Episodi 4


Latino 21

Episodi 4

Latino 21



Toma'n d'orra, sin carnet

Take it from the back, without a license.

Baja-lo i sobe'lo, qui truca't

Download it and upload it, who called you?

Guarde'l si t'es que em mor, eh

Keep it if you think I'm going to die, okay?

Guarde'l si t'es que em mor, yeah

Keep it if you know I'm gonna die, yeah.

Aperi, aperi, aperi

Open, open, open

apali, apali, apali

hurry up, hurry up, hurry up

Aperi, aperi, aperi

Open, open, open

apali, aperi

apali, aperi

Aperi, apali, apali

Open, let's go, let's go.

apali, apali, apali

hurry, hurry, hurry

Aperi, apali, apali

Open, come on, come on.

apali, apali

hurry up, hurry up

Tíralo pa' atrás

Throw it back.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Ai, mami, quan no quiero contigo...

Oh, mommy, when I don't want to be with you...

I pausa!

And pause!

Ai, mami, quan no quere'i conmigo...

Oh, mommy, when you don't want to be with me...

Se'n va, se'n va!

He's leaving, he's leaving!

Se'n va!

He's leaving!

Ai, mami, quan no quere'i contigo...

Oh, mommy, when I didn't want to be with you...

Tu no querés conmigo...

You don't want to be with me...

Tra, tra, tra!

Tra, tra, tra!

Dícta-ho a la mama!

Tell it to mom!

Hi ha mamis quan vols amb mi, jo ja no vull amb fi.

There are mothers when you want with me, I no longer want with an end.

Tu i jo som el mar.

You and I are the sea.

Hi ha mamis quan vols amb ti, tu no vols amb mi.

There are moms when you want with you, you don't want with me.

Ja, ja, ja, perquè t'acusaré de la mama.

Ha, ha, ha, because I will accuse you to mom.

Hi ha mamis quan vols amb mi, jo ja no vull amb fi.

There are moms when you want with me, I no longer want with the end.

Tu i jo som el mar.

You and I are the sea.

Hi ha mamis quan vols amb ti, tu no vols amb fi.

There are moms when you want to be with you, you don't want to be with the end.

Et ho dic jo, papa.

I tell you, dad.



Welcome to the Remix.

Welcome to the Remix.

¿Por qué?


Porque esta noche sí se bebe, bebe.

Because tonight we drink, drink.

Baby, nos vamos hasta que el sol salga.

Baby, we are leaving until the sun comes up.

Y yo sé que esta noche tú te atreves, bebé.

And I know that tonight you dare, baby.

Porque si las botellas aquí no faltan.

Because the bottles are not lacking here.

Baby, porque esta noche sí se bebe, bebe.

Baby, because tonight we drink, drink.

Baby, nos vamos hasta que el sol salga.

Baby, we are leaving until the sun rises.

Y yo sé que esta noche tú te atreves, bebé.

And I know that tonight you dare, baby.

Nuestra historia comenzó tomando una coronita.

Our story started with a little beer.

Quería pasarla bien y la llevé la calmita.

I wanted to have a good time and I took her to the calm place.

Ella tiene tremendo piquete de señorita.

She has a tremendous sting of a young lady.

Deja que se pase conmigo y rápido se le quita.

Let it happen with me and it will quickly go away.

Pide por tu boca, todo se te facilita.

Ask for your mouth, everything becomes easier for you.

Nada de arcán, el Austin te invita.

Nothing arcane, the Austin invites you.

Conmigo puede que a tu casa no llegues solita.

With me, you might not arrive at your house alone.

Demos la vuelta al mundo, haz una maletita.

Let's travel around the world, pack a little suitcase.

Mientras tanto, sigue escuchando la canción.

In the meantime, keep listening to the song.

Dime qué piensas de mi reggaetón.

Tell me what you think of my reggaeton.

Contigo yo vacilo un montón.

I mess around a lot with you.

Déjame decirte esto que va con la ocasión y eso es.

Let me tell you this that goes with the occasion and that is.

Quédate hasta amanecer y vente conmigo, mujer.

Stay until dawn and come with me, woman.

Tranquila que él no lo va a saber.

Don't worry, he won't find out.

Tú tienes lo que yo ando buscando.

You have what I'm looking for.

Te quiero a tener hasta amanecer.

I want you to stay with me until dawn.

Quédate conmigo, mujer.

Stay with me, woman.

Tranquila que él no lo va a saber.

Don't worry, he won't know.

Tú tienes lo que yo ando buscando.

You have what I am looking for.

No te quiere, no te quiere.

He/She doesn't love you, he/she doesn't love you.



Mejor tú dale banda.

Better you let it go.

¿Por qué?


Porque esta noche sí se bebe, bebe.

Because tonight we do drink, drink.



Nos vamos hasta que el sol salga.

We're leaving until the sun comes up.

Y yo sé que esta noche tú te atreves, bebe.

And I know that tonight you're daring, baby.

Porque sin la botella aquí no faltas.

Because without the bottle, you don't miss.



Porque esta noche sí se bebe, bebe.

Because tonight we do drink, drink.



Nos vamos hasta que el sol salga.

We’re leaving until the sun comes up.

Y yo sé que esta noche tú te atreves.

And I know that tonight you dare.

Si él no te quiere, yo te saco aparte.

If he doesn't want you, I'll take you aside.

Dile a ese bobo que deje de engañarte.

Tell that fool to stop deceiving you.

Tú estás buena, no estás pa' amarrarte.

You're fine, you're not meant to be tied down.

Él te deja sola y yo paso a rescatarte.

He leaves you alone and I come to rescue you.

En la nave yo le llego y ready con la 45.

In the ship, I arrive and I'm ready with the .45.

Pues si tu novio use más cerca por ahí.

Well, if your boyfriend uses it more nearby.

Nos vamos pa' la discoteca, encendemos la película en high.

We're heading to the nightclub, turning up the movie on high.

¿Cómo estás tan dura?

How are you so tough?

Hoy vamos a beber sin miedo, tú y yo.

Today we are going to drink without fear, you and I.

Vamos a emborracharlo hasta que salga el sol.

Let's get him drunk until the sun comes up.

Y coger una nota, los dos.

And take a note, both of you.

Y no recordarla de lo que pasó.

And not remembering what happened.

Hoy tú andas conmigo, olvida el bobo ese.

Today you're with me, forget that fool.

Que él no te respeta, él no te merece.

He does not respect you; he does not deserve you.

De aquí no te vas, conmigo tú amaneces.

You’re not leaving from here, you wake up with me.

Tráeme una mujer pa' que la nena empiece.

Bring me a woman so the girl can start.

A coger confianza, a soltarse y bailar muy lento.

To gain confidence, to let loose and dance very slowly.

Vete y hasta abajo dale movimiento.

Go and shake it all the way down.

Agarra la botella.

Grab the bottle.

Agarra la botella, reparte al asiento.

Grab the bottle, share the seat.

La discoteca es mi, mando yo aquí adentro.

The nightclub is mine, I am in charge here.

Pide lo que quieras.

Ask for whatever you want.

La discoteca es mi, mando yo aquí adentro.

The nightclub is mine, I am in charge here.



Si tu marido no te quiere, quiere.

If your husband doesn't love you, he loves.



Mejas tú dale vanga.

You go ahead, come on.

¿Por qué?


Porque esta noche sí se bebe, bebe.

Because tonight we do drink, drink.



Nos vamos hasta que.

We're leaving until.

Nos vamos hasta que el sol salga.

We're leaving until the sun rises.

Yo sé que esta noche tú te atreves, bebe.

I know that tonight you dare, baby.

¿Por qué?


Si la botella aquí no falta.

If the bottle is not missing here.



Porque esta noche sí se bebe, bebe.

Because tonight we drink, drink.



Nos vamos hasta que el sol salga.

We are going until the sun comes up.

Yo sé que en esta noche tú te atreves.

I know that tonight you dare.

El negrito boclaro.

The little black boy.





Si tu marido no te quiere, tú le dices que hay un par de gente más esperando.

If your husband doesn't love you, you tell him there are a couple of other people waiting.

Ozuna, baby.

Ozuna, baby.







La Marash.

The Marash.

Super J.

Super J.



Super J.

Super J.

D, D.

D, D.

Dice Lolo Young.

Lolo Young says.

High music.

Loud music.

High flow.

High flow.




Of course.



Esto es una visión.

This is a vision.

Dímelo, eh.

Tell me, okay?

La F.

The F.

Carbon Fiber Music.

Carbon Fiber Music.

Nosotros somos Super J.

We are Super J.



Nosotros somos Super J.

We are Super J.



Llámate a Luján, que Luján está que recoge cualquier escombro.

Call Luján, as Luján is picking up any debris.

Y Super J. también.

And Super J. too.

Pinti Urrallo.

Pinti Urrallo.

Sentado en un coche de hielo que se derrite cada amanecer.

Sitting in a melting ice car every dawn.

No puedo pedirte que te quedes así.

I can't ask you to stay like this.

No puedo pedirte que me enredes hoy en tu pelo.

I can't ask you to tangle me in your hair today.

Quisiera ir de la mano de este sentimiento que llevo tan dentro.

I would like to go hand in hand with this feeling that I carry so deep inside.

Y me cuesta tanto tener callado cuando te encuentro.

And it's so hard for me to stay quiet when I see you.

Porque te quiero como el mar.

Because I love you like the sea.

Quiere un pez que nada adentro.

He wants a fish that swims inside.

Dándole de respirar.

Giving him/her a breath.

Protegiéndolo del viento.

Protecting it from the wind.



Porque te quiero dibujar.

Because I want to draw you.

Desnuda en el fondo.

Naked at the bottom.

Dándole de respirar.

Giving him/her a breath.

Protegiéndolo del viento.

Protecting him from the wind.



Porque te quiero dibujar.

Because I want to draw you.

Desnuda en el fondo.

Naked at the bottom.



Bona nit.

Good night.

Perdiste mi atención porque no ando de curiosa

You lost my attention because I'm not being curious.

I only wanna feel good vibes

I only want to feel good vibes.

Ay, no me duele decirte que

Oh, it doesn't hurt me to tell you that

Ay, I'm so done with you

Oh, I'm so done with you.

R.I.P. to the bullshit

R.I.P. to the nonsense.

Brush it off like cool

Brush it off like it's nothing.

Raise em up to the ceiling

Raise them up to the ceiling.

Cause I know that you feel, that you feel me

Cause I know that you feel, that you feel me.

R.I.P. to the bullshit

R.I.P. to the nonsense

Brush it off like cool

Brush it off like it's nothing.

Raise em up to the ceiling

Raise them up to the ceiling.

Cause I know that you feel, that you feel, that you feel, that you feel me

Because I know that you feel, that you feel, that you feel, that you feel me.

Don't waste your time on what they're saying

Don't waste your time on what they're saying.

Dilo, Anita

Say it, Anita.

Así en Chivé you have fun

So in Chivé you have fun.

Y así es como yo muevo la cadera

And this is how I move my hips.

Muevelo, muevelo

Move it, move it

Piri-pam, piri-pam, que se mueva

Piri-pam, piri-pam, let it move.

Y así es como yo muevo la cadera

And that's how I move my hips.

I only want that them prawditas

I only want them prawditas.

don't even bother telling

don't even bother telling

R.I.P. to the bullshit

R.I.P. to the nonsense

Brush it off like cool

Brush it off coolly.

Raise em up to the ceiling

Raise them up to the ceiling.

Cause I know that you feel, that you feel, that you feel me

Because I know that you feel, that you feel, that you feel me.

R.I.P. to the bullshit

R.I.P. to the nonsense

Brush it off like cool

Brush it off like it's nothing.

Raise em up to the ceiling

Raise them up to the ceiling.

Cause I know that you feel, that you feel, that you feel, that you feel me

Because I know that you feel, that you feel, that you feel, that you feel me.

Not you pull me

Don't pull me.

Beam body BOMBOM

Beam body BOMBOM



Beam body BOMBOM

Beam body BOMBOM



believer que estéspanos

believer that we are Spaniards



No me duele decirte que

It doesn't hurt me to tell you that.

Dilo, Anita Estela

Say it, Anita Estela

I only want to please you

I only want to please you.


Say it?

Badi bom bom, badi bom

Badi bom bom, badi bom

¿De qué está hecho tu corazón?

What is your heart made of?

Dime que no está vacío

Tell me it's not empty.

Que yo tengo el mío lleno de ilusiones contigo

That I have mine full of dreams with you.

Tic-tac, we took it too far

Tick-tock, we took it too far.

Don't wanna say goodbye

No vull dir adeu.

Stop killing our fire

Stop killing our fire

Time is running out

Time is running out.

How could you do this to us? We were flying

How could you do this to us? We were flying.

Si no puedo borrar las estrellas

If I can't erase the stars.

No me pidas que olvide tu huella

Don't ask me to forget your mark.

I die every night and every day

I die every night and every day.

Crying my way to the moon

Crying my way to the moon

How come there is no other way?

How come there is no other way?

I don't wanna live without you

No vull viure sense tu.

Te busco en cada amanecer

I search for you in every dawn.

Y en el último rayo de luz

And in the last ray of light

Desarma mi cuerpo otra vez

Disarm my body again.

Inventa un nuevo tabú

Invent a new taboo.

What can I do to take us back

What can I do to bring us back?

Back to the very beginning

Back to the very beginning

When only your eyes can see mine

When only your eyes can see mine

Remember that

Remember that

Tic-tac, suena el reloj

Tick-tock, the clock sounds.

Llega el adiós, socorro, no tengo bengalas

The goodbye arrives, help, I don't have flares.

Si no queda amor

If there is no love left

Dime que siento entre el pecho y las alas

Tell me what I feel between my chest and my wings.

No, I don't wanna leave it behind us

No, I don't want to leave it behind us.

Cause my love, I can't do this without you

Because my love, I can't do this without you.

Te busco en cada amanecer

I look for you in every sunrise.

Y en el último rayo de luz

And in the last ray of light

Desarma mi cuerpo otra vez

Disarm my body again.

Inventa un nuevo tabú

Invent a new taboo.

I die every night and every day

I die every night and every day.

Staring you down from the moon

Staring you down from the moon

Please tell me that you're on the way

Si us plau, digue'm que ja vas en camí.

Only you can break that tabú

Only you can break that taboo.

Te busco en cada amanecer

I search for you in every dawn.

Y en el último rayo de luz

And in the last ray of light

Desarma mi cuerpo otra vez

Disarm my body again.

Inventa un nuevo tabú

Invent a new taboo.

I die every night and every day

I die every night and every day.

Staring you down from the moon

Staring you down from the moon

Please tell me that you're on the way

Si us plau, digues-me que estàs de camí.

Only you can break that tabú

Only you can break that taboo.




to hear



Bona nit

Good night

Bona nit.

Good night.

No te di confianza y me fallaste

I didn't trust you and you let me down.

Te burlaste de mí y me humillaste

You mocked me and humiliated me.

Lejos de aquí te fuiste y me explicaste

Far from here you left and explained to me.

Te fuiste en mi película y viraste

You left in my movie and turned.

Ahora quieres saber lo que pienso de ti

Now you want to know what I think of you.

Me siento cabrón porque no estás aquí

I feel like a jerk because you're not here.

Así como viniste tú te puedes ir

Just as you came, you can leave.

No te voy a negar que te sufrí la paz en mal

I'm not going to deny that I suffered your peace in bad times.

Pero me superé y de mi vida te jodé

But I overcame myself and I screwed up your life.

Te jodé, te di banda y te solté

I messed you up, I cut you off, and I let you go.

Yo te solté pa'l carajo

I let you go to hell.

Te mandé, yo te mandé

I sent you, I sent you.

Y de mi vida te saqué

And from my life, I took you out.

Yo te saqué, baby, yo te jodé

I took you out, baby, I messed you up.

Miento si digo que no me hace falta

I lie if I say that I don't need it.

Cuando me rozaba tu piel

When your skin brushed against mine.

Miento si digo que no me hace falta

I would be lying if I said that I don't need it.

Que ya me sale el amanecer

That dawn is already coming out for me.

Pidiéndome que te agarre bien dura en la cama

Asking me to hold you tight in bed.

Y te haga mi mujer

And make you my wife.

Aprovecho el rim y con dosus

I take advantage of the rhyme and with two of you.

Para mandarte pa'l carajo también

To send you to hell too.

No quiero mentiras ni tu falsedad

I don't want lies or your falseness.

Me voy pa' la calle esta noche a rumbear

I'm going out to the street tonight to party.

Te bebo dos tragos y te voy a olvidar

I'll drink two shots and I'm going to forget you.

Me voy con la baby que quieran jugar

I'm going with the baby who wants to play.

No quiero mentiras ni tu falsedad

I don't want lies or your falseness.

Me voy pa' la calle esta noche a rumbear

I'm going to the street tonight to party.

Me bebo dos tragos y te voy a olvidar

I will take two drinks and I'm going to forget you.

Me voy pa' la calle esta noche a rumbear

I'm heading out to the street tonight to party.

Te bebo dos tragos y te voy a olvidar

I drink you down in two sips and I'm going to forget you.

Me voy pa' la calle esta noche a rumbear

I'm going out to the street tonight to party.

Te bebo dos tragos y te voy a olvidar

I'll take two shots and I'm going to forget you.

Me voy con la baby que quieran jugar

I'm leaving with the baby who wants to play.

Baby, yo te boté, te boté

Baby, I threw you out, I threw you out.

Te di banda y te solté

I let you go and I released you.

Yo te solté pa'l carajo

I let you go to hell.

Te mandé, yo te mandé

I sent you, I sent you.

Y de mi vida te saqué

And I took you out of my life.

Yo te saqué

I took you out.

Yo, yo, yo, yo

I, I, I, I



Va' por el bar, bar, bar, bar

Go through the bar, bar, bar, bar.

Me hice ca'

I got drunk.

Sister, remember?

Sister, remember?

Niki, Niki, Niki Jam

Niki, Niki, Niki Jam





Nio García

Nio García





El Negrito Claro

The Clear Black Boy

This is the remix

This is the remix

Flow la move

Flow the move

Yo Martino

I Martino

Hear this music

Escolta aquesta música.

DJ Nelson

DJ Nelson

Era dime cronismagica

It was a magical dime.

Esta es la verdadera huesta de la maya

This is the true host of the Maya.

Flow la move

Flow the move

Era Indica, Chori y Compli

It was Indica, Chori, and Compli.

Pa' que sepa

So you know.

Verdadero igual puta de las voces

True equal whore of the voices.

Suave así

Smooth like this





Dami una esperanza vida que me muero de esperar

Give me a hope for life because I'm dying of waiting.

Tan solo una migajita de tu amor

Just a little crumb of your love.

Tu amor para no llorar

Your love to not cry.

Que mi corazón está enfermo

That my heart is sick.

Y solo tú lo puedes curar

And only you can heal it.

Que mi corazón está enfermo

That my heart is sick.

Y solo tú lo puedes curar

And only you can heal it.

Eres mi medicina

You are my medicine.

En antídoto hay vitamina

In antidote, there is vitamin.

Sin ti soy alma perdida

Without you, I am a lost soul.

Y tus besos son mi adrenalina

And your kisses are my adrenaline.

Eres mi medicina

You are my medicine.

Mi, mi, mi vitamina

My, my, my vitamin.

Sin ti no tengo vida

Without you, I have no life.

Dame una salida

Give me an exit.

Eres mi medicina, mi antídoto y vitamina, sin ti soy alma perdida y tus besos son mi adrenalina.

You are my medicine, my antidote and vitamin, without you I am a lost soul and your kisses are my adrenaline.

Eres mi medicina, mi vitamina, sin ti no tengo vida, dándome una salida.

You are my medicine, my vitamin, without you I have no life, giving me a way out.

Eres mi medicina, mi vitamina, la que me da vida, la que me fascina, solo quiero enloquecerte, enamorarte, con mis besos dulcemente acariciarte.

You are my medicine, my vitamin, the one who gives me life, the one who fascinates me, I just want to drive you crazy, to make you fall in love, to sweetly caress you with my kisses.

Mi medicina, mi vitamina, mi medicina, mi vitamina.

My medicine, my vitamin, my medicine, my vitamin.

¿Por qué tengo esto yo?

Why do I have this?


Swear to me!

Eres mi medicina, mi vitamina, la que me da vida, la que me fascina.

You are my medicine, my vitamin, the one who gives me life, the one who fascinates me.

Solo quiero enloquecerte, enamorarte, con mis besos dulcemente acariciarte.

I just want to drive you crazy, make you fall in love, sweetly caress you with my kisses.

¡Con sabor!

With flavor!


Dance it!

¡Es morquilla!

It's a little pig!

Eres mi medicina, mi vitamina, sin ti no tengo vida.

You are my medicine, my vitamin, without you I have no life.

¡Dame una salida!

Give me an exit!

Eres mi medicina, mi vitamina, la vitamina, que me da la vida.

You are my medicine, my vitamin, the vitamin that gives me life.


Give it to me!

Pidi un adiós.

Ask for a goodbye.

Coge tu vida, estas cosas, tu forma de ser.

Take your life, these things, your way of being.

Que de ti ya no tengo sed.

That I no longer thirst for you.

Vete con tus amigos.

Go with your friends.

Búscate a otra que cargue con tu inmadurez.

Find someone else to bear your immaturity.

Que de ti yo ya me cansé.

I’m already tired of you.

Yo ya tengo lo mío.

I already have mine.

Esta vez, no caeré en tus enredos, en tus falsas palabras, en tu estúpido juego.

This time, I will not fall into your traps, into your false words, into your stupid game.

No seré la que sofre el silencio, la que sigue aguantando tu ridícula ego.

I will not be the one who suffers in silence, the one who keeps enduring your ridiculous ego.

Ni al 100% de la vida te pasaré.

I won't pass you 100% of my life.

No seré la que sofre el glutó, hauré allà la llum.

I will not be the one who suffers the glutton, I will have the light there.

Hobells, Ubells, Ubells.

Hobells, Ubells, Ubells.

Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah.


I roll over.

Cueva y Pabla.

Cave and Pabla.


I flip.

Venir, pot Господè.

Come, you can Lord.

Tocare la Sub circles.

I will touch the Sub circles.

Fer discos Ambalança.

Make discs with balance.

Ah, ah.

Ah, ah.

Bona nit.

Good night.

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