L'illa Desconeguda és el Nostre Camí ️| Programa Final amb Aleix Pérez i Marc Jardí

Marc Jardí

Illa Desconeguda

L'illa Desconeguda és el Nostre Camí ️| Programa Final amb Aleix Pérez i Marc Jardí

Illa Desconeguda

Estàs escoltant L'Illa Desconeguda, un podcast d'emprenedors per a emprenedors, amb Marc Jardí.

You are listening to The Unknown Island, a podcast for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, with Marc Jardí.

Benvinguts de nou a L'Illa Desconeguda. Avui segurament, si ens esteu escoltant, és l'últim episodi de la primera temporada i és una mica especial.

Welcome back to The Unknown Island. Today, if you are listening to us, it is probably the last episode of the first season and it is a bit special.

Parlant amb l'Aleix, vam decidir trencar una mica els esquemes que hem estat fent d'entrevistar gent del mundillo emprenedor i d'altres temes que ens interessaven.

Talking with Aleix, we decided to break away a bit from the patterns we've been following of interviewing people from the entrepreneurial world and other topics that interested us.

I hem decidit tirar endavant i vam parlar amb l'Aleix i dic, tio, i si ens posem amb dos cerveses davant d'un micro i a veure què surt?

We decided to go for it and I talked to Aleix and said, dude, what if we sit down with two beers in front of a microphone and see what comes out?

La secció no ha estat res estructurat, l'Aleix ha buscat quatre frases i jo n'he buscat quatre.

The section has not been structured at all; Aleix has looked for four sentences and I have looked for four as well.

No sé què l'Aleix em depara per mi i l'Aleix sap el que li deparo per ell.

I don't know what Aleix has in store for me, and Aleix knows what I have in store for him.

Però bueno, és un espai lliure i sortirà el que sigui.

But well, it's a free space and whatever comes out will come out.

Total improvisació, Aleix. Tinc moltes ganes de veure el que surt.

Total improvisation, Aleix. I can't wait to see what comes out.

Crec que era una mica la fita esperada a final de temporada, perquè vam començar amb un projecte que no sabíem on s'apararia.

I believe it was somewhat the expected milestone by the end of the season, because we started with a project that we didn't know where it would end up.

Crec que hem crescut molt. Personalment he après a parlar davant d'un micro que és molt important.

I believe we have grown a lot. Personally, I have learned to speak in front of a microphone, which is very important.

L'Aleix m'ha donat un munt de consells i només puc estar més que agraït per ell i disfrutar.

Aleix has given me a bunch of advice and I can only be more than grateful for him and enjoy.

Què tal, Aleix? Com estàs?

How are you, Aleix? How are you doing?

Hola, Marc.

Hello, Marc.

Què guai, increïble. Crec que és la primera vegada que parlo aquí a l'Aleix Desconeguda.

How cool, incredible. I think it's the first time I speak here at the Unknown Aleix.

Jo, dintre del meu cap, m'he creat també com la narrativa de qui serà aquest Aleix.

I, within my head, have also created the narrative of who this Aleix will be.

És la primera vegada que apareixo per aquí.

It's the first time I've appeared here.

Hem estat a tots els programes, menys el del Pau Garcia Milà, que te l'has guisat tu sol.

We have been on all the programs, except for Pau Garcia Milà's, which you cooked up all by yourself.

Tots els altres t'he anat acompanyant i què guai, és la meva primera vegada aquí formant part de la part també del d'això.

I have accompanied you all the way and how cool it is, this is my first time here being part of this too.

Tot el tema d'entrevistes de producció l'has portat tu, o sigui, la gent que ho sàpiga.

You have handled the entire production interview topic, meaning the people who know how to do it.

I jo he estat fent el tema d'edició i molt guai també.

And I've been working on the editing topic, which is really cool too.

He vist també com has progressat amb el temps, que jo sí que porto una miqueta més de ràdio

I've also seen how you have progressed over time, since I have a little more radio background.

i la veritat és que el progrés de la primera entrevista a l'última...

and the truth is that the progress from the first interview to the last...

Jo t'ho vaig dir quan vam començar, que un cop començaves...

I told you when we started, that once you started...

O sigui, si t'escoltaves la primera entrevista i l'última, no tenies res a veure.

So, if you listened to the first interview and the last one, they had nothing to do with each other.

Sí, també remarcar també la figura de l'Aleix, perquè sí que potser sóc la cara més visible...

Yes, I should also highlight Aleix's figure, because I may be the most visible face...

I més guapa també, perquè no hi ha ningú.

And more beautiful too, because there is no one else.

Però estic convençut que hem format molt bon equip

But I am convinced that we have formed a very good team.

i que al principi, doncs, jo tenia més curva d'aprenentatge, però també m'has ajudat molt.

And at first, I had a steeper learning curve, but you also helped me a lot.

Ara, al final, ja m'anaves deixant més marge i em deixaves més espavilar sol

Now, in the end, you were giving me more space and letting me figure things out on my own.

i si la cagava, que la cagués jo.

And if I messed up, let me be the one to mess up.

És important cagar-la, també.

It's important to mess it up, too.

Sí, sí, però al principi, doncs, sí que va ser un acompanyament molt bo,

Yes, yes, but at the beginning, it was indeed a very good accompaniment.

perquè al final tu vens del món, fas comunicació,

because in the end you come from the world, you communicate,

el periodisme està tot relacionat, has fet podcast, saps com funciona, treballes amb ràdio,

journalism is all connected, you have made podcasts, you know how it works, you work with radio,

ara comences a treballar amb un diari...

now you start working with a newspaper...

Fins al no-res, és a dir, jo vinc de ser un tio que li mola algun cop els vídeos de YouTube

Until nothing, that is to say, I come from being a guy who sometimes enjoys YouTube videos.

i vam decidir, hòstia, per què no ens posem davant d'un micro i a veure què ens surt?

And we decided, damn, why don't we get in front of a microphone and see what comes out?

I gràcies al teu acompanyament, doncs, hem pogut tirar molt endavant.

And thanks to your support, we have been able to make a lot of progress.

Però, bueno, abans de que ens allarguem amb...

But, well, before we prolong ourselves with...

Sí, perquè ens podríem allargar aquí, ara.

Yes, because we could extend ourselves here, now.

Primer de tot, fem un brindis a l'Aleix, que s'escolti pel micro amb la cervella.

First of all, let's toast to Aleix, let it be heard through the mic with the brain.

Aquest silenci és poc de podcast, realment, però jo crec que, deixant-lo comparant amb això que deies,

This silence is not much of a podcast, really, but I think that, comparing it with what you were saying,

crec que és veritat.

I believe it is true.

I ha sigut molt guai perquè ens hem complementat en molts aspectes.

It has been very cool because we have complemented each other in many aspects.

Tu, perquè al final m'has introduït a mi a un món que jo no en tenia cap manera de coneixement,

You, because in the end you introduced me to a world that I had no way of knowing about.

de continguts i de producció, i la gent que m'ha anat entrevistant jo no en coneixia ningú,

of content and production, and I didn't know anyone from the people who have been interviewing me,

i alhora tu tampoc no tenies massa clara la fórmula en com presentar-ho a la gent

And at the same time, you weren't very clear either on how to present it to people.

i va que m'ha anat aprenent l'un de l'altre, jo els continguts i tu també la manera de fer del món de la comunicació.

I see that we have learned from each other, I the content and you also the way of doing things in the world of communication.

I crec que el que m'ha molat més també de tot és, a part de fer entrevistes amb un micro davant,

I think that what I liked the most about everything is, besides doing interviews with a microphone in front,

l'experiència d'estar en un estudi de ràdio.

the experience of being in a radio studio.

I amb gent de públic, hòstia, això, primer cop, doncs bueno, trenca una mica els esquemes,

And with an audience, damn, this, first time, well, it breaks the mold a bit,

perquè un estudi de ràdio és una inversió, diguem, molt gran, és gairebé professional,

because a radio studio is a very large investment, let's say, it's almost professional,

i dius, hòstia, si acabo de començar amb el podcast, de saltar ja amb un estudi de ràdio i amb públic.

And you say, damn, I just started with the podcast, jumping straight into a radio studio and with an audience.

I clar, la teva figura és essencial perquè darrere no sé el que sona.

And of course, your figure is essential because I don't know what sounds behind.

Jo confiava en la veueta de la llei dels cascos que deia, sona tot bé, doncs l'hi fotem i tirem cap endavant.

I trusted the little voice of the helmet law that said, everything sounds good, so let's go for it and move forward.

Reitero l'estructura que hem comentat al principi, quatre frases cadascú,

I reiterate the structure we discussed at the beginning, four sentences each.

els temes, no hi ha cap guió, no hi ha durada, és a dir que, benvinguts de nou a L'Illa Desconeguda.

the themes, there is no script, there is no duration, that is to say, welcome back to The Unknown Island.

Et fa res, Aleix, si comences tu?

Do you mind, Aleix, if you start?

Ja et veig, ja que...

I already see you, since...

Jo soc més tradicional, jo ho tinc apuntat en un paper, Aleix ho té al mòbil, i començarà Aleix.

I am more traditional, I have it written down on a piece of paper, Aleix has it on his phone, and Aleix will start.

Jo em vull començar primer amb una que...

I want to start with one that...

És una vinculació molt especial per mi perquè mon avi posa d'escriptor també i va adaptar alguna de les frases que...

It is a very special connection for me because my grandfather was also a writer and he adapted some of the phrases that...

o sigui, una d'aquestes frases que et porto avui, i és la d'Heràclit, que diu

so, one of these phrases that I bring you today, and it is from Heraclitus, which says

És impossible banyar-se dues vegades al mateix riu. Ni porta la mateixa aigua, ni tu ets el mateix.

It is impossible to bathe twice in the same river. Neither does it carry the same water, nor are you the same.

Què en penses, això?

What do you think about this?

Crec que és una fase molt bona, però anem a posar un exemple proper i que hem comentat abans del podcast

I think it's a very good phase, but let's use a nearby example that we discussed before the podcast.

quan vam començar tu i jo, si ara haguéssim de tornar a començar estic segur que ni tu ni jo,

when we started you and I, if we had to start again now I'm sure that neither you nor I,

ho faríem per la mateixa experiència. I al final crec que és l'interessant perquè

we would do it for the same experience. And in the end, I think that is what is interesting because

si no et pots banyar dues vegades en el mateix riu, vol dir que estem creixent i que estem tirant endavant.

If you cannot bathe twice in the same river, it means we are growing and moving forward.

Lo raro, lo estrany, seria que amb el mateix banyador, les mateixes xancletes, tornéssim a estar amb la mateixa aigua

The strange thing would be that with the same swimsuit, the same flip-flops, we would find ourselves in the same water again.

i crec que no seria molt bona senyal. Com ho veig, crec que és una etapa de creixement

I think it wouldn't be a very good sign. As I see it, I believe it is a stage of growth.

que en edats com ara tenim ara és exponencial i ni ens ho arribem a creure,

that at ages like ours now is exponential and we can hardly believe it,

el que podem créixer en aquests mesos.

what we can grow in these months.

Perquè crec que molts cops també parlem que en un dia podem fer un munt de coses,

Because I believe that many times we also say that in one day we can do a lot of things,

però crec que en un dia tampoc en podem fer tantes, però si mirem, si tenim una bona carrera a llarg plaç

But I think we can't do so many in one day either, but if we look, if we have a good long-term career.

i som consistent amb el temps fent el que creiem, els resultats poden ser molt, molt guais.

And if we are consistent over time by doing what we believe, the results can be really, really cool.

Què en penses tu?

What do you think?

Exacte. Jo penso també, o sigui, que al final és curiós, a mi a vegades m'agrada parar-me a pensar

Exactly. I also think, I mean, in the end it’s interesting, sometimes I like to stop and think.

els contextos o les petites coses que potser no t'hi pares de pensar,

the contexts or the little things that you might not think about.

però amb el temps sí que t'adones que ens han fet el camí que hem tingut.

but with time you do realize that they have made the path we have had.

Jo recordo també, especialment, no l'arribareu a sentir mai, però és la història del segon podcast

I also remember, especially, you will never hear it, but it's the story of the second podcast.

i jo em vaig equivocar, vam fer un tema amb el micro que tenim una entrevista que m'agrada molt xula,

And I made a mistake, we did a topic with the mic that we have an interview that I really like and is very cool.

de fet és molt guai la història aquella, i per un error meu també humà de que no es va acabar a sentir bé,

In fact, that story is really cool, and due to a human error of mine, he didn't end up feeling well.

doncs no va sortir mai a la llum, però allò va ser també com un aprenentatge meu de dir

so it never came to light, but that was also a learning experience for me to say

i jo crec que al final també és important.

And I think that in the end it is also important.

És important saber millorar, saber aprendre dels errors i no ser el mateix que el que va començar jo,

It is important to know how to improve, to learn from mistakes, and not to be the same as the one who started me.

perquè són petits exemples de coses que a vegades no ens n'adonem i canvien molt la nostra manera de ser i de pensar.

because they are small examples of things that sometimes we don't realize and they change a lot of our way of being and thinking.

I com creus que és d'important quan gestionem aquests errors?

And how important do you think it is when we manage these errors?

Perquè, diguem, hi ha com dues postures totalment oposades, que és o m'hi planto davant i faig que no és responsabilitat meva

Because, let's say, there are like two totally opposing stances, which are either I stand my ground and say it’s not my responsibility.

o hi prenc consciència i n'aprenc i per la següent, doncs, ja no em passa.

Either I become aware of it and learn from it, and for the next time, it doesn't happen to me anymore.

Jo crec que la primera, com si funcionéssim com un mur, pot ser bastant, bastant més difícil i l'aprenentatge al final és nul

I believe that the first one, as if we were functioning as a wall, can be quite, quite more difficult and the learning in the end is null.

i si estem des d'una altra postura de que molts cops no ho sabem, d'una postura potser una mica més humil i que no ho sabem tot,

And if we are coming from another standpoint, that many times we don't know, from a standpoint perhaps a little more humble and that we don't know everything,

crec que tothom es pot equivocar, però l'important crec que ha de ser, doncs, tirar endavant i saber que si t'equivoques no passa res,

I believe that everyone can make mistakes, but what is important is to move forward and know that if you make a mistake, it's okay.

però que no et passi dos cops, que no et banyis dos cops amb aquesta mateixa aigua.

but don't let it happen to you twice, don't bathe twice in the same water.

Exacte, vol dir que les coses no les hauràs fet bé i jo crec que igualment també,

Exactly, it means that you haven't done things right, and I think the same too.

jo soc un fidel defensor de que, depenent de quins contextos, a vegades també és bo el fer-se fort, fer-se un mur,

I am a staunch defender of the idea that, depending on the context, sometimes it is also good to stand firm, to build a wall.

però no en l'aspecte d'intransigent, de no cedir en res, sinó també en la capacitat de deixar-te, o sigui, de que la gent et respecti,

but not in the aspect of being uncompromising, of not giving in at all, but also in the ability to let yourself be, that is, for people to respect you,

de dir això és fins aquí i també saber les teves pròpies limitacions, els teus propis murs,

to say this is up to here and also to know your own limitations, your own walls,

alhora, per allò, un costat d'aprenentatge, però també de saber qui ets i tenir clar quines coses vols i quines coses no vols a la teva vida tan personal com professional.

At that time, therefore, it is a learning aspect, but also about knowing who you are and being clear about what things you want and what things you do not want in your personal as well as professional life.

També em comentaves que el teu avi va ser escriptor. Aquesta faceta teva ve de components familiars?

You also mentioned to me that your grandfather was a writer. Does this aspect of you come from family influences?

Sí, jo crec que sempre he tingut com el meu avi de referent en aquest aspecte.

Yes, I think I have always had my grandfather as a reference in this aspect.

Jo vaig decidir al batxillerat fer el treball de recerca que fem al final d'ell i al cap de com dos o tres setmanes es va morir

I decided in high school to do the research project that we have at the end of it, and after about two or three weeks, he passed away.

i va ser una mica com molt dur, molt xocant, perquè jo tenia planejada com una introspecció i una recerca familiar,

It was a bit like very hard, very shocking, because I had planned as an introspection and a family search,

va ser dur perquè és això, tu no pots anar a la teva àvia i preguntar-li o entrevistar-li com era el teu avi perquè era complicat,

It was hard because, you know, you can't go to your grandmother and ask or interview her about what your grandfather was like because it was complicated.

però alhora sí que vaig fer una recerca molt més literària o d'escriptura o de llibres i d'articles i aquí va ser quan vaig dir

but at the same time I did conduct a much more literary research or writing or books and articles and this is when I said

hosti, mon avi sabia el que es feia, saps? Era el puto amo, doncs anem a intentar, anem a intentar ni que sigui, doncs,

Wow, my grandfather knew what he was doing, you know? He was the man, so let's try, let's try at least, then.

amb també una mica la seva manera de ser i també necessitem jo crec que al final també una mica de referents en les que mirar-nos i crec que el meu avi és un gran exemple en tot això.

with also a bit of his way of being and I believe that in the end we also need some references to look up to and I think my grandfather is a great example of all this.

En què t'ha ajudat el teu avi a tirar endavant en aquest món? A vegades quan treus, suposo que el teu primer podcast, com va ser en el meu cas, tens més por?

How has your grandfather helped you move forward in this world? Sometimes when you start, I suppose, your first podcast, as was the case for me, are you more afraid?

Enmirallar-te amb una figura així t'ajuda?

Does looking at a figure like that help you?

Sí, va ser un... i jo crec que m'emmirallo en les coses que a mi em fan sentir orgullós, jo crec que m'aporten ells,

Yes, it was a... and I think I reflect on the things that make me feel proud, I believe they enrich me.

tothom sempre ha dit que mon avi era molt bona persona, jo vaig conviure amb ell però no de la mateixa intensitat que podria haver sigut mon pare o altres persones,

Everyone has always said that my grandfather was a very good person, I lived with him but not with the same intensity as my father or other people.

familiars, sempre em va quedar com que era molt bona persona i que sempre intentava, doncs, ajudar els altres i va haver-hi una època inclús durant el franquisme que ell ensenyava en català

Family members always told me he was a very good person and that he always tried to help others, and there was even a time during the Franco regime when he taught in Catalan.

i el van posar empresonat per ensenyar en català uns mesos a la presó aquí al costat de Tarragona i tot i així ell va seguir fent-ho, saps?

And they put him in prison for teaching in Catalan for a few months in the prison next to Tarragona, and even so he continued to do it, you know?

I va ser com, ostres, al final ell assumeix les conseqüències perquè sap que està fent una cosa que fa bé als altres i també el fa sentir bé a ell.

It was like, wow, in the end, he takes responsibility because he knows he is doing something that benefits others and also makes him feel good.

Sí, està molt guai tenir referència així familiars.

Yes, it's really cool to have references like this among family.



Ja et tiro la meva frase.

I'm throwing my sentence to you now.





En tinc unes quantes apuntades i crec que serà difícil triar-ne alguna adequada perquè segueixi un fil conductor, però tiraré el meu instint i diré la primera, d'acord?

I have a few noted down and I think it will be difficult to choose an appropriate one that follows a common thread, but I'll go with my instinct and say the first one, alright?

Aquesta frase és d'Abraham Lincoln, d'acord?

This sentence is from Abraham Lincoln, okay?

I et diu que hi ha gent que mor als 25 i no s'enterra fins als 80.

It tells you that there are people who die at 25 and are not buried until they are 80.

M'agrada aquesta frase, és divertida.

I like this phrase, it's funny.

Què en penses?

What do you think?

Doncs que crec que en aquest aspecte jo crec que és veritat.

Well, I think that in this aspect I think it is true.

Hi ha molta gent que, hòstia, que acaba o tanca la seva vida com molt aviat o té moltes coses tancades i jo crec que és part també de la societat en la que vivim, l'aritme en el que anem, que com que té una sensació que si no tenim X o no tenim I, doncs la nostra vida està incompleta o som menys feliços per això.

There are a lot of people who, damn, end or close their lives very early or have a lot of things closed off, and I think it's also part of the society we live in, the rhythm we have, which gives a sense that if we don't have X or we don't have Y, then our life is incomplete or we are less happy because of that.

Jo crec que ens hem de deixar també inundar pel dubte de no voler córrer perquè jo crec que a vegades per un costat, òbviament, hi ha la gent que hi ha la part mandrosa.

I believe we must also let ourselves be flooded by the doubt of not wanting to run because I think that sometimes, on one hand, obviously, there are people who have a lazy side.

Hi ha la vaga que, òbviament...

There is the strike that, obviously...

Que tots en tenim.

That we all have.

Tots en tenim.

We all have it.

És a dir, al final cadascú la pot controlar com pot però tothom entén aquesta part.

That is to say, in the end, everyone can control it as they can, but everyone understands this part.

I jo ho relaciono, òbviament hi ha la lectura aquesta de fer coses però també l'entenc com a la lectura de dir, hòstia, és que volem viure amb pressa, saps?

And I relate it, obviously there is this reading of doing things but I also understand it as the reading of saying, damn, we want to live in a hurry, you know?

No, al final, aquesta frase l'he d'escoltar i està molt guai perquè si pares a... si la sintetitzes en trossos, al final una persona es pot morir als 25 però no l'enterren fins al 20.

No, in the end, I have to listen to this phrase and it's really cool because if you pause to... if you break it down into pieces, in the end, a person can die at 25 but is not buried until they are 20.

Què vol dir això?

What does this mean?

Que tu arribes als 25 i et penses que ja ho tens tot fet.

That you reach 25 and think you have everything figured out.



I jo crec que al final és tot el contrari.

And I believe that in the end it is totally the opposite.

És a dir, tu arribes als 25 i als 25 tens una mentalitat que als 80 hauries d'haver canviat però aquesta etapa que tenim nosaltres, que som joves, és per provar, tio, agafar, tirar dardos, equivocar-te...

That is to say, you reach 25 and at 25 you have a mentality that by 80 you should have changed, but this stage we have, being young, is meant for trying, dude, throwing darts, making mistakes...

Tenir etapes, eh?

You have stages, huh?

I saber el que t'agrada.

And I know what you like.

Entenc que l'edat és un número i et pot ajudar a orientar...

I understand that age is just a number and it can help guide you...

Exacte, depèn del tram de vida on estiguis, però és important no perdre aquesta capacitat per voler créixer i voler tirar endavant perquè és ben essencial. Com ho veus tu?

Exactly, it depends on the stage of life you are in, but it is important not to lose that capacity to want to grow and move forward because it is essential. How do you see it?

Sí, exacte. Jo sento que torni a tirar cap a casa però m'ha passat alguna vegada amb l'exemple d'això del periodisme de dir, hosti, vale, imagina't que tu ets el millor periodista de la història del món mundial, ets el més jove del món i tu arribes, jo què sé, amb 20 anys a la millor columna més precisiva del món, vale?

Yes, exactly. I feel like it’s going back home, but it has happened to me once with the example of this journalism saying, wow, okay, imagine you are the best journalist in the history of the world, you are the youngest in the world and you arrive, I don't know, at 20 years old to the best, most precise column in the world, okay?

Tens 40 anys de carrera, de vida, de coses a fer, hosti, jo entenc també... Al principi no entenia massa la gent que potser es movia en un segon pla o potser no arribava a coses com... de tanta exposició mediàtica, però dic, hosti, és que normal perquè al final la vida és anar provant coses diferents.

You have 40 years of career, of life, of things to do, damn, I understand too... At first, I didn't understand much the people who maybe operated on a secondary level or perhaps didn't reach things like... from so much media exposure, but I say, damn, it's normal because in the end, life is about trying different things.

I si tu estàs amb 20 anys al lloc on en teoria sempre has volgut estar, hosti, que aquí és important també saber-se reinventar i buscar coses diferents que et facin feliç perquè al final...

And if you are 20 years old in the place where you have always theoretically wanted to be, wow, it’s also important here to know how to reinvent yourself and seek different things that make you happy because in the end...

Sí, a vegades pot ser que no ho valoris perquè si tu...

Yes, sometimes it may be that you don't appreciate it because if you...

Pot ser que estiguis ja a la teva meta amb una curta edat, pot suposar per tu també una mica de frustració perquè si has estat somiant durant, encara que sigui un curt període, que vols estar allí i hi trobes fàcilment,

It may be that you are already at your goal at a young age, which can also mean a bit of frustration for you because if you have been dreaming for, even if it is a short period, that you want to be there and you find it easily.

entenc que també la cultura de l'esforç et deu trastocar una mica perquè potser hi ha gent que per fer aquesta carrera i arribar al lloc on estàs tu tarda 15 anys i ara et troben altres coses, però tu trobes que pim-pam, pim-pam, i a la següent pot arribar a ser una mica frustrant.

I understand that the culture of effort must also unsettle you a bit because perhaps there are people who take 15 years to pursue this career and reach where you are, and now they find other things, but you find it quick and easy, and in the next one, it can be a bit frustrating.

És superimportant la capacitat aquesta de reinventar-se o de marcar-se nous objectius que no més enllà de portes enfora, sinó que et facin feliç a tu o diguis, hosti, a mi és una cosa que crec que em complementarà i que em farà feliç.

It is super important to have the ability to reinvent oneself or set new goals that not only go beyond external doors but also make you happy or make you think, wow, this is something that I believe will complement me and make me happy.

Sí, sí, estic totalment d'acord amb el que dius, Aleix. Quina és la segona frase que ens espera, Aleix?

Yes, yes, I totally agree with what you are saying, Aleix. What is the second sentence that awaits us, Aleix?

Doncs la segona frase és una...

Well, the second sentence is a...

És una llarga història, però hi va haver una època en la meva vida en què em vaig dedicar a posar, a recopilar frases que anava llegint o anava veient i m'agradaven.

It's a long story, but there was a time in my life when I dedicated myself to collecting phrases that I came across while reading or seeing and that I liked.

No les he posat totes d'aquest aspecte, però una d'aquestes frases és

I haven't put all of them with this aspect, but one of these sentences is

Si no eres feliç amb el que tens, tampoc el seràs amb el que tens a faltar.

If you are not happy with what you have, you will not be happy with what you are missing either.

Primer de tot, dir que jugo un desavantatge, perquè si ja feies aquesta recopilació, jo ho hauria tingut més difícil.

First of all, I want to say that I am at a disadvantage because if you had already made this compilation, I would have had a harder time.

He volgut posar-hi també un toc picant i un canvi d'això, eh, no?

I also wanted to add a spicy touch and a change to that, right?

No, home, ja espera, entenc que...

No, come on, wait, I understand that...

No són totes les frases que he anat recopilant.

They are not all the sentences that I have been compiling.

Al llarg del temps, alguna...

Over time, some...

El riu va canviant i et va agafant en diferents punts.

The river changes and catches you at different points.

Sí, crec que és molt important el que dius de la felicitat on estàs tu ara.

Yes, I think what you say about happiness where you are now is very important.

Crec que també hi havia una frase de Viktor Frankl del llibre de l'Hombre busca el sentit que deia que

I believe there was also a quote from Viktor Frankl's book "Man's Search for Meaning" that said that

Si no eres feliç amb res, no seràs amb tot.

If you are not happy with anything, you will not be happy with everything.

Al final, crec que molts cops diem, bueno, quan aconsegueixi aquesta fita seré tal.

In the end, I think that many times we say, well, when I achieve this goal I will be such and such.

Quan aconsegueixi tals, quan aconsegueixi X diners per més...

When I achieve such, when I achieve X money for more...

Seré feliç.

I will be happy.

Crec que estem agafant una postura errònia, perquè quan ho tinguis, quan arribis a aquell punt, voldràs més.

I think we are taking a wrong stance, because when you have it, when you reach that point, you will want more.

I sempre aniràs més, més, més.

And you will always go more, more, more.

Crec que també és molt important el que dius tu ara, perquè és un viatge d'introspecció.

I think what you are saying now is also very important, because it is a journey of introspection.

Perquè molts cops tires tan cap enfora que no veus el que realment necessites i cap a realment on vols anar.

Because many times you look so far outward that you don't see what you really need and where you really want to go.

Perquè al final, si anéssim tu i jo, o mira, ara per exemple, estem fent aquí el podcast.

Because in the end, if it were just you and me, or look, right now for example, we are doing the podcast here.

Amb dos cerveses, per mi és una molt bona estona aprofitada.

With two beers, for me it's a very good time well spent.

I tio, això és gratis.

Hey dude, this is free.

Val la pena, totalment.

It's worth it, totally.

És gratis, tio.

It's free, dude.

Jo què sé, si anéssim a fer una caminada i ens fotéssim una entrepà de formatge a la muntanya,

I don't know, if we went for a hike and had a cheese sandwich in the mountains,

o a veure aquí com cau la posta de sol, és gratis, saps?

Oh, look here how the sunset falls, it's free, you know?

Hi ha un munt de coses que són gratis, que entenc que, òbviament, si viatges fora, doncs, els diners...

There are a lot of things that are free, which I understand that, obviously, if you travel abroad, then, the money...

que no donen la felicitat, però quan tens les primeres necessitats cobertes, doncs, ajuda.

they do not bring happiness, but when your basic needs are met, then, it helps.



A nosaltres mateix, si tens problemes familiars, problemes econòmics heavies, digues, sigues feliç amb res, saps?

To ourselves, if you have family problems, heavy economic problems, say it, be happy with nothing, you know?



Crec que potser ho tenen més difícil, però s'entén que molts cops aquesta felicitat l'has de buscar dins teu

I think they might find it harder, but it is understood that many times this happiness must be found within yourself.

en un viatge més d'introspecció i saber realment cap on vols anar.

in a journey of introspection and truly knowing where you want to go.

Crec que és molt bona frase.

I think it's a very good phrase.



Que em veus...

That you see me...

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Jo crec que, almenys, jo com ho veig, és que, al final, és la idealització de per tenir X o Y cosa.

I believe that, at least how I see it, is that, in the end, it is the idealization of having X or Y thing.

O sigui, et penses que la teva felicitat depèn de coses que, en veritat, no depenen.

So, you think your happiness depends on things that, in reality, do not depend.

I és una cosa que jo, personalment, he hagut de treballar molt.

And it is something that I, personally, have had to work on a lot.

És una cosa que sempre he tingut molt la sensació de dir, ostres, si tens una cosa, jo què sé,

It's something I've always had the feeling of saying, wow, if you have something, I don't know,

si tens una pilota vermella, doncs, gràcies a això seràs feliç i no seràs feliç gràcies a això.

If you have a red ball, then, thanks to that, you will be happy and you will not be happy thanks to that.

Però, tu, no et pots pensar que...

But, you cannot think that...

No et pots pensar que per tenir una cosa o no tenir-la, això ja et condiciona al teu estat de felicitat.

You can't think that having or not having something conditions your state of happiness.

I em va passar en el seu moment.

It happened to me at the time.

Jo, tota la vida, en certs aspectes, he tingut també com una certa idealització al fet de tenir parella o d'estar amb algú.

I, throughout my life, in certain aspects, have also had a certain idealization of being in a relationship or being with someone.

I, quan em vaig tenir, sí, era molt feliç, estava molt bé.

And when I had it, yes, I was very happy, I was doing very well.

Però, també ho passava malament igual.

But, he/she also had a hard time just the same.

I no em salvava o no ho passava menys malament pel fet de tenir-ne o no tenir-ne.

And it didn't save me or make it any less painful whether I had it or not.

Quan sempre havia pensat que havia sigut així, saps?

When I had always thought it had been like this, you know?

I va ser una mica una cosa...

It was a bit of a thing...

Fer-me adonar de que, hòstia, al final, tampoc podem centrar que la nostra felicitat és perquè tenim una cosa o no tenim una altra,

Making me realize that, damn, in the end, we can't focus our happiness on whether we have one thing or we don't have another.

quan, al final, tots acabem passant per les mateixes emocions, tinguem o no tinguem el que vulguem.

When, in the end, we all end up experiencing the same emotions, whether we have what we want or not.

Sembla que estiguem parlant de casos externs.

It seems that we are talking about external cases.

No, no, això ho fan els altres, però que nosaltres també tan bé ho fem.

No, no, that's what others do, but we also do it just as well.

Què m'aconsellaries, a mi, si veus que em costa emmirallar-me?

What would you advise me if you see that I find it hard to reflect on myself?

A mi mateix, i sempre estic buscant altres, altres, altres, i quan arribo a una fita vull més, més, més.

To myself, and I am always looking for others, others, others, and when I reach a milestone I want more, more, more.

Què em recomanaries?

What would you recommend to me?

Jo crec que és un procés, al final, també de parar-te.

I believe it's a process, ultimately, of stopping as well.

Jo crec que a vegades és important parar i dir, hòstia, això, en tinc ganes, em ve de gust, m'està fent bé.

I think that sometimes it's important to stop and say, wow, I want this, I feel like it, it's doing me good.

I crec que a vegades també tenim poc temps a aturar-nos a intentar entendre si al final això és el que volem o per què ho volem.

I believe that sometimes we also have little time to stop and try to understand if this is what we really want or why we want it.

Jo crec que, a vegades, també buscar el perquè de les coses i intentar entendre...

I believe that, sometimes, it's also about seeking the reason for things and trying to understand...

Per què nosaltres ens volem sentir així, també ens dona moltes més respostes de les que ens pensem.

Why do we want to feel this way, it also gives us many more answers than we think.

Jo ja ens faré un exercici que personalment faig, que em van comentar fa temps i jo li tenia com...

I will already do an exercise that I personally do, which I was told a long time ago and I had it like...

No respecte, però hi havia una certa distància entre el que pensava jo i el que realment devia ser,

I don't respect, but there was a certain distance between what I thought and what it really must have been.

que és al final, cada X temps, tio, te poses davant d'un full, amb un boli,

What is it in the end, every X time, man, you sit in front of a sheet of paper with a pen,

és igual que sigui blau, que sigui negre, que sigui roig, i et pots escriure com et sents,

it doesn't matter if it's blue, if it's black, if it's red, and you can write how you feel,

o com estàs, tio.

Oh, how are you, dude?

No sé, crec que és molt important de tant en tant, doncs, treure el que penses dins teu

I don't know, I think it's very important from time to time to express what you think inside you.

i en lloc de deixar una mica l'espai lliure dins del seu disdú i plasmar-ho en un paper,

and instead of leaving a little space free within its disdain and putting it on paper,

perquè molts cops sembla que no, jo ho recomano, si algú ens està escoltant, sembla una tonteria,

because many times it seems that it doesn't, I recommend it, if someone is listening to us, it seems silly,

que dius, hòstia, mira, sí, té un diari com uns nens petits, sí, sí, però prova-ho,

What are you saying, damn, look, yes, he has a diary like little kids, yes, yes, but try it,

si un dia no et sap...

if one day it doesn't taste...

És que no fa falta ni que diguis res, hola, no sé què, sóc Marc, i estic aquí, no sé què, avui he fet això, tal, tal, tal,

You don’t even need to say anything, hello, I don’t know what, I’m Marc, and I’m here, I don’t know what, today I did this, blah, blah, blah.

i si vas agafant una mica aquest hàbit, al final sembla que no, però t'ajuda a desconnectar

And if you start to develop this habit a little, in the end it may not seem like it, but it helps you disconnect.

i treure les teves preocupacions, perquè molts cops sembla que una preocupació sigui molt gran,

and take away your worries, because many times it seems that a worry is very big,

però quan la plasmes damunt d'un paper i la llegeixes, sembla no tant,

but when you put it on paper and read it, it doesn't seem so much.

i l'obligació també d'aquest exercici és de...

and the obligation of this exercise is also to...

Si jo hagués escrit el que hagués escrit ara fa un any, ho torno a veure, i dius, mira, fa un any, a l'eix, mira el que em preocupava,

If I had written what I had written a year ago, I look at it again, and you say, look, a year ago, on the axis, look at what worried me,

mira el que em preocupava, i també és lo guai, que d'aquí un any segurament tornaré a llegir el que he escrit aquests dies,

look at what worried me, and also it's cool, that in a year I will surely read again what I have written these days,

i em faran gràcia, i em faran gràcia dels problemes, perquè molts cops semblen problemes de categoria mundial i molt durs,

and they will amuse me, and they will amuse me with the problems, because many times they seem like world-class problems and very tough,

i també aprens a relativitzar, entenc.

And you also learn to put things into perspective, I understand.



Sí, totalment, i jo crec que també, això escrivint, crec que és una eina o una sortida perquè prens la capacitat de dir,

Yes, totally, and I believe that too, writing is a tool or an outlet because it gives you the ability to express yourself.

ostres, si hi ha una cosa que em preocupa molt i sento que se'm cau al damunt,

wow, if there is one thing that worries me a lot and I feel is crashing down on me,

si escrius és una eina més que tens, que trobes i que funciona per intentar sentir menys càrrega al teu damunt.

If you write, it is another tool you have, that you find and that works to try to feel less burden on you.

Sí, és com si et desfoguessis, també.

Yes, it's like you're letting off steam, too.

Exacte, quan ho passes malament o quan tens un problema que t'afecta molt, independentment del que sigui,

Exactly, when you are having a hard time or when you have a problem that affects you a lot, regardless of what it is,

hòstia, saber què dir, hòstia, si jo ara em poso a escriure,

Damn, knowing what to say, damn, if I start writing now,

potser estaré una mica millor, jo crec que és una cosa que et reconforta, et serveix com a sortida.

I might be a little better, I think it's something that comforts you, it serves as a way out.

Sí, jo ho he fet servir en molts casos, o a vegades quan tampoc tens cap problema, aparentment,

Yes, I have used it in many cases, or sometimes when you apparently don't have any problems either.

sinó de tant en tant, treure fora els teus pensaments, o si tens algun repte que vulguis tirar endavant...

but from time to time, bring out your thoughts, or if you have any challenge you want to pursue...

O dubtes, o dubte, també.

Either doubts, or doubt, as well.

O també el que diuen, també, a vegades, és que si tens un problema, doncs agafar un tros de paper molt, molt, molt, molt petit

Or they also say, sometimes, that if you have a problem, then take a piece of paper that is very, very, very, very small.

i posar, i intentar escriure.

and put, and try to write.

Així, el problema.

Thus, the problem.

Després dius, hòstia, si això és un full de paper que fa dos per dos, i el meu problema és així de petit.

Then you say, damn, if this is a piece of paper that is two by two, and my problem is this small.

No sé, són idees que, bueno, jo les he provat, i a mi em funcionen, no és una cosa que faci cada dia,

I don't know, they are ideas that, well, I have tried them, and they work for me, it's not something I do every day.

però de tant en tant, o posar-te a valorar el que tens, hòstia, a vegades, dius, tampoc estem tan malament, tio.

but every now and then, when you start to appreciate what you have, damn, sometimes you say, we’re not doing that bad, man.

Hi ha coses que queden pitjors, però també hi ha gent que li va bastant més malament que a nosaltres.

There are things that are worse, but there are also people who are doing much worse than us.

Hi ha gent que està pitjor, però alhora també és important intentar no comparar-te perquè també pots arribar a ser contraproduent.

There are people who are worse off, but at the same time, it's also important to try not to compare yourself because it can also be counterproductive.

Crec que això és molt important, el que has dit ara, d'aprendre a no comparar-te i que cadascú fa el seu propi camí.

I think that what you just said is very important, to learn not to compare yourself and that everyone follows their own path.

Perquè al final, molts cops, sembla que vulguem competir un contra l'altre, i més, i més, i més,

Because in the end, many times, it seems that we want to compete against each other, more, and more, and more,

i no sabem fins quin punt podem tirar endavant.

and we don't know to what extent we can move forward.

És un exemple clar i simple, pot ser que si tota l'estona estem en una carrera,

It is a clear and simple example, it may be that if we are in a race all the time,

i tota l'estona estem mirant cap als contraments,

and all the time we are looking towards the constraints,

o tota l'estona mirant cap als costats, no pots saber si tires cap endavant, si tens un arbre davant.

Or all the time looking sideways, you can't tell if you're moving forward, if there's a tree in front of you.

T'estampes, tio, t'estampes.

You're crashing, dude, you're crashing.

Exacte, si no m'hagués dit, clar.

Exactly, if you hadn't told me, of course.

Al final, cadascú té el que té, i cadascú va a la velocitat que va, però també a mi em va costar bastant entendre això.

In the end, everyone has what they have, and everyone goes at their own pace, but it also took me quite a while to understand this.

Bastant que molts cops no és comparar-te amb els altres, sinó que cadascú té la seva velocitat i cadascú va al ritme que vol.

Often, it's not about comparing yourself to others, but rather that everyone has their own speed and moves at their own pace.

No hi ha cap carrera, no juguem contra ningú, i, hòstia, és important.

There is no race, we are not competing against anyone, and, damn, that's important.

T'ha passat a tu també en alguna situació?

Has it happened to you too in some situation?

Sí, a mi m'ha passat, sobretot jo, en aquest aspecte, que professionalment, entre cometes, sempre he estat bé o m'he sentit bastant bé,

Yes, it has happened to me, especially me, in this aspect, that professionally, in quotes, I have always been okay or I have felt quite okay.

en l'àmbit personal sí que a vegades he tingut això, alguna tendència comparada,

In the personal sphere, I have sometimes had this, a tendency to compare.

de dir, hòstia, és que hi ha hagut gent que ho ha passat malament i al cap de X temps estava normal, o ja ho havia passat,

To say, damn, there are people who have gone through a hard time and after a certain period it was normal, or they had already gone through it.

i jo, doncs, també, jo soc una persona que en aquest aspecte necessito també més temps i prendre'm calma,

And I, then, also, I am a person who in this aspect also need more time and to take it easy,

i jo hi ha hagut moments que sí que em saturava de dir, hòstia, és que hi ha gent que ha estat bé, malament, malament, bé, bé, malament, 80 vegades,

And there have been moments when I was overwhelmed thinking, damn, there are people who have been good, bad, bad, good, good, bad, 80 times.

i jo encara estic en el procés de la primera cosa, però jo crec que al final són emocions que tots vivim a la llarga,

and I am still in the process of the first thing, but I believe that in the end they are emotions that we all experience in the long run,

que potser les vivim més o les vivim menys, però formen part del que és ser humà, del que és viure en societat,

perhaps we experience them more or we experience them less, but they are part of what it means to be human, of what it means to live in society,

i jo estic d'acord amb tu, crec que en això tots necessitem també trobar els nostres temps.

And I agree with you, I think that in this we all also need to find our own time.

Crec que també relacionat amb aquest tema de buscar més interior i d'arribar...

I believe it is also related to this theme of seeking more inner depth and reaching...

Idealitzadament es diu de conèixer més a tu, però ara tinc una frase, a veure què et sembla,

Ideally, it is said to know more about you, but now I have a sentence, let's see what you think.

que és curta però té molta xitxa, que em va dir un profe un cop,

"it is short but has a lot of substance, as a teacher told me once,"

teremos que aprender a ser haciendo y aprender a hacer siendo.

We will have to learn to be by doing and learn to do by being.

T'explico una mica, si no l'has escoltat mai, potser que et xoqui una mica,

I'll explain a little to you, if you've never heard it, it might shock you a bit.

a mi em va xocar molt i no ho vaig entendre fins...

it shocked me a lot and I didn't understand it until...

Fins uns mesos després que la vaig tornar a escoltar.

Until a few months after I heard her again.

Hi ha dues maneres diferents, que és el ser, que seria l'aleix, com és l'aleix i què és l'aleix realment,

There are two different ways, which are being, which would be the aleix, how the aleix is, and what the aleix really is.

i l'hacer és el que fa l'aleix, és a dir, no és l'aleix sinó el que fa.

And the doer is what Aleix does, that is to say, it is not Aleix but what he does.

Crec que hem d'aprendre a compaginar aquests dos mons, que és important,

I believe we need to learn to reconcile these two worlds, which is important.

perquè hem de saber separar el que és el que tu ets i el que tu fas, perquè molts cops crec que erroneament

because we need to know how to separate what you are and what you do, because often I think that mistakenly

pensem que el que fem i el que som és el mateix, però crec que són dues coses totalment diferents però que han d'anar alineades.

We think that what we do and what we are is the same, but I believe that they are two totally different things that must be aligned.

Com ho veus?

How do you see it?

Jo crec que també és una cosa que va molt relacionada amb l'aspecte social al final,

I believe that it is also something that is very related to the social aspect in the end.

si a vegades jo crec que hi ha disrupció entre el que som i el que fem també és pel que s'espera de nosaltres,

if sometimes I believe that there is a disruption between who we are and what we do, it is also due to what is expected of us,

i a vegades el condicionant aquest, que potser no existeix, potser ens el posem nosaltres mateixos moltes vegades,

and sometimes this conditioning, which perhaps does not exist, we perhaps impose on ourselves many times,

però crec que també és un factor molt important a l'hora que no estiguin alineats perquè o t'afecta molt el que t'envolta o t'afecta molt poc.

But I think it is also a very important factor in not being aligned because what surrounds you either affects you a lot or affects you very little.

Jo crec que aquesta desconexió pot generar també aquest diferent del fer i del ser.

I believe that this disconnection can also generate this difference between doing and being.

Jo crec que al final els actes, el fer és el que es queda, el que recordes, és igual tu el que pensis,

I believe that in the end, actions, doing is what remains, what you remember, regardless of what you think.

que si ara mateix jo salto de la piscina, salto d'aquí des del balcó, doncs l'acte, encara que jo pensés que no ho volgués fer,

that if right now I jump from the pool, I jump from here from the balcony, then the act, even if I thought that I didn't want to do it,

el que quedarà és això. Per tant, jo crec que és molt important tenir clar el que penses,

what will remain is this. Therefore, I believe it is very important to be clear about what you think,

però alhora també tenir clar que el que fas, independentment que sigui diferent del que penses, té moltes més conseqüències que el que penses.

but at the same time also be clear that what you do, regardless of whether it is different from what you think, has many more consequences than you think.

Pot ser que aquest exemple es pugui veure més clarament en la mort?

Could it be that this example can be seen more clearly in death?



Perquè molts cops, quan morim, bueno, quan morim, perdona, no morim, però és a dir, quan algú proper mor,

Because many times, when we die, well, when we die, excuse me, we don't die, but I mean, when someone close dies,



al final hi ha dues diferències, que és el que era ell, és a dir, com era la persona que era una persona que s'estava pels altres,

In the end, there are two differences, which is what he was, that is to say, how he was a person who cared for others.

i l'altra cosa és el que feia ell, perquè al final són dues coses diferents, però que hem d'aprendre a diferenciar

And the other thing is what he did, because in the end they are two different things, but we have to learn to differentiate them.

perquè també ens ajuda a nosaltres a la manera com pensem. Una cosa el que fem, l'altra el que som.

because it also helps us in the way we think. One thing is what we do, the other is what we are.

I crec que és molt important saber treballar una cosa i l'altra, perquè van totalment enllaçades.

I believe it is very important to know how to work on one thing and another, because they are completely connected.

I a més crec que hi ha un factor més també que és important, que és el, has dit,

And I also think there is one more factor that is important, which is the, you've said,

que és el temps. Al final, el pas del temps et fa desdibuixar les coses, vulguis o no,

what time is. In the end, the passage of time makes you blur things, whether you want to or not,

i al final, això dius, quan algú es mor, al cap de, no l'endemà o el passat, però quan passen molts anys,

And in the end, you say this when someone dies, not the next day or the day before, but when many years have passed,

la imatge que et queda al final és molt més del que va fer del que era, perquè vas difuminant cada cop més la seva persona.

The image you are left with in the end is much more than what it was, because you increasingly blur their identity.

I al final jo crec que les coses que fas són les que més es queden, tot i que sigui molt més important el que penses, el que fas és més important.

And in the end, I believe that the things you do are what remain the most, even though what you think is much more important, what you do is more important.

Crec que ara em saltaré una mica la frase, perquè ara et tocaria a tu, però és que ara has tret un tema que m'agradaria comentar amb tu.

I think I'm going to skip the sentence a bit, because it's your turn now, but you've brought up a topic that I would like to discuss with you.

No és per ser una mica més pessimista, però el tema de la mort. Hi ha una frase de Borges que diu

It's not to be a bit more pessimistic, but the subject of death. There is a phrase by Borges that says

La mort és una vida vivida. Què en penses?

Death is a life lived. What do you think?

Porto uns dies jo, per casualitats de la vida o del destí, pensant en la mort.

I have been spending a few days, by the coincidences of life or fate, thinking about death.

En què al final és una cosa que no hi pensem, és una cosa que no hi pensem,

In the end, it's something we don't think about, it's something we don't think about.

i jo crec que la nostra vida, la nostra societat està pensada en no pensar en la mort,

And I believe that our life, our society is designed not to think about death,

perquè crec que és una cosa tan dura, tan inexplicable, tan estranya, que gairebé, perdó l'eufemisme, però té un punt de màgia,

because I think it is something so hard, so inexplicable, so strange, that almost, forgive the euphemism, but it has a touch of magic,

literalment, que ens demostra que estem vius, que s'acaben les coses, i tinc una mica el dubte de dir,

literally, it shows us that we are alive, that things come to an end, and I have a bit of doubt in saying,

hòstia, potser no estem aquí tant de temps com ens pensem, i hòstia, de vegades tinc el dubte de dir,

Damn, maybe we're not here as long as we think, and damn, sometimes I have the doubt of saying,

quan miri, ja no inclús amb la mort, quan miri quan tingui 50, 60 anys, diré, hòstia, vaig aprofitar bé els, entre cometes, aquests anys de la meva vida?

When I look back, not even with death, when I look back when I'm 50, 60 years old, I will say, damn, did I make good use of these, in quotes, years of my life?

Perquè pensa que en un qual, a veure, no fa falta que siguem totalment pessimistes, però és una realitat, en qualsevol moment, ara és tu i jo, com un dia que anàvem a fer el podcast de Tarragona,

Because I think that in a way, come on, we don't need to be totally pessimistic, but it's a reality, at any moment, right now it's you and me, like the day we were going to do the podcast in Tarragona,



Agafem el cotxe.

Let's take the car.

Se'ns creu algú, o ens ve de cara, perquè el que sigui, i ja no hi som.

Someone believes us, or faces us, because whatever it is, and we are no longer there.



És a dir...

That is to say...

Exacte, i que al final és això, és una cosa que és segura, saps? I és...

Exactly, and in the end, that's it, it's something that is certain, you know? And it is...

És a dir, d'una altra cosa no sé, però de que ens morirem, estem segurs.

That is to say, I don't know about anything else, but we are sure that we will die.

No hi ha res segur en aquest món menys això, de que ens morirem, i és estrany perquè, o sigui, a mi és una cosa que és estranya perquè no estem preparats per com reaccionar davant d'això.

There is nothing certain in this world except this: that we will die, and it's strange because, I mean, it's something that is strange to me because we are not prepared for how to react to this.

Almenys és la sensació que tinc jo.

At least that's the feeling I have.

Sí, perquè molts cops no... crec que és de les preguntes que... o dels temes que pot ser que tinguis més incertesa.

Yes, because many times... I think it's one of the questions that... or one of the topics that you might have more uncertainty about.



Però al final ningú que hagi estat allí ha tornat aquí per explicar-ho.

But in the end, no one who has been there has come back here to explain it.



I hi ha un munt de teories, no sé... ara després comentarem què en pensem després, però crec que és... no ho sé, és a dir, és una cosa que dins del cap...

And there are a lot of theories, I don't know... we'll discuss what we think about it later, but I believe that it's... I don't know, that is to say, it's something that in the mind...

No em...

Don't me...

No pots trobar una explicació.

You can't find an explanation.

No pots, és impossible.

You can't, it's impossible.

No pots trobar una explicació perquè no ho saps, i sí que hi ha moltes teories, però no sé, què en penses tu de la mort, Aleix?

You can't find an explanation because you don't know it, and there are indeed many theories, but I don't know, what do you think about death, Aleix?

Sí, jo vinc per un costat d'una família per part de pare que sempre he sigut educat en el no hi ha res, s'ha acabat, però alhora això també és dir, ok, però què és el no res, s'ha acabat, no...

Yes, I come from one side of a family on my father's side that has always taught me that there is nothing, it's over, but at the same time this also means, okay, but what is nothing, it's over, no...

O sigui, no podem concebre la nostra existència sense aquest cos, sense pensar.

In other words, we cannot conceive of our existence without this body, without thinking.

Entenc que és una cosa que acabarà passant, que és molt complicada, i hòstia, jo crec que el que més costa és que és impossible que ho puguem concebre.

I understand that it is something that will eventually happen, that it is very complicated, and man, I think that what is hardest is that it is impossible for us to conceive it.

Per tant, és un aspecte que de tant en tant va tornant a mi, saps? Jo crec que al final és com el mar, i hi ha vegades que penso molt en la mort i després torna, i és una cosa que sempre va tornant, i hòstia, fa por.

Therefore, it is an aspect that occasionally comes back to me, you know? I think that in the end, it's like the sea, and there are times when I think a lot about death and then it comes back, and it's something that always returns, and damn, it’s scary.

Tu separaries cos d'ànima?

Would you separate body from soul?

Cos i ànima per una altra banda?

Body and soul on the other hand?

A veure, dintre el meu cap són espectacular que quan et morissis, separessis la teva ànima i la teva ànima pogués ser existent, però és una cosa que veig molt complicada, i que alhora també em preocupa. Però alhora, no sé, jo...

Let's see, in my head it's spectacular that when you die, you separate your soul and your soul could be existent, but it's something I see as very complicated, and that at the same time worries me. But at the same time, I don't know, I...

Què és el que penses tu que n'hi ha després?

What do you think is there after that?

Jo crec que no hi ha res. Tant de bo, o sigui, tant de bo m'equivoqui. Però crec que és el cicle natural de la vida, i...

I believe there is nothing. I wish, I mean, I wish I were wrong. But I think it's the natural cycle of life, and...

I part de la vida. I part de la vida. I part de la vida. I part de la vida.

I part of life. I part of life. I part of life. I part of life.

I part de la vida també és la mort, i la sensació també de que no hi ha cap mena de remenent, ni cap mena de comunicació elèctrica dintre el teu cap, ni res.

Part of life is also death, and the sensation that there is no kind of remnant, nor any kind of electrical communication inside your head, nor anything.

Un cop t'has mort, doncs em convida a pensar que segurament tot el que estiguem fent ara no ho puguem tornar a fer, o sigui que val la pena aprofitar-ho.

Once you're dead, it invites me to think that everything we are doing now we might not be able to do again, so it is worth taking advantage of it.

Jo em penso que un cop et mors i fas l'últim suspiro que hi dius...

I think that once you die and take your last breath, that’s what you say...

L'últim suspiro que hi diuen, com si fos un somni, i estiguessis... És a dir, com si estiguessis dormint i tinguessis un somni.

The last sigh they say, as if it were a dream, and you were... That is to say, as if you were sleeping and having a dream.

Però clar, aquesta teoria... També sóc partidari que després no hi ha res, i que molts cops, doncs, no sabem què hi ha, però si hi hagués un somni darrere, tampoc saps si el que estem ara vivint és un somni, saps?

But of course, this theory... I also support the idea that there is nothing afterwards, and that many times, well, we don't know what is there, but if there were a dream behind it, you also don't know if what we are living now is a dream, you know?

És a dir, és com un cercle viciós que no pots trobar resposta. Crec que no hi ha cap...

That is to say, it's like a vicious circle that you can't find an answer to. I don't think there is any...

No hi ha cap resposta. És una pregunta que... Cada persona pot tenir la seva resposta i pot tenir el seu punt de vista, però crec que pot ser... No ho tinc gens clar.

There is no answer. It's a question that... Each person can have their own answer and their own point of view, but I think it can be... I'm not clear at all.

Però m'agradaria que fos un somni i que poguéssim continuar, sincerament. Però clar, això també, doncs, et deixa amb una sensació de despreocupació amb el que estàs fent tu ara.

But I would like it to be a dream and that we could continue, honestly. But of course, this also leaves you with a feeling of carefreeness about what you are doing now.

Però crec que també té molt més sentit pensar que després no hi ha res,

But I think it makes much more sense to think that after there is nothing.

i que el que hem de fer és ara, és a dir...

and what we have to do now is, that is to say...

sense comparar-nos amb altres, sense tenir molta pressa pel que volem fer, però seguint un ritme adequat i que nosaltres puguem compaginar i tirar endavant. Però també ens ajuda a saber que... hi ha vida, tio.

without comparing ourselves to others, without being in a hurry for what we want to do, but following a suitable pace that we can balance and move forward. But it also helps us to know that... there is life, man.

Exacte. I que al final és això, arribis al final del camí i diguis... Estic bé, he viscut el que volia viure. I jo crec que també ens hem d'agafar en això, en creure, en aquest punt d'esperança.

Exactly. And in the end, that's it, you reach the end of the road and say... I'm fine, I've lived what I wanted to live. And I believe we also have to hold on to this, to believe, to this point of hope.

Perquè la mort és part de la vida i tot això pot ser d'esperança. I és evident, no ho és, això.

Because death is part of life and all of this can be hopeful. And it's obvious, isn't it?

Efectivament, el que pensaves i la sensació de dir això després de copiar de cuixot, es pot Thomas Haynes la veritat, ara ja...

Indeed, what you were thinking and the feeling of saying this after copying from the thigh, you can Thomas Haynes the truth, now already...

és part de la vida, jo crec que també

it's part of life, I believe it is too

és part de la vida ser conscient

It is part of life to be aware.

que l'hem de viure

that we have to live it

i igual que no ens podem oblidar

and just as we cannot forget

de la mort que ens oblidem

of the death that we forget

tampoc ens podem oblidar de viure

we also cannot forget to live

jo crec que no

I don't think so.

amb aquesta frase que has acabat

with this sentence you have just finished

hem de canviar

we have to change

perquè ho has deixat tan alt

Why have you left it so high?

que qualsevol cosa que digui

that anything I say

no estarà al teu nivell

it won't be at your level

doncs passem

so let's move on

a una frase

to a sentence

d'un magnífic pensador

of a magnificent thinker

un paio super guapo

a super handsome guy

de fet sóc jo

in fact, it's me

i la frase és diferent

and the sentence is different

perquè això es relaciona molt amb el que has dit

because this is very much related to what you said

perquè la frase és

because the phrase is

abans de morir jo vull

before I die I want

què vols fer abans de morir?

What do you want to do before you die?


I am

no ho tens clar

you don't have it clear

no ho tinc clar

I don't have it clear.

perquè la resposta és idealitzada

because the answer is idealized

que és ser feliç

what it means to be happy

però després hi hauria un altre tema

but then there would be another topic



abans de morir

before dying

jo tinc ganes

I feel like it.

de provar coses

of trying things

de provar menjars

of trying dishes

d'olorar nous paisatges

of smelling new landscapes

de viatjar

of traveling

tinc ganes de sortir

I feel like going out.

per tornar a entrar

to re-enter

jo abans de morir el que vull és

before I die, what I want is

viure experiències

live experiences

i emportar-me una bona motxilla

and take a good backpack with me

amb bons records

With fond memories

què vols tu?

What do you want?

jo una de les coses que tinc

I one of the things I have

com a objectiu

as a goal

o que m'agradaria fer en algun moment de la meva vida

or what I would like to do at some point in my life

és poder fer periodisme

it is to be able to do journalism

però poder fer periodisme

but to be able to do journalism

en algun país de l'Àfrica

in some country in Africa

perquè és una zona que em crida molt l'atenció

because it is an area that really catches my attention

m'agrada molt com funciona

I really like how it works.

com està organitzada socialment

how it is socially organized

també la pressió que tenen

also the pressure they have

els grans poders europeus

the great European powers

americans sobre el continent

Americans on the continent.

i sempre m'ha tret molt

And it's always taken a lot out of me.

la vida al continent americà

life on the American continent

i és una cosa

and it is one thing

que de veritat

that really

em faria molt feliç

it would make me very happy

poder tenir la possibilitat

to have the possibility

d'explicar les històries

of explaining the stories

que ja passen

that are already happening

tu saps que m'agrada molt explicar històries

You know that I really like to tell stories.

recollir exemples de molta gent

collect examples from a lot of people

però crec que

but I think that

vull històries noves

I want new stories.

vull històries de gent

I want stories of people.

que jo no podria mai arribar a imaginar

that I could never imagine

pel simple fet que la meva vida és molt diferent

for the simple fact that my life is very different

de la que viu en ells

of the one that lives in them

crec que també el que et diferencia a ells d'altres periodistes

I think that what sets you apart from other journalists as well.

és que

it's that

algun cop ja t'ho he comentat

I've mentioned it to you before.

però tu tens una altra visió diferent

but you have a different perspective

d'entendre les històries

of understanding the stories

una història quotidiana

a daily story

no t'atrau

doesn't attract you

a tu el que t'atrau és

what attracts you is

el diferencial

the differential

i que si es pot parlar d'algun tabú

and whether it is possible to talk about any taboo

i trencar algun tema a la societat

and break a certain issue in society

jo crec que des de fora

I believe that from the outside

això t'encanta

you love this


you love

posar-li de la llaga

to put it in the wound

t'encanta posar-te en una situació

you love to put yourself in a situation

on molta gent no s'hi posaria

a lot of people wouldn't get involved in it

on jugar-te-la

to take a risk

per parlar de temes

to talk about topics

que molts cops

that many times

potser l'altra persona

maybe the other person


let's say



perquè són molt personals

because they are very personal

i són diferencials

and are differential

i molt poca gent hi parla

and very few people speak it.

també aprofitaré

I will also take advantage.

ja que no ho faràs tu a l'eix

since you won't do it on the axis

però et falla una mica d'espam

but you're lacking a bit of spam

al punt i a part trobareu això

at this point you will find this

són històries

they are stories

de l'eix

of the axis

amb gent superinteressant

with super interesting people

i que si no fos per un programa així

and that if it weren't for a program like this

difícilment podríem escoltar

we could hardly hear

perquè toques de tot

because you touch everything

toco de tot

I touch everything.

la veritat és que

the truth is that

amb el temps dels programes

with the timing of the programs

m'he adonat d'una cosa

I've realized something.

que al final

that in the end

una entrevista d'aquest tipus

an interview of this type

que al final

that in the end

estàs obligant

you are forcing

entre cometes

in quotes

a parlar d'alguna cosa

to talk about something

que potser no parla normalment

that perhaps does not speak normally

és que no és una entrevista

It's just not an interview.

sinó és un intercanvi

otherwise it is an exchange

tu has d'obrir-te

You have to open up.

has d'explicar

you have to explain

una part teva

a part of you

perquè l'altra persona

because the other person

es senti còmoda

feel comfortable

i alhora

and at the same time

n'expliqui una de seva

Tell one of yours.


do you know?

clar perquè

clear because

encara que tu ja hi siguis

even though you are already there

les persones que venen al programa

the people who come to the program

moltes les coneixes

many of them you know

i tens tracte

and you have treatment

amb elles

with them

i això

and this

al final

in the end


helps you

t'ajuda bastant més

it helps you quite a bit more

a parlar del tema de si tabú

to talk about the taboo subject

però també sorprèn

but it also surprises



que el propi entrevistador

that the interviewer himself





que en aquest cas són

that in this case are

són intercanvis d'idees

they are exchanges of ideas



però també sorprèn

but it also surprises

que l'entrevistador

that the interviewer

es despulli

he/she undresses

i després

and then

es despulli l'altre

he undresses the other



que en teoria

that in theory

qui es ve despullat l'altre

who is undressing the other

però tu fas aquest pas endavant

but you take this step forward

perquè l'altre

for the other

es senti molt

it feels very much

molt més a gust

much more comfortable

ens fa baixar la guàrdia

it makes us let our guard down

no no

no no

però al final

but in the end


it is

és interessant el que fas

what you do is interesting



sí que


el podcast aquest d'ahir

this podcast from yesterday



va més orientat

goes more oriented

cap a emprenedors

towards entrepreneurs

però sempre

but always

i això

and this

ho he agafat de tu Aleix

I took it from you, Aleix.

que és

what is it

a part de fer una entrevista

apart from doing an interview

i a part de parlar

and apart from talking

d'un tema en concret

on a specific topic

com si ara jo

as if now I

mira si ho orientem

let's see if we can orient it

també al fracàs

also to failure

que també és una mica

that is also a little

un tema tabú

a taboo subject



o a l'èxit d'una empresa

or the success of a company

a part de l'èxit

Aside from success

o el que faci

or whatever he/she does

amb el seu dia a dia

with their day-to-day life

el que m'interessa

what interests me

és conèixer la persona

it's knowing the person

que va darrere

what's behind

i treure aquest

and take this out

material diferencial

differential material

perquè si tots

because if everyone

fem el mateix

let's do the same

ja sabem

we already know

quina és la posició

what is the position

de l'entrevistat

from the interviewee

ens podem posar

we can put ourselves

a LinkedIn

to LinkedIn

podem trobar

we can find

el seu currículum

his/her resume

i ens podem més o menys

and we can more or less

fer una idea

to get an idea

del que està ocupat

of what is occupied

del que fa

of what it does

de com gasta

of how to spend

el seu projecte

his/her project

si fa algun post

if he/she makes any post

a LinkedIn

to LinkedIn

o a Instagram

or on Instagram

doncs també sabem

so we also know

més o menys

more or less

el que pensa

what one thinks

i cap on van els tiros

And where are the shots going?



conèixer realment

to truly know

com és la seva persona

What is your person like?

i com és el seu dia a dia

And what is their day-to-day life like?

crec que és el seu

I think it's yours.

tret diferencial

differential trait

i crec que és

I think it is

de les coses

of the things

ara no ho havia pensat

I hadn't thought about it now.



però ara que crec

but now that I believe

que ho has dit

that you said it

de les coses

of things

que he après més

that I've learned more

i que m'ha molat

And that I liked.

és aprendre

it is to learn

dels acompanyaments

of the accompaniments

dels primers programes

of the first programs

perquè m'ho deies

why were you telling me that


he says

a part d'estar bé

apart from being well

fer això

do this



anem a conèixer

let's go meet





i jo crec que

and I believe that

això relacionat amb això

this related to this

el dia del fracàs

the day of failure

jo crec que aquell dia

I believe that day.

que he entrevistat el fracàs

that I have interviewed failure

que va quedar molt xula

that turned out really cool

crec que aquell dia

I think that day

també tu te'n vas adonar

you also realized it

o vas veure

or you saw

que hosti

what a pain

mola molt també

it's really cool too

si parteixes

if you leave

d'una experiència personal

from a personal experience

i la portes

and you bring it

al món professional

in the professional world

a partir d'aquí

from here on

del personal professional

of the professional staff

crec que és una cosa

I think it's something.

que dona un valor

that gives value

molt afegit

very added

al programa

to the program



ara que ho dius

now that you mention it

crec que també va ser

I think it was too.

una mica un trampolí

a little bit of a trampoline

perquè fins abans

because until before

tenia estipulat

I had stipulated.

25 minuts

25 minutes

per programa

by program

x preguntes

x questions

si em sortia

if I was successful

d'aquelles preguntes

of those questions

mare meva

my goodness

em posava a suar

I was starting to sweat.

i dic

I say

ja l'he liat

I've already messed it up.

i a partir d'aquell programa

and from that program

que va ser

what was it

crec que van durar

I think they lasted.

uns 52 minuts

about 52 minutes

50-52 minuts

50-52 minutes

em vaig deixar endur

I let myself go.

pel guió

for the script

el guió

the script

sí que va servir

it did work

al principi

at the beginning

però després

but afterwards

vaig anar estirant

I went stretching.

i hi havia moltes preguntes

And there were many questions.

que no vaig fer

that I didn't do

però al final

but in the end

era la situació

it was the situation

i a partir d'allí

and from there

crec que hi ha hagut

I think there has been

com un punt d'inflexió

as a turning point

que he anat

that I have gone

cap a més

towards more

i cada cop

and every time

et sents més segur

do you feel more secure

i sí que és important

and it is indeed important

el guió

the script

però crec que la part més important

but I believe that the most important part

és la preparació

it's the preparation

de l'entrevista

from the interview

de conèixer qui és

to know who he/she is

i el guió t'ajuda

and the script helps you

en algun moment

at some point

que et pots quedar en blanc

that you may draw a blank

per si no saps

just in case you don't know

per on tirar

for throwing

però si saps

but if you know

més o menys

more or less

per on tirar

where to throw

que t'acorda

that you agree

i anar estirant

and keep stretching



i veus que hi ha un altre tema

and you see that there is another topic

que també t'interessa

that also interests you

encara que no tinguessis

even if you didn't have

la teva predisposició

your predisposition

a fer-ho

to do it

pots tirar cap endavant

you can move forward

i pot quedar guai

It can look cool.

jo sempre dic

I always say

que el guió

that the script

te l'has de fer

you have to get it done

simplement perquè

simply because

tu al teu cap

you in your head

tinguis un esquema mental

have a mental framework

de com vols

how do you want

que vagi l'entrevista

good luck with the interview

però un cop

but once

tens el guió fet

do you have the script ready

i comences a parlar

and you start to speak

el més important

the most important

és estirar

it is to stretch

i anar estirant

and keep stretching

el fil del convidat

the guest's thread

mentre tens tu

while you have yourself

clar l'esquema mental

clear the mental scheme

que tens dins

what you have inside

perquè has fet el guió

Why have you made the script?



vaig jo a l'eix

I'm going to the axis.

t'agafo l'ordre alternat

I'll take the alternate order.

aquesta frase

this sentence

és una mica més jerga

it's a bit more jargon

però està molt guai

but it's really cool

està molt guai

it's really cool

en los criaderos de gallines

in the chicken farms

se les quima el pico

their beak is burned

a los pollitos

to the chicks

para que no dañen

so that they do not harm

a los huevos

to the eggs

en los criaderos de humanos

in human breeding grounds

se suelen cegar

they often blind themselves

a los pequeños

to the little ones

para que sean

so that they are

tan productivos

so productive

como un pollo

like a chicken

no te enriguis

don't laugh at me

és una veritat

it is a truth

com un piano

like a piano



la productivitat


la famosíssima productivitat

the very famous productivity

i automatització

and automation

de les persones

of the people

que jo crec que

that I think that

és preocupant

it is worrying

per tot el que hem vingut parlant

for all that we have been talking about

jo crec

I believe.

perquè xoca

because it crashes

directament aquesta frase

directly this sentence

amb el discurs

with the speech

que hem

what we have



durant aquest programa

during this program

que al final

that in the end

de vida només n'hi ha una

There is only one life.

i a vegades

and sometimes

tens la sensació

you have the feeling

que només importen

that only matter

les xifres

the figures

només importen

only matter

els números

the numbers

i que tu facis

and that you do

el que


l'altra gent

the other people

vol que facis

I want you to do it.

i a part d'això

and apart from that



crec que també

I think so too.

toca una mica més

play a little more

la fibra

the fiber

a la part del sistema educatiu

in the education system

i com estem acostumats

and as we are used to

a pensar

to think



jo crec que la paraula

I believe that the word

potser no és pensar

maybe it's not thinking

és repetir

it is to repeat







fer el que tires endavant

do what you throw forward

perquè molts cops després

because many times afterwards

quan fas coses

when you do things

que no són del teu estil

that are not your style

com ara

like now

aquest podcast

this podcast

doncs t'adones que

so you realize that

estic pensant

I am thinking.

no només estic

not only am I



o veient

or seeing

el que fan els altres

what others do

i copiar-ho

and copy it

has de buscar

you have to search

el teu propi estil

your own style

i al final

and in the end

és la diferenciació

it is the differentiation

encara que soni

even though it sounds

una mica

a little bit

una mica cínic

a bit cynical

però el que volen fer

but what they want to do

amb nosaltres

with us

també és fer

it is also to do

jo crec que

I believe that

fer robots

to make robots

fer gent

to make people

que no pensi gaire

don't think too much

que no s'aixequi gaire

that it shouldn't be raised too much

de la cadira

from the chair



que digui el que pensa

to say what he thinks

i que pugui tirar

and that I can throw

passos cap endavant

steps forward

molts cops doncs

many times therefore


we are






to work

tenir fills

to have children



o casa

or home





hipoteca important

important mortgage


to wait

dues setmanes

two weeks





a l'any de vacances

in the year of vacation

per fer el que realment

to do what really

ens agrada

we like

però i si agafem

but what if we take

el punt de vista

the viewpoint

des d'una òptica

from a perspective



i una visió diferent

and a different vision

que és

what is it

veure des del que ens agrada

to see from what we like

i que és

and what is it

i a partir d'allí

and from there


we throw

sé que pot sonar

I know it may sound

molts cops difícil

many times difficult

perquè malauradament

because unfortunately

hi ha molta gent

there are many people

que no es pot dedicar

that cannot be dedicated

allò que li agrada

that which pleases him/her

o allò

or that

el que realment li agrada

what he really likes

no està ben pagat

it's not well paid

o tenim altres problemes

We have other problems.

però crec que també

but I think that too

ve una part

come a part

com parlàvem abans

as we were talking earlier

de responsabilitat

of responsibility



i com ens emmirallem

and how we reflect on ourselves

però què en penses tu

but what do you think?

ara del sistema educatiu

now of the educational system

com ha sigut

how it has been

la teva experiència

your experience



jo he tingut

I have had

una experiència

an experience

molt reveladora

very revealing

de fet

in fact

perquè jo vaig començar

because I started

jo vaig començar

I started

aquí al Piedalbola

here at Piedalbola

que de fet

that in fact

està aquí al costat

it's next door

i era un centre

and it was a center

on hi havia una gran

there was a big

taxa de gent estrangera

foreign population rate

jo crec que

I believe that

va ser com un xoc

it was like a shock

de realitat

of reality

de dir

to say



no tothom parla català

not everyone speaks Catalan

a casa

at home

no tothom

not everyone



pot marxar els caps de setmana

You can leave on the weekends.

no tothom pot tenir

not everyone can have

el videojoc que hi vol

the video game that he/she wants

i va ser doncs

and it was then

per un costat

on one side

una cosa reveladora

a revealing thing

jo crec que el sistema educatiu

I believe that the educational system

va ser

it was

va estar molt bé

it was very good

perquè em permetia

because it allowed me

va ser un sistema

it was a system

de projectes

of projects



al que

to which

el que funcionava

what worked

a les altres escoles

to the other schools

llavors vaig arribar

then I arrived

al batxillerat

to the baccalaureate

al Gabriel I. Ferreter

to Gabriel I. Ferreter

que llavors

that then

sí que va ser

yes, it was

un llibre

a book


of studying

i em paro a pensar

and I stop to think

ara amb el temps

now with time

i dic

I say

és que no

it's just that no

hem parlat en cap moment

we haven't spoken at any time

d'aprendre a parlar

to learn to speak

en públic

in public

no m'ha pres

he hasn't taken me

en cap moment

at no time

a fer

to do

l'educació emocional

emotional education

no m'ha pres

he hasn't taken me

en cap moment

at no time

a com fer

how to do

la declaració

the declaration

de la renda

of the income

no m'ha pres

he hasn't taken me

a fer coses bàsiques

to do basic things

que són necessàries

that are necessary

de quedar

to stay

al nostre dia a dia

in our daily lives

i sí que

and yes that

he après

I have learned

a fer equacions

to make equations

de segon grau

of second degree

i sí que he après

and yes, I have learned

a fer coses

to do things

per posar un exemple

to give an example

hi ha gent que utilitza

there are people who use

les equacions de segon grau

second-degree equations

però sí que

but yes that

hi ha moltes coses

there are many things





poc pràctiques

few practices

que es fan aprendre

that they learn

i jo crec que

and I believe that

és important

it's important

aprendre les coses bàsiques

learn the basics

de saber

to know

d'on vens

where do you come from

quina és la història

what is the story

del lloc on estàs

from the place where you are

com s'escriu

how to write

com hi ha coses bàsiques

as there are basic things

aprendre autors

learn authors

però alhora

but at the same time

també és important

it is also important

que hi ha moltes coses

that there are many things

que es passen

what's going on

per al dintre


del sistema educatiu

of the education system

i que

and that

ens aporta

brings us

més felicitat

more happiness

jo crec que inclús

I believe that even

que ens podrien ajudar

that could help us



afrontar millor

cope better

les coses que ens passen

the things that happen to us

al nostre dia a dia

in our day to day


I share

aquesta visió

this vision

i hi ha una pregunta

And there is a question.

a veure què en penses

let's see what you think

si en lloc

if instead


to teach us



ens ensenyessin

they taught us

a com pensen

how they think

i com podríem

and how could we

pensar en altres

thinking of others

a través de la seva visió

through his/her vision

creus que ens ajudaria?

Do you think it would help us?

Jo crec que sí

I believe so.

sens dubte

without a doubt

perquè al final

because in the end

les persones

the people

o sigui

that is to say

al final

in the end

la millor manera

the best way


to learn

és veient

it is seeing

altres gent

other people



o no sé com dir-ho

or I don't know how to say it

o sigui

that is to say

al final

in the end

tothom ha fet

everyone has done

el mateix procés

the same process

per arribar

to arrive

fins a on està ara

up to where it is now

jo crec que

I believe that

veure gent

see people

que ha sigut brillant

that has been brilliant

en la seva matèria

in its subject matter

en les coses

in things

que de veritat

that truly

han aportat

they have contributed

un valor afegit

an added value

a la humanitat

to humanity

jo crec que

I believe that

a vegades


perdem una mica

we're losing a bit

la concepció aquesta

this conception

de dir

to say



què necessitem

what do we need

de veritat


per viure

to live

el nostre dia a dia

our day to day

i jo crec que

and I believe that

el fet de

the fact of

això també passa

this also happens

una mica

a little bit

amb la filosofia

with philosophy

jo crec que

I believe that

fins a la filosofia

up to philosophy

no hi ha aquest pas

this step does not exist

de dir

to say

aquesta gent

these people

pensava així

I thought like this.


do you know?


it is

memoritza això

memorize this

això va passar així

this happened like this

o això es fa

or this is done

d'aquesta manera

in this way

ara t'anava a treure

I was just going to get you out.

aquest tema

this topic

t'anava a parlar

I was going to talk to you.

de filosofia

of philosophy

i crec que

I believe that

és una assignatura

it's a subject

molt important

very important

si l'orientes

if you guide it

no des de l'estudi

not from the study

sinó des de

but from


to question oneself

el que penses

what you think

perquè al final

because in the end

hi ha un munt de gent

there are a lot of people

que abans

than before

ha tingut els mateixos

has had the same

problemes que tu

problems that you

grans pensadors

great thinkers



jo què sé

I don't know.





si vas una mica

if you go a little bit



a l'història moderna

to modern history

i s'ha de llegir

it must be read

no erari

you wouldn’t be

és a dir

that is to say

són diferents pensadors

they are different thinkers

que t'ofereixen

what they offer you

la seva visió

his/her vision

en diferents etapes

in different stages

de la història

of the history

però si et fixes

but if you look closely

tenen un punt en comú

they have a common point

que tots tenen

that everyone has

els mateixos problemes

the same problems

tots tenen els mateixos problemes

everyone has the same problems

en diferents èpoques

in different times

però també

but also

et pots admirar

you can admire yourself

i veure

and see

com penses

how do you think

però crec que

but I think that

el més important

the most important

d'aquesta assignatura

of this subject

és que t'aprenguis

it’s that you learn

a qüestionar coses

to question things

i que molts

and many



que tens

what do you have

sobre tu mateix

about yourself

o sobre altres

or about others

els puguis

you can (plural)


to question

o puguis

or you can


to reason

i pensar

and think

sobre temes

about themes

que segurament

that surely

no faríem

we wouldn't do it

al final

in the end

aquesta xerrada

this chat

sí que pot estar

yes it can be

com un to

like a tune

molt filosòfic

very philosophical

perquè estem parlant

because we are talking





per la vida

for life



sí, humans

yes, humans

però que molts cops

but many times

no es parlen

they do not speak to each other



jo et dic jo

I tell you I.

o potser si es parlen

or maybe they are talking.

és amb gent

it's with people

que sigui més gran

that it be bigger

que nosaltres

that we

o que estigui

or that it is

amb una altra perspectiva

with another perspective

o que sigui

or whatever it is

o que hagi tingut

or that I have had

alguna experiència xocant

any shocking experience

que diu

what does it say





i penso

I think

però com creus

But how do you think?

que és important

what is important

aquest autocuestionament

this self-questioning

de temes

of themes





i que aquí hi ha una capacitat

and that there is a capacity here

que és superimportant

that is super important

dintre de la filosofia

within philosophy

que és

what is it

entre cometes

in quotes

fer teus

make yours

els problemes

the problems

o els pensos

or the thoughts

o sigui

that is to say

primer entendre

first understand

com pensaven

as they thought

o quina era la manera

Oh, what was the way?

d'entendre les coses

of understanding things

de la gent

of the people

dels diferents filòsofs

of the different philosophers

i alhora

and at the same time

també tenir la capacitat

also have the ability

de dir

to say

de saber implementar

of knowing how to implement

els problemes

the problems

o els problemes

or the problems

que et preocupen a tu

that concern you

en la teva vida diària

in your daily life


You know?

crec que també

I think so too.

això és una capacitat

this is a capacity



de dir

to say



jo tinc aquest problema

I have this problem.

o em preocupa aquesta cosa

or this thing worries me

com ho van fer

how did they do it

els diferents d'això

the different from this

i alhora

and at the same time

fer-ho una miqueta teu

make it a little yours


Do you know?

o sigui

that is

portar el teu problema

bring your problem

si l'hagués tingut plató

if I had had Plato

com l'hagués portat ell

as he would have handled it


Do you know?

no però això està guai

No, but this is cool.



tu quan tens en ment

when do you have in mind

3-4 pensadors

3-4 thinkers

de diferents èpoques

from different eras

o a vegades no fa falta

or sometimes it's not necessary

que siguin pensadors

that they be thinkers

o referents teus

or your references



és a dir

that is to say

anem a tocar un

let's play one

un tema més

one more topic

més proper


o mal cas

or bad case

que comentàvem

what we were discussing

quan hem començat

when we started

aquesta xerrada

this talk

què faria el teu home

What would your man do?

en aquesta situació

in this situation


Do you know?

és a dir

that is to say

o penses

where do you think?

des d'una altra perspectiva

from another perspective

que no té per què ser la bona

that doesn't have to be the right one

o la que facis tu

or the one you make

però també et poses

but you also get

amb una altra visió

with another vision

i entens

and you understand

un altre punt de vista

another point of view





i alhora també

and at the same time also





i al final

and in the end

què saps fent

what do you know how to do

a tot això

to all this

és despertar dins teu

it is to awaken within you

diferents perspectives

different perspectives

que ja les tens tu

that you already have them

el que passa és que

what happens is that

no tens la capacitat

you don't have the ability





, per

, for

veure-ho d'una manera

see it one way

tan gradual

so gradual

i humanitzant-ho

and humanizing it

o personificant-ho

or personifying it

en diferents persones

in different people

a les que et mires

to those you look at

et permet obrir-te a tu mateix

it allows you to open up to yourself

una diferent visió també

a different vision too

clar perquè molts cops

of course because many times

per un problema

for a problem

pensem que només hi ha

we think that there is only

una solució

a solution



i normalment

and usually

no funciona així

it doesn't work like that

encara que molts cops

even though many times

creiem que només hi ha

we believe that there is only

una o una altra

one or the other

n'hi ha moltes visions

there are many visions

que siguin

let them be

adequades a tu

suitable for you

que vaguin coherents

to be coherent

amb el que penses

with what you think

pot ser que sí

it could be so

pot ser que no

it may not be

però n'hi ha diferents

but there are different ones

i crec que és important

I believe it is important.


to know

saber veure

to know how to see

aquesta visió

this vision

i aprendre de qüestionar

and learn to question



que per tu

that for you

són importants

they are important

i totes

and all



tenen les seves conseqüències

they have their consequences

algunes en tindran

some will have them

de més


importants per tu

important for you

i altres en tindran de menys

and others will have less of it.

però tots els actes

but all actions

que fem

what do we do

o totes les coses

or all things

que fem

What do we do?

tenen les seves conseqüències

they have their consequences

és una cosa que

it's something that

m'he donat últimament

I have given myself lately.

de dir

to say



l'és del que fas

it's about what you do

no té un

does not have one

tot el que fas

everything you do

té un impacte

it has an impact

en la teva vida

in your life

o en la societat

or in society

o en algun aspecte

or in some aspect



també has de saber calibrar

you also have to know how to calibrate

però això també

but this too

t'ajuda a fer-te responsable

helps you become responsible

del que fas

of what you do

perquè molts cops

because many times


you say



no passa res

it's okay

si m'equivoco

if I make a mistake


és a dir

that is to say

no passa res

it's okay

si t'equivoques

if you make a mistake

però depèn de l'actitud

but it depends on the attitude

que ho prendis després

that you take it later

si estàs com a responsable

if you are in charge

sabràs que allò

you will know that that

et passarà un cop

it will happen to you once

no crec que et passi

I don't think it will happen to you.

un segon cop

a second time

però si et passa un segon cop

but if it happens to you a second time

un tercer ja no et passarà

a third one won't happen to you anymore

estic seguríssim

I am really sure.

és un exercici

it's an exercise

de maduresa també

of maturity too

també t'ajuda

also helps you

també t'ajuda molt

it also helps you a lot

molt a pensar

a lot to think about


doncs vols que

so you want that





amb la meva

with mine

última frase

last sentence

sí va

yes, go ahead



he tirat una mica

I have thrown a little.

aquí he fet el gir

here I have made the turn

el gir de guió

the plot twist

perquè al final

because in the end

l'hi he desconeguda

I have unknown to him/her.

es vege en un conte

it is seen in a story

de José Saramago

by José Saramago

i he buscat

and I have searched

també una cita

also an appointment

de José Saramago

by José Saramago

i és

and it is

por más espesas

for thicker

y negras que estén

and black that are

las nubes sobre nuestras cabezas

the clouds above our heads

el cielo

the sky

allí arriba

up there

siempre estará

will always be

permanentemente azul

permanently blue


sí sí

yes yes

abans de


de comentar

to comment

aquesta frase

this sentence



José Saramago

José Saramago

premi Nobel de Literatura

Nobel Prize in Literature



crec que t'has

I think you have

t'has informat

have you informed yourself

sí sí

yes yes

amb el conte

with the story

de l'hi he desconeguda

of the unknown to him

i al final

and in the end

com fèiem el primer programa

how we made the first program




of introduction

crec que

I believe that

té una manera d'escriure

he has a way of writing



molt peculiar

very peculiar

juga amb moltes metàfores

plays with many metaphors

i que li has de buscar

And you have to look for him/her.

un trasfondo

a background

també ho relaciono

I also relate it.

amb la frase que deies

with the phrase you were saying

de que

of what

no passaràs dos cops

you won't pass twice

per la mateixa aigua

for the same water

d'aquell riu

of that river




lo guai

the cool thing

de la lectura

from the reading

és que

it's that




the writer

pot ser que ho escrigui

It might be that I write it.

per la seva manera

for his/her way

però també et pot servir a tu

but it can also be useful for you

és a dir

that is to say

molts cops

many times

un llibre

a book

si jo el llegeixo ara

if I read it now

amb 21 anys

at 21 years old

i el llegeixo

and I read it

amb 25

with 25

segurament no tindré

I probably won't have.

segurament no

probably not

no tindrà el mateix significat

it will not have the same meaning

per tu

for you

pot ser que amb moltes coses

it may be that with many things





cada cop que vas avançant

every time you move forward

veus diferents

you see different

veus diferents perspectives

you see different perspectives

perquè l'escrit

for the writing

està igual

it is the same

el que has canviat

what you have changed

ets tu

it's you



el que has canviat

what you have changed

ets tu

it's you

i és la gràcia també

and it is also the beauty

una mica

a little bit

dels llibres

of the books

i ara

and now



m'està fascinant

I am fascinated.

amb la frase

with the phrase

que dius tu

What do you say?




we are

bueno ara ja

well now already

ja ha caigut el sol

the sun has already set

ja és més fosc

it's already darker

ara ja comencem

now we begin

the winter is coming

The winter is coming.



però sí que avui

but yes, today

ja estem

We're done.

teníem més núvols

we had more clouds

però tot i així

but still

el sol s'hi vella

the sun grows old there

i que un cop

and that once

vas amb avió

Are you going by plane?

tu quan estàs avió dalt

you when you are up in the air

molts cops

many times

fas sol tio

you're really cool, dude

és a dir

that is to say

encara que



let's have

el cap una mica

the head a little



pot ser que trobem

it could be that we find



aquest aclaror

this clearing

que ens pugui ajudar

that can help us

a tenir una mica

to have a little

més esperança

more hope

en moments

in moments

no tan bons

not that good

a vegades necessitem

sometimes we need

l'avançar una mica

to move forward a little

per veure

to see

com són les coses

how are things


i ara sí

and now yes

que per acabar l'eix

to finish the axis

he agafat una frase extra

I have taken an extra sentence.

que bueno

how good

em feia

it made me

em feia gràcia

it amused me

dic bueno

I say good.

farem 4 i 4

we will do 4 and 4

i jo

and me

acabaré amb l'última

I will finish with the last one.

de Mark Twain

by Mark Twain

que diu

what does it say

la raça humana

the human race

té una arma

he has a weapon

verdaderament eficaç

truly effective

la risa

the laugh


very important

el riure importantíssim

the very important laughter

i el saber fer riure

and the ability to make people laugh

crec que

I think that

hem d'acabar amb aquesta frase

we need to finish with this sentence

avui hem tocat de tot

today we have touched on everything

hem tocat de tot

we have touched on everything

però acabem

but let's finish

amb el

with the



però riures d'un mateix

but to laugh at oneself

també és molt important

it is also very important



en plan

in plan

riures de

laughter of

de coses

of things

que poden passar als altres

what can happen to others

i a vegades

and sometimes

doncs potser et fa gràcia

well maybe it amuses you

però també

but also

riures d'un mateix

laughter at oneself

crec que és molt important

I think it is very important.



si te'n rius tu primer

if you laugh first

els altres se'n poden riure

the others can laugh at it



no t'infarà

it won't infuriate you


so much

tant efecte

so much effect





ja et diré més

I'll tell you more later.

jo crec que al final

I think that in the end

el riure

the laughter

o el fer riure

or making it laugh

és un símptoma

it is a symptom

de comoditat

for convenience

d'estar bé

to be well

de sentir-te bé

of feeling good

amb tu mateix

with yourself

i també

and also

amb les persones

with people

que t'envolten

that surround you



tu quan estàs bé

you when you are well

les maneres

the manners

tens ganes de riure

you feel like laughing

amb la gent

with the people

amb la que estàs bé

with whom you are good

de fer bromes

of making jokes



potser inclús

maybe even

a vegades


et sorprens

you are surprised



fas una broma

you're joking

i dius

and you say



aquesta broma

this joke

no l'hauria fet

I wouldn't have done it.

en ma puta vida

in my fucking life

això que increïble

this is incredible

no sé què

I don’t know what.

i dius

and you say

però això és en part

but this is in part

perquè estàs bé

because you are fine

estàs feliç

are you happy



i jo ho he notat

and I have noticed it

a vegades


en la meva vida

in my life



els cops que

the times that

més feliç he sigut

I have been happier.

també ha sigut

it has also been

en aquells moments

at those moments

en els que jo

in those that I

he pogut

I have been able to

fer riure la gent

make people laugh


do you know?

he pogut

I have been able.

sentir aquesta connexió

feel this connection



només es pot aconseguir

it can only be achieved

a partir d'això

starting from this

i crec que un dia

I believe that one day



sense riure

without laughing

crec que és un dia

I think it is a day.

que no

that no

no està ben

it's not good





no només de nubes

not only of clouds

de nubes

of clouds

i que damunt de les nubes

and that above the clouds

no hi ha sol

there is no sun

a l'eix

on the axis



ni José Saramago

nor José Saramago

ho arregla

he/she fixes it



però crec que és molt important

but I think it is very important

fer èmfasi

to emphasize

en riure's

to laugh at you


to laugh

riure's d'un mateix

laughing at oneself

i de veure

and to see

i de tenir una altra perspectiva

and to have another perspective

també hem parlat

we have also talked

de prendre consciència

to become aware

d'un mateix

of oneself

de fer-se responsable

to take responsibility

del que fas

of what you do

però si a vegades

but if sometimes

la cagues tio

you messed it up, dude



si no

if not

riu-te'n tu primer

laugh first yourself

de lo teu

of yours

tampoc et matxequis massa

don't push it too much either


perquè al final

because in the end

si t'estàs tota l'estona

if you are all the time

fotent fuetades

whipping with a whip

no t'ajuda

doesn't help you



no t'ajuda res

nothing helps you



i no sé a l'eix

and I don't know on the axis

crec que

I think that



ara estic mirant el marcador

now I am looking at the scoreboard

55 minuts

55 minutes



que s'ha fet fosc

that it has become dark

i a mi se m'ha passat volant a l'eix

And for me, it has flown by on the axis.

a mi també

me too

et demanem una última cosa Marc

we ask you one last thing Marc




tu ja ho has fet

you have already done it

ho has anat intuint

you have been sensing it

al llarg del temps

over time

i clar

and of course

i tu sempre ho has anat soltant

And you have always let it slip.

que els més fidels del programa

that the most faithful of the program

ja sabran

they will already know

doncs les tres coses

so the three things

que tu t'emportaries

that you would take away

a la teva guia desconeguda

to your unknown guide

però Marc

but Marc



aquesta pregunta

this question

crec que

I think that

un cop me la vas fer al cotxe

Once you did it to me in the car.




de Tarragona

from Tarragona

crec que

I think that


the interview

que vam fer

what we did

a un estudi de ràdio

to a radio studio

no me'n recordo

I don't remember.

però després d'un estudi de ràdio

but after a radio study

doncs venen inspiracions

so inspirations come

i la xerrada de les guapes

and the talk of the beautiful ones

quines tres coses

what three things


I would take away.

a la guia desconeguda

to the unknown guide

crec que

I believe that

primer de tot

first of all

gent a la que estimo

people I love

crec que és molt important

I think it is very important.



anar-hi amb gent

to go there with people

amb qui estàs a gust

who you feel comfortable with

i perquè al final

and because in the end

no saps

you don't know

que ja amb aquella

that already with that

guia desconeguda

unknown guide

no saps

you don't know

que et depararà

what awaits you



amb una bona

with a good



amb una bona companyia

with good company

doncs sempre és

then it is always

és un bon

it's a good

és un bon aliat

he is a good ally



també m'agrada

I also like it.

m'agrada llegir

I like to read.

m'agrada crear

I like to create.

m'agrada escriure

I like to write.

crec que em portaria

I think it would take me.

un llibre

a book

amb unes quantes

with a few



en blanc

in white

per poder escriure

to be able to write

i poder comentar

and to be able to comment

no sé ara

I don't know now.

quin llibre

which book

però si pogués agafar

but if it could be taken

un llibre híbrid

a hybrid book

de tots

of all

i que aneix agafant

and it is born taking

dos sets

two sets

més importants

more important

de cada obra

of each work

si només

if only

m'en pogués

could I


to put

portar un

to bring a

no ho sé

I don't know.

però hi ha molts

but there are many

de molt bons

very good

i crec que és

I think it is.

i l'altra cosa

and the other thing

que crec que m'emportaria

that I think would take me away

és una raqueta de tenis

It's a tennis racket.

també t'hi dic

I also tell you.

jo sempre ho he pensat

I have always thought so.

raqueta de tenis

tennis racket

molt bé

very well

però amb qui jugues

but who are you playing with


I believe.



per això t'ho he dit

that's why I told you

amb companyia

with company



no però

no but

si crec que de les coses

if I believe that of the things

que m'emportaria

what would take me away

i ara també Aleix

and now also Aleix

no em faràs passar

you won't make me pass

per aquest

for this

per aquest mal trago

for this bad thing

quines tres coses

what three things


you would take away

a la guia desconeguda

to the unknown guide



per un costat

on one side

jo crec que

I believe that

que els llibres

that the books

tens una cosa

you have a thing

que és tan

what is so

molt vinculada a mi

very connected to me

a la persona

to the person

que sóc avui

What am I today?

gràcies també

thank you too

a tots els llibres

to all the books

que he llegit

that I have read

o la cultura literària

or literary culture

que m'ha amat

that has loved me

en la meva família

in my family

per l'altra banda

on the other side

doncs també recuperant

then also recovering

un dels primers temes

one of the first topics

m'emportaria el meu avi

I would take my grandfather with me.



la gràcia d'aquesta guia

the charm of this guide



és que

it's that

pots emportar-te

you can take away

a qui vulguis

to whoever you want

seré una mica egoista

I will be a little selfish.

i m'emportaria

I would take away.

algú que ja

someone who already

no em podria emportar

I couldn't take you with me.

i per últim

and finally

crec que aquí sí que

I think that here yes that

tinc una mica més

I have a little more.



de dubtes

of doubts







seré bastant

I will be quite.

tiraré bastant

I will throw quite a bit.

per la línia

for the line

de les lletres

of the letters

que al final

that in the end

em fa feliç

it makes me happy

i un paper

and a paper

i un boli

and a pen

per escriure

to write

ja que el telèfon

since the phone

segurament no

probably not

no arribi

do not arrive

jo si estic

I am here.

en una guia desconeguda

in an unknown guide

no tindria telèfon

I wouldn't have a phone.

el tiraria a l'aigua

I would throw it into the water.

la veritat

the truth

i m'emportaria

I would take away.

un paper

a paper

i un boli

and a pen

per escriure

to write

tot el que em passa

everything that happens to me

per apuntar les frases

to note the sentences

del teu avi

from your grandfather







abans d'acabar

before finishing



aprofito per

I take the opportunity to

tornar a fer

do again

agrair-te a ells

thank you to them

pel temps

for the time

crec que no

I don't think so.

no m'ha explicat

he hasn't explained to me

mai en públic

never in public

com va néixer

how it was born

aquest podcast

this podcast

va ser

it was



l'Aleix i jo

Aleix and I


we agree

perquè fem

because we do



junts a la URB

together at the URB

toquem el violí

let's play the violin

i jo sabia

and I knew

que l'Aleix

that Aleix


it was doing

tenia programes

I had programs.

de ràdio

of radio

i estava enterat

I was aware.

del mundillo

of the scene

i era un noi

and he was a boy



que no sabia

that I didn't know

ni per on tirar

neither where to go

i un dia

and one day

de novembre

of November

crec que era

I think it was.

finals de novembre

end of November

ja portàvem jaqueta

we were already wearing a jacket

al centre

in the center

de Reus

from Reus

al Tot un Mos

To a Whole Mos

a dins


amb una cervesa

with a beer

al costat

next to

doncs li vaig explicar

so I explained it to him/her

el projecte

the project

que tenia en mans

that I had in hand

no sabia ben bé

I didn't really know.

el que tiraria

the one that would throw away

sé que volia

I know that I wanted.

fer un programa

make a program

de ràdio

of radio

relacionat amb

related to



perquè eren

because they were



que m'agradaven

that I liked

abans ja havia tingut

I had already had before.

la sort


de tocar una mica

to touch a little

el món

the world

amb entrevistes

with interviews

a gent guai

cool people

i amb històries

and with stories

molt convincents

very convincing

i molt xules

and very cool

i no sabia

I didn't know.

més o menys

more or less

cap on tirar

can't throw

li vaig dir a l'Aleix

I told Aleix.

tinc aquesta idea

I have this idea.

com ho podem fer

how can we do it

també lo important

also the important



que per fer una cosa

that to do something

crec que

I believe that

per fer una cosa malament

to do something wrong

no la faria

I wouldn't do it.

és a dir

that is to say

que havíem de tirar

that we had to throw away

posar tots els esforços

put all efforts

i si sortia malament

and if it went wrong

al principi

at the beginning

és normal

it's normal

però la curva d'aprenentatge

but the learning curve

crec que al final

I think that in the end

ha valgut la pena

it has been worth it

i a partir d'ahir

and as of yesterday

doncs vam anar parlant

so we kept talking



per circumstàncies

for circumstances

es va endarrerir

it was delayed

una mica

a little bit

una mica el procés

a bit of the process

i a partir

and from





van començar

they started



finals de febrer

end of February

al campus Catalunya

to the Catalunya campus

en una aula

in a classroom

ens van deixar

they left us

un micro

a microphone

vam estar allí

we were there

compartint idees

sharing ideas

amb el primer invitat

with the first guest

es va fer un segon

it took a second

es va fer un tercer

he had a third one made

es va fer un quart

it became a quarter

van arribar

they arrived

molts invitats

many guests



també creia

I also believed.

a tots aquests invitats

to all these guests

d'aquesta primera temporada

of this first season

perquè al final

because in the end

era un projecte nou

it was a new project

no hi ha hagut

there has not been



una prèvia experiència

a previous experience

per veure

to see

cap on tiraria

none would throw away

i com se sentiria

and how would it feel

i al final

and in the end



l'IES Coneguda

the IES Coneguda

no seria possible

it wouldn't be possible





sense tu Aleix

without you Aleix

i sense tots els invitats

and without all the guests

que han compartit

that they have shared

el seu temps

his time

amb nosaltres

with us

per explicar-nos

to explain to us

la seva història

their history

no sé Aleix

I don’t know, Aleix.

només em puc dir

I can only tell myself

coses bones

good things

tant de tu

so much for you

com ens has ajudat

how you have helped us

amb com ha anat el podcast

with how the podcast has gone

no m'ho imaginaria

I wouldn't imagine it.

que al febrer

that in February

m'haguessis dit

you would have told me

mira Marc

look Marc

ara estem a l'agost

now we are in August





amb tots aquests

with all these


learning experiences

que hem tingut

that we have had

no m'ho creuria

I wouldn't believe it.

en seriu


i només

and only

puc dir gràcies

I can say thank you.

Aleix a tu

Aleix to you

i crec que

I believe that



sempre acabo jo

I always end up.

el podcast

the podcast

amb una

with a



o dient que ens veiem

or saying that we'll see each other

en el següent programa

in the following program

de l'IES Coneguda

from the IES Known



et cedeixo

I give you.

l'honor a tu Aleix

The honor to you, Aleix.

despedeix-te com vulguis

say goodbye as you wish

i jo només diré

And I will only say

que ens veiem

that we see each other

en el següent programa

in the following program

moltes gràcies Marc

thank you very much Marc

un honor

an honor


to finish

jo crec que

I believe that

al final

in the end

us relaciono molt

I relate to you a lot.

en una cosa

in one thing

que m'està passant

what is happening to me

en el meu dia a dia

in my day-to-day

que he estat veient

that I have been watching

últimament One Piece

lately One Piece

que al final

that in the end

són uns nois

they are some boys

que van a buscar

what are they going to look for

el One Piece

the One Piece

el gran tresor

the great treasure

crec que

I believe that

ell ha trobat

he has found

també el concepte

also the concept

de viatge

on a trip

jo crec que

I believe that

això de l'IES Coneguda

this of the IES Known

ha sigut un gran viatge

it has been a great journey

ha sigut una experiència

it has been an experience


super cool

i em quedaré

and I will stay

sempre al dia aquest

always up to date this

que vam fer

what we did

l'estudi de ràdio

the radio studio

amb el Paco Sosa

with Paco Sosa

que et brillaven els ulls

that your eyes shone

jo crec que

I believe that

aquell dia

that day

vam entendre els dos

we both understood



lo lluny que havíem arribat

how far we had come

i la pena

and the penalty

que havia valgut

that had been worth

cada esforç

every effort

tot al final

right at the end



hem tingut horaris complicats

we have had complicated schedules

és complicat també

it's complicated too


meet us

i una tercera persona

and a third person

ja n'hi t'explico

I already tell you.

jo crec que

I believe that

hem posat els dos

we have put both

molt de la nostra part

much from our side



haguem arribat també

we would have also arrived

en certa manera

in a way

a la nostra IES Coneguda

to our IES Known



doncs crec que no hi ha

so I think there isn't

altra millor manera

another better way



una abraçada tio

a hug, man



us despedim

we bid you farewell

des de l'IES Coneguda

from the IES Coneguda

punt i a part

new paragraph

a la primera temporada

in the first season

moltes gràcies a vosaltres

thank you very much to you all



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