enganxats a la ràdio | PROGRAMA 21


enganxats a la ràdio

enganxats a la ràdio | PROGRAMA 21

enganxats a la ràdio

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Que tal? Com esteu? Avui tenim el programa

How are you? How are you all? Today we have the program.

21. 21 ja.

21. 21 already.

21 programes. Home, als Estats Units

21 programs. Man, in the United States.

ja podem fer cosetes...

we can now do little things...

Podem veure, podem delinquir,

We can see, we can commit a crime,

podem fer de tot. Som majors d'edat.

We can do anything. We are of legal age.

Que guai. Fa 3 programes

How cool. It has been 3 programs.

érem majors d'edat aquí

we were of legal age here

i ara som majors d'edat allà.

And now we are of legal age there.

Que tal, Pau? Com estàs?

How are you, Pau? How are you?

És que jo ja portava un parell de setmanes sense venir, no?

It's just that I hadn't come for a couple of weeks, had I?

Portàvem massa, portàvem. No sé, jo he trobat

We were carrying too much, we were carrying. I don't know, I have found

molt a faltar el programa de ràdio i jo he trobat molt a faltar

I have missed the radio program a lot and I have missed it very much.

a tu, Pau, i a la Marina. Marina, que tal?

to you, Pau, and to Marina. Marina, how are you?

Hola, que tal? Marina Vallejo, que tal? Com estàs?

Hello, how are you? Marina Vallejo, how are you? How are you doing?

Molt bé. Encantada d'estar aquí. Enganxada?

Very good. Nice to be here. Stuck?

Enganxadíssima, ja ho sabeu.

Totally hooked, you already know.

Doncs ja està. Tots contents.

Well, that's it. Everyone's happy.

Que, bueno, esteu bé?

Well, are you all good?

Sí. Tot bé? La família està bé?

Yes. All good? Is the family okay?

Sí, no, prou bé. Sí, sí, sí. El teu temps un poco

Yes, no, good enough. Yes, yes, yes. Your time a bit.

loco. Sí, no. Però bueno. Ha entrat la

crazy. Yes, no. But well. She has entered the

primavera amb neu aquest any. Sí.

Spring with snow this year. Yes.

Hòstia, sí. L'altre dia... Lo normal.

Damn, yes. The other day... The usual.

Lo normal, sí, sí. L'altre dia tornava

The usual, yes, yes. The other day I was coming back.

a les tres i mitja

at half past three

del matí, que no us vull dir per què,

in the morning, I don’t want to tell you why,

perquè... Uns temes, no? Coses, sí.

because... Some topics, right? Things, yes.

Però uns temes. La competència.

But some issues. The competition.

I el cas és que

And the fact is that

si algú va dormir aquella nit

if someone slept that night

no va veure res, però a mi

he didn't see anything, but to me

em va caure una nevada,

I got caught in a snowfall,

una nevada espectacular.

a spectacular snowfall.

Mai havia vist una tan forta.

I had never seen one so strong.

I després et lleves al matí i ja no hi ha res.

And then you wake up in the morning and there is nothing left.

És una pena, eh?

It's a shame, isn't it?

És una pena. Perquè a la tele

It's a shame. Because on TV

de la primavera com ha entrat? Bueno, ho parlarem, no, avui?

How has spring come in? Well, we will talk about it, right, today?

Ho parlarem. Et dic de què més parlarem.

We will talk about it. I will tell you what else we will talk about.

Ara ho veurem, ara ho veurem. Un segon.

Now we will see it, now we will see it. One second.

Nois, parlarem

Boys, we will talk.

sobre moltes coses. Sobre moltes coses.

about many things. about many things.



Ara sí, Marc, de què parlarem?

Now yes, Marc, what will we talk about?

Doncs parlarem de moltíssimes coses perquè, bueno,

Well, we will talk about a lot of things because, well,

una de les coses que més m'agrada és que comentarem

One of the things I like most is that we will comment.

el gran fitxatge sorpresa de Transmèdia

the great surprise signing of Transmèdia

per aquesta primavera.

for this spring.

Parlarem també sobre el nou programa que prepara

We will also talk about the new program that is being prepared.

Jordi Évole. I a més parlarem

Jordi Évole. And we will also talk.

de la gran coalició que ha fet

of the great coalition that has been formed

A3Mèdia, Mediaset i Ràdio Televisió

A3Media, Mediaset and Radio Television

Espanyola per tal de millorar

Spanish in order to improve

la qualitat de consum a l'hora de veure

the quality of consumption when watching

la televisió. Si us sembla, comencem.

the television. If it seems good to you, let's get started.

Comencem amb Cuéntame, perquè

Let's start with Cuéntame, because

es renova per una nova temporada. El Consell

it is renewed for a new season. The Council

d'Administració de Televisió Espanyola

of Spanish Television Administration

aposta una temporada més, la vintena ja,

bet another season, the twentieth already,

per Cuéntame como pasó

for Tell Me How It Happened

gràcies a les seves dades d'audiència.

thanks to their audience data.

A més, també ha anunciat la

In addition, it has also announced the

renovació de noves entregues com la

renewal of new deliveries such as the

d'Espanyoles por el Mundo.

From Spaniards around the World.

I és que tinc ganes de veure Cuéntame,

And I really want to see Cuéntame,

però és que, clar, posar-se ara

but it's just that, of course, to start now

són 19 temporades, vull dir, és que és una bestiesa.

There are 19 seasons, I mean, it’s just ridiculous.

Sí, ara per començar t'agafo una mica lluny.

Yes, now to start I'll take you a bit far away.

Sí, sí, és molt xungo, molt xungo.

Yes, yes, it's very tough, very tough.

Cuéntame, Marina.

Tell me, Marina.

Doncs te cuento, te cuento, Pau,

So I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you, Pau,

perquè Jordi Evole prepara

because Jordi Évole prepares

nou programa, exacte de Bienvenidos

new program, exactly from Bienvenidos

al Norte, Bienvenidos al Sur.

To the North, Welcome to the South.

M'encanta. Un docu-reality que segueix

I love it. A docu-reality that follows

a set dones grans catalanes que marxen a Andalusia

a group of great Catalan women who leave for Andalusia

i a set dones andaluses

and seven Andalusian women

que marxen a Catalunya. Per què? Doncs per

they are leaving for Catalonia. Why? Well, for

conviure durant uns dies.

to live together for a few days.

Producciones de Barrio és la responsable

Producciones de Barrio is responsible.

d'aquest nou format que acollirà Tres Mèdia

of this new format that Tres Mèdia will host

tot i que encara, nois, no sabem

although still, guys, we don't know

si ho veurem a Entera 3

Yes, we will see it in Entera 3.

o a la Sexta. M'encanta.

or to La Sexta. I love it.

Per què no m'has tenit aquesta idea abans?

Why didn't you have this idea before?

Hosti, és que m'encanta aquest format. És com un allà

Damn, I really love this format. It's like a there.

a baix però amb dones grans i en la realitat.

Down but with older women and in reality.

De fet, la idea ve per

In fact, the idea comes from

un programa que van fer a Salvados

a program they did on Salvados

amb Oriol Junqueras. M'encanta molt.

with Oriol Junqueras. I really love it.

I atenció perquè Telecinco prepara

And attention because Telecinco is preparing

su gran cambio.

his great change.

Després de les males audiències dels últims

After the poor audiences of the last

mesos, Telecinco ha decidit prescindir de

months, Telecinco has decided to do without

Càmbiame, que és el programa que transforma l'estilisme

Change me, which is the program that transforms styling.

de persones anònimes cada dia

of anonymous people every day

a l'espai que fins ara s'emetia durant la

to the space that until now was broadcast during the

franja de sobretaula. Ara aquest espai serà

tabletop strip. Now this space will be

substituït per Passapalabra en Família,

replaced by Passapalabra en Família,

una sèrie de programes especials amb els quals

a series of special programs with which

es farà homenatge al programa presentat

a tribute will be paid to the presented program

per Christian Galvez, que celebra així

for Christian Galvez, who celebrates like this

les seves 3.000 emissions en antena.

its 3,000 broadcasts on air.

A més, he de dir-vos que...

Additionally, I must tell you that...

Sí, sí, 3.000. Té-la.

Yes, yes, 3,000. Here it is.

Passapalabra en Família no tindrà famosos

Passapalabra in Family will not have celebrities.

com a convidats, sinó que seran famílies

as guests, but they will be families

senceres que faran els típics jocs

whole ones that will do the typical games

de Passapalabra i que el rosco

from Passapalabra and the wheel

el completaran entre tota la família.

It will be completed by the whole family.

No serà només un cursant.

It will not be just a student.

Així que veurem una mica de relació

So we will see a bit of relationship.

familiar a Telecinco.

familiar to Telecinco.

I una altra cadena que també prepara coses

And another chain that also prepares things

és TV3, amb Gemma Nier, que prepara

It's TV3, with Gemma Nier, that is preparing.

Els meus pares. Es tracta d'una sèrie

My parents. It is a series.

documental del Departament de Nou Formats

documentary of the New Formats Department

de la cadena catalana, i serà

of the Catalan chain, and it will be

un homenatge als pares i les mares.

a tribute to fathers and mothers.

De la gent més coneguda del nostre país,

From the most well-known people of our country,

com, per exemple, músics, esportistes,

like, for example, musicians, athletes,

comunicadors, actors...

communicators, actors...

I d'aquesta manera coneixerem la influència

And in this way we will know the influence.

que han exercit sobre ells i, evidentment,

that they have exercised over them and, obviously,

sobre nosaltres, els pares.

about us, the parents.

Teníem ganes de veure ja

We were looking forward to seeing you already.

Gemma Nier en acció, eh?

Gemma Nier in action, huh?

Sabíem que, bueno, està a tot es mou,

We knew that, well, everything is moving.

però després de deixar

but after leaving

oi por oi, doncs, ella havia

oh well oh, then, she had

llançat moltes...

thrown many...

Bueno, a moltes entrevistes s'havia dit

Well, it had been said in many interviews.

que se li havien ofert possibilitats

that opportunities had been offered to him/her

de tornar a la televisió, però que no tornaria

to return to television, but that he wouldn't return

en qualsevol cosa. I de ben segur

in anything. And for sure

que ens agradarà moltíssim com ho fa fins ara.

we will be very pleased with how you are doing so far.

Que guai.

How cool.

I també tenim

And we also have

Vertele Exclusiva, o Exclusiva

Vertele Exclusive, or Exclusive

Vertele, millor dit. Per què? Doncs perquè

Vertele, better said. Why? Well, because

Antena 3 i Bambú Producciones

Antena 3 and Bambú Producciones

preparen 45 revoluciones.

prepare 45 revolutions.

45 revoluciones.

45 revolutions.

Una nova ficció que es situarà

A new fiction that will take place

als anys 60 i

in the 60s and

ens descobrirà la història d'un grup de joves

it will reveal to us the story of a group of young people

músics que es convertiran en artistes

musicians who will become artists

de referència per a tota una generació,

a reference for an entire generation,

cosa que ens sona, últimament. Molt, molt, molt.

Something that sounds familiar to us, lately. A lot, a lot, a lot.

I amb ells, doncs, els entremats de la indústria

And with them, the structures of the industry.

de la música en aquella època.

of the music in that era.

Hòstia, no sé per què em sona a algo. Sí, oi?

Damn, I don't know why that sounds familiar. Yes, right?

Em sona a algo. Triunfo,

It sounds familiar. Triumph,

Operación... És algo així.

Operation... It's something like that.



Deixem de banda les televisions

Let's put aside the televisions.

convencionals i anem a Netflix perquè

conventionals and we go to Netflix because

l'empresa s'ha interessat per Alacant

the company has shown interest in Alicante

com a nova seu. Netflix podria situar

as a new headquarters. Netflix could situate

el seu proper estudi en la Ciutat de la Luz

his next study in the City of Light

d'Alacant, un dels estudis de cinema

from Alicante, one of the film studies

més moderns d'Europa, i segons ha pogut

more modern in Europe, and as has been able

saber València Plaza,

know València Plaza,

el gegant de continguts en streaming, busca

the streaming content giant, searches

expandir el seu negoci després dels últims

expand his business after the latest

moviments dels seus competidors, com la fusió

movements of their competitors, such as the merger

de Disney amb Century Fox o l'augment

of Disney with Century Fox or the increase

de popularitat d'Amazon. Molt guai.

of Amazon's popularity. Very cool.

Si ens vols seguir ens trobaràs a

If you want to follow us, you will find us at

arrobaenganxats, guió baix, i a

at symbol, underscore, and a



i a tresbedobles.enganxats.com

and at three doubles. stuck.com

Roberto Vilar, de l'Anne Robert

Roberto Vilar, from Anne Robert

a la televisió de Galícia, Jesús Tintora

on Galician television, Jesús Tintora

que estava fins ara a Mediaset, i ara

that was until now at Mediaset, and now

Alfons Arús de Vuit TV, que passa també a

Alfons Arús from Vuit TV, who also goes to

Tresmedia, no sé, estan fitxant a moltíssima gent.

Tresmedia, I don't know, they are hiring a lot of people.

De fet, fins ara les informacions que teníem

In fact, until now the information we had

d'Alfons Arús era

of Alfons Arús was

Mediaset, principalment, però...

Mediaset, mainly, but...

Ahir va sorgir que van dir

Yesterday it came out that they said.

bastants mitjans de comunicació que Mediaset

quite a few media outlets than Mediaset

no volia Alfons Arús, i que no era Mediaset

I didn't want Alfons Arús, and it wasn't Mediaset.

la que havia contactat amb la productora d'Alfons

the one who had contacted Alfons's producer

per fer-ho citar a Mediaset, sinó que

to cite Mediaset to do it, but rather

va ser ell qui va anar a les oficines de

it was he who went to the offices of

Telecinco per demanar asil.

Telecinco to apply for asylum.

Ah, exacte.

Ah, exactly.

Perquè, no sé, és que clar, surten

Because, I don't know, it's just that, of course, they come out.

com moltes informacions, i ell

with a lot of information, and he

mateix, Alfons Arús, ahir a Arusitis

same, Alfons Arús, yesterday at Arusitis

va haver de confirmar que no, que no, que Mediaset

had to confirm that no, that no, that Mediaset

no s'havia interessat per ell, sinó que havia anat ella

she had not been interested in him, but rather she had gone.

a trucar a la porta. No sé, no sé

knocking on the door. I don't know, I don't know.

què passarà ara.

What will happen now?

Com a mínim és un col·laborat de la vida real.

At least he is a collaborator in real life.

Sí, és un gran col·laborat.

Yes, he is a great collaborator.

Hem de dir que Alfons Arús

We have to say that Alfons Arús

avui, que ja s'ha confirmat el fitxatge a Tresmedia,

today, it has already been confirmed that the signing with Tresmedia has taken place,

ha començat l'Arusitis

Arusitis has begun.

doncs soldando perlites.

so soldering perlite.

Perquè ens ha informat que

Because he/she has informed us that

Mediaset es va interessar per ell

Mediaset showed interest in him.

per fer Made in Spain

to make Made in Spain

molt abans de proposar-s'ho a Jordi González,

long before proposing it to Jordi González,

que va ser el presentador final.

who was the final presenter.

A Gloria Marín. Sí, Jordi González va ser

To Gloria Marín. Yes, Jordi González was.

com el segundo plato, no? Sí.

As the second course, right? Yes.

I el primer plat va ser Alfons Arús

And the first dish was Alfons Arús.

que va dir que no. I a més ha dit que

he said no. And he also said that

va rebre fa poc una proposta molt

he recently received a very proposal

innocent per part de Televisió Espanyola.

innocent on the part of Televisió Espanyola.

No ha volgut dir què era, però es veu que

She/he hasn't wanted to say what it was, but it seems that

Televisió Espanyola la volia dir.

I meant to say Spanish Television.

Així que no sé. De fet,

So I don't know. In fact,

d'això tenim, bueno, comentaris

we have, well, comments about that

molt variats, perquè

very varied, because

Mediaset sí que és veritat que va fer

It is true that Mediaset did.

aquest comunicat, va emetre aquest comunicat

this statement, issued this statement

a la seva web

on their website

dient-nos que havia finalitzat

telling us that it had finished

les negociacions amb

the negotiations with

Alfons Arús, perquè

Alfons Arús, why

doncs es va proposar

then it was proposed

ell mateix, això que deies, a la

himself, what you were saying, to the

companyia, però per pretensions

company, but for pretensions

de la família Arús, segons posava aquest

of the Arús family, as this stated

comunicat, doncs no

communication, so no

s'ha acabat fent efectiu

it has ended up becoming effective

aquest fitxatge.

this signing.

I de fet, això que deies també, Alfons Arús

And in fact, what you said as well, Alfons Arús.

ha parlat a Arus Cities,

he has spoken on Arus Cities,

i ho ha fet dient que ells,

and he has done it saying that they,

Mediaset, referents a Mediaset,

Mediaset, referring to Mediaset,

han treballat amb productores afins

they have worked with related producers

de confiança, de la seva confiança, però que

of trust, of their trust, but that

ell, durant 35 anys, havia treballat

he had worked for 35 years

amb la seva. Aleshores, no

with hers. Then, no

volia deixar de tenir

I wanted to stop having.

aquest condicionant de treballar

this working condition

amb la seva pròpia productora.

with its own production company.

És un joc de trens.

It's a train game.

És a dir, a veure qui la tira més gran,

That is to say, let’s see who can throw it the farthest.

és una mica, perquè arriba ell i...

it's a bit, because he arrives and...

No, perquè jo tengo mi productora. No, no, però és que

No, because I have my own production company. No, no, but it's just that

nosaltres no trabajamos con estas productoras.

We do not work with these producers.

Aleshores, no ens interessava Alfons Arús.

So, we were not interested in Alfons Arús.

Tot el que té Alfons Arús al seu

Everything that Alfons Arús has at his disposal.

darrere. Clar, però a veure, també s'ha de tenir

behind. Sure, but let's see, you also have to have

en compte que una persona

instead of a person

sense tot el seu equip darrere

without all his team behind

no sortirà al mateix programa.

it will not appear in the same program.

Clar. Evidentment. I a més, ara el que

Sure. Obviously. And besides, now what

jo em pregunto és com a Arus Cities

I wonder how it is like in Arus Cities.

i Zapeando, perquè a 3M he anunciat que

And Zapeando, because on 3M I announced that

Alfons Arús s'incorpora a l'equip

Alfons Arús joins the team.

de la sexta, com a Arus Cities

from the sixth, like Arus Cities

i Zapeando poden estar a la mateixa graella.

And Zapeando can be on the same grid.

Perquè són programes molt semblants

Because they are very similar programs.

i, bueno, doncs, clar,

Yes, well, then, of course,

a mi no em cap al cap

I can't wrap my head around it.

veure dos programes

to see two programs

molt semblants a la mateixa cadena.

very similar to the same chain.

No ho sé. A més, hi ha una cosa interessant

I don't know. Furthermore, there is an interesting thing.

a tenir en compte, i és que Mediaset

to take into account, and that is Mediaset

no oferirà

will not offer

continguts a 3M,

contents in 3M,

com ja ha fet en altres ocasions.

as he has already done on other occasions.

Per tant, fins a quin punt

Therefore, to what extent

Antena 3 o a 3M

Antena 3 or a 3M

amb la sexta oferirà

with the sixth will offer

contingut suficient per cobrir

sufficient content to cover

el que és un programa com Arus Cities, no?

what a program like Arus Cities is, right?

Perquè fins ara

Because until now

Zapeando, podríem dir una miqueta

Zapping, we could say a little.

que és la publicitat de 3M,

what is 3M advertising,

perquè es basa únicament

because it is based solely

en destacar moments televisius

in highlighting television moments

del grup a 3M, sobretot.

from the group to 3M, above all.

Després hi ha alguna altra coseta, però sobretot

Afterwards, there is another little thing, but above all

és a 3M. I per què passa això?

It is at 3M. And why does this happen?

Perquè no pot emetre imatges de Mediaset.

Because it cannot broadcast images from Mediaset.

Però, bueno, jo soc partidari

But, well, I am in favor.

de... Jo rompo una lança perquè facin

I break a lance for them to make.

un sé-lo que hicisteis

I know what you did.

i que passin tot pel forro

and let them all go to hell

i que facin una mica de...

and to make a little of...

del que els doni la gana,

whatever they want,

com feia l'Àngel Martín

as Ángel Martín used to do

i la Patricia Conde,

and Patricia Conde,

i veure una altra vegada el culebrot

and see the soap opera again

Paolo Basile contra 3M.

Paolo Basile against 3M.

Però jo tinc aquí

But I have it here

un dubte. Perquè nosaltres

A question. Why us?

a les notícies hem dit

in the news we have said

que Mediaset,

that Mediaset,

A3M i Televisió Espanyola

A3M and Spanish Television


They join together.

I ara estem dient que per una altra banda

And now we are saying that on the other hand

tenen una guerra.

they have a war.

És una situació molt estranya, perquè

It is a very strange situation, because

per una banda s'ajunten i per l'altra tenen una guerra.

On one hand they come together, and on the other they have a war.

Perquè és un amor-odi el que tenen les cadenes.

Because it is a love-hate relationship that chains have.

Es necessiten, però...

They are needed, but...

Però ha passat a tota la història.

But it has happened throughout history.

A Espanya i al món sencer, vull dir,

In Spain and in the whole world, I mean,

veuen ara que estan sorgint noves plataformes

they see now that new platforms are emerging

com Netflix, Amazon Prime o HBO,

like Netflix, Amazon Prime, or HBO,

que els poden fotre molt

that they can really mess it up

i han dit

and they have said

que cal juntar-nos perquè o ens ajuntem

that we need to come together because we either join together

o no traiem endavant

or we don't move forward

com una mica

like a bit

el pòdium de la televisió.

the podium of television.

Hi ha noves plataformes que estan

There are new platforms that are

posant en tela de judici

putting on trial

o en perill

or in danger

la televisió com l'entenien fins ara.

the television as it was understood until now.

Per tant, saben que

Therefore, they know that

si no s'ajunten, uneixen forces

if they don't join together, they unite forces

per lluitar o no lluitar,

to fight or not to fight,

per posar-se al nivell del que

to reach the level of what

demanen les noves generacions

they demand the new generations

amb la televisió a demanda,

with the on-demand television,

sota demanda, per exemple,

under demand, for example,

o noves plataformes com Netflix,

or new platforms like Netflix,

Amazon, etcètera,

Amazon, etcetera.

saben que junts són molt més forts.

They know that together they are much stronger.

Ara, que seguiran competint,

Now, they will continue competing,

que siguin sent competidors.

to be competitive.



I és el que deien a les xarxes

And that's what they were saying on social media.

que en aquesta web o canal

that on this website or channel

que volen crear per reunir tots els continguts

what they want to create to gather all the content

a la carta amb tots els continguts

the letter with all the contents

dels tres grups,

of the three groups,

que posaran el que és sobre,

they will put what is above,

les sobres, perquè diuen que continguts nous,

the envelopes, because they say new contents,

no crearan en conjunt,

they will not create together,

que serà tot molt individual

that it will all be very individual

i una miqueta les sobres de cada cadena

and a little bit the leftovers from each chain

les posaran en aquesta plataforma.

They will be placed on this platform.

Doncs faltarà veure una miqueta quina és la finalitat, no?

Well, we'll have to see a little what the purpose is, right?

A veure què sorgeix.

Let's see what comes up.

Doncs sí, no ho sé.

Well yes, I don't know.

No ho sé.

I don't know.



Barra enganxats.com

Stuck bar.com

Doncs ha arribat la primavera,

Well, spring has arrived,

encara que sigui amb neu,

even if it is with snow,

i amb ella, novetats a la graella

and with her, news in the grid

de moltes de les cadenes.

of many of the chains.

I comencem amb Telecinco,

And we begin with Telecinco,

perquè després de l'escena de Supervivientes 2018,

because after the Supervivientes 2018 scene,

que ocupa tres nits a la setmana,

that occupies three nights a week,

els dimarts, amb la seva Tierra de Nadie,

Tuesdays, with their No Man's Land,

els dijous, amb la gra principal,

on Thursdays, with the main grain,

i els diumenges, amb el debate,

And on Sundays, with the debate,

començarà Factor X,

Factor X will begin,

amb Laura Pausini, Xavi Martínez,

with Laura Pausini, Xavi Martínez,

Risto Mejide, Fernando Montesinos,

Risto Mejide, Fernando Montesinos,

i presentat per Jesús Vázquez.

presented by Jesús Vázquez.

A més, també,

Moreover, also,

tindrem la voz Kids 4,

we will have The Voice Kids 4,

que ja s'està preparant i seguirà en emissió.

which is already being prepared and will continue to be broadcast.

I a més,

And furthermore,

una cosa que té Telecinco,

one thing that Telecinco has,

i és que ara mateix està apostant moltíssim

And right now he/she is betting a lot.

per programes de primetime, i no tant per ficció.

for primetime shows, and not so much for fiction.

Han començat les promocions de la sèrie

The promotions for the series have started.

La Verdad, de nou,

The Truth, again,

que venen emetent des de febrer,

that have been emitting since February,

però encara per qüestions de contraprogramació

but still for reasons of counterprogramming

no s'ha més encara.

There is no more yet.

I a més, també tenim Secretos de Estado,

And also, we have State Secrets,

que també està pendent.

that is also pending.

També Vivir sin Permiso, que l'estan començant a promocionar,

Also Living Without Permission, which they are starting to promote,

i, senyores,

and, ladies,

de l'AMPA, que també parlàvem fa uns dies

from the AMPA, which we were also talking about a few days ago

aquí enganxats d'aquesta sèrie,

here hooked on this series,

que també, en uns dies,

that also, in a few days,

doncs, potser es trenen

well, maybe they break up

a Telecinco.

to Telecinco.

A mi em sembla tenir una cara molt dura

I think I have a very tough face.

seguint promocionant

continuing to promote

una sèrie que porten dos anys

a series that has been going on for two years

guardant-la al calaix,

guarding it in the drawer,

i que durant aquests dos anys han fet

and that during these two years they have done

unes propagandes

some propaganda

periòdicament d'aquesta sèrie,

periodically from this series,

i que, per motius de contraprogramació i per motius d'empresa,

and that, for reasons of counter-programming and for business reasons,

no vulguin estrenar-la d'una vegada.

they don't want to wear it for the first time at once.

Vull dir, continuem amb el mateix tema,

I mean, let's continue with the same topic,

amb la guerra, amb altres mèdia,

with the war, with other media,

i vinga, i vinga, i vinga.

And come on, and come on, and come on.

I el punt és que ara s'ajunten per afavorir el consumidor

And the point is that now they come together to benefit the consumer.

fent una gran coalició,

making a great coalition,

i després ens foten posant

and then they mess with us by putting

els bons programes de cada cadena

the good shows of each channel

els mateixos dies per fer baralla d'audiències,

the same days to hold audience battles,

i a la fi busquen només

and in the end they only seek

un benefici econòmic per l'empresa,

an economic benefit for the company,

i no per l'usuari.

and not for the user.

Llavors, clar, ho veig tant

Then, of course, I see it so much.

de cara dura, com he dit abans, que no ho entenc.

with a straight face, as I've said before, I don't understand it.

Què més tenim?

What else do we have?

Perdona, un moment, un apunt.

Sorry, just a moment, a note.

Crec que Mediaset no confia gens

I think Mediaset doesn't trust at all.

en la veritat.

in the truth.

La veritat serà una sèrie bastant

The truth will be quite a series.

dolenta, crec jo, perquè si confiàrem

bad, I think, because if we trusted

més en el projecte l'haurien tret ja,

moreover, they would have already taken it out in the project,

perquè, cony, contra Valmérez

because, damn, against Valmérez

i la Nieve no podria guanyar...

And Nieve couldn't win...

I és una pel·lícula que ja s'ha estrenat.

And it is a movie that has already been released.

Sí, per això.

Yes, for that reason.

A més, no sé fins a quin punt les noves produccions

Furthermore, I don't know to what extent the new productions

que potser estan en un futur

that perhaps they are in a future

recent, o en un futur

recent, or in the future

a curt termini

short term

per Telecinco o Mediaset,

for Telecinco or Mediaset,

doncs estan veient això amb bons ulls,

well, they are looking at this positively,

perquè, clar, si ara mateix

because, of course, if right now

la ficció a Mediaset és escasa,

fiction on Mediaset is scarce,

no sé fins a quin punt això

I don't know to what extent this is true.

portarà a algun lloc.

it will lead to somewhere.

És que a tres sèries està molt potent.

It's very strong at three series.

I pel que fa a 4, què tenim, Marina?

And regarding 4, what do we have, Marina?

Doncs a 4 també està molt potent

Well, 4 is also very powerful.

perquè estrenarà Bienvenidos a mi hotel,

because it will premiere Welcome to my hotel,

que és un benhacer conmigo,

what a good deed it is for me,

però per mostrar, doncs, cases orals.

but to show, then, oral cases.

Sí, és força interessant.

Yes, it's quite interesting.

I també seguim amb aquesta línia de Viajeros.

And we also continue with this line of Travelers.

Viajeros 4, un nou programa

Travelers 4, a new program

de reporters encapçalat per Nacho

of reporters led by Nacho

Medina, que ens descobrirà

Medina, who will reveal to us

nous espais i nous llocs del planeta.

new spaces and new places on the planet.

I també tenim la quarta

And we also have the fourth.

temporada dels Gypsy Kings.

season of the Gypsy Kings.



Tenim a Sarai Montoya.

We have Sarai Montoya.

M'encanta, m'encanta.

I love it, I love it.

Doncs també tindrem

Well, we will also have

aquesta quarta temporada dels Gypsy Kings.

this fourth season of the Gypsy Kings.

També torna Chester

Chester also returns.

i torna Ben a cenar conmigo

And come back, Ben, to have dinner with me.

Gourmet Edition.

Gourmet Edition.





Sarai Montoya, bones tardes.

Sarai Montoya, good afternoon.

Bones tardes.

Good afternoon.

També espacials de Santa Mare Santa

Also spaces of Holy Mother Holy

a Cuarto Milenio.

to Fourth Millennium.


I love it.

I noves entregues.

And new deliveries.

For Milenio.

For Millennium.

I noves entregues de Planeta Calleja.

And new episodes of Planeta Calleja.

Calleja Planets.

Calleja Planets.

Perdoneu una cosa, veient aquesta graella nova

Excuse me, seeing this new schedule.

de 4, es veu

from 4, it shows

perfectament quina és la intenció.

Perfectly, what is the intention?

O sigui, tret de Cuarto Milenio,

So, aside from Cuarto Milenio,

tota la resta són realities.

All the rest are realities.



Tot, tot, tot, tot són realities.

Everything, everything, everything, everything is reality.

És que no és 4 la cadena

It's just that the chain is not 4.

que ha d'apostar ara pel reality.

that must now bet on the reality.

És Telecinco.

It's Telecinco.

I no pel reality com Supervivientes,

And not for the reality show like Survivors,

sinó pel reality nou,

but for the new reality,

per reality innovador.

for innovative reality.

Després de deixar sense el GHVip

After leaving without the GHVip

a tota l'audiència potencial dels realities,

to all the potential audience of reality shows,

jo no hauria tornat ara amb Supervivientes,

I would not have gone back now with Survivors,

sinó que m'hauria esperat una miqueta més

but I would have expected a little longer

per crear una mica més d'ànsia

to create a bit more anticipation

i després treure un format innovador

and then create an innovative format

i nou que creés un format social

and a new one that creates a social format

com ha fet Gran Hermano

how has Big Brother done it

o Operación Triunfo en la seva primera edició

Operation Triumph in its first edition

i aquesta nova edició.

and this new edition.

Clar, però amb aquesta última edició

Sure, but with this latest edition

de Gran Hermano, Revolution,

of Big Brother, Revolution,

han vist que la cosa no tirava

they have seen that things were not going well

i han dit, ostres, avancem Supervivientes.

And they said, wow, let's move forward Survivors.

No tirava perquè estava tot com molt compacte.

I wasn't throwing because everything was very compact.

És a dir, acabava un reality i començava un altre.

That is to say, one reality show ended and another began.

I ara el mateix, en comptes d'una casa, una illa.

And now the same, instead of a house, an island.

Llavors, jo crec que el que feia falta

Then, I believe that what was needed

és un gran descans de reality

it's a great break from reality

i després tornar amb una cosa que perés el món del reality.

and then return with something that resembled the world of reality.

Bueno, tot i així,

Well, still,

ara ho parlarem especialitzats,

now we will talk about it in a specialized way,

però l'estrena de Supervivientes,

but the premiere of Survivors,

des de 2016,

since 2016,

que sí que va ser 29,

that it was indeed 29,

va ser d'un 26 com a alguna cosa.

It was a 26 like something.

Vull dir, una bona estrena.

I mean, a good premiere.

I a més, amb un càsting tampoc molt...

And besides, with a casting not very...

Encara m'agrada més

I like it even more.

perquè els estic coneixent,

because I am getting to know them,

però la primera impressió...

but the first impression...

I de 4 tirem enrere

And from 4 we throw back.

i anem cap al 3, Antena 3.

And let's go to 3, Antena 3.

Antena 3. T'he vist bé aquí, eh?

Antena 3. I've seen you well here, right?

T'he vist bé, sí, sí.

I've seen you well, yes, yes.

I l'ador, eh?

And I adore her, right?

Doncs Antena 3, com dèiem,

Well, Antena 3, as we said,

tenim un nou fitxatge

we have a new signing

que és el gallego Roberto Vilar,

who is the Galician Roberto Vilar,

que el vèiem a Alan Robert, sí.

that we saw in Alan Robert, yes.

Que presentarà, juntament amb

That will be presented, along with

Sílvia Abril, La Noche de Robert,

Sílvia Abril, The Night of Robert,

que és un xou que tindrà

what a show it will be

tintes americanos

American dyes

i, bueno, que és una col·laboració

and, well, it's a collaboration

amb Shanna Iveria, que ja la vèiem a Masterchef.

with Shanna Iveria, whom we already saw on Masterchef.

És la productora de Masterchef.

She is the producer of Masterchef.

Ja era hora, eh? Un late night

It was about time, huh? A late night.

americà al prime time d'Espanya.

American prime time in Spain.

Ja era hora, vull dir. Sí, sí. Ho trobava a faltar.

It was about time, I mean. Yes, yes. I was missing it.

No, i a més, bueno, jo crec que

No, and besides, well, I think that

podrà tenir bona cabuda, Antena 3. Sílvia Abril.

It could have a good reception, Antena 3. Sílvia Abril.

No sé per què. Sí, sí, sí, clar.

I don't know why. Yes, yes, yes, of course.

Clar, clar, clar. Totalment.

Sure, sure, sure. Totally.

A més, tindrem la segona temporada de Ninja Warrior,

In addition, we will have the second season of Ninja Warrior.

que tindrem

that we will have

Patricia Montero, en comptes de Pilar Rubio.

Patricia Montero, instead of Pilar Rubio.

La quarta temporada

The fourth season

de Allà Abajo, que ha funcionat molt bé,

from Down There, which has worked very well,

que és una gran sèrie,

that it is a great series,

ha tingut molt bona cabuda.

it has been very well received.

I, nois, novetat.

I, guys, novelty.

En teníem ganes, d'això.

We were looking forward to it.

La Catedral del Mar.

The Cathedral of the Sea.

Per fi. Per fi.

Finally. Finally.



Antena 3.

Antena 3.

Antena 3 serà

Antena 3 will be

la gran cadena que aposta

the great chain that bets

per la Catedral del Mar, l'adaptació del

for the Cathedral of the Sea, the adaptation of the

best-seller d'Ildefonso Falcone. En teníem ganes,

best-seller by Ildefonso Falcone. We were looking forward to it,

sabíem que l'estaven gravant, sabíem que la preparaven

we knew they were recording it, we knew they were preparing it

i, per fi, tindrem

and, finally, we will have

l'esplena durant aquesta primavera.

the splendor during this spring.

Igual et trenco el fil.

I might break the thread.

No, anava jo.

No, I was going.

Granil·lo. Però crec que el 3 també és un bon

Granule. But I think that the 3 is also a good one.

número per parlar de TV3.

number to call TV3.

Vinga, som-hi, va. Va, és un apunt ràpid.

Come on, let’s go. Come on, it’s a quick note.

TV3 prepara un nou programa,

TV3 is preparing a new program,

un nou concurs, que es diu Oratòria,

a new competition, called Oratory,

de moment, no un provisional.

for now, no a provisional.

Conec de vista la presentadora, però no sé

I know the presenter by sight, but I don't know...

com es diu, és un gran error. Va.

as it is said, it is a big mistake. Come on.

Però, bueno, ja sabem quina és la presentadora.

But, well, we already know who the host is.

Com a futur periodista... Sí, està molt malament.

As a future journalist... Yes, it's very wrong.

Estàs fatal. Sí.

You look terrible. Yes.

I, bueno, serà un programa de 13 emissions,

Well, it will be a program of 13 episodes,

13 gal·les, en la qual, doncs,

13 galleys, in which, therefore,

joves d'uns 16 a uns 25 anys

young people aged approximately 16 to 25 years

participen per descobrir

they participate to discover

quin és el jove amb millor oració

who is the young man with the best prayer

de Catalunya. I, doncs,

from Catalonia. And then,

en els primers quatre programes,

in the first four programs,

la mecànica serà sobre emportar-se

The mechanics will be about taking away.

a grups de joves a viure

to groups of young people living

experiències radicals

radical experiences

i que, arran d'aquestes experiències,

and that, as a result of these experiences,

facin un discurs davant d'un auditori.

make a speech in front of an audience.

I, doncs, després d'això, serà una mecànica

And so, after this, it will be a mechanic.

molt de concurs de gala setmanal

a lot of weekly gala contest

amb... I, Marc, com és que saps

with... And, Marc, how do you know

tant sobre aquest? Pues que igual soy concursante

So about this? Well, maybe I'm a contestant.

de ese programa.

of that program.


Watch out!

Gràcies, gràcies.

Thank you, thank you.

No, vaig fer el càsting l'altre dia i he estat molt content.

No, I did the casting the other day and I have been very happy.

Estic molt content. Fantàstic.

I am very happy. Fantastic.

I, a més, em van parlar d'enganxats. Em van dir

I was also told about junkies. They told me

ets enganxat? I jo, sí, sí. Et podrem votar?

Are you stuck? And I, yes, yes. Can we vote for you?

Ojalà, per l'aplicació, no?

Hopefully, for the application, right?

L'aplicació. Salvar a Marc.

The application. Save Marc.

Doncs, ara...

Well, now...

Ara sí, sóc jo. Em toca a mi.

Now yes, it's me. It's my turn.

Anem de tres. Som el tres, no?

Let's go as three. We're three, right?

El multipliquem per dos.

We multiply it by two.

I ens dóna sis. Uau.

And gives us six. Wow.

La sexta. Uau, uau.

The sixth. Wow, wow.

Doncs, la sexta.

Well, the sixth.

La sexta

The sixth

tindrà aquest estiu...

will have this summer...

Perdona, aquest estiu. O sigui, aquest estiu.

Sorry, this summer. I mean, this summer.

Aquest estiu potser també, eh? Ojalà, ojalà

This summer maybe too, huh? Hopefully, hopefully.

hi ha estiu. Exacte.

It is summer. Exactly.

De moment, aquesta primavera tornarà

For now, this spring will return.

amb molts ganivets.

with many knives.

Per què dic això? Perquè torna

Why do I say this? Because it returns.

pesadilla en la cocina

nightmare in the kitchen

i males companyies.

and bad company.

Uau. Estamos aguilando

Wow. We are getting excited.

todo muy bien, eh? Sí, sí, sí.

Everything's going very well, huh? Yes, yes, yes.

Lo está saliendo muy bonito. Sí, sí, sí.

It's turning out really beautiful. Yes, yes, yes.

Males companyies... I per què dic això

Bad company... And why do I say this?

dels ganivets? Perquè torna amb el Zere d'Andalucía.

What about the knives? Because he returns with Zere from Andalusia.

Uau. Un temazo.

Wow. A great song.

Ja ho vèiem a les promocions amb Antonio de la Torre.

We already saw it in the promotions with Antonio de la Torre.

Ens ho avançaven.

They warned us.

Ja vam veure, també, a Cristina Pardo

We also saw Cristina Pardo.

tancant la seva etapa al Rojo Vivo

closing its stage at Rojo Vivo

dient que

saying that

tindria nous projectes a la sexta.

I would have new projects at six.

Torna amb aquestes males companyies

Come back with those bad companies.

i, a més, amb un programa

and also, with a program

que es dirà Liar la Pardo

what will be called Liar the Pardo

i que segur que ens farà

and that will surely make us

molt, molt, molt

very, very, very

les tardes de...

the afternoons of...

He fet com un English

I have acted like an Englishman.

edition, eh? Edition.

edition, eh? Edition.

Per què? Perquè és molt

Why? Because it is very

anglès, això de dir

English, this thing of saying

You made my day.

You made my day.

No, has dit un dia más mariano de Rajoy, no?

No, you said one more day like Mariano Rajoy, didn't you?

També. Molt, molt, molt

Also. Very, very, very.

les tardes. Sí, sí, les tardes.

the afternoons. Yes, yes, the afternoons.

Ens farà les tardes. I muchos españoles, no?

He will have the afternoons. And many Spaniards, right?



Ens troba a faltar un top xef, a mi.

I miss having a head chef, for me.

Exacte. Sí, sí, sí, jo crec que sí.

Exactly. Yes, yes, yes, I think so.

No veieu tota l'audiència

Don't you see the entire audience?

movent el cap? Sí. A casa.

Nodding? Yes. At home.

Vinga, anem cap a la 1. Què tenim?

Come on, let's go to 1. What do we have?

Doncs anem a la 1

So let's go at 1.

i ho fem avançant

and we do it by moving forward

el que ja dèiem l'altre dia

what we were already saying the other day

i és que

and it is that

comença o començarà

starts or will start

una sèrie que es diu L'altra mirada,

a series called The Other Look,

que és d'època, que ens trasllada als anys 20.

that is of the era, taking us back to the 1920s.

Que novedat. Novedat de la 1,

What a novelty. Novelty of the 1,

sèrie d'època. Sí, sí, totalment.

period drama. Yes, yes, totally.

A veure si torna a Ministerio del Tiempo.

Let's see if it returns to Ministry of Time.

A veure, a veure. No estarà produïda, no ho sé,

Let's see, let's see. It may not be produced, I don't know.

amb llenç o la piscina, no estarà produïda per

with canvas or the pool, it will not be produced by

Diagonal TV?

Diagonal TV?



No ho sé. Pot ser, pot ser

I don't know. Maybe, maybe.

que sí, eh? Sí? És molt possible.

Yes, right? Yes? It's very possible.

De los creadores de

From the creators of


Tell me,

no sé, és que hi ha molts... Tot el que sigui d'època.

I don't know, it's just that there are so many... Everything that is from the period.

El secreto de Montevideo, Juan Mar es para siempre.

The secret of Montevideo, Juan Mar is forever.

Jo, estan Macarena García,

I, Macarena García, am here.

la pot produir fins i tot

it can even produce it

produccions del barri, o sigui...

neighborhood productions, that is to say...

Jo la veig. Madre mía.

I see her. My goodness.

Què més tenim? Vinga. Vinga, ¿puedo hacer

What else do we have? Come on. Come on, can I do it?

un poco de apuestas? Hem parlat ja d'època,

A little bit of betting? We've already talked about the era,

doncs cuina, no? Cuina, molt bé.

So cooking, right? Cooking, very good.

Otro factor importante de la 1.

Another important factor of the 1.

¿Y el otro de quién es? Música.

And whose is the other one? Music.

Bueno, de fet,

Well, in fact,

agafem la cuina, agafem una recepta

let's take the kitchen, let's take a recipe

i agafem cuina,

and we take kitchen,

música, cuina, música

music, kitchen, music

i època, i tenim...

and time, and we have...

La 1.

The 1.

I per què diem això? Doncs perquè

And why do we say this? Well, because

tindrem Masterchef 6.

we will have Masterchef 6.

Me encanta. Que ja, bueno, hem vist promos

I love it. Well, we've already seen promos.

dels càstings. Tindrem

of the castings. We will have

Bailando con las estrellas,

Dancing with the stars,

que ja en parlàvem l'altre dia, també.

that we were already talking about the other day, too.

Però no serà

But it won't be.

aquesta primavera, sinó que serà a partir de

this spring, but it will be starting from

setembre, la nova temporada.

September, the new season.

Veurem què ens porta aquest

We'll see what this brings us.

Dancing with Stars, versió

Dancing with the Stars, version

la 1, i tindrem

the 1, and we will have

l'emissió d'Eurovisión

the Eurovision broadcast

amb el Maia.

with Maia.

Podem aplaudir?

Can we applaud?


Of course.

M'encanta el Maia.

I love Maia.

A més, ara estan a Azores, es diu?

Furthermore, they are now in the Azores, is that right?

Sí, estan a Azores gravant el que serà

Yes, they are in the Azores recording what will be

la postal per a Eurovisión.

the postcard for Eurovision.

Que guai, he vist una porta i una cosa molt guai.

How cool, I saw a door and a really cool thing.

Sí, al mig d'un bosc.

Yes, in the middle of a forest.

Va, anem acabant. Què tenim per

Come on, let's finish up. What do we have for...

Movistar Plus? Per Movistar Plus tenim

Movistar Plus? For Movistar Plus we have

la sèrie Fèlix, que començarà

the series Fèlix, which will start

el 6 d'abril. No, Marc. Em dic Marc.

April 6th. No, Marc. My name is Marc.

Encantada. No, no sóc Fèlix, sóc Marc.

Nice to meet you. No, I'm not Fèlix, I'm Marc.



Perdó, perdó, me'n vaig ja.

Sorry, sorry, I'm leaving now.

Marc, a la pròxima?

Marc, to the next one?

Pulsau. Vale.

Press. Okay.

I també és notícia

And it is also news.

Fox. Per què? Doncs perquè

Fox. Why? Well, because.

vis-a-vis es trena nova temporada,

Vis-à-vis is weaving a new season.

la tercera, vale?

The third one, okay?

I s'estrenarà Fox el mes que ve.

Fox will premiere next month.

Quines ganes. Sí.

What eagerness. Yes.

Tenim ganes ja de vis-a-vis.

We are already looking forward to face-to-face.

Jo tinc ganes de presos i...

I'm eager for prisoners and...

o de preses. Sí.

or of prises. Yes.

I de molta teca, que és vis-a-vis

And a lot of food, which is face to face.

és que vis-a-vis és teca i preses

it's that vis-à-vis is a snack and catches

en estado puro, vull dir, no sé,

in pure state, I mean, I don’t know,

mola molt. A mi m'encantaria...

it's really cool. I would love...

Mira, jo vaig tenir un somni.

Look, I had a dream.

Ahir. A veure.

Yesterday. Let's see.

Vaig decidir ja que tornés

I already decided that you should come back.

Belengüesta, o sigui que renaixés

Belonged, or rather that it was reborn.

el nou capítol

the new chapter

Belengüesta, d'aquell primer capítol

Belengüesta, of that first chapter.

que va durar mitja hora, la pobra, que a mi m'encanta

that lasted half an hour, the poor thing, that I love.

Belengüesta, i que tornés

Belengüesta, and let it return.

a vis-a-vis. O que venga Dios

a face-to-face. Or come what may.

con la llamada y ya está. També.

with the call and that's it. Also.

I Macarena García.

I Macarena García.

Cada setmana portem la televisió a la ràdio.

Every week we bring television to the radio.

Perquè t'enganya.

Because it deceives you.

El que ve de Zorrido.

The one that comes from Zorrido.

El que ve de Zorrido. Per què?

What comes from Zorrido. Why?

Perquè estem a les curiositats, el moment més divertit

Because we are at the curiosities, the funniest moment.

de tota la ràdio.

of all the radio.

De la ràdio estatal, no? Internacional.

From the state radio, right? International.

Ara mateix estan a la BBC

Right now, they are at the BBC.

connectant amb

connecting with

el Gaixats per riure

The Gays for Laughs

amb l'estoneta i que tot

with the little moment and everything

Estats Units i Anglaterra

United States and England

riquen la lluita.

enrich the fight.

La Fox premarà vis-a-vis

The Fox will press face-to-face.

i després ens escolta, també.

And then he listens to us, too.

Doncs avui a Curiositats

Well, today on Curiosities

portem un viral.

We are going viral.

Un viral, bueno, una cosa espectacular.

A viral, well, a spectacular thing.

Es tracta de...

It is about...

Coneixeu Matías Prex?

Do you know Matías Prex?

Sí. Em sona.

Yes. It sounds familiar.

Sí, sí, és un senyor que fa virals, no?

Yes, yes, he's a guy who makes viral content, right?

Sí, aquell senyor que fa

Yes, that gentleman who does.

eso en aquella cadena, sí.

that on that chain, yes.

Exacte. Doncs aquell senyor va fer

Exactly. So that gentleman did



Arcano está considerado como uno de los raperos más populares de España.

Arcano is considered one of the most popular rappers in Spain.

Le hemos visto batir un récord mundial

We have seen him break a world record.

de improvisación durante 24 horas seguidas.

of improvisation for 24 straight hours.

Ahora nosotros le vamos a

Now we are going to...

proponer otro.

propose another.

Rapear la actualidad sin faltar a la verdad

Rapping about current events without straying from the truth.

con toda la agilidad

with all the agility

de su palabra.

of his word.



Solo faltan 20 segundos y el tiempo.

Only 20 seconds left and the time.

Y ya está.

And that's it.

M'hauria encantat Mònica Carrillo

I would have loved Mònica Carrillo.

seguint-li el joc i fent com una batalla de gallos

going along with it and having a rap battle

allà improvisada, eh?

there, improvised, huh?

És que jo m'imagino...

It's just that I imagine...

Tu te'n recordes del plató de 3D Noticias?

Do you remember the set of 3D Noticias?



I m'imagino tots els redactors

I imagine all the editors.

al voltant dels platons

around the dishes

perquè no hagi estat...

so that it hasn't been...

que suposo que no és molta gent

that I suppose is not many people

que ha estat al plató d'entre 3 notícies.

who has been in the studio of Between 3 News.

Tu entres en una redacció immensa,

You enter an immense newsroom,

totalment blanca,

totally white,

entres a la redacció

you enter the newsroom

i de cop et trobes al mig de la redacció

And suddenly you find yourself in the middle of the editorial office.

un forat on hi ha una taula enorme

a hole where there is a huge table

que és

what is it

la taula de les notícies

the news table


at the outset.

És com un donut, la redacció.

It's like a donut, the writing.

És com un rodó negre.

It's like a black round.

És superestrany, no?

It's super strange, isn't it?

Mira, gent treballant

Look, people working.

i de cop i media...

and suddenly...

Però és superpràctic alhora.

But it is super practical at the same time.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

És molt pràctic.

It's very practical.

Clar, exacte.

Of course, exactly.

No passaria, com passa en alguns casos,

It would not happen, as it does in some cases,

que la gent arribat ara als informatius.

that people have just arrived at the news.

Allò que dius

What you say

vinc de la segona planta

I come from the second floor.

i sonen els senyals

And the signals sound.

i no arribo, no?

And I don't arrive, do I?

Doncs això no passaria, per exemple,

Well, that wouldn't happen, for example,

que estàs al costat.

that you are next to.

Si a una última hora

If at the last minute


you print it,

has de formar un avió de paper

you have to make a paper airplane

i li passes.

and you pass it to him/her.

I li passes.

And you pass it to him/her.



És molt pràctic.

It's very practical.

No sembla que tothom no fa això.

It doesn't seem like everyone does this.

És que no sé per què no tenim

It's just that I don't know why we don't have.

la redacció del voltant dels estudis

the writing around the studies

de Radio Despí.

from Radio Despí.

Et recordo, Marc,

I remember you, Marc,

que hem escrit el guió aquí mateix?

that we have written the script right here?

Per tant, la nostra redacció és això?

So, is our writing this?

Un moment.

One moment.

Quina és l'altra curiositat que tenim?

What is the other curiosity we have?

Doncs, recentment,

Well, recently,

han estat les falles,

they have been the Fallas,

s'han salvat les falles a València.

The fallas in Valencia have been saved.

I parlem de televisió

And we talk about television.

quan parlem de falles.

When we talk about failures.

Doncs per què?

Well, why?

Perquè un any més

Because one more year

hem vist com a ninots,

we have seen as puppets,

transformat en ninots,

transformed into dolls,

a Ferreres i Pastor, per exemple,

to Ferreres and Pastor, for example,

a personatges de la televisió

to television characters

com Calleja,

like Calleja,

a Bertín i Areva,

to Bertín and Areva,

a Arevaló.

to Arevaló.

De fet, Arevaló ha vist el seu ninot

In fact, Arevaló has seen his puppet.

perquè és molt curiós

because it is very curious

i és molt graciós alhora

and it is very funny at the same time

perquè surten Bertín Osborne

why Bertín Osborne comes out

amb una cassola

with a pot

introduint l'Arevaló dins la cassola

introducing the Arevaló into the pot

i darrere posa

and behind puts

Micassuela és la tuya.

Micassuela is yours.

I Arevaló ha fet un comentari a Twitter

I Arevaló made a comment on Twitter.

dient que gràcies

saying thank you

pel ninot

for the doll

però que podria haver estat d'una altra manera.

but it could have been different.

I també hem vist

And we have also seen

Ferreres i Pastor

Ferreres and Pastor

molt macos.

very pretty.

A dins de la cassola ha notat el calor

Inside the pot, he has felt the heat.

d'et faller.

of failing you.

Molt bé aquesta cita la compro, Marc.

Very well, I buy this quote, Marc.

Em sento orgullós i tot.

I feel proud and everything.

Molt bé, molt bé. Aquest l'has d'escriure

Very well, very well. You have to write this one down.

i a guardar-lo.

and to keep it.

I per última curiositat

And for one last curiosity

els que tenim és que vosaltres heu vist la pel·lícula

What we have is that you have seen the movie.

La forna de l'aigua?

The water furnace?



Recordareu que hi ha un parell de moments

You will remember that there are a couple of moments.

en què la protagonista surt

in which the protagonist appears

despullada i després

stripped and then

tenen sexe

they have sex

amb la forma de l'aigua

with the shape of water

aquella mena de monstre.

that kind of monster.

Doncs resulta que

So it turns out that

a la Xina

to China

l'han censurat

they have censored him/her

aquestes imatges.

these images.

A la Xina.

To China.

I llavors com ho han censurat?

And then how have they censored it?

Han posat un vestit negre

They have put on a black dress.

que no existeix.

that does not exist.

Han pixelat. Han fet fins i tot zoom.

They have pixelated it. They have even zoomed in.

O han eliminat

Or they have eliminated.

l'arrel d'alguns fotogràfics.

the root of some photographs.

Perquè tot això

Why all this?

perquè no es vegi

so that it is not seen



És un conte fabulós

It is a fabulous tale.

fabulós vull dir de faula

fabulous I mean fabulous

i fabulós

it's fabulous

a mi m'agrada molt

I really like it.

i que no té cap maldat

and that has no malice

i que simplement ensenya

and simply teaches

un cos despullat d'una dona.

a naked body of a woman.

Tampoc hi ha res més enllà

There is nothing more beyond that either.

vull dir...

I mean...

No hi ha res.

There is nothing.

De poc és molt explícit.

It's not very explicit.

Vull dir...

I mean...

És el fotògraf aquest

Is this the photographer?

de la banyera

from the bathtub

si no recordo malament

if I remember correctly

aquesta escena de la banyera.

this scene of the bathtub.

I ara estic veient imatges

And now I am watching images.

és la imatge en què

it's the image in which

l'home de l'aigua està

the water man is

a la banyera a punt de dutxar-se

in the bathtub ready to take a shower

i ella està despullada

and she is naked

perquè és com que s'entrega a ell.

because it is as if she surrenders to him.

Aquí l'únic que es veu

Here the only thing that can be seen.

és l'esquena i el cul de la noia.

It is the girl's back and butt.

Llavors li han posat un vestit vermell.

Then they put her in a red dress.

Ah sí, després hi ha una altra escena

Ah yes, then there is another scene.

en què és el super dolent

What is the super villain in?

de la pel·lícula.

from the movie.

Que és aquell policia

What is that police officer?

fa la molt salvatgement

it is very savage

amb la seva dona

with his wife

doncs li han pixelat

so they have pixelated him/her

el que vindria sent

what would come being

el popis.

the popis.

Per què?


No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Un moment, parem màquines, Pau.

One moment, let's stop the machines, Pau.

És seriós aquest tema.

This topic is serious.

És molt seriós.

It's very serious.

Vull dir, per què Nasus

I mean, why Nasus?

es pixela un cul?

Does a butt get pixelated?

O un cos d'una dona?

Or a woman's body?

O d'un home?

Or of a man?

I si anem a un extrem...

And if we go to one extreme...

Per què entres a Instagram

Why do you go on Instagram?

i un noi pot penjar una publicació

And a boy can post a publication.

sense samarreta i una noia no?

without a t-shirt and a girl, right?

Vull dir, estem com...

I mean, we're like...

És que això l'únic que ajuda

It’s just that this is the only thing that helps.

és a sexualitzar a tope

it is to sexualize to the max

el cos humà

the human body

i en major part el cos de la dona.

and mostly the body of the woman.

No ho entenc, això.

I don't understand this.

No ho entenc.

I don't understand.

Doncs amb aquesta reflexió, Marc...

Well, with this reflection, Marc...

Tanquem el programa.

We close the program.

Anem acabant ja.

We're nearing the end now.

És que no se podia deixar massa alto.

It couldn't be left too high.

Us heu passat bé?

Did you have a good time?

Jo m'ho he passat molt bé avui.

I had a great time today.

Volant avui.

Flying today.

Oi que sí?


Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, sí, a mi també.

Yes, yes, me too.

He tingut un programa més curtet, també, avui.

I have had a shorter program today, too.

Però interessant, hem repassat les anècdotes.

But interesting, we have reviewed the anecdotes.

Bé, moltes novetats, també,

Well, many new things, too,

perquè hem vist que a la primavera

because we have seen that in spring

ve la neu, però també novetats a la graella.

The snow is coming, but there are also new developments in the grid.

I a moltes de les cadenes, a més.

And in many of the chains, as well.

Com és el ditxo este?

What is this saying?

La primavera...

The spring...

La sang de la terra.

The blood of the earth.

Doncs la graella també l'ha alterat.

So the grid has also been altered.

La galleta també l'ha alterat.

The cookie has also altered him/her.

I el temps l'ha alterat.

And time has altered it.

L'ha alterat tot.

He has altered everything.

És una cosa...

It's a thing...

Estem alterats, últimament.

We are upset lately.

Sí, però ja és bo, no?

Yes, but it's good, isn't it?



Ens desinimim una miqueta de tota l'actualitat.

We disconnect a little from all the current events.

Anem a colliflors?

Shall we go to the cauliflower fields?




Come on.

Però ens veiem la setmana que ve, no?

But we'll see each other next week, right?

Bueno, depèn.

Well, it depends.

Tota l'estrena, no sé si podré sortir de casa.

The whole premiere, I don't know if I'll be able to leave the house.

Home, fes un esforç.

Come on, make an effort.

És una estoneta, la setmana.

It's a little while, the week.

Vine una miqueta, ja està, no passa res.

Come a little, that's it, it's okay.

Ens veiem la setmana que ve.

See you next week.

Ens veiem a Cabernet.

See you at Cabernet.

Pau Venteo, sí.

Pau Venteo, yes.

I la setmana que ve ens veiem Marina Vallejo.

And next week we'll see each other, Marina Vallejo.

Ens veiem.

See you.



I Mike.

I Mike.

I nosaltres ens escoltem.

And we listen to each other.

Ens escoltem.

We hear each other.

Ens escoltem la setmana que ve,

We'll talk next week,

amb més novetats

with more news

i amb el que passi,

and with whatever happens,

jo, perquè és impredictible.

me, because it is unpredictable.

I tota la informació televisiva del moment

And all the television information of the moment.

la podeu trobar al nostre portal web

you can find it on our website



Moltes gràcies, nois.

Thank you very much, guys.

Vinga, fins la setmana que ve.

Come on, see you next week.

Fins la setmana que ve.

Until next week.

Si ens vols seguir ens trobaràs a

If you want to follow us, you will find us at

arrobaenganxats, guió baix,

@engaged, underscore,

i a

and to



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