La Font de l'Ou 01-03

SOM3 Ràdio

La Font de l’Ou

La Font de l'Ou 01-03

La Font de l’Ou

Som 3 Ràdio, la ràdio de Viloví, Selitza i Sant Dalmai.

We are 3 Ràdio, the radio of Viloví, Selitza, and Sant Dalmai.

Benvinguts a la Font de l'Ou, al programa de Som 3, la ràdio de Viloví, Selitza i Sant Dalmai.

Welcome to the Font de l'Ou, the program of Som 3, the radio station of Viloví, Selitza, and Sant Dalmai.

Avui amb una convidada especial, de fet sempre els convidats, les convidades són especials,

Today with a special guest, in fact all guests are special.

però avui també tenim una cuinera i empresària que és la Conxi Vila. Hola, com estem?

But today we also have a cook and entrepreneur, Conxi Vila. Hello, how are we?

Hola, bona tarda. Bé, de moment bé.

Hello, good afternoon. Well, so far so good.

I has dinat?

Have you had lunch?

Sí, nosaltres dinem molt aviat, a les 12.

Yes, we have lunch very early, at 12.

A les 12 dinem?

Shall we have lunch at 12?

A les 12 dinem.

We have lunch at 12.

Això és un costum del gremi o...?

Is this a tradition of the guild or...?

Sí, quasi tot el gremi normalment, perquè si no, després dinem a les 5 de la tarda.

Yes, almost the whole guild normally, because if not, we end up having lunch at 5 in the afternoon.

És millor dinar a les 12, perquè si no ens morim de gana, i els plats no arribarien a enter-se a la taula.

It's better to have lunch at 12, because otherwise we would die of hunger, and the dishes wouldn't even make it to the table.

Llavors, sempre m'he estat encuriosit per saber, dineu el que oferiu aquell dia o com va això?

So, I have always been curious to know, do you serve what you offer that day or how does that work?

De dilluns a divendres dinem un plat de menú.

From Monday to Friday, we have a set menu for lunch.

Tothom agafa el calibrat.

Everyone takes the measurement.

A mi m'agrada i dinem allò.

I like it and we eat that for lunch.

El cap de setmana que no hi ha menú, sempre fem un plat per nosaltres.

On the weekend when there is no menu, we always make a dish for ourselves.

Fem un arròs, o una fideuà, o uns fideus, o una carn a la brasa.

Let's make a rice dish, or a fideuà, or some noodles, or grilled meat.

El que ens ve de gust en aquell moment.

What we feel like at that moment.

I com ho feu?

And how do you do it?

Jo et preguntaré en el vostre cas, després explicarem de quin restaurant estem parlant i de tot, eh?

I will ask you in your case, then we will explain which restaurant we are talking about and everything, okay?

Tu contesta en el vostre cas, però també si sap si la gent normalment ho fa així.

You answer in your case, but also if you know if people usually do it this way.

Dineu tots junts?

Do you all have dinner together?

O el que és cambrer després a la sala fa de cambrer, el que és cuiner, cuina, com funciona això?

Or the one who is a waiter later works as a waiter in the dining room, the one who is a cook, cooks; how does this work?

No, nosaltres parem una taula, per exemple, avui som set a dinar, doncs parem una taula per set.

No, we set a table, for example, today we are seven for lunch, so we set a table for seven.

Anem a la cuina, agafem el que ens agrada, ens ho servim nosaltres,

Let's go to the kitchen, grab what we like, and serve ourselves.

un s'aixeca a buscar el pa, un altre va a buscar el vi, un altre fa els cafès,

one gets up to fetch the bread, another goes to get the wine, another makes the coffees,

doncs ens ho anem combinant i quan estem també recollim tots plegats i ja està,

so we combine it and when we are there we all gather together and that's it,

ja comencem el servei.

We already start the service.

Sou com una família.

You are like a family.

Sí, i tant, és com una gran família un restaurant, i tant, i tant.

Yes, definitely, it's like a big family a restaurant, for sure, for sure.

Molt bé.

Very good.

La veu que estem sentint és la de la Conxi o Conxita?

Is the voice we are hearing that of Conxi or Conxita?



La Conxi Vila. La Conxi Vila és cuinera.

Conxi Vila. Conxi Vila is a cook.

Si quan m'equivoqui em pares i em dius, no, això no va d'aquesta manera.

If when I make a mistake you stop me and say, no, this is not how it goes.

És cuinera i empresària del restaurant La Crosa,

She is a cook and owner of the restaurant La Crosa.

de Sant Dalmai.

from Sant Dalmai.

Fins aquí anem bé?

So far so good?

Anem bé, anem bé. Correcte.

We're doing fine, we're doing fine. Correct.

Molt bé.

Very good.

I el motiu que la tinguem aquí com a convidada en el programa de la Font de l'Ou

And the reason we have her here as a guest on the program of the Font de l'Ou.

és perquè hem sabut, ens ho expliques d'aquella mateixa,

it's because we have known, you explain it to us in that very way,

que es jubila, o es prejubila, o ja al cap d'un grapat d'anys ja deixa el negoci.

who retires, or takes early retirement, or after a handful of years leaves the business.

Exactament com ho hem de dir.

Exactly how we have to say it.

Bé, jo ara al mes de juny compliré 63 anys, ja em puc jubilar perquè ja tinc 44 anys cotitzats

Well, I will turn 63 in June, I can retire now because I have 44 years of contributions.

i sí que no esperaré els 65 perquè, mira, tot el que ha passat i que ja fa molts anys

And yes, I won't wait for 65 because, you see, everything that has happened and that has been many years ago.

i, bé, crec que ja està bé i em jubilaré a final de juny.

Yes, well, I think that's enough and I will retire at the end of June.

A final de juny, és a dir, que d'aquí...

At the end of June, that is to say, that from here...

Set setmanes.

Seven weeks.

Ho portes controlat.

You have it under control.

Després exactament de quants anys m'has dit de...

After exactly how many years did you tell me to...

Vam obrir l'any 90, és a dir, que aquest any en farà 31.

We opened in 1990, which means it will be 31 years this year.



I recordes, aquesta pregunta és oberta, recordes com va començar tot?

And remember, this question is open, do you remember how it all started?

Com vaig començar l'any 90?

How did I start the 90s?

Com va començar tot amb la Rosa.

How it all started with Rosa.



Bé, jo treballava a Platja d'Aro i la meva il·lusió era muntar un restaurant

Well, I worked in Platja d'Aro and my dream was to open a restaurant.

i buscava una casa per fer-lo, tot valia molts cèntims, tot era molt car.

I was looking for a house to do it, everything cost a lot of money, everything was very expensive.

I a través d'un conegut, doncs, vaig saber que a Sant Dalmai es llogava un restaurant

And through an acquaintance, then, I learned that a restaurant was being rented in Sant Dalmai.

que havia funcionat durant tres mesos i ara feia dos anys que estava tancat.

that had operated for three months and had now been closed for two years.

I el vaig anar a mirar i el vaig dir que no, que no m'interessava perquè era molt gran,

And I went to see him and told him no, that I wasn't interested because he was too old.

era massa gran.

it was too big.

Però, bé, després vaig anar-m'ho rumiant i vaig pensar que, bé, havia trobat aquesta oportunitat,

But, well, then I thought about it and I realized that, well, I had found this opportunity,

i la vaig acceptar.

and I accepted her.

I el 12 d'octubre de l'any 1990, doncs, vam obrir.

And on October 12, 1990, we opened.

El 12 d'octubre?

October 12th?

El 12 d'octubre.

October 12th.

Què anava a dir?

What was I going to say?

Si tu et trobes, algunes coses que ens expliques, doncs, les farem una mica repetir

If you find yourself, some things you tell us, well, we will repeat them a little.

o ens hi endinsarem una mica més perquè la gent les desconeix.

or we will delve a little deeper because people are unaware of them.

Vull dir, de l'any 90 fins ara hi ha molta gent que o no hi era o no se'n recorda o no ho ha sapigut mai.

I mean, from the year 90 until now, there are many people who either weren't there, don't remember it, or have never known about it.



Dius que el restaurant, quan tu el vas...

You say that the restaurant, when you go...

Quan tu hi vas tenir la primera relació, estava tancat, aquest restaurant.

When you had your first relationship, this restaurant was closed.

Sí, feia un any que estava tancat i havia funcionat tres mesos només.

Yes, it had been closed for a year and had only operated for three months.

No va anar bé i van tancar-lo.

It didn't go well and they closed it.

Van tancar-lo.

They closed it.

Però era completament nou perquè havien treballat poc temps, molt poc temps.

But it was completely new because they had worked very little time, very little time.

I llavors, quan un accepta portar endavant un negoci com aquest, un restaurant,

And then, when one accepts to carry out a business like this, a restaurant,

deu haver de pensar-ho tot, no?

You must have to think of everything, right?

Tu ja et vas trobar una part que havia d'estar feta, que era l'estètica, l'interiorisme,

You already found a part that had to be done, which was the aesthetics, the interior design.

l'escadira, les taules, la decoració, els mobles, els utensilis de cuina.

the floor, the tables, the decoration, the furniture, the kitchen utensils.

I això tu ja t'ho vas trobar fet o vas poder intervenir d'alguna manera?

And did you find this already done, or were you able to intervene in some way?

Estava fet, però molt poquet fet, perquè el local era molt gran però hi havia molt poca cosa dintre.

It was done, but very little done, because the place was very large but there was very little inside.

A la cuina, per exemple, hi havia una barbacoa,

In the kitchen, for example, there was a barbecue,

com la que una senyora té a casa, petita, per fer tres costelles de xai.

like the one a lady has at home, small, to make three lamb chops.

Taules, hi havia tot un menjador que només hi havia taules per jugar a cartes.

Tables, there was a whole dining room that only had tables for playing cards.

Era una cosa molt estranya.

It was a very strange thing.

El bar era immens, era, doncs, com ara hi ha un menjador i bar, doncs tot era bar.

The bar was immense, it was, therefore, like there is now a dining room and bar, thus everything was a bar.

Al bar ja no hi havia res.

There was nothing left at the bar.

Era molt diferent.

It was very different.

Jo el vaig acondicionar més com a restaurant i menys com a bar,

I set it up more as a restaurant and less as a bar.

i de la manera que jo el vaig trobar era molt bar i molt poc restaurant.

And the way I found it was very cheap and very little like a restaurant.

En un poble tan petit, per mi no tenia sentit.

In such a small town, it didn't make sense to me.

I llavors, quina idea, quin model de restaurant va prima?

And then, what idea, what model of restaurant is prioritized?

Quin tipus de restaurant volies fer tu?

What type of restaurant did you want to create?

Perquè de restaurant hi ha molts tipus.

Because there are many types of restaurants.

Hi ha un tipus fonda, hi ha un tipus restaurant de menú,

There is a type of inn, there is a type of menu restaurant,

hi ha un tipus restaurant de cap de setmana, més amb carta que amb menú.

There is a type of weekend restaurant, more with a menu than with a set menu.

Quin tipus de restaurant volies fer tu?

What type of restaurant did you want to open?

Quin tipus de restaurant volies fer o tenies clar o has anat fent de mica en mica al cap dels anys?

What type of restaurant did you want to create, or were you clear about, or have you been gradually developing over the years?

Jo el que vaig tenir clar és que allò era molt gran.

What I was clear about is that it was very big.

El que jo buscava era un restaurant petit per poder cuinar, que és el que a mi m'agrada,

What I was looking for was a small restaurant where I could cook, which is what I enjoy.

a petita escala, poques coses.

on a small scale, few things.

I el trobar-lo tan gran, vaig haver-me de condicionar, vaig buscar, vaig fer menús,

And finding it so big, I had to adjust myself, I searched, I made menus,

perquè si no, no donava, i carta caps de setmana, entre setmana, però no.

Because if not, it didn't give, and letter weekends, during the week, but no.

La idea...

The idea...

Ja me va anar bé.

It went well for me.

Me vaig amullar que fos gran, no podia fer-hi res més.

I got soaked that it was big, I couldn't do anything else about it.

I tu ja a Sant Dalmai ho coneixies?

And did you already know it in Sant Dalmai?

No sabia ni on era el poble.

I didn't even know where the village was.

No, no, la veritat és que no, no el coneixia.

No, no, the truth is that I didn't know him.

I amb quina persona o persones vas tenir...

And with which person or people did you have...

Perquè propietat, diguéssim, el local, propietat teva no és...

Because the property, let's say, the premises, is not your property...

El teu és el negoci?

Is it your business?

No, no.

No, no.

El meu és llogat.

Mine is rented.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I amb quina persona vas haver de fer relacions per tancar els tractes i per les reformes que tu vas voler fer?

And which person did you have to establish relationships with to close the deals and for the reforms you wanted to make?

Jo vaig anar allà perquè un company del meu home, que es diu Cobercí,

I went there because a colleague of my husband, named Cobercí,

ens va comentar que hi havia un restaurant aquí que es llogava, que era del senyor Joan Bosch.

He told us that there was a restaurant here that was for rent, which belonged to Mr. Joan Bosch.

Vam anar a la fàbrica, ens vam entrevistar amb ell,

We went to the factory, we interviewed with him,

i d'aquí va sortir que jo agafés aquest restaurant.

And that's where it came about that I took this restaurant.

Jo el primer que li vaig dir és que per mi aquest restaurant era massa gran per un poble tan petit.

The first thing I told him was that for me, this restaurant was too large for such a small town.

I em va contestar que hi ha restaurants a dalt de la muntanya que treballen molt i el poble no hi existeix.

He replied that there are restaurants up in the mountain that work a lot and the village does not exist.

I dic, val, té raó.

I say, okay, you are right.

I, bueno, vam fer unes petites reformes, el vam intentar convertir en gran igual,

I, well, we made some small renovations, we tried to convert it into something great anyway.

però fent les separacions diferents, fent menys bar, un menjador de jugar cartes, el vàrem anul·lar,

but making the separations different, making less noise, a card playing room, we canceled it,

perquè no tenia cap sentit que vinguessin quatre senyors de 70 anys allà a Montellat a jugar cartes tota la tarda.

because it made no sense for four 70-year-old gentlemen to come to Montellat to play cards all afternoon.

Jo no veia futur en això.

I didn't see a future in this.

I el vàrem anul·lar aquest menjador i vàrem posar-hi taules i el vam fer com un reservat,

And we canceled this dining room and put tables in it and made it like a private room.

que el fem servir, inclús ara, amb la pandèmia no, però abans,

that we use it, even now, not during the pandemic, but before,

per grups, grups de 18 persones, famílies que volen fer un dinar.

for groups, groups of 18 people, families who want to have a lunch.

Queda molt maco, queda reservat i per jugar cartes crec que no feia falta.

It looks very nice, it looks reserved, and I don't think it was necessary for playing cards.

Ara, de tota manera, teniu, les persones que ens estiguin escoltant i que ja hagin estat al restaurant La Corosa,

Now, anyway, you have, the people who are listening to us and who have already been to the restaurant La Corosa,

tindran en ment que hi ha com tres sales diferenciades, una sala principal, que queda més al fons,

they will keep in mind that there are about three separate rooms, one main room, which is further back,

una sala que és aquesta que diu...

a room that is this one that says...

Més de reservada, i després hi ha una sala amb una llar de foc, és així.

More private, and then there is a room with a fireplace, that's how it is.

Això està fet expressament...

This is done intentionally...

La sala de la llar de foc, amb el bar, era tot bar.

The room with the fireplace, along with the bar, was all bar.

Era tot bar.

It was all a mess.

No existia la sala de la llar de foc, nosaltres la vàrem tancar.

The fireplace room did not exist; we closed it.

I la sala que, en diguem, el menjador petit, era la sala que la gent jugava cartes.

And the room that we call the small dining room was the room where people played cards.

Només hi havia el menjador gran, que era per una cabuda d'unes 50-60 persones,

There was only the large dining room, which was for an occupancy of about 50-60 people.

i tot l'únic...

And all the only...

El menjador de més era o bar, o menjador per jugar cartes.

The dining room was either a bar or a dining room for playing cards.

No hi havia res més.

There was nothing else.

Molt bé.

Very good.

No quedava ni magatzem.

There was not even a warehouse left.

Després tornarem al restaurant, però ara anem una mica a conèixer-te una mica a tu.

Later we will return to the restaurant, but now let's go get to know you a little.

Recordem que estem al programa La Font de l'Ou, aquí a Som3, la ràdio de Bilobí, Salitza i Sant Dalmai,

Let’s remember that we are on the program La Font de l'Ou, here at Som3, the radio of Bilobí, Salitza, and Sant Dalmai.

avui parlant amb l'empresària i cuinera Conxi Vila.

Today talking with the entrepreneur and cook Conxi Vila.

Parlem una mica de tu.

Let's talk a little about you.

Parlem una mica de tu. On vas néixer, tu?

Let's talk a little about you. Where were you born?

A caçar de la selva.

To hunt in the jungle.

I de petita ja volies ser cuinera?

And when you were little, did you already want to be a cook?

Quan et preguntaven, nena, que quan siguis gran què vols ser?

When they asked you, girl, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Tu què deies?

What were you saying?

No ho recordo, però sí que recordo que cuinar sempre m'ha agradat molt.

I don't remember it, but I do remember that I've always really enjoyed cooking.

Treballàvem, la meva mare i jo, i quan arribàvem a casa jo ja havia deixat el dinar fet el dematí abans de marxar.

We worked, my mother and I, and when we got home I had already prepared lunch in the morning before leaving.

Me'n vaig anar a treballar a Platja d'Aro.

I went to work in Platja d'Aro.

Jo també vaig anar a l'hostaleria.

I also went into hospitality.

Jo m'ho passo bé cuinant.

I have fun cooking.

M'agrada, de cara al públic també m'agrada.

I like it, I also like it in front of the public.

I m'ho passo molt bé quan tinc uns clients que puc cuinar el que a mi m'agrada, el que jo vull.

I have a great time when I have clients for whom I can cook what I like, what I want.

Què és el que a tu t'agrada?

What do you like?

A mi m'agrada que vingui una taula que jo sàpiga més o menys què els pot agradar i dir-los-hi

I like having a table where I know more or less what they might like and telling them.

Puc mandar jo?

Can I send?

Puc fer-vos el que a mi m'agradi?

Can I do what I like?

I després em diuen sí.

And then they tell me yes.

I després els hi faig tonteries per picar, els hi faig plats diferents que sé que els hi poden agradar.

And then I make silly things to snack on, I make them different dishes that I know they might like.

És a dir, que una mica aquell paperet que et donen als restaurants, que hi ha l'enmenú, la carta, la carta de no sé què...

That is to say, a bit like that little paper they give you at restaurants, where there is the menu, the card, the menu of I don't know what...

Tot això et molesta una mica?

Does all of this bother you a little?

És el que no m'agradava, que el restaurant fos tan gran, perquè havia de fer això.

It was what I didn't like, that the restaurant was so big, because I had to do this.

És una cotilla, això, eh?

It's a corset, this, huh?

A mi m'agradava això, doncs, poder cuinar petites tonteries i el restaurant necessitava que fos més petit.

I liked that, then, being able to cook little nonsense and the restaurant needed to be smaller.

Com que no ha pogut ser, doncs els clients que tinc de tants anys, n'hi ha que ja em coneixen i els hi dic

Since it couldn't be, the clients I've had for so many years, some of them already know me and I tell them.

Puc fer el que jo vull?

Can I do what I want?

I me diuen va, bueno.

They call me okay, well.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Tornem a quan eres petita.

Let’s go back to when you were little.

Dius que feies el dinar?

You say you were making lunch?

Quan t'havien començat a deixar fer el dinar a casa teva?

When did they start letting you make lunch at your house?

Jo vaig començar a treballar molt aviat.

I started working very early.

És a dir, que suposo que tenia 14 anys i ja començava a cuinar.

That is to say, I suppose I was 14 years old and I was already starting to cook.

I tu per raïs demanaves fireta i cuines?

And you for roots asked for firewood and kitchens?

No, no.

No, no.

A casa?

At home?

A casa, si cas, què va.

At home, if anything, what happened.

Com a molt una paella, una mica més nova que les altres, perquè totes eren molt velles.

At most, a paella, a little newer than the others, because all the others were very old.

Hi ha algun precedent a la teva família?

Is there any precedent in your family?



Jo vaig... Sóc filla d'una casa de pagès i la meva mare i la meva àvia sabien cuinar com saben cuinar les senyores grans d'ara.

I am... I am the daughter of a farmhouse and my mother and my grandmother knew how to cook like the elderly ladies know how to cook now.

I quan menjaves? Eres llepafil? Menjaves de tot?

And when did you eat? Were you picky eater? Did you eat everything?

No. Sempre m'ha agradat tot. He menjat de tot. El que sempre m'ho he menjat tot molt cru.

No. I have always liked everything. I have eaten everything. What I have always eaten very raw.

Què vol dir, cru?

What does raw mean?

Quan me feia un tall de pollastre a la brasa, la meva mare me deia,

When my mother used to make me a grilled chicken, she would tell me,

Vigila, que aquest pollastre et marxarà del plat.

Watch out, this chicken will leave your plate.

No sé per què, però sempre m'ha agradat tot molt poc fet.

I don't know why, but I have always liked everything very little done.

Matava amb porc, jo posava un tall de llom a la brasa,

I killed with pork, I put a slice of loin on the grill,

i la meva mare em deia, no, el porc s'ha de coure més.

And my mother would tell me, no, the pig needs to be cooked longer.

I jo, no, menja-te'l tu, més cuit.

And me, no, you eat it, more cooked.

Jo així.

Me like this.

Però no sé per què, sempre m'ha agradat tot poc fet.

But I don't know why, I've always liked everything a little underdone.

Poc fet.

Not done much.



Molt bé. Això que es diu el punt.

Very well. This is what is called the point.



El punt no.

The point no.



Menys, abans arriba el punt.

Less, the point arrives sooner.



Això és una estratègia, no? Això del punt és com traspassar-li la responsabilitat al cuiner.

This is a strategy, isn't it? This point is like passing the responsibility to the cook.

Sí, és una mica complicat el punt, perquè ningú el té igual, el punt.

Yes, the point is a bit complicated because no one has it the same, the point.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Hi ha coses crues que no trobaràs gaire socis que ho acceptin.

There are harsh realities that you won't find many partners willing to accept.

No, no. Jo ja estic...

No, no. I'm already...

Bueno, estirant a crues, eh?

Well, stretching it thin, huh?

Jo ja cuino, intento preguntar-li al client com li agrada, i intento fer-li com li agrada.

I already cook, I try to ask the client how they like it, and I try to make it as they like it.

Que ets de carn o de peix?

Are you meat or fish?

M'agrada més el peix.

I like fish more.

El peix. I el peix també té el seu punt, suposo.

The fish. And the fish also has its charm, I suppose.

Sí, el peix també massa cuit, per mi és molt dolent.

Yes, the fish also overcooked, for me is very bad.

És molt dolent.

It's very bad.

No té gust.

It has no taste.

Jo sempre dic un tall de lluç i és fresc, i el marques a la planxa i el fas al punt.

I always say a slice of hake, and it's fresh, and you grill it and cook it to perfection.

Això sí que ha de ser el punt.

This indeed must be the point.

És boníssim.

It is very good.

Si el cous molt i tanques els ulls, poc saps si menges lluç o que menges.

If you eat very slowly and close your eyes, you hardly know if you are eating hake or what you are eating.

De tota manera, tot i que a casa tu t'estessis aficionada a fer el menjar,

Anyway, even though at home you were fond of cooking,

que mengessis de tot, encara que fos una mica cru,

that you would eat everything, even if it was a little raw,

i que gairebé ja fos la teva evolució natural,

and that it was almost your natural evolution,

has anat a aprendre a fer de cuiner d'algun lloc alguna vegada?

Have you ever gone to learn how to be a cook somewhere?

Sí, quan vaig agafar el restaurant vaig començar a fer cursos,

Yes, when I took over the restaurant, I started taking courses.

i anàvem a fer cursos de cuina al buit, cursos amb cuiners,

and we were going to take sous-vide cooking classes, classes with chefs,

havia anat a l'escola d'hostaleria dos anys de Sant Pol, vaig anar,

I had gone to the hospitality school in Sant Pol for two years, I went.

però tot això ho vaig anar fent...

but I was doing all this...

A Sant Pol, amb aquestes cuineres tan importants que hi ha...

In Sant Pol, with these important cooks that are there...

No, a la cuina d'hostaleria de Sant Pol de Mar.

No, at the hospitality kitchen of Sant Pol de Mar.

A l'escola d'hostaleria.

At the hospitality school.

A l'escola, sí.

At school, yes.

Però tot això ho vaig fer quan ja tenia el restaurant.

But I did all of this when I already had the restaurant.

Buscava ratos lliures, i com que m'agradava molt,

I was looking for free moments, and since I liked it a lot,

sempre intentava aprendre a fer més coses,

I always tried to learn to do more things,

i després no hi havia internet, i el que fèiem és llibres.

And then there was no internet, and what we did was books.

Llegir llibres i estudiar...

Reading books and studying...

Tens col·lecció de llibres de cuina a casa teva?

Do you have a collection of cookbooks at your home?

Uf, molta. Molta, molta.

Phew, a lot. A lot, a lot.

I quina tendència tens tu?

And what trend do you have?

Si t'haguéssim d'encasellar, quin tipus de cuina fas tu?

If we had to categorize you, what type of cuisine do you make?

Això a vegades es fa servir.

This is sometimes used.

Jo faig una cuina molt senzilla, molt poc elaborada,

I make a very simple, very unelaborate kitchen.

perquè crec que si el producte és fresc no necessites fer-hi gaire coses especials.

Because I think that if the product is fresh, you don't need to do many special things with it.

Però també el mateix fer, com que ja tinc uns anys,

But also the same doing, since I am already a certain age,

també sé cuinar coses de la iaia, que dic jo.

I also know how to cook things from grandma, as I say.

És a dir, que si un dia a algú li ve de gust menjar un oc amb salsa fins,

That is to say, that if one day someone feels like eating a bird with fine sauce,

també l'hi sé fer.

I also know how to do it.

O un estofat, o un plat d'aquells d'abans, de mar i terra...

Either a stew, or one of those dishes from the past, of sea and land...

Vull dir...

I mean...



El que passa que ara...

What happens now...

Es fan més coses menys elaborades, més...

More simpler things are made, more...

La cuina va per uns altres camins ara, més fàcil, més...

The kitchen is taking different paths now, easier, more...

Sense treballar tant el producte, que és molt bo i no té punt de comparació.

Without working so much on the product, which is very good and has no comparison.

A Sant Dalmai, en general, el públic que és de Sant Dalmai, no el que et ve de fora,

In Sant Dalmai, generally, the audience that is from Sant Dalmai, not the one that comes from outside,

hi ha alguna cosa que agradi més?

Is there something you like more?

Dic-m'hi, a què els agrada això?

Tell me, what do they like about this?

A Sant Dalmai hi ha molta gent que els agrada molt.

In Sant Dalmai, there are many people who like them a lot.

Hi ha molt cargols.

There are a lot of snails.

Inclús venen a buscar-ne per emportar-se'ls a la casa.

They even come to pick them up to take them to the house.

Cargol és una cosa que fer a la casa té feina.

Snail is something that doing at home takes work.

L'has de rentar, l'has de netejar, l'has de coure.

You have to wash it, you have to clean it, you have to cook it.

I vas a buscar una llauna de cargols per emportar,

I went to get a can of snails to take away.

la poses al forn i en cinc minuts la tens acabada i va bé per picar.

You put it in the oven and in five minutes it's ready and good for snacking.

Això a la gent els agrada molt.

People really like this.

També a la gent els agrada venir a buscar un arròs, una fideuà.

People also like to come to get a rice dish or a noodle dish.

Això és una mica més complicat,

This is a bit more complicated,

perquè quan el venen a buscar se l'han de menjar.

because when they come to get him, they have to eat him.

A tu menjar-se'l, perquè si no...

To you to eat it, because if not...

Perquè és cova, no?

Because it's a cave, isn't it?

Sí, no, no.

Yes, no, no.

Però bueno, això sí que a la gent els agrada.

But well, this is something that people do like.

La fideuà no, no té problema, aguanta més.

The fideuà, no, no has a problem, it holds up better.

Però bueno, en si la nostra cuina és una cuina molt senzilla.

But well, our cuisine is a very simple cuisine.

Hi ha un municipi d'aquí, la Selva, que té fama de cargols,

There is a municipality here, La Selva, that is famous for snails,

però hi ha molta gent que diu que el restaurant La Crosa

but there are many people who say that the restaurant La Crosa

és millor dels cargols que en aquest municipi que té tanta fama de cargols.

It is better than the snails in this municipality that is so famous for its snails.

És possible?

Is it possible?



Són molt senzills, però són bons, són secs,

They are very simple, but they are good, they are dry.

no són forts, no piquen massa, no piquen poc.

they are not strong, they don't sting much, they don't sting little.

Jo crec que li hem trobat el punt en el cargol.

I think we've found the right spot on the screw.

Com els recomana, els cargols?

How do you recommend them, the snails?

Els cargols els fem de tomata, amb carn picada, els fem amb alioli.

We make the snails with tomato, with minced meat, and we serve them with alioli.

I ara fa 15 dies que els vam fent sobrassada i també són molt bons.

And it's been 15 days since we made sobrassada and they are also very good.

Què és el més difícil de portar d'un restaurant?

What is the hardest thing to handle in a restaurant?

Comprar el gènere, servir-lo, atendre els clients, res de tot això.

Buy the goods, serve it, attend to the customers, none of that.

M'estàs fent caure amb el cap, però m'hauries de contestar alguna cosa, eh?

You're making me feel dizzy, but you should answer me something, right?

Bueno, crec que el més difícil és compaginar amb el personal i la feina.

Well, I think the most difficult thing is balancing staff and work.

Crec que és el més difícil.

I think it's the hardest.

Però bueno.

But alright.

Perquè ara quantes persones sou de plantilla, diguem?

Because now how many people are on staff, shall we say?

Ara som molt menys, som 8, però nosaltres hem arribat a ser 13 i 14.

Now we are much fewer, we are 8, but we have reached being 13 and 14.

I quan vas començar, aquell dia que vas arribar i vas dir

And when did you start, that day when you arrived and said

posar en marxa això que està un any parat i és molt gros i no sé què,

get this going that has been stopped for a year and is very big and I don’t know what,

amb quanta gent et vas afrontar a l'aventura?

How many people did you face the adventure with?

Aquells meus principis van ser molt durs perquè vaig agafar molt de personal.

Those principles of mine were very harsh because I took on a lot of staff.

Perquè jo venia d'un món d'hostaleria que...

Because I came from a hospitality world that...

A la meva manera entenia que la gent no es havia d'esperar.

In my way, I understood that people should not have to wait.

Quan tu tenies 3 taules assentades, aquella gent es havia de poder servir,

When you had 3 tables set up, those people had to be able to serve themselves,

es havia de poder...

it had to be possible...

Sempre no m'ha agradat mai que la gent s'esperés.

I have never liked it when people waited.

Sempre m'ha agradat atendre'ls com més aviat millor.

I have always liked to attend to them as soon as possible.

I quan comences, doncs, jo creia que millor que s'obrés personal, que no que em faltés.

And when do you start, then? I thought it would be better to open personally, rather than missing out.

Però bueno, després ja ens vam anar mullant,

But well, afterwards we started getting wet,

quan obre un restaurant sempre treballa.

When he/she opens a restaurant, he/she always works.

Perquè la gent vol provar com va.

Because people want to see how it goes.

Després, al cap de mig any, si no va bé, deixa de treballar.

After six months, if it doesn't go well, stop working.

S'ha d'intentar començar bé.

You have to try to start well.

I m'has dit que en el punt més personal heu arribat a ser 13 o 14?

You told me that at the most personal point you reached 13 or 14?



Perquè no tanquem mai, no hem fet mai vacances i no hem fet mai cap dia de festa.

Because we never close, we have never taken a vacation, and we have never had a holiday.

Què vol dir això?

What does this mean?

Que necessites una persona per reemplaçar la festa de tots.

What do you need a person for to replace everyone's party?

Necessites una altra persona per reemplaçar.

You need another person to replace.

Per reemplaçar les vacances.

To replace the holidays.

Si érem 12, érem 12 mesos l'any que ens en faltava un.

If we were 12, we were 12 months in the year that we were missing one.

Això són 3 persones més que necessita el local.

These are 3 more people that the venue needs.

I bàsicament ha de ser personal de sala o també de cuina?

Does it basically have to be floor staff or also kitchen staff?

També de cuina perquè el cuiner també fa vacances.

Also from the kitchen because the cook also takes holidays.

L'ajudant de cuina també fa vacances.

The kitchen assistant is also on vacation.

Necessites algú que te reemplaci la persona que en aquell moment fa vacances.

You need someone to replace the person who is on vacation at that moment.

Que pot ser un camerer, que pot ser el metre, que pot ser el cuiner.

What can be a waiter, what can be the meter, what can be the cook.

Depèn qui sigui.

It depends who it is.

I si tens una persona que ja la tens en plantilla,

And if you have a person who you already have on the payroll,

aquella persona ja ha anat trobant diferents coses i els sap fer.

That person has already been finding different things and knows how to do them.

Si tu agafes algú de fora i el poses allà dintre que no ha vist mai el restaurant,

If you take someone from outside and put them in there who has never seen the restaurant,

dirà hi ha un son al plat.

It will say there is a sound on the plate.

Necessites més gent.

You need more people.

Estem en el programa La Font de l'Ou.

We are in the program La Font de l'Ou.

Som 3, ràdio, la ràdio de Viloví, Salitza i Sant del Mai.

We are 3, radio, the radio of Viloví, Salitza, and Sant del Mai.

Avui parlant amb la Conxi Vila, que és la que fa la feina de la feina de la feina.

Today, while talking to Conxi Vila, who is the one doing the job of the job of the job.

Que és la cuinera, l'ànima d'alguna manera, perquè en els restaurants l'ànima en teoria ha de ser la cuina,

What is the cook, the soul in some way, because in restaurants the soul is theoretically supposed to be the kitchen.

i la cuinera és l'ànima de la cuina.

And the cook is the soul of the kitchen.

I empresària, perquè alhora és l'empresària que porta el negoci.

And businesswoman, because at the same time she is the businesswoman who runs the business.

Per dir empresària gastronòmica o empresària hostalera, no sé exactament com s'hauria de dir.

To say food entrepreneur or hospitality entrepreneur, I'm not exactly sure how it should be phrased.

Ho has pensat mai o no hi penses amb això?

Have you ever thought about it or don’t you think about it?

No, no, no hi he pensat.

No, no, I haven't thought about it.

Una empresària hostalera, potser, no?

A hospitality entrepreneur, perhaps, right?

Empresària hostalera.

Hospitality entrepreneur.

Molt bé, seguim una mica més.

Very well, let's continue a little longer.

El més agradable dels amatí, quan et lleves i entres, obres la porta o l'he obert o el dret que ho entres a dintre,

The most pleasant thing about the amatí, when you wake up and enter, you open the door or I have opened it or the right that you enter inside,

què és el més que t'espera?

What is the most that awaits you?

Més enllà de la rutina que poden representar els 30 anys de feina, eh?

Beyond the routine that 30 years of work can represent, huh?

Però jo m'ho passo bé encara, inclús ara, al cap de 30 anys m'ho passo bé.

But I still have a good time, even now, after 30 years I still have a good time.

Jo com aixeco el dematí i baixo, si estic jo a la cuina aquell dia, planejo els menús.

When I wake up in the morning and go down, if I'm in the kitchen that day, I plan the menus.

Va, avui inventaré això, faré allò...

Come on, today I'll invent this, I'll do that...

Això no diràs que es planeja el mateix dia al dematí?

You won't say that it's planned the same day in the morning?

El menú dels diaris, sí.

The menu of the newspapers, yes.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, jo sí.

Yes, I do.

Tret del que tenim ja per fixa, com pot ser un arròs el dijous, una fideuà el dimecres...

Aside from what we already have fixed, such as rice on Thursday, a noodle dish on Wednesday...

Perdona aquest tall, per què es menja arròs el dijous?

Excuse this interruption, why is rice eaten on Thursday?

Jo no ho he sabut mai.

I have never known it.

Però si hi ha...

But if there is...

Restaurants, el 90% fan arròs el dijous.

Restaurants, 90% serve rice on Thursdays.

Jo crec que deu venir alguna tradició, però no sé, no sé, pas d'un...

I think it must come from some tradition, but I don't know, I don't know, certainly not from a...

Els altres plats ja no.

The other dishes not anymore.

Jo vaig sentir una vegada una teoria, que segurament és equivocada,

I once heard a theory, which is probably wrong,

que tenia a veure amb que, quan abans hi havia més servei domèstic,

that had to do with the fact that, when there were more domestic workers,

que lliuraven un dia a la setmana, era el dijous.

they delivered one day a week, it was Thursday.

Llavors era el dia que gent anava al restaurant,

Then it was the day that people went to the restaurant,

bàsicament de servei domèstic, quan les cases en tenien.

basically of domestic service, when houses had them.

Ara no sé si les cases tenen servei domèstic o no, i si estan en aquestes condicions.

Now I don't know if the houses have domestic help or not, and if they are in these conditions.

Però abans es veu que era això, i per això els dijous en el restaurant feien...

But before it seems that this was it, and that’s why on Thursdays in the restaurant they used to...

Es feien...

They were made...

Arròs, però no sé ni si és veritat, eh?

Rice, but I don't even know if it's true, you know?

Però els diumenges també és un plat de diumenge, no, l'arròs?

But Sundays are also a Sunday dish, aren't they, rice?

Però l'arròs era més diumenge a casa.

But the rice was more Sunday at home.

Jo sé que sé moltes famílies que el diumenge què farem?

I know that I know many families that on Sunday what will we do?



Per exemple, jo inclús ara tinc famílies que el diumenge venen a buscar-ne.

For example, I even have families that come to pick them up on Sunday.



Per què estan acostumats?

Why are they used to it?

Doncs com que és el dia de festa, és el dia que potser la gent té més temps, si no treballen,

Well, since it is a holiday, it is the day when people perhaps have more time, if they are not working.

què farem?

What will we do?

Farem un sofricit i farem arròs.

We will make a stew and we will make rice.

Però els restaurants no és el diumenge, els restaurants és el dijous.

But the restaurants are not on Sunday, the restaurants are on Thursday.

Explica'm una mica de secret.

Tell me a little secret.

Aquest no és el programa de cuina de l'emissora, però em suposo que no ens diràs res.

This is not the cooking show of the station, but I suppose you won't tell us anything.

Una mica de secret.

A bit of a secret.

Com ha de ser un arròs?

How should rice be?

Mix de carn, de peix, de...

Mix of meat, fish, of...

Com ha de ser un arròs?

How should rice be?

Perquè sigui bo, de veritat.

So that it can be good, truly.

Un arròs, perquè sigui bo, ha de tenir un bon sofregit.

A rice dish, to be good, must have a good sofregit.

Ara s'ha posat molt de moda l'arròs sec.

Now dry rice has become very fashionable.

És a dir que uns anys enrere es feia, amb una paella molt petita, feies arròs per una o per dues persones.

That is to say, a few years ago, with a very small pan, you would make rice for one or two people.

Ara la paella, com més gran és i menys arròs hi ha, més bo queda.

Now the paella, the bigger it is and the less rice it has, the better it tastes.

Realment queda bo.

It really tastes good.

Fas un sofregit, el fas ben primet i torradet.

You make a sofrito, you make it very finely and toasted.

Està bo, queda sec i no es passa.

It's good, it stays dry and doesn't overcook.

Ara aquella persona que li agrada...

Now that person who he/she likes...

L'arròs cuit no el pot menjar així.

The cooked rice can't be eaten like this.

L'ha de menjar caldós, amb suc, i després el va cuguent.

It must be eaten warm, with broth, and then it is cooked.

És una mica el gust de cadascú, l'arròs.

It's a matter of each person's taste, rice.



I ha de ser de peix, de mix, de...

It has to be fish, mix, of...

Jo he fet arròs molt bons amb quatre carxofes i quatre bolets.

I have made very good rice with four artichokes and four mushrooms.

Ara que hi ha moixernons i carxofes...

Now that there are chanterelles and artichokes...

Quatre carxofes i quatre moixernons.

Four artichokes and four mushrooms.

Fas un arròs...

You make a rice...

Espetarrant de bo.

Coughing loudly.

El que més es coneix és l'arròs mixte,

The most well-known is the mixed rice.

amb salsitxes, carren, peix, sèpia...

with sausages, beef, fish, cuttlefish...

I després un bon arròs de llobregant, també, Déu-n'hi-do.

And then a good lobster rice, too, that's quite something.

És que l'arròs és un d'aquells plats

It's just that rice is one of those dishes.

que em penso que seria difícil trobar una cosa que no hi lligui.

I think it would be hard to find something that doesn't relate to it.

Perquè realment...

Because really...

I mai surt igual, eh?

And it never turns out the same, huh?

I mai surt igual.

It never turns out the same.

Però és que amb un arròs hi pots posar quatre espàrrecs i és boníssim.

But you can add four asparagus to rice and it’s delicious.

És que no...

It's just that no...

No sé quin...

I don't know which...

L'altre dia inclús vaig veure que havíem fet un arròs amb ànec.

The other day I even saw that we had made a duck rice.

Jo no l'he provat mai.

I have never tried it.

Però, bueno...

But, well...

És un plat que té moltes i moltes...

It's a dish that has many, many...

I l'arròs aquest que en dieu, o més gent en diu, del senyoret,

And this rice that you call, or more people call, the gentleman's,

o també conegut com arròs parellada,

or also known as paired rice,

que és aquest arròs lliure de closques, de pallofes,

what is this rice free of husks, of chaff,

de qualsevol cosa que no et puguis posar a la boca i menjar-te-la i empassar-te-la?

of anything that you cannot put in your mouth and eat and swallow?

Està bo.

It's good.

Jo crec que està molt bo.

I think it is very good.

Jo l'estic fent ara aquesta setmana, per exemple,

I am doing it this week, for example.

i la gent no té feina...

and people do not have jobs...

I té èxit.

And it is successful.

I té èxit i ben sec.

And it is successful and well dried.

Està boníssim.

It is delicious.

Està molt bo.

It is very good.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Hem fet una petita incursió en el món de les receptes

We have made a small foray into the world of recipes.

i anirem traient-te algun secret més al llarg del programa, si és possible.

And we will be uncovering some more secrets from you throughout the program, if possible.

Val, m'has dit que el més agradable per tu ja és posar-t'hi.

Okay, you told me that the most enjoyable thing for you is to get into it.

Ens havíem quedat amb quan tries el menú i així,

We had agreed on when you choose the menu and so on.

però empeçar de comprar el gènere.

but start buying the goods.

Qui el compra el gènere?

Who buys the goods?

Qui el tria el gènere?

Who chooses the gender?

El material, vull dir, que has de fer els plats.

The material, I mean, that you have to make the dishes.

Sí, però jo faig al revés.

Yes, but I do the opposite.

Jo compro primer el que trobo, el que m'agrada,

I buy first what I find, what I like,

aquell peix que ha sortit aquell dia,

that fish that came out that day,

aquella carn que el carnisser em diu

that meat that the butcher tells me

«Pues mira, tinc una vedella que està molt bé,

"Well, look, I have a calf that is very good,"

tinc un xai boníssim o tinc un cabrit que és molt maco».

"I have a very good lamb or I have a very nice goat."

I quan he trobat això, després faig el plat.

And when I have found this, then I make the dish.

Jo normalment no faig primer el menú i després compro.

I usually don't choose the menu first and then shop.

A menys que sigui un encàrrec.

Unless it is a commission.

Si a mi ve un client i m'encarrega gambes,

If a customer comes to me and orders prawns,

doncs jo he de comprar gambes.

Well, I have to buy shrimp.

Però si no me'ls encarrega i aquella setmana he trobat escamarlans,

But if you don't order them from me and that week I found scampi,

doncs faré carros d'escamarlans.

Well, I'll make lobster carts.

I aquest serà el menú que hauré fet després del que he comprat.

And this will be the menu that I will have made after what I have bought.

No sé si està ben fet o no, però jo sempre ho he fet així.

I don't know if it's done correctly or not, but I have always done it this way.

Hi ha alguns productes que deuen haver de ser-hi sempre

There are some products that must always be there.

i altres que són, diguéssim, de temporada o de preu.

and others that are, let's say, seasonal or priced.

A mi m'agrada molt cuinar productes,

I really like cooking products,

productes de temporada.

seasonal products.

I després, com que el meu no és un restaurant d'estrella Michelin,

And then, since mine is not a Michelin star restaurant,

és un restaurant senzill,

it is a simple restaurant,

doncs segons el preu que està no puc posar gambes en el menú

Well, according to the price it is, I can't include shrimp on the menu.

o llagoste en el menú.

or lobster on the menu.

Tinc que posar el que puc permetre-me pagar.

I have to put what I can afford to pay.

Tenia pensat, parlant després de les estrelles Michelin,

I was thinking, talking after the Michelin stars,

de què en penses, però ja que ho has dit,

what do you think about it, but since you mentioned it,

què en penses de tota aquesta maniobra de les estrelles Michelin

What do you think of all this maneuvering with the Michelin stars?

que sembla que els restaurants...

that it seems that restaurants...

siguin com la Lliga de Futbol, que estan classificats així,

they are like the Football League, which are classified like this,

depèn dels títols que tens.

It depends on the titles you have.

Què en penses d'això?

What do you think about this?

Jo m'agrada, m'agrada molt.

I like myself, I like myself a lot.

Ho segueixes?

Are you following it?

Intento anar-hi una vegada,

I try to go there once,

amb un cuiner que tingui una estrella Michelin,

with a chef who has a Michelin star,

i n'hi ha que són molt trempats i m'agraden molt,

and there are some that are very lively and I like them a lot,

i n'hi ha d'altres que no tant.

And there are others that are not so much.

Però jo crec que és un mèrit, el que fan.

But I think it is an achievement, what they do.

Els admiro.

I admire them.

Però no els hi copiaria ni els hi envaixaria res,

But I wouldn't copy anything for them or invade them.

perquè és un muntatge molt gran, el que necessiten.

because it is a very large setup that they need.

Necessiten molt de personal, necessiten molta dedicació,

They need a lot of staff, they need a lot of dedication.

i, doncs, bueno, està bé.

And, well, it’s fine.

Mai t'ha passat pel cap de competir-hi, amb aquesta divisió?

Has it ever crossed your mind to compete in this division?

No, mai, mai, mai, mai, mai.

No, never, never, never, never, never.

Ni mai has sospitat que vingués alguna espia?

Have you ever suspected that an agent came?

No, no, no. La meva cuina és molt senzilla,

No, no, no. My kitchen is very simple.

a més, és un altre món, no...

besides, it's another world, isn't it...

Déu-n'hi-do, eh?, per ser sant del mar.

Well, well, eh?, for being the saint of the sea.

Ah, i un poble que ni coneixies i tot.

Ah, and a village you didn't even know.



Tampoc tan senzilla no és, no és.

It's not that simple either, it's not.

Bueno, és que les estrelles Michelin tenen moltes coses,

Well, Michelin stars have many things,

no és només la cuina.

It's not just the kitchen.

És l'edifici, és la manera que serveixen,

It's the building, it's the way they serve.

és tot un conjunt de coses.

It's a whole set of things.

I crec que el restaurant que jo vaig agafar

I think that the restaurant I chose

no tenia cap punt per fer cap virgueria.

I had no point to do any trick.

Però el restaurant que tens ara,

But the restaurant you have now,

que al cap de...

that after...

dècades de portar-lo,

decades of wearing it,

hi ve gent de tot arreu.

Here comes people from everywhere.

D'on te ve la gent?

Where do people come from?

Perquè Sant del Mai no...

Because Saint of May not...

amb els habitants de Sant del Mai no és...

with the inhabitants of Sant del Mai it is not...

no omplen el restaurant aquest, eh?

They don't fill the restaurant, do they?

D'on te ve la gent?

Where do people come from?

Fa molts anys, eh?, que tenim el restaurant,

It's been many years, hasn't it?, since we have the restaurant,

que hem anat fent una clientela a poc a poc.

we have been slowly building a clientele.

Jo soc filla de caçar,

I am the daughter of hunting,

doncs va començar vinguent gent de caçar.

So it started with people coming to hunt.

Doncs mira, aquella noia ha obert un restaurant a Sant del Mai.

Well, look, that girl has opened a restaurant in Sant del Mai.

Anem a provar-ho?

Shall we give it a try?

Val, el meu home és de Caldes.

Okay, my husband is from Caldes.

Doncs mira, la dona...

Well, look, the woman...

Ha obert un restaurant, anem a provar-ho.

He has opened a restaurant, let's go try it.

Jo sempre dic que la millor propaganda

I always say that the best advertising

és que un client surti content i en parli bé.

It is that a customer leaves happy and talks well about it.

Les xarxes socials són molt importants,

Social networks are very important,

és molt important que facis publicitat,

it is very important that you advertise,

però per mi el més important de tot

but for me the most important of all

és que vingui el senyor no sé què

it's that Mr. whatshisname comes

i que com surti d'allà trobi la senyora

And as soon as I get out of there, I find the lady.

de l'escala del costat i li digui

from the side staircase and tell him/her

avui he anat a la Crosa a menjar

Today I went to La Crosa to eat.

i he menjat el millor arròs que feia temps que no provava.

I have eaten the best rice that I haven't tried in a long time.

Per mi això és la millor publicitat.

For me, this is the best advertising.

I això funciona?

And does this work?

Sí. A mi m'ha funcionat.

Yes. It has worked for me.

Sí, perquè fa deu anys no hi havia xarxa social.

Yes, because ten years ago there was no social network.



I suposo, estic segura,

I suppose, I am sure,

que n'hi haurà un o una

that there will be one

que li dirà a la Crosa no hi vagis

what will he tell Crosa not to go there

perquè he menjat supermalament

because I have eaten really badly

i perquè m'ha entrepitjat com passaven els camerers.

"And because I was tripped over as the waiters were passing by."

Tu no en dius mai a la cara, això?

You never say that to my face, do you?



Recordo, no ho recordo.

I remember, I don't remember.

Podem tants anys poder-s'hi, però no ho recordo.

We can be there for so many years, but I don’t remember it.

Però no, segur que ha passat.

But no, it must have happened.

Pot passar.

It can happen.

Molt bé.

Very good.

I a més, un dia te pot passar alguna cosa.

And in addition, one day something could happen to you.

Jo sí que recordo, fa molts i molts anys,

I do remember, many, many years ago,

que un camerer va ensopegar

that a waiter stumbled

i li va tirar alguna cosa a un senyor

and he threw something at a man

a l'esquena d'una jaqueta.

on the back of a jacket.

I on més volgui morir.

And I want to die even more.

Bueno, el vam desvestir, aquell pobre senyor,

Well, we stripped him, that poor man,

i vam portar la roba a la tintoreria

And we took the clothes to the dry cleaner.

i no sé què més.

and I don’t know what else.

I al final va ser una anècdota.

And in the end it was an anecdote.

Però amb 30 anys n'ha d'haver passat alguna altra cosa.

But at 30, there must have been something else that happened.



I el logis? Has tingut el logis?

And the logis? Have you had the logis?



Ja m'imagino que sí.

I can imagine that.



Però algun casal, realment...

But some house, really...



Què és el més bonic que t'han dit com a cuinera?

What is the nicest thing someone has said to you as a cook?

Bueno, inclús m'han dit que

Well, they have even told me that...

ostres, això que hem menjat,

wow, that thing we ate,

de la manera que ens ho has fet,

the way you have done it for us,

quan tu no hi siguis no el trobarem enlloc,

when you are not there we won't find it anywhere,

qui ens farà això que ens estàs fent?

Who will do this to us that you are doing?

Bueno, per mi és molt gratificant.

Well, for me it is very rewarding.

Jo els hi dic, no patiu.

I tell them, don't worry.

Si un dia teniu un compromís molt gran,

If one day you have a very important commitment,

gros, jo vinc a casa vostra i us ho cuino.

Fine, I'll come to your house and cook it for you.

I tots riuen.

And everyone laughs.

Però bueno, està bé.

But okay, it's fine.

No, estic molt contenta en general.

No, I am very happy overall.

Molt bé, estem amb la Conxi Vila,

Very well, we are with Conxi Vila.

la cuinera del restaurant La Crosa

the cook of the restaurant La Crosa

i empresària

and entrepreneur

que fa més de...

that has been more than...

fa tres dècades, una mica més,

three decades ago, a little more,

que porta aquest...

what this brings...

aquesta empresa,

this company,

aquesta empresa de restauració

this catering company

del poble de Sant Dalmai

from the village of Sant Dalmai

dins el nostre municipi de Vilobidunyà.

within our municipality of Vilobidunyà.



Exacte, quan...

Exactly, when...

ella mateixa ens ho ha explicat

She herself explained it to us.

quan el restaurant estava

when the restaurant was



perquè no engegava bé

because it wasn't starting well

i ara doncs

and now then



no només ara no està tancat

not only is it not closed now

sinó que és un referent

but it is a reference

de la cuina de la comarca de la Selva

from the cuisine of the region of Selva

encara que ella no ho vulgui acceptar

even if she doesn't want to accept it

però és d'aquesta manera

but it is this way

és bastant insòlit

it is quite unusual

que un restaurant d'aquesta categoria

that a restaurant of this category

estigui en un poble tan...

be in a village so...

tan petit, vull dir, no és normal

so small, I mean, it's not normal

i suposo que

and I suppose that

molts dels que esteu escoltant

many of you who are listening

per no dir gairebé tothom, el coneixeu

to say almost everyone, you know him

i heu estat alguna vegada

And have you ever been?

i heu portat amics

and you have brought friends

o fins i tot us heu hagut d'esperar

or you even had to wait

perquè estava ple.

because it was full.

Seguim a la Font de l'Ou

We continue at the Font de l'Ou.

a Ràdio

to Radio

a Ràdio Som 3

at Ràdio Som 3

a Vilobidunyà

to Vilobí d'Onyar

Escolta'm una cosa

Listen to me for a moment.

des de dins d'una cuina

from inside a kitchen

es nota tot el restaurant?

Is the whole restaurant noticeable?

És com el cor que batega?

Is it like the heart that beats?

Des d'una cuina saps quin ambient hi ha fora?

From a kitchen, do you know what the atmosphere is like outside?

A dintre, vull dir, dintre l'estaurant?

Inside, I mean, inside the restaurant?

O és un lloc aïllat

Or it's an isolated place.

que no t'enteres de res?

Don't you understand anything?

No, no

No, no.

Jo intento des de la cuina

I try from the kitchen.

saber els clients

know the clients

que hi ha a fora

what is outside

inclús si puc surto

even if I can, I go out


greet them

o recomanar-los algun plat

or recommend them a dish

Per mi és molt important

For me, it is very important.

des de dintre la cuina

from inside the kitchen

saber com està el menjador

to know how the dining room is

Perquè faré un paral·lelisme

Because I will make a parallelism.

Imagina't, jo mai he estat actor

Imagine, I have never been an actor.

tu no ho saps si has fet teatre mai

you don't know if you have ever done theater

però quan encara el taló està baixat

but when the heel is still down

i els actors estan darrere el taló

and the actors are behind the heel

que encara no s'ha obert

that has not yet been opened

però senten si el local està ple o buit

but they feel if the place is full or empty

o si la gent està impacient

or if people are impatient

o està apagada

or is it off

des d'intre la cuina es viu

from inside the kitchen, life is experienced

el que hi ha a les sales?

What is in the rooms?

De dintre la cuina es viu

From inside the kitchen, life is lived.

quan sobretot comencen a entrar taules

when especially tables start to come in

i entra el camerer i et diu

and the waiter comes in and says to you

que han entrat 3 taules de cop

that three tables have entered at once

ara 5 taules de cop

now 5 tables at once

que tinc que agafar

that I have to take

bueno, tranquils, no patiu

Well, calm down, don't worry.

una darrere l'altra

one after the other

i els hi anirem fent tots

And we will be doing them all for them.

no ha marxat mai ningú sense dinar

No one has ever left without having lunch.

els hi comenteu

you comment on them

els hi porteu 4 olives, un vermut

you bring them 4 olives, a vermouth

que s'esperin 5 minuts

that they wait 5 minutes

i els hi anirem fent

and we will be doing it for them

un darrere l'altre

one after another

Qui es posa més nerviós, els camerers o els cuiners?

Who gets more nervous, the waiters or the cooks?

Si és que algú s'hi posa

If someone puts themselves to it.




el cuiner

the cook

si ho té tot molt ben preparat

if he/she has everything very well prepared

que per nosaltres és molt important

that is very important to us

tenir-ho ben preparat

to have it well prepared

bueno, està tranquil

Well, it is calm.

el camerer que agafa les comandes

the waiter who takes the orders

com que no sap com està la cuina

as he doesn’t know how the kitchen is

entra i et diu

come in and tell you

puc agafar una altra taula?

Can I take another table?

però són 10 minuts

but it's 10 minutes

després ja està

then it’s done

Com és la transmissió

How is the transmission?

del cambrer cap al cuiner

from the waiter to the cook

que et deixa un paperet penjat

that leaves you a note hanging

amb una cartellera o de canta

with a billboard or sings

o com ho feu?

or how do you do it?

Nosaltres encara ho fem com abans

We still do it the way we used to.

ara avui dia ja ho fan en tablets

nowadays they do it on tablets

I com és com abans?

And how is it like before?

Com abans és un camerer agafa un bloc de comandes

Like before, a waiter grabs a order pad.

i fa 3 còpies

and make 3 copies

una me la donen a mi a la cuina

one is given to me in the kitchen

me la deixa allà a sobre

she leaves it there on top

jo l'agafo i la penjo per ordre

I take it and hang it up in order.

una se la queda en ells

one is kept by them

perquè els camerers sàpiguen aquell client el que ha demanat

so that the waiters know what that customer has ordered

i l'altra la porten a la caixa

and the other one is taken to the box

perquè entri en la nota

so that it is included in the note

Nosaltres encara ho fem així

We still do it like this.

però ara ja amb la tablet

but now with the tablet already

des del menjador ja entra a la cuina

from the dining room, it leads into the kitchen

i ja fan la comanda

And they are already placing the order.

és més fàcil

it's easier

però bueno, nosaltres estem acostumats així

but well, we are used to it this way

i també va bé

and it’s also good

Però hi deu haver alguns plats

But there must be some dishes.

que poden estar preparats

that may be prepared

però altres que requereixen

but others that require

una preparació en un moment

a preparation in a moment

Sí, nosaltres preparats

Yes, we are ready.

en tenim pràcticament cap

we have practically none

perquè el no ser restaurant

because it is not a restaurant

de guisats

of stews

ni de plats

neither dishes

cuinats, precuinats

cooked, precooked

ho cuinem tot

we cook everything

pràcticament tot el moment

practically the whole time

ho tenim fet

we have done it

a Canalons

to Canalons

això sí que ho tenim fet

this is definitely done

però nosaltres no tenim normalment

but we normally do not have

vedella guisada, peus de porc guisats

braised beef, braised pig's feet

no és ben bé el típic

it's not quite the typical one

restaurant de muntanya o de pagès

mountain or farm restaurant

encara que d'entant en tant

even though from time to time

en fem algun de plat que al client també li agrada

We make some dishes that the client also likes.

Molt bé

Very good

Tens algun model de cuiner o de cuinera

Do you have any model of a cook or a cookess?

d'aquests que són famosos

of these that are famous

d'aquests que de tants anys surten als diaris

of those that after so many years appear in the newspapers

o a les televisions

or to the televisions

que en els últims anys saps que

that in recent years you know that

s'han promocionat diversos cuiners

several chefs have been promoted

no només pel tema dels estrelles Michelin

not only for the issue of Michelin stars

sinó per altres

but for others

Tens algun model?

Do you have any model?

Mira, aquest m'agrada

Look, I like this one.

el que fa

what he does

A mi m'agrada molt en Nandu Jubany com cuina

I really like how Nandu Jubany cooks.

m'agrada molt com cuina

I really like how you cook.

m'agrada molt ell com a persona

I like him a lot as a person.

i crec que si ara

I think so now.

en comptes de tenir 60 anys en tingués

instead of being 60 years old, I would be

40 li diria puc venir a treballar

40 I would tell him I can come to work.

amb tu perquè m'agrada

with you because I like it

m'agrada molt de la manera de ser

I really like the way of being.

Bueno, potser

Well, maybe.

la Carmen Roscalleda també

Carmen Roscalleda too.

per ser una dona també m'agradava

To be a woman, I also liked it.

també la seguia

I was also following her.

No en tinc

I don't have any.

en general no en tinc cap més

In general, I don't have any more.

els altres són normal

the others are normal

per mi no surten de

for me, they don't come out of

el context

the context

Els postres són molt importants

Desserts are very important.

en un restaurant?

in a restaurant?

Crec que sí

I think so.

Crec que són importants

I think they are important.

però la gent quan ha fet un primer plat

but people when they have made a first course

i un segon plat també has de buscar

And you also have to look for a second course.

quin postre li pot venir de gust

What dessert might he/she feel like?

perquè no sé si tu te'n recordaràs

because I don't know if you'll remember it

però fa 20 anys quan feies

but 20 years ago when you were doing

un dinar de postres què demanaves?

a dessert lunch what did you ask for?

Un pijama

A pajamas

Si ara darrere d'un dinar et vessis de menjar

If now after a lunch you spilled food on yourself

un pijama potser el agafaries i cridaries

a pajama maybe you would pick it up and shout

a algú que te'l vingués a amagar

to someone who would come to hide it for you

Quantes vegades

How many times

un pijama? Te'n recordes?

A pajama? Do you remember it?

Hi havia uns postres que eren típics

There were some desserts that were typical.

de restaurants

of restaurants

I molt contundents

And very forceful.

I aquelles mig espinyes que anaven plenes

And those half thorns that were full

de crema i cremades

of creams and burnt things

Ara poc s'ho menjaria ningú

Now hardly anyone would eat it.

La gent ara busca

People are now looking for

més un postre

more a dessert

que passi més bé

have a good time

que no atipi tant, sobretot que no sigui

don't be so stingy, especially don't be

gaire dolç

rather sweet

Ha canviat

It has changed.

però nosaltres fem postres que ens els fem

but we make desserts that we make ourselves

tots pràcticament els de la carta

almost all of them from the letter

que tampoc

that neither

són massa contundents

they are too forceful

i a la gent els agrada

and people like it

Hi ha una reducció del que és la sal

There is a reduction in what is salt.

i el sucre?

And the sugar?

El sucre molt

The sugar very

La gent

The people


thank you

No ho sé, per exemple, abans una crema catalana

I don't know, for example, a crema catalana before.

era molt dolça, ara menges una crema catalana

she was very sweet, now you eat a crème brûlée

i no és tan dolça

and it's not that sweet

I per mi es pon igual

And for me it doesn't matter.

És com el cafè

It's like coffee.

Hi ha gent que fa el cafè, ara molta gent

There are people who make coffee, now many people.

fa el cafè sense sucre

He makes the coffee without sugar.

I la sal, no

And the salt, no.

La sal, jo tampoc faig plats

The salt, I don't make dishes either.



El que era molt dolent d'un plat abans

What used to be very bad about a dish before.

és que es cuinava un plat avui

It's that a dish was being cooked today.

i demà s'escalfava, demà passat es tornava a escalfar

And tomorrow it would warm up, the day after tomorrow it would warm up again.

i el tercer dia es tornava a escalfar

And on the third day it warmed up again.

i no era carregat de sal, però era fort

and it wasn't loaded with salt, but it was strong

Era fort

He was strong.

I després la gent quan menjaven allò

And then the people when they ate that

i deien, tota la tarda he estat

And they said, all afternoon I have been.

amb el que sigui a l'estómac

with whatever is in the stomach

perquè era massa fort

because it was too strong

però ara això no es fa

but now this is not done

Ara es fa més

Now it is done more.

Coccions més

More cookings



La gent sap menjar, ara?

Do people know how to eat now?

O t'ho diré d'una altra manera perquè sigui més fàcil de respondre

Or I'll tell you another way so it's easier to respond.

Ara mengen pitjor o millor que abans?

Are they eating better or worse than before?

Jo crec que mengen millor que abans

I believe they eat better than before.

Em refereixo

I mean.

no al que li serveixen, sinó

not to those who serve them, but

a la seva educació

to their education



Jo crec que la gent es cuida més

I believe that people take better care of themselves.

Ara mengen millor

Now they eat better.

del que parlàvem dels guisats

about what we were talking about the stews

Ara la gent potser busca més

Now people may be looking for more.

una carn a la brasa

grilled meat

o un peix a la planxa

or a grilled fish

o amb unes verduretes

or with some vegetables

Abans en un restaurant

Before in a restaurant

tot s'acompanyava amb patates fregides

everything was accompanied by French fries

pebrot fregit

fried pepper

Si tu penses

If you think

tot era fregit

everything was fried

Ara no, ara es fan moltes coccions al vapor

Not now, now there are many steam cooking methods.



Si ve un nen i et dirà que vol un plat de patates fregides

If a boy comes and tells you that he wants a plate of fries.

i li has de fer un plat de patates fregides

and you have to make him a plate of French fries

perquè, pobret, és això el que vol

because, poor thing, that's what he wants



podem fer

we can do

unes patates al forn que no tenen tant d'oli

baked potatoes that don't have so much oil


We seek

sobretot coses que no siguin grasses

especially things that are not fatty

que no tinguin greix

that they have no fat

Abans es feia servir molt

It used to be used a lot.

la llar greix de porc

the lard house

Ara això ja és impensable

Now this is already unthinkable.

No es fa servir

It is not used.

Molt bé

Very well

Anem allà cap al

Let's go there around the

cap a l'efecte final

towards the final effect

cap a les postres

towards dessert

del programa

from the program

Estem al fons de l'ol

We are at the bottom of the oil.

el programa

the program



, bé, portem unes quantes edicions ja

Well, we've had a few editions already.

aquí a SOM3

here at SOM3

la ràdio de Viloví

the radio of Viloví

i avui amb la Conxi Vila

and today with Conxi Vila



del restaurant La Crosa

from the restaurant La Crosa

i cuinera

and cook

del restaurant La Crosa

from the restaurant La Crosa

Anem a l'últim

Let's go to the last one.

bloc de preguntes

question block

o de la conversa

or of the conversation

tot i que segur que sortirà

although I am sure it will come out

alguna cosa més

something else


He/She/It will give

la coincidència

the coincidence

que haureu acabat

that you will have finished

la vostra etapa

your stage

en el restaurant La Crosa

in the restaurant La Crosa

amb un fet

with a fact



evidentment fa 30 anys

obviously 30 years ago

però fa 3 anys també

but three years ago too

que ha sigut la pandèmia

what the pandemic has been

que ha afectat bàsicament

that has basically affected

o molt contundentment

or very emphatically

el sector des del punt de vista econòmic

the sector from an economic point of view

no des del punt de vista sanitari

not from a health perspective

que ha afectat a tothom

that has affected everyone

sinó des del punt de vista econòmic

but from an economic point of view

ha afectat molt el vostre món

it has greatly affected your world

el món de l'hostaleria

the world of hospitality

com heu sobreviscut

How have you survived?

o com heu patit la pandèmia

or how you have suffered through the pandemic

o com l'esteu patint

or how you are suffering from it

en aquest moment

at this moment

o com veus que s'hi pot tenir sortida

or how do you see that it can have an outcome



quan va començar la pandèmia

when did the pandemic start

vam tenir, crec que eren 75 dies

we had, I think it was 75 days

tancats, vam patir

locked up, we suffered

realment vàrem patir

we really suffered

perquè teníem gènere

because we had gender

però ens vàrem

but we went

bolcar a fer menjar per emportar

spill to make takeout food

i la gent del poble

and the people of the village

va col·laborar molt

he/she collaborated a lot

molt molt

very very

tothom venia molt a buscar menjar

everyone came a lot to get food

és dir que bueno

that is to say good

no vàrem pas guanyar cèntims

we didn't win a penny

em vam perdre

we got lost

però estava tot tancat

but everything was closed

no teníem personal

we didn't have staff

tampoc era

neither was it

no podíem fer res més

we couldn't do anything more

i després el anar obrint

and then opening it

aquí va ser una miqueta més complicat

here it was a little more complicated

perquè ens vàrem deixar anar obrint a poc a poc

because we let ourselves go little by little

vàrem haver d'agafar personal

we had to hire staff

després el local és molt gran

afterwards the venue is very large

com ja us he dit

as I have already told you

què vol dir això

What does this mean?

que gastàvem la mateixa llum

that we spent the same light

que gastàvem el mateix

that we spent the same

que pagàvem el lloguer

that we paid the rent

que pagàvem tot

that we paid everything

i que els ingressos

and that the revenues

havien caigut molt

they had fallen a lot

però vàrem anar fent menjar per emportar

but we kept making takeout food

la gent va col·laborar molt

People collaborated a lot.

tot el poble, venia molta gent a buscar-ne

The whole village, a lot of people came to look for it.

i bueno, més o menys ens en vàrem anar sortint

And well, more or less we managed to get by.

i ara aquest mitjà any últim

and now this last half year

que al vespre estava tancat

that was closed in the evening

un poble al vespre

a village at dusk

tampoc era

neither was it

que en planéssim nosaltres fent sopars

that we planned ourselves by having dinners

ens va afectar

it affected us

però no pas molt

but not very much

l'ideal, el bo

the ideal, the good

hagués sigut que haguéssim pogut fer esmorzars

it would have been that we could have had breakfasts

que també vàrem

that we also did

veure-ho d'escurçar

to see it shortened

però també fèiem esmorzars un rato

but we also had breakfast for a while

fèiem dinars un altre rato

we would have lunch another time

tenim una mica de terrassa que també si fa bo

we have a little terrace that is also nice if the weather is good

també la podíem aprofitar

we could also take advantage of it

doncs bueno, gràcies a Déu

well, thank God

suposo que no hem sigut dels que hem patit més

I suppose we haven't been among those who have suffered the most.

ni dels que hem patit menys

neither of those who have suffered less

i ara veieu la sortida del túnel?

And now do you see the exit of the tunnel?



jo ara

me now

no ho veig bé

I don't see it well.

vull dir, crec que

I mean, I think that

ara està molt bé

now it's very good

podem tornar a fer esmorzars tot el rato

we can have breakfasts all the time again

sense haver de tancar

without having to close

es poden fer dinars que nosaltres és amb el dinar

Lunches can be made that we have with lunch.

amb el que hem treballat més

with what we have worked on the most

i si el divendres i el dissabte al vespre podem fer sopars

And if we can have dinners on Friday and Saturday evenings.



crec que pot funcionar

I think it can work.


we will see

de moment

for the moment

bé, en el cas concret del restaurant La Crosa

well, in the specific case of the restaurant La Crosa

ja ho hem fet

We've already done it.

més que lamentable

more than unfortunate

que ha estat que una persona

what has been that a person

que era de la vostra plantilla

What was from your team?

un històric

a historic one

que era en Marcel

that was Marcel

ha perdut la vida, ha mort

has lost his/her life, has died

durant aquesta pandèmia

during this pandemic

ens pots explicar una mica qui era en Marcel

Can you tell us a bit about who Marcel was?

i què és exactament

And what is it exactly?

el que ha passat

what has happened

això sí que és el més trist que ens ha passat

this is indeed the saddest thing that has happened to us

a part de l'econòmic

apart from the economic

això és més trist que tot el que és econòmic

this is sadder than everything that is economic

aquest noi el vaig conèixer treballant a Platja d'Aro

I met this boy while working in Platja d'Aro.

vaig dir-li que obria un restaurant

I told her that I was opening a restaurant.

i ell va

and he goes

si volia venir a treballar amb mi

if he wanted to come work with me

i vam quedar que sí

and we agreed that yes

i des del dia que vam obrir

and since the day we opened

ell sempre havia estat a fora

he had always been outside

era l'encarregat i el cap de sala

he was the manager and the head of the room

era un noi molt trampat, molt maco

he was a very funny boy, very nice

molt bona persona

very good person

tenia molt

I had a lot.

però molt i molt do de gens

but a lot and a lot of nothing

vull dir, amb els clients

I mean, with the clients.

tothom l'estimava molt

everyone loved him/her very much

i per mi tenia una seguretat molt gran

and for me it had a great sense of security

perquè jo estava dintre la cuina

because I was in the kitchen

i del menjador ja no me'n tenia ni que preocupar

And I didn't even have to worry about the dining room anymore.

perquè ell ja ho feia

because he was already doing it

ell es cuidava de tot

he took care of everything

i si a un client una cosa no li agradava

and if a client didn't like something

li canviava per una altra

I changed it for another one.



era el millor

he was the best

era un 10

it was a 10

se'n va anar de vacances

he went on vacation

i va agafar el Covid

and got Covid

ho va agafar tota la família

the whole family got it

tothom se'n va sortir

everyone managed to get through

i ell, pobret, no

and he, poor thing, no

això va ser

this was

el pitjor de tota la pandèmia

the worst of the whole pandemic

dius que era un cap de sala

you say he was a head of room

un cap de sala és important

a head of room is important

és el cuiner

he is the cook

i el cap de sala

and the head of the room

per mi és el més important

for me it is the most important

perquè tu ja pots cuinar molt bé

because you can already cook very well

si el client

if the client

quan li serveixen

when they serve him/her

no està content

not happy

per molt bo que hagi sigut aquell plat

no matter how good that dish was

no hi tornarà

he won't return to it

és molt important la cuina

the kitchen is very important

però també és molt important que quan t'atenguin

but it is also very important that when they attend to you

i et serveixin

and serve you



et diguin

they tell you

senyor Manel

Mr. Manel

això li agrada

he likes this

si no li agrada li canvio

If you don't like it, I'll change it for you.

si no li podem fer això

if we can't do this for him/her

al client a part d'anar a menjar

to the client besides going to eat

li agrada molt

he/she likes it a lot

que el serveixin

let them serve it

que l'atenguin bé

may they treat him/her well

que si coneix la filla

that if he/she knows the daughter

li pregunti com està la filla

Ask him how the daughter is doing.

com està el pare

How is the father?

això era una cosa que en Marcel

this was something that Marcel

era incapaç

she was incapable

d'anar en una taula

to go to a table

i no preguntar-los

and not ask them

per la família

for the family

no dir-los el nom

not tell them the name





era un 10 sobre 10

it was a 10 out of 10

era impensable

it was unthinkable

que li pogués passar

that could happen to him/her

el que li va passar

what happened to him/her

molt bé

very well

el nostre record

our memory

que era en Marcel

that was Marcel

totes les persones

all people

que l'han conegut

that have known him/her

suposo que

I suppose that

que ja estaran d'acord

that they will already agree

i és tal com tu

and it is just like you

tal com tu l'has descrit

as you have described it

anem ja acabant

we are almost finished

a nivell familiar

at a family level

també has tingut implicacions

you have also had implications

en el teu negoci

in your business

perquè el teu marit

because your husband

en Josep


també està des del primer dia

it has also been there since the first day

amb tu

with you

o es va incorporar

or was incorporated

quan ja tu

when already you

ja ho havies engegat

you had already started it

com acostumen a fer

as they usually do

alguns homes

some men

que és que s'hi apunten

what is it that they sign up for

quan ja

when already

s'hi apunten

they sign up

ja la cosa va bé

things are going well now



no, no

no, no

com ha anat això?

How did this go?

el que va passar

what happened

és que teníem tots dos feina

It's just that we both had work.

i teníem tots dos

and we both had

una bona feina

a good job

i quan va sortir això

And when did this come out?

vàrem dir

we said





que era d'hostaleria

that was in hospitality

jo ho faig

I do it.

i el meu marit

and my husband

treballava el textil

I worked in textiles.

i tu et quedes

And you stay.

al textil

to the textile

perquè no podem

because we cannot

quedar-nos a tots dos

to stay with both of us

i si no ens va bé

and if it doesn't go well for us

després què farem

what will we do afterwards

i ell va continuar

and he continued.

treballant el textil

working the textile

i jo vaig engegar

And I started.

el restaurant

the restaurant

però després

but then

el dissabte i el diumenge

Saturday and Sunday

aquell feia festa

that was celebrating

ens donava un cop de mà

he/she was giving us a hand

a vegades


s'estava al bar

he was at the bar



o fent cafès

or making coffees

i bueno

And well

i a l'any 95

and in the year 95

crec que va ser

I think it was.

el textil

the textile

va anar

he/she/it went

molt malament

very bad

i es va quedar

and he/she/it stayed

sense feina


i durant

and during

un any o dos

one year or two


I remember

que va fer

what did (he/she/it) do

una altra feina

another job

i jo després

and me afterwards



un noi treballant

a boy working

que va plegar

that he/she/it gave up

no sé què

I don't know what.

ah sí

ah yes

va trobar una feina

he found a job

que no havia de treballar

that he/she was not supposed to work

dissabtes i diumenges

Saturdays and Sundays

i bueno

and well

i el meu home

and my husband

es va quedar

he/she/it remained

i ja

and already

i quina nota

And what grade?

li poses

you put it on him/her

està bé

it's okay

no no

no no


it is

és trempat

he is smart

i molt bé

and very well



no sé

I don't know.

un 7

a 7

un 8

an 8

com a cambrer

as a waiter

repreixo eh

I take it back, huh?




està bé

it's okay

a més


també és important

it is also important

tenir algú

to have someone

a fora de confiança

out of trust

perquè quan tu

because when you

estàs a la cuina

you are in the kitchen

encara que


puguis controlar

you can control

una mica el menjador

a bit the dining room

és important

it is important

que tu tinguis algú

that you have someone

que confiïs

that you trust

és clar

it's clear

vull dir

I mean

jo ja he tingut

I have already had.

un equip

a team

que he confiat

that I have trusted

amb molta gent

with a lot of people



amb tants anys

with so many years

la gent

the people







comença de nou

start again

hi ha aspectes

there are aspects

d'un restaurant

of a restaurant

com és l'atenció al públic

How is the customer service?

l'atenció telefònica

telephone attention

la recepció de la gent

the reception of the people

que això sembla

that this seems

que no compti per res

that it doesn't count for anything

i compta molt

and it matters a lot

i tant

of course

i si tens algú

And if you have someone.

que saps

what do you know

que te'n pots refiar

that you can rely on




that is

lo seu


però és clar

but of course

de petit

as a child

per exemple

for example

quan estudiava

when I was studying

a l'estiu

in the summer

doncs la seva mare

well, your mother

li deia

I was telling him/her.

que si treballava

that if I was working

sí que tindria cèntims

yes, I would have cents

però si no

but if not



i era molt petit

and it was very small

i ja no arribava

and he/she no longer arrived

a la cafetera

to the coffee maker

i feia cafès

and I made coffees

i estava molt content

I was very happy.

perquè la gent

because people

li deia

I told him/her.



fas el cafè

you make the coffee

tu més bo

you more good

que el teu pare

that your father

i ell

and he

fent estofat

making stew



què vol dir això

what does this mean

que als estius

that in the summers

treballava a la Crosa

I worked at the Crosa.

però ell

but he

és periodista

he is a journalist

i se'n va anar a Barcelona

and he/she went to Barcelona

però encara ara

but even now

els caps de setmana

the weekends

es dona un cop de mà

he lends a hand

i la veritat

and the truth

és que és molt amable

It's just that he/she is very kind.

i ho fa bé

and it does it well

i bé

and well



així podeu dir

so you can say

una mica

a little bit

que és un negoci familiar

what is a family business



des d'aquest punt de vista

from this point of view


el que passa

what happens

que al ser tan gran

that being so big

a part de la família

apart from the family

doncs hi teníem

so we had

8 o 10 treballadors

8 or 10 workers



ja sé

I already know.

que m'ho has dit

that you told me

al principi

at the beginning

el dia

the day

que ho deixeu

that you leave it



el juny



the last



de juny

of June

crec que és

I think it is




the last



de juny

of June


sense que m'endonguis

without you putting me to bed



la continuïtat

the continuity

del restaurant

from the restaurant

amb unes altres persones

with some other people

està més o menys

it's more or less







we will close

3 dies

3 days

per deixar-ho tot

to leave it all



els 3 dies últims

the last 3 days

de juny

of June

que és dilluns

that it is Monday

dimarts i dimecres

Tuesday and Wednesday


we will close

per deixar-ho tot

to leave everything




the inventory

tot tret una mica

everything except a little



i les persones

and the people

que s'ho queden

let them keep it

doncs suposo

well, I suppose

que en 7 o 8 dies

that in 7 or 8 days

tornaran a obrir

they will reopen

perquè també

because also


they will paint

o faran el que

or they will do what

però aquest

but this



en principi

in principle


the only

que diguem

what we say

no tanca

does not close



hagi estat tancat

has been closed

o perquè no funcioni

or because it doesn't work

tanca perquè canviem

Close it so we can change.

és a dir

that is to say

que en principi

that in principle

no ha d'estar

it must not be

gaires dies tancat

many days closed

però bé

but well

una setmana

one week

potser sí

maybe yes

perquè si ara

because if now

està pintat blau

it is painted blue

potser l'altre

maybe the other

el pot pintar verd

he can paint it green

o gira la taula

or turn the table

de cantó

on the corner

alguna cosa



però gaire temps

but not much time



millor que no

better not

però no

but no

no ho estarà

it won't be

molt bé

very well

com a persona externa

as an external person

he de dir que

I have to say that

durant tot l'any

throughout the year

i 3 mesos

and 3 months

ja que portem

since we have

de mesures

of measures



per la pandèmia

for the pandemic

ara els

now them

restaurant La Crosa

restaurant La Crosa

ha estat un exemple

it has been an example

de seguiment


de totes les normes

of all the rules



que són

what are they

i sanitàries

and health workers

que s'han

that have been



per dir

to say

no sé si el verb

I don't know if the verb

és aquest

it is this



és un restaurant

it is a restaurant

en el qual

in which



s'han respectat

they have been respected

els percentatges

the percentages



de clients

of clients

que podien estar

that they could be

quan era permès

when it was allowed



les instal·lacions

the facilities

s'han deixat

they have been left

les taules

the tables





de les plenes

of the full ones



amb els percentatges

with the percentages



però quan dic buides

but when I say empty

dic buides

I say empty.

de veritat





they were

amb quadres

with squares





a sobre

on top

que era impossible

that it was impossible

de fer

to do

de despistar-se

to get distracted

i omplir-les

and fill them

un 10

a 10

aquí sí que

here indeed

un 10

a 10


it is





de restaurants

of restaurants

que hagin

that they have



amb tanta escrupulositat

with such scrupulousness

com ho he fet

how have I done it


you (plural)

per tant


no em

don't me



et felicito

I congratulate you.

de com ho heu fet

of how you did it

i ara hi ha l'última

And now there is the last one.

quan pleguis

when you quit/when you finish

la Conxi Mila

the Conxi Mila

quan plegui

when I finish

cada dematí

every morning

d'haver d'anar

to have to go

a la cuina

in the kitchen

de la Crosa

from the Crosa

què faràs?

What will you do?

deixaràs de cuinar

you will stop cooking

i aniràs al restaurant

And you will go to the restaurant.

cada dia

every day

o què faràs?

or what will you do?

no, no

no, no

m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

anar a la muntanya

to go to the mountain

suposo que aniré a caminar

I suppose I will go for a walk.

si tenim salut

if we have health

algo farem

we'll do something

i a lo millor

and maybe

un dia t'avorreixes

One day you are bored.

no saps què fer

you don't know what to do

i em dius

and you call me

vine a casa

come home

a fer-me

to make me

un peix al forn

a baked fish

i vinc

I'm coming.

a domicili

at home

però no portar-ho

but not to take it



portaràs la cuinera

you will bring the cook

a domicili

at home



molt bé

very well

què menjaràs

What will you eat?

per sopar avui?

for dinner today?

m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

que agrada molt

that is very pleasing

poca gent

few people

però a mi m'agrada molt

but I really like it a lot

fetxa de vedella

beef steak

i avui en tenia

and today I had some

per dinar

for lunch

i n'ha sobrat

and it was left over

amb una mica

with a little bit

d'all i julivert

of garlic and parsley

però no gaire cuit

but not overcooked

no gaire cuit

not very cooked

i a la planxa

and on the grill

o amb una paella

or with a frying pan

perquè després

because afterwards

amb el suc de l'all i julivert

with garlic juice and parsley

pots xucar pa

you can dip bread

molt bé Conxi

very well Conxi

moltes gràcies

thank you very much



no només

not only

per l'estona

for the moment

que hem estat

that we have been



una hora

one hour


I imagine



sinó per 30 anys

but for 30 years


to feed

i de fer-ho

and to do it

passar bé

have a good time

des del punt de vista

from the point of view



a milers

to thousands

i milers

and thousands

de persones

of people

de gent del municipi

of people from the municipality

gent de fora del municipi

people from outside the municipality

gent del poble

people of the village

de Sant Dalmai

of Sant Dalmai

i fins aquí

and up to here

aquest programa

this program

de la Font de l'Ou

from the Egg Fountain

a ràdio

the radio

som ràdio

we are radio

som tres

we are three





a Vilubí

to Vilubí



i Sant Dalmai

and Saint Dalmai

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

a vosaltres

to you

a tu

to you

i a tota la teva família

and to all your family

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

per haver estat aquí

for having been here

i moltes gràcies

and thank you very much

a tots els clients

to all customers

que si no

that if not

no hauria sigut possible

it would not have been possible

aquest programa

this program

ha sigut

it has been



i dirigit jo mateix

I directed it myself.

Josep Maria Pasqual

Josep Maria Pasqual

i no hauria estat possible

and it would not have been possible



la feina

the work





de la Laia Ferrer

by Laia Ferrer

que ha estat

what has been

al front

to the front

de tota la part tècnica

of the whole technical part

fins a la pròxima

until next time

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

la ràdio

the radio

de Vilubí

From Vilubí



i Sant Dalmai

and Saint Dalmai

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