Fugint d'estudi

Termi fa coses

Pastissets de Carxofa

Fugint d'estudi

Pastissets de Carxofa

Des de l'excitació de les nominacions

From the excitement of the nominations

fins a l'aplaudiment després de l'oblidació d'un envelliment

until the applause after the forgetfulness of aging

a les grans escombraries,

to the big trash,

The Hollywood Reporter és la teva font

The Hollywood Reporter is your source.

per la trobada d'insides

for the insides meeting

en els moments que s'han fet

in the moments that have been made

i per celebrar els vins dels teus films favorits,

and to celebrate the wines of your favorite films,

actors i totes les persones que els han fet.

actors and all the people who have made them.

Folleixi la carrera a hollywoodreporter.com

Check out the article at hollywoodreporter.com.

per a prediccions, recomanacions i votants.

for predictions, recommendations, and voters.

Veja el T.H.R. Awards Hub

See the T.H.R. Awards Hub

per a tot el que necessites per a la cobertura de l'escenari d'aquestes escombraries.

for everything you need for the coverage of the stage of this garbage.

Visita THR.com avui

Visit THR.com today

i subscriu-te a les nostres notícies

and subscribe to our news

perquè no et perdis un beat.

so you don't miss a beat.

Folleixi la carrera a hollywoodreporter.com

Check out the career at hollywoodreporter.com

Benvingudes totes a un nou episodi

Welcome everyone to a new episode.

d'este podcast nostre.

of this podcast of ours.

Pastissets de carxofa!

Artichoke pastries!



Avui en format clandestino.

Today in a clandestine format.

Format confinat, pràcticament, des de...

Format confined, practically, since...

No tinc paraules per a descriure això, eh?

I have no words to describe this, huh?

Avui podrem veure,

Today we will be able to see,

quan vegin algun riu,

when they see a river,

podrem comprovar que avui no estem

we will be able to verify that we are not today

des dels estudis d'OK Productions,

from the studios of OK Productions,

des de l'Espai Podcast a Roquetes,

from the Space Podcast in Roquetes,

perquè, bueno, hi ha hagut uns problemes tècnics,

because, well, there have been some technical issues,

s'està movent aquell estudi a un altre lloc,

that study is being moved to another location,

uns problemes tècnics, diguem-li,

some technical problems, let’s say,

que ens han fet molt de mal.

that they have harmed us a lot.

Que s'hem inundat qualsevol dia

That we have flooded any day.

o alguna cosa hagués passat allí.

or something would have happened there.

I, bueno, doncs,

Well, then,

hem tingut que gravar uns...

we had to record some...

En principi,

In principle,

aquests pròxims dos episodis

these next two episodes

els hem gravat des de casa.

We have recorded them from home.

Sí, és així.

Yes, that's right.

Bueno, vaig hi haure millores a l'estudi

Well, I will have improvements in the study.

i després de millorar,

and after improving,

ha passat a no tindre estudi.

has ceased to have a study.

Que, bueno, potser és el que ens mereixem, saps?

Well, maybe it's what we deserve, you know?

Estem passant per tots els estadis,

We are going through all the stages,

però en ordres estranys.

but in strange orders.

En comptes de començar des de casa,

Instead of starting from home,

després d'un estudi mediocre,

after a mediocre study,

i no...

and no...

Un estudi millor.

A better study.

Hem començat per un estudi mec-mec,

We have started with a mec-mec study,

després lo vam millorar,

afterwards we improved it,

ara estem a casa,

now we are at home,

a veure què passarà després.

let's see what will happen next.



Me fa mala espina, això.

That gives me a bad feeling.

Huela un poco raro.

It smells a bit odd.

Bueno, escolta'm, Termi, va,

Well, listen to me, Termi, come on,

des d'on mos poden escoltar, estàs ja?

From where can they hear us, are you ready?

Bueno, mos poden escoltar, com sempre,

Well, they can hear us, as always,

des d'eVoox, des d'Spotify

from eVoox, from Spotify

i des d'Apple Podcast.

and from Apple Podcast.

I mos podeu seguir a Instagram, a TikTok,

You can follow us on Instagram and TikTok.

arroba pastissetsdecarxofa


i també als nostres.

and also to ours.

No me cansaré de repetir-ho.

I will not tire of repeating it.

Arroba Marlo Lailo

At Marlo Lailo

i arroba TermiFrança.

I tag TermiFrança.

I fa coses.

And it does things.

Ah, bueno,

Ah, well,

i subscriviu-vos també al canal de YouTube,

and subscribe to the YouTube channel as well,

que algun dia penjarem alguna cosa.

That someday we will hang something.

Activeu les notificacions.

Activate notifications.



Seguiu-nos, que estem preparats.

Follow us, we are ready.

Estem mirant a veure què pengem ahir

We are looking to see what we uploaded yesterday.

i a veure si en breu podem penjar cosetes.

And let's see if we can post some things soon.

¿T'assembla si anem a les notícies?

Do you think we should go to the news?

A les notícies.

On the news.

Vinga, obrim capítol de successos, Termi.

Come on, let's open a chapter of events, Termi.



I és que jo...

And it is that I...

Hi ha hagut un acte vandàlic gravíssim,

There has been a very serious act of vandalism,

permet-me que digui gravíssim,

allow me to say very serious,

entre cometes,

in quotation marks,

a la piscina municipal de la Ràpida.

at the municipal pool of la Ràpida.

Què m'ho dius?

What are you telling me?



I vull aquí posar una miqueta de vent abans de la ferida.

And I want to put a little bit of wind here before the wound.

Jo, això que vaig explicar ara,

I, what I just explained now,

no vull dir que estigui a favor del que ha passat.

I don't mean to say that I am in favor of what has happened.

O sigui, no estic a favor del que ha passat.

In other words, I am not in favor of what has happened.

És una cosa que no ha de passar.

It's something that must not happen.

Però el que vull comentar és

But what I want to comment on is

la magnitud del que ha passat

the magnitude of what has happened

i com s'ha...

and how has it...

I com s'ha presentat això a les xarxes,

And how this has been presented on social media,

que ha quedat una miqueta que potser no s'hem venut a viure.

that we have remained a little perhaps not to have sold ourselves to live.

O sigui,

That is to say,

el mateix Ajuntament de la Ràpida a Instagram

the same Town Hall of La Ràpita on Instagram

va penjar unes fotos

he/she posted some photos

i va fer un text dient

and wrote a text saying

que hi havia hagut un acte vandàlic a la piscina municipal,

that there had been a vandalic act at the municipal pool,

que la policia estava investigant,

that the police were investigating,

que l'Ajuntament i la Regidoria d'Esports

that the City Council and the Department of Sports

dient, literalment,

saying, literally,

ens mantindrem ferms davant d'aquestes actuacions.

We will stand firm in the face of these actions.

No, el que dia, estic d'acord en que això està mal fet

No, what a day, I agree that this is poorly done.

i que la persona que s'ha...

and that the person who has...

s'ha de trobar i s'ha de responsabilitzar d'això que ha fet.

He must be found and held responsible for what he has done.

O persones, suposem que han sigut persones.

Oh people, let's assume they were people.

Però, jo quan vaig veure

But when I saw

acte vandàlic a la piscina

vandalic act at the swimming pool

i vaig veure este text tan contundent

I saw this very strong text.

contra els possibles vandals,

against possible vandals,

m'esperava coses heavy.

I was expecting heavy things.

Jo m'esperava

I was waiting for you.

vidres trencats,

broken glass,

m'esperava merda estampada per les parets,

I was expecting shit splattered on the walls,

no sé...

I don't know...

Oh, no!

Oh, no!

Jo realment m'esperava, dic,

I really expected it, I say,

a veure què ha passat,

let's see what has happened,

perquè clar, acte vandàlic a la piscina,

because of course, vandalistic act at the pool,

ha passat alguna cosa grossa.

Something big has happened.

Jo vaig estar revisant les fotos

I was reviewing the photos.

i excepte per un trenc de banc,

and except for a bank break,

per unes estanderies de fusta de l'Ikea

for some wooden shelves from Ikea

i un banc de fusta,

and a wooden bench,

tot el que hi havia dins de la piscina,

everything that was in the pool,

tot el que hi havia era material de piscina

All that was there was swimming pool material.

dins de la piscina.

inside the swimming pool.

Vull dir, suros,

I mean, corks,

aros de plàstic,

plastic rings,

d'això que s'utilitza per a fer aquagim

of this that is used for aquagym

i per a fer actes de piscina,

and to hold pool events,



vull dir, això ho trobes al sol

I mean, you find this in the sun.

i en un matí ho tens arreglat.

And in a morning, you'll have it sorted.

La feina te l'ha fet de dues hores d'arreglar.

The job took you two hours to fix.

Clar, és vandàlic,

Of course, it's vandalistic.

però és de la temàtica, també, saps?

but it's also about the theme, you know?

Clar, home, és vandàlic.

Of course, man, it's vandalistic.

Home, és vandàlic a un restaurant

Man, it's vandalism in a restaurant.

i t'han ficat les salchiches al forn?

Have you put the sausages in the oven?

Bé, doncs depèn.

Well, it depends.

Clar, clar, jo estava pensant,

Sure, sure, I was thinking,

ostres, vandàlic al camp

wow, vandalism on the field

i t'edigen una eixadella.

And they give you a little hoe.

Bé, vandàlic, saps?

Well, vandalistic, you know?

A més, és que, fica, han accedit per una finestra

Moreover, it is that they have entered through a window.

i hi ha una foto d'una finestra

and there is a photo of a window

que per allí un prebenjamí no entra.

that over there a prebenjamí does not enter.

O sigui, és una finestra petita

So, it's a small window.

i tampoc,


no sé, vull dir...

I don’t know, I mean...

Eren ninxes.

They were ninjas.

Jo el que vinc a dir això és que

What I'm here to say is that

res en contra, vull dir,

nothing against, I mean,

res en contra de l'Ajuntament, vull dir

nothing against the City Council, I mean

que troben la persona que ho ha fet perquè això no ha de passar,

that they find the person who did it because this must not happen,

però tampoc no t'han posat pegamento

but they haven't put glue on you either

a les portes

at the doors

i no pots entrar, vull dir,

and you can't enter, I mean,

no t'han fet una cosa...

they haven't done you a thing...

Vull dir que a vegades, què passa? Que als pobles petits,

I mean, sometimes what happens? In small towns,

i això ho he vist moltes vegades

And I have seen this many times.

a la tele, a altres programes

on television, on other programs

o indagant en alguns contes

or investigating some tales

de Twitter o d'Instagram, a vegades,

from Twitter or Instagram, sometimes,

els community managers

the community managers

dels pobles petits

of the small towns

tenen més ganes que passin coses de les que passen realment.

They are more eager for things to happen than what actually happens.

I agafen

And they take.

i perquè a vegades te veus

And why sometimes you see yourself

operació antidroga i allà

anti-drug operation and there

una bosseta amb una miqueta de marihuana

a small bag with a little bit of marijuana

i 50 euros

and 50 euros

i dius, clar, operació

And you say, of course, operation.

a Sant Vicenç de la Potacoixa

to Saint Vincent of the Potacoixa

i dius, clar,

and you say, of course,

és que aquí no trobaràs un narco,

it's just that you won't find a drug dealer here,

aquí trobaràs un tio que portava marihuana

here you will find a guy who was carrying marijuana

a la butxaca. Vull dir que a vegades

in the pocket. I mean that sometimes

han de ser una miqueta més

they have to be a little bit more

com això.

with this.

Acurats, no? Acurats

Careful, right? Careful.

en la magnitud de l'acte.

in the magnitude of the act.

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

Perquè, ja et dic, jo em pensava que m'hauria trobat

Because, I'm telling you, I thought I would have found myself.

aquí unes fotos de, vamos, The Walking Dead

Here are some photos of, let's say, The Walking Dead.

i allò, doncs, bueno, no passa res.

And that, well, never mind.

Hi ha inventades a casa meva que han fet més mal

There are inventions in my house that have done more harm.

que allò.

that thing.

Vull dir que...

I mean that...

Quina conclusió podem treure d'això?

What conclusion can we draw from this?

Que on hi ha error,

Where there is error,

hi ha rissa, també, eh?

There is laughter, too, huh?

Sí, no, no. Sempre hi ha

Yes, no, no. There is always.

una escletxa a tota cosa

a gap in everything

d'aquestes, sempre hi ha una escletxa a trobar la comèdia.

From these, there is always a crack to find the comedy.

Però el que vinc a dir és això.

But what I come to say is this.

Gent que porta les xarxes dels ajuntaments,

People who run the town hall networks,

calma, un dia passarà

calm down, one day it will pass

algo gros i no sabreu què dir.

something big and you won't know what to say.

Claro, claro, perquè el

Of course, of course, because the

pròxim acte vandàlic...

next vandal act...


Do you know?

Com Pedro i el Lobo, com el

Like Peter and the Wolf, like the

conte que és, no? És exactament això.

That's what it is, right? It's exactly that.

Bueno, va, seguim amb les cosetes.

Well, come on, let's continue with the little things.

Vale, va.

Okay, go.

Anem a fer una mica de recap

Let's do a little recap.

de cosetes que passaran este estiu.

some little things that will happen this summer.



Que vos podeu apuntar al calendari

That you can note down on the calendar.

i, oye, podeu consumir una miqueta

Yes, hey, you can consume a little bit.

de cultura

of culture

escènica i popular.

scenic and popular.

Vinga, teniu lo protofest

Come on, you have the protofest.

del 15 al 28 de juliol,

from July 15 to July 28,

que és varietat de concerts

that is a variety of concerts

instrumentals, sinfònics, vocals,

instrumentals, symphonic, vocals,

de cambra i teatre musical.

chamber and musical theatre.

I també tindreu una miqueta de

And you will also have a little bit of

conferències i masterclasses

conferences and masterclasses

si és que algú està interessat

if someone is interested

en tot això,

in all this,

en voler-se apuntar.

wanting to sign up.

A Tortosa.

In Tortosa.

A Tortosa, sí, senyor.

In Tortosa, yes, sir.

Molt bé. També tenim del 8 al...

Very well. We also have from the 8th to...

del 8, o sigui que ja fa uns dies

from the 8th, so it was a few days ago

que va, del 8 al 21 de juliol

No way, from July 8 to July 21.

del Tebre Dança,

from the Ebro Dance,

festival internacional conegudíssim

world-renowned international festival

dansa, circ, arts escèniques,

dance, circus, performing arts,

al mig del Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre.

in the middle of the Ebro Delta Natural Park.

O sigui que, recomanat, també.

So, recommended, too.

Recomanat. Seguim també

Recommended. We continue as well.

en la festa del Renaixement de Tortosa,

at the Renaissance festival of Tortosa,

que passarà del 18 al

what will happen from the 18th to

21 de juliol, i on

July 21, and where

una amenda a l'herenda acompanyada

a fine to the accompanied heir

d'un equip fantàstic.

of a fantastic team.

Rondant pels carrers,

Wandering the streets,

en un espectacle, sí, aneu-vos

In a show, yes, go on.

buscant, us identificareu.

looking, you will identify yourselves.

Ole, ole, això

Hooray, hooray, this

comença allà.

It starts there.

També, el mateix cap de setmana,

Also, the same weekend,

però només en divendres i en dissabte

but only on Fridays and Saturdays

tenim la nit 5.1 a la Conca

We have the night 5.1 in the Conca.

de Barbera. És una festa d'estiu,

from Barberà. It is a summer festival,

és la festa d'estiu de l'associació

It is the summer party of the association.

La Conca 5.1, que reuneix

La Conca 5.1, which brings together

cellers, restaurants, elaboradors de

wineries, restaurants, producers of

productes, grups de música,

products, music groups,

dansa, cultura, i on jo actuo

dance, culture, and where I perform

15 minutets de monòleg en...

15 little minutes of monologue in...

en tres tòtens,

in three tones,

que són Oller, Sherman, Godell,

who are Oller, Sherman, Godell,

García i l'Indicatiu, i el dissabte

García and the Indicative, and Saturday

hi ha quatre monologuistes més, com Ana López

there are four more monologists, like Ana López

o Manel Vidal.

or Manel Vidal.

I, bueno, o sigui, un cap de setmana

Well, I mean, a weekend.

de bicultura i risses

of biculture and laughter

i música, però també actua

and music, but also acts

la Lut Big Bang, vull dir que

the Lut Big Bang, I mean that

és un cap de setmana també divertit.

It's also a fun weekend.

Fantàstic. M'encanta com

Fantastic. I love how

els dos hem colat la publi, saps?

We both snuck in the ad, you know?

A falqueta.

A falconet.

Dintre de les recomanacions. Vinga, seguim

Within the recommendations. Come on, let's continue.

en les jornades de l'Ermita, que, bueno,

at the Ermita events, which, well,

ja consagradíssim de l'Ermita

already consecrated of the Hermitage

de la Pietat d'Ulldecona, els diumenges

from the Pietat of Ulldecona, on Sundays

d'estiu. Ja han començat, eh? Aneu

of summer. They've already started, right? Go ahead.

xequejant el programa. Sempre

checking the program. Always

teniu un grapat de propostes musicals

you have a handful of musical proposals

trencadores i variades. A mi

breakers and varied. To me

m'encanta la gent que s'ajunta allí

I love the people who gather there.

perquè no hi ha edat,

because there is no age,

saps? El que hi ha és

Do you know? What there is is

un bon rollisme que

a good vibe that

traspassa com esta

transfer as it is

frontera, que és absolutament

border, which is absolutely



Total, total. Després també tenim, bueno,

All in all. Then we also have, well,

festes dels pobles. Escolta, busqueu-los,

village festivals. Listen, look for them,


search for them.

Els pobles de la zona han sigut

The villages in the area have been

Roquetes, Jesús,

Roquetes, Jesus,

vindran... Per al setembre tindrem

They will come... By September we will have.

festes de la Cinta, però entre mig tindrem

Cinta festivities, but in between we will have

Emposta, tindrem, bueno, tots els pobles

We will have, well, all the towns.

de Pereguí.

of Pereguí.

Glorioses festes de

Glorious festivities of

poble. Ai, com les enllorem.

village. Oh, how we lament them.

I escribeu-los vals. Si podeu, escribeu-los

If you can, write them.

vals. Escribeu-los vals,

OK. Write them vals,

per favor. Vull fer una

please. I want to make a

recomanació perquè fa poc,

recommendation because recently,

també, bueno, fa poc o fa molt, ja no ho sé,

also, well, recently or a long time ago, I don't know anymore,

va ser el Festival Somriu

it was the Somriu Festival

el que vaig tindre el gust de

what I had the pleasure of

d'estar participant com a

of being a participant as

reportera. I on vaig

reporter. And where am I going?

tindre, bueno, un crash

to have, well, a crash

artístic perquè vaig

artistic because I go

poder veure en concert a la Lía

to be able to see Lía in concert

Sampai, presentant el seu

Sampai, presenting his

disc, Un delta fràgil.

disc, A fragile delta.

I vos superrecomano que

I highly recommend that you

passeu a escoltar-la perquè és,

come and listen to her because she is,

bueno, és una abraçada

well, it's a hug

per a les vostres orelles. Parla

for your ears. Speak

del nostre territori

from our territory

i ho fa d'una manera sensible

and it does so in a sensitive way

i amb molt de carinyo

and with a lot of affection

i de veritat que

and really that

val molt la pena. Si podeu anar de concert,

it's well worth it. If you can go to the concert,

per favor, feu-ho, també.

please, do it too.

Molt bé. I també, bueno,

Very well. And also, well,

recomanacions bàsiques de l'estiu, no? Hidratar-vos.

Basic summer recommendations, right? Hydrate yourselves.

Importar-lo. Sobretot.

Import it. Above all.

Aigua, jo tinc aquí

Water, I have it here.

l'aigua fresqueta.

the cool water.

En dos gelets.

In two ice cubes.

Tenim aquí l'aigua fresqueta

We have the cool water here.

en el got de festival.

in the festival cup.

Bueno, bueno.

Well, well.

Vintage, perquè és un festival

Vintage, because it is a festival.

que ja no es fa, o sigui,

that is no longer done, that is,

hidratar-vos. No, feu-se-ho a esport a migdia,

hydrate yourselves. No, do sports at noon,

també, per exemple.

also, for example.

Per favor.


Per la mort. No ho feu-se-ho, això.

For the death. Don't do this.

Que veus a cada persona,

What do you see in each person,

per favor, pujant per aquí,

please, going up here,

cap a mig camí, cap al col de l'alba.

Halfway, towards the pass of dawn.

No ho feu-se-ho, això, per la mort de Déu.

Don't do it, for God's sake.

A partir dels 11 del matí, no ho feu-se-ho.

From 11 in the morning onwards, don't do it.

No ho feu-se-ho.

Don't do it.

I sobretot, també...

And above all, also...

I cuideu-vos, també, sobretot, la salut mental.

Take care of yourselves, especially, your mental health.

Calma, eh?

Calm down, okay?

No vos preocupésseu. Relax.

Don't worry. Relax.

És estiu. Crema solar.

It's summer. Sunscreen.

Crema solar.


I vermut.

The vermouth.

Una miqueta de salut mental, eh?

A little bit of mental health, huh?

No vos preocupésseu de les cars

Don't worry about the bills.

que se mouen, gent. No vos capfíquésseu

that move, people. Don't get worked up.

en les operacions biquinis.

in bikini operations.

En operació,

In operation,

estar bé i de peu.

be well and standing.

D'acord? Això és...

Okay? This is...

Operació biquini, sí. Si és biquini,

Bikini operation, yes. If it's a bikini,

depèn del lot d'informatge i servei.

It depends on the batch of information and service.

Per favor. I de peu, sempre que

Please. And standing, as long as

siguésseu persones que poguésseu estar de peu.

be people who could stand.

D'acord? Això, sobretot.

Okay? That, above all.

Inclusió, ja m'enteneu.

Inclusion, you understand me.

És metafòric, d'acord?

It's metaphorical, okay?

Les persones que van en...

The people who go in...

Sí, persones en cadira de res.

Yes, people in wheelchairs.

Aleshores, també és metafòric

Then, it is also metaphorical.

i les incloem per suposat.

and we include them of course.

Disfruteu de la vostra gent

Enjoy your people.

i estimeu, sobretot,

and you love, above all,

que al món fa falta això,

that the world needs this,

estimar-se una miqueta més.

to love each other a little more.

Molt bé. Doncs, bueno, despedim aquesta petita

Very well. So, well, let's say goodbye to this little one.

secció de notícies, de notícies

news section, of news

i recomanacions i, escolta,

and recommendations and, listen,

anem a veure què mos has preparat

let's see what you have prepared for us

en este centrifugat.

in this centrifuge.

Vale, vinga, avui

Okay, come on, today.

al centrifugat vos vinc a parlar

I'm coming to talk to you about the centrifuge.

de la constància,

of the constancy,

d'acord? Entro ja a pinyon.

Okay? I'm getting into it right now.

Perquè últimament

Because lately

és una cosa que ha tornat molt a la meva vida.

It's something that has returned a lot to my life.

Ara estic vivint un moment

Now I am living a moment.

molt dolç, professionalment.

very sweet, professionally.

M'estan passant coses molt boniquetes,

Very nice things are happening to me,

però què passa? Que hi ha una entrada

But what happens? Is there an entry?

de feina també bastant

of work also quite a lot

important. I això

important. And this

em comporta que hi ha projectes

it implies that there are projects

que jo tenia iniciats

that I had started

que han d'anar passant

that must be happening

a un segon plano o no puc ser

to a second plan or I cannot be

tan constant

so constant

com jo era. I això suscita

as I was. And this raises

coses en mi, vale?

things in me, okay?

Me fa com reviure

It makes me feel alive again.

dimonis. I vos vull explicar

demons. And I want to explain to you

una mica d'on ve això

a bit of where this comes from

i quina reflexió

And what reflection?

faig jo també

I do too.

de tot això. Este tema

of all this. This topic

ha estat molt recorrent

it has been very recurrent

a la meva vida, sobretot

in my life, above all

al llarg de la meva formació acadèmica

throughout my academic training

i més concretament

and more specifically

quan he estat estudiant dansa.

when I have been studying dance.

No puc dir que tant a l'institut

I can't say that both at the institute.

o quan feia batxillerat o això, però

or when I was in high school or something like that, though

més quan he començat estudis

more when I started studies

de gaire escènic.

of little scenic value.

Vos confessaré que possiblement

I will confess to you that possibly

no he estat la millor de les alumnes.

I have not been the best of the students.

Ja començo dient

I start by saying

veritats. He faltat bastant

truths. I have missed quite a bit.

a classe. I

to class. I

no me n'amago.

I do not hide it.

Us contaré per què faltava

I will tell you why I was absent.

a les classes.

to the classes.

El meu resum seria l'espai on jo

My resume would be the space where I

em formava era menys

I was less trained.

o sigui, era tot menys

in other words, it was anything but

un espai segur.

a safe space.

Existia una jerarquia

There was a hierarchy.

i un abús de poder bastant estès

and a quite widespread abuse of power

dintre del professorat

within the teaching staff

cap a l'alumnat.

towards the students.

No incloc a tothom, òbviament,

I don't include everyone, obviously,

perquè jo he conegut gent fantàstica

because I have met fantastic people

que han sigut professors meus

who have been my teachers

i que m'han canviat la vida i la visió

and they have changed my life and my perspective

que jo tinc sobre moltes coses

that I have about many things

i les admiro enormement per això.

And I admire them enormously for that.

Però sí que és veritat que hi havia

But it is true that there was

aquest tipus de rols

this type of roles

bastant estesos.

quite widespread.

He rebut

I have received.

insults i humil·lacions

insults and humiliations

perquè entenguéssiu una mica, vull posar exemples

so that you understand a little, I want to give examples

perquè entenguéssiu una mica què entenc jo

so that you could understand a bit what I understand

per espais no segurs.

for unsafe areas.

Com se materialitza això.

How is this materialized?

He rebut insults i humil·lacions

I have received insults and humiliation.

a classe davant de tots els meus companys.

in class in front of all my classmates.

Se m'ha dit,

I have been told,

en múltiples ocasions,

on multiple occasions,

gorda i foca.

fat and seal.

Que ara és com...

That now is like...

Te'n rius una mica, no?

Are you laughing a little, aren't you?

Perquè vas una mica disassociada del moment.

Because you seem a bit disconnected from the moment.

Però, clar, se m'ha comparat

But, of course, I have been compared.

en públic amb altres coses

in public with other things

suposadament més vàlids al meu.

supposedly more valid than mine.

I se m'ha suggerit

It has been suggested to me.

insistentment que deixés

insistently that I leave

aquell món, el món de la dansa

that world, the world of dance

i de les arts, perquè, segons ells,

and of the arts, because, according to them,

no estava preparada.

I wasn't prepared.

Això per nombrar alguns exemples.

This is to name a few examples.

També se m'ha suggerit bastant

I have also been suggested quite a bit.

constantment que

constantly that

acudís a dietistes

I consulted with dietitians.

i que fes dietes.

and that he/she would diet.

Claro, si les persones

Sure, if people

que et diuen que no ets constant

they tell you that you are not consistent

són les mateixes que impartixen

they are the same as those that teach

aquest tipus de violència i abús cap a tu,

this type of violence and abuse towards you,

doncs comences a plantejar-te

then you start to consider

que potser està una mica

that perhaps is a little

justificada aquesta no constància

justified this non-constancy



Què ha passat

What has happened?

en tot això? Com en tantes coses

in all this? Like in so many things

que tenen a veure amb l'abús i la violència

that relate to abuse and violence

que quan algú et repa,

that when someone catches you,

et diix tantíssimes vegades

I tell you so many times.

una cosa i et matxaca psicològicament,

one thing and it crushes you psychologically,

tu t'acabes creient aquell problema

you end up believing that problem

de dir, vale, doncs sí,

to say, okay, then yes,

jo sóc això, no? Ho interiorises.

I am this, right? You internalize it.

És a dir, que jo vaig acabar interioritzant

That is to say, that I ended up internalizing.

que jo era una persona poc constant

that I was a rather inconsistent person

i vull matisar,

and I want to clarify,

perquè m'ho vull recordar

because I want to remember it

a mi mateixa.

to myself.

Una xiqueta poc constant que marxava

A girl who was not very consistent and was leaving.

cada divendres durant primer de batxillerat

every Friday during the first year of high school

a Barcelona per fer classes

to Barcelona for classes

de dansa tots els dissabtes

of dance every Saturday

al matí.

in the morning.

Una xiqueta que va marxar a viure

A girl who went to live

a Barcelona en 17 anys

In Barcelona in 17 years

per perseguir el seu objectiu.

to pursue its objective.

Una xiqueta que va aguantar abusos

A girl who endured abuse.

i humiliacions constants en el seu espai

and constant humiliations in her space

de formació i tot i així

of training and yet

anava a classe quasi cada dia

I used to go to class almost every day.

des dels 14 anys.

since the age of 14.

Una xiqueta que tot i això

A little girl who despite this

no va desistir.

he did not give up.

Una xiqueta que va marxar a viure a un altre país

A girl who moved to live in another country.

per conèixer més sobre la seva passió.

to learn more about his passion.

I una xiqueta que avui dia

And a girl who nowadays

treballa de la seva

works on his/her own

gràcies a tota la seva suor.

thanks to all your sweat.

Si a això no li diuen ser constant

If this isn't called being consistent.

apaga i vamonos.

turn it off and let's go.



En maiúscules, a més.




este és el meu manifest

this is my manifesto

visc de manifest

I live by manifest.

jo Margrifoll Ginata nascuda

I, Margrifoll Ginata, born

Tortosa el 5 de juliol de 1993

Tortosa on July 5, 1993

vull dir

I mean

i vull cridar als quatre vents

and I want to shout to the four winds

que sóc una tia constant

that I am a constant woman

molt perseverant

very perseverant

pese a qui li pese

despite who it may concern

i també molt ossuda

and also very hairy

que a vegades

that sometimes

funciona per les dos bandes

it works both ways

que sempre ha tingut un objectiu

that has always had a goal

i que ha anat a per ell

and who has gone for him

amb determinació i confiança.

with determination and confidence.

La constància, amigues,

Consistency, friends,

no és un pacte en els altres

it is not a pact in others

és en una mateixa.

It is in the same one.

Constant també és

Constant is also

qui s'escolta i va als seus ritmes

who listens to themselves and goes at their own pace

qui respecta els seus estats emocionals

who respects their emotional states

i els atén

and attends to them

i els atén, perdó

and attends to them, sorry

el que no viu per complaure els altres

the one who does not live to please others

i no té temor de decebre'ls

and he is not afraid of disappointing them

per mantenir-se ferma

to stay strong

en les seues conviccions

in his/her convictions

en les seues veritats i valors.

in their truths and values.

Constant és aquell

Constant is that.

que sense pressa

that without haste

construeix enfonaments

build foundations

sabent que no tot

knowing that not everything

perdó, que no tot

sorry, not everything

ho ha fet ni ho farà bé

he hasn't done it well nor will he do it well

però no per això

but not for that

se rendirà.

he will surrender.

Feu perbatros

Make for seabirds.

i que mai ningú

and that no one ever

tingui el poder

have the power

de robar-vos el vostre gust

to rob you of your pleasure

ni el que batros penseu

not even what you think

i sentiu que sou perbatros mateixos.

And you feel that you are the same sea birds.

Xim-pum, no tinc més a dir

Bang, I have nothing more to say.

i ara, a les coses de termi.

And now, to the things of Termi.

Xim-pum, no tinc més a dir

Bam, I have nothing more to say.

avui t'he portat un joc

Today I brought you a game.

que sé que t'agraden els jocs

that I know you like games

Ai, mare!

Oh, mother!

Però, primer,

But first,

et vull fer una pregunta que és

I want to ask you a question that is

Què saps de l'efecte Mandela?

What do you know about the Mandela effect?



Doncs menys mal

Well, thank goodness.

perquè si no

because if not

No sé res

I don't know anything.

Doncs te ho explico

Well, I'll explain it to you.

Te ho explico a tu

I'll explain it to you.

i a la gent que ens escolta

and to the people who listen to us

i tampoc no ho sap

and he/she doesn't know it either

L'efecte Mandela

The Mandela effect

se denomina

is called

el fet que una idea

the fact that an idea

errònia s'instal·la

Errònia is installed.

en l'imaginari

in the imaginary

d'un col·lectiu

of a collective

inclús de gent

even of people

que no s'ha parlat entre si

that has not been discussed among themselves

però que en el moment

but that at the moment

en què ho posen en comú

what do they have in common

tots estan d'acord

everyone agrees

en una cosa que és errònia

in something that is erroneous

que no va passar

that did not happen

o que no és així

or is it not так

Ara et posaré alguns exemples

Now I will give you some examples.

Va ser una bloguera

She was a blogger.

Fiona Brum

Fiona Brum

que li va posar este nom

who gave him this name

perquè ella

because she

va manifestar un dia

he expressed one day

en uns amics

in some friends

o en una sèrie de gent

or in a series of people

i tal

and such

que estava convençuda

that was convinced

que Nelson Mandela

that Nelson Mandela

havia mort a la presó

had died in prison

als anys 80

in the 80s

però Nelson Mandela

but Nelson Mandela

va sortir de la presó

he got out of prison

va ser president

he was president

de Sud-àfrica

from South Africa

i tal

and so on

i esta gent

and these people

inclús estava convençuda

I was even convinced.

d'haver vist imatges

of having seen images

del funeral

of the funeral

Són records

They are records.

que crea la ment

that creates the mind

a través de la barreja

through the mixture

d'altres records

of other records

a vegades


i tu estàs convençut

And you are convinced.

que una cosa

that one thing

ha passat d'una manera

it has happened in a way

però no

but no

i molta gent

and a lot of people

arriba al mateix puesto

arrives at the same place

que tu

that you

sense haver-ho posat

without having put it

en comú abans

in common before

De fet

In fact

Mandela va morir

Mandela died.

el 2013


o sigui

that is to say

bastant lluny

quite far

de la resta

of the rest

bastant lluny

quite far


of this



altres exemples

other examples

per exemple

for example

m'he millor dit

I have better said.

altres exemples

other examples

de l'efecte Mandela

of the Mandela effect

que ens poden

that they can us



més d'aquí

more from here



hi ha gent

there are people

que recorda

that remembers

haver vist

to have seen

en directe


per la tele

on the TV

el cop d'estat

the coup d'état

del 23 de febrer

from February 23rd

això no va passar

this did not happen

hi ha imatges

there are images

de vídeo

of video

perquè s'han vist

because they have seen each other



però es va retransmetre

but it was broadcasted

en directe


per la ràdio

on the radio

però com tu tens

but as you have

l'haver-ho sentit

having heard it

per la ràdio

on the radio

l'haver vist

having seen



per la tele

on the TV

hi ha gent que diu

there are people who say

no, no

no, no

això ho vam estar

we were doing this

seguint a casa

following home

per la tele

on TV

no és veritat

it is not true

perquè no podies

because you couldn't

no hi havia

there was not

televisió en directe

live television

des del Congrés

from the Congress

o per exemple

or for example

una més friki

a more geeky one

molta gent

many people

si li preguntes

if you ask him/her

dis-me una frase

Tell me a sentence.

de Darth Vader

of Darth Vader

te dirà

he will tell you



jo soy tu padre

I am your father.



esta frase

this sentence

és incorrecta

it is incorrect

no existeix

does not exist

a la pel·lícula

to the movie



això ve

this comes

de una

right away



això ve

this comes

d'una conversa

of a conversation



Darth Vader

Darth Vader





no te dijo

he didn't tell you

lo que le pasó

what happened to him/her

a tu padre

to your father

y Luke

and Luke

le dijo

he/she told him/her

me dijo lo suficiente

he told me enough

me dijo

he told me

que tú le mataste

that you killed him

y Darth Vader

and Darth Vader

le dijo

he told him/her



yo soy tu padre

I am your father.

o sea

that is to say

la frase

the sentence

no conta el Luke

Luke doesn't count.


in front of

perquè no l'interpel·la

because he/she does not address him/her

i ja estan parlant

And they are already talking.

jo la recordava

I remembered her.

ni sense el Luke

not without Luke

ni sense el no

neither without the no

jo només

just me

dintre del meu cap

inside my head


he is

yo soy tu padre

I am your father.





yo soy tu padre

I am your father.

és correcte

it is correct

perquè ell fa el no

because he says no



com la pausa dramàtica

with the dramatic pause

i diu

and he says

ell jo soy tu padre

I am your father.

però la frase

but the sentence

Luke jo soy tu padre

Luke, I am your father.

que veus

what do you see

en samarretes

in t-shirts

que la gent la diu

that people call it

Luke jo soy tu padre

Luke, I am your father.

no no

no no

el Luke no surt

Luke is not going out.

a la frase

to the sentence



dins del món

inside the world

una miqueta més friki

a little more geeky



la famosa frase

the famous phrase

que també se li ha atribuït

that has also been attributed to him/her

a l'Afrodita A

to Aphrodite A

que és la

what is the

la robot

the robot

de Mazinger Z

of Mazinger Z

que diu

what does it say

pechos fuera

breasts out

quan dispara els míssils

when he/she/it fires the missiles

no m'ho digues

don't tell me that

esta frase no existeix

this sentence does not exist

no no m'ho digues

no, no tell me



no m'agrada

I don't like it.


the effect

el que passa

what happens

o sigui

that is to say

ella realment diu

she really says

fuego de pecho

chest fire

que és el mateix

that is the same

que diu Mazinger

what Mazinger says

quan dispara

when he/she/it shoots

el seu ratlló

his stripe

del pit

from the chest

diuen la mateixa frase

they say the same sentence

el que passa

what happens

que al ser una dona

that as being a woman

i disparar els pits

and shoot the breasts

van dir

they said

pues ah

well there

pechos fuera

breasts out



no existeix esta frase

this sentence does not exist

de fet

in fact

hi ha un llibre

there is a book

de Pepe Colubi

by Pepe Colubi

hi ha un llibre

there is a book

de Pepe Colubi

by Pepe Colubi

que es diu així

which is called so

crec que

I believe that

precisament per anar a això

precisely to go to this

perquè no

why not

perquè no existeix

because it does not exist





crec que ets massa jove

I think you are too young.

per recordar això

to remember this

però l'escàndol

but the scandal

l'escàndol de Ricky Martin

the scandal of Ricky Martin

la màquina

the machine

amb el melada

with the honeyed

i el gos

and the dog



què és això?

What is this?

a sorpresa

a surprise



un programa que feien

a program they used to make

per la tele

on TV

que la gent

that the people

tenia desitjos

I had desires.

i se li complia

and it was fulfilled to him

però d'alguna manera

but somehow

va córrer

he/she ran

o sigui

that is to say

Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin

va anar a donar

he went to give

una sorpresa

a surprise

a una xica

to a girl

a casa d'ella

at her house

i va córrer

and ran

el rumor

the rumor

que l'havien enxampat

that they had caught him

a Ricky Martin

to Ricky Martin

en un pot de melada

in a jar of jam

jugant amb el gos

playing with the dog

la melada

the frost



a certs puestos

to certain positions



a veure

let's see



això va córrer

this ran

com la pólvora

like gunpowder



la gent va començar a dir

people started to say

que ella tenia

that she had

que el vídeo

that the video

que este vídeo

that this video

l'havien vist

they had seen him/her

este vídeo no existeix

this video does not exist

perquè això no va passar

because this did not happen

però hi ha gent convençuda

but there are people convinced

que això ho ha vist

that this has been seen

perquè se genera

because it is generated

este efecte Mandela

this Mandela effect

de que

of what

hi ha una cosa

there is one thing

que és veritat

that it is true

però que no ha passat

but that has not happened



ojo eh

watch out, huh

no que creuen

not what they think

que sigue veritat

that is still true



que defensen

that defend

que ho han vist

that they have seen it

no no

no no

que ells

that they

ells diuen

they say

no no

no no

i este vídeo l'he vist

I have seen this video.

això ha passat

this has happened

perquè este vídeo l'he vist

because I have seen this video



You t'has fet una imatge mental

You have created a mental image.

d'allò que t'han dit

of what they have told you

i estàs convençuda

and you are convinced

que ho has vist

that you have seen it

però no

but no

no ho has vist

you haven't seen it



això no

not this

no és tant un rumor en si

it's not so much a rumor in itself

perquè no s'ha anat

because he/she has not gone

no és una cosa

it is not a thing

que s'ha anat estenent

that has been spreading

sinó és una cosa

unless it is one thing

que gent

what people

sense haver-se parlat entre ells

without having spoken to each other

han arribat a neste

they have arrived at this

si si això ha passat

yes yes this has happened







te vinc a portar

I come to take you.

ara uns petits exemples

now some small examples





vaig a intentar compartir-te la pantalla

I am going to try to share my screen with you.

per a que ho veigues

so that you can see it

la meva idea

my idea

si ho haguéssim gravat

if we had recorded it



si no és igual

if it's not the same

perquè és molt fàcil d'explicar

because it is very easy to explain

i m'entendràs enseguida

You'll understand me right away.

però vaig a intentar

but I will try

vaig a intentar compartir-te

I'm going to try to share with you.

aquestes fotos

these photos

espero entendre-ho

I hope to understand it.

perquè jo les mecàniques dels jocs

because I the mechanics of the games

les entenc

I understand them.

a dures penes




i pel que veig també

And from what I see also.

l'experiència que tenim

the experience we have

en este programa

in this program

doncs no se me dona massa bé

well, I'm not very good at it


to win


to participate


perquè soc bona enjana

because I am a good joke



lo de

the thing about

lo de fer-ho bé

the thing about doing it right



se m'escapa una mica

it's slipping away from me a bit

entre els dits

between the fingers


I see

veig lo que m'estàs compartint

I see what you are sharing with me.





comencem per aquí

let's start here

ja estic veient

I’m already seeing.

que m'equivocaré

that I will make a mistake

com va vestit

how is he/she dressed

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse



uns pantalons rojos

red pants

en dos botons blancs

in two white buttons

o porta uns pantalons

or wear some pants

en tirants

in suspenders

lo que vindria a ser

what would be

un peto

a bib



en dos botons blancs

in two white buttons

me vaig a deixar portar

I'm going to go with the flow.

pel meu instint

for my instinct



i no repensar les coses

and not rethink things

se tracta d'això

it's about that

de que tu digues

that you say

lo que primer cop de vista

what first appears at first glance

creus que és

do you think it is

lo que has vist sempre

what you have always seen

per a mi

for me

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

no va en tirants

it doesn't have straps

és correcte

it is correct

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

no va en tirants

it doesn't have straps

però molta gent assegura

but many people assure

això són casos

these are cases

que s'han anat estudiant

that have been studied

de gent

of people

que s'ha trobat

that has been found

en aquest eixot

in this cornfield





vaig bé

I'm doing well.

molt bé

very good

un d'eux

one of them

no vull cantar victòria

I don't want to sing victory.

que després m'ho he de tragar

that later I have to swallow it


you know





seguim en este

we continue in this

ai mare este

oh mother this

qui és

who is it

la mascota del monopoli

the Monopoly mascot

ah sí

oh yes

porta un sombrero de copa

he wears a top hat

com a la imatge de la dreta

like the image on the right

o porta un sombrero de copa

or wears a top hat

i un monocle

and a monocle

com a l'esquerra

like on the left

madre mia Rosalia

My goodness, Rosalia.

no em mateixeu

don't mix me up

però és que no he jugat mai

but I have never played

al monopoli

to Monopoly

és que claro

it's just that of course

jo el capitalisme

I the capitalism

el visc en primera persona

I live it in the first person.


you know

no em fa falta

I don't need it.

regocifar-me en el barro

to wallow in the mud


I will say.

que porta

what it brings

la cosa

the thing

que no vull dir

that I don't want to say

com se diu ara

how do you say now






doncs no porta monocle

then he doesn't wear a monocle

només porta

only brings

no porta monocle

does not wear a monocle

només porta el sombrero de copa

he only wears the top hat

tenia els meus dubtes

I had my doubts.

però no el tinc tan present

but I don't have it in my mind as much

en este

in this

no el porta

he doesn't wear it



anem a

let's go to

anem a un altre

let's go to another one

que te toca més per

what touches you more for

per generació

per generation

a veure

let's see

que és esta

what is this





és de color groc

It is yellow.

però com

but how

és de color groc

it is yellow

com té la cua

how is the tail

és de color groc

it is yellow

té la cua

it has a tail

en la punta negra

on the black tip

o té la cua

or has the tail

sense la punta negra

without the black tip

jo dic que la té

I say that he/she has it.

sense la punta negra

without the black tip

no no no no

no no no no

no va a joc

it's not a game

en les orelles

in the ears



no va a joc

it's not a game

en les orelles

in the ears

és correcte

it is correct



que jo era molt fan

that I was a big fan

jo era molt fan

I was a big fan.

de Pokémon

of Pokémon

me va pegar

he hit me

una viciada

a corrupted person



heavy metal

heavy metal



tinc que dir

I have to say.

que el dia

that the day

que m'heu

that you have me

que m'ho van preguntar a mi

that they asked me

jo vaig dir

I said

la punta negra

the black tip

és que jo crec

it's just that I believe

que la digi

let her say it

ai perdó

oh sorry

he mesclat

I have mixed.



amb Digimon

with Digimon

me mereixo

I deserve.



per això

that's why

la evolució

the evolution

de Pikachu

of Pikachu

sí que tenia

yes, he did have

la punta de la cua

the tip of the tail



crec que té

I think it has.

o tota la cua negra

or the whole black tail

o té la cua més negra

or has the blackest tail

això és possible

this is possible

però jo crec que és

but I think it's

jo crec que és

I think it is.

per la punta de les orelles

by the tip of the ears

que molta gent

that many people

pensa que la punta

think that the tip

de la cua també

from the tail too

jo estic convençut

I am convinced.

jo sí

I do.

i després no

and then not

és lo principal

it's the main thing

és el principi de la cua

it's the beginning of the queue

que té com esta cosa marroneta

that has this brownish thing

i ja està

and that's it

per favor


que ningú tragui

let no one take

esta conversació

this conversation

de context

of context

perquè fa rato

because it has been a while

que estic pensant

that I am thinking

que si no saben

that if they don't know

que estem parlant

that we are talking

de la cua de Pikachu

from Pikachu's tail

la cosa s'està posant fea

Things are getting ugly.

no són tan famosos

they are not that famous

com perquè mos traguen

how come they take us away

talls fora de context

cuts out of context

de moment encara no

Not yet.

no crec que passi això

I don't think that will happen.


wait for you

vinga va

come on


we continue

què faig

what do I do

què porto

What am I wearing?

dos de bé

two of good

i una mal

and a bad one

sí sí

yes yes

dos de tres

two out of three

molt bé

very good


come on

seguim en

we continue in

seguim en esta

we continue in this



Bugs Bunny

Bugs Bunny

Patu Lucas

Patu Lucas

tots estos

all these

Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes



està dubto eh

It's doubtful, huh?



és Looney Tunes

it's Looney Tunes

o és

or is

Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes



jo crec

I believe

que és

what is it



ai ai

oh oh

no ho sé

I don't know.

la O

the O

la B

the B

Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes

o Looney Tones

or Looney Tunes

com cartons

like cartons

és que

it's that

és que jo crec

I think so.

saps aquestes coses

do you know these things

a vegades que tenim

sometimes we have

que nosaltres ho diem

that we say it

d'una manera

in a way

perquè pronunciem

because we pronounce

l'anglès d'una manera

the English in a way

però després

but then

quan ho vols

when do you want it

pronunciar bé

pronounce well

ho dius directament

you say it directly

o sigui que

that is to say

jo recordo dir

I remember saying

Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes

com per a saber

as for knowing

com s'escriu

how is it written

o sigui que vaig a dir

so I'm going to say



és correcte

it's correct

són Looney Tunes

They are Looney Tunes.

Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes



però és molt

but it is a lot

però és la confusió

but it is the confusion

bé perquè com Tunes

Well because like Tunes

és com cartons

it's like cardboard

com se diuen

what are they called

en els dibuixos animats

in the cartoons

de la tele

from the TV

molta gent

many people

ho escriu així

he writes it like this

o té la creença

or has the belief

que s'escriu així

that is written like this

és que ha escrit

it is that he/she has written

se veu millor

it looks better

o sigui

that is

si saps una mica d'anglès

if you know a little English

compraries més

would you buy more

lo Tons

the Tons

vull dir

I mean



escrit en dos Os

written in two Os

en la S apostrofada

in the apostrophized S

és el que tu dius

it's what you say

i és el que t'anava a dir jo

And that's what I was going to tell you.



si haguessis fallat

if you had failed

que és per la pronúncia

what it is for the pronunciation

la gent diu

people say

Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes

no ho saps

you don't know it

però si la gent diu

but if people say

Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes






no és you

it's not you

però bueno

but well

és el que diem

it's what we say

i l'última

and the last

que no sé si se m'ha carregat la foto

I don't know if the photo has uploaded.

sí que se m'ha carregat la foto

yes, the photo has been uploaded to me





s'escriu en un guionet al mig

it is written with a hyphen in the middle

però KitKat

but KitKat

s'escriu en lo guionet al mig

it is written with a hyphen in the middle

o no?

or not?

jo dic que no

I say no.

que KitKat va junt

that KitKat goes together




és correcte

it's correct

no ho sé

I don't know.

els altres no

the others don't

però som boníssima

but we are very good

som boníssima

we are very good



crec que si te poses a pensar-hi molt

I think that if you start to think about it a lot.



i també dubtaria molt

and I would also doubt a lot

si no estàs veient les imatges

if you are not seeing the images

veig totalment

I see totally.

aquest efecte Mandela

this Mandela effect

del que em parles

of what you are telling me

perquè jo crec que en un grup

because I believe that in a group



podes deixar-ho una tarda

You can leave it one afternoon.

amb amics

with friends



si KitKat va en guió

if KitKat goes in script

o no

or not

he dubtat

I have doubted.

de si posar-te

of putting you on

les imatges o no

the images or not

però he pensat

but I have thought

és una ajuda

it is a help

les imatges

the images


és una ajuda

it is a help


perquè si visualment

because if visually

ho veus

do you see it

llavors sí

then yes



dubtava si posar-te

I doubted whether to put you.

les imatges o no

the images or not

a tu

to you

però bueno

but well

ho havia d'escriure igual

I had to write it anyway.

perquè la gent

because people

m'ho escoltarà llavors

you will listen to me then



doncs ja està

well that's it



el joc de l'efecte Mandela

the Mandela Effect game

està aquí

is here

molt bé

very good

m'ha encantat

I loved it.

el premi és participar

the prize is to participate

i el sentiment

and the feeling

de sentir-te vencedora

to feel victorious

que alimenta l'ego

that feeds the ego

però oye

but hey

no perna's jocs

no legs' games

és menys important

it's less important

també a vegades

also sometimes

va bé

it's going well

que una se regocija

that one rejoices



en este podcast

in this podcast

ja porto

I've been at it for a while.

una derrota catastròfica

a catastrophic defeat

i una victòria

and a victory

bastant decent

quite decent

molt bé

very good


well done

molt bé

very good

doncs escolta

well listen

ho deixarem aquí

We'll leave it here.

i anirem a

and we will go to

anirem a la versioneta

we will go to the little version

a veure com ho gravarem

let's see how we will record it



perquè no sé com ho farem

because I don't know how we will do it

ara ho mirarem

now we will look at it

avui tot és una aventura

Today everything is an adventure.

què deus

what you must

per escoltar-ho

to listen to it

jo puc gravar

I can record.

el que no saps tu

what you don't know

què sentiràs

what you will feel



de sirena

of mermaid

vinga anem a la versioneta

Come on, let's go to the little version.




Let's go!

, anem a la versioneta

Let's go to the little version.

bueno Mar

good Mar

esta setmana

this week

t'he preparat

I have prepared you.

una versioneta

a little version



podríem dir-ho

we could say it

podríem dir-ho així

we could say it like this

el tema

the theme



però bona

but good

nostàlgia bona

good nostalgia

o sigui

that is to say



el tema original

the original theme



take me home

take me home

country roads

country roads

de John Denver

by John Denver





és d'estes

it's one of these



que em va vindre

that came to me



hi va haver una paraula

there was a word

que em va sonar igual

that sounded the same to me

o no

or not

o quasi igual

or almost the same

que una

that one



i vaig dir

I said




I say

aquí tinc una versió

here I have a version



l'he dedicat

I have dedicated it.

a les

to the

a les iaies

to the grandmothers

o les ties

or the aunts

o esta gent gran de casa

or these old people at home

que els estius

that summers


take advantage

per a

for to


to do



pa botella de tomàquet

by bottle of tomato

pa escalibar

sieving bread

pa fer coses

to do things

que després

that later

se guarden

are kept

en pots

you can

o en el congelador

or in the freezer

i es té pa tot l'hivern

and it has bread for the whole winter






it is

és d'una petita versioneta

it's a small little version


to the





a la proximitat

in the vicinity

al producte de la terra

to the product of the earth

i a

and to

i a la

and to the

i a la gent gran

and to the elderly

de les nostres

of ours

de les nostres cases

of our houses

de poble

of the village





de poble

of the village

perquè és des de lo que som

because it is from what we are



m'agrada tot

I like everything.

i m'ha estat generant

it has been generating me

molta gana

very hungry

ja està

it's done

la versioneta es diu

the small version is called

o sigui

that is to say

l'he traduït com

I've translated it as

vor al foc

to boil over the fire

posa-ho tot

put it all



és lo títol

it's the title

és com he traduït

it's how I've translated

lo títol de la cançó

the title of the song

que és lo que tenim

What is it that we have?

a l'estribillo

to the chorus

i ara

and now



veure una miqueta

see a little bit




of water



i comencem

and let's begin

ara és lo temps

now is the time

tau Virginia

band Virginia

farem bon foc

we will make a good fire

porta'm la camisa

bring me the shirt

home iaia


bé a cada estiu

well every summer

escaliva el sol

the sun is scorching

a la nit

at night




a arrived

a todas

to all






we will see







es normal

it's normal

pot California

can California



Camp screws

Camp screws

que prod.

what prod.

por el fort

for the strong

mor någonting

mother something

Un cordó d'ella davant d'alguna cetrillera.

A cord from her in front of some falconer.

Prenc d'Itàlia, d'aixugar en un mur drac,

I take from Italy, to wipe on a dragon wall,

prenc unes olives tristes i un patat amb.

I take some sad olives and a potato with.

Ponga al fons, posa'l tot, ebrot vermell.

Put it at the bottom, put it all, red sprout.

Ebrot roig, au vertigrià.

Red beak, vertiginous bird.

Així se va, posa'l tot, cor al fons.

This is how it goes, put it all in, heart to the bottom.

Ara que no és canat, rociola, sento dir-me

Now that it is not sung, I hear myself saying.

escalinga tu, no compres a la mella.

you climb up, don't buy at the shop.

Agarro la motet i vaig al mercat

I grab the bag and go to the market.

per a comprar-ho tot al demisset.

to buy everything at the deli.

Al demisset.

At half past five.

Por al fons, posa'l tot, ebrot vermell.

Put it all at the bottom, red sprout.

Ebrot roig, au vertigrià.

Red burst, green bird.

Així se va, posa'l tot, cor al fons.

That's how it goes, put it all in, heart to the bottom.

Por al fons, posa'l tot, ibrot vermell.

Put it all in the back, red loaf.

Ebrot roig, au vertigrià.

Red egrets, vertiginous bird.

Així se va, posa'l tot, ibrot vermell.

So it goes, put it all in, red book.

Ebrot roig, au vertigrià.

Red-eyed vireo.

Així se va, posa'l tot, ibrot vermell.

That's how it goes, put it all, red ibrot.

M'has calidada, per favor.

You have warmed me, please.

Mira que tinc calor

Look how hot I am.

perquè estic suant,

because I am sweating,

però la gota gorda, ara mateix.

but the fat drop, right now.

Però m'he transportat.

But I have been transported.

M'he transportat.

I have transported myself.

També t'he de dir que ha sigut una barreja

I also have to tell you that it has been a mixture.

entre una iaia d'aquí

between a grandma from here

de ventall i frigint tomàquet

with a fan and frying tomatoes

i una foguera d'estes americanes

and a bonfire like those American ones

i he vist que algú...

I have seen that someone...

Ah, clar, clar.

Ah, of course, of course.

Han portat lo country.

They have brought the country.

Lo country al terreno.

The country to the ground.

No, no. Maravilla,

No, no. Marvel.

maravilla. Clar, saps què passa ara?

Wonder. Right, do you know what's happening now?

Que jo mai més cantaré

That I will never sing again.

Country Road, Take Me Home.

Country road, take me home.

Ara ja...

Now already...

Ja diré... Ah, és Virginia!

I'll say... Ah, it's Virginia!

Sabeu? Això també passa.

You know? This also happens.

I és bonic, eh? Això és molt bonic.

And it’s beautiful, isn’t it? This is very beautiful.

A mi m'agrada molt.

I like it a lot.

A mi m'agrada molt. A més, fa un munt de temps

I really like it. Moreover, it has been a long time.

que tinc preparada esta versió fa...

that I have prepared this version for...

Que la canto.

That I sing it.

Estava d'aquí, allò.

I was from here, that.

Doncs, bueno, escolta, aprofitarem això

Well, okay, listen, we'll take advantage of this.

per a despedir

to say goodbye

este programa així una mica

this program like this a bit

sui generis.


No des de l'Espai Podcast

Not from the Space Podcast

de OK Production, sinó avui

of OK Production, but today

cada un des de casa d'ell.

each one from his home.

Avui estem a Tortosa, los dos.

Today we are in Tortosa, both of us.

Estem a Tortosa.

We are in Tortosa.

No passa quan gravem. I recordar-vos

It doesn't happen when we record. And I remind you.

que mos esteu escoltant o mos podeu escoltar

that you are listening to us or you can listen to us

a iVoox, Spotify i Apple Podcast.

on iVoox, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.

Recordeu, per favor,

Remember, please,

per esta memòria, Instagram

for this memory, Instagram

i TikTok, arroba

and TikTok, at

pastissetsdecarxofa i els nostres

artichoke pastries and ours

també, arroba margolailo i arroba

also, @margolailo and @

mi fa coses. I

It does things to me. I

seguiu-vos subscrivint al canal de YouTube

keep subscribing to the YouTube channel

encara que no hi hagi res de cierto

even if there is nothing certain

llano, però algun dia

flat, but someday

hi haurà una sorpresa. Molt bé.

There will be a surprise. Very good.

Tot d'això, fins al pròxim episodi.

All of this, until the next episode.

Adéu, Termi!

Goodbye, Termi!

Adéu, Marc.

Goodbye, Marc.

Adéu, Adéu.

Goodbye, goodbye.

Adéu, Marc.

Goodbye, Marc.

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