
Elna Prat i Roc Morella

No, però m'agradaria veure-les


No, però m'agradaria veure-les

Que l'estima, però adiós, me despido de ti, me voy.

That I love you, but goodbye, I bid you farewell, I'm leaving.

Hola, o bueno, adeu.

Hello, or well, goodbye.

Ja està, s'ha agotat el capítol.

That's it, the chapter is over.

Ja està, adeu, sínton, no.

That's it, goodbye, symptom, no.

Bé, hola, benvinguts a un capítol més.

Well, hello, welcome to another episode.

L'últim capítol de la temporada, l'últim capítol del curs

The last episode of the season, the last episode of the course.

i l'últim capítol de l'Elna.

And the last chapter of Elna.

Tristament, l'Helena Merenda...

Sadly, Helena Merenda...

Això jo vaig dir l'últim capítol?

Did I say this in the last chapter?

Sí, vam despedir-nos explicant això.

Yes, we said goodbye explaining this.

Vaig dir l'Helena Merenda, a més a més, crec.

I said Helena Merenda, moreover, I believe.

Ostres, això... decisions artístiques.

Wow, that... artistic decisions.

Bueno, servidora, no pot més.

Well, I can't take it anymore.

Té masses coses.

He has too many things.

No, no pot més amb la vida, no amb el podcast.

No, he can't take it anymore with life, not with the podcast.



No arribo.

I'm not arriving.

Doncs amb molta pena, deixaré de parlar per aquí.

Well, with great sadness, I will stop talking here.

Potser darrere del micro encara faig alguna gestió de tant en tant.

Maybe behind the mic I still handle something from time to time.

Però ara, sobretot, serà podcast del senyor Roc Morella.

But now, above all, it will be the podcast of Mr. Roc Morella.

Sí, eh? Quant pesa a les meves esquenes.

Yes, huh? How much it weighs on my shoulders.

Bé, no, el format del que passarà, com seguirà, ara per ara és misteri.

Well, no, the format of what will happen, how it will continue, for now is a mystery.

Tenim tot un estiu per investigar-ho.

We have the whole summer to investigate it.

De fet, ja estem com mig investigant.

In fact, we are already kind of investigating.

Però el que sí segur és que jo hi seré.

But what is certain is that I will be there.

Per tant...


Una nova etapa.

A new stage.

Sí, a veure què onda.

Yes, let's see what's up.

Però, bueno...

But, well...

I hem volgut, doncs, lligar una miqueta això amb el que parlarem avui.

We wanted to connect this a little bit with what we will talk about today.

Per tant, bueno, ens hem avançat una miqueta en el que teníem planejat en el guió.

So, well, we have jumped ahead a bit in what we had planned in the script.

Hem començat ja dient adéu, no va ser un rèvil, però bueno, no passa res.

We already started by saying goodbye, it wasn't a dream, but well, it's okay.

Bueno, ja ho hem dit.

Well, we've already said it.



Així que, bueno, ara us expliquem.

So, well, now we will explain to you.

Bé, el que hem estat pensant, no?, per fer com aquest tancament, una miqueta d'aquesta etapa,

Well, what we've been thinking, right?, to do this closing, a little bit of this stage,

en relació, doncs, a aquesta tràgica despedida,

in relation, then, to this tragic farewell,

que hem de fer...

what we have to do...

Ens trenca el cor.

It breaks our heart.



És com un break-up, una mica, per nosaltres.

It's like a break-up, a little, for us.

Sí, és un projecte...

Yes, it is a project...

El dia que ho vam parlar va ser com, uau, és com si estiguéssim tallant-ho, com si fóssim

The day we talked about it was like, wow, it's like we were cutting it, like we were

nòvios i ens estiguéssim deixant.

boyfriends and we would be breaking up.



En plan...

In a way...

Va ser molt dur.

It was very hard.

Es podria dir que és la nostra segona ruptura.

It could be said that this is our second breakup.







No sabem.

We don't know.



No, però seguirem sent amics, tot i que només ens veiem per gravar el podcast.

No, but we will remain friends, even if we only see each other to record the podcast.

És com els youtubers, que quan ho deixen...

It's like the YouTubers, that when they quit...

En un vídeo, en plan...

In a video, like...



Lo dejamos.

We leave it.

Som la Teri, el Jaime Altozano, dels nostres deu seguidors.

We are Teri, Jaime Altozano, of our ten followers.

La Rowen Larret i el...

Rowen Larret and the...

I el Jota Pelirrojo.

And Jota the Redhead.

Que estava...

What was...

S'anava a casar, eh?

He was going to get married, right?

Bueno, que li va demanar matrimoni a Disney.

Well, he proposed to her at Disney.

A Disneyland.

A Disneyland.

Bof, mentre sonava Frozen.

Ugh, while Frozen was playing.

Me estás vacilando, me estás vacilando.

You’re mocking me, you’re mocking me.

Va dir això, ella?

Did she say that?



És veritat.

It's true.



I cada cop que anava a Disney amb els seus amics, després, es ficaven tots a demanar-li

And every time he went to Disney with his friends, afterwards, they all started asking him.

en plan la mà, i ella...

like the hand, and she...

Me estás vacilando, me estás vacilando.

You're messing with me, you're messing with me.

Sort que ho han deixat.

Lucky they've left it.



Soy Rowen Larret.

I am Rowen Larret.

¿Rowen Larret de qué?

Rowen Larret of what?

De Rowen Larret de Rowen Internet.

From Rowen Larret of Rowen Internet.

En fi, hem volgut relacionar-ho amb finals.

Anyway, we wanted to relate it to endings.





Tinc aquest tancament no és permanent.

I have this closure, it is not permanent.

Com sèries i pel·lícules han aconseguit finalitzar o posar un punt final a una trajectòria

How series and movies have managed to conclude or bring an end to a career.

llarga en cas de les sèries o, doncs, que sigui coherent en pel·lícules.

long in the case of series or, therefore, that it is coherent in movies.

Perquè és molt interessant perquè a vegades...

Because it is very interesting because sometimes...

Jo crec que el final és de les coses que més es canvien quan es fan adaptacions de llibres.

I believe that the ending is one of the things that changes the most when adapting books.

Moltes vegades es carreguen molt.

They often get loaded a lot.

Al final del llibre.

At the end of the book.

I fan el final que els interessa a la pel·li.

They make the ending that interests them in the movie.

Perquè són mitjans molt diferents i l'audiència...

Because they are very different mediums and the audience...

Si els lectors i l'audiència del cinema esperen coses diferents...

If readers and the audience of the cinema expect different things...

Hi ha molts llibres que deixen com finals oberts i les pel·lis llavors no ho fan.

There are many books that leave open endings, and movies do not do that.

I hi ha molts llibres que deixen mal, que acaben fatal i la pel·li ho acaben bé.

And there are many books that end badly, that finish tragically, and the movie ends well.

Ho arregla.

Fix it.

Com a divergente, que em vaig ofendre moltíssim.

As a divergent, I was very offended.

Sí, em sembla supertrist.

Yes, it seems super sad to me.

Però, bueno...

But, well...

Per exemple, la pel·li de...

For example, the movie of...

Les Bruxes, de Roald Dahl.

The Witches, by Roald Dahl.



Saps quina és?

Do you know which one it is?

Que ara estan canviant...

That they are changing now...

No la moderna que van fer.

Not the modern one they made.

La moderna que van fer és una bessura, amb l'en Hathaway.

The modern one they made is a mess, with Anne Hathaway.

La pel·li no l'he vist.

I haven't seen the movie.

Bueno, hi ha una...

Well, there is a...

Jo he dit el llibre.

I have said the book.

Hi ha una antiga antiga on, bueno, bàsicament són uns nens que van a un hotel

There is an old story where, well, it's basically about some kids who go to a hotel.

i de cop han estat ople de la convenció de les bruixes, no sé què,

And suddenly they have been talking about the convention of witches, I don't know what,

i els converteixen en ratolins.

and they turn them into mice.



En el llibre es queden sent ratolins de per vida.

In the book, they remain as mice for life.

A la pel·li apareix una de les bruixes que està molt arrepentida

In the movie, one of the witches appears who is very regretful.

i els converteix un altre cop en humans.

and turns them back into humans.

Clar, és com que han de fer el final feliç.

Of course, it's just that they have to make a happy ending.

Clar, com perquè sigui apta per nens,

Of course, just because it is suitable for children,

tot i que és una pel·li terrorífica, en plan fa molt fàstic.

Although it's a terrifying movie, in a way it’s very disgusting.

I la de l'en Hathaway és una merda.

And Anne Hathaway's is shit.

La nova que van fer...

The news they made...



Em surten molts TikToks.

I get a lot of TikToks.

És una bessura.

It is a mess.

És com que a la gent li agrada.

It’s because people like it.

No, però és que l'en Hathaway,

No, but it's just that Anne Hathaway,

quan fa com el reveal de treure's la perruca i tal i ser la bruixa,

when it’s like the reveal of taking off the wig and such and being the witch,

segueix sent l'en Hathaway.

He continues to be Anne Hathaway.

L'altra tia, l'Angélica Houston, a la pel·li interior,

The other aunt, Angelica Houston, in the inner movie,

o sigui l'antiga de no sé quin any,

that is the old one from I don't know which year,

quan estaria la màscara era un bitxo, fastigos.

When the mask would be a bug, disgusting.

En fan pròtesis que feien fàstic.

They make prosthetics that were disgusting.

Hòstia, però és que guai, molt millor això que l'en Hathaway, però calva.

Wow, but this is so cool, much better than Anne Hathaway, but bald.

Calva i amb una mica el somriure una mica més gran, saps?

Bald and with a slightly bigger smile, you know?

És el Joker, de sobte.

It's the Joker, suddenly.

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

En fi, doncs comencem a parlar una mica de pel·lis, sèries

Well then, let's start talking a bit about movies, series.

i finals diversos que hem considerat destacables.

and several finals that we have considered notable.

Vale, aquí n'apareixen diverses coses, no?

Okay, several things appear here, right?

Hi ha els que al final és com un plot twist tremendo.

There are those who, in the end, it's like a tremendous plot twist.

Hi ha pel·lis que es coneixen pel final.

There are movies that are known for their ending.



Vull dir...

I mean...



Titànic és una pel·li...

Titanic is a movie...

No sap què passa a la pel·li.

He doesn't know what happens in the movie.

Saps què? No l'he vist mai i no sé què passa.

You know what? I’ve never seen him/her and I don’t know what’s going on.

Però tothom sap com acaba.

But everyone knows how it ends.

Saps que hi ha un iceberg, el Titànic xoca contra l'iceberg i es mor.

You know that there is an iceberg, the Titanic collides with the iceberg and dies.

Però això no és només a la pel·li, és la història del Titànic.

But this is not just in the movie, it is the story of the Titanic.

Bueno, però tampoc es deia Titànic, el vaixell.

Well, it wasn't called Titanic either, the ship.

Ah, no?

Oh, no?

Crec que no.

I don't think so.

Jo crec que sí, carinyo.

I think so, darling.




Look for it.

A mort.

To death.

Busquem-ho. Busca-ho.

Let's look for it. Search for it.

Però clar que es deia Titànic, és R-S o alguna cosa així.

But of course it was called Titanic, it's R-S or something like that.





Estic segur que no es deia Titànic.

I'm sure it wasn't called Titanic.

Clar que sí.

Of course.

R-M-E-S, Titànic.

R-M-E-S, Titanic.

Bueno, no es deia Titànic.

Well, it wasn't called Titanic.

Royal Mail, Steamship, Titànic.

Royal Mail, Steamship, Titanic.


Here you go.

Però perquè Royal Mail, Steamship és com l'empresa...

But why Royal Mail, Steamship is like the company...

Qui tenia raó?

Who was right?

Per això marxa, eh?

That's why he's leaving, right?

No em suporta.

He/She doesn't support me.

Bueno, doncs, Titànic és una pel·li que...

Well, then, Titanic is a movie that...

A veure, dolenta tampoc, però és com la típica, no?

Let's see, not bad either, but it's kind of the typical one, right?

Romantincona, tal.

Romanticism, such.



Vale, no és una gran pel·li, però tothom coneix el final.

Okay, it's not a great movie, but everyone knows the ending.

Tothom té el meme de...

Everyone has the meme of...

Ua, que és carinyo.

Wow, how cute.

Que no hagués capigut a la porta.

That it hadn't fallen at the door.



Que no hagués capigut.

That it wouldn't have happened.

A la pel·li s'intenta pujar i es comencen a enfonsar,

In the movie, they try to climb up and start to sink.

i llavors diu, vale, no, no, em sacrifico.

And then he says, okay, no, no, I sacrifice myself.

I és com que la gent no ho ha escoltat quan el tio diu això.

And it’s as if people haven’t heard it when the guy says this.

Bueno, jo és que no l'he vista.

Well, I just haven't seen her.

Però estic convençut, veient fotos, que allà hi cabia, allà sobre.

But I am convinced, seeing photos, that it fit there, right on top.

No, però físicament hi cabia, però s'enfonsaven els dos perquè pesaven massa.

No, but physically they fit, but both sank because they weighed too much.

I a més ho diu, eh?

And it also says it, huh?

En plan, no puc pujar, ens enfonsarem, tal.

I mean, I can't climb, we'll sink, like that.



En plan, literalment, el dilema...

In a way, literally, the dilemma...

És com el de Friends, de...

It's like the one from Friends, from...

Ai, com es pagaven el pis.

Oh, how they used to pay for the apartment.


It is...

Literalment, hi ha diverses vegades que estan dient

Literally, there are several times that they are saying.

que el pis és de l'àvia i que per això és tan barat,

that the apartment belongs to the grandmother and that's why it is so cheap,

i que si no, no se'l podrien pagar.

and if not, they wouldn't be able to pay him.

I merda és així, que és com...

And shit is like this, that is how...

Les mistificacions de la gent dient, oh, no té sentit.

The mystifications of people saying, oh, it doesn't make sense.

La Carrie Bradshaw a Sex and the City,

Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City,

com es pagava les no sé quès.

how were the no sé quès paid.

I realment ho expliquen, en plan, que està en deuda, que flipes.

And they really explain it, like, that he is in debt, can you believe it.

En plan, no és un misteri.

Like, it's not a mystery.

A la sèrie ho justifiquen.

In the series, they justify it.

I la gent no ho escolta perquè així pot seguir fent els seus memes.

And people don't listen to it because this way they can keep making their memes.

De, això no té sentit.

Well, that doesn't make sense.

I sí que té sentit.

And it does make sense.

Normalment, quasi tot té una explicació.

Usually, almost everything has an explanation.



Ho porto molt bé.

I'm doing very well.

Sí, no, no, t'has sortit d'un supermonòleg.

Yes, no, no, you’ve come out of a super monologue.

No me l'esperava.

I didn't expect it.



Bueno, Titanic.

Well, Titanic.

Sí, Titanic, a part, o sigui,

Yes, Titanic, apart from that, I mean,

està basat...

it is based...

Crec que hi ha com un arrous real, crec.

I think there is like a real rice, I think.

En plan, no és una història real que passés,

Like, it's not a real story that happened,

però que tot es basa una miqueta,

but everything is based a little bit on,

realment hi ha una part de ficció.

there is indeed a part of fiction.

Crec que alguns dels personatges sí que eren persones reals del Titanic.

I believe that some of the characters were indeed real people from the Titanic.

I diria que hi ha una senyora real, vieja,

I would say that there is a real lady, old,

que era com un arrous que és una mica el mateix que fan a la pel·li,

it was like a rice that is a bit the same as what they do in the movie,

que tu estàs plecant tota una senyora vieja que t'està parlant del...

that you are pleading with an old lady who is talking to you about the...

Sí, el meme de...

Yes, the meme of...

Ah, de 86 anys.

Ah, 86 years old.

Jo no sabia que era de Titanic, això.

I didn't know it was from Titanic, that.

De fet, la pel·li triga molt a anar a ensenyar-te'ls a ells dos.

In fact, the movie takes a long time to show them to both of you.

Sí, sí, el principi és el submarino.

Yes, yes, the beginning is the submarine.

Perquè a més es troben una joia a la runa del Titanic.

Because they also find a jewel in the ruins of the Titanic.

Heart of the Ocean, es deia, no?

Heart of the Ocean, it was called, right?

I busquen a la senyora que era la propietària

They are looking for the lady who was the owner.

i explica la història sense dir-te que ella és la Rose,

and tell the story without saying that she is Rose,

però és com... clarament...

but it's like... clearly...

Al final, el real de Titanic no és el del Jack.

In the end, the real one from Titanic is not Jack's.

No sé com acaba.

I don't know how it ends.

Sí, a més, hi ha com 20 minuts més de pel·li.

Yes, in addition, there are about 20 more minutes of the movie.

Sí, que és la senyora de vieja acabant d'explicar la història,

Yes, it's the old lady just finishing telling the story.

la Rose arribant al port i la rescaten

the Rose arriving at the port and they rescue her

i l'abriguen amb una manta i ella és com que troba a faltar el Jack.

And they wrap her in a blanket and she misses Jack.

I llavors ella tira la joia al mar.

And then she throws the jewel into the sea.

Quan ja l'han trobat els submarinos, la torna a tirar

When they have already found it, the submarines throw it back.

perquè no vol que la trobin, no sé què, en plan...

because she doesn't want them to find her, I don't know what, like...

Ah, no, no l'han trobat els submarinos, l'estan buscant.

Ah, no, the submarines haven't found him, they are searching for him.

I ella els ha d'ajudar a trobar-la,

He and she have to help them find it.

però ella la té tot el rato i no els hi viu.

but she has it all the time and doesn't live them.

És que cabrona, la vieja.

It's that bitch, the old woman.

És una capulla.

She's a silly girl.

Bueno, però mira, tot sigui per l'Elonora DiCaprio.

Well, but look, all for the sake of Elonora DiCaprio.



Ai, que guapo que era en aquella pel·li.

Oh, how handsome he was in that movie.

Mira que ara em cau tan malament, viejo verd de fastigoset.

Look, now I feel so bad, old green of disgust.

Però mira que era guapo.

But look how handsome he was.

Però bueno, aquí hi ha una puntada que no sé...

But well, here there is a point that I don’t know...

O sigui, Club de la Lutxa, d'acord?

So, Wrestling Club, okay?



Però sento que no l'ha vist prou de gent com per fer espòilers.

But I feel that he hasn't been seen by enough people to make spoilers.

O què?

Or what?

Hòstia, no.

Damn, no.

O si estan escoltant això ja l'haurien d'haver vista.

Or if they are listening to this, they should have already seen it.

Jo crec que les que hem apuntat de pel·lis...

I think that those we mentioned about movies...

Són molt universals.

They are very universal.

...ens podem permetre fer tots els espòilers que vulguem.

...we can afford to do all the spoilers we want.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bé, doncs Club de la Lutxa,

Well, then Club de la Wrestling,

al final, què té d'especial?

In the end, what is so special about it?

Perquè ara mateix no me'n recordo.

Because right now I don't remember.

El Club de la Lutxa acaba apareixent

The Wrestling Club has just appeared.

com una espècie de grup de militants anarquistes

like a kind of group of anarchist militants

que es volen carregar el sistema.

that they want to undermine the system.

És com el que hi ha el Jared Leto

It's like what there is with Jared Leto.

i tot el grup de gent que va mobilitzant en Tyler.

And all the group of people that Tyler is mobilizing.



Que de fet en Tyler...

That in fact Tyler...

Bueno, ok, l'espoiler.

Well, okay, the spoiler.

Jo crec que el podem fer.

I believe that we can do it.



Jo crec que és mític.

I think it's legendary.

Hi ha els dos protagonistes de la pel·li.

There are the two protagonists of the movie.

El narrador.

The narrator.

El narrador, que no té nom, de fet.

The narrator, who has no name, in fact.

The narrator.

The narrator.

The narrator, que és com el prota,

The narrator, who is like the protagonist,

i el Tyler, que és el Brad Pitt.

And Tyler, who is Brad Pitt.



Allà, amb els pinxos al cabell.

There, with the spikes in her hair.

Està superguapo, també.

It's super cool, too.

El petit final és que el narrador, de cop,

The little ending is that the narrator, suddenly,

comença a preguntar coses i s'adona de què.

he starts to ask questions and realizes that.

Ell ha fet coses que ell no se'n recorda

He has done things that he does not remember.

i resulta que el personatge d'en Tyler no existeix

And it turns out that Tyler's character does not exist.

i és ell mateix, que ha estat com dissociant de si mateix

and it is he himself, who has been somewhat dissociated from himself

i ha creat un alter ego

and has created an alter ego

que ell veia com personificat com una altra persona,

that he saw as personified as another person,

però que les coses que veia les estava fent ell mateix.

but that the things he saw he was doing himself.

A més, realment, quan te la tornes a mirar

Moreover, really, when you look at it again

t'adones que hi ha moltes pistes durant tota la pel·li

Do you realize that there are many clues throughout the whole movie?

que no veus.

that you don't see.

Al principi, que té com insomni,

At first, it is like insomnia,

que el tio no pot dormir, no sé què.

that the guy can't sleep, I don't know what.

És com que...

It's like that...

Perpalleja i es veu el Tyler en un moment.

Perpalleja and you can see Tyler for a moment.


Holy shit.

I quan fa la trucada dient-lo que el volia cremar al pis,

And when he made the call saying that he wanted to burn him in the apartment,

clar, se l'ha cremat ell mateix.

of course, he burned himself.

Se l'ha cremat ell mateix,

He has burned himself.

perquè al principi s'acaba descobrint que al Tyler l'he cremat,

because in the end it turns out that I burned Tyler,

però al final dius, hòstia, se l'ha cremat ell mateix.

but in the end you say, damn, he burnt himself.

El telèfon que fa diu

The phone that rings says.

aquest telèfon no accepta incoming calls

this phone does not accept incoming calls

i ell agafa una trucada.

And he takes a call.

O sigui, que és un telèfon que no està funcionant, realment.

That is to say, it's a phone that isn't working, really.

Hi ha un cartellet que diu

There is a little sign that says

aquest telèfon no funciona o alguna cosa així.

this phone doesn't work or something like that.

Està... pobra tontat.

She is... poor silly.

I el Tyler no es reflexa en els miralls.

And Tyler does not reflect in the mirrors.

Bueno, i el Tyler ha tingut una aventura

Well, and Tyler has had an adventure.

amb una, la Marla Singer,

with one, Marla Singer,

que és un personatge mític, tal.

that is a mythical character, like that.

La Elena Gotham, sí.

Elena Gotham, yes.

Gotham? L'Elena Gotham?

Gotham? Elena Gotham?

És en Batman, la sota.

It's Batman, the jack.

Però en plan...

But in a way...

I al final descobreix que l'ha tingut ell, l'aventura.

And in the end, he discovers that he has had the adventure.

Ell s'ho mirava des de fora, en plan,

He was looking at it from the outside, like,

jo, quina enveja que em fan aquests dos,

I, how envious these two make me.

però se l'ha estat tirant ell.

but he has been pulling it himself.

Li diu a algú, en plan, què fas aquí?

He tells someone, like, what are you doing here?

I la tia, com, ets un fill de puta.

And the aunt, like, you’re a son of a bitch.

Perquè en veritat acaben de follar,

Because they just had sex,

però ell es pensa que s'ha follat a l'altre.

but he thinks he has fucked the other one.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, és igual.

Well, it doesn't matter.

L'important és que al final peten tot, no?

The important thing is that in the end they all burst, right?

El rotllo d'aquest grup com anarquista, terrorista,

The vibe of this group as anarchist, terrorist,

no sé exactament quina anàlisi dels que tenien,

I don't know exactly what analysis they had.

fan petar com un munt de gratacels,

they explode like a pile of skyscrapers,

i ja està ell amb la Marla Singer,

And there he is with Marla Singer,

just després d'haver com acceptat

just after having accepted

que ha sigut ella el cabecilla de tot això,

that she has been the mastermind behind all this,

i estan mirant com per la finestra explota tot i diu

"and they are watching as everything explodes outside the window and says"

it will be, everything will be ok, o no sé què.

it will be, everything will be ok, or I don’t know what.

I comença a sonar...

And it starts to ring...

És molt bonica.

She is very beautiful.

I comença a sonar pixis.

And it begins to sound like a bell.

When you're in a, where is my mind?

When you're in a, where is my mind?



Bueno, és un final èpic.

Well, it's an epic ending.

Però això és un final molt mític,

But this is a very mythical ending,

perquè en els últims 20 minuts de pel·li...

because in the last 20 minutes of the movie...

T'ha anat tota la pell de merda.

You've gotten all your skin covered in shit.

Sí, completament.

Yes, completely.

Bueno, hòstia, hi ha una batalla entre ells dos.

Well, damn, there’s a battle between the two of them.

S'ha estat pagant sol, ell mateix.

He has been paying for it himself.

El Club de la Lutxa va començar

The Wrestling Club started

perquè era un tio que es pagava sol en un pàrquing,

because he was a guy who paid for himself in a parking lot,

i la gent anava a mirar-lo i començaven a pagar-se entre ells.

And people went to watch him and started to pay each other.

Però no eren ells dos barallant-se per deixar anar els tres,

But it wasn't the two of them fighting to let go of the three,

era ell pagant-se a si mateix.

it was him paying himself.



Però clar, jo sento que al Club de la Lutxa

But of course, I feel that at the Wrestling Club

la part així com més tal no és el final,

the part like this more such is not the end,

és el plot twist.

it's the plot twist.



Crec que no és tan memorable el final com a tal.

I don't think the ending is as memorable in itself.

Bueno, el farín final dels edificis que hi ha...

Well, the final flour of the buildings that are there...

És preciós, però quan penses en la pel·li...

It's beautiful, but when you think about the movie...

En Titanic penses en el final.

In Titanic, you think about the ending.

Bueno, final no, en l'escena aquesta de la porta.

Well, not the end, in that scene of the door.

Clar, és que cap d'aquests és ben bé el final final,

Of course, none of these is really the final end.

perquè és com que et deixen anar la bomba

because it's like they let the bomb go

i passen 20 minuts més.

And 20 more minutes go by.

És la resolució del conflicte, quan tot peta.

It's the resolution of the conflict when everything blows up.

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

És el final de la història.

It is the end of the story.



No és el final de la pel·li,

It's not the end of the movie,

perquè és com que t'han de donar el destó dels edificis,

because it's like they have to give you the design of the buildings,

t'han de tancar una miqueta el que ha anat passant.

They need to close off a bit what has been happening.

Però quan hi ha un mega plot twist de la hòstia

But when there’s a massive plot twist that blows your mind.

i queden 20 minuts,

there are 20 minutes left,



Podem considerar...

We can consider...

Podem considerar que allò és com el final de la pel·li, no?

We can consider that it’s like the end of the movie, right?



Uà, Black Swan.

Wow, Black Swan.

Aquesta sí que és final final final

This really is the final final final.

a l'últim minut de la pel·li

in the last minute of the movie

i és el final que tothom recorda,

and it is the ending that everyone remembers,

perquè passa allò i es tanca.

because that happens and it closes.



Sí, fa l'espoiler.

Yes, it gives the spoiler.

És que hem de fer espòilers de totes,

It's just that we have to spoil everything.

perquè si no no té sentit aquest capítol.

because if not, this chapter doesn't make sense.

A veure, una mica resum,

Let's see, a little summary,

Black Swan és la història d'una...

Black Swan is the story of a...

Una mica també Club de la Lutxa té gairebé...

A bit also Club de la Lutxa has almost...

Sí, la Natalie Portman...

Yes, Natalie Portman...

Obsessionada amb aconseguir el paper de la...

Obsessed with getting the role of the...

No sé com es diu, la princesa...

I don't know what the princess is called...

En allà dels signes, el protagonista.

Beyond the signs, the protagonist.

El Black Swan.

The Black Swan.

Bueno, però fa els dos papers.

Well, but it plays both roles.

O sigui, clar...

I mean, of course...

La bona i la dolenta.

The good and the bad.

Clar, és la reina, no?

Of course, she is the queen, isn't she?

Crec que és la princesa,

I think it is the princess,

que després hi ha una clon,

that later there is a clone,

que és el Black Swan.

what is the Black Swan.

Sí, si has de poder fer el white...

Yes, if you have to be able to do the white...

O sigui, el signe blanc i el signe negre a la vegada.

That is, the white sign and the black sign at the same time.

La mateixa ballarina ha de fer els dos papers.

The same dancer has to play both roles.

I ella és perfecta per fer el signe blanc,

She is perfect for making the white sign,

perquè és com molt princeseta,

because it's very princess-like,

va tota de rosa, porta perles,

she's all in pink, wearing pearls,

és molt senyoreta, molt mona,

she is very ladylike, very cute,

però per fer el signe negre és com que no té prou...

but to make the black sign it’s like it doesn’t have enough...

I constantment li diuen,

They constantly tell him/her,

i té com un piqui,

and it has like a little sting,

el director...

the director...

El director també...

The director also...

Sí, és com que la toca.

Yes, it's as if she touches it.

I llavors arriba una ballarina nova,

And then a new dancer arrives,

que sí que té com el roguete aquest de malota,

that it does have like this little redhead troublemaker,

i sí que pot fer el signe negre,

and it can indeed make the black sign,

i se sent com superintimidada per ella.

and feels super intimidated by her.

És com ella barallant-se amb quatre persones.

It's like her fighting with four people.

Sa mare, que ha estat una mica tocada,

Her mother, who has been a bit affected,

el director,

the director,

la Winona Ryder,

Winona Ryder,

que és com una vieja glòria del ballet,

which is like an old glory of ballet,

i la Mila Kunis,

and Mila Kunis,

que és la nova com amenaça.

what is the new threat.

Clar, la Winona Ryder,

Of course, Winona Ryder.

també el director l'havia estat abusant i tal,

the director had also been abusing him and such,

i és com que es va descobrint això,

and it's like this that it is being discovered,

tota la història del director capullo.

the whole story of the jerk director.

Però de totes les voltant d'ella,

But all around her,





Torna-se boja i obsessionada,

She becomes crazy and obsessed,

en plan començant a al·lucinar coses,

to the point of starting to hallucinate things,

no saps què ha fet i què no.

you don't know what he has done and what he hasn't.

Sí, i li van com sortint plumes,

Yes, and it looks like feathers are coming out.

perquè és com que, clar,

because it's as if, of course,

s'està com mig transformada en el signe...

it's as if it is half transformed into the sign...

De cop es veu que surt de l'hospital

Suddenly, it is seen that he/she is leaving the hospital.

de veure la Winona Ryder

of seeing Winona Ryder

i té les mans tacades de sang,

and his hands are stained with blood,

però de cop es mira

but suddenly she looks at herself

i ja no les té de cas de sang.

and he no longer has blood cases.

És com, l'ha matat?

Is it like, has he killed her?

És que és molt bèstia, eh?

It's just that it's very wild, isn't it?

M'ho he posat tan incòmode, aquesta pel·li.

I found this movie so uncomfortable.

No sabia que era terror.

I didn't know it was terror.

Pensava que era com més drama,

I thought it was more dramatic,

així com mig psicològic,

thus as a psychological half,

i realment té...

and really has...

Quan s'estira la pell del dit

When the skin of the finger is stretched.

que li molesta

that bothers him/her

i comença a tirar avall, avall, avall,

and starts to go down, down, down,

i es va fent fins tot el braç,

and it spreads all the way up the arm,

que es va estirant la pell així,

that is stretching the skin like this,

per tot el braç,

for the whole arm,

em va fotre un...

he hit me a...


You know?

Un malestar.

A discomfort.

Vaig notar la sensació de dir...

I felt the sensation of saying...

No puc.

I can't.

Vale, total.

Okay, total.

Al final,

In the end,

ella mata a la Mila Kunis, vale?

She kills Mila Kunis, okay?





final entre cometes.

final in quotes.

Comença amb això,

Start with this,



És el dia de la funció,

It's the day of the performance,

ja està passant la funció.

the show is already taking place.

Ella arriba tard o no sé què

She arrives late or I don't know what.

per culpa del director,

because of the director,

o si no era,

or if it wasn't,

ni culpa seva,

nor is it their fault,

ha arribat tard per no sé què.

He has arrived late for I don't know what.

I la Mila Kunis li diu,

And Mila Kunis says to her,

bueno, has arribat tard,

well, you've arrived late,

ara et substituiré jo,

now I will replace you,

no sé què,

I don't know what,

tipus allà com...

like there as...

Que dolenta que sóc.

How bad I am.

I s'enfada i la mata.

He gets angry and kills her.

O sigui,

That is,

la peta contra un mirall

the crash against a mirror

amb el tros del mirall

with the piece of the mirror

i la mata,

and the bush,

i no sé què,

and I don't know what,

i l'amaga a la dutxa del vestuari

and hides it in the shower of the dressing room

i se'n va a actuar.

And he/she is going to perform.

I està allà maquillant-se,

And she's there putting on makeup,

plorant perquè acaba de matar algú

crying because he just killed someone

i no sé què.

and I don't know what.

Bueno, d'aquí surt el moment

Well, this is where the moment comes from.

aquell de Hor,

that of Hor,

d'ella borrant un mirall...

of her erasing a mirror...

No, això és molt abans.

No, this is much earlier.

Però sí, sí.

But yes, yes.

Però en aquesta pel·li

But in this movie

és que...

it's that...

Perquè les ballarines la odien.

Because the ballerinas hate her.



Perquè és que normal,

Because it is normal,

va amb una mosquita muerta així,

she acts like a little innocent girl like that,

no sé què,

I don't know what,

i que té el rotllo aquest

And what's the deal with this?

de nena de la pia.

of the girl of the pia.



I el que fa l'actuació final...

And what the final performance does...

No, fa la primera part,

No, do the first part.

que és la del signe blanc.

What is the one with the white sign?



I llavors,

And then,

quan torna a canviar-se

when will she change again

per ser el signe negre,

to be the black sign,

ja no hi ha el cos de la nena.

The girl's body is no longer there.

És veritat.

It's true.

No ha matat ningú.

He hasn't killed anyone.

El mirall no està trencat.

The mirror is not broken.

I diu,

And he/she says,

what the fuck?

What the fuck?

En plan...

In a way...

Estic tornant l'Ela total.

I am returning the total Ela.



Vull dir, bueno...

I mean, well...

Això no ha existit mai,

This has never existed.

aquesta tia.

this aunt.

No sé què acaba de passar.

I don't know what just happened.

I llavors la tia

And then the aunt

li truca a la porta

he/she knocks on the door

i està viva, a més, o alguna cosa.

and it is alive, moreover, or something.



En plan...

In a way...

Però ella acaba l'obra.

But she finishes the work.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Quan surt a fer de Black Swan,

When she goes out to do Black Swan,

acaba l'obra,

the work ends,

que al final...

that in the end...

Es transforma,

It transforms,

se li surten les ales,

his/her wings come out,

que això no ho veu ningú,

that no one sees this,

és ella sola en la seva cabeça.

she is alone in her head.

Però al final,

But in the end,

com tota la pel·li,

like the whole movie,

parlen que ella s'ha de deixar

They say that she has to let go.

com caure enrere

like falling backward

perquè la maten, no?

because they kill her, right?

El personatge del Black Swan.

The character of the Black Swan.

Sí, és que crec que es suïcida,

Yes, I think he is suicidal.

és com que es tira d'un precipici o alguna cosa.

It's like throwing oneself off a cliff or something.

Enrere cau i diu

"Behind it falls and says"

I did it perfectly.

I did it perfectly.

Ho he fet perfecte.

I have done it perfectly.

Diu alguna cosa així.

It says something like that.

Però s'ha apunyalat.

But he has been stabbed.

I s'ha apunyalat.

He has been stabbed.

Mentre va ballant,

While she is dancing,

se li va veient

she was being seen

com va creixent

how is it growing

com l'ataca de sang.

like a blood attack.

I llavors es tira

And then he/she throws himself/herself.

i tothom va felicitar-la

and everyone congratulated her

i de cop tothom diu

and suddenly everyone says

i és el primer cop

and it's the first time

que veuen

that they see

les coses gores.

the gory things.



durant la pel·li,

during the movie,

la gent no ha vist

people have not seen

lo de les plumes o la sang.

the feathers or the blood.

És com que era tot en el seu cap.

It's like it was all in his head.

I quan no és en el seu cap

And when it's not in his/her head.

és quan s'ha clavat a ella,

it's when it has stabbed her,

a algú.

to someone.

Crec que era també el mirall.

I think it was also the mirror.

Sí, crec que és un tros de mirall.

Yes, I think it's a piece of mirror.

Una mica com si

A bit like if

en comptes de l'assignat

instead of the assigned

que ha comès

what has been committed

s'ha matat ella mateixa.

She has killed herself.

Et deixa moltes preguntes obertes.

It leaves you with many unanswered questions.

Igual que al Club de la Lutxa

Just like at the Wrestling Club.

crec que un cop veus

I think that once you see

el que ha passat

what has happened

després pots veure la pel·li

then you can watch the movie

amb aquesta altra mirada.

with this other gaze.

Aquí no va d'així.

Here it doesn't go like this.

És com que matant-se

It's like killing oneself.

ha aconseguit per fil.

has achieved by a thread.

O sigui,

That is,

és el primer cop

it's the first time

que la veus somriure

that you see her smile

en tota la pel·li

in the whole movie

és quan es mata.

It is when one is killed.

I a més acaba amb això.

And it ends with this.

Crec que una frase

I believe that a phrase

és en plan

it's like a plan

I did perfect.

I did perfectly.

It was perfect.

It was perfect.

Estava satisfeta per fi

She was finally satisfied.

però què ha comportat

but what has it entailed

que estigués satisfeta

that she was satisfied


to kill oneself?

Arriba tard

He arrives late.

perquè la seva mare

because his/her mother

l'ha tancat a l'habitació.

He has locked her in the room.

És veritat.

It's true.

Perquè la seva mare

Because her mother

diu que ho està portant

he says he is handling it

massa lluny.

too far.

Que té raó.

That is right.

Però també la mare

But also the mother.

està loquíssima

she is crazy

perquè també era

because it was also

com una ballarina

like a dancer

que es va lesionar

that got injured

o no,

oh no,

es va quedar embarassada.

She got pregnant.

I per culpa d'haver-se quedat embarassada

And because she got pregnant.

ha hagut de renunciar

he has had to resign

a ser una mega ballarina.

to be a mega dancer.

I li ha fet un munt

And he has made a lot for him.

de ressentiment.

of resentment.

I quan li compra un pastís

And when he buys her a cake

i llavors li tira la bessura

and then he throws the trash at him

perquè no el salmengi

why don't you say it?

perquè no es fiqui gorda

so she doesn't get fat

i no sé què.

and I don't know what.

I li controla el pes,

And it controls his weight,

li controla tot,

he controls everything,


the stapling machine,

no sé què,

I don't know what,



Jo l'han deixat dit.

They have left it said.

El monadei.

The monadei.

El monmom.

The world mom.

Jo crec que de totes les pel·lis

I believe that of all the movies

que parlarem avui

What will we talk about today?

aquesta és la que té un final

this is the one that has an ending

que m'ha impactat més.

that has impacted me the most.

Perquè a mi aquesta pel·li

Why this movie for me

m'ha agradat molt.

I liked it very much.

Jo perquè soc bastant

I am because I am quite

perfeccionista llavors

perfectionist then

és com que em ressona moltíssim.

It resonates with me a lot.

El club de la lucha

The fight club

em queda com molt lluny.

It feels very far away to me.

Crec que és una cosa

I think it's something.

com molt de la masculinitat tòxica

with a lot of toxic masculinity

i tal.

and so on.

És una reflexió

It is a reflection.


super interesting

però com que no

but why not

és una reflexió superinteressant.

It's a super interesting reflection.

Jo no he viscut

I have not lived.

el mundillo aquest

this little world

perquè ho veig des de fora.

because I see it from the outside.

És una reflexió molt interessant

It's a very interesting reflection.

però que els fans de la pel·li

but the fans of the movie

passen per sobre.

They pass over.

Ja, ja, no ho entenen.

Yes, yes, they don't understand it.

És una crítica que la gent

It is a criticism that people

no entén.

does not understand.

Critica la secta.

Criticize the sect.



I la gent vol formar part

And people want to be part.

de la secta

of the sect

quan mira la pel·li.

when watching the movie.



Està tan ben feta.

It is so well done.

La gent voldria ser

People would like to be.

del club de la lucha

of the fight club

i admira el taller d'orden

I admire Orden's workshop.

ignorant que el taller d'orden

ignorant that the workshop of order

és el tio projectant

he is the projecting guy

totes les coses dolentes

all the bad things

que voldria poder fer

that I would like to be able to do

i no s'atreveix.

and he/she doesn't dare.

És una caricatura

It's a caricature.

de la màxima masculinitat tòxica.

of maximum toxic masculinity.

És un ídol.

He is an idol.

I els heteritos

And the heteritos

ho miren en pla

they look at it flat

ua, que guai.

Wow, how cool.

O sigui, m'ho he explicat.

That is to say, I have explained it to myself.

És que jo era un tio

It's just that I was a guy.



no es poden fer pel·lis

you can't make movies

de sectes ben fetes

of well-done sects

perquè si la fas bé

because if you do it right

no ho entén la penya.

The crowd doesn't understand it.

Has de fer el discurs

You have to give the speech.

d'una manera

in a way

que soni

let it sound

que no t'ho pots creure

that you can't believe it

perquè tu quan ho vegis

because when you see it

et pensis

you think

que ets més intel·ligent

that you are more intelligent

que els que s'ho creien.

that those who believed it.

Però si ho fan bé

But if they do it well

i si fan el discurs

And if they give the speech.

de veritat


que foten

what a mess

els líders de sectes

the leaders of sects

les pel·lis no funcionen.

The movies don't work.

Com ha passat

How has it happened?

amb la pel·lis

with the movie

de sectes.

of sects.

Com ha passat

How it happened

amb American Psycho.

with American Psycho.

Amb American Psycho encara.

Still with American Psycho.

Perquè és com que

Because it's as if

jo crec que la gent

I believe that people

que s'ho creu

that believes it

ho fa

it does

sent molt conscient

feeling very aware



Sí, però el concepte

Yes, but the concept

d'Alpha male

of Alpha male

i l'ombre alfa

and the alpha shadow

sempre tenen

they always have

com a referent...

as a reference...

Però assassinar

But to murder





Tu creus que

Do you think that

quan l'Andrew Tate

when Andrew Tate

fa els seus tuits

makes his/her tweets

bé, l'Andrew Tate

well, Andrew Tate



podria estar fent

could be doing

aquestes coses

these things

però els machitos

but the machitos

aquests cinéfilos

these film lovers

jo crec que és més com

I think it's more like

perquè els mola

because they like it

el reguito

the little river

de la roba

of the clothes

del tio pijo

of the posh guy

no sé

I don't know.

què, però és com que

what, but it's like that

no s'arriben a plantejar

are not even considered

de dir

to say

buah, jo també vull

Wow, I want that too!

estar puto, loco

to be a fucking lunatic

i assassinar la penya.

and assassinate the gang.

Bueno, espero.

Well, I hope so.

No, però penso

No, but I think.

que hi ha algú

that there is someone

d'aquesta llibertat

of this freedom

que els atrau.

that attracts them.

Sí, totalment.

Yes, totally.

I que no que els motiva

And what motivates them?

vull dir, en plan

I mean, like

el fet de dir

the fact of saying

hòstia, jo com a home...

Holy crap, as a man...

Però a mi

But to me

em sembla superpenosa

It seems super pathetic to me.

el personatge

the character

d'American Psycho

of American Psycho

el Patrick Bateman.

the Patrick Bateman.

És horrorós.

It's horrific.

Però és molt prengat.

But he is very uptight.

És una caricatura

It is a caricature.

que s'ha llegit malament.

that has been misread.

De la business card

Of the business card

que de cop n'hi ha un

that suddenly there is one

que treu una business card

that takes out a business card

més xula que la seva

more cool than hers

i fa una cara de...

and he/she makes a face of...

I entra al pis

And enter the apartment.

de l'altre

of the other

del Jared Leto

by Jared Leto

que està a totes les pel·lis

that is in all the movies

del Jared Leto

by Jared Leto

i diu

and says

és més gran que el meu

it is bigger than mine

no sé què.

I don't know what.

En plan, a mi em fa molt...

I mean, it makes me feel very...

Em sembla superpenós.

I think it's super embarrassing.

A mi em feia gràcia

I found it funny.



En canvi,

On the other hand,

suposo que hi ha gent

I suppose there are people.

que s'hi ha identificat.

that has been identified there.

No hi ha mira de crítica,

There is no room for criticism,

no, no.

no, no.



I mira, en relació

And look, in relation

a sentir-se identificat

to feel identified

amb personatges de pel·lis

with movie characters

de terror,

of terror,

és crim.

it's a crime.

No l'he vista.

I haven't seen her.

Todo tu y yo.

All you and I.

Vale, és crim

Okay, it's a crime.

ara mateix

right now

com 827 pel·lis.

like 827 movies.

Mentira, n'hi ha com 7.

Lie, there are as many as 7.

No, 6.

No, 6.

N'hi ha 6.

There are 6.

Hòstia, són molt poques.

Damn, there are very few.

Pensava que n'hi havia com 17.

I thought there were about 17 of them.

No, però perquè en vam fer

No, but because we did it.

com un al 96,

like a 96,

un al 98

one to 98

i després el 99

and then the 99

i després el 2000,

and then in 2000,

el 2011

the 2011

i cada cop hi ha com més temps.

And there is more and more time.

Són les de la Courtney Cox.

They belong to Courtney Cox.



Amb el serrell així raro.

With such an odd fringe.

Aquella és de la 3.

That one is from the 3rd.

És boníssima.

It's very good.

La 3 és la meva preferida.

The 3 is my favorite.

Han anat empitjorant

They have been getting worse.

amb el temps, clarament,

with time, clearly,

però sempre és el...

but it is always the...

Bueno, és com el O.G. Slasher

Well, it's like the O.G. Slasher.

en plan del hudonit.

in the plan of the hudonit.

El concepte de hudonit.

The concept of hedonism.

Qui ha sigut.

Who has it been?

Ho van inventar ells?

Did they invent it?

No, no, venia d'abans

No, no, I was coming from before.

perquè hi havia en plan

because there was a plan

rotllo totes les històries,

roll all the stories,

els conceptes aquests

these concepts

com rotllo

as a joke

cena de misteri

mystery dinner

o en plan

or in plan

algú ha matat la gent

someone has killed the people

això ja existia.

this already existed.

Però ells van ser

But they were.

com els primers

like the first ones

que tenien...

that they had...

Té un punt molt meta,

It has a very meta point,



Scream constantment

Scream constantly.

està parlant de les normes

he is talking about the rules

de coses que no feia

of things I didn't do

pel·lis de terror.

horror movies.

En plan, marxar sol,

Like, to leave alone,

posar-te a follar

get to f***ing

o dir ara torno.

I will say now I am coming back.

O sigui,

That is to say,

a la pròpia pel·li

to the own movie

hi ha un personatge...

there is a character...

Et moriràs.

You will die.

Ets a ser negre.

You are a black being.

Hi ha un personatge

There is a character.

que treballa

that works

en un videoclub

in a video store

i és com super conscient

and it's like super aware

d'aquests estereotips

of these stereotypes

però després

but afterwards

la pel·li els reprodueix

the film reproduces them

i passen.

and they pass.

I el tema és que

And the thing is that

l'estructura sempre és

the structure is always

estàvent-hi uns assassinats

there are some murders happening

estan com perseguint

they are like chasing

una persona en concret

a specific person

i acaben sent

and end up being

persones molt properes

very close people

o sigui, personatges

that is to say, characters

que tu has vist

that you have seen

durant la pel·li.

during the movie.

Per tant,


no és destacar cap

it is not to highlight any

fent el concret

doing the concrete

sinó com aquesta estructura...

but like this structure...

I és un dels...

And it's one of the...

Sí, sempre és

Yes, it always is.

un dels personatges, no?

one of the characters, right?

Sempre és algú...

It's always someone...

Mai és un desconegut...

Never is a stranger...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Sempre és algú que has vist.

It's always someone you've seen.

Per tant,


hi ha aquesta intriga

there is this intrigue

de qui serà, qui serà.

who will it be, who will it be.

Clar, com a audiència

Of course, as an audience.

ja saps que aquesta és

you already know that this is

la fórmula que apliquen

the formula they apply

a totes les pel·lis

to all the movies

i dius, uau...

And you say, wow...

I sempre és per castigar

And it is always for punishment.

doncs al principi

well at the beginning

quan hi havia

when there was

una mateixa protagonista

the same protagonist

fins la 4...

until 4...

Bueno, la 5 també apareix

Well, the 5 also appears.

però la 5 fan com

but the 5 do as

un relleu de protagonista

a protagonist relief

com fan com un canvi

how they make a change

de generacions, no?

of generations, right?

Perquè ja s'han quedat

Because they have already stayed.

grans els de les antigues

great ones of the ancients

però les 4 primeres pel·lis

but the first 4 movies

és tot al voltant

it's all around

de la Sidney Prescott

of Sidney Prescott

que és una pobra noia

she is a poor girl



que doncs

what then

cada cas

each case

sempre hi ha gent

there are always people

que la vol torturar

that he wants to torture her

però una cosa diferent

but a different thing

en relació sempre

in relation always

al primer cas

in the first case

a vegades tira enrere

sometimes it pulls back

i ara de cop

and now all of a sudden

té un germà secret

he has a secret brother

Si te les has de veure

If you have to face them

totes per entendre-ho

all to understand it

No, ho pots veure

No, you can see it.

en una sola

in a single one

però si veus la 2

but if you see the 2

potser la vols haver vist

perhaps you want to have seen it

cosa així

something like that

Sobretot per lligar-nos

Above all to connect us.

amb els motius

with the reasons

El més elaborat

The most elaborate

i que a vegades

and that sometimes

és el més que flaqueja

it is the most that falters

són els motius

they are the reasons

dels assassins

of the assassins

A vegades és en plan

Sometimes it's like that.

tu mataste a mi padre

You killed my father.



però a vegades és

but sometimes it is

jo què sé

I don't know.

vull donar-li un final bo

I want to give it a good ending.

en aquesta pel·lis

in this movie

o sigui

that is to say

no com conscients

not as conscious

de la pel·lícula

of the movie

sinó com conscients

but as conscious

de la trama

of the plot

o sigui

that is to say

hi ha com un punt molt de

there is like a very point of

vull mantenir bé

I want to keep well.

el legado del Ghostface

the legacy of Ghostface

que és com l'assassí

that is like the killer

no com aquest

not like this

que sempre dubta

that always doubts

tothom dubta el mateix

everyone doubts the same

la mateixa màscara

the same mask

perquè és com una màscara

because it is like a mask

com de bazar

like a bazaar

la gràcia és que

the funny thing is that

tothom es podria comprar

everyone could buy

aquesta disfressa

this costume

per exemple

for example



pot ser qualsevol

it can be anyone

qualsevol persona

any person

i el bazar del poble

and the village bazaar

no diu

doesn't say

no perquè ben

not because well

algú s'ha comprat la màscara

someone has bought the mask

de fet la segona pel·li

in fact the second movie

és perquè

it is because



o sigui

that is to say

la Courtney

the Courtney



que és una periodista

what is a journalist

ha escrit un llibre

he has written a book

sobre els assassinats

about the murders

de la primera pel·li

from the first movie

per tant


s'ha fet famosa

she has become famous

i s'ha fet una pel·li

And a movie has been made.

que és com

what is like

si fos Scream

if I were Scream

però dins d'Scream

but within Scream

es diu Stab

it is called Stab

hi ha una franquícia

there is a franchise

dins d'Scream

inside Scream

que és Stab

what is Stab

que és

what is it

els fets passats

the past events

a la pel·li interior

to the inner film

que s'han convertit en pel·li

that have become a movie


I love it.

és boníssim

it's very good

és com quan els Sims

it's like when the Sims

juguen als Sims

they play The Sims



una cosa així

something like that



i hi ha com tot aquest

and there is like all this





a mi m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

són super xules

they are super cool

i t'ho passes molt bé

and you have a great time

no són

they are not

per de

for God



en plan

in plan

no fa por

it is not scary

és una mica gore

it's a bit gory





es mullen molt poc

they get very wet very little

és com

it's like

terror una mica

a little fear

per a ninyos

for kids


Do you know?

sí, sí

yes, yes





i que estan molt ben fetes

and they are very well made

a nivell de guió

at the script level

és una mica

it's a bit

un dia un youtuber

one day a youtuber

que m'agrada molt

that I like very much

que es diu Mike's Mike

which is called Mike's Mike



Scream és Scooby-Doo

Scream is Scooby-Doo

per adults

for adults



i estic 100% d'acord

And I am 100% in agreement.

o sigui crec

so I believe

encaixa super bé

fits really well



i els finals d'Scream?

And the endings of Scream?

els finals d'Scream

the endings of Scream

n'hi ha alguns

there are some

que deceben

that disappoint


n'hi ha

there is/are

o sigui

that is to say

ai pensar que diràs

oh, I think you'll say

que són super guais

they are super cool

no, no

no, no

per exemple

for example

les quatre primeres

the first four

a tope

at full throttle

les dues últimes

the last two

que són com les modernes

that are like the modern ones

comencen a decebre

they are starting to disappoint

una mica

a little bit

llavors el més memorable

then the most memorable

d'aquestes pel·lis

of these movies

no és el final necessàriament

it is not necessarily the end



o sigui és com

so it is like


the tangle

i el tu voler descobrir

and your desire to discover

qui és

who is it

però per exemple

but for example

hi ha

there is

el màxim d'aquí

the maximum from here

és els reveals

it's the reveals

quan de cop descobreixes

when do you discover

qui és l'assassí

who is the murderer

i per què

and why

però no són els finals

but they are not the endings

els reveals

the reveals

potser sempre són els últims

perhaps they are always the last

20 minuts

20 minutes

bueno com tot

well like everything

és el que estem dient

it's what we are saying

és la bomba dramàtica

it's the dramatic bomb



el highlight de la pel·li

the highlight of the movie

sempre acaba

always ends






accepta jo que si hi ha

I accept that if there is

personatges icònics

iconic characters

amb frases icòniques

with iconic phrases

o persecucions concretes

or specific persecutions

que dius tu

What are you saying?

oh que èpic

oh how epic

però sempre és un

but it is always one

caga un déu

a god shits

no m'ho esperava

I didn't expect it.


la gent no ho pilla ràpid

People don't get it quickly.

hi ha gent que sospita

there are people who suspect

però sempre acaba

but it always ends

fent-hi aquest

doing this

és que et podríem dir

it's that we could tell you

que és el carter

what is the postman

que ha sortit

that has come out

no, no tan loco

no, not that crazy

però pot ser

but it could be

pot arribar a ser

can become

un personatge

a character

mai és molt evident

it's never very obvious

que des de la principi

since the beginning

ja t'ho estàs imaginant

you're already imagining it

però bueno

but well

és que bueno

it's just that it's good



la primera és

the first is

t'ho dic

I tell you.



el nòvio i l'amic

the boyfriend and the friend

però d'un grup

but of a group

de cinc persones

of five people

són dos d'aquell grup

They are two from that group.

a la següent

to the next



acostumen a ser

they tend to be

més d'una persona

more than one person

a vegades no

sometimes no

a vegades sí

sometimes yes

oh my god

oh my god

i juguen molt amb això

They play a lot with this.

de clar no és d'ell

of course it isn't him

perquè quan ha atacat

because when it has attacked

ell estava aquí

he was here



i són dos que es van tornant

and they are two that take turns

i tenen molta llicència

and they have a lot of license

per fer el que els dona

to do what they give

la puta gana

the damn hunger

però a vegades

but sometimes

es manté molt bé

it holds up very well

i té molt sentit

and it makes a lot of sense

el reveal en plan

the reveal in plan

sobretot el motiu

above all the reason

de per què han sigut assassins

of why they have been murderers

i perseguint a X persona

and pursuing person X

i després hi ha moments

and then there are moments

que dius

What are you saying?

vaya tonteria

what nonsense



porten unes quantes pel·lis

they bring a few movies



porten unes quantes pel·lis

they have brought a few movies

que el motiu

that the reason

és el mateix

it's the same



és que s'atacava la llista

it's just that the list was being attacked



has d'anar fent allà

You have to keep going there.





tenim una altra puntada

we have another jab

que ja no és tan final

that is no longer so final

final icònic

iconic ending

sinó final

but final

que se't queda

What stays with you



quina de

which one of

la vida és vella

life is old



jo crec que aquesta

I think that this.

podem passar-la bastant ràpid

We can get through it quite quickly.

sobretot perquè

especially because

ens queden bastantes

we have plenty left

no hem parlat de sèries encara

we haven't talked about series yet

sí sí

yes yes

no m'he adonat

I didn't realize.

però la vida és vella

but life is old

camp de concentració

concentration camp

el pare li fa fer creure

the father makes him believe

al fill

to the son

que és com un concurs

it's like a contest

o com una espècie de joc

or like a kind of game



perquè no sàpiga

so that he/she does not know

la realitat del fet

the reality of the fact

i l'última nit

and the last night

abans que vinguin

before they come

els estadounidens

the Americans

a salvar-los a tots

to save them all

maten el pare

they kill the father

em fa molta pena

it makes me very sad

és que és molt trist

it's just that it's very sad

sí sí

yes yes

un d'aquests finals

one of these finals

que és com que tothom

that is as if everyone

quan parles de la vida és vella

when you talk about life it is old





has mort el pare al final

the father died in the end

bueno però perquè

well but why

també fan molt bé

they also do very well


of introducing you

a tota la vida

for a lifetime

del matrimoni

of the marriage

amb la família

with the family

sí la família feliç

yes the happy family

abans de la guerra

before the war

arriba la guerra

war arrives

camp de concentració

concentration camp

que tu veus que és horrorós

that you see is horrifying

el fill

the son

doncs no ho sap

then he/she doesn't know it

perquè el pare

because the father

ho aconsegueix dissimular

he manages to hide it


i al final claro

and in the end, of course

doncs el que havia estat fent-ho tot bé

so what I had been doing right





sí bueno

yes good

un d'aquests finals tristos

one of those sad endings



que es queden

what they keep

jo me'n recordaré sempre

I will always remember.

quan a cultura religiosa

when to religious culture

Víctor es deia aquell profe

That teacher was called Víctor.

que teníem

that we had



a cultura religiosa

the religious culture

jo no el vaig tenir

I didn't have it.

però sé de qui parles

but I know who you're talking about

saps oi?

You know, right?

Víctor crec que es deia

I think he was called Víctor.



era un escolapi

he was a scolapian

sí hola

yes hello



ens va posar la vida

he put our lives

i ens va dir

and she/he told us

ets vella un dia

you are old one day

i una persona de la meva classe

and a person from my class

no diré

I won't say.

crec que saps qui?

I think you know who?


es va aixecar i va dir

he got up and said

es mor el pare

the father is dying

en els dos minuts de pel·li

in the two minutes of the movie

ja sé qui

I already know who.

saps qui és oi?

You know who it is, right?



és igual

it doesn't matter

però va ser

but it was

un no me lo puedo creer

I can't believe it.

jo ja ho sabia

I already knew.

i el profe en plan

and the teacher's like

perquè me l'havien posat

"because they had put it on me"

a cultura religiosa

the religious culture

l'any abans

the year before

a una altra escola

to another school

però va ser com un

but it was like a

en sèrio


tu t'ho creus?

Do you believe it?

realment hi ha gent

there are really people

que li agrada

that he/she likes

amargar les coses

to sour things

nosaltres una mica

we a little

avui estem fent això

Today we are doing this.

avui ho estem fent

today we are doing it

jo crec que ens estem permetent

I believe that we are allowing ourselves.

jo crec que també

I think so too.

des del principi

from the beginning

que hem dit

what we have said

parlarem de finals de pel·lícules

we will talk about movie endings



la gent sabia

the people knew

que t'esperaves

What were you expecting?

no farem un

we won't do one

salta hasta el minuto dos

jump to minute two

para saber

to know





aquest és el que

this is what

em fa més il·lusió

it makes me more excited


to speak

que és el final

what is the end

de La La Land

from La La Land

alguns l'odien

some hate him

alguns els encanta

some love it

a mi em sona una pel·li

I remember a movie.

super bonica

super beautiful

té un puntillo

it has a bit of a flair

molt mainstream

very mainstream

i tal

and so on

però perquè és xula

but because it’s cool

perquè és bona

because it is good

vull dir

I mean



té bastant mèrit

it has quite a merit

jo penso que

I think that

ha marcat una nova

has marked a new one



dels musicals

of the musicals



la producció és molt guai

the production is very cool

ha pogut ser

it could have been

un old hollywood

an old Hollywood

en l'actualitat


però hi ha gent

but there are people

que troba la història

what history finds

com molt

as much

no acaba de passar res

nothing really happened

només aquells

only those

però a mi em sembla

but it seems to me

super maco

super nice

perquè és la gràcia

because that's the point

és normal

it's normal

pot ser una història real

it could be a true story

jo he vist molta gent

I have seen a lot of people.



per què havia de ser un musical

Why did it have to be a musical?

la pel·lícula que podia ser

the movie that could have been

i per què no

And why not?

m'han petat

they've broken me

els auriculars

the headphones

baixa'm el volum

turn down the volume

una mica

a little bit


thank you


thank you



vaig veure un vídeo

I saw a video.

molt guai

very cool

d'una amiga

from a friend

que es diu

what is it called

Scarlett o Harzak

Scarlett or Harzak

no sé

I don't know.

una cosa rara

a strange thing

una tia

an aunt

que és dobladora

what is a voice actress


I believe.

parlava sobre

he/she was talking about

la fantasia

the fantasy

i que aquesta pel·lícula

And that this movie

va sobre

it is about

el que sí és

what it is indeed

i el que no pot ser

and what cannot be

és el

it is the



que se te queda

what stays with you

és exacte

it's exact

quan no superes

when you don't overcome

alguna cosa


de fa 10 anys

ten years ago

és literalment

it is literally



aquesta pel·lícula

this movie

parlava sobre

was talking about

que té molt sentit

that makes a lot of sense

que sigui musical

make it musical

perquè la música

because of the music

el número musical

the musical number

què hi ha més fantàstic

what is more fantastic

o real

or real

que un número musical

that a musical number

és quan s'imaginen

it's when they imagine



les cançons

the songs

en lloc de dir

instead of saying

m'estic imaginant això

I'm imagining this.

o en lloc de

or instead of


to do

una pel·lícula

a movie

com un somni

like a dream

fan una cançó

they make a song

de sobte hi ha una cançó

suddenly there is a song

i és com

and it is like

tan lluny de la realitat

so far from reality

però et porta al seu món

but it takes you to its world

com a això que ells pensen

as to what they think

i que volen tenir

and what do they want to have




al final

at the end

ara sí

now yes

mega spoilers

mega spoilers

perquè és tota una graixada

because it is quite a joke

de pel·lis al final

of movies at the end

són dos

they are two

és un que vol ser

he is one who wants to be

vol tenir un bar de música

wants to have a music bar

un bar de jazz

a jazz bar

perquè li agrada molt el jazz

because he/she likes jazz a lot

el piano

the piano

és pianista ell

He is a pianist.


i una que vol ser actriu

and one who wants to be an actress

i cap dels dos

neither of the two

se n'acaben d'en sortir

They have just managed to get out of it.

la tia és cambrera

the aunt is a waitress

i el tio toca

and the guy plays

a casaments

to weddings

i a restaurants

and at restaurants

i coses així

and things like that

i és

and is

es coneixen

they know each other

i és com que

and it's as if

cadascun va intentant

each one is trying

tirar pel seu desdó

throw to his/her neglect

però en el procés

but in the process

s'acaben perdent

they end up getting lost

una mica

a little bit

vull dir que

I mean that

estan sortint

they are leaving

però el tio comença a fer gires

but the guy starts to make turns

perquè s'ha ficat en un grup

because he/she got into a group

però el grup tampoc és de jazz

but the group isn't jazz either

és com

it's like

són una mica vendidos

they are a bit sold out

és el John Legend

It's John Legend.

el lector

the reader

ell no està fent el que voldria

he is not doing what he would like

ella no se n'en surt

She can't manage it.


ella va fent com audicions

She is doing auditions.

però és com que al tio

but it's like the guy

tampoc li dona molt de pollo

it doesn't give him much chicken either

vull dir

I mean

aconsegueix fer una obra de teatre

manage to create a play

i el tio no va ni a veure-la

And the guy isn't even going to see her.

perquè arriba tard

because he/she is arriving late

perquè estava fent no sé què

because I was doing I don't know what



i ho acaben deixant

and they end up leaving it

i llavors

and then

la tia se'n torna

the aunt is going back

amb els seus pares

with his/her parents


I believe.

perquè està farta de Hollywood

because she is fed up with Hollywood

i no sé quantos

and I don't know how many

li donen un paper

they give him a paper

l'audició que fa

the audition it makes

o l'audició és de l'obra de teatre

or the audition is from the play

no, no

no, no



se'n va a veure amb els seus pares

he's going to see his parents

i al cap d'unes setmanes

and after a few weeks

arriba el tio

here comes the guy

a la porta de casa dels seus pares

at the door of his parents' house

i comença a pitar

and it starts to beep

i diu

and says



et volen

they want you

per no sé què

for I don't know what

no t'ha arribat

it hasn't arrived for you

perquè m'ha arribat en el pis

because it has arrived at my apartment

una carta

a letter

i no hi eres

and you weren't there

no sé quantos

I don't know how many.

vine corrents

come running

tens una audició

you have an audition

potser això és el teu big break

maybe this is your big break

no sé què

I don't know what.

o sigui ja ho han deixat

so they have already left it

i el tio és com que

and the guy is like that

per compensar-li un mal nòvio

to make up for a bad boyfriend

que va ser

what was it

i el poc que li va importar

and the little that it mattered to him

els somnis d'ella

her dreams

i tal

and such

la va buscar

he/she looked for her

per intentar

to try

com aconseguir-li l'oportunitat

how to get him the opportunity

i la porta

and the door

i ja està

and that's it

i l'audició va super bé

And the audition went very well.

i no es tornen a veure més

and they don't see each other again

i la tia s'acaba fent

and the aunt ends up getting

hiper mega famosa

hyper mega famous

i ell

and he

també acaba obrint el seu bar

he also ends up opening his bar





però en clar

but in clear

el cap dels dos sap

the head of the two knows

que han tingut aquest

that have had this

èxit a la vida

success in life

és com que

it's like that

s'han quedat en

they have stayed in



tu estàs fent una música

you are making music

que tampoc és el que t'agrada

that also isn’t what you like

i t'has vengut

and you've come back

i no

and no

no estàs percebent el teu somni

you are not perceiving your dream

i a mi no m'està acabant de sortir

and I'm not quite getting it right.

tampoc el que jo volia

neither what I wanted

però bueno

but good

gràcies per portar-me l'audició

thank you for bringing me the audition


you know

i llavors al final

and then in the end

és com

it's like

deu anys després

ten years later

ella està casada

she is married

té fills

has children

no sé què

I don't know what.

i se'n va amb el seu marit

and she leaves with her husband

a sopar per ahir

a dinner for yesterday

i hi ha un atasc

and there is a traffic jam

a l'autopista

on the highway

i diuen

and they say

sura aquí

it floats here

que anem a aquest bar

let's go to this bar

i és el bar d'ell

and it is his bar

és que ella no ho sap

it's that she doesn't know it

ella no ho sap

she doesn't know it

no ho sap

he doesn't know it

i de cop entra

and suddenly it enters

i veu el logo

And see the logo.

que havia dissenyat ella

that she had designed

feia com deu anys

it was about ten years ago



i està ella en el públic

And is she in the audience?

i ell comença a tocar

and he starts to play

i quan acaba la veu

And when does the voice end?

i es veuen els dos

and the two can be seen

allà en plan

over there in plan

els dos han aconseguit

both have succeeded

el que volien

what they wanted

però s'han hagut de perdre

but they had to be lost

per aconseguir-ho

to achieve it

i és super fort

and it's super strong



hi ha un muntatge

there is a setup


very beautiful

hi ha una cançó de

there is a song by

si tot hagués anat bé

if everything had gone well



i tu veus

And you see

allò que no fue

that which was not

a més és com

besides, it's like

com si fossin pintures de Van Gogh

as if they were paintings by Van Gogh

que era bé al fons

that it was good deep down

és com

it's like



és artificial

it is artificial

City of Stars

City of Stars

és la pintura de Van Gogh

It is Van Gogh's painting.

de Starry Night

of Starry Night



i tu veus com una espècie

And you see it as a kind.

de teatrillo

of puppet show

de la vida

of life

que haurien pogut tenir

that they could have had

això ho veuen abans

they see this beforehand

d'aquesta escena final

of this final scene

o enmig

or in the middle

crec que és quan la veu

I think it's when the voice

quan la veu

when the voice

és com que s'imagina això

It's like you imagine this.

o no

or not

o quan toca

or when it touches

ell la veu i comença a tocar

he sees her and starts to touch

i quan toca es veu l'escena

And when it happens, the scene is visible.

no me'n recordo exactament

I don't remember exactly.

però sí que hi ha un muntatge

but there is indeed a montage

de tot allò que no va poder ser

of all that could not be

i és molt fort

and it is very strong

perquè al final clar

because in the end, of course

veus que es veuen

you see that they are seen

però estan contents

but they are happy

un per l'altre

one for the other

perquè també al principi

because also at the beginning

ell va ser com una mica

he was like a little bit

a borde amb ella

a jerk with her

i és com que

and it's as if

van acabar junts

they ended up together

però és com que al principi

but it's like at the beginning

era com

it was like

sóc un xico malo

I'm a bad boy.

sóc super borde

I'm super rude.

i en canvi en el muntatge

and instead in the assembly

el primer cop que la veu

the first time he sees her

va i li menja la boca

goes and eats her mouth

en plan

in plan

és que des del principi

it is that from the beginning

que t'hauria d'haver apujat

that I should have lifted you up

ojalà hagués vingut

I wish I had come.

a la teva audició

to your hearing

ojalà hagués dit que no

I wish I had said no.

al pavo del grup aquell

to the turkey of that group

hagués fet el meu bar

I would have made my bar.

sense haver-me de vendre

without having to sell myself

en una banda que no m'agrada

in a band that I don't like

no sé què

I don't know what.

és com que

it's as if

però llavors

but then

s'acaba el muntatge

the assembly is finished

i torna a estar

and is once again

ella a l'escenari

she on stage

ella amb el seu marit

she with her husband

al públic

to the public

i ja està

and that's it

i es queda així

and it stays like this

és fortíssim

it is very strong

és super trist

it's super sad

però és que

but it is that

això és molt més realista

this is much more realistic

que qualsevol puta

that any whore



que es veu a la veu

what is seen in the voice

és una pel·li d'amor

it's a love movie

que acaba tot superbé

that ends everything wonderfully

o sigui

that is to say

quasi totes les relacions

almost all relationships

no acaben bé

they don't end well

la majoria de gent

the majority of people

té diverses relacions

has several relationships



abans de trobar la persona

before finding the person

amb la que està

with the one that is

i amb totes

and with all of them

sempre tens una miqueta

you always have a little bit

aquesta sensació

this sensation

de dir

to say


holy shit

i si hagués fet això

And if I had done this




Do you know?

sempre et quedarà

you will always have

una mica

a little bit

el gossanillo

the little dog

vull dir

I mean



hi ha tantes pel·lis

there are so many movies

que parlen de la situació

that talk about the situation

i del que

and of what

pudo haver sido

could have been

i no sé què

and I don't know what

i és una cosa

and it is a thing

que a mi sempre

that to me always

em menja molt

it eats me a lot

al cap

to the head

perquè el no saber mai

because never knowing

si s'hagués pogut

if it could have been

intentar una mica més

try a little harder

s'hagués pogut esforçar

he could have made an effort

una mica més

a little more

no sé què

I don't know what.

és una cosa

it's one thing

que a tots ens matxega

that matches us all

que flipes

that you freak out

has de veure

you have to see

past lives

past lives

l'has de veure

you have to see it



crec que vam parlar

I think we talked.

l'últim capítol

the last chapter

quan parlàvem

when we were talking

de la geometria amorosa

of the amorous geometry


és això

it is this

lo que pudo haber sido

what could have been

pero no fue

but it wasn't

y es

and it is

molt fort

very strong



sortim una miqueta

let's go out a little bit

dels drames

of the dramas

i passem a finals

And we move on to the finals.



de sèries

of series

que no són

that are not

tan dramàtiques

so dramatic

en general

in general

com les pel·lis

like the movies

que hem comentat

that we have discussed

però també ho veig

but I see it too

més complicat

more complicated

perquè has d'estar

because you have to be

a unes expectatives

to some expectations

has vist 10 temporades

you have seen 10 seasons



de la mateixa gent

of the same people

com és el cas de Friends

as is the case with Friends

que és la primera

what is the first

que parlarem

that we will speak

són 10 temporades

There are 10 seasons.

són 10 temporades justes

there are exactly 10 seasons

moltes temporades

many seasons

i l'últim

and the last

fan la broma

they are joking

que cada capítol

that each chapter

es diu

it is said

the one with the tal

the one with the tal

the one where tal

the one where such-and-such

com aquell capítol

like that chapter

on passa tal

where does this happen

aquell capítol

that chapter

on surt tal

it comes out such

i l'últim és

and the last is

the last one

the last one

es diu

it's called

the last one

the last one

saps què diu

Do you know what it says?

quan em vaig mirar

when I looked at myself

Friends per primer cop

Friends for the first time

no sabia que aquell era

I didn't know that was him.


the last

o sigui

that is to say

vaig anar mirant

I was looking around.

i és com que

and it's like that

tot s'estava

everything was stopping

com resolent

as resolving

i jo

and me

ai que raro

oh how strange

però pensava que

but I thought that


I liked it.

com una o dues

with one or two

temporades més

more seasons

i de cop

and suddenly


it ends

i jo en plan

and me like



les coses que passen

the things that happen

al final

in the end

com a resolució

as a resolution

de la gent

of the people


it is

els fills

the children

del Sheldon

of Sheldon

i la Mònica

and Mònica

sí que els acaben

yes, they do end up (finishing them)

de tenir

to have

acaben de descobrir

they have just discovered

que són dos

that are two


el Sheldon i la Mònica

Sheldon and Monica

es casen

they are getting married

perquè no sàpigueu

so that you do not know

durant tota l'última temporada

throughout the entire last season

tenen una trama

they have a plot

de buscar

to search

ells no poden tenir fills

they cannot have children

porten ja unes temporades

they have been doing it for a few seasons now



i són infèrtils

and they are infertile

els dos

the two

i els dos

and both of them

crec que no són compatibles

I don't think they are compatible.

una cosa és

one thing is

no, no

no, no



el seu semen és una merda

his semen is shit

i el seu úter és una merda

and her uterus is shit

en plan

in plan

els dos fatal

the two fatal

o sigui

that is to say

i ha acabat una trama

And a plot has come to an end.

d'ells buscant un donant d'esperma

them looking for a sperm donor


cada cop s'adonen

every time they realize

que gairebé és el Joey

that is almost Joey

en plan

in plan


un dia gairebé

almost one day

en plan

in plan

gairebé agafen el Joey

they almost caught Joey

però acaben trobant una mare

but they end up finding a mother

que és l'Anna Farris

Who is Anna Faris?

una noia que tindrà uns bebès

a girl who will have some babies

i que no vol

and that does not want

o alguna cosa així

or something like that

un bebè en principi

a baby at first

un bebè

a baby

i no el tinc a punt

and I don't have it ready

de descobrir

to discover

que són dos bebès

they are two babies

o no

or not

que li havien dit

what they had told him

two heartbeats

two heartbeats

i diu

and says

yes, mine and the baby

sí, el meu i el nadó



i no, és que tenia dos bebès

And no, it's just that I had two babies.

tenia dos bebès

I had two babies.

però bueno

but well

doncs això

so that's it

doncs aquests dos acaben

so these two are finishing

que són els que vivien

who are those who lived

en el pis icònic

in the iconic apartment

i llavors clar

and then of course

com que han tingut fills

since they have had children

han com de marxar

they have to leave

del pis icònic

of the iconic apartment



i anaven a marxar

and they were going to leave

per un fill

for a son

sí, sí

yes, yes

per això

for that reason

formem una família

we form a family

però anem a viure a una casa

but we're going to live in a house

l'última temporada

the last season

també és ells buscant una casa

they are also looking for a house


que estan buscant la Janis

that they are looking for Janis

que no els hi volen dir a ningú

that they don't want to tell anyone

que estan buscant una casa

that they are looking for a house

perquè ells

because they

bueno i quan li diuen a en Joey

Well, when they tell Joey.


he/she gets angry

i en Joey es troba amb la nena

And Joey meets the girl.

de la casa que és buida

of the house that is empty

que és la de Cotafani

what is the one from Cotafani



molt guai

very cool

després hi ha l'altra

then there is the other one

l'altra cosa que es tanca

the other thing that is closed

que bueno

how good

el Ros i la Rachel

Ros and Rachel

que hi ha bessura

that there is trash

hi ha bessura

there is trash

cauen tan malament el Ros

Ros falls so badly.

bàsicament la Rachel

basically Rachel

està marxant a París

is leaving for Paris

per el seu big break

for his big break

en plan ella està treballant

like she's working

en moda

in fashion

i marxa

and leaves

està marxant a París

she is leaving for Paris



a l'avió

to the plane

amb la nena

with the girl

no, la nena es queda amb la mare

No, the girl stays with her mother.

la mare és ella

the mother is her

la mare d'ella

her mother


I believe.

no se l'ha estat duent

he has not been taking it

no, se n'en va amb la Emma

No, he is leaving with Emma.

a París

to Paris

se n'anava amb la nena

he was leaving with the girl

a París

to Paris

però a l'avió no hi és

but it's not on the plane

no, a l'avió no

no, to the plane no

a l'avió ja venia després

the plane was already coming afterwards

el bebè

the baby

però en plan

but like

no dic físicament

I don't mean physically.

amb la nena

with the girl

dic que a París

I say that in Paris.

al cap d'una setmana

in a week's time

hagués acabat vivint

would have ended up living

amb la nena allà

with the girl there

i el Ros es quedava sola

and Ros was left alone

a Nova York

to New York

i el Ros

and Ros

a l'últim capítol

in the last chapter

decideix que li dedica l'estima

decides what to dedicate love to him/her

perquè a tota la sèrie

because throughout the series

les dues tempores

the two seasons

ha sigut una estira i arronça

it has been a tug-of-war

d'ara estem junts

from now on we are together

ara no

not now

ara m'agrades

now I like you

ara no

not now

pipa pipa

pipe pipe



l'altre va avorridíssim

the other was incredibly boring

entenc que tenia un cert destó

I understand that he/she had a certain discomfort.

sí però és que

yes but it's that

el tio em cau malament

I don't like the guy.

a mi em fa tal

I don't care.

és el villano

he is the villain

si el tio fos més carismàtic

if the guy were more charismatic

és com que

it is as if

m'agradaria la trama aquesta

I would like this plot.

ells dos són els impulsadors

they both are the driving forces

de totes les coses de la sèrie

of all the things in the series

són una

they are a

en plan els dos són molt males persones

Like, both of them are very bad people.

bueno per això

well for that

si ells no hi fossin

if they were not there

no hi hauria conflictes

there would be no conflicts





la Mònica a vegades la liga

Mònica sometimes ties her up.

però ja està

but it is done

no no

no no

perquè se'n fa damunt

because it is done on top of it

se'n fa damunt l'altre

one is made on top of the other

el cas que

the case that

en Ros es que li dedica l'estima

In Ros, it is the love that he dedicates.

va a l'aeroport

go to the airport

i s'ha equivocat d'aeroport

he has gone to the wrong airport

i ha anat a l'aeroport

He has gone to the airport.

que no era

that it wasn't

per tant no arriba a temps

therefore it does not arrive on time

però la truquen

but they call her

la truquen

they call her

la Phoebe la truca

Phoebe is calling her.

i diu has de marxar

And he says you have to leave.

tal no sé què

so I don't know what

és que

it is that

get off the plane

get off the plane

les falanges estan mal

the phalanges are bad

i el Dean the community

and Dean the community



estem cridant molt

we are shouting a lot

el Dean the community

the Dean the community

és el que diu

it is what he says

her friend thinks

her friend thinks

something is wrong

something is wrong

with the falanges

with the phalanges

diu si les falanges estan malament

says if the phalanges are bad


let's go

i el tio de l'avió

and the guy from the plane

però aquest avió no té ni falanges

but this plane doesn't even have phalanges

que no té falanges

that does not have phalanges

baixem tots

let's all go down

i descomptat

and of course

està el Ros

Is Ros there?

escoltant aquesta conversa

listening to this conversation



per contestar del seu pis

to answer about his apartment


he says

digue'm que has baixat

tell me that you have come down

i està allà al darrere

and it's there behind

i diu

and says

he baixat

I have gone down.

i ha tornat al darrere

and has gone back

és que no és tan cursi

it's just not that cheesy

no és només cursi

it's not just cheesy

s'hauria d'haver anat a París

We should have gone to Paris.

era la seva gran oportunitat

it was his/her great opportunity

en plan

in plan

ja ho ha renunciat a tot

he has already renounced everything

per una merda de tio

for a shitty guy

quin fàstic

what a disgust

que ell no renunciaria

that he would not give up

a res per ella

nothing for her





el cas

the case

al final de la sèrie

at the end of the series


it is

ells tots junts

they all together


to empty

en plan el pis buit

like the empty apartment

el pis on ha passat

the flat where it happened

tota la sèrie

the whole series



i el Joe hi diu

and Joe says there

anem a prendre un cafè

let's go have a coffee

i ell diu

and he says

coneixeu algun lloc

do you know any place

no diu

doesn't say





perquè hi ha

because there is

els dos llocs fixes

the two fixed places

de la sèrie

from the series

són el pis de la Mònica

they are Mònica's apartment

i el centre del Perc

and the center of the Perc

que és el bar de sota

what is the bar below

i tots deixen

and everyone leaves

les seves còpies

their copies

de les claus

of the keys

a la tauleta

on the table

de la cuina

from the kitchen

i marxen

and they leave

i es veu com el pis buit

and it looks like the empty apartment

fa com una panoràmica

it's like a panoramic view

i acaba en el marc

and it ends in the frame



que hi ha penjat a la porta

What is hanging on the door

que és com també

that is how also

una de les imatges típiques

one of the typical images

logos típics

typical logos



si jo entenc

if I understand

que per com havia

that for how I had

com és la sèrie

how is the series

que era una mega

that it was a mega

hiper blockbuster

hyper blockbuster

crec que quan hi va

I think that when he/she goes.

en un milió de dòlars

in a million dollars

per capítol

per chapter

els actors

the actors

cada un

each one

jo entenc

I understand.

que hagin de fer

that they have to do

un final així

such an ending

happy flowers

happy flowers

tancar les coses

close things

i ja està

and that's it

i no donar-li

and not give him/her

masses voltes

many times



haguessin tingut

they would have had


the opportunity

de fer alguna cosa

to do something

així com super

just like super



en plan

in plan

que la Rachel

that Rachel

l'enviés a la merda

I sent him/her to hell.

i se n'anés

and he/she went away

o intentar com fer

or try how to do it

alguna mica

a little bit

era molt previsible

it was very predictable

que acabaria així

that would end like this

que ho entenc

I understand it.

que havien d'acabar

that had to end

tots junts

all together

en el pis

in the apartment

i marxar

and leave

és una sèrie previsible

it's a predictable series

si al final

if in the end

que és per

what is it for

per exemple

for example

ara no està a la llista

now it is not on the list

i haurem d'anar

and we will have to go

una mica speedrun

a bit of a speedrun





tots anem a la presó

We're all going to prison.

és una cosa

it's a thing

és el contrari

it's the opposite

és una cosa

it's a thing

que no t'esperaries

that you wouldn't expect

que no encaixa gens

that doesn't fit at all

amb la drama

with the drama

la sèrie és una sèrie

the series is a series

com normal

as normal

i de cop al final

and suddenly at the end

és com super

it's like super



però ja està

but that's it

per acabar divertit

to finish fun

i ja està

and that's it

i ningú s'ho prendrà

and no one will take it.

en sèrio


però no

but no

amb Friends

with Friends

em volia ser

I wanted to be.



igual que amb

just like with

How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother

et dono el micro

I give you the microphone.

tens dos minuts

you have two minutes

How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother

és la història

it's the story

d'un tio

of a guy

sent un PSO

being a PSO

sent incapaç

feeling incapable

d'explicar les coses

of explaining things





o sigui

that is to say

des del primer capítol

since the first chapter

són tots cintes

they are all ribbons

en els seus fills

in their children

expliquen com va conèixer la mare

they explain how he/she met the mother


o sigui

that is to say

és ell

it is him

quan els fills ja són grans

when the children are already grown up

i la mare és com que

and the mother is like that

no surt en el fons

it does not come out in the background

ni res

nor anything

parlant amb els fills

talking with the children


they explain

com coneix la mare

how the mother knows

i és com que

and it is as if

durant tota la sèrie

throughout the whole series

no et diuen qui és

they don't tell you who it is

perquè hi ha una tia

because there is a girl

que és la Robin

What is the Robin?

que està sempre

that is always

estirada i arronsada

stretched and curled

amb ella

with her

però en els fills

but in the children

li diu la Aunt Robin

she tells Aunt Robin

o sigui que no s'acaba

so it doesn't end

casant amb la Robin

marrying Robin

no és la mare dels fills

she is not the mother of the children

la Robin

the Robin

és com

it's like

una situació

a situation



i llavors

and then

la mare apareix

the mother appears

a les últimíssimes temporades

in the very last seasons

o sigui

that is to say

no era cap dels personatges

it was none of the characters

que han estat apareixent

that have been appearing

que és com

what is like



i per què m'he mirat tot això

And why have I looked at all this?

si cap d'aquestes persones

if any of these people

era la mare

it was the mother

o sigui que sempre estaves com

so you were always like



i si és la Lili

And if it's Lili?

i no ho sabem

and we don't know it

i si no sé

and if I don't know

o sigui

that is to say

sempre és com que

it's always like that

cada tia que surt

every aunt that comes out


you say

serà aquesta

it will be this one

i no

and no

però perquè ell sempre fa la broma

But because he always jokes.



andes a haver met your mother

You should have met your mother.

i no

and no

en plan

in plan

els va com dient als fills

it goes as he tells the children

perquè tu el que veus

because what you see

és la narració que ell fa

it is the narration that he makes

dels seus anys de joventut

of his youth years

sí que també deus explicar

you must also explain

històries secundàries

secondary stories

que perdona

that forgives

vas a la sitcom

you go to the sitcom

vull dir

I mean

sí sí sí

yes yes yes

hi ha capítols que no parla

there are chapters that don't speak

de la mare

of the mother

que explica

that explains

quan ell i el Marshall

when he and the Marshall

van fer no sé què

they did I don't know what


you know

vull dir que bueno

I mean, that's good.



la mare apareix

the mother appears

com a l'última puta temporada

like the last fucking season

és un personatge

he is a character

super secundari

super secondary

que tampoc acaba portant

that doesn't lead to anything either



és simpàtica tal

she is nice, such

perquè li agafis mig carinyo

so you can get a little fond of him/her

però no

but no

no és del grupillo

it is not from the little group

de sempre


vull dir

I mean

és com que no

it's like no

no acaba d'encaixar

doesn't quite fit



spoiler mega spoiler

spoiler mega spoiler

es puto mor

it's a fucking death

i el

and the

li està explicant als nens

he is explaining to the children

com va conèixer la mare

How did you meet your mother?



que porta com 4 anys

that has been going on for 4 years

o 5 morta

or 5 dead

i els nens li diuen

and the children call him/her

però amb aquesta història

but with this story

no hem après res

we have learned nothing

l'únic que hem après

the only thing we have learned

és que estàs

it's that you are

enamorat de la tieta Robin

in love with Aunt Robin

des de sempre

since always

vés a buscar-la

go get her

i llavors

and then

surt i se'n va a buscar-la

he goes out and leaves to look for her

i torna a passar el mateix

And it happens again.

que va passar

what happened

en el primer capítol

in the first chapter

només que ells tenen

only that they have

el cabell gris

the gray hair

però està ell

but he is there

sota del balcó d'ella

under her balcony

amb la trompeta

with the trumpet

que ella hablava

that she spoke

que és com

that is like

que la va robar

that stole it from her

en el primer capítol

in the first chapter

d'un restaurant

from a restaurant

perquè a ella li va agradar

because she liked it

i és com

and it is like

oh, finalment podem estar junts

oh, finally we can be together

perquè m'he mirat

because I have looked at myself

tota una puta sèrie

a whole fucking series


in between



coses sempre dues

things always come in pairs

com 6 o 7

like 6 or 7

no ho sé

I don't know.

sí, un muntón

yes, a bunch

perquè acabi

so that it ends

com el primer capítol

like the first chapter

només que entremig

only that in between

han passat coses

things have happened

que dius

what are you saying

tio, podíeu haver fotut

dude, you could have messed up

o sigui

that is to say

el personatge de la mare

the character of the mother

hauria pogut ser

it could have been

molt més guai

much cooler

el que se'n vagi

whoever leaves

amb la Robin

with Robin

que no pinten res junts

that they mean nothing together

que la Robin

that Robin

hauria d'haver estat

it should have been

amb el Barney

with Barney

i van trencar

and they broke

la relació d'aquests dos

the relationship of these two

només perquè

just because

així pogués estar

thus I could be

amb el Ted

with Ted

el Ted és una merda de tio

Ted is a piece of shit.

és el nice guy

he's the nice guy

i tot el rato

and all the time



que les ties no li volen

that the girls don't want him

no sé què

I don't know what.



ets un pesao

you are a drag

o sigui

that is to say

per favor


és que aquesta sèrie

it's that this series

mira que me l'agradava

look how much I liked it

i no me la torno a mirar

and I don't look at it again

prenc el relleu

I take over.

amb la línia

with the line

de finals dolents

bad endings

lo serrano

the mountain man

no l'he vista

I haven't seen her.

jo tampoc

me neither

però s'acaba

but it ends

o sigui

that is to say

lo serrano

the mountainous area

és que és molt fort

It's just that it's very strong.

no sé ni què és

I don't even know what it is.

t'ho explico

I'll explain it to you.

comença amb dues famílies

it starts with two families

que són los

what are the

que s'uneixen

that come together

en lo serrano

in the mountain region

perquè es casen

why they are getting married

com els pares

like the parents

de les dues famílies

of the two families

i és com una família

and it's like a family

que de cop

that suddenly

germans que no es coneixen

siblings who do not know each other

que de cop són germans

that suddenly they are brothers

bueno és com tant

well it's like so much

el primer dia

the first day

és l'endemà del casament

It is the day after the wedding.

i després hi ha

and then there is

com un segon de temporada

as a second of the season

és al mig

it is in the middle

i és com

and it is how

bueno alguns germans

well some brothers

que de cop

that suddenly


fall in love

però no són germanes

but they are not sisters

ah vale vale

oh okay okay

ho hem espantat

we scared it away

no però bueno

no but well

hi ha com tot de trames

there are like all kinds of plots

el cas

the case

l'últim capítol

the last chapter

el pare

the father

un actor famós

a famous actor

que de fet

in fact

anuncia per nils

announce for nils





sí que és serra

yes, it is a mountain range

però és espanyola

but she is Spanish


es tira a la carretera

he throws himself onto the road



es suïcida

it is suicidal

l'últim capítol

the last chapter

i es desperta

and awakens

i és el primer dia

and it is the first day

del primer capítol

from the first chapter

l'endemà del casament

the day after the wedding

tota la sèrie

the whole series

ha estat un somni

it has been a dream

d'aquest home

of this man

això amb l'ost

this with the ost

ho van fer també?

Did they do it too?

la nit de

the night of

no sé

I don't know.

no l'he vist

I haven't seen him/her.



no crec que

I don't think that.

crec que no és exactament

I don't think it's exactly.

un somni l'ost

a dream the host



estaven tots morts

they were all dead

en veritat

in truth

crec que sí

I think so.

però també una merda

but also a piece of crap


of these



perquè hem mirat això

because we have looked at this

però això

but this

el de la serra

the one from the saw

em sembla fortíssim

I think it's very strong.

perquè a més

because moreover

van requerir el mateix

they required the same

primer capítol

first chapter

però amb els actors

but with the actors

tots cascuts

all shaggy

segurament no sabien

they probably didn't know

ni com acabar la sèrie

neither how to end the series

perquè com ho coneixia

because how I knew it

vostra mare

your mother

sí que


els nens

the children

es va gravar tot

everything was recorded



dos o tres dies

two or three days

perquè són els

because they are the

no es fan grans

they don't grow up

els actors dels nens

the actors of the children

i van haver d'assignar

and they had to assign

un contracte

a contract

super mega

super mega



de no dir-li a ningú

of not telling anyone

només ho sabien

they only knew it

els dos nens

the two children

i l'actor de Ted

and the actor from Ted

que fa la veu

what does the voice do

i ja està

and that's it

ningú sabia

nobody knew

qui seria la mare

who would the mother be

i ho van

and they go


to plan

amb molt de temps

with plenty of time

només que clar

only that it's clear

van dir

they said

la mare serà una tia

the mother will be an aunt

que ja apareixerà

that will already appear

més endavant


i així tenien espai

and so they had space

per fotre les temporades

to mess up the seasons

que volguessin

that they wanted

entre mig

in between

però el

but the

que la mare

that the mother

seria una tia random

she would be a random aunt

que la mare

that the mother

estaria morta

she would be dead

i que acabaria

and that would end

amb la Robin

with Robin

això es va decidir

this was decided

en el primer capítol

in the first chapter

de la sèrie

from the series

que em sembla super trist

that seems super sad to me

perquè ja vas decidir

because you already decided

que la sèrie

that the series

fos una puta merda

it was a damn mess

des del principi

from the beginning

com una altra

like another

també d'esto

also of this

en Físico-Química

in Physical Chemistry

vull dir

I mean


Physical Chemistry

a l'últim capítol

in the last chapter

hi ha un school shooting

there is a school shooting

en plan

in plan

un tio treu una arma

a guy takes out a weapon



i es carrega

and it loads

en el personatge

in the character

en Fer

in Fer

el personatge

the character

del Javier Calvo

by Javier Calvo

i se'l carrega

and charges it up

i al final de la sèrie

and at the end of the series

acaba amb una mort

ends with a death

tipic school shooting

typical school shooting

és com per exemple

it's like for example

Cadena de Favores

Chain of Favors

saps quina pel·li és?

Do you know which movie it is?



un nen

a boy

que mare soltera

what a single mother

una vida així

a life like that

un poco cutre i tal

a bit tacky and all

li fan favor

they do him a favor

a un profe que té

to a teacher who has

que s'està com enrotllant

that is kind of rolling up

amb la seva mare

with her mother

i diu

and says

jo et faig un favor

I do you a favor.

però tu has de fer un favor

but you have to do me a favor

a dues persones

for two people

i aquestes dues persones

and these two people

a dues persones més

to two more people

és com que acaba ajudant

it's like it ends up helping

a tothom

to everyone

iniciant la Cadena de Favores

initiating the Chain of Favors

els últims cinc minuts

the last five minutes

de pel·li

of movie

un bulli mata el nen

a bull kills the child

i s'acaba

it ends

amb tothom

with everyone

sortint al carrer

going out to the street

amb una espelma

with a candle

aquests finals

these finals

són els millors

they are the best

perquè a tothom

because to everyone

l'ha ajudat aquest nen

this boy has helped him/her

amb la Cadena de Favores

with the Chain of Favors

els últims cinc minuts

the last five minutes

de pel·li

of movie

es carreguen

they are loaded

tot el que

everything that

o sigui

that is to say

es carreguen els nens

They load the children.

però això és el que fa

but that is what it does

que en final

that in the end

sigui super icònic

be super iconic

no t'oblidaràs d'això

you won't forget about this

en té puta vida

he has a damn life

en plan

in plan

et quedes flipant

you're left amazed


you say



és icònic dolent

it's iconic bad

perquè els icònics bons

because the iconic good ones

són això

they are this

Black Swan

Black Swan

Club de la Lucha

Fight Club

coses així

things like that

que és com

that is like

dios està super ben pensat

God is very well thought out.

han estat donant pistes

they have been giving hints

i no t'ho imaginaves

and you didn't imagine it

no sé què

I don't know what

i llavors hi ha

and then there is

pel·lis així

movies like this

que tenen menys pressupost

that have less budget

i que el que fan

and that what they do

és que se'ls lleva

it's that he/she takes them away

la puta olla

the fucking pot

i diuen

and they say



i ja està

And that's it.

i ens ho carreguem tot

and we load it all up

així hi ha una mica

so there is a bit

per sobre


altres que sí que teníem

others that we did have

The Good Place

The Good Place

la vas acabar?

Did you finish it?


tres vegades

three times


you say

he plorat tant

I have cried so much.

cada cop que he vist

every time I have seen

la final de The Good Place

the finale of The Good Place

jo també

me too

aquesta sí que no vull explicar-la

I don't want to explain this one.

aquesta no explico què passarà

I won't explain what will happen.

però aquesta

but this

heu de veure The Good Place

you have to watch The Good Place

i s'agrada la filosofia

and I like philosophy

i tampoc

neither do I

o sigui sí

that is yes

però no és filosofia

but it is not philosophy

en plan

in plan

no filosofia

no philosophy

sinó ètic

but ethical

o no

or not



parla de la moralitat

talks about morality

la moralitat dels dubtes d'estos

the morality of these doubts

però en un format

but in a format

no sitcom

no sitcom



quasi sitcom

almost sitcom

però és super xula

but it’s super cool

heu d'aconseguir

you have to achieve

passar de la segona a la tercera temporada

to go from the second to the third season

que és com el més difícil

which is like the most difficult

però de veritat

but really



no té preu


és un final crec

it's an ending I believe

molt ben aconseguit

very well achieved

amb el trote que portaven

with the pace they were going

et puc fer una pregunta?

Can I ask you a question?


perquè hi ha Hora d'Aventures

why there is Adventure Time

Hora d'Aventures

Adventure Time

l'últim capítol d'Aventures

the last chapter of Adventures

just avui m'ha sortit un rànquing

Just today I've received a ranking.

dels capítols més envalorats

of the most valued chapters

l'últim capítol

the last chapter

té un 9 amb 7

it has a 9 with 7


you say



és trist

it's sad

vaig plorar

I cried.



es mor algú

does someone die

es mor el gos

the dog is dying

segur que es mor el gos

the dog is certainly going to die



el gos no

the dog not

però bueno

but well

és igual

it doesn't matter

el nen està a l'hospital

the child is in the hospital

és un típic de

it is typical of

sí és Doraemon

yes it is Doraemon

de fet el nen és el novita

In fact, the boy is the newcomer.

és que totes les series aquestes

it's just that all these series

va haver com 5 anys

there were about 5 years

que no paraven de sortir coses a internet

that things just kept coming out on the internet


bowling pins

de que era un nen

when he was a boy

que tenia càncer

that had cancer

i el Doraemon era el seu pelutxe

And the Doraemon was his stuffed toy.

això és un final real

this is a real ending

no és un final real

it is not a real ending

el van borrar

they erased him

o sigui

that is to say

van seguir la sèrie

they continued the series

no és un final real

it is not a real ending

per aquí creus que

Around here do you think that

hi ha intros diferents

there are different intros

perquè és com

because it is like

és Doraemon

it's Doraemon

són rebuts

they are rejected

en plan que fan

in a way that they do

o perquè són temporades diferents

or because they are different seasons

i ja està

and that's it

és igual

it doesn't matter

no entenem en aquesta

we don't understand in this

en això

in this

Hora d'aventures

Adventure Time

al final

in the end



són lesbianes

they are lesbians



la Mercè era princesa xic

Mercè was a little princess.

les fan com el petó

They do it like the kiss.

en plan

in plan

no s'ho havien fet cap encara

they hadn't done anything to each other yet



era com tot

it was like everything

building up

building up





és com super maco

it's really nice

però és a l'hora

but it is at the time

és com

it's like

hi ha una espècie de batalla

there is a kind of battle

com coses de l'existència

like things of existence

però és tan bonic

but it is so beautiful

i acaba

and ends

al final d'Hora d'aventures

at the end of Adventure Time

sempre és una bona cançó

it's always a good song

que era com

that it was like

along with me

along with me

na na na na

na na na na

na na na

na na na

que és com

what is like

al final de

at the end of

quan hi ha els crèdits

when are the credits

doncs aquí hi ha un muntatge final

so here is a final assembly

amb aquesta cançó

with this song



tot això que veus ara

all this you see now

és el que passa després

it's what happens afterwards

i això és com

and this is like

és un muntatge de

it is a montage of

com acaba tothom

how everyone ends up



però és com tan wholesome

but it's just so wholesome





jo vaig veure'l fa poc

I saw him recently.

perquè jo vaig deixar de

because I stopped

seguir la sèrie

follow the series

de com ve germà

how brother comes

i diu mira si és el final

And he says, look if it's the end.

i jo què

and what about me

a la final de la tele

at the end of the television






que bonic

how beautiful

no no

no no


very beautiful

que bonic

how beautiful

per això l'he volgut ficar

that's why I wanted to put it in



crec que

I believe that

tot i una sèrie

even a series

que comença super tonta

that starts super silly

que acabi guanyant un pes

that I end up gaining weight

amb Cartoon Network

with Cartoon Network

ho feien molt

they did it a lot

i Steven Universe

and Steven Universe

va passar el mateix

it happened the same

acaba agafant un pes

ends up gaining weight



no filosòfic

not philosophical



super sentimental

super sentimental

que dius tu

what do you say?



i ho resolen molt bé

and they solve it very well

com volen la línia

how do they want the line

d'aquest nou ritme

of this new rhythm

Steven Universe està molt ben feta

Steven Universe is very well made.

els traumes

the traumas

amb la mare

with the mother


it is

sí sí

yes yes

és com que

it's as if

comença amb una sèrie

it starts with a series

molt mona

very cute

i acaba sent com super

and it ends up being like super

com Bojack Horseman

like Bojack Horseman

però que allà no és per nens

but it is not for kids there

ja és adult animation

it's already adult animation

però igualment

but still

té un puntillo

it has a certain charm

que comença com

that starts with

jaja que divertit

Haha, how fun!





és un borratxo

he is a drunkard



i acaba sent

and ends up being

jo he plorat molt

I have cried a lot.

amb Bojack Horseman

with Bojack Horseman

però moltíssim

but a lot

no l'he vista no

I haven't seen her, no.



Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

no sé què és

I don't know what it is.

Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

és una sèrie

it's a series



és la meva vida

it's my life

estic obsessionat

I am obsessed.

els meus fons de pantalla

my wallpapers

és Twin Peaks

it's Twin Peaks

els meus fons de pantalla

my wallpapers

WhatsApp és Twin Peaks

WhatsApp is Twin Peaks.

estic obsessionat

I am obsessed.

és una sèrie

it's a series

del David Lynch

by David Lynch

dels anys 90

from the 90s

que va petar-ho

who broke it


it is

Quien ha matat a Laura Palmer

Who killed Laura Palmer?

comença amb Laura Palmer

it starts with Laura Palmer



i una gent de l'FBI

and some people from the FBI

que arriba a un poblet rural

that arrives at a rural village

a investigar-ho

to investigate it

però també hi ha com coses

but there are also things

de surrealisme màgic

of magical realism



té visions

has visions





i era un super misteri

it was a super mystery

i acaba la primera temporada

And the first season ends.

amb un cliffhanger

with a cliffhanger

d'han matat a X personatge

they have killed character X

o no

or not

la segona temporada

the second season

que és com el triple de llarga

which is like three times longer

quan sembla que s'està a punt

when it seems that it is about to

de resoldre tot

to solve everything

et deixen un cliffhanger

they leave you with a cliffhanger

sí que la temporada

yes, the season

que va

no way

sí sí

yes yes

però és que la segona temporada

but the second season

van deixar un cliffhanger

they left a cliffhanger

es va quedar així

it stayed like this

van fer una pel·li

they made a movie

precuela de la sèrie

prequel of the series

i fins al 2017

and until 2017

no van fer una tercera temporada

they didn't make a third season

25 anys més tard

25 years later



però el retorn

but the return

que és com aquesta

what is like this

sèrie limitada

limited edition

que van fer

what they did

sí sí sí

yes yes yes

tots uns viejales

all a bunch of oldies

però la temporada 3

but season 3

o sigui el retorn

that is the return

no s'entén res de res

nothing is understood at all



però a mi m'encanta

but I love it

o sigui és xulíssim

I mean, it's super cool.

i al final del retorn

and at the end of the return

no puc dir res

I can't say anything.

però és

but it is

o sigui

that is to say

és un indèstic que els dic

it's a stain that I tell you

si us interessa

if you're interested

us ho mireu

you look at it

perquè és

because it is





crec que és la cosa més loca

I think it's the craziest thing.

que he vist en la meva vida

that I have seen in my life

per resoldre una trama

to resolve a plot

ara després de podcast

now after podcast


I will explain to you.

perquè sé que no t'ho miraràs

because I know you won't look at it

però és

but it is

és molt tot

it is very much everything

és molt heavy

it's very heavy



què més hi ha

what else is there





allò sí que és

that truly is



potser no està en el final

maybe it's not at the end

realment eh

really, huh


són els últims

they are the last

i tu el pas

and you the step

al final

in the end

és ella

it's her

marxant trista

sadly walking

i que ens diu a nosaltres

And what does it say to us?

que la deixem marxar

let her go

ens frena

it stops us

en plan

in plan

a la càmera

to the camera

ah sí

oh yes


està marxant

is leaving

es crea una guina

a guina is created

i li diu

and he tells him

ha marxat cap allà

he has left towards there

per tota la broma que té

for all the joke that it has

amb les guineus de l'esto

with the foxes of the jacket



espera un moment

wait a moment





és una tia així com

she's a girl like this

una mica loca

a little crazy

Fleabag vol dir literalment

Fleabag literally means

sac de pusses

bag of fleas


que no té nom

that has no name

la Fleabag


de fet es diu

in fact, it is said



el personatge és de Fleabag

the character is from Fleabag

però la tia

but the aunt

deu tenir un nom

it must have a name

que es diu

what is it called



en el guió

in the script

en el guió editat

in the edited script

es diu Fleabag

It's called Fleabag.

però els altres personatges

but the other characters

mai li diuen pel seu nom

they never call him by his name

si mai sabem el seu nom

if we ever know their name





el pare es diu

the father is called



en plan

in plan

hi ha molta gent

there are many people

el Hot Priest

the Hot Priest

es diu Hot Priest

it's called Hot Priest

literal no té nom

literal has no name

en plan

in plan

cap allà sexy

sexy hat

la primera temporada

the first season

és una tia així

she is like that

una mica loca

a little crazy

crisi dels 30

crisis of 30

que no

that no


lo típic

the typical



crazy girl

crazy girl

in London

in London

no sé què

I don't know what.



i les relacions

and the relationships

de la civilització

of civilization

una germana

a sister

una amiga que se li va morir

a friend who died

el nòvio que té

the boyfriend she has

que no sap aguantar nòvios

that can't handle boyfriends

que té un problema

that has a problem

amb la validació masculina

with male validation

d'una alcohòlica

of an alcoholic

una no sé què

a kind of something



primera temporada

first season



fa coses així com heavies

does heavy things like this

però no

but no

no s'obre el personatge

the character does not open

a tot això

to all this

i és com que no parla

and it's as if he/she doesn't speak

de trencar la quarta paret

to break the fourth wall

que és el que fa

what is it that he/she does

aquesta sèrie

this series

és interessant

it's interesting

perquè està tota l'estona

because it is all the time

parlant-te a tu

talking to you

mirant a la càmera

looking at the camera

i et parla

and speaks to you

i és com que ningú

and it's as if no one

se n'adona

he/she realizes

i llavors apareix un personatge

And then a character appears.

la segona temporada

the second season

que li diu

what he/she tells him/her

on estàs

Where are you?

o sigui

that is to say

és com que

it is as if

se te'n va la mirada

your gaze drifts away

què estàs fent

What are you doing?

ell s'adona

he realizes

de quan ella ens parla

of when she speaks to us

a nosaltres

to us

és capaç d'entendre

is capable of understanding

com ella

like her

en aquest nivell

at this level

de confidencialitat

of confidentiality

que busca en nosaltres

what it seeks in us

no arriba a escoltar

does not get to hear

el que diu

what it says

el que ens diu a nosaltres

what he tells us

però sí

but yes

és com que se n'adona

it is as if he/she realizes it

que ella no hi és

that she is not there



vull dir que és com que

I mean that it's like that

s'està com mig desconnectant

it's kind of disconnecting

i li està com mig passant alguna cosa

and it is like something is half happening to him/her

i diu

and says

però què estàs fent?

but what are you doing?

i ella

and she

sense voler


comença a barrejar

start mixing

el que ens diu a nosaltres

what it tells us

i el que li diu a ell

and what he tells him

sí, el moment que se li escapa

yes, the moment that slips away from him

ens diu a nosaltres

he tells us

el que li volia dir a ell

what I wanted to tell him

i a ell li diu

and he tells him

oh, que guapo que és

oh, how handsome he is

i diu

and he says



quan diu

when he/she says

his beautiful neck

his beautiful neck

o alguna cosa així

or something like that

i ell en plan

and he's like

què m'has dit?

What did you say to me?

i clar, què passa?

And of course, what happens?

que el tio és un capellà

that the guy is a priest

llavors ella no es pot enamorar

then she cannot fall in love

d'un capellà

of a priest

perquè els capellans

because the priests

a Anglaterra

to England

no poden

they cannot

bueno, de fet sí que poden

Well, in fact they can.

i ell decideix no fer-ho

and he decides not to do it

perquè Anglaterra és un protestant

because England is a Protestant

i sí que podrien

and yes they could

o sigui, ella li diu

that is to say, she tells him

hi ha capellans que es casen

There are priests who get married.

bueno, i han follat

well, they have had sex

i s'han enrotllat

and they have gotten tangled up

sí, sí, però bueno

yes, yes, but well

això és com

this is like

ell no volia

he didn't want

i ho acaba mig fent

and ends up doing it halfway

però ho fa just

but it just does it

quan ella se li confessa

when she confesses to him

o sigui, quan ella ja ha acceptat

that is, when she has already accepted

que no es liaran mai

that they will never get tangled up

i el que fa és sincerar-se

And what he does is be honest.

li explica tots els seus problemes

he explains all his problems to her

va i se la folla

go and fuck the crowd

que és com

what is like

el mateix que han fet

the same as they have done

tots els altres tios

all the other guys

o sigui, que estan en el mateix patró

that is to say, they are in the same pattern

de persona que l'ha utilitzat

from a person who has used it

i que l'ha fet mal

and it has hurt him/her

és que al final

it's just that in the end

hi ha un moment molt maco

there is a very beautiful moment

ell té com tu també

he has like you too

una història

a story

que ell explica

that he explains

que les guineus el persegueixen

that the foxes are chasing them

i és com una broma recurrent

It's like a recurring joke.

que es va fent en algun moment

that is happening at some point

odia les guineus

hates the foxes

i li fan por

and they are afraid of him

perquè estan en contra seva

because they are against him/her

o alguna cosa

or something

total, que l'escena final

total, that the final scene

és en una parada de bus

It's at a bus stop.

ella li diu

she tells him

I love you

I love you

o I mean love you

I mean love you.

no me'n recordo

I don't remember.

però li diu

but he tells her

està enamorada

she is in love

i ell li diu

and he tells him

i el pas

and the step

ja passarà

it will pass

se't passarà

it will pass you by

en lloc de dir-li

instead of telling him

jo també

me too



i també hi ha un moment

and there is also a moment

que diu

what does it say

però és això

but that is it

no li diu que no

he doesn't say no to him/her

és com lo fort

it's like the strong one

m'estimes a mi

you love me

o m'estimes a Déu

either you love me or God

i diu

and he says



però llavors

but then

sí que es lia amb ella

yes, he does get involved with her

vull dir que és com que

I mean it's like that

ell se'n segueix i marxa

He continues and leaves.

i ella es queda

And she stays.

mira a càmera tal

look at the camera like this

tira el premi

give the prize

un premi que s'ha anat passant

an award that has been passed around

una estàtua que s'ha anat passant

a statue that has been passed down

durant tota tal

throughout such

ho tira a la brossa

he throws it in the trash

és com molt tancament

it's like a lot of closure

hi ha la història també

there is also the story

de la mare

from the mother

de la germana

of the sister

del pare

of the father

no sé què

I don't know what.

hi ha mil coses

there are a thousand things

apareix una guineu

a fox appears

i li diu

and he tells her

hem marxat cap allà

we have left for there

com amb la conya tal

as with the joke such

i ella

and she

això fa com

this makes like

tira una estàtua

throw a statue

que ha sigut com recorrent

that has been like recurring

durant tota tal

during the whole such

i està marxant pel carrer

and is walking down the street

i es gira a la càmera

and turns to the camera

i fa com un algo

and it feels like something

amb la mà

with the hand

en plan no no

like no no

i marxa sola

and leaves alone

s'està despedint

he is saying goodbye

de la quarta paret

of the fourth wall

de nosaltres

of us

i la càmera es queda fixa

and the camera stays fixed

mentre allà marxa

while he/she/it is leaving over there

si no m'havia fixat mai

if I had never noticed it before

en això de la càmera

in this matter of the camera

és al final

it's at the end

és ella dient-nos

it is her telling us



ja està

it's done

ho he superat

I have overcome it.

o un

or one

ara em toca a mi sola

now it's my turn alone

i és molt

and it is very

pels de punta


sí eh

yes eh


holy shit

és que és molt bonic

it's just that it's very beautiful

aquesta sèrie

this series

és molt fort

it's very strong

m'haig comprat el llibre

I have bought the book.

amb el guió original

with the original script

que guai

how cool

jo voldria veure el monòleg

I would like to see the monologue.



no el fan enlloc

they don't make it anywhere

perquè tot això

because all this

és d'un monòleg

it's from a monologue

que va fer ella

What did she do?

per això la sèrie

for this reason the series

manté aquest format

keep this format

de parlar-nos a públic

from speaking to us in public

perquè era un monòleg

because it was a monologue



per últims




crec que és

I think it is

que és

what is it

que és un monòleg

what is a monologue

en el referent

in the reference

n'he parlat

I have spoken about it.

perquè és una sèrie musical

because it is a musical series

per tant sé que n'he parlat

therefore I know that I have talked about it


very sure

és una tia

she's a girl.

també que boja per amor

also mad with love

es muda a un poble

she moves to a village



un dels seus nòvios

one of her boyfriends

de la infància

of childhood



vaig a ser impulsiva

I am going to be impulsive.

i és com tot el seu plan

And it is like all his plan.

intentant conquistar-lo

trying to conquer him

però de cop

but suddenly

i ara li interessa

And now it interests him/her.

un altre tio

another guy



són com

they are like

són quatre temporades

there are four seasons

però molt xules

but very cool

és musical com paròdia

it's musical as parody

sempre estan com referenciant

they are always referring to

cançons reals

real songs

o musicals

or musicals

o estils i tal

or styles and such

té un to super despreocupat

has a super carefree tone



té un to

has a tone

té un final maquíssim

it has a beautiful ending

que tampoc no m'agradaria

that I wouldn't like either



explicar molt el detall

explain the detail very much





hi ha un moment

there is a moment

que la diagnostiquen

to have her diagnosed

amb TLP

with TLP





com es diu

what is it called





m'hi pedi

I asked for it.



límit de personalitat

personality limit

com es diu això

What is this called?

és borderline

it's borderline





però borderline

but borderline

és com

it is like

que ets una mica

that you are a bit

com psicòpata

as a psychopath

en plan

in plan

és rotllo

it's boring

Bojack Horseman

Bojack Horseman

una mica això

a bit of this

és que no m'agrada

it's just that I don't like it

no m'agrada

I don't like it.

no és borderline

it is not borderline

personality disorder

personality disorder

pot ser






algo mental

something mental

o un síndrome d'impostor

or an impostor syndrome

però hi ha com una trama

but there is like a plot

realment mèdica

really medical

i com psicològica

and as psychological


of her

haver de superar

must overcome

com aquests problemes

with these problems

i tota la sèrie

and the whole series

està sent

is being

triar un tio

choose a guy

perquè hi ha com 4 tios

because there are like 4 guys

en l'esquema possible

in the possible scheme

de tal

of such



i és com ella

and it's like her

acabant com

ending with

descobrint una mica

discovering a little

el valor que té

the value it has





fora dels tios

out of the guys

així que


s'acaba com

it ends as

aquest punt

this point

de cop els

suddenly the

passen a ser com reals

they become like real ones

no reals

no royalties

sinó com que algú diu

but as someone says

hòstia tio

Holy shit, dude.

això ho has fet tu

you did this

en plan

in plan

trenquen com una espècie

they break like a species

de meta estrany

of strange goal



en aquests números musicals

in these musical numbers

que són com una cosa aïllada

that are like an isolated thing

sí que és com el seu cap

yes it is like his head



ella ho comparteix amb algú

She shares it with someone.

i de cop

and suddenly

algú entra com en el seu món

someone enters as if in their own world

com del cap

as if from the head

i ho veu i diu

and it sees it and says



sí que està crazy

yes, it is crazy

crazy de veritat

really crazy

sí crazy

yes crazy

però diu en plan

but he says it in a way

tu això ho has fet tu

you did this

i en plan

and in plan

tens com tot aquest

you have like all this


of this





aprendre a estimar-se a ella

learn to love herself

i al final

and in the end





acabar sola

end up alone

però sola bé

but alone well



sola feliç

happy alone



l'últim capítol

the last chapter

ha descobert que no necessita homes

she has discovered that she doesn't need men

l'últim capítol és ella

the last chapter is her

en un xoc

in a crash

amb una guitarreta

with a little guitar

on una miqueta va explicant

a little bit goes explaining

i tot el rato

and all the time

sembla que s'estigui a punt

it seems to be ready

de confessar a un noi

to confess to a boy

però t'ensenya com

but it teaches you how

l'últim capítol

the last chapter

un cop ella

once she

ja com ha pres la decisió

as he has made the decision

però va com un per un

but it goes like a per a per


discarding them

fins que al final

until the end

els descarta tots

He/She discards them all.



penses ja val aquest

do you think this is worth it?

no serà el següent

it will not be the next one



val aquest no serà el següent

Well, this one will not be next.

el test final és

the final test is

amb qui s'haurà quedat

who will he/she have stayed with

ara que veiem com aquest

now that we see how this

flash forward

flash forward

i no acaba sent cap

and it doesn't end up being any.

i acaba sent ella sola

and ends up being alone.

aprenent-se per fi

finally learning

a valorar-se

to value oneself

i estar sola

and be alone



i el test final

and the final test

és com difícil d'explicar

it's kind of hard to explain

perquè ara no me'n recordo

because now I don't remember

exactament de què passa

exactly what is happening

però ja com

but already how

a la seva millor amiga

to her best friend

s'obre per fi

it finally opens

i és com

and it is how

ensenyar-li com

teach him/her how

tot aquest

all this

una mica de liri musical

a bit of musical lyric

que li passa

What is happening to him/her?



que li passa

what is happening to him/her

i que ella digui

and let her say



si has pogut imaginar

if you have been able to imagine

tot això

all of this

si has pogut

if you have been able

acaba tenint com

ends up having as

una reflexió

a reflection

en plan dedicat a la música

in a way dedicated to music

no però

no but



però una cosa així

but something like that

en fi



very good

crec que ja m'he anat comentant

I think I have already commented on it.

també totes les coses

also all the things



sobre el que és

about what it is

què és un bon final

what is a good ending

què és un mal final

what is a bad ending

hem sigut molt poc objectius

we have been very subjective

has parlat de sèries dramàtiques

You have talked about dramatic series.

però crec que no estem

but I think we are not

molt qualificats

very qualified

per parlar de sèries dramàtiques

to talk about dramatic series



jo no n'he vist tanta

I haven't seen so many.

com molt dark

as very dark

o algunes d'aquestes

or some of these

però poca cosa

but little else

perquè les abandono totes

because I abandon them all

abans d'arribar al final

before reaching the end

o sigui que bueno

so that's good

sense més dilació

without further delay

ok ok

ok ok

aquesta setmana

this week

a partir de demà

from tomorrow

des del divendres 4

since Friday the 4th

fins al dilluns 17

until Monday the 17th

podreu veure

you will be able to see

Segundo Premio

Second Prize

una pel·lícula espanyola

a Spanish film

que l'Alel no es llegirà

that Alel will not read it

Segundo Premio

Second Prize



final dels anys 90

late 1990s

en plena farbescència artística

in the midst of artistic flourishing

i cultura

and culture

en un grup de música

in a music group



viu el seu moment

live his moment

més delicat

more delicate

la baixista trenca

the bassist breaks

amb la banda

with the band

buscant el seu lloc

looking for his place

fora de la música

out of music

i el guitarrista

and the guitarist

està immers

is immersed

en una perillosa

in a dangerous

espiral d'autodestrucció

spiral of self-destruction

mentre estan

while they are

al cantant

to the singer

s'enfronta a un complicat

faces a complicated

procés d'escriptura

writing process

i gravació

and recording

del seu tercer disc

from their third album

ningú sap

nobody knows

que aquest disc

that this disc

canviarà per sempre

it will change forever

l'escena musical

the music scene

de tot el país

from all over the country



no és una pel·lícula

it's not a movie

sobre los planetas

about the planets

venint a dir

coming to say

que una mica

that a little

sí que lo és

yes, it is

no entre parèntesis

no in parentheses


també el pòster

also the poster

que he vist

that I have seen

sembla una miqueta

it seems a little bit

de dreamers

of dreamers


do you know?

sí una mica

yes, a little

amb les dues sonyadores

with the two dreamers

una mica com aquesta

a little like this

dinàmica de

dynamic of

dos nois

two boys

una noia

a girl

cadascú consobida

each one consumed

però compartint molt

but sharing a lot

un espai

a space

la podeu veure

you can see her

divendres i exacte

Friday and exact

diumenge i dilluns

Sunday and Monday

sí, tot el cap de setmana

yes, all weekend

Robot Dreams

Robot Dreams



va estar nominada

was nominated

millor llargmetratge

best feature film


of animation

als Oscars

at the Oscars

i millor guió adaptat

and best adapted screenplay

si no m'equivoco

if I'm not mistaken

sí, ho poso aquí

yes, I put it here

també crec

I also believe.

ah no, perdó

oh no, sorry

va guanyar


guió adaptat

adapted script

als Goya

to the Goya

de pel·lícula d'animació

animated movie

guió adaptat

adapted script


vols explicar una mica?

Do you want to explain a bit?

aquesta és

this is

més family friendly

more family friendly


I believe.


basada en una novel·la

based on a novel

gràfica de Salavaron

Salavaron graph

i és d'un gos

and it is of a dog

que viu a Manhattan

who lives in Manhattan

són com tots animals

they are like all animals

i un dia

and one day

decideix construir-se

decide to build oneself

un robot

a robot

un amic

a friend

la seva amistat creix

their friendship grows

fins a fer-se inseparables

until they became inseparable

i al ritme

and to the rhythm

de la Nova York

of New York

dels 80

of the 80s

una nit d'estiu

a summer night



amb una gran pena

with great sorrow

es veu oblidat

he feels forgotten

a abandonar el robot

to abandon the robot

a la platja

to the beach

es torna a trobar

it is found again

i això

and this

dimarts 25

Tuesday 25

a les 7

at 7



i després

and then

un any difícil

a difficult year

aquesta sí que la coneixia

this one I did know

va sobre

it's about

una parella

a couple

que són compradors compulsius

that are compulsive buyers

i s'acaben comunint

and they are finished communing

a un grup de militància

to a group of militancy

compra la cervesa

buy the beer

i compra el patxangueu

and buy the patxangueu

que hi ha

What's there?

en el propi grup de militància

in the very group of militancy

però començant a intentar

but starting to try

aprofitar-se una miqueta

to take advantage of a little bit

d'aquesta gent

of these people

activistes medioambientals

environmental activists



que fort

how cool

i com acaben

and how do they end

com una mica

like a little bit


I imagine.

trobant lloc

finding a place

en aquest grup

in this group

però començant

but starting

des d'aquests interessos propis

from these self-interests

d'anar aprofitant-se

of taking advantage

d'aquesta gent

of these people

doncs això

so that

divendres 21

Friday 21

dissabte 22

Saturday 22

i dilluns 24

and Monday the 24th

i una nova sessió

and a new session

dels dijous reincidents

of the recurring Thursdays



de Gaspar Noé

by Gaspar Noé

no m'he inventat oi

I haven't made it up, right?

Gaspar Noé

Gaspar Noé

sí sí

yes yes

són uns ballarins

they are dancers

que es droguen

that they are taking drugs

prenen LCD

they take LCD

i és una miqueta

and it's a little bit

com els cercles

like the circles

es droguen sense voler

they get drugged unintentionally

ho posa

it says

LCD barrejat amb sangria

LCD mixed with sangria







és tota una pel·li

it's a whole movie

com psicodèlica

as psychedelic

de gent ballant

of people dancing

ballant super bé

dancing super well

una mica com

a bit like

baixar pels diferents cercles

go down through the different circles

de l'infern

from hell

amb ells

with them



és una cosa xulíssima

it's a really cool thing

és francesa

she is French


i com sabeu

and as you know

els dijous reincidents

the recurring Thursdays

sempre hi ha una dinamització

there is always a dynamization

i coses al voltant

and things around

de la pel·lícula

from the movie

que es veu

what is seen

per tant


no us avanço res

I'm not giving anything away.

no ho sé tampoc

I don't know either.

ben bé què ens trobarem

well, what will we find ourselves

però segur que val la pena

but it is surely worth it

per tant



take advantage

i aneu-hi

And go there.

dijous 27

Thursday 27

l'últim dijous de cada mes

the last Thursday of each month

dijous reincidents

Thursday incidents

i això és tot

And that's all.




doncs res

well then nothing

despedida final

final farewell

jo vull dir

I mean

una cosa

one thing

que em vaig adonar

that I realized

l'altre dia

the other day

perquè estava fent l'escaleta

because I was making the outline

i vaig dir

I said

posaré el show de Truman

I will put on the Truman Show.

i vaig dir

I said

com acaba el show de Truman

How does the Truman Show end?



el Truman descobreix

Truman discovers

que està en un set

that is in a seven

en lloc d'en una ciutat real

instead of in a real city



no no

no no

final de la pel·li

end of the movie

final final

final final

està pujant

it's going up



arriba com al bord

arrives as at the edge

amb el barco

with the boat

xoca amb la paret

hit the wall

que és el cel

what is the sky

i puja per unes escaletes

and goes up some steps

i obre una porta

and opens a door

i llavors fa

and then does





no reverència

no reverence

el saludo aquest

the greeting this

com dels actors

like the actors

s'ha acabat el show

the show is over

i surt per la porta

and goes out through the door



i després hi ha com una escena

and then there is like a scene

de dos guardes de seguretat

of two security guards

que diuen rellot

What do they say, clock?

deixa'l marxar

let him go

no no

no no

dos guardes de seguretat

two security guards

com d'algun lloc

like from somewhere

estan mirant la tele

they are watching TV

i diuen

and they say

i ara què mirem

And now what are we looking at?

què més fan a la tele

What else do they do on TV?

perquè és com que s'ha acabat la sèrie

because it feels like the series has ended



tothom ha mirat sempre Truman

Everyone has always looked at Truman.



en Truman

in Truman

abans de marxar

before leaving

diu una frase

say a sentence

que és la frase típica

what is the typical phrase

que ell va dient

that he keeps saying

com cada dia sempre és

as every day it always is

bon dia

Good morning

i per si no ens ho diem després

and if we don't tell ourselves afterwards

bon dia

good morning

bona tarda i bona nit

Good afternoon and good night.

que l'acaba així la pel·li

that ends the movie like this

i és la primera frase

And it is the first sentence.

que vam dir en aquest podcast

what we said in this podcast

al capítol 1

in chapter 1

és veritat

it's true

ara ho hem de dir també

now we have to say it too

ho hem de dir

we have to say it

és que de cop vaig dir

it's just that suddenly I said

hòstia és super cíclic

Wow, it's super cyclical.

super poètic

super poetic

sense haver-ho volgut

without having wanted it

és veritat

it's true

vam saludar

we greeted

i ens despedim d'aquesta etapa

And we bid farewell to this stage.

amb això mateix

with that same thing

i estima que

and he/she estimates that



no tenim format vídeo

we do not have video format

i no podem

and we cannot

fer la reverència

make a bow

però la farem

but we will do it

i us imagineu

and you imagine

que l'heu vist

that you have seen it



doncs guapíssims

so very beautiful

cinema fresc

fresh cinema

és veritat

it is true


excuse me

donant al Juliol

giving to July

encara no s'ha publicat

it has not been published yet

la programació

the programming

però estigueu molt atents

but be very attentive

jo sé quina és

I know which one it is.



serà molt guai

it will be very cool

estigueu atents

be alert

a l'Instagram de l'Evison

on Evison's Instagram

perquè sortirà l'Spot

because the Spot will come out

surto jo

I will go out.

el cas

the case

estigueu atents

be attentive

perquè cada dimarts

because every Tuesday

de Juliol

of July

es projecta

is projected


free of charge

al Parc Torres Villar

to Torres Villar Park

a Granollers

to Granollers

una pel·lícula

a movie

molt xula

very cool



i ara crec que sí

And now I think so.

que sí

that yes

gràcies a tots

thank you all

gràcies a Radio Grollers

thanks to Radio Grollers

a l'Evison

to the Evison

i als nostres seguidors

and to our followers

gràcies Elna

thank you Elna

per ser-hi

to be there

dos temporades

two seasons

fort eh

strong eh



doncs res

so nothing

bon dia

good morning

i si no ens veiem després

and if we don't see each other later



és bon

it is good

ah no clar

oh no, of course





ja estava liant els nervis

I was already getting nervous.

bon dia

Good morning

i per si no ens veiem després

And just in case we don't see each other afterwards.

bon dia

good morning

bona tarda

Good afternoon.

i bona nit

and good night

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