FONT DE MISTERIS-T13P04- Misterioses desaparicions- Programa 572| IB3 Ràdio

Font de Misteris

Podcast de Font de Misteris

FONT DE MISTERIS-T13P04- Misterioses desaparicions- Programa 572| IB3 Ràdio

Podcast de Font de Misteris

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

I començant amb tu, Sergio Rigo,

And starting with you, Sergio Rigo,

la teva sessió Mon Diversos,

your session Mon Diversos,

on avui, com has dit,

today, as you said,

vols parlar d'una desaparició,

do you want to talk about a disappearance,

misteriosa, quan vulguis.

mysterious, whenever you want.

I de si avui a Montdiversos volem parlar

And if today in Montdiversos we want to talk

d'una suposada desaparició misteriosa

of a supposed mysterious disappearance

d'algú que va fer història,

of someone who made history,

que va passar al voltant de Torea Majorana,

what happened around Torea Majorana,

el físic quàntic que va descobrir

the quantum physicist who discovered

l'antimatèria i literalment

antimatter and literally

va desaparèixer d'un dia per l'altre,

vanished overnight,

per sempre?


Fins aquí el programa d'avui.

That's all for today's program.

El hotel Bologna estava dirigida

The Bologna hotel was directed.

a sa seva família. En ella feia

to his family. In it he made

una peculiar petició.

a peculiar request.

Només té que un desig. No vestiu de negre per jo.

He only has one wish. Don't dress in black for me.

En cas que vulguin, o sigui obligatori,

In case they want, or it is mandatory,

seguir ses costums socials,

to follow their social customs,

utilitzeu un altre senyal

use another signal

de dol, però no només

of mourning, but not only

tres dies. Després d'això,

three days. After that,

només he de quedar en els seus records

I just have to remain in their memories.

i si tenen sa capacitat,

and if they have the capacity,


forget me.

La segona carta enviada per correu

The second letter sent by mail.

pareixia confirmar que Majorana havia decidit

it seemed to confirm that Majorana had decided

d'anar per finalitzar de sa seva vida.

to go to end his life.

Anava dirigida a Antonio Carrelli,

It was addressed to Antonio Carrelli.

director de l'Institut de Física

director of the Institute of Physics

de sa Universitat de Nàpols,

from the University of Naples,

on el jove científic impartia sa càtedra

where the young scientist taught his class

des dels mes de gener.

since the month of January.

He pres una decisió inevitable,

He has made an inevitable decision,

escrivia Carrelli. No hi ha egoisme,

I wrote Carrelli. There is no selfishness,

però sé que sa meva inesperada desaparició

but I know that my unexpected disappearance

serà un inconvenient per vostè

it will be an inconvenience for you

i els estudiants. Li demano perdó.

and the students. I apologize to him/her.

Però, més que res,

But, more than anything,

per haver posat de costat sa seva confiança,

for having set aside his trust,

sincera, amistat

sincere, friendship

i generositat que sempre m'ha demostrat.

and generosity that she has always shown me.

Abans que en Carrelli rebés

Before Carrelli received

sa carta, Majorana va enviar un telegrama

His letter, Majorana sent a telegram.

des de Palermo on sol·licitar passar

from Palermo where to request to pass

per alt sa seva carta de Nàpols.

for his letter from Naples.

Aquest telegrama va ser seguit

This telegram was followed.

d'una segona carta datada

from a second letter dated

des de 1928.

since 1928.

i també enviada des de Palermo

and also sent from Palermo

que deia

what he/she said

Aquesta segona carta enviada a Carrelli

This second letter sent to Carrelli

per així indicar un intent d'acabar

to indicate an attempt to end

sa seva vida frustrat, encara que igualment

his frustrated life, although still

ni en Carrelli ni els membres de sa seva família

neither Carrelli nor the members of his family

van tornar a Sabadell.

they returned to Sabadell.

Segons es veredicte

According to the verdict

dels seus contemporanis,

of his contemporaries,

Ettore Majorana posseguia una intel·ligència

Ettore Majorana possessed an intelligence

extraordinària. El seu mentor,

extraordinary. Her mentor,

el premi Nobel Érico Fermí,

the Nobel Prize winner Enrico Fermi,

va arribar a comprar l'home Galileo

he bought the man Galileo

o Isaac Newton. Nascut

Oh Isaac Newton. Born

el 5 d'agost de 1906

August 5, 1906

a Catània, Nettore Rosòlia

in Catania, Nettore Rosòlia

a sa edat de 4 anys, complexos problemes matemàtics

at the age of 4, complex mathematical problems

a una velocitat increïble.

at an incredible speed.

A sa inici de sa seva vida,

At the beginning of his life,

com diuen els llibres com

how do the books say how

La desaparició de Majorana de Leonardo

The disappearance of Majorana by Leonardo

és àcia, va ser educat a casa

she is Asian, she was educated at home

i més tard va ser enviat a una escola

and later he was sent to a school

jesuïta a Roma, encara que va

Jesuit in Rome, although he goes.

completar sa seva educació secundària

complete their secondary education

en el Liceu Torquato Tasso

at the Liceo Torquato Tasso

abans de complir els 17 anys.

before turning 17 years old.

A sa tardor de 1923

In the autumn of 1923

va ingressar a sa escola d'enginyers a Roma

he enrolled in the engineering school in Rome

i a 1928 va ser traslladat

and in 1928 he was transferred

al Institut de Física Teòrica

at the Institute of Theoretical Physics

en sa direcció d'Érico Fermí.

in the direction of Érico Fermí.

A instàncies de Fermi, en Majorana

At Fermi's request, Majorana

va sortir d'Itàlia el 1933

He left Italy in 1933.

becat pels Consell Nacional d'Investigació.

funded by the National Research Council.

A l'Eif Pic va conèixer

At the Eiffel Tower, he/she met.

un altre premi Nobel, en Heisenberg.

another Nobel Prize winner, Heisenberg.

Sa correspondència amb ell revela

His correspondence with him reveals

que Majorana va aconseguir un amic íntim

that Majorana made a close friend

i aquest li va instar a publicar articles

and he urged him to publish articles

científics amb més freqüència

scientists more frequently

encara que Majorana era reticent.

although Majorana was reluctant.

Així mos anam a sa tardor de 1933

Thus we are going to the autumn of 1933.

perquè el nostre protagonista

because our protagonist

va tornar a Roma amb problemes de salut.

He returned to Rome with health problems.

Va malaltir d'una gastritis aguda

He fell ill with acute gastritis.

i estava esgotat.

I was exhausted.

Va haver de seguir una estricta dieta

He had to follow a strict diet.

i es va tornar introvertit, encara que tenia

and he became introverted, although he had

una bona relació amb sa seva mare.

a good relationship with her mother.

El seu amantador i jove físic

Her loving and young physicist.

també se va convertir en un ermità.

he also became a hermit.

Durant quatre anys va deixar els seus amics de banda

For four years, he/she put his/her friends aside.

i va deixar de publicar coses.

And he stopped publishing things.

No va ser fins a 1937

It wasn't until 1937.

quan en Majorana tornaria a tenir una vida

When would Majorana have a life again?

entre còmodes normal.

between normal comfortable ones.

Aquell mateix any va publicar

That same year he published

el seu darrer document científic

his last scientific document

i va sol·licitar impartir sa càtedra de Física.

and requested to teach the chair of Physics.

Al mes de novembre va ser anomenat

In November he was appointed.

professor de Física Teòrica

professor of Theoretical Physics

de sa Universitat de Nàpols.

of the University of Naples.

Per a ses classes i per tant

For her classes and therefore

sa autoestima de Majorana no va

his self-esteem does not go up

tenir-se èxit suficient

to have enough success

perquè li costava molt fer entendre

because it was very hard for him to make himself understood

les alumnes sa seva lliçons.

The students take their lessons.

Així, el 22 de gener de 1938

Thus, on January 22, 1938

li va demanar desesperat

he asked her desperately

en el seu germà que li fes una transferència

to her brother to make a transfer to her.

a un mag de Nàpols de tots els doblers

to a magician from Naples of all the money

que tenia a Roma i el mes de març

that I had in Rome and the month of March

va demanar una bona suma per adelantat

he asked for a good sum in advance

del seu salari. Amb aquests diners

from their salary. With this money

i el seu passaport va pujar

and his passport went up

un barco el 25 de març

a ship on March 25

i va desaparèixer per sempre.

and disappeared forever.

La investigació iniciada

The initiated investigation

en les setmanes posteriors a sa desaparició

in the weeks following his disappearance

del Físic van revelar algunes pistes

The Physics provided some clues.

interessants, però al final van ser

interesting, but in the end they were

pistes sense cap certesa real.

clues without any real certainty.

Llibres com Secrets i Misteris

Books like Secrets and Mysteries

de la Història diuen que el 26 de març

Of history, they say that on March 26

el dia que va enviar a Carrel i a Telegrama

the day he sent Carrel and Telegrama

i sa segona carta, Majorana

And the second letter, Majorana.

possiblement va agafar el vaixell correu

he possibly took the mail ship

que tornava de Palermo a Nàpols.

that was returning from Palermo to Naples.

Segons ses autoritats de sa companyia

According to the authorities of the company

na Vilguera, havia un bitllet a

In Vilguera, there was a ticket to

metgeu nom a sa oficina.

Got the name to his office.

Després, quan sa investigació va demanar sa evidència

Later, when his investigation asked for the evidence.

van afirmar que justament s'havia

they stated that it had just been

perdut. Un testimoni primer

Lost. An early testimony.

va dir que havia compartit camina amb Majorana

He said that he had shared a path with Majorana.

per després que no estava segur

for later that I wasn't sure

de sa identitat de seu acompanyant.

of the identity of your companion.

Per una altra banda, una infermera

On the other hand, a nurse

que coneixia Majorana va insistir

that Majorana knew insisted

en que ho va veure a Nàpols després de sa tornada

in which he saw him in Naples after his return.

del vaixell el 26 de març.

from the ship on March 26.

Tot molt estrany, no?

Everything very strange, isn't it?

A partir d'aquí, sa família de Majorana

From here on, Majorana's family

va publicar un avís notificant

he published a notice notifying

sa desaparició de Tore amb una fotografia

his disappearance from Tore with a photograph

com a referència per una possible

as a reference for a possible

recerca. Al mes de juliol

research. In the month of July

reobrien una resposta.

They open a response.

L'abat del monestir Jesu Novo

The abbot of the Jesu Novo monastery

a Nàpols els va dir que un jove molt semblant

In Naples, he told them that a very similar young man

a les de sa fotografia els havia visitat

He had visited those in his photograph.

a finals del mes de març o a principis de març.

at the end of March or at the beginning of March.

A principis del mes d'abril,

At the beginning of April,

demanant sa seva admissió en el monestir

asking for his admission to the monastery

en qualitat d'hosta.

as a host.

Quan l'abat va estudiar sa petició,

When the abbot studied his request,

el jove va partir i mai més va tornar a aquell lloc.

The young man left and never returned to that place.

Després, el 12 d'abril,

Later, on April 12,

un home jove també va sol·licitar

a young man also applied

s'ingrés a un altre monestir

he entered another monastery

en característica de semblants

in characteristic of likenesses

i també va partir una vegada va ser rebutjat.

And he also left once he was rejected.

En el llibre que abans han citat,

In the book that they mentioned earlier,

Leonardo Scatia va proposar

Leonardo Scatia proposed.

una teoria pròpia 40 anys després.

a personal theory 40 years later.

Diu que cansat del món

He says he's tired of the world.

i ses obligacions imposades

and the obligations imposed

pel seu treball científic,

for his scientific work,

en Majorana va cercar una escapatòria

Majorana sought an escape.

i va optar per sa vida religiosa.

and he chose the religious life.

Per allà,

Over there,

una pista final,

a final clue,

per complementar tot això,

to complement all of this,

i a lo millor és sa més intrigant.

And perhaps it is the most intriguing.

Pot ser que aquest homo

It could be that this man

fogís fins a Amèrica del Sud?

fire as far as South America?

A l'any 1950,

In the year 1950,

el físic xilè Carlos Rivera

the Chilean physicist Carlos Rivera

vivia a Buenos Aires, Argentina,

I lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

i s'ha bellotjat temporalment

and has temporarily acorned

a sa casa d'una dona major.

to the house of an elderly woman.

Per casualitat,

By coincidence,

sa dona va descobrir es nom

his wife discovered his name

de Majorana entre els papers de Rivera.

of Majorana among Rivera's documents.

Aquí va contar que el seu fill

Here he would tell that his son

coneixia un homo amb aquest com nom

I knew a man with this name.

perquè no feia coses de física,

because I wasn't doing physics things,

sinó d'enginyeria.

but of engineering.

En Rivera,

In Rivera,

però, va partir de Buenos Aires

but, he/she left from Buenos Aires

i no va poder seguir

and could not continue

amb aquesta pista.

with this clue.

Encara que en Rivera

Even though in Rivera

va tornar a trobar

he/she found again

una altra pista

another clue

sobre la Majorana argentina.

about the Argentine Majorana.

El 1960,

In 1960,

mentre sopava a un restaurant,

while having dinner at a restaurant,

va començar a escriure

he began to write

fórmules matemàtiques

mathematical formulas

a un torc a boques.

a horn to mouths.

Un cambrer

A waiter

se va apropar a ell

she approached him

i li va dir

and he told him/her

Jo conec algú

I know someone.

amb el mateix hàbit

with the same habit

que tu

than you

de pintar es torc a boques.

Of painting it twists to mouths.

Ve de tant en tant

Comes from time to time.

i se nom

and I say name

Ettore Majorana.

Ettore Majorana.

Era un físic famós a Itàlia

He was a famous physicist in Italy.

abans de sa guerra,

before the war,

quan va partir del seu país

when he/she left his/her country

per venir fins aquí.

to come here.

Pare sembla que aquesta pista

Dad, it seems that this track

tampoc va servir de res

it didn't help either

perquè una vegada

because once

més en Rivera

more in Rivera

havia de partir d'Argentina.

I had to leave from Argentina.

Ses fascinants notícies

Your fascinating news

i ses troballes

and her findings

de Rivera a s'Argentina

from Rivera to Argentina

però van arribar també a Itàlia

but they also arrived in Italy

a finals de sa dècada de 1970.

at the end of the 1970s.

El físic,

The physicist,

Recami i Maria Majorana,

Recami and Maria Majorana,

sa germana

his sister

del nostre protagonista,

of our protagonist,

van donar

they gave

amb una altra pista

with another clue

que també

that also

els adoria

he adored them

a s'Argentina.

to Argentina.

De visita a Itàlia

Visiting Italy

també sa viuda

also his widow

de s'escriptor

of the writer

Miguel Ángel Asturias

Miguel Ángel Asturias

va escoltar

he/she listened

ses intencions

his intentions

de cercar noves pistes

of looking for new clues

per aclarar

to clarify

sa sumta

the summit

de sa desaparició

of his disappearance

i ella va dir

and she said

que durant sa dècada

that during his decade

de 1960

from 1960

va conèixer


en el físic italià

in the Italian physicist

a casa de ses germanes

at her sisters' house



i Lilo Manzoni

and Lilo Manzoni

i sa senyora Asturias

and Mrs. Asturias

va dir

he said

que Majorana

that Majorana

era amic íntim

he was a close friend


of Eleonora

que era matemàtica.

that was mathematics.

Per sa solució

For its solution

d'aquest gran misteri

of this great mystery

que per així

that for so

estava a punt

was ready

de ser resolt

to be resolved

se va esfumar.

It vanished.

Sa senyora Asturias

Mrs. Asturias

no va voler donar

did not want to give

més detalls

more details

sobretot perquè en realitat

especially because in reality

mai havia vist

I had never seen.

el protagonista d'avui

the protagonist of today

i només havia escoltat

and I had only heard

lo de sa amistat

the friendship thing

per terceres persones.

for third parties.

Una cosa

One thing

molt recercada, vamos.

very sought after, come on.



va dir


però que sa seva germana

but that his sister

Eleonora Manzoni

Eleonora Manzoni

podien donar testimoni

they could testify

perquè Eleonora

because Eleonora

aquests anys

these years

ja havia mort.

he was already dead.

Però com vos podeu imaginar

But as you can imagine

ses dones

his women

no van donar

they did not give

més testimoni

more testimony

de res

you're welcome

i es cas

and it is the case

a poc a poc

little by little

se va anar

he/she/it went away



Que vos pareix?

What do you think?

Bé, mira,

Well, look,

jo sa setmana passada

I went last week.


we were talking


of that





que hauria desaparegut

that would have disappeared



d'aquí a sa nostra silla

from here to our chair

i ara

and now

t'ho mordens

I'll bite you.

amb una altra

with another



I bé,

And well,

jo crec, Sergio,

I believe, Sergio,

que referències

what references

en Majorana

in Majorana

o Majorana

o Majorana

crec que ho has dit

I think you said it.

gairebé tot.

almost everything.

Sí, bé,

Yes, well,

jo pens

I think

que hi ha més

What else is there?

sense entrar

without entering

en els seus estudis

in his studies



perquè és difícil

because it is difficult

entendre massa

to understand too much

si no és científic.

if it is not scientific.

Una biografia

A biography

d'en Fermi

of Fermi

per exemple

for example

diu que

says that

sus primeros

his first



d'en Majorana

of Majorana

versaron sobre

they discussed about





de la espectroscopia

of spectroscopy

y aplicaciones

and applications

del modelo

of the model

de zomas Fermi

of Fermi zones

sobre los estados

about the states



de los electrones

of the electrons

de las capas inferiores

from the lower layers

del uranio

of uranium

y el gadolinio

and gadolinium

así como de la estructura

as well as the structure

fina del cesio.

cesium fine.

Que és veritat,

That is true,

mos ponen

they put us

una idea

an idea

per això

that's why

que ni idea.

I have no idea.

, però cercant-cercant

, but searching-searching

jo crec que

I believe that

al darrere d'això

behind this

pot haver més del que has dit.

There may be more than what you have said.

Estem als anys 30

We are in the 30s.

del segle XX,

of the 20th century,

a la Itàlia

to Italy

de Mussolini,

of Mussolini,

a l'Alemanya

to Germany

d'un nou partit polític

of a new political party

al poder,

to the power,

el nacionalsocialista

the national socialist

i quan Majorana

And when Majorana

arriba a Leipzig

arrives in Leipzig

per fer feina

to work

amb en Heisenberg,

with Heisenberg,

a fer feina

to get to work

amb una nova

with a new one

teoria nuclear,

nuclear theory,

és quan en Hitler

it is when Hitler

arriba a l'espoda.

arrives at the sword.

I al mateix temps

And at the same time

altres joves científics

other young scientists


they went

cap a la Itàlia

towards Italy

de Mussolini

of Mussolini

i van dir

they said

que era

what it was

i bé,

and well,

ja sabem,

we already know,

l'espoda que té

the sword that he/she has

és energia atòmica,

it is atomic energy,

el que significaria

what it would mean

i que

and that

també els joves científics

also the young scientists

i molt més

and much more

els mandataris

the representatives




they knew

el que era.

what it was.

Entre d'altres

Among others

és la mateixa biografia

it is the same biography

d'Antoni Hernández Fernández

of Antoni Hernández Fernández

que és

what is it



l'energia nuclear,

nuclear energy,

crec que és

I think it is

pas veu

step voice

una mica

a little bit

el teixó,

the badger,







el ampli espectre

the wide spectrum

de l'avigarrat

of the avigarrat

grup de Roma

Rome Group

que Corvino

that Corvino

havia logrado

had managed

formar en torno a Fermi

form around Fermi

fue un referente

he was a role model

de la física mundial

of world physics

durante los años sucesivos

during the following years

y habría seguido siendo así

and it would have continued to be that way

si Mussolini

if Mussolini

no hubiera causado

would not have caused

la diáspora de cerebros

the brain drain

que preludió

that prelude

a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

to World War II.

Il Duce

The Leader



que los experimentos

that the experiments

en que aquellos ragazzi

where those ragazzi

de via panisperna

of Panisperna Street


they worked

haría grande a Italia.

It would make Italy great.

Aquellos joves

Those young people




they were investigating

en la estructura

in the structure

de la materia

of the matter

en los secretos del átomo

in the secrets of the atom

que pronto empezarían

that they would soon start

a desvelarse

to be uncovered



y aterradores.

and terrifying.

Que per cert

By the way

en Fermi

in Fermi

va entrar

he/she/it entered



el Partit Nacional

the National Party

fascista italià

Italian fascist

no farà

he/she will not do







o en el Itzeram, però més com sempre

or in the Itzeram, but more like always

és posició de dades, no?

It's a data position, isn't it?

I Sagash, en Antonio Hernández

I Sagash, in Antonio Hernández



además, Ettore Majorana, desapareció

Moreover, Ettore Majorana disappeared.

en extrañas circunstancias a finales de marzo

in strange circumstances at the end of March

de 1938, mientras viajaba en ferry

from 1938, while traveling by ferry

de Nápoles, donde había conseguido una plaza de profesor

from Naples, where he had secured a position as a professor

a su palermo natal. La introversión

to his native Palermo. The introversion

de Majorana y algunas depresiones que había

of Majorana and some depressions that there were

padecido pudieron ser la causa de su trágica

suffered could have been the cause of their tragic

muerte, pero también se urdieron tramas

death, but plots were also woven

de espionaje y secuestro que los físicos italianos

of espionage and kidnapping that the Italian physicists

empezaron a temer, pues

they began to fear, because

eran piezas codiciadas en el contexto

they were coveted pieces in the context

bélico que se gestaba.

war that was brewing.

Aquel verano, Fermi abandonó su prudencia

That summer, Fermi abandoned his caution.

y escribió una carta al Duce para alentarle

and wrote a letter to the Duce to encourage him

a proseguir su búsqueda. En ella

to continue his search. In it

sostenía, no dudo en declararos,

I maintained, I do not hesitate to declare to you,

y no lo digo como expresión hiperbólica,

and I don't say this as a hyperbolic expression,

que entre todos los estudiosos italianos

that among all the Italian scholars

y extranjeros con quienes he tenido ocasión

and foreigners with whom I have had the opportunity

de relacionarme, Majorana

of relating to, Majorana

es quien, por la profundidad de su ingenio,

is the one, by the depth of his genius,

más me ha impactado.

has impacted me the most.

Fermi dirigió la tesis de Majorana

Fermi directed Majorana's thesis.

con la que se había graduado en 1929,

with which she had graduated in 1929,

la teoría cuántica de núcleos radioactivos.

the quantum theory of radioactive nuclei.

Fermi reconoció que la prodigiosa

Fermi recognized that the prodigious

capacitat de càlcul de Majorana

Majorana computing capability

i su sagacidad eren pròpies d'un genio

and his sagacity was characteristic of a genius

de los que se dan muy pocos en un siglo.

of which very few occur in a century.

Però era retraído

But he was withdrawn.

i tímido a l'extremo.

and extremely shy.

Fins i tot, fins i tot

Even so, even so.

diu que Majorana va ser capaç d'adelantar-se

He says that Majorana was able to predict.

en Heisenberg i altres científics

in Heisenberg and other scientists

en sa teoria

in his theory

de l'àtom que estava format

of the atom that was formed

per neutrons i protons.

for neutrons and protons.

I en Fermi, per exemple, és un dels altres

And in Fermi, for example, it is one of the others.

que desaparegué,

that disappeared,

però en el seu cas se'n va anar

but in his case, he left

als Estats Units.

in the United States.

La pregunta seria, evidentment,

The question would be, obviously,

pot tenir relació directa

it can have a direct relationship

amb l'ambient prebèl·lic a Europa

with the pre-war atmosphere in Europe

i l'endevinar o saber

and to guess or to know

què és el que podria passar

What could happen?

amb els seus abans científics?

with their scientific backgrounds?

Estem en si mateix,

We are in ourselves,

és molt interessant,

it's very interesting,



possibles boicots,

possible boycotts,

persecucions per ideologia o religió,

persecutions for ideology or religion,

foscos interessos al darrere,

dark interests behind,

que en el final varen fer

that in the end they made

que els Estats Units fossin els primers

that the United States would be the first

a tenir llesta

to have ready

i llençar sa bomba atòmica.

and drop the atomic bomb.

I aquell temor

And that fear

que tenien aquells anys,

what they had those years,

aquells científics,

those scientists,

es va fer realitat a Hiroshima i Nagasaki.

It became a reality in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I vist el que deien els altres científics

I saw what the other scientists were saying.

damunt de Majorana,

on top of Majorana,

una altra pregunta que mos podríem fer

another question that we could ask ourselves

davant de totes aquestes dades

in light of all this data

podria ser, tal vegada,

it could be, perhaps,

què hagués passat

what would have happened

si Majorana no hagués desaparegut?

If Majorana had not disappeared?

Què hauria pogut passar

What could have happened

en sa carrera per aconseguir sa bomba atòmica?

in his race to acquire the atomic bomb?

Podria ser que tal vegada

Could it be that maybe

si aquest home no hagués desaparegut

if this man had not disappeared

el món actualment

the world currently

no seria com és.

it wouldn't be as it is.

No ho sabem, ja no se sabrà mai.

We don't know it, it will never be known.

En qualsevol cas, enigmàtica

In any case, enigmatic.

sa desaparició d'aquest científic de primer ordre.

the disappearance of this leading scientist.

Bé, a l'igual que també

Well, just like also

és una misteriosa desaparició

it is a mysterious disappearance

de qualcú de primer ordre,

of someone of high importance,

perquè ara estic fent referència a un altre,

because now I am referring to another one,

en Harold Holt, que crec que

Harold Holt, whom I believe has

no massa gent el recordarà,

not many people will remember it,

però no deixa de ser

but it remains to be

curiosa aquesta història,

curious this story,

perquè aquest senyor era ni més ni manco

because this gentleman was none other than

que el primer ministre australià

that the Australian Prime Minister

i del que no s'ha sabut mai

and of what has never been known

què és el que realment

what is it that really

li va passar

it happened to him/her

i a més tampoc es va trobar el seu cos.

And furthermore, his/her body was also not found.

Que clar, si estem parlant

How clear, if we are talking

de tot un primer ministre,

of a prime minister,

ho fa molt més intrigant.

it makes it much more intriguing.

I voleu saber què va passar

Do you want to know what happened?

amb ell, amb en Harold Holt

with him, with Harold Holt

i altres desaparicions legendàries?

and other legendary disappearances?

Doncs anirà aquí,

Well, it will go here,

a iBetres Ràdio, a Fan de Misteris,

to iBetres Radio, to Fan of Mysteries,

després d'aquesta petita pausa.

after this small pause.

Tot d'una continuam.

All of a sudden we'll continue.

I B3 Ràdio és

I B3 Radio is



Del 16 al 22 de setiembre

From September 16 to 22.

celebrem la nova edició

let's celebrate the new edition

i celebram la Setmana Europea

and we celebrate European Week

de la Mobilitat en Palma.

of Mobility in Palma.

No et perds els tallers,

Don't miss the workshops,

la jornada de debats,

the day of debates,

les frutes saludables,

the healthy fruits,

el Parking Day

Parking Day

i la gran fiesta de la mobilitat

and the great mobility festival

per a tota la família.

for the whole family.

Informa-te a la web

Find out on the website.

Mueve-te con nosotros.

Move with us.

Ajuntament de Palma.

City Council of Palma.

No serveix qualsevol alarma

Not just any alarm will do.

perquè et despertis al matí.

so that you wake up in the morning.

Aquesta, sí.

This one, yes.

Bon dia, matiners.

Good morning, early risers.

Com va ser cosa?

How did it happen?

Esperem que vagi bé.

We hope it goes well.

Primer va a la formentera.

First, he goes to Formentera.

Despertat de dilluns a divendres

Waking up from Monday to Friday

a les 6

at 6 o'clock

a la setmana.

in the week.

Bé, i ve-te's ràdio

Well, here you have the radio.

amb Vicent Tur.

with Vicent Tur.

Seguim a Fan de Misteris,

We continue at Fan of Mysteries,



d'iB3 Ràdio,

of iB3 Radio,

la ràdio pública

public radio

de les 6 balears,

of the 6 Balearic Islands,

a través de la xarxa

through the network

també a

also at

i just abans

just before

d'aquesta petita pausa,

from this little pause,

després de parlar

after talking

de la misteriosa desaparició

of the mysterious disappearance

del científic italià Majorana,

from the Italian scientist Majorana,

he dit que volia parlar

I said that I wanted to talk.

d'un altre animàtic cas.

of another animated case.

És el de

It is the one of

la desaparició

the disappearance

de Harold Holt,

of Harold Holt,

primer ministre australià

Australian Prime Minister

l'any 1967.

the year 1967.

I he estat trascant

I have been transcending.

per la xarxa

through the network

i he trobat

I have found.

a la pàgina oficial

to the official page

del govern austríac

from the Austrian government

a sa biografia

to his biography

d'aquest polític

of this politician

diu aixà.

he says so.

Harold Holt,

Harold Holt,

un dels ministres

one of the ministers

més treballadors

more workers

del gabinet australià,

from the Australian cabinet,

després de 32 anys

after 32 years

com a parlamentari,

as a parliamentarian,

va arribar al càrrec

he arrived at the position

de primer ministre

of prime minister

l'any 1966.

the year 1966.

Harold Holt,

Harold Holt,

el tercer primer ministre

the third prime minister

a morir en el càrrec,

to die in office,

és ampliament recordat

he is widely remembered

per les circumstàncies

due to the circumstances

inusuals de la seva mort

unusual circumstances of his death

mentre nadava

while swimming

davant la costa de Victoria

off the coast of Victoria

l'any 1967.

the year 1967.

Així que,


està clar que sí,

it is clear that yes,

que hi ha un misteri

that there is a mystery

al darrere.

at the back.

I ha volgut ampliar.

And I wanted to expand.

I què és el que ha trobat?

And what is it that he/she has found?

Idò anà cap als arxius

Then he went to the archives.

desclassificats de la CIA

declassified CIA documents

per si hi ha alguna cosa

in case there is something

i si hi trobava cosa.

And if I found something.

I n'hi ha hagut una

There has been one.

que m'ha cridat l'atenció.

that caught my attention.

Bé, dues.

Well, two.

Per una banda,

On one hand,

que el dia següent

that the next day

de la seva desaparició

of its disappearance

a la reunió de la CIA

at the CIA meeting

els va dir,

he told them,

això traduït de l'anglès,

this translated from English,

s'espera que John McEwen

John McEwen is expected.

juri com a primer ministre

Juri as prime minister.

interí avui o demà.

interim today or tomorrow.

Els líders australians,

The Australian leaders,

encara recuperant-se

still recovering

del xoc

of the shock

de la presumpta mort

of the presumed death

de Harold Holt,

of Harold Holt,

encara no s'han fet

they have not been made yet

els següents passos.

the following steps.

I, per tant,

And therefore,

entre parèntesis deien

(in parentheses they said)

no s'esperen

they are not expected

canvis importants

important changes

en les polítiques

in the policies



I després,

And then,

un pa més en van,

one more loaf gone,

poques setmanes després,

few weeks later,

a un altre document

to another document



també de la CIA,

also from the CIA,



parla de diversos països,

talks about various countries,

diferents països,

different countries,

i diu,

and says,



El senador

The senator

John Gorton

John Gorton

es convertirà

it will become

en el pròxim

in the next

primer ministre d'Austràlia.

Prime Minister of Australia.

Gorton va ser

Gorton was

escollit per sotseir

chosen by Sotséir

el difunt

the deceased

Harold Holt

Harold Holt

com a líder

as a leader

del partit

of the match

liberal dominant

dominant liberal

i, automàticament,

and, automatically,

com a primer ministre

as prime minister



Els informes

The reports

inicials de Can Berra

initials of Can Berra

indiquen que pot

they indicate that it may

prendre possessió

take possession

del càrrec

of the position

ja el 10 o l'11

already on the 10th or the 11th

de gener.


La cosa és que parla

The thing is that it speaks.

del primer ministre

from the prime minister

com a mort,

like death,

directament una setmana

directly a week

més tard


de la seva desaparició.

of its disappearance.

I ara veureu

And now you will see.

per què crec

why I believe

que hi ha

What's going on?



o no

or not

damunt d'això.

on top of this.

I que,

And what,

a part de

apart from

tota la sentència

the whole sentence

i literatura

and literature

que hi ha damunt

what is above

d'aquest cas,

of this case,

està també

it is also

el que poden trobar

what they can find

les hemeroteques.

the newspaper archives.

El primer ministre

The prime minister

es junta amb uns amics

he meets up with some friends

per nedar una estona

to swim for a while

abans d'anar a dinar.

before going to lunch.

Era a la platja

I was at the beach.

de Victòria,

of Victoria,

a Austràlia.

to Australia.

Era un home

He was a man.

a vegades


nedant aquelles aigües

swimming those waters

que coneixia bé.

that I knew well.

Ell afirmava

He affirmed.

que les coneixia

that he/she knew them

com la palma

like the palm

de la seva mà.

by their hand.

De fet,

In fact,


they say

que aquestes

that these

van ser

they were

les seves


darreres paraules

last words

abans de dinar.

before lunch.

Abans de ficar-se

Before getting involved

a l'aigua.

to the water.

Un altre,


que hi havia amb ell

what was going on with him

i un dels seus acompanyants,

and one of his companions,

també es va ficar

he also got involved

a l'aigua,

in the water,

però diuen

but they say

que es va sortir

that it went out

per mordre

to bite

les corrents,

the currents,

perquè s'ha de dir tot.

because everything has to be said.

S'ha de reconèixer

It must be acknowledged.

que sembla

what it seems

que hi havia corrents

that there were currents


of water.

Però ell,

But he,

el primer ministre,

the prime minister,

es va ficar

he/she got in

va començar a nedar

he started to swim

i es va allunyar.

And he/she walked away.

I després

And then

va descompareixer.

he disappeared.

Centenars de persones,

Hundreds of people,





tothom cercant

everyone seeking

i res.

and nothing.

De totes maneres,

In any case,

ja sabem

we already know

que la mà

that the hand

fa forat i tapa.

Makes a hole and covers it.



en aquest cas,

in this case,

que estem davant

that we are facing

de la desaparició

of the disappearance

d'un primer ministre

of a prime minister

d'un país com Austràlia,

from a country like Australia,

podem imaginar

we can imagine

que s'ho van emprendre

that they took it on

aquesta recerca seriosament

this research seriously

i, clar,

Yes, of course.

com que no va aparèixer,

since he/she did not appear,

van començar a sortir

they started to date

les teories.

the theories.

Teories de tot tipus.

Theories of all kinds.

Que si s'havia llevat

That if he had gotten up.

la vida


per un matrimoni

for a marriage



Si hi havia massa

If there was too much

pressió política

political pressure

dit d'un home

said of a man

que duia més de tres dècades

that had been going on for more than three decades

a la política.

to politics.

Que si estava deprimit.

That if he was depressed.



després venen

then they come

les teories

the theories

de la conspiraça.

of the conspiracy.

La conspiració,

The conspiracy,



Que volia...

What did you want...



això és que no ho he dit.

this is that I have not said it.

Era un moment molt delicat

It was a very delicate moment.

perquè era la guerra

because it was the war

del Vietnam

from Vietnam

i Austràlia

and Australia

era un dels països

it was one of the countries

que la recolzava

that supported her

i, fins i tot,

and, even,

ell va dir,

he said,

quan va prendre

when did he/she take


the scarecrow,

que fins al final

that until the end

amb el president Johnson

with President Johnson

referit a la guerra.

referred to the war.

I diuen

And they say.

que, mem,

what, me,

si és que ell

if it is that he

havia canviat d'opinió

had changed his mind

i volia deixar

I wanted to leave.

de recolzar

to support

en els Estats Units.

in the United States.

I, clar,

Of course,

per això la CIA

that's why the CIA

l'hauria eliminat.

I would have eliminated it.

Hem de pensar

We have to think

que Austràlia

that Australia

va enviar, a més,

also sent,



60.000 soldats

60,000 soldiers

a Vietnam.

to Vietnam.

Una altra

Another one

de les teories

of the theories

era que s'havia fet

it was that it had been done



per la seva política

for its policy



d'una obertura

of an opening

cap a la immigració

towards immigration

i, fins i tot,

and even,

atenció a una queixa,

attention to a complaint,

que va desaparèixer

that disappeared

a la mà

at hand

perquè el va anar

because he/she went for it

a cercar

to look for

un submarí xines

a Chinese submarine

perquè ell

because he

hauria estat

would have been

una espia

a spy

i tenia por

I was scared.

que l'enxampessin.

to catch him/her.

En qualsevol cas,

In any case,

en qualsevol cas,

in any case,


be (verb form, subjunctive of "estar")



a la Xina

to China

o s'hagi mort

or has died

per no poder aguantar

for not being able to hold on

ses corrents

its currents

o, simplement,

or simply,

atacat per un tauró,

attacked by a shark,



ja mai ho sabrem.

We'll never know.

Que, per cert,

That, by the way,

ara, per semblança,

now, by resemblance,

podríem recordar

we could remember

els casos

the cases

d'Escapità Garau,

of Escapità Garau,

desaparegut també

also missing



de manera,

in such a way,

jo diria que

I would say that

molt semblant

very similar

en aquest primer

in this first





un militar

a soldier

que nedava

that was swimming

a Cabrera

to Cabrera

l'any 1912

the year 1912

i va desaparèixer

and he/she disappeared

i tampoc mai

and neither ever

es va trobar

he/she was found

al seu cor

in his heart

mentre se'l veien

while they looked at him

com desapareixia.

as he/she was disappearing.

El tema és que

The issue is that

Jusut Seït,

Jusut Seventh,

estic tornant a Austràlia,

I am returning to Australia,

Jusut Seït

Just Seven

ja se va donar

it has already been given

per mort

for death

en el dirigent.

in the leader.



i això és molt sorprenent,

and this is very surprising,




you know

quan oficialment

when officially

se li va donar

he/she was given

per mort?

for death?



hem vist que la filla

we have seen that the daughter



que era mort.

that he was dead.

I doncs se li va donar

And so it was given to him.

oficialment per mort

officially dead

l'any 2005.

the year 2005.

És a dir,

That is to say,

38 anys després

38 years later

de la seva desaparició,

since his disappearance,

les autoritats

the authorities

van tancar el cas

they closed the case



que havia mort

that had died



en aigües

in waters





hi ha més casos

there are more cases



en aquestes desaparicions

in these disappearances



que hem comentat,

what we have discussed,

però ara vull anar

but now I want to go

una mica a la part

a little to the side

més llegendària.

more legendary.

Tenim el fet

We have the fact.

de poder desaparèixer

of being able to disappear



amb un objecte màgic,

with a magic object,

el que aneu com a

what you go as to



o fins i tot

or even

a les rondalles

to the fairy tales

tenim aquella dita

we have that saying

pel fet de desaparèixer

for the fact of disappearing

que diu

what does it say



com s'ànima

how one souls

de Robert,

of Robert,

que surt a les rondalles

that appears in the tales



de la selecció

of the selection

d'en Alcobeda,

of Alcobeda,

en Jordi de Recó.

Jordi from Recó.

També tenim

We also have

les desaparicions

the disappearances



de cavallers

of knights

que ajuden

that help

a una batalla

to a battle

o a una lluita,

or to a fight,

per exemple,

for example,

les atribuïdes

the attributed

a Sant Jordi

at Sant Jordi

o a Sant Jaume,

or to Saint James,



si és a nivell espanyol.

if it is at the Spanish level.

Sant Jordi,

Saint George,

que figura

what a figure

en qualsevol

in any

de les més importants

of the most important



de la coneguda

of the known

com a reconquesta,

as a reconquest,

com podria ser,

how could it be,

per exemple,

for example,

la de Medina Mallorca,

the one from Medina Mallorca,

la de Palma,

the one from Palma,

segons la crònica

according to the chronicle

del rei En Jaume I,

of King Jaume I,

que, per cert,

that, by the way,

està enterrat

he is buried

a Poblat.

to a village.

I ho faig venir bé

I make it work for me.

perquè una altra

because another

cas curiós

curious case

de desaparició

of disappearance

i legendària

and legendary

és allà,

it is there,

a Poblat,

to Poblat,

a la fundació

to the foundation

de quan,

since when,

millor dit,

better said,

de quan es va fundar

when it was founded

i com es va fundar

and how it was founded

el monestir de Poblat

the monastery of Poblat

a Tarragona,

in Tarragona,

on diuen

they say



on és aquest monestir?

Where is this monastery?

A la ruta

To the route

de Císter,

from Cister,



i d'allà

and from there


they say

que en el segle XII

that in the 12th century

hi havia una ermita

there was a hermitage

que es deia Poblat,

that was called Poblat,

que vivia una petita

that lived a little

i mal endreçada ermita.

and poorly arranged hermitage.

I un dia

And one day

el rei de

the king of





el virrei moro

the Moorish viceroy

de Ciurana,

from Ciurana,

podríem dir,

we could say,

el va fer pres,

he was captured,

el va posar en una cel·la

he put him in a cell

i en un no-res,

and in no time,

sense saber com,

without knowing how,

aquest Poblat

this settlement


was disappearing

i tornava

and I was returning

a la seva petita ermita.

to her small hermitage.

I això hauria succeït

And this would have happened.

tres vegades.

three times.

Aquesta mena

This kind

de virrei

of viceroy

de Ciurana

of Ciurana

el va perdonar,

he forgave him,

va pensar

he thought

que jo tenia

that I had

el que bé

what is good

que era

what it was



de Bucilis,

of Bucilus,

és a dir,

that is to say,

va pensar en l'origen

he thought about the origin



del fet,

of the fact,

així que

so that

va optar per deixar-ho lliure

he chose to leave it free

i el va permetre

and allowed him

poder-se dedicar

to be able to dedicate oneself

a les seves oracions.

in their prayers.

Però, clar,

But, of course,

quan se va assabentar

when he/she found out

el que era el rei de Lleida,

what was the king of Lleida,

també musulmà,

also Muslim,

d'abans de



to be named

de Reconquesta Cristiana,

of Christian Reconquest,


of course,

i del rei de Lleida

and of the king of Lleida

no hi creia gens

I didn't believe it at all.

en fer miraculosos

to do miraculous things

i el vam anar

and we went there

a tancar

to close

a la més fosca,

to the darkest,



i amagada

and hidden

de les seves presons

from their prisons

per veure

to see






would escape.



tal i com ho havia fet

just as I had done it

del castell de Siurana,

from the castle of Siurana,




was escaping

de la presó musulmana

from the Muslim prison

de Lleida

from Lleida

i també ho va fer

and he/she did it too

tres vegades

three times

i davant d'això,

and in light of this,


of course,

aquell rei,

that king,

sa rei,

His Majesty,

el va deixar lliure

he set him free

i amb dret

and with right

de fer ús

to make use of

de sa seva ermita.

from his hermitage.

Molt bé,

Very well,

ja té sa seva petita ermita,

it already has its little hermitage,

però com esdevé

but how does it become

en l'actual reial monestir

in the current royal monastery

de Poblet

from Poblet

aquella petita,

that little one,

aquella desfeta

that defeat



i va perquè

and go because

s'existència d'una ermita

the existence of a hermitage

en ple terreny

in full territory

de domini

of domain

i sa rei

and the king

afavorien els cristians

they favored the Christians

per intentar

to try

sa reconquesta

the reconquest

i per això Poblet

And for this reason, Poblet.

es va posar d'acord

he/she came to an agreement

amb el conte Berenguer

with the story Berenguer

que ha agraït

that has been appreciated

a Poblet

to Poblet

a l'ermita

to the hermitage

per sa seva intervenció

for his/her intervention

per afavorir

to favor

sa lluita

his fight

a favor d'ells

in their favor

i va volar

and flew


convert it for him/her

sa seva petita ermita

his little hermitage

en un riu monestir

in a monastery river

per això


va fer anar

made go

a un grup

to a group

de monjos

of monks



que van enfondar

that sank

aquell monestir

that monastery

sota la basia

under the kiss

de l'ermita Poblet.

of the Poblet hermitage.

I allà,

And there,

com deien,

as they said,

el monestir

the monastery

de Poblet

from Poblet


it is

abans licitat,

before bidding,

és a dir,

that is to say,

estic tancant

I am closing.

aquest cercle,

this circle,

està el cadàver

is the corpse

de Jaume I,

of James I,

de Jaume el Conqueridor,

of James the Conqueror,

que per cert

by the way

té dos caps.

it has two heads.

Però aquesta,

But this,

aquesta ja ho sabeu,

you already know this,

aquesta seria

this would be

una altra història.

another story.

Bé, ja dic

Well, I'm saying.

que sa propera setmana

that next week

vull seguir

I want to continue.



només de medievals

only medieval ones



amb el cap

with the head

amb el que acab de dir

with what I just said

n'hi ha

there is/are

un bon grapat

a good handful


of stories





i aparicions

and apparitions

i desaparicions

and disappearances



Però ara el que faran

But now what they will do

serà una altra

it will be another

petita pausa

little break

i tot d'una continuem

and all of a sudden we continue

aquí, a Font de Misteris,

here, at Font de Misteris,

a Ivetres Ràdio.

to Ivetres Radio.

Ivetres Ràdio

Ivetres Radio











El programa eminentment musical

The eminently musical program

que vos acompanya

that accompanies you

de dilluns a dijous

from Monday to Thursday

des de les 11 del vespre

since 11 in the evening

i fins a la mitjanit.

and until midnight.



a una nova sessió

to a new session

de l'Aclèctic,

of the Aclèctic,

una edició

an edition

que transitarà

that will transit

per el gènere

for the genre

dels 12 compassos.

of the 12 beats.

Sí, el blues.

Yes, the blues.

Avui, com ja

Today, as already

vos podeu imaginar,

you can imagine,

la sessió de l'Aclèctic

the session of the Aclèctic


will transit

per el hard rock

for hard rock

i heavy metal

and heavy metal

amb un contingut

with content

un tant psicodèmic.

a bit psychedelic.

I els dilluns

And on Mondays



ho feu en jazz.

you do it in jazz.



amb Ferran Pereira.

with Ferran Pereira.

La música

The music

per la qual

for which

val la pena

it's worth it

trencar el silenci

break the silence

és el nostre

it is ours



Per saber

To know

què ha passat

what has happened

durant la jornada

during the day

i escoltar

and listen

la crònica del dia,

the chronicle of the day,

a més de conèixer

in addition to knowing

les previsions

the forecasts

de l'endemà,

the next day,

tens una cita

you have an appointment

de dilluns a divendres

from Monday to Friday

a l'etcet

to the etcetera

amb l'informatiu vespre.

with the evening news.

Ivetres Ràdio

Ivetres Radio

Serveis informatius.

Information services.

Ivetres Ràdio

Ivetres Radio

Seguim a Fan d'Amistaris,

We continue at Fan d'Amistaris,

la sintonia d'Ivetres Ràdio,

the frequency of Ivetres Radio,

la ràdio pública

the public radio

de les Illes Balears,

from the Balearic Islands,

a Manarca Mos,

a Manarca Mos,

per ultrabanes 88.6

for ultrabanes 88.6

de sa freqüència modulada.

of frequency modulation.

I aquesta sintonia

And this harmony

vol dir que

it means that

anem ara

let's go now

en sa secció

in his section

que nosaltres

that we

anem a anar

let's go

amb contes i rondalles

with stories and tales

a on Irene Font

where is Irene Font

cada setmana

every week

mos du

brings us

qualque rondalla,

any tale,

qualque contarella,

some tale,

qualque llegenda

some legend

que li hagi cridat

that I have called him/her

sa atenció.

his attention.

Bon vespre, Irene.

Good evening, Irene.

Bon vespre, Estema.

Good evening, Estema.

Com us dus per avui?

How are you doing today?

Bé, per avui

Well, for today.

duc una del llibre

bring a book

de llegendes i rondalles

of legends and tales



de Josep Capó

by Josep Capó

i Mateu Morro,

and Mateu Morro,

editat per l'Ajuntament

edited by the City Council

de Santa Maria

of Santa Maria

el 2007,

the 2007,



En soler

In the habit of

el bandatjat

the bandit

i que conta

And what does it say?

tal que així.

such that this.

Bé, abans dir

Well, before saying

que va haver una època,

that there was a time,

malgrat ses llegendes

despite its legends

i rondalles

and tales

s'hagin mitificat,

have been mythified,

que verdaderament

that truly

hi va haver

there was

grups de bandatjats

gang groups

per les illes.

for the islands.

Gent que sovint

People who often

per sa desesperació

for his desperation

prenia en aquella decisió

I took that decision.

de vida

of life

que sovint acabava

that often ended

amb ells

with them

a la presó

to prison

o a la mort.

or to death.

I era en aquell temps

And it was at that time

de fam i misèria

of hunger and misery

quan la població

when the population

no tenia

did not have

ni el més indispensable,

not even the most essential,

que els impostos

that the taxes

i deutes

and debts

creixien tant

they grew so much

que fins i tot

that even

havien de vendre

they had to sell

qualsevol bé

any good

que tinguessin.

that they had.

I és en aquest moment

And it is at this moment

que comença

that begins

aquesta història.

this story.

I és que això

And it is that this

fou el que va succeir

it was what happened

a Sole,

to Sole,

l'home més feiner

the hardest worker

de les contrades,

of the regions,

que un mal dia

what a bad day

amb deutes

with debts

a les que no podia

to those I could not

fer front

to face

i que la venda

and that the sale

dels seus productes

of their products

de la terra

of the earth

no bastaven per res,

they were not enough for anything,

no podia vestir

I couldn't dress.

els seus


dels més necessaris.

of the most necessary.

A més,


que per comprar

what to buy

ses poques quarterades

his few quarters

que tenia

that had

s'havia hagut

had had


to go into debt

i ara

and now

no tenia

I didn't have.



de poder

to be able

llevar el deute.

remove the debt.

A l'hora

At the hour

de parar taula,

to set the table,

la seva dona

his wife

no trobava cap

I couldn't find any.

roer de pa de segon

second bread roll

per fer espassar

to make it thicker

la talent

the talent

i la mare d'en Sole

and Sole's mother

ja ben empesa d'anys

already well into the years

no tenia conor

I had no shame.

tant veure

so much to see

com el seu fill

like his son

de cada dia

every day

tornava més

I came back more.



més malsofrit.

more badly fried.

Ja no tenia amics

I no longer had friends.

i molts dies

and many days

la casa

the house

era un infern.

it was hell.

En Soler,

In Soler,

l'home més honrat

the most honest man

de la comarca,

from the region,

el que treballava sempre

the one who always worked

de sol a sol

from dawn to dusk

estava a la misèria.

I was in misery.

Ell i tota sa seva família

He and all his family.

i tots volien cobrar

and everyone wanted to get paid

els seus deutes.

his debts.

Ningú perdonava res.

No one forgave anything.

Així que en Soler

So in Soler

hagué de vendre

had to sell

sa seves finques,

his/her/its estates,

hagué d'empanyorar

had to show off

els mobles.

the furniture.

Tan sols no tenien

They simply didn't have.

ni quatre pedaços

not even four patches

per vestir els venuts.

to dress the sold ones.

Arribar que quasi

Arriving almost.

ja no parlava

he/she no longer spoke

amb ningú

with no one

ni amb la seva família.

not even with his family.

Amb la seva dona.

With his wife.

No feia feina.

I wasn't working.

No en podia fer.

I couldn't do it.

Havia perdut sa terra

He had lost his land.

i cap dels senyors del poble

and none of the lords of the village

volia contractar

I wanted to hire.

més missatges.

more messages.

Tot allò

All that

el desesperava.

it drove him desperate.



a estar empagait

to be soaked

de sortir a sa plaça.

to go out to his square.

Sentia vergonya

I felt ashamed.

d'ell mateix.

of himself.

El bon Soler,

The good Soler,

el més valent

the bravest

a l'hora de la feina,

at work,



era un perdulari,

he was a wanderer,

un malfeiner,

a wrongdoer,

un perdut.

a lost one.

Una nit,

One night,

de matinada,

early in the morning,

fosca negra,

black darkness,


he/she/it got up

i sense fer gens de renou

and without making any noise at all

sortia de casa seva.

he was leaving his house.

Ningú s'adonà.

No one noticed.

Sol sa mare.

Sun, mother.

Veia per de bona hora ja

I was already seeing it early on.

que va sentir com partia.

that felt how it was departing.

Quan tornà,

When he returned,

començava a trencar el dia.

the day was starting to break.

Duia un sac a l'esquena.

He was carrying a bag on his back.

Altra bocada

Another bite

amb un sa darrera

with a healthy rear

taula que hi havia,

table that was there,

veia i corcada.

saw and rotten.

I un grapat

And a handful

de magranes dolces,

of sweet pomegranates,

una embosta de figues

a fig jam

i una dotzena

and a dozen

de pomes

of apples


they scattered

per damunt sa taula.

above the table.

Sa família

His family

ja no passaria

it would no longer happen

més fam.

more hunger.


The next day


he/she asked

amb dos conís,

with two cones,


the other

amb un pollastre,

with a chicken,

una de matinada

one in the morning

amb un sac d'oliva.

with a bag of olives.

Sempre replavava

Always replaved

qualque cosa.


En Soler,

In Soler,

el bon Soler,

the good Soler,

ara ja era un jadre.

now it was a mess.

Anava lluïn a robar.

I was going to shine at stealing.

Es feia el malat

He pretended to be ill.

per no ser sospitós,

to avoid being suspicious,

però aviat va estar marcat.

but soon he was marked.

D'un poble veïnat

From a neighboring town

havien sostrat molt de dobles

they had removed a lot of doubles

a una casa

to a house

i la justícia sospitava d'en Soler.

And the justice suspected Mr. Soler.

Així que una nit d'aquelles,

So one night like those,

en Soler fugia com un home,

Soler fled like a man,

dins d'un bolic

inside a bundle

s'enduguia una mica de roba.

he would take away some clothes.

Ja no tornava més

He wouldn't come back anymore.

a casa seva.

at your home.

Se n'anava a les muntanyes,

He was going to the mountains,

entre el bosc

in the forest

o les peces d'alcines,

or the pieces of alcyon.

on sols i cap

only and none

llevava un carbonès

he was wearing a coalman's outfit

i boscarols esquius.

and ski boscars.

No podia anar a poble,

I couldn't go to the village,

l'esperava a sa presó.

I was waiting for him at the prison.

Per de bé,

For good,

sa banda de consell,

the council band,

els malfactors

the wrongdoers

penjaven de ses forques.

they hung from the forks.

Passaren ses setmanes,

The weeks passed,

sa mare plorava,

her mother was crying,

i sa dona feia feina aquí i allà

And his wife worked here and there.

per dur una mica de pa a casa seva.

to bring a little bread home.

D'en Soler no se'n sabia res,

Nothing was known about Soler,

fins en una ocasió,

until one occasion,

on un pererguí,

on a peregrine,

que tornava de per Lluc,

who was returning from per Lluc,

deia que l'havia vist

he said he had seen her

amb una colla de gent de mala vida,

with a bunch of lowlife people,

gent de forca i presó,

people of strength and prison,

que anava a fuita

that was running away

amb el trebut penjat pel coll.

with the throat hanging by the neck.

Un dia,

One day,

arribava al poble la nova

the news arrived in the village

que la colla d'en Soler

that the group of Soler

havia saltat sa possessió

had jumped his possession

del marquès de Sestorell.

of the Marquis of Sestorell.

Un altre llorn es va xerrar

Another yarn was spun.

que l'havien vist

that they had seen him/her

que volcava

that overturned

per ses marines.

for her marines.

El seu cap ja tenia

His head already had

un bon preu.

a good price.

En Soler,

In Soler,

en bon Soler,

in good Soler,

ja era un muntatjat

it was already a mess



A poc a poc,

Little by little,

la colla d'en Soler

the Soler gang

es va fer coneguda

she became known

per tota Mallorca.

throughout Mallorca.

No hi havia camins segurs

There were no safe paths.

ni cap indret tranquil.

nor any quiet place.

El governador armava

The governor was arming.

una tropa

a troop

per encalçats bandatjats.

for entwined sheep.

Però aquells homes,

But those men,

tots amb un cremull

everyone with a smile

de penes de mort segures,

of certain death penalties,

no s'esperoguiren.

they did not despair.

Armats fins a les dents,

Armed to the teeth,

els capitans i els soldats

the captains and the soldiers

trescaven pertot arreu

they were rummaging everywhere

cercant els bandolers.

searching for the bandits.

De bon començament,

From the very beginning,

en Soler i els seus

in Soler and his team

pogueren fer fonadissos

they could make foundations

als seus amagatalls

to their hiding places

com a conills

like rabbits

dins les llorigueres.

inside the gullies.

Però de cada pic

But every time

ho tenien més negre.

they had it worse.

Un dia ja no tengueren

One day they no longer had.

cap alcinar on refollar-se

head of the oak to undergo a recovery

i la tropa els caigui damunt.

and the troops fall upon them.

Molts moriren

Many died.

nefrats de mala manera

badly made screw-ups

per les arcabussades

for the gunshots

i els cants de brega.

and the battle songs.



foren capturats

were captured

i penjats.

and hanging.

En Soler, però,

In Soler, however,

no va aparèixer.

it did not appear.

Un soldat digué

A soldier said

que l'havia vist

that he/she had seen it

fugir per un cingle

fleeing over a cliff

mal ferit

badly injured



al roquissà.

to the rock face.

Però ben cert

But it is true

ningú no en sabia res.

no one knew anything about it.

Molts digueren

Many said

que l'havien mort

that they had killed him

els seus amics

his friends



Però el seu cadàver

But his corpse

no va sortir mai.

he never came out.

Se'n feren

They made it.

glosses i codolades.

glosses and cobblestones.

I la gent,

And the people,

les nits fredes de l'hivern,

the cold winter nights,

recordaven Soler,

they remembered Soler,

que era un soldat

that he was a soldier

el bandetjat foratge,

the banded forage,

l'home sense pietat

the man without mercy

ni compassió.

nor compassion.

Els soldats

The soldiers

anaven cercant

they were looking for

i cercant en Soler.

and looking for Soler.

Hi havia homes

There were men.

que no feien altra cosa

that they did nothing else

que trescar muntanyes

to wander the mountains

a veure si l'aglapien.

let's see if they catch him.

El preu per sa seva captura

The price for his capture.

era molt gros.

it was very big.

Era una bona llapolia

It was a good mess.

per aventurers

for adventurers

i gent de mala lleia

and people of ill will

que no sabia viure

that did not know how to live

si no era matant

if he/she was not killing

i fent malfrats.

and making mistakes.

A Santa Maria,

To Santa Maria,

en Peró,

in Peru,

poca llenç

little canvas

se'n recordava d'en Soler.

he remembered Soler.

Sa mareta,

His little mother,

vella i cansada,

old and tired,

cada dia feia camí

every day I walked

cap a sa església.

towards the church.

No mancava cap

None was missing.

a la seva casa.

to his house.

Cap dia el seu encontre

Never that their meeting.

fes neu

make snow

o fes calor.

or it gets hot.

Sa seva tristor

His/her sadness

era molt grossa

it was very big

i els pes dels anys

and the weight of the years

era ben feixuc.

it was quite heavy.

Però qualque cosa

But something


I was holding it.

i li donava esperança

and it gave him hope

de seguir vivint.

to continue living.

Feia més de deu anys

It was more than ten years ago.

de la desaparició

of the disappearance

d'en Soler.

of Soler.

Per les muntanyes de Mallorca

Through the mountains of Mallorca

ja hi tornava a haver

there was already again



I seguia ben fam

And I was still very hungry.

i injustícia.

and injustice.

I molt d'homes,

And many men,

com en Tain i en Soler,

like in Tain and Soler,

no trobaven altre camí

they couldn't find another way

que el d'amagar-se a la muntanya.

that of hiding in the mountain.

I molt menys

And much less

pels que ja estaven acusats.

for those who were already accused.

Només podien continuar

They could only continue.

amb aquella arriscada vida.

with that risky life.

El governador

The governor

no trobava cap remei bo.

I couldn't find any good remedy.

A la fi,

At last,


they advised him/her

que concedís

that granted

un perdó general.

a general pardon.

Dit i fet,

Done and dusted,

el perdó


fou concedit

it was granted

als bandatjats

to the bandits

serien perdonats

they would be forgiven

si li s'integraven

if they were integrated

dins la llarcit del rei.

inside the king's home.

Se'n feren crides

Calls were made.

i molt de bandatjats

and a lot of wounded


they would complain

que el rei

that the king

era un dels seus caos.

It was one of his/her chaos.

I uns

And some

se n'anaren a l'exèrcit

they went to the army

i uns altres

and others

s'embarcaren en la flota.

they embarked in the fleet.

Feia brusquina

It was chilly.

i veren en Soler

And they saw in Soler.

amb una capa

with a cape

que sortia

that was coming out

de l'església

of the church

de Santa Maria.

of Santa Maria.

A ell també

Him too.

li corresponia el perdó.

he deserved forgiveness.

Més de deu anys

More than ten years

havia estat amagat

had been hidden

dins l'església,

inside the church,

menjant les coses

eating things

que sa mare

that her mother

li deixava cada dia

I would leave it to him/her every day.

a un racó

to a corner



d'una capella.

of a chapel.

Sa mareta,

His little mother,

dia darrere dia,

day after day,

any darrere any,

year after year,

havia tengut es ment

I had a mind.

del seu fill,

of her son,

esperant l'hora

waiting for the hour

feliç de la llibertat.

happy of freedom.

En Soler

In Soler

el bandatjat,

the bandit

ruat i vell,

ruined and old,

demanà el perdó

asked for forgiveness

i l'obtingué.

and he/she obtained it.

Sa seva edat

His/Her age

no era ja

it was no longer

per anar-se a l'exèrcit.

to join the army.

Envellit i malalt,

Aged and sick,

encara va poder

still could

conèixer els seus fills.

to know his/her children.

O més fets,

Or more done,

que com ell,

like him,

en sa seva joventut,

in his youth,

eren els treballadors

they were the workers

de més anomenada

of greater renown

del poble.

of the village.

Per al poble,

For the people,

no oblida.

do not forget.

Pujant al campanar

Climbing the bell tower

de Santa Maria,

of Santa Maria,

d'haver-se alçada

of having risen

del rellotge,

from the clock,

hi ha la cambra

there is the room

d'en Soler.

from Soler.

I així la coneixien

And so they knew her.

encara ara.

even now.

Els escolanets

The altar boys

més espavilats

more clever

saben que en aquella cambra

they know that in that room

s'hi amagava

he was hiding there

un jadre

a whimper

i que sa seva mare

and that your mother


in secret

li duia el menjar.

I brought him the food.

I quan

And when

qualque escolanet

any altar boy

ha de pujar

it has to go up

a escales amunt,

up the stairs,

tot sol,

all alone,

als escalons del campanar

on the steps of the bell tower

moltes vegades

many times

sent un escarrufament

being a shiver

de por


i de misteri.

and of mystery.

I, per tant,

And therefore,

pensant-se sentir

thinking they feel

les passes

the steps

del bandatjat.

of the banished.

La història

The history

d'en Soler,

of Soler,



de sa seva

of his own



aquestes històries

these stories

de bandatjats

of bandits

que, a part

that, apart

d'aquesta llegenda

of this legend

tal vegada històrica,

perhaps historical,

però a passar

but to pass


of this,

si en un personatge

if in a character



que ha esdevingut

what has happened

en un dels gegants

in one of the giants

de Santa Maria

of Santa Maria

del Camí.

of the Way.

Aquell home

That man

que es va acollir

that was welcomed

a Sagrat,

to the Sacred,


it seems,

i que està

and what is it

tan magistralment

so masterfully





Josep Capó

Joseph Capó

i en Mateu Morro

and Mateu Morro

en el llibre

in the book

Llegendes i Rondalles

Legends and Tales

Santa Marieres.

Holy Marys.

I quantes històries,

And how many stories,

moltes tràgiques,

many tragic ones,

la majoria

the majority

podríem dir tràgiques,

we could say tragic,

que hi ha darrere

what is behind

de ses figures

of the figures

dels bandatjats

of the bandits

que hi ha dictament,

that there is dictation,

que a dia d'avui

that to this day

tal vegada


massa idealitzades

idealized masses

aquestes figures

these figures

de bandatjats.

of bandits.



moltes gràcies, Irene.

thank you very much, Irene.

Gràcies a tu,

Thanks to you,



i fins la setmana que ve.

And until next week.


Thank you.

I ara,

And now,

com hem dit en adxumar

as we have said in adxumar

i tot relacionat,

and everything related,



si hi ha

if there is

qualque cosa


que desapareix

that disappears



jo diria que són

I would say that they are

aquells estranys

those strangers

entjats voladors

flying beings

i els seus suposats

and its supposed


crew members.

No sé si

I don't know if

van per aquí estirts,

they go stretched out over here,

però Borja diu

but Borja says

que mos parlarà

that will talk to us


of UFOs,

però bé,

but well,

en Sergi ho ha dit,

Sergi has said so.

ha posat a l'escaleta

has put on the agenda

els ovnis del fred.

the cold UFOs.

i de fer el que vulguis, total.

And do whatever you want, anyway.

I de president Tarek, que sí que està començant

And President Tarek, who is indeed starting.

d'arribar el fred, i de un parell

of the cold arriving, and of a couple

de cases ovni que mos duen

of UFO cases that bring us

ni més ni manco que a Finlàndia.

no more and no less than in Finland.

El primer, que surt referenciat

The first one that is referenced.

d'obres com We Are Not Alone

of works like We Are Not Alone

o Evidence of Extraterrestrial,

or Evidence of Extraterrestrial,

mos du en el sud-oest de Finlàndia,

takes us to the southwest of Finland,

concretament fins a la ciutat

specifically to the city

de Pori. Allà, l'abril

from Pori. There, in April

del 69, va tenir

from the 69, had

lloc un massiu alvirament ovni

place a massive apparently UFO

des d'una base aèria, en part

from an airbase, in part

civil i part militar. En aquells

civil and military part. In those

dies, 20 pilots, que no és poca cosa,

days, 20 pilots, which is no small feat,

mentre realitzaven unes maniobres

while they were performing some maneuvers

d'entrenament, van veure

during training, they saw

set objectes lluminosos i

seven luminous objects and

arrodonits. I no era un miratge

rounded. And it wasn't a mirage

ni molt manco, una il·lustració tampoc,

not to mention, an illustration neither,

ja que el radar

since the radar

de sa base va percebre també

from its base it was also perceived

els seus resons. Un d'aquests

their echoes. One of these

pilots, que feia maniobres, de nom

pilots, who was maneuvering, named

Tarco... Tarmo, perdó, Tuqueva,

Tarco... Tarmo, sorry, Tuqueva,

va rebre sort de seguir

he received luck to continue

en els objectes, i ben de pressa

in the objects, and quickly

va dirigir sa seva aeronau cap a ells.

he directed his aircraft towards them.

Però va ser un esforç que no va dur

But it was an effort that did not last.

a res. En un instant

to nothing. In an instant

van ser captats a gairebé

they were captured at nearly

200 quilòmetres d'aquell lloc.

200 kilometers from that place.

Havien desenvolupat una

They had developed a

velocitat sense dubte impossible

speed without a doubt impossible

per ses màquines humanes.

for their human machines.

Un dies després,

A few days later,

Tarmo, pilot testimoni excepcional

Tarmo, exceptional testimonial pilot.

de tant singular succés,

of such a singular event,

va exposar sa seva opinió,

he expressed his opinion,

el seu testimoni, a un programa de televisió dedicat

his testimony, on a television program dedicated

a aquestes temàtiques, anomenat

to these themes, called

Visitors from the Sky.

Visitors from the Sky.

El més sorprenent és que, passats

The most surprising thing is that, after

15 dies des que es posa

15 days since it was put on.

a la seva experiència, el pilot

in his experience, the pilot

va morir d'un fulminant

he died of a sudden heart attack

atac en escó.

attack in a seat.

Què vols semblar?

What do you want to seem like?

El següent cas, molts d'uns

The following case, many of some.

a sa freda nit del 7 de gener

on the cold night of January 7

de 1970,

from 1970,

concretament a Imjarvi,

specifically in Imjarvi,

a sa Finlàndia Meridional.

to Southern Finland.

Allà se'l trobaven en Forrestenheimnoven

There they found him in Forrestenheimnoven.

i Nesco Viljo, gaudint d'una bona

I Nesco Viljo, enjoying a good

sessió d'esquí, ben entrats cap vespre.

ski session, well into the evening.

Eren consumats esportistes,

They were accomplished athletes,

acostumats a sa alta competició.

used to high competition.

Després d'una estona d'activitat,

After a while of activity,

van albirar un clar

they spotted a clear

en el camí i van decidir fer

on the way and they decided to do

un petit alt. Poc moments

a small break. Just a moment.

després, aquells homes van escoltar

afterwards, those men listened

una sort d'una espècie d'estrany bronzit

a kind of a strange bronzing

i en el cel va aparèixer

and in the sky appeared

una boira vermellosa que,

a reddish fog that,

a poc a poc, va arribar a nasclar

little by little, it began to be born

per situar-se damunt de ses copes

to be situated above the crowns

dels arbres. I en sa boira,

of the trees. And in its mist,

en el seu centre, els testimonis van

at its center, the witnesses go

perveure un objecte metàl·lic

to perceive a metallic object

del manco 10 peus de diàmetre,

at least 10 feet in diameter,

és a dir, en es voltant de 3 metres.

That is to say, around 3 meters.

I ara, si voleu, ràpidament,

And now, if you want, quickly,

llegim textualment en espioner

we read literally in spy

en Antonio Rivera, del seu llibre

in Antonio Rivera, from his book

Encuentros con humanoides, diu

Encounters with humanoids, he says.

«S'objecte va remandre sus pas a l'aire

"The object remained suspended in the air."

uns moments mentre continuava sentint-se esbronzit.

a few moments while he continued feeling tanned.

Aquest va ser augmentat d'intensitat

This was increased in intensity.

gradualment mentre s'objecte descendia

gradually while the object descended

en lentitud. Simultàniament,

in slow motion. Simultaneously,

sa boira grisa vermellosa, diu,

the reddish gray fog, he says,

va començar a sumar-se.

it started to add up.

S'objecte se va tenir al seu descens

The object was held during its descent.

quan se trobava a 3 o 4 metres del sol.

when it was about 3 or 4 meters from the sun.

Al mateix temps, va cessar esbronzit.

At the same time, he stopped being tanned.

Genón en va manifestar

Genón expressed it.

que ho tenia tan a prop que podria haver-ho tocat

that I had it so close that I could have touched it

amb el seu bastó d'esquiar.

with his ski pole.

De sobte, d'estup inferior,

Suddenly, of inferior stature,

va sortir, va brollar

it came out, it gushed

un brillant raig de llum

a bright beam of light

que va descriure un parell de cercles

that described a couple of circles

abans de detenir-se, creant un cercle

before stopping, creating a circle

il·luminat sobre sa neu.

illuminated over his snow.

Que mesurava cosa d'un metre de diàmetre

That measured about one meter in diameter.

i estava envoltat per una barrera negra

I was surrounded by a black barrier.

de diversos centímetres d'ample.

several centimeters wide.

Els dos homos seguien molt quiets

The two men remained very still.

mentre una boira vermella-grisa

while a red-grey fog

va començar a descendir

began to descend

sobre aquell lloc.

about that place.

Sentint sa paraula ara en engeinonen,

Hearing his word now in the machine,

de sobte vaig sentir com si algú

suddenly I felt as if someone

m'hagués aferrat per sa cintura

I would have grabbed her by the waist.

i m'atirés de mi cap enrere.

I will throw myself back.

Crec que va fer un pas cap enrere

I think he/she took a step back.

i en aquell mateix instant vaig veure

and at that same moment I saw

l'ésser. Estava dret, dintre el raig de llum,

the being. He was standing, in the beam of light,

amb una caixa negra a ses mans.

with a black box in her hands.

Per una obertura rodona de sa caixa

For a round opening of the box.

sorgia una llum groguenca i pulsant.

a yellowish and pulsating light emerged.

L'ésser feia uns 90 centímetres d'alt.

The creature was about 90 centimeters tall.

Els seus braços i cames eren molt prims.

His arms and legs were very thin.

El seu rostre era pàl·lid.

Her face was pale.

No vaig reparar en els seus ulls,

I didn't notice her eyes,

però sí en el nas, que era molt estrany.

but yes in the nose, which was very strange.

Més que un nas, semblava un pic,

More than a nose, it looked like a peak,

un bec en forma de ganxo.

a hook-shaped beak.

Ses orelles eren molt petites

Her ears were very small.

i s'estranyien cap a sa part superior.

and they were strange towards their upper part.

Aquell ésser duia una espècie de granot

That being was wearing a kind of frog.

d'un material veritat.

of a true material.

Clar, calçava unes botes d'un color verd

Of course, she was wearing boots of a green color.

més fosc que li arribaven fins a més amunt

darker than they reached him further up

de genolls. Vaig veure també

on my knees. I also saw

que duia uns guants blancs que li pujaven

that wore white gloves that came up to him

fins a les colzes. I els dits,

up to the elbows. And the fingers,

en els quals sostenia sa caixa negra,

in which he held his black box,

semblaven unes urpes corbes.

they looked like crow's claws.

No negareu que aquest relat

You will not deny that this story

dels testimonis és certament espectacular.

The testimonies are certainly spectacular.

I doncs hem arribat

And so we have arrived.

a la fi del programa d'avui. Esperem que hagueu passat

at the end of today's program. We hope you have enjoyed

una estona agradable i que hagueu pogut treure qualque cosa de profit

a pleasant time and that you could take something beneficial from it

d'aquesta font de misteris. I hem dedicat

from this source of mysteries. And we have dedicated

el programa a parlar de desaparicions

the program to talk about disappearances

i ho hem fet pel que ha començat contant

And we have done it for what he has started counting.

en Sergio, de ser científic

Sergio, of being a scientist

de primer nivell, Netore Majorana.

of first level, Netore Majorana.

Tal vegada, un home que va desaparèixer

Perhaps, a man who disappeared.

voluntàriament, canviant de vida,

voluntarily, changing life,

triant una altra vida, preferir

choosing another life, prefer

pensar en aquest motiu. I és que

think about this reason. And it is that

sovint, el que tractant de fer quan

often, what trying to do when

ens venen maldades,

they sell us evils,

és tractar de fugir, d'amagar-se

it's about trying to escape, to hide

d'entre cometes o sense

in quotes or without

cometes, desaparèixer. I sabeu,

comets, disappear. And you know,

crec que no ha sigut solució. La solució

I don't think it has been a solution. The solution

pot ser sigui tractar de veure

it might be about trying to see

la situació en perspectiva, rodar llarga de la gent

the situation in perspective, long shot of the people

que estimes, i fer el que un

that you love, and do what one

respectant sempre en els altres, clar,

always respecting others, of course,

però el que un troba que és el millor que ha de fer.

but what one finds is the best that one has to do.

I també, sí, si val la pena

And also, yes, if it’s worth it.


to face.

A un article de premsa de l'any 79,

In a newspaper article from the year '79,

1979, quan l'oblidat i desconegut

1979, when the forgotten and unknown

accident a la central atòmica de Pensilvània

accident at the atomic power plant in Pennsylvania

en els Estats Units, que ningú recorda

in the United States, that no one remembers

per aquí va passar, s'autora d'un article

Here she passed by, the author of an article.

de la revista Destino 10, referit en els

from the magazine Destino 10, referred to in the

perills de sus desenergia atòmica.

hazards of using atomic energy.

En los mismos años 30, uno de los físicos

In the same 30s, one of the physicists

modernos más brillantes, Ettore Majorana,

brighter moderns, Ettore Majorana,

trastornado por las aporías filosóficas

tormented by philosophical aporias

que la física moderna planteaba al investigador,

that modern physics posed to the researcher,

pero sobre todo por el potencial de muerte que

but above all for the potential for death that

esa ciencia ponía en manos de los políticos

that science placed in the hands of the politicians

y, en general, de una humanidad

and, in general, of a humanity

que ni intelectual ni moralmente han dado pasos

that neither intellectually nor morally have they made any progress

de gigante en esa ciencia, puso fin

of a giant in that science, put an end

a su vida o al menos desapareció sin dejar rastro

to his life or at least disappeared without a trace

abandonando todo tipo de investigación.

abandoning all types of research.

I ha fallat.

I have failed.

¿Acaso Einstein mismo, que nunca

Did Einstein himself, who never

pudo desprenderse del todo de un

could completely detach from a

grave complejo de culpa una vez que Hiroshima

serious complex of guilt once Hiroshima

tuvo lugar, no afirmó mil veces

it took place, he did not affirm a thousand times

que de nacer otra vez preferiría

that if I were to be born again, I would prefer

ser ojalá atero?

I wish I were a bullfighter.

Jo penso que per aquestes utopies de la mitjanit

I think that for these midnight utopias

del dissabte, ara del diumenge i de 3 ràdio,

from Saturday, now from Sunday and from 3 radio,

és una bona reflexió que donaria per molt,

it's a good reflection that could lead to a lot.

però no queda temps, així que parlant

but there's no time left, so speaking

de desaparicions, i ja sabeu que

of disappearances, and you already know that

quina millor manera que acabar

what better way to end

la setmana que amb una mica de poesia,

the week that with a bit of poetry,

i en aquest cas de Miquel Martí Pol, el titular

and in this case of Miquel Martí Pol, the holder

Ui de Bou, diu

Oh dear, he says.

i també és cert que

and it is also true that

hi ha dies estèrils en temps

there are sterile days in time

o flonjos, tant se val, però

or fluffy, it doesn't matter, but

insípid de tan buits, dies

insipid from being so empty, days

que es claven els genolls i un se n'adona que

that they kneel and one realizes that

de sobte en veïn molt i es pregunta si no val

Suddenly he sees a neighbor a lot and wonders if it is worth it.

més abandonar tota esperança.

more abandon all hope.

Sí, també és cert, i és cert que hi ha fantasmes

Yes, it is also true, and it is true that there are ghosts.

i que si un llança un crit, desapareixen.

And if someone shouts, they disappear.

Bé, i d'allà ho sabem, cridem per allunyar,

Well, and from there we know, we shout to push away,

per fer que siguin aquests simbòlis

to make them these symbols

fantasmes els que desapareixen i no noltros.

ghosts that disappear and not us.

I bé, com sempre tot relacionat,

And well, as always everything related,

una pot ser una mica

it may be a little

aquella cançó que diu

that song that says

en el blau pintat de blau, feliç de ser aquí a dalt,

in the blue painted blue, happy to be up here,

però tots els somnis s'esvaeixen en l'auba.

but all dreams fade at dawn.

Quan la lluna es posa, se'ls emporta

When the moon sets, it takes them away.

en vell, però continua somiant

an old man, but he continues dreaming

en els teus vells ulls, que són blaus

in your old eyes, which are blue

com un cel ple d'estrelles.

like a sky full of stars.

Feliç d'estar aquí sota

Happy to be here underneath.

i continua volant feliçment

and continues flying happily

més alt que el sol, i encara

higher than the sun, and still

més alt. Així que, i avui

higher. So, and today

per acomiadar-nos, hem triat una cançó

To say goodbye, we have chosen a song.

d'en Domenico Modugno,

of Domenico Modugno,

Volaré en el blu di pinto di blu,

I will fly in the blue of blue paint,

en el blau pintat de blau.

in the blue painted blue.

Ai i pau, gràcies per la vostra

Oh and peace, thank you for your

companyia i fins la setmana que ve.

company and until next week.


I will fly.


I will sing.

Nel blu dipinto di blu,

In the blue painted blue,

felice di stare lassú,

happy to be up there,

e volavo, volavo felice

and I flew, I flew happy

più in alto del sole

higher than the sun

d'ancora più su,

of even higher up,

mentre el mondo pian piano

while the world slowly

spariva l'ombre,

"the shadow faded,"

lontano laggiú.

far away over there.

Una música dolce

A sweet music

suonava soltanto per me.

It sounded only for me.

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