penso amb ells eh

that I think about them, you know

de dir

to say

tanta roba tenien

they had so much clothing

el teu cas

your case

el meu




i és

and it is

és molt difícil

it's very difficult

una de les coses que tinc pendent

one of the things I have pending

i que m'estan repetint

and that they are repeating to me

que mira

what are you looking at

si no ho faig

if I don't do it

després de gravar

after recording

i enviar un correu

and send an email

tinc moltes ganes

I really want to.

d'anar a tornar a visitar

to go back to visit

els meus companys de

my colleagues from

de projecte home

of project man

jo al centre on vaig anar

I at the center where I went.



tinc moltes ganes de

I am very eager to

de fer-hi una visita

to pay a visit



si tu no ets persona

if you are not a person

vinculada molt al centre

linked closely to the center

no pots anar-hi

you can't go there

així com així


has de demanar cita

you need to make an appointment

i has de dir

you have to say

si pots anar

if you can go

anar a visitar

to go visit



i tal

and such



jo laffe

I love her.

la fila

the row

la deum

the God you

la wh or

the wh or

qui ha fet

who has done



m'ha adjusta

It suits me.

si fa

if it does








it matters to me


It serves.



una cosa

one thing

que em faria molta il·lusió

that would make me very happy





trobies algun dels meus antics cerebrades

Did you find any of my old brainiacs?




to speak

hem escoltat això, si algun dia li arribo les veus,

we have heard this, if one day I reach him the voices,

amb tot el carinyo en el cabró d'en Rafa,

with all the love for Rafa the bastard,

un terapeuta

a therapist

que no pot ser...

that cannot be...

Te n'has recordat d'ell diverses vegades, aquí, eh?

You have remembered him several times, here, right?

Perquè va ser la persona

Because she was the person



va ser més dura amb mi

it was harder on me

i amb els temps va anar esvellint que

and over time it faded that

realment, com no podia ser d'una altra manera,

really, as could be expected,

va ser pel meu bé.

It was for my good.

Pensa que les seves teràpies eren molt bèsties,

Think that their therapies were very brutal,

tu feies diferents teràpies

you were doing different therapies

durant el dia

during the day

i quan tocava una de nivell

And when it played at a high level

ja una mica A a la Man Rafa, et confrontava

Just a little A in Man Rafa, it confronted you.

amb coses que t'ho havies fet

with things you had done it to yourself

al passat, amb coses que

in the past, with things that

havies fet tu per trobar

what had you done to find

la teva droga

your drug

o estar drogat

or being high

o begut en el meu cas. I et confrontava

or drunk in my case. And I confronted you.

amb companys veterans que gairebé

with veteran colleagues who almost

ja estaven a punt de

they were already about to

graduar-se per dir-ho d'alguna manera

to graduate, so to speak

i et confrontava d'una manera

and I confronted you in a way

molt bèstia.

very beastly.

Per exemple, a mi em confrontaven

For example, they confronted me.

coses de la meva filla, que m'havia passat amb la meva filla

things of my daughter, that had happened to me with my daughter

i el fa un dels companys

and he makes one of the colleagues

i feia veure que era la meva filla

and pretended she was my daughter

i que jo fes el que havia fet

and that I did what I had done

estant amb ella begut.

being with her drunk.

I ell t'ho deia, diu

And he told you that, he says.

si et venen ganes de tirar una cadira i trencar una cadira

if you feel like throwing a chair and breaking a chair

trenca-la, tira la terra, no passa res.

Break it, throw it away, nothing happens.

Si et venen ganes d'aplicar-me

If you feel like applying to me.

intento, jo estaré al cas.

I will try, I will be on the lookout.

O sigui, eren teràpies molt bèsties

So they were very intense therapies.

però que servien

but what they served

molt. Que la gent no s'espanti,

a lot. May people not be scared,

no eren habituals aquestes teràpies.

These therapies were not habitual.

Eren casos puntuals i en casos així

They were isolated cases and in such cases

més complicats. I és una persona

more complicated. And it is a person

que me'n recordo molt d'ella per això.

I remember her very well because of that.

Perquè llavors teníem xerrades

Because then we had conversations.

o caminades pel centre i xerraves

or walks around the center and chatting

i xerrades molt interessants

and very interesting talks

i molt tudes. Pensa, no sé si ho he dit alguna altra

and very much so. Think, I don’t know if I’ve said it any other way.

vegada, que hi havia

There was once, that there was

una espècie de càstig.

a kind of punishment.

El cervell és molt curiós, com el meu cervell

The brain is very curious, like my brain.

sempre ho dic,

I always say it,

ho ha esborrat de la meva memòria.

He has erased it from my memory.

Sí, aquesta conversa l'he tingut

Yes, I have had this conversation.

moltes vegades, que estaves

many times, that you were

molt creuat perquè

very crossed because

se t'havia com eliminat una part d'aquesta

it seemed that a part of this had been removed

informació i no aconseguies concretar

information and you couldn't pin down

on del centre... No, no, no, és que

where the center... No, no, no, it’s just that

no, no, no. I suposo que també en part si

No, no, no. I I suppose that also in part yes.

l'únic punt on ha vist el centre és dir, hòstia,

the only point where he has seen the center is to say, damn,

encara feu allò? Com es deia allò?

Do you still do that? What was that called?

Que no me'n recordo. El càstig

I don't remember. The punishment.

era que et tenien apartat del centre i només

was that they kept you away from the center and only

dinaves i sopaves

dined and supped

amb ells però amb una taula a part i no

with them but at a separate table and not

podies parlar amb ningú més. I si algú parlava amb tu

you could not talk to anyone else. And if someone spoke to you

passava a estar castigat

was grounded

entre cometes.

in quotes.

Doncs el meu terapeuta era dels

Well, my therapist was one of the

que quan es va

when it goes

fer el tractament, va estar més temps així

to undergo the treatment, it lasted longer that way

diguéssim, separat, jo li vaig

let's say, separate, I'm going to him

batre el rècord.

break the record.

I l'últim que m'ho deia és que, cabron,

And the last thing that told me was that, you bastard,

és que m'has superat el rècord, saps?

It's just that you've surpassed my record, you know?

D'estar apartat perquè jo

To be set apart because of me.

estava, bueno, entusiat amb unes coses,

I was, well, excited about some things,

tenia que treure unes coses de dintre que

I had to take some things out from inside that

no me sortien, que no ho treia, dic, si no me surt,

I couldn't get it out, I say, if it doesn't come out.

no me surt, que collons, vols dir que no m'ho inventaré,

I can't get it, what the hell, you mean I won't make it up.

no us ho enganyaré, no? Que el primer que deia és que han de ser

I won't deceive you, will I? Because the first thing I said is that they have to be

sincers. I...

sincere. I...

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

És que me'n recordo que era un apartat,

It's just that I remember it was a section,

hi havia uns arbres i sempre

there were some trees and always

hi havia uns esquirols

there were some squirrels

que eren molt divertits i sempre pensava, dic,

that they were very funny and I always thought, I say,

si algun dia escrius algun llibre

if one day you write a book

o fas algun còmic sobre les teves memòries,

or you make a comic about your memories,

el títol serà

the title will be

On dormen els esquirols, perquè mai veia

Where do squirrels sleep, because I never see them?

els nius i sempre els veia per allà,

the nests and I always saw them over there,

saps? És una cosa que,

you know? It's something that,

sí, sí, m'ha quedat molt.

Yes, yes, I have a lot left.

Està bé això, recordar-ho així

It's good to remember it like this.

amb carinyos i espero que si

with love and I hope so

algú n'escolta i passa per situació complicada,

someone hears it and goes through a complicated situation,

penseu que, encara

do you think that, still

que el camí i el

that the path and the

túnel es vegi fosc, hi ha llum, eh?

The tunnel may seem dark, but there is light, right?

Hi ha llum, al final, veus, també.

There is light, in the end, you see, too.

Hi ha llum...

There is light...

Al final, tot això que expliques és...

In the end, all this that you are explaining is...

En aquest cas

In this case

que deies que la gent no s'espanti amb el tema

that you said people shouldn't be scared about the topic

de la teràpia perquè siguin així

of the therapy so that they are like this

una mica xocants o fortes o

a bit shocking or strong or

aquestes de confrontació i això,

these confrontational ones and this,

al final no és

in the end it is not

més que t'has d'acabar de trencar

more than you have to break completely

per començar-te a muntar

to start mounting you

de nou.


Clar, i igual que et diuen que tu

Sure, just like they tell you that you.

no comences la teràpia, com diu Man,

don't start the therapy, as Man says,

fins que no has tocat el teu

until you have touched yours

fons, llavors un cop a dintre

bottom, then once inside

això no la comences fins que no t'has

this doesn't start until you have

trencat i has vist realment

broken and you have really seen

el que has arribat a fer i on has estat.

what you have come to do and where you have been.

Jo sempre ho dic, jo vaig estar

I always say it, I was.

a hores de dormir al carrer, que a casa meva

at hours of sleeping on the street, than at my home

no em quedessin al carrer,

I wouldn't be left on the street,

perquè vaig arribar jo abans a casa i em van

because I arrived home before and they gave me

trobar dormint la mona, si no

to find the monkey sleeping, if not

van arribar la meva mare

my mother arrived

la setmana abans, jo no entro a casa, ja m'haguéssim canviat

The week before, I don't come home, we would have already changed.

el pany. Jo em quedo dormint al carrer.

the lock. I'm going to sleep on the street.

En aquest sentit, clar, quan arribes a això

In this sense, of course, when you arrive at this.

que has estat a punt de dormir al carrer i a part de la teva família

that you were about to sleep on the street and apart from your family

comences a ser conscient.

you are starting to be aware.

Una cosa que a vegades encara

One thing that sometimes still

suposo que són les èpoques aquestes

I suppose these are the times.

que tenim més xungues, a vegades

that we have worse, sometimes

encara m'ataquen

they still attack me

una mica,

a little bit,

me venen imatges

they sell me images

del passat, coses que vaig fer al passat

from the past, things I did in the past

i encara me venen.

And they still come to me.

Hòstia, com vas arribar a fer això?

Damn, how did you manage to do that?

I tens un moment de dir

Do you have a moment to speak?

allò de suor

that sweat

forta i sentir-te malament, però penses

strong and feel bad, but you think

no, ja està passat

no, it's already happened

i no era això

and that wasn't it

el 100%.


Sempre diuen que

They always say that.

quan has fet alguna cosa, està encol·locat

when you have done something, it is placed



culpable, però no responsable.

guilty, but not responsible.

N'ets culpable, però no ets

You are guilty, but you are not.

ara no recordo

now I don't remember

com anava la frase.

How was the sentence going?

Em sembla que l'havies dit al revés.

I think you said it the other way around.

Sí, no me'n recordo, perdoneu.

Yes, I don't remember it, sorry.

Sí, em sembla que sí, que era

Yes, it seems to me that it was.

n'és responsable, però no culpable

is responsible, but not guilty

o alguna cosa així, però bueno, són coses

or something like that, but well, these are things

que et venen i et passen.

that sell you and go past you.

Tu, clar, tu anaves en aquest sentit

You, of course, were going in that direction.

entre cometes, tens la sort que

"between quotes, you are lucky that"

ara estàs en una relació bona,

now you are in a good relationship,

en una relació sana.

in a healthy relationship.

I amb tot això he parlat

And with all this, I have spoken.

per endavant.


Jo me vaig

I'm leaving.


to pose

eh, soc conscient que jo tinc

Hey, I'm aware that I have

aquest problema. Aquest problema

this problem. This problem

m'ha derivat en

it has referred me to



desproporcionadament del cafè

disproportionately of the coffee

i estic molt enganxat

I am very hooked.

al tabac.

to tobacco.

Ei, que potser

Hey, maybe.

tampoc era el teu moment d'aixar el tabac, eh?

It wasn't your time to quit smoking either, huh?



Tampoc t'has de forçar.

You don't have to force yourself either.

Jo entenc, i ara que aquí

I understand, and now that I am here

el teu parella se m'emprenyi. Jo, per exemple,

your partner gets angry with me. I, for example,

tinc el cas que a la Madonna

I have the case of Madonna.

li molesta molt el fum.

The smoke bothers him a lot.

Però ja és conscient

But he/she is already aware.

de l'enganxar

of sticking

que tinc jo amb el tabac

what do I have to do with tobacco

que si no fumo

that if I don't smoke

o un mes que vaig estar sense fumar

or a month that I was without smoking

estava d'una mala hòstia que

he was in a bad mood that

jo no me'n recordo, ja m'ho diu,

I don't remember, just tell me.

que estava insuportable

that was unbearable

i tu em coneixes, Albert,

and you know me, Albert,

i tu em dius, ah, sí, que en Sergi és de bona pasta,

And you tell me, oh yes, that Sergi is a good guy,

em faria més de bona fe.

It would make me more sincere.

Però que m'emprenyo,

But I get angry,

se'm creuen els cables.

I’m losing my mind.

No conec a ningú.

I don't know anyone.

Faig un canvi molt radical. Aquí ja ets anar molt al tanto.

I'm making a very radical change. Here you really have to be very aware.

I a vegades a la feina també em passa, eh?

And sometimes it happens to me at work too, you know?

I en aquest sentit,

In this regard,

doncs clar, jo per estar de mala llet

well of course, I’m in a bad mood

i tenir males llunes, doncs no, ja trobaré el meu moment.

And having bad moons, well no, I will find my moment.

Que ho haig d'acabar deixant, sí, però...

I have to end up leaving it, yes, but...

Per això t'ho dic ara,

That's why I'm telling you now,

jo no et vull incitar a tornar a fumar ni molt menys.

I don’t want to encourage you to start smoking again, far from it.

No, no, no, si és que em va genial el comentari

No, no, no, it's just that the comment works great for me.

perquè és que és exactament, literalment,

because it is exactly, literally,

el que s'ha parlat aquesta tarda a casa.

what has been discussed this afternoon at home.

Clar, és que...

Of course, it's just that...

Tal qual, perquè el comentari és

Just like that, because the comment is

que poder anar al moment

that can happen at any moment

vist com ha anat

seen how it has gone

ha sigut un error plantejar-ho d'aquesta manera.

It has been a mistake to approach it this way.

A més a més,




Jo, per al meu passat,

I, for my past,

per tota una sèrie d'històries,

for a whole series of stories,

doncs estic molt acostumat

so I am very accustomed

a autogestionar-me, a menjar-me jo

to self-manage, to eat myself

les meves merdes,

my crap,

jo conmigo mismo, mismamente.

me with myself, just the same.

I a vegades això,

And sometimes this,

si no hi ha

if there isn't

la comunicació correcta

the correct communication

amb la persona del costat

with the person next to you

i ja he caigut en aquest error

And I have already fallen into this mistake.

en més d'una ocasió,

on more than one occasion,

això s'interpreta com

this is interpreted as

falta de confiança

lack of confidence

o com que estàs amagant coses,

or because you are hiding things,

o si vas més enllà,

or if you go further,

més que amagar,

more than hiding,

estàs enganyant.

you are lying.





Quan en una dicció

When in a diction

hi ha la sensació,

there is a feeling,

la persona del costat,

the person next to me,

de que hi ha

of what there is

alguna cosa més que amagar

something more to hide

o que puguis estar enganyant,

or that you might be deceiving,

doncs aquí és quan

so this is when

això t'ho pot trencar tot.

this can break everything for you.



I com que ara a casa som molt

And since now at home we are very

de parlar les coses

to talk about things

amb previsió de qualsevol cosa,

with anticipation of anything,

les coses sobre la taula,

the things on the table,

les coses ben parlades

things well spoken

i amb totes les opcions previstes,

and with all the planned options,



Jo he dit això,

I have said this,

que tu deies,

that you said,

és que potser no era el moment.

Maybe it wasn't the right time.

Si no era el moment,

If it wasn't the moment,

ja el trobaré, jo què sé.

I'll find him, what do I know.

Però és que no vull afegir

But I don't want to add.

el cabreig que m'agafa

the anger that takes hold of me

de que no m'atrec el cigarro del cap

that I don't take the cigarette off my head

a que ja vinc calent,

I'm already coming heated.

surto calent de la feina,

I come out hot from work,

o hi ha coses amb la nena

there are things with the girl

que està en plena adolescència

who is in full adolescence

i me fa saltar,

it makes me jump,

si això hi afegeixo,

if I add this,

el cabreig del tabac,

the wreck of tobacco,

era la persona

it was the person

més insuportable

more unbearable

de la capa de la terra.

from the layer of the earth.

Però és clar,

But of course,

és que després a mi

it's just that later for me

m'han girat a l'argument

They have turned me against the argument.

i és

and it is

que fumis o deixis de fumar,

whether you smoke or stop smoking,

què canvia de l'altre?

What changes from the other?

Deixaràs de tenir els problemes

You will stop having the problems.

a la feina

to work

perquè fumis o deixis de fumar?

Why do you smoke or stop smoking?

Vols dir que si estàs fumant,

Do you mean that if you are smoking,

el que fas és

what you do is

afegir el problema del tabac

add the problem of tobacco

a l'altre?

to the other?

Si a la teva manera,

If in your way,

autogestionant tot el tema

self-managing the whole issue

del tabac,

of tobacco,

no te'n surts,

you're not succeeding.

torna a demanar ajuda.

ask for help again.

I així se m'ha girat l'argument en contra.

And so the argument has turned against me.

I és, doncs,

And it is, then,

l'intent més llarg

the longest attempt

va ser

it was

via el cap,

through the head,

que l'hem recomanat.

that we have recommended it.

Les altres coses que he provat,

The other things I have tried,

una d'elles va ser

one of them was

perquè no vaig aconseguir

because I didn't succeed

veure el cap,

see the head,

perquè estava tot absolutament col·lapsat.

because everything was absolutely collapsed.

I vull dir ara,

And I want to say now,

jo també,

me too,

coincidim amb la setmana de vacances

we coincide with the holiday week

i a veure si després aconsegueixo

and let's see if I manage to do it later.

si té el cap que em vagi bé.

If it has the head that suits me.

I tornar-ho a provar

And try it again.

i deixar-te portar,

and let yourself go,


to advise

i vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

Perquè és que si no,

Because it's just that if not,

no acabarem mai.

we will never finish.

I aquesta cosa

And this thing

sí que me la vull treure d'allà

yes, I want to take it out of there

de sobre d'una vegada.

once and for all.

Potser no era el moment

Maybe it wasn't the time.

de la manera que ho ha fet,

in the way that she has done it,

però el moment sí que crec que és.

but the moment I do think it is.

Que si no,

What if not,

és clar,

it's clear,

si tu vas així,

if you go like this,

és que acabes així.

It's just that you end up like this.

Això està clar.

This is clear.

Jo he reconegut

I have recognized.

que també

that too

tenir amics com jo

to have friends like me

que fumen

that they smoke

i fumen tant com jo

and they smoke as much as I do

tampoc ajuda.

it doesn't help either.



això no ha d'afectar

this should not affect

el que vulgui ser

what one wants to be

o deixar de fer una cosa.

or stop doing something.



això no ha d'afectar

this should not affect

el que vulgui ser

whatever one wants to be

o deixar de fer una cosa.

or stop doing something.

O sigui,

That is to say,


I'll explain myself.

Una cosa que jo tinc molt clara

One thing that I am very clear about




holy shit,

si jo decideixo

if I decide

deixar de fer una cosa,

to stop doing something,

jo no tinc per què

I don't have to.


to drag

en el meu entorn

in my environment

a condicionar

to condition

el seu comportament

his behavior

respecte a això.

regarding this.

Què faltaria més?

What more would be missing?

El problema el tinc jo.

The problem is mine.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Per tant,


jo no haig d'estar

I don't have to be.

condicionant a ningú

conditioning anyone

que faci més

let it do more

o faci menys.

or do less.

Ja està.

It's done.



jo ho veig així, eh?

I see it like this, okay?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



ara és un comentari,

now it's a comment,

no un pensament

not a thought

que faci així

let it be like that

en veu alta

out loud

perquè, dic,

because, I say,

ens veiem habitualment

we see each other regularly

i així

and so

i jo fumo

And I smoke.

i intento, eh?

I try, you know?

No fumar tant

Don't smoke so much.

o està el cas

Where is the case?

per això






si jo estava intentant...

if I was trying...

Però tant tu com jo,

But both you and I,



tant tu com jo

both you and I

ens hem quedat

we have stayed

bastant sols

quite alone

en el nostre entorn

in our environment

com els últims fumadors.

like the last smokers.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



hi ha un company nostre,

there is a colleague of ours,

un company de pare,

a friend of dad,

el Fiber,

the Fiber,

fa anys havia fumat.

Years ago, I used to smoke.

En Fiber havia sigut fumador.

In Fiber, he had been a smoker.

Així és el més pròxim,

Thus, it is the closest.



La família,

The family,

el meu cunyat

my brother-in-law

i la meva germana

and my sister

eren fumadors

they were smokers



que anaves

that you were going

a casa seu

at your home

i semblava

and it seemed


it seemed



o Vic

or Vic

de la boira

of the fog

que hi havia.

that there was.









Avui s'ha acabat

Today it has ended.

la feina

the work

que ens ha deixat

that has left us

la família,

the family,

la família de la família

the family of the family

del Fiber

of the Fiber

que ha deixat

that has left

de fumar.

of smoking.



cada cop hi ha

every time there is

cada cop

every time

hi ha més gent

there are more people

que la família

that the family

t'està deixant.

You are letting yourself go.

A la feina

At work



el que et deia

what I was telling you

aquesta meva millor amiga

this is my best friend

la Cristina




l'ha deixat

he has left her

fa poc.

a little while ago.





cada cop hi ha més gent

there are more and more people

del nostre entorn

from our environment

que la feina

that the work

En l'entorn també hi ha hagut gent que els ha costat més o menys, però ho han anat deixant.

In the environment, there have also been people who found it more or less difficult, but they have been letting it go.

Tinc la sensació d'haver-me quedat allò com l'últim, no?

I have the feeling that I've been left like the last one, right?

És que no n'hi ha prou.

It's just that it's not enough.

Això sí que és una queixa que a mi m'enerva moltíssim.

This is indeed a complaint that really gets on my nerves.

No sé com te fa sentir a tu.

I don't know how it makes you feel.

No n'hi ha prou que sé que estic fent una cosa que pot molestar,

It's not enough that I know I'm doing something that might annoy.

que és dolenta per la meva salut i que m'està costant calés,

that it is bad for my health and that it is costing me money,

que a sobre et sents com una espècie en perill d'extinció que t'estan perseguint.

that above you feel like a species in danger of extinction that is being hunted.

No sé com dir-ho.

I don't know how to say it.

Hòstia, criminalitzat i perseguit.

Holy shit, criminalized and persecuted.

Collons, tio, ja està, deixeu-me amb la meva merda, saps?

Damn it, dude, that's it, leave me with my stuff, you know?

Ja m'ho dic amb el meu, perquè a sobre ser assenyalat i criticat d'aquesta manera.

I say it to myself because, on top of being pointed out and criticized in this way.

Hòstia, eh!

Holy crap, huh!

Que també sóc dels que es van encaixar quan van dir que no es podia fumar en els restaurants

I'm also one of those who got upset when they said that smoking was not allowed in restaurants.

i ara entrar en un restaurant, no veig que hi pugui haver fum.

And now entering a restaurant, I don't see that there could be smoke.

M'ho explico?

Should I explain it to you?

Sí, no, no, ja...

Yes, no, no, already...

Hi ha coses d'aquestes que hem anat passant per l'Aro,

There are things like these that we have been going through at the Aro.

però després veus que moltes han sigut per bé, eh?

"But then you see that many have been for the better, right?"

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Jo sent fumador,

I feel like a smoker,

reconec que en restaurants està molt millor sense fum, eh?

I admit that in restaurants it's much better without smoke, right?

Sense tabac.

Without tobacco.

Això també ho reconec, en aquest sentit.

I also acknowledge this, in this sense.

Ja trobo que és exagerat, ja seria un altre programa i un altre debat,

I already think it's exaggerated; it would be a different program and a different debate.

de fumar o no fumar en terrasses,

about smoking or not smoking on terraces,

que a la terrassa de canvi no t'hi estàs a l'aire lliure

that on the terrace you don't stay out in the open air

i ja és diferent.

And it is already different.

I tot i que sóc una persona que sempre quan fumo en una terrassa

And although I am a person who always smokes on a terrace

miro de cap on va el fum

I look at where the smoke is going.

i que hi tinc algú tant per no molestar, eh?

And I have someone there just to avoid bothering, right?

Això sí que és una cosa que també tinc molt...

This is indeed something that I also have a lot of...



molt conscient

very aware

en aquest sentit.

in this regard.

Bueno, esperem ja...

Well, let's wait already...

No sé.

I don't know.

Jo sempre dic...

I always say...

és que no sé quan jo tingui enveja el meu moment

It’s just that I don’t know when I will have jealousy, my moment.

o quan anem deixant.

or when we are leaving.

Que m'ho haig de plantejar bé

That I have to consider it well.

i que ara se m'ajuda a través de...

and that now I am helped through...

d'estrat social.

of social class.

També ho tinc clar, perquè si no estarà una mala llet

I also see it clearly, because otherwise it will be bad luck.

que potser que la meva parenta se'n torni una temporada cap a Vic

that perhaps my relative will go back to Vic for a while

i em digui, bueno noi,

And tell me, well boy,

quan t'hagis refet de deixar de fumar,

when you have recovered from quitting smoking,

l'igual torno

I'll be back the same.

i em quedo aquí a casa sola amb el...

and I stay here at home alone with the...

amb el gat.

with the cat.

Però perquè és això, no?

But why is that, right?

Perquè és això, hòstia,

Why is this, damn it,

o estàs en un dinar o un sopar familiar

either you are at a family lunch or a family dinner

i estàs en el restaurant i a mig sopar

and you are in the restaurant and halfway through dinner

o mig dinar surts a fora a fer el cigarro

At lunchtime you go outside to smoke a cigarette.

o si estic convidat a casa d'algú

or if I am invited to someone's house

i em miro de poder sortir a la terrassa

and I look at being able to go out to the terrace

per anar a fer el cigarret.

to go have a cigarette.


Of course.

Arriba un punt que dius, tampoc és normal això, saps?

There comes a point where you say, this isn't normal either, you know?



Estar així amb un àpat

Being like this with a meal

d'amics o familiars

of friends or relatives

i que hagi de sortir a fer el cigarro tampoc és pla.

And having to go out to smoke a cigarette isn't fun either.



Però bueno.

But well.



Hi havia alguna altra pregunta o tema

Was there any other question or topic?

que volguessis llançar?

What did you want to throw?



Ara et volia comentar que en principi

I wanted to tell you that in principle

suposo que

I suppose that

a mes d'agost no farem programa.

In August, we will not have a program.

Fem vacances, no?, d'alguna manera.

Let's take a vacation, shall we? In some way.

I tornem al setembre

We'll be back in September.



amb forces renovades, per dir-ho d'alguna manera,

with renewed strength, to put it somehow,

tot i que a mes d'agost tu i jo treballarem.

Although in August you and I will be working.

No?, a l'hora de no entendre.

No? When it comes to not understanding.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I... sí, perquè jo tinc una setmana de vacances, també.

I... yes, because I have a week of vacation, too.

També fas una setmana o quinze dies?

Do you also do a week or fifteen days?

Jo ara faig una setmana de vacances

I'm now taking a week off.

i després tindré quinze dies

and then I will have fifteen days

a mitjans d'agost.

in mid-August.

Home, no, jo vols fins a octubre.

No, I want until October.

Jo sempre ja m'ho reservo així,

I always keep it to myself like this.

m'ho reparteixo per...

I distribute it for...

per de cara, com que jo treballo

for face, since I work

en un supermercat,

in a supermarket,

agafar forces de cara... de cares de Nadal

gather strength for... Christmas faces

i el que s'acosta,

and what is approaching,

que sempre és necessari.

that is always necessary.



una altra cosa que volia comentar.

Another thing I wanted to mention.

Vull dir que a vegades us recomanaríem

I mean that sometimes we would recommend you.

sèries, pel·lícules, o en aquest cas,

series, movies, or in this case,

perquè ens coneixeu més o menys per altres perfils,

because you know us more or less from other profiles,

tant jo com l'Albert som molt...

both Albert and I are very...

som molt fans, o adictes, entre cometes,

we are big fans, or addicts, in quotation marks,

al còmic.

to the comic.

I l'altre dia era a la meva llibreria de confiança,

And the other day I was at my trusted bookstore,

que la meva és la Buchmann de Figueres.

that mine is the Buchmann from Figueres.

Vaig veure una cosa

I saw something.

que es diu

what is it called

Fuerza de Ferran Vidal.

Strength of Ferran Vidal.

Notes des d'un

Notes from a

centro de rehabilitació.

rehabilitation center.

Vaig veure la portada

I saw the cover.

i no vaig mirar ni per dir

and I didn't even look to say

va ser tant, tant, posa'm aquest, saps?

it was so, so, put me this one, you know?

I jo em pensava que seria el típic còmic

And I thought it would be the typical comic.

d'una persona que

of a person who

ha passat una addicció,

an addiction has occurred,

que ha tingut de fer una rehabilitació.

that has had to undergo rehabilitation.

I quina va ser la meva sorpresa?

And what was my surprise?

Que en Ferran Vidal

That Ferran Vidal


it is

un artista, un dibuixant, un pintor

an artist, a draftsman, a painter

que els estava

that was for them

passant canutes

passing tubes

a un punt que va al súper

to a point that goes to the supermarket

i que a l'altra gent no li passa

and that it doesn't happen to other people

i comença a buscar feina.

And start looking for a job.

I troba feina

And find a job.

a mitja jornada en un

part-time in a



Què són els CAS? Centres d'Atenció Sanitària.

What are CAS? Health Care Centers.



és un centre que treballa, són empreses externes

It is a center that works, they are external companies.

de la societat social

of the social society

i allà ajuden

and there they help





Tens un psicòleg,

Do you have a psychologist?

un psiquiatre, una infermera,

a psychiatrist, a nurse,

una secretària

a secretary

i allà t'ajuden a

and there they help you to

desenganxar-te o començar a desenganxar-te.

detach yourself or start to detach yourself.

Et fan els controls d'urina,

They do urine tests on you,

et fan els controls de sang

they take the blood tests

i tot això. Aquesta persona va entrar a treballar

and all that. This person started working.

de manteniment aquí

of maintenance here

i allà explica el seu dia a dia

And there he explains his day to day.

en aquest centre de rehabilitació.

in this rehabilitation center.

Mira que jo he llegit

Look what I have read.

forces novel·les i forces còmics

new forces and many comics

sobre el tema.

on the subject.

El tinc per la meitat, el vaig començar a llegir ahir a la nit,

I'm halfway through it; I started reading it last night.

però de pocs

but of few

tan colpirós i tan sincers com aquest.

as striking and as sincere as this.

La manera que ell parla i reflexa

The way he speaks and reflects

tant la gent que hi treballa com la gent que

both the people who work there and the people who

va en el cas, és brutal.

It's brutal in the case.

M'està semblant

It seems to me.

sancionàl·lic. Es diu

sanctional. It is said

Fuerza de Ferran Vidal,

Strength of Ferran Vidal,

editat per Norma Editorial.

edited by Norma Editorial.

És, bé,

It's, well,

un totxal una mica important.

a somewhat important brick.

Ja penjarem

We'll hang it.

fotos al nostre

photos at our

perfil, els Instagram

profile, the Instagram

i Twitter.

and Twitter.

I a través dels dibuixos que ell va anar fent,

And through the drawings that he kept making,

jo li estic ensenyant l'Albert, després

I am teaching Albert, later.

ho penjarem a xarxes.

We will post it on social media.

Ell va fent retrats de la gent que passava

He keeps making portraits of the people who passed by.

per allà, però des dels treballadors

over there, but from the workers



als assistents

to the attendees

en aquest centre. La veritat és que m'ha agradat molt

in this center. The truth is that I have really enjoyed it.

i si us interessa el tema, jo ho recomano molt i molt

And if you are interested in the topic, I highly recommend it.

perquè ho trobo molt colpidor

because I find it very moving

amb frases molt sinceres

with very sincere sentences

que podria dir qualsevol

that anyone could say

qualsevol addicta.

any addict.

Molt interessant.

Very interesting.

De llibres d'aquests també en tinc un paquet

I have a bunch of books like these too.



A mi

To me

la meva pila de pendents s'ha convertit en caixa

my pile of tasks has turned into a box

de pendents, directament.

dependent, directly.

Tu no saps

You don't know.

com se te planteja l'estiu, Albert?

How do you see the summer, Albert?

Mira, primer

Look, first

t'enganxo al fil de recomanacions.

I'll hook you up with the recommendations.

Vaig trobar una llista

I found a list.

de recomanacions de pel·lícules sobre

recommendations for movies about

diferents tipus

different types

d'addiccions i em va sorprendre

of addictions and it surprised me

que n'hi haguessin vàries, que jo

that there were several, that I

no coneixia de res, sobre

I didn't know anything about.

l'addicció al sexe.

sex addiction.

No les he vist totes,

I haven't seen them all.

però tenen

but they have

bona pinta. Falta després

Good appearance. Needs to be done later.

veure-les i que tractin el tema

see them and discuss the topic

amb certa serietat o criteri.

with some seriousness or judgment.

Però en Michael

But Michael

Fassbender, el nostre

Fassbender, our

magneto jove de l'UCM,

young magneto of the UCM,

de Marvel

from Marvel

Fox, els Mutants,

Fox, the Mutants,

és protagonista d'una d'elles, que es diu

is the protagonist of one of them, which is called

Shame, que es diu Vergonya.

Shame, which is called Vergonya.

No la coneixia de res.

I didn't know her at all.

Jo que em pensava que tenia la filmografia d'aquest actor

I thought I had the filmography of this actor.

bastant controlada.

quite controlled.

I té bona pinta.

It looks good.

N'hi ha una altra que

There is another one that

es diu...

it is called...

Aquesta farà gràcia perquè

This will be funny because

sembla que hi hagi actors de l'UCM

it seems that there are actors from the UCM



En Marc Rufaló,

Marc Rufaló,

que fa de Hulk,

what makes Hulk,

fa d'un

it's been a while

ex-addict al sexe,

ex-sex addict,

bueno, un addict al sexe recuperat,

well, a recovered sex addict,

i que intenta ajudar altra gent

and tries to help other people

que es puguin trobar en la mateixa

that they can be found in the same one

situació. I això acaba portant

situation. And this ultimately leads

a una sèrie d'històries. I es diu

to a series of stories. And it's called

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for sharing.

Aviam, ho dic en anglès

Let's see, I'll say it in English.

perquè és com he localitzat les pel·lícules.

because that’s how I located the movies.

Jo no tinc problema en després

I don't have a problem with later.

localitzar-les i veure-les

locate them and see them

ni que sigui amb els subtítols generats automàticament

even if it is with automatically generated subtitles

ni coses d'aquestes, eh?

no things like that, eh?

Si a algú li interessés

If anyone is interested

intentar localitzar-les, després

try to locate them, then

que es posin contacte per privat i

that they contact privately and

les intentem localitzar, d'acord?

We are trying to locate them, okay?



No, no, acaba, acaba.

No, no, finish, finish.

Després n'hi havia una altra,

Then there was another one,

però algunes d'aquestes

but some of these

tractaven sobre

they were about

tema d'apostes

betting topic

de l'alcohol, que aquestes sí

of the alcohol, that these do

que ja són més conegudes, com

that are already more well-known, such as

Living in Las Velas o

Living in Las Velas or

la de

the one of

Nicolas Cage, el Trainspotting,

Nicolas Cage, the Trainspotting,

el Consumpte de Drogues, aquella pel·li

The Drug Consumption, that film.

coneguda. El...

known. The...


Tell me?

No, no, el Trainspotting, uf, encara

No, no, Trainspotting, ugh, still.

no sé, va ser l'any passat o com va ser,

I don't know, was it last year or how was it?

la vaig tornar a veure i...

I saw her again and...

Jo... És una pel·lícula que

I... It's a movie that

en el seu moment la vaig disfrutar moltíssim

At the time, I enjoyed it immensely.

i quan l'he volgut tornar a visitar

and when I wanted to visit it again

no he pogut amb ella, tu.

I haven't been able to deal with her, you.

No, no és fàcil de veure, no. Perquè...

No, it's not easy to see, no. Because...

Hi he identificat conductes

Hi, I have identified behaviors.

de gent

of people

que ha acabat molt malament, que

that has ended very badly, that

havia conegut, després d'haver-la

had known, after having her

vist per primera vegada,

seen for the first time,

i no he pogut amb ella.

And I couldn't with her.

I l'última

And the last

per el tema aquest més cru

for this tougher topic

de les drogues és la de la

of drugs is that of the

història d'en Ray Charles, que es diu Ray, la del

the story of Ray Charles, who is called Ray, the one of

2004. Aquí tracta

2004. Here it deals with

de com un geni

like a genius

com en Ray Charles pot caure

like Ray Charles can fall

en les mans de l'heroïna, no?

In the hands of the heroine, right?

Però bueno, el motiu

But well, the reason

que em va cridar l'atenció és que

what caught my attention is that

quan vaig intentar localitzar

when I tried to locate

aquestes pel·lícules,

these movies,

per veure si es tractava bé el tema,

to see if the issue was being handled well,

és que n'hi havia d'addicció

it was that there was addiction

al sexe i amb actors

to sex and with actors

coneguts, pel·lícules actuals,

known, current movies,

i que no semblaven

and that did not seem

allò pseudo-documentals.

those pseudo-documentaries.

Per tant, doncs,

Therefore, then,

intentaré mirar-les totes

I will try to look at them all.

i a veure si n'hi ha alguna que sigui realment recomanable.

And let's see if there is any that is really worth recommending.

Jo, mirant que dius això,

I, seeing that you say this,

recordo algunes que he vist

I remember some that I have seen.

i algunes que em feien veure

and some that made me see

en el centre,

in the center,

abans d'anar al projecte, de moment ja vaig estar al Colix Anònims,

before going to the project, for now I was already at the Anonymous Collective,

i et recomanaven, no?

And they recommended you, right?

Una, tirarem a un clàssic

One, we'll go with a classic.


of the



Dias de vino y rosas.

Days of wine and roses.

Suposo que a Filmin

I suppose it's on Filmin.

possiblement la podrieu trobar, i si no es pot veure

you might be able to find it, and if it can't be seen

a YouTube.

to YouTube.

És un clàssic

It's a classic.

de Blake Edwards,

by Blake Edwards,



i bueno, es tracta

And well, it's about.

d'això d'un addicte a l'alcohol,

of an alcohol addict,

es recupera i tal,

it recovers and such,

i fins que troba la seva dona,

and until he finds his wife,

i la seva dona també comença a beure.

And his wife also starts drinking.

És molt dura, en moments

It is very hard, at times.

dramàtics molt, molt forts,

very, very dramatic,

i no us ho explicaré per si el podeu veure, perquè

and I won't explain it to you in case you can see it, because

al final és d'aquells que

in the end, it's one of those who

foten molt de mal.

they hurt a lot.

Un altre,


Mi nombre es Bill, de 1989,

My name is Bill, from 1989,

que és la història de,

what is the history of,

juntament amb el Dr. Bob, en Bill va ser

together with Dr. Bob, Bill was

el fundador del Colix Anònims.

the founder of the Anonymous Collective.

Ja és la seva història.

It is already their story.

Mi nombre es Bill,

My name is Bill,

que diria que també està

I would say that it is also.

a YouTube Rai, que l'acabes de dir

to YouTube Rai, that you just mentioned

tu ara.

you now.

Quina més tindríem per aquí?

What other one would we have around here?

Tu has dit Living Las Vegas,

You have said Living Las Vegas,

Living Las Vegas és una de les que recomano,

Living Las Vegas is one that I recommend.

Nicolás Cage, ara ha agafat

Nicolas Cage has now taken.

una deriva de pel·lícules, que a mi m'agraden,

a drift of movies that I like,

les de David Cameron i Nicolás Cage,

the ones from David Cameron and Nicolás Cage,

molt boges,

very crazy,

però una de les seves grans pel·lícules,

but one of his great films,

que és una addicta a l'alcohol,

that she is an alcohol addict,

amb les seves ganes

with their enthusiasm

de fugir de l'addicció, va parar a Las Vegas

to escape from addiction, he ended up in Las Vegas.

i s'acaba liant amb

and ends up getting involved with

la prostituta, i fins que s'adona

the prostitute, and until she realizes

que la seva addicció és més forta

that their addiction is stronger

que l'amor. Però també és una

that love. But it is also a

d'aquelles de

of those of

les durilles.

the hard ones.

Una que és dura però és divertida

One that is tough but fun.

a la vegada,

at the same time,

es deia

it was called

28 dies,

28 days,

ai, me sortirà el nom ara,

oh, the name will come to me now,

Sandra Bullock.

Sandra Bullock.

Ah, l'he vista,

Ah, I have seen her.

sí, molt recomanable.

Yes, highly recommended.

La Sandra Bullock entra en un centre

Sandra Bullock enters a center.





per desenganxar-se, i té moments

to unstick oneself, and it has moments

durs però moments molt divertits.

tough but very fun moments.

I els que han passat per una addicció

And those who have been through an addiction.

t'hi vas molt, molt reflectit. I, per exemple,

you are very, very reflected in it. And, for example,

hi ha el seu company gai,

there is his gay partner,

que és addicte

what is addictive

a les drogues, el gai,

to the drugs, the gay,

no sé si t'acords del personatge del gai.

I don't know if you remember the character of the gay man.

Sí, sí. En general

Yes, yes. In general.

estava blanquejada, però reconeixes

it was whitened, but you recognize

les situacions.

the situations.

Estava blanquejada perquè la van voler

She was bleached because they wanted her to be.

fer per tots els públics i que tingués un to

to be for all audiences and have a tone

de comèdia, però la veritat és que la pel·li

of comedy, but the truth is that the movie

té doble capa.

it has a double layer.

El transfons

The background

és d'orillo, però

it's gold, but

jo vaig anar molt reflectit

I went very reflective.

perquè tu quan

because you when

surts ja del

you are already leaving from the

teu centre d'habitació i comences a

your living center and you start to

fer el d'orilleria penses, ah, ara

do the ring making you think, ah, now

em compraré un gos o em compraré un gat

I will buy myself a dog or I will buy myself a cat.

i el cuidaré. I van dir, no, no,

And I will take care of him. They said, no, no.

primer mira't de cuidar-te tu

first, take care of yourself

i quan sàpigues cuidar-te tu, llavors mira't

And when you know how to take care of yourself, then look at yourself.

d'anònim a la companyia. I el gai d'aquesta pel·li

from anonymous to the company. And the gay in this movie

quan acaba, spoiler, quan està recuperat

when it ends, spoiler, when he is recovered

el tio es compra una planta per cuidar-la

The guy buys a plant to take care of it.

i la planta se li ha mort. Diu, com vols

And the plant has died on him/her. He/She says, how do you want it?

que cuidi un gos? Si no sé si cuidaré una planta

To take care of a dog? If I don't know if I'll take care of a plant.

i la planta se m'ha mort de seguida, que mataré el gos.

And the plant has died right away, that I will kill the dog.

Aquell moment jo vaig riure molt.

At that moment I laughed a lot.

Hi havia com una segona part,

There was like a second part,

no me'n recordo, voldria veure si hi havia com una segona

I don't remember, I would like to see if there was something like a second one.

part d'aquesta pel·lícula. Però aquesta

part of this movie. But this

si la voleu veure

if you want to see it

si la voleu veure una pel·lícula, diguéssim,

if you want to watch a movie, let's say,

més light de comèdia, aquesta és molt recol·lable.

More light comedy, this one is very memorable.

El 28 dies de la Sandra Bullock

The 28 days of Sandra Bullock.

en el seu moment

at the time

la vaig gaudir molt.

I enjoyed it a lot.

Ganes de tornar a veure

Looking forward to seeing you again.

la veritat. I de novetat

the truth. And of novelty

en tinc un parell més pendents per llegir, però

I have a couple more pending to read, but

com que se m'acumula tanta feina

since so much work is piling up on me

m'haig de posar una mica al dia

I need to catch up a bit.

però a mesura que vagi llegint ja us ho diré.

but as I read more, I will let you know.

L'últim que us recomano és aquest. El

The last thing I recommend to you is this one. The

Fuerza de

Force of

notes des d'una certa habitació.

notes from a certain room.

Ja te'l passaré perquè

I will pass it to you because

és molt xulo.

It's very cool.

Jo admeto que

I admit that

soc una persona que en els seus moments

I am a person who in my moments


each one

en el seu moment

at the time

oportun a la vida pot ser molt impressionable.

Opportunity in life can be very impressive.



respecte a l'alcoholisme, que era una cosa

regarding alcoholism, which was something

que ja havia vist

that I had already seen

que afectava a algun membre

that affected any member

de la família per part de pare, que em sembla

from the family on my father's side, it seems to me

que això ja havia parlat en el programa,

that this had already been discussed in the program,

un tiet meu.

an uncle of mine.

Ja era un tema que ja mantenia

It was already a topic that I was already maintaining.

una mica mosca, però

a bit annoying, though

hi va haver una pel·lícula

there was a movie

que en aquella època

that at that time

era protagonitzada

was starring

pel meu crush

for my crush

cinematogràfic, que era la Meg Ryan.

cinematic, who was Meg Ryan.

La Meg Ryan durant molts anys

Meg Ryan for many years

va ser el meu crush de cinema.

he was my movie crush.



va ser veure aquesta pel·lícula

it was to see this movie



jurar-me a mi mateix

swear to myself

que mai de la vida em permetria

that I would never allow myself

jo caure en això o estar

I fall into this or am.

al costat d'algú que caigués

next to someone who fell

en això, almenys

in this, at least

a fer tot el que estigués a les meves mans.

to do everything that was in my hands.

I és una pel·lícula d'aquesta dona

And it's a movie by this woman.

amb l'Andy García

with Andy García

que es diu Quan un home amb una dona.

What is it called when a man is with a woman?

Sembla una parella

It looks like a couple.



viuen amb les filles i tal,

they live with the daughters and such,

però resulta que ella és alcohòlica

but it turns out that she is an alcoholic

i ell fa de tot per intentar-la ajudar

And he does everything to try to help her.

perquè se l'estima amb locura,

because one loves him/her madly,

però tu veus

but you see

que hi ha etapes en les que ella

that there are stages in which she

no vol aquesta ajuda

does not want this help

i el que això implica.

and what this implies.

Aquella pel·lícula a mi em va deixar

That movie left me.

absolutament desmuntat.

absolutely dismantled.

Perquè jo estava acostumat a veure

Because I was used to seeing

la meva perfectíssima

my very perfect one

Meg Ryan

Meg Ryan

amb aquell destil

with that distill

de papers per als que és recordada

of papers for those who are remembered

bàsicament, i veure-la aquí

basically, and see it here

amb aquest

with this

personatge tan dramàtic, hòstia,

such a dramatic character, damn,

em va descol·locar

it threw me off.



I mira,

And look,

ara quan estàvem parlant de les

now when we were talking about the

pel·lícules, aquesta no estava en aquella llista

movies, this one wasn't on that list

que he buscat, però has fet un

that I have searched for, but you have made a

comentari abans d'una de les altres que t'ho has

comment before one of the others that you have

recomanat i m'ha vingut aquesta com un tiro al cap.

recommended and it has hit me like a bullet to the head.

I tu que deies

And you, what were you saying?

això, no sé si havies vist en el seu moment la sèrie

I don't know if you had seen the series at the time.



Sí, la de

Yes, the one of

l'actor d'Expedient X, no?

The actor from The X-Files, right?



No sé si l'he vist en el seu moment.

I don't know if I saw it at the time.

Jo crec que no l'he vist.

I believe I haven't seen him/her.

La vaig començar a veure però no

I began to see her, but no.

la vaig seguir.

I followed her.

Recordo, hòstia, és que la tinc molt

I remember, damn, it's just that I have it a lot.



La recordo molt boja i tal.

I remember her as very crazy and all.

En Dubovny no és que hagi sigut mai

In Dubovny, it's not that I have ever been.

un actor molt excel·lent.

a very excellent actor.

La recordo molt esborrada

I remember her very faintly.

i sí que tocava...

and yes, it did touch...

Però bueno, tampoc és una sèrie

But well, it's not a series either.

que jo crec que es pugui

that I believe it can be

recomanar per tractar

recommend for treatment

aquest tipus de temes.

this type of topics.

Per si l'havies vist,

Just in case you had seen it,

si la recomanaves o...

if you recommended it or...



No puc perquè

I can't because

la veritat és que no la recordo massa i no...

the truth is that I don't remember her much and I don't...



De moment aquesta no l'afegiria.

For the moment, I wouldn't add this one.


I was

buscant una sèrie que hi havia...

looking for a series that there was...

al Disney Plus...

to Disney Plus...



Ai, espera, com es deia?

Oh, wait, what was it called?

Jo ara us destrossaré la...

I will now destroy your...

Us faré explotar el cap, eh?

I'll make your head explode, okay?

Aquella sèrie que és una sitcom

That series that is a sitcom.



¿Cómo conocía a vuestra madre?

How did you meet your mother?

Ui, ara què dius, eh?

Oh, now what are you saying, huh?

Que per mi és una de les grans sèries, eh?

Which for me is one of the great series, huh?



Tu no has captat

You haven't caught on.

l'analogia dels trajes amb la droga?

The analogy of suits with drugs?

En quins trajes?

In which suits?

Quan ell diu que...

When he says that...

Quan es posa el traje

When does he/she put on the suit?

se sent còmode, quan es posa el traje

he feels comfortable when he puts on the suit.

se li passen totes les tonteries.

He/she overlooks all the nonsense.

Hi ha aquell capítol

There is that chapter.

en què el tio es vesteix de manera informal

in what way does the guy dress informally

però està nerviós, neguitós

but he is nervous, anxious

i al final se'n va al lavabo

and in the end, he/she goes to the bathroom

i es posa el traje i quan surt, surt

And he puts on the suit, and when he goes out, he goes out.

i diu, oh tio, això és vida.

And he says, oh man, this is life.

Ara sí, ara torno a ser el puto rei.

Now yes, now I am the fucking king again.



m'ho havia de tornar a mirar.

I had to look at it again.

No m'ho havia mirat mai així, però...

I had never looked at it like this, but...

Mira't a...

Look at yourself in...

Recupera un capítol un dia

Recover a chapter a day.

d'aquests que toqui el tema dels trajes i et quedaràs mort.

From those who touch on the topic of suits and you'll be stunned.



lo dels entrepans, que són els porros...

the sandwiches, which are the joints...

T'estic matant, ara.

I'm killing you, now.

No, no, no. M'estàs tocant un tema nou

No, no, no. You are touching on a new topic for me.

perquè per mi és...

because for me it is...

A mi em va en teoria...

It works for me in theory...

Aquesta història

This story

l'està explicant el pare amb els fills.

The father is explaining it to the children.

Hi ha coses que no explicarà exactament què va passar.

There are things that will not explain exactly what happened.



Sí, clar, pot ser, pot ser.

Yes, sure, maybe, maybe.

I més amb la colla de mig que tenia i tot.

And even more with the group of friends I had and everything.

Però clar, m'estàs tirant

But of course, you are throwing me.

un nom mitra terra. No m'ho havia mirat així

a name, a middle ground. I hadn't looked at it that way.

perquè dic, justament, en vivant en teoria

because I say, precisely, living in theory

per mi és una de... dues de les grans sèries

for me it is one of... two of the great series



No sé, avui mai vaig seguir molt.

I don't know, today I never followed much.

La sèrie que et deia de Disney Plus

The series I was telling you about on Disney Plus.


it is...

Don... Don... Don Pitsk.

Don... Don... Don Pitsk.

La sèrie...

The series...

La sèrie Dopecic.

The series Dopecic.



Ah, sí, és la dels...

Ah, yes, it's the one with...



Sí, que era sobre

Yes, it was about

l'oxicontin, que

Oxycontin, which

és bàsicament oxicodona.

It is basically oxycodone.

L'únic que

The only thing that

l'alteraven perquè

they altered it because

t'hi donessis l'edicte.

you would give yourself the edict.

I és la història real

And it is the real story.

entre cometes d'aquesta farmacèutica

"within quotes of this pharmaceutical"

com consumava manegat.

how he handled it.

Per... Bueno, perquè hi ha tot això.

For... Well, because there's all this.

I tot el...

And all the...

tot el merder que va haver-hi

all the mess that happened

a darrere, una sèrie molt...

behind, a very... series

molt recomanable.

Highly recommended.

I persones que fins i tot

And people who even

es calculen que va haver-hi més de 500.000 morts

It is estimated that there were more than 500,000 deaths.

en 20 anys per copar

in 20 years to conquer

d'aquesta droga.

of this drug.

Aquesta és la que protagonitza

This is the one who stars.

Michael Keaton, no?

Michael Keaton, right?

Sí, anava a dir

Yes, I was going to say.

el vostre Batman. Sí, sí, sí.

your Batman. Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

És molt bèstia aquesta sèrie.

This series is really awesome.

És molt bèstia en el sentit que...

It is very brutal in the sense that...

En el sentit que dius, tio,

In the sense that you say, dude,

això ha passat? Així, tal qual?

Did this happen? Just like that?

La trama per legalitzar la droga,

The plot to legalize drugs,

com van tapant les històries,

as the stories are being covered,

com se'n desentenen de tot,

how they wash their hands of everything,

el que han d'arribar a fer per demostrar

what they have to do to prove



que ja se sabia, que havia fet expressament...

that was already known, that he had done intentionally...

Ah, tio, és brutal.

Ah, dude, it's awesome.

La investigació, el...

The research, the...

Encara està disponible.

It is still available.

Molt bona sèrie, sí.

Very good series, yes.

I llavors,

And then,

allò que sempre fem la conya de quan

that which we always joke about when

estàs buscant en una plataforma sèries

you are searching for series on a platform

o pel·lícules i et tornes boig,

or movies and you go crazy,

Netflix té documentals molt interessants

Netflix has very interesting documentaries.



relacionat amb les drogues i addiccions.

related to drugs and addictions.

Si remeneu a dintre el seu catàleg

If you rummage within its catalog


you will find...

trobareu grans documentals

you will find great documentaries

i grans sèries sobre el tema.

and great series on the subject.

Jo aniré veient algú així de...

I will go on seeing someone like this...

de suelta de tant en tant

from time to time

o alguna més curteta i, hòstia,

or something shorter and, damn,

allò és sorprenent.

that is surprising.

Ara no podria dir títols, però dic, si remeneu a dintre el catàleg,

I can't say titles right now, but I say, if you rummage through the catalog,

Netflix és una de les cosetes que...

Netflix is one of those little things that...

que té així xules i interessants.

that are so cool and interesting.

Llavors, un dia, avui, avui,

Then, one day, today, today,

aviam si trobo una manera.

let's see if I can find a way.

Hi havia documentals que nosaltres ens posàvem

There were documentaries that we used to watch.

al centre d'habitació sobre les drogues

at the center of the room about drugs

i com funcionaven les drogues

and how the drugs worked

i com funcionava el cervell amb les drogues.

And how the brain worked with drugs.

Eren superinteressants i estaven molt ben explicats.

They were super interesting and very well explained.

Parlaré amb

I will talk with

l'antic terapeuta d'aquí Figueres

the former therapist from here Figueres

i veiem si em pot passar l'anilàs, perquè eren documentals

And let's see if you can pass me the anilas, because they were documentaries.

molt xulos i molt interessants.

very cool and very interesting.

Sobre com funcionava la...

About how it worked the...

bueno, la... la dopamina

well, the... the dopamine

i tot això, com funciona el cervell

And all of this, how does the brain work?

i com... com

and how... like

reaccionava amb les drogues, etcètera.

reacted with drugs, etcetera.

Era molt interessant, la veritat.

It was very interesting, to be honest.

Doncs molt bé, Albert.

Well, very good, Albert.

No sé si t'ha quedat algun tema per cobrir.

I don't know if there's any topic left for you to cover.



No, era...

No, it was...

ganes de fer un repàs una mica com estàvem.

Wanting to have a bit of a review of how we were.

Jo necessitava esbravar-me...

I needed to let off steam…

És que, a més a més,

It's that, furthermore,

no sé si ha sigut casualitat o

I don't know if it was a coincidence or

el fet que t'ha quedat processat en segons.

the fact that it has been processed in seconds.

Però és un pla que gravarem al programa

But it is a plan that we will record for the program.



fins fa un parell d'hores

until a couple of hours ago

ha sigut un dels dies més malparits

it has been one of the shittiest days

amb el tema del tabac, com no recordava,

with the topic of tobacco, as I didn't remember,

amb molt, molt, molt, molt, molt de temps.

with a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of time.

Però bueno, mira,

But well, look,

també parlar-ne ajuda

talking about it also helps



i res, que estamos en ello.

And nothing, we're working on it.

Això, com

This, like

diem nosaltres

we say

en el meu altre podcast, en el meu altre

in my other podcast, in my other

facet de

facet of

moment dispers, que parlem

scattered moment, that we talk

de còmics, de literatura,

of comics, of literature,

de ciència-ficció i de fantasia, i

of science fiction and fantasy, and

sèries i pel·lícules, sempre diem que ho fem per passar-nos-ho bé

series and movies, we always say that we do it to have a good time

i si s'ho passa bé a algú de nosaltres, benvingut sigui.

And if someone among us has a good time, all the better.

També una mica l'enganxat

Also a little bit of the stuck one.

va ser una mica de fer teràpia tu i jo

it was a bit like therapy for you and me

i si de passo

and if in passing

a algú li serveix, doncs benvingut

If it serves someone, then welcome.

sigui, no?, d'escoltar

be, right?, of listening

una mica les nostres

a little bit of ours



i, bueno, els nostres pensaments.

And, well, our thoughts.

Jo suposo que no es faci gaire passat

I suppose it won't be too long.

i que si serveix d'ajuda, doncs benvingut sigui.

And if it serves as help, then welcome it may be.

I si tot va bé,

And if everything goes well,

doncs això, tornarem al mes de setembre

So that, we will return in September.

amb forces renovades,

with renewed strength,

possiblement amb alguna...

possibly with some...

amb alguna entrevista o així

with some interview or something like that

ja ho veurem,

we will see.

com ens surt el mes d'agost

How is the month of August looking for us?

o simplement parlant de com ens ha anat

or simply talking about how it has gone for us

com ens ha anat l'estiu.

how our summer has been.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Doncs jo, abans que ens

Well, I, before we...

despedim, vull aprofitar per dir-te

we say goodbye, I want to take the opportunity to tell you

algo que no t'he dit

something I haven't told you

explícitament i és que et felicito

explicitly and it is that I congratulate you

per aquests set anys, vint-i-vuit dies

for these seven years, twenty-eight days

i no sé quantes hores portes.

I don't know how many hours you've spent.

Mira, ara t'ho diré exactament,

Look, now I'll tell you exactly,

ara en aquest moment,

now at this moment,

però, Mercí, la veritat és que, bueno, sí,

but, Mercí, the truth is that, well, yes,

mai m'havia sentit, allò, vull dir, orgullós,

I had never felt, that, I mean, proud.

però aquesta vegada,

but this time,

hòstia, al veure que feia set anys,

damn, seeing that it had been seven years,

tires la mirada enrere i dius, doncs sí,

you look back and say, well yes,

fa set anys

seven years ago

ja, amb la tonteria que he superat això

Yes, with the nonsense that I have overcome this.

i que, bueno,

and that, well,

te sents una altra persona, realment

you feel like a different person, really

es tracta d'això, no?

Is that what it’s about?

Mira, set...

Look, seven...

set anys, vint-i-vuit dies, vint-i-tres hores,

seven years, twenty-eight days, twenty-three hours,

vint-i-vuit minuts, quaranta-cinc segons.

twenty-eight minutes, forty-five seconds.

Haig de buscar això...

I need to look for this...

La veritat és que me sento orgullós

The truth is that I feel proud.

i que, bueno,

and that, well,

que ha sigut un camí difícil,

that it has been a difficult journey,

ha sigut dur, encara s'arrosseguen

It has been hard, it is still dragging on.

petites coses,

small things,

econòmicament, físicament,

economically, physically,

però, bueno, que es va anar arreglant a poc a poc

but, well, it gradually got better

i tinc la sort d'això, de tenir amics

I am lucky to have that, to have friends.

com tu, ja ho saps, l'Albert t'ho ha dit moltes vegades,

like you, you already know, Albert has told you many times,

amb un temps cap aquí, per diverses raons,

with time coming here, for various reasons,

t'has convertit en algo

you have become something

més com un amic, es podria dir que gairebé com un germà,

more like a friend, one could say almost like a brother,

i llavors tenir

and then have

una dona fantàstica

a fantastic woman

al meu costat, que santa paciència

next to me, what holy patience

que ha tingut,

that has had,

i això, i també, bueno,

and this, and also, well,

tenir una filla que m'entén perfectament

to have a daughter who understands me perfectly

i ha sigut comprendre'm

it has been to understand me

i mantenir-se al costat del seu pare,

and stay by his father's side,

doncs, bueno, me sento orgullós d'això.

Well, I feel proud of that.

I el teu cas m'agrada, que és igual,

And I like your case, which is the same.



vas passar malament el seu moment,

you had a bad time at your moment,

fa un any enrere

a year ago

tornaves a trucar a fons, d'alguna manera,

you called again deeply, in some way,

i déu-n'hi-do

well, I'll tell you!

quin pou

what a well

vas tocar

you played

i vas anar a trobar,

and you went to meet,

aquesta vegada sí que no vas ser buscat, però bueno,

This time you really weren't sought after, but oh well,

pots estar orgullós.

You can be proud.

Aquest últim va ser allò

This last one was that.



no tinc forces

I have no strength.

per sortir d'aquí,

to get out of here,

i al final, mira,

and in the end, look,

ara tot està millor, saps?

Now everything is better, you know?

I una persona amb el teu passat, va ser molt fàcil

And a person with your past, it was very easy.

caure en una altra

fall into another

contradicció, o en qualsevol altra,

contradiction, or in any other,

perquè també veiem que l'addicte

because we also see that the addict

pot ser addicte a qualsevol cosa,

can be addicted to anything,

era molt fàcil tornar a la teva

it was very easy to go back to yours

antiga addicció, o recaure en qualsevol altra.

old addiction, or relapse into any other.

I això també és una cosa que s'ha

And this is also something that has been

de reconèixer i s'ha de dir,

to recognize and it must be said,

que te'n vas sortir, i també vas saber

that you succeeded, and you also knew

i vas saber pujar

and you managed to climb

amb els teus amics,

with your friends,

que tens per aquí a l'emportar.

What do you have here to take away?

Això també

This too

sembla que no, però no és fàcil, de vegades demanar ajuda,

It seems like it's not, but it's not easy, sometimes asking for help.

o sàpiga demanar ajuda,

or know how to ask for help,

i que no ha de fer vergonya, si un escolta que no faig vergonya

And it should not be embarrassing, if one listens that I am not embarrassed.

demanar ajuda a algú del teu voltant.

ask someone around you for help.

I si no, ens envieu un privat

And if not, send us a private message.

a l'enganxatge de la vida,

to the cling of life,

que per això hi som. No som psicòlegs, però

that's why we are here. We are not psychologists, but

escoltar en sabem una estona.

we know how to listen for a while.

Doncs també t'haig de felicitar, Albert,

Well, I also have to congratulate you, Albert,

per això, per haver sortit en aquell moment, i mira,

that's why, for having come out at that moment, and look,

qui t'ho tenia a dir, que ara que ja fa uns mesos

who would have told you that now, after a few months

que estàs veient

What are you watching?

la llum, i tens una llum molt maca al teu costat.

the light, and you have a very beautiful light next to you.


Thank you.

Sí, sí. Va, parem que estem a l'hora.

Yes, yes. Come on, let's stop because we're on time.

Estem molt contents.

We are very happy.

Estem en el moment tendre, en el moment lluny.

We are in the tender moment, in the distant moment.

Es noten les hores.

The hours are noticeable.

Doncs amics,

Well friends,

i amigues, que tingueu un bon estiu.

And friends, may you have a great summer.

Gaudiu, feu bondat,

Enjoy, do good,

i ens escoltem

and we listen to each other

d'aquí un mes, mes, mes i mig.

In a month, a month, a month and a half.

Moltes gràcies,

Thank you very much,

i fins aquí. Adeu, adeu.

And up to here. Goodbye, goodbye.



que si tens un amic en mi

that if you have a friend in me

mireu que són més llestos que la passió

look that they are smarter than passion

molt més alts i forts

much taller and stronger

qui sap, però no n'hi ha cap

Who knows, but there isn't any.

que mai t'estimi en tot el cor

that I may never love you with all my heart

tots dos, tu i jo, noi

both of us, you and me, boy

el temps que va passant

the time that passes

farà l'amistat més gran

it will make the greatest friendship

és un amic

he is a friend

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