Infopòdcast 23/9/2024

La Veu de Sant Joan

L'infopodcast de La Veu

Infopòdcast 23/9/2024

L'infopodcast de La Veu

Benvinguts i benvingudes a l'Infopodcast de Sant Joan de les Abadeses.

Welcome to the Infopodcast of Sant Joan de les Abadeses.

Aquest cap de setmana ens va deixar en Joan Guillamet,

This weekend, Joan Guillamet left us.

i aquest dilluns l'hem acomiadat.

And this Monday we said goodbye to him.

En Joan, entre moltes altres coses, era un dels nostres col·laboradors.

John, among many other things, was one of our collaborators.

Fa molts anys, encara com a docent, va costar a l'alumnat a la ràdio

Many years ago, still as a teacher, the students struggled with the radio.

fer-los participar en un espai que ell mateix dirigia.

to involve them in a space that he himself directed.

El llegat de tot allò l'hem vist al llarg dels anys

We have seen the legacy of all that over the years.

amb joves i no tan joves que havien passat per aquell espai

with young people and not so young people who had passed through that space

i que demostraven no tenir-li por al micròfon

and they demonstrated that they were not afraid of the microphone

i explicar-nos amb confiança allò que estaven fent

and confidently explain to us what they were doing

amb les seves entitats o la seva vida professional.

with their entities or their professional life.

Més tard va fer innombrables temporades de la nostra cançó,

Later he made countless versions of our song,

on repassava un període artístic de la nostra història

we were reviewing an artistic period of our history

–jo li feia broma, li deia gairebé a temps real–

–I was joking with him, I was telling him almost in real time–

que va canviar la fesomia del país i que forma part per sempre

that changed the appearance of the country and that is a part of it forever

del patrimoni cultural dels països catalans.

of the cultural heritage of the Catalan countries.

En els darrers dos anys, conduïa a l'Espai Montserrat,

In the last two years, I was driving to the Montserrat Space,

on parlava amb persones grans de la nostra vila

he talked with older people from our town

per conèixer la seva història i preservar els seus records.

to know its history and preserve its memories.

Des que fom-ho part d'aquesta emissora,

Since we became part of this station,

que he estat el seu tècnic i he compartit estones amb ell,

that I have been his coach and have shared moments with him,

amb la seva modèstia sempre deia que allò que feia no tenia cap valor.

With his modesty, he always said that what he did had no value.

I jo li deia que sí que en tenia,

And I told him that yes, I did have some.

que si en tenia per ell i per mi que ja n'hi havia prou,

that if I had enough for him and for me, then that was enough.

que allò ho fèiem per nosaltres i que si ens ho passàvem bé

that we did it for ourselves and that if we had a good time

i ens escoltava algú, doncs molt millor.

And if someone was listening to us, then much better.

I ens ho passàvem.

And we had a great time.

Ell em provocava posant cançons de Lluís Llach, que no m'agrada gaire,

He provoked me by playing songs by Lluís Llach, which I don't like very much.

i reia com si li haguessin explicat el millor acudit del món

and he laughed as if he had been told the best joke in the world

quan repassàvem els guions i en tocava una.

when we were reviewing the scripts and one of them was played.

També m'agradava sorprendre'l cantant les cançons

I also liked to surprise him by singing the songs.

quan ell s'imaginava que jo no les podia conèixer de cap manera.

when he imagined that I could not know them in any way.

Al final del programa, sempre jugava a encertar el temps que havia durat.

At the end of the program, I would always play at guessing how long it had lasted.

Avui ha estat llarg, ha durat uns 34 minuts,

Today has been long, it lasted about 34 minutes.

i sense tenir cronòmetre sempre l'encertava.

And without having a stopwatch, I always got it right.

També tenia, per exemple, la mania de treure's el rellotge

He also had, for example, the habit of taking off his watch.

i el costum d'oblidar-se'l.

And the habit of forgetting it.

Al principi havia de tornar algun altre dia per recuperar-lo,

At first, I had to come back another day to retrieve it,

però quan vaig entendre el patró,

but when I understood the pattern,

o que era impossible que no ho fes, que no s'ho deixés,

or that it was impossible for him not to do it, not to let it go,

quan ell baixava les escales jo feia una repassada a l'estudi

When he was going down the stairs, I was reviewing the studio.

per arroblegar tot allò que es deixava

to gather everything that was left behind

i baixava corrents i l'hi estalviava.

And I was running down and saving it for him.

Més enllà de les anècdotes,

Beyond the anecdotes,

el que feia en Joan era molt important

What Joan was doing was very important.

i és el que defineix el periodisme lúgic.

And it is what defines logical journalism.

El periodisme local, sota la seva modèstia,

Local journalism, beneath its modesty,

sempre deia que ell feia quantitat i que no feia qualitat,

he always said that he produced quantity and not quality,

però vaja, ell era capaç de creure en els seus veïns i veïnes,

but still, he was able to believe in his neighbors.

en les entitats, en les activitats de la vila,

in the entities, in the activities of the town,

i això feia que els volgués enregistrar i documentar

and this made him want to record and document them

quasi com si fos un encàrrec que li vingués, no sé,

almost as if it were a commission that came to him, I don't know,

del poble, de tot el poble.

of the village, of the whole village.

I així va convertir-se en el cronista de la nostra comunitat,

And so he became the chronicler of our community,

preservant la nostra història per les futures generacions.

preserving our history for future generations.

En Joan ens ha deixat un llegat incalculable,

Joan has left us an immeasurable legacy,

ha donat veu a veïns i veïnes,

has given a voice to neighbors.

ha preservat memòries i ha unit generacions,

has preserved memories and united generations,

i el seu esperit continua entre nosaltres,

and his spirit continues among us,

inspirant-nos a seguir fent ràdio

inspiring us to keep making radio

amb el mateix amor i la dedicació que ell ens va ensenyar.

with the same love and dedication that he taught us.

Ara en Joan ja no es bufegarà pujant les escales,

Now Joan will no longer be puffing while climbing the stairs.

no el veurem pel carrer,

we won't see him on the street,

però, igual que el passa amb les dones de ràdio,

but, just like what happens with radio women,

i continua encent,

and it continues to ignite,

ens continuen unit i continuen donant sentit a allò que fem.

they continue to unite us and continue to give meaning to what we do.

Quan estava tot sol amb la mare a l'hivern a la vora del foc

When I was all alone with my mother in winter by the fire.

d'una antiga casa catalana en un poble petit i polsós

from an old Catalan house in a small and dusty village

que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo,

how happy mother was, how happy I was,

que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo.

how happy my mother was, how happy I was.

I sentia bramar la tempesta i els pesets fugies varats,

I heard the storm roar and the little weights fled stranded,

cuinant perquè a l'altra muntana els es posa la cosa i el blat.

cooking because on the other mountain things are growing and the wheat.

Que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo,

How happy was my mother, how happy was I,

que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo.

How happy mother was, how happy I was.

Quan a casa faltava una cosa, em posava la bufanda i l'abrí,

When something was missing at home, I put on my scarf and my coat.

quan anava corrents a buscar-la i tornava content i arrodit.

when I ran to get her and returned happy and rounded.

Que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo,

How happy mother was, how happy I was,

que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo.

how happy mother was, how happy I was.

Quan estava tot sol a la cambra i sentia els arbres ruixir

When I was all alone in the room and heard the trees rustling.

i la gent que passava esverant m'agafava fort el coixí.

And the people passing by, startled, held my pillow tightly.

Que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo,

How happy my mother was, how happy I was,

que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo.

how happy mother was, how happy I was.

I els ocells dormien a les branques i ja es veia el cel clarejant,

And the birds were sleeping in the branches and the sky was already lightening.

m'amagava darrere d'un nous, mirava pensant i somiant.

I was hiding behind a walnut tree, thinking and dreaming.

Que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo,

How happy mother was, how happy I was,

que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo.

how happy mother was, how happy I was.

I els ocells dormien a les branques i ja es veia el cel clarejant,

And the birds were sleeping in the branches and the sky was already beginning to lighten.

m'amagava darrere d'un nous, mirava pensant i somiant.

I was hiding behind a walnut tree, thinking and dreaming.

I els ocells dormien a les branques i ja es veia el cel clarejant,

And the birds were sleeping in the branches, and the sky was already brightening.

que feliç era mare, que feliç era jo.

how happy mother was, how happy I was.

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