Fetitxisme Sònic amb Mourae

Fetitxisme Sònic

Fetitxisme Sònic

Fetitxisme Sònic amb Mourae

Fetitxisme Sònic





Benvingudes a FETICISME SÒNIC,


un viatge a l'inconscient sonor d'artistes dissidents, emergents

a journey into the sonic subconscious of dissident, emerging artists

i iconoclastes de l'underground català

and iconoclasts of the Catalan underground

que ens desvellen als detonants sònics que les mouen a crear,

that reveal to us the sonic triggers that move them to create,

conduït per Ivana Reixinc i Ombra.

driven by Ivana Reixinc and Ombra.

Avui ens visita una amiga de la casa,

Today a friend of the house is visiting us.

la nostra estimada Lois Bois, o Moure,

our dear Lois Bois, or Moure,

que ja vam poder escoltar a uns dels nostres capítols especials a DabLab

that we were able to hear in some of our special episodes on DabLab

i que també vam registrar un vídeo ASMR

and that we also recorded an ASMR video.

que trobareu al nostre canal de YouTube.

what you will find on our YouTube channel.

Moure és el projecte sonor i performatiu de Lois Bois,

Moure is the sound and performative project of Lois Bois.

Moixia, 1996.

Moixia, 1996.

Iniciat des de la pràctica DJ i l'art d'acció,

Initiated from DJ practice and the art of performance,



s'enfoca a la producció musical electrònica i a la creació escènica.

It focuses on electronic music production and stage creation.

A nivell sonor, el seu interès principal és l'ús i la distorsió de la veu

Sound-wise, its main interest is the use and distortion of the voice.

per buscar textures i sons que connectin allò humà

to search for textures and sounds that connect the human experience

amb altres dimensions properes a allò mecànic o sobrenatural.

with other dimensions close to the mechanical or supernatural.

Realitats sòniques estranyes que permetin desplaçar

Strange sonic realities that allow movement

el nostre punt de vista cap a realitats diferents.

our perspective towards different realities.

A la seva pràctica performativa,

In their performative practice,

revisant el folclore i tradicions,

reviewing folklore and traditions,

principalment galegues,

mainly Galician,

proposa històries que especulen en futurs possibles

propose stories that speculate on possible futures

per tal d'aportar-ne una visió comunitària

in order to provide a community perspective

més enllà de la nostàlgia i del pessimisme.

beyond nostalgia and pessimism.

Partint del present i movent-se entre diferents temporalitats,

Starting from the present and moving between different temporalities,

dona veu i encarna pensaments i experiències

gives voice and embodies thoughts and experiences

que habiten als nostres territoris.

that inhabit our territories.

Una fantasia política amb què recuperar espais mentals

A political fantasy with which to recover mental spaces.

que ens van ser arrebatats i amb què transcendir les imposicions

that were taken from us and with which to transcend the impositions

que recauen sobre les mentes.

that fall upon the minds.

Endavant, Moure!

Go ahead, Moure!



Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Moure come pan, Moure come pan,

Move like bread, move like bread,

Moure come pan.

Move like bread.

Hola! Moure!

Hello! Move!



Moltes gràcies per ser aquí.

Thank you very much for being here.

Ens ha encantat aquesta peça

We loved this piece.

tan hipnòtica i tan percutiva.

so hypnotic and so percussive.

Amb la veu.

With the voice.

Sí, bueno, Lois Moure és una amiga de la casa, ja el coneixem moltíssim.

Yes, well, Lois Moure is a friend of the house, we know him very well.

Sí, amiga, amiga. Com estàs?

Yes, friend, friend. How are you?

Bé, bé. Tirant.

Good, good. Pulling.

I amb tos.

And with all of you.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, bé, és l'època de l'any.

Yes, well, it's that time of year.

Bé, bueno, Lois, com et dius? No sé, Lois Moure, com prefereixes? Com surti?

Well, okay, Lois, what's your name? I don't know, Lois Moure, what do you prefer? Just as it is?

Me gusta como el...

I like how he...

Es pronuncia Moure o Mourae? Perquè jo mai ho he sapigut bé.

Is it pronounced Moure or Mourae? Because I've never known it well.

Ah, bueno, com en l'anterior podcast, no? És Moure.

Ah, well, like in the previous podcast, right? It's Moure.



Moure, perfecte.

Move, perfect.

Una mica vomitant.

A little vomiting.

És A-E, així, en plan...

It's A-E, like, you know...





Uh, no?

Uh, no?

Que sexy ha sonat això.

That sounded so sexy.

Bueno, Ivana, Ivana és molt sensual.

Well, Ivana, Ivana is very sensual.

Sí, avui estem cachondes.

Yes, today we are in a cheeky mood.

Bueno, comencem amb l'entrevista.

Well, let's start with the interview.

A veure, el teu sofetitxe és la veu utilitzada com a percussió, però en un context específic,

Let's see, your soft voice is the one used as percussion, but in a specific context.

com és, diguéssim, l'aprenentatge de la pandereta.

how is, let's say, the learning of the tambourine.

Per què has escollit...

Why have you chosen...

Què és això?

What is this?

Doncs, eh...

Well, uh...

Bé, em sembla com un son molt interessant, perquè té com aquesta sonoritat de la pandereta,

Well, it seems to me like a very interesting sound, because it has that sort of tambourine resonance.

però al mateix temps com aquesta relació amb la veu, i com que aquest punt intermedi de veu percutida,

but at the same time as this relationship with the voice, and since this intermediate point of struck voice,

o que moltes vegades, per exemple, en...

or that many times, for example, in...

Bé, en el tros que he portat avui és menys, no?

Well, in the piece I've brought today it's less, isn't it?

Però, per exemple, en el Ken kere de la muy negra, doncs està com aquest son de pandereta, no?

But, for example, in the Ken kere of the very black, well it's like this tambourine sound, right?

En plan, Ken kere, Ken kere, Ken kere.

Like, who wants, who wants, who wants.

Com que...


Va sonando ahí como las ferreñas, pero como que suena detrás de la garganta, o así como entre los dientes, no sé.

It sounded there like the ferreñas, but it kind of sounds behind the throat, or like between the teeth, I don't know.

Y me parece como muy interesante como...

And I find it very interesting how...

¿Cómo cita esa sonoridad sin ser una onomatopeya, de alguna manera, no?

How does it evoke that sound without being an onomatopoeia, in a way, doesn't it?

Clar, porque Ana va dir això, que es como más o menos una onomatopeya, no?

Of course, because Ana said that, which is kind of like an onomatopoeia, right?



Claro, pero tiene como un sentido, en plan, rollo, Ken kere, en gallego es quien quiere, todo el rato, no?

Of course, but it has a sort of meaning, like, "Ken wants," in Galician it's "who wants," all the time, right?

I després hi ha l'Ana come pan, que és...

And then there is Ana as bread, which is...

Un poco el tema de hoy, que és la Jota.

A bit about today's topic, which is the Jota.



I, claro, bueno, pues literalmente es eso.

Yes, of course, well, that's literally it.

Ana come pan, y después cambias los ritmos, y puedes decir como Ana come pan con Xamón,

Ana eats bread, and then you change the rhythms, and you can say like Ana eats bread with ham.

Ana come pan con Xamón, Ana come pan, Ana come pan, Ana come pan con Xamón,

Ana eats bread with ham, Ana eats bread, Ana eats bread, Ana eats bread with ham.

y haces como las variaciones rítmicas, ¿no?

And you do like the rhythmic variations, right?

Ostres, m'encanta.

Wow, I love it.

Tot això ho vas aprendre sent petita?

Did you learn all this when you were little?

Sí, en plan, de pequeña fui a clases de pandereta, pero con muy poquito tiempo,

Yes, like when I was little I took tambourine classes, but it was for a very short time,

porque una tiene muy poca paciencia, la verdad.

because one has very little patience, to be honest.

I després, en la ESO, teníamos una profesora que, en vez de ponernos a tocar flauta,

And then, in high school, we had a teacher who, instead of having us play the flute,

pues dijo, mira, vamos a ponernos aquí a tocar la pandereta.

Well, he said, look, let's sit here and play the tambourine.

Entonces era, pues, todo el mundo tocando la pandereta.

Then it was, indeed, everyone playing the tambourine.

Aparte que el rollo de la pandereta es que tiene como una vinculación con el género,

Aside from the fact that the tambourine thing has a connection with the genre,

tipo que en música gallega, como que se ha relegado un poco, ¿no?, a la gaita, a los hombres, gaita, tambor...

It's like in Galician music, it has been somewhat relegated, right?, to the bagpipe, to men, bagpipe, drum...

Porque, por ejemplo, eso, los gaiteros eran los que se pagaban, y después las señoras,

Because, for example, the bagpipers were the ones that were hired, and then the ladies,

que eran las que se pagaban, y después las señoras, que eran las que se pagaban.

that were the ones that were paid for, and then the ladies, who were the ones that were paid for.

Que eran quienes organizaban las fiestas, eran quienes tenían instrumentos de percusión

They were the ones who organized the parties; they were the ones who had percussion instruments.

que hacían más ruido, ¿no?

They made more noise, didn't they?

Entonces están como las panderetas, o está lo que encontrasen por casa,

Then they are like the tambourines, or whatever they found around the house,

tipo las cajas de pimentón, los achos, que en castellano no sé cómo se dice,

like the paprika boxes, the achos, which I don't know how to say in Spanish,

es ozada, puede ser, en plan, lo que haces los surcos para cultivar, que es como así, una...

it's like a furrow, it could be, in the sense of how you make the grooves for farming, which is like this, a...

Ah, sí, tú vols dir un...

Ah, yes, you mean a...

Yo sé en italia.

I know in Italy.

No sortirá.

It won't come out.

Pero es como una...

But it's like a...

Dígase en italia.

Say it in Italy.

Un ganivet, como un cuchillo.

A knife, like a knife.

Es una...

It's a...

Un cuchillo, sí.

A knife, yes.

Tipo un achado, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Like a find, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Una falche, en italiano.

A wedge, in Italian.

Que bueno, avui poliglota.

How nice, today multilingual.

Eso, ¿no? Pues que estaba interesante también en estas clases de la ESO que la profesora dijera como,

That's right, isn't it? Well, it was also interesting in these high school classes when the teacher would say something like,

no, aquí toca la pandereta todo el mundo, en plan, independientemente de vuestro género y tal.

No, here everyone plays the tambourine, you know, regardless of your gender and such.

Y ahora es como mucho más, en plan, mucho más mixto y ya está como más mezclado,

And now it's like much more, like much more mixed and it's already more blended.

en plan, todo el mundo toca todos los instrumentos.

Like, everyone plays all the instruments.

Aunque quiero decir que...

Although I want to say that...



Buscando los sonidos, así para traer, en plan, mira, aquí tengo este sonido, este ejemplo de sonido, ¿no?

Looking for the sounds, to bring, like, look, here I have this sound, this sound example, right?

Pues eso, como que la pandereta es un elemento feminizado y la mayoría de los vídeos que había en YouTube

Well, that's it, since the tambourine is a feminized element and most of the videos that were on YouTube

de personas enseñando la pandereta eran señores, que es como...

of people teaching the tambourine were gentlemen, which is like...



Sí, en plan, enough.

Yes, like, enough.

Enough, enough.

Enough, enough.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Y eso, yo todas las profesoras de pandereta que he tenido, porque aquí también, en plan, en Barcelona también he estado yendo a clases de pandereta,

And that, all the tambourine teachers I have had, because here too, like, in Barcelona I have also been going to tambourine classes,

siempre han sido como señoras.

They have always been like ladies.



Es como...

It's like...

Bueno, la mítica, ¿no?

Well, the legendary one, right?

En plan, el espacio público, ¿pa' quién es?

Like, public space, who is it for?



Molt bé, però escolta una cosa, perquè no sé si vaig entendre.

Very well, but listen to one thing, because I'm not sure if I understood.

A Galícia, les dones toquen instruments, antigament com tocaven instruments a la tradició folklòrica o no?

In Galicia, do women play instruments, historically like they did in the folk tradition or not?

O simplement com, per exemple, com cantaven...

Or simply how, for example, how they sang...

Perquè, no sé, com que al flamenc hi ha aquesta cosa que, com que els músics són homes i com que la dona solament és balladora o cantant, saps?

Because, I don't know, it's just that in flamenco there is this thing that, since the musicians are men and the woman is only a dancer or singer, you know?

Però a Galícia, com és això?

But in Galicia, how is that?

Bueno, ara que entenc que està canviant...

Well, now that I understand that it is changing...

Que està més mesclat, però com en teoria...

It's more mixed, but as in theory...

Esto me lo dijeron en clases de pandereta, pero no me acuerdo.

They told me this in tambourine classes, but I don’t remember.

No me acuerdo como la señora que me lo dijo.

I don't remember like the lady who told me.

No, pero sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, no.

No, but yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no.

En plan, el rollo era que, en plan, las señoras eran quien organizaban...

Basically, the thing was that, like, the ladies were the ones who organized...

Porque, en plan, toda la música folgallega se usaba, pues, para organizar la fiesta y que, pues, se conociera a la gente, ¿no?

Because, like, all the folk Galician music was used, well, to organize the party and, you know, for people to get to know each other, right?



Entonces, quien organizaba estas fiestas normalmente eran señoras.

So, the ones who usually organized these parties were women.

Y las señoras tocaban lo que tuviesen cerca, en plan, tipo, pues eso, como es una cosa de después de comer, a lo mejor, ¿no?

And the ladies played whatever they had nearby, like, you know, since it's something you do after lunch, maybe, right?

Como de sobremesa.

Like for dessert.

Pues entonces, muchos de los instrumentos de...

Well then, many of the instruments of...

De música tradicional gallega, pues, están relacionados con cosas de la casa, que hacen ruido.

Of traditional Galician music, then, they are related to things in the house that make noise.

En plan, después era eso, en plan.

Like, afterwards it was that, like.

Igual se contrataba a un señor gaiteiro, que era como el único que se pagaba,

They would hire a bagpiper, who was like the only one that got paid.

pero después las señoras eran las que tocaban percusión y, además, cantaban.

but later the ladies were the ones who played percussion and, in addition, sang.

Ah, vale.

Ah, okay.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I ara que has parlat de cantar, Maurà, quin és per tu el rol de la veu en el teu projecte?

And now that you have talked about singing, Maurà, what is the role of the voice in your project for you?

O quin és el...

Oh what is the...

Quin és el teu vincle amb la veu?

What is your connection to the voice?



Yo creo que la voz es mi obsesión, en plan, a nivel artístico, ¿no?

I believe that the voice is my obsession, you know, on an artistic level, right?

Tipo, es como algo que siempre ha estado ahí, que siempre me ha interesado,

It's like something that has always been there, something that has always interested me,

que tiene también como mucha conexión con mi parte emocional, ¿no?

that also has a lot of connection with my emotional side, right?

En plan, rollo...

Like, sort of...

Para mí es como una manera de sacar la ansiedad o rollo de...

For me, it's like a way to relieve anxiety or something like that...

Si tengo un día que estoy así como muy agobiada o tal,

If I have a day when I'm feeling very overwhelmed or so,

normalmente lo que pasa es que me pongo a cantar.

Normally what happens is that I start to sing.

Entonces es como que...

So it's like...

Eso, ¿no?

That's it, right?

La voz es para mí un poco la manera que tengo con conectarme con partes emocionales

The voice is for me a bit like the way I connect with emotional parts.

que por X o por Y me ha costado llegar más.

That for X or for Y it has taken me longer to arrive.

Entonces es como que también quiero que tenga ese espacio importante en mi producción artística

So it's like I also want it to have that important space in my artistic production.

porque también es como conocer a mi voz es conocerme a mí

because to know my voice is to know me

y poder tener como herramientas con la voz, pues es como...

and to be able to have tools with the voice, well it is like...

Eso, ¿no?

That, right?

Como construirme a mí como persona también.

How to build myself as a person as well.

No sé, como que lo veo un poco así.

I don't know, it's just that I see it a bit like that.

També a la teva pràctica artística, sobretot quan punxes,

Also in your artistic practice, especially when you puncture,

perquè també ets DJ, utilitzes molt aquesta...

because you are also a DJ, you use this a lot...



Como el lip-sync.

Like lip-sync.

T'agrada molt.

You like it a lot.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

¿Pots parlar una miqueta d'això?

Can you talk a little bit about this?

Sí, a ver, eso.

Yes, let's see, that.

También cuando pincho intento buscar temas que tengan voz

Also when I click I try to look for topics that have voice.

porque al final es como...

because in the end it's like...

También es como con lo que conecto, ¿no?

It's also like what I connect with, right?

Un poco.

A little.

Y entonces como que sí, hago mucho ese lip-sync porque es como...

And then it's like, yeah, I do a lot of that lip-sync because it's like...

Vale, pues como que pincho...

Okay, then I'm like, I poke...

Pienso voces y, no sé, como presencias de alguna manera, ¿no?

I think of voices and, I don’t know, like presences in some way, right?

Que es como...

It's like...

Pongo la música pero al mismo tiempo como la energía un poco de la canción.

I play the music but at the same time I take the energy a bit from the song.

O intento como que se alinee mi presencia con esa energía que da la canción.

I try to align my presence with the energy that the song provides.

Canalitzes d'alguna manera, ¿no?

You channel it somehow, right?

Aquella entitat, aquell arquetip.

That entity, that archetype.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Que no ha passat.

That has not happened.

Bueno, és com molt performàtica també.

Well, it's quite performative too.

És com una...

It's like a...

Més enllà de punxar...

Beyond pricking...



Bueno, Ivana també és aquí un ama...

Well, Ivana is also here a boss...



De la performance també.

From the performance as well.

És com molt...

It's like very...

Té com una dimensió molt performativa.

It has a very performative dimension.

Ens agrada molt.

We like it very much.

A veure, jo crec que és com...

Let's see, I think it's like...

Per a mi és molt divertit i a part que també com...

For me, it's very entertaining and besides, it also...

Com el públic, diguem-ne, com que connectes d'una altra manera.

Like with the audience, let's say, because you connect in a different way.

No sé.

I don't know.

A mi m'agrada fer el circ, també, de dir-ho en pla...

I also like doing circus, to put it plainly...



Llavors, doncs, ho faig.

Then, I do it.

Bé, jo com un DJ potser sóc com més...

Well, I as a DJ might be more...

No sé, old school, però no té ningú...

I don't know, old school, but he has no one...

Judici, no?

Trial, right?

Simplement no vols dir com que millor o pitjor, clar.

You simply don't want to say how better or worse, of course.

Però com jo sí que estic molt més parada, no sé.

But since I am much more settled, I don't know.

Com que no hi ha tant...

As there isn't much...

Bueno, ballo, també, sí, clar.

Well, I dance, yes, of course.

Però com que aquesta dimensió performativa no...

But since this performative dimension does not...

No sé, no...

I don’t know, no...

Però m'encanta, eh?

But I love it, you know?

Bueno, bueno, bueno.

Well, well, well.

Però també hi ha sempre alguna cosa d'aquesta energia, no?

But there's always something of that energy, right?

A veure, jo també crec que jo entré en el món...

Let's see, I also believe that I entered the world...

O que la meva manera de relacionar-me...

Or that my way of relating...

amb el món de pinxar va molt més per la performance,

with the world of hooking up it’s much more about the performance,

perquè això, per allò que deia, no?

because this, for what I was saying, right?

En pla, a mi m'agrada fer el circ.

In plain, I like to do circus.

Igual, tècnicament, doncs, hi ha coses que es suplen

Similarly, technically, there are things that are substituted.

o que...

or what...

Eh, no passa res.

Eh, it's all right.

...que suplo jo, doncs, fent la performance o així.

...that I replace, then, by doing the performance or so.

En pla, no per dissimular, perquè no és per dissimular.

In plain terms, not to disguise it, because it is not to disguise it.

Clar, t'anava a preguntar això.

Of course, I was going to ask you that.

Però és com per...

But it's as if for...

En pla, és com la part que igual m'interessa més.

In plain, it's the part that perhaps interests me the most.



I això, que també entenc com que hi ha d'haver diferents maneres.

And this, which I also understand as there needing to be different ways.

I, doncs, això, no?

And, then, this, right?

Que aquesta és com la que vaig trobar jo.

That this is like the one I found.

I la que m'ha agradat.

And the one I liked.

Perquè, en pla, que també, digo,

Because, on the flat, that too, I mean,

bueno, podries pinxar un poco mejor, tècnicamente,

Well, you could mix a little better, technically.

pero, pero al mismo tiempo es como,

but, but at the same time it’s like,

¿lo estás practicando más?

Are you practicing it more?

No, pues por algo será también, ¿no?

No, well there must be a reason for it too, right?

En pla, si te acostumbres, sí.

In plain terms, if you get used to it, yes.

Jo crec que són propostes diverses.

I believe they are various proposals.

Sí, jo també.

Yes, me too.

Jo sento que hi ha espai de sobres

I feel that there is more than enough space.

per, sí, aquestes expressions diverses.

but, yes, these various expressions.

Jo m'identifico molt amb això de que dius

I identify a lot with what you say.

que punxes música amb veu,

that you spin music with a voice,

perquè jo també, quan faig de DJ,

because I too, when I DJ,

tiro molt això de temes que, per mi,

I find quite a lot of these topics that, for me,

és que la part emocional que més em connecta

it's just that the emotional part that connects me the most

sovint és la veu.

often it is the voice.

Llavors, com que necessito temes instrumentals,

Then, since I need instrumental tracks,

punxo molt pocs.

I poke very few.

És com, sí, em costa, sí, sí.

It's like, yes, it's hard for me, yes, yes.

M'agrada més que hi hagi allà, sí, sí,

I like it better that there is there, yes, yes.

el poder d'aquella persona que està allà sortint.

the power of that person who is out there emerging.

Sigui l'energia que sigui, eh?

Whatever the energy may be, huh?

Perquè poden ser energies diverses.

Because they can be various energies.

Però hi ha una, no sé, hi ha una força allà.

But there is one, I don't know, there is a force there.

No sé, algo es materialitza.

I don't know, something is materializing.

Per mi.

For me.

Jo abans no era així.

I wasn't like this before.

Sempre, com que vinc molt de la,

Always, since I come from there a lot,

de la música instrumental,

of instrumental music,

al contrari.

on the contrary.

Però ara sí que estic com agafant més

But now I do feel like I'm getting more.

aquesta, no sé, aquest plaer

this, I don't know, this pleasure

d'escoltar música amb veus

listening to music with voices

i m'agrada, sí.

I like it, yes.

Molt, la veritat.

A lot, the truth.

A veure,

Let's see,

com, a nivell tècnic,

how, on a technical level,

com has composat aquesta peça?

How have you composed this piece?

Com, de,

How, of,

per què elements està

why elements is it





bàsicament és com

basically it is like

veu sintetitzada, tot,

synthesized voice, everything,

i diferents capes de veu,

and different layers of voice,

en plan, com una part més d'aquest loop

like, as just another part of this loop

percutiu, i després hi ha com

percussive, and then there is like

entra un momentet,

come in for a moment,

doncs també, com jo cantant,

then also, like me singing,

però passat per un sampler,

but passed through a sampler,

modificat, diferents com

modified, different as

textures de veu, per dir-ho

voice textures, so to speak

d'alguna manera,


així, com per entrar en aquest,

thus, as if to enter into this,

en aquest,

in this,

no sé, és que també

I don't know, it's just that also.

com que aquests temes, igual que

as these topics, just like

la mullera d'ansietat,

the anxiety blanket,

que va com en la mateixa línia,

that goes in the same line,

com que jo ho veig com una manera

as I see it as a way

d'exterioritzar com les veus

to externalize as you see it

en la teva cabeça, no?

In your head, right?

Llavors també tens aquesta part de veu

Then you also have this part of the voice.

que és com, quan t'escoltes o quan tens

what it is like, when you listen to yourself or when you have

un pensament intrusiu, no,

an intrusive thought, no,

arriba com amb tot el cos d'una veu,

it arrives as if with the whole body of a voice,

no, arriba com un rebot,

no, it comes back like a bounce,

com un eco, com un...

like an echo, like a...

En plan, que no són ni frases enteres,

Like, they aren't even complete sentences,

són com coses que estan allà donant-li voltes.

They are like things that are there going around.

I, doncs,

And so,

aquest tema és un poc,

this topic is a bit,

va en aquesta línia, no?,

It's in this line, right?

en plan, algo que te reconcome,

like, something that eats away at you,

algo que da vueltas y que se convierte

something that spins and transforms

en un ritmo.

in a rhythm.

M'agrada molt aquest concepte.

I really like this concept.

I una pregunta que ens agrada

And a question that we like

fer sempre és, tens

to always do is, you have

algun record sonor,

some sound memory,

alguna història que t'hagi passat

any story that has happened to you

relativa a un so,

relative to a sound,

pot ser de quan eres un infant

It may be from when you were a child.

o adolescent,

or adolescent,

o qualsevol cosa més recent?

or anything more recent?



Sí, jo crec que...

Yes, I think that...

En plan, m'acordo com...

Like, I remember as...

Bé, a veure, partim

Well, let's see, let's get started.

de la base de, jo soc una persona

from the basis of, I am a person

que sona poc, o que tinc uns somnis

that sounds little, or that I have some dreams

molt... d'aquests

very... of these

profuns que no surten a la llum, no?

profound things that do not come to light, right?

Però una cosa que m'acordo

But one thing I remember

a nivell sonor és com, la meva mare és una persona

At a sound level, it's like, my mother is a person.

molt rodosa

very round

i molt motivada, no?

And very motivated, right?

Llavors, com de demà, posava

Then, as of tomorrow, I was putting.

la ràdio a casa, llavors com que...

the radio at home, then since...

com que m'acordo a nivell sonor de com

As I remember at a sound level how

aquests temes que estaven

these themes that were

a la ràdio s'infiltraven en els somnis

on the radio they infiltrated dreams

aquests demananers, que són els que més recordo...

these requests, which are the ones I remember most...

Ah, uau!

Ah, wow!

Això, igual, un somni recurrent

This, like, a recurring dream.

d'estar en una platja i de sobte com que

of being at a beach and suddenly as if

com que comences a escoltar la música, és com...

As you start to listen to the music, it's like...

Ok, és la música de la platja, no?

Okay, it's the music of the beach, right?

I després com despertar-te

And then how to wake you up

i que encara hi hagi

and that there may still be

aquesta cançó i dir com, ok, d'acord,

this song and say how, ok, alright,

ja estava aquí entre medis.

I was already here in the midst.

Però, per exemple, quines cançons

But, for example, which songs?

de... sí?

of... yes?

En plan, tipus cançons,

Like, types of songs,

tipus cançons de ràdio

types of radio songs

en plan...

in a way...

com ràdio mainstream.

like mainstream radio.

Sí, 40 principales i coses...

Yes, 40 main things and stuff...

Rafael o coses així...

Rafael or things like that...

No, no, no, en plan, no sé, com que me viene

No, no, no, I mean, I don't know, it's just that it comes to me.

el canto de loco, así de primera,

the song of a madman, just like that, at first,

el rotllo... Bueno, molt de verà, no?

The roll... Well, a lot of summer, right?

D'estiu, això...

In summer, this...

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Boníssim. Quina gràcia.

Very good. How funny.

Llavors, el so d'alguna manera

Then, the sound somehow

et moldejava el somni, no? Potser passaven

it shaped your dream, didn't it? Perhaps they passed

coses relacionades amb la música,

things related to music,

potser de cop

maybe suddenly

estaves a la platja, i llavors, com sona

you were at the beach, and then, as it sounds

la música, dius, me'n vaig al

the music, you say, I'm leaving to the

xiringuito, no?, a demanar

Beach bar, right? To order.

un gelat o el que sigui,

an ice cream or whatever,

i coneixes algú, o què, què, què?

Do you know someone, or what, what, what?

Era més, en plan, com...

It was more, like...

El record que tinc és com més de

The memory I have is more of

pensar en una ràdio, en plan,

thinking of a radio, in a way,

hi ha algú com una ràdio en la platja.

There is someone like a radio on the beach.

Que molesto,

How annoying,

no? Que ho sabes?

No? That you know it?

Bueno. No, no, no sé. Bueno, a mi sí que

Well. No, no, I don’t know. Well, I do.

molesta molt.

It bothers a lot.

Tot molesta.

Everything bothers.

Ah, no.

Ah, no.

Però, ja...

But, already...

La gent que ens escolta, ja ho saps,

The people who listen to us, you already know,

que me'n molesta tot. Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Everything bothers me. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Però, bueno,

But, well,



com és el teu futur?

What is your future like?

Com és el meu futur?

What is my future like?

Què faràs? On podrem

What will you do? Where can we?

escoltar? Què tens pensat?

Listen? What do you have in mind?

Què faràs

What will you do?

en els pròxims mesos?

in the coming months?

Doncs mira, ara estic treballant

Well, look, I'm working right now.

en l'espai sonor d'una peça de dansa

in the sound space of a dance piece

del Vivalboa, que es diu Noa,

from the Vivalboa, who is named Noa,

i que s'estrenarà

and that will premiere

a Coruña

A Coruña

el 19 d'abril.

April 19th.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

ho vull recordar. I, bé, i a més

I want to remember it. And, well, also.

estic treballant

I am working.

com en el meu primer EP.

like in my first EP.

I, res, doncs, això,

I, nothing, then, this,

en plan, en teoria, ha de sortir per l'any que ve,

In theory, it is supposed to come out next year,

així que estaré treballant

so I will be working

en això.

in this.

Molt bé. Molta veu, segur, no?

Very good. A lot of voice, for sure, right?

Això espero, això espero,

That's what I hope, that's what I hope.

i això passarà, segur.

And this will happen, for sure.

Això sí.

That's right.

Bueno, no sé

Well, I don’t know.

si hi ha alguna cosa més

if there is anything else

que... No, jo crec que

that... No, I think that

ja s'ha dit,

it has already been said,

però, bueno, jo què sé.

but, well, what do I know.

Què tal estàs?

How are you?

Bé, no ho sé.

Well, I don't know.

Estic molt bé, molt agraïda

I am very well, very grateful.

sempre de compartir aquests temps

always sharing these times

amb tu, Lois, i fascinada

with you, Lois, and fascinated

per allò que estàs fent.

for what you are doing.

Et desitgem moltíssima sort amb aquesta

We wish you the best of luck with this.

composició que estàs fent.

composition that you are making.

I, bueno, ens despedim

Well, let's say goodbye.

aquí i

here and

ens veiem ben aviat, esperem.

We'll see each other very soon, hopefully.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Doncs, moltíssimes gràcies per invitar-me a través.

Well, thank you very much for inviting me through.

Volveré, who knows?

I will return, who knows?

Sí, segur, a presentar l'EP.

Yes, sure, to present the EP.

I tant.

I certainly do.

Moltes gràcies. Fins aviat.

Thank you very much. See you soon.

Fins aviat.

See you soon.

Heu escoltat Feticisme Sònic,

Have you listened to Sonic Fetish?

conduït per Ivana Reising i Ombra.

led by Ivana Reising and Ombra.

Gràcies per ser part d'aquest viatge sensorial amb nosaltres.

Thank you for being part of this sensory journey with us.

El soroll és sexy.

Noise is sexy.

El pare d'un nordennest directe 19 de la ciutat d'Azúl,

The father of a direct northwest 19 of the city of Azúl,

David Serratушки,

David Serrat.

té una gana important.

he is very hungry.

Tot això que play abans l' humour pack.

All this that plays before the humor pack.

Els liberatoris tenen una experiència

The liberators have an experience.

que pot ser valida de tot 되는데.

that can be valid for everything.

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