
Jose Luis Barreda Porcar

Tren de llerg recorregut.


Tren de llerg recorregut.



Què tal, estimats oients? Com va? Com estan? M'alegraria que ens anigui tot bé.

How are you, dear listeners? How's it going? How are you? I would be glad if everything goes well for us.

Bé, avui tenim per a tots vostès un pla de bones intencions, un gol de carinyo i de postres, un dolç de somrisses amb trossets d'abraços. Què us sembla?

Well, today we have for all of you a plan of good intentions, a goal of affection and for dessert, a sweet of smiles with bits of hugs. What do you think?

Bé? Bueno, avui és un dia especial, el programa d'avui és un monocromàtic i les campanes van pels músics anglesos Queen.

Good? Well, today is a special day, today's program is monochromatic and the bells are for the English musicians Queen.



Bé, abans va el carro, que ja es comença un altre camí.

Well, first comes the cart, as another path is already beginning.

Sentirem avui el que es diu l'LP Hot Space de Queen.

Today we will listen to what is called the LP Hot Space by Queen.

Versarà tot sobre ell, totes les cançons que puga de l'LP que hi haurà en el programa d'avui.

It will all be about him, all the songs from the LP that will be in today's program.

La primera que sentirem es diu Part Out The Fire, des del grup Queen.

The first one we will listen to is called Part Out The Fire, from the band Queen.

I es passa a llegir ja el que va dir la premsa, el que diu l'LP, vamos, del Hot Space, en espanyol és Espacio Caliente.

And one already reads what the press said, what the LP says, let's say, of Hot Space, in Spanish it is Espacio Caliente.

Espacio Caliente, podem traduir en català.

Hot Space, we can translate into Catalan.

És el dècim àlbum del grup The Rock Britannic Queen.

It is the tenth album of the British rock group Queen.

El disc es va estrenar al Regne Unit el 21 de maig de 1982, alcançant el lloc número 4 en el registre del reixit d'èxits de Regne Unit.

The album was released in the United Kingdom on May 21, 1982, reaching number 4 on the UK Singles Chart.

I van estar en elles durant 10 setmanes.

I was with them for 10 weeks.

En els Estats Units es va estrenar el dia 25 de maig del mateix any, arribant al lloc 22 i estan en el registre durant 21 setmanes.

In the United States, it premiered on May 25 of the same year, reaching number 22 and remaining on the chart for 21 weeks.

Arribant a alcançar el disc d'or tamé.

Reaching the gold record too.

Bueno, també anècdotes, es diré alguna cançó, per fer-ho una miqueta gauriaet i divertit.

Well, also anecdotes, I will tell you a song, to make it a little more enjoyable and fun.

De moment es diu això en la primera cançó del disco, Part Out The Fire.

For now, this is said in the first song of the album, Part Out The Fire.

I'm not there for my reason

I'm not there for my reason.

I don't care what they say

I don't care what they say.

I'm not there, baby, it's the season

I'm not there, baby, it's the season.

For the mad masquerade

For the mad masquerade.

Put out the fire

Extingir el foc.

Oh, it is burning like a hole in the hand

Oh, it is burning like a hole in the hand.

Put out the fire

Extingir el foc.

Bona nit.

Good night.

La història d'atraç de les 12 millors cançons

The story of tracing the 12 best songs.

de Queen, titula l'article

from Queen, the article is titled


the author

Miguel Ángel Bargueño

Miguel Ángel Bargueño

i Carlos Marcos

and Carlos Marcos

són els autors del...

they are the authors of the...

és de 2018, home

It's from 2018, man.

el 5 de novembre de 2018 el publicàvem

on November 5, 2018 we published it.

i diu

and says

dos crítics musicals fan una marató

two music critics are doing a marathon

escoltant les quasi 200 cançons del grup

listening to the almost 200 songs of the group

i eligeixen les millors

and they choose the best ones

per què?


perquè el recent estreno

because of the recent premiere

de la pel·lícula que

from the movie that

contes la seva història ens ha recordat

the stories it tells have reminded us

lo grans que són

how great they are

està ahí tot correcte

it's all correct there

ara ens coneixem per la 12 i acabarem

now we know each other for the 12 and we will finish

amb la 1, la primera

with the 1, the first

anirà després

it will go afterwards

ara a continuació no, però després

now not at the moment, but later

a aquestes telepeia les sentirem

we will hear these telepeia

és Another One Bites The Dust

It's Another One Bites The Dust

otro que muere del polvo

another that dies from the dust

la van titular

They titled it.

la van traduir al castellà

they translated it into Spanish

1980 incluïda en el disc

1980 included in the album

The Game, és una de les primeres perletes

The Game is one of the first pearls.

que fan, és de la

what they do is from the

la quinta cançó

the fifth song

que va triomfar

that triumphed

i bueno, diu

And well, he says.

One Bites The Dust

One Bites The Dust

1980 incluïda en el disc The Game

1980 included in the album The Game

i és el que és l'article

and it is what it is the article

per què és tan bona?

Why is she/it so good?

la línia de baix resulta tan

the bottom line ends up being so

adherent com un bon estribillo

adhesive like a good chorus

i és que

and it is that

i és una aposta segura

and it's a safe bet

per a posar pates per amunt

to turn things upside down

una discoteca, història de la cançó

a nightclub, history of the song

el baix de John Deacon, autor del tema

the bass of John Deacon, author of the song

és el protagonista absolut del single

he is the absolute protagonist of the single

el més venut de la història de Queen

the best-selling of Queen's history

va ser el número 1 de 20 Estats Units

it was number 1 in 20 United States

i quasi tot el món

and almost the whole world

com bon baixista flipava amb el funk

As a good bassist, I was blown away by funk.

i la música disco

and disco music

i pareix que després d'escoltar molt la xic

It seems that after listening to the girl a lot

va crear esta base rítmica

he created this rhythmic base



el tema està adreçat

the topic is addressed

en efectes de so

in sound effects

que avui poden parecer obsoletos

that today may seem obsolete

però en el seu moment

but at its time

eren de lo més modern

they were the most modern

recorden el despegue

they remember the takeoff

d'una nau espacial

of a spacecraft

Queen posaven la xina un peu

Queen put one foot in China.

en els 80

in the 80s

quan se suposava

when it was supposed

que la ciència ficció

that science fiction

anava a deixar de ser ficció

was going to stop being fiction

en tot la banda no tenia molta confiança

and the band did not have much confidence

en este tema

on this topic

i segons ha revelat Roger Tyler

and as revealed by Roger Tyler

va ser Michael Jackson

it was Michael Jackson

qui va escoltar-lo va dir

whoever heard him said

xicuelos esteis bojos

guys, you're crazy

si no traieu este single

if you don't release this single

esta cançó

this song

el bateria també va recordar

the drummer also remembered

que molts DJs d'emissores de soul

that many DJs from soul stations

van creure

they believed

que el tema era d'un grup d'actual amèrica

that the topic was of a current American group

el que preveuen

what they foresee





deixa'm veure

let me see



Bona nit.

Good night.

Bé, m'he equivocat.

Well, I made a mistake.

És un error que, com és, demano perdó.

It is a mistake that, as it is, I apologize.

Els he llegit

I have read them.

que la cançó

that the song

anava en esteleta i no va.

I was going in a wheelchair and it doesn't work.

La que és famosa d'esteleta és Under Pressure.

The one that is famous from this little one is Under Pressure.

Bajo pressió, l'expressió,

Under pressure, the expression,

que és la que es llegeix ara

that is the one being read now

la crítica del país,

the criticism of the country,



Diu a Xina, Under Pressure,

Says in China, Under Pressure,

1981, incluïda en el disc

1981, included in the album

Hot Space, que és aquest que toca avui,

Hot Space, which is the one being played today,

amb David Bowie. És una col·laboració.

with David Bowie. It's a collaboration.

Per què és tan bona?

Why is she so good?

Ah, aquesta melòdia de baix d'Under Pressure

Ah, this melody from the bass of Under Pressure.

a vegades


unes xicotetes notes tocaes

some little touched notes

com si no res, ho són tot.

as if nothing, they are everything.



reduc-te que la col·laboració entre dos colors,

reduce that collaboration between two colors,

con Freddy Mercury i David Bowie,

with Freddy Mercury and David Bowie,

sobretot se recorde

above all, I remember

per este sonido de John Deacon,

for this sound by John Deacon,

del baix, lo que no està clar

from below, what is not clear

és si va ser idea de Deacon

it was Deacon's idea

o si Deacon el va tocar.

or if Deacon touched him.

Després se li va oblidar

Then he forgot it.

i el va recordar Bowie

and it reminded him of Bowie

en una aportació.

in a contribution.

La cançó té molt més

The song has much more.

un dol vocal

a vocal pain

que no és tal,

that it is not such,

ja que Bowie i Mercury se van alternant

since Bowie and Mercury alternated

en l'execució de forma tan fluida

in the execution so smoothly

com sorprenent

how surprising

per l'ego que tenien, cada un, generosa.

for the ego they had, each one, generous.

Bueno, la història de la cançó,

Well, the story of the song,

de dos artistes colossals

of two colossal artists

que no estaven, ni molt menys,

that they were not, far from it,

en el seu millor moment

at its best moment

de la vora maestra com Under Pressure.

from the master side like Under Pressure.

Bowie venia del TV

Bowie came from the TV.

Scary Monsters

Scary Monsters

i Queen estava exhaustos

and Queen were exhausted

després de tants èxits.

after so many successes.

Tants anys d'èxit.

So many years of success.

Se'ns van ajuntar en sushi

We were joined in sushi.

i així la peça firma

and thus the piece signs

per els cinc en què es va treballar

for the five that were worked on

de forma col·laborativa,

in a collaborative manner,

Freddie Mercury i David

Freddie Mercury and David

es va llençar en una última fase

he/she threw himself/herself into a final phase

del procés.

of the process.

La mescla final no me la pareixia bona.

I didn't think the final mix was good.

Va ser el moment

It was the moment.

en què Freddie i David

in what Freddie and David

batallaren durament per imponer

they will fight hard to impose

els seus criteris.

their criteria.

Ha revelat Brian May

Brian May has revealed.

i naltros dient va,

and we say yes,

coses de musiqueros,

things of musicians,

perquè la cançó sona a glòria.

because the song sounds like glory.

Bueno, ja està bé de xerrar

Well, that's enough talking.

i anem a per la música

Let's go for the music.

que és el que agrae.

what is it that he/she appreciates.

Queen, Under Pressure

Queen, Under Pressure

and David Bowie.

and David Bowie.

Queen, Under Pressure

Queen, Under Pressure

and David Bowie.

and David Bowie.

Queen, Under Pressure

Queen, Under Pressure

and David Bowie.

and David Bowie.

Queen, Under Pressure

Queen, Under Pressure

and David Bowie.

and David Bowie.

Queen, Under Pressure

Queen, Under Pressure

and David Bowie.

and David Bowie.

Queen, Under Pressure

Queen, Under Pressure

and David Bowie.

and David Bowie.

Queen, Under Pressure

Queen, Under Pressure

and David Bowie.

and David Bowie.

Queen, Under Pressure

Queen, Under Pressure

and David Bowie.

and David Bowie.

Queen, Under Pressure

Queen, Under Pressure

Bona nit.

Good night.

Els gèneres són pop-rock, funk-rock i disco.

The genres are pop-rock, funk-rock, and disco.

La duració són 43 minuts i 29 segons.

The duration is 43 minutes and 29 seconds.

Discogràfica Emmy Electra Hollywood Records, Estats Units.

Record label Emmy Electra Hollywood Records, United States.

La cronologia. Veníem de fer antes la banda sonora de Flash Gordon, de la pel·lícula de superhéroe.

The chronology. We had just done the soundtrack for Flash Gordon, the superhero movie.

Això el 81, el 82 fan Hot Space, que és este, i després farien el 84 The Works.

This in '81, '82 they make Hot Space, which is this one, and then in '84 they would make The Works.

Més o menys estaven dos anys per fer un treball, un àlbum, un LP.

More or less they spent two years making a work, an album, an LP.

Vaig llegir-ho aixina perquè els joves que m'escolten que no saben molt bé de què va la nomenclatura d'esta, perquè m'entenguen.

I read it this way so that the young people who listen to me, who don't quite understand the nomenclature of this, can understand me.

Single era una cançó, cara A i cara B.

It was a single, side A and side B.

La single a la cara A era la millor, segurament, normalment.

The single on side A was the best, definitely, usually.

Però la B era la single, una altra cançó de relleno que es deia.

But the B side was the single, another filler song that it was called.

I després està l'àlbum, que era tot el treball, tot el LP era...

And then there’s the album, which was all the work, the whole LP was...

Totes les cançons que havíem fet des de l'últim hasta ara, les que volíem ficar, vamos, i això.

All the songs we had made since the last one until now, the ones we wanted to include, you know, and that.

Bueno, seguís llegint-los, senzills de Hot Space.

Well, keep reading them, simple ones from Hot Space.

Under Pressure va ser publicat el 26 d'octubre de 1981.

Under Pressure was released on October 26, 1981.

Body Language va ser publicat el 9 d'abril de 1982.

Body Language was published on April 9, 1982.

Les Palavres d'Amor, publicat el primer de juny de 1982.

The Words of Love, published on the first of June 1982.

Calling All Girls... Bueno, en fi, no volen molt cap lloc, això.

Calling All Girls... Well, anyway, they don't want much anywhere, that's it.

Els deixaria una cançoneta, Body Language.

I would leave you a little song, Body Language.

Bona nit.

Good night.

I want your body

I want your body.

Baby, you're hot

Bebè, ets sexy.

Body language

Body language

Bona nit.

Good night.

Deixa'm ensenyar-te-ho.

Let me show you.

Mira el que tinc.

Look at what I have.

Tinc un tacó de molt.

I have a lot of a heel.

Dime què sentixes.

Tell me what you feel.

És real, és real.

It's real, it's real.

Saps que tinc el que se necessita.

You know I have what it takes.

I puc aguantar molt.

I can hold on for a long time.

Vas escoltar

Did you hear?

l'última crida del bebè?

the baby's last cry?

I jo teníem,

And I had,

tu i jo teníem el poder de permanència.

you and I had the power of permanence.

Mantenir el poder ho tinc, ho tinc.

I have the power, I have it.

Me pregunto quan ho lograrem.

I wonder when we will achieve it.

Me pregunto quan

I wonder when.

ho sacudirem.

we will shake it.

Rock me,

Rock me,

baby, rock me, vamos.

Baby, rock me, let's go.

Anem, pot sorprendre'm.

Come on, it can surprise me.


Let's go.

Posar-nos mans a l'obra.

Let's get to work.

Fes tu que es menege.

Make it move yourself.

Fes que es menege.

Make it move.

Tu saps

You know

com sacudir una cosa.

like shaking something.

Ho treballarem, ho farem, ho farem.

We will work on it, we will do it, we will do it.

Tu i jo podem jugar a pilota bebè.

You and I can play baby ball.

Tu i jo tenim poder de permanència.

You and I have the power of permanence.

Me pregunto quan ho lograrem.

I wonder when we will achieve it.

Me pregunto quan

I wonder when.

ho vam sacudir.

we shook it.

Tinc foc baix.

I have a low flame.

Sols hi ha

There is only

una dinàmica regular.

a regular dynamic.

I vols

And you want

bona companyia?

good company?

No perguis el control.

Don't lose control.

Sols espera en mi.

Just wait for me.

Hem d'arribar a conèixer-nos.

We need to get to know each other.

Però tenim

But we have

molt de temps.

a long time.

Escolta, el bebè,

Listen, the baby,

tu i jo tenim poder de permanència.

you and I have the power of permanence.

Bé, s'acaba

Well, it's over.

i amb vostès

and with you



en poder, la cançó.

in power, the song.

Com ho faceu?

How do you do it?

Com ho veu?

How do you see it?

I com esteu?

And how are you?

Com esteu?

How are you?

A les seves mans.

In your hands.

Com estan les seves umnes?

How are your nails?

Com estan les seves unes?

How are your nails?

Amb el que ets en àmbit?

What are you in the field of?

En aquestes unes?

In these one?

Amb la teva?

With yours?

Amb la teva que estic fent.

With yours that I am doing.

Sí, els amics.

Yes, the friends.


Let's take it.

amb el que estigui fent.

with whatever I am doing.

L'única cosa que ha de passar

The only thing that has to happen.

ha d'estar en para**.

It must be in parentheses.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

L'única cosa que ha d'estar

The only thing that must be.

en para**.

In para**.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bé, seguint amb les millors cançons del grup Queen

Well, continuing with the best songs of the band Queen.

que el país va triar

that the country chose

i que va comentar en un artículo del seu diari,

and commented in an article of his newspaper,

ara a la nou,

now at nine,

hi ha una cançó de We Will Rock You

There is a song by We Will Rock You.

de 1976,

from 1976,

inclouida al disc News of the World,

included on the album News of the World,

Notícies del Mundo.

News from the World.

Però què és tan bona?

But what is so good?

Perquè en aquesta cançó va néixer el rock d'estadi.

Because in this song stadium rock was born.



curta, de més de dos minuts,

short, more than two minutes long,

a què voldries que si fos més llarga,

what would you like to be longer,

més bàsica, impossible.

more basic, impossible.

Inclús, podries sobrar el solo de guitarra final

You could even skip the final guitar solo.

i d'una eficàcia automàtica.

and of an automatic efficiency.

Si algú somnia en composar una cançó

If someone dreams of composing a song

que tingui que corear-se,

that has to be chanted,

el món està perdent el temps.

The world is wasting time.

Porta en marxa des de 1977.

It has been operating since 1977.

La història de la cançó.

The history of the song.

La majoria dels èxits de Queen

The majority of Queen's successes.

estan composats per Mercury.

they are composed of Mercury.

Este, no.

This, no.

Porta la firma del guitarrista Brian May.

It bears the signature of guitarist Brian May.

En què es va inspirar

What was the inspiration for it?

a fer a composar el clàssic dels estadis?

to be composing the classic of the stadiums?

Doncs en un estadi.

Well, in a stadium.

Diu May.

Says May.

Una nit, al final d'un concert,

One night, at the end of a concert,

es va retirar de l'escenari

he retired from the stage

i de fons vas escoltar gent cantar la peça

And in the background, you could hear people singing the piece.

que entona l'enxada del live,

that tunes the live hoe,



You'll never walk alone.

You will never walk alone.

Nunca caminaréis solos.

You will never walk alone.

Me'n vaig anar al llit

I went to bed.

pensant en una cançó

thinking of a song

on el públic pogués participar.

where the audience could participate.

És gent que està ahir,

It is people who were there yesterday,

a petujar.

to tread.

Apenes es pot menejar,

Barely can it move,

però poden aplaudir,

but you can applaud,

golpejar els seus peus i cantar.

stomping their feet and singing.

Quan me vaig despertar per el matí

When I woke up in the morning

We will rock you,

We will rock you.

vaig ser un tiró.

I was a thief.

En la imatge, bueno,

In the image, well,

està clar,

it's clear,

este home també és un gènio

this man is also a genius

perquè aquesta cançó

because this song

només la inventa,

only the invention,

va pensar que la gent està a l'estadi,

he thought that the people are at the stadium,

té ganes de jaleo,

he's in the mood for some excitement,

de festa,

at a party,

però què poden fer, només?

but what can they do, only?

Poden donar palmes,

They can clap,

poden cantar i poden patalejar.

they can sing and they can stomp.

Doncs li va fer una cançó

So he made her a song.

aposta perquè ells poguessin ser protagonistes

bet so that they could be protagonists

també i divertir-se

also and have fun

quan sona de Queen

when it sounds from Queen

aquesta cançó.

this song.

Bueno, us deixo en action this day.

Well, I leave you in action this day.

¡A Arabia!

To Arabia!

¡A Future核!

A Future核!


To the NBA!

¡A vigor!

To vigor!

¡A la alimentación!

To the food!

Bona nit.

Good night.

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