El Món Moniato des de Casa #10 Sense Aplec


El Món Moniato des de Casa

El Món Moniato des de Casa #10 Sense Aplec

El Món Moniato des de Casa

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I aquí estem, el bon moniato,

And here we are, the good sweet potato,

l'Adiós Show!

The Goodbye Show!

Ei, què tal? Bona nit i benvinguts una setmana més a aquest radioshow

Hey, how are you? Good evening and welcome once again to this radio show.

que perpetrem en directe els moniatos des de casa

that we roast the sweet potatoes live from home

amb un únic objectiu, el de passar un bon dia.

with a single goal, that of having a good day.

I avui cuinarem aquest programa amb aquesta colla de moniatos

And today we will cook this program with this bunch of sweet potatoes.

que no us penso presentar perquè sempre s'enrotllen una mica.

I'm not going to introduce you because they always go off on a tangent a bit.

El que sí que presentarem és el nou tertuliano

What we will present is the new panelist.

que ve directe des de Santa Tereseta, Lleida,

that comes directly from Santa Tereseta, Lleida,

el gran Jordi Huete!

the great Jordi Huete!

Bona nit, Jordi, com estàs?

Good night, Jordi, how are you?

Estic megacontent i amb molta responsabilitat també

I am really happy and also feeling a lot of responsibility.

perquè estic envoltat de famosos.

because I am surrounded by celebrities.

He vist uns quants promes vostres

I have seen a few of your fiancés.

i, ostres, de veritat tinc la responsabilitat d'estar aquí,

Yes, wow, I really have the responsibility of being here.

que m'acolloneix.

that welcomes me.

Espero estar a l'alçada o no.

I hope to measure up or not.

Doncs per qui no coneguin el Jordi Huete

So for those who do not know Jordi Huete.

els direm que és un gran artista, un peasso artista,

we will tell them that he is a great artist, a huge artist,

i és el co-cantant de la millor banda de moda de Lleida,

and he is the co-singer of the best trendy band in Lleida,

que és els Pastorets Van,

what are the Pastorets Van,

que és co-cantant amb el nostre amic, el Ferran.

who is co-singing with our friend, Ferran.

Pastorets Rock.

Little Shepherds Rock.

Pastorets Van, no?

Shepherds are coming, aren't they?

I Pastorets Vienen.

The Shepherds Are Coming.

Pastorets Van i Pastorets Vienen.

Shepherds Go and Shepherds Come.

Me cago en aquest presentador.

I curse this presenter.

Qui van aquí?

Who comes here?

No, no, si el Pere diu que ens diem...

No, no, if Pere says that we call ourselves...

Pastorets Van.

Little shepherds go.

Si són la Pastorets Van i no van a encertar el nom,

If they are the Pastorets, they go and don’t get the name right,

és el nostre problema.

it's our problem.

Pastorets Van, perquè gairebé no fem...

Shepherds go, because we hardly do...

Ara, ara, ara.

Now, now, now.

La cara de vergonya, Jordi, ho sento molt.

The face of shame, Jordi, I'm very sorry.

Doncs no marxi, perquè, senyores i senyors,

Well, don't leave, because, ladies and gentlemen,

dames i damis, ja les petits i grans,

Ladies and gentlemen, both the small and the great,

el xàfer de l'autobús Moniato i servidor de vostès,

the driver of the Moniato bus and your servant,

el president de tots,

the president of all,

dona per inaugurat aquest episodi número 10

declares this episode number 10 inaugurated

del món Moniato des de...

of the world Sweet Potato from...

Estàs escoltant el món Moniato.

You are listening to the Moniato world.

I avui, avui, dia 23 de maig,

And today, today, May 23rd,

falten 222 dies per acabar aquest any del senyor de 2020.

There are 222 days left to finish this year of our Lord 2020.

I tal dia com avui, s'hauria de celebrar,

On a day like today, it should be celebrated,

senyores i senyors, la pleg del Caragol.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Caragol fold.

Una llàstima.

A shame.

No el podem celebrar, pels motius que tots vostès saben,

We cannot celebrate it, for the reasons that you all know,

però, però, bueno, la vida continua

but, but, well, life goes on

i nosaltres farem la tertúlia dedicada a la pleg del Caragol.

And we will hold the discussion dedicated to the Snail Festival.

Nando, tu que ets un pare,

Nando, you who are a father,

jo que estàs documentat,

I see that you are well informed,

explica'ns, pels que no ho saben,

tell us, for those who don't know,

què és la pleg del Caragol.

What is the Caragol fold?

Jo? Documentat?

Me? Documented?

La pleg del Caragol, doncs, és la pleg del Caragol, Pere.

The folding of the Snail, then, is the folding of the Snail, Pere.

Des de llavors, en sèrio que fem el programa

Since then, we seriously do the program.

per explicar a la gent què és la pleg del Caragol?

to explain to people what the Caragol Pleg is?

Si algú que ens mira no sap què és la pleg del Caragol,

If someone who is watching us doesn't know what the Pleg del Caragol is,

doncs, Wikipedia, històries d'aquestes.

So, Wikipedia, stories like these.

Però què fot mirant els moniatos, doncs?

But what the hell are you doing looking at the sweet potatoes, then?

No explico.

I don't explain.

Però pensa que, també,

But think that, also,

la nostra audiència no es tanca a Lleida,

our audience is not limited to Lleida,

no som tan localistes com te penses,

we're not as localist as you think.

i hi ha molta gent de fora de Lleida,

and there are many people from outside Lleida,

i hi ha gent de Menarguens, de Termens, Bobera, Preixana...

And there are people from Menarguens, Termens, Bobera, Preixana...

No m'entendran.

They won't understand me.

A Menarguens saben perfectament

In Menarguens they know perfectly.

el que és la pleg del Caragol, d'acord?

What is the Caragol fold, okay?

I si ens està mirant algú, jo què sé,

And if someone is watching us, I don't know,

de Castelldefels, doncs que ho busqui a Google.

from Castelldefels, so let him look for it on Google.

Jo te veig la samarreta

I see your t-shirt.

i jo no puc respondre res de la pleg.

And I can't answer anything about the fold.

Jo estic trista, estic de luto.

I am sad, I am in mourning.

És veritat o no, me l'estàs de luto o no?

Is it true or not, are you mourning for me or not?

Ferran, no esteu de luto, però...

Ferran, you are not in mourning, but...

Una samarreta que m'ha enviat

A t-shirt that she/he sent me.

la Federació Lleidatana de Caragols.

the Lleida Federation of Snails.

L'associació Lleidatana de Caragols.

The Lleida Snail Association.

Que us diu que és que ho fotre.

What tells you is that it is a pain.

Que Cargols són tornillos, no són animals.

That snails are screws, they are not animals.

No saps llegir, no saps llegir.

You can't read, you can't read.

Los Cargols són tornillos.

The snails are screws.

Perquè són de Barcelona.

Because they are from Barcelona.

Si tens una associació de tornillos,

If you have an association of screws,

collons, fiqueu-li associació de tornillos,

damn it, put him in a screw association,

que tothom s'aclarís de seguida.

that everyone clears up right away.

El que mengem nosaltres són caragols.

What we eat are snails.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Sereno, per què ha quallat la pleg del Caragol?

Calm, why has the snail's plea resonated?




Holy shit.

Per què ha quallat la pleg del Caragol?

Why has the Caragol fold settled?

Què vol dir això?

What does this mean?

Calloli, no? Quallat, no?

Calm down, right? Settle down, right?

Sí, clar, exacte.

Yes, of course, exactly.

La mà de morter i tal...

The pestle and mortar and so on...

I enguany representa que se mos ha tallat.

And this year it means that we have been cut off.

Ha quallat perquè la gent va beguda.

It has settled because people were drunk.

Perquè si tu pares a pensar realment

Because if you really stop to think

què fotem allà,

what are we doing there,

x mil persones

x thousand people

passant en calor,

getting hot,

amb barrets, ulleres de...

with hats, glasses of...

que foten angúnia,

that make you feel disgusted,

i vomitant i fent la cerveza pel gorro en cerveza,

and vomiting and making the beer through the hat into beer,

de sobte ja et diries

suddenly you would say to yourself

que no.


Són colls.

They are collars.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Però, com que corre l'alcohol,

But, since alcohol flows,

ens ho passem bé i l'endemà...

we have a good time and the next day...

Jo avui tinc un ressac.

I have a hangover today.

Hi ha embarassos imaginaris i avui tinc un ressac imaginari.

There are imaginary pregnancies and today I have an imaginary hangover.

Perquè el dissabte era el dia de l'alcohol.

Because Saturday was alcohol day.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

La forta, eh?

The strong one, huh?

Vosaltres sou collistes?

Are you collectors?

Ve que el David,

Here comes David,

el Nando i el Sereno

Nando and Sereno

porteu una samarreta de la colla dels...

you wear a t-shirt from the... group

De quina?

From which one?

Ah, dels moniatos.

Ah, of the sweet potatoes.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Ferran, Cano, Güete...

Ferran, Cano, Güete...

Panyoleta de la París, també.

The handkerchief from Paris, too.

De la París, històrica colla, també.

From Paris, a historic gang, too.

Nosaltres sou apliquistes.

We are applicators.

Nosaltres no hem sigut mai

We have never been.

d'apliquistes des d'allò

from applicators since then

que sempre mona colla, bàsicament,

what a lovely bunch, basically,

perquè teníem actuació

because we had a performance

sempre en cap de setmana.

always on the weekend.

Llavors, així com alguns creiem

Then, just as some of us believe.

que el cap de setmana hauria d'estar sagrat

that the weekend should be sacred

per no fer cap tipus d'actuació

to not take any action

i anar a la pleg,

I'm going to the meeting.

quan el nostre mitjà de sobrevivència

when our means of survival

ha guet, doncs havíem de seguir.

It happened, so we had to continue.

Amb la qual cosa, de vegades,

With which, sometimes,

el que fèiem era ser d'aquells que anaven

what we did was be one of those who went

d'entrar colla en colla.

of entering in groups.

I no som de cap colla en concret.

We are not from any specific group.

Hem estat en moltes colles,

We have been in many groups,

tenim amics en moltes colles,

we have friends in many groups,

però jo no tinc mai la camiseta d'una colla.

But I never have the shirt of a gang.



No ho podràs dir mai més.

You will never be able to say it again.

A partir de demà no ho podràs dir mai més.

Starting tomorrow, you will never be able to say it again.

Això és el que ens falta.

This is what we lack.

La nostra vida, ens falta estar

Our life, we lack being.

en una colla de la pleg, sí, sí.

in a group of the fold, yes, yes.

Però bé, com diu el Ferran, hem estat a totes.

But well, as Ferran says, we have been everywhere.

Que li obrin el micro al David,

Let them open the microphone for David.

que vol dir alguna cosa.

that means something.

El micro, el micro.

The microphone, the microphone.

Si coneixes el micro...

If you know the mic...

I els discursos més bons que t'he vist

And the best speeches I have seen from you.

des d'aquests polítics.

from these politicians.

Va bé, David.

It's fine, David.

Això no és un problema

This is not a problem.

i tindran la samarreta de la colla

They will have the team's jersey.

als Comuniatos i quan se celebri,

to the Communists and when it is celebrated,

perquè esperem que es celebri,

because we hope that it will be celebrated,

sereu convidats especials,

you will be special guests,

com és el que sou, i no pagareu.

how you are, and you won't pay.

No! Toma!

No! Take that!

Jo pensava que ho fes volent,

I thought you did it on purpose,

de moure els llavis i no dir res,

to move the lips and say nothing,

perquè quedaves bé

because you looked good

i t'estalviaries la samarreta.

and you would save the t-shirt.

I a on no arribi la colla,

And where the group does not reach,

arribaré jo.

I will arrive.

Hòstia, que bonic!

Damn, how beautiful!

Donde tengues la colla...

Wherever you have the group...

I de fet,

And in fact,

no oblideu que podem aprofitar

don't forget that we can take advantage

la pleg per fer la despedida que tenim.

the meeting to make the farewell that we have.

Jo crec que no hem de fer coincidir,

I believe we should not match.

però una part de la despedida

but part of the farewell

la podríem fer a la pleg.

We could do it at the meeting.

David, donde tengas la colla...

David, wherever you have the gang...

Al tanto, eh?

Pay attention, okay?



des de fora,

from the outside,

no des de com a plecaire,

not as a pleader,

com a penyista.

as a fan.

Què és el que més t'agrada de la pleg?

What do you like most about the fold?

Com he viscut jo,

How I have lived,

que anava voltant de penya en penya...

that was going around from group to group...

De gorra i de baix.

In a cap and from below.

Sí, de gorron.

Yes, as a freeloader.

De la penya amunt i avall, com li dic.

From the gang up and down, as I tell him.

Vas passant per allí, vas entrant...

You pass by there, you go in...

Veus el companyerisme,

You see the camaraderie,

la germanament que hi ha,

the sibling relationship that exists,

que et dóna igual que no portis

that it doesn’t matter to you that you’re not wearing

una samarreta d'una penya,

a t-shirt from a fan club,

veus uns bailoteos...

you see some dances...

És un agermanament mundial.

It is a global brotherhood.

Jo crec que és dels millors

I believe he is one of the best.

agermanaments del món.

brotherhoods of the world.

A mi una de les coses que més em va flipar

One of the things that amazed me the most

de la pleta de caragol des del principi

of the snail's herd from the beginning

és que si cada colla tenia

it's just that if each group had

X barrils de cerveses,

X barrels of beer,

tenia X barrils de cerveses per la colla

I had X barrels of beers for the group.

i X barrils de cerveses per convidar

and X barrels of beer to treat.

els que vinguessin de fora.

those who came from outside.

Una cosa com aquesta,

Something like this,

que es fa amb aquesta filosofia,

what is done with this philosophy,

és la millor del món.

It's the best in the world.

Si hi ha un barraque, tu no pots entrar.

If there's a bouncer, you can't enter.

Com la feria d'abril.

Like the April fair.

Els diners prohibits, Ferran Caixó,

The prohibited money, Ferran Caixó,

per mi, iguale.

For me, the same.


Am I being clear?

No, jo pago.

No, I'll pay.

Aquí no entenc.

I don't understand here.

Aquí se convide a tothom.

Everyone is invited here.

I és igual.

And it doesn't matter.

Per dir-te una cosa,

To tell you something,

el jefe d'una empresa

the boss of a company

i un treballador de la mateixa empresa,

and a worker from the same company,

allà són la mateixa persona.

there are the same person.

Són dos penyistes, dos companys,

They are two climbers, two companions,

és dels pocs llocs

it is one of the few places

que hi ha una igualtat tremenda.

that there is a tremendous equality.

Jo vull dir una cosa,

I want to say one thing,

que el nostre convidat d'avui, el Ferran,

that our guest today, Ferran,

em faria molta il·lusió que compartissin taula

I would be very delighted if you shared a table.

amb els nostres amics de Castellserà,

with our friends from Castellserà,

que crec que farien espigues estupendes

that I think would make wonderful ears of corn

i s'ho passarien molt bé.

and they would have a great time.

L'has transformat en convidat, el Ferran?

Have you transformed Ferran into a guest?

No, el nostre convidat i el Ferran.

No, our guest and Ferran.

Nando, si no has de prestar atenció

Nando, if you don't need to pay attention.

al que s'està dient,

to what is being said,

millor que agafis el cubalibre.

Better you get the Cuba libre.

Perdoneu-me tot.

Forgive me everything.

Què t'ha passat?

What happened to you?

M'he quedat sense pleg.

I'm out of pints.

Jo estic dolgut,

I am hurt.

sortirà mala llet,

it will come out bad-tempered,

segurament algun improperio,

probably some insult,

però heu d'entendre.

but you have to understand.

Doncs el Jordi, el Güet,

Well, Jordi, the Güet,

ens ha explicat què és el millor de la pleg

He has explained to us what is the best thing about the folding.

per un nou penyista oficial.

for a new official commentator.

I un penyista oficial, senyor Sereno,

And an official climber, Mr. Sereno,

què és el que més valora, el que més li agrada?

What do you value the most, what do you like the most?

Jo t'hauré de parlar

I will have to talk to you.

d'una cosa personal,

of a personal thing,

perquè a mi durant tres dies

because to me for three days

estic concentrat com tots els mons.

I am concentrated like all the worlds.

Us veig a vosaltres,

I see you.

a la gent de l'Episcopal,

to the people of the Episcopal,

i venen tres individus,

and three individuals come.

dos, no?

Two, right?

Són dos de Castellserà.

It is two o'clock in Castellserà.

No, però...

No, but...

Com si fossin tres.

As if they were three.



A la nit es reprodueixen com els Gremlins.

At night they reproduce like Gremlins.

I, hòstia,

I, damn,

és com anar a ajuntar dos mons,

it's like bringing two worlds together,

més la gent que hem anat coneixent

but the people we have been getting to know

amb els anys, els moniatos,

with the years, the sweet potatoes,

i, hòstia, de veritat,

Wow, really,

avui ens hem estat trucant

Today we have been calling each other.

per estallar...

to burst...

I a mi m'agrada això.

And I like this.

No m'ha agradat mai unir ambients diferents

I have never liked to mix different environments.

i els dies de la pleg.

and the days of the folding.

Em fot molta il·lusió baixar amb els de Castellserà,

I’m very excited to go down with the people from Castellserà.

arribar a l'hotel, fer les primeres

arrive at the hotel, do the first things

quinze cerveses allà a l'hotel

fifteen beers there at the hotel

i arribar divendres a la tarda.

I will arrive on Friday afternoon.

Voleu dir que no estarà més endavant

Do you mean that it won't be later?

això de la pleg?

What's this about the fold?

Que diguin, hòstia, s'organitzin

Let them say, damn it, let them organize.

i diguin, mira, a l'agost fem tres dies.

They say, look, in August we’ll take three days.

Voleu que et digui que no?

Do you want me to say no?

Saps què? Si entres a la web

You know what? If you go to the website

i poses una fetge a l'octubre.

And you put a liver in October.

Però saps qui millor

But do you know who better?

ens ho respondrà, això? El president de la pleg.

Will he answer us, then? The president of the PLEC.


Go ahead.



Qui és el president de la pleg?

Who is the president of the PLEG?

No ho sé, jo us ho dic, ens ho respondrà ell.

I don't know, I'm telling you, he will answer us.

Vull dir, ja li preguntaré.

I mean, I'll ask him/her.

Pensa que se'n trae.

He thinks he can get away with it.

Un altre convidat, tio.

Another guest, man.

Som un programa de veritat.

We are a real program.

Amb els Jordi

With the Jordis

ens havíem sincronitzat.

we had synchronized.

I jo...

And I...



Tres Ferrans i tres Jordis.

Three Ferrans and three Jordis.

Marxa, Pere.

Go, Pere.

Aquest és un programa

This is a program.

que ens sorprèn bastant.

that surprises us quite a bit.

Fem una cosa, Huete.

Let's do one thing, Huete.

Quan jo et digui

When I tell you

Huete, pregunta, em tornes a fer la pregunta.

Huete, ask me again, ask me the question again.

Vale? Vale.

Okay? Okay.

Ferran, tu que ets un tio

Ferran, you who are a guy

ingeniós, escolta'm una cosa.

ingenious, listen to me for a moment.

Si haguéssim de fer un eslògan

If we had to come up with a slogan

de cara a captar

in order to attract

nous usuaris per la pleg,

new users for the VLA,

que aquest és un altre tema,

that this is another topic,

si calen o no nous usuaris,

whether new users are needed or not,

però si t'ocorreix algun eslògan

but if you come up with any slogan

per promocionar la pleg?

to promote the fold?

No, per què inventar un eslògan

No, why invent a slogan?

si la pleg de Caragol té

if the Caragol fold has

el millor eslògan de la història

the best slogan in history

que és per la pleg de Caragol

what is for the Caragol pledge

quina folla és que no vol?

What a fool it is that does not want?

Bueno, bueno.

Well, well.

Seria només eslògan, eh?

It would just be a slogan, right?

Perquè jo hi he anat tota la vida

Because I have been going there my whole life.



Bueno, los de Castellserà

Well, those from Castellserà

se nota que son una mica novatos.

It shows that they are a bit inexperienced.

Ells catxen.

They catch.

Els altres no.

The others not.

Però entre ells.

But among them.

Alguns de Castellserà.

Some from Castellserà.

Clar, no, home, parlem dels altres.

Of course, no, come on, we are talking about the others.

Però ells

But they

pretenen catxar, els altres ja

they intend to catch, the others already

ho divissem per impossible.

we see it as impossible.

Jo crec que no és el dia.

I don't think today is the day.

No és el dia.

It's not the day.

No, però és un bon eslògan

No, but it's a good slogan.

i està ben trobat, com a mínim.

And that is well found, at least.

Com a eslògan és fantàstic.

As a slogan, it's fantastic.

Una pregunta.

A question.

Vosaltres sabeu què tenim aquí

Do you know what we have here?

els actuals pregoners?

the current town criers?

Els actuals pregoners

The current town criers

de la pleg de Caragol?

from the Caragol fold?

Ho sabeu o no?

Do you know or not?



El Jordi i el Ferran.

Jordi and Ferran.

Sí, perquè hem vist la Kyo.

Yes, because we have seen Kyo.

I no som els actuals pregoners, eh?

And we are not the current town criers, okay?

Quins Kyo?

Which Kyo?

Els pregoners que al llarg de la història

The criers who throughout history

de la pleg de Caragol ho hauran sigut

it must have been from the Caragol fold

durant més mesos consecutius.

for more consecutive months.

Deu-n'hi-do, això és un privilegi.

Wow, that's a privilege.

Sense voler-ho, eh?

Without wanting to, huh?

El Jordi i el Ferran,

Jordi and Ferran,

expliqueu-nos l'experiència.

tell us about the experience.

A veure, com va passar?

Let's see, how did it happen?

Per què us van agafar vosaltres per fer de pregoners?

Why were you chosen to be the town criers?

Com va anar la història?

How did the story go?

Ens van agafar com a passadors de drogues.

They caught us as drug runners.

Nosaltres dos.

Both of us.

Ens van agafar nosaltres dos.

They caught both of us.

A part, era molt xulo

On the other hand, it was really cool.

perquè era el quarantè,

because it was the fortieth,

que era l'any passat.

that it was last year.

Era la pleg XL.

It was the XL fold.

I va ser un honor,

It was an honor,

va ser un honor molt gran,

it was a great honor,

perquè és d'aquestes coses

because it is one of those things

que quan demanen alguna cosa d'aquestes

that when they ask for something like this

que tu ho penses, ho valores i tal,

that you think about it, you evaluate it and so on,

i aquí la resposta va ser immediatíssima.

And here the response was immediate.

Va ser, hòstia, sí, quina il·lusió.

It was, damn, yes, what excitement.

I ens vam trobar uns dies

And we met for a few days.

amb el senyor Oriol Plens.

with Mr. Oriol Plens.

Ah, sí, això sí.

Ah, yes, that’s true.

Vam estar comentant

We were commenting.

a veure què podíem dir,

let's see what we could say,

què no podíem dir,

what we couldn't say,

que el toque llances

that you throw the touch

ens va donar llibertat absoluta.

he gave us absolute freedom.

Va ser un pregó

It was a proclamation.

que ens va felicitar moltíssim.

that congratulated us very much.

Tot i, no sé, collistes,

Even so, I don't know, farmers,

gent que ha viscut la pleg des de dintre cada any.

people who have lived the strike from within every year.

Amb la qual cosa també va ser molt xulo.

Which was also very cool.

Va ser com formar part de la pleg

It was like being part of the fold.

durant molts moments.

for many moments.

Jordi, parla tu, que només parlo jo.

Jordi, you speak, because I’m the only one talking.

No, no, fas molt bé.

No, no, you're doing very well.

Ratifico tot el que dius, sí, sí.

I affirm everything you say, yes, yes.

Ha de dir també que vam preparar

He must also say that we prepared

el que és el pregó, crec que el mateix dia.

What the proclamation is, I think the same day.

No, sí que ha dit això.

No, he really said that.

El dia abans, el dia abans.

The day before, the day before.

Vam buscar informació

We looked for information.

i vam quedar un parell de vegades

and we met a couple of times

i va sortir tot.

And everything came out.

És molta il·lusió, molta gràcia

It's a lot of excitement, a lot of charm.

de fer-ho.

to do it.

I sense haver sigut collistes ni res d'això

I feel like I haven't been a collective or anything like that.

vam descobrir coses a la gent

we discovered things about the people

que la gent no sabia.

that people did not know.

Ens vam informar massa, jo crec.

I think we informed ourselves too much.

Com a quines, Ferran?

As which ones, Ferran?



Com a quines?

Like which ones?

Freddy Mercurí va estar a la pleg del Caragol.

Freddy Mercury was at the Caragol's fold.

Freddy Mercurí va estar a la pleg del Caragol

Freddy Mercurí was at the Caragol's fold.

i al diumenge de la nit,

and on Sunday night,

quan li van dir que s'acabava bé,

when they told him that it would end well,

va escriure el deixou-me's bon.

he wrote "leave me alone" well.



De fet, el Michael Jackson també va vindre a la pleg.

In fact, Michael Jackson also came to the strike.

Ningú se'n recorda.

Nobody remembers it.

Michael Jackson, el primer dia que va vindre

Michael Jackson, the first day he came.

era negre i l'últim dia era blanc.

It was black and the last day was white.

Ningú sap això, ningú sap.

Nobody knows this, nobody knows.

Això ja no està documentat.

This is no longer documented.

La cançó de Mecano

The song by Mecano

de Hoy no me puedo levantar,

Today I can't get up,

com que jo estic...

as I am...

De la pleg.

From the fold.

De fet, hi ha una anècdota d'una colla,

In fact, there is an anecdote about a group,

no recordo quina,

I don't remember which one.

que un any van contractar un grup de versions

One year they hired a cover band.

que feien versions d'ava.

that they made versions of Ava.

I com que hi ha moltes rivalitats

And since there are many rivalries

entre elles, la penya del costat l'any que ve

among them, the group next to it next year

per superar va dir, mira, saps què?

to overcome he said, look, you know what?

Anem a Suècia, lloguem els autèntics d'ava

Let's go to Sweden, let's rent the authentic ones from Ava.

i els que vinguin.

and those who come.

I van vindre els autèntics de la pleg,

The authentic ones from the fold came.

però ningú se'n recorda perquè anaven tots borratxos.

but no one remembers because they were all drunk.

La primera és de la Maciel.

The first one is from Maciel.

La Maciel és culpa nostra.

Maciel is our fault.

Tot va començar aquí.

It all started here.

Abans era superabstèpia.

Before it was superabstinent.

Més mal que tinguem seguro,

More bad than having insurance,



Elizabeth Taylor,

Elizabeth Taylor,

que venia a pleg, que es divorciava

that was coming to an end, that was getting a divorce

i es casava amb una altra.

and was marrying another woman.



De fet, els Led Zeppelin

In fact, Led Zeppelin

van vindre a tocar a Lleida,

they came to play in Lleida,

no a la pleg.

no to the fold.

Van tocar a Lleida en una festa, a Lleida.

They played in Lleida at a party, in Lleida.

El que van tindre que suspendre perquè

They had to cancel it because

no va anar ningú, perquè tots estaven a la pleg.

No one went because everyone was at the meeting.

Això és verídic, eh?

Is this true, huh?

Tot pot ser.

Everything can be.

I és una cosa molt bonica això de la plet del caragol

And it's a very beautiful thing this about the snail's shell.

perquè té molta relació amb els caragols.

because it has a lot to do with snails.



Vull dir, la plet del caragol

I mean, the snail's lawsuit

en si és un caragol.

it is indeed a snail.

Un caragol

A snail

és un animal lent, no?

It's a slow animal, isn't it?

Què hi ha més lent que l'espera

What is slower than waiting?

dels dies aquests anteriors a que arriba la pleg?

Of the days leading up to the harvest?

Correcte. Això per començar.

Correct. That’s a good starting point.

Els caragols com es fan a la llauna?

How are snails made in the can?

Què hi ha més similar a uns caragols a la llauna

What is more similar to canned snails?

que tots els pollistes allà

that all the chicks there

tots junts, enganxats, suant i saltant?

All together, stuck, sweating and jumping?

Els caragols s'arrosseguen, no?

The snails crawl, right?

I com anem tots a la pleg l'últim dia?

And how are we all going to the meeting on the last day?

Arrossegant-nos per terra.

Dragging ourselves on the ground.

I tenen banyes.

And they have horns.

Ara, ara.

Now, now.

I babosos.

And slugs.

Tot encaixa.

Everything fits.

I com acostumen a acabar els caragols?

And how do snails usually end up?

Ben cuits i fora de casa.

Well cooked and out of the house.

Ara, ara.

Now, now.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Entenc que això era la pedra angular

I understand that this was the cornerstone.

amb la que sustentava el vostre discurs, oi?

with which you supported your speech, right?

No, no.

No, no.


The anecdote.

La pedra angular amb la que sustentava el nostre discurs

The cornerstone on which we based our discourse.

era que era la festa

it was that it was the party

de l'honestedat.

of honesty.

Perquè en aquell moment vas tan borratxo,

Because at that moment you were so drunk,

que ets tan honest que estimes a tothom.

that you are so honest that you love everyone.

És igual si ets

It doesn't matter if you are.



si ets basolero,

if you are a basolero,

si ets lo que sigui,

if you are whatever,

tot igual.

same as always.

I es basava en això.

And it was based on that.

Era la festa més guapa en aquest sentit.

It was the most beautiful party in that sense.

D'igualtat i d'acolliment

Of equality and welcome

de veritat.


I lo de la borratxera,

And about the drunkenness,

jo ho he de desmentir perquè

I have to deny it because

jo ho puc explicar perquè ma mare ho sap.

I can explain it because my mother knows it.

Jo m'he empetat tota la vida

I have been drunk my whole life.

tot lo que he pogut.

All that I could.

Van canviar lo dels horaris i van fer que tanquessin a les 5.

They changed the schedules and made them close at 5.

Si no estaria mort.

If not, I would be dead.

Gràcies a la Generalitat per una vegada.

Thanks to the Generalitat for once.



jo a la pleg no m'he empetat mai,

I have never gotten angry at the fold.

m'he empetat un dijous, un divendres,

I got drunk on a Thursday, a Friday,

perquè allí vas

because there you go

allò contentillo,

that little happy thing,

los professionals, eh, claro.

the professionals, huh, of course.

I vas mantenint allí,

And you kept holding on there,

inclús alguna vegada pot ser

even sometimes it can be

que faigos un glopet d'aigua de beri,

let's take a sip of berry water,

allò per...

that for...



Normalment l'aigua no es toque

Normally, the water is not touched.

més que per rentar les dents,

more than to brush the teeth,

però fas un xampú regularitzador,

but you make a regularizing shampoo,


you know?

I allò fotrem

And we'll screw that up.

ciego perdut, com faria

blind lost, how would I do it

qualsevol cap de setmana,

any weekend,

jo a la pleg no.

not me at the meeting.

A mi m'agrada especialment això el dissabte a la tarda,

I especially like this on Saturday afternoons,

perquè després de dinar vas allà,

because after lunch you go there,

vas fent això, aquesta cosa que hi ha un moment

you keep doing this, this thing that there is a moment

de punta i pum, però no...

of point and pum, but no...

Divendres és més complicat.

Friday is more complicated.

Jo no he anat a Venècia, eh, perquè...

I have not been to Venice, you know, because...

A Venècia que hi vas? A passejar en la gòndola.

To Venice, where are you going? To ride in the gondola.

En la gòndola he passejat 6.000 vegades

In the gondola, I have walked 6,000 times.

a la pleg, perquè vas allà...

to the fold, why are you going there...

Només te falta el jersei amb les ratlletes.

You just need the sweater with the stripes.

Bueno, ratlletes això és una altra cosa.

Well, stripes this is another thing.

Les ratlletes també n'hi ha, però és un altre tema.

There are also the lines, but that's another topic.

Escolteu una cosa, la pleg és fantàstic,

Listen to me, the fold is fantastic.

tot és molt xulo, tot és...

everything is very cool, everything is...

tot és flors i biologia romaní,

everything is flowers and rosemary biology,

però hi haurà alguna cosa que no us agradi?

But will there be something that you don't like?

David, què és el que no t'agrada de la pleg?

David, what is it that you don't like about the fold?

Quan s'acabi.

When it is over.

El recollir.

The gathering.

No, al final estar al recollir és algo xulo.

No, in the end being at the collection is something cool.

No, la veritat...

No, the truth is...

Jo ara volia trencar un mite perquè al final

I wanted to break a myth now because in the end

tot ho esteu centrant en l'alcohòlic i això,

you are focusing everything on the alcoholic and that,

però jo crec que també és una cosa que

but I think it is also something that

amb els anys vas descobrint que és la pleg de via.

With the years you discover what the folding of the way is.

Gaudir dels amics, el compartir

Enjoying friends, sharing.

amb els coneguts, i conèixer gent

with acquaintances, and meet people

nova, i això tot en la pleg.

new, and all this in the fold.

Trobar gent que fa un any que potser

Finding people who, a year ago, maybe

només veus de pleg a pleg,

only you see from fold to fold,

i a part de veure que sigui el delit,

and apart from seeing that it is the crime,

jo he après a gaudir

I have learned to enjoy.

de la pleg de dia, que passen coses

from the daytime fold, that things happen

molt xules, hi ha moltes activitats,

very cool, there are many activities,

i realment que tot és moltíssim i arribar molt a l'altre.

And really, that everything is a lot and reaching very much to the other.

O despertar-te de dia a casa,

Or to wake up during the day at home,

que no és la teva cosa, també.

that it is not your thing, either.

No m'ha passat mai.

It has never happened to me.

Com que mos passa durant l'any, també...

As it happens to us during the year, also...

Estem parlant de coses diferents.

We are talking about different things.

Jo hi ha una cosa que no suporto

There is one thing I can't stand.

de la pleg del Caragol, perdoneu, eh?

from the Caragol fold, excuse me, eh?

Els pistoletes d'aigua.

Water pistols.

Sí senyor.

Yes, sir.

Però vols dir que no s'agraeix

But do you mean that it's not appreciated?

en algun moment que allò

at some point that what

en la calda que fa?

In the heat, what is it doing?

No, mai.

No, never.

I l'altra cosa que heu de prendre

And the other thing you have to take.

i el Jordi Calcereno

and Jordi Calcereno

ha viscut ja...

has lived already...

Perdona un moment, fes-me la pregunta

Excuse me for a moment, ask me the question.

que m'havies de fer, Jordi.

What were you going to do to me, Jordi?

Vosaltres no creieu

You do not believe.

que la pleg es farà un altre mes?

that the strike will be held another month?

Més endavant?

Later on?

Doncs és una gran pregunta.

Well, that's a big question.

Jo crec que és una pregunta

I think it is a question.

que ens podria respondre el president de la pleg.

What could the president of the PLEg respond to us?

El president de la pleg?

The president of the fold?

Què diu?

What does it say?

Si us hi direu tot, ho clavem.

If you tell us everything, we'll nail it.

Ferran Perdícs!

Ferran Perdícs!

Com estem?

How are we?

Bona nit!

Good night!

Viro i pam!

I throw and boom!

Sí, està tot...

Yes, everything is...

Som molt professionals.

We are very professional.

Ferran, com estàs?

Ferran, how are you?

Sí que ho sento, sí.

Yes, I'm sorry, yes.

Escolta'm una cosa, com estàs?

Listen to me for a second, how are you?

Bé, home, distret.

Well, man, distracted.

En primer lloc, moltíssimes gràcies

Firstly, thank you very much.

per atendre la nostra petició

to attend to our request

de participar en aquesta tertúlia

to participate in this discussion

dedicada avui a la pleg del Caragol.

dedicated today to the gathering of the Snail.

Que ja saps que per nosaltres és una tertúlia trista.

You already know that for us it is a sad discussion.

Home, no!

No, not home!

Home, no! Mai!

No, never!

Escolta, la primera

Listen, the first one.

pregunta, Ferran...

question, Ferran...

Ferran Perdícs és el president de la FECOLL,

Ferran Perdícs is the president of the FECOLL.

de la Federació de Colles, és?

from the Federation of Groups, isn't it?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I des de no fa gaire, no?

And not long ago, right?

Quant ens portes a la FECOLL, dirigint-la?

How long have you been leading FECOLL?

Com a president, tres anys.

As president, three years.

Com a membre de la Junta, ja en porto 13.

As a member of the Board, I have been here for 13.

Déu-n'hi-do, Déu-n'hi-do.

Good heavens, good heavens.

I et sents responsable, no?,

You feel responsible, don't you?

que aquest any hagi estat un fracàs

that this year has been a failure

en quant a gent i assistència?

Regarding people and attendance?

Perquè no hagi passat mai

So it has never happened.

que tenim una pleg tan xungo.

that we have such a difficult situation.

No n'ha ningú.

There is no one.

Bueno, a veure,

Well, let's see,

està per confirmar tot això, eh?

This is all to be confirmed, right?

De moment ha estat l'any

So far, it has been the year.

que més peixes hem tingut a l'hora de la parcel·lació.

What other fish have we had during the parceling?

Sí senyor, sí senyor.

Yes sir, yes sir.

O de pensar que ningú ens ha demanat

Or to think that no one has asked us.

els 15 centímetres que sempre faltaven,

the 15 centimeters that were always missing,

aquest any ningú els ha reclamat.

This year no one has claimed them.

Ho hem bordat, ho hem bordat.

We've nailed it, we've nailed it.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Ferran, escolta, fora bromes,

Ferran, listen, no jokes aside,

com és això de dirigir una de les entitats

what is it like to lead one of the entities

amb més pes

with more weight

a llei de ciutat i a la província per extensió?

to the city law and to the province by extension?

Això és una responsabilitat.

This is a responsibility.

No ha de ser fàcil, no?

It can't be easy, can it?

Home, és una responsabilitat molt gran.

Man, it's a very big responsibility.

Penseu que de lo que

Think that of what

tu fas o de lo que tu i la teva

you do or what you and your

Junta acabem decidint

We end up deciding.

i organitzant, m'hi depèn

and organizing, it depends on me

el lleure, que és una cosa molt important

leisure, which is something very important

de moltíssima gent. Realment,

of a lot of people. Really,

a veure, tot l'esforç que hi ha al darrere

let's see, all the effort that is behind it

per lo que s'acabi vivint,

for what is ultimately lived,

quan s'acaba el diumenge dius

when Sunday ends you say

però ja està? Per això hem preparat

but is that it? That's why we have prepared

tot el que hem preparat. Però bueno,

everything we have prepared. But well,

és llei de vida, vull dir, això funciona

It's a law of life, I mean, this works.

així i ja ho sabem de fa molts anys.

thus and we have known it for many years.

Perdoneu, això de l'octubre ho farem o no?

Excuse me, are we doing this in October or not?

A dia d'avui ho va complicar.

As of today, it has become complicated.

No ho sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

No és complicat que es faci a l'octubre,

It's not complicated for it to be done in October.



Amb la situació en què estem ara, sí.

With the situation we are in now, yes.

La situació en què estem ara, penseu

The situation we are in now, think about it.

que estem parlant de reunions

that we are talking about meetings

de 200, 300, 500

from 200, 300, 500



Jo proposo un plec de 50, 60

I propose a fold of 50, 60.

mil persones en un moment determinat

a thousand people at a specific moment

al recinte. Això és

to the premises. This is

molta gent juntat

a lot of people gathered

i que o milloren molt les coses

and that either things improve a lot

o troben alguna

or they find one

solució amb aquest tipus

solution with this type

d'aglomeracions de gent o

of crowds of people or

no només la pleca, tot el tipus

not only the fold, the whole type

d'esdeveniments que impliquen

of events that involve

tot això, gent massiva

all of this, massive people

junta, doncs estarem entrevist.

So we'll be interviewed.

Què ha suposat per Lleida

What has it meant for Lleida?

que no celebri la plec?

Why doesn't she celebrate the plec?

Doncs moltes coses.

Well, many things.

Moltes coses.

Many things.

La primera, econòmica, no?

The first one, economic, right?

Perquè l'impacte de la plec podeu imaginar-vos

Because you can imagine the impact of the plea.

que és brutal per una ciutat

that is brutal for a city

on el turisme costa molt

where tourism is very expensive

d'arrossegar, on som una

of dragging, where we are one

ciutat que no estem ni al mar ni a la muntanya

city that is neither by the sea nor in the mountains

i realment coses com la plec

And really things like the fold

ens posen al mapa i fan que vingui

they put us on the map and make us come

moltíssima gent. I aquesta gent

a lot of people. And these people

evidentment gasta moltíssim i s'emporta un

obviously spends a lot and takes one away

record de la ciutat, no?

City record, right?

Perdre un any en aquest sentit

To lose a year in this sense.

és greu, és tan greu, no?

It's serious, it's so serious, right?

Però a més a més pel sentit col·lectiu, no?

But also for the collective sense, right?

O sigui, ja veieu, no?

So, you see, right?

Hem tingut, finalment hem tingut que fer les mil

We have had, finally we have had to do the thousand.

i una accions de tota

and an action of all

mena perquè la gent senti que

means so that people feel that

estem al maig i que és a plec, no?

we are in May and it's in full swing, right?

Tot i que no s'ha pogut fer físicament

Although it could not be done physically.

Penseu que l'emocionari

Do you think that the emotionary?

col·lectiu dels lleidatans

collective of the people from Lleida

fer la plec aquests dies de maig

to make the most of these days in May

estan marcats al calendari

they are marked on the calendar

i d'alguna manera havíem de

and somehow we had to

mirar de salvar-ho, no?

try to save it, right?

Escolta'm, que estàvem parlant d'això, no?

Listen to me, we were talking about this, right?

Estàvem parlant de que s'han tancat

We were talking about that they have closed.

200 o 300 persones i reunions

200 or 300 people and meetings

com a màxim i tal, i clar, a la plec

as a maximum and such, and of course, at the fold

estem parlant de desenes de milers de persones

we are talking about tens of thousands of people

Llavors, jo crec que

Then, I think that

podríem votar-ho i jo crec que Lleida

we could vote on it and I think Lleida

estaria d'acord de tancar Lleida, tota Lleida

I would agree to close Lleida, all of Lleida.

Llavors, a cada plaça

Then, at each square

hi montes una penya, una colla

hey, you set up a group, a gang

saps? Doncs a Ricardo

You know? Well, to Ricardo.

vingués en Montes una, allà

"Come to Montes one, there"

a Montes una altra

to Montes another one

i tal, i al final ens trobem tots

And then, in the end, we all meet.

a la Lleida del riu, si vols

at the Lleida of the river, if you want

i tanquem Lleida durant

and we close Lleida during

tres dies

three days

És una idea, eh? No pensis

It's an idea, huh? Don't think.

que no ho han pensat, això. El que passa és que

they haven't thought about it. What happens is that

també agafarem l'horta

we will also take the garden

Agafarem l'horta perquè això és caragossa de tins

We will take the orchard because this is a load of nonsense.

Saps? Clar, clar

You know? Of course, of course.

Vull dir, s'ha de pensar en tot

I mean, you have to think about everything.

Valorem-ho, valorem-ho, valorem-ho, perquè la plec

Let's value it, let's value it, let's value it, because the bid.

ha de ser, ha de ser

it has to be, it has to be

Ferran, us han arribat

Ferran, they have reached you.

notícies que han hagut suïcidis col·lectius

news that there have been collective suicides



que la gent s'ha tallat les venes, vull dir, no sé

that people have cut their veins, I mean, I don't know

Està confirmat

It is confirmed.

un suïcidi massiu

a mass suicide

de tres tonelades de catcargols

of three tons of snails

que venien amb tota la il·lusió

who came with all the excitement

de ser consumits a la plec

of being consumed at the fold

i clar, al veure que no podien arribar

And of course, upon seeing that they could not arrive.



aquests els hem perdut, eh? Però bueno

we've lost these, huh? But well

a part d'això, penso que

apart from that, I think that

que ho salvarem

that we will save it

perquè l'esprit de la plec

because the spirit of the plea

veureu que aquests dies a Lleida

you will see that these days in Lleida

hi haurà esprit de plec, eh? Hi haurà esprit de plec

There will be a spirit of folding, right? There will be a spirit of folding.

a molts racons i a molts llocs

in many corners and in many places

i amb molta il·lusió

and with a lot of excitement

perquè, bueno, sabeu

because, well, you know

que sempre el proper plec

that always the next fold

serà el millor de tots fins que arribi el següent

it will be the best of all until the next one arrives

doncs això és una mica

well, this is a bit

la idea nostra, eh? Anem a fer alguna cosa

It's our idea, right? Let's do something.

aquest maig perquè no sigui un maig perdut

this May so that it is not a lost May

i esperar el pròxim amb totes les ganes

And I await the next one with all my enthusiasm.

del món i més

of the world and more

Disculpa un moment, Ferran. Pere, la pregunta que has fet

Excuse me for a moment, Ferran. Pere, the question you asked.

no tenia gaire sentit perquè els suïcidis

it didn't make much sense because of the suicides

col·lectius estan prohibits pel tema del

collectives are prohibited due to the issue of the



Suïcidis a distància

Remote suicides

Perdona, els animals no, eh?

Sorry, not the animals, okay?

Els animals no

The animals do not.

Els animals... Se poden ajuntar

The animals... They can come together.

els animals?

the animals?

Sí, els animals se poden ajuntar

Yes, animals can come together.

Eus separats, pues, burros

You separated, then, donkeys.

Heu de tindre el carnet

You must have the license.

Parlant d'animals, Ferran, què faran els polítics aquest any?

Speaking of animals, Ferran, what will the politicians do this year?

On aniran a passejar?

Where are they going for a walk?

Ah, xiquet, no ho sé

Ah, kid, I don't know.

Haurem de buscar una cassola o altra

We will have to find another pot.

Em sembla que la

I think that the

la fullera per remenar ja la portes

You already have the spoon to stir.

Jo tinc una pregunta pel Ferran, eh?

I have a question for Ferran, okay?

Sí? Jo tinc una pregunta molt important

Yes? I have a very important question.

Per qui, Ferran? Aquí som tres

For whom, Ferran? Here we are three.

Per president de la FECOLL

For president of the FECOLL

Primer, per estar avui dissabte

First, for being today Saturday.

a la nit amb nosaltres

at night with us

Avui dissabte

Today Saturday

En dia de ple, eh? Vull dir, això és una cosa

On a busy day, huh? I mean, this is something.

que mai de la vida podria passar

that could never happen in a million years

Tindre el president de la FECOLL

Have the president of the FECOLL.

De fet, en aquesta hora estaríem quasi vells, sí

In fact, at this hour we would be almost old, yes.

Som veïns

We are neighbors.

I la pregunta és molt seriosa pel Ferran com a president

And the question is very serious for Ferran as president.

Continues sent cap de colla, encara?

Are you still the leader?

De la teva colla?

From your group?

Sóc membre de la junta de la colla

I am a member of the group board.

De la colla de la llauna, no?

From the can gang, right?

Sí, de la colla de la llauna

Yes, from the tin gang.

Exacte. I jo, la pregunta, per molt en sèrie

Exactly. And I, the question, even though it's very much in series.

és què n'opines dels teus companys de colla

What do you think of your group of friends?

de la colla que tens al costat

from the group you have next to you

Ui, a la dreta o a l'esquerra?

Oh, to the right or to the left?

Ja saps

You already know.

per on va la pregunta

Where is the question going?

Home, a vere

Come, let's see.

Són novatos

They are novices.

No ho he de dir

I don't have to say it.

Era el cinquè aniversari

It was the fifth anniversary.

Cinc anys a la ple

Five years in the ple

Bueno, comenceu a tindre una mica

Well, you're starting to have a bit.

de solera, no?

of old, right?

A vere, se us ha tingut que ajudar, se us ha tingut que guiar

Indeed, you had to be helped, you had to be guided.

Això està clar

This is clear.

Comenceu a servir per alguna cosa

Start serving for something.

de veïns

of neighbors

Ja no demaneu tant

Don't ask for so much anymore.

No m'agraden les respostes

I don't like the answers.

Podem començar a ser

We can start to be

fer coses preternals amb vosaltres

do preternatural things with you

Ui, ui, ui

Oh, oh, oh

Què? Com ho has dit?

What? How did you say that?

Estic casat, home

I am married, man.

A veure, a la ple

Let's see, at the meeting

qui no estigui content amb la colla que té a la vora

whoever is not happy with the company they have beside them

té un problema molt greu

it has a very serious problem

perquè del que es tracta és d'això

because that's what it's all about

del que es tracta és de conviure

What it is about is coexistence.

d'aprofitar tant l'esperit

to make such good use of the spirit

que tens a la teva colla com a la de la vora

What you have in your group is like that of the edge.

i escolta, estem tots

And listen, we are all.

per compartir, per passar-ho bé

to share, to have a good time

i penso que la majoria anem amb aquest esperit

I think that most of us go with this spirit.

i si no les coses no funcionarien com funcionen

and if not, things wouldn't work as they do

Tot i que


hi ha colles i colles

there are cliques and cliques

Tot i que hi ha colles i colles

Although there are groups and groups.

si a algú li toca la que li toca

if someone gets what they deserve

Jo com a president no he aconseguit

As president, I have not succeeded.

poder triar massa

to be able to choose too much

i llavors me trobo encaixat

and then I find myself trapped

on me trobo encaixat, però bé, cap problema

I find myself stuck, but it's okay, no problem.

Hem de dir que la colla que tens

We have to say that the group you have

al costat entenem que és la dels moniatos

next we understand that it is the sweet potatoes

no, David?

No, David?

Jo no ho he dit, això

I didn't say that.

Però ja ho dic jo, que com a cap de colla

But I already tell you, as a group leader

moltíssimes gràcies des del primer dia

thank you very much since the first day

a la teva colla, el suport

to your group, the support

que ens ha donat i l'ajuda que ens ha donat

that has given us and the help that has given us

Nosaltres també hem tingut molta paciència

We have also been very patient.

amb vosaltres, eh? Home, evidentment...

with you, huh? Well, obviously...

Evidentment, evidentment...

Obviously, obviously...

Ferran, què és el que més greu...

Ferran, what is the most serious...



No, he de dir simplement

No, I have to say simply.

que això és la pleg, eh?

So this is the folding, huh?

Com viure, no?

How to live, right?

Sí, sí, vull dir que això és la pleg

Yes, yes, I mean this is the fold.

que vingui una colla nova

let a new group come

i que l'agafis amb els braços oberts

and that you take it with open arms

i que puguem fer coses conjuntes

and that we can do things together

i que puguem estar en l'harmonia

and that we can be in harmony

en què estem sempre, no?

What are we always in, right?

Hi ha problemes i coses que sempre n'hi ha

There are problems and things that there always are.

però penso que l'esperit de la pleg

but I think that the spirit of the fold

s'imposa a tot això. Brindis per la pleg

It imposes itself on all this. Cheers to the merge.

Senyor, un brindis per la pleg

Sir, a toast to the pledge.

Perdó, no s'ha d'amagar

Sorry, it doesn't have to be hidden.

Puc anar a rellenar?

Can I go refill?

No, no pots anar

No, you can't go.

Ferran, una darrera pregunta

Ferran, one last question.

Nosaltres, a l'acabar el programa

We, at the end of the program

sempre acabem amb un missatge d'esperança

we always end with a message of hope

Ens agradaria que avui

We would like it if today

sisplau, abans de donar pas

please, before giving way

a la publicitat

to the advertisement

ja sabeu que tenim molts anunciants

You already know that we have many advertisers.

Ens agradaria que per despedir-nos

We would like that to say goodbye

despedir-te tu i la teva trucada

say goodbye to you and your call

si podies donar un missatge d'esperança

if you could give a message of hope

i de tants que tant trobem a faltar

and of so many that we miss so much

a la pleg

to the fold

Bé, una mica jo el que us diria

Well, a little bit what I would say to you.

és que res no ha pogut mai

it's just that nothing has ever been able

amb l'esperit de la pleg

with the spirit of the fold

des que va començar aquesta història

since this story began

300 bojos al costat del riu

300 madmen by the river

això ha guanyat moltíssima lleida

this has won a lot of Lleida

i realment

and really

el sentiment de la pleg

the feeling of mourning

i el sentiment de pertanyar

and the feeling of belonging

a algo molt gros i algo molt compartit

something very big and something very shared

no hi ha ningú que ens el pugui treure

There is no one who can take it away from us.

Serà aquest any, serà l'octubre

It will be this year, it will be October.

serà el proper maig, no sé quan serà

It will be next May, I don’t know when it will be.

però la pleg

but the fold

continuarà sempre amb nosaltres

will always remain with us

jo crec

I believe

jo crec que ho tenim clar

I think we have it clear.

tots els que estem aquí

all of us who are here

i que ho tenim molt més clar els 13.500

And we have it much clearer, the 13,500.

collistes que fan

harvests that they make

que les coses rutgin

that things run smoothly

perquè en definitiva per molt que organitzem

because ultimately no matter how much we organize

i per molt que intentem que tot vagi bé

And no matter how much we try to make everything go well.

o ho fem entre tots o això no funciona

Either we all do it together or this won't work.

per tant, llarga vida a la pleg

therefore, long live the pleu

no podran amb la pleg

they will not be able with the strike

no podran a la pleg

they won't be able to the fold

ni amb les ganes que tenim

not even with the enthusiasm we have

no podran tenir aquest sentiment de compartir

they will not be able to have this feeling of sharing

un espai comú a Lleida

a common space in Lleida

al voltant d'una cosa tan insignificant

around something so insignificant

com és el caracol

what is the snail like

Sí senyor, sí senyor

Yes sir, yes sir.

Molt ben dit president

Well said, president.

M'has trempat igual que un bèstia, hòstia

You’ve scared me just like a beast, damn it.

Sí senyor

Yes sir

Doncs moltíssimes gràcies

Well, thank you very much.

i despedim amb una forta oblació

we bid farewell with a strong oblation

al senyor Ferran

to Mr. Ferran

Gràcies i bona nit per tant

Thank you and good night for so much.

No marxeu

Don't leave.

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

Ha estat el joc del cànam el del pollon

It has been the game of the hemp the one of the rooster.

I quan són les deu i escaig de la nit

And when it is around ten at night.

les deu i escaig a la taula d'Hondura

ten past eleven at the table of Honduras

és moment de començar

It's time to start.

amb la secció més esperada del programa

with the most anticipated section of the program

la secció del cànam

the hemp section


the nerd

bona nit Jordi, com estàs?

Good night Jordi, how are you?

Pues mira, sentat amb cala nit

Well, look, sit down with Cala Nit.

No Jordi, Jordi cànam, l'empollon

No Jordi, Jordi hemp, the nerd.

Sí, cànam l'empollon

Yes, let's hatch the nerd.

i amb encíos

and with eagerness

una meravellosa secció

a wonderful section

avui, el repsèrible complexe

Today, the complex reservoir.

pero el grego

but the Greek

molt complexa, perquè, clar, imagineu-vos-hi,

very complex, because, of course, imagine it,

ja hem repassat

we have already reviewed

els millors personatges

the best characters

més dignes i significats

more dignified and meaningful

de Lleida.

from Lleida.

No queda ningú més, ja? Sí, sí,

Is there no one else left, right? Yes, yes.

en queden molts, però clar, ja han passat molts.

There are still many left, but of course, many have already passed.

Però, a més a més, ha de tenir algun vincle

But, furthermore, it must have some connection.

amb la plegada de Caragol. Per tant,

with the snail fold. Therefore,

la cosa era complicada, i vosaltres sou uns experts.

the thing was complicated, and you are experts.

Per tant, la cosa era difícil, però

Therefore, the thing was difficult, but

jo crec que ho aconseguirem.

I believe we will achieve it.

Doncs recordem, per aquests

Well, let's remember, for these

que no sàpiguen exactament com

that they don't know exactly how

funciona la secció del canal

the channel section is working

Empollón, Cano, recordem les

Nerd, Cano, let's remember them.

instruccions per saber i per fer aquest

instructions to know and to do this

concurs. I canvien cada dia?

contest. Do they change every day?

No, però les hem de recordar.

No, but we have to remember them.

Recorden? Per això cal

Do you remember? That's why it's necessary.

incidir en elles i recordar-les

to affect them and remind them

i estalviar-les de nou.

and save them again.

Però avui, per no...

But today, instead of...

Perdona, Cano, Cano, sisplau,

Sorry, Cano, Cano, please,

he vist que t'has tocat una mica aquí al coll.

I've seen that you've touched a little here on your neck.

Què portes a 13 o 9 avui?

What do you have at 13 or 9 today?

Se li omple la venda d'aguantat.

The sale is filled with held-up stock.



Porto un auricular.

I'm wearing an earphone.

Un auricular? Ostres, però si això és un micro

A headset? Wow, but this is a microphone.

de seguretat de discoteca, eh?

nightclub security, huh?

I és un micro de seguretat de discoteca, sí.

And it's a nightclub security microphone, yes.

O de presentador de tele, també, però no passa res.

Or as a TV presenter, too, but it’s all good.

Sí, sí, ja us veig jo que van tots amb això.

Yes, yes, I can see that you're all into this.

Perdona que t'hagi tallat la teva

Sorry for cutting you off.

gran secció i tan esperada i no esperada.

great section and so awaited and unexpected.

No, porten un pinganillo, però no...

No, they wear an earpiece, but no...

A pinganillo no hi ve.

A small earpiece can't see it.

Doncs, què deia?

So, what was I saying?

La mecànica

The mechanics

meravellosa de la meva

wonderful of my

fantàstica secció funciona

fantastic section works

de la segona manera. He triat

in the second way. I have chosen

entre els milers i milers de possibilitats

among the thousands and thousands of possibilities

un personatge únic

a unique character

de la cultura lleidatana

of Lleida culture

i us plantejaré

and I will propose to you

cinc pistes

five clues

i heu d'endevinar quin personatge

And you have to guess which character.

és en qüestió. I està relacionat

is in question. And it is related

amb la pleg. I està relacionat amb la pleg.

with the fold. And it is related to the fold.

Amb la cultura

With culture

i amb la pleg. Amb la cultura

and with the fold. With the culture

i amb la pleg. No amb la cultura

and with the folding. Not with culture

de la pleg, no.

from the fold, no.

També. També.

Also. Also.

Amb la primera pista sabem qui és,

With the first clue, we know who it is,

ho hem de dir, o...

we have to say it, or...



No ha dit cap pista

He has not given any clues.

i ja sabem qui és.

And we already know who it is.

Ja el sé.

I already know.

La pista...

The clue...



La pista...

The clue...

Em expliques la teva anècdota amb el personatge?

Can you tell me your anecdote with the character?

Quina era, la tres o la quatre?

Which one was it, the three or the four?

La quarta.

The fourth.

La primera.

The first one.

Però, a més a més,

But, furthermore,

aquesta vegada hi ha dos pistes vinculades

this time there are two related clues

a gent d'aquí, o sigui que és brutal.

the people from here, I mean it's amazing.



I la pista quatre, estàs vestit o despullat?

And on track four, are you dressed or naked?



Doncs, sense més preàmbuls,

Well, without further ado,

comencem la secció del cànon.

let's start the section of the canon.

Compte amb un...

Watch out for a...

Primera pregunta,

First question,

eh, diga, primera pista.

Hey, say, first clue.

El personatge en qüestió,

The character in question,

o la personatge en qüestió,

or the character in question,

per ser correctes,

to be correct,

va arribar a la fama o va ser conegut...

he rose to fame or became known...

Si no, se te tiraran els descarres a sobre, ja ho saps, eh?

If not, the embarrassments will come crashing down on you, you know that, right?

Però tots sabem que és un home, clar,

But we all know he is a man, of course.

perquè parté parlant en masculí todo el rato.

Because you keep talking in masculine all the time.

Però, bueno, tira, tira, tira.

But, well, go on, go on, go on.

El personatge o la personatgesa.

The character or the characteress.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.



El personatge o la personatgesa en qüestió

The character or characters in question

va saltar a la fama per mitjà de la tele.

she shot to fame through television.

És a dir, la seva eclosió a nivell de la mort és la tele.

That is to say, its emergence at the level of death is television.

Aquesta l'has de ficar a les cinc, home.

You need to put this in at five, man.

És del meu poble, és de la meva zona.

It's from my town, it's from my area.

Té calmes, va saltar, va saltar.

He calms down, he jumped, he jumped.

Té dos braços.

He has two arms.

Segona qüestió.

Second question.

Arriba la quatri!

The fourth one is here!

Fa un temps va tenir...

Some time ago, it had...

Va tenir certs problemes legals.

He had certain legal problems.

Tot això, al final, se'n va sortir prou bé.

All of this, in the end, turned out pretty well.

Però això és la majoria de gent relacionada amb la FLEC, Cano.

But this is the majority of people related to the FLEC, Cano.

I amb la tele, eh?

And with the TV, huh?

I amb la tele, sí.

And with the TV, yes.

Sí, que et va ser un problema de diners.

Yes, it was a money problem for you.

Pista número tres, Cano.

Track number three, Cano.

Pista número tres.

Clue number three.

Fa temps érem amics o coneguts amb el Ferran Eixelab,

A long time ago we were friends or acquaintances with Ferran Eixelab.

però em consta que fa temps que no parlen amb ell.

but I know that they haven’t spoken to him for a long time.

Que no es parlen?

Aren't they speaking to each other?



Per culpa del Ferran.

Because of Ferran.

I ara anem a la pista que tota Lleida està esperant.

And now let's go to the track that all of Lleida is waiting for.

La pista de l'anècdota de Cano amb el personatge.

The clue of Cano's anecdote with the character.

Pista que consteix amb l'anècdota del Cano.

Clue that corresponds with the anecdote of the Cano.

La mare que no va parir ja sigui ells.

The mother who did not give birth to them.

No ho saps qui és.

You don't know who he is.

Que no és l'Àngel Ros, home, tranquil.

It's not Ángel Ros, man, calm down.

No, no és l'Àngel Ros, no.

No, it is not Àngel Ros, no.

A veure, en Tibi no pot ser que vam parlar amb ella la setmana passada.

Let’s see, it can’t be that we talked to her last week.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

I el cabell és blanc.

And the hair is white.



Quina no?

Which one not?



De fet, no té cabell.

In fact, he/she has no hair.

Aquesta podria ser la quarta pista, però no la tinc.

This could be the fourth clue, but I don't have it.

Sí que tens problemes amb gent, Ferran.

Yes, you do have problems with people, Ferran.

Què ha passat?

What happened?

La quarta pista és que en aquest famós programa

The fourth clue is that in this famous program

en el qual aquesta persona va saltar la fama,

in which this person jumped to fame,

durant tota una temporada jo em vaig ser el guionista.

Throughout an entire season, I was the screenwriter.

Jo? Qui vol dir tu?

Me? Who do you mean by you?

Jo, Jordi Cano.

I, Jordi Cano.

Jordi Cano va ser el guionista de tota una temporada

Jordi Cano was the screenwriter for an entire season.

d'aquest meravellós programa de la tele

of this wonderful television program

d'Amic del Ferran.

From Ferran's friend.

Amic vinculat amb Aplec del Aragón.

Friend linked to Aplec del Aragón.

A veure, a veure.

Let's see, let's see.

Recapitulem, a veure.

Let's recap and see.

Última pista, última pista.

Last clue, last clue.

El Güete vol recapitular, a veure.

The Güete wants to recap, let's see.

Recapitulem. Què tenim?

Let's recap. What do we have?

Què tenim?

What do we have?

Tens els braços.

You have the arms.

No ho sabem, sisames.

We don't know, girls.

No he dit en cap moment que fos home,

I have not said at any time that he was a man,

però sí que puc confirmar que té cames.

but I can confirm that it has legs.

I de dones calbes ara mateix no me'n surten.

And as for bald women, I can't think of any right now.

Les perruques fan molt de servei, també t'ho dic.

Wigs are very useful, I tell you that too.

Tampoc he dit que fos dona.

I haven't said that she was a woman either.





No sé, Aplec del Caragol.

I don't know, Snail Gathering.

Aquesta secció és superemocional.

This section is super emotional.

Em va arribar a les cinc i no ho sabem.

She arrived at five and we don't know.



Estaríem parlant de qui li ha fotut la mà pel cul moltes vegades?

Would we be talking about who has stuck their hand up their ass many times?

Li has fotut la mà pel cul moltes vegades, viciós.

You've stuck your hand up his ass many times, you pervert.

Vale, vale, vale.

Okay, okay, okay.



Tinc una pista.

I have a clue.

Tinc una pista, tinc una pista.

I have a clue, I have a clue.

Te montes unes seccions, la comptes, Güete, si tens anècdotes.

You set up some sections, tell it, Güete, if you have anecdotes.

Comptar les anècdotes de cadascú.

Count each person's anecdotes.

Cano, la teva anècdota, que l'estem esperant, home.

Cano, your anecdote, we're waiting for it, man.

L'acabo d'explicar.

I just explained it.

Vaig fer de guionista.

I worked as a screenwriter.

Ah, de guionista?

Ah, as a screenwriter?



Vaig fer de guionista.

I worked as a screenwriter.

Güete, compta amb la teva.

Güete, watch out for yours.

Tu quan vas fer de guionista?

When did you work as a screenwriter?

No, no.

No, no.

Però és que encara no he vist el personatge.

But I still haven't seen the character.

Ah, clar, clar.

Ah, of course, of course.

L'objectiu és que...

The objective is that...

Ah, vale, que l'hem d'encertar, claro.

Ah, okay, we have to get it right, of course.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.



És il·lusió.

It is illusion.

En un concurs, encertar la teva anècota.

In a contest, guess your anecdote.

La senyora pista és que tot, i que no és cantant o cantanta, ha tret discos i compartiu

The lady pista is that everything, and that she is not a singer, has released records and shared.

els moniatos productor amb ell.

the sweet potatoes producer with him.

O ella.

Or her.

Ah, amigo.

Ah, friend.

Però ella és perquè pot ser hermafrodita, no?

But she is because she can be a hermaphrodite, right?

Perquè és hermafrodita, sí.

Because it is hermaphrodite, yes.

La senyora pista és que és hermafrodita, sí.

The fact is that the lady is a hermaphrodite, yes.



Llavors ja ho sé.

Then I already know.

Jo també ho sé.

I know it too.

No és una persona humana.

It is not a human person.

És ser hermafrodita.

It is a hermaphrodite.

És hermafrodita.

It is hermaphrodite.

La pista aquesta, que de Àngel Ros...

This track, which is from Àngel Ros...

Bueno, bueno, bueno.

Well, well, well.

Lo de les cames no es veritat, pues.

The thing about the legs isn't true, then.

Una pista falsa.

A false clue.

No té cames.

It has no legs.

Bueno, ho he dit jo, que tenia cames.

Well, I said it, that I had legs.

Que va saltar a la fama, dic, coño, pues té cames.

That jumped to fame, I mean, damn, well, it has legs.

Perdoneu-me, però sí que té cames.

Excuse me, but it does have legs.

És veritat.

It's true.

Correcte, és veritat.

Correct, it's true.

Fins i tot et diria que jo, i no és una cosa sexual, hi he estat dins.

I would even tell you that I, and it's not a sexual thing, have been inside it.

No, tu no.

No, not you.

I jo també.

Me too.

Jo també.

Me too.



Jo també.

Me too.



Cano, jo crec que és moment de desvetllar qui és el personatge d'avui.

Cano, I think it's time to reveal who today's character is.

Home, a mi em faria molta il·lusió que ho digués el Ferran.

At home, it would make me very happy if Ferran said it.



Perquè te n'emes el doble.

Because we send you double.

Ai que Harry Potter no diu en Voldemort?

Oh, what does Harry Potter not say about Voldemort?

Correcte, l'innombrable.

Correct, the countless.



Molt bé, doncs.

Very well, then.

Estàs a la pista tres, Ferran, tio.

You're on track three, Ferran, dude.

No, no, el personatge li tinc carinyo i hi ha, per cert, una sèrie de tomes falses que

No, no, I have a fondness for the character and there is, by the way, a series of false volumes that...

no es poden emetre mai.

they can never be emitted.

I no es poden emetre mai.

And they can never be issued.

Me conste, me conste

I’m aware, I’m aware.

El personatge és el Banyetes

The character is Banyetes.



Que millor que un personatge vinculat

What better than a linked character?

amb la plec de Caragol que un Caragol

with the snail's fold that a snail

el nostre Caragol

our Snail

Bueno, o el seu

Well, or his.

Un Caragol

A snail

Un altre de Caragol a Lleida, n'hi ha dos

Another one of Caragol in Lleida, there are two.


El de la plec és el Leli

The one with the plec is Leli.

Sí, aquest és el bo

Yes, this is the good one.

Jordi, Canu

Jordi, Canu

Quan tu vas ser guionista

When you were a screenwriter.

jo no hi era

I was not there.

No hi eres

You were not there.

Jo només veig

I only see

una temporada

a season

Això, perdoneu-me,

This, forgive me,

però jo m'he trobat malament

but I have felt unwell

pel tema del Banyetes

about the Banyetes theme



S'ho han carregat

They have ruined it.

S'ho han vendit

They have sold it.

Al final no queda en res

In the end, it amounts to nothing.

No queda en res

It amounts to nothing.

Sí, no queda en res

Yes, it doesn't amount to anything.

Com ho dic, no queda en res

As I say, it amounts to nothing.

Va haver-hi una causació de malversament de diners

There was a case of embezzlement of funds.

i al final no s'ha pogut demostrar

and in the end it could not be proven


Que no s'han denunciat

That have not been reported.

però no ha quedat en res

but it has come to nothing

S'han carregat el Banyetes

They have loaded the Banyetes.

Tu estàs al col·legi

You are at school.

Jordi, no t'han enviat a Andorra

Jordi, they haven't sent you to Andorra.

No t'han desterrat

They haven't exiled you.

No, no, estic bé

No, no, I'm fine.

És molt bé la secció del Canu

The Cano section is very good.

perquè genera emocions

because it generates emotions

Avui emocions de nerd

Today, nerd emotions.

però genera emocions

but it generates emotions

Genera veritat, és real

Generates truth, it is real.

Canu, la teva secció

Canu, your section

és una meravella i punt

It's a marvel, period.



Brenda, Brenda

Brenda, Brenda

Sí senyora

Yes ma'am.

Fem un brindis per la secció del Canu

Let's make a toast to the Cano section.

Perdó, Pere, estem brindant

Sorry, Pere, we are toasting.

Canaves de l'Icano

Canvases of the Icarus

Que no sé què quedarà

I don't know what will remain.

al final de la meva secció

at the end of my section

però bueno, el que quedi

But well, whatever remains.

estarà superbé

it will be great

Fes-me quedar bé

Make me look good.

Senyores i senyors

Ladies and gentlemen

tornem de seguida

we'll be right back

amb el consultori Moniato

with the Moniato clinic

El consultori Moniato

The Moniato clinic

Quan són les deu i pico de la nit

When it's a little past ten at night.

les sis i pico o les cinc i pico

six o'clock and a bit or five o'clock and a bit

a casi vint i si panxa a Ecuador

to almost twenty and if belly in Ecuador

és moment de donar pas

It's time to give way.

al senyor Melé

to Mr. Melé

amb el seu consultori Moniato

with his consulting Moniato

Senyor Melé, bona nit

Good evening, Mr. Melé.

Com està vostè avui?

How are you today?

Bona nit i bona nit

Good night and good night.

Cremen les xarxes socials

Social networks are burning.

Lleida vol saber coses dels Moniatos

Lleida wants to know things about the Moniatos.

Cert o no?

Sure or not?

Sí senyor

Yes sir

Sí o no?

Yes or no?

Sí senyor

Yes sir.

Contesti, contesti

Answer, answer.

I on ens envien les seves peticions?

And where do they send their requests?

A la nostra audiència

To our audience

Ara és programar

Now it is programming.

Sí senyor, sí senyor

Yes sir, yes sir.

On ens envia la gent

Where does the people send us?

Les seves peticions

Their requests

Això és programar

This is programming.

A l'Instagram, al Twitter, al Tinder, al Facebook

On Instagram, on Twitter, on Tinder, on Facebook.

al WhatsApp, a tot arreu

on WhatsApp, everywhere

Jo escolto una cosa

I hear something.

Podríem fer una unificació

We could do a unification.

i que només treballéssim amb una aplicació

and that we only worked with one application

perquè això de...

because of this...

En sèrio, treballem en molts llocs

Seriously, we work in many places.

i ara s'està posant de moda el tic-tac

And now the tic-tac is becoming fashionable.

el tic-chiquimpa

the tic-chiquimpa

Sí, el tic-tac

Yes, the tick-tock.

El tic-tac

The tick-tock

I el reloj no marques les hores també

And the clock does not mark the hours either.

La gent gran ens costa

We find it hard to understand older people.

Tot, tot, tot

Everything, everything, everything

Jo demano una aplicació

I ask for an application.

El Lluís Forn, per exemple

Lluís Forn, for example.

Que sigui per tots

May it be for everyone.

Què vol saber la nostra audiència?

What does our audience want to know?

La primera pregunta que ens arriba per WhatsApp

The first question that comes to us via WhatsApp.

és del Lluís Cito del Guaire

It is from Lluís Cito from Guaire.

i diu

and says

Vau contar la setmana passada

You told last week.

que el gran

that the great



començava una nova carrera

a new race was beginning

com a creador de vinyetes humorístiques

as a creator of humorous comics

amb el Matías

with Matías

Podríeu dir-nos

Could you tell us?

si ja ha començat la cosa?

if it has already started?

Ja ha començat

It has already begun.

Ja ha començat la cosa

The thing has already started.

De fet, el dimecres passat

In fact, last Wednesday

els matins de TV3

the mornings of TV3

ja se'n va publicar la primera

the first one has already been published

Tot i que no és la primera que hem fet

Although it's not the first one we've done.

En tenim ja tres o quatre

We already have three or four.

o cinc o sis

either five or six

però estem intentant colar-les

but we are trying to sneak them in

a diferents llocs

to different places

i ara per ara

and for now

anem al ritme que anem

let's go at the pace we're going

Però un dels objectius també és

But one of the objectives is also

a veure si mos comprem alguna cosa

let's see if we buy something



Em permets que posi la

"Do you allow me to put the..."

Em permets que vau posar el dimecres

Do you allow me to put it on Wednesday?

Jo, a mi tant

Me, I so much

Posa-la, posa-la

Put it on, put it on.

En aquesta vinyeta es demostra

This vignette demonstrates.

Jo ja l'he vist

I have already seen it.

Doncs vinga, dentro vídeo

Alright then, let's get started!

Com que no hi ha cap raó, eh?

Since there is no reason, right?

Molt bé

Very well

És senzill, boniquet

It's simple, cutie.

i d'equitat

and of equity

Està bé, eh? Sí, sí, molt bé.

It's alright, isn't it? Yes, yes, very good.

I sou pioneros

You are pioneers.

en videovinyetes?

in video clips?

No, no, no, la videovinyeta ens ho demanen

No, no, no, they are asking us for the video strip.

ells, el TV3. En aquest cas

they, TV3. In this case

el Matías


crea la vinyeta a raó

create the vignette accordingly

de la idea que jo li dono

from the idea that I give him/her

i llavors ell li diu

and then he tells her

has de fer un vídeo i jo li dic que doni un minut.

You have to make a video and I tell him to give it a minute.

Llavors ell va a la cena aquesta composició,

Then he goes to dinner this composition,

diu que de cada setmana que ve pot ser escurregut

He says that next week can be shortened.

com és artesanal i tal.

as it is artisanal and such.

Però guai, guai, molt content, molt content.

But great, great, very happy, very happy.

I a part que treballem, jo que t'ho encabejo,

And apart from working, I that I encompass it for you,

el Matías


és un plaer molt gran.

It is a great pleasure.

Sembla que sigui

It seems to be.

l'actual, no?

the current one, right?

Ha de ser una cosa així.

It has to be something like this.

Una vinyeta és un rotllo diari,

A vignette is a daily roll,

per dir-ho d'alguna manera, no?

to put it somehow, right?

Un vídeo és un vídeo

A video is a video.

i sembla que això és el que toca ara, no?

And it seems that this is what is needed now, right?

Està bé, està bé, també perquè

It's okay, it's okay, also because

jo sempre he sigut molt fan de l'Armengol, moltíssim,

I have always been a big fan of Armengol, very much.

i de tots els minotaires en general.

and of all the minotaurs in general.

I que amb una vinyeta, amb poques paraules,

And with a vignette, with few words,

amb poc material,

with little material,

que puguis posar una cartellada

that you can put up a poster

als de dalt

to the top

o fotre una bona crítica

to give a good review

amb la mà oberta,

with an open hand,

doncs, hòstia, és bonic.

Well, damn, it's beautiful.

Molt bé, molt bonic.

Very good, very beautiful.

Molt bé. Més preguntes, senyor Melé?

Very well. More questions, Mr. Melé?

La Marta Fornotull,

Marta Fornotull,

des de la Floresta.

from La Floresta.

Bona pedra, la Floresta.

Good stone, the Floresta.

Bona pedra.

Good stone.

És una pregunta molt llarga

It's a very long question.

i vull que es quebrantem-la.

And I want us to break it.

Veganos sí o veganos no?

Vegans yes or vegans no?



Jo soc més de primavera.

I am more of a spring person.

De primavera.

Of spring.

Va clavat després de lo del Rajoy,

It hit hard after what happened with Rajoy.



Veganos, los veganos.

Vegans, the vegans.

És com lo dels autocars Gamón.

It's like the thing with Gamón buses.

Autocars Gamón, autocars Gamón.

Gamón Coaches, Gamón Coaches.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Jo estic tan a favor...

I am so in favor...

Digues, digues, digues, perdó, digues.

Tell me, tell me, tell me, sorry, tell me.

Que són els primers autocars

What are the first buses?

de xafallosos del món.

of the world's gossipers.

Autocars Gamón.

Gamón Buses.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Dic, jo estic tan a favor,

I say, I am so in favor,

dels vegans,

of the vegans,

tan a favor que

so in favor that

em menjo els animals que es mengen

I eat the animals that eat.

i no els heu menjat.

and you haven't eaten them.

Sí, senyor, ben vist, ben vist.

Yes, sir, well seen, well seen.

Jo menjo vaca, menjo tocino, menjo bou,

I eat beef, I eat bacon, I eat ox,

perquè què mengen aquests animals?

because what do these animals eat?

El que es menjaria un vegano.

What a vegan would eat.

Jo mato aquests animals, no els menjo.

I kill these animals, I don’t eat them.

Ben fet.

Well done.

Güete, veganos sí, veganos no?

Good, vegans yes, vegans no?

Jo estic a favor que hi hagi de tot tipus de religions

I am in favor of there being all kinds of religions.

i d'ètnies,

and of ethnicities,

però jo, veganos, no.

but I, vegans, no.

Jo, personalment, estic a favor

I, personally, am in favor.

que existeixin, que hi hagi gent com això.

that they exist, that there are people like this.

Cano, lliure pensador,

Cano, free thinker,

veganos sí, veganos no.

Vegans yes, vegans no.

Jo penso que s'ha de fer un homenatge als veganos.

I think a tribute should be paid to vegans.

De fet, si ho posés una cançó,

In fact, if I put on a song,

la cançó de vegano,

the vegan song,

fins aquí.

up to here.

Dona-li una excepció grossa.

Give her a big exception.

Que nada, di.

What nothing, say.

Mando, veganos sí, veganos no.

I command, vegans yes, vegans no.

Jo, la gent és lliure d'equivocar,

I, people are free to make mistakes,


do you know?

Sobretot, si no es veuen lo que ha de dir

Above all, if they don't see what needs to be said.

que, i no se me mengen la carn,

that, and they don't eat the meat,

ho trobo fantàstic.

I find it fantastic.

Endavant, veganos.

Go ahead, vegans.



sí o no?

yes or no?

Tu creus que em puc presentar a aquest sencer

Do you think I can present myself to this whole thing?

i dir que soc vegan, no?

And I say that I am vegan, right?

Home, amb el cotxe en marxa.

Home, with the car running.

O entrar al Milano

Or enter the Milan

i anunciar-ho.

and announce it.

Senyors, m'he fet vegano.

Gentlemen, I have become vegan.

O anar a la premsa del Caragol.

Or go to the snail press.



Se'n poden menjar caragols o és vegano?

Can snails be eaten or is it vegan?

Compte com a animal, no, lo caragol?

Considered an animal, no, the snail?

Compte com a carn?

Count as meat?

És animal, és animal.

It's an animal, it's an animal.

Menja enciams, però és animal.

It eats lettuce, but it is an animal.

De família de l'Esquerola.

From the Esquerola family.

Els vegetarians potser sí, eh?

Vegetarians maybe yes, huh?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Caragol és vegan?

Is snail vegan?

Perquè el vegano és l'exageradet

Because the vegan is the one being exaggerated.

que no es fot ni els ous, no?

that he doesn't give a damn, right?

Ah, collons.

Ah, damn.

Si et menges un vegan, tu ets vegan?

If you eat a vegan, are you vegan?

Clar, si et menges un caragol,

Of course, if you eat a snail,

que és vegan,

what is vegan,

et consideres vegan perquè et menges un que és vegan.

You consider yourself vegan because you eat something that is vegan.

Ha de ser depilat, eh?

It has to be shaved, right?

Jo, si no és depilat, no puc ni opinar.

I, if it's not shaved, can't even give my opinion.

Més preguntes, senyor Melé.

More questions, Mr. Melé.


Thank you.

Senyor Jordi, moltes gràcies.

Mr. Jordi, thank you very much.

Atenció, carcerero.

Attention, jailer.

Aquesta va amb mala llet.

This one is in a bad mood.

Teniu pinta de ser molt bravos.

You look very fierce.

Us heu empetat mai a la pleg

Have you ever gotten into a fight at the meeting?

de forma extraordinària?


Què vol dir?

What does it mean?

Què és extraordinària?

What is extraordinary?

Una rifa?

A raffle?

La Trini Spac de la Portella.

The Trini Spac from Portella.

Ah, Trini Spac.

Ah, Trini Spac.

Pregunta a la Trini i jo callo.

Ask Trini and I'll be silent.

Trini, no preguntis.

Trini, don't ask.

Si ho heu fet, no ho recordo.

If you did it, I don't remember.

És la millor resposta que es podia donar.

It is the best answer that could be given.

El que passa a la pleg,

What happens at the fold,

queda a la pleg.

It remains at the fold.

Més preguntes, senyor Melé.

More questions, Mr. Melé.

El meu amic, el Joan...

My friend, Joan...

El meu amic, ja.

My friend, already.

No, no, el meu amic,

No, no, my friend,

el que veia a la penya dels maniatos.

what I saw at the group of the maniacs.

Jo tinc 45,

I am 45.

em recordo...

I remember...

Si acumulo totes les nits

If I accumulate all the nights

en què després he perdut la memòria,

in which I have later lost my memory,

en feia només 41 o 42.

it was only 41 or 42.

Llavors, la resta...

Then, the rest...

Ell sí que se'n recorda de les coses.

He does remember things.

És com el distú portàtil.

It's like the portable disto.

Quan anem baixats, li dic

When we go down, I'll tell him.

hòstia, tu recorda't d'això.

Damn, you remember that.

I el cabró se'n recorda.

And the bastard remembers.

Corsacoff, el síndrome Corsacoff.

Corsakoff, the Korsakoff syndrome.

El que et passa a tu.

What happens to you.

Bon jugador d'ajedrers, sí, senyor.

Good chess player, yes, sir.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Melé, més preguntes, senyor.

More questions, sir.

Aquesta és una clàssica,

This is a classic,

la Marisa Alcano del Coletxe.

Marisa Alcano from the School.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Quan em convidareu als maniatos?

When will you invite me to the maniatos?

Perquè sóc l'única que ha vist tots els programes.

Because I'm the only one who has seen all the shows.

No, no.

No, no.

Diu, sóc l'única fan

She says, I am the only fan.

que ha vist tots els programes.

who has seen all the programs.

Llegeix el que et fiqui al guió,

Read what I put in the script.

perquè al final faré llegir Alcano.

because in the end I will make Alcano read.

I li muntaré la secció d'Alcano

And I will set up the section of Alcano.

al lector.

to the reader.

Al lector.

To the reader.

No està per aquí?

Is he/she not around here?



Maricel, on estàs? Aquí.

Maricel, where are you? Here.

Maricel, la setmana que ve participaràs al món maniato.

Maricel, next week you will participate in the manic world.


Sign up.



Sí, la trucarem.

Yes, we will call her.

Farem la trucada de la setmana.

We will make the call of the week.


Will it be?

No, no serà.

No, it won't be.

Si era la primera dona que...

If she was the first woman to...

No, no, entrem totes dones aquí.

No, no, all women come in here.

Sí, entren dones.

Yes, they train women.

Avui no, però...

Not today, but...

Tal com entrem, sortim, també.

As we enter, so we exit.

Sí, sí, més ràpid del que entrem.

Yes, yes, faster than we understand.

Més preguntes, senyor Melé.

More questions, Mr. Melé.

Aquesta ve de la

This comes from the

Fina Volterol de Camporreis.

Fina Volterol from Camporrells.

La Fina.

The Fine.

També és molt llarga.

It is also very long.



Tenen raó de ser els bombons de licor?

Do chocolate liqueurs have a reason to exist?



Home, gràcies als bombons de licor.

At home, thanks to the liqueur chocolates.

Que m'agraden els bombons.

I love chocolates.

Com ho deia el Forrest Gump,

As Forrest Gump used to say,

el dels bombons?

the one with the chocolates?

Que la vida és com una caja de bombones.

That life is like a box of chocolates.

Bombones, sí.

Chocolates, yes.

Ah, de bombones.

Ah, of chocolates.

Jo vaig entendre de condones.

I understood about condoms.

Va-te aquí que no entenem.

Go here that we do not understand.

A la peula.

To the peeling.

Se passen unes coses...

Some things happen...

Doncs personalment no...

Well, personally no...

Ferran, licor, els bombons, sí o no?

Ferran, liqueur, the chocolates, yes or no?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Aquells bombons que dintre tenen

Those chocolates that have inside

la sidera amb el conyac.

the sider with the cognac.

Sí, sí, i tant.

Yes, yes, definitely.

Xerri, xerri.

Chatter, chatter.

Montxerri, Montxerri.

Montxerri, Montxerri.

Sí, o la marca blanca,

Yes, or the store brand,

vull dir, el que és més fort.

I mean, what is stronger.

Serena, vostè?

Serena, you?

Jo soc molt ordenat.

I am very organized.

Els bombons, bombons.

The chocolates, chocolates.

El licor, licor.

The liquor, liquor.

Xerri, xerri.

Chatter, chatter.

Jo també, jo també.

Me too, me too.

I les fusions aquestes.

And these mergers.

Ara han eliminat, han abolit

Now they have eliminated, they have abolished.

d'això, los cigarros

about this, the cigarettes

de menta, de gust de menta.

with mint, with a taste of mint.

I han tardat, no trobeu?

They have taken a long time, don't you think?



En quin sentit té, això?

In what sense does this have?

Com a mi, Maria Lluïsa...

Like me, Maria Lluïsa...

Com a tu, un xicotet, home.

Like you, a little one, man.



Hi ha barris xungues,

There are rough neighborhoods,

ara estan anunciant un desodorant

Now they are advertising a deodorant.

amb olor a cookies,

with the smell of cookies,

a galetes.

to cookies.

No pot ser.

It cannot be.

Si es barreja una mica allò,

If you mix that a little,

quan ja ha suat una mica aquest paio,

when this guy has already sweated a bit,

una mica de galero amb cookie,

a bit of galero with cookie,

què passa?

What’s happening?

T'ha fet mal bé el paquet de pastes?

Has the pastry package hurt you well?

Més preguntes, senyamele.

More questions, lady.

Aquesta ens arriba del Robert Suñé, diu.

This comes to us from Robert Suñé, it says.



d'on és, d'on és?

Where is he from, where is he from?

Eh? De Figols.

Eh? From Figols.

De Figols.

From Figols.

Doncs dis-ho, dis-ho,

Well, say it, say it,

has de llegir el que diuen.

You have to read what they say.

Robert Suñé de Figols, diu.

Robert Suñé de Figols says.

De quin comarca és Figols?

In which comarca is Figols?

Ah, por...

Ah, fear...

Cano, Cano, Cano.

Cano, Cano, Cano.

Cano, doctor.

Cano, doctor.

El pollón.

The big chicken.





Suñé de Figols.

Suñé de Figols.

Vergadà d'urgent.

Urgent matter.

Aquesta pregunta és pel Ferran, el bo,

This question is for Ferran, the good one,

i pel Sereno.

And for the watchman.

Diu, a la fase 0, va bé,

He says, in phase 0, it's going well.

portem jo una setmana de fase 1.

I have been in phase 1 for a week.

Fins quan aguantareu tornant amb aquest programa?

Until when will you endure returning with this program?

Perdona, jo estic a la fase 0, cabrons.

Sorry, I'm at phase 0, you bastards.

0 i mig.

Zero and a half.

Això vol dir que...

This means that...

Quan acabi el programa, el Jordi encara vindrà.

When the program ends, Jordi will still come.

A la fase 0?

In phase 0?

L'últim programa serà el Jordi Sol, no?

The last program will be Jordi Sol, right?

No he entès la pregunta.

I didn't understand the question.

Què vols saber, aquest?

What do you want to know, this?

Ja hi ha ironia, no?

There's already irony, isn't there?

Ja s'ha encastat.

It has already been embedded.

Que dues estrelles com el Ferran i el Jordi

That two stars like Ferran and Jordi.

ja porten deu setmanes

They have already been ten weeks.

i quant temps aguantaran

And how long will they hold out?

venint aquí?

coming here?

Perquè el seu tal...

Because his/her such...

Molta brometa, molta brometa,

A lot of joking, a lot of joking,

i aquí ha fallat l'estrella del bàsquet.

and here the basketball star has failed.

Ara, ara.

Now, now.

Abans que el Sereno de Castellserà.

Before the Sereno of Castellserà.

Vendis, vendis.

You sell, you sell.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Ha fallat, ha fallat.

He has failed, he has failed.

Jo no vull dir res,

I don’t want to say anything,

però ha fallat l'estrella.

but the star has failed.

A veure...

Let's see...

L'escarga del Sergi.

The burden of Sergi.

El Sergi porta molt rato trucant,

Sergi has been calling for a long time.

però no el puc agafar perquè no arriba a temps a contestar.

but I can't catch it because it doesn't arrive in time to respond.

Però ell ho ha intentat, home.

But he has tried, man.

Això és molt...

This is very...

Jo seguiré fins al dia del comiat.

I will stay until the day of the farewell.

Jo ho deixo.

I'm leaving it.

La despedida, vols dir.

The farewell, you mean.

La despedida.

The farewell.

Comiat, comiat...

Farewell, farewell...

Per mi un comiat és que s'ha mort algú.

For me, a farewell is that someone has died.

Un traspàs, un sepelio, un...

A transfer, a funeral, a...

No vull cap de comiat.

I don't want any farewell.

El sepelio m'agrada molt.

I really like the burial.

Mira, jo no vull crear precedents,

Look, I don’t want to create precedents,

però el paquirrino, el Nico Rivera,

but the Paquirrino, Nico Rivera,

diu, si no hi putes és un compleany.

It says, if you don't mess it up, it's a birthday.

Què em dius?

What do you tell me?

Això falla, això falla.

This fails, this fails.

Això falla.

This is failing.

No ho tallis, home, no ho tallis.

Don't cut it, man, don't cut it.

No es presenta, senyor Benet.

He does not show up, Mr. Benet.

No aguanta la pressió, el David.

David can't handle the pressure.

Avui dissabte hauria de ser l'aplec.

Today Saturday should be the gathering.

No hi som.

We are not there.

Podeu enviar-nos un missatge d'esperança?

Can you send us a message of hope?


Holy shit.

Ui, ja acabem.

Oh, we're already finished.

Ja està.

That's it.

Vinga, Cano, missatge d'esperança.

Come on, Cano, message of hope.

Doncs jo l'esperança que tinc

Well, I have hope.

és que el proper aplec...

is that the next gathering...

Viu, Déu.

Live, God.

Perquè fins avui no.

Because until today not.

O sigui, aprofiteu ara fa el càter.

That is, take advantage of it now that it happens.

Saps lo de la samarreta que t'ha d'arribar?

Do you know about the t-shirt that is supposed to arrive for you?

Doncs també, també.

Well, yes, yes.


Come on.

Sereno, missatge d'esperança.

Serene, message of hope.

Que seguirem baixant els de Castellserà

We will keep going down from Castellserà.

a alegrar-vos i a repartir amor

to cheer you up and to spread love

i tot el que convingui

and everything that is appropriate

a la penya dels moniatos

to the group of sweet potatoes

i a donar allà una als del costat.

and to give one there to those next to you.

Huete, missatge d'esperança.

Huete, message of hope.

Doncs que això s'acabi,

Well, let this end.

que no bateu.

don't hit.

I que, si cal,

And that, if necessary,

celebrarem l'aplec per dia de Nadal.

We will celebrate the gathering on Christmas Day.

Que Nadal està molt sobrevalorat.

That Christmas is very overrated.

I que millor que celebrar Nadal

And what better way to celebrate Christmas

amb una bona llauna de cargols

with a good tin of snails

en lloc de torró.

instead of nougat.

Està una mica massa vist, ja, no?

It's a bit too obvious now, isn't it?

Cargols, hòstia!

Snails, damn it!





Després no en sortirà cap,

Afterward, none will come out.

perquè te'ls haurà tallat tots.

because he/she will have cut them all.

De volguts.

Of the wanted.

Missatge d'esperança.

Message of hope.

I el seu quintet.

And his quintet.

Haig d'un quintet, haig d'haver-me d'un quintet.

I need a quintet, I must have a quintet.

Amics meus.

My friends.

Aquest aplec no s'està fent.

This gathering is not taking place.

No l'estem vivint.

We are not living it.

Però l'aplec del Caragol ha creat coses com que

But the Caragol gathering has created things like that

un grup de tarampanes es reuneixi cada dissabte a la nit

a group of crazy people gathers every Saturday night

per ser uns lliures davant d'unes pantalles

to be free in front of screens

i d'unes càmeres.

and some cameras.

I que el que ha unit l'aplec

And what has united the gathering

que no ho destrueixi l'home ni el coronavirus.

that neither man nor the coronavirus destroys it.

Ara, ara.

Now, now.



Senyor Melé, missatge d'esperança.

Mr. Melé, message of hope.

Doncs hi ha la línia del que han dit durant tot el programa,

Well, there is the line of what they have said throughout the program,

que quan se pugui tornar a ser,

that when it is possible to be again,

que se pugui fer l'aplec del Caragol,

that the Caragol gathering can take place,

que més bonic que la colla als moniatos

how beautiful it is to be with friends at the sweet potatoes

poguem tindre a la Pastoreig Van

we can have at the Pastoreig Van

amb els moniatos rocs.

with the sweet potatoes rocks.

Molt ben lligat.

Very well tied.



Nando, no m'he oblidat de tu, eh?

Nando, I haven't forgotten about you, okay?

No vull fer cap missatge d'esperança.

I don't want to send any message of hope.

Per què?


No en tinc, d'esperança.

I have no hope.

Jo hauria d'estar a l'aplec.

I should be at the gathering.

I no hi soc.

And I'm not there.

Ho sento, però esta setmana l'esperança

I'm sorry, but this week the hope

la tinc agotada, l'esperança.

I have exhausted it, hope.

És veritat.

It is true.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

I per la pròxima setmana, com que estic tan de mala llet,

And for next week, since I'm in such a bad mood,

a veure si ni podem dir missatge d'una altra cosa,

let's see if we can say a message about something else,

que l'esperança aquesta me recorda en aquella de Madrid que...

that hope reminds me of that one in Madrid that...


Do you understand me?

La guirre.

The guirre.

Sí, la coneixem.

Yes, we know her.



Doncs, senyores i senyors,

Well, ladies and gentlemen,

fins aquí el Montmoniato número 10.

up to here Montmoniato number 10.

Una cosa, Pere, no et voldria tallar.

One thing, Pere, I wouldn't want to interrupt you.

Avui que hem parlat de la fecoll i tot això,

Today that we have talked about the harvest and all that,

què us passa a vosaltres que quan sentiu fecoll

What happens to you when you hear fecoll?

no se'n recordeu del Fernando Alonso?

Don't you remember Fernando Alonso?



Què us passa?

What is happening to you?

Doncs avui l'hem dedicat a l'aplec que no ha existit,

So today we dedicated it to the gathering that never existed,

però existirà.

but it will exist.

Tingueu paciència.

Have patience.

Gràcies a tots.

Thank you all.

Cuete, en especial, pel teu debut avui amb els moniatos.

Excited, especially for your debut today with the sweet potatoes.


Thank you.

Sergi, sento no haver contestat la teva trucada, Grimao.

Sergi, I'm sorry for not answering your call, Grimao.

Suposo que...

I suppose that...

És que no hi cabia, no hi cabia.

It just didn't fit, it didn't fit.

Moniatos, gràcies a tots.

Moniatos, thank you all.

Espera, espera.

Wait, wait.

No et voldria tallar.

I wouldn't want to cut you off.

No, home, no, Cuete, no.

No, come on, Cuete, no.

M'ha encantat, Cuete, de veritat.

I loved it, Cuete, really.

Cuete, brindem o què?

Cheers, shall we toast or what?

M'he quedat...

I've been left...

El Montmoniato.

The Montmoniato.

T'hi brindem amb gel derretit.

We toast to you with melted ice.

Exacte, que bé.

Exactly, that's good.

Same time, same place.

Same time, same place.

Gràcies i bona nit.

Thank you and good night.

Fernando, si estic acabant de despedir-me,

Fernando, if I am just finishing saying goodbye,

no m'ha tallat per parlar-me de coses d'aquestes.

He hasn't cut me off to talk to me about things like this.

Que no porto les ulleres del cercle i no el sé veure, el guió.

I don't have my circle glasses on and I can't see it, the script.

Tornem a començar tot.

Let's start all over again.

La hagieta s'ha arryeongat.

The rag has been crumpled.

Em sembla USB i que és a la moment.

It seems to me USB and that it is at the moment.

Ho poso a laelo.

I put it on the board.

Ho poso al fil i és Confederate.

I put it on the thread and it's Confederate.




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