Ep 40 | CCCC Stories


CCCC Podcast

Ep 40 | CCCC Stories

CCCC Podcast

CCCC Podcast presenta

CCCC Podcast presents

CCCC Stories

CCCC Stories

Episodi 40

Episode 40

El Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània

The Centre del Carme Contemporary Culture

estrena la segona temporada

the second season premieres

de la seva pròpia microsèrie de ficció

from her own fictional miniseries

que narra deu històries quotidianes

that tells ten everyday stories

amb el museu com a escenari privilegiat.

with the museum as a privileged setting.

Relats que transiten entre el sentit de l'humor i l'emoció

Stories that navigate between humor and emotion.

de la mà d'actrius i actors valencians

in the hands of Valencian actresses and actors

i informadors de la cultura.

and informants of culture.

El Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània

The Centre del Carme Contemporary Culture

és un lloc on es poden trobar influencers.

It is a place where influencers can be found.

Sí, jo vaig estudiar també la carrera de cinema i audiovisuals a l'ESCAC

Yes, I also studied film and audiovisuals at ESCAC.

i em vaig enamorar inicialment de la no ficció, del documental,

And I initially fell in love with non-fiction, with documentaries,

tot i que sempre he fet els meus pinets en ficció

although I have always done my little tricks in fiction

gràcies a un curtmetratge que va funcionar molt bé,

thanks to a short film that did very well,

que es diu Tribo, i videoclips diversos,

that is called Tribo, and various music videos,

fins a arribar a la nostra primera producció junts,

until we reach our first production together,

una sèrie de ficció.

a fiction series.

10 capítols autoconclusius

10 self-contained chapters

que duren entre 10 i 20 anys.

that last between 10 and 20 years.

Entre 5 i 10 minuts cadascun d'ells

Between 5 and 10 minutes each of them.

i que porten com a bandera la igualtat, la diversitat i la llibertat.

and they carry as a banner equality, diversity, and freedom.

La sèrie es publicarà en YouTube i xarxes socials

The series will be published on YouTube and social media.

com una entrega setmanal a partir de gener de 2024.

with a weekly delivery starting in January 2024.

Escoltem el tràiler de la primera temporada.

Let's listen to the trailer for the first season.

Hola, llevo semanas viniendo y ya me sé el TCCC de memoria,

Hello, I've been coming for weeks and I already know the TCCC by heart.

así que lo que me fijo es en ti.

So what I focus on is you.

Aquí todo el mundo tiene una historia,

Here everyone has a story,

yo he visto parejas que se forman aquí en situ, en el centre,

I have seen couples forming here on the spot, in the center.

que es algo maravilloso.

that is something wonderful.

¿Qué? ¿Que te has tirado un pedo?

What? Did you just fart?

Que yo no hago esas cosas.

That I don't do those things.




Little animal!

Recordad que aquí no existen reglas.

Remember that there are no rules here.

Lo importante es que seáis creativos y creativas

The important thing is that you are creative.

y que deis rienda suelta vuestra imaginación.

and let your imagination run wild.

Papá, me voy a mi casa.

Dad, I'm going home.

Quería que supierais que sois a quienes prefiero.

I wanted you to know that you are whom I prefer.

Pero tú te has visto, Manuela.

But have you looked at yourself, Manuela?

¡Claro que me he visto!

Of course I've seen myself!

¿Y sabes qué?

And do you know what?

Somos tan sexys como la que más.

We are as sexy as anyone else.

No sé, siento que este lugar es...

I don't know, I feel that this place is...

pues eso.

Well, that.



Los pelos de gallina.




¿Cómo va anar esa primera experiencia de webserie

How did that first web series experience go?

en el Centro del Carmen?

in the Center of Carmen?

Fue muy catártico porque yo recuerdo terminar de rodar

It was very cathartic because I remember finishing filming.

el último plano, el décimo día, y el equipo ponerse a llorar.

the last shot, the tenth day, and the team starts to cry.

Fue muy bonito.

It was very nice.

Porque formamos una pequeña familia.

Because we formed a small family.

Era un equipo bastante reducido, de gente muy joven.

It was a rather small team of very young people.

Y en cuanto al resultado, súper satisfechos.

And regarding the result, super satisfied.

Porque, de hecho, el feedback de la gente ha sido súper positivo.

Because, in fact, the feedback from people has been super positive.

Nosotros creo que, claro, cuando uno está muchas veces

I believe that, of course, when one is many times.

pasándose millones de horas en su despacho, montando,

spending millions of hours in his office, assembling,

pensando que tiene que enviar 18 correos

thinking that you have to send 18 emails

para generar una postproducción adecuada, etcétera,

to generate an appropriate post-production, etcetera,

piensas, bueno, esto quizá lo ven 12,

You think, well, maybe 12 people see this.

que quizá 1.000 visualizaciones

that perhaps 1,000 views

es algo que llegamos.

It's something that we reached.

Hicimos un clic a la hora de hacer la primera presentación

We clicked when we made the first presentation.

de cara al público aquí, en el centre,

in front of the public here, in the center,

que tuvieron que cerrar por aforo

that had to close due to capacity limits

porque había demasiada gente de pie.

because there were too many people standing.

Estaba un montón de gente también por el suelo.

There were a lot of people on the ground as well.

No había sillas para todo el mundo.

There were no chairs for everyone.

Y creo que fue el momento exacto en el que dijimos,

And I think it was the exact moment when we said,

ostras, pues hay realmente una necesidad de consumir

Wow, there is really a need to consume.

este tipo de contenido.

this type of content.

Que a nosotros nos dio también como un empujoncito de decir

That it also gave us a little push to say

que va a gustar.

that will be liked.

O bueno, si no gusta, se darán cuenta estas 1.000 personas

Oh well, if they don't like it, these 1,000 people will notice.

que están aquí.

that are here.

Y luego, en redes, cuando lo lanzamos,

And then, on social media, when we launch it,

porque fue directamente lanzado, pues si son plataformas y tal,

because it was directly launched, since they are platforms and such,

que era una de las ideas de ahí el tema Stories,

that it was one of the ideas behind the topic Stories,

pues hemos cosechado ya más de 6 millones de visualizaciones,

Well, we have already harvested more than 6 million views,

que se dice pronto.

that is said quickly.

Hemos visto que ha emocionado a gente,

We have seen that it has moved people,

que ha ayudado también a nivel concienciativo, divulgativo,

that has also helped at the level of awareness and dissemination,

incluso algunos episodios.

including some episodes.

Y a nosotros, eso es lo que nos ha ayudado.

And for us, that's what has helped us.

Nos ha motivado también a decir

It has also motivated us to say.

y por qué no vamos a realizar una segunda temporada

And why are we not going to make a second season?

para seguir llegando al máximo nivel de corazones.

to continue reaching the highest level of hearts.

¿Cómo va ser el origen de una iniciativa audiovisual

What was the origin of an audiovisual initiative?

tan encertada y totalmente innovadora

so accurate and completely innovative

de hacer una webserie para un centro museístico?

to create a web series for a museum center?

¿Cómo fue el origen de una iniciativa audiovisual tan encertada

What was the origin of such a successful audiovisual initiative?

y totalmente innovadora de hacer una webserie para un centro museístico?

and totally innovative to create a web series for a museum center?

Doncs crec que neix de ser visitants nosaltres del propi centre

Well, I think it stems from being visitors ourselves to the center.

i imaginar què farien altres persones que acudissin a aquestes quatre parets.

and imagine what other people who came to these four walls would do.

I de tant pensar-hi, pensar-hi, rumiar-hi,

And from thinking about it so much, thinking about it, pondering it,

van néixer coses molt diverses que van traspassar-se a un paper

very diverse things were born that were transferred to paper

i d'aquests guions a una proposta de direcció

and from these scripts to a direction proposal

que encantats ens van dir que endavant que anéssim a rodar

how delighted they told us to go ahead and start filming

i teníem dia lliure.

and we had a day off.



Moltes vegades pensem que els llocs tenen un caràcter propi

Many times we think that places have their own character.

i que ho van elaborant amb el pas dels anys.

And they have been developing it over the years.

Jo crec que el centre té la seva pròpia identitat

I believe that the center has its own identity.

a nivell social, a nivell artístic,

at a social level, at an artistic level,

i pensàvem que això no només el dota el contingut del lloc,

and we thought that this not only equips the content of the site,

sinó també les persones que hi habiten.

but also the people who live there.

I volíem també reflectir una mica

We also wanted to reflect a bit.

la diversitat d'històries i la diversitat de visitants

the diversity of stories and the diversity of visitors

que al final formen l'ànima

that ultimately form the soul

d'aquest centre.

of this center.

La banda sonora de la websèrie

The soundtrack of the web series

de la qual estem sentint algunes pinzellades

of which we are hearing some hints

són composicions originals de Mark Little.

They are original compositions by Mark Little.

Com és el procés de creació musical?

What is the process of musical creation?

Aquesta segona temporada el compositor és el Mark Little,

In this second season, the composer is Mark Little.

que ve de fer, per exemple, el llarg matratge d'Ovella,

what has been done, for example, the long ordeal of Ovella,

en col·laboració amb Escac Films.

in collaboration with Escac Films.

Està fent també curtmetratges.

He is also making short films.

Jo crec que és un crac i ens està mantenint molt bé.

I think he is a genius and is supporting us very well.

I tenim ara mateix quatre de deu episodis

We currently have four out of ten episodes.

ja musicalitzats, i aquest n'és un d'ells.

already musicalized, and this is one of them.

Justament aquest pertany a Oído cocina,

This one belongs to Oído cocina.

que és el capítol que està fet en llengües assignats.

What is the chapter that is done in assigned languages?

Crec que és d'aquests que més estem orgullosos ara mateix,

I think it is one of those we are most proud of right now.

i així que us hauria d'obrir una orella.

And so I should lend you an ear.

En la primera temporada tuvimos a Roberto Pérez,

In the first season, we had Roberto Pérez,

que dejó el listón alto, y no hemos podido contar con él.

who set the bar high, and we have not been able to count on him.

En esta segunda, como dice Seri, tenemos a Mark Little,

In this second one, as Seri says, we have Mark Little.

y la verdad es que estamos súper contentos con él,

and the truth is that we are super happy with him,

estamos funcionando súper bien.

We are functioning super well.

Es guay, porque nosotros editamos,

It's cool because we edit.

estamos con música de referencia,

we are with reference music,

entonces sí que se la pasamos al compositor,

then we do pass it to the composer,

y a veces es que es difícil expresar lo que quieres a nivel musical

And sometimes it's difficult to express what you want on a musical level.

y que respondan bien,

and that they respond well,

pero la verdad es que estamos funcionando muy bien, muy bien.

But the truth is that we are functioning very well, very well.

De fet, la música té molta presència en la sèrie.

In fact, music has a strong presence in the series.

La mostra més explícita d'això

The most explicit example of this

és la cançó de Colette en el capítol que es titula «Directo».

It is Colette's song in the chapter titled "Directo."

Porque me apetece

Because I feel like it.

hacer lo que me convenga.

do what suits me.

Me apetece salir y disfrutar.

I feel like going out and enjoying myself.

Porque me apetece fumar y salir de fiesta.

Because I feel like smoking and going out to party.

Me apetece viajar.

I feel like traveling.

Me apetece cantar y cantar.

I feel like singing and singing.

Me apetece de verdad.

I really feel like it.

Para mí, su capítulo en esta temporada diría que es mi favorito,

For me, I would say that their chapter in this season is my favorite.

porque habla de una salida del armario involuntaria,

because it talks about an involuntary coming out of the closet,

y un poco es el lema de la canción, de hacer lo que...

and a little is the motto of the song, of doing what...

Bueno, ella es una chica lesbiana cuyos padres no lo saben,

Well, she is a lesbian girl whose parents don't know.

y de una manera fortuita se enteran.

and in a chance way they find out.

Y ella ha estado ocultándolo todo este tiempo.

And she has been hiding it all this time.

Yo creo que la canción es un poco himno también

I think the song is a bit of an anthem too.

de hacer lo que a uno le apetece

to do what one feels like

sin pensar un poco en lo que pensarán los demás,

without thinking a little about what others will think,

en este caso por su familia,

in this case for his family,

y ella ser, por fin, quien quiere ser.

and she is finally who she wants to be.

A més, és que aquest només vam rodar dos vegades,

Moreover, we only shot this twice.

aquella cançó, perquè la primera ja era perfecta,

that song, because the first one was already perfect,

i vam dir, anem a fer una altra per fer,

And we said, let's do another one to do,

i per no gastar-ho, perquè va ser una cosa molt màgica,

and to not spend it, because it was something very magical,

que naixia d'una cançó que ella ja tenia feta anteriorment,

that was born from a song she had already made earlier,

o sigui, del seu àlbum, etcètera,

that is, from their album, etc.

però que venia al pèl, a la nostra trama,

but it was just right for our plot,

i la canta molt fluixet, al costat de la Joana Vilapuig,

and she sings very quietly, next to Joana Vilapuig,

que la coneixem per Self-tape, Polseses vermelles i tal,

that we know her for Self-tape, Red Poles and such,

i es va crear una cosa que crec que vam sortir tots flotant,

and something was created that I think we all came out floating,

perquè és l'últim pla,

because it is the last plan,

és cantat allà en viu,

it is sung live there,

i vam sortir tots amb un somriure de dir, carai, quina jornada.

And we all came out with a smile saying, wow, what a day.

Sí, bueno, porque además en esta temporada

Yes, well, because besides in this season

hemos rodado 10 capítulos en 8 días,

we have filmed 10 episodes in 8 days,

o sea, había días que hacíamos doblete,

I mean, there were days when we played two games.

y por suerte este no fue uno de ellos.

And luckily this was not one of them.

No, no, porque volíamos dedicar el mimo a aquél,

No, no, because we wanted to dedicate the affection to that one,

y va ser jornada sencera de 12 horas,

and it was a full 12-hour day,

només a directo.

only live.

Pero fue mágico, ese rodaje.

But it was magical, that shoot.

En la segunda temporada de CCCC Stories,

In the second season of CCCC Stories,

la idea será la mateixa que en la primera,

the idea will be the same as in the first,

es decir, mostrareu el museu com un espai de vida quotidiana,

that is to say, you will show the museum as a space of everyday life,

un museu d'afectes,

a museum of emotions,

un punt de trobada i de concentració de la vida.

a meeting point and concentration of life.

Hemos querido ir un pasito más allá

We wanted to take a step further.

en nuestro objetivo también de hablar de la diversidad.

in our goal to also talk about diversity.

O sea, yo creo que nos quedaron algunas asignaturas pendientes

In other words, I think we have some outstanding subjects left.

en la primera temporada, y aquí hemos querido subsanarlo.

In the first season, and here we wanted to fix it.

Pues, por ejemplo, hay un capítulo que yo le tengo especial cariño,

Well, for example, there is a chapter that I hold in special affection,

que lo planteamos creo que incluso antes de saber

that we raised it I think even before knowing

que habría segunda temporada, fue como,

that there would be a second season, it was like,

si hay una segunda temporada tenemos que hacer un capítulo

If there is a second season, we have to make an episode.

en lengua de signos.

in sign language.

Entonces, tenemos dos actores sordos,

So, we have two deaf actors,

y hay un capítulo íntegramente en lengua de signos.

And there is a chapter entirely in sign language.

Cosa que va ser un repte,

Which was a challenge,

perquè, clar, nosaltres mai havíem treballat amb intèrprets,

because, of course, we had never worked with interpreters,

ja dic intèrprets reals,

I mean real interpreters,

vull dir, que ens anaven traduint el que deien aquests actors no oyentes,

I mean, they were translating what these non-hearing actors were saying to us.

i també nosaltres sabíem uns quants signes

and we also knew a few signs

a l'hora de comunicar-nos amb ell i traspassar-li,

when it comes to communicating with him and transferring to him,

perquè no només fos parlar amb una persona

so that it wasn't just talking to one person

que els digués el que han de fer,

that he/she told them what they have to do,

com volíem que enfoquessin a càmera, etcètera.

as we wanted them to focus on camera, etcetera.

Va ser un aprenentatge mutu, i realment va ser molt bonic.

It was a mutual learning experience, and it really was very beautiful.

Després també tenim episodis

Afterwards we also have episodes.

que són protagonitzats per persones racialitzades,

that are starred by racialized people,

persones trans,

trans people,

tenim també una nova mostra de l'espectre del que representa la parella,

we also have a new example of the spectrum that the couple represents,

tenim una mena de relació oberta...

we have a kind of open relationship...

Famílies no normatives, també...

Non-normative families, too...



Hemos querido ir un poquito más allá,

We wanted to go a little further,

abarcar todavía más ese objetivo que teníamos de mostrar diversidad.

to cover even more that goal we had of showing diversity.

Escoltem un fragment del primer episodi de la segona temporada,

Let's listen to a fragment from the first episode of the second season.

titulat Custodia compartida.

titled Shared custody.

Oye, mira, sé que va a ser muy incómodo,

Hey, look, I know it’s going to be very awkward,

pero creo que deberíamos decidir cómo seguir viniendo, ¿no?

But I think we should decide how to keep coming, right?

¿Dónde? ¿Aquí?

Where? Here?

Sí, para no coincidir y todo.

Yes, to avoid coinciding and everything.

Ah, claro, sí, sí, sí, claro.

Ah, of course, yes, yes, yes, of course.

Pues no sé, si tú tienes algo pensado...

Well, I don't know, if you have something in mind...

¿Qué te parece si nos turnamos? En plan, un mes tú, un mes yo...

How about we take turns? Like, one month you, one month me...

Un mes es mucho tiempo, ¿no?

A month is a long time, isn't it?

Mejor cada 15 días.

Better every 15 days.

A ver, ¿yo puedo venir del 1 al 15 y tú el resto?

Let's see, can I come from the 1st to the 15th and you the rest?

¿O al revés? Bueno, que a mí me da igual.

Or the other way around? Well, I don't mind.

No, no, a mí también. Bien.

No, no, me too. Good.

Lo que pasa es que si uno quiere venir a un evento

What happens is that if one wants to come to an event

en la quincena del otro...

in the fortnight of the other...

Pues no sé, chico, lo hablamos.

Well, I don't know, man, we'll talk about it.

Alberto, pero estas cosas tienen que estar claras.

Alberto, but these things have to be clear.

Yo creo que lo mejor es que tenga prioridad el que esté en su quincena.

I believe that the best thing is to prioritize the one who is on their pay period.

Y en el hipotético caso de que una persona

And in the hypothetical case that a person

no pueda venir a un evento en su quincena,

cannot come to an event during their pay period,

el afectado tiene que avisar a la otra para ver si sí puede.

The affected person has to notify the other one to see if they can.

De hecho, mira, mi amiga Ana, la abogada,

In fact, look, my friend Ana, the lawyer,

que la que nos fuimos a Asturias,

that we went to Asturias,

yo creo que ya se lo puede dejar por escrito.

I believe it can already be put in writing.

Pero ¿tú qué piensas? ¿Que le sale McBeal o...?

But what do you think? Does McBeal come out or...?



Pues mira, precisamente este capítulo

Well, look, this chapter precisely...

es una segunda parte de la primera temporada.

It is a second part of the first season.

Son... Bueno, los actores son Benza e Iker, Iker Montero,

They are... Well, the actors are Benza and Iker, Iker Montero.

que es un actor influencer bastante conocido,

he is a fairly well-known influencer actor,

quien en la primera temporada era una pareja

who in the first season was a couple

que se acusaba de haberse hecho ghosting,

that was accused of having ghosted,

pero terminan uniéndose.

but they end up coming together.

Y en esta segunda temporada,

And in this second season,

pues tiempo después, cuando ya no son pareja,

well, after some time, when they are no longer a couple,

pero se reencuentran en el museo.

but they meet again at the museum.

És a dir, a 9 s'han enamorat,

That is to say, 9 have fallen in love,

han tingut una noig i moltes d'amor,

they have had a night and many of love,

i ara ja fins i tot el que fan

And now even what they do.

és repartir-se al centre del carme com si fos un fill,

it is to share the Centre del Carme as if it were a child,

dient qui hauria d'acudir, si la primera quinzena, si la segona,

saying who should attend, whether the first half or the second half,

què passa quan hi ha un esdeveniment...

what happens when there is an event...

I al final tot es desenvolupa en una trama molt bizarra, diguem-ne,

And in the end, everything unfolds into a very bizarre plot, let's say.

de tractar això com realment un personatge més,

to treat this as really just another character,

que és de les idees que teníem,

what is of the ideas we had,

que el centre fos algú que incorpori,

that the center be someone who incorporates,

però que sempre hi fos, allà darrere fons.

but always being there, in the background.

Un format ideat per a que es veja de forma ràpida,

A format designed for quick viewing,

des de qualsevol dispositiu,

from any device,

amb el repte que els vídeos duren pocs minuts

with the challenge that the videos last a few minutes

i vagin directament al rovell de l'ou de la història.

and go straight to the heart of the matter.

Sí, de hecho, esta segunda temporada,

Yes, in fact, this second season,

diría que los capítulos son incluso más cortos.

I would say that the chapters are even shorter.



En general, no creo que haya alguno que supera los cinco minutos,

In general, I don't think there is any that exceeds five minutes.

pero hay otros que, créditos incluidos, duran tres minutos y medio.

but there are others that, credits included, last three and a half minutes.

Lo que te dura una canción de Spotify, pues ver un capítulo...

What a Spotify song lasts, well, watch an episode...

Que no hay excusa, llavors,

Then there is no excuse,

si volem igualar les xifres, acosteu-vos-hi.

If we want to match the figures, come closer.

Sí, entonces está pensado para que se estrenen los viernes a mediodía,

Yes, so it is designed to be released on Fridays at noon,

para que en ese momentito que tienes la pausa de comer

so that in that little moment when you have a break to eat

y estás mirando el móvil puedas entretenerte viendo un capítulo de CCD Stories.

and you are looking at your phone you can entertain yourself by watching an episode of CCD Stories.

¿Cómo es fa un rodatge dins d'un centre museístic

How is a filming done inside a museum center?

que està funcionant a ple rendiment de visites, exposicions i activitats culturals?

that is operating at full capacity for visits, exhibitions, and cultural activities?

Y para nosotros, como creadores, pues es maravilloso también,

And for us, as creators, well it's wonderful too,

porque a la hora de plantear los capítulos,

because when it comes to laying out the chapters,

nosotros escribíamos los guiones intuyendo dónde podíamos rodar,

we wrote the scripts sensing where we could shoot,

pero luego Sergi y yo nos veníamos aquí,

but then Sergi and I would come here,

entonces empezábamos a visualizar los planos aprovechando las obras expuestas.

Then we began to visualize the plans by taking advantage of the displayed works.

Y eso también era muy, muy, muy guay.

And that was also very, very, very cool.

O sea, la parte de diseño de arte la tenemos medio hecha.

I mean, the art design part is about half done.

Y ya no solo las salas y exposiciones, sino los claustros, que también aportan muchísimo.

And it's not just the rooms and exhibitions, but also the cloisters, which contribute a lot as well.

Pero bueno, era muy gracioso ver cómo la gente se asomaba

But well, it was very funny to see how people peeked.

o intentaban entrar en salas y no podían los pobres.

or they tried to enter rooms and the poor couldn't.

Sí, tenim algun extra involuntari que sempre queda bé,

Yes, we have some unintentional extras that always look good.

perquè ells no es donaven compte ni de que havien sigut gravats,

because they did not realize that they had been recorded,

que és bastant còmic.

which is quite comic.

Farem l'orella a un fragment d'un dels deu capítols

We will listen to a fragment from one of the ten chapters.

de CCCC Stories realitzat amb Daniel Feth,

of CCCC Stories made with Daniel Feth,

un influencer que té milions de seguidors a les xarxes socials.

an influencer who has millions of followers on social media.

Tú fíjate que a la gente que le gusta el salseo dan gasme en eso.

You notice that people who like gossip really get into that.

Mirá, sálvame, 10 años en parrilla, no se ha preguntado nadie por qué.

Look, save me, 10 years on the grill, no one has asked why.

Detalles, salseo, ¿eh?

Details, gossip, huh?

Ya me lo decía mi madre, comenta cosas.

My mother used to tell me, comment on things.

Mi madre que te quiere un montón, ¿eh?, desde el primerito día.

My mother who loves you a lot, huh?, since the very first day.

Me dijo, esta es chica para ti, canerita en rama.

He told me, this is a girl for you, a little junkie.

¿Cómo te llamas?

What is your name?

Es típica comedia española, així de enredo, ¿eh?

It's a typical Spanish comedy, full of twists, right?

Sí, a nosotros nos gusta mucho una serie que se llama Vergüenza

Yes, we really like a series called Shame.

y nos basamos un poquillo en ese tipo de humor.

And we rely a bit on that type of humor.

Entonces lo que generamos es una situación de enredo,

So what we generate is a tangled situation,

donde una pareja reconoce a otra por haber hablado con ellos por Tinder,

where one couple recognizes another for having spoken with them on Tinder,

pero la otra pareja les reconoce a estos primeros

but the other couple recognizes these first ones

por haber estado a punto de alquilarles un piso.

for almost renting them an apartment.

Son aplicaciones diferentes. Está Tinder y está idealista.

They are different applications. There is Tinder and there is Idealista.

Entonces, cuando comienzan a hablar,

So, when they start to talk,

unos están hablando de hacer un intercambio de parejas,

some are talking about doing a swingers exchange,

pero los otros están hablando de alquilar un piso.

but the others are talking about renting an apartment.

Entonces tienes esta doble lectura constante de cualquier comentario que se hace

Then you have this constant double reading of any comment that is made.

y da pie a una situación súper esperpéntica y absurda y muy divertida.

and gives rise to a super grotesque and absurd situation that is very funny.

El drama està servit.

The drama is served.

Y el fragment que acabem d'escoltar és també 100% improvisat,

And the fragment we just heard is also 100% improvised,

de que teníem la idea

that we had the idea

d'acabar l'episodi d'una manera i vam dir

to end the episode in a certain way and we said

i si fem que simplement gravem una verborrea del Daniel Feth,

And what if we simply record a verbal diarrhea from Daniel Feth?

que és encantador, d'ell dient què acabem de veure com a espectadors?

What is charming about him saying what we just saw as spectators?

I va ser molt difícil perquè això és que ho vam rodar 4 vegades

It was very difficult because we shot it 4 times.

i les 4 ens donava coses diferents, acudits de tota mena,

and the four of us would give different things, jokes of all kinds,

i era extremadament difícil, crec, aguantar-se el riure.

And it was extremely difficult, I think, to hold back the laughter.

I en aquest capítol, a més, hi ha la Sari Vivan.

And in this chapter, there is also Sari Vivan.

Que també és molt coneguda.

Which is also very well known.

Que també és còmica, és monologuista, és actriu.

She is also funny, she is a stand-up comedian, she is an actress.

Juanu Górrit, que també és monologuista.

Juanu Górrit, who is also a stand-up comedian.

I després Sònia Massuda, que és una actriu vinguda de Barcelona,

And then Sònia Massuda, who is an actress from Barcelona,

descendència asiàtica, que jo li tinc molt de pressa

Asian descent, which I am in a great hurry for.

perquè ha sortit a por matratges meus, llavors havia d'estar, també.

because it has come out for my mattresses, then I had to be there too.

És molt guai, perquè la química de les dues parelles,

It's very cool because of the chemistry between the two couples.

de aquests quatre actors, és molt divertida.

of these four actors, it is very funny.

Jo li dic que com a espècie de personatge,

I tell him that as a kind of character,

la que va fer l'espectador de la sèrie a l'única vegada,

the one that the viewer of the series did the only time,

que era Sònia Massuda,

who was Sònia Massuda,

és de la facció de l'espectador de la sèrie.

he is from the faction of the series viewer.

Has fet formació per a la sèrie?

Have you done training for the series?



¿Chalif, què deies que li va fer?

Chalif, what were you saying he did to him?

Quan li va dir a la sèrie que no estava funcionant,

When she told the series that it wasn't working,

li vaig dir que era la sèrie que estava funcionant.

I told him that it was the series that was working.

Hem tingut dones de aportació

We have had contribution women.

que ja tenien un bon sentit,

that already had a good sense,

era una una persona que ja era en algun moment

it was a person who was already at some point

i ho feien per paraula,

and they did it by word,

però quan l'han comprat,

but when they have bought it,

ha fet un capítol esportiu,

he has made a sports chapter,

que va calentar.

that warmed up.

del resto, así como en la primera temporada

of the rest, just like in the first season

por ejemplo, hay capítulos como

for example, there are chapters like

Bochorno, el de las amigas que vienen a ver el museo

Embarrassment, the one from the friends who come to see the museum.

creo que es un mensaje universal

I believe it is a universal message.

que también puede verse reflejado en una chica

that can also be reflected in a girl

de 30 años, no nos queríamos olvidar

30 years old, we didn't want to forget.

de personas

of people

más mayores, igual que en las dos

older, just like in the two

temporadas también tenemos capítulos protagonizados

seasons also have episodes featuring

por niños, que quizá el mensaje

for children, that perhaps the message

no es del todo infantil, pero sí que queremos reflejar

it is not entirely childish, but we do want to reflect

que son parte del centre

that are part of the center

pero sí que es verdad que quizá nuestro

but it is true that perhaps our

target es el que tú comentas, también por

target is what you mention, also for

dónde se emite la serie

where is the series broadcasted

quién consume TikTok, quién consume

who consumes TikTok, who consumes

Instagram. Sí que nosaltres

Instagram. Yes, that's us.

li hem volgut donar això una volta rosca

we wanted to give it a twist

i que tots tenen un missatge

and that everyone has a message

i una tesi forta

and a strong thesis

però que en una primera capa jo crec que això

but in a first layer I think that this

no es veu i és el que fa que sigui

it cannot be seen and it is what makes it be

una visió amable a costar-se la sèrie

a kind view of getting into the series



Donem pas

Let's proceed.

a un extracte de l'últim episodi

to an excerpt from the latest episode

de la sèrie on es fa

from the series where it happens

un anunci prou particular

a rather peculiar announcement

pel centre del carnet.

through the center of the card.

Vendràs por el arte

You'll sell for art.

i volveràs a por su tote bag.

And you will go back for her tote bag.

C, C, C, C

C, C, C, C

Dos Cs formen un corador.

Two Cs form a heart.

És protagonitzat per la Graceli de la Concepció

It stars Graceli de la Concepció.

que ja va ser la que va tancar la primera

that was already the one that closed the first one

temporada i creiem, tot i que

season and we believe, although

encara no està decidit, que també tancarà la segona

it is still not decided, that it will also close the second one.

i ella mateixa fa una mena

and she herself does a kind

de paròdia del que són

of the parody of what they are

moltes vegades anuncis

many times ads

que és el que representa

what does it represent

moltes vegades el llenguatge comunicatiu

many times the communicative language

de xarxes de centres

of networked centers

d'art. Però ho fem amb aquesta sorna

of art. But we do it with this sarcasm

que ella s'atreveix

that she dares

amb tot i no es dona compte que realment

with everything, he/she does not realize that really

està fent el ridícul i és una

he is making a fool of himself and is a

doble crítica que nosaltres volíem

double criticism that we wanted

passar també, perquè el que hem volgut fer

also happen, because what we wanted to do

és donar això un caràcter cinematogràfic

it gives this a cinematic quality

i aquest és l'única part que hem fet

and this is the only part we have done

rodada amb MyPhone.

shot with MyPhone.

Graceli, que ja feia de personal de sala

Graceli, who was already working as floor staff.

la primera temporada, pues tuvo muy buena acogida

the first season, as it was very well received

y la gente vio muy bien

and the people saw very well

que el propio museo

that the museum itself

se parodara a sí mismo. Entonces hemos querido

he will parody himself. So we wanted

ir un poquito más allá. Sí que es verdad que

go a little further. Yes, it's true that

los centros museísticos, los museos, los centros

the museum centers, the museums, the centers

de arte, tienen como este aura

of art, they have this aura

de sobriedad, de seriedad,

of sobriety, of seriousness,

de poco sentido del humor tal vez

of little sense of humor maybe

y aquí hemos querido romper con eso

and here we wanted to break away from that

y hacer un producto del centre parodiando

and make a product of the center parodying

al centre, de una manera pues con un buen

in the center, in a way thus with a good

absurdo y... Sí, perquè no és gens

absurd and... Yes, because it's not at all

elitista. El que et respira aquí és una cosa

elitist. What breathes here is one thing

molt pròxima i

very close and

absurda, també.

absurd, too.

Hem treballat amb dos productores,

We have worked with two producers,

Pausa Dramàtica Films i Aire de Cinema,

Dramatic Pause Films and Air of Cinema,

Olga de Oganoc,

Olga of Oganoc,

Anamora Griega i Mila Luengo,

Anamora Griega and Mila Luengo,

han estat al capdavant d'aquesta

they have been at the forefront of this

bogeria i han fet

madness and they have done

una labor magnífica.

a magnificent job.

Estem molt contents del seu treball perquè han

We are very pleased with their work because they have

aixecat això de la manera

lifted this up the way

que a nosaltres ens semblava

that it seemed to us

impensable i també gràcies a elles

unthinkable and also thanks to them

doncs el que hem aconseguit

so what we have achieved

és tenir no només influencers

It's having not just influencers.

sinó també actors que ens agraden molt

but also actors that we really like

com Víctor Palmero, que el coneixeu

like Víctor Palmero, whom you know

per La que s'avecina

For the one that is coming.

i protagonitza també un episodi

and also stars in an episode

junt amb Toni Missó que no us podeu perdre.

together with Toni Missó that you cannot miss.

Sí, bueno, yo creo que también

Yes, well, I think so too.

nosotros aprendimos de la temporada pasada

We learned from last season.

era la primera vez que rodábamos en el centre

it was the first time we were filming in the center

el centre era la primera vez que cogía un proyecto

the center was taking on a project for the first time

como el nuestro, entonces yo creo que ha habido un aprendizaje

like ours, then I believe there has been a learning experience

mutuo y

mutual and

a nivel de producción pues hemos ido

At the production level, we have gone

bastante mejor, ¿no? O sea, yo creo que el logro

pretty much better, right? I mean, I think the achievement

este de hacer ocho capítulos en diez días

This is to make eight chapters in ten days.

perdón, diez capítulos en

sorry, ten chapters in

ocho días, que se dice pronto

eight days, as they say quickly

ha sido gracias también pues eso

It has also been thanks to that.

como dices, Sergi, a la labor de producción, al equipo

As you say, Sergi, to the production work, to the team.

que la gran mayoría repetía

that the vast majority repeated

del año pasado y

from last year and

ya conocíamos esto como si fuera nuestra casa.

we already knew this as if it were our home.


Of course.



ofereix la possibilitat

offers the possibility

a través d'una entitat pública

through a public entity

a joves i no tan joves

to young people and not so young people

creadors per a projectes

creators for projects

en un sector tan privatitzat

in such a privatized sector

com és l'audiovisual, on les

how is the audiovisual, where the

institucions no solen apostar-hi.

institutions usually do not invest in it.

El Centre del Carme ha sigut

The Centre del Carme has been

capdavanter en esta experiència.

leader in this experience.


It is

la primera sèrie que s'ha fet dins d'un museu.

the first series that has been made inside a museum.

Tot i que, realment, no hi ha

Although, really, there is not

constància o no n'hem trobat

we have found no evidence of it

que això hagi passat anteriorment.

that this has happened before.

Jo sí que tenia un

I did have one.

pequeño bagatge en cuanto a websèries

small baggage in terms of web series

perquè allà en 2006

because back in 2006

dirigí una de les primeres websèries

he directed one of the first web series

d'Espanya i la primera LGTBI

of Spain and the first LGTBI

que s'anomenava Lo que surja i funciona

that was called What Comes Up and Works

molt bé en els albors de YouTube.

very good in the dawns of YouTube.

En aquell moment, quan teníem 200 visites,

At that moment, when we had 200 visits,

ens semblava un logro.

it seemed like an achievement to us.

I crec que és un nicho que encara està per explotar.

I believe it is a niche that is still to be exploited.

Cal saber

It is necessary to know.

trobar la connexió amb el públic

finding the connection with the audience

perquè el consum a internet és com és.

because internet consumption is what it is.

És vorat, és molt ràpid.

It is voracious, it is very fast.

I si als 20 segons no entretens

And if you don't entertain within 20 seconds.

és molt fàcil passar a una altra cosa

it's very easy to move on to something else

perquè al final els rils

because in the end the rails

com més ràpid, també millor.

The faster, the better.

I en els nostres episodis hi ha alguns

And in our episodes, there are some.

que arriben a 10 minuts, per exemple.

that arrive in 10 minutes, for example.

Llavors, vam haver de saber adaptar-nos

Then, we had to learn to adapt.

al que creiem que s'espera

to what we believe is expected

d'un producte així en xarxes

of such a product on social media

però a vegades volent

but sometimes wanting

arribar a l'objectiu que nosaltres volíem, que era explicar històries.

to reach the goal that we wanted, which was to tell stories.

Sí que havíem vist propostes similars

Yes, we had seen similar proposals.

en altres sectors, més publicitaris,

in other sectors, more advertising-oriented,

però ningú, com tu dius,

but no one, as you say,

estava orientat a centres artístics

it was aimed at artistic centers

i ens semblava una oportunitat

and it seemed to us like an opportunity

de ser els primers.

to be the first.

Sí, perquè sí que exemples que trobem

Yes, because we do find examples.

són més propers a l'espot, a l'anunci,

they are closer to the spot, to the ad,

a la cosa aquesta propagandística

to this propaganda thing

que no al...

that not to the...

Anem a realment intentar explicar

Let's really try to explain.

què passa amb personatges

What happens with characters?

imaginats totalment

totally imagined

en els centres aquests.

in these centers.

L'ànima d'aquest concepte

The essence of this concept.

és que sí que hi ha!!!

Yes, there is!!!

oxi, que no res més...

oxygen, that’s it...


He will rest.

jo ja dic,

I already say,

el sistema de l'ordre

the system of order

i la posició de la?.

And the position of the?

I bé,

And well,



el tema de l'ordre

the theme of order

passaria d'aquí a dilluns

It would happen from here to Monday.

a dilluns a migdia.

on Monday at noon.

Les dades,

The data,

les dades de set i migdia,

the data of seven and noon,

les dades de tis,

the tis data,

les dades de set i migdia,

the data of seven and midday,

les dades de set i migdia...

the data of seven and midday...

I bé,

And well,

ens han dit que

they have told us that

les dades de set i migdia

the data of seven and midday

les portaria a la llum.

she would bring them to light.

I bé,

And well,

no és un procés d'anàlisi,

it is not a process of analysis,

sinó que no se pot fer

but it cannot be done

de la nature,

of nature,

A l'episodi d'avui

In today's episode

li hem posat la banda sonora

we have put the soundtrack on it

de SSS Stories

of SSS Stories

realitzada per Marc Little

carried out by Marc Little

i també hem escoltat fragments

and we have also listened to fragments

de Cinema Roma de Javier Rubio

of Cinema Roma by Javier Rubio

la referència número 50

reference number 50

del mític netlabel MIGA

from the mythical netlabel MIGA

i que podeu descarregar lliurement

and that you can download freely

a través d'archive.org

through archive.org

El podcast del Centre del Carme

The podcast of the Centre del Carme

és un treball col·laboratiu

it is a collaborative work

amb Edu Comelles

with Edu Comelles

i Amàlia Garrigós

I Amàlia Garrigós

Arribem al final de la segona temporada

We have reached the end of the second season.

amb l'episodi número 40

with episode number 40

Podeu escoltar tots els capítols

You can listen to all the episodes.

en la web del Centre del Carme

on the website of the Centre del Carme

en iVoox, iTunes i Spotify

on iVoox, iTunes, and Spotify

o a la web de l'Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya.

or on the website of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

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