Massa Carabassa - 2018.06.19 #MC3x30 season finale

Radio San Vicente

Massa Carabassa

Massa Carabassa - 2018.06.19 #MC3x30 season finale

Massa Carabassa

Estás escuchando los podcasts de Radio San Vicente.

You are listening to the podcasts of Radio San Vicente.

Bona tarda, Lluís. Bona tarda, Andreu.

Good afternoon, Lluís. Good afternoon, Andreu.

Jo estic un poc trist, perquè avui és el season final.

I'm a little sad because today is the season final.

L'últim programeta.

The last little program.

Peligro, espòilers.

Danger, spoilers.

Com acabarà això, Miquel?

How will this end, Miquel?

Bé o mal?

Good or bad?

De moment,

For now,

no, en seriós, acabarà molt bé, no patiu, no patiu.

No, seriously, it will end very well, don't worry, don't worry.

Bé, jo no sé com acabarà, però...

Well, I don't know how it will end, but...

Comença millor que la setmana passada, no?

It starts better than last week, doesn't it?

Va dir que...

He said that...

La setmana passada tindrà a mi un problema tècnic, no?

Last week you had a technical problem, didn't you?



No res, no res que ho puguen solucionar.

Nothing, nothing that they can solve.

Molt bé, bueno,

Very well, well,

anava a dir el guanyador de la samarreta d'Embolica,

I was going to say the winner of the Embolica t-shirt,

d'Embol, la setmana passada.

from Embol, last week.

Molt pront.

Very soon.

Però anem a esperar un poquet.

But let's wait a little bit.

Esteu atents, perquè a més avui tinguem una fotracada

Pay attention, because today we have a feast.

de coses per regalar i sortejar,

of things to gift and raffle,

que està molt bé.

that is very good.



Que la tiramos.

That we throw it away.

Sí, la veritat, avui és dia...

Yes, the truth is, today is a day...

Maxi dia, eh?

Maxi day, huh?

Top, eh?

Great, huh?

Maxi dia.

Maxi day.

Però bueno, anem a començar pel que toca.

But okay, let's start with what matters.

Saludem a tota la gent que ens escolta des de Ràdio Sant Vicent

We greet all the people who are listening to us from Radio Sant Vicent.

per la 95.2 de l'AFM.

for the 95.2 of the AFM.



A tota la gent que ens escolta per Ràdio Ortegàlia i Ràdio Terra.

To all the people listening to us on Ràdio Ortegàlia and Ràdio Terra.



I també a la gent que ens escolta a través d'iBooks, iTunes,

And also to the people who listen to us through iBooks, iTunes,

Apple Podcast, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

Apple Podcast, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

per la cadena del vàter o pel que siga.

for the toilet chain or whatever it may be.

O per Ràdio Patio, no?

Or by Radio Patio, right?

O per Ràdio Patio.

Or by Radio Patio.

O per Ràdio Patio, no?

Or through Radio Patio, right?

I tu estàs a casa...

And you are at home...

Algú n'hi haurà per Ràdio Patio.

Someone will be there for Radio Patio.

I saludem també el nostre tècnic, Héctor Jiménez,

We also greet our technician, Héctor Jiménez.

que està ahí al comandament tècnic.

who is there at the technical command.

Què dius?

What are you saying?



Dale, dale.

Go, go.

Jiménez, Héctor Jiménez, eh?

Jiménez, Héctor Jiménez, huh?

Jiménez, Jiménez.

Jiménez, Jiménez.

El leitor.

The reader.

Molt bé, doncs, bueno, això, ja hem saludat a la penyeta.

Very well, then, well, that's it, we've already greeted the little group.

Ah, per cert, avui, com és l'últim programa de la Tempo,

Ah, by the way, today, since it's the last episode of Tempo,

ens ha donat un tall de veu el nostre amic Arquinyol,

our friend Arquinyol has given us a voice break,

que no ha pogut estar així avui.

that hasn't been able to be like this today.

Que va estar en el primer programa i ha hagut d'estar en l'últim.

Who was in the first program and has had to be in the last one.

Però tampoc.

But neither.

O sigui, anava a ser un col·laborador i s'ha convertit en un espontani.

So, he was going to be a collaborator and has turned into a spontaneous.

Sí, però bueno, li pega molt a Carquinyol, això de ser espontani.

Yes, but well, it really suits Carquinyol to be spontaneous.

És amic del programa, no?

He's a friend of the program, isn't he?



Digue-me'l així.

Tell me it like that.

Bueno, crec que ens ha enviat un tall de veu, anem a escoltar-lo, és molt breu.

Well, I think he has sent us a voice clip, let's listen to it, it's very brief.

Hola a tots, sóc Ivan Carquinyol i volia felicitar a tot l'equipazo que n'hi ha ahí

Hello everyone, I'm Ivan Carquinyol and I wanted to congratulate the whole great team that is there.

de Massa pa la Carabassa, Tomàs Fordepanking, per aquesta temporada

Too much bread for the pumpkin, Tomàs Fordepanking, for this season.

i desitjar-vos molta sort.

and wish you good luck.

Un abraç a tots.

A hug to all.





Ahí estava.

There it was.

Aquesta gent que encara no sap com es diem del programa, però anem bé, eh?

These people still don't know what we are called from the program, but we're doing fine, right?


Thank you.

Home, només va estar fa nou mesos, o sigui que no m'ho hauria oblidat.

I was home only nine months ago, so I wouldn't have forgotten it.

Too much pressure.

Too much pressure.

I bueno, avui no hem dit encara a qui hem portat.

And well, today we still haven't said who we brought.

Correcte, i tinguem doble dosi avui de convidats, perquè no fem curts.

Correct, and we have a double dose of guests today, so let's not hold back.



Perquè la gent quan diga, hòstia, em diu que pare ja les seccions.

Because when people say, damn, they tell me to stop the sections.

Tranquils, avui en portem una.

Don't worry, today we're bringing one.

Tinguem el doble.

Let's have double.

Avui estaran...

Today they will be...

Avui estaran amb nosaltres Manel Espinoza, que ve a presentar el seu últim treball.

Today Manel Espinoza will be with us to present his latest work.

De l'Antic Pellicana.

Of the Ancient Pelican.

Antic de Pellicana.

Ancient of Pellicana.

I també estaran amb nosaltres els amics de la Caixa de Gel.

And the friends from the Ice Box will also be with us.

Antic Caixa de Gel.

Old Ice Box.



Antes conocido del artista anteriormente conocido como...

Formerly known of the artist formerly known as...

Bueno, depende la estació del año, ¿no?

Well, it depends on the season of the year, doesn't it?



Ahora sería la Caixa de Gel.

Now it would be the Ice Box.

Sí, pero el tufillo, ¿no?

Yes, but the whiff, right?

Bueno, pues ahora sí, sense més diversió, anem a donar la benvinguda

Well, now yes, without more fun, let's welcome.

a la Caixa de Gel.

to the Ice Box.

A la Caixa de Gel.

At the Ice Box.

El nostre amic Manel Espinoza.

Our friend Manel Espinoza.

Ai, d'on ha aparegut?

Oh, where has it appeared from?

De la nada.

Out of nothing.

No se n'havia llegit, és de veres.

He hadn't read it, that's true.

Vine aquí.

Come here.



Què tal?

How are you?

Ah, vale, vale.

Ah, okay, okay.

Estem escoltant així...

We are listening like this...

Què estem escoltant, Manel?

What are we listening to, Manel?

Pues una cançoneta que es diu Dos Segons.

Well, a little song called "Two Seconds."

Dos Segons.

Two Seconds.

Dura més de dos segons.

It lasts more than two seconds.

Ai, que...

Oh, that...





O sea, no dura dos segons,

I mean, it doesn't last two seconds,

però parla d'una mala experiència que vaig tindre jo,

but it talks about a bad experience I had,

que va ser un accident de trànsit.

that it was a traffic accident.

Ostres, d'això que passa...

Wow, about this that’s happening...

Vist o no vist?

Seen or unseen?

I quan es passen coses d'aquestes,

And when things like this happen,

es dónes compte que en dos segons

You realize that in two seconds.

la teua vida pot canviar radicalment, no?

Your life can change radically, can't it?

Però jo volia transformar aquestes males vibracions

But I wanted to transform these bad vibes.

en un sentit més positiu, no?

In a more positive sense, right?

Perquè en dos segons, igual que poden canviar pa' mal,

Because in two seconds, just as they can change for the worse,

també poden canviar per a bé.

they can also change for the better.

Molt bé, molt positiu.

Very good, very positive.

Sí, clar, un te quiero,

Yes, of course, I love you.

un helado,

an ice cream,

un helado de vainillas.

a vanilla ice cream.

Has ni han decisió

You have no decision.

i estavegais marquen un esbenigno...

and you were marking a benign...



A veure, si igual els anem a escoltar

Let's see, maybe we should go listen to them.

vint segones la cançoneta.

twenty seconds the little song.

Segons que canvien tot.

As everything changes.

tocar un gran acord, puc reviure

to play a great chord, I can come back to life

algun moment

some moment

és que sona molt bon rollera

it sounds very good vibes

sí, sí, és que era la idea

Yes, yes, that was the idea.

cançó de recuperació

recovery song

el susto i vaig a posar la ràdio

I'm scared and I'm going to turn on the radio.



estava mirant-ho així

I was looking at it like this.

això són CDs

these are CDs

d'un concert que va fer a Castella

from a concert he/she gave in Castile

com han dit, tinguem una fotracada de coses

As they said, let's have a blast of things.

per sortejar, entre altres un pack

to raffle, among others a pack

de samarreta i CD de Manel

Manel's t-shirt and CD

que esteu atents

be attentive

samarreta guapa

nice t-shirt

de qualitat, de cotó, d'ICD

quality, cotton, of ICD

de cotó d'ICD

of ICD cotton

que el tires al pis i t'aguanta

that you throw it on the floor and it holds you up

això que està en radiofònic

this that is in radio format

els que estiguen en la tenda

those who are in the store

i en Ràdio Sant Vicent escoltant-nos

and on Radio Sant Vicent listening to us

hauran dit

they will have said

que m'ha caigut alguna cosa del teix

I dropped something from the yew.

les botigues de Ràdio Sant Vicent

the shops of Radio Sant Vicent

estan en mitjons de qualitat

they are in quality socks

de samarreta


doncs conta'ns un poc més

so tell us a little more



té nom aquest projecte?

Does this project have a name?

el projecte es diu Calcetins

the project is called Calcetins

i bueno, el primer que vaig a fer

And well, the first thing I'm going to do

és llançar un EP de 3 cançons

It's releasing an EP of 3 songs.

que l'EP es diu Temporada 1

that the EP is called Season 1

ja que esteu parlant del final de la vostra temporada

since you are talking about the end of your season

per mi és el principi

for me, it is the beginning

s'estira molt ara

It's stretching a lot now.

Season 1

Season 1

i vas emitir-ho a Netflix o com està això?

Did you release it on Netflix or how does that work?

estava en negociacions

I was in negotiations.

però al final no vaig fer el contracte

but in the end I didn't make the contract

al final ens ho anaran a punt

in the end they will let us know

que bueno, no és igual però

That's good, but it's not the same.

també té una bona a la carta

it also has a good one on the menu

vull estar algo relacionat amb això

I want to be something related to this.

ah, algo relacionat

ah, something related

estàs a punt?

Are you ready?

estic a punt de començar

I am about to start.

jo he vingut amb l'Alea Garrigós

I have come with Alea Garrigós.

està ahí xunt

it is there together

l'Ivan d'Espencà

Ivan from Espencà

l'Andreu i Flora

Andreu and Flora

el Xupich

the Xupich

i conta'ns un poc més

and tell us a little more

tens algun concertet programat?

Do you have any concert planned?

no, perquè bueno, este projecte

no, because well, this project

no està encarat de ninguna manera

it is not aimed in any way

a portar-se al directe

to take it to the stage

perquè soc jo, tot lo que sona

because it's me, everything that sounds

ho he fet jo a ma casa

I did it at my house.

que també té gràcia perquè és 99% autoproduït

which is also funny because it is 99% self-produced

d'habitació de ma casa

of my house's room

però almenys puc anar-me'n a casa a vore't o algo

but at least I can go home to see you or something

si vulgueu vindre

if you want to come

una jam allí

a jam there

un petit comitè

a small committee

un poquet de guacamole

a little bit of guacamole

venir-se, venir-se

to come, to come

i com va néixer això, este projecte?

And how was this project born?

com va ser el que vas dir?

How was it what you said?

bueno, pues realment

well, actually

jo sempre estic fent cançons

I am always writing songs.

i tenia unes quantes cançons

I had a few songs.

les vaig ensenyar a una amiga

I showed them to a friend.

i em va dir que això no podia

and he told me that this couldn't happen.

quedar-se ahí

stay there

entonces pues

so then

em vaig esforçar un poc més

I pushed myself a little more.

en fer que estiguessin un poc més audibles

to make them a little more audible

i tal

and such

i hasta vaig pensar en la idea del videoclip

I even thought about the idea for the music video.

que estic fent d'esta cançó de dos segons

What am I doing with this two-second song?

en la que gent

in which people

de parts de

on behalf of

tot arreu del món està enviant-me vídeos

Everyone around the world is sending me videos.

d'uns quants segons fent algo

of a few seconds doing something

que els fa ja feliços

that makes them happy already

ostres, que guai

Wow, how cool!

com a mode de recuperació

as a means of recovery

com te quedas

How do you feel?

com fer-se un videoclip

how to make a music video

el que és la col·laboració global

what global collaboration is

pot haver-hi

there may be

això és el videoclip 2.0

this is the 2.0 music video

hauríem de fer un videoclip

We should make a music video.

bé, ara ve per ahir

well, now comes for yesterday

el nostre amic

our friend



ja està obrint la porta

He is already opening the door.

tranquil, tranquil, Macónder

calm, calm, Macónder

està tot controlat

It is all under control.

no t'espera, no t'espera

doesn't wait for you, doesn't wait for you

bé més pront

well earlier

bé, doncs si us sembla

Well, then, if it seems good to you.

el que anem a fer ara

what we are going to do now

no, no, tranquil, tranquil

no, no, calm down, calm down

ara no vens

now you don't come

ara t'esperes

now you wait

ara t'esperes del teu torn

now you're waiting for your turn

tenim aquí el Macondo que està un poquet agressiu

we have here the Macondo which is a bit aggressive

va i fora

go in and out

està a punt de tirar una pedra o algo

he is about to throw a stone or something

va fer-li algo al tècnic

he did something to the technician

va fer boicot

he staged a boycott

boicot el programa

boycott the program

Andreu ha dut una seccioneta

Andreu has brought a small section.



un nou canal

a new channel

quin canal nou serà

which new channel will it be

un nou canal nou

a new channel new

doncs fa una setmaneta i uns dies que

so it has been a little over a week and a few days since

a punt

on point

saps que m'encanta interrompre't

You know that I love to interrupt you.

i no volia

and I didn't want to

que semenen ara el programa sense interrompre't

let them now sow the program without interrupting you



si doneu like i compartiu aquest post

if you like and share this post

és important

it is important


interrupt me

a la meitat de la secció

in the middle of the section

si doneu like i compartiu el post d'aquest programa

if you like and share the post of this program



entrareu en el sorteig d'un pack

you will enter the draw for a pack

de samarretes

of t-shirts

dels nostres convidats d'avui

of our guests today

Manel, Espinosa i la Caixa de Xel

Manel, Espinosa and the Box of Xel

però esteu alerta

but you be careful

perquè al final del programa

because at the end of the program

en la secció del trocete

in the section of the trocete

anem a sortejar en directe

let's raffle live

un altre pack

another pack

del bienestar

of well-being

d'un mescladillo

of a mixture

un CD d'una cosa

a CD of something

i una samarreta d'una altra

and a t-shirt from another

i viceversa

and vice versa

ni David Guetta

nor David Guetta

ja veus

you see

jo també va ser l'últim programa

I was also the last program.

m'agradaria enviar un saludo

I would like to send a greeting.

a tota aquesta gent que està mirant-mos

to all these people who are watching us

un saludo

a greeting

un saludar

a greeting

i res, us porto una seccioneta molt ràpida

And nothing, I’ll take you a very quick little section.

si heu estat atents

if you have been attentive

o si heu fet com jo

or if you have done like me

heu entrat a la carta

you have entered the letter

tots els dies

every day

que ja estàs ahí

that you are already there



a punt

on point

estic d'acabar

I'm just finishing up.

d'acabar la meva vida

to end my life

i us porto una llista

And I bring you a list.

de noms de programes

of program names

de TV

of TV

no de ràdio

radio number

de ràdio

of radio

i ja aniré a pillar

And I'll go get it.

a veure qui escolta la ràdio

let's see who listens to the radio

avui en dia


i bueno

and well

bon dia

good morning

vas a eixir en alguno?

Are you going out in one?

bueno, seguim en la

Well, let's continue in the

passamos al següent tema

let's move on to the next topic

al qual va a eixir

which will come out

no, no

no, no

atenció, atenció

attention, attention

no tenim notícia

we have no news

i si tal coi era a punt

And if such a thing was ready

jo vos diré el nom

I will tell you the name.

i vosaltres em direu

and you will tell me

si és un programa de deberes o no

whether it is a homework program or not

anem allà

let's go there

és un programa o no?

Is it a program or not?

vinga, anem allà

Come on, let's go there.

la vesprada a punt

the afternoon is ready

a mi no em sona

It doesn't ring a bell to me.



jo crec que sí

I think so.

no, és el matí a punt

no, it's almost morning



assumptes interns

internal matters

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

la cançoneta

the little song

l'està enviat

He is sending it.

a la taula i al llit

at the table and in bed

el primer crit

the first cry

és fals

it is false

és pareguda

it is similar

ell diu

he says

xef a casa

chef at home

igual, igual

same, same



té una similitud fonètica

it has a phonetic similarity

no, però era

no, but it was

té paraules

has words

era demostrat

it was demonstrated



els que s'han incorporat ara

those who have just joined

que estem fent un verdader o fals

that we are doing a true or false

en programes de a punt

in programs of at point

sí, sí

yes, yes

de la competència

of the competition

si voleu participar en directe

if you want to participate live

esteu totalment convidats

you are totally invited




o sí, no?

Oh yes, right?



València Club de Futbol

Valencia Football Club

que tu eres més del llevant, no?

that you are more from the east, aren't you?


del que guanyava l'altre dia

of what I earned the other day

anem allà

let's go there

més programes

more programs



ah, sí, sí

ah, yes, yes

sí, és de la ràdio

Yes, it's from the radio.

de la tele

from the TV

va començar a la ràdio

it started on the radio

és de tercer d'ESO

he is in third year of secondary school

no sé per què posen només

I don't know why they only put.

tercer d'ESO

third year of compulsory secondary education

que els tenen ahí

that they have them there

però pareixen més xicotes

but they seem more like girls



jo et juraria que

I would swear to you that

quan anava a tercer d'ESO

when I was in third year of high school

era més major, no?

He was older, wasn't he?

però això és

but this is

el síndrome

the syndrome


of this

del tercer d'ESO

from the third year of secondary education

moltes vegades

many times

és el síndrome

it is the syndrome

del tercer d'ESO

from the third year of ESO

només el tercer d'ESO

only the third year of ESO

reconegut per experts

recognized by experts

com Andreu

like Andreu

quan Miquel anava

when Miquel was going

no es deia ni ESO

it was not even called that

ni ESO ni l'altre

neither that nor the other

era el AGB

it was the AGB

era l'AGM a costura

it was the AGM at sewing



tercer de costura

third of sewing

i el donava un poquet

and I would give him a little bit.

de matemàtiques

of mathematics

i Aixà

And so

tercer de costura

third of sewing

i quart d'Aixà

and a quarter of Aixà

per caballó

per horse

a veure

let's see

un altre que es diu

another one that is called

la paraula amagada

the hidden word

i se me sona

It sounds familiar to me.

i se es diu

and it is called

el programa es diu

the program is called

Abril Cerral

April Cerral

no, però i se

no, but I know

me l'ha greupiat enseguida

he grouped it for me right away

i se me sona

I remember it.

continuem, continuem

let's continue, let's continue

això és un fer-la-mar?

is this a make-a-mess?

un fer-la-mar

to make it big

això és un fer-la-mar

this is a big mess

no, això és un destarifo

no, this is a mess


això és un destarifo

this is a mess

jo no ho havia escoltat mai

I had never heard it before.


mess up

estic molt d'entra

I am very much in.

està, però

it is, but





sí, sí

yes, yes

de què va?

what is it about?

de Matxia

of Matxia



i no hi ha ningú

and there is no one there

no vos aparegui curiós

don't look curious

que en totes les descripcions

that in all the descriptions

dels programes

of the programs


be it

dos presentadors

two presenters

van per tota la comunitat valenciana

they go all over the Valencian Community

fent cuina


fent matxia

doing matxia

tots són

they all are

dos presentadors

two presenters



recorrent tota la comunitat valenciana

traversing the entire Valencian Community

com un país en la barriga

like a country in the belly

però sí

but yes

sí, sí

yes, yes

presentadors por el mundo

presenters around the world

no, la veritat és que esteu

no, the truth is that you are


per la comunitat valenciana

for the Valencian Community

la veritat és que esteu

the truth is that you are



més enterats

more informed

més del que jo creia

more than I thought

i els nostres seguidors

and our followers

com estan enterats

how are they informed

a mi

to me

a mi el que em sorprèn

what surprises me

molt enterats

very knowledgeable

a mi el que em sorprèn

what surprises me

és que Eugeni Alemany

it's that Eugeni Alemany

isca en tots els programes

it appears in all programs

sí, sí

yes, yes

des d'aquí tinc un missatge

From here I have a message.

atrapa'm si pots

catch me if you can



per favor




vete a tu pueblo

go to your village





que estàs a totes hores

that you are always there



i Botifarra

and Sausage

que el nostre amic

that our friend




the smudge

va a Botifarra

go to Botifarra

van per casa

They go home.

que vaig estar mirant

that I was looking at

un capítol

a chapter

és que no n'hi ha

it's just that there aren't any

moment que ell somriga

moment when he smiles

ell és

he is

ell és aixina

he is like that

és que no n'hi ha forma

there's no way around it

de treballar una receta

to work on a recipe

és un xic

he is a guy

bueno, moment per a recordar

well, a moment to remember

que si doneu like

that if you like

i compartiu aquest post

and share this post

entrareu en el sorteig

you will enter the draw

d'un CD

from a CD

de la Caixa de Txell

from the Caixa de Txell

i una samarreta

and a t-shirt



el nostre amic

our friend





bueno, realment

well, really

la samarreta

the t-shirt

de què ens

what about us

l'has dut

you have taken it

que no l'he vist

that I haven't seen him/her

sí, és igual que

yes, it is the same as

ah, és la seua barba

Ah, it's his beard.

és un papà Noel

it is a Santa Claus

no sabem si és seua

we don't know if it's his/hers.

o no

or not



bueno, pues

well, then

entraré en el sorteig

I will enter the raffle.

d'un CD

of a CD

de la Caixa de Txell

from the Box of Txell

i una samarreta

and a t-shirt

de papà Noel

from Santa Claus



o un CD

or a CD

de Manel

by Manel

i una samarreta

and a T-shirt

de la Caixa de Txell

from the Caixa de Txell

estàs liant-te

you are getting tangled up

que t'he costat

what I've cost you

o el parega

or the same

sí, ja ho enviarem

Yes, we will send it.

o el que sobre

or what remains

del que es repartim

of what we share

amb altres

with others

sí, home, claro

yes, man, of course

com sempre fem

as we always do



mentre no falten

as long as they don't run out

els diners

the money

a base de bé


a base de bé tot

based on good everything

doncs molt bé

well then

bueno, ara jo

well, now me

us havia dut

I had brought you.

una seccioneta

a small section

però abans

but before

m'ha semblat

It seemed to me.



calentar els motors

warming up the engines



amb un rànquing

with a ranking



el nostre convidat

our guest

ha parlat poc

has spoken little



sí, està

yes, it is

està avui callet

it's quiet today

i haurem de fer-li

and we will have to do it for him/her

un rànquing

a ranking

jo no parlo massa

I don't speak much.

bueno, però

well, but

este no va de parlar

this one is not about talking

va de

it goes from


to recover

no sé

I don't know.



com dir-ho

how to say it

no m'ho estàs a l'alcaldia

you are not telling me at the town hall

a veure

let's see



de força

of strength



vaig a ficar

I'm going to put.

el timer

the timer





la seccioneta esta

the small section is

la tenim així

we have it like this

amb el condo

with the condo

que hi xance

that there is a breeze

per fora


tenim una

we have a



d'algú que pareix

of someone who seems

que no sap

that does not know

que és el programa

what is the program

per avaliar

to assess

bueno, te recordem

Well, we remind you.

que en 10 segons

that in 10 seconds

has de dir el màxim

you have to say the maximum

de vegades


massa per la carabassa

too much for the pumpkin



una pràctica

a practice

si vols

if you want

si vols guanyar

if you want to win

una samarreta

a t-shirt

i un CD

and a CD

like i compartir

like I share

el post

the post

què t'ha paregut?

What did you think?

que me sobren

that I have too many of

les camisetes

the t-shirts

compartir a on?

share where?

i se pica

and it stings

pel carrer

in the street

i si és al carrer

and if it is in the street

i has comès

you have committed

like i compartir

I like to share.


go there

vés-hi al carrer

go to the street



és el estanc

it's the pond

mira, mira

look, look

ai, ai

oh, oh

mireu mal que la càmera

look bad that the camera

no està enfocada

not focused

mireu mal que no ha apuntat

look, bad that he hasn't pointed out

i posem l'ordre

and we set the order

bueno, anem a la licanya

Well, let's go to the licanya.

encara te senti el record

you still feel the memory

compartit en Carquinyol

shared in Carquinyol

que ens ha

that has us



al principi del programa

at the beginning of the program

en 10 segons

in 10 seconds

bueno, en 10 segons

Well, in 10 seconds.

el màxim de vegades

the maximum number of times

massa per la carabassa

too much for the pumpkin

estàs preparat?

Are you ready?

quan tu diguis

whenever you say

si vols fer un

if you want to make a

un aceleronet

a little acceleration

així com fan els corredors

just like the runners do

primer va un poquet

first it goes a little bit

i torna

and return

avui podríem intentar-ho

Today we could try it.

a nosaltres també

to us too

si tu creus

if you believe

ja ho he deixat caure

I've already let it drop.

és que vols deixar-nos mal

it's just that you want to leave us bad

no, jo no

no, not me

no, no

no, no

perquè tu l'hauràs de fer

because you will have to do it

com sempre

as always

anem allà

let's go there

en 3

in 3





massa per la carabassa

too much for the pumpkin

quins és no?

which is it not?



15, però molt estables

15, but very stable

la veritat

the truth

i la veritat és que

and the truth is that

tens les lesions

you have the injuries

com molt pausat

very slowly


you say

ostres, que gust

Wow, how nice!

una puntuació

a score



molt admirable

very admirable

i per la tranquil·litat

and for the peace of mind

que 해�

what 해�





potser su cars

maybe your cars

la tranquil·litat

the tranquility

si, s'ha valorat molt

Yes, it has been highly valued.

la tranquil·litat

the tranquility

el que podríem fer

what we could do

ho fem ara

we do it now

dos de nosaltres

two of us

i després

and then

com bé

as well



Atenció, que acaben de rompir

Attention, they have just broken.

el plató, per favor

the plate, please

Mos van a tirar la bronca

They are going to scold us.

Ets un sinvergüença

You are a scoundrel.

A mi la bronca me l'ha pegat

I've been scolded.

tot, però perquè...

everything, but why...

Què passa?

What's happening?

Tenim així un individu

We thus have an individual.



És Jimmy Jam

It's Jimmy Jam.

Bueno, quasi s'ha de carregar la porta

Well, almost the door has to be loaded.

La veritat és que no ha tocat

The truth is that it hasn't happened.

La primera m'ha caigut cap a darrere

The first one fell backward.

i ja la segona ja he vist que s'ha obrit cap a fora

And I've already seen that the second one has opened outward.

Bueno, estem així

Well, we are like this.

en mitja d'un rànquing, saps?

In the middle of a ranking, you know?

Menys mal que l'ha entrat en mitja d'un rànquing

Thank goodness it has been included in the middle of a ranking.

Sí, jo m'ha quedat atracantat

Yes, I was left feeling overwhelmed.

No, però espera, què passa?

No, but wait, what’s happening?

La decència


de entrar quan ja s'acabava

of entering just as it was finishing

el Massa per la Calabassa

the Mass for the Pumpkin

És que és molt considerat

It's just that he is very considerate.

Ha sigut un considerat

It has been a considerate.

Molt considerat

Very considerate

Menys la temporada

Less the season

Molt considerat

Very considerate

Mira, bueno, així ja has dutat la teua seccioneta

Look, well, you've already taken care of your little section.

Tu has vingut, la fas, te'n vas a casa

You have come, you do it, you go home.

Jo he vingut a fer una moció de censura

I have come to make a vote of no confidence.

Te'n vens, fas així, la lies

You come, you do this, you mess it up.

i te'n fas un Justin Bieber

And you make a Justin Bieber out of it.

Sí, sí, pim, pam

Yes, yes, bang, bang.

I adeu

And goodbye

Bueno, bueno

Well, well.

Pues, Andreu, jo optaria

Well, Andreu, I would choose

per la teua presència en el rànquing

for your presence in the ranking

Vinga, anem a animar-li xics

Come on, let's cheer him up guys!

Un segon

One second

Tres, dos, un

Three, two, one



Massa per la calabassa

Too much for the pumpkin.

Bueno, bueno, bueno

Well, well, well.

Quinze, quinze

Fifteen, fifteen

Però patina

But it skates.

El xaval ho ha fet bé

The kid did well.

però ho ha dit quan va ser el de la Xar

but he said it when it was the Xar

Ho falta tarticular un poco

It needs to be articulated a bit.


I agree.



Sí, animarem el nostre amic

Yes, we will encourage our friend.



En tres, dos, uno, tiempo

In three, two, one, time.

15, eh?

15, huh?

Què està passant, 8?

What is happening, 8?

Nadie més segur.

Nobody more sure.

Parecia que anava a ser millor encarat.

It seemed like it was going to be better aimed.

Però no, ha hagut...

But no, there has been...

Jo t'admire tu com ho has fet tan...

I admire you for how you did it so...

Segur que s'ha escoltat.

Surely it has been heard.

Jo no em fio un pèl,

I don't trust a bit,

després ho veuré en el vídeo i en contaré a mi mateix.

I'll see it in the video later and I'll tell myself about it.

A frame a frame.

Frame by frame.

Bueno, abans de passar a la següent secció,

Well, before moving on to the next section,

recordem que si doneu like i compartiu el post

remember that if you like and share the post

d'aquest programa, entrarem en sortits

from this program, we will enter outings

de una samarreta...

of a t-shirt...

Un sorteig, superxulo.

A super cool raffle.

Un sorteig de...

A raffle of...

Mucho dinero, mucho dinero.

A lot of money, a lot of money.

Y un chalet en Torrevieja.

And a chalet in Torrevieja.



Anem a passar ja a una seccioneta que vos he portat avui.

Let's move on to a little section that I have brought for you today.

Macondo, tu deberàs esperar.

Macondo, you must wait.



Està l'aire posat i tal.

The air is on and stuff.

Està d'agustico, eh?

It's nice, isn't it?

Està d'agustico, també.

He is also happy.

És un verdari o fals?

Is it true or false?

Ja sabeu que m'agraden molt d'aquestes seccions de merda.

You know I really like these shit sections.

D'aquestes que el prepara és venir en el cotxe, no?

The one who prepares it is coming in the car, right?



D'aquestes del clàxon i tal.

About the horn and such.

D'aquestes de...

Of these from...

Un d'estudis diu que si vols aprimar-te

One study says that if you want to lose weight

tens que fer esport.

You have to do sports.

I no menjar.

I don't eat.

I no menjar xocolata de nit.

I don't eat chocolate at night.

O millor, la del carnet de conduir.

Or better, the driving license one.

Aquella sí que va ser una setmana mítica.

That was indeed a legendary week.

I se te va molar, eh?

I see you liked it, huh?

Sí, va ser una setmana per repetir.

Yes, it was a week to repeat.

Què podria fer aquesta setmana?

What could I do this week?

No, saber lo que està fent Lluís en ese moment.

No, to know what Lluís is doing at that moment.

¿Está preparándose el carnet de conduir?

Are you preparing for the driving license?

Pues ahora, mon amica.

Well now, my friend.

Claro, estoy aprimándome para la operación bikini.

Of course, I am getting ready for bikini season.

Ahora cuando...

Now when...

¿Quiénes son los de un millón de espachitos de esport?

Who are the ones with a million little sports spaces?

X hamsters.

X hamsters.

Pero esto lo he visto en un artículo.

But I have seen this in an article.

Sí, me lo han dicho, un amigo.

Yes, a friend told me.

X hamsters, ¿así? Perdona.

X hamsters, is that so? Sorry.

X hamsters.

X hamsters.

Que va, de hamsters...

No way, about hamsters...



Lluís, sí que estás por conectarte.

Lluís, yes, you are online.


It is...

No, no tenía ni idea.

No, I had no idea.

Pon hub, you pon...

You pon hub, you pon...

Sí, ya está.

Yes, it's done.



X hamsters.

X hamsters.

I la que el salta de banyer.

And the one that jumps from the bathtub.

X barcers, esta.

X barcers, this.

X barcers.

X barcers.

X en XXX.

X in XXX.



I macondo.cad.

I macondo.cad.

Es por no...

It's because not..., que seria en valencià,, which would be in Valencian,

i macondo.cad, que seria en sud-americà.

and macondo.cad, which would be in South American.

Sí, ten de papers matins, no?

Yes, you have papers in the mornings, right?



Bé, això, un veredero fals, així anar rapidet.

Well, this, a true fake, so let's go quickly.

Un poquet de tot, un poquet de tot.

A little bit of everything, a little bit of everything.

Anem a fer resposta ràpid.

Let's make a quick response.

Que la veritat estigui bé, no?

That the truth is okay, right?



I damunt estan les respostes, molt bé, Lluís.

And above are the answers, very good, Lluís.

Jo no participé.

I did not participate.

Vinga, doncs espera, Manel.

Come on, then wait, Manel.

Què te les mira, totes?

What are you looking at them for, all of you?

A veure, Manel.

Let's see, Manel.

La capital de la República Txeca és Budapest.

The capital of the Czech Republic is Budapest.

Verdad o fals?

True or false?



I quina és?

And which one is it?

De la República Txeca...

From the Czech Republic...

Más, más o menos.

More, more or less.

Fraja, fraja.

Strip, strip.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Hem dit verdad o fals, no que tingués que dir una resposta.

We said true or false, not that I had to give an answer.



La solució, si algú la vol saber, que la busque per Google, que...

The solution, if someone wants to know it, can look for it on Google, that...

O que el sorteig, que compartís que...

Or what the raffle, that you shared that...

El que no l'ha de compartir, que el que no l'ha de compartir, que s'ha de saber,

Those who should not share it, should not share it; that must be known.

quina és la resposta.

what is the answer.

Ok, Google.

Ok, Google.

Budapest capital.

Budapest capital.

És ok, Google.

It's okay, Google.

Ok, Google.

Ok, Google.

No he tingut ningú activat, sí, però és en la meva veu, no?

I haven't had anyone activated, yes, but it's in my voice, right?

Ah, que té detector de veu.

Ah, it has a voice detector.

El company de pizza allà de València, com que no se lo puc desbloquejar,

The pizza guy over there in Valencia, since I can't unblock him,

faig així i li dic, ok, Google.

I do this and say to him, ok, Google.

Esposa, i dic, culos peludos.

Wife, and I say, hairy butts.

I ell deia, i quan he desbloquejat, el primer que estava és...

And he said, and when I unlocked, the first thing that was there is...

Taca, taca.

Stain, stain.

Sí, dona gust.

Yes, it feels good.

És el Macondo truco d'avui.

It's the Macondo trick of today.

Se troba Macondo, no? Quan ha obrit la...

It is Macondo, right? When it has opened the...

Jo no sé per què.

I don't know why.

Haig de comentar, no?

I have to comment, right?

Anem a la següent.

Let's go to the next one.

El cap de gata està a Almeria.

The head of the cat is in Almeria.

Què preguntes, eh?

What are you asking, huh?

Està pegat al coll de gata.

It is stuck to the cat's neck.

Està bé, no?

It's okay, isn't it?

El cap de gata.

The cat's head.

El cap de gata està a Almeria.

The cat's head is in Almeria.

Jo diré que no.

I will say no.

Efectivament és fals. I on està?

It is indeed false. And where is it?

No n'hi poc.

There isn't much of it.

El cap de gata està en el cap de la nau.

The cat's head is at the top of the boat.

Però si gata no té mar.

But if the cat doesn't have a sea.

Que sí, que sí, que en el cap de la nau

Yes, yes, that in the head of the ship.

està el cap de gata.

it's the head of the cat.

És que n'hi ha dos.

There are two of them.

No està reconvertint-se en un programa de geografia.

It is not being converted into a geography program.

Un és el de la gata i un és el del gat.

One is for the cat and one is for the tomcat.

Espera, bueno, jo vaig a...

Wait, well, I'm going to...

Ok, Google.

Ok, Google.

Jo he estat en el cap de gata

I have been at the cat's head.

i estava en Almeria o pareixia...

and I was in Almeria or it seemed...

Sí, era trampa, era trampa.

Yes, it was a trap, it was a trap.

Tu he buscat.

I have looked for you.

O este, ni hi havia persones...

Either this or there were no people...

Alguno que atrenia.

Someone who would dare.

Sí, ¿no? En el cap de la gata, ¿no?

Yes, right? On the head of the cat, right?

Clar que és natural.

Of course it is natural.

El cap de gata, Almeria.

Cape de Gata, Almeria.

Tu busca un poquet més.

You look a little more.

Els teus fons no són fiables.

Your sources are not reliable.

El pic de Tortajada

The peak of Tortajada

està a Ademús.

It is in Ademús.



Això és el que portaves tu l'altre dia.

This is what you wore the other day.

Doncs si ja que he dit dos voltes fals...

Well, yes, since I’ve already said twice false...

Fals i és verdader.

False and it is true.

No m'agrada impugnar-ho.

I don't like to challenge it.



El Jurat ha decidit...

The Jury has decided...

Hem vingut a impugnar que el cap de gata

We have come to challenge that the cat's head

me diu que està en Níjar, Almeria

He tells me he is in Níjar, Almeria.

i tenim un mapa.

And we have a map.

La pregunta número 2 no era vàlida.

Question number 2 was not valid.

Bueno, el que vulgui buscar...

Well, whoever wants to look...

Entra la pregunta reservada, entra, ¿vale?

Enter the reserved question, go ahead, okay?



Gràcies per la investició.

Thank you for the investment.

El riu Segre està en Castelló.

The Segre River is in Castelló.

No m'hi preguntes això.

Don't ask me that.

Jo és que m'haig de preguntar coses

I have to ask myself questions.

que ningú sàpiga, ningú m'hi posa.

let no one know, no one brings it to me.

És cultura, en general, per la penyeta.

It is culture, in general, for the punchline.

¿Per què?


Si vas a Castelló, dius

If you go to Castellón, you say.

el riu Segre, vale.

the Segre River, okay.

I què?

And what?

Ves-ho tu.

Go see for yourself.

De què el servei saber-ho si pots mirar a Google

Why should the service know if you can look it up on Google?

i veure-ho bé.

and see it well.

I a Espanya.

And in Spain.

Però Google a vegades no és fiable.

But Google is sometimes not reliable.

Per exemple, busques

For example, you search

el cap de gata i dius que està en Almeria.

the head of the cat and you say it is in Almeria.

Níjar, Almeria.

Níjar, Almeria.

Bueno, jo buscaria.

Well, I would look.

El riu Segre...

The Segre River...

No me'n queda una.

I don't have one left.

Espereu-se que la que vea...

Wait for the one who sees...

La que vea ara és un poc perillosa.

The one you see now is a little dangerous.

Però el riu Segre...

But the river Segre...

La vaig a dir a ell i jo.

I'm going to tell him and me.

No, que no ha contestat.

No, he hasn't answered.





Está en atreve puesto.

It is in daring place.

¿Tú, Diego?

You, Diego?

¿Qué? Pues false, tonto.

What? Well, false, stupid.

En el Brasil no tienes ni idea

In Brazil, you have no idea.

de dónde está el riu Segre.

Where is the Segre river?

Que sí, que está en Cataluña.

Yes, it's in Catalonia.

El Segre.

The Segre.

Bueno, Andreu s'ha permitit el luxe

Well, Andreu has allowed himself the luxury.

de dir la última.

to have the last word.

Bueno, anem allà.

Well, let's go there.

Si teniu like i compartiu el post del programa

If you like it, share the program's post.

entrarem en el sorteig d'una sabarreta

we will enter the draw for a T-shirt

i un CD.

and a CD.

I este magnífico cotxe.

And this magnificent car.

I un apartament en Torrevieja.

And an apartment in Torrevieja.

Un set.

A set.

Màlaga, 1.500 ingressos.

Málaga, 1,500 entries.

Anem a la última.

Let's go to the last one.

Anem a la última i la més muda.

Let's go to the last and the quietest one.

No sé si sabràs afrontar-la.

I don't know if you will be able to handle it.

Massa Carabassa és el millor programa del món.

Massa Carabassa is the best program in the world.

I depèn de lo que respongues,

It depends on what you respond,

¿te continues en el programa o no?

Are you still in the program or not?

Això és fals, però ja de per si

This is false, but it is already so in itself.

per la pregunta, lo del programa.

For the question, about the program.

És la millor tertúlia del món.

It's the best discussion group in the world.

És una cafeta vegana.

It's a vegan café.



Una cafeta vegana descafeinada

A decaffeinated vegan coffee.

grasa sin grasa,

fat without fat,

sin hueso chuletón.

boneless rib steak.

Sin trazas de soja.

Without traces of soy.

A la dreta hi ha un segon el rotllo.

On the right, there is a second roll.

Saludar a Andrea i a Lucía,

Greet Andrea and Lucía.

que no han pogut estar avui ací.

that could not be here today.

Una està que s'ha de mudar de pis.

One is moving to a new apartment.

Una està que està i l'altra està en febrer.

One is that is, and the other is in February.

En febrer?

In February?

No, en febrer.

No, in February.

En febrer, en febrer, en febrer.

In February, in February, in February.

Està en febrer del 2019, ja.

It's already February 2019.

Està esperant molt.

She is waiting a lot.

Així que un saludet a Andrea i a Lucía.

So a little greeting to Andrea and Lucía.

Està molt guapo.

He is very handsome.

Sí, perdona, tenim ja la resposta.

Yes, sorry, we already have the answer.

Tornem de publicitat, la resposta.

We're back from the ads, the answer.

No, jo anava a dir que...

No, I was going to say that...

Jo soc fi dels meus principis i he dit que totes

I am faithful to my principles and I have said that all

eren falses.

they were false.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

No m'ho he desencaminat.

I haven't gone off track.

Està mal formulat.

It is poorly formulated.

Programa, programa.

Program, program.

Necessita primer algú que l'escolta i aquestes coses.

He needs someone to listen to him first and these things.

A pujar l'audiència.

To increase the audience.

Just ara sí.

Right now, yes.

Està calent, l'àmbit.

It's hot, the area.

Està calentíssimo, calentíssimo.

It is very hot, very hot.

De passeu, de passeu.

Come in, come in.

Bueno, va, ara sí, anem a anar-se

Well, come on, now yes, let's go.

només un minutet a publicitat

just a tiny minute for advertising

perquè a la tornada

because on the way back

estaran ací els nostres amics de la Caixa de Xel.

Our friends from the Caixa de Xel will be here.

S'estan desfent del gel de la Caixa que està ahí fora.

They are getting rid of the ice from the Caixa that is out there.

I, ojito, perquè a la tornada a publicitat

I, be careful, because upon returning to advertising

també anem a tindre la secció de Macondo,

we are also going to have the Macondo section,

la secció de Miquel,

Miquel's section,

i un trocet molt especial on anem a fer un sorteig en directe,

and a very special piece where we are going to do a live raffle,

ja que és l'últim programa.

since it's the last program.

Macondo va a ficar un bono de 100 euros en

Macondo is going to put a 100 euro voucher on



150.000 euros.

150,000 euros.

Així que res, aprofiteu el minutet de publicitat

So nothing, take advantage of the little minute of advertising.

per a donar like i compartir el post

to give a like and share the post

i ens veiem ara mateix.

And we see each other right now.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!


in foam

o síguelos en Facebook, Espumet.

or follow them on Facebook, Espumet.

Hola, soc l'Ivan d'Espencat

Hello, I am Ivan from Espencat.

i esteu escoltant Massa Carabassa.

And you are listening to Massa Carabassa.

I són ara mateix les 18.30 de la vesprada.

It is now 6:30 in the evening.

I seguim en directe per Ràdio Sant Vicente,

And we continue live on Radio Sant Vicente,

en la RHL Internacional.

in the RHL International.

Massa Carabassa.

Too much pumpkin.

Bueno, ja us hem oblidat

Well, we have already forgotten you.

que vam despedir-nos del nostre amic Manel.

that we said goodbye to our friend Manel.

Aquí som uns anfitrions de categoria que pugueu veure.

Here we are, some top-notch hosts for you to see.

Sí, se nota, se nota.

Yes, it shows, it shows.

Bueno, Manel, moltes gràcies per haver vingut al programa.

Well, Manel, thank you very much for coming to the program.

Moltes gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you very much to you.

Esperem vorets pronts.

We hope to see you soon.

O que ens convidis a un assaig d'això o el que sigui,

Or that you invite us to a rehearsal of this or whatever,

per lo menos perquè...

at least because...

En casa.

At home.

Claro, y frenar o algo,

Sure, and stop or something,

un saúl de rosilla o lo que sigui.

a saul of rosilla or whatever it is.

Ja parlem, ja.

We're already talking, yeah.

Sigue tu sueño, Manel.

Follow your dream, Manel.

I ara anem a ficar la cançoneta

And now let's play the little song.

dels nostres amics de la Caixa de Xel,

from our friends at the Caixa de Xel,

que ja estan així.

that are already like this.

Que va a fer l'enarrelleu.

What is the rooting going to do?


Go ahead.

Molt bona esprada, amics de la Caixa de Xel.

Very good evening, friends of the Caixa de Xel.

Què tal? Com esteu?

How are you? How are you all?

Molt bé.

Very good.


We are...

Tinguem així a...

Let's have it like this in...



A Jorge i a...

To Jorge and...

I a Jaume.

And Jaume.

I a Jaume, de la Caixa de Xel.

And Jaume, from the Xel Box.

Bueno, i ara en estiu seria la Caixa de Foc.

Well, and now in summer it would be the Fire Box.

Ara més que mai som la Caixa de Xel.

Now more than ever we are the Caixa de Xel.

En estiu la Caixa d'Aigua.

In summer the Water Box.

Ara més que mai estem en el grup de WhatsApp

Now more than ever we are in the WhatsApp group.

i posem la Caixa de Foc.

and we place the Fire Box.

La Caixa de Foc.

The Fire Box.



Sí, la cunya.

Yes, the wedge.

Bueno, i contem-nos per què heu vingut al programa.

Well, tell us why you have come to the program.

Què passa, no teniu res millor que fer o...?

What's going on, don't you have anything better to do or...?

La veritat és que no,

The truth is no,

perquè ja hem acabat d'exàmens,

because we have already finished the exams,

aquestes coses d'universitaris,

these university things,

i hem dit...

and we have said...

Què bé viu el personal.

How well the staff lives.

Abans de començar el foguere,

Before starting the bonfire,

ens passem per així un ratet a la fresqueta.

we spend a little time here in the cool.

A pel cinc.

To the five.




Let's go.

A veure si aprovem esta.

Let's see if we pass this one.

Bueno, pues recordeu que si doneu like

Well, just remember that if you like

i compartiu el post del programa,

and share the post of the program,

traiem les sortides d'un superpack

we will take out the exits of a superpack

de samarretes, CDs de la Caixa de Xel.

T-shirts, CDs from the Caixa de Xel.

Merchan vintage.

Vintage merchandise.

I que ara en seguida, en el trocet,

And that now right away, in the little piece,

sortejarem també una cosa molt especial en directe

We will also raffle something very special live.

per a tots els que esteu a participar.

for all of you who are participating.

Així que no se n'aneu d'ahir.

So don't go away from yesterday.

Bueno, senyors de la Caixa de Xel,

Well, gentlemen of the Caixa de Xel,

què està passant?

What is happening?

Què està passant?

What is happening?

El que ha renaixut renaixut de les cendres.

What has been reborn has risen from the ashes.

Estem intentant tornar.

We are trying to return.



Però aneu a tornar o no?

But are you going to return or not?

No ens donem moltes esperances a nosaltres mateixos.

We don't give ourselves much hope.

Això sempre està bé.

This is always good.

Perquè ens coneixem.

Because we know each other.

Però bé, ahí estem.

But well, here we are.

Vam estar aturats

We were stopped.

perquè no estàvem en la ciutat,

because we were not in the city,

ni hi havia gent que estava fora.

nor were there people outside.

El treball, treballàvem fora

The work, we worked outside.

i no...

and no...

El trombó,

The trombone,

el trombó,

the trombone,

i no teníem continuïtat.

and we did not have continuity.

Estàvem quedant per tocar i tal,

We were getting together to play and stuff.

però sense res al futur.

but without anything in the future.



Com vosaltres.

Like you.

Igual, sense futur.

Same, without a future.

Vam rebutjar l'oferta d'Apunt.

We rejected the offer from Apunt.

Vam dir, no, mira,

We said, no, look,

m'ho anem a rodar a Sant Vicent,

we're going to roll it in Sant Vicent,

que està molt fresquet, allí.

that it is very cool there.

Bé, més fresquet que en Apunt, segur, eh?

Well, cooler than in Apunt, for sure, right?

Jo dic que sí, a l'oferta d'Apunt.

I say yes to the offer from Apunt.

Vaig a presentar el nit d'erotisme.

I am going to present the night of eroticism.



Aquesta nit tenim la pel·lícula

Tonight we have the movie.



Tenim la pel·lícula

We have the movie.

La veïna del muntó.

The neighbor of the haystack.

Que encara està profunda.

That is still deep.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I, bé,

I, well,

teniu alguna cosa pensada,

do you have something in mind,

algun CD en ment o alguna coseta?

Any CD in mind or something?

Sí, estem...

Yes, we are...

Això, ara que ja tornem a estar tots en Alacant,

Now that we are all back in Alicante,

doncs, els assajos estan sent més freqüents,

well, the rehearsals are becoming more frequent,

etcètera, etcètera.

etcetera, etcetera.

Vam dir,

We said,

eh, per què no totes aquestes cançons

Eh, why not all these songs?

les intentem ajuntar en algun lloc

we try to gather them somewhere

i anem a gravar un disc,

and we are going to record an album,

bé, un disc d'estat,

well, a state disc,

un EP d'estorixinada

an EP of a mix-up

amb modernillos.

with modern ones.

Guapo, tio.

Handsome, dude.

En cinc cançons, no?

In five songs, right?

Cinc cançonetes, sí.

Five little songs, yes.

Molt bé, entonces l'acord tira a banda.

Very well, then the agreement is set aside.

I les cançons, com són?

And the songs, what are they like?

Són ahí de trap o...?

Are they trap or...?

Són esca.escap.trap

They are a trap.

original reggae sound.

original reggae sound.

Ah, ja està.

Ah, it's done.


Escape trap.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Mira, doncs,

Look, then,

per què no li deixem al baixista

why don't we let the bassist?

que si no faria trap, segur?

if I wouldn't do trap, for sure?

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Me caguen la mare.

I damn my mother.

El baixista,

The bassist,

amb una volta,

with a turn,

el baix vola en camisa.

the bass flies in a shirt.

En la samarreta posa això.

It says this on the t-shirt.

Que de normal no...

Usually not...

A veure,

Let's see,

per a un veneor de samarretes,

for a t-shirt seller,

volar sense ser en camisa

to fly without wearing a shirt

és una veritat.

It is a truth.

Això duele, això duele.

This hurts, this hurts.

Bueno, i vau estar

Well, and you were

fa poc tocant

not long ago touching

en el Alacant Desperta, no?

In Alicante Awakes, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, el...

Yes, the...

Traga tres samarretes, no?

Take off three T-shirts, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Traiazo, sí, sí.

Traza, yes, yes.

Tienes els amics

You have friends.

d'Alacant Desperta

Alicante Awakens

també en el programa,

also in the program,

una satisfacció.

a satisfaction.

La veritat és que va estar molt bé

The truth is that it was very good.

perquè van tenir

because they had

un bon horari,

a good schedule,

van aconseguir no tocar

they managed not to touch

quan pegava tota la solana.

when the sun shone all day.

Això ja es dir, eh?

This is already said, huh?

I n'hi havia bon ambient,

There was a good atmosphere.

vam sonar prou bé,

we sounded good enough,

creiem nosaltres.

we believe.

També van gravar

They also recorded.

un videoclip allí,

a music video there,

que prontament...

that soon...

Sí, així era la llum.

Yes, that was the light.

A veure si podem treure-lo prontament.

Let's see if we can get him out soon.

I això va molt content.

And this goes very happy.

I guai, molta cosa, home.

And cool, a lot of things, man.

A veure si van eixint

Let's see if they come out.

més cosetes.

more little things.

Moltes novetats.

Many news.

Estarem pendents,

We will be attentive.

estarem pendents.

we will be on the lookout.

Bueno, jo crec que és

Well, I think it is.

un bon moment per a dir

a good time to say

qui és el guanyador o guanyadora

Who is the winner?

de la samarreta d'Embo,

from Embo's t-shirt,

que estigueren així

that they were like this

la setmana passada,

last week,

que de fet

that in fact

hui han tret el CD,

today they released the CD,

o sea, Embo,

that is, Embo,

si esteu per ahí

if you are out there

per les xarxes,

for the networks,

podeu escoltar el CD nou,

you can listen to the new CD,

jo ja l'he escoltat,

I have already listened to it.

vaig a escoltar-lo en primícia,

I'm going to listen to it in preview.

és el que té ser VIP.

It is what it is to be VIP.

I té molt bona pinta,

And it looks very good.

doncs el recomane.

Well, I recommend it.

Ara sí,

Now yes,

és el moment de dir

it's time to say

qui és la guanyadora

who is the winner

o guanyador,

oh winner,

és la guanyadora

she is the winner

d'una samarreta d'Embo,

from an Embo t-shirt,

que sabrà ficar en contacte

who will know how to get in touch

amb nosaltres

with us

i la enviarem a molt de gust.

And we will send it with great pleasure.

És Sara,

It's Sara,

que és la guanyadora

what is the winner

Sara Sibarita.

Sara Sibarita.

Però aquest és el seu nom?

But is this their name?

Molt Sibarita no s'agrada

Very Sibarite does not like.

quan estàs sentint

when you are feeling

aquest programa.

this program.

Ah, vale, vale.

Ah, okay, okay.

És en Facebook, eh?

It's on Facebook, right?

O sea, que Sara Sibarita,

That is to say, Sara Sibarita,

quan escoltes o veig

when I hear or see you

aquest programa,

this program,

contacta amb nosaltres

contact us

i t'enviem

and we send you

la super samarreta

the super t-shirt


of Embo.


From Embo!

Molt bé.

Very well.

Doncs si voleu

Well, if you want.

tindre la mateixa sort

to have the same luck

que ha tingut

that has had

Sara Sibarita,

Sara Sibarita,

però pugueu donar-li like

but you can give it a like

i compartir aquest programa

and share this program

i entrar en els sorteis

and enter the raffles

d'un magnífic pack

of a magnificent pack

de samarretes i CDs

of t-shirts and CDs

tant de la caixa de xarxes

both from the network box

i de un bono

and of a bond

de 150 euros

of 150 euros

en la tenda de Macondo.

in the tent of Macondo.

150 euros, no?

150 euros, right?

150.000 euros.

150,000 euros.

De la tenda d'Alacant,

From the store in Alicante,



De la tenda d'Alacant, sí.

From the store in Alicante, yes.

Estic esperant

I am waiting.

a la tenda d'Alacant

to the tent in Alicante

de la mateixa

of the same

i vinga

and come on

tot el que quedi.

everything that remains.


Let's go.

Pues ya sabeu

Well, you already know.

que donar like

to give a like

i compartir

and share

i guanyar

and win



a la tenda de Macondo.

to the Macondo tent.

Van dir

They said.

que ja és una peluqueria.

that is already a hairdressing salon.



Una polla.

A penis.



el que no sabíeu

what you did not know

és tu, Miquel.

It's you, Miquel.

Has preparat alguna coseta, no?

You've prepared something, haven't you?



Tinc una llista

I have a list.

que em vaig fer

that I made myself



d'aquestes coses

of these things

que vas apuntant-te

what are you signing up for

i dius

and you say

que vaig a un dia

that I am going for a day

que tinc que dir-la.

that I have to say it.

I m'ha apuntat

He has pointed me out.

unes quatre frases

four sentences

que ma mare em diu sempre.

that my mother always tells me.

M'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

deixar que vas apuntant

let it go as you write down

de coses

of things

i després fas una secció.

And then you make a section.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

perquè tu et vas

because you are going

i dius

and you say

que està treballant.

that is working.

No tot el món

Not everyone

s'ho mira a última hora

he looks at it at the last minute

en el móvil.

on the mobile.

No, no,

No, no,

jo no ho faig

I don't do it.

amb cap intenció.

with no intention.

Jo simplement ho apunte

I simply note it down.

i després arriba un dia

and then a day comes

i dic

I say

que això ho podria agarrar

that this could be caught

o te fa un tuit

or you make a tweet

amb el d'Andreu Való.

with Andreu Való.



sempre hi ha

there is always

que tindre recursos

that you will have resources



pam, pam

bang, bang

per disparar.

to shoot.

Això és aixina.

This is how it is.



que n'hi ha frases

that there are phrases

que ma mare sempre em diu

what my mother always tells me

i vaig apuntar-les

I wrote them down.

perquè segur

because surely

que les mares valencianes

that Valencian mothers

dels pobles de Matros

of the towns of Matros

segur que també les diuen.

I'm sure they say them too.

Segur, segur.

Sure, sure.

I n'hi ha una

There is one.

que em diu molt

that says a lot to me

ma mare

my mother

que és

what is it

quan estàs buscant algo

when you are looking for something

i no ho trobes

and don't you find it?

ja n'està,

it's already done,

ja n'està

it is already done

i ta mare el diu

And your mother says it.

si vaig jo

if I go

i ho trobe

and I find it

què em dones?

What are you giving me?



a què vaig jo

what am I going to

i ho trobe?

And where do I find it?

I a més

And furthermore

el que el faré.

What I will do.

A tu encara t'agafa?

Does it still affect you?



I en raó.

And for that reason.



I en raó.

And for good reason.

Ja tenim una edat, eh?

We are of a certain age, aren't we?

Això és un clàssic.

This is a classic.

Aquesta sí que me la deia

This one indeed told me.

amb el xocotet.

with the little chocolate.

Em deia

He/She was telling me.

com el lleve l'espardeña

as the espadrille lifts it

ploraràs en raó

you will cry for a reason

però si tu anaves

but if you went

plorant-li a ta mare

crying to your mother

per qualsevol boba

for any fool

i el dia

and the day

si vaig a ell

if I go to him

ploraràs per en raó

you will cry for a reason

perquè el dia venís

so that the day may come

per qualsevol

for anyone



i diu

and he/she says

com posaries

how would you put

a poble o a domà

to the village or to the home

o quan te la tens farta

or when you are fed up with it

ja que n'hi ha

since there are some

que està el pirri de tu

what is the pirate doing with you?

i el diu

and he says

m'has de fer morir.

You must make me die.

M'has de fer morir?

Do you have to make me die?

De tant de disgust

Out of so much disgust

que et dones.

that you give yourself.

O quan te'l fa

Oh when it makes you

dentilles pa dinar

dents for lunch

i no vas mitjans.

And you didn't go halfway.

No has pensat

You haven't thought.

que igual

what a coincidence

només l'odeia ta mare?

Did only your mother hate him?



A lo millor, a lo millor.

Maybe, maybe.

Per favor,


digueu-me que no soc el únic.

tell me I’m not the only one.



jo no apoyo

I do not support.

la motiu.

the reason.

No m'has de fer morir.

You must not make me die.

Era jo

It was me.

que ho deia

what I was saying

m'ha de fer groguetes.

It has to make me yellowish.

No, no,

No, no,




tell me

que no m'has de fer morir.

you don't have to make me die.

Ella a mi.

She to me.

Ella a mi?

Her to me?

M'has de fer morir, no?

You have to make me die, haven't you?



podries ensenyar

could you teach

a la càmera...

to the camera...

No, la samarreta

No, the t-shirt.

sí, està molt bé,

yes, it's very good,

però les ulleres

but the glasses

de sol

of sun

que es porta avui

What is being worn today?




God bless you,

perquè és màgia.

because it is magic.

On està

Where is it?

la meva càmera?

my camera?



la càmera 4.

the camera 4.



Sí, oi, tio?

Yeah, right, dude?

No, això

No, this

va anar a fer-te

he went to do for you

un videoclip

a music video

al fesjoc o algo, no?

to the festival or something, right?

A puntes,

At points,

a puntes.

in points.

A puntes,

In points,

a puntes,

in points,

ja me'ls he menjat,

I've already eaten them.

he d'acabar

I have to finish.

i me'ls he menjat.

and I have eaten them.

Último hit del verano.

Last hit of the summer.



contes, contes, Miquel,

tales, tales, Miquel,

què més diu ta mare?

What else does your mother say?

Alguna frase més,

Any more sentences?

tipo que això,

like this,

quan te'l fa dentilles

when it gives you teeth

pa dinar


i no t'agrada

and you don't like it

i el diu

and he says

lo que no et menges pa dinar

what you don't eat for lunch

te'l menges pa sopar,

you eat it for dinner,


do you know?

Això és xina,

This is China.

el que no et menges ara

what you don't eat now

te'l menges después.

You eat it later.

Jo és que tenia bona boca,

I just had a good appetite,





ara que has parlat

now that you have spoken

dóna'm el sopar també,

give me dinner too,

ja que és...

since it is...

O quan li diu

Or when he/she tells him/her



vull jugar a la consola

I want to play on the console.

i el diu

and he says

ni consola,

nor console,

ni consolo.

neither consolation.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I això ha de fer

And this has to be done.

el femení i el masculí,

the feminine and the masculine,

és molt graciós.

It is very funny.

Sí, està guai, està guai.

Yes, it’s cool, it’s cool.

Ni consola, ni consolo.

Neither console, nor do I console.

I també la de

And also that of

vull una bicicleta,

I want a bicycle.





Una, no, dos.

One, no, two.

Dos, eh?

Two, huh?

Un clàssic.

A classic.

Una paca peu.

A cow foot.

Pa dalt ja t'ha patat el mar.

The sea has already battered you up there.

O quan te'l diu

Or when he tells you.

abriga que fas frescoreta

put on a coat, it's a bit chilly

i no vagis tan despitralat,

and don't be so unprepared,

quan te'l dius

when you say it to him/her

que vas a constipar-te,

you're going to catch a cold,


get to it

una bufandeta

a small scarf

o el collet tapat.

or the covered neck.

És que eres molt de muntanya.

It’s just that you are very much of the mountains.

Jo és que se'n va

I'm just leaving.

d'altra generació.

of another generation.

A mi m'hi diuen

They call me.

que anava sempre mudaet.

who always went mute.

Más lejos, aquí?

Further away, here?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Em diu el tècnic

The technician tells me.

que ponem el llum.

let's turn on the light.

A mi ma mare em deia

My mother used to tell me.

que anava sempre mudaet,

who always went quiet,

però si tenia una desgràcia

but if he had a misfortune

m'atropellava un cotxe,

a car ran me over,

no veia ser

I couldn't see it.

que tingués

that I had

el gallumbo

the rooster

o algo

or something

que dius

what do you say

claro, mama,

Of course, mom,

si m'atropella un cotxe

if a car runs me over

lo millor

the best

jo me preocuparé

I will worry.

d'anar corrent de casa

to run from home

a canviar-me'n ràpid

to change quickly

i no veia ser

and I couldn't see myself

que m'he de pensar mal de mi.

that I have to think badly of myself.

Canvia tantes,

Change so many,

canvia tantes,

change so many,

no sé,

I don't know,

la roba de paix,

the peace cloth,

no sé,

I don’t know,

la cosa.

the thing.

Como voy limpio,

As I go clean,



per l'autoria.

for the authorship.

Ja m'he posat

I've already put it on.

a l'adelante.


Nunca se sabe.

You never know.

És de casa

It belongs to the house.

cagat i pixat,

shat and pissed,



De casa,

From home,

cagat i pixat.

pooped and peed.

I l'última que tinc,

And the last one I have,

que és una que m'ha fet

what is one that I have made

així el nostre col·laborador,

thus our collaborator,

que és

what is it

quan t'arriba ta mare

When does your mother arrive?

i s'assenta

and settles down

després de sopar

after dinner

i diu

and says

ara m'assente

now I sit down

després de tot un dia.

after a whole day.

De fet,

In fact,

de fet,

in fact,

la faena que li doneu.

the job that you give him/her.

Enca no m'ha assentat.

I haven't felt well.

Enca no m'ha assentat

Still hasn't settled with me.

en tot el dia.

throughout the day.

T'ho pots creure?

Can you believe it?

M'ha assentat,

It has suited me.

t'he encaït.

I have fitted you in.

T'has vint encaït

You have twenty matches.

i no t'has assentat

and you haven't sat down

perquè no ha polgut.

because he/she/it has not been able to.

A mi no m'enganyes.

You don't fool me.



és un bon moment.

It's a good moment.

Un homenatge

A tribute

a totes les mares valencianes.

to all the Valencian mothers.

Un bon moment

A good time

de recordar

to remember

que si doneu like

that if you give a like

i compartiu

and share

el post del programa

the post of the program

entrarem en el super sorteig

we will enter the great raffle







un bono

a voucher

de 200 euros

of 200 euros

en la tenda

in the store

de Macondo.

of Macondo.


From Alicante.

Arde Tinder.

Tinder is on fire.

Tranquilos, tranquilos.

Calm down, calm down.

I anem a fer ara

And let's go do it now.

un rànquing.

a ranking.

Ja l'hem fet abans

We've done it before.

amb Manel.

with Manel.



I anem a fer un rànquing

Let's make a ranking.

amb els amics

with friends

de la Caixa de Xel.

from the Box of Xel.

I esteu molt atents

And you are very attentive.

perquè ara

because now

a la tornada,

on the way back,



a la tornada no,

on the way back, no,

ara quan acabem el rànquing

now when do we finish the ranking

anem a sortejar

let's raffle off

un altre super pack

another super pack

durant el trocete.

during the little piece.

Un trocete

A little piece

final season.

final season.

El trocete segur

The little piece for sure.

que era gran,

that it was big,



El trocete,

The little piece,

tenim així

we have like this

el campió del trocete,

the champion of the little pieces,

tenim els aspirants

we have the candidates

al trocete

to little piece

i tenim així

and we have it like this

a Miquel.

to Miquel.


Thank you.



Ja tenim algú

We already have someone.

que diu saludar.

what does greet say.



Molt habitual.

Very common.



vos hem ficat el tempo.

We have set the tempo for you.

Són 10 segons.

It's 10 seconds.

Primer uno,

First one,

després l'altre.

after the other.

En 10 segons

In 10 seconds

el màxim de vegades

the maximum number of times

massa pa la carabassa.

too much bread for the pumpkin.

Amb el pa també, no?

With the bread too, right?



Amb el pa i se va.

With the bread, you go.

Com es diu?

What is your name?

Tira, tira-l'hi, tira-l'hi.

Throw, throw it there, throw it there.

En 3,

In 3,







Massa pa la carabassa,

Too much bread for the pumpkin,

massa pa la carabassa,

too much bread for the pumpkin,


too much...

14 i mitja,

14 and a half,

15 ha estat ahir,

15 was yesterday,

que no sé...

I don't know...

Li donem 15.

We give him 15.

15, va.

15, go.

Li donem 15

We give him 15.

perquè les ha dit

because he/she has said them

molt ben articulades.

very well articulated.

Sí, la veritat és que sí.

Yes, the truth is that yes.

Has de pillar-la ahir el tempo.

You had to get the timing right yesterday.

Me tinc que ficar en

I have to get into.







m'ha contat les seves paraules.

He has recounted his words to me.

Tu a lo teu, eh?

You're doing your own thing, huh?

O sigui, no...

So, no...

Jo crec que encara està buscant

I believe he/she is still searching.

si el cap de gata està...

if the head of the cat is...

No, estic ahir...

No, I am yesterday...





t'he de ficar en massa carabassa

I have to put you in a lot of trouble.

al Facebook Live,

on Facebook Live,

al Facebook.

to Facebook.

Ara, després de tota la temporada...

Now, after the whole season...

Ni per Déu

Not for God.

el comparteix.

he shares it.



sóc jo.

it's me.

Són jo.

It's me.

És tu,

It's you,

és tu.

It's you.

És un bucle infinit.

It's an infinite loop.

És tu.

It's you.

Estamos ante un hecho histórico.

We are facing a historical event.

Macondo comparte el programa directo.

Macondo shares the live program.

Un senyor major

An elderly gentleman

i de xarxa social.

and of social network.

Jo podria ser una frase de mare,

I could be a mother's phrase,





com s'ho fa això?

How do you do that?

Hi ha apretants,

There are tight ones,

hi ha tants botons,

there are so many buttons,







todo el día con el Facebook.

All day with Facebook.

Una hora y mitja escribiendo,

One hour and a half writing,









com que ja Macondo ha compartit el programa,

since Macondo has already shared the program,



La mare d'algú sap dir Facebook?

Does someone's mother know how to say Facebook?

O Twitter,

Oh Twitter,

o tal?

or such?



Per favor,


si algú diu que ho compartís,

if someone says to share it,

que hi digui.

let him say it.

Jo crec que ma mare evita dir-ho

I think my mother avoids saying it.

pa que no...

so that not...

Pa no caure...

To not fall...

Ma mare ho va passar mal

My mother had a hard time.

diguent Jumanji.

saying Jumanji.

I ara fa un esguince de llengua.

And now he/she is twisting his/her tongue.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

ella deia Jumeini.

She said Jumeini.



Va, segon rànquing,

Come on, second ranking,

pa Jorge,

bread Jorge,

que encara no l'ha fet.

that he/she has not done yet.









Massa pa la carabassa,

Too much bread for the pumpkin,

massa pa la carabassa,

too much bread for the pumpkin,

massa pa la carabassa.

too much bread for the pumpkin.











no saps contar?

Can't you count?



és que tinc massa cordes.

It's just that I have too many strings.

Està tocant

It's playing.

Sí, té una cridadeta

Yes, it has a little choir.

Puc entrar en directe, per favor?

Can I go live, please?

14, bueno, està molt bé

14, well, it's very good.

Estàs en la mitja

You are in the middle.

No estic de l'últim

I am not the last one.

No, no, no

No, no, no

N'hi ha uns desastres per ahí

There are some disasters out there.


You would be amazed.

Ara ens ha dut Macondo una supersecció

Now Macondo has brought us a supersection.

La seva supersecció

Its supersection

Abans del trofé de Final Season

Before the Final Season trophy

Sí, té una cançó per a la nova sessió

Yes, he has a song for the new session.

L'any que ve parlem

Next year we talk.

Vinga, va, que te fiquen la Macarena

Come on, they're putting on the Macarena for you.

o alguna cosa d'això, que te mola

or something like that, that you dig



Ara recordem el mecanisme

Now we remember the mechanism.

de la secció és, jo agarre un tros de lletra

of the section is, I grab a piece of letter

de música en valencià

of music in Valencian

una cançó de música en valencià

a song in Valencian music

coneguda per tots

known by all

i el fiquen en el Google Translator

and they put it in Google Translator

i el fiquen en tots els idiomes

and they put it in all languages

que vulguin

that they want

I després, a l'última

And then, at the last one.

torna a traduir-ho al català

translate it back into Catalan

I el que més arriba

And what hits the hardest

no té res a veure amb el que vaig dir

it has nothing to do with what I said

Llavors, jo us dic el resultat

Then, I will tell you the result.

i heu d'endevinar quina cançó és

And you have to guess which song it is.

en un principi

in the beginning



N'hi ha 96 idiomes

There are 96 languages.

El hindi, el imbo

The Hindi, the imbo

El hindi, el hip hop

Hindi, hip hop

El rap

The rap



El clínic

The clinic

Bueno, endavant

Well, go ahead.

Diu la lletra

The letter says.

Proveu aquesta opció

Try this option.

Bueno, pero Macondo, podries convidar a la gent

Well, but Macondo, you could invite people.

que ens està veient a participar

that is inviting us to participate

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Fiqueu-se al...

Get into the...

La gent que està sentint-m'ho també, per favor, que participe

The people who are feeling this too, please participate.

en el Facebook, a veure si endivinen la cançó

on Facebook, let's see if they can guess the song

perquè té la E

because it has the E

Fiqueu-se al Grindr

Get on Grindr.

Busqueu Massa Carabassa

Look for Too Much Pumpkin

i compartiu, per favor

and share, please

Bueno, vaig a la primera

Well, I'm going to the first one.



Proveu aquesta opció

Try this option.

Jo estava als Alps

I was in the Alps.

El guardià és important

The guardian is important.

Programa Palomares

Palomares Program

Que em quedaré a la platja

I will stay at the beach.

Cura, cura

Take care, take care.

Prenguil, València

Prenguil, Valencia

La guàrdia de la cosa sorda

The guard of the deaf thing.

Home, ha dit, no, no, no

Home, he said, no, no, no.

És que ha dit alguna cosa de Palomares

Has he said anything about Palomares?

Sona de vertigens, segur

Sounds dizzying, for sure.

Programa Palomares

Palomares Program

El programa Palomares

The Palomares program

És on es va banyar fraca, no?

It's where Fraca went for a swim, right?

Repetim, repetim

We repeat, we repeat.

El programa Palomares

The Palomares program

El fragment, per favor

The fragment, please.

Proveu aquesta opció

Try this option.

Jo estava als Alps

I was in the Alps.

El guardià és important

The guardian is important.

Programa Palomares

Palomares Program

Em quedaré a la platja

I will stay at the beach.

Cura, cura

Take care, take care.

Prenguil, València

Prenguil, Valencia

Joder, és impossible, tio

Damn, it's impossible, dude.

Crec que ha sigut massa difícil, Macondo

I think it has been too difficult, Macondo.

Mario Alverola ha dit

Mario Alverola has said

Jorge, lo de Wikileaks

Jorge, the thing about Wikileaks.



Alguna expressió?

Any expression?

Esta no era?

Wasn't this it?

La cançó era

The song was

Mira si he corregut terres

Look if I have run lands.

Si he estat en el parrací

If I have been in the parish

En Atzaneta i Albaida

In Atzaneta and Albaida

En el Palomar

In the Dove House

I després diu

And then he/she says

Vinc del cor de la costera

I come from the heart of the coast.

I este diu

And this is said

Em quedaré a la platja

I will stay at the beach.

El poble de Socarràs

The village of Socarràs

Allà on renaixen les setes

Where the seven are reborn

Del meu país Valencià

From my Valencian country.

Diu este, València

Says this, Valencia

I lo del guardià, això què és?

And what about the guardian, what is that?

El guardià és important

The guardian is important.

És en Atzaneta i Albaida

It is in Atzaneta and Albaida.

És que arriba un moment

It's just that a moment arrives

Que Atzaneta i Albaida

That Atzaneta and Albaida

Quan el passes a l'àrab

When do you translate it into Arabic?

Ahí te fa les seues alts

There it makes its heights.

I a partir d'ahir

And starting from yesterday

Que si el xinès

That if the Chinese

Que si el criollo

That if the Creole

Esta era la foto

This was the photo.

Una un poc més fàcil, Macondo

A little easier, Macondo.

Tres frases

Three sentences



Després de guanyar la ciutat

After winning the city

Càmera fotogràfica de Cambra

Camera obscura

Batega la ciutat

The city beats.

No, no, no

No, no, no



Després de guanyar la ciutat

After winning the city

Càmera fotogràfica de Cambra

Camera obscura

Camals mullats

Wet pants



5 de la matinada

5 in the morning

No esperava que acabàrem

I didn't expect that we would end.

Això ha sigut demà

This has been tomorrow.

Pescarrer de Ciutat Vella

Fisherman of the Old Town

Tu davant i jo darrere

You in front and me behind.

Després de guanyar la ciutat

After winning the city

València banyada, camals mullats

Valencia bathed, wet pant legs.

Està claríssim

It is very clear.

No te xure

Don't worry.

Micro, punto

Micro, point

Micro i maxi

Micro and maxi



Bueno, anem amb l'última

Well, let's move on to the last one.

De la secció de Macondo

From the Macondo section

Me queden dos

I have two left.

I l'última

And the last


He says

No pots fer-ho sol

You cannot do it alone.

Som homes dones

We are men women.

Volem canviar i comparar

We want to change and compare.

La vida ja ha acabat

Life has already ended.

Esta és fàcil

This one is easy.

Penseu en

Think about

La vida ja ha acabat

Life has already ended.

El temps s'acaba

Time is running out.


It's over.

Som homes dones

We are men women.

La vida ja ha acabat

Life has already ended.

La vida ja sense tu

Life already without you

No, però què cosa diu

No, but what does it say?

La vida que s'acaba

The life that ends

Home, dones

Man, women

La vida s'acaba

Life is ending.

Quina calitxa?

What quality?

Passa la vida

Life goes by.

Que és la cançó

What is the song?


Of summer

Que és la de

What is the one from

Res del que passa és comparable a tu

Nothing that happens is comparable to you.

La nostra èxita

Our success

Homes i dones

Men and women

Alts impuls

High impulses

Som homes i dones

We are men and women.

És alts impuls

It is high impuls.



És a Google

It's on Google.

Res del que passa és comparable a tu

Nothing that happens is comparable to you.

Volem canviar i comparar

We want to change and compare.

I passa la vida

And life goes on.

La vida ja ha acabat

Life has already ended.



Teniu l'última

You have the last one.

Anem amb l'última ràpidament

Let's go with the last one quickly.

Perquè ja tenim el procés

Because we already have the process.


The last one

I mos dius com passa

And you tell us how it happens.

Esta m'ha fet molta gràcia

This has made me laugh a lot.

Perquè de sobte

Why suddenly

M'ha dit

He/she has told me.

En el cul

In the ass

El cul torció

The butt twisted.




He/She says.



Només un

Only one

La quantitat de cocaïna

The quantity of cocaine

Et diré molt

I will tell you a lot.



Procediment de procés

Process procedure

De procés

Of process

De la mà

By the hand

Per mirar

To look

Cocaïna i procés

Cocaine and process

En serio que esta cançó

Seriously, this song.

Note la paraula

Note the word






Let's go.



Només un

Only one

La quantitat

The quantity

La idea és que

The idea is that

Avui no has donat molt de peu

Today you haven't given much of a sign.

Al nostre públic

To our audience

A encertar

To get right.

No, no, no

No, no, no

Jo mateix he dit

I myself have said.





Que esteu fent?

What are you doing?

Que és suficient

That is sufficient.




I suppose.

Bueno, no sé si algú diu algo

Well, I don't know if anyone says anything.

A veure el nostre públic

Let's see our audience.






I ja

And already.

La cançó era

The song was

Esmorzar a mismatí

Breakfast in the morning.

Abans una casalleta

Before a little house.

La paella

The paella

Els cacaos

The cocoa beans

I torrada la caseta

I toasted the little house.

Això ha dit

This is what he/she said.

La quantitat de cocaïna

The amount of cocaine.

Sempre de categoria

Always of category.

Tot el que procesó

Everything that was processed

El efecte

The effect

Més o menys

More or less.

El material

The material

La mortal

The mortal

El meu cor és garrofó

My heart is a carob bean.



Per mirar

To watch





Però mos has donat peu

But you have given us a reason.

A participar

To participate

Però per quants idiomes

But for how many languages?

L'has passat?

Have you passed it?

Per tots

For everyone

No, no hi ha un

No, there isn't one.

No el pots anar d'ahir

You can't go from yesterday.

Cata, roca

Cata, rock

El siguiente, el siguiente

The next one, the next one.

El canadé

The Canadian

Jo quan em vaig dir

I when I told myself



Vaig a dir

I am going to say.

Vaig a parar

I'm going to stop.



Si van casalleta

If they go to little house


Cocoa beans




He says.

No pot acabar bé

It can't end well.

Mos guanya, mos guanya

It wins us, it wins us.

Bueno, pues

Well, so

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.



Per haver-me dut

For having brought me

La teua super secció

Your super section



Ha sigut increïble

It has been incredible.

Anem a aprofitar

Let's take advantage.

Per recordar

To remember

Que compartiu el programa

That you share the program.


I entrareu

And you will enter.

En el supersorte

In the super draw

És de 150.000 euros

It is 150,000 euros.

En la tenda de Macondo

In the Macondo store

I on compartis

And we share

Que per Badu

What for Badu

Premi doble

Double prize



Anem a donar pas

Let's give way.

Als nostres amics

To our friends



Massa Carabassa

Too Much Pumpkin

I Manel

I Manel

Per a fer el trocete

To make the little piece.

Final edition

Final edition

Vinga va

Come on!

Anem a ficar-nos en silenci

Let's get into silence.



Enseguida estem així

We're immediately like this.

Estem fins ara

We are until now.

A l'estiu

In summer

S'està rescondint

It is hiding.






We want



Molt bé

Very well




I am

Estan sentats, però no poden parlar.

They are sitting, but they cannot speak.

Efectivament, estan sentats, no poden parlar,

Indeed, they are sitting, they cannot speak.

a no ser que s'apropin així un poquet

unless they come a little closer like this

i demanen del torn de paraula.

They ask for the floor.

No t'hem dit que no pots parlar?

Haven't we told you that you can't speak?

Gràcies, estava esperant tota la temporada

Thank you, I was waiting all season.

que digués això.

that said this.

El C2Micro al poble.

The C2Micro in the village.

Anem amb el trocet de Final Edition,

Let's go with the piece of Final Edition,

aixina't ràpidament, vale?

Get ready quickly, okay?

Anem a escoltar el primer trocet, per favor.

Let's listen to the first piece, please.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Sí, un trocet, molt trocet.

Yes, a little piece, very little piece.

Ja està?

Is that it?

Ha sigut mitsegon.

It has been a moment.

Pinte sentat, eh?

Paint sitting down, huh?

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Pareix que estigues sentat, eh?

It seems like you're sitting, huh?

Ah, claro que pareix que estigues sentat.

Ah, of course it looks like you are sitting.

Però tens que parlar-li així, prim.

But you have to talk to him like that, skinny.

Que pinte sentat.

Let him paint sitting down.

Però més alt.

But higher.

Pareix mentida que dius en la ràdio tan de temps.

It seems unbelievable that you have been saying that on the radio for so long.

Estem fent el trocet, eh?

We're making the little piece, right?



Bueno, anem a escoltar el trocet de nou, per favor.

Well, let's listen to the piece again, please.

Sí, per favor.

Yes, please.



Mari Carmen.

Mary Carmen.



En serio?


Mari Carmen.

Mary Carmen.

Has flipat, eh?

You were amazed, right?

Has flipat.

You’ve freaked out.


Come on.

Quieres ser el campió d'ahora?

Do you want to be the champion right now?

Uy, tu a mi?

Oh, you to me?

Tota una temporada de campió, ja l'has vist tu.

A whole season of a champion, you've already seen it.

I en 0,5 segons...

And in 0.5 seconds...

Podem manar-li jo matisar alguna cosa?

Can I ask him to clarify something?

És que no sentim res.

It's just that we don't feel anything.

Vull dir, no és culpa de ningú, però...

I mean, it's nobody's fault, but...

No, però el nostre problema tampoc seria...

No, but our problem wouldn't be...

Si vols jo t'ho reproduir.

If you want, I can reproduce it for you.

Ha sonat, ha sonat.

It has sounded, it has sounded.

Ha sonat.

It has rung.

No, però cal dir que si ho acceptem és doble punt.

No, but it must be said that if we accept it, it's a double point.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Si ho acceptem és doble punt.

If we accept it, it's a double point.

Mirant la nostra cara, abones...

Looking at our face, you fertilize...

Vinga, anem amb el segon trosset, per favor.

Come on, let's go with the second piece, please.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Tranquil, tranquil.

Calm, calm.

Anem a escoltar-la de nou,

Let's listen to her again.

per a que Andreu i Manel la puguen escoltar.

so that Andreu and Manel can listen to it.

Un segonet.

Just a moment.

En 3, 2, 1...

In 3, 2, 1...

Està la del moviment.

It's about the movement.

Jo la sé.

I know her.

Atenció, tenim l'Andreu.

Attention, we have Andreu.

Pareixia una, però...

It seemed like one, but...

Macondo fa que se concentra,

Macondo makes you concentrate,

però crec que la sap.

but I think she knows it.

Jo ja la tinc i la he representat.

I already have it and I have represented it.



Pues anem a escoltar-la de nou, un segonet,

Well, let's listen to it again, just a moment,

i responeu.

And respond.

Jo, jo, serio, jo, jo.

Me, me, serious, me, me.

Andreu ja alça la segona mà.

Andreu is already raising his second hand.

Anem a donar-li el torn de paraula a Andreu,

Let's give the floor to Andreu.

si s'apropa el micro.

if the microphone gets closer.

Las manos hacia arriba.

Hands up.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.



Las manos hacia abajo.

Hands down.

Como las polines.

Like the polines.

Es que cal dir que jo conegut esta xica.

It must be said that I know this girl.

Estàs conegut esta xica?

Do you know this girl?

No sé si deuries de dir-ho massa per ahir, eh?

I don't know if you should have said it too much for yesterday, huh?

Fa un temps.

Some time ago.

Igual ella se'n recorda moltíssim de tu.

Maybe she remembers you very well.



Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

Per què parles tan baixet?

Why do you speak so quietly?

Per si acaso no sona massa fort.

Just in case it doesn't sound too loud.

Ja està, ja està, ja està.

It's done, it's done, it's done.

Ah, i molt bé.

Ah, and very well.

Doncs punt per Andreu.

Well, point for Andreu.

Tenim els punts repartits, eh?

We have the points distributed, right?

Tenim un operador.

We have an operator.

Un per a Miquel, un per a Macondo i un per a Andreu.

One for Miquel, one for Macondo, and one for Andreu.

Bueno, tenim un mitge aquí.

Well, we have a half here.

Tens a tres la xorra així de muntada.

You have a three the chorizo like this mounted.

Se ha comptat molt.

It has been counted a lot.

Anem amb el 4-7.

Let's go with the 4-7.

A veure què tenim per aquí.

Let's see what we've got here.

Espera que me pongo la bomber.

Wait, I’ll put on the bomber jacket.

Anem a escoltar la de nou primer.

Let's listen to the new one first.



No sé com fer.

I don't know how to do it.

Els nostres amics de la Caixa de Txell.

Our friends from the Caixa de Txell.

Jo no tinc ni idea.

I have no idea.

Ten i el Leiter i no sé quantos, Still Kiki.

Ten and the Leiter and I don't know how many, Still Kiki.

A veure, el primer que alça la mà.

Let's see, the first one to raise their hand.

Flyer Freer.

Freer Flyer.


Put it there.

La nostra tècnica.

Our technique.

El nom és Flyer Freer.

The name is Flyer Freer.

Flyer Freer.

Freer Flyer.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Està a la punta jo.

I'm at the tip.



És molt de final de verbeneta, eh?

It's very much the end of the party, isn't it?

Home, és total de verbena.

Man, it's a total party.

Anem a repartir un punt per a cadascun.

Let's go distribute a point for each.

Macondo, uno i mig.

Macondo, one and a half.

Miquel, dos.

Miquel, two.



Què dos?

What two?

Dos i mig?

Two and a half?



Dos i mig?

Two and a half?



Bueno, tranquils.

Okay, calm down.

Les que hem dit ara no contem per a res.

What we have just said does not count for anything.

La bona és esta, no?

This is the good one, right?

La bona i definitiva és...

The good and definitive is...

Al mejor de tres.

Best of three.







Sí, home.

Yes, man.

És que...

It's just that...

A veure, a veure.

Let's see, let's see.

L'heu preguntat així a...

Have you asked him/her like that to...

A veure, que jo...

Let's see, that I...

Que jo duc...

That I have...



Anem a escoltar-la altra vegada, un segon.

Let's listen to her again, just a second.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bona nit, senyor.

Good night, sir.

Com astens.

How are you.

Primer, aquí, de primera...

First, here, of first...

¿Pero, guanyará el dret de contestar...

But will the right to answer win...

el que em diga la capital de Malta?

What is the capital of Malta? Valletta?

...the Valletta?

La valeta.

The small alley.

La valeta de cervesa.

The beer crate.

Respon Macondo.

Answer Macondo.

La valeta i gelointifada.

The small wallet and ice cream.

Efectivamente. Macondo se importa de nou.

Indeed. Macondo is imported again.

El tronc en el cinturó.

The trunk in the belt.

El cinturó...

The belt...

El cinturó.

The belt.

Jo crec que sóc d'aquí

I believe that I am from here.

el que més voltes ha sentit d'aquesta cançó.

the one who has heard this song the most times.





En la tenda, en la furgona...

In the tent, in the van...

I dos, dos euros.

And two, two euros.

Bé, bé, doncs ja anem encarat

Well, well, then we're already on the right track.

del final. Moltes gràcies

from the end. Thank you very much

a tots per haver estat aquí.

to everyone for being here.

Necessites així un guiar

You need a guide like this.

de Champions, de trocete,

of Champions, of a little piece,

el cinturón de oro...

the gold belt...

Podem ficar la del Movimiento Naranja.

We can include the one from the Orange Movement.

És el trocete número 4.

It's piece number 4.

Home, el Callum Free ha estat guapo, eh?

Man, the Callum Free has been handsome, huh?

Ha sigut per tancar el programa...

It has been to close the program...

No és que no s'hagi tancat, doncs...

It's not that it hasn't been closed, then...

I ara ja, per tancar el programa,

And now, to close the program,

fiquem la de Pontaeri.

Let's go with the one from Pontaeri.



Que se quede de fondo, mentre despedim,

Let it stay in the background while we say goodbye.

perquè queda només un minut.

because there is only one minute left.

I hem de donar les gràcies als nostres convidats de hui,

And we have to thank our guests today,

a la Caixa de Txell i a Manel.

to the Caixa de Txell and to Manel.

Que bona gent que sou.

How good people you are.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Espera, espera.

Wait, wait.

No ens han robat un dinar.

They haven't stolen a lunch from us.

Moltes gràcies a tots per haver-nos vist

Thank you all very much for seeing us.

i escoltat.

I have heard.

I per haver-nos aguantat una temporada sencera de 30 programes.

And for putting up with us for an entire season of 30 programs.

30, eh?

30, huh?

Ni més ni menys.

No more, no less.

A Andreu, que estava al principi de curs

To Andreu, who was at the beginning of the course.

a Glasgow, a Berlín.

to Glasgow, to Berlin.

A Benetuxet.

To Benetuxet.

Als nostres tècnics de so.

To our sound technicians.

A Héctor i a Noel.

To Héctor and Noel.

A tota la ràdio Sant Vicenç.

To all the Sant Vicenç radio.

I a tota la penyeta que ens escolta

And to all the gang that listens to us.

a través de les zones

through the zones

i de tots els llocs del món.

and from all the places in the world.

A les nostres mares.

To our mothers.

A la mare i Miquel.

To the mother and Miquel.

Te digo este programa a mamá.

I will tell this program to mom.

Y a los nuestros pares.

And to our parents.




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