Ep 31: Música i paraules

Sense Ànim de Lucre

Sense Ànim de Lucre

Ep 31: Música i paraules

Sense Ànim de Lucre



Hola, què tal? Bona tarda. No em dieu que no comencem suavet.

Hello, how are you? Good afternoon. Don't tell me we aren't starting gently.

El senyor Elton John... Elton... Elton, no, perdó.

Mr. Elton John... Elton... Elton, no, sorry.

Elton, és que ara mateix estava escoltant Sacrifice d'Elton John,

Elton, I was just listening to Sacrifice by Elton John.

que em va dir del Blay, que ha fet una nova versió d'aquest tema,

what he told me about Blay, who has made a new version of this theme,

que és meravellós, amb la Dua Lipa.

that is wonderful, with Dua Lipa.

Bé, jo ja et vaig dir fa temps que estic una mica fora de joc d'aquest nou món,

Well, I already told you a while ago that I'm a bit out of the loop in this new world,

perquè la nova música no m'agrada gaire, ni el reggaeton, ni el rap, ni l'urbano,

because I don't really like the new music, neither reggaeton, nor rap, nor urban.

tot això són noves músiques, que la joventut està tota mà boja,

all this is new music, that the youth are all crazy about,

que són milions de reproduccions al món, que la gent és una passada.

that there are millions of views worldwide, that people are amazing.

A mi prefereixo l'antiga versió d'Elton John de Sacrifice, una cançó meravellosa,

I prefer the old version of Elton John's Sacrifice, a wonderful song.

i aquesta nova cançó que diem de... Bé, no, ja és molt antiga, de John Lennon, d'Imagine.

And this new song that we're talking about... Well, no, it's actually very old, by John Lennon, called Imagine.

Mireu-vos a la llet d'Imagine. Parla d'un món obert, en què no hi hagi fronteres,

Look at the milk of Imagine. It speaks of an open world, where there are no borders.

l'amistat entre la gent, fora de les guerres.

the friendship between people, outside of wars.

Va ser un senyor que, amb la seva senyora, la Okono, també va lluitar per...

He was a man who, along with his lady, Okono, also fought for...

Bé, per això...

Well, that's why...

Per el benestar social de tothom, no?

For the social well-being of everyone, right?

Bé, ja sabeu que quan ens feia l'invitat, que ja ens ha passat diverses vegades aquest programa,

Well, you already know that when the guest did it for us, which has happened to us several times in this program,

aquest programa ho feia mitja hora abans, perquè tenia que vindre una companya,

this program used to do it half an hour earlier, because a colleague had to come.

que fa molts anys que ens coneixem, que va muntar una ONG al Tercer Món,

that we have known each other for many years, that he set up an NGO in the Third World,

que ja ens explicava el que havia passat i tot això,

that already explained to us what had happened and all that,

però ha tornat aquesta nit a les dues o tres de la matinada, ha tornat d'un viatge de Roma,

but he returned tonight at two or three in the morning, he returned from a trip to Rome,

perquè, a més a més, aquest matí ha estat tot el matí treballant,

because, moreover, this morning he has been working all morning,

i m'ha dit aquest matí que venia, però ara mateix m'ha acabat de trucar,

He told me this morning that he was coming, but he just called me right now.

fa una estona, i em van dir, és que no puc, pràcticament, no em tinc ni de peu,

A little while ago, they told me, I can't, practically, I can't even stand up.

estic supercansat, a l'avió, els cinc o sis dies que he estat a fora, he estat a Itàlia,

I'm super tired, on the plane, the five or six days I've been away, I've been in Italy.

i m'ha dit, t'has llogat l'informació, en principi no passa res, ja tornes a la teva,

You told me, you rented the information, basically nothing happens, you go back to your own.

a partir de setembre tenim tots els problemes que vulguis.

Starting from September, we have all the problems you want.

Bé, avui és l'últim programa de la temporada, hem estat des de fa uns mesos aquí a Ona Sants,

Well, today is the last program of the season, we have been here at Ona Sants for a few months.

l'any que ve tornarem, a partir de setembre, agafem juliol i agost per agafar forces,

Next year we will return, starting in September, we take July and August to regain our strength.

noves energies, tot això que diu tothom, que tothom li és de vacances,

new energies, all that everyone says, that everyone is on vacation,

avui en dia, aquest matí, per exemple, estava a la Granja on vaig cada matí,

today, this morning, for example, I was at the Farm where I go every morning,

i li deia a la Montse, què, esperen les vacances?

And I was saying to Montse, what, are they waiting for the holidays?

Ja tinc ganes, ganes, ganes, perquè ja haig una mica esgotat aquestes alçades,

I'm already looking forward to it, looking forward to it, looking forward to it, because I'm a bit worn out at this point.

i a tothom li agrada estar uns quants dies de vacances a qualsevol lloc de la muntanya,

and everyone likes to spend a few days on vacation anywhere in the mountains,

de la platja, qualsevol lloc.

from the beach, anywhere.

L'any que ve canvio una mica el model del programa, passarà a ser dos hores,

Next year I will change the model of the program a bit, it will become two hours.

amb la qual cosa esperem tindre més invitat, amb la qual cosa no ens trobem tan penjats,

which we hope to have more guests, which means we won't feel so overwhelmed.

perquè espero que en feien tres, potser que en feien un o dos, però tres ja serà difícil,

because I hope they were making three, maybe they were making one or two, but three will be difficult.

esperem portar tres invitat per cada sessió que fem aquí.

We hope to bring three guests for each session we do here.

Durarà de cinc a set, també els dijous, si pot ser, això ja us ho notifiquem,

It will last from five to seven, also on Thursdays, if possible, we are already notifying you of this.

al moment.

at the moment.

I ho fem una horeta quasi en català i l'altra horeta en castellà.

We'll do one hour almost in Catalan and the other hour in Spanish.

M'estan demanant alguns companys de la resta d'Espanya,

Some colleagues from the rest of Spain are asking me,

encara que nosaltres aquest any ens hem establert, no hem fet massa publicitat

Although we have established ourselves this year, we haven't done much advertising.

encara del programa, ni tan sols han estat avisats els socis de la nostra entitat,

still of the program, the members of our entity have not even been informed,

l'Associació de Discapacitat Visual Catalunya, ni siqueres ja hem enviat encara

The Visual Disability Association of Catalonia, we haven't even sent yet.

un correu dient-li que es fa aquest programa de ràdio,

an email informing him that this radio program is being made,

sinó que aquest any ens hem establert com d'humana,

but this year we have established ourselves as human,

està tot establert, jo tinc el meu YouTube, el meu Instagram,

everything is set, I have my YouTube, my Instagram,

el meu Instagram, em van dir el Martí Salvador,

my Instagram, they told me Martí Salvador,

el programa sense animació,

the program without animation,

també està establert, i aquest programa ho farem en català i en castellà,

it is also established, and we will conduct this program in Catalan and Spanish,

una hora més o menys cada un, portarem diversos invitats,

about an hour more or less each one, we will bring several guests,

i també la música que fa més implantació,

and also the music that has more implantation,

perquè portarem gent que tinc uns quants amics meus,

because we will bring people that I have a few friends of mine,

que són pràcticament melòmans, i que els encanta la música,

who are practically music lovers, and who love music,

tota música, òpera, clàssica, aquí escoltarem de tot clàssica,

all music, opera, classical, here we'll listen to all classical.

flamenco, jazz, soul, tot el tipus,

flamenco, jazz, soul, all kinds

inclús aquesta més moderna que no ens ha d'agafar ningú de nosaltres,

even this more modern one that should not catch any of us,

també estarà present perquè també portarem gent jove,

it will also be present because we will also bring young people,

també que ens explicarà el que els agrada, perquè en principi el futur,

also that will explain to us what they like, because in principle the future,

és d'aquesta gent, nosaltres estem passats de moda pràcticament,

it's from these people, we are practically out of fashion,

i qui entrarà a suplir-nos són les persones jovenetes

And who will come to fill in for us are the young people.

que comencen avui a tirar cap endavant.

that start to move forward today.

Sabeu que el tercer sector, que és aquest sector on ens dediquem,

Do you know that the third sector, which is this sector where we are dedicated,

nosaltres som persones que no estem, sabeu que hi ha tres sectors,

We are people who are not, you know there are three sectors,

sector públic, sector privat i sector tercer sector?

public sector, private sector and third sector?

El sector públic és que depèn d'institucions públiques,

The public sector is that which depends on public institutions.

és a dir, els governs, tant municipals, autonòmics, nacionals,

that is to say, the governments, both municipal, autonomous, national,

supranacionals, com mateix Europa,

supranational, like Europe itself,

i el sector públic és que depèn d'institucions públiques,

and the public sector depends on public institutions,

impostos i altres coses semblantes,

taxes and other similar things,

doncs recapten diners i s'ho gasten a la població directament,

so they raise money and spend it directly in the community,

i el treballador és un funcionari.

and the worker is a civil servant.

El funcionari no té massa bona fama perquè no té cap,

The official doesn't have a very good reputation because he has none.

el cap seu no és jugar els diners, amb el qual és una mica més laxa,

the main thing is not to play with money, which is why it is a little more lenient,

i hi ha molts funcionaris que són molt bons,

and there are many civil servants who are very good,

hi ha funcionaris meravellosos, com tot el món,

there are wonderful civil servants, like everyone else,

i hi ha altres que són una mica més laxos, diguem-ne.

And there are others that are a bit more lenient, shall we say.

El sector privat, el que és capitalista,

The private sector, which is capitalist,

en els països on s'ha impulsat que hi hagi en el món sencer

in the countries where it has been promoted that there is in the whole world

un sistema capitalista, diguem-ne, que busca el benefici.

a capitalist system, let's say, that seeks profit.

Busca el benefici.

Seek the benefit.

I, clar, hi entra en confrontació amb els treballadors,

I, of course, come into confrontation with the workers,

perquè uns volen cobrar més i els altres volen pagar menys,

because some want to charge more and others want to pay less,

perquè quan menys paguen, més beneficiten,

because the less they pay, the more they benefit,

amb el qual tot això dels sindicats que han defensat els drets

with which all this about the unions that have defended rights

i tot allò ha arribat a aquesta situació actual

And all of that has led to this current situation.

en què els treballadors també s'estan intentant baixar l'horari setmanal,

in which workers are also trying to reduce the weekly working hours,

fins ara en 40 hores em sembla,

so far in 40 hours it seems to me,

i pensa ser que la llum de dies pensa baixar-ho a 37 i mig,

And it thinks that the day's light intends to bring it down to 37 and a half,

i suposo que sigui 35.

I suppose it’s 35.

El tercer sector ja fa molts anys que té 35 hores de jornada,

The third sector has had a 35-hour workweek for many years now.

amb el qual els nostres treballadors ja estan bastant ben qualificats

with which our workers are already quite well qualified

a nivell horari i tot allò.

in terms of timing and all that.

Ens hi manca potser una mica més, un sou una mica més alt,

Perhaps we need a little more, a slightly higher salary.

que us dic que em manca una miqueta,

what I tell you is that I'm missing a little bit,

que això dependrà molt de la participació de la societat

that this will depend a lot on the participation of society

i també de part de les subvencions que donen tant empreses privades,

and also from the grants provided by both private companies,

que és el tema de la responsabilitat social corporativa,

what is the topic of corporate social responsibility,

i també l'estament públic, que així dic,

and also the public estate, which I say so,

amb més o menys diners cap a aquests sectors.

with more or less money towards these sectors.

El sector capitalista, com dic, busca el benefici,

The capitalist sector, as I say, seeks profit,

i el tercer sector, el nostre, busca una filosofia que és

And the third sector, ours, seeks a philosophy that is

buscar el benestar social.

to seek social well-being.

Totes les col·lectivitats que nosaltres representem.

All the communities that we represent.

Pots muntar una fundació, per exemple, no sé, un Rafael Nadal,

You can set up a foundation, for example, I don't know, a Rafael Nadal.

un Àlex Coratxa ha muntat una fundació perquè jugui millor a tenis,

an Àlex Coratxa has set up a foundation so that he can play tennis better,

que recolzi's a les agències de recursos perquè puguin arribar a ser

that supports the resource agencies so that they can become



No sé, l'Aragai va fer una fundació perquè la gent d'òpera

I don't know, Aragai created a foundation for opera people.

estigui millor, hi hagi oportunitat per a la gent jove.

be better, there is an opportunity for young people.

Un Juan Oro, no sé, un Josep Carreras va fer fundacions

A Juan Oro, I don't know, a Josep Carreras set up foundations.

per intentar que les malalties se solucionin.

to try to solve the diseases.

Abans, Juan Oro era un científic que va estar molts anys allà,

Before, Juan Oro was a scientist who spent many years there,

als Estats Units, i que té, em sembla, encara una fundació per aquí,

in the United States, and which I believe still has a foundation around here,

per Catalunya.

for Catalonia.

Josep Carreras, el coneixeu tots, que lluita contra el càncer

Josep Carreras, you all know him, who is fighting against cancer.

de l'eucèmia, i, bueno, d'un i dos l'han associat a Espanya.

of the eucemia, and, well, one and two have associated it with Spain.

Bueno, en l'època que va tenir el càncer de l'Josep Carreras,

Well, at the time when Josep Carreras had cancer,

aquí no s'hagués pat curat, i sembla ser que hi ha els mateixos

Here it wouldn't have healed, and it seems that there are the same.

tractaments aquí que en els països més avançats del món.

treatments here than in the most developed countries in the world.

En tots els aspectes, però la gent diu, bueno, és molt maco

In all aspects, but people say, well, it's very nice.

el tercer sector, clar, tu fas una activitat i de seguida veus

the third sector, of course, you do an activity and immediately you see

que el col·lectiu que t'adrecen, en el nostre cas, del sexe,

that the collective they address you, in our case, of sex,

de la discapacitat.

of disability.

De la discapacitat, de l'ecologia, del tercer món, del quart món,

Of disability, of ecology, of the third world, of the fourth world,

totes aquestes coses, intentem buscar-ho.

All these things, we try to look for it.

La gent pensa que és tot molt maco, i ho és, però la gent diu,

People think it's all very nice, and it is, but people say,

és que no pot haver corrupció en el tercer sector.

There can't be corruption in the third sector.

Mira, la corrupció està en tots els llocs.

Look, corruption is everywhere.

Està al sector públic, al sector privat, i en el tercer sector,

It is in the public sector, in the private sector, and in the third sector.

i també arreu del món.

and also around the world.

Hi ha notaris meravellosos, però hi ha notaris que són xulissets,

There are wonderful notaries, but there are notaries that are a bit cheeky.

no? Ara mateix, em sembla que s'ha tingut un per aquí

No? Right now, it seems to me that there has been one around here.

que feia trepitjores.

that was trample.

Hi ha Mossos, Guàrdies, Policia, tot això, meravellosos,

There are Mossos, Guards, Police, all of this, wonderful,

però no hi ha corrupció.

but there is no corruption.

Hi ha corrupció, però no hi ha corrupció.

There is corruption, but there is no corruption.

Però també hi ha xulissets, no?

But there are also cool ones, right?

Hi ha polítics meravellosos, la gran majoria d'ells són meravellosos,

There are wonderful politicians, the vast majority of them are wonderful.

perquè es dediquen a lo públic, o vol dir que es dediquen als altres.

because they are dedicated to the public, or it means that they are dedicated to others.

És un tema molt interessant.

It’s a very interesting topic.

Jo he conegut, jo crec que centenars de polítics,

I have known, I believe, hundreds of politicians,

i jo, la corrupció no l'he vist en cap lloc,

And I, I haven't seen corruption anywhere.

perquè són polítics de base.

because they are grassroots politicians.

Són ajuntaments, gent que està al barri,

They are municipalities, people who are in the neighborhood,

que ens coneixen a tots nosaltres,

that know us all,

i ahir, la veritat és que les oportunitats que tenen de fer

And yesterday, the truth is that the opportunities they have to do

aquests trepitjores que tinc jo,

these treadmills that I have,

no en tenen massa, i potser en els alts,

they don't have too many, and perhaps in the highs,

la gent que arriba a estatus social molt més ara,

people who reach much higher social status now,

i potser que facin alguna mal feta,

and perhaps they will do something wrong,

però, dic la majoria, han fet.

but, I say the majority, have done.

Però la corrupció existeix.

But corruption exists.

El mateix, tots els partits polítics espanyols,

The same, all the Spanish political parties,

quasi tots estan enredats, alguns d'ells,

almost all are tangled up, some of them,

tant uns com els altres,

both as much as the others,

alguna cosa ha anat malament a una poca de la seva vida,

something has gone wrong in a bit of his life,

i per això, no?

And that's why, right?

Ara, en el tercer sector, busquem les coses ben fetes.

Now, in the third sector, we seek things to be done well.

Jo, sota la meva opinió,

I, in my opinion,

intentarem ja dir que el meu tema és la discapacitat,

I will try to say that my topic is disability.

porto 50 anys dedicat a aquest tema,

I have been dedicated to this topic for 50 years.

i estem intentant canviar tota la societat.

And we are trying to change the whole society.

Nosaltres estem, ja et dic,

We are, I already tell you,

per intentar canviar la societat cap a millor.

to try to change society for the better.

Ara, per exemple, el tema de la feina.

Now, for example, the topic of work.

Actualment s'està treballant molt malament a Catalunya,

Currently, things are being done very poorly in Catalonia,

i penso que la resta del món,

and I think that the rest of the world,

perquè està aquí, la burocràcia,

because the bureaucracy is here,

s'ha de saber que actualment els pagellos estan en contra de la burocràcia,

It must be known that currently the pagellos are against bureaucracy,

els tres sectors estan en contra de la burocràcia,

the three sectors are against bureaucracy,

la gent incompetent, mediocre,

incompetent, mediocre people,

s'amagava sota la burocràcia.

he hid under the bureaucracy.

Vinc a papers, vinc a firmar,

I come for paperwork, I come to sign.

falta aquest segell, falta aquest tampó, falta aquesta firma,

this stamp is missing, this seal is missing, this signature is missing,

això està malament, vinc a paper, paperassa punta peró.

this is wrong, I'm coming to paperwork, paperwork tip though.

Ara hi ha un altre amagament que és sota el correu electrònic.

Now there is another hiding place that is under the email.

El mateix, tu truques a una persona i diu, envia-me un correu.

The same, you call a person and they say, send me an email.

Bueno, el correu et pot contestar o no?

Well, can the email respond to you or not?

Hi ha vegades que tarden dos, tres mesos en contestar.

Sometimes it takes two or three months to respond.

Hi ha algunes vegades que ja desapareix aquest correu,

There are some times when this email just disappears.

perquè truques al cap d'un temps i dius,

because you call after a while and say,

escolti, li vaig enviar un correu fa no sé quant temps,

Listen, I sent you an email I don’t know how long ago.

no m'ha contestat.

He hasn't replied to me.

Ah, no sé, el tinc per aquí amagat, busca, no el trobo.

Ah, I don't know, I have it hidden around here, look, I can't find it.

Tornin a enviar, dos mesos més, no?

Send it again, two more months, right?

I això ho fa tothom, eh?

And everyone does this, right?

Ho fa ara mateix que hem fet programes aquí per invitar polítics,

It has only been now that we have made programs here to invite politicians.

invitar molta gent, quasi el 90% que han vingut fins ara

invite a lot of people, almost 90% of those who have come so far

a aquest programa són amics nostres,

to this program are our friends,

per això que hem recorregut a nostres amics aquí

that's why we have turned to our friends here

de discapacitat de les Corts,

of disability of the Corts,

gent emblemàtica en cada sector que els coneixem de fa moltíssim temps.

emblematic people in every sector that we have known for a very long time.

I, per allò que dic, avui truca, ara mateix, per exemple, no sé,

And, for what I say, today call, right now, for example, I don't know,

drets socials.

social rights.

Departament que té, em sembla, 25 plantes allà al Passeig Taulat

Department that has, I think, 25 floors there on Passeig Taulat.

número no sé quant, 260 i pico.

number I don't know how much, 260 and a bit.

Aquest matí m'he tirat mitja hora, no he pogut parlar amb ningú.

This morning I lay down for half an hour, I couldn't talk to anyone.

No sé quina centreta heu dit,

I don't know which little center you mentioned,

però ahir no he contestat a ningú.

but yesterday I did not reply to anyone.

Primer, et solten el rotllo de si vostè quiere hablar sobre no sé,

First, they start talking about whether you want to discuss, I don’t know,

niño no sé qué, Márquez no sé cuánto, si qué no sé, Márquez 12, 0-12,

child I don’t know what, Márquez I don’t know how much, if what I don’t know, Márquez 12, 0-12,

si vol parlar sobre no sé...

if you want to talk about I don't know...

Bueno, primer, després el tema aquest maldito de la protecció de dades.

Well, first, then this damn issue of data protection.

Mireu, estic fartet de que em diguin que em protegeixen les dades

Look, I'm fed up with being told that my data is protected.

quan estic més desprotegit en la història.

when I am most unprotected in history.

Mai he estat tan desprotegit com avui en dia,

I have never been so unprotected as I am today.

perquè tot migdia, tota nit, truquen gent que no sé com sap el meu telèfon.

Because every noon, all night, people call who I don't know how they got my phone number.

Fins i tot saben les meves dades.

They even know my data.

Fa poc em van voler timar per telèfon,

Recently, someone tried to scam me over the phone,

em va trucar una empresa que em va dir

A company called me that told me

que hem de solucionar el problema que som d'Endesa

that we have to solve the problem that we are from Endesa

i que hem de rebaixar el preu de la seva reputació mensual.

And we have to lower the price of their monthly reputation.

Dic, escolta, jo no soc d'Endesa, soc d'una altra companyia.

I say, listen, I am not from Endesa, I am from another company.

Dic, no, no, és que la comercialitzadora, no sé què,

I say, no, no, it's just that the marketer, I don't know what,

la distribuïdora, no sé què, li podem fer...

the distributor, I don’t know what, we can do...

Bueno, tot el dia em va dir el meu nom, el meu DNI,

Well, all day it told me my name, my ID number,

la meva adreça, el meu telèfon que tenia,

my address, my phone number that I had,

i, bueno, em van posar de seguida no sé què, no sé què...

And, well, they put me right away I don't know what, I don't know what...

Em diu, em té que donar la compta.

He tells me that he has to give me the account.

Dic, què? La compta? Quina compta?

I say, what? The bill? Which bill?

Corre la meva, de la Caixa o del Banc?

Is it my turn, from the Caixa or the Bank?

Diu, no, no, vostè no té cap compta, vostè faig el que vulgui,

He says, no, no, you have no account, you do what you want.

i el mateix que té el meu nom i el meu DNI i tot això,

and the same that has my name and my ID and all that,

la meva companya té el meu compte, amb la qual cosa...

my partner has my account, which means...

Ah, no, que no sé què...

Ah, no, I don’t know what...

Total, es va demostrar que era un timo perquè li vaig demanar un telèfon

In the end, it was proven to be a scam because I asked him for a phone.

que mai més em contesta, amb la qual cosa era un timo.

that never answers me again, which was a scam.

Ara mateix, que si el Clínico, que Santander,

Right now, whether it's Clínico or Santander,

ha tingut un sabotatge d'estos de no sé quins,

it has had a sabotage from those of I don't know which.

gent de Rússia, no sé d'on, de l'altra part del món,

people from Russia, I don't know where, from the other side of the world,

que els han fotut no sé quants milions de dades,

that they have been given I don't know how many millions of data,

que són dades personals, dades bancàries.

what are personal data, bank details.

Avui en dia, no sé,

Nowadays, I don't know,

hi ha molta gent que els han fotut 500, 1.000 euros de la compta corrent,

there are many people who have been taken 500, 1,000 euros from their current account,

i no sé com van les comptes corrents,

and I don't know how current accounts work,

perquè jo crec que la gent habitualment no els dona així perquè així.

Because I believe that people usually don't give them like that for no reason.

Amb la qual cosa, com més temps estem desprotegits,

With which, the longer we are unprotected,

resulta que tots els timons que toques, no, les seves proteccions de dades,

it turns out that all the controls you touch, no, their data protections,

els seus datos estan aquí registrats, només per no sé què, no sé quant,

your data is registered here, just for I don't know what, I don't know how much,

si en vols més, marques el 0.

if you want more, dial 0.

No sé qui marca el 0 o l'1, per saber més notícies d'aquesta mena,

I don't know who marks the 0 or the 1, to know more news of this kind,

però t'estàs ben bé 30 o 40 segons escoltant el rotllo aquest.

But you spend a good 30 or 40 seconds listening to this nonsense.

Cosa que jo ara ho solucionaria.

Something that I would solve now.

Seguiria dient, escolti, quan em truca algú aquest de...

I would keep saying, listen, when someone calls me this...

desgastar el telèfon i tot això,

wearing out the phone and all that,

digui, home, és que esteu incomplint la llei,

Tell me, man, you are breaking the law.

perquè la llei avui marca que està prohibit que et truquin.

because the law today states that it is prohibited for them to call you.

Després també està prohibit que et contesti un contestador automàtic,

It is also prohibited for an answering machine to respond to you afterwards.

perquè això, no sé si s'ha implantat darrerament,

because this, I don't know if it has been implemented recently,

però va haver-hi fa, no sé, no massa temps,

but there was, I don't know, not too long ago,

que van sortir notícies que estava prohibit que et sortís un robotito, no?

There were news reports that it was prohibited for a little robot to come out, right?

Allà que comença a dir...

There it begins to say...

A lo futur és quan et diuen, digue-me lo que quiere,

In the future is when they tell you, tell me what you want,

i dius, no l'entiendo, i ja, i com és, maldita sea,

And you say, I don't understand it, and so, and how is it, damn it,

quiero decirle a usted que quiero hablar con alguien

I want to tell you that I want to talk to someone.

que me explique de qué va este asunto, no?

Can you explain to me what this matter is about, right?

Bueno, jo dic, el asuntament,

Well, I say, the town hall,

la Diputació, la Generalitat, digui, un drama a tothom.

the Diputació, the Generalitat, say, a drama to everyone.

Vull dir, ara mateix, porto aquí, com diria, fa tres o quatre mesos,

I mean, right now, I'm here, as I would say, three or four months ago,

un representant de la Generalitat preparat sobre la llei d'accessibilitat,

a representative of the Generalitat prepared on the accessibility law,

que va sortir el passat mes de gener, em sembla,

that came out last January, I think,

cap al gener de desembre de l'any passat.

towards early December of last year.

Porto quasi quatre mesos a darrere d'aquesta entrevista, no?

I've been working on this interview for almost four months, haven't I?

I mira que he trucat, i vinc a trucar, escolta'm, no sé què,

And look, I called, and I’m about to call, listen to me, I don’t know what,

t'envio un correu, te l'envio,

I'm sending you an email, I'm sending it to you.

tinc que parlar amb no sé qui darrere del Parlament,

I have to talk to I don’t know who behind the Parliament,

parlar amb qui tu vulguis per venir un dia aquí...

talk to whoever you want to come here one day...

Bueno, al final ja veieu qui encara no ha vingut

Well, in the end, you can see who still hasn't come.

i espero que vingui properament en aquest programa.

I hope he/she comes soon to this program.

Ja dic, el tema del correu, el tema de treballar,

I'm saying, the issue of the email, the issue of working,

ara mateix la gent truca i tampoc no et contesta.

Right now people are calling, and they are not answering you either.

Jo estic fart de dir, bueno, no està, és tan normal,

I am tired of saying, well, it's not, it's so normal,

digui-li que l'he trucat jo, li deixo el meu telèfon que em truqui.

Tell him that I called him, I leave my phone so he can call me.

No em truquen.

They don’t call me.

Suposo que ara mateix jo, bueno, soc president d'Honor,

I suppose that right now I am, well, the Honorary President,

amb el qual soc un pringat, evidentment,

with which I am a loser, obviously,

perquè institucionalment no tinc massa representativitat,

because institutionally I do not have much representation,

abans potser que em fessin més cas perquè era president executiu,

perhaps they paid more attention to me before because I was the executive president,

però no sé, si et truca una persona,

but I don't know, if a person calls you,

jo en ma vida he deixat de contestar una sola trucada.

In my life, I have never ignored a single call.

A moltes vegades s'ha d'aprendre a treballar,

Many times one has to learn to work,

perquè jo vaig tindre la sort, quan vaig estar a la Caixa l'any 81,

because I was lucky when I was at La Caixa in '81,

que vaig començar a treballar a préstecs i hipotecari,

that I started working in loans and mortgages,

i vaig tindre un noi que sempre els reconec que es deia Narcís Clavell,

I had a boy that I always recognize who was called Narcís Clavell.

si m'escolten, Narcís, recordes, per tu i per tot, Narcís Clavell és d'allà.

If they listen to me, Narcís, remember, for you and for everything, Narcís Clavell is from there.

I aquest nano em va deixar de treballar,

And this kid stopped working for me,

em va dir que no s'havia de deixar de contestar cap trucada,

he told me that I shouldn't miss answering any calls,

amb el qual, si estic reunit, li dic a la secretària,

with which, if I am in a meeting, I tell the secretary,

coge-me el nombre i me lo dices en els intervalos.

Take my name and tell it to me in the intervals.

Llavors, per exemple, si tens una visita i has tingut dues trucades,

Then, for example, if you have a visit and you have had two calls,

si tens una segona visita,

if you have a second visit,

li pots dir a la segona persona, espera un parell de minuts,

you can tell the second person, wait a couple of minutes,

que et truco o et busques la vida per trucar a aquelles dues persones

Should I call you or are you figuring out how to call those two people?

a l'intermig o al final de la jornada.

in the middle or at the end of the day.

Al final de la jornada, tot liquidat, cap trucada pendent.

At the end of the day, everything settled, no calls pending.

És a dir, jo no sé que la gent, no sé si ets conseller,

That is to say, I don't know what people, I don't know if you are a councilor,

potser que tinguis, no ho sé, 200 trucades en un dia, no sé quantes ha de tindre,

maybe you have, I don't know, 200 calls in a day, I don't know how many you should have,

però un director o el que sigui d'una empresa,

but a director or whoever of a company,

què pot tindre, 5 o 6 trucades al dia?

What can it have, 5 or 6 calls a day?

Doncs a última hora, trucades de 5 o 6 que t'han trucat,

Well, at the last minute, calls from 5 or 6 that have called you,

i saps que has trucat a tothom.

And you know that you have called everyone.

El tema del correu, sisplau, no s'amaguis darrere,

The subject of the email, please, don't hide behind it,

perquè ja et dic, la gent, després miren el correu.

Because I’m telling you, people, then they look at the email.

Si el tema que et deia, el mateix que...

If the topic I was telling you about, the same that...

Em truquen moltes vegades i em diuen,

They call me many times and tell me,

den-me a vostè les preguntes que m'agraden.

Give me the questions that I like.

No, les preguntes no se les envien perquè aquí és una relació entre amics,

No, the questions are not sent because this is a relationship between friends.

som uns amics, aquí ens reunim, parlem sobre diferents temes,

we are friends, here we gather, we talk about different topics,

i jo no li dic perquè pot sortir una pregunta que no estigui preparada,

And I don't tell him because an unexpected question might come up.

com vostè em pot fer una pregunta a mi,

as you can ask me a question,

o un altre invitat que vingui a partir de l'any que ve,

or another guest who comes from next year,

com farem les dues hores, hi haurà altres invitats que volem fer preguntes,

As we will be doing it for two hours, there will be other guests who want to ask questions.

els invitats que vagin successivament a aquest programa, etcètera.

the guests who will successively participate in this program, etcetera.

La forma de treballar és important.

The way of working is important.

En aquest país s'està aprenent, però ara mateix,

In this country, we are learning, but right now,

ja dic, els 40, segons aquests que aguantes el rotllo este de,

I’m telling you, the 40, according to these who put up with this nonsense of,

ja m'agrada tal, marqui tal, marqui l'altre,

I like this one, mark that one, mark the other one,

jo crec que amb l'estat social i altres,

I believe that with the social state and others,

hem d'arribar a mils de trucades, amb la qual cosa,

we have to reach thousands of calls, with which,

41 minuts per mil trucades són mil i pico minuts,

41 minutes for a thousand calls is a thousand and some minutes,

o no sé quants minuts fan al dia, no?

or I don’t know how many minutes there are in a day, right?

És un multiplicat per totes les empreses que hi ha a Catalunya,

It is a multiple of all the companies that exist in Catalonia.

mireu si perdem temps amb el marqui l'1, marqui el 2.

look if we waste time with the mark 1, mark the 2.

El tema després, ja dic jo, per exemple, quan dono una entrevista,

The topic afterwards, I say, for example, when I give an interview,

jo, quan algú em truca, diu, escolta'm, què vols veure?

I, when someone calls me, say, listen, what do you want to see?

Digue'm el dia i l'hora, a veure si tinc buit, no?

Tell me the day and the time, let's see if I have space, right?

Em diu el dia i l'hora, miro la meva agenda,

He tells me the day and the time, I look at my schedule,

veig que està buit, l'hi fico allà, no hi ha cap problema.

I see it's empty, I'll put it there, there's no problem.

Jo rebre a tothom, és a dir, tant si em cau bé o si em cau malament.

I welcome everyone, that is, whether I like them or not.

Si una persona es vol deixar a mi, i jo soc un representant públic,

If a person wants to leave me, and I am a public representative,

o soc una persona que em dirigeixo al públic en general,

I am a person who addresses the general public,

perquè atens tot un col·lectiu i tot allò,

because you attend to a whole community and all that,

has de rebre qui vulgui, si vol parlar amb tu, vol parlar.

You have to receive whoever wants to, if they want to talk to you, they want to talk.

Una altra cosa és quan el rebis, li dius, escolta,

Another thing is when you receive it, you tell him, listen,

a mi no m'interessa el que diu, o el que sigui,

I am not interested in what he says, or whatever.

però rebre'l, com a mi, rebre'l.

but to receive it, like me, to receive it.

I sobretot, quan més pringaters,

And above all, the more losers,

jo sempre he intentat ajudar com a màxim a la gent,

I have always tried to help people as much as possible.

la gent que té un estat social prou elevat,

the people who have a sufficiently high social status,

que diu, bueno, aquest tio m'ha trucat del periodista super famós,

What he says is, well, this guy called me from the super famous journalist.

nosaltres truquem des d'una sans, que a mi és la petitona,

we call from a sans, which to me is the little one,

que a nosaltres és un problema que no és gaire conegut,

that for us is a problem that is not very well known,

clar, si truques amb nosaltres, molta gent passa amb nosaltres.

Of course, if you call with us, many people pass with us.

Si truques un programa super famós,

If you call a super famous program,

estil, jo què sé, el Catalunya Ràdio,

style, I don't know, the Catalunya Ràdio,

Calla Nacer, Onda Rambla, Scope, etcètera,

Shut up Nacer, Onda Rambla, Scope, etcetera,

doncs clar, la gent vol sentir una Calla Nacer,

well of course, people want to hear a Calla Nacer,

el RAC1 em sembla que té 800.000 seguidors de seguida,

RAC1 seems to me to have 800,000 followers straight away,

amb la qual cosa jo no costa molt dir que sí.

so it's not hard for me to say yes.

Ara, jo, quan ve un estudiant,

Now, I, when a student comes,

que els estudiants els hem tractat sempre meravellosament,

that we have always treated the students wonderfully,

hem estat amb ell dos, tres, quatre hores per ensenyar-li el museu

we have been with him two, three, four hours to show him the museum

que tenim a l'associació,

that we have at the association,

hem estat allí que ens fèiem fotografies,

we were there taking photos.

li podem fer fotografies, sí home, sí, feu la fotografia que vulgueu, no?

We can take photographs of him, yes man, yes, take the photograph you want, right?

El tema d'explicar amb detalls, també, seguir-li el treball,

The issue of explaining in detail, also, following up on the work,

hem fet molts treballs de síntesi, d'ESO, de batxillerat,

we have done many synthesis works, from secondary education, from high school,

de carrer universitària, de doctorat,

of academic career, of doctorate,

inclús molt aviat hem fet molts treballs,

even very soon we did a lot of work,

i hem seguit el treball, diu, truquem sempre que vulguis,

And we have continued the work, he says, call whenever you want.

aquí tens el telèfon, truquem quan vulguis,

here's the phone, call whenever you want,

jo t'atendré perfectament i tot això,

I will attend to you perfectly and all that,

ja dic, això de respondre davant de les grans persones

I already say, this thing of responding in front of great people.

i de grans estatus, mireu, com més persona ets, penso jo,

and of great status, look, the more of a person you are, I think.

és quan demostres aquesta situació.

it's when you demonstrate this situation.

Bueno, anem parlant sobre altres coses que fem a partir d'ara,

Well, let's talk about other things we do from now on.

ja dic, això és músiques i palabra,

I say, this is music and words,

ja saps que fem aquí tres tipus de programa,

you know that we do three types of programs here,

fem el tipus de programa amb entrevistes,

we make the type of program with interviews,

hem entrevistat molta gent, quasi tots, com diria, amics meus,

we have interviewed many people, almost all, as I would say, my friends,

representant bàsicament del món de la discapacitat,

basically representing the disability world,

hi ha hagut molta gent de sordosseguesa,

there have been a lot of people of deafness,

de sordesa, discapacitat física,

of deafness, physical disability,

ens falta la mental, que la societat de les coses mentals

we lack the mental, which is the society of mental things

m'ha dit que vindrà properament,

He told me that he will come soon.

que a partir de setembre vindran,

that starting in September they will come,

però hem trobat quasi totes,

but we have found almost all of them,

però hi ha discapacitat com la sordosseguesa, amb el Ricard López,

but there is disability such as deaf-blindness, with Ricard López,

i també hem fet debats polítics,

and we have also held political debates,

que esperem fer-ho a partir d'ara a cert temps,

that we hope to do it from now on at a certain time,

aprofitem aquestes dues hores que farem per fer debats llarguets,

let's make the most of these two hours we'll have to have lengthy debates,

explicar coses com una brota ens hem pràcticament de fer,

explaining things like a sprout we practically have to do,

en aquests debats quan hi ha eleccions,

in these debates when there are elections,

doncs es tracten molts temes i intentem fer temes, no sé, únics,

well, many topics are addressed and we try to make topics, I don't know, unique,

avui es tracta de la pensió no contributiva,

today it is about the non-contributory pension,

es tracta de l'atenció mèdica, es tracta de l'educació,

it is about medical care, it is about education,

es tracta de temes d'aquests per intentar parlar

It's about these kinds of topics to try to talk.

de diferents vessants per intentar,

from different angles to try,

per exemple, conèixer la situació.

for example, understanding the situation.

Música i paraula és un altre tipus de programa que fem,

Music and word is another type of program that we do,

i també els monòlegs, que fem monòlegs també en pla artístic,

and also the monologues, because we also do monologues in an artistic way,

fem monòlegs en teatres, centres civils on es criden,

we perform monologues in theaters, community centers where they are called,

això també es pot ensenyar molt l'any que ve.

this can also be taught a lot next year.

Ens falta un representant, hi ha alguns ja ara mateix,

We need a representative, there are already some right now.

el Marc Boixadera, que també està pendent d'aquest programa,

Marc Boixadera, who is also awaiting this program,

ja té un bon representant i fa moltes actuacions,

he already has a good representative and does many performances,

fa molts bolos, que diem.

It's been a long time, as we say.

Hi ha altres companys també, la Mariona Esplugas,

There are other colleagues too, Mariona Esplugas,

també fa una noia que també és artista,

there's also a girl who is also an artist,

que té una malaltia mental i fa un espectacle,

who has a mental illness and puts on a show,

una actuació teatral, diguem-ne com vulgueu dir-li,

a theatrical performance, let's say whatever you want to call it,

una representació explicant la seva discapacitat

a representation explaining his/her disability

i explicant el recorregut que ha tingut al llarg del temps.

and explaining the journey it has taken over time.

I ja dic, fem aquest, i també fer aquests monòlegs,

And I say, let's do this, and also do these monologues,

també aquest música i paraules, que és juntar música

also this music and words, which is to bring together music

i el que ve a continuació, perquè a l'amigo Blay

and what follows, because of friend Blay

li dic que prepari unes quantes cançons,

I tell him to prepare a few songs,

que si les conec us diré qui l'ha fet,

that if I know them I will tell you who made it,

qui l'ha cantat o qui l'ha tocat,

who has sung it or who has played it,

i si no intentem que m'ho digui ell, perquè sobretot si és moderna,

and if we don't try to get him to tell me, especially if it's modern,

jo em perdo totalment.

I completely forgive myself.

El mateix, el Sónar, el dia 11,

The same, the Sónar, on the 11th,

a la presa de Joan, a veure el Cruies, allà al fòrum.

to Joan's press, to see the Cruies, there at the forum.

Només hem conegut, com es deia aquest grup aragonès?

We only knew, what was the name of this Aragonese group?

No me'n recordo, no me'n recordo el nom,

I don't remember, I don't remember the name.

però de tots els noms que m'han donat només coneixia uno,

but of all the names they gave me, I only knew one,

i és un tema que diu que ja veurem quina música ens posa

And it's a topic that says we'll see what music it plays for us.

l'amigo Blay, que és el técnico aquí en música.

the friend Blay, who is the technician here in music.

Vinga Blay, pon-me una musiqueta.

Come on Blay, play me some music.

Ella és un representative mar Mundial de Sevilla.

She is a world representative in swimming from Seville.

Està passant.

It is happening.

Bona nit

Good night

Aquests sí que els coneixem, els senyors Bon Jovi

These we do know, the gentlemen Bon Jovi.

que per cert vaig sentir un comentari

By the way, I heard a comment.

que fan un creuer

that goes on a cruise

i ells canten a les activitats de la nit

And they sing at the nighttime activities.

i estan tot el dia vivint

and they are living all day long

i van una burrada per compartir uns dies

And they go a bit crazy to share a few days.

amb els cantants i els representants de Bon Jovi

with the singers and the representatives of Bon Jovi

També vaig sentir

I also heard.

que Disney

that Disney

també té uns creuers, té uns quants vaixellets

it also has some cruises, it has a few little boats

per allà, que després del viatge a Orlando

over there, after the trip to Orlando

o a aquests parcs temàtics

or to these theme parks

o inclús no sé si a París

or I don't even know if in Paris

després has de tirar uns quants dies en aquests vaixells

Then you have to spend a few days on these ships.

per donar una volta pel món

to take a trip around the world

i disfrutar tot el dia del Mickey Mouse

and enjoy all day long with Mickey Mouse

i McDonald's i gent per l'estil

Both McDonald's and people like that.

En quant a les activitats

Regarding the activities.

aquest volumet repetim, seguirà l'any que ve a partir de setembre

this small volume we will repeat, will continue next year from September

que avui és l'últim dia que estem amb vosaltres

that today is the last day we are with you

aquesta temporada, juliol i agost tanquem

This season, we are closed in July and August.



i en setembre tornem, no sé si a principi del tot

And in September we return, I don't know if at the very beginning.

o cap a mitjans ja veurem com organitzem

or by mid-way we will see how we organize

Ens queda molta feina per fer

We have a lot of work to do.

estem editant uns llibres que sortiran

we are editing some books that will be published

properament, el de discapacitat visual sortirà

Soon, the one on visual impairment will be released.

espero cap a final

I hope towards the end.

d'aquest any, perquè ja està gairebé matitzat

of this year, because it is already almost nuanced

falta només corregir-lo

it only needs to be corrected

i afegir uns quants comentaris

and add a few comments

de l'especialista en baixa visió

from the low vision specialist

i en oftalmologia

and in ophthalmology

la part social la tenim gairebé tota feta

We have almost all the social part done.

també farem uns llibres sobre altres discapacitats

We will also make some books about other disabilities.



sordesa, intel·lectual, mental

deafness, intellectual, mental

i també discapacitat

and also disability

i també discapacitat orgànica, també farem aquestes

and also organic disability, we will also do these

recomanacions que no parem de fer

recommendations that we keep making

a través d'aquest programa

through this program

hem de fer també les cunyes, aquí aquest mes

We also have to make the bumps, here this month.

estem fent els textes i també

we are writing the texts and also

tenim el locutor, que espero que sigui

we have the announcer, whom I hope will be

el Llorenç, que és un bon amic nostre

Llorenç, who is a good friend of ours.

que ho faci de locutor

let him do it as a broadcaster

i que transmeta aquestes cunyes publicitàries

and that it transmits these advertising spots

i després també

and then also

bueno, ja dic que els invitats

Well, I already say that the guests.

anem millorats, intentarem portar

we are improving, we will try to bring

molta més música, amb gent que entengui

much more music, with people who understand

volem fer un programa que són els 10 de la teva vida

we want to make a program that is the 10 of your life

intentarem també fer

we will also try to do

utilitzar aquestes dues hores

use these two hours

perquè durant un dia d'aquests vingui

because on one of these days they come

un cantant, un artista, un polític

a singer, an artist, a politician

qui sigui, una persona que una mica

whoever it is, a person who a little

de, bueno, encara que no sigui

of, well, even if it is not

coneguda ni res, sinó que és una persona

known or anything, but rather that she is a person.

de la música, expliqui quins són

of the music, explain what they are

els seus 10 temes

their 10 tracks

que li han influenciat allà de la seva vida

that have influenced him there in his life

això ho vaig fer, com vam estudiar

I did this, as we studied.

a ràdio allà al Zona Màdica, a les 11

the radio there at Zona Màdica, at 11

vam estar un estiu a ràdio Castelldefels

We spent a summer at Radio Castelldefels.

allà a Castelldefels

there in Castelldefels

va ser un estiu molt maco perquè anàvem

It was a very nice summer because we went.

amb la unitat mòbil per allà per les discoteques

with the mobile unit over there by the nightclubs

de Castelldefels, fèiem un programa des de

from Castelldefels, we were doing a program from

les 2 de la tarda fins no sé quina hora

2 PM until I don't know what time.

de la matinada, quasi, i fèiem

of the dawn, almost, and we were doing

un programa que es deia Los 11 de tu vida

a program called The 11 of Your Life

li vam proposar a la 11, que és aquesta entitat que nosaltres

we proposed it to the 11, which is this entity that we

pertanyem, perquè vam estudiar

we belong, because we studied

de la 11, érem tots afiliats de la 11

from the 11, we were all members of the 11

i vam proposar aquest programa tant a la direcció

and we proposed this program to the management.

de la 11 com també en aquella època

from the 11 as well as at that time

a Onda Cero i a Onda Rambla, Onda Cero i Onda Rambla

to Onda Cero and Onda Rambla, Onda Cero and Onda Rambla

era una emissora que pertanyia al

it was a station that belonged to the

100% de l'accionaria que havia comprat

100% of the shares that had been purchased.

la 11

the 11

després va vendre, em sembla que va ser

then he sold, I think it was

telefònica, després ja ha anat a parar

telephone, then it ended up

a Grupo Planeta

to Grupo Planeta

i no m'han volgut, m'han dit, bueno, m'han dit una cosa

and they haven't wanted me, they told me, well, they told me one thing

i em van dir, no, si tinc molta més gent com vosaltres

And they told me, no, if I have many more people like you.

que són inclús millors, que ho fan

that are even better, that do it

molt més barat que nosaltres, que vosaltres

much cheaper than us, than you

nosaltres tampoc és que vulguéssim cobrar més diners

We also didn't want to charge more money.

però ens volíem cotitzar una miqueta

but we wanted to quote a little bit

molt poc, un sou bastant baix

very little, a rather low salary

bueno, un sou no, un preu

well, a salary no, a price

per el programa, que avui en dia en programes que es parla

for the program, that nowadays in programs that is talked about

d'autèntiques fortunes, nosaltres pensàvem cobrar

of authentic fortunes, we thought we would collect

no sé, una petita quantitat per dedicar

I don't know, a small amount to dedicate.

anar a buscar

to go get

el que aparegués cada setmana

what appeared every week

aquest programa i després el tècnic

this program and then the technician

i tot això ja ho traiem d'un altre lloc, però ja et dic

And all of this we already got from another place, but I'm telling you.

que és un tema que van dir que passava entre nosaltres, com també van passar

that it is a topic they said was happening between us, as it also happened

jo diria que quasi

I would say that almost.

tots els estudiants que van passar per zona

all the students who passed through the area

amada és de Rallo, Lluc Pequec, avui en dia

Beloved is Rallo, Lluc Pequec, nowadays.

jo diria que ningú estat avui en el món

I would say that nobody has been in the world today.

de la Rallo

of the Rallo

i a mi que se'm van gastar peles

And I, who ran out of money.

perquè ja veia, durava 3 anys

because I had already seen, it lasted 3 years

era l'AFP d'àudio

it was the audio AFP

en aquest cas, estem

in this case, we are

som tècnics superiors en imatge i so

we are higher technicians in image and sound

però clar, nosaltres la imatge no la vèiem perquè érem sextots

but of course, we couldn't see the image because we were sextoys

o ben veient amb molt baixa visió

or seeing very poorly

érem afiliats a l'ONCE

we were affiliated with the ONCE

i aleshores ja et dic, va ser una situació bastant curiosa

and then I tell you, it was quite a curious situation.

que la interacció laboral, ni tan sols la pròpia empresa

that labor interaction, nor even the company itself

que deia que feia una feina interessant

that said it was doing an interesting job

a nivell d'interacció laboral

at the level of work interaction

doncs va fer només mínim per intentar

so he/she only did the bare minimum to try

que un seguit de companys treballessin

that a number of colleagues worked

en aquest món

in this world

el tema del museu aquest que has comentat

the topic of the museum that you mentioned

ens queden diverses entrevistes

we have several interviews left

ja sabeu que ens recolza una mica

you already know that it supports us a little

la Fundació Sifiu

the Sifiu Foundation

la Fundació de la Caixa hem tingut diverses entrevistes

The Caixa Foundation has had several interviews.

i estem pendent de contestar-ho per part d'ells

And we are waiting for their response.

tenim també pendent una entrevista amb la gerent

We also have an interview pending with the manager.

de l'Institut Municipal de Persones amb Discapacitat

from the Municipal Institute of People with Disabilities

que tenim probablement una entrevista amb ella

that we probably have an interview with her

per intentar veure si vol recolzar

to try to see if he/she wants to support

nosaltres demanem la localització

we ask for the location

que diuen que ens han promès

that they say they have promised us

encara que ho hagués comentat ja

even if I had already mentioned it

dues torres d'aquestes de Colònia Castells

two towers of these from Colònia Castells

sabeu que aquí a l'Escors

do you know that here at l'Escors

el carrer

the street

sembla que és Equador i Taquigafo Serra

it seems to be Ecuador and Taquigafo Serra

em sembla que és

I think it is.

el carrer Equador cap a baix

the street Ecuador downward

hi ha un parc molt guapo

there is a very nice park

en l'antiga Colònia Castells

in the ancient Colony Castells

que era un cant de torres que servien

that it was a song of towers that served

com a vivendes dels treballadors d'aquesta colònia

as housing for the workers of this colony

que era una fàbrica important a principis del segle XX

that it was an important factory in the early 20th century

i que aquestes torres

and that these towers

s'han tirat totes a terra excepte 10

They have thrown all of them on the ground except for 10.

em sembla que són 10 o 8

I think it's 10 or 8.

que queden de peu

let them stand up

i han fet un parc guapíssim

They have made a really beautiful park.

un parc meravellós

a wonderful park

un parc molt gran i molt guapo

a very large and beautiful park

em va encantar com era

I loved how it was.

té una plaça central super guapa

it has a super beautiful central square

la gent que vivia en aquestes torres

the people who lived in these towers

ja han passat a un bloc que han fet

they have already moved to a block they have made

jo diria que toquen el carrer Entenza

I would say they are playing on Entenza street.

al costat

next to

i aquestes 10 torres

and these 10 towers

diuen que es repartiran

they say they will be distributed

entre entitats socials del barri

between social entities of the neighborhood

ens han promès de fa molt temps

they promised us a long time ago

dues d'aquestes torres

two of these towers

una seria per una emissora de ràdio

a series for a radio station

on nosaltres pensem continuar el futur

we think to continue the future

ja és una emissora de ràdio per a discapacitat

it is already a radio station for disability

farem programes

we will make programs

bueno, hi ha molta gent que volia fer programes

Well, there are a lot of people who wanted to make programs.

si tenim una emissora nostra ho podrà fer

if we have our own broadcaster, it will be able to do it

i després també

and then also

volem unar un petit museu

we want to create a small museum

on la gent pugui gaudir

where people can enjoy


of information

de les noves eines que avui en dia existeixen

of the new tools that exist today

al món per a nosaltres

to the world for us



vegi les eines que existeixen

see the tools that exist

les més modernes

the most modern

jo tinc una persona que ens presta gratuïtament

I have a person who lends us for free.

totes les eines que avui en dia existeixen

all the tools that exist today

per a discapacitat

for disability

és una empresa que també vine per aquí

It is a company that also sells here.

al company per explicar-ho

to the colleague to explain it

té em sembla més de 700 productes

It has more than 700 products, it seems to me.

per a discapacitat

for disability

700 d'un i d'un

700 of one and one

té tot el seu país informàtic

it has all its computer country

tot això que avui en dia són altres virgueries

all of this that nowadays are other wonders

és una espècie de casa domotitzada

It is a kind of automated house.

que és el que et dic

what is it that I say to you

té uns 60-80 metres quarts

it has about 60-80 square meters

la casa d'aquestes torres

the house of these towers

que d'una d'elles

that one of them

tindria una casa una mica domotitzada

I would have a somewhat smart home.

perquè la gent vegi

so that people can see

quines són les novetats més importants

What are the most important updates?

i pugui pensar

I can think.

el que serà l'aviat del futur

what will be the future grandfather

i també els discapacitats

and also the disabled

poden gaudir

can enjoy

poden disfrutar

they can enjoy

poden veure

they can see

de quines són les novetats

What are the news?

que poden utilitzar ells mateixos

that they can use themselves

per millorar la seva qualitat de vida

to improve their quality of life

calles de rodes que fan virgueries

wheeled streets that create marvels

taules que fan també moviments

tables that also make movements

que els va molt bé

that it goes very well for them

una cuina super ben muntada

a super well-equipped kitchen

un quart de bany super ben muntat

a super well-equipped bathroom

tot això ho podem veure

we can see all of this

estem pendent de diverses entrevistes

We are waiting for several interviews.

estem parlant

we are talking

amb representants

with representatives



estic esperant

I am waiting.

que vingui la nova

let the new one come

no sé qui vindrà

I don't know who will come.

perquè ja sabeu

because you already know

que estem en pas aquest

that we are in this step

de que dos mesos

of two months


of abstains

fins al 25 d'agost

until August 25th

en què hi haurà noves eleccions

in what there will be new elections

els polítics el mateix

the politicians the same

jo vaig dir que pararia de política

I said that I would stop doing politics.

perquè m'interessa moltíssim

because I am very much interested

però ara

but now

unes noves eleccions

new elections

per Déu

for God

ja no sé quantes

I don't know how many anymore.

5 o 6

5 or 6

les municipals

the local elections

del maig del 23

from May 23

les del juny del 23

the ones from June 23

les generales

the generals

les autonòmiques

the regional elections

i a més a més

and furthermore

això que ara mateix

this right now

cada autonomia fa el seu propi

each autonomy does its own

i no sé per què no es fa com als Estats Units

And I don't know why it isn't done like in the United States.

el segon de març

the second of March

des de cada 4 anys

every 4 years

aquí se presenta tot el món

here presents the whole world

i fora d'estar fets

and besides being made

ja no se presentarà ja més

will not be presented anymore

però no sé per què no es fan

but I don't know why they are not done

ara mateix

right now

quasi totes les autonomies

almost all the autonomies

s'ajunten amb les locals

they join the locals

després no es resulta que País Basc

then it turns out that the Basque Country





i no sé qui més

and I don’t know who else

Madrid em sembla que també

I think Madrid as well.

però no, ho fan a part

but no, they do it separately

però quan tens eleccions

but when do you have elections

primer aquí hi va haver

first there was

les gallegues

the Galicians

o les basques

or the Basques

no me'n recordo

I don't remember.



les basques

the basques

o les gallegues

or the Galicians

i després les catalanes

and then the Catalans

i ara per la falta

and now for the lack

hi ha unes altres catalanes

there are some other Catalans

com a dir que la independència

how to say that independence

a Catalunya

in Catalonia

és un tema que també

it's a topic that also

en parlarem molt

we will talk about it a lot

sobre aquest tema

about this topic

perquè bueno

because well

la independència a Catalunya

independence in Catalonia

jo ara mateix

me right now

han fet autèntiques

they have made authentic



per intentar solucionar

to try to solve

i en parlarem més estès

And we will talk about it in more detail.

més endavant


però la independència

but independence

és realment inalcançable

it is truly unattainable

és a dir

that is to say

almenys que tinguem

at least that we have

un David Cameron

a David Cameron

que també va sortir

that also came out

a Anglaterra

to England

i va donar la possibilitat

and gave the possibility

que els excursos

that the excursions

ho poguessin

they could

podria sortir

could go out



un del PP i de Vox

one from the PP and Vox

com que no

since not

però no

but no

no sé

I don't know.

alguno que s'ha

someone who has

un po

a little

no sé

I don't know.

es tenia

it was held

et surt un tio

a guy comes out to you

que diu

what does it say





cosa que caldrà

thing that will be necessary



si el referent

if the reference

el guanyem

we win him

perquè mai en la vida

because never in life

que jo sàpiga

as far as I know

en aquestes enquestes

in these surveys

que fa

what does he/she do

això de les enquestes

this matter of surveys

aquestes catalanes

these Catalans

no sé si

I don't know if

com es diu

what is it called

aquesta entitat

this entity

que busca les enquestes

what the surveys seek



mai ha superat

has never surpassed

el 50%

the 50%

i que se sàpiga

and let it be known

en eleccions parlamentàries

in parliamentary elections

vam tindre

we had



per el tema

for the topic


from the

del tipus

of the type


of elections

que hi ha a Catalunya

what is there in Catalonia

que clar

how clear

fa que es representi

makes it represent

molt més

much more

la part menys poblada

the least populated part

la part interior

the interior part

la part

the part

de la llei

of the law

de Tarragona

from Tarragona

i Girona

and Girona

mentre que


on està tota la gent

Where is all the people?

que viu aquí

who lives here

al Baix Llobregat

in the Baix Llobregat

i el cinturó

and the belt

diguem de Barcelona

let's say from Barcelona

doncs té molt menys

well, it has a lot less

pes el seu vot

weight his vote

i llavors

and then

tenen en compte

they take into account

a nivell de vots

in terms of votes



mai ha guanyat

has never won

inclús algunes vegades

even sometimes

el Puigdemont

the Puigdemont

va fer unes eleccions

held an election



i va dir

and he said

si no guanyo

if I don't win

aquesta elecció

this choice

per majoria

by majority

ja em deixo de fer

I'm already stopping doing it.

això de la independència

this about independence

jo aniria cap al Tarcantò

I would go to Tarcantò.

aniria cap a Europa

I would go to Europe.





Europa ja ha fet

Europe has already done

la unitat monetària

the monetary unit





això de delegar

this of delegating

a més Catalunya diu

furthermore Catalonia says

que no té

that does not have

no té poder

has no power

en tots els aspectes

in all aspects

a més sembla ser

furthermore it seems to be

que agafem el tema

that we take the subject

de Rodalies

from Rodalies





no és autònoma

she is not self-employed



a nivell monetari

on a monetary level

no és gens autòmat

it is not automatic at all

jo no existeix

I do not exist.

el banc d'Espanya

the Bank of Spain

com a tal

as such

és de qui decideix

it is up to the one who decides

és el banc central europeu

it is the European Central Bank

amb la qual cosa

with which

ja delega

already delegated

si decideix

if you decide

que esdeixi

let it happen

que esperem

what we are waiting for

si algun dia

if someday

es fa la unitat defensiva

the defensive unit is established

vull dir que

I mean that

els estats

the states

aquí a Europa

here in Europe

no defensen

they do not defend

la seva pàtria

his/her homeland

i el seu trosset

and its little piece



tindran que salvar

they will have to save

tota Europa

all of Europe

perquè són un exèrcit

because they are an army



si fiscalment

if fiscally

cosa que

thing that

ens costarà molt

it will be very difficult for us

fer una unitat fiscal

create a fiscal unit

no decideix

does not decide



i tampoc Catalunya

and neither Catalonia



la Unió Europea

the European Union

allò que està muntat

that which is set up

ara mateix

right now

que la gent no vol votar

that people do not want to vote

perquè diu

because it says

que no ens hi agrada

that we don't like it

és cert

it's true

que la gent

that the people

no es dona compte

does not realize

que són teixions europees

what are European weavings

són mandats europeus

they are European mandates

i cal seguir

and it is necessary to continue

el que digui Europa

whatever Europe says

i allà sí que

and there yes that

doncs clar

well of course



es tindrà que organitzar

it will have to be organized

no pot ser

it can't be

un país de

a country of



Estats Units

United States

està mitjançant uns estats

is through some states

és un sistema federal

it is a federal system

la Xina


no sé com està

I don't know how it is.

però Rússia

but Russia

també en té

he also has it



quasi 18 milions

almost 18 million

de quilòmetres

of kilometers

que ho ha

that it has

tenint una sèrie

having a series

de repúbliques per allà

of republics over there

però cal fer una

but it is necessary to do one

organització a Europa

organization in Europe

hi haurà quasi

there will be almost

500 i escaig milions

500 and a bit million

i bueno

and well


Goodness gracious!

ara mateix

right now

sembla ser que ens venen

it seems that they are selling us

quasi 7 o 8 països

almost 7 or 8 countries


from yesterday

o 6 o 7 no sé

either 6 or 7 I don’t know

dels Balcans

from the Balkans

tota aquesta gent

all these people

que s'està fotent

what is happening


of blows

fa 4 dies allà

four days ago there

entre Kosovares

among Kosovars





es mataven

they killed each other

se mataven

they killed each other



dintre de poc


han demanat

they have asked

alguns d'ells

some of them

ja la introducció

already the introduction

a l'Unió

to the Union

ara mateix

right now



si no està demanant

if you are not asking

altres països

other countries

la entrada europea

the European entry

perquè Europa

because Europe


it matters

Turquia vol entrar a Europa

Turkey wants to join Europe.



tot el merder

all the mess

de la religió

of the religion

també que

also that

llavors ens ficarem

then we will get in

en països musulmans

in Muslim countries

que és un tema

what is a topic

també molt complex

also very complex

però Ucrania

but Ukraine

per exemple

for example

ja ha demanat l'ingrés

He has already requested the deposit.



em sembla que també

I think so too.



aquests països

these countries

volen entrar

they want to enter

amb el qual

with which

que es fotia d'hòsties

that was getting beaten up

aguantats a punta para

held at gunpoint

fa 4 dies

four days ago

estan en el mateix país

they are in the same country

més guai vivir

cooler to live

aquí en Croàcia

here in Croatia

que vivir en Bosnia

that living in Bosnia

que vivir en Kosova

to live in Kosovo

perquè és el mateix

because it is the same

aquí tens guai

here you have cool

per tenir a viure

to have to live

en Espanya

in Spain

que altres

that others

és un tema molt important

It is a very important issue.

intentar canviar

try to change

aquesta situació

this situation

i bueno

And well

és un tema molt polític

it's a very political issue.

molt de parlar sobre

a lot to talk about

que també volen

that also want

viure a Europa

live in Europe

per intentar que Europa

to try to make Europe

quan es torni a reorganitzar

when it is reorganized again

que seran mitjansans

that will be half-sans

estats o que sigui

states or whatever

ahí sí que els catalans

there indeed the Catalans

podrien dir

they could say



vull fer un estat

I want to make a statement.

jo inclús

I even

hi haurà potser estats

there will perhaps be states

entre Catalunya i Baviera

between Catalonia and Bavaria

Baviera con no sé què

Bavarian with I don't know what



diferent del que

different from what

perquè les distàncies

because the distances

estan a curta

they are short

encara més

even more

el mateix

the same

el tren que anirà

the train that will go

d'aquí a Madrid

from here to Madrid

anirà a mitja hora

it will go in half an hour

anirà a 1.200 km per hora

it will go at 1,200 km per hour

i d'aquí a París

and from here to Paris

serà una horeta

it will be about an hour

amb el qual

with which

mireu si la cosa canviarà

look if things will change



Xina està inventant

China is inventing.

un avió

an airplane

que va a 10.000 km per hora

that goes at 10,000 kilometers per hour

i ateritza

and lands

i despega

and take off

en vertical

in vertical

amb el qual

with which

ja els aeroports

already the airports

no han de ser tan grans

they don't have to be that big

no cal discutir

there's no need to argue

si cal carregar-se la Ricarda

if necessary, take out Ricarda

per fer l'aeroport

to build the airport

de Barcelona Mesa

from Barcelona Table

però jo dic

but I say

tot això

all of this


Well done!

que ens veiem damunt

that we see each other on top

ja em diu el rei

the king already tells me

que són les

what are the

i 54

and 54

un cinc minutets abans

five little minutes before

a tots vosaltres

to all of you


thank you

bon estiu

have a good summer

que us ho passeu tots molt bé

I hope you all have a great time.

que sigueu molt feliços

may you be very happy

que disfruteu de la muntanya

Enjoy the mountain.

de la platja

from the beach

on sigueu

where are you

del que vulgueu

of what you want

i fins el proper mes d'estembre

and until the next month of September





fins sempre


imagine there is no heaven

imagine there is no heaven

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