Fila Indie 4x01

Primera Fila

Fila Indie

Fila Indie 4x01

Fila Indie

Fila Indi, amb Marc Clapés.

Indian row, with Marc Clapés.

Amb la seva nova vocalista, també, David Kushner, Fathers, John Misty,

With their new vocalist, also, David Kushner, Fathers, John Misty,

o, per exemple, de seguida, els que s'havien amb Italian Horror.

or, for example, immediately, those who had with Italian Horror.

Abans, obrim la quarta temporada amb el Jungle, ara en format trio,

Before, we open the fourth season with the Jungle, now in trio format,

i amb això que es diu Let's Go Back.

and with this that is said Let's Go Back.

Let's Go Back

Let's Go Back



Ha arribat el moment de posar-se en fila indie.

The time has come to line up indie style.



Jo ja m'he posat aquesta cançó a la meva llista

I have already added this song to my playlist.

de reproducció. A què esperes tu?

of reproduction. What are you waiting for?



Fila indie, l'espai on posem tots els artistes

Indie row, the space where we put all the artists.

que ens agraden en una fila a punt per cantar.

that we like in a row ready to sing.



Bona nit.

Good night.

Franz Ferdinand ha estat dels protagonistes

Franz Ferdinand has been one of the protagonists.

dels últims minuts amb aquest Audacious,

of the last minutes with this Audacious,

una cançó que forma part del treball

a song that is part of the work

de Human Fear. De seguida,

of Human Fear. Right away,

Maria Hein, numeratxa Maria del Mar Bonet,

Maria Hein, numbered Maria del Mar Bonet,

amb aquesta gran versió que ha fet Elena Aravans,

with this great version that Elena Aravans has made,

arriba a l'Italy amb una del

arrives in Italy with a del

2024 que es diu Midnight Shining.

2024 which is called Midnight Shining.

Midnight Shining.

Midnight Shining.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Si voleu saber quina és el carrer de Cavallers,

If you want to know what the street of Cavallers is,

si voleu saber quina és el carrer de Cavallers,

if you want to know which is Cavallers Street,

tres portes tenc a cap meva,

three doors I have in my head,

obertes a tots els temps,

open at all times,

la que està oberta per tu,

the one that is open for you,

l'altra per la bona gent,

the other for the good people,

la tercera per la mort,

the third for death,

que la tancarà el meu temps.

that my time will close it.

Àngel caigut, principi del foc,

Fallen angel, prince of fire,

ma gran oberta.

my big open.

Àngel caigut, principi del foc,

Fallen angel, prince of fire,

ma gran oberta.

my great open.

I tot això ets tu,

And all of this is you,

per mi.

for me.

Jo n'estic certa

I am certain of it.

i tot això ets tu,

and all this is you,

per mi.

for me.

Jo n'estic certa

I am certain of it.

i jo he cantat amb nom vostro

and I have sung with your name

la vostra veu.

your voice.

És la meva

It is mine.

adeu lluna de nit.

goodbye night moon.

Adeu sol de migdia.

Goodbye midday sun.

En aquest programa,

In this program,

no esperis escoltar-nos,

don't expect to hear us,

sinó escoltar el que sona tot arreu.

but listen to what sounds everywhere.

Fila Indy, en Marc Clapés.

Indy line, Marc Clapés.

I'm on the run from everyone

Estic fugint de tothom.

and I can't escape myself

and I can't escape myself

all the goals,

all the goals,

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

El programa on et passaràs tota l'estona fent servir el jazz per saber com es diu la cançó que estàs donant.

The program where you will spend the whole time using jazz to find out the name of the song you are playing.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Eresuki Waterhouse! No és la primera vegada que sona al filaíndi, però sí que és la primera que posem

Eresuki Waterhouse! It's not the first time it plays at the filaíndi, but it is the first time we put it on.

aquest superset.

this superset.

Seguim ara mateix amb la veu

We continue right now with the voice.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

de les al·lèrgiques al pol·len.

of those allergic to pollen.

Seran les protagonistes de seguida

They will be the protagonists soon.

amb el seu treball Cants, Crits, Baralles.

with his work Songs, Cries, Fights.

Escoltarem l'Espigó.

We will listen to the Espigó.

Abans arriben de Last Dinner Party

Before they arrive from Last Dinner Party.

una formació que s'estan donant

a training that is being provided

a conèixer amb intensitat.

to get to know with intensity.

Avui escoltarem aquest dissaunt

Today we will listen to this dissident.

en bícano for both of us.

in both of us.

Avui escoltarem aquest dissaunt

Today we will listen to this anthem.

en bícano for both of us.

In bícano for both of us.

Avui escoltarem aquest dissaunt

Today we will listen to this song.

en bícano for both of us.

in bícano for both of us.

Shower, another shower

Shower, another shower

You've got to look your best for heart

You've got to look your best for love.

Be clean everywhere

Be clean everywhere.

Habit, increasing habit

Habit, increasing habit

The rain is blowing on the front

The rain is blowing on the front.

And the bullets cannot catch it

And the bullets cannot catch it.

Now, this town ain't big enough

Now, this town isn't big enough.

For the both of us

For the both of us

And it ain't me who's gonna leave

And it isn't me who is going to leave.

You're spotted, no it can't be

You're spotted, no it can't be.

Welcome to the town

Welcome to the town

And happy Christmas

And Merry Christmas.

See you on the other side

See you on the other side.

All alone under the tree

Tot sol sota l'arbre.

oni seguim aquest disc

where we follow this record

Amb el seu treball Cants, Crits, Baralles.

With his work Songs, Cries, Fights.

Et ve de gust escoltar alguna cançó?

Do you feel like listening to a song?

Envia'ns un missatge a Instagram

Send us a message on Instagram.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Canvia el protagonista

Change the protagonist.

era la vida a Badalona

it was life in Badalona

qui fa la llegenda trista

who makes the sad legend

que ensenyava trucs i jocs

that taught tricks and games

aquell jove de 16 anys

that 16-year-old young man

fins que aquell esgotat

until that exhausted

a l'últim raig de la vesprada

at the last ray of the evening

Però és llavors

But it is then

quan t'ho acabes recollint

When will you finish picking it up?

i tancar la paradeta

and close the stall

i amb unes

and with some

paraules sàvies

wise words

que cada estiu li deia

that every summer I used to tell him/her

li deixava com si fos

I left it as if it were.

una ofrena passatgera

a fleeting offering

Però és llavors

But it is then

quan content i decidit

when happy and determined

sense canyes a l'esquena

without canes on the back

li confiava un tresor

I entrusted him with a treasure.

durant l'entretemps de guerra

during the war meantime

esperant poder tornar

hoping to be able to return

el següent per veure'l créixer

the next to see it grow

I així era cada any

And so it was every year.

Fins que un 1 de setembre

Until a September 1st

l'estona va anar passant

Time went by.

El sol queia amb l'espera

The sun was setting with the wait.

Aquell vespre va ser trist

That evening was sad.

Em diu amb els ulls omits

He tells me with absent eyes.

No li va poder gravir

He couldn't record it.

No li va donar les gràcies

He didn't thank her.

I així era cada any

And so it was every year.

Fins que un 1 de setembre

Until a September 1st

l'estona va anar passant

the moment went by

El sol queia amb l'espera

The sun was setting with the wait.

Aquell vespre va ser trist

That evening was sad.

Em diu amb els ulls omits

He tells me with blank eyes.

No li va poder gravir

He/She could not record it.

No li va donar les gràcies

He/She didn't thank him/her.

I així era cada any

And it was like that every year.

Fins que un 1 de setembre

Until September 1st

l'estona va anar passant

the moment passed

El sol queia amb l'espera

The sun was setting with the wait.

Aquell vespre va ser trist

That evening was sad.

Em diu amb els ulls omits

He/she tells me with empty eyes.

No li va poder gravir

He couldn't record it.

No li va donar les gràcies

He/She did not thank him/her.

Però en té un bonic record

But he/she has a beautiful memory of it.

D'aquells anys a prop del port

From those years near the port

On va aprendre a pescar

We learned to fish.

I a viure amb poques paraules

And to live with few words.

De l'error

Of the error

Quasi dels horts

Almost from the gardens

De la casa lluny de tot

From the house far from everything.

Des després de l'espigó

After the breakwater

En aquest programa

In this program

no esperis escoltar el que sona a tot arreu

don't expect to hear what sounds everywhere

Fila Indie amb Marc Clavés

Indie line with Marc Clavés

Your blades are sharpened with precision

Your blades are sharpened with precision.

Flashing your favorite point of view

Flashing your favorite point of view

I know you're waiting in the distance

I know you're waiting in the distance.

Just like you always do

Just like you always do.

Already pulling me in

Ja em va atrapar.

Already under my skin

Ja sota la meva pell.

And I know exactly how this ends

I know exactly how this ends.

I let you cut me open

I let you cut me open.

Just to watch me bleed

Just to watch me bleed

Gave up who I am

Gave up who I am.

For who you wanted me to be

For whom you wanted me to be.

Don't know why I'm hoping

No sé per què estic esperant.

For what I won't receive

For what I won't receive.

Falling for the promise of you

Cayendo por la promesa de ti

The promise of the emptiness machine

The promise of the emptiness machine

The emptiness machine

The emptiness machine

Going around like a revolver

Going around like a revolver

It's been decided how we lose

It has been decided how we lose.

Cause there's a fire under the altar

Cause there's a fire under the altar.

Under the altar

Under the altar

I keep on lying too

I keep on lying too.

Already pulling me in

Ja m'està atraient.

Already under my skin

Ja dins la meva pell

And I know exactly how this ends

I know exactly how this ends.

I let you cut me open

I let you cut me open.

Just to watch me bleed

Just to watch me bleed

Gave up who I am

Gave up who I am.

For who you wanted me to be

For who you wanted me to be.

Don't know why I'm hoping

No sé per què estic esperant.

For what I won't receive

For what I won't receive

Already under my skin

Ja sota la meva pell

Falling for the promise of you

Cau per la promesa de tu.

The emptiness machine

The emptiness machine

I only wanted to be part of something

I only wanted to be part of something.

I only wanted to be part of

I only wanted to be part of.

Part of

Part of

I only wanted to be part of

I only wanted to be part of


Alguna cosa

I only wanted to be part of

I only wanted to be part of.

Part of, Part of

Part of, Part of

I only wanted to be part of

I only wanted to be part of.

Part of, Part of

Part of, Part of

Bona nit.

Good night.

60 minuts per descobrir cançons.

60 minutes to discover songs.

Això és Fila Indi.

This is Indian File.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Descobrim cançons

Let's discover songs.

que potser et canviaran

that maybe they will change you

la vida. Fila Indy.

life. Indy line.

Descobrim cançons que potser et canviaran

Let's discover songs that might change you.

la vida. Fila Indy.

Life. Indy Row.

Descobrim cançons que potser et canviaran

Let's discover songs that might change you.

la vida. Fila Indy.

life. Indy Row.

Descobrim cançons que potser et canviaran

Let's discover songs that might change you.

la vida. Fila Indy.

life. Indy row.

Descobrim cançons que potser et canviaran

Let's discover songs that might change you.

la vida. Fila Indy.

life. Indy row.

Descobrim cançons que potser et canviaran

Discover songs that may change you.

la vida. Fila Indy.

life. Indy row.

Descobrim cançons que potser et canviaran

Discover songs that might change you.

la vida. Fila Indy.

life. Indy Row.

Descobrim cançons que potser et canviaran

Let's discover songs that might change you.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

I was a simple man, never a second thought

I was a simple man, never a second thought.

I got the squeeze so tight, just like the gloves I bought

I got the squeeze so tight, just like the gloves I bought.

And so we drove all night, I never knew the way

I així vam conduir tota la nit, mai no vaig saber el camí.

Looks like this joyride's turned into a police chase

Looks like this joyride's turned into a police chase.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

Keep moving, keep going

Keep moving, keep going

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

You killed it, you know it

You killed it, you know it.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

Your colors will show

Your colors will show.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

Yeah, you're going to roll

Yeah, you're going to roll.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

You know it, you know it

You know it, you know it.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

Your colors will show

Your colors will show.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

You're rolling, you're rolling

You're rolling, you're rolling.

You know it, you know it

You know it, you know it.

Your colors are showing

Your colors are showing.

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

You're rolling, you're rolling

You’re rolling, you’re rolling.

You know it, you know it

You know it, you know it.

And it shows

And it shows.

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

Yeah, you're going to roll

Yeah, you're going to roll.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

You know it, you know it

You know it, you know it.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

Your colors are showing

Your colors are showing.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

Ooh, stay golden!

Ooh, sigue brillante!

Yeah, you're rolling, you're rolling

Yeah, you're rolling, you're rolling

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

You know it, you know it

You know it, you know it.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!

Your colors are showing

Your colors are showing.

Stay golden!

Stay golden!



Ahh, ahh, ahh

Ahh, ahh, ahh

T'agrada aquesta cançó, oi?

You like this song, right?

Bona nit.

Good night.

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