Episodio 20. Final de la saga.

Pau Navarro

Coaching Knalla

Episodio 20. Final de la saga.

Coaching Knalla

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

al darrer episodi, dic

in the last episode, I say

les croquetes que estan fetes, de diverses coses

the croquettes that are made of various things

hi ha de pollastre només, però hi ha

There's only chicken, but there is.

de pernil i pollastre, depèn

of ham and chicken, it depends

del que et sobri, no? La de la

Of what you know, right? The one of the

iaia, les de la iaia són que ha sobrat de tot

Grandma, what Grandma has are the leftovers from everything.

i hem de fotre allà

and we have to go there

Ai, doncs jo vaig tastar, perdó, unes

Oh, well, I tasted, sorry, some

de cocido en un restaurant i era

of stew in a restaurant and it was

espectacular, eh?

Spectacular, huh?

No ho dic de mal rotllo, sinó del contrari

I'm not saying it with bad intentions, but the opposite.

I aquell dia les croquetes portaven coses molt rares

And that day the croquettes had some very strange things in them.

Estaven molt bones. Tropezones, tot això

They were very good. Bumps, all that.

No vas preguntar? Sí, pregunto

Didn't you ask? Yes, I ask.

però jo amb el tema de menjar, com que tinc un problema paladar

but I have a problem with my palate when it comes to food

ja no reting la informació, o m'agrada molt

I no hold the information anymore, or I really like it.

o m'agrada, llavors ja tiro

I don't like it, then I'm out.

En concreto, què tenen les coquetes?

Specifically, what do the coquettes have?

Llavors, vaig dir, al

Then, I said, to the

cotxe en canalla portem 20 programes

Car in canalla, we carry 20 programs.

aquest era, o 21, a veure, ho tinc

this era, or 21, let's see, I have it

apuntat per aquí. 21, 21, com el segle

written down here. 21, 21, like the century

Doncs aquí tenim

Well, here we have.

les coses que han sortit

the things that have come out

vull dir, clar, aquí tenim, senyors

I mean, of course, here we have, gentlemen.

que estem escoltant la ràdio. Sí, sí. Això és un

that we are listening to the radio. Yes, yes. This is a

tàper de tota la vida. El tàper. El tàper

lifetime tupper. The tupper. The tupper.

de l'etapa blava. Bé, de tota la vida no, eh?

from the blue period. Well, not all of life, right?

Bueno, aquest té pinta

Well, this looks good.

de tota la vida, eh? Sí, sí.

All my life, huh? Yes, yes.

Ja està vell. I a dins hi ha uns paperets

It's already old. And inside there are some pieces of paper.

de color taronja, m'agrada molt el color taronja

orange, I really like the color orange

i hi ha escrits

and there are writings

doblegats perquè jo no ho vegi

bent so that I don’t see it

conceptes que han sortit durant aquests

concepts that have come up during these

programes. Però jo els veig, eh? Sí, sí. Això és com un

programs. But I see them, you know? Yes, yes. This is like a

impro-show d'aquest. Ara, ara

impro-show of this. Now, now.

Ostres, doncs se fa de tot, eh?

Wow, so you do everything, huh?

D'impro-show fins i tot a màgia. Avui farem això

From improv show to even magic. Today we'll do this.

a veure què passa aquí, no? Anem a improvisar croquetes

let's see what happens here, right? Let's improvise some croquettes.

Que bé, que guai. Repetiré en directe

How nice, how cool. I will repeat it live.

una cosa que li he dit al Robert

one thing I told Robert

Tu tira el que avui

You throw what today

improvisem aquí

let's improvise here

Sí, això, això

Yes, that, that.


I will throw.

Llavors, considerem

Then, let's consider

que aquestes persones que s'escoltin

that these people should listen to themselves

no podran fer res amb el que diria ara

they won't be able to do anything with what I would say now

que amb el Xesco i la Lídia

that with Xesco and Lídia

són les mans innocents

they are the innocent hands

que ha quedat clar

that has become clear

Sí, por Dios

Yes, for God's sake.

La mà innocent és la Lídia

The innocent hand is Lídia.

Jo us convido a que traieu

I invite you to take out.

un paperet o dos màxim

one slip of paper or two at most

perquè croquetes a tres coses

because croquettes with three things

a mi em complicaré la vida

I'll complicate my life.

i potser tampoc el sabor, a no ser que sigui la de la iaia

And perhaps not the flavor either, unless it's grandma's.

La bechamel, com a ingredient

The béchamel, as an ingredient.

Jo m'he dit la bechamel

I have called myself the béchamel.

Algú s'ha de demanar a fer l'oli

Someone has to be asked to make the oil.

i l'altre s'ha de demanar a fer l'enfarinat

and the other one has to be asked to get flour-coated

Jo sóc l'oli

I am the oil.

Bechamel o metxamel, perquè hi ha gent que diu metxamel

Béchamel or metxamel, because there are people who say metxamel.

Bueno, el bondiga o el bondiga

Well, the bondiga or the bondiga.

O el bondiga o el bondiga, exactament

Either the blessing or the blessing, exactly.

Boniato o moniato

Sweet potato

Concreta o concreta

Specify or specify.

Concreta, concreta, concreta

Be specific, be specific, be specific.

És igual

It doesn't matter.

Tot això estem fent temps

We're just passing the time with all of this.

Agafa tu primer, Lídia

You go first, Lídia.

I agafarem amb el que surti

We'll take whatever comes up.

En la urna

In the ballot box

A veure, que surt, que surt

Let's see, here it comes, here it comes.

Són los papeles calientes

They are the hot papers.

Papeles calientes

Hot papers

Que salga el mio, que salga el mio

Let mine come out, let mine come out.

Al final

In the end

Però jo tot estic sense mirar, eh

But I'm all good without looking, huh?

Perquè ningú es pensi que jo com que hi hagi algun d'allò

So that no one thinks that I, just because there is some of that

A veure

Let's see.

Oh, que maco

Oh, how nice!

Que fem, un ingredient o dos ingredients

What are we doing, one ingredient or two ingredients?

Això és el que ha dit que volia agafar també

This is what he/she said he/she wanted to take as well.

Vinga, va, farem

Come on, let's do it.

Anem a agafar una foto de la gent aquí agafant coses

Let's take a photo of the people here picking things up.

Som rics a la foto?

Are we rich in the photo?

Depèn, és pel catxarroqueta que has presentat abans?

It depends, is it for the little gadget you presented earlier?

No, no, jo

No, no, me.

Jo vull una foto també

I want a photo too.

Sí, ara ho farem

Yes, we will do it now.

Vinga, amb el títol

Come on, with the title

A veure, perquè hi ha un que és

Let's see, because there is one that is

Una mica

A bit

I donem la volta o?

Shall we turn it around?

Cada, perdona, Lídia

Each, sorry, Lídia

Cada paperet d'aquest taronja és el títol

Each orange paper is the title.

D'algun programa

Of some program



Una temàtica

A theme

Intentarem fer, a veure com sortiria aquesta croqueta

We will try to make it and see how this croquette turns out.

La croqueta, que són de dos sabors

The croquette, which comes in two flavors.

Sí, aquest, sí

Yes, this one, yes.

Fes la foto

Take the photo.

A veure si és un mar en muntanya

Let's see if it's a sea in the mountains.

Amb el títol al revés, vinga, va

With the title upside down, come on, let’s go.

Ho fem així, a fora de micro, per fer la foto

We do it like this, off the microphone, to take the photo.

En directe una foto

Live a photo


Come on

Amb el coaching busquem molt el tema de fluir

With coaching, we really seek the topic of flowing.

Avui ho estem fent molt aquí, eh

Today we are doing a lot of it here, right?

Vull dir que

I mean that

Tu primera, Lídia

You first, Lídia.

Que surt?

What's up?

Et dius Lídia, si no

Your name is Lídia, isn't it?

Què hi ha per aquí?

What’s around here?

Perquè és la L

Why is it the L?

No estaries aquí

You wouldn't be here.

L i X, no?

L and X, right?

Vols dir per això?

Do you mean by that?

De xescote

From the sidelines.

No sortirem vius avui

We won't come out alive today.

La metàfora

The metaphor

La metàfora, molt bé

The metaphor, very good.

Sabors, metàfora amb

Flavors, metaphor with

Viatge de l'heroïna

Journey of the heroine

Molt bé

Very good


Thank you

Què farem amb això?

What will we do with this?

Doncs anem a lligar

Well, let's go tie it up.

Aquest és fàcil

This is easy.

Vam parlar del viatge de l'heroi

We talked about the hero's journey.

De l'heroïna

Of the heroin

I de la metàfora

And of the metaphor

Precisament va ser dos programes

It was precisely two programs.

Que van anar un lligat de l'altre

That they went tied to each other.

Parlàvem del viatge de l'heroi

We were talking about the hero's journey.

Que és aquell circuit

What is that circuit?

Que fa una persona

What does a person do?

Des que es troba

Since it is found

Amb una crida

With a call

Un objectiu

A goal

Alguna cosa


Un repte, per exemple

A challenge, for example.

O alguna cosa

Or something.

Que trenca el seu dia a dia

That breaks his/her daily routine.

I s'ha d'enfrontar amb això

One must face this.

I que passava

And what happened?

Unes etapes

Some stages

Que vam parlar

What we talked about.

Durant el programa

During the program

Com que no ens podem estendre

As we cannot elaborate further.


We will arrive.

Eren 17 etapes?

Were there 17 stages?

Pot ser?

Can it be?

No, no

No, no

Eren 11

It was 11.

Eren 11?

Was it 11?

No sé per què

I don't know why.

Mira, estava a punt de dir 11

Look, I was about to say 11.

Segons l'autor

According to the author

Recordo que era segons l'autor

I remember that it was according to the author.

Vam parlar que segons 15 era

We talked that according to 15 it was.

Però 12 tenim aquí

But we have 12 here.

Els 12

The 12



12, sí

12, yes

Sí, sí

Yes, yes





El que sí que era important

What was indeed important

Del viatge de l'heroi

The hero's journey

Era el tema de

It was the topic of

Passi el que passi

Come what may.

Quan tornem

When do we return?

Ja hem canviat

We have already changed.

Encara que aconseguim o no

Whether we succeed or not

Resoldre aquell conflicte

Resolve that conflict

Aquella situació

That situation

O aquell repte

Oh that challenge

Que ens han llançat

That they have thrown us.

Llavors era molt important

Then it was very important.

La metàfora

The metaphor

Perquè dins de tot aquest

Because within all this



Ja la pròpia idea

Already the very idea

Del viatge de l'heroi

Of the hero's journey

Era una metàfora

It was a metaphor.

Del que ens podíem

Of what we could.





Per exemple

For example

La metàfora que servia

The metaphor that served.

Aquell programa

That program

Era allò

It was that

De la pel·lícula

From the movie

De Naufragó

Of Shipwreck

Que quan

That when

El Tom Hanks

The Tom Hanks

Surt de l'avió

Get off the plane.

Tornava a néixer de nou

I was being born again.

Doncs el tema era

Well, the topic was

L'avió com s'omplia d'aigua

The plane as it filled with water.

Que era líquid obnyoti

What was the liquid obnyoti?

Com es trencava

How it was breaking.

Per la meitat

For half

D'una forma traumàtica

In a traumatic way.

Que és com si fos necessària

It is as if it were necessary.

I com ell surt

And how he goes out.

Surt disparat

It's ridiculous.

I com arriba a la platja

And how does one get to the beach?

I que no es podia moure molt bé

And he could not move very well.

Perquè acabava de néixer

Because I had just been born.

I l'important

And the important

Que era en el coaching

What it was in coaching

Treballar amb metàfores

Working with metaphors

Perquè normalment

Because usually

Posem en marxa

Let's get started.

Sistemes del servei

Service systems

Que ens ajuden a vegades

They help us sometimes.

A entendre coses

To understand things

Que amb la lògica

That with logic

No serien capaços d'arribar-ho

They wouldn't be able to reach it.

La vida és una rosa llena d'espines

Life is a rose full of thorns.

Coses així

Things like that

I podem entendre

And we can understand.

Que és una espina

What is a thorn?

Etc, etc

Etc, etc.

Això seria la primera relació

This would be the first relationship.

De resum d'això

In summary of this

No sé si voleu

I don’t know if you want.

Far alguna pregunta al respecte

Ask any questions regarding this.

Si li hem posat massa sal

If we have added too much salt.



No, no, no

No, no, no



Tirem a por una altra

Let's go for another one.


Crispy morsel

Sí, una altra

Yes, another one.

Cruqueta, sí

Crunchy, yes.


Vinga, va

Come on, let's go.

Ara agafo jo primer

Now I'll go first.

Escolta, eh

Listen, eh.


Un paper frio

A cold paper.

A la guà, a la guà

To the water, to the water

Com està usted, doña Corbeta?

How are you, Mrs. Corbeta?



Juanito Navarro

Juanito Navarro

Madre mía

My goodness

Oiga, ¿qué es esto de usted

Hey, what is this of yours?

Con las preposiciones de mi matrimonio?

With the prepositions of my marriage?



La preposició de matrimonio

The marriage proposal

Sí, doña Croqueta

Yes, Mrs. Croqueta.





Ostres, expectatives

Wow, expectations.

Molt bé

Very good

Em recorda la sèrie

It reminds me of the series.

Vam parlar d'una sèrie

We talked about a series.

En un dia

In one day

En l'especial de Nadal

In the Christmas special

Vam parlar d'expectatives

We talked about expectations.

En una sèrie que es diu

In a series called




Propòsit objectiu

Objective purpose

Molt bé

Very good

El propòsit objectiu

The objective purpose

Era com ens marcaven els objectius

It was like they set the goals for us.

Érem de ser objectius realitzables

We were to be achievable objectives.


Above all

Vam dir que

We said that


Above all



El propòsit

The purpose

Que era normalment

What was normal usually

A principis d'any

At the beginning of the year

I dèiem

We said



Perquè sigui principis d'any

Because it is the beginning of the year.

I perquè sigui

And so it is.

Al gener

In January

I pensem que

We think that

Ja tenim la motivació suficient

We already have enough motivation.

Doncs vam fer la recomanació

So we made the recommendation.



Fer-ho molt seriosament

Take it very seriously.

De ser capaços

To be capable

És a dir

That is to say

He de buscar el compromís

I have to seek the commitment.

Buscar el per a què

Search for the why

Per a què vull

For what I want

Assolir aquest propòsit

Achieve this purpose

Aquest objectiu

This objective

I vaig convidar l'audiència

I invited the audience.

Els nostres audients

Our audiences

Doncs a escriure-ho

Well, write it down.

En un paperet

On a piece of paper

Perquè així

Because like this

Durant l'any

During the year



Ens hauria de servir

It should serve us.

De recordatori

As a reminder

De quin era el compromís

From which era was the commitment?



El propòsit

The purpose

Que nosaltres teníem

That we had.

Era l'anglès

It was English.



Ara farem

Now we will do.

No sé

I don't know.

Això o l'Iker Jiménez

This or Iker Jiménez



L'Iker ja l'estic practicant

I'm already practicing it with Iker.

Ja l'estàs

You're already doing it.

De què dona setmana, eh?

What a week it has been, huh?

Hola, bona estada

Hello, good stay.

No, que ara

No, not now.

Que ara

That now

És Juan Olas

It is Juan Olas.

És que és un misteri per mi

It's a mystery to me.



És molt important

It is very important.

Tenir això del concepte

Having this of the concept

Que sigui mesurable

That it should be measurable.

Que sigui una cosa realitzable

That it be something achievable.

Que sigui

Let it be.

Que puguem fer-ho

That we can do it.

Perquè les expectatives

Because the expectations

Ens marcaran també el camí

They will also mark the way for us.

Si l'expectativa està molt elevada

If the expectation is very high.

Perquè creiem que és una cosa

Because we believe it is one thing.

Que sí, que la farem

Yes, we will do it.

Que la farem

What will we do?

No ho mesurem

We don't measure it.

Podem tenir un problema

We may have a problem.

Si no arribem

If we don't arrive

O que això ens faci

Or that this may make us.

Que ens dificulti molt més

That makes it much more difficult for us.

Encara arribar

Still arriving

Perquè els resultats

Because of the results

Poder no són tan contundents

Can not be so forceful.

O tan positius

Or so positive

Com esperàvem

As we expected

I aquestes expectatives

And these expectations

Que hem situat tan altes

That we have placed so high

Poden ser

They can be

Podem fer

We can do

Que perdem

What do we lose?

L'objectiu de vista

The goal of view

I que ens perdéssim

And that we got lost.

Com un sofler

Like a snitch

Que baixi el sofler

Let the softener down.



Perquè t'has posat massa

Why have you put on too much?

Van comentar

They commented.

I jo tornaria a comentar

And I would comment again.

Però sempre matitzant

But always with nuance.



Jo el sofler no n'he fet

I haven't done the whistling.

Però el bizcocho també pot baixar

But the sponge cake can also fall.

Xescote te lo ensenyaré

I'll show you Xescote.

El bizcocho també

The cake too.

Pot ser


I després queda com una

And then it remains like a

Sons el llevat que li posis

You are the yeast that you add to it.


Vas al sofler

You go to the sofa.

Si no surt

If it doesn't come out

No cal que tal

There's no need for that.

Això és llençar

This is throwing.



És un xufle

It's a puff.



Un xufle

A blowjob

Jo sempre dic

I always say

No és un tema

It's not a topic.

De la vida

Of life

De tirar les expectatives

To throw the expectations.

Per terra

On the ground

Però sí

But yes

De ser realistes

To be realistic

Una miqueta

A little bit

No vulguem

We don't want.

Fer massa coses

Doing too many things

Nos venimos arriba

We're getting hyped up.



I va molt bé

It goes very well.

Per la motivació

For the motivation

Però també hem de buscar

But we also have to search

La manera

The way

De no defallir

Not to falter.



És que si nos venimos arriba

It's just that if we get carried away.

Però després no ho aconseguim

But then we don't achieve it.

Ens enfonsem més

We are sinking further.



Of course.

Hem d'aprendre

We must learn.

A jugar amb això

Let's play with this.

Per això dèiem

That's why we said.

Que expectatives

What expectations

Aquella sèrie dels suits

That series of suits

Perquè es passen

Why do they pass?

Tota la sèrie

The entire series.

No diré si és bona o dolenta

I won't say if it's good or bad.

Tota la sèrie

The whole series

A fer no sé què

To do I don't know what.

I al minut

And at the minute



Hòstia no podem fer

Damn, we can't do it.




Holy shit





Ja és

It's done.

La crisi aquesta

This crisis

Amb aquesta veu ho fan?

Do they do it with this voice?



Segons el capítol

According to the chapter

Més croquetes va

More croquettes, please.



Una més?

One more?

Fem una

Let's do one.

Ara jo

Now I


We have



Una ràpida

A quick one



Una de sushi

A sushi one.



Que gran és este

How great this is.



Igual que el resto

Just like the rest.



Aquest és

This is


It is

A veure

Let's see.







L'empatia és aquella

Empathy is that.

I el xesco té la de

And the xesco has the one for

La biblioteca de Babilònia

The library of Babylon









No violenta


Molt bé

Very good



No ho hem fet expressament

We didn't do it on purpose.



No, no

No, no



No l'hem fet

We haven't done it.



Doncs això

So this.

L'empatia era aquella

Empathy was that.

Aquella capacitat que tenim

That capacity we have.

I que la portem de sèrie

And we bring it as standard.

Una altra cosa

Another thing

És que la vulguem o no

It's whether we want it or not.

Posar en pràctica

Put into practice

I entrenar-la

I train her.

I potenciar-la

I enhance it.

Que és

What is it?


Let us put on.

En la pell de l'altre

In someone else's skin

Posar-nos en la pell de l'altre

Put ourselves in the shoes of the other.

No vol dir

It doesn't mean.

Directament estar d'acord

Directly agreeing.

Amb el que l'altre diu

With what the other says

Sinó entendre

Otherwise understand

A vegades


Per què unes persones

Why some people

Diuen o fan coses

They say or do things.

I per què les diuen

And why do they call them that?

I per

And for

Per què les diuen

Why are they called that?

I per què les fan

And why do they make them?

I a mi

And to me



Aquest capítol

This chapter

Va ser dels primers

He was one of the first.

I rondava octubre

It was around October.




I l'empatia era molt necessària

And empathy was very necessary.




Era aquella època

It was that time.


I ara

And now





És molt important l'empatia

Empathy is very important.



Si som capaços

If we are capable

De posar-nos

To put us

Al lloc de l'altre

In the place of the other

Si hi ha un conflicte

If there is a conflict

En el mig

In the middle

No vol dir

It doesn't mean.

Que li donem a ell

What do we give to him?

La raó directament

The reason directly

Sinó que podem arribar

But we can reach

A una resolució del conflicte

To a resolution of the conflict.

Si som capaços

If we are capable

De fer això

To do this

Aquesta seria la forma

This would be the way.



De tancar un conflicte

To close a conflict.

Però nosaltres parlàvem

But we were talking.

De la comunicació no violenta

Of nonviolent communication

I anirem ràpid

We will go quickly.

La comunicació no violenta

Nonviolent communication

Té quatre fases

It has four phases.

Que és l'observació

What is observation?

Que és allò

What is that?

Que hi ha

What's going on?

Per sota dels crits

Beneath the screams

Que m'estan fent

What are they doing to me?

M'estan cridant molt

They are calling me a lot.

Aquí baix

Down here

Hi ha alguna cosa

Is there something?

Que no és

What is not

Que no és el crit

That it is not the cry

Sinó que hi ha una necessitat

But there is a need

Quin és el sentiment

What is the feeling

Que s'està expressant

That is being expressed.

Si és ira

If it is anger

Si és ràbia

If it is rage

Si és frustració

If it is frustration

La necessitat

The necessity

De per ser

To be for real

Poder arribar

To be able to arrive

A entendre

To understand

Després dels crits

After the screams

Quina era

What era

La necessitat real

The real need

Que té la persona

What does the person have?

I la petició

And the request

La petició

The request

Que no exigència

That is not a requirement.

És a dir

That is to say

Aprendre a fer

Learn to do



Perquè l'altra persona

Because the other person

Quan respongui

When I respond

Respongui de forma

Respond in a way

Més concreta

More specific

I que pugui

And that I may

Doncs a fer

So let's do it.

El conflicte

The conflict

Arribi a solucionar-la

I managed to solve it.

Això és del Rosenberg

This is from Rosenberg.

Aquell llibre

That book

Que vam presentar

What we presented

De comunicació no violenta

Of non-violent communication

I que recomanem

And what we recommend


Very much

Com anem de temps?

How's the weather?



Vale, doncs

Okay, then

Abans de tancar

Before closing

Hi havia un ingredient

There was an ingredient.

Que sí que sé

That yes, I know.

Que no és igual

It's not the same.

Que són

What are they

El Xavi Crespo

Xavi Crespo

La Navell Luna

The Luna Ship

I la Maria José Muñoz

And Maria José Muñoz

Que els enviem des d'aquí

Let us send them from here.

Jo personalment

I personally

Una abraçada molt forta

A very strong hug

Perquè van participar

Why did they participate?

Al coaching Canalla

To Canalla coaching

I no volia passar

I didn't want to pass.

Deixar passar aquest ingredient

Let this ingredient pass.

Molts petons

Many kisses

I tenim trucades pendents

We have pending calls.

Encara tinc

I still have

Els muffins

The muffins



Jo el coco

I the coconut

Mira, el coco

Look, the coconut.

Que em va agradar molt

I liked it a lot.

El coco

The coconut

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Muffin de coco

Coconut muffin

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Mira, foto

Look, picture.

Que hi havia més coses

That there were more things.

Sí, com a prova

Yes, as evidence.

Bueno, això és

Well, this is

Fer croquetes en cotxe

Make croquettes in the car.

No sé si he inventat

I don't know if I have invented.

Alguna cosa


Que ha durat

What has lasted

Algun lloc


Alguna persona


Algun dia


Però, bueno, no sé

But, well, I don't know.

Clar, que ho has fet

Of course, you did it.

Que sembla molt fàcil

It seems very easy.

Però que és difícil

But how difficult it is.

Tant de targetetes

So many cards

Sense saber

Without knowing

Bé, un impro

Well, an impro.

Un impro coaching show

An impro coaching show

Molt bé

Very good

Doncs bé

Well then.

Què fem?

What are we doing?

Tanquem aquí la paradeta

We close the stall here.

Sí, jo l'únic que et volia dir

Yes, the only thing I wanted to tell you.

A banda d'això també

Besides this as well


Que les etapes del viatge

That the stages of the journey.

Eren 17

They were 17.

Però es van reduir a 12

But they were reduced to 12.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

És que també hi ha un concepte

It's just that there is also a concept.

De mercantilització

Of commodification

Pel tema del cinema

Regarding the topic of cinema.

Però hi ha molta literatura

But there is a lot of literature.

És recomanable

It is advisable.

Perquè 17

Why 17

Té unes subparts

It has some subparts.

És una història

It's a story.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

No, era per

No, it was for

Per aclarir-ho només

Just to clarify it only.

Perquè dic

Because I say

És que em sembla a mi

It seems to me.

Que eren 17

That they were 17.

I sí, sí

And yes, yes.

Però es van reduir a 12

But they were reduced to 12.

Suposo que

I suppose that

Fins i tot com deies tu

Even as you said.

De vegades són menys

Sometimes they are fewer.

De 12

Of 12


Doncs sí

Well, yes.

Ha sigut un plaer

It has been a pleasure.

I la pregunta que he fet al principi jo

And the question I asked at the beginning is mine.

La contestes

You answer it.

La contestes ara o?

Are you answering it now?

És que no puc contestar-la

I just can't answer her.

Ja, per això

Yes, that's why.

Clar, tenim coses

Of course, we have things.

Hem projectes

We have projects.

Ara hem de començar

Now we have to start.

Hem de començar a fer coses

We have to start doing things.

Sí, de fet

Yes, in fact.

Qui vulgui aquest estiu

Whoever wants this summer

O abans de l'estiu

Or before the summer.

En festa major

In the town festival

Pot anar als

You can go to the



I pot accedir

And you can access

A tots

To all

Més el d'avui

More than today

A tots els

To all the



Molt bé

Very good



Bona festa major

Happy festival!



Nos vemos

See you.

En los bares

In the bars

De la ciudad

From the city

En las cantinas

In the canteens

Madre mía

Oh my God.

És veritat

It is true.

Les cantines

The canteens

A veure si algú posa aquesta música

Let's see if someone plays this music.

Gràcies Pau

Thanks, Pau.

A vosaltres

To you.


Thank you



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