La Gola del Llop 02-03-2015

Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa

La Gola del Llop

La Gola del Llop 02-03-2015

La Gola del Llop

La municipal de Terrassa.

The municipal of Terrassa.

Així presentava Víctor Jiménez un 3 d'octubre de 2007

Thus presented Víctor Jiménez on October 3, 2007.

al primer programa de La Gola del Llop.

in the first episode of La Gola del Llop.

Quan la nit s'enfonsa en el silenci, un crit esquerda la calma.

When the night descends into silence, a cry shatters the calm.

Compta amb el que et trobes dins La Gola del Llop.

Be careful with what you find inside The Wolf's Jaw.

Benvinguts i gràcies per escoltar-nos.

Welcome and thank you for listening to us.

No us mogueu del dial perquè això comença ja.

Don't change the channel because this is starting now.

Quedeu-vos amb nosaltres fins demà perquè avui sabrem per què són notícia els òpeds,

Stay with us until tomorrow because today we will find out why the opeds are in the news.

descobrirem el nou treball dels manuàtics,

we will discover the new work of the manuàtics,

parlarem de la sepultura en el racó del grup

we will talk about the grave in the corner of the group

i sabrem quan i on toquen els Caliban.

And we will know when and where the Caliban perform.

Víctor Jiménez d'un servidor i el control tècnic d'en Jordi Rueda

Víctor Jiménez of a servant and the technical control of Jordi Rueda.

us portarem a tot això i més aquí, a la 9.5.2 de la FMA.

We will bring you all of this and more here, to 9.5.2 of the FMA.

El Víctor ens ha deixat, però no ens deixarà el seu record

Victor has left us, but he will not leave us his memory.

i els moments que molts hem passat amb ell.

and the moments that many of us have spent with him.

Precisament per això hem volgut fer aquest últim i especial Gola del Llop

Precisely for this reason we wanted to create this final and special Gola del Llop.

perquè el Víctor ens ha convocat a la Gola del Llop.

because Víctor has summoned us to the Gola del Llop.

El Víctor ens ha convocat a la Gola del Llop.

Victor has summoned us to the Wolf's Mouth.

El Víctor hi ha vist que el Víctor és un gran company

Victor has seen that Victor is a great colleague.

durant l'hora de heavy metal que ens espera per endavant.

during the heavy metal hour that awaits us ahead.

La seva marxa és tremendament injusta

Her departure is tremendously unfair.

perquè se n'ha anat qui precisament més estimava la vida

because the one who loved life the most has left

i més ganes tenia de ser aquí.

And I was more eager to be here.

Ell encomanava la passió que sentia per moltíssimes coses.

He conveyed the passion he felt for a great many things.

Una d'elles és el heavy, un gènere tan excessiu com intens,

One of them is heavy metal, a genre as excessive as it is intense,

dos adjectius que, per cert, també serveixen per definir el Víctor

two adjectives that, by the way, also serve to define Víctor

i que normalment han estat apartats dels mitjans de comunicació.

and who have normally been kept away from the media.

Durant 315 programes, 2.500 cançons i 50 convidats,

During 315 programs, 2,500 songs, and 50 guests,

el Víctor va difondre el metal i va ser un gran conversion.

Victor spread metal and was a great converter.

a través de la ràdio, i ho va fer

through the radio, and he did it

amb diversos col·laboradors, alguns dels quals

with various collaborators, some of whom

estem agraïts d'haver compartit

we are grateful to have shared

micròfon amb ell. Avui ens hem reunit

microphone with him. Today we met

una colla i ens presentem un seguit

a group and we present a series

de cançons que volen ser un homenatge

of songs that want to be a tribute

a la figura del Víctor, company i

to the figure of Víctor, companion and

amic. Aquí, al control, avui ens

friend. Here, at the control, today we

acompanyen Ezequiel Puertas i Alex Romero,

they are accompanied by Ezequiel Puertas and Alex Romero,

a qui saludem i agraïm la seva presència

to whom we greet and thank for their presence

aquí, però encara anem més enllà

here, but we still go further

i al telèfon tenim Xavi Almirall,

And on the phone we have Xavi Almirall,

tots tres col·laboradors i amics, sobretot

all three collaborators and friends, above all

de Víctor Jiménez. Hola, Xavi.

from Víctor Jiménez. Hi, Xavi.

Hola, bona nit, estic per aquí.

Hello, good night, I'm around here.

Vale, vale. Bé, el que

Okay, okay. Well, what

volíem fer és això, que cadascú

what we wanted to do is this, that everyone

posés alguns temes, algunes cançons que

you put some themes, some songs that

ens vinculen amb el programa, amb el

they link us with the program, with the

Víctor, i fer una mica també de record dels

Víctor, and also to have a little memory of the

moments que hem passat amb ell. Xavi,

moments we have spent with him. Xavi,

començam amb tu. No sé

Let's start with you. I don't know.

quin tema has portat, diguéssim,

what topic has brought, let's say,

per un tema que

for a subject that

et recordi especialment

I especially remember you.

la secció que feies amb el Víctor, com vas

How is the section you were doing with Víctor going?

arribar al programa, comenta'ns una mica quin ha estat

arriving at the program, tell us a bit about what it has been

el teu pas per la Gola del Llop. Sí, doncs

your passage through the Gola del Llop. Yes, then

bueno, primer de tot, gràcies per

Well, first of all, thank you for

la trucada, per poder estar aquí amb vosaltres,

the call, to be able to be here with you,

a través del telèfon.

through the phone.

Bueno, la primera

Well, the first one.

cançó que he triat

song that I have chosen

és Xavi Quintany, que és

it's Xavi Quintany, who is

l'última. Víctor, vaig fer

the last one. Víctor, I did

durant mig any uns 20 programes

for half a year about 20 programs

una secció a la Gola

a section in the throat

del Llop, que era les arrels del matà,

of the Wolf, which was the roots of the slaughter,

i doncs on explicàvem d'on venia

And so we explained where it was coming from.

tot el so aquest matà,

all the sound this morning,

i doncs vam començar

And so we began.

al principi dels anys 60, i vam

at the beginning of the 60s, and we went

fer un repàs fins a l'any 70, i vam

make a review up to the year 70, and we did

acabar l'últim programa que vam fer

finish the last program we did

amb Black Sabbath i

with Black Sabbath and

Purple, i l'última cançó que vaig posar

Purple, and the last song I played.

era aquest, Sheltie's Time,

it was this, Sheltie's Time,

que, bueno,

that, well,

és la primera que he triat,

it's the first one I've chosen,

que és un gran record d'aquesta

it is a great memory of this

etapa amb el Víctor. I a més, Xavi,

stage with Víctor. And also, Xavi,

jo crec que aquesta secció que feies,

I think that this section you were making,

també, jo crec que reflectia una mica

also, I think it reflected a bit

el gust eclèctic que tenia el Víctor per la música,

the eclectic taste that Víctor had for music,

que no es

that it is not

concret, no es limitava

specifically, it was not limited

només en el heavy metal, sinó que tenia

not only in heavy metal, but also had

una visió molt més àmplia de l'espectre.

a much broader view of the spectrum.

Inclús tens el heavy metal,

You even have heavy metal,

i li agradaven més coses

and he liked more things

extremes, més properes al death.

extremes, closer to death.

Però, bueno, li agradava tot.

But, well, he/she liked everything.

També va començar a escoltar

She also started to listen.

Iron Maiden,

Iron Maiden,

sembla que la majoria dels heavys.

it seems that most heavy metal fans.

I, bueno,

I, well,

sí que és veritat que compartíem

it is true that we shared

en aquest aspecte, eren bastant

in this aspect, they were quite

semblants, perquè jo també, els dos

similar, because me too, both of us

començant des del metall, després

starting from the metal, then

ens vam anar obotint a altres

we started to obey others

estils. Amb el Víctor també són molts anys,

styles. With Víctor it has also been many years,

no ho sé, fa pràcticament 20 anys.

I don't know, it's almost 20 years ago.

Si comences escoltant heavy,

If you start by listening to heavy,

jo crec que als 15 anys,

I believe that at 15 years old,

hi ha dues opcions. O als 30

There are two options. Either at 30.

encara escoltes només heavy,

do you still only listen to heavy?

o potser...

or maybe...

Ja t'has deixat d'escoltar heavy.

You have stopped listening to heavy music.

O també escoltes

Or do you also listen?

altres coses.

other things.

Xavi, una pregunta,

Xavi, a question,

una curiositat. Tu que

A curiosity. You that

has passat molts moments amb ell aquí

you have spent many moments with him here

parlant de música, tu saps

Speaking of music, you know

quin era el seu grup preferit?

What was your favorite band?

Si en tenia un?

If he/she had one?

Jo crec que això no t'ho sabria ni contestar el Víctor.

I don’t think even Víctor would know how to answer that.

Perquè eren masses,

Because they were too many,

masses, masses. Tindries que dir-li

Too many, too many. You would have to tell him.

quin és el teu grup preferit de death,

what is your favorite death metal band,

quin és de heavy clàssic, quin és de speed metal,

which is classic heavy, which is speed metal,

quin és de jazz,

which is jazz,

quin és de blues.

which is blues.

Seria una barbaritat i podria...

It would be madness and it could...

Només amb aquesta pregunta podries estar

Only with this question could you be.

parlant amb ell tota la nit bevent una ampolla

talking with him all night drinking a bottle

de whisky. Una ampolla de whisky, bé.

of whisky. A bottle of whisky, good.

Entre dos és...

Between two is...

Bé, en fi, moderació des d'aquí,

Well, anyway, moderation from here,

des de la ràdio municipal, demanem.

From the municipal radio, we are requesting.

Xalt in time,

Xalt in time,

que escoltarem la versió de...

that we will listen to the version of...

La versió de

The version of

luxe que va sortir, no sé,

luxury that came out, I don't know,

d'edició, em sembla, del 2007

of the edition, I think, from 2007

o alguna cosa així. En tot cas és versió estudi, no?

or something like that. In any case, it's a study version, right?

Sí, és versió estudi,

Yes, it is a study version.

que és remasteritzada i, bueno, totes aquestes coses

that is remastered and, well, all these things

que fan ara amb els vells discos

what do they do now with the old records

dels 70.

from the 70s.

Molt bé, doncs escoltem aquest xalt

Very well, then let's listen to this chatter.

in time. Vinga.

In time. Come on.

Xalt in time

Xalt in time

You'll see the light

You'll see the light.

A line that's drawn between

A line that's drawn between

Good and bad

Good and bad

See the blind man

See the blind man

Shooting at the world

Shooting at the world

Blitz flying

Blitz volant

Taking toll

Taking toll

If you've been bad

If you've been bad

Oh, Lord, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, Lord, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Lord, I bet you have

Senyor, aposto que tens.

And you've not been here

And you haven't been here.

Oh, by a flying lens

Oh, by a flying lens

You better close your eyes

You better close your eyes.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

By your head

By your head

Wait for a w myśker

Wait for a w myśker

Oh, boy

Oh, noi

Bona nit.

Good night.

Em sap greu, Ritchie Blackmore,

I'm sorry, Ritchie Blackmore,

tallar-te el solo, però, en fi,

cutting you off, but, anyway,

avui el protagonista no ets tu, sinó el Víctor.

Today the protagonist is not you, but Víctor.

Xavi, tenim aquest

Xavi, we have this.

Chalting Time que s'acaba

Chalting Time that is ending

desbocant una mica, amb el senyor Blackmore

unleashing a bit, with Mr. Blackmore

aquí fent el seu solo, no?

Here doing his solo, right?

Sí, clar, és una cançó molt llarga.

Yes, of course, it is a very long song.

Com a anècdota, també, clar, a l'últim programa

As an anecdote, also, of course, at the last program.

vaig triar aquesta cançó, jo, Víctor,

I chose this song, I, Víctor,

normalment, quan ets en un programa,

usually, when you are in a program,

jo em feia una secció de 20 minuts

I would do a 20-minute section.

i no em deixava posar cançons de 10 minuts, no?

And I wasn't allowed to play 10-minute songs, was I?

I em va dir, bueno,

He told me, well,

com que és l'últim, la posem sencera.

Since it's the last one, we'll put it whole.

A més, a més, m'encantava també aquesta cançó

In addition, I also loved this song.

i va ser un moment...

It was a moment...

Molt bé.

Very good.

Xavi, a més de Deep Parapel,

Xavi, in addition to Deep Parapel,

crec que també portaves

I think you were also wearing.

una altra cançó d'un grup

another song by a group

que crec que aquí a la taula també agrada bastant,

that I think is quite liked here at the table too,

que són els God is an Astronaut.

What are God is an Astronaut?

Correcte, God is an Astronaut, perquè,

Correct, God is an Astronaut, because,

bueno, em serveix per explicar una mica, també,

Well, it helps me explain a bit, too.

la relació que teníem,

the relationship we had,

aquesta cançó l'he portat perquè

I brought this song because

vam anar, molts cops ho fèiem,

we went, many times we did it,

arribar el dilluns a la ràdio,

arrive on Monday at the radio,

gravar el programa,

record the program,

i em deien, ai, que aquesta nit hi ha un concert

And they were telling me, oh, there's a concert tonight.

que hi hem d'anar, que hi hem d'anar, tio,

that we have to go there, that we have to go there, man,

que t'has d'apuntar, i llavors jo pensava,

that you have to sign up, and then I thought,

bueno, doncs anem-hi,

well, let's go then,

i dic, qui toca? God is an Astronaut?

I say, who is playing? God is an Astronaut?

I dic, doncs no els conec.

I say, well I don't know them.

Doncs no, jo tampoc.

Well no, me neither.

Però anem-hi, anem-hi, i la veritat és que va ser

But let's go, let's go, and the truth is that it was

un concert espectacular.

a spectacular concert.

Perquè, a més, Àlex, a tu també crec que...

Because, moreover, Alex, I also believe that...

El corroboro, sí, el corroboro,

I confirm it, yes, I confirm it.

perquè segur que ens vam veure en aquest concert

because I'm sure we saw each other at that concert

que diu ell.

what he says.

És a dir, si hi havia un moment que deies, on és el Víctor,

That is to say, if there was a moment when you said, where is Víctor,

doncs podies anar a un concert de God is an Astronaut

Then you could go to a God is an Astronaut concert.

i trobar-te'l, no?

And to find him, right?

Sí, o, de fet, inclús a qualsevol concert

Yes, or rather, even at any concert.

que no fos reggaeton o alguna cosa d'aquesta,

that it wasn't reggaeton or something like that,

i segur que te'l trobaves allà.

And I'm sure you found him there.

El reggaeton no es va... el Víctor mai es va arribar

Reggaeton doesn't go... Víctor never arrived.

a obrir el reggaeton?

to open the reggaeton?

No? No, no.

No? No, no.

Jo crec que ho hem d'agrair, que no ho fes.

I believe we should be grateful that he didn't do it.

No, però l'última setmana s'enganxava

No, but last week it was getting stuck.



Los niños core, los niños core.

The children run, the children run.

Los niños core, estos chungos que hay.

The children run, these tough ones that are here.

Y me acuerdo que vino el lunes diciendo,

And I remember that he came on Monday saying,

tío, tengo un problema, llevo todo el fin de semana escuchando esto.

Dude, I have a problem, I've been listening to this all weekend.

Y me supo muy mal, porque encima

And I felt very bad, because on top of that

yo también los conocía.

I knew them too.

Y dije, Víctor, no puede ser, no puede ser que te hayas pasado

And I said, Víctor, it can't be, it can't be that you've gone too far.

todo el fin de semana. Y dice, sí, sí, pero hoy lo he superado.

all weekend long. And he says, yes, yes, but today I have overcome it.

Hoy, esta mañana, he estado escuchando otra cosa

Today, this morning, I have been listening to something else.

y todo bien.

And everything is fine.

God is an Astronaut, que a més està englobat al que seria

God is an astronaut, which is also encompassed in what would be.

la etiqueta aquesta de post-rock,

the label of post-rock,

jo no entenc ni el que la va a escriure,

I don't understand even what she is going to write.

no? O sigui, post-rock,

No? I mean, post-rock,

o sigui que... Instrumental, molt ambiental...

So... Instrumental, very ambient...

Però que diguin instrumental, molt ambiental,

But let them say instrumental, very ambient,

però post-rock, que no sé, que no ho diguin.

but post-rock, I don't know, let them not say it.

S'han de posar etiquetes per tot.

Labels must be put on everything.

Sí. La gent ha de ser feliç amb les etiquetes.

Yes. People should be happy with labels.

Sí, però a més que és un grup que

Yes, but moreover it is a group that

estrictament no estaria dins del

strictly would not be within the

heavy metal, no? O sigui...

heavy metal, right? I mean...

És que aquí és el heavy, no? Ho podríem dir.

It's just that here it's the heavy, right? We could say that.

Ah, ara és el gran

Ah, now it is the great one.

debat, eh? Aquesta pregunta

debate, eh? This question

us la vau fer algun dia amb el Víctor?

Did you ever do it with Víctor?

Potser no, potser us va deixar la pregunta principal

Maybe not, maybe he left you with the main question.

de... Potser la...

of... Perhaps the...

Jo crec que tu saps com serà.

I believe that you know how it will be.



Hi ha hagut moments de... Quan va començar, sobretot,

There have been moments of... When it started, above all,

quan va començar amb el...

when it started with the...

La distorsió i tot això que ens va portar,

The distortion and all that it brought us,

sobretot grups que no eren heavy, heavy,

especially groups that were not heavy, heavy,

clar, t'acabes adonant que és que

of course, you end up realizing what it is

tot està englobat.

Everything is encompassed.

Molts grups comencen a experimentar,

Many groups are starting to experiment,

a sortir-se una mica, i per això

to get a little out of it, and for that reason

crec que també tant el Víctor com molta gent

I think that both Víctor and many people too.

acabes això, començant amb Mayday

finish this, starting with Mayday

com tothom, però t'acabes obrint...

like everyone else, but you end up opening up...

Les fronteres són molt difuses. Sí.

The borders are very diffuse. Yes.

Bé, ara és allò

Well, now it's that.

que hem de dir, el heavy és una actitud,

what can we say, being heavy is an attitude,



Bueno, Xavi, quina cançó

Well, Xavi, what a song.

proposaves tu de God is an Astronaut?

Did you propose God is an Astronaut?

Jo proposava Echos,

I suggested Echos,

però no sé si em sembla que l'Alejandro

but I don't know if I think that Alejandro

proposava una altra.

he proposed another one.

Tu quina proposaves, Alejandro?

Which one did you propose, Alejandro?

Jo proposava la de Forever Lost.

I proposed Forever Lost.

Si voleu explico ja la història, si no...

If you want, I can explain the story now, if not...

Sí, sí, vinga, aprofitem, aprofitem.

Yes, yes, come on, let's make the most of it.

Doncs, bueno, jo proposava la de

Well, I was suggesting the one about

Forever Lost, perquè és una cançó...

Forever Lost, because it is a song...

Bueno, jo al Víctor

Well, I to Víctor.

me'l vaig... Jo vaig estar aquí,

I'm going... I was here,

vaig entrar al canal,

I entered the channel,

a Terrassa, fa dos anys, fent pràctiques,

in Terrassa, two years ago, doing an internship,

llavors és quan el vaig conèixer,

that's when I met him,

però el Víctor era un personatge que

but Víctor was a character who

te'l trobaves a tot arreu, no?, com dèiem ara,

you found him everywhere, right? as we were saying now,

llavors jo me'n recordo d'haver anat a concerts

then I remember having gone to concerts

i haver dit, hòstia, aquest tio em sona, no?

And having said that, damn, this guy sounds familiar to me, right?

I llavors quan vaig arribar aquí vaig dir,

And then when I arrived here I said,

eh, eres tu? Sí.

Hey, is that you? Yes.

Sí, però el trobàvem a Barcelona com per aquí a Terrassa,

Yes, but we found him in Barcelona as we do here in Terrassa,

llavors a God is an Astronaut, jo me'n recordo que el vaig veure,

then God is an Astronaut, I remember that I saw them,

i bueno, Forever Lost és una cançó que diuen els...

And well, Forever Lost is a song that they say the...

els God is an Astronaut,

God is an Astronaut,

la van fer quan un amic seu va morir en un accident de cotxe,

they made it when a friend of hers died in a car accident,

llavors van fer aquesta cançó per aquesta persona.

Then they made this song for this person.

I era, doncs, entre que al Víctor li agradava el grup

And so, it was, that Víctor liked the group.

i, bueno, el sentiment aquest, no?, que té la cançó,

And, well, that feeling, right?, that the song has,

el vaig trobar prou bé per portar-la.

I found him good enough to take her.

Doncs, Xavi, et sembla bé si hi posem Forever Lost?

So, Xavi, do you think it's okay if we put Forever Lost?

Sí, jo els tindré que deixar en breu.

Yes, I will have to leave them soon.

Sí, doncs si vols ens acomiadem ja,

Yes, so if you want, let's say goodbye now.

i deixem God is an Astronaut a fons,

and let God is an Astronaut play in full volume,

i et volem agrair també, doncs,

and we want to thank you as well, then,

el temps que has estat aquí a la Gola del Llob,

the time you have been here at the Gola del Llob

a la Ràdio Municipal, amb el Víctor,

at the Municipal Radio, with Víctor,

t'agraïm que hagis estat també avui aquí en aquest programa tan especial,

we thank you for being here today in this very special program,

i et deixem perquè sabem

and we leave you because we know

que tens obligacions, no sé quines obligacions tens

that you have obligations, I don’t know what obligations you have

a quarts de dotze de la nit, però, en fi, en tens.

At a quarter to twelve at night, but, well, you have them.

I també recordar que el Xavi fa un programa a Matar de Pere Ràdio,

And also to remind that Xavi has a program on Matar de Pere Radio.

el 107.1, i aquest dimecres de 10 a 11 a l'On The Road del 107.1

the 107.1, and this Wednesday from 10 to 11 at On The Road of 107.1

i també per internet a Matar de Pere Ràdio,

and also on the internet at Matar de Pere Radio,

i si no, demà penjarem, dijous, perdó,

and if not, tomorrow we will hang, Thursday, sorry,

penjarem el podcast al Facebook de l'On The Road.

We will upload the podcast to the On The Road Facebook page.

Exacte, un On The Road especial també dedicat al Víctor,

Exactly, a special On The Road also dedicated to Víctor.

per tots els que ho vulgueu escoltar.

for all those who want to listen to it.

Gràcies, Xavi, i fins una altra.

Thank you, Xavi, and see you next time.

Gràcies a tu, un plaer tornar aquí a Ràdio Terrassa un altre cop.

Thank you, it's a pleasure to be back here at Ràdio Terrassa once again.

Fins una altra, gràcies.

Until next time, thank you.

Adéu, gràcies.

Goodbye, thank you.

Fins una altra.

Until another time.

Forever Lost, cançó

Forever Lost, song

que en Xavi i l'Àlex

that in Xavi and Àlex

han triat també per aquest especial

they have also chosen for this special

de la Gola Valdó per el Víctor Jiménez.

from Gola Valdó by Víctor Jiménez.

Comentàvem que

We were commenting that

Gotis en Astronaut precisament

Gotis in Astronaut precisely.

vindran a tocar a Barcelona.

They will come to play in Barcelona.

Sí, ara al maig tornaran a tocar

Yes, they will play again in May.

sempre venen a la mateixa sala, que és la Music Hall

they always come to the same room, which is the Music Hall

i res, jo potser us diria

And nothing, I might tell you.

que visita obligada.

that is a must-visit.

Perquè no compra l'entrada ja, no?

Why don't you buy the ticket already, right?

Sí, o potser inclús el mateix dia.

Yes, or maybe even the same day.

No la solen agotar, però la sala

They don't usually exhaust it, but the room.

s'ha d'estapetar i ho disfrutareu molt.

You have to try it, and you will enjoy it very much.

Jo, per suposat, aniré.

I, of course, will go.

Sona molt bé aquest Fora Barlost.

This "Fora Barlost" sounds very good.




comment to us



A veure,

Let's see,


tell us.

Què t'he traït per aquí?

What have I betrayed you for here?

Feies una secció a dins de la Gola

You made a section inside the Gola.

que era cinema.

that was cinema.

Sí, era sobretot cinema.

Yes, it was mostly cinema.

I de vez en cuando me salen

And every once in a while I get them.

en catalán, porque sí.

In Catalan, because yes.

I és una cosa que, sobretot, Víctor i Alejandro

And it is something that, above all, Víctor and Alejandro.

eren com...

they were like...

¿Por qué no un día haces el programa en catalán?

Why don't you do the program in Catalan one day?

Creo que es el único que he sentido hablar en catalán.

I think it's the only one I've heard speak in Catalan.

No, no, un programa que también

No, no, a program that also

que empecé a hablar en catalán y se quedaron los dos mirándome

that I started speaking in Catalan and both of them looked at me

con cara de... ¿En serio?

with a face of... Seriously?

Cuando lo vi dije... Y ya. Ahora seguimos.

When I saw it, I said... And that's it. Now let's continue.

Son las altres horas que...

It is the other hours that...

Víctor, comenta'ns com vas arribar...

Víctor, tell us how you got here...

És a dir, com... Per què estàs aquí?

That is to say, how... Why are you here?

O sigui, per què vas...

I mean, why are you going...

No, avui. No, no, avui, sinó perquè...

No, today. No, no, today, but because...

Yo me trabajo aquí, al mundo.

I work here, in the world.

Sí, per què vas arribar a col·laborar amb el Víctor?

Yes, why did you come to collaborate with Víctor?

Empecé gracias a Alejandro,

I started thanks to Alejandro.

que fue un día cuando él iba a entrar al programa.

It was a day when he was going to enter the program.



Sí, un cazador, ¿no?

Yes, a hunter, right?

Sí, porque el Víctor le dijo

Yes, because Víctor told him.

oye, pues me quiero hacer también una sección

Hey, I also want to make a section.

de cine, a ver si conoces a alguien

From the movies, let's see if you know someone.

y al momento ya

and right at that moment

me estaba llamando de...

he was calling me from...

Sé que te gusta la radio, vente.

I know you like the radio, come over.

Como tienes una... Encima, es para ti.

Since you have a... On top of that, it's for you.

Puedes hablar de cine y de lo que quieras.

You can talk about cinema and whatever you want.

Bueno, podemos probar a ver...

Well, we can try to see...

De fet, perdona que t'allé, però el Víctor

In fact, sorry to bother you, but Víctor

me'n recordo que estava buscant una persona

I remember that I was looking for a person.

per l'ESCAC que fes una secció

for the ESCAC to create a section

de cinema de terror

horror movie

i em comentava, el dia que jo vaig venir a fer

and he was telling me, the day I came to do

l'entrevista, diguéssim, entre cometes amb ell,

the interview, let's say, quote unquote with him,

que em deia que la gent amb qui parlava

that told me that the people I was talking to

li deien que al cinema de por li feia por,

they told him that horror movies scared him,

no s'atrevia a fer aquesta secció

he did not dare to do this section

i el Víctor estava com molt enfadat.

And Víctor was very angry.

No li vaig dir, hosta, jo tinc un amic

I didn't tell him, host, I have a friend.

que te la pot fer...

that can make it for you...

Un missatge des d'aquí també als nois

A message from here to the guys as well.

de l'ESCAC que fan el programa de cinema.

from the ESCAC that runs the cinema program.

Si necessiteu una secció de terror

If you need a horror section

i de cinema xungo, doncs aquí tenim

and some crappy movies, well here we have



Segur que us dona un punt de mira diferent

I'm sure it gives you a different perspective.

del que deuen tenir ells.

of what they must have.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No, es que el cine de terror me da miedo.

No, it's just that horror movies scare me.

No, no, es divertido.

No, no, it's fun.

Es que la comida me da risa, lo siento.

It's just that the food makes me laugh, I'm sorry.

Está hecho para eso.

It's made for that.

Bueno, pero a ver, volvemos.

Well, but let's see, we’ll go back.

Con esto que hemos pasado con el Víctor,

With what we have been through with Víctor,

empezabas a hablar y se te iba el santo al cielo

you started to speak and you lost track of what you were saying

y acababas hablando de todo.

and you ended up talking about everything.

Entonces, claro, me dijo Alejandro,

"Then, of course, Alejandro told me,"

llámalo y que te comente.

Call him and have him comment.

Me viene aquí, me presente

I come here, I introduce myself.

y me acuerdo que nada más llegar

and I remember that as soon as I arrived

ya me trató como un amigo de

he already treated me like a friend of

¿tú qué quieres hacer?

What do you want to do?

Pues no lo sé, yo me habían dicho

Well, I don't know, I had been told.

que una sección de cine.

that a film section.

Ya, ya, pero ¿cómo la quieres enfocar?

Yeah, yeah, but how do you want to approach it?

Me esperaban menos que me dijese

They expected me to say less.

intenta hacer esto, esto, unas pautas.

try to do this, this, some guidelines.

No, me dijo, me dio una carta en blanco

No, he told me, he gave me a blank letter.

y dije, tú haz lo que quieras y ya está.

and I said, you do what you want and that's it.

Que al principio eso te da bastante miedo

At first, that scares you quite a bit.

cuando no has hecho nada de radio.

when you haven't done anything on the radio.

Dices, ¿cómo me tiro yo ahora esto?

You say, how do I throw this away now?

Y nada, al final me dijo, mira,

And nothing, in the end, he told me, look,

como estamos al principio ya que queda

how are we at the beginning since there is still

nada para el Festival de Sitges,

nothing for the Sitges Festival,

vamos a empezar con un especial de Sitges,

let's start with a special from Sitges,

te lo preparas bien.

You prepare it well.

Y al final,

And in the end,

al final salió bastante bien.

In the end, it turned out quite well.

Dentro de lo horrible que siempre es el primer día en la radio,

Within the horrible experience that the first day on the radio always is,

salió bastante bien.

It turned out quite well.

Mira, hem pogut comprovar...

Look, we have been able to verify...

No hem recuperat la primera secció de l'Ezequiel.

We have not recovered the first section of Ezekiel.

No, no, ni gràcies.

No, no, not thanks.

Sempre hi som a temps.

We are always on time.

Però sí la primera intervenció del Víctor que m'has cuidat.

But yes, the first intervention of Víctor that you have taken care of me.

És una amenaza.

It is a threat.

Es notaba que era el primer cop que inaugurava la gola.

It was clear that it was the first time he was inaugurating the throat.

Y aparte, supongo que el primer día lo pasó todavía peor

And besides, I suppose the first day was even worse for him.

porque estaba él solo aquí.

because he was alone here.

Yo tuve la gran ayuda del Víctor

I had great help from Víctor.

que cada vez que cogía yo y...

that every time I took and...

Me acuerdo de momento que estaba hablando y era como...

I remember the moment I was talking and it was like...

El cinema de terror...

Horror cinema...

Y el Víctor, tú tranqui, no sé qué...

And Víctor, you chill, I don't know what...

Y era como, gracias, Víctor.

And it was like, thank you, Victor.

Me acuerdo que ese día me lo pasé genial.

I remember that I had a great time that day.

Dije, yo quiero hacer esto mucho tiempo.

I said, I want to do this for a long time.

Pero por dentro estaba acojonadísimo.

But inside I was totally scared.

Salí de aquí diciendo, no puedo ni irme a casa conduciendo,

I left here saying, I can't even drive home.

me tiembla todo.

I tremble all over.

I el que comentaves, a més, que dius que de seguida

And what you mentioned, besides, that you say that right away.

vas a empatitzar amb el Víctor.

You are going to empathize with Víctor.

El Víctor era una persona

Victor was a person.

que tenia una capacitat molt hàbil

that had a very skilled ability

de teixir complicitats

to weave complicities

amb qualsevol que li passava pel davant,

with anyone who passed in front of him,

encara que l'acabés de conèixer.

even though I had just met him/her.

Sí, sí, porque yo creo que era una persona

Yes, yes, because I think it was a person.

que nada más conocer a una persona

that as soon as you meet someone

ya no tenía ni perjuicio ni nada.

I no longer had any prejudice or anything.

Lo recibo con las manos abiertas de decir...

I receive it with open hands to say...

Sí, una naturalitat, no?

Yes, a naturalness, right?

Y era muy de agradecer eso.

And that was very much appreciated.

Es més, jo crec que inclús

Moreover, I believe that even

ell tenia una limitació de mobilitat

he had a mobility limitation

que per qualsevol persona

that for anyone

pot ser una tara,

it can be a flaw,

però jo crec que ell la convertia al seu favor

but I think he was turning it to his advantage

perquè moltes vegades deies, mira, ajuda'm a fer això i això.

because many times you said, look, help me do this and this.

I entre que l'ajudaves ja t'anava tirant les seves coses.

And while you were helping him, he was already throwing his things at you.

Sí, sí, sí, totalment.

Yes, yes, yes, absolutely.

I ell convertia això que en principi

And he converted this which initially

hauria de ser un problema

it should be a problem

en un avantatge per ell.

to his advantage.

Jo podria dir que fins i tot

I could say that even

era com un bon professor, no?

He was like a good teacher, wasn't he?

Sí, perquè era com una mica

Yes, because it was a bit like that.

trencar la barrera que tothom es posa

break the barrier that everyone puts up

només quan es topa amb això

only when it encounters this

per primer cop, si hi vulguis o no,

for the first time, whether you want to or not,

però et poses com una barrera

but you act like a barrier

i ell automàticament te la treia.

and he would automatically take it away from you.

A part, m'acordo que l'he utilitzat

Apart, I remember that I have used it.

molt en torno d'humor.

very much in the realm of humor.

Sí, ell et feia broma.

Yes, he was joking with you.

El primer dia que entràvem a la ràdio,

The first day we entered the radio station,

que entré jo amb ell,

that I entered with him,

jo vaig anar per l'ascensor

I went by the elevator.

i se gira i em diu

And he turns to me and says.

no, no, per les escaleres.

no, no, through the stairs.

Què? I em diu, què broma?

What? And he/she tells me, what joke?

Vinga, va, a l'ascensor.

Come on, let's go to the elevator.

Sí que és veritat, perquè jo recordo perfectament

Yes, that is true, because I remember perfectly.

el dia que vaig conèixer el Víctor

the day I met Víctor

que entre el meu grup d'amics

that among my group of friends

no tenia ningú que anés amb cadira de rodes

I didn't have anyone who went in a wheelchair.

i era un sopar

it was a dinner

dels Premis Mola o no Mola,

of the Mola or Not Mola Awards,

t'ho recordaràs?

Will you remember it?

Sí, home.

Yes, man.

Premis de periodistes, etc.

Journalists' awards, etc.

I em va tocar el cel al seu costat

I touched the sky next to him/her.

i hola, soc el Víctor

Hi, I'm Víctor.

i em vaig presentar

and I introduced myself

i em diu, em treus una canyeta que vull una copa de vi

And tell me, can you get me a straw because I want a glass of wine?

i si no hi havia empots

and if there were no supports

no, no, em treus una canyeta

no, no, you're taking away a straw from me

i em dones la copa de vi

and you give me the glass of wine

i sí, abans, va ser molt natural

And yes, before, it was very natural.

i a partir d'allò, crec que ell mateix

And from that, I think he himself

també fent aquestes coses

also doing these things

ell també ja veia de quin peu calçaves tu

He also already saw what side you were on.

i si podia més o menys.

and if I could more or less.

I a més, com que ell tenia

And moreover, as he had

el que comentaves tu

what you were saying

que feia broma fins i tot de la seva situació

he even joked about his situation

que, clar, és que a més

that, of course, is that additionally

l'humor del Víctor,

Victor's humor,

com que no tenia fronteres

as there were no borders

esclar, se n'anava al negre

of course, he was going to the dark

molt negre, molt negre, molt fosc.

very black, very black, very dark.

Que hagués estat bé, de tant en tant, una frontera

It would have been nice, from time to time, to have a border.

als seus acudits, perquè...

to your jokes, because...

Clar, era una capacitat

Of course, it was a capability.

de viure

of living

una mica la vida sense complexos.

a little bit of life without complexes.

Ezequiel, quin tema

Ezequiel, what topic?

has portat?

Have you brought?

He traït dos.

I have betrayed two.



¿Qué quieres?

What do you want?

Sabes que con uno me puedo poner más tierno en la explicación

You know that with one I can get more tender in the explanation.

y con el otro no.

and with the other one no.

Vale, con el de Hallowed by the Name.

Okay, with Hallowed by the Name.

Ese no es el tierno.

That is not the tender one.



Es verdad.

It's true.

Portaves una versió de la cançó

You had a version of the song.

Hallowed by the Name, perdó, eh?

Hallowed by the Name, sorry, huh?

D'Iron Maiden, una versionada

Of Iron Maiden, a cover.

per Machine Head.

for Machine Head.

I teníem també Wounds de Rage at the Fist.

We also had Wounds by Rage at the Fist.

Posem la xunga.

Let's put the mess.

Posem la xunga?

Shall we put on the concert?

Sí, ja que estem aquí...

Yes, since we are here...

Portem dos temes aquí una mica...

We've brought two topics here a little...

Sí, por eso vamos a meterle un poco del hardcore

Yes, that's why we're going to add a bit of hardcore.

y que fue una cosa que siempre quise traer

and that was something I always wanted to bring

un poco de...

a little bit of...

hardcore al programa este.

hardcore at this program.

Pero siempre era como, Víctor, ¿puedo traer algo

But it was always like, Víctor, can I bring something?

que no sea tan metal?

that it not be so metal?

Y me miraba con cara de...

And she looked at me with a face of...

Empiezo a conocerte. Tú cualquier día empiezas a traerme

I'm starting to get to know you. Any day now you'll start bringing me.

aquí punk y demás y...

here punk and others and...

No sé yo si me hace mucha gracia.

I don't know if it amuses me much.

Va, doncs posem la canya.

Come on, then let's put the rod in.

Vinga, ho posem.

Come on, let's do it.

Wounds de Rage at the Fist.

Wounds of Rage at the Fist.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one that goes out with our friends.

who bring them their last.

who brings them their last.

Past comes flooding back.

The past comes flooding back.

The past comes flooding back to me.

The past comes flooding back to me.

Turning around all the debris.

Turning around all the debris.

Time is passing by.

Time is passing by.

It goes on to the race of survivors

It continues to the race of survivors.

and the prince who enters me.

and the prince who enters me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one who goes out with our friends.

I have a big fucking stone in my chest

I have a big fucking stone in my chest.

a rift in my heart that I can't seal.

a rift in my heart that I can't seal.

Time passes by.

Time passes by.

But this is the type of wound

But this is the type of wound.

that will never heal.

that will never heal.

Never heal.

Mai curar.

Past comes flooding back.

The past comes flooding back.

The past comes flooding back to me.

The past comes flooding back to me.

Turning around all the debris.

Turning around all the debris.

Time is passing by.

Time is passing by.

It goes on to the race of survivors

It continues to the race of survivors.

and the ones who enter me.

and the ones who enter me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one who goes out with our friends.

who bring them their last.

who brings them their last.

Past comes flooding back to me.

The past comes flooding back to me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one that goes out with our friends.

who enter me.

who enters me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one who goes out with our friends.

who enter me.

who enters me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one who goes out with our friends.

who enter me.

who enters me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one that goes out with our friends.

who enter me.

who enters me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one who goes out with our friends.

who enter me.

who enters me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one who goes out with our friends.

who enter me.

who enters me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one that goes out with our friends.

who enter me.

who entered me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one that goes out to our friends.

who enter me.

who enters me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one who goes out with our friends.

who enter me.

who enters me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one that goes out with our friends.

who enter me.

who enter me.

I'm the one that goes out to our friends

I'm the one who goes out to our friends.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Parla la Jenny Joplin.

Jenny Joplin is speaking.

Amb Toni també tenies un altre tema.

With Toni, you also had another topic.

Tenia un altre tema?

Did you have another topic?

El que també hi ha directament.

What is also directly there.



Sí, jo crec que... Sí? Sí, sí, pensava, volia ser...

Yes, I think that... Yes? Yes, yes, I was thinking, I wanted to be...

Si fèiem rondo o... No, ja aprofitem i...

If we were doing rondo or... No, let's take the opportunity and...

Fem com el Víctor, que improvisava molt. Exacte.

Let's do like Víctor, who improvised a lot. Exactly.

En aquest cas, no? Sí, sí, sí. Això ho dèieu, no?, que comentàveu que...

In this case, right? Yes, yes, yes. That’s what you were saying, right? That you mentioned that...

Sí, sempre se nos iba de las manos.

Yes, it always got away from us.

Era empezar un programa i metia una cançó i empezàvem ja amb unes seccions

It was about starting a program, and I would play a song, and we would already begin with some sections.

i no ens vam adonar i hi ha hagut vegades que ni era.

And we didn't realize, and there have been times when it wasn't even there.

No hi ha temps. Però la música sonava.

There is no time. But the music was playing.

No hi ha temps. Sí, sí, la música sonava perquè...

There is no time. Yes, yes, the music was playing because...

Ho aconseguíem, no? Ja ha cogit i ja ens va dir

We achieved it, didn't we? He has already thought it over and already told us.

cada vez que vengáis traed una canción vosotros porque es que si no a lo mejor

every time you come, bring a song because if not, maybe

ya se nos va y hacemos un rollo debate radio 3

It's already getting away from us and we are doing a radio debate thing on Radio 3.

y no hará intención a hacer un programa de música.

and will not intend to make a music program.

No, doncs jo el segon tema que he triat, de fet, podria dir que tinc la sensació

No, so the second topic that I have chosen, actually, I could say that I have the feeling

que ha triat el Víctor perquè és un dels grups que em va donar a conèixer ell,

that Víctor has chosen because it is one of the groups he introduced me to,

que és Black Sabbath, però he triat aquesta cançó que és Paranoid

What is Black Sabbath, but I have chosen this song which is Paranoid.

perquè, i això és ben cert, que després d'acomiadar a tots els que estem aquí,

because, and this is very true, that after saying goodbye to all those of us who are here,

acomiadar el Víctor, doncs...

to say goodbye to Víctor, then...

Malauradament, al segon terreny, doncs,

Unfortunately, in the second field, then,

al pujar al cotxe va sonar aquesta cançó, directament.

As she got into the car, this song played right away.

A la ràdio. A la ràdio.

On the radio. On the radio.

No és que jo portés el CD.

It's not that I had the CD.

Trobar Paranoid de Black Sabbath a la ràdio és com...

Finding Paranoid by Black Sabbath on the radio is like...

Just d'acomiadar el Víctor, engegar el cotxe, posar la ràdio

Just saying goodbye to Víctor, starting the car, turning on the radio.

i que acabés no sé quina cançó era la que estava sonant

and I didn't know which song was playing.

i que la següent fos Paranoid de Black Sabbath.

and that the next one was Paranoid by Black Sabbath.

Tenint en compte que, a més, és un grup que ell em va ajudar a aprofundir,

Taking into account that, moreover, it is a group that he helped me to delve into,

que jo sí que els coneixia però tampoc havia aprofundit,

that I did know them but I hadn't gone deeper either,

doncs aquesta cançó havia de sonar.

so this song had to play.

Que us agrada Black Sabbath. Molt, molt.

You really like Black Sabbath. Very, very much.

Sí? De fet, jo el...

Yes? In fact, I...

La careta del programa que hi ha a la meva secció

The cover of the program that is in my section.

començava amb la pluja de la cançó de Black Sabbath.

It started with the rain of the Black Sabbath song.

O sigui que...


Una cosa més que això que el Víctor sempre...

One more thing that Víctor always...

Si li fes algun comentari,

If I made any comment,

sabia per on contestar-te, no?

I knew where to answer you, right?

Si ho coneixia tot, per tant.

If he/she knew everything, then.

Diuen que està bastant bé, no, l'últim de Black Sabbath?

They say the latest Black Sabbath is quite good, right?

He sentit, eh? No l'he escoltat.

I have heard, huh? I haven't listened to it.

El de 2013. Tenia el seu què.

The one from 2013. It had its charm.

Val. Com tots.

Okay. Like everyone.

Doncs Paranoid de Black Sabbath.

Well, Paranoid by Black Sabbath.

Paranoid de Black Sabbath.

Paranoid by Black Sabbath.

Aquest Paranoid de Black Sabbath,

This Paranoid by Black Sabbath,

un dels grups que el Víctor

one of the groups that Víctor

tenia de capçalera, juntament amb altres

I had at the top, along with others.

clàssics com Iron Maiden.

classics like Iron Maiden.

Black Sabbath, doncs, és un d'aquests grups

Black Sabbath, then, is one of those bands.

que, en fi, que eren

that, well, that they were

del gust del Víctor, i molt.

of Victor's taste, and a lot.

Dins d'aquesta ronda

In this round

que estem fent de...

what we are doing of...

Jo proposo una cançó, tu proposes una altra.

I propose a song, you propose another.

Òbviament, el Jordi Rueda,

Obviously, Jordi Rueda,

que és el que ha hagut de patir

what is it that he/she has had to endure

d'alguna manera les gravacions

somehow the recordings

de la Gola del Lluc, que ell ha fet abans

from the Gola del Lluc, which he has done before

que hem posat la primera entradeta del primer programa,

that we have put the first little intro of the first program,

el Jordi ens recorda

Jordi reminds us.

que aquell programa crec que durava una hora,

that program I think lasted an hour,

però, clar, per gravar-lo crec que potser van estar dues hores.

But, of course, to record it I think they might have been two hours.

Bé, el que estem fent avui,

Well, what we are doing today,

ja dic jo que em sembla que ha durat una mica més.

I already tell you that I think it has lasted a bit longer.

Sí, potser sí.

Yes, perhaps.

Però, el Jordi,

But, Jordi,

jo m'he apuntat, em proposava dues cançons.

I have signed up, I suggested two songs.


He/she/it put.

Killing in the Name

Killing in the Name

de Red Jaguars of Machin

from Red Jaguars of Machin

i Mago Dios Fiesta Pagana.

I Wizard God Pagan Party.

Òbviament, posarem Red Jaguars of Machin.

Obviously, we will put Red Jaguars of Machin.

Diu que no, però és cert, així.

He says no, but it's true, like that.

Jo crec que Víctor,

I think that Víctor,

Mago Dios aquí...

Magic God here...

Per votació, no sé què diria, si se'n és Mago Dios.

By vote, I don't know what I would say, if it's Mago Dios.

Jo, inclús, ho deixaria, poner Mago Dios.

I, even, would leave it, put Mago Dios.

Sí? Què dius?

Yes? What do you say?

Dos segundos.

Two seconds.

Va, posem dos segons.

Come on, let's put it on for two seconds.

La flautilla, aquella de dintre.

The small flute, the one inside.

Jo crec que ara a casa també estan esperant

I think that now at home they are also waiting.

sentir una mica.

feel a little.

El repte de posar Mago Dios a la Gola del Lluc.

The challenge of placing Mago Dios at the Gola del Lluc.

Seran capaces de poner...

They will be able to put...

No, a Víctor li agradava Mago Dios.

No, Víctor liked Mago Dios.

Jo crec que no.

I don't think so.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Jo diria que sí.

I would say yes.

Que sí.


Acceptava tota la música.

He accepted all music.

Però és que Mago Dios música no és.

But Mago Dios is not music.

No, però

No, but.

ell no ho hauria posat.

he wouldn't have worn it.

Simplement per fer la broma, també no ho hauria posat.

Just to make the joke, I wouldn't have put it either.

Ho va posar?

Did you put it on?

Sí, ho va posar.

Yes, he/she put it.

És una capa sorpresa.

It's a surprise layer.



Un poquito.

A little bit.

Qui no ha ballat...

Who hasn't danced...

No, ja està de fondo, ja està.

No, it's already in the background, it's done.

Qui no ha ballat Fiesta Pagana en l'arquitecte?

Who hasn't danced Fiesta Pagana in the architect?

Ja, tots hem sigut joves.

Yes, we have all been young.

I hem estat equivocats també.

And we have been wrong too.

Sí, molt.

Yes, very much.



Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Molt bé, doncs ja m'ha escoltat.

Very well, then you have already heard me.

Molt bé, bravo, bravo, bravo.

Very good, bravo, bravo, bravo.

Ja m'ha escoltat.

He has already listened to me.

Quina pagana de...

What a feast of...

Han desaparegut, Mago Diós? Estan vius?

They have disappeared, Mago Diós? Are they alive?

Crec que no.

I don't think so.

El cantant em sembla que va deixar el grup, no?

I think the singer left the band, didn't he?

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

De fet...

In fact...

El Jordi ens diu que el cantant

Jordi tells us that the singer

ho va deixar, però ha tornat.

He left it, but he has returned.

És allò.

It's that.

Amb un altre cantant.

With another singer.

Ah, val.

Ah, okay.

Hem fet un Oreja de Van Gogh, no?

We have made an Ear of Van Gogh, haven't we?

Com l'Oreja de Van Gogh, que també és...

Like the Ear of Van Gogh, which is also...

També va canviar l'Oreja, no?

He also changed the Ear, didn't he?

Sí, això pot ser Mago Diós

Yes, this could be Mago Diós.

de Van Gogh, també.

of Van Gogh, too.

Amaya Montero, Mago Diós, que és triomfat.

Amaya Montero, Mago Diós, who is triumphant.

Bé, la pregunta...

Well, the question...

Les tetes sempre triomfan.

The tits always triumph.

Sí, és veritat, això.

Yes, that's true.

Potser és l'empenta que li falta.

Maybe it's the push that he/she lacks.

Un bon parell de pits, a vegades, fan més que

A good pair of breasts, sometimes, does more than

moltes altres coses.

many other things.

Posem reig aquests de maixina, que...

Let's put this machine to rest, that...

Queda clar que és l'últim programa del lloc,

It is clear that this is the last program of the place,

perquè els comentaris...

because the comments...

Potser a algun sector no li està agradant.

Perhaps some sector is not liking it.

Ho deixo aquí, eh?

I'll leave it here, okay?

Però els queremos a todas, igualmente.

But we love them all, anyway.

No solamente por eso.

Not just for that.

Víctor Ubella Bé.

Víctor Ubella Good.

Víctor Ubella Bé, ja ho hem dit, ja.

Víctor Ubella Well, we've already said it, yes.

Posem reig aquests de maixina,

Let's lay some rushes on these machines,

que sí que també una miqueta.

that yes, also a little bit.

Què vol dir això?

What does this mean?

Això vol dir que entera.

This means that it is whole.

Que vol dir que entera.

What does it mean that it is whole?

Bona nit.

Good night.

Rets de Machine,

Machine nets,

Killing in the Name,

Killing in the Name,

hem posat, de fet,

we have put, in fact,

dues cançons que molts hem ballat a la discoteca.

two songs that many of us have danced to at the nightclub.



Algunes vegades


estaven equivocats quan ballàvem Fiesta Pagana,

they were wrong when we danced Fiesta Pagana,

però d'altres estaven encertats quan ballàvem...

but others were right when we danced...

Aquesta era necessària, no podies fer una altra cosa.

This was necessary, you couldn't do anything else.

Més que ballar era votar, no? Sí, votar.

More than dancing, it was voting, right? Yes, voting.

I cantar.

I will sing.

Sí, exacte. Votar i cantar.

Yes, exactly. Vote and sing.

La letxuga...

The lettuce...

Sí, la frase

Yes, the sentence.

que deia tu, Àlex, tens la primícia

What were you saying, Àlex, you have the scoop?

del que deia el Sac de la Roja.

of what the Sac de la Roja was saying.

Jo era la nova versió, eh?

I was the new version, right?

La que proposava era la letxuga està potxa.

What I was proposing was the wilted lettuce.

La letxuga està potxa, sí.

The lettuce is wilted, yes.

Però hi ve una altra també. Jo segueixo defensant que la majoria

But there is another one too. I continue to defend that the majority

d'aquella generació

of that generation

deia una altra frase que ara

it said another sentence than now

em costa més dir. Et costa més dir?

It's harder for me to say. Is it harder for you to say?

Sí, perquè hi ha que heu dit tetes.

Yes, because there have been those who said breasts.

Jo cantava, saltava, dient

I was singing, jumping, saying.

que me xupes la polla.

that you suck my dick.

Que me xupes la polla.

That you suck my dick.

Que rimava més amb tot el que venia després de cançó.

That rhymed more with everything that came after the song.



I diu el Jordi que les noies deien

And Jordi says that the girls were saying.

que me comes el chocho, no?

you're eating my pussy, right?

Queda clar que és l'última, ja definitivament,

It is clear that this is the last one, definitely.

l'últim lliurament de la bola del llop.

the last delivery of the wolf ball.

Cada loco con su tema, no?

Every madman with his own theme, right?

Seria la qüestió.

That would be the question.

No estem en un horari infantil, per tant.

We are not in a children's schedule, therefore.

Sí, es pot dir.

Yes, it can be said.

Som a les 11 i pico de la nit,

It's a little past 11 at night,

per tant, escolta'm.

therefore, listen to me.

Els nens han d'estar ja dormint

The children must be sleeping already.

i amb la llet calentona, doncs això.

And with the warm milk, well, that's it.



Estan en el tercer son.

They are in the third sleep.

Estan ja, va.

They are already, come on.


Let it be.

Això que és el tio.

This is the guy.

És que m'ha vingut al cap

It's just that it has come to my mind.

una frase del Vegetta, és igual.

a phrase from Vegetta, it doesn't matter.

Us recordeu el Vegetta quan va dir

Do you remember Vegetta when he said

aneu-vos a casa a prendre llet calentona?

Are you going home to have some warm milk?



Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

En fi, frase friqui.

Anyway, geeky phrase.

Després es va encarregar bé de l'Android,

Afterwards, he took good care of the Android.

de tot s'ha de dir, eh?

Everything has to be said, right?

No, no, o sigui, el Vegetta va anar

No, no, I mean, Vegetta went

i després li van fotre una tunda de l'Almil.

And then they gave him a beating from Almil.

No, no, però vull dir, després es va encarregar bé

No, no, but I mean, then it was taken care of well.

de la 18.

from the 18th.

Sí, sí, la 18, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, the 18, yes, yes.

No, no era ell, era el Krilin, hòstia.

No, it wasn't him, it was Krillin, damn it.

El Krilin, el Krilin.

The Krillin, the Krillin.

No, no, el Krilin, sí.

No, no, Krillin, yes.

El Krilin, la 18 s'ha de dir.

The Krillin, it has to be said, the 18.

Bueno, deixem el...

Well, let's leave the...

Això ho deixem pel programa de manga

We'll leave this for the manga show.

de la ràdio municipal, no sé si entén,

from the municipal radio, I don’t know if you understand,

però segurament és una opció

but it is probably an option

fer un programa de manga.

make a manga program.

Que no estigui naixent aquí, eh?

That it's not being born here, huh?

No, i la cançó que proposo jo

No, and the song I propose is

és una cançó de Metallica, perquè

It's a song by Metallica, because

quan es va fer, quan es va commemorar

when it was made, when it was commemorated

el 30è aniversari del primer disc de Metallica,

the 30th anniversary of Metallica's first album,

el Kill Em All,

the Kill Em All,

alguns diuen que el thrash metal va néixer

some say that thrash metal was born

amb aquest disc, alguns diuen,

with this album, some say,

doncs vam fer un especial i vam repassar una mica

so we did a special and reviewed a bit

com es va gravar aquell àlbum, com es va fer,

how that album was recorded, how it was made,

i, en fi, com va néixer un dels grups

and, well, how one of the groups was born

que crec que marcaria de manera notable

which I believe would stand out significantly

la dècada dels 80.

the decade of the 80s.

Us agrada Metallica, no?

You like Metallica, don't you?



Que xiqui la mà, que és...

What a kid, which is...


It is...

A qui no li agradi?

Who wouldn't like it?

Al Jordi Rueda no li agrada Metallica.

Jordi Rueda does not like Metallica.

Ves la versió...

See the version...

Quina versió és?

Which version is it?



Portem Whiplash, que és un dels temes més canyeros de Metallica,

We're bringing Whiplash, which is one of the heaviest tracks by Metallica,

però un nocellet m'ha dit, Àlex, que

but a little nut has told me, Alex, that


do you like...

La versió de Jason Neustad.

The version by Jason Neustad.

La versió...

The version...

La versió directa en què Jason Neustad fa l'última tornada.

The direct version in which Jason Neustad does the final chorus.

Em sembla que comença des de la primera estrofa.

I think it starts from the first verse.

Ja pot ser, ja pot ser, depèn del concepte, però...

It may be, it may be, it depends on the concept, but...

Suposo que la colorida és aquesta.

I suppose the colorful one is this.

Aquesta és la versió del live sheet de Metallica del 93 a Mèxic.

This is the live sheet version of Metallica from '93 in Mexico.



I, en fi, a Metallica,

Well, anyway, to Metallica,

que també era un dels grups que al Víctor li agradava molt

that it was also one of the groups that Víctor liked very much

i que, de fet, va anar a veure en el Sonics...

And that, in fact, he went to see Sonic...

Sonics Fair.

Sonics Fair.

Sonics Fair, de fa dos o tres anys.

Sonics Fair, from two or three years ago.

Segur que me la vaig trobar, també, però...

I'm sure I ran into her too, but...



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I que em va dir que encara estan molt en forma, eh, els Metallica.

And he told me that the Metallica are still in great shape, huh.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Es veu que encara tenen... donen garrafa per estona.

It seems they still have... they serve drinks for a while.

Escoltem aquest Whiplash a veure si canta el Jason.

Let's listen to this Whiplash to see if Jason sings.

El Jason Corrent.

The Jason Current.

¡Ja he llegado!

I've arrived!

¡Yo he llegado!

I have arrived!





Bona nit

Good night

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