Episodi 5 | Renèixer creativament amb Renata Atain


La Mar de Creatives

Episodi 5 | Renèixer creativament amb Renata Atain

La Mar de Creatives

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I have created this space to talk to women,

I have created this space to talk to women.

artists and entrepreneurs,

artists and entrepreneurs,

so that they can inspire us with their creative process,

so that they can inspire us with their creative process,

because we are all the sea of creatives.

because we are all the sea of creatives.

And if you don't believe it, listen to us and you'll discover it.

And if you don't believe it, listen to us and you'll find out.

Today, in the last episode,

Today, in the last episode,

yes, the season is over,

yes, the season is over,

I recommend you the book where most of the tools

I recommend you the book where most of the tools

that I have shared throughout this first season

that I have shared throughout this first season

to wake up, unlock and enhance your creativity.

to wake up, unlock and enhance your creativity.

Do you know what book?

Do you know which book?

Te'l diré just després de parlar amb l'artista

I'll tell you just after talking with the artist.

que ens acompanya avui en aquest tram final.

that accompanies us today in this final stretch.

Em fa molta il·lusió acabar la temporada

I am very excited to finish the season.

amb la il·lustradora Renata Atain.

with the illustrator Renata Atain.

La Renata és macedònia.

Renata is Macedonian.

Va néixer a Vitola, una ciutat envoltada de muntanyes,

He was born in Vitola, a city surrounded by mountains,

que va abandonar quan tenia 19 anys,

that he abandoned when he was 19 years old,

moguda per una set innata per descobrir més art i més cultures.

driven by an innate thirst to discover more art and more cultures.

En la seva trajectòria, estudia teatre i fotografia a Londres

In his/her journey, he/she studies theater and photography in London.

i després il·lustració a la Corunya,

and then illustration in A Coruña,

on percep que el seu camí estava a les seves mans,

one perceives that his path was in his hands,

entre pinzells i paper.

between brushes and paper.

Finalment, arriba a Tarragona, on s'especialitza en art i disseny.

Finally, he/she arrives in Tarragona, where he/she specializes in art and design.

I és aquí, en aquesta ciutat on tinc el plaer de

And it is here, in this city where I have the pleasure of

conèixer-la, de descobrir els seus pastissos de fruita deliciosos

to get to know her, to discover her delicious fruit pastries

i els seus dibuixos onírics que m'encanten.

and his dreamy drawings that I love.

Estic arribant a la casa de poble on té l'estudi la Renata

I am arriving at the country house where Renata has her studio.

i ja veig que des de la porta em saluda.

And I see that he/she is greeting me from the door.

Entro al món creatiu de la Renata Atain.

I enter the creative world of Renata Atain.

Hola, Renata!

Hello, Renata!



Com estàs?

How are you?

Estic bé, molt bé, sí.

I'm good, very good, yes.

Que bé, jo també estic molt bé, que ara estem en el teu espai creatiu

How nice, I am also very well, because now we are in your creative space.

i m'agradaria que ens parlessis una mica d'on som, per què ens situem.

I would like you to tell us a little about where we are, so that we can place ourselves.

On som, ubicació, on som...

Where are we, location, where are we...

Si vols l'ubicació geogràfica, però sobretot el teu espai creatiu, com és, què veiem aquí?

If you want the geographical location, but above all your creative space, what is it like, what do we see here?

Bueno, porto tres anys aquí.

Well, I've been here for three years.



I és la primera vegada que tinc un espai tan gran,

And it's the first time I've had such a large space,

que és l'espai que jo, en realitat, necessito per treballar.

what is the space that I actually need to work.

Necessito tenir espai i tenir les coses fàcil...

I need to have space and keep things simple...

A mà, potser.

By hand, perhaps.

Sí, a mà.

Yes, by hand.

Bueno, normalment quan treballo en un projecte està tot fora

Well, usually when I work on a project, everything is out.

i no recullo fins que no acabi el projecte.

I don't pick up until the project is finished.



Porto tres anys aquí i he anat movent coses, no?,

I've been here for three years and I've been moving things around, right?

per arribar a cobrir aquestes necessitats,

to meet these needs,

que jo pugui estar aquí, crear un caos,

that I can be here, create a chaos,

i desordre, i...

and disorder, and...

O sigui, vols dir que en aquests tres anys ha anat evolucionant

So, you mean that over these three years it has been evolving?

la manera com la teva disposició d'espai de treball,

the way your workspace arrangement,

i ara podries dir que tens el teu espai ideal?

And now could you say that you have your ideal space?

Jo penso que sí.

I think so.

I què ha de tenir aquest espai perquè sigui ideal?

And what should this space have to be ideal?

Gran, per tu?

Great, for you?

Que sigui gran, que tingui molt d'espai, superfície on treballo,

That it be big, that it has a lot of space, surface where I work.

a vegades acabo treballant a terra, o a les taules,

sometimes I end up working on the floor, or at the tables,

així que m'he posat dues taules grans,

so I have set up two large tables,

perquè pugui tenir les pintures,

so that I can have the paintings,

els papers,

the papers,

bueno, tot el que pugui necessitar,

well, everything I might need,

segons el projecte que faig.

according to the project I am working on.

Clar, aquí veig que veiem els pinzells.

Sure, here I see that we see the brushes.

Has estat treballant amb algú ara...

Have you been working with someone now...

Sí, aquests dies he estat pintant una il·lustració.

Yes, these days I have been painting an illustration.

Molt bé, una il·lustració que t'han encarregat o teva?

Very well, is it an illustration that you were commissioned for or is it your own?

És meva, sí.

It is mine, yes.

Feia temps que no pintava per mi només,

It had been a long time since I painted just for myself,

i aquests dies em venia de gust i tinc diverses idees

And these days I've been in the mood for it and I have several ideas.

que les vull fer abans de posar-me en un altre projecte,

that I want to do before starting another project,

o una feina, un encàrrec, o el que sigui.

or a job, a commission, or whatever.

Hi ha coses que necessites?

Are there things you need?

Necessites acabar això teu abans de passar a una altra cosa?

Do you need to finish this of yours before moving on to something else?

Sí, sí, necessito fer-lo per mi,

Yes, yes, I need to do it for myself.

sense cap expectativa d'una altra persona,

without any expectation of another person,

què vull fer jo, com ho vull fer,

what do I want to do, how do I want to do it,

i tenir aquest break per veure on estic jo,

and to take this break to see where I am,

el que faig.

what I do.

Parla'ns del que crees, què és el que t'agrada crear a tu?

Tell us about what you believe, what do you enjoy creating?

Depèn, suposo, del moment on estic jo,

It depends, I suppose, on the moment I'm in.

com em sento, o què passa al meu voltant,

how I feel, or what is happening around me,

o què passa al món, doncs clar,

or what is happening in the world, then of course,

depèn, crea unes coses, o unes altres,

it depends, create some things, or others,

amb una temàtica, o amb una altra temàtica.

with one theme, or with another theme.

Tot parlant des de la il·lustració?

Everything is discussed from the perspective of illustration?

Des de la il·lustració, sí.

Since the Enlightenment, yes.

I també l'èterin.

And also the ether.

Per encàrrec, o dius no?

By commission, or you say no?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

O també et serveix a tu de creativitat teva?

Or does it also serve you as your own creativity?

Sí, sí, per encàrrecs, però també per mi em serveix molt

Yes, yes, for orders, but it also serves me a lot.

perquè és una feina que m'agrada molt

because it is a job that I really enjoy

perquè desconnecto molt de tot.

because I disconnect a lot from everything.

M'encanta dibuixar lletres,

I love drawing letters,

i és una cosa com meditació per mi.

And it's something like meditation for me.

Per què creus que dibuixes?

Why do you think you draw?

Clar, és bona pregunta.

Sure, that's a good question.

Me l'he fet jo també.

I have done it too.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Fa un any me l'havia tornat a fer, aquesta pregunta, no?

A year ago, I had asked myself this question again, hadn't I?

Dibuixo perquè m'agrada, clar que m'agrada,

I draw because I like it, of course I like it,

però dibuixo perquè des de petita em deien

but I draw because since I was little they told me

que dibuixes bé i és com, vale, doncs faig això.

you draw well and it's like, okay, then I do this.



O també perquè dibuixo què aporto jo amb això,

Or also because I draw what I bring with this,

amb la societat, o amb el meu entorn.

with society, or with my surroundings.



O és una cosa que és només per mi,

Or is it something that is only for me,

doncs, no?

well, no?

Quin sentit té, o no?

What sense does it make, or not?

I suposo que dibuixo

I suppose I draw.

per les mateixes preguntes que em faig,

for the same questions that I ask myself,

amb la intenció d'aportar alguna cosa,

with the intention of contributing something,

amb la intenció de disfrutar també jo mateixa

with the intention of enjoying myself as well

del que faig,

of what I do,

d'estar feliç amb la meva feina.

to be happy with my job.


Of course.

I també d'expressar el que sento,

And also to express what I feel,

amb tot el que veig.

with everything I see.

Ara estaves treballant amb una idea que era teva, no?

Now you were working on an idea that was yours, right?



Amb una il·lustració teva,

With an illustration of yours,

i jo em pregunto d'on treus les idees,

And I wonder where you get your ideas from,

com t'inspires,

how do you inspire yourself,

com nodreixes aquest pou de creativitat que tens.

how do you nourish this well of creativity you have?


It depends.

Em poden tenir idees de molts llocs diferents.

They can have ideas from many different places.

Des d'una situació quotidiana,

From a daily situation,

d'algun llibre, que sigui que hi hagi,

of some book, that there is.

d'una pel·lícula, d'alguna cosa que veig al carrer,

from a movie, from something I see on the street,

o una frase que pugui sentir pel carrer.

or a phrase I might hear on the street.



O també a nivell molt personal,

Or also on a very personal level,

com em sento jo,

how I feel,

i des d'allí creo una situació

And from there I create a situation.

que pugui expressar,

that I can express,

aquest sentiment,

this feeling,

o des del color,

or from the color,

des del que surt,

from what comes out,

amb aquesta il·lustració,

with this illustration,

també la natura

also nature

i la feminitat.

and femininity.


I love it.

I amb aquest repunt de les campanes

"And with this increase of the bells."

de la nauta gallà,

of the bold sailor,

tenim com s'inspira la Renata.

We have how Renata is inspired.

És que és difícil,

It's just that it's difficult,

perquè depèn de la temporada que estàs,

because it depends on the season you are in,

sobretot quan treballo en projectes personals,

especially when I work on personal projects,

depèn en quin moment

it depends on the moment

estic jo també a la meva vida,

I am also in my life,


I suppose.

Què qüestiono, què vull dir...

What I question, what I want to say...

I aquestes idees,

And these ideas,

quan te venen al cap,

when they sell you out,

com les guardes?

How are the guards?

A vegades faig esbossos.

Sometimes I make sketches.

Tinc una llibreta amb esbossos,

I have a notebook with sketches,

que és la llibreta d'esbossos ràpids,

what is the quick sketchbook,

que només jo la entenc.

that only I understand her.

És encriptat.

It is encrypted.

Amb una punta, perquè jo no m'oblidi,

With a point, so that I don't forget,

perquè en aquest moment tinc la imatge,

because at this moment I have the image,

la imatge és superclara

the image is super clear

d'alguna cosa,

of something,

i he de fer un apunt.

I have to make a note.

Hi ha altres coses que les guardo al cap també,

There are other things that I keep in my head too,

i les treballo molt al cap.

And I work them a lot in my head.

A vegades, per exemple,

Sometimes, for example,

no començo a dibuixar

I don't start drawing.

fins que no ho tinc tot

until I have everything

bastant bé construït al cap.

fairly well built in the head.

La paleta de colors,

The color palette,

la composició,

the composition,

on anirà tot...

where will everything go...

I quan ho tinc bastant clar

And when I have it quite clear.

és quan començo a dibuixar.

It's when I start to draw.



És quan no faig molts esbossos,

It's when I don't do many sketches,

normalment, perquè ho tinc tot bastant bé...

usually, because I have everything quite well...

I perquè ja ho has construït

And because you have already built it.

aquí al cap.

here in the head.



Quan tu crees un projecte des de zero,

When you create a project from scratch,

com és el teu procediment de treball?

What is your work procedure?

No tinc una rutina estructural.

I don't have a structured routine.


It depends.

Si és un projecte personal,

If it is a personal project,

normalment comença així, no?

it usually starts like this, right?

Al cap, una idea, la construeixo,

In my head, an idea, I build it,

ho tinc tot bastant bé definit.

I have everything quite well defined.

A que no sigui quan ho porto a paper

To not be when I put it on paper.

i passa algunes coses,

and some things happen,

algun accident de dir

any accident to mention

ah, d'acord, potser millor seria així.

Ah, okay, maybe it would be better this way.



Si és un encàrrec,

If it is a request,

faig tota una investigació abans de començar.

I do a whole investigation before I start.



De qui m'ha fet l'encàrrec,

Of whom has made the commission for me,

què volen dir, cap on m'ha dirigit...

what do they mean, where has it directed me...

Tens algun hàbit o alguna rutina creativa

Do you have any creative habits or routines?

que et serveixi justament

may it serve you well

per clarificar la ment?

to clarify the mind?



bueno, faig ioga.

Well, I do yoga.

Però depèn, perquè jo

But it depends, because I

quan tinc una idea al cap,

when I have an idea in my head,

i quan començo a treballar-la,

and when I start working on it,

no desconnecto.

I don't disconnect.

Fins que no l'acabi.

Until I finish it.

O sigui, que gairebé no hi ha uns descansos

So, there are hardly any breaks.

entre mig de necessito

in the middle of I need

desconnectar i...

disconnect and...



Potser abans que, quan començo,

Maybe before that, when I start,

al començament, faig, no sé, vaig a caminar a la platja,

At the beginning, I do, I don't know, I'm going to walk on the beach,

faig ioga,

I do yoga.

o no, el dia,

oh no, the day,

la vida quotidiana.

daily life.

Però quan ja estic immersa al projecte

But when I am already immersed in the project

és que gairebé no parlo ni per menjar.

I hardly speak even to eat.



Capaç de, bueno, tot el dia, fins i tot tard,

Capable of, well, all day long, even late.

aixecar-me al matí i posar-me primer allà,

get up in the morning and put myself there first,

directament, sense...

directly, without...

D'acord. Això perquè ja tens la idea,

Okay. That's because you already have the idea,

però quan potser no tens encara

but when maybe you don't have yet

aquesta idea i creativament

this idea and creatively

la busques o vols estar receptiva

Are you seeking it or do you want to be receptive?

per rebre'n més,

to receive more,

quins hàbits te funcionen? I potser és ioga,

What habits work for you? And maybe it's yoga,

potser és caminar, no?

Maybe it's walking, right?

Caminar, això, a la platja

Walking, this, on the beach

o al bosc, encara.

or in the forest, still.

Molt bé. T'inspira.

Very well. It inspires you.

M'inspira i és com un entorn

It inspires me and it's like an environment.

que jo pugui pensar...

that I can think...

amb tranquil·litat i anar

with calmness and go

construint, anar

building, to go

buscant les idees.

searching for ideas.

Sí, sí, sí. Sobretot al començament.

Yes, yes, yes. Especially at the beginning.

Necessito estar sola

I need to be alone.

i en silenci.

and in silence.

Tens bloquejos creatius?

Do you have creative blocks?

Hi ha poques de bloquejos creatius,

There are few creative blocks,

però cada cop he après

but each time I have learned

a gestionar-los millor.

to manage them better.

Molt bé. O sigui que,

Very well. So,

vale, bloqueig creatiu,

okay, creative block,

faig el que ja sé,

I do what I already know,

és igual, el que surti,

it doesn't matter, whatever comes out,

sense jutjar-me, sense

without judging me, without

pensar-hi massa.

to overthink it.

Molt bé. Perquè ho sé, ho reconec

Very well. Because I know it, I acknowledge it.

i perquè si paro

And why if I stop.

ja és encara pitjor.

it's even worse now.



Després hi ha feines que faig, que començo

Then there are tasks that I do, that I start.

i penso

and I think

ui, no seré capaç.

oh, I won't be able to.

No em sortirà com ha de ser.

It won't turn out as it should.

Amb molta expectativa que et poses

With a lot of anticipation that you put on.

amb tu mateixa. Sí, sí.

with yourself. Yes, yes.

O com que, ai, no em sortirà

Oh, how could it be that, alas, it won't work out for me.

o no ho diré

or I won't say it

tan bé com s'hauria

as well as it should have


to explain,

però fins que començo estic com

but until I start I am like

ah, començo i dic, ah, vale, doncs no

ah, I start and say, ah, okay, then no

està tan malament.

it's so bad.

Vale, segueixo. A mig camí estic, mare meva,

Okay, I'll continue. I'm halfway there, my goodness,

Renata, canvia de professió.

Renata, change your profession.

Què estàs fent? T'autofustigues, no?

What are you doing? You're punishing yourself, aren't you?

Per allà pel camí.

Over there on the path.

Però bueno, segueixo.

But well, I continue.

I segueixo i quan acabo

I continue and when I finish.

normalment estic contenta.

I am usually happy.

Eres una crac.

You are amazing.

Que guai, Renata.

How cool, Renata.

Com me n'alegro.

How glad I am.

O sigui que amb una feina

So with a job

pot ser tot de...

it can all be...

amb una balla. Ja, ja, ja.

with a fence. Ha, ha, ha.

Llavors, si podria ser que

Then, it could be that

en això, per desbloquejar-te,

in this, to unblock you,

la clau està

the key is

en fes igualment? Sí, sí, sí.

Do the same? Yes, yes, yes.

Fes igualment.

Do the same.

En moviment, actua,

In motion, act.

fes, no t'aturis, és a dir, no deixes

do, do not stop, that is to say, do not leave.

que et bloquegis. Dius, vale, doncs ves

that you block yourself. You say, okay, then go.

a l'ús segur. Què sé fer? Sé fer aquesta ratlla?

to safe use. What can I do? Can I make this line?

Faig aquesta ratlla. I això em porta a una altra cosa, no?

I draw this line. And this leads me to another thing, right?

Sí, sí. O, no sé,

Yes, yes. Or, I don't know,

si no em venen idees, doncs faig,

if you don't give me ideas, then I'll just do it,

faig aquesta observació.

I make this observation.

Vale. No m'invento res.

Okay. I'm not making anything up.

Simplement, no sé, faig dibuix

I simply don't know, I draw.

d'una fotografia o faig la meva

of a photograph or I make my own

des d'una foto que ja existeix.

from an existing photo.

Però la qüestió és fer.

But the question is to do.

La qüestió és fer. Fer. Perquè, clar,

The question is to do. To do. Because, of course,

he passat per bloqueig i no fer

I have gone through blocking and not doing.

i ha sigut pitjor. I pitjor

It has been worse. And worse.

què vol dir? Que... En què s'ha convertit?

What does it mean? That... What has it become?

Bé, després costa molt tornar.

Well, after that it is very difficult to come back.

Costa molt.

It costs a lot.

I tornes amb més inseguretats, potser,

You come back with more insecurities, perhaps,

depèn. En quins altres àmbits

it depends. In which other areas?

també ets creativa?

Are you creative too?

De la vida. De la vida?

Of life. Of life?



D'on ho fe? D'on ho fe?

Where did you do it? Where did you do it?

Sí, m'agrada molt.

Yes, I like it a lot.

M'hi disfruto molt. I, de fet, a vegades he tingut

I enjoy it a lot. And, in fact, sometimes I have had

de dubte el tema art o

of doubt the topic art or

la cuina. Tot.

The kitchen. Everything.

Tot. Convino tot.

Everything. I agree with everything.

Molt bé. Sí. Fa anys vaig estudiar

Very well. Yes. Years ago I studied.

teatre, també, que m'agradava molt.

theater, also, that I liked a lot.



La fotografia és una cosa que

Photography is something that

vull tornar a agafar

I want to take again.

com un costum de fer fotos.

as a habit of taking photos.

Molt bé. Integrar-ho a la teva vida.

Very good. Integrate it into your life.

Deia, això, sortia o

He said this, I would go out or

feia els meus projectes.

I was making my projects.

Però, bueno, després vaig continuar

But, well, then I went on.

més cap a la il·lustració.

more towards the illustration.

Em quedo aquí, però també

I'll stay here, but also

vull tornar a fer més fotos.

I want to take more photos again.

Recuperar la fotografia. Sí.

Recover the photograph. Yes.

Ballar. Ai, sí, ballar.

To dance. Oh, yes, to dance.

Això sí, que quan dibuixo

However, when I draw

la meva... Clar,

mine... Of course,

quan estic ja, ho tinc tot clar,

when I am ready, I have everything clear,

em poso música i quan necessito descans

I put on music and when I need a break.

ballo. Ah, m'encanta.

I dance. Ah, I love it.

Combines això. Sí, sí, sí.

Combine this. Yes, yes, yes.

Que el cos flueixi. Sí, sí.

Let the body flow. Yes, yes.



Me l'apunto, aquesta. Jo hauria de ballar més.

I'll take note of that. I should dance more.

Les teografies. Sí o no?

The teographies. Yes or no?

Sobretot quan estic acabant

Especially when I'm finishing.

la feina i estic contenta. Està quedant bé.

The work and I am happy. It's turning out well.

Vinga, a ballar.

Come on, let's dance.

Que bo.

So good.

Quins són els teus referents? O si em vols

What are your references? Or if you want to tell me.

parlar d'algun dels teus referents, què n'admires?

Talk about some of your role models, what do you admire about them?

De referents, he tingut

I have had role models.



I ha anat variant.

It has been changing.

Segons també jo, com ha anat canviant.

According to me as well, it has also changed.

Ara mateix,

Right now,

d'il·lustradors, diria

of illustrators, I would say

Beatriz Alemagna,

Beatriz Alemagna,

Jimmy Liao,

Jimmy Liao,

que fa...

what does...

Bé, escriu i il·lustra els seus contes.

Well, she writes and illustrates her stories.



Encara que és més referent

Although it is more of a reference

en el sentit, quan veig la seva feina,

in the sense, when I see his work,

em fa la sensació

it gives me the feeling

com que tot és possible, no?

since everything is possible, right?

Miro un conte seu i...

I look at one of your stories and...

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Com faré, no?

How will I do it, right?

El que vull fer jo.

What I want to do.

I últimament, per exemple,

And lately, for example,

l'últim que he llegit, uns rècords de contes

the last thing I read, some records of stories

de Silvina Ocampo, que és una

of Silvina Ocampo, who is a

escriptora xilena.

Chilean writer.

Allí, per exemple, amb cada

There, for example, with each

història que llegia, dèiem, sortien

story I was reading, we said, they went out

un munt d'imatges.

a pile of images.

O sigui, que tinc un munt d'apuntes per fer.

So, I have a lot of notes to make.

Sí, sí. També el cine.

Yes, yes. Also the cinema.

Com a font d'inspiració.

As a source of inspiration.

Que tens projectes que no hagin vist

That you have projects that have not been seen.

la llum?

the light?

Sí, tinc molts.

Yes, I have many.

Però hi ha un que em fa

But there is one that makes me

molta il·lusió fer-lo, que porto.

I'm very excited to do it, which I carry.

Temps amb aquest projecte, que he començat

Time with this project that I have started.

diverses vegades. És una història

several times. It's a story

que va escriure un amic meu, Gerard Gil.

that my friend, Gerard Gil, wrote.

És un

It is a

conte, per dir-ho així,

story, so to speak,

potser infantil o no.

maybe childish or not.

I és una cosa que

And it is something that

tinc pendent.

I have pending.

He començat com tres vegades i he tornat.

I have started like three times and I've come back.

Perquè així...

Because like this...

I per què?

And why?

Jo suposo que és com un projecte que necessito

I suppose it's like a project that I need.

més temps. És un llibre.

more time. It’s a book.

I seria no tenir aquesta

It would be to not have this.



He començat, li he dedicat el temps

I have started, I have dedicated the time.

i ho he deixat durant una temporada

and I have left it for a while

i quan torno ja no ho veig igual.

And when I come back, I don't see it the same way anymore.

Si ja et vull tornar a començar a fer-lo.

If I already want to start doing it again.

I ara seria de dir, vale,

And now it would be fair to say, okay,

agafar on l'he deixat.

I took it where I left it.

Tornaré molt aviat, ara.

I will be back very soon, now.

Que bé, me n'alegro. Recuperant un projecte

That's great, I'm glad. Recovering a project.

que fa temps que tens guardat i vols

that you've had saved for a long time and you want

treure la llum. Sí, sí. Molt bé.

turn off the light. Yes, yes. Very good.

Ara ja sí que ja acabem, estem al final.

Now we are really finishing, we are at the end.

Tu creus que tothom és creatiu?

Do you think everyone is creative?

Just ara m'estic

Right now I'm getting.

llegint un llibre de Bruno Munari.

reading a book by Bruno Munari.

Fantasia, es diu.

It's called fantasy.



Parlar sobre la creativitat, la fantasia,

Talking about creativity, fantasy,

la imaginació... No ho sé.

imagination... I don't know.

Suposo, cadascú a la seva

I guess, each to their own.

manera. Però...

way. But...

És una cosa que no he pensat.

It's something I haven't thought about.

Ja. No m'ho he plantejat.

Yes. I haven't thought about it.

Ja, ja, ja. I no vull

Ha, ha, ha. And I don't want to.

dir que no. Sí, sí o si no.

say no. Yes, yes or no.

Ho deixem en dubte.

We'll leave it in doubt.

Cadascú a la seva manera. Ara,

Everyone in their own way. Now,

depèn de la creativitat.

it depends on creativity.

Clar, cadascú a la seva manera.

Of course, each in their own way.

Suposo, no ho sé. Molt bé.

I suppose, I don’t know. Very well.

Ja hem arribat al final.

We have reached the end.

Gràcies, Renata. Gràcies a tu.

Thank you, Renata. Thanks to you.

I ens veiem aviat.

And we'll see each other soon.



En acabar-li

When finishing it

proposo de fer-nos la foto a la Renata

I propose we take a picture with Renata.

i com que no se'ns acut com fer-la

And since we can't think of how to do it.

decidim provar de fer coses vàries.

let's decide to try doing various things.

Des de pintar un mirall amb tints de colors

From painting a mirror with shades of color.

a veure cap on cau el tint de color

let's see where the dye color falls

fins a fer el burro per les escales.

until making the donkey go up the stairs.

El fet és que la Renata em segueix el joc

The fact is that Renata plays along with me.

i jo li segueixo el joc amb ella

And I play along with her.

fins que trobem la que ens representa

until we find the one that represents us

i capta la nostra essència.

and captures our essence.

Perquè com ella també ens ha dit, la qüestió és

Because as she has also told us, the issue is

no deixar-se bloquejar.

not to get blocked.

I off the record, també parlem animadament d'un llibre.

I off the record, we also lively discuss a book.

Just el que et vull recomanar avui.

Just what I want to recommend to you today.

És El camino de l'artista.

It is The Artist's Way.

De l'escriptora, cineasta

From the writer, filmmaker

i professora de tallers de creativitat

and workshop teacher of creativity

Julia Cameron.

Julia Cameron.

La Renata se'l va començar a llegir

Renata started reading it.

i ja des del principi va veure la potència d'aquest llibre.

And right from the beginning, he saw the power of this book.

Doncs si jo també te'l recomano a tu

Well, if so, I also recommend it to you.

per llegir, però també

to read, but also

de fer. Perquè és un llibre

to do. Because it is a book

per posar en pràctica.

to put into practice.

És com un curs de 12 setmanes on l'autora

It is like a 12-week course where the author

et proposa eines i exercicis.

it offers you tools and exercises.

Per fer una introspecció

To make an introspection

guiada. Cada setmana es treballa

guided. Each week work is done

en diferents aspectes com les inseguretats,

in different aspects such as insecurities,

les pors, les creences,

the fears, the beliefs,

els objectius i en definitiva

the objectives and ultimately

el que fas és un camí per recuperar

What you are doing is a way to recover.

el plaer de somiar.

the pleasure of dreaming.

Algunes de les idees del llibre les he compartit

Some of the ideas from the book I have shared.

als podcasts d'aquesta temporada

to the podcasts of this season

i les reconeixeràs. Si has arribat

and you will recognize them. If you have arrived

fins a aquest darrer capítol, crec que

up to this last chapter, I think that

t'encantarà llegir i posar en pràctica el que et proposa

You'll love reading and putting into practice what it suggests.

Julia Cameron en aquest llibre

Julia Cameron in this book

que és tan exitós.

that is so successful.

Has posat en pràctica alguna d'aquestes

Have you put any of these into practice?

tècniques que t'he compartit?

techniques that I have shared with you?

Com t'has sentit? M'agradarà conèixer

How have you felt? I would love to know.

la teva experiència a l'Instagram

your experience on Instagram

de la Mar de Creatives.

from the Sea of Creatives.

Per acabar, la cita del podcast

To finish, the quote from the podcast.

aquesta vegada de la mateixa autora del llibre

this time by the same author of the book

Julia Cameron, que diu

Julia Cameron, who says

La creativitat no té ni fons

Creativity has no bounds.

ni sostre, encara que hi hagi

neither roof, even if there is one

parts del seu creixement que siguin

parts of its growth that are

lentes. L'ingredient que fa falta

Lenses. The missing ingredient.

és la fe, entesa com a

it is faith, understood as

confiança fèrria en un mateix.

ironclad confidence in oneself.

I fins aquí el darrer episodio

And so we come to the last episode.

de la primera temporada,

of the first season,

La Mar de Creatives.

The Sea of Creatives.

Amb la sort de fer-lo acompanyada de la il·lustradora

With the luck of doing it accompanied by the illustrator.

Renata Atain, de qui n'admiro

Renata Atain, whom I admire.

la seva sensibilitat artística natural

her natural artistic sensitivity

i la força i saviesa que té

and the strength and wisdom that he/she has

com si hagués tornat a néixer.

as if I had been born again.

I qui sap, La Mar de Creatives potser

And who knows, maybe La Mar de Creatives.

també tornarà a néixer en una segona temporada.

it will also be reborn in a second season.

Per ara, celebro els

For now, I celebrate the

cinc capítols que ja tenen vida

five chapters that are already alive

pròpia i que han estat creats també

own and that have also been created

gràcies a les dones que ens han

thanks to the women who have us

inspirat en el camí. I també

inspired by the path. And also

gràcies a tu, que ens escoltes

thank you for listening to us

i expandeixes la creativitat.

and you expand creativity.

Soc la Zaitel Puig

I am Zaitel Puig.

i estic molt contenta

and I am very happy

i agraïda de fer aquest camí

and grateful to take this path

creatiu acompanyada de vosaltres,

creative accompanied by you,

La Mar de Creatives.

The Sea of Creatives.

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