Pa ciència, la nostra 338


Podcast Pa ciència la nostra

Pa ciència, la nostra 338

Podcast Pa ciència la nostra

L'actualitat científica

The scientific news

Juan Dolorosa és la decisió que pren

Juan Dolorosa is the decision that he makes.

Durant setmanes he hagut de meditar

For weeks I have had to meditate.

i la decisió no ha estat fàcil

and the decision has not been easy

Pedro Sánchez ha tornat

Pedro Sánchez has returned.

Això mai se sap

This is never known.

Sempre hi ha una porta oberta

There is always a door open.

Hi ha un gat de Rodinger

There is a Rodinger cat.

Però ara en principi

But now in principle

Després de nou anys

After nine years

Sembla que va ser ahir

It seems like it was yesterday.

Més de nou anys

More than nine years

Ha començat un llunyà abril del 2008

A distant April of 2008 has begun.

En el 2008 els Marius érem joves

In 2008, the Marius were young.

Innocents, els teus cabells no eren blancs

Innocents, your hair was not white.

Jo vaig veure fotos teves

I saw pictures of you.

I clar, no tenies els cabells blancs

And of course, you didn't have white hair.

Jo, bé, tenia cabells

Me, well, I had hair.

Tant d'anys, tants col·laboradors

So many years, so many collaborators.

Des d'aquí un agraïment a tots els col·laboradors

From here, a thank you to all the collaborators.

que hem tingut que no podríem ni enumerar

that we have had that we couldn't even enumerate

De gent que voluntariosament

Of people who voluntarily

pel que nosaltres fem el programa

for what we do the program

venien i ens donaven un cop de mà

they were coming and giving us a hand

Tantes entrevistes, tants acudits

So many interviews, so many jokes.

Es perdran com llàgrimes en la pluja

They will be lost like tears in the rain.

Doncs no, no perquè

Well no, not because.

si us embarga la tristesa

if sadness overwhelms you

com nosaltres que estem molt apanats

like us who are very overwhelmed

per deixar de fer el programa

to stop doing the program

Doncs heu de recordar que tenim tots

Well, you have to remember that we all have.

On estan? A la nostra web

Where are they? On our website.

Els 338 programes

The 338 programs

338, no? Perquè

338, right? Why?

algun problema amb algú ahir va fer que

some problem with someone yesterday caused that

Els primers no hi són del tot

The first ones are not entirely there.

Sí, pot ser que no us costin de trobar els primers

Yes, it may be that you find the first ones difficult to locate.

Però bé, jo crec que en podeu trobar suficients com per

But well, I believe you can find enough of them to

Sí, home, perquè si en trobeu 200

Yes, man, because if you find 200

després podeu tornar a començar pel primer

then you can start again from the beginning

que ja no us en recordareu

that you will no longer remember it

Sempre aprens alguna cosa

You always learn something.

A més, hi ha tanta densitat d'informació

Additionally, there is so much information density.

En cada programa hi ha tanta densitat d'informació

In each program, there is so much density of information.



que sempre aprens coses noves

that you always learn new things

És com aquelles pel·lis o aquells llibres

It's like those movies or those books.

que has de llegir dues o tres vegades

that you have to read two or three times

a la immensitat

to the immensity

Sí, ara a Twitter hi ha un joc que és de dir

Yes, now on Twitter there is a game that involves saying

pel·lis que nunca me canso de ver

movies that I never get tired of watching

i jo, totes

and me, all

Tinc un límit en què em canso de veure qualsevol cosa

I have a limit where I get tired of seeing anything.


You know?

100 vegades una pel·li, segur que em canso

100 times a movie, I'm sure I'll get tired of it.

No cal

No need.

Bé, a part d'això també podeu llegir el nostre llibre

Well, apart from that you can also read our book.

de curiositats científiques

of scientific curiosities

Recordeu, paciència la nostra

Remember, our patience.

Està encara a les llibreries, Marius

It's still in bookstores, Marius.

Hi ha gent que m'està preguntant encara pel nostre llibre

There are people still asking me about our book.

Curiositats, ara típica a l'estiu

Curiosities, now typical in the summer.

Vols una lectura lleugera

Do you want a light reading?

Per dir que llegeixes

To say that you read

però que a la tercera cervesa

but that at the third beer

ja no veus lletres

you no longer see letters

Però almenys t'has llegit un capítol

But at least you read a chapter.

T'has llegit un capítol

You have read a chapter.

Jo aprofito per fer propaganda

I take the opportunity to do some advertising.

Podeu llegir la meva segona novel·la

You can read my second novel.

que ha sortit recentment, Amb l'aigua al coll

that has recently come out, With water up to the neck

Una novel·la satírica i humorística i àcida

A satirical, humorous, and scathing novel.

sobre les teràpies alternatives, els xarlatans

about alternative therapies, the charlatans

i tot aquest mundillo que tantes vegades

and all this little world that so many times

hem tractat aquí, doncs Amb l'aigua al coll

we have dealt here, then with water up to our necks

també. Podeu portar els dos llibres

also. You can take both books.

A veure, no deixarem de fer coses

Let's see, we won't stop doing things.

però el programa ràdio sembla que ja no

but the radio program seems that it no longer does

És per començar una altra etapa, nous projectes

It's to start another stage, new projects.

Ara no tenim un producte, llavors ens podem fer

Now we don't have a product, so we can make ourselves.

influencers, per exemple

influencers, for example

youtubers, co-working

youtubers, co-working

pot fer sinergies

can create synergies

doncs fas totes aquestes coses

so you do all these things

Bé, la cosa és que si ens podeu dir

Well, the thing is if you can tell us

alguna cosa bonica per acomiadar-nos

something beautiful to say goodbye

ens podeu dir, no marxeu

can you tell us, don't leave

us trobaré a Bona Falta

I will find you at Bona Falta.

Passenys a nostre roba

Let's move to our clothing.

al Twitter o a la web

on Twitter or on the website

on tenim voicemail

where we have voicemail

Aquesta vegada si ens envieu un voicemail

This time if you send us a voicemail.

serà per nosaltres, no ho podrem posar

it will be for us, we will not be able to put it

Ja no penjarem perquè ja no hi haurà

We will no longer hang because there will no longer be.

programa 339 ni 340

program 339 neither 340

Jo la meva proposta és d'aquí 20 anys

My proposal is in 20 years.

o 25 quan ens jubilem

or 25 when we retire

o més perquè la jubilació es va allargant

or more because retirement is being prolonged

d'aquí 30 anys tornar a fer el programa

In 30 years, do the program again.

Quan jo no tingui cabells

When I have no hair

Bé, a mi potser em tornen a sortir

Well, maybe they'll come back to me again.

perquè arriba un any que tot dut una volta

because a year comes when everything turns around

Bé, avui ens acompanyem a un programa especial

Well, today we are joined by a special program.

perquè de moment ens acompanya

because for now it accompanies us

un col·laborador únic

a unique collaborator

no sé si tenim un altre, no ho sabem

I don't know if we have another one, we don't know.

perquè aquest programa

because this program

acaba com va començar

ends as it began

havíem de tenir dos col·laboradors inigualables

we had to have two unparalleled collaborators

Un que és Toni Pou, benvingut

One who is Toni Pou, welcome.

Què tal, com esteu?

How are you all doing?

Molt bé, aquí, gràcies pel teu escalf

Very well, here, thank you for your warmth.

Potser escalf no és el que necessitem

Maybe warmth is not what we need.

en aquest estudi que és un fort

in this study that is a stronghold

I Pere Roca, Pere Roca que està entrant

I Pere Roca, Pere Roca who is entering.

per la porta en aquests moments

through the door at this moment

i que saludarà en directe

and will greet live

En breu, en breu

Soon, soon.

Just quan havíem de presentar a Pere Roca

Just when we were about to introduce Pere Roca.

apareix sempre arribant just a punt

he always appears arriving just on time

Doctor Cusat

Doctor Cusat

Hola, què tal?

Hello, how are you?

Hola, molt bé, seient

Hello, very well, sitting.

Doncs amb ells comentarem coses, no, Màrius?

Well, we will discuss things with them, won't we, Màrius?

Vinga, anem a l'internet,

Come on, let's go to the internet,

a les lefamèrides i a l'actualitat

to the lefamèrides and to the present day

Partícules on shell

Particles on shell

i partícules off shell

i off-shell particles

Torna, torna a punxar-la

Come back, come back and poke her again.

Has de gastar tots, eh?

You have to spend them all, right?

Derivada covariant

Covariant derivative

versus derivada d'ali

versus derived of ali



Quina tristesa

What sadness.

Ja no s'acaba aquest joc

This game never ends.

Però has superat, Màrius, el teu repte

But you have surpassed your challenge, Màrius.

És que en Lluís Martí Magro ens n'ha enviat dues

Lluís Martí Magro has sent us two.

que em sap greu i les vull posar

I am sorry and I want to put them.

És més, saps com ens n'ha enviat una altra?

What's more, do you know how she sent us another one?

Via voicemail, vols sentir-la, també?

Through voicemail, do you want to hear it too?

Xus, un dels d'Una vaga idea

Xus, one of the members of Una vaga idea.

que vam recomanar una vegada aquí al programa

that we recommended once here on the program

Jordi, això és una mica difícil

Jordi, this is a bit difficult.

Has de punxar el baby, després punxar el Xus

You have to prick the baby, then prick Xus.

i després tornar a punxar el baby

and then poke the baby again

Tu pots, Jordi

You can, Jordi.

Estratègia de la K

K Strategy

i Estratègia de la R a internet

and Internet R Strategy

Sí, tenim un tècnic que no ens el mereixem

Yes, we have a technician that we don't deserve.

Moltes gràcies per aquestes aportacions

Thank you very much for these contributions.

A més, això és molt viola, això de l'estratègia de la K i de la R

Furthermore, this is very violent, this K and R strategy.

Tant i que recomanem aquesta setmana l'última

So we recommend this week the latest one.

doncs recomanem, si ens trobeu a faltar

then we recommend, if you miss us

i voleu escoltar un programa de ràdio

And you want to listen to a radio program.

sobre ciència, doncs

about science, then

Einstein en Malassanya

Einstein in Malasaña

o acompanyados

or accompanied

Dicen que l'alegria va per barris

They say that joy comes in shifts.

Gràcies a la ciència

Thanks to science.

sabem que també el calor va per barris

We know that heat also varies by neighborhoods.

i el que tots ens temíem

and what we all feared

La riquesa i la pobresa també van per barris

Wealth and poverty also go by neighborhoods.

Dani Sarsky és el presentador

Dani Sarsky is the presenter.

és Carmen Endez

it's Carmen Endez

a Ràdio M21 de Madrid

to Radio M21 in Madrid

que vindria a ser com una local que depèn de l'Ajuntament

which would be like a local that depends on the City Council

una mica com la d'aquí a Barcelona

a bit like the one here in Barcelona

que tampoc ens hi volen

that they don't want us there either

Sí, la de BTV que té una ràdio

Yes, the one from BTV that has a radio.

Sí, doncs aquesta

Yes, well this one.



si voleu

if you want

seguir una mica la ciència que hi ha a Madrid

follow a bit the science that is in Madrid

que clar, us queda una mica lluny

of course, it's a bit far for you

però us recomano el programa perquè està molt ben fet

but I recommend the program because it is very well done

hi ha uns grans col·laboradors

there are some great collaborators

Antonio Calvorroy, la Sara Garzón

Antonio Calvorroy, Sara Garzón

i l'Esther Sánchez García

and Esther Sánchez García

per tant, un programa que podeu

therefore, a program that you can

I gran barri Malassanya

The great Malasaña neighborhood

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Era una època de la meva vida que el visitava bastant

It was a time in my life when I visited it quite often.

I què feies?

And what were you doing?

Assumptes, tenia una novieta

Topics, I had a girlfriend.

tenia una novieta molt bona

I had a very nice girlfriend.

Ah sí, te la recordo

Ah yes, I remember it.

Que era de Malassanya

That was from Malasaña.

Sí, de Malassanya

Yes, from Malasaña.

A part Malassanya

Apart from Malasaña.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Però ja està

But that's it.

Bé, què més, Màrius?

Well, what else, Màrius?

Doncs us recomanem

So we recommend you.

No havíem ni començat el programa, imagina't si fa any

We hadn't even started the program, just imagine if it were a year ago.

El Twitter o l'Instagram de Joan Ramon Molero

Joan Ramon Molero's Twitter or Instagram

que és el responsable de promoció i comunicació

who is responsible for promotion and communication

de l'escola universitària salaciana de Sarrià

from the Salasian university school of Sarrià

I què direu?

And what will you say?

I què em pot oferir?

And what can you offer me?

Doncs té un hashtag que bàsicament l'ocupa ell

Well, it has a hashtag that basically occupies it.

que es diu

what is it called

Estàs donant un mòbil, és que això vull

You are giving a mobile phone, that is what I want.

Pots parlar, eh, Pere, si vols

You can speak, eh, Pere, if you want.

Perdó, eh

Sorry, eh.

Digues, digues

Tell me, tell me

Que es diu

What is it called?


Muntitorització translates to "Montitorization." However, it seems that "muntitorització" may not be a standard Catalan word and might be a typo or a less common term. If you meant "monitorització," it would translate to "monitoring." Please confirm if that's the case.

Que és de la Lluna

What is from the Moon

Fotografies de la Lluna

Photos of the Moon

Fetes a pèl

Made bare

Sense trípode ni res

Without a tripod or anything.

Amb una cabarota allà

With a cabarota there

Pum, pum

Bang, bang

I té unes fotos bastant, bastant espectaculars

And it has some pretty, pretty spectacular photos.

Per tant, us recomanem que els seguiu

Therefore, we recommend that you follow them.

I després us recomanem un vídeo

And then we recommend a video to you.

Que és el vídeo que

What is the video that

La NASA, l'últim vídeo que ha fet

NASA, the last video it has made.

Amb imatges de Júpiter

With images of Jupiter

Fetes per la sota espacial Juno

Made by the space probe Juno

Que va ser llançada el 5 d'agost del 2011

It was released on August 5, 2011.

I el 5 de juliol del 2016

And on July 5, 2016

Ara gairebé farà un any

Now it will almost be a year.

Que és el que havia de durar més o menys la missió

What was supposed to last more or less the duration of the mission?

Ha estat orbitant Júpiter

It has been orbiting Jupiter.

Tot i que havia estat un any

Even though it had been a year.


Afandades translates to "rough" or "coarse" in English.

I se li va estancar una mica l'òrbita

His orbit got a little stuck.

Perquè si la feia, canviaven

Because if I did it, they would change.

Tenien por que Juno digués

They were afraid that Juno would say.

Sabeu comptar?

Can you count?

No comptes com Juno

Don't count like Juno.

I amb les imatges que ha recollit

And with the images that he/she has collected

Han fet un vídeo impressionant

They have made an impressive video.

És apostoflant?

Is it stunning?

Sí, sí, és Júpiteric

Yes, yes, it is Jupiteric.



Molt bé, Marius, doncs anem a

Very well, Marius, so let's go to





Tal dia farà

On that day, it will be.

Tants dies

So many days

Ai, que m'he deixat de dir

Oh, I forgot to say.

El que no calia anar a internet

What didn't need to go on the internet.

Ah, és que Marius, no cal

Ah, it's just that Marius, it's not necessary.

No cal, dues coses

No need, two things.

L'article de Rosa Montero

The article by Rosa Montero

Sobre la vaca

About the cow

No una mica, sinó tres pobles

Not a little, but three towns

I les declaracions antivacunes

And the anti-vaccine statements.

De Càrdenas tampoc cal

From Cárdenas it's not necessary either.

Sentir-les per internet

Feel them online.

No, Càrdenas no cal

No, Cárdenas is not necessary.

En cap aspecte

In no aspect.

Ara sí, l'ES Mèrides

Now yes, the ES Mèrides

Què va passar?

What happened?

Doncs el 9 de juny

Well, on June 9th.

Una cosa important que va passar

An important thing that happened

És que Einstein va analitzar Planck

It's that Einstein analyzed Planck.

Què va fer?

What did he/she do?

Va agafar la teoria que estava parlant

He took the theory he was discussing.

De quants de la llum

Of how many of the light

I la va aplicar

And she applied it.

Per resoldre

To solve

L'efecte fotoelèctric

The photoelectric effect

I això li va valdre el Nobel a Einstein

And this earned Einstein the Nobel Prize.

Tal dia com avui es va publicar

On this day, it was published.

Però Dani, el més important del 9 de juny

But Dani, the most important thing about June 9th

És que és el dia

It's just that it's the day.



, del geòleg

, of the geologist

Punt suspensius


Una cosa greu que espero en aquest programa

One serious thing I hope for in this program.

És aquesta selecció musical

It is this musical selection.

Jo potser li faria un programa específic d'això

I might create a specific program for that.

Jo crec que hi ha tota gent cobrant drets d'autor

I believe there are a lot of people collecting copyright fees.

Que no sap per què

That he/she does not know why.

Hi ha un tio que no havia vist mai un euro d'en jo

There is a guy who has never seen a euro from me.

Geólogo contento

Happy geologist

De sobte ve l'Esgai i li paga

Suddenly, the Esgai comes and pays him.

i diu, no, és que...

And he says, no, it's just that...

No, l'Esgai no paga a aquesta gent, això és el pitjor.

No, the Esgai doesn't pay these people, that's the worst.

No, no el busquen.

No, they are not looking for him.

No busquen, aquest paio es diu, no sé com es deia,

Don't look for him, this guy is called, I don't know what his name was,

Juan Luis no sé què, aquest no el busquen.

Juan Luis, I don't know what, they are not looking for him.

Jo t'he de dir que...

I have to tell you that...

Ara m'he fet de cedro, que és l'equivalent

Now I have become cedar, which is the equivalent.

a l'Esgai dels escriptors.

to the Guild of Writers.

I et paguen per si algú es fotocopia

They pay you in case someone makes a photocopy.

el meu llibre, em pagaran alguna cosa.

My book, they will pay me something.

Com ho saben, això?

How do they know this?

Clar, no ho sé. És preventiu?

Sure, I don’t know. Is it preventive?

Bueno, no sé com va, però m'han dit

Well, I don't know how it goes, but I've been told.

que em protegeixen i que em pagaran...

that protect me and that will pay me...

Si algú escriu el teu llibre una altra vegada,

If someone writes your book again,

el copia a mà, també?

Do you also copy it by hand?

O tipus monja, monjo de Mariabal?

Oh type monk, monk of Mariabal?

Pregunto. Gran pregunta.

I ask. Great question.

No et seria... I després, no hi hauria

It wouldn’t be... And then, there wouldn’t be.

l'alegat matemàtic una mica burgià

the somewhat bourgeois mathematical argument

de dir que tu has escrit

to say that you have written

aleatòriament unes paraules

randomly some words

i justament has sortit el llibre

and the book has just been published.

de Daniel Abus amb l'aigua al coll?

Is Daniel Abus in a tight spot?

Doncs, diria que no.

Well, I would say no.

Diria que això està contemplat,

I would say that this is covered.

que la probabilitat seria tan, tan baixa...

that the probability would be so, so low...

Em sembla indignant que algunes coses de la vida

I find it outrageous that some things in life

amb probabilitat es solucionin

with probability they will be resolved

i altres no, perquè la probabilitat seria massa baixa.

and others not, because the probability would be too low.

Doncs llavors tens el paio aquell de València,

Well then, you have that guy from Valencia,

aquell paio que li tocava a la loteria

that guy who won the lottery

tantes vegades. Ah, sí, el Fabra.

so many times. Ah, yes, Fabra.

Probabilísticament aquest paio és culpable.

Probably this guy is guilty.

No, clar, i no probabilísticament.

No, of course, and not probabilistically.

Bueno, va estar el Trullo. Sí, però no per això.

Well, it was the Trullo. Yes, but not because of that.

Hauria d'haver una llei que diu

There should be a law that states

si et toquen quatre vegades la loteria seguides,

if you win the lottery four times in a row,

el Trullo directe.

the Direct Trullo.

És com el del Caponi, que vas al Trullo per una altra cosa.

It's like Caponi's, you go to Trullo for something else.

És com el dels tres sisos al parxís.

It's like the three sixes in parlor games.

Que tu sí que treus tres sisos.

That you actually get three sixes.

Sí? Al parxís. No, en jugo.

Yes? In parchís. No, I play.

No jugues amb ell.

Don't play with him.

Mai he jugat al parxís.

I have never played Parcheesi.

No he intentat no fer-ho.

I haven't tried not to do it.

És avorrit, eh? Molt avorrit.

It's boring, isn't it? Very boring.

Home, si tu ja has jugat, Toni, alguna vegada.

Come on, you have played before, Toni, sometime.

Sí, però no t'ho n'he fet mai. No tinc més preguntes.

Yes, but I have never done it to you. I have no more questions.

Jo no. No teniu infantesa.

Not me. You don't have a childhood.

Al parxís és molt a la cara.

In parches, it's very in your face.

Jo he començat a jugar un paell de partides a la meva vida, dues, crec.

I have started to play a handful of games in my life, two, I think.

I no les he acabat. A més, és llarg.

And I haven't finished them. Besides, it's long.

Llarg, passant. No deixa parlar.

Long, passing. Doesn't let speak.

Però què dieu?

But what are you saying?

El parxís mola molt?

Is Parcheesi really cool?

No mola, però és molt estrany que no hi hagi jugat.

It's not cool, but it's very strange that he/she hasn't played there.

Jo trobo que mola.

I think it's cool.

No, ja ha jugat.

No, he has already played.

Pensant vosaltres que teniu germans,

Thinking you have siblings,

el parxís és un joc

Parcheesi is a game.

soviètic, però saps de l'èrim

Soviet, but do you know about the era?

quan el van congelar?

When were they frozen?

De que has d'estar

What you have to be.

a punt de morir per voler jugar al parxís.

about to die for wanting to play parchís.

Doncs el parxís, tu tens la teva fitxa.

Well, in Parcheesi, you have your token.

Dóna'm una amanida. Una partida al parxís

Give me a salad. A game of parchesi.

i una soga, en aquest ordre.

and a rope, in that order.

I tries la soga.

I try the rope.

És la manera en què moriria jo.

It's the way I would die.

Doncs el parxís...

Well, the parxís...

El parxís té una cosa molt bona, que defensa

Parcheesi has one very good thing, which it defends.

el que tu estàs dient.

what you are saying.

Si tu treus tres sisos seguits al parxís,

If you roll three sixes in a row in parxís,

el parxís has d'avançar la fitxa.

The parxís must move the piece forward.

Si treus tres sisos seguits,

If you roll three sixes in a row,

et tornes a casa.

you are going home.

Com a càstig, com a avariciós.

As a punishment, as a greedy person.

Però tu no has fet trampes.

But you didn't cheat.

El que estic dient és que probabilísticament,

What I'm saying is that probabilistically,

si et toquen quatre vegades la loteria,

if you win the lottery four times,

tu has fet trampes.

you have cheated.

En el fons, quan vas a un judici,

Deep down, when you go to a trial,

quan et declaren culpable,

when you are declared guilty,

sempre hi ha una ombra de dubte.

there is always a shadow of doubt.

Probabilísticament, podria ser

Probabilistically, it could be.

que fossis innocent.

that you were innocent.

Però si et toquen quatre vegades la loteria seguides,

But if you win the lottery four times in a row,

la probabilitat és menor

the probability is lower

que en un judici.

that in a trial.

Directe, t'han tocat quatre.

Direct, you’ve been touched four times.

Ai, l'has cagat.

Oh, you messed up.

Quatre, el trullo.

Four, the jail.

Vale, seguim, va.

Okay, let's continue, come on.

Volia fer una rectificació.

I wanted to make a correction.

És que el dia del geòleg.

It's the geologist's day.

Hi ha molta controvèrsia, Dani.

There is a lot of controversy, Dani.

Per què?


Perquè va ser el 9 de juny a Mèxic i a Argentina.

Because it was on June 9 in Mexico and Argentina.

Però el Perú és un altre dia.

But Peru is another day.

Ah, sí? Tenen dies dels geòlegs diferents?

Oh, really? Do geologists have different days?

I internacionalment, Europa segueix la de la Unió Soviètica.

Internationally, Europe follows that of the Soviet Union.

O sigui, que no es posen d'acord

So, they can't come to an agreement.

el dia del geòleg.

the day of the geologist.

Pocs que són i malvinguts.

Few that there are and ill-tempered.

Perquè també no és un dia gaire popular.

Because it is not a very popular day either.

No, però cada setmana...

No, but every week...

Per exemple, el de la Unió Soviètica

For example, that of the Soviet Union.

que es va acabar imposant

that ended up prevailing

és de quan es va descobrir patròlia de Sibèria.

It is from when the Siberian patrol was discovered.

Que tampoc em sembla una cosa com maca, saps?

It doesn't seem like a nice thing to me, you know?



A l'Argentina es va fer una associació de geòlegs

In Argentina, a geologists' association was formed.

i al cap d'un temps van decidir que aquell dia

and after a while they decided that that day

que es tornava a reunir seria el dia internacional.

that it would meet again would be the international day.

I llavors Mèxic el va adaptar, també.

And then Mexico adapted it, too.

Però el Perú va per lliure.

But Peru is going independent.

No anem bé.

We're not doing well.



No crec que s'apren.

I don't think it can be learned.

9 de juny, la va palmar.

June 9, she passed away.

En Per. André Maria, en Per.

In Per. André Maria, in Per.



Sí, el dels en Pers, aquest mateix.

Yes, the one in Pers, this one.

Seria curiós que n'hi hagués un altre.

It would be curious if there were another one.

11 de juny, saps qui va néixer?

June 11, do you know who was born?

Saps qui va sortir al món?

Do you know who was born into the world?

Jacques Cousteau.

Jacques Cousteau.

Que la gent, Jacques Cousteau,

That people, Jacques Cousteau,

el recorda pels seus documentals,

he remembers him for his documentaries,

però Jacques Cousteau, en el fons,

but Jacques Cousteau, deep down,

era un gran inventor, dissenyador de sistemes

he was a great inventor, system designer

que ara, per exemple, permeten

that now, for example, they allow

el busseig professional

professional diving

o càmeres especials per gravar.

or special cameras for recording.

Jacques Cousteau no anava allà només

Jacques Cousteau didn't go there just.



I s'enfonsava.

It was sinking.

I deien que feien aquelles coses.

And they said that they did those things.

Aquelles coses de posar en perill un peix.

Those things of putting a fish in danger.

Provocar els animals i tal.

Provoking the animals and such.

Com el Rodríguez de la Fuente.

Like Rodríguez de la Fuente.

Bueno, això ho ha fet tothom.

Well, everyone has done this.

Això ho ha fet tothom.

Everyone has done this.

Però Rodríguez de la Fuente

But Rodríguez de la Fuente

no s'inventava una càmera nova

a new camera was not being invented

per captar com queia la cabra

to capture how the goat fell

que ell tirava lligada a una corda

that he was pulling tied to a rope

perquè l'agafés a un voltor.

so that I could take it on a vulture.

I Jacques Cousteau sí.

Yes, Jacques Cousteau.

Trobo que té més valor.

I think it has more value.

Per tant, Jacques Cousteau 1,

Therefore, Jacques Cousteau 1,

Rodríguez de la Fuente 0.

Rodríguez de la Fuente 0.

I l'11 de juny del 1991...

And on June 11, 1991...

I la cabra menys 1.

And the goat minus 1.



I Microsoft crea l'MC2.

And Microsoft creates the MC2.




The MC2.



Doncs 5.0.

Well 5.0.

Perdó, el 5.0.

Sorry, the 5.0.

Però encara MS2, eh?

But still MS2, huh?

No fa tant, eh?

Not long ago, huh?

Quin any has dit?

What year did you say?

1991, MS2, 5.0.

1991, MS2, 5.0.

Tots els d'aquí

All the ones from here

estàvem allà amb l'MC2, 5.0.

We were there with the MC2, 5.0.

Jo no, jo estava jugant a parxís.

Not me, I was playing Parcheesi.

Vinga, què més?

Come on, what else?

12 de juny.

June 12.

Henry Becquerel fa una demostració

Henry Becquerel does a demonstration.

sobre la radioactivitat

about radioactivity

a l'Acadèmia de Ciències de París.

at the Academy of Sciences of Paris.

És una mica com l'acceptació

It's a bit like acceptance.

que existeix la radioactivitat.

that radioactivity exists.

El 13 de juny

June 13th

l'astrònom David Fabricius

the astronomer David Fabricius

observa per primera vegada

observe for the first time

taques al sol.




És que no estic dient els anys.

I'm not talking about the years.

Faig com si fos tot ara.

I act as if everything is fine now.





Qui va treure el cap, també?

Who poked their head out, too?

Thomas Young.

Thomas Young.

Thomas Young, el...

Thomas Young, the...

el jove, que sempre se'n diu.

the young man, who always speaks of it.

Sí, sí, el forever.

Yes, yes, the forever.

Forever de nom.

Forever by name.

Va aconseguir

He/She/It succeeded.

fer una interferència de llum

make a light interference

i llavors va demostrar

and then he demonstrated

que la llum era una ona.

that the light was a wave.

Després havia de ser

Then it had to be.

una història molt més llarga.

a much longer story.

Que Einstein...

That Einstein...

És que tot va lligat, eh?

It's just that everything is connected, right?

Perquè hem parlat de la llum.

Because we have talked about the light.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Hem parlat de l'efecte fotoelèctric.

We have talked about the photoelectric effect.

No, no, està lligat tot.

No, no, everything is connected.


Very tied up.

El 1983,

In 1983,



Pioneer 10, un 13 de juny,

Pioneer 10, on June 13,

surt del sistema solar.

exit the solar system.

És la primera cosa

It's the first thing.

que surt del sistema solar.

that leaves the solar system.

Se'n va més enllà

She/he goes beyond.

de l'òrbita de

from the orbit of



I no sé què més.

And I don't know what else.

A veure què et pot interessar.

Let's see what might interest you.

A Marius, una cosa.

To Marius, one thing.

Saps qui va néixer

Do you know who was born?

el 1864,

in 1864,

el 14 de juny?

June 14th?

Segueix passant pàgines així.

Keep turning pages like this.


The UAH,

el Zeimer.

the Zeimer.

Que fa molta calor

It's very hot.

passar pàgines

turn pages

sempre fresca.

always fresh.

El UAH, el Zeimer.

The UAH, the Zeimer.

El Zeimer.

The Zeimer.

Saps què?

Do you know what?

L'experiment de Young

The Young's experiment

els recomano als oients

I recommend them to the listeners.

que el facin a casa.

Let them do it at home.

Es pot fer a casa.

It can be done at home.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Amb un làser

With a laser

de comprar-te els xinos

to buy you the Chinese food

i un parell de cintes llants.

and a couple of shiny ribbons.

Ara ja només cal un làser

Now we just need a laser.

perquè hi ha un...

because there is a...

És preciós, eh?

It's beautiful, isn't it?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Els estudiants

The students

ho fan bastant

they do it quite a bit

com a traductor.

as a translator.

A veure què s'ha de fer.

Let's see what needs to be done.



posar dues escretxes

put two scratches

molt petites,

very small,

molt fines,

very fine,

que això es fa amb un celo

that this is done with a zeal

i llavors amb un cúter.

and then with a cutter.



O sigui,

That is,

fer uns talls molt prims

make very thin slices

i llavors

and then

posar un làser.

to put on a laser.

Ja en teníeu un problema,

You already had a problem,



Per què no s'havia descobert

Why had it not been discovered?

la interferometria de llum abans?

The light interferometry before?

Perquè la llum

Because of the light

no era coherent.

it was not coherent.

Però amb un làser

But with a laser

soluciona això.

solve this.

Hi ha un gogafé

There is a goblin.

fent servir una escletxa,

using a crack,

però amb un làser

but with a laser

ho podeu fer tots a casa

you can all do it at home

i és bastant increïble.

And it is quite incredible.

Molt, molt fàcil.

Very, very easy.

A veure com la llum

Let's see how the light.

s'assolapa entre si

overlaps with each other

i de cop hi ha franges

and suddenly there are stripes

on no arriba llum

where no light reaches

sinó que queden negres

but they turn black

que fan interferències

that cause interference

una onada que ve,

a wave that comes,

una que ve per sota

one that comes from below

i s'anul·len

and are canceled

i allà hi ha foscor.

And there is darkness.



El menjador de casa.

The dining room of the house.

Això el menjador de casa

This is the dining room of the house.

doncs ja ho sabeu

well, you already know it

aquest estiu

this summer

mentre repasseu

while you review

tots els plomes

all the pens

de la ciència nostra.

of our science.

M'explica mai

It never explains to me.

la història del làser

the history of the laser

la primera vegada

the first time

que vaig veure un punt de làser?

Did I see a laser pointer?

No, que tu el vas veure.

No, that you saw him.

Estava estudiant

I was studying.

a la meva habitació

in my room

i de cop

and suddenly

vaig veure un punt de làser

I saw a laser point.

al teu cap

in your head



a la meva ullera

to my glasses

i jo només havia vist

and I had only seen

els punters làser

laser pointers

en un lloc

in a place

que eren

what they were

les pel·lícules

the movies

i francotiradors.

and snipers.

Què vaig fer?

What did I do?

Et vas tirar a terra.

You fell to the ground.

Tirar-me a terra?

Throw me to the ground?

Llançar-me a terra?

Throw myself to the ground?

Per esquivar la bala.

To dodge the bullet.

Què era?

What was it?

Era un veí

He was a neighbor.

fent el lolo

being silly

però encara

but still

es devia partir

it must have broken

i deu anys.

And ten years.

Però tu quants anys tenies?

But how old were you?

Jo tenia

I had



No sé si s'ha d'allar

I don't know if it should be done.

per tirar-se pel terra

to throw oneself on the ground



No, clar,

No, of course,

ara els punters làser

now the laser pointers

no sabem

we don't know

en quins temes

on which topics

estava el menjador.

the dining room was.


Of course,

però tu tenies

but you had

codis nuclears

nuclear codes

a la teva habitació.

in your room.

Havies robat

You had stolen.

una bomba d'urani.

a uranium bomb.

Els punters làser

The laser pointers

tothom els coneix molt

everyone knows them very well

però va ser una aparició

but it was an appearance

o sigui,

that is,

punters làser

laser pointers

així que es venguessin

so that they sold themselves



no era

it wasn't

tan comú.

so common.

I el teu veí

And your neighbor

en va aconseguir un

he/she/it managed to get one

i el primer que se li va acudir

and the first thing that came to mind

és anem a...

let's go to...

Anem a molestar els veïns.

Let's go annoy the neighbors.

Els veïns.

The neighbors.

I realment...

And really...

Això fa l'ull i malament, eh?

This is eye-catching and bad, isn't it?



però estava prou lluny

but I was far enough away

com perquè, clar,

as why, of course,

t'has d'aprovar molt.

You have to approve a lot.

Però bueno,

But well,

i si arriba a ser un franc...

And if it ends up being a frank...

Sempre em quedo al...

I always stay at the...

Ara riem

Now we laugh.

però i si fos

but what if it were

un francotirador?

a sniper?

Potser el teu veí

Maybe your neighbor.

era un francotirador.

he was a sniper.



potser t'hagués matat.

maybe I would have killed you.

Se li va fer tanta rixa

There was such a fuss made about it.

la meva reacció

my reaction

que va dir

what did he/she say

no li disparo,

I don't shoot him.

pobre paio, tio.

poor guy, man.

S'ha cagat.

He/She has pooped.

Saps allò que...

Do you know that...

S'ha cagat.

He has crapped himself.

Potser venia al futur

Perhaps I came to the future.

i sabia que tu faràs

I knew that you would do.



i ja estàs en allò de fer...

And you are already into doing...

15 de juny

June 15th

del 1871

from 1871

dia del bioquímic

biochemist day

i ja està.

And that's it.

Què has dit?

What did you say?

Dia del bioquímic.

Biochemist Day.

Però trobo que hi ha

But I find that there is

molts dies d'aquests científics junts.

many days of these scientists together.



hi ha dies de tot

there are days for everything

i de tot arreu.

and from everywhere.

Amb això ja...

With this already...

Estàvem solapats els dies,

We were overlapping the days,



de coses, segur.

About things, for sure.

I tant.

Me too.

Hi ha dies que són

There are days that are

de 4 o 5 coses

of 4 or 5 things



Hi ha dies que tu estàs fent

There are days when you are doing.

la festa a la patata

the party at the potato

i de cop arriben els geòlegs

And suddenly the geologists arrive.

i et treuen...

and they take you out...

Saps què et vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?

Que de vegades

That sometimes

estàs emprenent celebració

you are undertaking celebration

i te la xafen.

And they squash it.



A la patata.

To the potato.



Hi ha un dia internacional

There is an international day.

de la patata.

of the potato.

És una festa molt maca.

It's a very nice party.

Veig que no ens parles

I see that you're not talking to us.

del satèrit Morelos 1,

of the Morelos 1 satellite,

però la vida...

but life...

Hi ha moltes coses.

There are many things.

He hagut de triar.

I have had to choose.

No dona.

No, it doesn't.

He hagut de triar.

I have had to choose.

I per tant,

And therefore,

anem ja a l'actualitat.

Let's move on to the current events.

Un programa de ciència

A science program

que no és una brasa.

that it is not a coal.



la nostra.


Lo que més trenca

What breaks the most

de la ciència.

of science.






Tell me.

Saps que celebrem

Do you know what we are celebrating?

els Premis Princesa d'Astúries

the Princess of Asturias Awards

i saps a qui li hem donat

And do you know who we gave it to?

el d'Investigació del 2017

the 2017 Research


of this year?

A qui?

To whom?

A unes bones ondes.

To some good waves.

El Premi Princesa d'Astúries

The Princess of Asturias Awards

ha anat a unes zones...

he has gone to some areas...

Quines zones són, Màrius?

Which areas are they, Màrius?

A les zones...

In the areas...

Segur que els oients més achispats.

Surely the listeners are more tipsy.

Gravitacionals o gravitatòries?

Gravitational or gravitative?

Ja ho havíem de dir.

We had to say it.



Gravitacional ve massa de l'anglès.

Gravitational sees mass of the English.

Jo crec que gravitatòries

I think that gravitational.

és més genuí.

it's more genuine.

Sí, va haver-hi un debat lingüístic.

Yes, there was a linguistic debate.

Sí, sobre temes,

Yes, about topics,

sobre coses...

about things...

No, desmantem.

No, we dismantle.

Com la cançó de la cançó

Like the song of the song

era en castellà?

Was it in Spanish?

En castellà com es diu?

How do you say it in Spanish?

Bueno, la gent ho diu

Well, people say so.

de les dues maneres.

in both ways.

A Brasil com es diu?

In Brazil, what is it called?

No, ho dic perquè Pompeu Fabra

No, I say it because Pompeu Fabra.

hauria fet el contrari del castellà.

I would have done the opposite of Spanish.

Era la seva regla.

It was her rule.

Tothom tendeix a gravitacional

Everyone tends to gravitational.

o gravitacional

or gravitational

perquè és com es diu en anglès.

because that’s how it is said in English.

Doncs, ones gravitatòries?

Well, gravitational waves?

Per qui?

For whom?

Pels físics?

For physicists?

Reiner, Weiss,

Reiner, Weiss



S. Thorne,

S. Thorne,





Barry, Barry...

Barry, Barry...

I com mil tios més, no?

Just like a thousand other guys, right?

Sí, perquè esta és

Yes, because this is

la col·laboració científica

scientific collaboration

del Ligo.

of the Ligo.

Si se l'han de repartir

If they have to be shared.

potser al final

perhaps in the end

acaben comprant

they end up buying

unes bosses de patatines.

some bags of chips.

Bueno, són 50.000 euros

Well, it's 50,000 euros.

entre mil,

among a thousand,

doncs ja ho tens, no?

So you have it, right?





Pots fer un sopar.

You can make a dinner.

Un sopar a menú tancat?

A fixed-menu dinner?

Tu, 50 euros?

You, 50 euros?

Però, per exemple,

But, for example,

no rep més Kip Thorne?

Doesn't Kip Thorne receive anymore?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Jo vaig parlar fa poc

I spoke recently.

amb el Kip Thorne.

with Kip Thorne.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

És un personatge molt interessant.

He is a very interesting character.

M'ha explicat moltes coses

She has explained many things to me.

molt interessants

very interesting

sobre aquest fenomen,

about this phenomenon,

sobre les zones gravitatòries.

about gravitational zones.

És que el Toni

It's just that Toni

segur que escriu

sure that he/she writes

que l'ansor portatge

that the ansor carry

és en Carrión.

it is in Carrión.





escriu grans reportatges

write great reports

del diari Ara,

from the newspaper Ara,

de Ciència,

of Science,

el Poder Unió.

the Power Union.

I què tal?

And how about you?

És bon paio?

Is he a good guy?

Sí, és molt divertit.

Yes, it's very fun.

És de la broma, sí.

It's a joke, yes.

És de la conya.

It's a joke.

És d'aquells,

He is one of those,

de la broma, sí.

Of the joke, yes.

I es manté

And it remains.

Skip Young?

Skip Young?

Home, a veure,

Man, let's see,

el tio està en forma,

the guy is in shape,

però clar,

but of course,

té 76 anys.

He is 76 years old.

Llavors, home,

So, man,

és gran,

it is big,

però està bé.

but it's okay.

Doncs, Dani,

Well, Dani,

el Ligo...

the Ligo...

Veus, Marius,

You see, Marius,

amb 76 anys

at 76 years old

podem tornar a fer el programa.

we can do the program again.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Recordem que és el...

Let us remember that it is the...

Ja haurem posat

We will have put.

aire acondicionat aquí

air conditioning here

i ja està.

And that's it.

Vinga, va,

Come on, let's go,

què és el Ligo?

What is Ligo?

El Ligo és un laboratori,

Ligo is a laboratory,

bàsicament són dos interferòmetres

basically they are two interferometers

situats a 3.000 km de distància

located 3,000 km away

que el que intenten captar

that what they are trying to capture

o el que ja han aconseguit captar

or what they have already managed to capture

més d'una vegada,

more than once,

perquè la primera va ser

because the first was

com la repollita,

like the cabbage,

però després no se n'ha parlat prou,

but then it hasn't been talked about enough,

aconsegueixen captar

they manage to capture



en les interferències

in the interferences

que provoquen aquests làsers,

that these lasers cause,

també està lligat amb Young,

it is also linked with Young,

és que aquest programa

it's just that this program

avui l'estem clavant bastant.

Today we are doing quite well.

Una pena que sigui l'últim.

A pity that it's the last one.

Ara que ens anava a fitxar,

Now that he was about to hire us,



Aquests són interferòmetres

These are interferometers.

que tenen dos quilòmetres,

that are two kilometers long,

fan quatre quilòmetres,

they do four kilometers,

fan una L

they make an L

i llavors les zones gravitacionals

and then the gravitational zones

el que fan és com fer vibrar

What they do is like making something vibrate.


the spacetime,

de manera que aquestes interferències

so that these interferences

seran diferents en dos espais

they will be different in two spaces

col·locats a 3.000 km.

located 3,000 km away.

És com si tu estàs

It's as if you are.

a la piscina d'oles

to the Oles pool

d'Isla Fantasia, Dani,

of Fantasy Island, Dani,

i tu i jo ens posem

you and I get together

un en un lloc i un en un altre,

one in one place and one in another,

quan el dut arribi potser a la cresta

when the dut arrives maybe at the crest

jo estic tranquil·lament

I am calmly.

allà amb unes xatines, saps?

over there with some chatty ones, you know?

Això segur,

This for sure,

això segur.

for sure.

Doncs això és el que detecta l'igo

Well, this is what the igo detects.

però de moment han de ser

but for now they have to be

aconteixements molt, molt bèsties.

very, very brutal events.

El que passa és que és com una manera

What happens is that it's like a way

nova d'observar l'univers.

new way of observing the universe.

Molt bé, Arius,

Very well, Arius,

doncs el que potser,

well what maybe,

ara parlaves d'observar l'univers,

now you were talking about observing the universe,

potser hi ha altres coses que nosaltres,

perhaps there are other things than we do,

saps què ens passarà?

Do you know what will happen to us?

Nosaltres això no ho veurem.

We will not see this.

Ara tenim secció.

Now we have a section.

No, espera.

No, wait.

Aquí venim a parlar, a fer gazzara, a barril·la.

Here we come to talk, to make noise, to mess around.

Te n'has preparat alguna?

Have you prepared any?

Jo tenia preparada una de tertúlies.

I had a discussion panel prepared.

Ah, doncs després fem tertúlies.

Ah, then we'll have discussions later.

Ens queden cinc minuts.

We have five minutes left.

A mi em vau dir que preparés uns temes.

You told me to prepare some topics.

Estem gastant el temps.

We are wasting time.

No, vam dir que era l'últim programa.

No, we said it was the last program.

A mi em vau dir que preparés uns temes.

You told me to prepare some topics.

I tu has volgut venir.

And you wanted to come.

A mi se'm va dir que preparés uns temes

I was told to prepare some topics.

per fer una secció i jo la informació que vaig rebre.

to make a section and the information I received.

Doncs després, amb la cervesa posterior

Well then, with the later beer.

que avui hauran de ser un vídeo

that today they will have to be a video

per cadascú, només per recuperar

for each one, just to recover

tot el líquid que estem perdent, després ho farem.

All the liquid we are losing, we will do it later.

Parlem d'una cosa.

Let's talk about something.

Parlem d'una cosa que potser ho veurem, potser no,

Let's talk about something that we might see, or maybe not.

que té a veure amb aquest temps, amb aquesta calor.

What does this have to do with this weather, with this heat?

Perquè què fa molta gent?

Because what do many people do?

Va a la platja a prendre el sol.

He/She goes to the beach to sunbathe.

Doncs ja sabeu que si aneu a prendre el sol,

Well, you know that if you're going to sunbathe,

si aneu a la platja, o a la muntanya,

if you go to the beach, or to the mountains,

o a jugar a tenis, o a golf,

or to play tennis, or to golf,

o a espiar les veïnes,

or to spy on the neighbors,

us heu de posar crema solar

you need to put on sunscreen

perquè la radiació ultravioleta del sol

because the ultraviolet radiation from the sun

us pot cremar la pell

it can burn your skin

i és potencialment cancerígena.

and is potentially cancer-causing.

i és potencialment cancerígena. Però ara, un dia,

and it is potentially cancer-causing. But now, one day,

uns investigadors dels Estats Units

some researchers from the United States

què han fet? Han, sembla que

What have they done? They, it seems that

han aconseguit, han desenvolupat

they have achieved, they have developed

una molècula que aconsegueix activar

a molecule that manages to activate

els melanòcits, que són els que et fa posar

the melanocytes, which are what make you tan

moreno, sense necessitat

dark-skinned, without need

de ratlles ultravioletes. És a dir,

of ultraviolet stripes. That is,

que amb una crema que tu et posessis...

that with a cream that you would apply...

És un bon melanòcit.

He is a good melanocyte.

Això segur que

This is sure that

s'ha dit en alguna platja.

It has been said on some beach.

Nena, t'ensenyo el melanòcit.

Girl, I'll show you the melanocyte.



Jo no estic tan segur d'això.

I'm not so sure about that.

No, jo també n'estava pensant.

No, I was thinking about it too.

Doncs, són uns investigadors,

Well, they are researchers,

han fet un compost, això, que

they have made a compost, this, that

penetra per la pell i activa la producció

penetrates the skin and activates production

de melanina, els melanòcits. Hola, ja no caldrà

of melanin, the melanocytes. Hello, it's no longer necessary.

sortir... Llavors,

go out... Then,

no caldrà anar a la platja

there's no need to go to the beach

per posar-te moreno. O sigui, ara, de cop, tot...

to get a tan. I mean, now, suddenly, everything...

Les suecas, crec...

The Swedes, I think...

Les suecas... O sigui, tots els del nord

The Swedes... I mean, all those from the north.

vindran ja morenos? Podran venir ja morenos

Will they come already tanned? Will they be able to come already tanned?

i sense necessitat de la salut.

and without the need for health.

Amb el ratlluba ja ho podríem fer, això, no?

With the grater, we could do this, right?

Clar, però el ratlluba també augmenta la visió de càncer.

Of course, but the scratch also increases the risk of cancer.

Hi ha un problema, que s'havien

There is a problem, that they had.

de posar un...

to put a...

un bastó

a cane

per la raja al cul, i amb això ja no caldrà.

for the crack in the ass, and with that it will no longer be necessary.

No, no. No t'hauràs de posar crema fins al...

No, no. You won't have to put on cream until...

fins a tot arreu, clar. Sí, però això

even everywhere, of course. Yes, but this

és més fàcil que no. Sí, però hi haurà molts problemes, eh,

it's easier than no. Yes, but there will be many problems, okay?

perquè la crema te l'has de posar uniformament, sinó

because you have to apply the cream evenly, otherwise

un aparell sortirà més morena que l'altre. S'ha de provar.

One device will come out darker than the other. It needs to be tested.

Es veu que ja s'havien provat compostos així i que

It seems that similar compounds had already been tested and that

amb ratolins funcionaven, però en moments

with mice it worked, but at times

no, perquè es veu que la pell humana és la monda lironda,

no, because it seems that human skin is the real deal,

que es diu científicament. I ara

what it is scientifically called. And now

han trobat un que inhibeix un

they have found one that inhibits a

enzim, farem veure que, com que és un programa

enzyme, we will pretend that, since it is a program

científic, direm l'enzim, que és el Salk Inducible

scientific, we will say the enzyme, which is the Salk Inducible

Quinassa, una...

Quinassa, a...

una quinassa, que estan a tot arreu les quinasses,

a mess, there are messes everywhere,

Marius, i estimulen els

Marius, and they stimulate the

gens que indueixen la producció d'eumelanina,

genes that induce the production of eumelanin,

que segueix el mateix patró...

that follows the same pattern...

...amb l'agrupassa.

...with the grouping.

Si vol vendre el seu pis

If you want to sell your apartment.

o vol comprar una casa,

or do you want to buy a house,

el millor servei

the best service

li dóna l'agrupassa.

it gives you the grouping.

És qüestió de prestigi.

It’s a matter of prestige.

Però aquest anunci l'han tornat a fer ara,

But they have made this ad again now,

després de molts anys, no? Home, és que és un dels millors anuncis.

After many years, right? Well, it's one of the best ads.

No l'han canviat res, el prestigi,

They haven't changed anything, the prestige,

està que és igual. Home, home, és que

it's the same. Man, man, it's just that

ja fa dos anys de negre, no m'ha sortit bé,

it's been two years of black, it hasn't gone well for me,

abans ho feia millor. Estem demostrant

I used to do it better. We are proving.

que és un anunci que va triomfar molt, el van treure

it's an ad that was very successful, they took it out

durant la crisi, i ara, com que tornem a estar

during the crisis, and now, since we are back

en un mercat expansiu, quan a

in an expanding market, when to

venda i lloguer de pisos, ha tornat

sale and rental of apartments, has returned

grupassa, que efectivament era

group, which indeed was

un individu de color.

a person of color.

Era d'arrumassa, no? Era d'arrumassa.

It was a snuggle, wasn't it? It was a snuggle.

No, era d'un...

No, it was from a...

El grupassa...

The great group...

El grupassa no era d'un que va presentar

The group was not one that was presented.

les eleccions del Barça?

the Barça elections?

Sí. Que era un així com fort, com d'os

Yes. It was something like strong, like bone.

ample? No ho buscaré, tampoc. No.

Wide? I won't look for it, either. No.

Bé, doncs res, que potser amb aquesta crema

Well, then nothing, maybe with this cream

tot això d'anar a la platja per posar-se moreno

all this about going to the beach to get a tan

s'haurà acabat i, per tant, el risc de

it will be over and, therefore, the risk of

desenvolupar un...

develop a...

un càncer, també. Això

a cancer, too. This

és massa.

it's too much.

Apocalipsi Now!

Apocalypse Now!



Dani, Apocalipsi,

Dani, Apocalypse,

saps que hi ha els oceans?

Do you know that there are oceans?

L'Apocalipsi és el que estic a punt de viure jo,

The Apocalypse is what I am about to experience.

estic a punt d'implosionar. Saps que hi ha

I'm about to implode. Do you know what's wrong?

els oceans? Què hi ha?

The oceans? What is there?

Saps que acumulem?

Do you know what we accumulate?

7 milions de tones de merda

7 million tons of crap

marina a l'any, Dani.

Marina per year, Dani.

I algunes qüestions

And some questions

no són pas trivials,

they are not trivial at all,

ho sabreu si heu provat

You will know if you have tried.

de cagar sota el mar.

to shit under the sea.


To poop

sota el mar.

under the sea.

Cagar sota el mar.

To shit under the sea.

Doncs Dani,

Well, Dani,

Divide Benceslau, no?

Divide Benceslau, right?

Sí, sí, ja que s'ha de fer promoció de tot,

Yes, yes, since everything needs to be promoted,

ja hem tancat una mica aquesta versió de la sireneta.

We have already finalized this version of The Little Mermaid a bit.

Porteu 9 anys i mig escoltant-nos

You have been listening to us for 9 and a half years.

i encara no ha anat a cap concert de Divide Benceslau.

And he still hasn't been to any Divide Benceslau concert.

Però no us mereixeu escoltar-nos,

But you don't deserve to listen to us,

apagueu la ràdio!

turn off the radio!

Apagueu la ràdio. Espereu el proper concert.

Turn off the radio. Wait for the next concert.

Sí, que...

Yes, that...

Quan és? Quan és?

When is it? When is it?

Hi ha data? No, no, no hi ha data.

Is there a date? No, no, there is no date.

Estem en... Esteu gravant ara.

We are in... You are recording now.

Els assuntos sí que estan gravant.

The subjects are indeed recording.

Ha arribat una Yoko Ono que us està a punt de separar?

Has a Yoko Ono arrived that is about to separate you?

Bueno, no...

Well, no...

Pregunto. No.

I ask. No.

Val, val, doncs ja està.

Okay, okay, then it's done.

Yoko Ono pot ser un bebè de pocs mesos?

Can Yoko Ono be a baby of a few months?

Home, pobra, no és culpable.

The poor man is not to blame.

No, però bueno...

No, but well...

La culpa de todo...

The blame for everything...

El primer que vaig veure d'aquelles fotos de la Yoko Ono

The first thing I saw of those photos of Yoko Ono.

i el John Lennon despullats,

and John Lennon naked,

no feien goig cap dels dos.

Neither of them looked appealing.

No, no, és que en general, quasi tothom

No, no, it's just that in general, almost everyone

fa poc goig despullat, perd.

I haven't looked good naked lately, sorry.

Quan es van filtre totes, bueno, pel meu gust,

When they filtered all of them, well, for my taste,

la del sinsajo que hi ha, com es diu,

the mockingjay that there is, what is it called,

aquella joveneta...

that young girl...

Ah, sí, que van sortir com totes...

Ah, yes, they came out like everyone else...

La Lawrence, la no sé què de Lawrence...

Lawrence, I don't know what of Lawrence...

Jo no les vaig veure molt, eh?

I didn't see them much, you know?

Jo trobo que tampoc...

I think not either...

De quina...

Of which...

Com es diu això? De quin...

What is this called? Of which...

Tampoc n'hi ha per tant. No, vull dir que...

It's not that big of a deal. No, I mean that...

No, no, però...

No, no, but...

Que a la sugestió

That to the suggestion

és sempre molt millor...

it's always much better...

A quin pal fas molles, es diu?

What stick do you make crumbs with, is it said?

No, no es diu així, és d'una altra manera.

No, it's not called that, it's called something else.

Veig molt...

I see a lot...

Estic d'acord amb el Dani una mica, perquè

I agree with Dani a bit, because

per exemple, jo, dintre la...

for example, I, within the...

dintre el rotllo...

inside the roll...

sexe entre animals, prefereixo

sex between animals, I prefer



Anguiles, insinuant, però no ensenyant.

Eels, hinting, but not showing.

Per exemple.

For example.

Això parlant del que és la categoria

This is talking about what the category is.

sexe amb animals, no?

sex with animals, right?

Sí, sí. Clar, tu què prefereixes?

Yes, yes. Of course, what do you prefer?

Amb animals o entre animals? Entre animals.

With animals or among animals? Among animals.

No, i allò és una guarrada.

No, and that is disgusting.

Va, Màrius, què...

Come on, Marius, what...

Doncs, el 8 de maig va ser el dia

Well, May 8 was the day.

dels oceans. Del dia internacional

of the oceans. Of the international day

dels oceans. Una dada que no sé

of the oceans. A fact that I don't know

com s'han volgut passar per alt.

how they have wanted to overlook.

El 8 de maig, eh? Super, de primera

May 8th, right? Great, top-notch!


current affairs.

Estan allà, els oceans? No, perdó, 8 de juny.

Are the oceans there? No, sorry, June 8.

Va ser fa quatre dies, per això. Ah, ja m'estava...

It was four days ago, that's why. Oh, I was already...

És que ja no sé ni en quin dia vinc.

I don’t even know what day I’m coming anymore.

No es pot treballar, eh?

You can't work, can you?

Acabem el programa

Let's finish the program.

d'una vegada, perquè m'estic

at once, because I am

a punt de morir. Doncs...

about to die. So...

Bé, ens han donat algunes dades. Sents una cosa, Màrius,

Well, they have given us some data. Do you hear something, Màrius?

que m'anava sorprenent molt,

that was surprising me a lot,

que nosaltres rebem tota la informació

that we receive all the information

de 103 Radio. Allò dels actes

of 103 Radio. That thing about the events

que fan i els programes. I una informació

what they do and the programs. And some information

que es repeteix periòdicament

that is repeated periodically

és la gent que fa programes i, de sobte,

it's the people who make programs and suddenly,

deixa d'estar entre...

stop being between...

Entre nosaltres. I, home,

Among us. And, man,

t'he de dir que no m'estranya, eh?

I have to tell you that I'm not surprised, you know?

T'he de dir que no m'estranya

I have to tell you that it doesn't surprise me.

perquè aquí

because here

depèn de quins. O sigui,

depends on which ones. That is,

tu portes un marc a pas

you carry a frame at step

i en aquests moments tot està fonent.

And at this moment everything is melting.

O sigui, és un metall fosc.

So, it's a dark metal.

No sé si heu vist un vídeo d'un

I don't know if you have seen a video of a.

que tira a fer fosc

it's getting dark

en un niu de formigues.

in an ant nest.

Doncs, alumini, perdó,

Well, aluminum, sorry,

alumini fosc. Ah, sí? Per què fan això?

dark aluminum. Oh, really? Why do they do that?

És una mica gore,

It's a bit gory.

però per veure com és

but to see what it's like

com s'expandeix un niu de formigues, que no caldria

how an ant nest expands, which would not be necessary

fer-ho. Tampoc. I després...

do it. Neither. And then...

No dura res, eh? O sigui, al final

It doesn't last long, does it? I mean, in the end.

no és un tarugú que no... No és un tarugú.

It's not a blockhead that doesn't... It's not a blockhead.

Això és com el fer fumar granotes

This is like making frogs smoke.

dels nens adolescents, però desenvolupat.

of adolescent children, but developed.



Vinga, Màrius. Doncs, Doni...

Come on, Màrius. Well, Doni...

Ens està acabant el temps, que hem de fer una tertúlia.

Our time is running out, we need to have a discussion.

Cada... Ara no em ve res

Every... Now nothing comes to mind.

més de gust que fer una tertúlia

more than happy to have a discussion

científica. Trobo que faltava...

scientific. I think it was missing...

Cada quilòmetre quadrat

Each square kilometer

d'oceà té uns 45.000 objectes.

The ocean has about 45,000 objects.

Hosti. És molt, eh?

Damn. It's a lot, isn't it?

45.000 els són dos. Però són petits,

45,000 is two of them. But they are small,

no? És microplàstic, no? Sí.

No? It's microplastic, right? Yes.

Perquè la majoria

Because the majority

de... O sigui, el problema de tot això,

... So, the problem with all of this,

per això recordar el Dia dels Oceans,

therefore remembering World Oceans Day,

és que la majoria dels objectes,

it's just that most of the objects,

el plàcton, s'està...

the plankton is...

Conté plàstic i, per tant, els peixos

It contains plastic and, therefore, the fish.

s'estan alimentant amb plàstic. Gairebé un 80%

They are being fed with plastic. Almost 80%.

dels peixos conté alguna partícula

of the fish contains some particle

de plàstic.

made of plastic.

I és que llancem 8 milions

And we are throwing away 8 million.

d'objectes diaris a l'oceà,

of daily objects in the ocean,

que en conjunt són una massa total

that collectively form a total mass

de 7 milions

of 7 million

de tona de merdes.

of a ton of crap.

Ciència i humor pot semblar

Science and humor may seem

una combinació estranya, però també

a strange combination, but also

ho és Biologia. I en Obregón ja hi està.

It is Biology. And Obregón is already there.



la nostra!



Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.

Però és que jo tenia tanta suor

But I was sweating so much.

que les meves pestanyes

that my eyelashes

ja no aconseguien aturar aquesta pluja

they could no longer stop this rain

i m'estava quedant sec

I was getting dry.

de la sala, als ulls.

from the room, to the eyes.

Sí, sí, és que és duríssim el que estem vivint.

Yes, yes, it's really hard what we are experiencing.

És duríssim. Bé,

It's very hard. Well,

doncs parlem, per refrescar-nos una mica,

well, let's talk, to refresh ourselves a bit,

parlem de l'Antàrtida i parlem en concret

let's talk about Antarctica and talk specifically

del Jar of Love, Pablísec,

from the Jar of Love, Pablísec,

que aquest senyor, era un senyor xec,

that this man was a Czech man,

que l'any 1989,

that in the year 1989,

ni curt ni paretzós, se'n va anar...

neither short nor slow, he left...

També trobo mala sort que hagi de passar ambulància, justament.

I also find it bad luck that I have to take an ambulance, of all things.

Ah, bueno, mira, justament.

Ah, well, look, exactly.

És la vida. És la vida al carrer, la ràdio al carrer.

It's life. It's life on the street, the radio on the street.

Sí, ràdio de barri, no?

Yes, neighborhood radio, right?

Ràdio de barri. Doncs aquest senyor,

Community radio. So this gentleman,

ni curt això, que deia, ni curt ni paretzós,

neither short, as he said, nor short nor lazy,

farà quasi 30 anys, va arribar a la illa Nelson,

Almost 30 years ago, Nelson arrived on the island,

que això està uns 700 quilòmetres...

that this is about 700 kilometers...

Jo crec que ens venen a buscar nosaltres, eh?

I think they are coming to pick us up, right?

A uns 700 quilòmetres

About 700 kilometers

del Cabo de Hornos.

from Cape Horn.

Tampoc s'ha dit gran cosa avui, no?

Not much has been said today, has it?



Espera, tu ens pots anar informant

Wait, you can keep us informed.

si hem de buscar algun desaparegut

if we have to look for any missing person

a la finestra. Hi ha uns geos que entre

at the window. There are some geese that come in

a l'edifici? Sí, hem d'anar a buscar

to the building? Yes, we need to go pick up

algun que... Vinga, va, que...

someone that... Come on, let's...

Doncs, aquest senyor va

Well, this gentleman goes

arribar allà, a una illa, a l'Antàrtida,

to arrive there, on an island, in Antarctica,

es va instal·lar, va crear la seva base,

he settled in, established his base,

i ha estat allà 30 anys. I de què viu?

And he has been there for 30 years. And what does he live on?

Estava allà.

I was there.

Primer, ell va fer una base tot molt ecològica

First, he made a very ecological base.

i ell feia cursos de supervivència

and he took survival courses

extrema. Tu podies anar allà,

extreme. You could go there,

et feia un curs, podies estar des d'unes setmanes

It took a course, you could be there for a few weeks.

a un any vivint amb ell. Però tu no pots

a year living with him. But you can't

viure a l'Antàrtida així com així, no? Home, fent cursos

Living in Antarctica just like that, right? Well, taking courses.

de supervivència extrema... No, però, veritat, tu pots anar allà

of extreme survival... No, but really, you can go there

i jo puc anar a l'Antàrtida? No, però estava en una illa.

And can I go to Antarctica? No, but I was on an island.

En una illa. Primer,

On an island. First,

dos grans reflexions. Primer, estava una illa allà, com a la

two great reflections. First, there was an island there, like at the

Parmès, al nord, o sigui, el que més toca a Argentina o a Xile,

Parmesan, to the north, that is, the one that is closest to Argentina or Chile,

però després ell ho va fer això abans del

but then he did that before the

Tractat Antàrtic, que es va firmar

Antarctic Treaty, which was signed

el 1991. I ell ja hi era.

In 1991. And he was already there.

El listo. Ell va anar al 89.

The smart one. He went in '89.

Però, home, no ho va dir ningú. Cursos de supervivència

But, come on, no one said it. Survival courses.

extrema. Al final, uns se'l van trobar,

extreme. In the end, some found him,

uns van anar allà i van dir, però això què és?

Some went there and said, but what is this?

I hi havia aquest senyor, una base, van

And there was this gentleman, a base, they went

veure que la base era supercutre, perquè ell no volia

to see that the base was very shabby, because he didn't want to

fer res per contaminar. De fet, la gent només podia

do nothing to pollute. In fact, people could only

portar 8 quilos d'equipatge.

carry 8 kilograms of luggage.

S'havien dut tots els residus. Trobo que

All the waste had been taken away. I think that

ha trobat el negoci ideal.

he has found the ideal business.

Material a l'Antàrtida, curs de supervivència

Material in Antarctica, survival course

extrema, zero.

extreme, zero.

Menjar, zero. Vols extrem?

Food, zero. Extreme desires?

Extrem. No, no, no.

Extreme. No, no, no.

Treu-te la roba i

Take off your clothes and

corre cap a... Ell t'ho faria

run towards... He would do it for you

allotjament i menjar i tu

accommodation and food and you

es pagava com unes colònies.

it was paid with some colonies.

Bé, aquest senyor ara ja és gran,

Well, this gentleman is now old.

perquè jo fa més de 30 anys. Fa casals

because I've been doing it for over 30 years. I run summer camps

d'estiu, per nens?

summer, for kids?



un cop que hi van anar

once they went there

unes autoritats del Tractat

some authorities of the Treaty

Antàrtic, van anar a visitar la base,

Antarctica, they went to visit the base.

i clar, es van quedar flipant perquè no ho sabien.

And of course, they were stunned because they didn't know.

De fet, hi havia una inspecció oficial

In fact, there was an official inspection.

que els va dir que havia arribat a tenir

that he told them he had come to have

nens de 7 anys.

children of 7 years old.

Això són pares...

This is parenthood...

Això és un casal.

This is a community center.

Això és un casal com Déu mana.

This is a house as God intended.

Un casal amb els millors casos.

A house with the best cases.

I que los platos se chupaban hasta dejarlos limpios.

And the plates were licked clean.

Los que se chupaban?

Those who were sucking?

Los platos, los platos.

The dishes, the dishes.

Ah, estan a color...

Ah, they are in color...

No, clar, perquè era també com molt ecològic.

No, of course, because it was also very ecological.

Amb el fred que fot, clar, no viu cap bacteri

With the cold that's going, of course, no bacteria live.

ni res, ja, saps?

nothing, yeah, you know?

I que, bueno, que això

And that, well, that this

que havien anat famílies a fer exercicis de supervivència.

that families had gone to do survival exercises.

Ara ella no hi va perquè ja té més de 70 anys

Now she doesn't go there because she is over 70 years old.

i el que volen

and what they want

és desmantellar-la.

it is to dismantle it.

Ara, clar, ara ja no supervivència extrema

Now, of course, now there’s no extreme survival anymore.

ja no mola.

it's no longer cool.

Ara volen desmantellar-la per dues coses. Una, perquè se veu que

Now they want to dismantle it for two reasons. One, because it is seen that

com que ella va fent bona voluntat i molt ecològica,

since she is being very good-natured and very ecological,

doncs està que es cau a catxos.

then it's falling apart.

I de l'altra, perquè no sigui un precedent

And on the other hand, so it doesn't set a precedent.

pels turistes.

for the tourists.

Perquè diguin, ah, però si ja n'hi ha una.

So they say, ah, but there is already one.

I, per tant, desmantellaran, però aquí,

And, therefore, they will dismantle, but here,

la nostra admiració cap a aquest xec

our admiration for this check

que va dir,

what he said,

va, vaig a estirar les cames.

Come on, I'm going to stretch my legs.

I per netejar-se, fer un...

And to clean oneself, do a...

Xeco, xeco.

Echo, echo.

What the fuck?

What the fuck?

What the fuck, man?

What the hell, man?

He dado cuenta de una cosa.

I have realized one thing.

Este calor que nos ha invadido en este verano

This heat that has invaded us this summer.

es por culpa de África.

It's because of Africa.

Es por culpa de la globalización.

It's due to globalization.

¿De los aires acondicionados?

About air conditioners?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

De la globalización, de que todos los países

From globalization, that all countries

tienen que tener el mismo clima.

They must have the same climate.

Bueno, no todo el mundo tiene que tener el mismo aire acondicionado.

Well, not everyone has to have the same air conditioning.

¡No le hables las palabras!

Don't speak the words to him/her!

¡Si no puede hablar el maricón!

If the faggot can't speak!

Tenemos ideologías

We have ideologies.



Contraversianas, las ideologías.

Controversial is the ideologies.

Dani, parlem del canvi climàtic

Dani, let's talk about climate change.

perquè el canvi climàtic, i això ens en podrà

because climate change, and this will be able to us

parlar molt bé Toni Pou, ha obligat

Toni Pou speaks very well, he has forced.

a cancelar un estudi

to cancel a study

canadenc sobre canvi climàtic.

Canadian on climate change.

Saps en quin vaixell

Do you know on which ship?

no es veu en cor

it cannot be seen in the heart

d'anar a l'Àrtic?

to go to the Arctic?


Which one?

A Mutsen.

To Mutsen.

Toni Pou, a ser-hi, no?

Toni Pou, will you be there, right?

Sí, sí, sí, jo vaig estar-hi fa uns anys.

Yes, yes, yes, I was there a few years ago.

Sí, sí, és molt perillós.

Yes, yes, it is very dangerous.

Són gent prudent i han fet bé.

They are prudent people and they have done well.

Es veu que o gel

It seems that it freezes.

o no gel, però que s'estigui desgelant

or no ice, but that it is melting

tan ràpid com està fent, es veu que és ultraperillós

As fast as it's going, it looks like it's ultra-dangerous.

perquè no saps com pots navegar.

because you don't know how you can navigate.

Et pot venir un tarugo?

Can a lump come to you?

Et pot venir un tarugo de gel?

Can a chunk of ice come to you?

Un titànic, no?

A titanic, right?

I una que no s'ha dit mai, que els icebergs

And one that has never been said before, that icebergs

per sobre són una cosa, però per sota l'aigua...

Above they are one thing, but below the water...

No, no veus, només veus un petit

No, you don't see, you only see a little.

percentatge de l'iceberg.

percentage of the iceberg.

Doncs han hagut de cancel·lar

So they had to cancel.

el seu estudi, l'estudi del sistema

his study, the study of the system

de la veia de Hudson

from the Hudson vein

i l'han anul·lat.

and they have canceled it.

Creuen que en breu podran

Do they believe they will be able to soon?

reprendre altres estudis, aquest fins i tot

resume other studies, this one even

fer-lo canviant-lo de dates

do it by changing the dates

bàsicament, però que ara mateix

basically, but right now

no es veuen en cor de sulcar

they do not see themselves in a heart to plow

els oceans,

the oceans,

l'oceà àrtic.

the Arctic Ocean.

És molt perillós, té molt de peligro.

It is very dangerous, it has a lot of danger.

Bueno, doncs esperem que...

Well, let's hope that...

En algun moment, quan estava allà a la Mutsen

At some point, when I was there at the Mutsen.

va haver algun moment de...

there was some moment of...

No, no, no, en aquell moment no,

No, no, no, not at that moment.

però sí que hi havia hagut situacions

but there had been situations

complicades, que m'havien explicat

complicated, which they had explained to me

que s'havien quedat atrapats al gel i llavors

that they had been trapped in the ice and then

venia una altra placa de gel enorme pel costat i per darrere...

Another huge ice slab was coming from the side and from behind...

I la veus movent-se?

And do you see her moving?

Com, com? Tu veus una placa de gel movent-se?

How, how? Do you see a sheet of ice moving?

Bueno, la veus... Sí, va, va...

Well, you see her... Yes, come on, come on...

Normalment són molt grans, o sigui, imagina't

Usually they are very big, I mean, just imagine.

una placa de gel com Barcelona.

a sheet of ice like Barcelona.

Clar, t'està... O sigui, t'està apretant...

Of course, it's... I mean, it's squeezing you...

Clar, te'l pot destrossar.

Of course, it can destroy you.

Es mou a poc a poc, però clar, com ho pares allò?

It moves slowly, but of course, how do you stop that?

Bueno, pots marxar tu.

Well, you can leave.

Sí, però clar, si estàs encallat,

Yes, but of course, if you are stuck,

que és el que li va passar,

what happened to him/her,

llavors no pots.

then you can't.

Ja està, després d'aquests comentaris de Cunyao,

That's it, after these comments from Cunyao,

de Ferrarroca, una mica...

from Ferrarroca, a little...

Ui, sí, perquè són que fas tu, bueno...

Oh, yes, because they are what you do, well...

Són les situacions...

They are the situations...

Són out of the box, eh, una mica?

They are out of the box, huh, a bit?

No, són les situacions a gran escala, després hi ha petita escala,

No, they are large-scale situations, then there are small-scale ones.

jo què sé, segur que un mariners

I don't know, surely a sailor.

va quedar un dia tancat a l'ou, no podia sortir,

he was locked in the egg for a day, he couldn't get out,

i llavors va intentar fer palanca amb alguna cosa,

and then he tried to leverage something,

i llavors... Aquestes coses

And then... These things

no s'expliquen, però també són un drama.

They are not explained, but they are also a tragedy.

També, potser més, pel que ho està vivint,

Also, perhaps more, because of what he/she is experiencing,

potser més. Vinga, anem al darrer estudi

maybe more. Come on, let's go to the last study

que ens afecta

that affects us

de ple.

in full.



Doncs sí, perquè la creença

Well yes, because the belief

que la roba negra fa més calor

that black clothing makes you warmer

que no la blanca, i que, per tant, a l'estiu

that not the white one, and that, therefore, in summer

has d'anar amb roba blanca,

you must wear white clothes,

doncs, atenció, perquè podria

so, pay attention, because it could

no ser certa, podria ser millor

not being true, it could be better

anar vestit de negre.

to be dressed in black.

Atenció, perquè...

Attention, because...

Aquí que hi ha tres físics,

Here there are three physicists,

a veure si esteu d'acord...

let's see if you agree...

Jo sempre havia explicat que el negre pitjor, perquè absorbeix

I had always explained that black is worse because it absorbs.

més... Sí, però, per exemple,

more... Yes, but, for example,

això ho he parlat aquest dia amb Arturo

I talked about this with Arturo that day.

Quirantes, que és divulgador de física, el profe

Quirantes, who is a physics communicator, the teacher.

de física, que hem vist

of physics, that we have seen

que, certament, una samarreta negra

that, certainly, a black t-shirt

absorbeix més la calor.

absorbs more heat.

Però, si tu portes una samarreta

But if you wear a t-shirt

negra ampla,

wide black,

absorbeix més la calor que ve de fora,

absorbs more heat coming from outside,

però també absorbeix més la calor

but it also absorbs more heat

que tu emets, que emet el teu cos.

that you emit, that your body emits.

Per tant, la samarreta, com si digués,

Therefore, the T-shirt, so to speak,

imagina't que tu portes una xilaba

imagine that you are wearing a jilbab

o alguna cosa ampla negra, absorbeix

or something wide and black, absorbs

la calor més del sol, això t'escalfaria,

the heat more of the sun, that would warm you up,

però absorbeix més la calor que tu desprens.

but it absorbs more heat than you emit.

Per tant, la samarreta, o la xilaba,

Therefore, the t-shirt, or the chador,

o la jaqueta, estaria més calenta.

or the jacket, it would be warmer.

Però, si passa aire, l'aire aquest, per convecció,

But if air passes, this air, by convection,

potser, s'enduria la calor.

perhaps, the heat would be carried away.

Per tant, la samarreta

Therefore, the t-shirt

emetria calor. En canvi, una samarreta

it emits heat. In contrast, a t-shirt

blanca, efectivament,

white, indeed,

reté menys calor de fora,

retains less heat from outside,

perquè reflecteix,

because it reflects,

però també fa tornar

but it also makes you return

la calor que tu emets

the heat that you emit

també la fa tornar cap al cos.

it also makes her return to the body.

Per tant,


què ho diu la ciència?

What does science say?

Què diu la física?

What does physics say?

S'ha experimentat, això?

Has this been experienced?

Es veu que això s'ha experimentat.

It seems that this has been experienced.

Perquè deien, com és que si el negre,

Because they said, how is it that if the black,

perquè els baduïns, els tuaregs van foscos,

because the Bedouins, the Tuaregs were dark,

però van foscos amb blanca. I on es diuen?

but they went dark with white. And where are they called?

Recomanació, si has d'anar ajustat,

Recommendation, if you have to go fitted,

blanca, perquè em atrau de fora.

white, because it attracts me from the outside.

Però si pots anar ample, ves ample

But if you can go wide, go wide.

i porta la negra, perquè

and she wears black, because

l'airet et farà,

the little breeze will make you,

anirà arrossegant, anirà enduent-se

it will drag along, it will carry away

la calor

the heat

que s'acumuli, i tu la teva

let it accumulate, and you yours

que emets també la trauràs més fàcil.

that you emit you will also take out more easily.

O sigui, optimitzes l'alliberament

That is, you optimize the release.

de calor corporal.

of body heat.

O sigui, que augmentis la teva temperatura

So, raise your temperature.

perquè se'n vagi l'aire.

to let the air go out.

En el fons, el que augmentes és la temperatura de la peça de roba,

Basically, what you are raising is the temperature of the piece of clothing.

no la teva. És que la peça de roba absorbeixi més

Not yours. It's that the piece of clothing absorbs more.

la calor del teu cos i llavors

the heat of your body and then

se'n va, la emet cap a fora.

It is leaving, it emits it outwards.

Sempre m'havia preguntat

I had always wondered.

per què


anaven amb roba fosca els tuaregs, en sèrio.

The Tuaregs were dressed in dark clothing, seriously.

I el color de la pell, això s'aplica?

And the color of the skin, does this apply?

Suelta la pell, no la pots portar a mà.

Let go of the skin, you can't carry it by hand.

És difícil que passi aire

It's hard for air to pass through.

per sota la pell.

under the skin.

En Silenci de los Corderos

The Silence of the Lambs

surt una escena

an scene emerges

en què pots portar la pell suelta.

in what you can wear loose skin.



es veu que això, això ho ha explicat l'Arturo

It seems that this, this has been explained by Arturo.

Quirantes, és que això sortia en un article de Curiositat

Quirantes, this was mentioned in an article from Curiositat.

al País, i ell es veu que

in the country, and he seems that

un investigador...

a researcher...

Això no és A o B, això hi ha uns rancs?

Is this A or B, is there some rancor in this?

Sí, correcte. No, per exemple,

Yes, correct. No, for example,

hi ha un estudi publicat a Nature, que és

there is a study published in Nature, which is

Why do Bedouins wear black robes in hot desert?

Why do Bedouins wear black robes in the hot desert?

I això, efectivament,

And this, indeed,

si no passa aire, t'aixitxarres.

if there is no airflow, you suffocate.

Però si passa aire, com que arrossega

But if it passes air, as it drags along.

la calor de la roba, és més eficient la transparència

The warmth of the clothes, transparency is more efficient.

de calor, i

of heat, and

l'estudi allò que els portadors de túniques

the study of those who wear tunics

negres no passaven més calor que si vestien de

blacks did not feel more warmth than if they were dressed in

blanc, i això que les negres absorben 2,5

white, and this is that the blacks absorb 2.5

veces... No passaven més o passaven menys?

Sometimes... Did they not happen more or did they happen less?

No passaven més, i això que les negres absorben 2,5

They didn't pass anymore, and yet the blacks absorb 2.5.

veces més radiació solar que les blanques.

times more solar radiation than the white ones.



Les negres o les blanques?

The black ones or the white ones?

Són exactament en l'acudit

They are exactly in the joke.

de l'Eugenio sobre si les

from Eugenio about whether the

negres o les blanques. Proveu-ho

black or white. Try it.

i envieu unes fotos de com que...

and send me some photos of how it...

És molt diferent que no absorbeixi

It's very different than not absorbing.

més que no ho faci menys.

more than not doing it less.

Podrien anar negres

They could go black.

o podrien anar vestits de...

or they could go dressed as...

Però jo sí que em crec que...

But I do believe that...

De l'arcoíris, no? De que deus anar més fresc tu. Si vas molt

About the rainbow, right? You must be feeling cooler. If you go a lot.

ample... L'argument té sentit, eh?

Wide... The argument makes sense, right?

I blanc i ample,

It is white and wide,

l'aire no passa aigua. Però

the air does not pass water. But

la calor que tu emets, el blanc

the heat that you emit, the white

com que no l'absorbes, te'l retorna.

As you do not absorb it, it returns to you.

Això ja ho ha dit, eh?

He has already said that, right?

Fa una mica efecte de vernacle.

It has a bit of a vernacular effect.

Però si és molt d'airet...

But it is quite a breeze...

Doncs ves amb pilotes.

So go with balls.

Si és com un globus...

If it's like a balloon...

I no portar res... Això va per ranc, segur.

And I don't bring anything... This is for ranc, for sure.

Home, això no ho pots fer al desert.

Dude, you can't do this in the desert.

Perquè et cremes el...

Because you burn your...

I portar crema solar, què?

Should I bring sunscreen, what?

I posar-te aquella crema per passar-se negre.

And put that cream on to turn black.

No transpires bé, no? I posar-te la crema

It doesn't go well, does it? And putting on the cream.

ja de moreno per passar-se negre.

Already tanned to turn black.

I no anar al desert.

I am not going to the desert.

I anar a l'Antàrtida amb el xec.

I am going to Antarctica with the check.

No, però un gorro gegant.

No, but a giant hat.

Que et doni ombra, però res més.

May it give you shade, but nothing more.

Els mexicans?

The Mexicans?

Mira, mira...

Look, look...

Aquests gorros no són més típics de Barcelona, ja?

These hats are no longer typical of Barcelona, right?



Que són murcians, aquests gorros.

What are these hats, Murcian?

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

La vegada és que ho he d'explicar, això.

The thing is that I have to explain it, this.

Els gorros que tothom diu que són mexicans

The hats that everyone says are Mexican.

són gorros que van portar

they are hats that they wore

immigrants murcians a Barcelona

Murcian immigrants in Barcelona.

que els portaven per la collita a Múrcia

that were taken for the harvest to Murcia

perquè fa molta calor.

because it is very hot.

Perquè si mires el tipus amb aquelles boletes i tal...

Because if you look at the guy with those little balls and all...

No és cap teoria, això és així.

It's not a theory, this is how it is.

No vaig llegir una altra cosa, però bueno.

I didn't read anything else, but okay.

Bueno, clar, tu pots llegir moltes coses, però no saps...

Well, of course, you can read a lot of things, but you don’t know...

La guerra de Mèxic...

The war of Mexico...

Bueno, espera't, que acabi el pèl.

Well, wait, let the hair finish.

Però, si t'ho fixes, els gorros aquests no són com els gorros mexicans.

But if you notice, these hats are not like Mexican hats.

Aquelles boles, els gorros mexicans no tenen aquelles boles.

Those balls, the Mexican hats do not have those balls.

No és la mateixa tipologia.

It is not the same type.

És un barret de l'horta murciana

It is a hat from the Murcian countryside.

i és típic de Barcelona

and it is typical of Barcelona

perquè van portar els immigrants murcians.

because they brought the Murcian immigrants.

Per tant, quan...

Therefore, when...

El turista ha donat la volta

The tourist has turned around.

i està fent alguna cosa típica

And is it doing something typical?

que nosaltres no sabem que és típic.

that we do not know what is typical.

Vull llegir que, per no sé quina victòria

I want to read that, for some victory I don't know which.

de la guerra de Mèxic,

of the war of Mexico,

es va portar un carregament de barrets

he brought a load of hats

com per celebrar-ho

as a way to celebrate it

i es va com imposar una moda

and a trend was imposed

per allà a les Rambles

over there at the Rambles

que toca amb el port

that touches the port

que estigués aquests barrets.

that these hats were.

Però, eh, que tothom, tal com ho estic dient jo ara,

But, hey, everyone, just as I'm saying it now,

ho vaig llegir a un lloc

I read it somewhere.

que potser ho hauria pogut escriure un paio com jo, saps?

that perhaps a guy like me could have written it, you know?



Et mola més el gat de Rodinger

You like Rodinger's cat more.

que el gat de Mistetes?

What about Mistetes' cat?

O encara millor, t'agraden els dos?

Or even better, do you like both?

Si t'agraden els dos, paciència, la nostra és el teu programa.

If you like both, patience, ours is your program.

Paciència, la nostra.

Patience, ours.

Home, una trucada.

Home, a call.

Feia temps que no la sentíem.

We hadn't heard from her in a long time.



¿Qué pasa por tu casa?

What's happening at your house?

¿Cuánto tiempo?

How long?

¿Qué pasa, Pati?

What's up, Pati?

Hombre, doctor Puerta, sí, molt de temps.

Man, Doctor Puerta, yes, a long time.

I em sorprèn que truqui avui.

I am surprised that you are calling today.

¿Per què truca?

Why are you calling?

Que per què truco?

Why am I calling?

Pa' no ver-ho, hòstia, que podria haver vingut,

To not see it, damn, I could have come.

però és que feu molt mala vista els dos que prefereixo trucar.

but you both have very poor eyesight that I prefer to call.

Bueno, també, perquè he tingut com un resentimiento, eh?

Well, also, because I've had some resentment, you know?

Resentido como algo, no sé, como...

Resentful like something, I don't know, like...


It will be...

Crec que es diu presentiment,

I think it's called a premonition,

teniu un presentimiento,

do you have a feeling,

no un ressentiment.

not a resentment.

Us haig de recordar que també sou filòlogo,

I must remind you that you are also a philologist.

se diu resentimiento,

it is called resentment,

perquè pre,

for what reason,

es d'abans,

it's from before,

es compre estreno,

It is bought premiere,

que és abans de l'estreno,

what is before the premiere,

o prepucio,

or foreskin,

que abans del pucio.

that before the puccio.

Resentiment és després,

Resentment is afterwards,

per exemple,

for example,

que m'ha deixat la nòvia

that my girlfriend left me

i estoy resentido,

I am resentful,

o después,

or later,

o como ahora es después de que estigues al programa,

or how now it is after you have been on the program,

pues es resentimiento.

Well, it is resentment.

Val, i aquest resentimiento que tenia vostè,

Okay, and this resentment that you had,

què li deia per dintre?

What was she telling herself inside?

Alguna cosa em deia que potser

Something was telling me that maybe

potser avui és l'última vegada que feu el programa.

Perhaps today is the last time you do the show.

Doncs miri, pot ser, pot ser, no ho enganyarem.

Well, look, it may be, it may be, we won't deceive ourselves.



Ya era hora, pesao, que sou un pesao.

It was about time, annoying, you're such a pain.

Nou anys donant la tabarra,

Nine years of being a nuisance,

lo primer que feu és fer pirar-se.

The first thing you did was to take off.

Us facilito, al carrer, hombre.

I help you, on the street, man.

No li fa una mica,

Isn't it a bit?

no li fa una mica de llàstima?

Doesn't it make you feel a bit sorry?

Vostè ha viscut amb nosaltres.

You have lived with us.

Ah, espera.

Ah, wait.

No, esclar,

No, of course.

des que se va anar a la Quinta del Pastel,

since he/she went to the Fifth of the Cake,

el científic entre científics,

the scientist among scientists,

la espuma de l'onada,

the foam of the wave,

o sea, ser jo, això,

that is to say, being me, this,

anava cap avall.

I was going down.

Per cert, li dieu al Jordi,

By the way, do you tell Jordi,

el de la ràdio aquesta,

the one from the radio,

que els faig jo una donació,

that I make them a donation,

que el matalà aquell que tinc allà,

that mattress I have over there,

que és de l'estudi,

what is of the study,

se n'obitré a buscar,

I will go to look for him/her.

que ja se lo regalo,

that I'll give it to him/her as a gift,

que se poden quedar, de nada.

they can stay, you're welcome.

El Jordi no fa pinta que el necessitin, eh?

Jordi doesn't seem to be needed, right?

A més, potser caldria, no sé, desinfectar-lo una mica,

Additionally, maybe it would be necessary, I don’t know, to disinfect it a bit,

o directament, jo crec, trucar a l'exèrcit

or directly, I think, call the army

perquè potser està en la llista d'armament biològic, ja,

because maybe it's on the biological weapon list, yes,

aquest matalàs.

this mattress.

Ai, que desagradeixit que són, eh?

Oh, how ungrateful they are, huh?

Amb lo de pelotilla, que em va costar d'omplir-lo, eh?

With the little ball, it was hard for me to fill it, huh?

Hores i hores, ahí, sacant pelotilla del malic

Hours and hours, there, picking lint from the belly button.

per tenir un cotxon.

to have a mattress.

Bueno, o sea, que se n'aneu, no?

Well, I mean, you're leaving, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.


You sigh.

Pues yo también suspiro, de tranquilidad.

Well, I also sigh, with tranquility.

Bueno, pues para acabar,

Well, to finish,

por todos los altos, sabeu què faré?

For all the heights, do you know what I will do?

Sí, què faré?

Yes, what will I do?

Comentaré la notícia d'aquesta setmana,

I will comment on this week's news,

si us sembla bé, eh?

if that sounds good to you, right?

Si no, pues dues pedres, perquè tampoc faré.

If not, then two stones, because I won't do it either.

O sea, si, por ejemplo, un tros de granit,

I mean, if, for example, a piece of granite,

un tros de caldita, dos,

a piece of broth, two,

per on?

where to?

Pues para todos los objetos de estudio de Stephen Hawking, eh?

Well, for all the objects of study of Stephen Hawking, huh?

Dues pedres para todos los furantes negras.

Two stones for all the black thieves.

Ja ho he entès.

I understand now.

El concepte de dos pedres,

The concept of two stones,

dues pedres, ja s'entén.

two stones, it is already understood.

No cal especificar-lo.

It is not necessary to specify it.

Bé, ja que hi som, comenti l'actualitat una mica.

Well, since we're at it, comment on the news a bit.


Come on.

Bueno, que sabeu que heu parlat

Well, you know that you have talked.

de la esta onda gravitacional, ja, eh?

of this gravitational wave, right?

Esta del LIGO, no?

This is from LIGO, right?

Sí, sí, que rebran el...

Yes, yes, they will receive the...



Princesa d'Astúries.

Princess of Asturias.

El Princesa d'Astúries.

The Princess of Asturias.

Sí, per ser el LIGO,

Yes, to be the LIGO,

és lo que no feu vosaltres ni en pintura, eh?

It's what you wouldn't do even in a painting, right?

No LIGO una mierda.

I don't give a shit.

Que gració.

How funny.



No l'ha fet ningú, aquesta broma.

No one has done this joke.



Pues jo crec que el previ aquel

Well, I think that previous one.

l'hauria de recibir jo, eh, mateix?

I should receive it, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Vostè què ha fet per...

What have you done for...

Sí, pues, clar, aquí al MIT,

Yes, well, of course, here at MIT,



El Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

No, Massachusetts, eh?

No, Massachusetts, huh?

Era Massachusetts?

Was it Massachusetts?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.



Hem detectat una altra tipus d'onda.

We have detected another type of wave.

Ah, no, era el PIT.

Ah, no, it was the PIT.

Perdó, que després li he de canviar el nom.

Sorry, I have to change the name later.

Era el...

It was the...

Sí, era el Puerta...

Yes, it was the Puerta...

Puerta de Intel·ligència i Tecnologia.

Gate of Intelligence and Technology.

És que a tant de temps,

It's just that after so long,

un al final s'acaba oblidant, saps?

In the end, one ends up forgetting, you know?

Sí, és que se m'ha transformat, ja.

Yes, it has already transformed me.

Escolta, que t'anava a dir,

Listen, I was going to tell you,

un altre tipus d'ondes que hem detectat,

another type of waves that we have detected,

que són molt més importants,

that are much more important,


they are...

molt més difícils d'entendre

much more difficult to understand

i són molt importants per la cosa aquesta

and they are very important for this thing

de l'entresijo de l'univers.

from the interstices of the universe.



Hem de detectar...

We have to detect...

Ojo, agafeu bufó a la gallina, eh?

Watch out, grab the rooster from the hen, okay?



Hem de detectar la sonda que se produce en el mar.

We need to detect the probe that is produced in the sea.

Hòstia, són superpel·ligroses.

Damn, they are super dangerous.

Te posa a prop en la playa i pum, t'emponsa.

It gets you close on the beach and boom, it pushes you.

I quan intentes sortir i ve un altre, hòstia,

And when you try to leave and someone else comes, damn it,

i te mulla també i t'atrapa.

It wets you too and catches you.

Ha estat...

It has been...

Ha estat una investigació molt dura, eh?

It has been a very tough investigation, huh?

Que, hòstia, m'he jugado el físico, eh?

Wow, damn, I've risked my physique, huh?

Allà amb el manguito, sense poder sortir en dies.

There with the sleeve, unable to go out for days.

Però ha valgut la pena, eh?

But it was worth it, right?



És el descobriment del sigro.

It is the discovery of the century.

Em sap greu dir-li que l'existència d'onades del mar

I'm sorry to tell you that the existence of sea waves.

se sap des de...

it is known since...

O sigui, temps que no...

I mean, it's been a while since...

Immunomarials, potser.

Immunomaterials, perhaps.

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Vosaltres sabeu tot, no?

You know everything, don’t you?

Agafa pati.

Take a break.

El que teniu és envidia.

What you have is envy.

Home, no, doctor Puertas.

No, doctor Puertas.

Tothom coneix les onades del mar.

Everyone knows the waves of the sea.

Perdoni que li digui.

Excuse me for saying this to you.



Escolta, que aquest premi

Listen, this prize

lo donen los borbones, no?

They give it to the Bourbons, right?



Més o menys sí.

More or less, yes.



No vull dir res, eh?

I don't want to say anything, okay?

Per si algun cara no s'ha enterat.

Just in case some idiot hasn't noticed.

No sé.

I don't know.

Potser són ellos, no?

Maybe it's them, right?



Ara una altra notícia.

Now another piece of news.

Una molècula per posar-te tot negre.

A molecule to turn you completely black.

Sí, una molècula que et permet posar-te moreno.

Yes, a molecule that allows you to get tanned.



Bé, pues el Pit també m'ha estat experimentant

Well, the Pit has also been experimenting with me.

amb una molècula que si és negra

with a molecule that is black

te pot portar blanc.

It can take you white.



Ho va trobar el Pati Kloibert,

He found it in the Pati Kloibert,

que ja sabeu que treballa amb nosaltres.

that you already know works with us.



Us ho explico.

I'll explain it to you.

És una tècnica, tipus,

It is a technique, type,

el que deposita partícules sobre una superfície.

the one that deposits particles on a surface.



Vol dir com l'sputtering, per exemple.

It means like sputtering, for example.

Sí, sí que esputtering, el Kloibert, una miqueta, eh?

Yes, yes, it's sputtering, the Kloibert, a little bit, huh?



Però no ho diu en anglès, eh?

But he doesn't say it in English, does he?

La cosa és que se trata de una deposición de partícula

The thing is that it is a particle deposition.

en una tècnica.

in a technique.

Esperi, esperi un moment.

Wait, wait a moment.

Esputtering és una tècnica

Sputtering is a technique.

que no té res a veure amb esputero.

that has nothing to do with a spittoon.

No, no té res a veure.

No, it has nothing to do with it.

Però bueno...

But well...

Però sí que esputero, eh?

But you do spit, right?

Sí, sí que...

Yes, yes that...



És que no me la quité, això, eh?

I didn't take it off, you know?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Hi ha poca cosa a té, eh?

There is very little to you, huh?

No, però...

No, but...

Va, seguim, seguim.

Come on, let's continue, let's continue.

Bueno, què?

Well, what?

Quina tècnica fa servir?

What technique do you use?

Pues que se basa en posar algo blanco sobre una superficie

Well, it is based on putting something white on a surface.

para que se torni blanca.

to turn white.



I es diu bucaking.

And it's called bucaking.





M'ho imaginava, eh?

I imagined it, huh?

No cal que sigui així, ja.

It doesn't have to be that way, already.

És una tècnica completament natural, eh?

It’s a completely natural technique, right?



Lo fa el Patrick mateix, eh?

Patrick does it himself, right?

Sembla com una pistola de pintura d'essa de pintar muros.

It looks like a paint gun for painting walls.



Ha de ser lo fa ell mateix, eh?

He has to do it himself, right?



Que pareix un elfo d'aquest senyor de los anillos.

He looks like an elf from this Lord of the Rings.

És com molt marrano.

It's very pig-like.



Per cert, també heu parlat...

By the way, you have also talked...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, una altra notícia.

Yes, another news.

En la bas...

In the bass...

Passeu interrompent.

Carry on interrupting.


Excuse me.

Ah, vale.

Oh, okay.

També heu parlat de la basura als oceans, eh?

You have also talked about garbage in the oceans, right?



I amb això torna la filologia és una ciència.

And with this, philology returns as a science.



Sintonia, Jordi.

Tuning, Jordi.





Parlem de la paraula basura.

Let's talk about the word trash.



Anem en sintonia.

Let's be in sync.

La basura és una paraula composta que prové del llatí, basurus.

Trash is a compound word that comes from Latin, basurus.



Que, per cert, eren els primers dinosaures llatins més comuns.

Actually, they were the most common early Latin dinosaurs.

Això no vol dir que la basura, si vol dir que la basura és molt antiga.

This does not mean that the trash, it does mean that the trash is very old.



Tant com els dinosaures o el làtic, en particular, els latinquins.

As much as the dinosaurs or the latex, in particular, the Latin quins.

Bueno, ens estem desviant.

Well, we are getting off track.

Sí, una miqueta.

Yes, a little bit.

La cosa és que la basura és una paraula composta de va i sura.

The thing is that garbage is a compound word made up of "va" and "sura."

Va i sura.

He goes and floats.

O sigui, significa que venga, flota, va, sura.

So, it means that come on, float, go, drift.

Home, llavors ve porta, o sigui, si és va de venga.

Come on, then come on, that is, if it's all right.



El va porta de baixa, no?

He is on leave, right?

Ai, pues la fa més alta i ja està.

Oh, well, just make it taller and that's it.

Escolta, que ocupi tot el paper, si vols.

Listen, take up the whole paper if you want.

Que és, que és un pesaus.

What is it, what is a pesaus?




I hate that.

I d'on ve la paraula?

And where does the word come from?

De que la gent abans lo tirava tot a l'agua.

That people used to throw everything into the water.



¿Qué hago con este papel?

What should I do with this paper?

¿O esta bolsa de mierda?

Or this piece of crap bag?

Pues lo tira a l'aigua.

Well, he throws it into the water.

I, claro, la gent volia veure si la mierda flotava i no.

Yes, of course, people wanted to see if the shit floated and it didn’t.

I deia, va, sura.

And I said, come on, float.

I, claro, esto acaba fatal.

And of course, this ends badly.

Digo, el océano es pleno de mierda, que de la buena.

I mean, the ocean is full of shit, the good kind.

Molt il·lustratiu.

Very illustrative.

Alguna coseta més?

Anything else?



Recorda el hamster que us envia una salutació?

Remember the hamster that sends you a greeting?



Bueno, ara estem fent uns experiments que no sé si us envia gaire cosa.

Well, now we are doing some experiments that I don’t know if it sends you much.

Estem provant com està tan de moda ara de fer lo que es diu trasplantament focal.

We are trying out how trendy it is now to do what is called focal transplant.





Es diu trasplantament fecal.

It is called fecal transplant.

Això de passar flora bacteriana a la caca entre una persona sana i una malalta, no?

This thing about transferring bacterial flora from the stool of a healthy person to a sick one, right?







Vaya guarrada.

What a mess.

Pues no se confós.

Well, he didn't get confused.

Fecal por focal, eh?

Fecal for focal, huh?

Claro, quina risa.

Of course, what a laugh.



Una risa.

A laugh.

Nosotros que introduirle una foca para el anus del Hunter era una mica difícil, eh?

We thought that introducing a seal into the Hunter's anus was a bit difficult, huh?

Pero bueno, nosotros intentaremos seguir ahí ni un domán con la técnica esta.

But well, we will try to keep going with this technique even tomorrow.



A veure, per trasplantament focal, us he fet un poema de despedida.

Let's see, for focal transplantation, I have written you a farewell poem.



Un poema?

A poem?



Es con rima consonante, ABAB o ATDC, que bueno, es lo mateix, eh?

It has consonant rhyme, ABAB or ATDC, which is good, it's the same thing, right?

A veure, aquesta...

Let's see, this...

Acabem, acabem la seva trucada, no?, amb aquesta despedida.

Let's finish, let's finish your call, shall we?, with this goodbye.

I diu així, ho faig des del fons del meu cor, eh?

And it says like this, I do it from the bottom of my heart, okay?



Ay, gafapatti, gafapatti.

Oh, nerd, nerd.

Que sou més feus que pegar-li a un anus.

You are more ugly than hitting an anus.

Que sou més feus que pegar-li a un nen.

You are more brutish than hitting a child.

No crec que et trobi a faltar ni harto de patis.

I don't think I'll miss you even a bit.

I com va dir Confucio, que us den.

And as Confucius said, may they give you.

Bueno, molt bona tarda i que lo passeu molt bé, eh?

Well, very good afternoon and have a great time, okay?

No ens trobarem a faltar entre portes, ara.

We will not miss each other among doors, now.



Però no.

But no.



Eh, no Daten.

Eh, no Daten.

Era una tarda, però de temps.

It was an afternoon, but of time.

Darrer programa.

Last program.

Moltes gràcies a tots a la ràdio Wam!

Thank you very much to everyone at Wam radio!

Crec que l'últim acudit...

I think the last joke...

Els dos sabem qui ha de ser...

We both know who it needs to be...

Qui ne ha de ser l'últim?

Who has to be the last?

Ha de ser l'últim ...

It must be the last ...

Ha de ser el de programa, de acudit de programa.

It must be the one from the show, from the show joke.

Bé, primer gràcies als oients que ens han donat la sevaileda.

Well, first thanks to the listeners who have given us their help.

Sí, gràcies...

Yes, thank you...



Ens han desda regalat espelmes fins ha enviat coses la ràdio, a totes les ràdios que

They have given us candles and sent things to the radio, to all the radios that...

ens han anemés.

they have taken us.

Sants Martorell...

Sants Martorell...

Us estimem...

We love you...

A tothom.

To everyone.

que surt un metge

that a doctor comes out

i tots els pacients estan allà

And all the patients are there.

surt un metge al balcó

A doctor comes out onto the balcony.

i els diu

and he/she tells them

voleu una ostra

Do you want an oyster?

ficada per l'anus?

inserted through the anus?

i tots, siiii

and everyone, yes!!!

voleu una ostra ficada per l'anus?

Do you want an oyster put in your anus?

i tots, siiii

and everyone, yes!

i tots marxen cridant

and everyone leaves shouting

de quin programa

which program

de ciència

of science

de veritat


que no

that no



crec que és la millor manera

I believe it is the best way.

d'acabar 9 anys i mig

of finishing 9 and a half years

de programa de ràdio

of radio program



doncs jo crec que no podem afegir res més

Well, I think we can't add anything else.

tot el que diguem ara

everything we say now

hauria hagut de fer una tertúlia científica

I should have held a scientific discussion.

això hauria estat molt avidí

this would have been very greedy

el programa

the program

la fem ara amb cerveses

Let's do it now with beers.

vinga fins aquí

come on up to here

per a tot el que estigui a l'anglès

for everything that is in English

per a tot el que siguin

for everything they may be

que la gent tingui

that people have

que fer

what to do

una tertúlia científica

a scientific discussion

tot el que siguin

everything that are

que la gent tingui

that people have

que fer

what to do

una tertúlia científica

a scientific discussion


Thank you.

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