Les Golfes · 119 · Final de temporada

Les Golfes de Gelida

Les Golfes de Gelida

Les Golfes · 119 · Final de temporada

Les Golfes de Gelida

Benvinguts a les golfes de Ràdio Gelida, avui capítol 119.

Welcome to the attic of Ràdio Gelida, today episode 119.

Ràdio Gelida

Gelida Radio

Què tal? Què te passa, Antonio?

How are you? What's happening to you, Antonio?

És que no... Sí, la beguda freda i l'aire acondicionat no... És bona companyia.

It's just that no... Yes, the cold drink and the air conditioning don't... It's good company.

Ha començat el programa enfegat, aquest home. Però bueno, ja està, ja.

He has started the program agitated, this man. But well, that's it, already.

Doncs res, vinga, un nou capítol golfaire que dona tancament a la temporada d'hivern-primavera de Ràdio Gelida.

Well then, here we go, a new golfaire chapter that concludes the winter-spring season of Ràdio Gelida.

Tres temporades ja portem.

We have already had three seasons.

Tres temporades golfaires amb moltíssima música i descobrint molts grups.

Three breezy seasons with lots of music and discovering many bands.

En aquest capítol 119 de les golfes de Ràdio Gelida us detallarem la bona gent que ha pujat a les golfes

In this chapter 119 of the attics of Ràdio Gelida, we will detail the good people who have ascended to the attics.

i la bona música que ha sortit aquest 2024, els primers sis mesos.

And the good music that has come out in 2024, the first six months.

Han passat sis mesos i ja tenim problemes.

Six months have passed and we already have problems.

Per escullir un o un altre disc, però bueno, els tenim. De moment, els tenim.

To choose one disc or another, but well, we have them. For now, we have them.

Vinga, anem a gravar.

Come on, let's record.

Pugem a les golfes.

We go up to the attic.

I m'he comprat un pis a Mandri, en Terrassa i Gràcia.

I bought an apartment in Mandri, in Terrassa and Gràcia.

La mama té cinc parades, el guinot d'allà d'un escutx.

Mom has five stops, the guinot from that one of a scutx.

Com que cobro quatre pagues, del mateix importa el sou.

Since I receive four payments, the salary amounts to the same.

M'he llogat dues tribunes al Camp Nou.

I have rented two stands at Camp Nou.

Però sóc catalanista i a casa amb la mama.

But I am a Catalan nationalist and at home with my mom.

Quan no hi ha visita parlem sempre en català.

When there is no visit, we always speak in Catalan.

I em vestreixo sempre al galès perquè gasta molt bon tall.

I always dress in Welsh because it has a very nice cut.

I ara em faig per al Liceu un esmòting de tergal.

And now I’m making a tergal smock for the Liceu.

Els dissabtes compro lola per estar ficat a dins

On Saturdays, I buy lola to be involved.

del que passa amb les princeses i mariquins.

of what happens with princesses and sissies.

I a l'hivern anem a beure les triptis.

And in winter we go to drink the triptis.

A partir n'hi ha dos.

From now on, there are two.

I els dimonments ja els vaig a missa.

And I already take the little demons to mass.

Vaig partint amb la mama.

I am leaving with my mom.

Fic els discos de xarango, de manel i els de les arts.

Put on the albums by Xarango, Manel, and Els Amics de les Arts.

Minibus va bé però els trobo un poc centrats.

The minibus is fine but I find them a little centered.

I jo sóc catalanista i a casa amb la mama.

And I am a Catalanist at home with my mom.

Quan no hi ha visita parlem sempre en català.

When there is no visit, we always speak in Catalan.

I amb pintura no m'hi fico però opino un candelí.

And I don't get involved with painting, but I do have an opinion on a little candle holder.

És un geni i pinta uns quadres que s'entén què volen dir.

He is a genius and paints pictures that convey what they mean.

Del teatre deu-me'n passo i del cine no en parlem.

From the theater, I owe it to myself, and as for the cinema, let's not even talk about it.

Em fa més el pes la Sara que en Verdem.

I weigh more on Sara than on Verdem.

I ballo el twist quan es presenta i temps fa que aprenc anglès.

I dance the twist when it comes on, and I have been learning English for a while.

Perquè avui amb el turisme si no el saps fas el pagès.

Because today with tourism, if you don't know it, you end up being a farmer.

I ballo el twist quan es presenta i temps fa que aprenc anglès.

I dance the twist when it comes up, and I've been learning English for a while.

Perquè avui amb el turisme si no el saps fas el pagès.

Because today with tourism, if you don't know how to do it, you end up like a farmer.

Ara surto amb una nena que no fila pas gens prim.

Now I'm going out with a girl who doesn't care at all.

I de fet només em costa gent gris.

And in fact, I only struggle with gray people.

Però sóc catalanista i a casa amb la mama.

But I am a Catalan nationalist and at home with my mom.

Quan no hi ha visita parlem sempre en català.

When there is no visit, we always speak in Catalan.

Quan no hi ha visita.

When there is no visit.

Parlem sempre en català.

We always speak in Catalan.

Hem obert el capi 119 amb Romanço de fill d'Ebidua.

We have opened chapter 119 with Romance of the son of Ebidua.

Un tema dels Minibus Intergalàtics,

A song by the Intergalactic Minibuses,

que està inclòs el seu debut de llarga durada.

which includes his long-awaited debut.

Meditacions des dels Miratges Mercúrics.

Meditations from the Mercurial Mirages.

Un disc que m'ha encantat ja ha sonat a les golfes i en hem parlat moltíssim,

A record that I have loved has already played in the attic and we have talked about it a lot.

però que rescato per recordar-vos

but that I rescue to remind you

que si sou de Barcelona o Rodalies

that if you are from Barcelona or the surrounding areas

us podeu escoltar en directe el proper 25 de juliol

you can listen to us live on July 25th

a la Sala Gol

to the Gol Room

acompanyats, ni més ni menys

accompanied, no more and no less

que les nostres amigues

that our friends

les Salvatges

the Wild Ones

Doncs si també sou de Barcelona o Rodalies

Well, if you are also from Barcelona or the surrounding areas.

segurament algun cop

probably some time

heu trepitjat Terres

you have stepped on lands

de Navarra

of Navarre

No és a Nafarroa, ens espera en Gorka Urbizu

It's not in Navarre, Gorka Urbizu is waiting for us.

Des del seu

From its

lecumberri natal

Lecumberri birthplace

un dia va apropar-se al teatre de Caledril

One day he/she approached the Caledril theater.

i va sortir un disc impressionant

and an impressive album was released

publicat aquest any 2024

published this year 2024

Aciera Bad

Bad Iron

10 temes que cal escoltar atentament

10 themes that need to be listened to carefully

i també visionar els seus vídeos

and also watch their videos

que molen molt

they are really cool

Escoltem Toki Bad

Let's listen to Toki Bad.

Toki Bad

Toki Bad

Bona nit.

Good night.



Va, niño

Come on, kid.

seguim repassant discos

we continue reviewing albums

d'aquest primer semestre de l'any

of this first semester of the year

i ara poso tota la cara a la graella

And now I put my whole face on the grill.

i marxo a Múrcia

I'm leaving for Murcia.

a fer que sonin els perros

to make the dogs bark

que han tornat en

that have returned in

pleníssima forma després d'uns anys

full form after a few years


of stoppage

el nou disc es diu

the new album is called


Do you remember?

i trobareu autèntics himnes pel vostre estiu

and you will find authentic anthems for your summer

i ja sé, mira Antonio, t'estaves queixant abans

And I know, look Antonio, you were complaining before.

que tenies moltes calores

that you had a lot of hot flashes

doncs amb T'acuerdas

So you remember?

ballaràs molt, molt, molt

you will dance a lot, a lot, a lot

per suar, suar, suar

to sweat, sweat, sweat

i així està ben fresquet

And so it's quite cool.


Shall we check?

Vinga, això és, gràcies

Come on, that's it, thank you.

de nada

You're welcome.

Dime qué puedo hacer

Tell me what I can do.

pero no

but no

¿qué me pasa?

What is happening to me?

Gracias de nada

Thank you, you're welcome.

Tu has llençat

You have thrown.

para aví

for grandpa


Leave it.


to be



Hace tiempo

A long time ago

que me fui

that I left

y me fui

and I left

Eso no es para mí

That is not for me.

Dime qué puedo hacer

Tell me what I can do.

pero no

but no

¿qué me pasa?

What's happening to me?

Gracias de nada

Thank you, you're welcome.

Márchate de verdad

Leave for real.

solo un fin de semana

only a weekend

que nunca acaba

that never ends

Una verdad que dijiste

A truth that you said.

que no se puede

that cannot be done

No se para

I don't stop.

Toda la vuelta que diste

All the roundabout way you took.

y para nada

and for nothing

Una verdad que dijiste

A truth that you said.

que no se para

that doesn't stop

Toda la vuelta

The whole way around

que diste

what did you give

y nada cambia

and nothing changes

Subo el tiempo

I increase the time.

para huir

to flee

Déjalo estar

Leave it be.



Hace tiempo

A long time ago.

que nos vamos a ir

that we are going to leave

Bona nit

Good night

Com estem avui?

How are we today?

Déu-n'hi-do com és de notar que agafem vacances, eh?

It's impressive how noticeable it is that we're taking a vacation, huh?

Holidays, holidays

Holidays, holidays

Seguim amb més música al 119 de les Golfes

We continue with more music at 119 Les Golfes.

de Ràdio Islida i ara anem amb una

from Ràdio Islida and now we go with a

de les artistes que han pujat a les

of the artists who have performed on the

golfes i també han participat dels

attics and they have also participated in the

vermuts de les golfes. És la gran

attics vermouths. It is the great

Carlota Flaner. Amb ella vam

Carlota Flaner. With her we went

conversar una estona i es va

chat for a while and that's it

destapant totes les seves respostes

uncovering all his answers

Va ser un concert inoblidable

It was an unforgettable concert.

per ella, pel públic, per la seva família

for her, for the audience, for her family

que va venir i per nosaltres

that came and for us

Escoltem Party

Let's listen to Party.

Now I just want you

Ara només et vull a tu.

to listen to this song

to listen to this song

and breathe

i respira

Now I wish that I could

Ara desitjo poder-ho fer.

grab a beer and enjoy

grab a beer and enjoy

the party, but that's

the party, but that's

not me, that's

not me, that's

who I'd like to be

who I would like to be

I just wish that I could grab

I just wish that I could grab

a beer and get drunk

a beer and get drunk

but that's not me

però no sóc jo

that's who I'd like to be

aquesta és la persona que m'agradaria ser

I'm trapped in this grave

Sóc atrapat en aquesta tomba.

I don't expect it to go

I don't expect it to go.

and I'm sorry

i'm sorry

but I can't let you in

però no puc deixar-te entrar

Words are important

Words are important

but love is the most

però l'amor és el més

important thing

important thing

to me

to me

Now I wish that I could

Now I wish that I could.

grab a beer

grab a beer

and enjoy the party

and enjoy the party

but that's not me

però això no soc jo

that's who I'd like to be

això és qui m'agradaria ser

I just wish that I could

I just wish that I could

grab a beer and get drunk

grab a beer and get drunk

but that's not me

però aquest no sóc jo

that's who I'd like to be

això és qui m'agradaria ser

I just wish that I could

I just wish that I could

grab a beer and go and party

grab a beer and go party

but that's not me

però aquest no sóc jo

that's who I'd like to be

Això és qui m'agradaria ser.

Doncs com parlàvem dels vermuts de les golfes

Well, as we were talking about the vermouths in the attic.

aprofitem per agrair

we take the opportunity to thank

a totes les nostres espectadors

to all our viewers

i a totes les nostres espectadores

and to all our viewers

a tothom qui ha vingut

to everyone who has come

artistes i públic

artists and audience

i a totes les persones

and to all the people

que ens han obert les portes

that they have opened the doors for us

de casa seva

from their home





Darrera hora

Last hour

Breaking news

Notícies de última hora

Us anunciem que el proper vermut

We announce that the next vermouth

serà just, just, just

it will be fair, fair, fair

al mes de setembre

in the month of September

Alguna pregunta més?

Any more questions?

No volem concretar més la data

We don't want to specify the date further.

però bueno, serà al setembre

but well, it will be in September

ja tenim l'artista

we already have the artist



Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Sí, està signat

Yes, it is signed.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

Doncs res més, seguiu amb atenció

Well, nothing more, pay attention.

les xarxes socials de les golfes de Gelida

the social networks of the attics of Gelida

i estareu assabentats i assabentades

and you will be informed

del dia, hora, lloc i artist

of the day, time, place, and artist



o artisto

the artist

o artiste

or artist

Vinga, noi

Come on, dude.

altre disc que també estarà

another disc that will also be

amb una fiabilitat molt alta

with a very high reliability

al nostre top

to our top

és el número dos

it's number two

dels ietetans

of the Ietetan people

Els llums de coloria

The colorful lights

els llums de color

the colored lights

però com som un programa de ràdio

but since we are a radio program

que estem sempre guait

that we are always watching

farem que soni la seva darrera referència

we will make his last reference sound

que és ni més ni menys

what it is no more no less

que un remix

it's a remix

del pop que em dones

of the octopus you give me

fet pel productor Beixamel

made by the producer Beixamel

i que vam publicar el darrer 12 de juny

and that we published last June 12th

amb un primer disc d' 밖에

with a first album of 밖에

Que no fot sí o treu

Don't mess with me or just leave.

el càmer

the waiter

que amb una música

with a music

ho podem llorar

we can cry it

Tant més meu

So much more mine.

que ens encendre

that will ignite us

que marxes

that you leave

Tant més meu

So much more mine

que ens encendre

that will ignite us

que marxes

that you are leaving

Tant més meu

So much more mine.

no més

no more

podrem llorar-te

we will be able to cry for you

Tants més

So many more

d'aquest llibre

of this book

que es cap a casa

that is towards home

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

qui era

who was

vaig deixar

I left.

de ser

to be

el carrer

the street

el menerat

the scoundrel

on són

Where are they?

aquells llocs

those places

on porten

where are they taking?

els records

the records

a vegades


tan a prop

so close

es foten

they screw up

en un segon

in a second

sempre intentant

always trying


to be

el que

the what




to be

el que toca

what is relevant


to be

sempre intentant ser

always trying to be

Sempre mirant de fer

Always looking to do

el que cali i el fer.

what is needed and the doing.

On són aquells llocs

Where are those places?

on porten els racons

where do the corners lead?

a vegades tan a prop

sometimes so close

es ponen un segon.

They put on a second.

On són aquells llocs

Where are those places?

on porten els racons a vegades tan a prop

where the corners sometimes bring so close

es ponen els racons a vegades tan a prop

Corners sometimes get so close.

Lloro de gente mucho sentao

I cry from people sitting a lot.

Me muero por mí, llamo un codacao

I’m dying for myself, I call a codacao.

Me sudan las manos, me he puesto un reloj

My hands are sweaty, I put on a watch.

Sin pilar

Without pillar

Me muero por mí, llamo un codacao

I'm dying for myself, I call a codacao.

Me suena la alarma, me despierto a las dos

The alarm sounds, I wake up at two.

Sin pilar

Without pillar

Me muero por mí, llamo un codacao

I'm dying for myself, I call a codacao.

Me suena la alarma, me despierto a las dos

The alarm sounds, I wake up at two.

Llego ya sin tirar, sin decirte que te quiero

I arrive without throwing, without telling you that I love you.

Te esperaré hasta el 30 de febrero

I will wait for you until February 30th.

Llego ya sin tirar, sin decirte que te quiero

I arrive already without throwing, without telling you that I love you.

Te esperaré hasta el 30 de febrero

I will wait for you until February 30th.

Every time

Cada vegada

Dins el meu cor

Inside my heart

Ja no et vull més

I don't want you anymore.

Saps que això fa mal

You know that this hurts.

Every time

Cada vegada

Sorts amb tothom

You go out with everyone.

Fent com si res

Acting as if nothing happened.

Dius que entre tu i jo

You say that between you and me

És passar

It's passing.

Fent com si res

Acting as if nothing happened.

Però em mires

But you look at me.

Ens miren

They are looking at us.

I jo veig

And I see

Que tu veus

What you see

Que el temps va

That time goes.

I espera

I hope

La llum cau

The light falls.

I tu em rius

And you laugh at me.

Dins el meu cor

Inside my heart

Jo no et vull més

I don't want you anymore.

Saps que això fa mal

You know that this hurts.

Every time

Cada vegada

I tu em veus

And you see me

Dins el meu cor

Inside my heart

Ja no et vull més

I don't want you anymore.

Saps que això fa mal

You know that this hurts.

Every time

Cada vegada

Dari, dari, dari, dara

Dari, dari, dari, dara

Dari, dari, dara, dara

Dari, dari, dara, dara

Dari, dari, dara, dara, dara

Dari, dari, dara, dara, dara

Dari, dari, dari, dari

Dari, dari, dari, dari

Dari, dari, dari, dari, dari

Dari, dari, dari, dari, dari

Dari, dari, dari, dari

Dari, dari, dari, dari



Allí a tal

There to such

Sans temps


M' icons الا

I icons the.





Bona nit.

Good night.

Però ho farem avui.

But we will do it today.

Oriol Mula també ha pujat a les golfes

Oriol Mula has also climbed to the attic.

i ho feia per presentar el seu disc

and he did it to promote his album

Això d'avui, ahir, era demà.

What is today was tomorrow yesterday.

Un tio collonut,

A great guy,

multidisciplinari en les arts

multidisciplinary in the arts

i molt bona gent. I el seu concert

and very good people. And their concert

al Castell de Gelida va ser tot un èxit

The Castle of Gelida was a complete success.

just l'agost de l'any...

just August of the year...

juliol de l'any passat.

July of last year.

I ens va explicar tots els detalls.

And he explained all the details to us.

També va ser el primer artista a participar en un concert

He was also the first artist to participate in a concert.

de les golfes per celebrar els 50 programes

from the lofts to celebrate the 50 programs

a Ràdio Gelida.

to Radio Gelida.

Ràdio Gelida. 50, ja portem 119.

Radio Gelida. 50, we have already reached 119.

O sigui que fa... 69.

So it's... 69.

Molt, molt, fa molt.

Very, very long ago.

I també és qui...

And he is also the one who...

és la persona que ens neteja els cristalls

she is the person who cleans our windows.

de les golfes. Vinga, escoltem.

from the attic. Come on, let's listen.

Sembla que això va per llarg.

It seems like this is going to take a while.

Oriol Mula.

Oriol Mula.

Tinc el niu

I have the nest.

La vida vola i el teu ball

Life flies and your dance.

Em fa volar molt més enllà

It makes me fly much further away.



Amb una cadira en tinc prou

With a chair, I have enough.

Vés a saber si hi seràs

Go figure if you'll be there.

Si mai has vist el meu cas

If you have ever seen my case.

Estic llest per trucar

I am ready to call.

Sempre sóc a contrallum

I am always backlit.

Quan ets al meu davant

When you are in front of me

El temps ens ho està apuntant

Time is pointing it out to us.

Sembla que això va per llarg

It seems that this is going to take a while.

Sempre sóc a contrallum

I am always backlit.

Sembla que això va per allà.

It seems that this is going that way.

Tu, de tant en tant em dius que rius.

You, every now and then, tell me that you laugh.

Tampoc no m'hi esmerso tant.

I don't put that much effort into it either.

Però se't fa fàcil respirar.

But you find it easy to breathe.

Veus com el meu cor s'està enxamblant.

Do you see how my heart is breaking?

Sense mesura però constant.

Unmeasured but steady.

T'estima de forma alarmant.

Loves you alarmingly.

Sempre a sobre.

Always on top.

Tu, que contra llum, quan nits al meu davant.

You, who against the light, when nights are before me.

El temps ens ho està apuntant.

Time is pointing it out to us.

Sembla que això va per allà.

It seems that this is going that way.

Semblan que això va per allà.

It seems that this is going that way.

Sem-sem-sembla que això va per allà.

It seems that this is going that way.

Sempre em persulca contra llum quan nits al meu davant.

It always stalks me against the light when nights are before me.

El temps ens ho està apuntant.

Time is pointing it out to us.

Sembla que això va per allà.

It seems that this is going that way.

Sembla que això va per allà

It seems that this is going that way.


It seems.

Estàs dins, Dani.

You’re in, Dani.

El guió posava

The script said

seguim amb gent jove, però clar,

we continue with young people, but of course,

no havia comptat que sortia el Mula.

I hadn't counted on Mula leaving.

Si és un...

If it is a...

Zasca, no?

Gotcha, right?

Això estava del teu guió, no el meu.

This was from your script, not mine.

Ja, ja, bueno, va.

Yeah, yeah, okay, come on.

Ets jove, Oriol, ets jove.

You are young, Oriol, you are young.

Seguim amb gent amb talent increïble,

We continue with people with incredible talent,

això sí que ja està.

this is it.

Moment per gaudir de la Núria Durant

Moment to enjoy Núria Durant.

i el seu disc a totes les parts de mi.

and his disc to all parts of me.

Ja l'he dit per privat,

I have already said it privately,

ja ho he dit en públic,

I've already said it in public,

Núria has fet un disc, de veritat,

Núria has made a record, really,



Puc, mare, de veritat.

I can, mom, really.

Un treball on la Núria

A job where Núria

fa gala de la superveu que té

he boasts of the super voice he has

i ens explica mitjançant

and explains to us through

les seves lletres, la seva vida

their lyrics, their life

com a cuir i autista.

like leather and autistic.

M'ha estat molt difícil

It has been very difficult for me.


to find

un tema perquè som-hi avui,

a topic because let's go for it today,

però el guanyador ha estat

but the winner has been

dir-te adeu.

say goodbye.

Segueixen aquí

They are still here.

i no marxaran

and they will not leave

si no marxen

if they don't leave

ajudant a fugir

helping to escape

d'aquest desert

of this desert

en el que em retens

in which you hold me back

i del que no sabré

and of what I will not know


to go out

si ets aquí.

if you are here.

Si ets amb mi

If you are with me

no en sabré sortir

I won't be able to get out of it.

i em sap greu

and I'm sorry

que això impliqui

that this implies

dir-te adeu.

saying goodbye to you.

Dir-te adeu.

Say goodbye.

Em sap greu.

I'm sorry.

Dir-te adeu.

Say goodbye to you.



m'he creuat

I have crossed paths.

uns altres llavis

other lips

i ja

and already

m'han tornat

they have returned me

i m'han tocat

they have touched me

les seves mans

their hands

però tot i així

but still

no se sent igual

it doesn't feel the same

si tu no estàs

if you are not there



Però si ets amb mi

But if you are with me.

no en sabré sortir

I won't know how to get out of it.

i em sap greu

and I am sorry

que això impliqui

that this implies

dir-te adeu.

to say goodbye.

Dir-te adeu.

Saying goodbye to you.

Em sap greu.

I'm sorry.

Dir-te adeu.

Saying goodbye to you.


I will love you.

dintre meu.

inside me.

Em sap greu.

I'm sorry.

Dir-te adeu.

Say goodbye to you.

Amic Antonio,

Friend Antonio,

Antonio, tanco la meva participació

Antonio, I close my participation.

a la temporada 3 de les Golfes

in season 3 of The Attic

donant les gràcies

giving thanks

a totes les persones que hem convidat.

to all the people we have invited.

Què et sembla si fem una repassada

What do you think if we do a review?

ràpida i fem això del

quick and let's do this of the



Mira, ja he trencat el paper.

Look, I have already torn the paper.

Et sembla bé?

Do you think it's okay?

Vinga, començo, eh?

Come on, I'm starting, okay?

Uriol Mula.

Uriol Mula.



Mayo. Ui!

May. Oh!

Riquen McSuper. Ui!

Riquen McSuper. Ouch!

Carlota Zaner. Ui!

Carlota Zaner. Oh!

Jordi Serradell.

Jordi Serradell.

Ui! Ariox. Ui!

Oh! Ariox. Oh!

Soc un bohemio. Ui!

I am a bohemian. Oops!

Últim Cavall. Ui!

Last Horse. Oops!

Paradiso. Ui!

Paradise. Oh!

Guineu. Ui!

Fox. Uh!

Rocco Banana. Ui!

Rocco Banana. Oops!

I els Copa Lotus. Ui!

And the Copa Lotus. Oops!

Una vegada feta la nostra

Once we have done ours

participació hooligan.

hooligan participation.

Què et sembla si ho connectem tot

What do you think if we connect everything?

i fem que sigui una cançó que parli

and let's make it a song that talks

d'esguiris i de balears?

from esguiris and Balearic?

Et sembla bé?

Do you think it's okay?



Vinga, va.

Come on.

La piscina.

The pool.

Estic parlant, evidentment...

I am talking, obviously...

Estic parlant, evidentment,

I am speaking, obviously,

d'Hotel Sol i Playa,

of Hotel Sol i Playa,

una de les cançons del trencador disc

one of the songs from the breaking album

de la Maria Jaume,

of Maria Jaume,

Nostalgia Airlines,

Nostalgia Airlines,

que està cantat amb Pau de Bon

that is sung with Pau de Bon

de Sant Antoni Afon.

of Sant Antoni Afon.

Sí, que res, com deia.

Yes, nothing, as I said.

Hotel Sol i Playa.

Hotel Sun and Beach.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Hotel Sol i Playa.

Hotel Sun and Beach.

Bona nit.

Good night.

I per la mà

And by hand

arriba un creuer

a cruise ship arrives

de 15 pisos

of 15 floors

100% que ofren.

100% that they offer.

No van per sombra,

They don't go for shadow,



van de compres

they are going shopping

per botigues de souvenirs,

for souvenir shops,

per botigues de souvenirs.

for souvenir shops.

I ces estones

And these moments



quan se'n tornen

when do they return

pensa jo no tom per aquí,

I think I'm not coming around here.

ni de guanya.

neither win.

Hotel Sol i Playa.

Hotel Sun and Beach.

Turista no se baia, no.

Tourist, don't go away, no.

90.000 piscines

90,000 swimming pools

i un golf de setselines, bo.

and a gulf of thirteen lines, good.

Això abans era un manant, ja.

This used to be a spring, yes.

Però s'ha llançat marina.

But she has launched herself into the sea.

Hotel Sol i Playa.

Hotel Sun and Beach.

Un embús

A traffic jam

de sis carrils.

of six lanes.

De sis carrils.

Of six lanes.

De s'aeroport.

From the airport.

De s'aeroport. De s'aeroport. De s'aeroport.

From the airport. From the airport. From the airport.

De s'aeroport.

From the airport.

De porto-pih.

From porto-pih.

I un sanys.

And a dream.

I un senyor.

And a gentleman.

Venant un bols.

Coming a bowl.

Passant lloguer.

For rent.

Alsinorem tots.

Let's take it all.



Hoteles, holy, playa.

Hotels, holy, beach.

Hoteles, holy, player.

Hotels, holy, player.









Això abans era un manant, ja.

This was once a spring, yes.

Però s'ha llançat marina.

But she has launched herself into the sea.

Turist Go Home

Tourist Go Home

el títol de la cançó era o no?

Was the title of the song or not?

més o menys

more or less

estava aquí rajando

I was here complaining.

ara mateix

right now

el turisme ha pacificat

tourism has pacified

vols dir alguna cosa Antonio?

Do you want to say something, Antonio?

ja ho he dit abans en off

I've said it before off the record.

malament rai

bad luck

Can Briansi està al costat de Gerida

Briansi is next to Gerida.

tant la 1 com la 2

both 1 and 2

passaria malament

it would go badly

doncs acabem el 119

so we finish the 119

justament amb la primera visita

during the first visit

que va pujar a les golfes

that went up to the attic

i era aleshores en Red Perill

and it was then that Red Danger was there

el no he dit qualada

he hasn't said anything

ens va visitar una nit freda d'hivern

a cold winter night

a l'estudi 2

to studio 2



on ens trobem ara mateix

where are we right now

amb Marc Mateus Salat

with Marc Mateus Salat

un tio trampat, bona persona i gran músic

a genuine guy, good person and great musician

i no és un clàssic

and it's not a classic

però és el tema recent

but it is the recent issue

de White Peril

of White Peril

amb la companyia d'Albert Sirera

with the company of Albert Sirera

escoltem Crestes i Arestes

we listen to Crestes and Arestes

que es va viure aquest mes

what was experienced this month

a la catedral de Red Perill

to the cathedral of Red Perill

i es va powder a Salsas

And he went to Salsas.

i va sortir a la ciutat d'Albert Sirera

and he went out in the city of Albert Sirera

tot el que va passar al final d'aquest mes

everything that happened at the end of this month

Un cop anava pel carrer i em va parar la policia i em va multar per no vocalitzar.

Once I was walking down the street and the police stopped me and fined me for not articulating.

I la llum se'm va posar al riu i encara vocalitzava menys i semblava tertemut.

And the light went to the river and still vocalized less and seemed frightened.

Jo crec que sé parlar més o menys bé però no obro gaire la boca.

I think I can speak more or less well, but I don't open my mouth much.

Però més enllà d'això,

But beyond that,

hi ha el tema que jo crec que

there is the topic that I believe that

la policia s'excedeix

the police overstep

perquè la gent que li costa vocalitzar

because people who find it difficult to vocalize

o per exemple la gent que va beguda o que és tertemuda

or for example people who are drunk or who are timid

ja té prou feina amb ells mateixos diguéssim

they already have enough work with themselves, let's say

perquè s'obre els múltiples.

because it opens the multiples.

I, per tant,

And, therefore,

hi ha una confessió que es diu

there is a confession that is called

«ppego el noia,

"I hit the girl,"

ets un noia".

"You are a girl."

Però un noia,

But a girl,

no et vol dir que ets una noia.

It doesn't mean that you are a girl.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

No, no.

No, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, no.

No, no.

Ja sé que el vocalitzar ens fa millors ciutadans

I know that vocalizing makes us better citizens.

i ens fa millors persones, segurament,

and it makes us better people, surely,

i donem una imatge de país més interessant, potser.

and we give a more interesting image of the country, perhaps.

Però penso que potser hauríem de transcendir

But I think that maybe we should transcend.

i, si volem ser millor considerats com a país,

Yes, if we want to be better regarded as a country,

doncs dedicar els esforços punitius a altres coses.

so dedicate punitive efforts to other things.

Com, per exemple,

As, for example,

muntar la gent que és gilipollos.

to assemble the people who are idiots.

I fins aquí l'edició número 119 de les golfes de Ràdio Gelida.

And this concludes edition number 119 of the lofts of Ràdio Gelida.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Dani, estàs dins.

Dani, you are in.

Ai, sí.

Oh, yes.

Des de les golfes us volem agrair la vostra companyia,

From the attic, we want to thank you for your company,

ja sigui per xarxes socials o a través dels auriculars.

whether through social networks or via headphones.

Perdoni, Antonio.

Excuse me, Antonio.

O sigui, realment, cabrón.

I mean, really, bastard.

Això ho havies de dir tu, tio.

You should have said that, dude.


Excuse me.

Per què?


Perquè sí, hem dit que tu los más y yo los menos.

Because yes, we said that you the most and I the least.



No és gens per menys, de més.

It's not at all less, of more.

Vinga, va, continua.

Come on, go on.

Gràcies també a tota la gent que heu vingut als vermuts,

Thanks also to all the people who came to the vermouths.

a les cases dels vermuts, als artistes

to the vermouth houses, to the artists

i a les persones que ens envieu correus electrònics amb propostes musicals.

And to the people who send us emails with musical proposals.

Evidentment, també a totes les bandes que feu arribar també la vostra feina

Obviously, also to all the parties to whom you send your work.

i a la bona gent que ha pujat a les golfes.

and to the good people who have gone up to the attics.

I, evidentment, gràcies, gràcies, gràcies a Ràdio Gelida.

I, of course, thank you, thank you, thank you to Ràdio Gelida.

La gràcies a tu.

Thank you.

Gràcies a tu!

Thank you!



Ens retrobem a la propera vermut golfaire,

We'll meet again at the next vermut golfaire.

que serà al mes de setembre.

that will be in September.

I recordeu que ens podeu seguir escoltant

And remember that you can keep listening to us.

al web del programa lesgofesdeglida.cat.

on the program website lesgofesdeglida.cat.


Sure! Please provide the text you would like to have translated from Catalan to English.

Res més, família

Nothing else, family.

Com sempre, gaudiu

As always, enjoy.

Salut i música

Health and music

Com sempre, gaudiu

As always, enjoy.

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