Memòries, amb Joan Guillamet (3/3)

La Veu de Sant Joan


Memòries, amb Joan Guillamet (3/3)


Memòries. El record d'una vida.

Memories. The recollection of a life.

Cada setmana en Joan Guillemet convida un santjoení o una santjoenina

Every week Joan Guillemet invites a person from Sant Joan.

i conversen sobre la seva vida, anècdotes, records,

and they talk about their life, anecdotes, memories,

un testimoni de la nostra vila a través de les històries personals

a testimony of our town through personal stories

d'aquells i aquelles que hi viuen.

of those who live there.

I en relació amb els pares, aquells primers anys...

And in relation to the parents, those early years...

En aquesta infantesa també hi ha el tema de l'escola, no?

In this childhood, there is also the theme of school, right?

Els pocs llibres que hi havia.

The few books that were there.

Arribes als 21 anys i, com gairebé tothom, toca anar a fer la mili, no?

You reach the age of 21 and, like almost everyone, it's time to go to the military, right?

Què som nosaltres? El temps que hem viscut o el temps que ens falta?

What are we? The time we have lived or the time that is missing?

Tens por d'alguna cosa en aquest temps que ens queda?

Are you afraid of something in this time that we have left?



Cada divendres a les 8 del vespre i els dilluns a la 1 de la tarda en repetició.

Every Friday at 8 PM and Mondays at 1 PM in repetition.

Benvinguts una setmana més a Memòries, en aquesta edició especial

Welcome once again to Memòries, in this special edition.

en la qual el conductor habitual del programa, que és en Joan Guillemet,

in which the usual host of the program, who is Joan Guillemet,

és qui és el convidat del programa.

who is the guest of the program.

Per tant, que repassem la seva història i vida.

Therefore, let us review his history and life.

De fet, aquest és el tercer programa i no sabem si n'hi haurà un quart o no.

In fact, this is the third program and we don't know if there will be a fourth or not.

Intentarem fer-ho quebre tot avui, però si no, doncs, continuarem la setmana vinent.

We will try to get it all done today, but if not, we will continue next week.

Hola, Joan.

Hello, Joan.

Ai, disculpa, el micròfon, ara sí.

Oh, sorry, the microphone, now yes.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Bé, et vam deixar-ho quan tu tenies entre 25 i 27 anys.

Well, we left it to you when you were between 25 and 27 years old.



Per fer un petit resum, en aquell moment, tu que havies estat al seminari,

To summarize briefly, at that moment, you who had been at the seminary,

doncs, amb 27 anys vas començar a veure que potser...

well, at 27 you started to see that maybe...

Bé, ja feia un temps que dubtaves, no?, però aquell va ser un any decisiu,

Well, you had been doubting for a while, hadn't you? But that was a decisive year.

perquè, a més a més, doncs, vas conèixer algú i, de fet, avui arrencarem d'aquí, no?

because, moreover, well, you met someone and, in fact, today we will start from here, right?

Sí, sí, va ser...

Yes, yes, it was...

Més o menys quan tenia al voltant de 27 anys, que ja vaig fer la decisió definitiva

More or less when I was around 27 years old, I made the definitive decision.

de deixar el camí que havíem pres fins llavors, que era anar de cara als assessors d'oci

to leave the path we had taken until then, which was to face the leisure advisors.

i agafar un altre camí, que era, pel fet de conèixer una persona de la qual em vaig enamorar,

and take another path, which was because I met a person I fell in love with,

el camí de formar una família.

the way to start a family.

Però, abans, havia d'anar a l'Emili.

But first, I had to go to Emili.

En un moment, l'Emili va...

At one moment, Emili...

Sí, va als 21 anys, 22, però jo ja en tenia 27.

Yes, he was 21 years old, 22, but I was already 27.

I l'Emili la vaig fer a València i a Castelló de la Plana.

And I made Emili in Valencia and Castelló de la Plana.



Quant temps era l'Emili, llavors?

How long was Emili then?

15 mesos. Eren 3 mesos de reclutes que ho vaig fer a València,

15 months. It was 3 months of recruits that I did in Valencia,

tres, un any sencer a Castelló de la Plana.

three, a whole year in Castelló de la Plana.

I bé, no...

And well, no...

I aquí en Brella ja, o sigui, ja estaves...

And here in Brella already, so you were...



Aquí ja estaves enamorat o encara no?

Were you already in love here or not yet?



Ja es festejaves?

Were you already dating?

Ja festejava i ja tenia clar que...

I was already dating and I was already clear that...

Això que he dit abans, que la meva missió era anar cap a un altre cantor i formar una família.

What I said before, that my mission was to go towards another singer and form a family.

Perquè no et casaries amb Déu, sinó amb una altra, no?

Because you wouldn't marry God, but someone else, right?

Bueno, Déu l'he continuat mantenint.

Well, God has continued to support him.

Continuant mantenint-ho d'una certa fe en Déu i Jesucrist i tot el que l'envolta.

Continuing to maintain a certain faith in God and Jesus Christ and everything that surrounds it.

I allà l'Emili, bé, vaig estar...

And there Emili, well, I was...

Bueno, al començament em va costar una mica, tots érem molt més joves, 21-22 anys,

Well, at first it was a bit difficult for me, we were all much younger, 21-22 years old,

jo era una mica el gran de la colla,

I was a bit the eldest of the group,

i després vaig estar bastant bé perquè la part de Castelló de la Plana era a cabo primera

And then I was quite well because the part of Castelló de la Plana was at the front end.

i em dedicava a organitzar el...

and I was dedicated to organizing the...

els cursos dels que no sabien gaire llegir i escriure.

the courses of those who didn't know much how to read and write.

Perquè llavors en aquella època hi havia molts que encara no havien anat a l'escola.

Because back then there were many who had not yet gone to school.

Llavors organitzava una mica els cursos i depenia una mica del capellà del quartel.

Then I organized the courses a bit and depended somewhat on the chaplain of the barracks.

Que a més a més hi devies tenir bona relació, no?

That you must have had a good relationship, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

El teu passat com a cimentarista.

Your past as a cement worker.

Com que sabia...

As you knew...

El meu currículum, per això em van posar allà.

My resume, that's why they put me there.

I després, torno de l'Emili, esclar, com vaig arribar aquí, feina, feina, no en tenia gaire,

And then, I return from Emili, of course, how I got here, work, work, I didn't have much of it,

vaig continuar fent classe a les tardes a les Badrunes de Català,

I continued teaching classes in the afternoons at the Badrunes de Català.

però els matins vaig anar a fer de manobra.

but in the mornings I went to do manual labor.

Es feien els carrers de Vilallonga en aquella època

The streets of Vilallonga were being made at that time.



I vaig tenir l'oportunitat de llogar-me de manobra

I had the opportunity to get hired as a crew member.

i de treballar quatre hores al matí durant aquell any

and to work four hours in the morning during that year

a fer pasta per fer els carrers de Vilallonga.

to make dough to pave the streets of Vilallonga.

Va ser un any una mica de transició.

It was a bit of a transitional year.

Després, de seguida, l'any següent,

Later, immediately, the following year,

ja vam anar al departament d'ensenyament.

We already went to the Department of Education.

Llavors vam saber que es podien fer classes de català,

Then we found out that Catalan classes could be held,

no pagades per l'Ajuntament, sinó pagades per l'administració.

not paid by the City Council, but paid by the administration.

Vam anar diverses vegades a Girona amb en Josep Santanac

We went to Girona several times with Josep Santanac.

i, al final, ens van contratar per fer classes de català,

and in the end, they hired us to teach Catalan classes,

però ja pagades i subvencionades pel departament d'ensenyament.

but already paid for and subsidized by the Department of Education.

Com les fèieu? Les impartíeu?

How did you do them? Did you administer them?

No, a mi em va tocar el Maragall i en Josep Santanac i Sant Joan.

No, I got Maragall and Josep Santanac and Sant Joan.

Això era més o menys l'any 77, 78.

It was around the year 77, 78.

Tu tenies 33, 34 anys?

You were 33, 34 years old?

No, encara no.

No, not yet.

Encara no.

Not yet.

Encara no, devia tenir 29 anys.

Not yet, I must have been 29 years old.

Llavors, aquell primer any, en certa manera,

Then, that first year, in a way,

ja es va obrir aquesta possibilitat de treballar de classes de català.

The possibility of working in Catalan classes has already opened up.

Per altra banda, també em van oferir la possibilitat

On the other hand, they also offered me the possibility.

de fer classes de reciclatge per als mestres.

to hold recycling classes for teachers.

Llavors, els mestres van haver de reciclar

Then, the teachers had to recycle.

i des de Girona, com que sabien que ja feia classes de català a l'escola,

and from Girona, since they knew I was already teaching Catalan at school,

em van oferir aquesta possibilitat

they offered me this possibility

i també van oferir la possibilitat de fer classes de reciclatge per als mestres.

They also offered the option to provide recycling classes for teachers.

I per altra banda, també vaig fer unes classes per adults

And on the other hand, I also took some classes for adults.

i classes per funcionaris de l'Ajuntament.

and classes for municipal civil servants.

Van ser dos o tres anys que tenia classes pràcticament tot el dia.

It was two or three years that I had classes practically all day.

Però, a més a més, vaig aprofitar per fer Filologia Catalana,

But, in addition, I took the opportunity to study Catalan Philology,

perquè fins llavors havia fet Geografia i Història i Filologia Castellana,

because until then I had studied Geography and History and Spanish Philology,

havia fet un curs de cada,

I had done one course of each.

però al final em vaig apuntar a Filologia Catalana

but in the end I signed up for Catalan Philology

a la Universitat de Catalunya.

at the University of Catalonia.

I llavors baixava els divendres a la tarda

And then I would go down on Friday afternoons.

i els dimarts a Barcelona.

And on Tuesdays in Barcelona.

És a dir, que tenia un programa molt bèstia,

That is to say, I had a very intense program,

perquè em passava tot el dia fent classes,

because I spent all day teaching classes,

els dimarts i els divendres baixava a Barcelona a classe

On Tuesdays and Fridays, I would go down to Barcelona for class.

per agafar unes quantes classes,

to take a few classes,

de passar de recollir apunts,

from taking notes,

feia els exàmens que podia

I took the exams I could.

i entre juny i setembre vaig anar fent la Filologia Catalana.

And between June and September, I was studying Catalan Philology.

O sigui que vaig estar quatre o cinc anys

So I was there for four or five years.

amb una activitat enorme.

with an enormous activity.

Mentrestant jo vivia a Ripoll,

Meanwhile, I was living in Ripoll,

vivia a Ripoll en una casa que tenia habitacions.

I lived in Ripoll in a house that had rooms.

Aquells quatre o cinc anys vaig viure a Ripoll.

Those four or five years I lived in Ripoll.

Fins que...


a l'any...

in the year...

amb 33 anys, més o menys,

at around 33 years old,

a l'any 82,

in the year 82,

una vegada acabada la Filologia Catalana,

once Catalan Philology is finished,

em vaig presentar a oposicions de primària,

I applied for primary school exams.

perquè llavors hi havia unes oposicions restringides,

because then there were restricted competitions,

les vaig aprovar

I approved them.

i vaig entrar dins el grup de mestres,

I joined the group of teachers,

el cos de mestres, a l'any 82.

the teaching staff, in the year 82.

I a l'any 83

And in the year 83

em vaig casar.

I got married.

Després de set o vuit anys de festeig,

After seven or eight years of courtship,

a l'any 82,

in the year 82,

a l'any 83,

in the year 83,

en casu,

in case,

el 13 d'agost concretament,

on August 13th specifically,

aquí al monestir de Sant Joan.

here at the monastery of Sant Joan.

I ara,

And now,

a motiu d'això,

for this reason,

voldria posar una cançó especial,

I would like to play a special song,

que es diu

what is it called

Cançó del que estima,

Song of the beloved,

perquè aquella cançó la va cantar

because that song was sung

l'ama Déu,

the Lord God,

l'ama Déu ens la va cantar

God sang it to us.

a dintre del monestir,

inside the monastery,

no sé a quin moment de la cerimònia,

I don't know at what moment of the ceremony,

però en tinc un bonic record

but I have a beautiful memory of it

i m'agradaria que la tornéssim a sentir.

I would like to hear her again.

Cançó d'amor cantada per dos més un.

Love song sung by two plus one.

Per dibuixar-te a tu.

To draw you.

L'amor no és el contacte entre la rosa i el llit.

Love is not the contact between the rose and the bed.



És el cop de sang d'un cor abans de morir.

It is the blood spurt of a heart before dying.

L'amor no és una paraula que faci ballar el poeta.

Love is not a word that makes the poet dance.

L'amor és obrir la porta.

Love is opening the door.

Si és que encara no és oberta.

If it is not open yet.

L'amor pot ser que és ser jo.

Love may be that I am.

El trajecte d'una llàgrima.

The journey of a tear.

Pot ser qualsevol paraula.

It can be any word.

Complida joia d'un ànima.

Fulfilled jewel of a soul.


The love.

És com una flor.

It is like a flower.

Que ni el vent més fort s'endú.

That not even the strongest wind carries away.



És esborrar-me a mi.

It is to erase me.

Per dibuixar-te a tu.

To draw you.



És el cop queะ Amor.

It is the blow that Love.



És Liupi.

It's Liupi.



És la llibertat.

It is freedom.



És la llibertat.

It is freedom.

Inscreu-te a l'elenword. OMG

Sign up for the elenword. OMG

al Maragall de Català

to Maragall's Catalan

i la Núria havia estat

and Núria had been

també 4 o 5 anys

also 4 or 5 years

4 anys a Camprodon

4 years in Camprodon

i un any a Vilallonga

and a year in Vilallonga

i aquell any curiosament després de casat

and that year curiously after getting married

allò que fan nomenaments

that which makes appointments

es van tocar tot dos al Tomarraguer

they both touched each other at Tomarraguer

i després

and then



a l'any 1984

in the year 1984

en el concurs de trasllats

in the transfer competition

vaig tenir una sort enorme

I had a huge luck.

perquè ja em va tocar aquí a Sant Joan les Abadesses

because it already happened to me here in Sant Joan les Abadesses

el 1984


bé, d'aquell

well, from that

1984 explicaré alguna cosa

In 1984, I will explain something.

perquè va ser el primer any que vaig estar

because it was the first year that I was

aquí a l'escola de Sant Joan

here at the school of Sant Joan

va ser

it was

de fet, perdona, però molta gent

in fact, excuse me, but many people

a tu ja et coneix ja des d'aquesta

I already know you from this.

època, vull dir, aquí ja

time, I mean, here already

coneixem en Joan Guillamet

we know Joan Guillamet



vaja, que coneixen les generacions noves

Wow, they know the new generations.

com a professor

as a professor

aquí a Sant Joan

here in Sant Joan

jo ja tal com he comentat abans

I already as I mentioned before

vaig estar dos anys però més connectat

I was connected for two years but more.

amb la vida eclesiàstica

with ecclesiastical life

i ara venia com a mestre

and now I came as a master

del mestre Andreu

of Master Andreu

l'any 1984

the year 1984

perdona, és que no sé si ho has arribat a explicar

Sorry, I don't know if you have managed to explain it.

però on viviu a Manoriar aquí?

But where do you live in Manoriar here?

primer vam viure aquí

first we lived here

a la plaça de l'Abadia

in the Abbey Square

amb un pis

with an apartment

de propietat de l'illa

of island property

primer vam estar aquí

first we were here

fins l'any 98

until the year 98

vam estar 14 anys aquí

we were here for 14 years

amb un pis d'aquests

with one of these apartments

que són aquí a la plaça de l'Abadia

what are here in the Abadia square

aquí davant del monestir

here in front of the monastery

llavors el primer any

then the first year


I remember

que em van fer tutor de sisè

that they made me sixth-grade tutor

i feia francès

and I used to speak French

català i castellà

Catalan and Spanish

a sisè, setè i vuitè

sixth, seventh, and eighth

llavors encara hi havia educació general bàsica

at that time, there was still basic general education

fins a vuitè

up to the eighth

recordo que

I remember that

a l'escola

at school

es feien moltes activitats complementàries

many complementary activities were carried out

i una de les primeres

and one of the first

que vam fer

what we did

i que es va fer per primer any

and it was done for the first year

va ser el passebre vivent

it was the living nativity scene

en aquella època hi havia dues escoles

At that time, there were two schools.

i cada escola mirava de fer

and each school tried to do

moltes activitats que cridessin l'atenció

many activities that attract attention

dels pares i mares

of fathers and mothers

hi havia certa competició

there was a certain competition

sí, certa, no, molta

yes, true, no, a lot

per tal d'acollir

in order to welcome

com a alumnes

as students



els altres anàvem a mongetes o nazis

the others went to beans or nazis

relacionat amb les escoles

related to schools

no sé què implicava això

I don't know what this implied.

per tant que ens ho dèiem així com en broma

therefore, we said it that way as a joke

sí, sempre hem estat els nacionals

Yes, we have always been the nationals.

en lloc d'escola pública

instead of public school

i escola concertada

and charter school

o privada

or private

dèiem les monges o els nacionals

we said the nuns or the nationals

va conservar aquest mal nom

he kept this bad name

les dues

the two

i el creiem

and we believe it

també hi havia aquesta rivalitat

there was also this rivalry

a nivell

at level

de projecte educatiu

of educational project

com passa avui actualment

as it happens today currently

per aparèixer amb qui trau més gent

to appear with whoever draws the most people

sí, sí, per això

yes, yes, that's why

a més del projecte educatiu i tot plegat

in addition to the educational project and everything involved

el que es feien era

what they did was

moltes activitats

many activities

que els pares i mares del poble

that the fathers and mothers of the village

veiessin una mica

seeing a little

cada escola quin tipus d'activitat feia

what type of activity each school did

que fossin més atraients

to be more attractive

llavors la nostra escola aquell any

then our school that year

l'AMPA que era una AMPA

the PTA that was a PTA

molt activa

very active

que hi havia la Maria Gardella

that Maria Gardella was there

hi havia el de la imprensa

there was the one from the press

en Jordi a la imprensa

Jordi at the press.

i hi havia l'Olga

and there was Olga

hi havia tota una colla de gent molt activa

there was a whole bunch of very active people

que ara me'n descuido d'uns quants

that now I forget a few

perquè no recordo gaire els noms

because I don’t remember names very well



una de les coses

one of the things

que recordo és

what I remember is

el Passebre Vivent

the Living Nativity

organització i realització del Passebre Vivent

organization and performance of the Living Nativity Scene

que el primer any es va fer

that the first year it was done

a la plaça de l'Ajuntament

in the town hall square

el primer any es va fer a la plaça de l'Ajuntament

The first year took place at the Town Hall square.

i algun carrer al voltant de la plaça de l'Ajuntament

and some streets around the Town Hall square

després va haver-hi

then there was

després els anys posteriors

after the following years

ja es va traslladar

it has already been moved

aquí a la muralla

here at the wall

es va fer més al cantó de la muralla

it was done more on the side of the wall

i els llocs propers a la muralla

and the places nearby the wall

i concretament

and specifically

el Passebre Vivent el van fer 25 anys seguits

The Living Nativity was held for 25 consecutive years.



jo vaig estar 25 anys a l'escola

I spent 25 years at school.

i curiosament

and curiously

va ser 25 anys de Passebre Vivent

it was 25 years of Living Nativity

que al començament

that at the beginning

potser hi havia

maybe there was

molta més

much more

es preparava

was preparing

molt millor

much better

hi havia molta més

there was much more

vitalitat a les escenes

vitality in the scenes

després amb els anys

after the years

es va perdre una mica l'energia

the energy got a bit lost

de l'organització

of the organization

i es va perdre una mica també

and got a bit lost too

la participació de l'alumnat

the participation of the students

però en definitiva va durar 25 anys

but in the end it lasted 25 years

i és un record meravellós que tinc

And it's a wonderful memory that I have.

després també

after also

la festa de Sant Jordi

the feast of Saint George

es feia d'una manera especial

it was done in a special way

i jo recordo que

and I remember that

a mi em tocava

it was my turn

assajar el teatre

to rehearse the theater

perquè llavors no hi havia la Blanca aquí al poble

because then Blanca wasn't here in the village

i com a professor de llengua

and as a language teacher

cada any havia de preparar

every year I had to prepare

l'obra de teatre dels de Vuitè

the play by the Eighth graders

llavors els de Vuitè feien una obra de teatre

then the Eighth graders were putting on a play

mitja hora o tres quarts

half an hour or three quarters

i em tocaven a mi

and they touched me

sé que era una de les coses que

I know it was one of the things that

em produïa més angoixa

it caused me more anxiety

perquè em costava molt

because it was very difficult for me

no era la meva especialitat

it was not my specialty

el teatre

the theater

però al final després de fer l'obra

but in the end, after completing the work

tots estàvem contents

we were all happy

d'haver-la fet

of having done it

i que hagués sortit mitjanament bé

and that it would have turned out moderately well

llavors al final de curs

then at the end of the course

també fèiem una mena de festival

we also held a kind of festival

concretament el primer any

specifically the first year

recordo que vam representar

I remember that we represented.

la història de Catalunya

the history of Catalonia

una mica totes les etapes

a little bit of all the stages

de la història de Catalunya

of the history of Catalonia

cada curs representava una escena

each course represented a scene

una època determinada

a specific period

i sé que ens va portar també una feina

And I know that it also brought us a job.

de bojos


i bé

and well

i llavors també

and then also

evidentment fèiem

obviously we were doing

moltes sortides amb l'escola

many outings with the school

fèiem colònies

we used to go on camps

i bé

and well

es pot dir que

it can be said that

he parlat una mica del primer any

I have talked a little about the first year.

i tot això va continuar

and all this continued

una mica de manera semblant als altres anys

a little bit like in other years

llavors ja saltaria ara

then I would jump now


he/she would jump

ja cap a l'any 94

already towards the year 94

deu anys més tard

ten years later

anem una mica de pressa

Let's hurry a little.

això vol dir que en aquest temps

this means that in this time

ja hi ha un estat de la història

There is already a state of history.


of stability

estàs casat

are you married

vius amb parella

you live with a partner

tens una feina bona i fixa

you have a good and stable job

per tant que aquí ve un moment d'estabilitat

therefore a moment of stability is coming here

sí, sí

yes, yes

el que passa que són 10 anys

What happens is that it has been 10 years.

que no arriba

that does not arrive

vull dir que la família

I mean that the family

som dos

we are two

i concretament l'any 94

and specifically in the year 94

és quan neix

it is when it is born

la nostra filla Emma

our daughter Emma

que va ser

what was it

una filla molt esperada

a much-anticipated daughter

perquè feia molts anys

because many years ago

ja que la buscàvem

since we were looking for it

i va costar una mica

and it was a bit difficult

i al final va arribar

And in the end, he/she arrived.

i sortosament va arribar bé

and fortunately it arrived safely

va valer la pena esperar

It was worth the wait.

i va ser l'any 94

It was the year '94.

i en aquest any 94

and in this year 94

també es pot dir que és un any molt significatiu

It can also be said that it is a very significant year.

perquè va ser el primer any

because it was the first year

de germanament

of Germination

entre les escoles de l'Epalés Sirvien

among the schools of the Epalés Sirvien

i Sant Joan les Abadeses

and Sant Joan les Abadesses

el 94

the 94

i el 93

and the 93

s'havien agermanat els dos pobles

the two towns had united

però va ser precisament el 94

but it was precisely in 94



ens vam trobar

we met

uns mesos abans

a few months before

i vam decidir

and we decided

un professor d'allà de l'escola

a teacher from that school

Jan Giradú

Jan Giradú

i jo per part de l'escola Mestre Andreu

and I on behalf of the school Mestre Andreu

de fer aquest agermanament

to make this brotherhood

entre alumnes de les dues escoles

between students of the two schools

i el primer any

and the first year

només va venir una escola

only one school came


from there

allà són tres escoles

There are three schools there.

però només en va venir una

but only one came.

l'escola Jan Giradú

Jan Giradú school

i van venir 20 nens

And 20 children came.

amb 3 o 4 adults

with 3 or 4 adults


of companions

i aquell primer any recordo que va ser

And that first year I remember it was

bé, un any molt viu

well, a very lively year

molt emotiu

very emotional

perquè entre altres coses

because among other things

l'agermanament va durar 10 dies

the twinning lasted 10 days

no com ara que dura 3, 4, 5 dies

not like now that lasts 3, 4, 5 days

la primera trobada va durar 10 dies

The first meeting lasted 10 days.

van estar 10 dies aquí

they were here for 10 days


Goodness gracious!

i van fer un agermanament

and they made a twinning

una colla d'activitats

a bunch of activities

comarca, Barcelona

district, Barcelona

i és

and it is

l'agermanament que recordo

the brotherhood that I remember

amb més vitalitat

with more vitality

llavors a partir d'aquí

then from here on

ens vam anar trobant cada any

we met each other every year

els anys parells

the even years

aquí Sant Joan

here Saint John

sempre ha estat així

it has always been like this

i els anys senars

and the odd years

a l'Epalè Sirvien

to the Epalè Sirvien

encara actualment és així

it is still like this today

perquè aquest any 23

because this year 23

han anat a l'Epalè

they have gone to the Epalè

i crec que

I believe that

es porten

they are carried





26-27 agermanaments

26-27 twinnings

per part de les escoles

on the part of the schools

la gent gran

the elderly

ja portem 30 anys

we have been at it for 30 years


of twinning




the brotherhood

de la gent gran

of the elderly

normalment cada 5 anys

normally every 5 years

fem una trobada allà

let's have a meeting there

i una trobada aquí

and a meeting here

i entremig fem petites trobades

and in between we have small meetings

per no perdre el contacte

to not lose contact

però la trobada important

but the important meeting

la fem cada 5 anys

we do it every 5 years

ara concretament

now specifically

hem celebrat els 30 anys d'agermanament

we have celebrated the 30th anniversary of twinning

a l'Epalè Sirvien

to the Epalè Sirvien

el primer aquí Sant Joan

the first here Saint John

per tots els anys

for all the years

i l'Epalè Sirvien

and the Epalè Sirvien

per l'1 de maig

for May 1st

Joan, però això va de tu

Joan, but this is about you.

i de la teva història

and of your story

això és tan actual

this is so current

que deixem-ho estar

let's leave it be

i parlant més de tu

and speaking more about you

estava bé fer aquest apunt

it was good to make this note

perquè és la culminació d'una trajectòria

because it is the culmination of a journey

en la que tu hi ets des del primer dia

in which you have been there since day one

però seguim

but we continue

molt bé Joan

very good Joan

doncs si et sembla

well, if that seems good to you

tanquem això de l'agermanament

let's close this matter of the twin town relationship

amb una cançó

with a song

sí, a veure

yes, let's see

això de l'agermanament

this of the brotherhood

voldria ara posar una cançó

I would like to play a song now.

una cançó

a song

que per mi té molt significat

that means a lot to me

que és una cançó de Grimm

what is a Grimm song

no sé si ho pronuncia bé

I don't know if he/she pronounces it well.

que diu

what does it say

cal que me'n vagi

I have to go.

resulta que aquesta cançó

it turns out that this song

nosaltres quan ens trobàvem

we when we met

els d'Epalè i els de Sant Joan

the people of Epalè and the people of Sant Joan

la cantàvem molt sovint

we sang it very often

que deia

what was said

que en català és

that in Catalan is

cantem encara una vegada més

let's sing once again

a l'amor, la joia

to love, the joy

on hem fet

where we have done

un gran retrobament

a great reunion

ha valgut la pena

it has been worth it

però ara

but now

ens hem d'acomiadar

we have to say goodbye

i sé que la cantàvem molt sovint

and I know that we used to sing it very often

per això ara la voldria posar

that's why I would like to put it now



per el seu autor

for its author



que es diu

what is it called

Il foc a Gemenei

The fire in Gemini

de Grimm

of Grimm

El Roit

The Roit



É quan le ver est bien rempli

It is when the glass is well filled.

Tu vens encore

You come again.

une dernier fois

one last time

a l'amitié, l'amour, la joia

to friendship, love, joy

en afraidized

in afraidized

nos retrouveilles

we meet again

ça m'fait de la peine

It makes me sad.

mais il faut que je m'en aille

but I have to go

Et souviens-toi


que tu et laJack

that you are the Jack

Bona nit.

Good night.

llavors com que per altra banda

then since on the other hand

a l'escola hi va haver un canvi

there was a change at school

perquè els de 7a i 8a

because those in 7th and 8th

a l'any 96

in the year 96

ja no van ser més

they were no more

a l'escola sinó que van anar

to school but they went

a Ripoll

in Ripoll

fins l'any 96

until the year 96

es feia educació general bàsica

basic general education was provided

fins a 8a

up to 8a

i l'any 96-97

and the year 96-97

les escoles van quedar

the schools remained

només amb 6 cursos de primària

only with 6 primary school courses



què va fer això

what did this do

jo vaig continuar

I continued.

sent tutor de 6a

sixth grade tutor

però en lloc de fer classes de 6a, 7a i 8a

but instead of having 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes

feia classes gairebé

I was almost teaching classes.

fins a primer

until first

em va tocar uns anys fer de classe de música

I spent a few years teaching music class.

que no hi entenia gaire res

that I didn't understand much of anything

però com que no hi havia professor de música

but since there was no music teacher

vaig fer música de primer 6a

I made music in first grade 6a.

i llavors el francès

and then the French

també feia en francès de tercer a 6a

I also did French from third to sixth grade.

o sigui que em va tocar fer classe

so I had to teach class

amb els més petits que no havia fet mai

with the smallest ones that I had never done before

que no estava gaire acostumat

that he/she was not very used to it

però bueno, ens en vam sortir com vam poder

but well, we managed as best as we could

això va ser més o menys l'any 96-97

this was more or less in the year 96-97

bé, llavors

well, then

un altre aspecte

another aspect

que voldria remarcar

which I would like to highlight

és que a partir de l'any 97

it's that from the year 97

em va començar a venir la dèria

I started to get the obsession.

a l'escola

at school

de fer

of doing


video reports

fins al 97

until 97

ja feia moltes fotografies

he had already taken many photographs

però més o menys

but more or less

el 95-96

the 95-96

de filmar també filmava una mica

I also filmed a little.

però llavors

but then

el departament

the department


of teaching

va fer uns premis

he made some awards

per les escoles

for the schools

que volguessin participar-hi

that they wanted to participate in it

que es tractava

what it was about

de fer vídeos, reportatges

of making videos, reports

o vídeos

or videos

de tota classe

of all kinds

i vaig estar uns anys

I was there for a few years.

amb els alumnes de sisè

with the sixth-grade students

cada any fèiem

every year we would do

un reportatge

a report

i jo em vaig dedicar a fer

and I devoted myself to doing

molts aspectes de la vida de Sant Joan

many aspects of the life of Saint John

era un treball doble

it was double work

sí, perquè això normalment

yes, because this usually

ho fèiem

we did it

filmar i assajar

to film and to rehearse

i tot això

and all this

ho fèiem els dissabtes al matí

we did it on Saturday mornings

o alguns dies a partir de les cinc de la tarda

or some days from five in the afternoon

o sigui, a més de l'escola

that is to say, in addition to the school

era un treball a més a més

it was an additional job

i llavors

and then

tot això

all this

esclar, ara tenim

of course, now we have

el muntatge es fa per ordinador

The assembly is done on a computer.

però llavors es feia

but then it was done

pel que se'n deia per videoplató

for what was said on the video platform

el videoplató

the videoplatform

el anàvem a buscar a Girona

we were going to pick him up in Girona

i ens el deixaven 15 dies

and they would leave it to us for 15 days

el departament de recursos

the resource department



ens deixaven aquests aparells

they let us use these devices

i recordo que venia aquí

I remember that I used to come here.

amb sis o set caixes

with six or seven boxes

que hi havia dos televisors

that there were two televisions

dos vídeos

two videos

una taula de barreges

a mixing table

no sé si

I don't know if

si ho havies vist mai tu

if you had ever seen it

suposo que sí

I suppose so.

això del videoplató

this about the video set

i bé, llavors

and well, then

quan muntaves una pel·lícula

when you were making a movie

no et podies equivocar

you could not be mistaken

perquè s'havia de muntar linealment

because it had to be assembled linearly

i havies d'anar fent

you had to keep going

minut rere minut

minute by minute

i quan estaves al minut 13

And when you were at minute 13

els altres minuts els podies canviar

the other minutes you could exchange

perquè anava tot seguit

because it was going right after

o havies de fer una giragonça

or you had to take a detour

i enganxar coses que era molt complicat

and sticking things that were very complicated

per tant que era complicat

therefore it was complicated

això de fer reportatges

this thing of making reports

havia de ser tot

it had to be everything

una cosa rere l'altra

one thing after another

i sé que

and I know that

i sé que algunes vegades

I know that sometimes

m'hi passava fins a les dues o les tres

I would spend it until two or three.

de la matinada

from the early morning

els últims dies

the last days

quan es havia de presentar

when it was to be presented

el vídeo

the video

havíem de passar una mitjanit

we had to spend a midnight



cada curs

each course

durant molts cursos

for many years

vaig intentar fer

I tried to do.



la primera vegada

the first time

vaig fer una sobre el Compte Arnau

I did one on Count Arnau.

que vam anar a Mataplana

that we went to Mataplana

vam gravar molts trossos allà a Mataplana

We recorded many pieces there in Mataplana.

i després altres trossos aquí al monestir

and then other pieces here at the monastery

l'any 2000

the year 2000

l'any 1997

the year 1997

ja vaig fer un reportatge

I already made a report.

sobre la vida de l'escola d'un any

about the life of a one-year school

que durava una horeta

that lasted about an hour

que explicava una mica

that explained a little

totes les activitats complementàries

all the complementary activities

que es feien a l'escola

what they did at school

passebre vivent, teatre

live nativity, theater

excursions, sortides

excursions, outings

vaig intentar fer un muntatge

I tried to make a montage.

després el segon any va ser

after the second year it was

sobre el Compte Arnau

about Count Arnau

l'any 2000 vaig fer

In the year 2000 I did

la que potser em vaig sentir més bé

the one that perhaps made me feel the best

amb abadesses i camperols

with abbesses and peasants

vaig intentar

I tried.

vam intentar

we tried

amb els alumnes de sisè

with the sixth grade students

no jo

not me

perquè sense els alumnes no hauríem fet res

because without the students we wouldn't have done anything

doncs significar

so mean

la vida de les abadesses

the life of the abbesses

de Sant Joan

of Saint John

i els pagesos que hi havia en aquella època

and the peasants that were there at that time

als entorns del monestir

around the monastery

una mica

a little bit

des de l'abadessa Emma

from Abbess Emma

fins a l'expulsió de les abadesses

until the expulsion of the abbesses

fins a l'enxalberga

until the embankment

vam fer un reportatge

we made a report

de mitja hora

half an hour

bé aquesta pel·lícula

good this movie

va ser premiada

was awarded

amb primers premis

with first prizes

a nivell de Catalunya

at the level of Catalonia

i després

and then

també va ser

it was also

seleccionada per anar

selected to go

a la fase nacional

to the national phase

a València

to Valencia

vam tenir l'ocasió d'estar

we had the opportunity to be

tres dies a València

three days in Valencia

a participar a la fase

to participate in the phase



de vídeos

of videos

infantils i juvenils

children's and youth

després l'any següent

the following year

vam fer el tema de la pagesia

we did the topic of peasantry

i l'entorn

and the environment

vam fer una casa de pagès

we built a farmhouse

com vivia una casa de pagès

how a farmhouse lived

amb ovelles i vaques

with sheep and cows

vam fer després

we did afterwards

el covilar

the hawk's nest

aquí vam fer referència

here we referred

una mica a tota la vaca cega

a little to the blind cow

i tot això

and all this

i després

and then

a una casa pagès

to a farmhouse

de turisme rural

rural tourism

que va ser la casa

what was the house

del Ferran Miquel

of Ferran Miquel

i la Carme

and Carme

del reixac

from Reixac

doncs hi havia tres parts

so there were three parts

la pel·lícula tenia 10 minuts

the movie was 10 minutes long

de cada lloc

from everywhere

i es veia una mica

and you could see a little bit

la diferència

the difference

entre una casa de pagès

between a farmhouse

encara en acció

still in action

una que es havia acabat

one that had ended

però encara hi vivia gent

but there were still people living there

i l'altra que havia passat

and the other that had passed

de turisme rural

rural tourism

i aquesta també va guanyar

and this one also won



el concurs de Catalunya

the contest of Catalonia

també vam anar a València

we also went to Valencia

llavors donaven 10 primers premis

then they awarded 10 first prizes

i 10 premis

and 10 awards

del 10 al 20

from 10 to 20

o sigui de totes les que es presentaven

that is, of all the ones that were submitted

de tot Catalunya

from all of Catalonia

i vien

and he/she came

10 premiades en primer premi

10 awarded with first prize

i 10 premiades en segon premi

and 10 awarded in second prize

i durant dos anys vam tenir ocasió

and for two years we had the opportunity

de poder viure

to be able to live

llavors amb els alumnes vam anar a Barcelona

then with the students we went to Barcelona

se'ns va donar el premi

we were given the award

i totes aquestes coses

and all these things

i després també vam tornar a València

And then we also returned to Valencia.

el campionat d'Espanya

the Spanish championship

però allà hi havia

but there was

molta competència

lots of competition

després l'any 2002

after the year 2002

vam fer el tema del segle XVII

we did the topic of the 17th century

aquí a Sant Joan les Abadesses

here in Sant Joan les Abadesses

els bandolers

the bandits

la pesta negra

the Black Death

les bruixes

the witches

vam fer una mica

we did a little

tota la temàtica del segle XVII

the entire theme of the 17th century

aquí a Sant Joan

here in Sant Joan

aquesta vegada vam obtenir

this time we obtained

segons premis

according to awards



el 2006


ja vam poder treballar en Videoplató

we were able to work on Videoplató

i vam fer una altra pel·lícula

and we made another movie

que era el Ripollès Terra de Contes

that was the Ripollès Land of Tales



, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i,

, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and.

el que passa que eren poques coses

what happens is that there were few things

no com ara que vaig més desvegat

not like now when I feel more awake

i estic filmant bona part de les activitats

And I am filming a good part of the activities.

llavors era més limitat

back then it was more limited

filmava coses més puntuals

filmed more specific things

alguna cosa de la festa major

something about the festival

alguna cosa del Carles Toltes

something about Carles Toltes

Sant Joan Ciutat Pobilla

Saint John City Pobilla

però no era allò de cada cap de setmana

but it wasn't that thing of every weekend

anar a filmar com faig ara

go to film like I'm doing now

però sí que compaginava

but it did combine

la vida de l'escola

the life of the school

amb la vida del poble

with the life of the village

i jo crec que coses del poble

And I believe that things from the village

va ser ja a partir de l'any 85-86

it was already from the year 85-86

perquè tinc un ball de pavordes d'aquella època

because I have a dance of peacocks from that time

em sembla

it seems to me

però feia molt poca cosa durant l'any

but I didn't do much during the year

a més anava amb aquella màquina

besides, I was going with that machine

que pesava 3 quilos

that weighed 3 kilograms

que era el vídeo 2000

What was Video 2000?

que l'havies de portar penjat a l'esquena

that you had to carry it hanging on your back

la bateria

the battery

que pesava 2 quilos i mig

that weighed 2 and a half kilograms

i després la càmera

and then the camera

que també era grossa

that it was also big

i anava connectada a la bateria

I was connected to the battery.

calia pensar-ho bé abans de fer l'esforç

It was necessary to think it through well before making the effort.

i era el vídeo 2000

and it was the video 2000

jo vaig estar 4-5 anys amb el vídeo 2000

I spent 4-5 years with the video 2000.

que ara per cert

that now for sure

moltes coses

many things

no les he pogut despassar

I haven't been able to surpass them.

perquè s'ha espatllat el vídeo

because the video has broken down

l'he arreglat

I have fixed it.

s'ha tornat a espatllar

it has broken down again

i ara he trobat un lloc que te l'arreglin

And now I have found a place that will fix it for you.

bé és dificultós

Well, it's difficult.

o sigui que he perdut molta informació

so I have lost a lot of information

d'aquella època de l'any 86-92-93

from that time of the year 86-92-93

però el que s'ha espatllat és l'aparell o la cinta?

But what has broken is the device or the tape?


the device

l'he arreglat però al cap d'un mes

I fixed it, but after a month.

ja el vaig tenir espatllat

I already had it broken.

em va costar una fortuna

It cost me a fortune.

i vull dir ara

and I mean now

ja no ho he provat més

I haven't tried it anymore.

i portar les cintes en un lloc que t'ho facin?

And to take the ribbons to a place that does it for you?

això costarà un altre

this will cost another one

un altre ull de la cara

another eye of the face

molt bé

very well

doncs si et sembla

well, if that seems good to you

el que voldria afegir d'això

what I would like to add to this


of these

reportatges que vam fer

reports that we made

que va ser molt interessant

that was very interesting

no només per mi sinó pels alumnes

not only for me but for the students

perquè ells van conèixer d'una manera

because they knew in a way



i agradable

and pleasant

una mica els aspectes

a little bit of the aspects

de la història de Sant Joan

of the history of Saint John

a través dels assajos que fèiem

through the rehearsals we did

i de les preses

and of the catches



de les filmacions

of the recordings

doncs de mica en mica

little by little

es van anar familiaritzant

they became familiarized

amb la història de Sant Joan

with the story of Saint John

d'una manera o d'una altra

one way or another

i ho feien de manera

and they did it in a way

i vull dir que

and I mean that

de vegades a les 8 del matí anàvem a filmar

Sometimes at 8 in the morning we would go filming.

el mes de febrer o març

the month of February or March

recordo que una vegada vam anar a Sant Martí a Dugas

I remember that once we went to Sant Martí to Dugas.

a les 8 del matí

at 8 in the morning

en fred

in cold

i no teníem mandra

and we weren't lazy



no, no, vull dir

no, no, I mean

s'ho agafaven amb molt d'interès

they took it very seriously

molt bé

very well


we continue




un altre


els últims anys

the last years

a partir de l'any 2004

starting from the year 2004

més o menys

more or less

el 2004-2005

the 2004-2005

vam fer el 75 aniversari de l'escola

we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the school

es van fer

they were made

moltes activitats

many activities

es va fer una exposició

an exhibition was held

es va fer

it was done

van venir aquí

they came here

jugadors de bàsquet

basketball players

de primera divisió

of first division

en Jofresa

in Jofresa

i no sé si

and I don't know if

un altre que ja va jugar amb el Barça

another one who already played with Barça

van fer una trobada aquí

they had a meeting here

un campus d'estiu o no?

A summer campus or not?

no, van venir a fer unes xerrades

No, they came to give some talks.

i després van fer una mica de bàsquet

and then they played a bit of basketball

amb ells

with them

i tot això va ser molt interessant

And all this was very interesting.

després van fer altres coses

then they did other things

van fer una cançó

they made a song

van fer el poema de l'escola

they made the school poem

la cançó, l'himne de l'escola

the song, the anthem of the school

i a partir del 2005

and starting from 2005

fins al 2009

until 2009

el que em vaig dedicar també

what I also dedicated myself to

a fer programes de ràdio

to make radio programs

amb els alumnes de sisè

with the sixth-grade students

pràcticament cada setmana

practically every week

no, cada setmana

no, every week

hi havia una setmana que venien

there had been a week that they were coming

amb els de sisè

with the sixth graders

hi havia una setmana que venia

there was a week that was coming

amb els petits

with the little ones

i intentàvem mostrar una mica

and we tried to show a little bit

la vida de l'escola

the life of the school

tant a nivell d'activitats

both in terms of activities



com una mica

like a little

el que es feia a les classes

what was done in the classes

i vam estar

and we were

fins que em vaig jubilar

until I retired

més o menys el 2004

more or less in 2004

el 2009 va ser una altra activitat

2009 was another activity.

que també em va agradar molt

that I also liked very much

poder-ho fer

to be able to do it

i per això ara sóc aquí

And that's why I'm here now.

i de fet hi ha una bona generació

And in fact, there is a good generation.

de gent que

of people who

està acostumada a parlar en públic

she is used to speaking in public

o que no li ha fet por

or that has not frightened him/her

justament després d'experimentar

just after experiencing

aquí a la ràdio

here at the radio

i de fet actualment encara

and in fact currently still

fem una secció

let's do a section

en la qual venen els nens

in which the children come

a explicar coses

to explain things

i és hereva d'aquesta

and is heir to this

que vas iniciar tu

what you started

i és un dels continguts

and it is one of the contents

més ben valorats de l'emissora

highest rated by the broadcaster

molt bé, doncs gràcies

very well, so thank you

a tu, gràcies a tu

to you, thanks to you

per aquesta

for this

bé, llavors

well, then

em jubilo

I am retiring.

a l'any 2009

in the year 2009

sortosament em jubilo

Fortunately, I retire.

amb 60 anys

at 60 years old

encara jove

still young

i llavors sí que

and then yes that

em jubilo

I retire.

la meva vida

my life

no acaba

does not end

la meva activitat no acaba

my activity does not end

i em dedico

and I dedicate myself

entre altres coses

among other things

a filmar moltes activitats

to film many activities

del poble i a fer muntatges

from the village and to make montages

i ara com que estic parlant ja del poble

And now, since I'm already talking about the village.

voldria posar la cançó del meu poble

I would like to play the song from my village.

de xarango

of Xarango

perquè a veure

because let's see

no és que lligui molt

it's not that I tie a lot

amb tot el que vaig fer

with everything I did

però sí que

but yes that

com que estic parlant del poble

as I am talking about the village

com que de mica en mica

as little by little

m'he anat

I have gone.



amb entitats del poble

with entities of the town

i està molt relacionat amb elles

and is very much related to them

doncs m'agradaria posar aquesta cançó

so I would like to play this song

a més a més l'Òlgi Miquel

furthermore, Òlgi Miquel

va ser alumne teu

he was your student

ah també sí

oh yes too

i va venir

and came

i també ha participat

and has also participated


to the

els intercanvis amb l'EPALE

the exchanges with EPALE




i va ser alumne

he was a student

de francès

from French



i música

and music

de música

of music

perquè llavors

because then

en aquella època

at that time

no hi havia professor de música

there was no music teacher

i va ser alumne de música

he was a music student

i jo el que feia

and I what I was doing




to try

que anessin aprenent

that they kept learning

cançons catalanes

Catalan songs

a través de casets

through casets

perquè tampoc

because neither

entonaven gaire bé

they sang almost well

i llavors

and then

sí que vam aprendre

yes, we did learn

moltes cançons

many songs



des de


cançons de muntanya

mountain songs

cançons dels esquirols

songs of the squirrels

cançons de

songs of

les típiques

the typical ones

del llac

from the lake

d'en Serrat

of Serrat



moltes cançons

many songs

se les

they are

se les sabien

they knew them



les apreníem

we learned them

a l'hora de música

at music time

de música

of music

no en fèiem gaire

we didn't do much of it

però bé

but well

van aprendre

they learned

que hi havia cançons catalanes

that there were Catalan songs

doncs mira

well, look



escull d'aquesta cançó

choose from this song

potser aquesta cançó

maybe this song

té alguna cosa

has something

de tu

of you

i tant

of course



alguna rel

some relevance

alguna petita rel

some small link

el meu poble

my village

té una plaça

has a square

de records

of memories

fanals encesos

lit lamps

i banderetes

and little flags

de colors

of colors

i un gran ball

and a grand ball



les nits d'estiu

the summer nights

avui que

today what

tothom riu

everyone laughs

avui que és

what day is it today

festa major

major festival

a la plaça

in the square

de nit

at night

s'hi aplega tothom

everyone gathers there

que ballen nens

that children dance





i senyors

and gentlemen

ballen lluny

they dance far away

els que avui

those who today

ja no hi són

they are no longer here

i entre les llums

and among the lights

i el fum

and the smoke

ahi balla

there he/she dances

el nen

the boy

que vaig ser jo

that it was me

i enmig

and in the middle

de la nit

of the night


of around

la plaça

the square

tot és

everything is

com ahir

like yesterday



aquí el temps

here the weather

no passa

no problem

enmig de la nit

in the middle of the night

tan volta

so much turn

la plaça

the square

com quan

like when


we were



com quan

like when


we were





avui a casa

today at home

que potser

that perhaps



no ens

not us


we can


to find



aquesta nit


el que

the what


we would dance



que potser

that perhaps



no podem

we cannot


to dance



aquí amb mi

here with me

com si et quedessis

as if you were staying

per sempre



let's go

m'he perdut

I have lost my way.

pels carrers

through the streets

de matinada

in the early morning

m'he perdut

I have lost myself.

el passeig

the walk

la plaça

the square

la botiga

the shop

de la mare

of the mother

he guardat

I have kept.

els tresors

the treasures

en mil cançons

in a thousand songs


the warmth

dels veïns

of the neighbors

i els que han fet

and those who have done

de mi qui sóc

of me who I am

i enmig

and in the middle

de la nit

of the night



la plaça

the square

tot és

everything is

com ahir

like yesterday

aquí el temps

here the weather

no passa

it's okay


in the midst

de la nit

of the night



la plaça

the square

com quan

as when


we were



com quan

like when

érem petits

we were small

la vida balla

life dances



que potser

that perhaps



no ens podem

we cannot



balla aquesta

dance this



el que

the one who


we would dance



que potser

that perhaps



no podem

we cannot


to dance



aquí amb mi

here with me

com si et quedessis

as if you were staying

per sempre






de nit

at night


we are

de foc

of fire

que els teus petons

that your kisses

que s'encenen

that light up

de nit

at night

i cremen

and they burn

la matinada

the dawn




the art

que abraça

that embraces

el raó

the reason


on top

i apaga

and turn off

Som de foc els teus petons, que s'encenen de nit i cremen la matinada.

Your kisses are made of fire, igniting at night and burning the dawn.

Som l'or que abraça el rodamunt i apaga el neguit.

We are the gold that embraces the surroundings and calms the anxiety.

Avui que torna a casa, som de foc els teus petons.

Today that you return home, your kisses are made of fire.


Let's go!

Som de foc els teus petons.

Your kisses are made of fire.

Bé, ara porto ja 14 anys de jubilat.

Well, I've been retired for 14 years now.

Em vaig jubilar a l'any 60

I retired in the year 60.

i durant aquests 14 anys sí que he fet molta filmació d'activitats d'aquí a Sant Joan.

And during these 14 years, I have indeed filmed a lot of activities here in Sant Joan.

Moltes coses les he dubat una mica i he fet el reportatge.

I have doubted many things a little and I have made the report.

Moltes d'aquestes activitats filmades les porto a l'arxiu de l'Ajuntament

Many of these filmed activities I bring to the town hall archive.

perquè no es perdin del tot.

so that they do not get completely lost.

A casa tinc un pilot de coses, algunes més ordenades, d'altres menys,

At home, I have a pile of things, some more organized, others less so.

però m'ha donat sentit a la vida de jubilat durant aquests 14 anys.

but it has given meaning to my retirement life during these 14 years.

Per un cantó, això de les filmacions.

On one hand, this about the filming.

I per altra banda, també la participació a la ràdio.

And on the other hand, also participation in the radio.

El primer any del 2009-2010

The first year of 2009-2010.

van començar a fer entrevistes a gent gran,

they started conducting interviews with elderly people,

però les feien gent joves de Tercer d'ESO.

but they were made by young people in Third of ESO.

És a dir, que jo mirava de parlar amb les persones grans

That is to say, I was trying to talk to the elderly.

i amb els nens i nenes de Tercer d'ESO

and with the boys and girls of Third of ESO

i llavors ells eren els que feien les entrevistes.

And then they were the ones who conducted the interviews.

Però això portava molta feina perquè havia de reunir primer amb uns,

But this took a lot of work because I had to meet first with some.

acabar amb els altres i acabar fent l'entrevista

end with the others and end up doing the interview

perquè cada entrevista portava la seva feina.

because each interview brought its own work.

I llavors a partir del 2010 vaig pensar, mira,

And then starting in 2010 I thought, look,

com que allà a l'escola t'has passat molts anys

since you have spent many years there at school

ensenyant cançons catalanes,

teaching Catalan songs,

potser que vagis a la ràdio a parlar de la cançó catalana.

Maybe you should go to the radio to talk about the Catalan song.

I des del 2010 fins al 2021 que va venir la pandèmia

And from 2010 until 2021 when the pandemic came.

doncs vaig fer un programa de ràdio que es diu La Nostra Cançó

So I made a radio program called La Nostra Cançó.

i vaig intentar explicar una mica la història de la cançó catalana

I tried to explain a bit of the history of Catalan song.

i després també portava algun convidat

And then he/she also brought some guests.

a que...

to that...

a que comentessin cançons que escoltàvem

to comment on songs that we listened to

i així les hem fet durant 9 anys

And so we have done them for 9 years.

del 2010 al 2021.

from 2010 to 2021.

I ara aquest any he canviat la temàtica.

And now this year I have changed the theme.

He pensat, mira, fa 10 anys vas entrevistar

I thought, look, 10 years ago you interviewed.

gent gran a través de Canalla Jova.

older people through Young Kids.

Podria que continuessis entrevistant gent gran

Could you continue interviewing elderly people?

i entre mig alguna cançó perquè no es portés això

And in between, a song so that this wouldn't happen.

de la nostàlgia de la cançó.

of the nostalgia of the song.

Bé, per altra banda, ja vaig acabant,

Well, on the other hand, I'm almost done,

per altra banda, durant aquests 14 anys

on the other hand, during these 14 years

tinc un grup de caminants que diem,

I have a group of walkers that we say,

un grup que són 8 matrimonis,

a group that consists of 8 couples,

que anem a caminar els dimecres,

that we are going to walk on Wednesdays,

ara ja no hi vaig tant perquè no puc tant,

now I don't go there as often because I can't as much,

i que després cada any fem una trobada d'una setmana

And that afterwards we have a week-long gathering every year.

amb una casa rural, que hem anat a molts llocs,

with a rural house, that we have been to many places,

a l'estranger, hem anat a Eslovènia, hem anat a Àustria,

abroad, we have been to Slovenia, we have been to Austria,

hem anat als Dolomites, Galícia,

we have been to the Dolomites, Galicia,

bé, cada any fem una trobada.

Well, every year we have a meeting.

I bé, és una cosa molt agradable, ens en venim molt.

And well, it’s a very nice thing, we enjoy it a lot.

I per altre cantó, continuo amb el grup del ciclisme.

And on the other hand, I continue with the cycling group.

La bicicleta la vaig començar als 18 anys,

I started cycling at the age of 18.

tota la vida he anat amb bicicleta,

I have been riding a bicycle my whole life.

5.000 quilòmetres cada any, aproximadament.

5,000 kilometers each year, approximately.

Fa 7 anys que tinc una bicicleta elèctrica,

I have had an electric bicycle for 7 years.

també s'ha de pedalar, alguns pensen que no,

you also have to pedal, some think you don't,

però també s'ha de pedalar si no es para,

but you also have to pedal if you don't stop,

és més fàcil.

It's easier.

I ara,

And now,

cada any, fa 30 anys

every year, for 30 years

que anem una setmana al Tour de França.

We're going for a week to the Tour de France.

Bé, no anem a participar al Tour,

Well, we are not going to participate in the Tour.

lloguem un hotel

We are renting a hotel.

prop d'on passa el Tour,

near where the Tour passes,

anem a veure una etapa o dues

let's go see a stage or two

i els altres dies fem excursions.

And on the other days, we go on trips.

I som un grup de 8, 10, 12 persones

We are a group of 8, 10, 12 people.

que cada any anem.

that we go every year.

Aquest any, concretament, anem a Lourdes

This year, specifically, we are going to Lourdes.

i a partir d'allà farem uns quants ports del Pirineu.

And from there we will do a few ports of the Pyrenees.

Continuem amb l'agermanament de l'Epalés Sirvient,

We continue with the twinning of the Epalés Sirvient,

tal com he dit abans,

as I said before,

portem 30 anys.

We have been together for 30 years.

Ara, aquest any, hem fet el 30è aniversari

Now, this year, we have celebrated the 30th anniversary.

aquí i allà

here and there

i espero que aquest agermanament

and I hope that this brotherhood

continuï, tot i que

continue, although

actualment hi ha poca gent

currently there are few people

que participi, som una trentena de persones.

to participate, we are about thirty people.

Ara hi ha gent jove

Now there are young people.

que sembla que podeu arribar una mica

that it seems you can reach a little

i pot ser que en els propers anys

and it may be that in the coming years

sigui molt millor.

may it be much better.

Sí, hi ha gent.

Yes, there are people.



D'aquí un temps, com t'agradaria...

In a while, how would you like...

què s'ha recordat?

What has been remembered?

És a dir, quan la gent parli d'en Joan Guillamet,

That is, when people talk about Joan Guillamet,

què és el que t'agradaria

What is it that you would like?

que recordessin de tu,

that they remember you,

de tot el que has fet, de com ets?

Of all that you have done, of how you are?

Bé, una...

Well, one...

Jo, que recordessin

Me, as they remembered

que una persona que...

that a person who...

que ha intentat

that he/she has tried

ser una persona

to be a person

molt de poble,

very much of the town,

molt relacionada

very related

amb pràcticament totes les entitats,

with almost all the entities,

una persona que ha intentat

a person who has tried



no barallar-me amb gaire ningú,

not to argue with many people,

tenir una relació

to have a relationship





sense rancúnies,

without grudges,

perquè de vegades veig que hi ha persones que es barallen

because sometimes I see that there are people who fight

i això em fa mal al cor.

and this hurts my heart.



en definitiva, això...

in short, this...

Una persona que...

A person who...

també que estima molt

also loves very much

la família

the family

i que està molt contenta de la família

and that she is very happy with the family.

que ha tingut, tant la que em va

that has had, both the one that gives me

donar la vida com la que ha fet...

to give life as she has done...

i bé, en definitiva, ja ho he dit el dia passat,

And well, ultimately, I already said it the day before,

he estat una persona de sort

I have been a lucky person.

en tots els sentits.

in every way.

Què som? El temps que hem viscut

What are we? The time we have lived.

o el temps que ens queda per viure?

or the time we have left to live?

Per mi...

For me...

Hi ha trampa, eh?

There's a trap, right?

Com que la fas tu sempre,

As you always do,

ja te l'has de tenir pensada.

You already have to have it thought out.

No, no, no, jo...

No, no, no, I...

El temps que em queda per viure

The time I have left to live.

em sembla que és poc,

I think that's not much.

per tant, no en vull ni parlar.

therefore, I don't even want to talk about it.

És una loteria.

It's a lottery.

Per mi, el temps que has viscut,

For me, the time you have lived,

que he viscut, és importantíssim

what I have lived is extremely important

perquè he tingut la sort

because I have been lucky

de viure experiències molt diverses

of living very diverse experiences

i de conèixer gent molt maca

and meet very nice people

i molt bonica

and very beautiful

i, per tant, per mi,

and therefore, for me,

el passat és el més important

the past is the most important

i el present.

and the present.

El present és el moment...

The present is the moment...

El anar a casa, fer el dinar...

Going home, making lunch...

El carpe diem és fonamental.

Carpe diem is fundamental.

El anar a casa, el fer el dinar...

Going home, making lunch...

Si tal dia, doncs,

If such a day, then,

venen el fill i la gent

they poison the child and the people

a menjar, no?

Let's eat, shall we?

Tant d'això, hauria de dir.

So much for that, I should say.

Però el record del passat, meravellós.

But the memory of the past, wonderful.

Jo, en allò que com miro el passat,

I, in that which I look at the past,

no puc tenir millor passat.

I cannot have a better past.

I en el temps que ens queda per viure,

And in the time that we have left to live,

hi ha alguna cosa que et faci por?

Is there something that scares you?

Això s'acosta

This is getting closer.

i em fa por

And it frightens me.

el sofriment,

the suffering,

haver de patir

to have to suffer

i fer patir els altres.

and make others suffer.

Veig que, de vegades,

I see that, sometimes,

vas allà

you go there

a la residència

to the residence

i veus aquella gent,

and you see those people,

tan gran, que ja estan les últimes,

so big that the last ones are already here,

tot això sí que em fa por.

All of this does scare me.

Això del patir

This about suffering.

i el fer patir els altres.

and making others suffer.

Però haver dut una vida plena,

But having led a full life,

el fet en si de la mort

the fact of death itself

no et fa respecte.

It doesn't respect you.

La mort ha de venir

Death must come.

i com que de moment

and since at the moment

no la veig a tocar,

I can't see her close by.

dic, bueno, ja vindrà.

I say, well, it will come.

No sé com vindrà, espero que vingui

I don't know how it will come, I hope it comes.

de manera amable, però...

kindly, but...

Al final, per molt de seminari,

In the end, for all the seminar,

molta filosofia i molta teologia,

a lot of philosophy and a lot of theology,

fa respecte igualment, no?

It is still respectful, right?

I tant, i tant.

Absolutely, absolutely.

Bé, doncs,

Well, then,

que sigui el que sigui.

whatever it may be.

Doncs, Joan, moltíssimes gràcies.

Well, Joan, thank you very much.

Seguirem escoltant

We will keep listening.

el programa Memòries, ja un altre cop

the program Memories, again

amb el rol habitual de presentador

with the usual role of presenter

la temporada vinent.

the next season.

Moltes gràcies per aquest programa,

Thank you very much for this program,

el de Memòries, perquè penso que és dels més interessants

the one of Memories, because I think it is one of the most interesting

que hem fet últimament i necessari

what we have done lately and necessary

i també crec que

and I also believe that

interessant i necessari

interesting and necessary

que tu tanquessis aquesta

that you closed this

primera temporada fent aquest canvi de rols.

first season making this role change.

Per tant, que jo ja torno a la part tècnica

Therefore, I am returning to the technical part.

i tornes a agafar el rol d'aquest programa

And you take on the role of this program again.

però ja la temporada vinent.

but already next season.

Moltes gràcies per haver-me

Thank you very much for having me.

donat l'oportunitat de poder explicar

given the opportunity to explain

aspectes de la meva vida.

aspects of my life.

I ara,

And now,

haurem de posar una cançó

We will have to put on a song.

abans d'acomiadar-nos,

before we say goodbye,

que ens acomiadem ja

that we say goodbye now

per fer vacances, eh?

to go on vacation, right?

Perquè jo encara faig les vacances dels mestres.

Because I still take the teachers' holidays.

Això ho sé, ho sé.

I know this, I know.

Juriol i Agost, vacances.

July and August, vacation.

Perdona, i el setembre les allargues, eh, també?

Sorry, and in September you extend them, right?

Fins passar la festa major.

Until after the main festival.

Sí, perquè el setembre ja comencen

Yes, because they start in September.

però tu encara no a vegades, eh?

But you still not sometimes, eh?

I ara voldria posar una cançó

And now I would like to play a song.

relacionada amb Verdaguer

related to Verdaguer

que és un diàleg entre el Verdaguer vell

what is a dialogue between the old Verdaguer

i el Verdaguer jove.

and the young Verdaguer.

Que és una mica el que he fet jo, eh?

That's a bit like what I have done, right?

Ara que sóc ja vell

Now that I am already old.

he recordat

I remembered.

quan era infant,

when I was a child,

quan era jove, quan era adult

when I was young, when I was an adult

i és una cançó que

and it is a song that

que m'agrada molt

that I like a lot

perquè parla

why he/she speaks

del cor de l'home,

from the heart of man,

de l'estimació, de la poesia

of the estimation, of the poetry

i està cantat

and it's sung

pel grup Oveses d'Osona,

for the group Oveses from Osona,

em sembla que són.

I think they are.

I voldria acabar

I would like to finish.

el programa d'aquest any

the program of this year

i de l'any

and of the year

amb aquesta cançó

with this song

El cor de l'home és

The heart of man is

una mar.

a sea.

Doncs moltes gràcies i fins al pròxim programa.

Well, thank you very much and see you in the next program.

Fins l'any vinent.

Until next year.

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