La Moreneta #2X17 - Més avorrits que una Àustria

La Moreneta F1 Podcast

La Moreneta

La Moreneta #2X17 - Més avorrits que una Àustria

La Moreneta

Bon dia, bona tarda o bona nit.

Good morning, good afternoon, or good night.

Independentment de l'hora del dia que ens escolteu,

Regardless of the time of day you listen to us,

cordeu i apreteu-vos els cinturons,

buckle up and fasten your seatbelts,

perquè està a punt de començar el programa de Fórmula 1 en català.

because the Formula 1 program in Catalan is about to start.

Està a punt de començar la Moraneta.

The Moraneta is about to begin.

Preparats? Gestos? Ja!

Ready? Gestures? Yes!

Prepareu-vos i engegueu motors, que comença...

Get ready and start your engines, because it begins...

la Moraneta!

the little Morana!

En Valeix Vultà,

In Valeix Vultà,

un pare nostre a Sant Latifi,

a Our Father in Saint Latifi,

no ha sortit del programa

it has not come out of the program

i ja tenim en contra una institució eclesiàstica.

And we already have an ecclesiastical institution against us.

Adrià Garnica.

Adrià Garnica.

Jo no vull ficar teories conspiranoiques ni res.

I don't want to get into conspiracy theories or anything.

I Maldini té cabells, saps?

And Maldini has hair, you know?

I Víctor Córdova.

I Víctor Córdova.

És una mica com el Stifer aquell d'un tio autoxupant-se la colla.

It's a bit like that Stifer with a guy autofellating himself.

Fúquin, fúquin Moraneta.

Fucking, fucking Moraneta.

Cada dimarts, el món del motor,

Every Tuesday, the world of motors,

explicat per tres analfabets.

explained by three illiterates.

Benvinguts, moranets i moranetes,

Welcome, little moranets and moranetes,

a un episodi més del vostre programa de Fórmula 1 preferit,

to another episode of your favorite Formula 1 program,

com deia la Moraneta,

what did Moraneta say,

que, tot i que molt afectada pel període de vacances,

that, although very affected by the holiday period,

es manté amb forces per seguir.

It stands strong to continue.

I, precisament, en nom del programa i dels meus companys,

I, precisely, on behalf of the program and my colleagues,

vull demanar disculpes per la irregularitat

I want to apologize for the irregularity.

en la publicació de les nostres programes.

in the publication of our programs.

De fet, fa un mes que no vengem programa,

In fact, we haven't sold a program for a month.

degut que encara ens trobem en un període d'adaptació

due to the fact that we are still in a period of adaptation

després de la sortida de Ràdio Mollet,

after the exit of Ràdio Mollet,

però avui, que és el que importa, tenim programa.

But today, which is what matters, we have a program.

I, com no, com sempre,

I, of course, as always,

estic acompanyat per l'Adrià Garnica i el Víctor Córdoba.

I am accompanied by Adrià Garnica and Víctor Córdoba.

Com esteu, nois?

How are you, guys?

Què tal, Aleix?

How are you, Aleix?

Anava a dir bona tarda, però estem gravant quasi a les 12.

I was going to say good afternoon, but we are recording almost at 12.



Gairebé a les 12 de la nit, efectivament.

Almost at midnight, indeed.

Avui, els que siguin oients nocturns,

Today, those who are night listeners,

us sentireu més acompanyats.

you will feel more accompanied.

Avui serà un programa taciturno,

Today will be a gloomy program,

programa dedicat a mussols i olives,

program dedicated to owls and olives,

a vampirs, homes llocs.

to vampires, men places.



És una mica late night,

It's a bit late night,

late night, moraneta.

late night, moraneta.

Late night, moraneta, però...

Late night, little brown one, but...

Vull fer un petit apunt, nois.

I want to make a small note, guys.

La intro, ja no diguem el programa,

The intro, not to mention the program,

perquè ja no som programa ara mateix,

because we are no longer a program right now,

ja som podcast d'un altre programa.

we are already a podcast of another program.

Bueno, però seguim sent un programa.

Well, but we are still a program.

Un podcast segueix sent un programa.

A podcast is still a program.

Clar, jo ja no puc amb més nomenclatures i canvis

Of course, I can’t handle more nomenclature and changes.

d'ara programa, ara podcast, ara programa.

Now program, now podcast, now program.

Jo estic d'acord amb aquesta assemblea

I agree with this assembly.

que hem de fer ara de dos vots contra un,

what should we do now with two votes against one,

de mantenir el programa,

to maintain the program,

perquè què passa si un dia tornem a fitxar

because what happens if one day we sign again

per una altra ràdio?

for another radio?

Esperem que...

We hope that...

El que ha de passar.

What has to happen.



O creem nosaltres la nostra pròpia ràdio,

Or we create our own radio,

qui sap.

who knows.

Clar, exclusiva.

Of course, exclusive.

Exclusiva que els hi tiro als nostres companys

Exclusive that I throw at our colleagues.

i a tothom.

and to everyone.

No esmento mitjà,

I do not mention any means,

però demà Servidor té una reunió.

but tomorrow Server has a meeting.

Ja sabem quin mitjà és, realment.

We already know what medium it really is.

Vosaltres sabeu quin és,

You know what it is,

però l'audiència no ho sap.

but the audience doesn't know it.

Potser algú de l'audiència s'ho pot imaginar.

Perhaps someone in the audience can imagine it.

Jo només parlo que es pugui aparcar fàcil.

I only talk about being able to park easily.

Per exemple, el meu pare, potser,

For example, my father, perhaps,

quan s'escolta sempre,

when one is always listened to,

potser ell sí que sap

maybe he does know

per quin mitjà de comunicació em refereixo,

by what means of communication I am referring to,

però demà hi ha reunió.

but tomorrow there is a meeting.

Sap coses, sap coses.

He knows things, he knows things.

Doncs, què us sembla si passem directament a la tertúlia?

So, what do you think if we go directly to the discussion?



No en teniu més ganes.

You are not more eager.

És el que toca, és el que toca.

It is what it is, it is what it is.


Let's go.

La tertúlia.

The talk.

Comencem la tertúlia, com no,

Let’s start the discussion, of course.

amb les preguntes de cada cap de setmana de cursa.

with the questions from each race weekend.

I d'aquí avui pot haver una mica de xitxa.

And from here today there might be a bit of excitement.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Pot haver una mica de xitxa.

There may be a bit of a twist.

Hi ha hagut cursa.

There has been a race.

Home, no hi ha hagut...

Home, there hasn't been...

Hi ha hagut cursa i hi ha hagut gran premi a l'esprint.

There has been a race and there has been a sprint grand prix.

O sigui, compensació màxima.

That is, maximum compensation.

Jo us vull...

I want you...

Sabeu que sempre ens trenquem el cap

You know that we always break our heads.

de quin nom li posem al programa?

What name shall we give the program?

A veure, a no ser que el meu cervell estigui molt equivocat

Let's see, unless my brain is very wrong.

i sigui, en realitat, una puta merda la meva idea,

and my idea might actually be a fucking mess,

avui imposo...

today I impose...

Faré com Helmut Marko i imposo les meves idees.

I will do like Helmut Marko and impose my ideas.

Tinc ja el nom del programa.

I already have the name of the program.


Surprise us.

Avorrits com una àustria.

Bored like an ostrich.

Víctor, mira quin és el nom que m'he posat avui al Femcaster.

Víctor, look what name I've chosen for myself today on Femcaster.

Per tant, avui m'ano jo.

Therefore, today I am going to take care of myself.

Per tant, no.

Therefore, no.

Com que no?

How come not?

Nota, s'ha posat el nom Dr. Marko.

Note, the name Dr. Marko has been assigned.

Com no?

Of course not!

Jo em pensava que quan he creat la reunió de Femcaster

I thought that when I created the Femcaster meeting

havíeu notat que he posat...

had you noticed that I have put...

Avorrits com una àustria.

Bored as an ostrich.

No m'he donat compte.

I didn't notice.

Demano disculpes.

I apologize.

Ai, si m'ho ha posat el link.

Oh, if he/she has sent me the link.

El link que es diu

The link that is mentioned

Ens vam avorrir com una àustria.

We were bored as hell.

Va, que ho he de veure.

Come on, I have to see it.

Ens vam avorrir com una àustria.

We got bored like a fish.

És veritat o no és veritat?

Is it true or is it not true?

A l'esprit, no?

To the spirit, right?

Mira, per això, Víctor, tu precisament.

Look, for that reason, Víctor, you specifically.

Nota de la cursa.

Race note.

Mira, diré el següent.

Look, I will say the following.

Com a entreteniment, no em sembla un suspens.

As entertainment, it doesn't seem like a suspense to me.





Degut a la merda dels track límits,

Due to the bullshit of track limits,

haig de suspendre la cursa.

I have to suspend the race.

Li poso un 4.

I give it a 4.

Perquè em sembla inconcebible,

Because it seems inconceivable to me,

em sembla lamentable

I find it regrettable.

que, en teoria,

that, in theory,

la competició de motorsport

motor racing competition

més avançada, més tecnològica,

more advanced, more technological,

la millor del món, amb més milions d'euros

the best in the world, with more millions of euros

i la mala que els va perir tots,

and the bad one that gave birth to them all,

amb més gent treballant al darrere,

with more people working behind the scenes,

hagin d'estar fins a les 9 de la nit

they must be until 9 in the evening

sense saber com queda la cursa

without knowing how the race ends

i amb una normativa

and with a regulation

que ja fa anys

that it has been years already

que se sap que hi ha aquest problema.

that it is known that there is this problem.

I que no se li ha posat remei encara.

And that no remedy has been found for it yet.

Per això la suspenc.

That's why I suspend it.

Quan treuen l'últim document

When will they release the final document?

amb el de les sancions,

with that of the sanctions,

diuen, literalment, l'última frase és

they say, literally, the last sentence is

els comissaris recomanen

the commissioners recommend

fer una revisió de la normativa.

to review the regulations.

I parlarem d'això després.

We will talk about this later.

Parlarem del tema dels track límits.

We will talk about the topic of track limits.

Jo li poso un 6.

I give it a 6.

Jo també li poso un 6.

I also give it a 6.

A la cursa, en tal com a espectacle,

In the race, as in a spectacle,

li poso un 6.

I give it a 6.

Però sí que he de dir que, per exemple,

But I do have to say that, for example,

al cap de setmana,

at the weekend,

potser un 8.

maybe an 8.

Sí, perquè sempre hi havia la pluja i tal.

Yes, because there was always the rain and such.

És veritat que ha sigut un cap de setmana entretingut

It is true that it has been an entertaining weekend.

i no ha sigut previsible al 100%,

and it has not been 100% predictable,

encara que ha acabat passant el de sempre.

even though the same thing has ended up happening again.

També et dic una cosa.

I also tell you one thing.

Jo m'ho he passat millor veient F2 i F3

I had more fun watching F2 and F3.

que F1 aquestes dues setmanes.

that F1 these two weeks.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

La Fórmula 2 va ser un escàndol.

Formula 2 was a scandal.

La cursa Fórmula 2 va ser un escàndol.

The Formula 2 race was a scandal.

Però, no sé, aviam,

But, I don't know, let's see,

jo des de la perspectiva d'un treballador

me from the perspective of a worker

que només va poder veure els entrenaments lliures 1

that could only watch the free practice 1

i la cursa,

and the race,

em va semblar bastant castanya.

It seemed quite dull to me.

Però crec que la quali i l'esprint rate va ser millor.

But I think the quality and the sprint rate were better.

Però l'esprint l'has vista o no, tu?

But have you seen the sprint, or not?

L'esprint vaig veure els highlights.

I saw the highlights of the sprint.

No, l'esprint va ser molt entretinguda.

No, the sprint was very entertaining.

Això és veritat.

This is true.

L'esprint, a mi em diu una persona dia d'avui,

The sprint, a person tells me today,

amb quina cursa puc començar a enganxar-me

Which course can I start to get hooked on?

i pensant en una curta,

and thinking about a short one,

jo li dic que m'hi dir l'esprint.

I tell him to give me the sprint.

D'aquestes setmanes.

Of these weeks.

I d'aquesta temporada,

And from this season,

perquè tampoc hi ha gaire on es pugui.

because there isn't much where one can.

Si volen una cursa a Òstria

If they want a race in Austria

amb la que enganxar-se a la Fórmula 1,

with which to get hooked on Formula 1,

que mirin la de l'any passat.

Let them look at last year's.

Sí, la de l'any passat, és que clar.

Yes, the one from last year, of course.

I no sé que siguis sainzista.

I don't know that you are a Sainz fan.

Mira, precisament, amb sainzista,

Look, precisely, with Sainzist,

para del dia, perquè jo he posat a Carlos Sainz.

Stop for the day, because I have chosen Carlos Sainz.

Carlos Sainz, para del dia.

Carlos Sainz, stop of the day.



Per què no?

Why not?



No, per mi Lando és MVP,

No, for me Lando is MVP.

però para del dia Carlos Sainz.

but stop the day Carlos Sainz.

Para del dia seria aleshores

The stop of the day would then be



No sé com es diu el tio d'Aston Martin

I don't know what the guy from Aston Martin is called.

que va anar als comissaris.

that went to the commissioners.

Hombre, sí, sí.

Man, yes, yes.

Hòstia, aquest sí que és pare, eh?

Holy shit, this one really is a father, huh?

L'assessor legal d'Aston Martin.

The legal advisor of Aston Martin.

Molt bona.

Very good.

No havia caigut.

I had not fallen.

Em sembla molt bona.

I think it's very good.

Estic d'acord.

I agree.

S'ha fet el càlcul,

The calculation has been made,

s'han fet més de 100 segons de sancions

More than 100 seconds of penalties have been issued.

que no hi havia abans.

that there wasn't before.

Tot gràcies a Aston Martin.

All thanks to Aston Martin.

També has d'estar molt segur

You also have to be very sure.

que no sancionaran els teus.

that they will not sanction your people.


Of course.

I no només gràcies a Aston Martin, eh,

And not only thanks to Aston Martin, huh,

que s'arribinessin els 100 segons,

that the 100 seconds would arrive,

sinó gràcies a Ocon, que en té 30.

but thanks to Ocon, who is 30.


Let's remember.

Mira, em sembla també de memè del dia

Look, it seems to me like a meme of the day too.

el clip de la Team Ràdio d'Ocon

the clip from Ocon's Team Radio

dient, no, tu no has tingut cap problema

saying, no, you haven't had any problem

amb els tracks límits

with the limit tracks

i li van caure 30 segons després.

and they fell 30 seconds later.





La matèria...

The matter...

Què, una cosa,

What, one thing,

ha fet el rècord de penalitzacions

he has set the record for penalties

o no la seva cursa?

or not her race?

Ha superat amb el donado.

He has succeeded with the donation.

Uf, mare meva.

Oh, my goodness.

Quina temporada porta amb les sancions, eh?

What a season it's been with the sanctions, huh?

Són quatre penalitzacions, eh?

There are four penalties, right?

Mare meva, ja veurem que va tenir tres.

My goodness, we'll see that she had three.

O sigui...


Clar, sí.

Of course, yes.

Està una mica al nivell, eh?

It's a bit at the level, huh?

El que farà és el rècord de la temporada, m'imagino.

What he will do is the record of the season, I imagine.

Home, si segueix així, segurament.

Man, if it continues like this, surely.

Ai, sí, segurament.

Oh, yes, probably.

Memè del dia, nois.

Meme of the day, guys.

El tio del jetpack.

The guy with the jetpack.

Per mi, el tio del jetpack

For me, the guy with the jetpack.

és clarament el caganer del dia.

he is clearly the "caganer" of the day.

És caganer del dia, completament.

It's the shitter of the day, completely.

No és memè.

It's not a joke.

Per mi, memè és el ritme de classificació

For me, memè is the classification rhythm.

de Checo Pérez, per exemple.

of Checo Pérez, for example.

Bé, bastant.

Well, quite.

Això és de memè, això és de memè.

This is a meme, this is a meme.

No és el ritme de classificació,

It is not the classification rhythm,

sinó el fet que no sàpigues fer una volta

but the fact that you don't know how to do a turn

dins els tres límits amb aquest Red Bull.

within the three limits with this Red Bull.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Amb el ritme no va...

With the rhythm it doesn't go...

Estava bé, però això ja és normal.

It was fine, but that's already normal.

No, i el fet que són quatre qualissagudes

No, and the fact that they are four shifts.

sense entrar a la Q3.

without entering Q3.

Efectivament, que jo vaig veure

Indeed, what I saw.

comparatives de sortida de la...

comparatives of the exit of the...

O sigui, de posició de sortida de la Greia

That is, from the starting position of the Greia.

de Pérez amb Alexander Albon.

of Pérez with Alexander Albon.

O sigui, què és això?

So, what is this?

Què és això?

What is this?

Ha estat més vegades a Q3 que a Checo.

He has been in Q3 more times than Checo.

És que...

It's just that...

No ho sé, no ho sé, de veritat.

I don't know, I don't know, really.

Però per mi, memè del dia, Checo Pérez.

But for me, meme of the day, Checo Pérez.

I l'hòstia que es fica

And the damn thing that gets in.

del jetpack, també.

of the jetpack, too.

Entenc que pot ser de memè, però per mi és de caganer, tio.

I understand it might be a meme, but for me, it's a caganer, dude.

És tot el xou i es fica l'hòstia

It's all a show and he/she gets really angry.



A veure, jo ho veig de memè,

Let's see, I see it like this,

però perquè jo ho comparo, salvant les distàncies,

but because I compare it, saving the distances,

amb el del submarino, no?

with the submarine one, right?

Vull dir, gent rica que fa coses rares i...

I mean, rich people who do weird things and...

Escolta, hòstia.

Listen, damn it.

Bé, d'acord, d'acord.

Okay, fine, fine.

Pinses, pinses.

Tweezers, tweezers.

I per mi, MVP del cap de setmana

And for me, MVP of the weekend.

és l'Ando Norris, això sí.

It’s Lando Norris, that’s for sure.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bé, perquè, tot i que Piastri

Well, because, even though Piastri

va haver-hi estones del cap de setmana

there were moments during the weekend

que no ho va fer malament,

that he did not do it wrong,

acaba, si no últim,

ends, if not last,

18, crec.

18, I believe.

Sí, Piastri va estar tota l'estona barallant-se

Yes, Piastri was fighting the whole time.

per no ser últim. I mentrestant, Norris,

to avoid being last. And in the meantime, Norris,

que no sé si va ser per ritme pur

I don't know if it was for pure rhythm.

de Norris

of Norris

i del McLaren,

and from the McLaren,

o perquè es va enganxar al DRS,

or because it got stuck in the DRS,

que podria ser una combinació de les dues.

that could be a combination of the two.

Però a l'Onso, després,

But to Onso, afterwards,

quan no té DRS, no seria a prop

when it doesn't have DRS, it wouldn't be close

tan ràpid com s'esperaria.

as quick as one would expect.

Per això jo crec que són les dues.

That's why I believe it's both.

O sigui, clar que el DRS va fer que hi hagués

So, of course the DRS made it happen.

el coixí aquest de sobres.

the pillow this one is extra.

Sí que és veritat que l'Onso, al final,

Yes, it is true that Onso, in the end,

va apretar una mica més i va acabar, si no m'equivoco,

he pressed a little harder and finished, if I'm not mistaken,

quatre segons i pico, crec que era,

four seconds and a bit, I think it was,

esperant una possible ascensió.

waiting for a possible promotion.

O sigui, tant ritme com l'estona no tenia,

That is to say, neither the rhythm nor the time did I have.

però sí que el nivell de l'Ando

but yes, the level of Ando

aquest cap de setmana és excel·lent.

this weekend is excellent.

O sigui, trep, potser,

That is, maybe, climb.

de l'esprint.

of the sprint.

Sí, que això va estar bastant malament.

Yes, that was quite bad.

Però és un circuit que se li ha donat molt bé, sempre.

But it's a circuit that has always suited him very well.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

ja ho vam veure a l'inici de la temporada

we already saw it at the beginning of the season

del 2020,

of 2020,

amb el... com era el multi...

with the... how was the multi...

multi no sé què...

multi I don't know what...

No ho sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

El cas, passem una mica més amb Tartúlia,

The thing is, let's spend a little more time with Tartúlia.

i parlarem de la polèmica

and we will talk about the controversy

que ja havíem introduït una mica abans,

that we had already introduced a little earlier,

però que és, òbviament, la polèmica del cap de setmana

but what is, obviously, the controversy of the weekend

i que no podíem donar per a iniciar de la Tartúlia,

and that we could not provide to start the Tartulia,

sense parlar en primer lloc

without speaking in the first place

com no dels tracks i límits.

as not from the tracks and limits.

El passat diumenge vam viure això,

Last Sunday we experienced this,

una cursa on la conducció dels pilots

a race where the drivers' conduct

va estar molt condicionada, perquè n'hi havia pilots

it was greatly conditioned, because there were pilots

que portàvem 10 voltes

that we had gone around 10 times

i ja tenia la bandera

and I already had the flag

blanca i negra.

white and black.

Una cursa molt condicionada pels límits de pista

A race highly conditioned by the track limits.

que hi havia principalment a la corba 9 i 10 del circuit,

that there were mainly in corners 9 and 10 of the circuit,

les dues corbes finals del circuit d'Àustria.

the two final corners of the Austria circuit.

Pilots com Hamilton,

Drivers like Hamilton,

Sunoda o Carlos Sainz

Sunoda or Carlos Sainz

es van incomplir tantes vegades

they were breached so many times

que van rebre una sanció de 5 segons.

they received a 5-second penalty.

Però, com dèiem abans, la polèmica

But, as we said before, the controversy

va acabar aquí, perquè poc després, al final de la cursa,

it ended here, because shortly after, at the end of the race,

Aston Martin,

Aston Martin,

crec que va ser amb el seu director esportiu,

I think it was with their sporting director,

va fer una protesta a la FIA

he made a protest to the FIA

amb la intenció de fer un nou recompte

with the intention of doing a new count

de tots els tracks límits incomplerts

of all the tracks unfulfilled limits

per aturgar noves sancions, ja que l'equip britànic

to impose new sanctions, since the British team

argumentava que n'hi havia de molts

he argued that there were many of them

que els comissaris no havien tingut en compte.

that the commissioners had not taken into account.

O sigui que no s'havien comptat.

So they had not been counted.

Això a mi em fa plantejar-me

This makes me question.

no tenen un sistema que detecti

they do not have a system that detects

que el cotxe ha sortit de la...

that the car has come out of the...

Com si fos això, jo què sé,

As if it were that, I don't know,

tenis o un bar...

tennis or a bar...

És que tindria tot el sentit del món

It would make perfect sense.


put it.

Exactament, o sigui...

Exactly, so...

O feien a ull, no té sentit.

Either they did it by eye, it doesn't make sense.

O sigui, la meva pregunta és, com pot ser que la FIA,

So, my question is, how is it possible that the FIA,

perquè a sobre t'argumenten,

because on top of that they argue with you,

és que estaven molt estressats perquè n'hi havia

They were very stressed because there were some.

molt a fer i molt a comptar, com pot ser que

a lot to do and a lot to count, how can it be that

no apliqui aquests 100 segons

do not apply these 100 seconds

de penalització en el moment

of penalty at the moment

en què es realitza la cursa?

What is the race held in?

O sigui, aviam,

So, let's see,

aviam, sisplau, que jo crec que tampoc és

Let's see, please, because I think it's not either.

un currazo.

a tough job.

Amb totes les voltes que s'havien d'eliminar,

With all the turns that had to be eliminated,

és normal que algunes es solapin.

It is normal for some to overlap.

Al nivell de...

At the level of...

Perder-te algunes.

Lose you some.

Però 100 segons,

But 100 seconds,

és que són moltes, eh?

It's just that there are many, right?

Mira, jo estic d'acord amb que s'ha de fer alguna cosa

Look, I agree that something needs to be done.

a l'estil de...

in the style of...

Si tu vols mantenir

If you want to maintain

les escapatòries de ciment

the concrete escape routes

perquè són més segures,

because they are safer,

per diferents motius que deuen tenir

for different reasons they must have

cada circuit, per no fer obres,

each circuit, to avoid construction,

no gastar diners,

don't spend money,

el que sigui.

Whatever it is.

Jo tampoc crec

I don't believe it either.

que sigui tan fàcil,

that it's so easy,

instal·lar algun sistema, per exemple,

install some system, for example,

el de gol fantasma del futbol

the phantom goal of football

o del con del tenis,

or of the tennis cone,

a circuits

to circuits

de quilòmetres de llarg.

kilometers long.

Perquè és veritat

Because it is true.

que un camp de futbol és molt gran

that a football field is very big

i que una pista de tenis

and that a tennis court

petita no és, però ho compares

She's not little, but you compare it.

amb un circuit de Fórmula 1

with a Formula 1 circuit





Un camp de futbol són 100 metres

A football field is 100 meters.

de llargada,

in length,

el circuit de Spielberg

the Spielberg circuit

sent un dels més curts del campionat,

being one of the shortest of the championship,

són 40 camps de futbol

there are 40 football fields

posats seguits.

subsequent dishes.

Clar, però pensa que no el posaràs a les rectes,

Sure, but remember that you won't put it in the straight lines,

hi ha corbes que potser no cal,

there are crows that perhaps are not needed,


Do you know?

Jo crec que calia

I believe it was necessary.

les corbes 9 i 10 100%,

curves 9 and 10 100%,

i si no m'equivoco, crec que hi havia

and if I'm not mistaken, I think there was

la 3 o la 4, que també és l'altra

the 3 or the 4, which is also the other one

que es saltaven molt.

that they skipped a lot.

Jo estic d'acord que s'ha de fer, però

I agree that it needs to be done, but

a lo millor, si no s'ha fet encara, o m'agradaria pensar

Maybe, if it hasn't been done yet, or I would like to think.

que si no s'ha fet encara, és perquè tan

that if it hasn't been done yet, it's because so

fàcil no és, i que simplement s'està plantejant.

it's not easy, and that it is simply being considered.

O podria ser

Or it could be.

que la FIA sigui completament

that the FIA be completely

inepta, que jo no l'escartaria

incompetent, I wouldn't rule it out

per l'historial que tenen.

for the record they have.

Jo no l'escartaria.

I wouldn't rule it out.

Això sempre és una possibilitat.

This is always a possibility.

Però també, una altra cosa que jo vull

But also, another thing that I want.

dir és

to say is

al final

in the end

els circuits ja estan

the circuits are ready

més o menys construïts, perquè si et surts

more or less built, because if you go off

molt de temps no guanyes.

You don't gain much time.

Ja, però jo crec que a Òstria

Yes, but I think that in Austria.

no és el cas.

it's not the case.

O sigui, aviam, si te'n vas

So, let's see, if you go away...

una mica més del compte del que s'estaven

a little more than what they were

saltant el diumenge,

skipping Sunday,

potser sí que perds una mica de temps.

perhaps you are wasting a bit of time.

Però és que aquestes corbes, concretament,

But these curves, specifically,

que tenen aquest problema ja tradicionalment

that they have this problem traditionally

dels tax límits, jo crec que

of the tax limits, I believe that

sí que es guanya una mica perquè pots fer

you do earn a little because you can do

una traçada més ampla.

a wider line.

Jo crec que aquest és el problema.

I believe this is the problem.

Tenint en compte que a Òstria és un circuit tan curt

Considering that Austria has such a short circuit.

on una dècima és molt

a tenth is a lot





Sí, o sigui, jo entenc

Yes, I mean, I understand.

el vostre punt, però

your point, however

jo fins a cert punt

I up to a certain point.

podria no estar malament

it might not be bad



Com havia estat històricament,

As it had historically been,

els trac límits naturals, si tu tens

the natural boundaries, if you have

si tu tens

if you have



El problema és que després es posen bananes

The problem is that then they put bananas.

assassines i també es queixa a tothom, que és

murderers and also complains to everyone, which is

normal, però quan hi havia grava

normal, but when there was gravel

després et quedes clavat a la grava i es queixen

then you get stuck in the gravel and they complain

igual de... Perquè m'he quedat clavat a la grava.

just like... Because I got stuck in the gravel.

Sempre són queixes,

It's always complaints,

mai hi ha una...

there is never a...

Jo crec que és un tema que sí que és veritat

I believe it is a topic that is indeed true.

que la fi ha de fer alguna cosa

that the end must do something

que em sembla lamentable

which I find regrettable

que s'hi adopten per això de que, mira,

that they adopt it for the fact that, look,

monitoritzarem trac límits

we will monitor trace limits

o monitoritzin tan malament, això és obvi,

or they monitor so poorly, this is obvious,

però no sé si...

but I don’t know if...

No sé si... La solució no em sembla

I don't know if... The solution doesn't seem right to me.

tampoc... O sigui, potser no és

neither... I mean, maybe it isn't

la més adequada,

the most suitable,

encara que si és la més viable

even if it is the most viable

ja està intrigant, ja està intrigant.

It's already intriguing, it's already intriguing.

O sigui, a mi el que em sembla de conya

So, what seems hilarious to me

és que, bueno,

it's just that, well,

no ho sé 100%, però

I don't know 100%, but

em dóna la sensació que teníem

It gives me the feeling that we had

potser a 6 comissaris

maybe to 6 commissioners

amb replays i veient una per una

with replays and watching one by one

cada volta de cada pilot per dir

each lap of each driver to say

mira, trac límits, trac límits, trac límits

look, I set limits, I set limits, I set limits

perquè no tindran res, no tindran

because they will have nothing, they will have nothing

cap sistema per dir, ah, mira, m'acaba

no system to say, oh, look, I'm finishing

de sorgir a la pantalla que o con

to appear on the screen that or with

s'ha saltat la corba per vintena

it has skipped the curve by twenty

vegades. És que és com un

Sometimes. It's just that it's like a

sistema com molt antiquat, això, realment.

a very outdated system, this, really.

És que és la sensació

It's just that it's the feeling.

que dóna la FIA.

that the FIA gives.

Jo tinc una pagina així a l'inici de 1960,

I have a page like this from the beginning of 1960,

però ara... Exacte, o sigui,

but now... Exactly, I mean,

que es passessin ahir tota la

that they spent all yesterday

tarda fent recompte de

afternoon counting of

trac límits, a mi em sembla,

I seem to draw limits.

tenint en compte que estem a l'any 2023

taking into account that we are in the year 2023

i que és la Fórmula 1, que és

And what is Formula 1, what is it?

the pinnacle of motorsport,

the pinnacle of motorsport,

a mi em sembla de vergonya.

I find it shameful.

Una de les coses que més com ràbia em fa,

One of the things that makes me angriest,

més que la situació

more than the situation

en si, que també, és que

in itself, yes, it is that

ens venguessin que farien no sé quina història

they would sell us some kind of story, I don't know what.

del bar quan van fer fora Michael

from the bar when they kicked Michael out

Massi, que farien una renovació

Massi, they would make a renovation.

de l'hòstia i bla, bla, bla, bla.

of the host and blah, blah, blah, blah.

I ara no sabem

And now we don't know.

qui hi ha al capdavant, quasi.

who is in charge, almost.

Sí, sí. I l'està cagant de la mateixa manera.

Yes, yes. And he's messing it up in the same way.

És veritat, és veritat.

It's true, it's true.

Correcte, correcte. Amb criteris diferents

Correct, correct. With different criteria.

entre pilots. També m'agradaria

among pilots. I would also like

saber fins a quin punt

to know to what extent

són reals

they are real

les sancions d'ahir, perquè clar, si ho han fet

the sanctions from yesterday, because of course, if they have done it

amb l'1 a Ojo,

with 1 to Eye,

és que...

it's just that...

Ja hi havia gent dient ara que hi ha...

There were already people saying now that there is...

Més sancions que no s'han aplicat.

More sanctions that have not been applied.

M'ho crec. A Hamilton n'hi hauria

I believe it. There would be in Hamilton.

d'haver caigut una o dues més. Vaig llegir

of having fallen one or two more. I read

a Carlos alguna més.

to Carlos some more.

No sé, el que és clar és que no sé tot el que s'havia de fer.

I don't know, what is clear is that I don't know everything that had to be done.

No m'estranyaria gens.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

No m'estranyaria gens. Però mira...

I wouldn't be surprised at all. But look...

Si s'han deixat sancions vol dir

If sanctions have been left, it means

que Ocon arriba al minut de sancions?

Does Ocon arrive at the penalty minute?

Al final acaba amb molta perduda, eh, Ocon?

In the end, it results in a lot of loss, huh, Ocon?

O sigui...


Van fer el càlcul, Ocon,

They did the calculation, Ocon,

s'ha hagut de fer, o sigui, de saltar els límits

it had to be done, that is, to exceed the limits

més de 10 voltes.

more than 10 times.



Mare meva. Sabeu qui no es va saltar

My goodness. Do you know who didn't skip?

gaire els 3 límits?

barely the 3 limits?



Max Verstappen.

Max Verstappen.

Max Verstappen. I és que

Max Verstappen. And it's that

tampoc li va caldre, perquè Verstappen

he didn't need it either, because Verstappen

va dominar gairebé en tot moment,

he dominated almost all the time,

en tot moment i en totes les sessions, el Gran Premi

at all times and in all sessions, the Grand Prix

d'Òstria, tret de la sortida potser

from Austria, except for the exit maybe

de la cursa a l'Esprit,

from the race to the Spirit,

i ja està.

And that's it.

I amb aquest avantatge i ritme

And with this advantage and rhythm

insultant, creieu que, i la tiraré

insulting, do you believe that, and I will throw it

ara mateix, després de 9 curses,

right now, after 9 races,

està al Mundial decidit.

It is decided at the World Cup.

Sí. Però és que es porta decidit

Yes. But it's been decided.

com 3 cursos ja.

like 3 courses already.

Però completament decidit,

But completely determined,

o sigui, no pot passar res estrany,

that is to say, nothing strange can happen,

no pot passar un...

it cannot happen a...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Li treus 100 punts i aixeco, no?

You take away 100 points and I get up, right?

Però ni un

But not a single one.

Aston Martin, ni un res,

Aston Martin, nothing at all,

ni més que més...

neither more nor less...

A l'estudi hem de començar a baixar

In the studio, we have to start going down.

el sofler ja d'una vegada, Max, o no?

The prompter already, once and for all, Max, or not?

També, també, també parlarem d'això,

Also, also, also we will talk about that,

també parlarem d'això, però...

we will also talk about this, but...

Ja està.

That's it.

O sigui, ara hem de...

So now we have to...

Li treu exactament

It takes exactly.

81 punts, ara mateix.

81 points, right now.

Mireu, ara

Look, now

que Aston Martin no pot guanyar,

that Aston Martin cannot win,

el que li convé és baixar revolucions,

what he needs is to lower the revolutions,

estalviar una mica

save a little

de cost cap,

of no cost,

i cada quart o cinquè,

and every fourth or fifth,

no, cinquè no poden, però cada quart,

no, they can't on the fifth, but every fourth,

i tenir més túnel de vent per l'any que ve.

And to have more wind tunnel for next year.

Clar, jo ara, què he de fer?

Of course, what should I do now?

M'he de...

I have to...

Està fent perquè així no va sumant punts,

He is doing it so that he doesn't keep adding points.

i així queda en cap.

And so it stays in charge.

M'he de passar ara 13 curses

I have to pass 13 races now.

on sabrem qui guanyarà, perquè...

we will know who will win, because...



De fet, no m'estranyaria que les guanyi

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she wins them.

totes, totes, Verstappen, totes.

all, all, Verstappen, all.

Buf, aviam, alguna cosa...

Phew, let's see, something...

No haurà de petar motor.

It should not blow the engine.

Clar, alguna cosa li haurà de passar

Of course, something will have to happen to him.

en algun moment.

at some point.

Tu creus que amb aquest...

Do you think that with this...

Vosaltres creieu de veritat

Do you really believe?

que amb aquest avantatge

that with this advantage

està portant

is carrying

el motor al seu límit?

the engine at its limit?

Per què, Peti?

Why, Peti?

No, el deuen portar el 85%

No, they must be bringing 85%.

o el que calgui per guanyar

or whatever it takes to win

amb aquest avantatge,

with this advantage,

i que no peti.

and don't burst.

És que fa molt mal.

It really hurts.

No petarà, no petarà.

It won't break, it won't break.

L'única manera que no pot guanyar

The only way you can't win

és que, de lo relaxat que estigui un dia,

it's that, depending on how relaxed a day is,

li vingui de gust guanyar una cursa

to feel like winning a race

mentre se'ns fa una palla

while we're being made a fool of

i sigui justament Singapur

and it is precisely Singapore

i se la foti contra un mur.

and he/she should slam it against a wall.

Vull dir, és l'únic que se m'acut.

I mean, it's the only thing that comes to my mind.

Has dit Singapur se la foti contra un mur

You said Singapore can go fuck itself against a wall.

per fer una rima o t'has sortit sola?

To make a rhyme or did you come up with it yourself?

M'ha sortit sola.

It came out on its own.

I perquè és el circuit

And why is it the circuit?

on potser té més probabilitats

or maybe it has more probabilities

de fotre's una hòstia.

to get a smack.

És que quina temporada ve per davant, eh?

It's just that what a season lies ahead, huh?

No, és que

No, it's just that

el problema és el primer,

the problem is the first,

la resta està interessant.

the rest is interesting.

Clar, perquè...

Of course, because...

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

Però si el primer no està interessant,

But if the first one is not interesting,

la Fórmula 1

Formula 1

era el 70% de l'interès.

It was 70% of the interest.

Clar, això és veritat,

Of course, that is true,

perquè, en el fons,

because, deep down,

el gran premi, o sigui,

the grand prize, that is,

la cursa principal va estar bé,

the main race was good,

o sigui, va estar bé a nivell de lluita,

in other words, it was good in terms of fighting,

la part mitja va ser una brutalitat.

the middle part was brutal.

No estic d'acord.

I do not agree.

Per mi va ser una picabaralla constant,

For me, it was a constant bickering,

però clar,

but of course,

estàs veient com es baralla, doncs,

you are seeing how he fights, then,

Piastri amb Magnussen

Piastri with Magnussen

amb Zu per la 17a posició.

with Zu for 17th place.

Clar, a qui li agrada veure això?

Sure, who likes to see this?

A ningú.

To nobody.

Però si estàs veient que tens a Verstappen

But if you are seeing that you have Verstappen.

barallant amb Leclerc o barallant amb Alonso,

fighting with Leclerc or fighting with Alonso,

doncs, canvia radicalment.

well, it changes radically.

No sé, per mi el problema és aquest.

I don't know, for me this is the problem.

O sigui, s'hauria de treure

That is, it should be removed.

a Verstappen.

to Verstappen.

Verstappen és la Fórmula 1

Verstappen is Formula 1.

i la resta, la Fórmula 1, 1.5.

And the rest, Formula 1, 1.5.

O sigui que a partir d'ara fem un Mundial

So from now on we are having a World Cup.

sense Verstappen.

without Verstappen.

Doncs no estaria gens malament.

Well, that wouldn't be bad at all.

No estaria gens malament.

It wouldn't be bad at all.

Si traiem a Verstappen ara del Mundial,

If we take Verstappen out of the World Championship now,

crec que Leclerc seria l'ons.

I think Leclerc would be the one.

No, crec que...

No, I think that...

Ja no.

Not anymore.

Ja no?

Not anymore?

Crec que està desfasat.

I think it is outdated.

Això ho vas dir a l'últim programa

You said this in the last program.

i ja està desfasat.

And it's already outdated.

Mira, de fet, ara si traiéssim a Verstappen,

Look, in fact, if we took Verstappen out now,

val? Seria Xeco Pérez I, que diu

Okay? It would be Xeco Pérez I, who says.

molt, també, de com està la resta

a lot, also, about how the rest is

de la graia, perquè Xeco Pérez, amb el seu nivell,

of the grace, because Checo Pérez, with his level,

estigui primer. Però bueno,

be first. But well,

Xeco Pérez, 148, Alonso III,

Xeco Pérez, 148, Alonso III,

Hamilton, Carlos Sainz, però es porten

Hamilton, Carlos Sainz, but they get along.

pocs punts. O sigui, seria molt bé.

A few points. That is, it would be very good.

No, però, clar, si no...

No, but, of course, if not...

El que l'Adri refereix és

What Adri is referring to is

si treus Verstappen,

if you take Verstappen out,

doncs jo què sé, quan Alonso queda...

Well, I don't know, when Alonso stays...

Alonso, i això me l'exponso com si hagués quedat primer.

Alonso, and I expose this to you as if I had come in first.



A refereix això.

This refers to that.

Mira, a tu què t'ha agradat, Manel?

Look, what did you like, Manel?



Què diu la bola de cristall?

What does the crystal ball say?

Que la vida que ens hem perdut

That the life we have lost

simplement no existeix.

it simply does not exist.

Doncs com que...

Well, since...

Fer aquesta ficció és una xorrada.

Making this fiction is nonsense.

I l'únic... I l'apunt que ha fet l'Aleix

And the only... And the point that Aleix has made.

fa un moment em sembla super...

A moment ago I think it's super...

És una palla mental per estar content,

It's a mental straw to be happy,

per intentar treure alguna cosa

to try to get something out

positiva d'aquestes curses.

positive of these races.

No, no, si jo l'únic que vull dir és que em semblava

No, no, what I mean is that it seemed to me.

molt interessant l'Aleix que ha dit que

very interesting Aleix who said that

amb el nivell bastant,

with the level quite,

per no dir molt fluix,

not to put it too softly,

Xeco Pérez...

Xeco Pérez...

És segon del Mundial.

He is second in the World Championship.

Segon del Mundial.

Second of the World Cup.

Quedant fora en quatre...

Staying out in four...

O sigui, les últimes quatre classificacions

That is, the last four rankings.

fora de la Q3.

out of Q3.

Exactament, i després tens a Fernando Alonso

Exactly, and then you have Fernando Alonso.

que havia d'estar rendint a un nivell

that I should have been performing at a level

també excel·lent.

also excellent.

I no està per davant.

And it is not in front.

I aquí, si em permeteu introduir aquest una mica

And here, if you allow me to introduce this a bit.

tema de debat,

debate topic,

vaig estar fent callar la puta boca

I was making the fucking mouth shut.

perquè no va parar de plorar quan li van dir

because he/she didn't stop crying when they told him/her

allò del cotxe.

the thing about the car.

És a dir, aquí es demostra que sí,

That is to say, here it is shown that yes,

i Xeco, amb un nivell de merda,

and Xeco, with a shitty level,

està segon, i acabarà segon,

he is second, and he will finish second,

a carrer.

a race.

O sigui, calla la boca quan et diuen

I mean, shut your mouth when they tell you.

allò del cotxe perquè ell era el primer

the thing about the car because he was the first

que plorava quan el millor cotxe el tenia Hamilton.

He cried when the best car was with Hamilton.

El primer.

The first.

Això s'ha fet tota la vida.

This has been done all life long.

Però tampoc es pot negar que, a veure,

But it cannot be denied that, let's see,

està fent estar en un altre nivell

it's making being on another level

de conducció.

of driving.

No es pot negar, però en el seu moment

It cannot be denied, but at that moment

es podria dir el mateix de Lewis Hamilton

The same could be said for Lewis Hamilton.

i tot era el cotxe.

And everything was the car.

Tot era el cotxe. No, és un pack.

Everything was the car. No, it's a pack.

I era un pack.

It was a pack.

Amb Hamilton, i ho és ara.

With Hamilton, and it is now.

Què opineu de l'última volta

What do you think of the last turn?

per fer la volta ràpida?

to make a quick turn?

Jo no he entès la polèmica,

I have not understood the controversy,




Let's see.

La té Xeco i que és un punt

He has it, Xeco, and that's a fact.

i d'un punt no moriràs, però...

and at one point you will not die, but...

No, però a mi em sembla

No, but it seems to me

que és una pixada a la cara.

what is a piss in the face.

Exacte, a mi és una mica pel fet de

Exactly, for me it's a bit because of

em poso escalfar rodes,

I'm getting the wheels warmed up,

deixo que l'Eclerc vingui a menys de

I let the Eclerc come to less than

a menys de dos segons,

in less than two seconds,

però clar, és com dir

but of course, it's like saying

és que vaig guanyar 3-0 i no em posaré a fer lambretes.

It's just that I won 3-0 and I won't start making excuses.

No, tio, si et ve de gust, fes-la.

No, dude, if you feel like it, go ahead.

No, perquè

No, because

no estàs...

you are not...

És a dir, en aquest cas em sembla més justificat

That is to say, in this case it seems more justified to me.

que el de les lambretes. No em sembla comparable

than that of the lambretes. I don't think it's comparable.

perquè dintre que a mi em sembla una sobrada

because it seems excessive to me



Exactament. Almenys guanyes un punt

Exactly. At least you earn a point.

i guanyes l'honrilla

and you win the little honor

de tenir una volta ràpida.

to have a quick turn.

Però és una sobrada.

But it's a lot.

Exacte, a mi em semblaria bé fer això

Exactly, I would think it would be good to do this.

en el joc de la Fórmula 1,

in the Formula 1 game,

però... O si estàs amb el Mundial

but... Or if you're with the World Cup

apretat. O si estàs amb el Mundial apretat.

tight. Or if you are in the tight World Cup.

Que entén la cosa d'un punt.

That understands the matter from a point.

Sou vosaltres més... Allò que aneu tan

You are more... That which you go so

sobrats, que teniu una parada gratis,

free stop, you have a free stop,

no ho faríeu?

Wouldn't you do it?

És que jo ho faria. Perquè et confies

It's just that I would do it. Because you trust.

perquè et confies molt de Red Bull,

because you rely a lot on Red Bull,

però tens la putíssima

but you have the fucking

mala sort que l'única parada que fan

bad luck that the only stop they make

malament durant tot l'any és aquella i et quedes

bad all year is that and you stay

sense guanyar. Clar, mira, ets...

without winning. Of course, look, you are...

Si a temps de 10 segons hagués estat una parada de 6,

If in a time of 10 seconds it had been a stop of 6,

no fas la volta ràpida però encara haguessis

you don't make the quick turn but you still could have

avançat a l'Eclerc, saps? Mira, situació

advanced at Eclerc, you know? Look, situation

inversa. Ets Charles l'Eclerc,

inverse. You are Charles Leclerc,

portes 24 segons de marge, tens la parada

You have 24 seconds left, you have the stop.

gratis i has d'entrar.

free and you have to enter.

Te la jugues. No, no entres. No entres.

You're risking it. No, you're not going in. You're not going in.

No entres. Però arribes a ser

Do not enter. But you come to be.

l'Eclerc guanyant el Mundial de 80

Eclerc winning the 80 World Cup

punts i potser ho fas.

points and maybe you do it.

És que és això.

It's just that this is it.

Vull dir, a Verstappen

I mean, to Verstappen.

no li hauria donat de res cada segon

I wouldn't have given him/her anything every second.

realment a aquesta cursa. Mira, jo

Really in this race. Look, I

tant de bo hagués estat. En aquell precis instant

I wish it had been. At that very moment.

quan es fot

when it gets messed up

per sota d'un segon Max Verstappen,

just under a second Max Verstappen,

per sota de dos segons,

under two seconds,

allà estafant rodes

there cheating wheels

i tal, jo en aquell moment, per

and so, at that moment, for

algun, amb màgia negra o el que vulguis,

some, with black magic or whatever you want,

es canvia la meva ànima per la de Charles l'Eclerc i estic

I swap my soul for that of Charles Leclerc and I am

en aquell moment ficat en el seu Ferrari,

at that moment, seated in his Ferrari,

la primera curva no freno.

I don't brake at the first turn.

No acabem cap dels dos, però no

We don't finish either of us, but no.

guanya aquesta cursa d'expertat.

win this expert race.

Què vol dir això aleshores, no?

What does that mean then, right?

Què? Hauries estat anant a podio.

What? You would have been on the podium.

Sí, Victoria

Yes, Victoria.

de Norris, però

of Norris, but

a mi em sembla una...

it seems to me a...

Victoria de Checo.

Victory for Checo.

És veritat.

It is true.

Victoria de Checo.

Victory for Checo.

A mi em va semblar pixada la cara,

It seemed to me like a face full of piss.

però la definitiva va ser escalfar rodes

but the final one was to heat wheels

a l'última volta, liderant el Gran Premi.

on the last lap, leading the Grand Prix.

És això. O sigui, això sí que

That's it. I mean, this really does.

és igual, per on ho agafis,

it's the same, no matter how you look at it,

però això és una pixada

but this is a piss

a l'Eclerc, a la Graella

at Eclerc, at the Grill

en si, a l'espectacle, a tot.

in itself, to the show, to everything.

A tot.

To everything.

Volta 71, o sigui 70, i fent

Turn 71, that is, 70, and doing.

barnauts, el tio tan tranquil.

barnauts, the guy so calm.

Jo crec que ja ho hem dit més d'un cop,

I believe we have said it more than once already,

que comença a ser més insultant

that is starting to be more insulting

que les temporades més insultants de Mercedes

that the most insulting seasons of Mercedes

i a sobre,

and above,

que es queixen els subnormals.

what the subnormals complain about.

Ho haig de dir, perdó.

I have to say it, sorry.

És la més insultant de la temporada

It is the most insulting of the season.

de Schumacher, de 17 podis.

of Schumacher, with 17 podiums.

Jo crec que serà la més insultant de la història.

I think it will be the most insulting in history.

Perquè les curses que no ha guanyat,

Because the races he hasn't won,

Verstappen, ha fet segon, no?

Verstappen finished second, didn't he?



Crec que les curses que no ha guanyat ha fet segon o tercer.

I believe that in the races he hasn't won, he has come in second or third.

Les dues que ha guanyat, sí.

The two that he has won, yes.

Ha guanyat les dues.

She has won both.

Mare meva.

My mother.

En aquest context,

In this context,

ho tenia apuntat per parlar-ho, perquè,

I had it noted to discuss it, because,

teníem polèmica, i ho estàvem comentant ara,

we had controversy, and we were just discussing it now,

que Lewis Hamilton

that Lewis Hamilton

va dir que s'hauria de fixar una data límit

He said that a deadline should be set.

o una data a partir de la qual es podria

or a date from which it could be

començar a desenvolupar el cotxe de l'any vinent.

start developing next year's car.

Perquè, què passa? Clar, Red Bull, que té un cotxe

Why, what’s happening? Of course, Red Bull has a car.

que perfectament pot guanyar totes les curses

that can perfectly win all the races

que queden, clar,

that they remain, clear,

estaran desenvolupant ja el cotxe de 2024

They will be developing the 2024 car already.

i, per què no,

And, why not,

el de 2026 amb el motor Ford?

the one from 2026 with the Ford engine?

Perquè temps tenen

Because they have time

i marge tenen.

And they have margin.

Jo amb això no estic del tot d'acord,

I do not entirely agree with this.

perquè, en el fons, aquesta filosofia

because, deep down, this philosophy

la pot adoptar qualsevol.

Anyone can adopt it.

Tu pots ser Aston Martin i dius, mira,

You can be Aston Martin and you say, look,

com que ja no guanyo,

since I no longer win,

doncs m'agafo d'aquest any i ho tiro

So I take it from this year and throw it away.

tot el que ve.

everything that comes.

És el que va fer Haas.

It's what Haas did.

Haas també ho va fer, perquè

Haas also did it because

recordeu-vos del 2021,

remember 2021,

la capsa de sabates que portaven.

the shoebox they were carrying.

És un cas molt diferent, també.

It's a very different case, too.

Però vull dir que

But I mean that

era lògic, o sigui, Haas va dir

it was logical, I mean, Haas said

ok, van gairebé

ok, they are almost there

presentar el cotxe amb el qual

present the car with which

es va estimbar grosjan,

he crashed hard,

modificat amb les regles de 2021

modified with the rules of 2021

i van dir, si nosaltres estem per l'any que ve.

And they said, if we are for next year.

I mira, al principi

And look, at the beginning

ja s'hi va funcionar.

It already worked there.

O sigui, però no sé.

So, I don't know.

A mi, jo us volia preguntar,

I wanted to ask you,

qui us sembla més hipòcrita, Hamilton

Who do you think is more hypocritical, Hamilton?

defensant la igualtat esportiva

defending sports equality

o estar pendient que no se'n parlava del tema

or being aware that the topic was not being discussed.

durant el domini de Mercedes?

during the reign of Mercedes?

Perquè Red Bull va dir que sortirien de la Fórmula 1

Why did Red Bull say they would leave Formula 1?

pel domini de Mercedes.

for the domain of Mercedes.

O sigui, qui és més hipòcrit aquí?

So, who is more hypocritical here?



de vegades peleant-se per un xurro

sometimes fighting over a churro

o com sigui l'enquipar de fons.

or however it is equipped in the background.

O sigui, pensava que anaves a dir

I mean, I thought you were going to say.

qui és més hipòcrita i anaves a ficar

who is more hypocritical and you were going to put in

per la cara. Vinicius amb el tema del racisme.

For the face. Vinicius with the issue of racism.

M'ha vingut al cap.

It has come to my mind.

No sé per què, com...

I don't know why, how...

Una cosa, sé que és

One thing, I know it is.

super off-topic, eh, però heu vist

super off-topic, huh, but have you seen

que ha dit que no vol anar al judici

who has said that he does not want to go to the trial

perquè està de vacances?

Why is he/she on vacation?



Hipocresia, també, sí. Hipocresia.

Hypocrisy, yes. Hypocrisy.

No, hipocresia claríssima.

No, clear hypocrisy.



Jo, simplement, si haig de votar amb els dos,

I, simply, if I have to vote with both,

he d'haver-ho d'estar fent perquè em cau pitjor.

I must be doing it because it affects me worse.

Però admeto

But I admit

la meva


parcialisme, o com es deia.

partialism, or as it was called.

Per cert, Víctor, una cosa. Abans parlant

By the way, Víctor, one thing. Earlier talking

de plors, per què no has parlat d'una altra

of tears, why haven't you spoken about another one

que també, segons tu, ha plorat molt

who also, according to you, has cried a lot

durant la cursa?

during the race?

Hombre, Carlos Sainz...

Man, Carlos Sainz...

No, més que Carlos Sainz...

No, more than Carlos Sainz...

Mira, Carlos ha plorat...

Look, Carlos has cried...

Carlos ha plorat ara perquè

Carlos has cried now because

he vist avui que quan la Fórmula 1

I saw today that when Formula 1

ha penjat, com ha quedat

it has hung, how it has turned out

al final la graella, post-sencions,

in the end the grid, post-sessions,

ha respost la foto com dient

he responded to the photo as if saying

algú, tipus, molt bé, nois, una cosa així, saps?

someone, type, very good, guys, something like that, you know?

Com irònic. S'hi ha plorat una mica.

How ironic. There has been a bit of crying.

Home, i el

Home, and the

I think you see it...

I think you see it...

No sé què...

I don't know what...

Bé, tio, calla la boca, que

Well, dude, shut your mouth, because

a la que surts de DRS... O sigui,

when you exit DRS... I mean,

potser tenia una dècima per volta

maybe I had a tenth for a time



Carlos ha estat més ràpid que el de Cleric, les coses com són.

Carlos has been quicker than Cleric, that's the way it is.

No. Tio, calla la puta boca.

No. Dude, shut the fuck up.

Calla la puta boca.

Shut your fucking mouth.

A la que surt de DRS,

As soon as she leaves DRS,

surt del boxes a 5 segons,

exits the pits in 5 seconds,

i amb 10 voltes de temps, a 9.

and with 10 laps of time, at 9.

A 9 segons.

At 9 seconds.

I amb els trec límits.

And I take the limits away from them.

Sortint-se de pista cada vegada. Fa un moment

Going off track every time. Just a moment ago.

m'heu dit que guanyaven temps.

You told me they were buying time.

Guanyaven temps.

They were gaining time.

Carlos amb 15 segons

Carlos with 15 seconds

de sancions. Com, com? Que es guanyava temps

of sanctions. How, how? That time was being gained

sortint de pista? Es guanyava temps sortint de pista?

Leaving the track? Was time gained by leaving the track?

A veure com ho repeteixes.

Let's see how you repeat it.

15 segons de sancions en total,

15 seconds of penalties in total,

d'acord? Bé, bé, bé. Què, què, què?

Alright? Good, good, good. What, what, what?

Que es guanyava temps sortint... Es guanya temps

What is gained by leaving... Time is gained.

sortint de pista?

off track?


Repeat it.

Suma-li que es va menjar la mala parada de l'Eclerc

Add to that that he ate the bad part of the Eclerc.

i li van fer després una mala parada a ell.

And then they set a trap for him.

Per tant, aquí va perdre com 6 segons.

Therefore, here he lost about 6 seconds.

Sí, sí, sí. Vale, sí. Surta 4 segons al boxes

Yes, yes, yes. Okay, yes. Leave the pits for 4 seconds.

i a les dues voltes està a 9.

And at the two turns, it is at 9.

Carlos, Carlos,

Carlos, Carlos,

sense les cagades de Ferrari,

without Ferrari's screw-ups,

hagués quedat segon. Tio, aquí ho dic.

I would have come in second. Dude, I’m saying it here.

Sí, clar que sí.

Yes, of course.

Clar que sí.

Of course.

I amb els trec límits aplicats correctament,

And with them, I remove limits applied correctly,

com has dit, que se n'havien saltat,

as you said, that they had skipped it,

acaba fora els punts, em sembla, no?

It ends outside the points, it seems to me, right?

Ha quedat 6, eh?

It has stayed 6, huh?

O 5, eh? No, 6, eh?

Oh 5, right? No, 6, right?

Hauria acabat fora dels punts.

I would have ended up outside of the points.

Tu, Aleix, com a

You, Aleix, as a

ex-carlista, què has de dir?

ex-Carlist, what do you have to say?

O com el carlista...

Or like the carlist...

Bueno, no sé quina és la teva

Well, I don't know which one is yours.

opinió ara mateix. Jo res, anava a dir

opinion right now. I nothing, was going to say

que estic d'acord amb que

I agree that

l'Eclerc va estar per davant, al vèig a la

The Eclerc was ahead, I see it at the...

cursa, va estar per davant, per mi va estar per davant.

the race, was ahead, for me it was ahead.

O sigui, molt bé la tasca de

That is, very well the task of

Carlos Sainz, avançant a

Carlos Sainz, overtaking at

Hamilton, la defensa

Hamilton, the defense

de Pérez també molt bé,

of Pérez also very well,

però no va estar al ritme de l'Eclerc. O sigui,

but he did not keep up with the pace of Eclerc. In other words,

sí que va tenir aquest moment d'ADRS

yes, it did have that moment of ADRS

i tal, però, és el que diu el Víctor, o sigui, és

and so, but, it's what Víctor says, I mean, it is

innegable que li comença a treure distància

undeniable that he is starting to pull away from him

i distància. Això sí.

and distance. That's for sure.

I el que em va semblar...

And what it seemed to me...

És una cursa de Carlos Sainz

It is a race by Carlos Sainz.

més enllà dels trec limits. Exacte,

beyond the three limits. Exactly,

per mi és el pare del dia,

for me, he is the father of the day,

però la plorera que es fica

but the crybaby that gets in

després, lo vato,

afterward, the dude,

és històrica, també. És lamentable.

It is historic, too. It is regrettable.

És històrica. Perquè està

It's historic. Because it is

claríssim que si haguessin canviat les posicions

clearly if they had changed the positions

amb l'Eclerc, l'Eclerc es queda enganxat

with the Eclerc, the Eclerc gets stuck

de la mateixa manera al DRS.

in the same way to the DRS.

Exacte. Que tenien un ritme

Exactly. They had a rhythm.

molt similar, molt similar, sí.

very similar, very similar, yes.

No estava enganxat el de Carlos.

Carlos's one was not stuck.

És que és això.

It's just that, that's it.

Jo només diria

I would only say

que a la

that to the

Q, el divendres,

Q, on Friday,

t'han tret la polla de Carlos

They have taken Carlos's cock away from you.

d'estar-te fins als últims dos minuts

to stay until the last two minutes

sense sortir, surts i et fots primer.

Without going out, you go out and get ahead first.

No, no, el cap de setmana

No, no, the weekend.

és molt bo, però jo també vull dir una cosa.

It's very good, but I also want to say something.

Al final, a la Q3, qui

In the end, in Q3, who

està per davant? Qui està per davant a la Q3?

Who's in front? Who's in front in Q3?

Sempre. El número important.

Always. The important number.

No, sempre no. Aquest any, justament, no.

No, not ever. This year, precisely, no.

De fet, només et diré que

In fact, I will only tell you that

Carlos i Alonso són els únics pilots que

Carlos and Alonso are the only drivers who

sempre han estat a la Q3. Per tant, sempre no.

They have always been in Q3. Therefore, not always.



Té pole

It has a pole.

aquest any, Sainz? Té pole?

This year, Sainz? Does he have pole?

Doncs que aquest any...

Well, this year...

Com vols fer-la? L'Eclerc no sap ni

How do you want to do it? Eclerc doesn't even know.

com la va fer.

how she did it.

Serà el millor.

It will be the best.

Per cert, parlant de pole, m'ha vingut el cap ara.

By the way, speaking of pole, it just came to my mind now.

Verstappen va tenir un problema

Verstappen had a problem.

en una pole, amb un no sé què del motor.

on a pole, with a something of the engine.

I això també.

And this too.

Sí, potser.

Yes, perhaps.

S'ha quedat a una Q2.

It has been left at a Q2.

Que després va quedar segon, segurament,

That later came in second, undoubtedly,

en aquella cursa.

in that race.

Sí, crec que és una de les que queda segon.

Yes, I think it's one of the ones that comes second.

De fet, és a l'àvia.

In fact, it is to the grandmother.

A l'àvia saudí, eh?

To the Saudi grandmother, huh?

Sí, que és quan va nyatjar un segon Alonso a la pole.

Yes, it was when a second Alonso took the pole.

L'Aleix i jo

Aleix and I

l'havíem narrat i ens vam tornar bojos

We had narrated it and we went crazy.

quan Alonso avançava.

when Alonso was advancing.

I, mira, precisament, Alonso,

I, look, precisely, Alonso,

últim tema, i tanquem la tertúlia ràpidament.

last topic, and let's quickly close the discussion.

Crec que hem de capitular.

I think we have to capitulate.

Hem de capitular, hem d'entregar les armes,

We have to capitulate, we have to lay down our arms,

hem d'acabar amb aquesta histèria col·lectiva.

we must put an end to this collective hysteria.

Jo crec que ja n'hi ha prou.

I think that’s enough already.

Ens vam empassar la història de les

We swallowed the story of the

mejores de Canadà.

best of Canada.

I ens vam empassar la història de

And we swallowed the story of

l'optimització de les mejores de Canadà.

the optimization of the best in Canada.

En Àustria i Gran Bretanya.

In Austria and Great Britain.

I no hem vist res.

And we haven't seen anything.

No hem vist res. De fet, hem vist

We haven't seen anything. In fact, we have seen.

un càlcul.

a calculation.

Un càlcul.

A calculation.

Un càlcul de la compra.

A calculation of the purchase.

Un càlcul de la compra, hem tingut a Àustria.

A calculation of the purchase, we have had in Austria.

O sigui,

That is to say,

a mi que no em vengui la moto d'optimització.

Don't sell me the optimization nonsense.

Jo estic tranquil perquè

I am calm because

les pitjors curses d'Aston Martin,

the worst curses of Aston Martin,

on han anat pitjor, han estat

where they have gone worse, they have been

a Espanya i a Àustria.

in Spain and in Austria.

A Espanya, amb temperatura baixa, cosa que normalment

In Spain, with low temperatures, which is usually

no passa, i són curves ràpides.

It's okay, and they are fast curves.

De tot el que queda de calendari,

Of all that remains of the calendar,

circuits així que de Silverstone.

circuits like Silverstone.

Amb temperatures baixes i curva ràpida.

With low temperatures and a fast curve.

Però em diràs que...

But you'll tell me that...

I Suzuka.

I Suzuka.

D'acord, doncs dos cursos no anirà bé.

Alright, then two courses won't be good.

Queden moltes encara.

There are still many left.

Però em diràs que no és una venuda de fum

But you will tell me that it is not a smoke sale.

aquesta història

this story

d'optimització de millores.

of optimization of improvements.

Sí, sí. Però és que ens agraden

Yes, yes. But we like them.

aquestes coses, ens agraden.

we like these things.

Aviam, creieu de veritat que

Let's see, do you really believe that

Aston Martin, que

Aston Martin, which

he de dir que està molt bé

I have to say that it is very good.

i que la passa endavant és innegable.

and that moving forward is undeniable.

I que és una molt bona temporada

And it is a very good season.

independentment del que passi a partir d'ara.

regardless of what happens from now on.

Però creieu... És com Ferrari, l'any passat.

But you believe... It's like Ferrari, last year.

És un èxit.

It is a success.



El fet de com t'has plantat aquesta temporada.

The fact that you have established yourself this season.

Exacte, però per mi la pregunta és

Exactly, but for me the question is

té potencial a llarg termini, almenys aquesta temporada

it has long-term potential, at least this season

per lluitar amb Ferrari i Mercedes

to compete with Ferrari and Mercedes

per la segona plaça del Mundial?

for the second place in the World Cup?



Sí, jo crec que sí.

Yes, I believe so.

No veieu que es quedi enrere

Don't you see that he/she is being left behind?

en la cursa de millores?

in the race for improvements?

Jo sóc una mica escèptic.

I am a bit skeptical.

Potser sí, és probable que es puguin quedar enrere,

Perhaps yes, it is likely that they may be left behind.

però clar, pot passar.

but of course, it can happen.

Clar, eh?

Sure, right?

Sí, pot passar amb qualsevol de les tres marques

Yes, it can happen with any of the three brands.

i fins i tot podríem fer el que jo he dit.

And we could even do what I said.

Si són tan ambiciosos del que volen

If they are so ambitious about what they want.

és el títol l'any que ve i etcètera,

it's the title next year and etcetera,

potser fan el que has dit de

maybe they do what you said about

sí, fan alguna millora, però ja

Yes, they make some improvements, but already.

focalitzada en el concepte de l'any que ve.

focused on the concept of the coming year.


Do you know?

Potser fan coses d'aquestes.

Maybe they do things like that.

Potser, però clar.

Maybe, but of course.

Si a sobre tens en compte

If you take into account above

que tens un company d'equip

that you have a teammate

que, més que sumar punts,

that, more than scoring points,

els resta, doncs,

the rest, then,

Aston Martin ho té una mica complicat.

Aston Martin has it a bit complicated.

Jo, jo només,

Me, just me,

o sigui, només per almenys complir

that is, just to at least comply

la promesa del 33,

the promise of the 33,

jo començo

I start.




to inaugurate

a demanar, sisplau, m'agradaria un

to ask, please, I would like one

Crash Gate 2.0.

Crash Gate 2.0.

Ho necessito.

I need it.

Mira, jo avui he vist una teoria,

Look, today I saw a theory,

un tuit, com mig

a tweet, like half

de conspiració dient

of conspiracy saying

Aston Martin, eh,

Aston Martin, huh,

corre el rumor de que van contractar

The rumor is that they hired.

Alonso com a segon pilot

Alonso as a second driver

i que per això no va poder

and that's why he/she couldn't

avançar Lance Stroll a la cursa d'esprint.

overtake Lance Stroll in the sprint race.

O sigui, hi ha gent dient això.

That is to say, there are people saying this.

Completament en sèrio.

Completely serious.

M'estranyaria. Però home, com

I would be surprised. But man, how

contractaràs Alonso com a segon pilot d'Stroll?

Will you hire Alonso as Stroll's co-driver?

I no només això.

And not only that.

Si tu mires les circumstàncies de l'esprint race

If you look at the circumstances of the sprint race

és un d'aquests avançaments

it's one of those advancements

que és d'això de

what is this about

bueno, guanyaràs

well, you will win

alguna altra posició? No.

Any other position? No.

Exacte, o sigui, a mi em sembla

Exactly, I mean, it seems to me.

no, és un

no, it's a

no avançament, no per tema de

no advancement, not for the subject of

jerarquia, sinó per no pintar-li

hierarchy, but to not paint it for him

més la cara a Stroll.

More the face to Stroll.

Per mi és això, o sigui,

For me, it is this, that is,

és perquè no quedi tan malament una altra vegada.

it's so it doesn't look so bad another time.

Ara que

Now that

ja has desistit del Mundial,

you have already given up on the World Cup,

si cada

if each

quatre curses has de quedar

four races you have to stay

per darrere d'Stroll, tu creus que a Alonso li importa?

Behind Stroll, do you think Alonso cares?

No, no.

No, no.

No li importa. Ha arribat un punt que ja diu

He doesn't mind. It has reached a point where he already says.

però va 8-2.

but it's 8-2.

En el head-to-head va 8-2, eh?

In the head-to-head, it's 8-2, right?



Clar, és que la diferència és òbvia.

Of course, the difference is obvious.

La diferència és òbvia. Però bueno,

The difference is obvious. But well,

crec que fins aquí la tertúlia. Ens ha quedat

I think that's it for the discussion. We have left it.

prou llarga, la veritat. Llarga, llarga.

long enough, the truth. Long, long.

Bastant llarga. Però

Quite long. But

tenim una miqueta menys,

we have a little less,

però endavant amb les nostres accions

but let's move forward with our actions

de sempre.



Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.

Anem ara amb les accions

Let's go now with the actions.

i perdoneu perquè he dit abans les accions

And I'm sorry because I mentioned the actions earlier.

de sempre i no són les de sempre

always and they are not the usual ones

perquè avui ens ha fallat algú.

because today someone has let us down.

Ens ha fallat algú, no, Adrià Gardica?

Someone has let us down, hasn't he, Adrià Gardica?

Diguem que

Let's say that

m'he agafat

I have gotten hold of myself.

vacances sense agafar-me-les perquè és que

holidays without taking them because it's just that

no he tingut temps. Últimament

I haven't had time. Lately


we fail

més cap al fin del 2022.

more towards the end of 2022.

Bla, bla, bla.

Blah, blah, blah.

Excuses, excuses. Ok, ok.

Excuses, excuses. Ok, ok.

És una cosa que s'ha d'aixecar al país.

It is something that must be raised in the country.

Aleshores no m'ha donat temps, saps?

So it hasn't given me time, you know?

Clar, clar, clar.

Sure, sure, sure.

Mentre alguns...

While some...


Please provide the text you would like translated from Catalan to English.

Sí que se la sap, sí que se la sap.

Yes, she knows it, yes, she knows it.

En defensa meva diré que l'hagués fet ahir si no fos

In my defense, I will say that I would have done it yesterday if it weren't for...

perquè era el cumple d'un dels moranets que tenim aquí.

because it was the birthday of one of the little Morans we have here.

Happy birthday.

Happy birthday.

Feliciteu-me per Twitter.

Congratulate me on Twitter.

Regaleu-me una gorra

Give me a cap.

del nano.

of the kid.

El cas que

The case that

mentre n'hi havia d'alguns que no treballen

while there were some who do not work

altres tornem als clàssics.

others, let's return to the classics.

Per això porto avui alguna anècdota

That's why I'm bringing some anecdotes today.

una anècdota

an anecdote

que una mica...

that a bit...

Efectivament, una mica

Indeed, a little.

inspirada en Logan Sargent

inspired by Logan Sargent

i Nick Debris.

And Nick Debris.

I us preguntareu, per què? Per què?

You will ask yourselves, why? Why?

Perquè no han fet ni un punt.

Because they haven't scored a single point.

I no crec que el facin en tota la temporada.

And I don't think they'll do it all season.

No els veig.

I don't see them.

Llavors, he volgut indagar

So, I wanted to investigate.

una mica per les xarxes i veure

a little for the networks and see

quins són els pilots que més

which are the pilots that most

grans premis han disputats sense puntuar.

Grand prix have been contested without scoring.

D'acord? D'acord.

Alright? Alright.

Llavors, he fet ràpidament un top

Then, I quickly made a top.

crec que són top 6 pilots.

I think they are top 6 drivers.

D'acord. I ens espaiarem una mica

Okay. And we'll spread out a bit.

en la història del primer perquè té tela.

In the history of the first, because it has fabric.

Té molta tela. Bona idea.

It has a lot of fabric. Good idea.

Primer pilot, d'acord?

First pilot, okay?

Compta perquè els noms

Watch out because the names

tenen tela, eh?

They have guts, huh?



N'hi ha d'alguns que sí,

There are some that do.

però no gaires.

but not many.

Primer pilot, Rupert Keegan.

First pilot, Rupert Keegan.

Dels Keegan de tota la vida.

From the Keegan of a lifetime.

Rupert Keegan. És el típic

Rupert Keegan. He is the typical…

cas d'un pilot amb talent a les fórmules

case of a talented driver in the formula races

inferiors, però que mai destaca la categoria

inferiors, but that never highlights the category

reina. Keegan va debutar l'any

Queen. Keegan made his debut in the year

1977 a Fórmula 1

1977 in Formula 1

i no va aconseguir puntuar en cap de les

and did not manage to score in any of the

curses en què va participar entre

curses in which he participated between

1977 i 1982.

1977 and 1982.

O sigui, imagina't

I mean, imagine.

estar 5, 6 temporades

be 5, 6 seasons

sense portar-te un punt.

without taking a point.

És que és mala sort.

It's just bad luck.

És mala sort, o sigui, alguna cursa n'hi ha d'haver.

It's bad luck, I mean, there must be some race.

Però com enganya tots els equips?

But how does he deceive all the teams?

Han de tenir molta fe en tu, eh?

They must have a lot of faith in you, huh?



Però mira, és que

But look, it's just that

era mala sort perquè

it was bad luck because

talent el tenia, perquè després va guanyar

He had the talent, because afterwards he won.

el Campionat Aurora de Fórmula 1,

the Aurora Formula 1 Championship,

que us preguntareu. Què és el Campionat Aurora

you may ask. What is the Aurora Championship?

de Fórmula 1? Doncs és una

Formula 1? Well, it's a

Fórmula 1 que només es disputava

Formula 1 that was only contested

al Regne Unit. O sigui,

to the United Kingdom. That is,

coses del segle XX. Coses del segle XX.

things of the 20th century. Things of the 20th century.

Algun dia se'n podria aportar

One day it could be contributed.

més informació d'aquesta Fórmula Aurora. Sí, sí, dona per

more information about this Aurora Formula. Yes, yes, go ahead

una altra anècdota això, és veritat. Però té tela.

Another anecdote, that's true. But it's something else.

Segon pilot, ai, perdoneu,

Second pilot, oh, excuse me,

i no he dit quants Gran Premis. Rupert Keegan,

and I haven’t said how many Grand Prix. Rupert Keegan,

25. 25.

25. 25.

25 Gran Premis. Segon

25 Grand Prix. Second



Clar, però has de tenir en compte que era

Of course, but you have to keep in mind that it was

6 temporades de 1977,

6 seasons of 1977.

que potser en una temporada tenies 8 curses.

that perhaps in one season you had 8 races.

O que el teu cotxe podia

What your car could do

començar 4, perquè

start 4, because

no tenia motor, coses

it didn't have an engine, things

d'aquest estil. Segon pilot,

of this style. Second pilot,

Ricardo Rosset, un altre que

Ricardo Rosset, another one who

tampoc el coneixen ni a casa seva.

they don't even know him at his home.

O sigui, va iniciar 33

In other words, he started 33.

Grans Premis. Me repites

Grand Prizes. Repeat it to me.

aquest numeril? I en va acabar

this number? And he ended up



Però d'aquests 33

But of these 33

en va acabar 27.

he/she ended it at 27.

Sí que s'ha de dir que d'aquests

It must be said that of these

27, 3 van ser en el

27, 3 were in the

top 10. Però clar, en un moment

top 10. But of course, in a moment

en què les 8 primeres posicions que

in which the top 8 positions that

atorgaven punts,

they gave points,

era de la 1 a la 8. Clar, la novena

It was from 1 to 8. Of course, the ninth.

i la decena, nanai.

And the ten, no way.

Però perquè us imagineu

But why do you imagine?

quin talent tenia aquest home,

what talent this man had,

perquè aquest no en tenia gaire, va ser pilot

because he didn't have much of it, he was a pilot

de Footwork i de Lola Racing.

of Footwork and Lola Racing.

Lola Racing,

Lola Racing,

que també a mi em crida l'atenció aquest nom.

that this name also catches my attention.

Sí, sí. Vull fer un petit

Yes, yes. I want to take a little.

apunt d'això de que només puntuàvem

note about the fact that we only scored

8 cotxes, si em deixeu fer aquest petit

8 cars, if you let me do this little one.

apunt, que a més veiem una altra

note, that we also see another

pollita de les que a mi m'agraden

little chick that I like

a MotoGP, i és que abans puntuàvem

In MotoGP, and we used to score points before.

8 cotxes, perquè com que quasi no acabaven,

8 cars, because since they hardly finished,

doncs era...

so it was...

o sigui, hi havia curses que potser si puntuàvem

So, there were races where we might score points.

10, puntuava tothom.

10, everyone scored.

I de fet, segur que hi havia curses que

And in fact, I'm sure there were races that

puntuàvem 8, puntuàvem tots.

we scored 8, we all scored.

Segur que passava. Jo només vull dir

Sure it would happen. I just want to say

que a MotoGP és lamentable que puntuïn

it's regrettable that they score in MotoGP

els 15 primers, quan hi ha curses que acaben 12

the first 15, when there are races that end 12

o 13, i ja està.

or 13, and that's it.

Acabem un nou punt. Per això és un esport de merda.

We finish a new point. That's why it's a pointless sport.

Encara que m'ho miro perquè és divertit.

Even though I look at it because it's funny.

Però que quan no hi ha Fórmula 1, ens l'admirem.

But when there is no Formula 1, we admire it.

Ens l'admirem, exacte. I li encanten

We admire him, exactly. And she loves him.

les motos. Per això tenim dret a fotre'ns-hi.

the motorcycles. That's why we have the right to mess with them.

Les motos

The motorcycles

i la velocitat, en definitiva.

And the speed, ultimately.

I a qui li agrada la velocitat és a

And the one who likes speed is...

Scott Speed, tercer pilot.

Scott Speed, third driver.

28 quarts premis.

28 quarter prizes.

Aquest sí que és

This one is indeed

una mica més conegut.

a little more known.

Això és un nexe entre les nostres

This is a link between ours.

dues seccions.

two sections.

Doncs mira,

Well, look,

Scott Speed es podria dir

Scott Speed could be said

que tenia el cognom, però no el talent.

that had the surname, but not the talent.

Perquè va ser el primer estadounidense

Because he was the first American.

a participar en la Fórmula 1,

to participate in Formula 1,

des de Michael Andretti, l'any 1993.

since Michael Andretti, in 1993.

O sigui, un cognom

That is, a surname.

que, ojo,

which, watch out,

que va ser pilot de Toro Rosso

who was a driver for Toro Rosso

la temporada 2006 i 2007 de la Fórmula 1

the 2006 and 2007 Formula 1 season

i que, de fet, en el seu primer any

and that, in fact, in its first year

va aconseguir una vuitena posició a Austràlia

he achieved an eighth position in Australia

que va perdre per avançar en període

that lost to advance in period

de bandera groga.

of yellow flag.

O sigui, una autèntica

That is to say, a true

cagada. Per això té 28

Crap. That's why it has 28.

grans premis sense puntuar.

grand prizes without scoring.

I qui va ser el seu substitut?

And who was his substitute?

Doncs un encara desconegut,

Well, an still unknown,

Sebastian Vettel.

Sebastian Vettel.

I el resto es historia.

And the rest is history.

Quart pilot, Brett Lunger.

Fourth driver, Brett Lunger.

34 grans premis.

34 Grand Prizes.

Si a Ricardo Roset

Yes to Ricardo Roset.

no el coneixia ningú, a Brett Lunger

Nobody knew Brett Lunger.

ja no s'ho podeu ni imaginar.

you can't even imagine it anymore.

Si em dieu que és un pilot amb un nom inventat,

If you tell me that he's a pilot with a made-up name,

m'ho creuria, és que m'ho creuria.

I would believe it, I really would believe it.

El pobre home va estar participant

The poor man was participating.

en quatre temporats diferents de la Fórmula 1

in four different seasons of Formula 1

des del 75 al 78

from 75 to 78

per aconseguir dos

to achieve two

miserables punts al final de la seva carrera

miserable points at the end of their career

conduint per,

driving through,

ojo, molt de compte amb l'escuderia,

Careful, be very careful with the team,

BSC Fabrications.

BSC Fabrications.

Una empresa

A company

que, més que escuderia, era una empresa

that, more than a racing team, was a company

que gestionava cotxes de Fórmula 1 privats.

that managed private Formula 1 cars.

O sigui, tu anaves

That is, you were going.

a aquesta escuderia i, literalment,

to this team and, literally,

tenien un catàleg de cotxes i

they had a catalog of cars and

vull conduir un Williams

I want to drive a Williams.

al proper gran premi.

to the next Grand Prix.

I te'l portaven. Hòstia.

And they brought it to you. Damn.

O sigui, una autèntica locura.

I mean, a real madness.

Ben generiós, suposo.

Pretty generous, I suppose.

Sí, o sigui, no tan competitius.

Yes, I mean, not so competitive.

Però vaig dir, clar,

But I said, of course,

això a qui li interessa, no? Doncs

who cares about this, right? Well then

un dels seus clients, com a anècdota,

one of his clients, as an anecdote,

de l'anècdota, era Nelson Piquet.

The anecdote was about Nelson Piquet.


Holy shit.

Ojo, o sigui, comprava cotxes.

Watch out, I mean, I was buying cars.



Són dos pilots aquests.

These are two pilots.

Pax Chilton i Charles Peake.

Pax Chilton and Charles Peake.

35 i 39.

35 and 39.

Efectivament, perquè són,

Indeed, because they are,

per mi, dos pilots que van compartir

for me, two pilots who shared

d'estia amb les escuderies que van entrar l'any 2010

of the summer with the shields that entered in 2010

al campionat. O sigui, amb elles

to the championship. That is, with them

van néixer i amb elles hi van morir.

They were born and with them, they died.

Bé, sigui amb Caterham, amb Virgin

Well, be it with Caterham, with Virgin.

o amb Marussia o el que sigui,

or with Marussia or whatever,

cap dels dos, cap dels dos

neither of the two, neither of the two

va poder aconseguir sumar un punt en els seus

was able to gain a point in their

35 i 39 grans premis

35 and 39 grand prizes

disputats. O sigui, quina bajanada,

disputed. I mean, what nonsense,

quina bajanada,

what nonsense,

disputar-te gairebé 40 grans premis

compete in almost 40 Grand Prixs

i no puntuar cap.

and not score any.

No puntuar cap cap. Fins i tot

No scoring any cap. Even

Bianchi ho va fer.

Bianchi did it.

Sí. O sigui...

Yes. I mean...

A Monaco.

To Monaco.

Correcte. I amb una P9. O sigui, sobrau.

Correct. And with a P9. In other words, above average.

A sobre, sobrau.

Above, superb.

I per últim, tenim, jo crec que aquest

And finally, we have, I believe that this

potser sí que us sona, i estaria bé

maybe it does sound familiar to you, and that would be good

que us sonés, amb

that sounded to you, with

51 grans premis sense puntuar,

51 grand prizes without scoring,

Luca Badoer.

Luca Badoer.



Crec que a l'Adrià no li sona,

I don't think Adrià recognizes it.

no li sona gaire, Luca Badoer.

Luca Badoer doesn't ring a bell much.



amb què us heu de quedar és que

what you have to remember is that

és conegut com l'autor del rècord de

he is known as the author of the record of

més grans premis sense puntuar

biggest prizes without scoring

i la pitjor participació

and the worst participation

amb un Ferrari.

with a Ferrari.

El pobre Luca Badoer no va tenir

Poor Luca Badoer did not have

gaire sort. Des del seu debut a Lola,

hardly luck. Since her debut in Lola,

jo no sé què passa amb aquesta escuderia

I don't know what is happening with this team.

i corren tots els paquets.

And all the packages run.

El seu debut amb Lola l'any 1993

Her debut with Lola in 1993.

va aconseguir 9,

he achieved 9,

9 vegades quedar en el top 10.

9 times finishing in the top 10.

Però en un moment, una altra vegada, on no es donaven

But at one moment, once again, where they were not given.

punts per la novena i la decena posició.

points for the ninth and tenth position.

Que s'ha de dir que no era un pilot

It must be said that he was not a pilot.

gaire dolent. Perquè

not too bad. Because

el 1992 va proclamar-se campió

In 1992 he was proclaimed champion.

de la Fórmula 1 3000

from Formula 1 3000

guanyant a pilots com Rubens Barrichello,

beating drivers like Rubens Barrichello,

David Coulthard, Olivier Panís

David Coulthard, Olivier Panis



i Roldán Rodríguez.

and Roldán Rodríguez.



Home, Roldán!

Home, Roldán!

Que passaporti!

What a passport!

És conya, eh? O sigui, no van participar però era per la conya.

It's a joke, right? I mean, they didn't participate but it was just for fun.



M'ha descolat, eh? A mi m'ha descolat.

It surprised me, huh? It surprised me.

Que després...

That later...

Deia que després de ser pilot de Lola,

He said that after being Lola's pilot,

Minardi i altres

Minardi and others

escuderies petites, es va quedar

small shields, it stayed

sense saient l'any 1999.

without knowing in the year 1999.

Que per cert,

By the way,

si em permeteu l'apunt,

if you allow me the remark,

crec que va tenir una cursa Minardi

I think he had a Minardi race.

que va estar

that was

molt a punt de puntuar,

very close to scoring,

però se li va trencar motor

but his engine broke down

i es va posar a plorar sobre el cotxe.

And she began to cry in the car.

O sigui, es va baixar del cotxe i es va ficar a plorar.

So, she got out of the car and started to cry.

O sigui, la imatge és

So, the image is

autènticament trencat

authentically broken

per no poder puntuar.

for being unable to score.

Llavors, després

Then, after

d'aquesta temporada del 99,

from this season of '99,

va entrar en la influència de Ferrari

he entered the influence of Ferrari

com a pilot provador.

as a test pilot.

I fixeu-vos que tenia ofertes

Notice that I had offers.

en altres escuderies, però va rebutjar-les

in other teams, but he rejected them

dient que ja portava un parell d'anys

saying that he/she had already been carrying it for a couple of years

treballant a Ferrari i que encara sentia

working at Ferrari and still feeling

emocions especials cada vegada que pujava al cotxe.

special emotions every time I got into the car.

O sigui, això sí que és amor.

So, this is love indeed.

És amor per Ferrari,

It's love for Ferrari.

però molt salvatge.

but very wild.

I la seva oportunitat

And its opportunity.

per aconseguir com a mínim un punt

to achieve at least one point


it would arrive.

Però no arribaria fins 10 anys després

But it wouldn't arrive until 10 years later.

de la seva

of her/his

retirada o última temporada.

withdrawal or final season.

El 2009

In 2009

després de l'accident de Felipe Massa a Hongria,

after Felipe Massa's accident in Hungary,

amb 39 anys

at 39 years old

i sense fer una cursa de Fórmula 1

and without doing a Formula 1 race

des de feia una dècada,

for a decade,

Badoer es va quedar

Badoer stayed.

com a pilot

as a pilot

titular de Ferrari

Ferrari holder

amb Kimi Raikkonen de company.

with Kimi Raikkonen as a companion.

Es va quedar

He/She stayed.

següent cursa després d'Hongria i era a València.

next race after Hungary and it was in Valencia.

A la qual

To which

es va quedar a 1,5 segons

he finished 1.5 seconds behind

per darrere del penúltim, que era

behind the penultimate, which was

Jaime Alguersari amb un toro rosso.

Jaime Alguersari with a red bull.

O sigui,

That is,

d'autèntica vergonya, autèntica vergonya.

a true shame, a true shame.

A Spa, a sobre,

A Spa, on top of that,

va aconseguir una P14

he achieved a P14

mentre el seu company

while his partner

Kimi Raikkonen aconseguia la victòria.

Kimi Raikkonen achieved victory.

O sigui,

That is to say,

que val que el Ferrari del 2009

What is worth the 2009 Ferrari?

no era una gegenda, però

it wasn't a legend, but

mentre Kimi Raikkonen et guanya el Gran Premi

while Kimi Raikkonen wins the Grand Prix

Luca Badoer amb gairebé 40 tacos

Luca Badoer at nearly 40 years old.

et fa una P14 i li donava igual.

It makes a P14 and he didn’t care.

El pobre pibe portava anys

The poor kid had been carrying for years.

sense conduir, això es nota.

Without driving, this is noticeable.

De fet,

In fact,

al circuit belga

to the Belgian circuit

es van penjar cartells que deien

signs were hung that said

i de veritat que us convido

And I truly invite you.

a buscar la foto o

to look for the photo or

et diria que hauria de ser la foto de portada

I would say that it should be the cover photo.

del programa dient que

from the program saying that

la meva àvia és més ràpida que Luca Badoer

my grandmother is faster than Luca Badoer

amb un Ferrari.

with a Ferrari.

O sigui, va ser el

So, it was him.

cúlmen i com no va ser

culmination and how it was not

immediatament substituït per l'escuderia

immediately replaced by the team

per Giancarlo Fisichella

for Giancarlo Fisichella

que tampoc ho faria

that I wouldn't do it either

gaire millor, però això, senyores i senyors,

much better, but this, ladies and gentlemen,

ja és una altra història.

it's another story.

Nom del programa

Program name

Badoer is faster than you.

Badoer is faster than you.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però de veritat, o sigui, és que

But really, I mean, it's just that

mentre feia aquest top

while I was making this top

de pilot sense puntuar

of pilot without scoring

deia, hauria de fer

it said, I should do

ja no una anècdota, sinó

not just an anecdote, but

un programa dedicat a

a program dedicated to

Luca Badoer, perquè és un autèntic

Luca Badoer, because he is a true one.

desgraciat, però amb totes les lletres.

unfortunate, but with all the letters.

Amb totes les lletres.

With all the letters.

Si algun dia fem

If one day we do

fem tipus nivells

we make type levels

de Patreon, el més alt

from Patreon, the highest

s'ha de dir Luca Badoer.

It has to be said Luca Badoer.

Home, segur que és més ràpid

Surely it's faster at home.

que nosaltres, eh, Luca Badoer.

that we, eh, Luca Badoer.

Això segurament. No ho sé.

This probably. I don't know.

Sí, perquè vosaltres

Yes, because you.

dos, jo com a copilot

two, me as co-pilot

dels vostres dos cotxes,

of your two cars,

he vist coses que les rotondes,

I have seen things that the roundabouts,

sortida de la uni,

university exit,



No els direm si no volem rebre votes.

We won't tell them if we don't want to receive votes.

No, no. Complicat, complicat.

No, no. Complicated, complicated.

No cridarem

We will not shout.

patrulles als mussos.

patrols in the mussels.

A qui sí que cridarem

Who we will call is indeed.

és a tu, precisament, Víctor,

it is you, precisely, Víctor,

perquè ens queda la teva secció.

because we have your section left.


Go ahead.

Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good, very good.

Jo m'he quedat ara amb la curiositat,

I am now left with curiosity,

perquè mentre feia la meva secció

because while I was doing my section

ha estat dir el nom de

it has been to say the name of

Scott Speed, que em sembla

Scott Speed, what do you think of him?

la persona, a part de Luca Badoer,

the person, apart from Luca Badoer,

esclar, més meme de la història de la Fórmula 1,

of course, the biggest meme in the history of Formula 1,

i m'has dit que hi ha un nexe d'unió.

You have told me that there is a link.

O sigui, jo ara vull saber què ens portes, Víctor.

So, I want to know what you bring us now, Víctor.

Exacte. Fa no gaire

Exactly. Not long ago.

us vaig prometre que parlaria sobre

I promised you that I would talk about

el que li podem dir les malifetes

what we can tell him about the mischiefs

de Helmut Marko. El nostre

of Helmut Marko. Our

amic austríac, anomenat

Austrian friend, named

carinyosament per nosaltres com el Führer de

affectionately for us like the Führer of

Red Bull, és famós per les bronques públiques

Red Bull is famous for public disputes.

als pilots del seu propi equip,

to the pilots of their own team,

per arruïnar les carreres i els somnis de molts pilots

to ruin the careers and dreams of many pilots

del programa

of the program

Joves Pilots de Red Bull, i per tant

Red Bull Junior Team, and therefore

aquesta secció podria enfocar-la de moltes maneres.

This section could be approached in many ways.

Ara us explicaré algunes idees que he tingut

Now I will explain to you some ideas that I have had.

i que aniré resseguint durant la secció,

and I will be following during the section,

perquè aquesta secció és com madre nodriza.

because this section is like a nurturing mother.

D'aquesta secció

From this section

jo faré com un repàs general

I will do a general review.

de què és i què ha estat

what it is and what it has been

el programa de Joves Pilots

the Young Pilots program

de Red Bull, i d'aquí

of Red Bull, and from here

aniré tirant pindoletes i dir, mira,

I will go throwing little breadcrumbs and say, look,

aquí en el futur tindrem una secció, aquí en el futur

here in the future we will have a section, here in the future

tindrem una altra secció, perquè si

we will have another section, because yes

m'hagués posat a escriure m'hauria quedat

If I had started writing, I would have stayed.

eterna. Per exemple,

eternal. For example,

per posar exemples,

for example,

podria fer la fumada que vaig

I could do the smoke that I am going.

fer amb l'esteinerisme, us en recordeu?

to do with easternism, do you remember it?

Podria, per tant,

Therefore, I could,

centrar les bases legals del que jo

to focus the legal bases of what I

he anomenat el Reich Bull,

I have named the Reich Bull.



Per tant, podria explicar l'estructura

Therefore, could you explain the structure?

del partit, la ideologia, així com

of the party, the ideology, as well as

vaig fer, com ja he dit, amb Wintersteiner,

I did, as I have already said, with Wintersteiner.

però aquest cop, òbviament, des de la meva

but this time, obviously, from my

màxima repulsa a Red Bull i a qualsevol

maximum repulsion to Red Bull and to anyone

manera de feixisme, que en aquest cas

way of fascism, that in this case

són coses redundants.

they are redundant things.

Per tant, una altra cosa que podria fer

Therefore, another thing I could do

és explicar bé i divulgativament

it is to explain well and in an educational manner

de veritat com funciona aquest programa de Joves Pilots,

Really, how does this Young Pilots program work?

aquí una secció seriosa

here a serious section

que faig, que crec que potser

what am I doing, what I think maybe

amb tot el temps que portem de programa he fet una vegada.

With all the time we've been in the program, I've done it once.



per exemple, una altra idea que he tingut és

for example, another idea that I have had is

puc fer el fora pista de Helmut Marko,

I can do the off-track of Helmut Marko.

és una altra cosa que ja

it's another thing that already

tinc anotada.

I have noted it down.

I una altra

And another one

idea que he tingut, per exemple, és

an idea I've had, for example, is

podria fer un quiesqui de tots els

could you make a list of all the

pilots actuals del programa

current pilots of the program

de Joves Pilots de Red Bull

of Red Bull Junior Pilots

amb quina cadena de fast food

with which fast food chain

treballaran quan els facin fora.

They will work when they are fired.

Perquè sabem

Because we know

que passarà, no? Llavors,

what will happen, right? So,

com ho aconseguiré jo amb...

how will I achieve it with...


What do you say?

Darubalen alguna de pollo al curry, no?

Let's give you some chicken curry, right?

Un moment.

One moment.



comencem amb

let's start with

aquesta espècie de nave nodriza,

this kind of mother ship,

per tant, serà com una mica un reflex general

therefore, it will be somewhat of a general reflection

de què és el programa de Joves Pilots de Red Bull.

What is the Red Bull Young Pilots program about?

Per tant,


explicaré primer de darrere abans

I will explain first from behind before.

i perquè

and why

veieu que Red Bull

you see that Red Bull

és una escuderia

it's a racing team

personalista i que per res

personalist and for nothing

del món Helmut Marko no és el seu dictador,

in Helmut Marko's world he is not its dictator,

l'equip amb brio,

the team with spirit,

com podem dir que va néixer Red Bull,

how we can say that Red Bull was born,

es deia RSM

it was called RSM

Marko i va combatre la Fórmula 3000

Marko fought in Formula 3000.

entre 1999 i 2003.

between 1999 and 2003.

Aquí és on neix

This is where it is born.

la idea de Red Bull.

the idea of Red Bull.

Quan toqui

When it is time

la secció aquesta que he dit

the section I've mentioned

d'explicar aquest imperi,

to explain this empire,

l'imperi del mal, de la força oscura

the empire of evil, of the dark force

que és Red Bull, quan toqui

What is Red Bull, when it hits?

explicar-ho, ja ampliaré més una mica

explain it, I will elaborate a little more soon

la història.

the history.

Llavors, digues.

Then, tell me.

Volies dir alguna cosa, Adri?

Did you want to say something, Adri?

No, no he dit res.

No, I haven't said anything.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

També explicaré quins són els seus sublíders

I will also explain who their sub-leaders are.

quan pugui fer aquesta secció

when I can do this section

i explicaré la seva ideologia clarament

I will explain his ideology clearly.

feixista, com denota que

fascist, as it denotes that

jo només deixo anar aquí una petita

I only let go of a little here.

duda. Fins al dia d'avui els únics

doubt. Until today, the only ones

pilots mimats per Red Bull

pampered pilots by Red Bull

han estat Sebastian Vettel i Max Verstappen.

They have been Sebastian Vettel and Max Verstappen.

Sí. Tanco, tanco.

Yes. I'm closing, I'm closing.

Sí, sí. Ja està.

Yes, yes. It's done.

Si voleu unir punts, els uniu vosaltres.

If you want to connect the dots, you connect them.





a ningú se'ns escapa que mediàticament

it doesn't escape anyone that media-wise

Red Bull és la cantera més aclamada

Red Bull is the most acclaimed cantera.

del món, però

of the world, but

sempre, si tu ets

always, if you are

un pilot jove i ve Red Bull, et cagues a sobre

A young driver from Red Bull, you shit yourself.

i de fet fins i tot firmes amb la teva pròpia

and in fact, even signatures with your own

merda el contracte. És com

shit the contract. It's like

ve Red Bull i tots es posen nerviosos.

Here comes Red Bull and everyone gets nervous.

Red Bull, no? Però ara

Red Bull, right? But now

veiem dades rellevants. Durant

we see relevant data. During

tots els anys del programa de joves pilots de Red Bull

all the years of the Red Bull Young Pilots program

han passat

they have passed

97 pilots.

97 pilots.



Des del 99 en 24 anys

Since '99 in 24 years

97 pilots.

97 pilots.

Pensava que en serien menys, eh?

I thought there would be fewer of them, huh?

Això són 4.

This is 4.

Són 4 per temporada, més o menys.

There are 4 per season, more or less.

Llavors, 70 d'aquests

Then, 70 of these

97 no han arribat a la

97 have not reached the

Fórmula 1, 100%. No han arribat.

Formula 1, 100%. They haven't arrived.

Val? Llavors,

Okay? Then,

n'hi ha 15 que sí que han arribat

There are 15 that have indeed arrived.

i 8 d'aquests

and 8 of these

15 han arribat a Red Bull

15 have arrived at Red Bull.

i 7 o no han pogut fer el salt

and 7 or they haven't been able to make the jump

encara o no l'han arribat a fer mai.

still or have they never gotten around to doing it.

Val? Llavors,

Okay? Then,

ara aquí fent una mica de mates

now here doing a bit of math

bastant simples.

quite simple.

I d'aquests 97, perdó, falten

And of these 97, sorry, there are missing.

per sumar els 12 que estan actualment

to add the 12 that are currently there

en el programa de joves pilots. Ara mateix hi ha 12, val?

in the young pilots program. Right now there are 12, okay?



ens quedem

we stay

amb que traient

with what taking out

aquests últims 12, més els

these last 12, plus the

que estan actualment a Red Bull,

that are currently at Red Bull,

val? Tenim que

Okay? We have to



perdó, 15

sorry, 15

de 85, 15

of 85, 15

de 85, sí?

From 85, right?

Han aconseguit arribar

They have managed to arrive.

a la Fórmula 1.

in Formula 1.

15 de 85, eh?

15 out of 85, huh?



Això és una màquina de triturar bastant heavy.

This is a pretty heavy shredder.

Val? Sí, sí.

Okay? Yes, yes.

Però és que llavors, ja no

But then, not anymore.

només es tracta dels que no han arribat

it is only about those who have not arrived

que després faré un petit incís dels

that later I will make a small digression about the

que no han arribat, sinó hi ha els que han arribat

that have not arrived, but there are those who have arrived

i després a sobre els han fet passar

and then they made them pass over it

per la passarel·la de vergonya.

for the walkway of shame.



I totes les carreres i famílies destrossades

And all the destroyed careers and families.

per Helmut Marko. Vull fer un resum.

for Helmut Marko. I want to make a summary.

Vita Antonio Liuzzi

Life of Antonio Liuzzi

va començar directament a Red Bull

he started directly at Red Bull

sense passar per Toro Rosso.

without going through Toro Rosso.

Després el van baixar i el van

Then they lowered him and they...

xutar. Primer a la llista.

shoot. First on the list.

Vita Antonio Liuzzi.

Life of Antonio Liuzzi.

Un altre,


Daniel Kvyat. Aquesta és

Daniel Kvyat. This is

més recent, potser us la coneixeu. El van

more recent, perhaps you know it. They went

fer fora literalment per posar Max Verstappen

to literally make space to put Max Verstappen

i el van baixar Toro Rosso també.

And they also brought down Toro Rosso.

Quan en realitat no ho havia fet massa malament.

When in reality I hadn't done too badly.

No era una mala temporada. Tu mires els

It wasn't a bad season. You look at the

números de Daniel Kvyat.

Daniel Kvyat's numbers.

Ara, potser tampoc és el nostre lloc,

Now, perhaps it is not our place either,

dir-li a Red Bull que era

tell Red Bull that it was

una mala decisió pujar a Verstappen.

a bad decision to go up against Verstappen.

Tampoc es tracta de dir

It's not about saying either.

que era una mala decisió. Clar, dolenta no,

that it was a bad decision. Of course, not bad, no,

lletja potser sí. Exacte.

Ugly maybe yes. Exactly.

Aquí està el tema.

Here is the issue.

Però seguim sumant amb pilots

But we continue adding with pilots.

que han passat de pressió per culpa

that have undergone pressure because of

de Helmut Marko amb Pierre Gasly.

from Helmut Marko with Pierre Gasly.

A veure, que aquest també podem justificar

Let's see, we can justify this one too.

una mica que el fessin fora. Aquí potser

a little that they kicked him out. Here maybe

sí que tenien la seva raó, no?

they were right, weren't they?

Ho recordem. Però llavors,

We remember it. But then,

seguint amb altres pilots que han passat

following with other drivers that have passed

per la trituradora,

for the shredder,



No, és que potser m'estic escoltant doble

No, it's just that maybe I'm hearing myself double.

i penso que m'esteu preguntant alguna cosa.

I think that you are asking me something.

S'escolta una mica la trituradora.

You can hear the shredder a bit.

Potser que baixin un petraig d'una hòstia.

Maybe they'll drop a stone from a beating.

No sé, bueno.

I don't know, well.

Però perquè no se'ns faci el programa etern,

But so that the program doesn't become eternal for us,

ara acabo

I'm finishing now.

amb els últims pilots que han arribat

with the latest pilots that have arrived

a Red Bull. Estic parlant dels que

a Red Bull. I am talking about those who

han arribat a Red Bull, eh? Tot això són els

They have arrived at Red Bull, huh? All of this is the

que han arribat a Red Bull i

that have arrived at Red Bull and

Helmut Marko se'ls ha menjat.

Helmut Marko has eaten them up.

El següent és Alex Albon,

The following is Alex Albon,

que sí que és veritat que van tenir

that it is true that they had

bastanta més paciència que amb altres pilots,

much more patience than with other pilots,

però mira, ara,

but look, now,

a la que ha sortit de l'estructura de Red Bull

to the one that has emerged from the Red Bull structure

sense la pressió, mireu com ho està fent.

Without the pressure, look at how he is doing it.

I per què no,

And why not,

per què no, tot i que és un cas

why not, although it is a case

diferent i que jo no el compto com un pilot

different and I don't count him as a pilot.

que li ha destrossat la carrera a Helmut Marko,

that has destroyed Helmut Marko's career,

per què no parlar de com Daniel Ricciardo,

why not talk about how Daniel Ricciardo,

sent un pilot que li plantava cara a Max Verstappen,

being a driver who stood up to Max Verstappen,

el van obligar a ser

they forced him to be

segon pilot per la puta cara.

second pilot for the fucking face.

Aquí ja he fet

I have already done it here.

la meva aportació personal de ricardisme.

my personal contribution of Ricardism.

Però és que ara

But it is just that now

segueix la secció amb els altres

follow the section with the others

pilots de Toro Rosso

Toro Rosso drivers

que han estat també

that have also been

xutats de mala manera.

badly kicked.

Comencem el nexe entre

Let's begin the link between

la teva secció i la meva, Aleix, per Scott Speed.

your section and mine, Aleix, by Scott Speed.

Potser aquest era

Perhaps this was

més raonable, no?

more reasonable, right?

Però és que molts d'aquests pilots

But many of these pilots

s'hi han acabat a Fórmula 1 moltes vegades

They have finished there in Formula 1 many times.

és perquè tenen talent. Què passa?

It's because they have talent. What's happening?

Que un cop arriben a Toro Rosso

Once they arrive at Toro Rosso.

la pressió de cert dictador

the pressure of a certain dictator

els hi pot. Entre aquesta llista

it can. Among this list

també trobem altres pilots com

we also find other pilots such as

Jenerick Verne, que no va poder triomfar

Jenerick Verne, who could not succeed.

massa, tot i no fer mals papers,

too much, even though not doing badly,

Sebastian Buemi o Jaume Aguersuari.

Sebastian Buemi or Jaume Agüersuari.

També hi ha Brandon Harley,

There is also Brandon Harley,

per exemple. Per mi

for example. For me

Buemi sí que va ser una decisió

Buemi was indeed a decision.

poc encertada. Sí,

not very accurate. Yes,

és veritat.

It's true.

Buemi no va ser massa encertada. Per mi, per mi.

Buemi wasn't very accurate. For me, for me.

Llavors passem

Then we move on.

al penúltim bloc, que és

the penultimate block, which is

pilots que no sabíeu

pilots that you didn't know

que han passat per Red Bull,

that have gone through Red Bull,

però que sí que han passat per Red Bull.

but they have indeed gone through Red Bull.

Primer de tot,

First of all,

Pat Howard

Pat Howard

ha passat per Red Bull.

he has gone through Red Bull.

Matías Lauda,

Matías Lauda,

fill de Nicky Lauda.

son of Nicky Lauda.

És jove, eh?

He is young, huh?

El fill de Nicky Lauda

The son of Nicky Lauda

és molt jove, no? Sí, sí.

He's very young, isn't he? Yes, yes.

Comparat amb...

Compared to...



Sí, estrany.

Yes, strange.

Perquè veieu que a vegades

Because you see that sometimes

si hi ha algun mal pilot, potser tampoc és

if there is a bad pilot, maybe he isn't either

o sigui, els de Red Bull tampoc

I mean, neither do the people from Red Bull.

encerten sempre amb els pilots que trien.

They always hit the mark with the drivers they choose.

Karun Chandok

Karun Chandhok

ha passat per Red Bull.

He has passed through Red Bull.

Para meva, molts ànims,

For my part, lots of encouragement.

molts ànims a Red Bull. Sí, sí.

lots of encouragement to Red Bull. Yes, yes.

Dani Juncadella, que és pilot català,

Dani Juncadella, who is a Catalan driver,

ha passat per Red Bull

has passed through Red Bull

pel programa de joves pilots.

for the young pilots program.

Calum Milot, que a mi m'agradava bastant quan

Calum Milot, whom I liked quite a bit when

estava a Ferrari, però tampoc ha fet massa

I was at Ferrari, but they haven't done much either.

cosa. Seguint amb pilots de

thing. Continuing with pilots of

Fórmula E, Antonio Félix da Costa.

Formula E, Antonio Félix da Costa.

Un altre així,

Another like this,

per esmentar un pinzellet a Jury Vips,

to mention a small brush to Jury Vips,

que tot sigui dit, la seva carrera se la va

That said, his career went to him.

destrossar ell sol. Sí,

to destroy it all by himself. Yes,

això sí.

that’s for sure.

Per una quadra que...

For a block that...

Com, com?

How, how?

Que quadra que Jury Vips

It fits that Jury Vips.

formi part del rei.

be part of the king.

Sí, quadra bastant.

Yes, it fits quite well.

Sí que quadra, sí, però com a pilot era bo.

It does fit, yes, but as a pilot he was good.

Com a pilot, bueno,

As a pilot, well,

apuntava maneres, com a pilot.

he showed promise, like a pilot.

Només com a pilot.

Only as a pilot.

Jury Vips sé que sí que sabíeu que havia estat,

Jury Vips, I know that you knew I had been,

però clar, el volia esmentar perquè...

but of course, I wanted to mention it because...

per la polèmica i perquè sí que forma part del rei.

for the controversy and because it is indeed part of the king.

Però aquí ve la bomba.

But here comes the bomb.

A part de Caron Chandock.

Aside from Caron Chandock.

L'inigualable Naranj Kartikeyan

The incomparable Naranj Kartikeyan

també va formar part del programa de joves pilots

he also took part in the young pilots program.

de Red Bull.

of Red Bull.

O sigui que... Sempre tindrem

So... We will always have

el dubte, ara que sabem això, si és que eren

the doubt, now that we know this, if they were

mals pilots o és que va ser la pressió

bad drivers or was it the pressure

de Helmut Marko.

by Helmut Marko.

Acaba, podem amb ells.

Let's finish, we can do it with them.

Llavors, ara per fer un petit repàs,

Then, now to do a little review,

us vinc a dir, o sigui, per

I come to tell you, that is, for

una de les idees aquestes que

one of those ideas that

estic sondejant per fer s'acció,

I am probing to take action,

us diré tots els pilots que crec que 100%

I will tell you all the pilots that I believe 100%.

hauran d'acabar a una cadena

they will have to end up in a chain

de fast-food.

of fast food.

Però que estan actualment

But they are currently

al programa de joves pilots.

to the young pilots program.

El primer és Sebastià Montoya, que està a Fórmula 3.

The first is Sebastià Montoya, who is in Formula 3.

Perquè veieu també la tirania de Red Bull

So you can also see the tyranny of Red Bull.

amb categories inferiors.

with lower categories.

Jack Crawford, Fórmula 2 actualment.

Jack Crawford, currently in Formula 2.

Ayumi Wassa, Fórmula 2.

Ayumi Wassa, Formula 2.

Isaac Hajar, Fórmula 2.

Isaac Hajar, Formula 2.

Enzo Fittipaldi, Fórmula 2.

Enzo Fittipaldi, Formula 2.

Nick Debris i Yuki Tsunoda.

Nick Debris and Yuki Tsunoda.

O sigui, ara mateix crec que

So, right now I think that

tenen 6 pilots a Fórmula 2 Red Bull.

They have 6 drivers in Formula 2 Red Bull.



Jo crec que potser d'aquests es salva Tsunoda.

I think that maybe Tsunoda is saved from these.

Crec que és l'únic que es podria salvar.

I think it's the only thing that could be saved.

I Yuki Tsunoda

I Yuki Tsunoda

l'he posat perquè 100% acabarà treballant

I put it because it will definitely end up working.

en un restaurant, però per decisió pròpia.

in a restaurant, but by personal choice.

Efectivament, és el seu gran somni.

Indeed, it is their great dream.

Exacte. Abans que ser campió de la Fórmula 1.

Exactly. Before being a Formula 1 champion.

Així que, ja veieu.

So, as you can see.

Si tu estàs al programa

If you are in the program

de joves pilots de Red Bull,

of young Red Bull pilots,

estàs en una estructura

you are in a structure

feixista, per començar,

fascist, to begin with,



valors qüestionables, tens molts números

questionable values, you have a lot of numbers

d'haver de passar pel psicòleg

of having to go to the psychologist

i també molts números

and also many numbers

d'acabar treballant en una cadena de fast food.

of ending up working in a fast food chain.

O sigui que aquesta és la conclusió de la meva secció

So this is the conclusion of my section.

després d'haver repassat noms que potser

after reviewing names that perhaps

no us esperàveu

you didn't expect us

i d'haver donat 4 o 5

and having given 4 or 5

idees per a futures seccions.

ideas for future sections.



Jo, personalment,

I, personally,

m'he quedat amb moltes ganes de conèixer

I am left with a strong desire to get to know.

els valors del partit.

the values of the party.

M'agradaria molt.

I would like very much.

A més, ja sabeu com m'agrada fer-ho a mi,

Moreover, you already know how I like to do it.

que m'agrada

that I like

posar una petita anècdota en breu

to include a short anecdote briefly

que exemplifiqui cada valor.

that exemplifies each value.

El que em sembla brutal és com

What seems brutal to me is how

Red Bull, de veritat, que és una trituradora

Red Bull, really, is a crusher.

de pilots.

of pilots.

I de carreres.

And of races.

I segurament hi havia

And there was probably

algun pilot que era molt bo.

some pilot who was very good.

Sí, però Red Bull té pitjor fama.

Yes, but Red Bull has a worse reputation.

Té pitjor fama, Red Bull.

Red Bull has a worse reputation.

Imagina, jo què sé, potser,

Imagine, I don't know, maybe,

que la vida que no hi és,

that life which is not there,

que no existeix,

that does not exist,

no ens hi hem de preocupar o el que sigui,

we don't have to worry about it or anything.

que digui menar. Però potser,

that says lead. But perhaps,

si s'haguessin donat les coses bé,

if things had gone well,

jo què sé, Karum Chandog

I don't know, Karum Chandog.

seria primer pilot.

would be first pilot.

Campió del món en comptes de Sebastian Vettel.

World champion instead of Sebastian Vettel.

Clar, i Verstappen segon pilot.

Of course, and Verstappen as the second driver.

Qui sap?

Who knows?

La vida que ens hem perdut

The life we have missed.

simplement no existeix.

it simply does not exist.



La vida de Karum Chandog.

The life of Karum Chandog.

Ho sentim molt pel campionat de Karum Chandog.

We are very sorry about the Karum Chandog championship.

El Max Verstappen indio,

The Indian Max Verstappen,

le llamaban.

they called him.

Mare meva.

My goodness.

Jo crec que estem començant a divagar.

I think we are starting to digress.

És una mica tard a la nit,

It's a little late at night,

en el moment en què estem gravant això,

at the moment we are recording this,

i crec que ha arribat el moment

I believe the time has come.


to say goodbye.

No se t'escolta gaire, Adrià.

You can't be heard much, Adrià.

Tot s'ha de dir. Vamos.

Everything has to be said. Come on.



és el moment d'acomiadar.

It is time to say goodbye.

Recordeu que ens podeu seguir

Remember that you can follow us.

per Instagram, Twitter,

for Instagram, Twitter,

i que ens podeu escoltar per Spotify,

and you can listen to us on Spotify,

iVox, Apple Podcast,

iVox, Apple Podcast,

i qui sap,

and who knows,

amb l'exclusiva que porta el Víctor,

with the exclusive that Víctor has,

qui sap si d'aquí ben poc

who knows if before long

tenim nova sede.

we have a new headquarters.

Podria ser.

It could be.

Nou partner.

New partner.

Demà, avui mateix,

Tomorrow, today itself,

perquè ja estem el 4 de juliol,

because it is already July 4th,

no crec que es pugui fer

I don't think it can be done.

l'anunci oficial,

the official announcement,

però la primera reunió,

but the first meeting,

avui, la tindrem

today, we will have it

per traslladar-nos de seu

to move our headquarters

a un estudi ben parit.

to a well-thought-out study.

Sabem que us agrada molt més

We know that you like it much more.

quan estem en persona.

when we are in person.

I a nosaltres.

And to us.

A nosaltres també.

Us too.

M'encanta veure-us a la cara

I love seeing you face to face.

i poder escoltar l'Adrià,

and being able to listen to Adrià,

perquè ha estat anant ara mateix

because it has been going just now

problemes i...

problems and...

Va més lent,

Go slower,

el wifi de l'Adri va més lent

Adri's wifi is slower.

que el que va d'haver.

that what is to be had.

La meva àvia

My grandmother

amb el wifi de l'Adrià és més ràpida.

with Adrià's wifi it is faster.

Però bé,

But well,

amb aquesta reflexió, muranets i muranetes,

with this reflection, little walls and little walls,

tanquem l'episodi d'avui.

we close today's episode.

Ens veiem la setmana que ve.

I'll see you next week.

Adeu, adeu, adeu.

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

Ciao, ciao, ciao.

Hello, hello, hello.

La Muraneta,

The Muraneta,

el podcast de Fórmula 1

the Formula 1 podcast

en català.

in Catalan.

Cada dimarts, el món del motor

Every Tuesday, the world of motorsport.

explicat per tres analfabets.

explained by three illiterates.

Som com els xocars

We are like the fools.

de la Fórmula 1 en català.

of Formula 1 in Catalan.

Un pare nostre, Sant Latif,

Our Father, Saint Latif,

no ha sortit del programa

it has not come out of the program

i ja tenim en contra una institució

And we already have an institution against us.



Jo no vull indicar teories conspiranoiques

I do not want to suggest conspiracy theories.

ni res, però Latifi va tenir l'accident

Nothing, but Latifi had the accident.

després d'estar lluitant per l'última plaça

after fighting for the last spot

amb qui? Mick Schumacher.

with whom? Mick Schumacher.

És una mica...

It's a bit...

com el tip d'aquell d'un tio

like the tip of that guy's

auto-chocant sol.

self-shocking sun.

Hi ha 70 persones.

There are 70 people.

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