Primera Llista - 21 setembre 2024

Primera Fila

Primera Llista

Primera Llista - 21 setembre 2024

Primera Llista

Primera llista amb Marc Clapés.

First list with Marc Clapés.

La setmana passada els hem deixat el número 2 amb Jubilarma.

Last week we left them the number 2 with Jubilarma.

Veurem què passarà avui a la categoria dels aspirants.

We will see what happens today in the category of the contenders.

Doncs quatre novetats de casa,

Well, four updates from home,

per tant, una llista que tindrà forta presència de casa.

therefore, a list that will have a strong presence at home.

I, a més a més, tenim quatre noves incorporacions a la llista.

Moreover, we have four new additions to the list.

Per tant, una llista avui intensa, amb pujades, amb baixades

Therefore, an intense list today, with rises and falls.

i, com diem, amb la sorpresa de saber

and, as we say, with the surprise of knowing

si Figaplau es repetiran en el número 1 de la llista o no.

if Figaplau will be repeated in the number 1 on the list or not.

Comencem el repàs, som-hi!

Let's start the review, here we go!

Número 40

Number 40

Número 41

Number 41

Número 42

Number 42

Número 43

Number 43

Número 44

Number 44

Número 45

Number 45

Número 46

Number 46

Número 47

Number 47

Número 48

Number 48

Número 49

Number 49

Número 50

Number 50

Número 51

Number 51

Número 52

Number 52

Número 53

Number 53

Número 54

Number 54

Número 55

Number 55

Número 56

Number 56

Número 57

Number 57

Número 58

Number 58

Número 59

Number 59

Número 51

Number 51

Número 52

Number 52

Número 53

Number 53

Número 54

Number 54

Número 55

Number 55

Número 56

Number 56

Número 57

Number 57

Número 58

Number 58

Número 59

Number 59

Número 51

Number 51

Número 52

Number 52

Número 53

Number 53

Número 54

Number 54

Número 55

Number 55

Número 56

Number 56

Número 57

Number 57

Que xèvere, que xèvere.

How cool, how cool.

Mamadusha, avui els escoltem

Mamadusha, today we listen to them.

des de la 40 de la llista

from the 40th of the list

baixada de 5 llocs per Quechevere

drop of 5 places for Quechevere

però tranquils els fans de Mamadusha

but don't worry Mamadusha fans

perquè avui un dels aspirants serà Mamadusha

because today one of the candidates will be Mamadusha

a la 39

at 39

Megan Trainor, que ha fet una reedició

Megan Trainor, who has done a reissue

del seu últim treball d'estudi on inclòs

from his last study work where included

aquesta cançó que s'està fent molt viral

this song that is going very viral

gràcies a una pel·lícula de Netflix

thanks to a Netflix movie

es diu Criminals, avui entra a la llista

It is called Criminals, today it enters the list.

número 39

number 39

Criminals, Criminals

Criminals, Criminals

Well, it must be illegal

Bé, ha de ser il·legal.

It must be illegal

It must be illegal.

So call us criminals, criminals

So call us criminals, criminals.

Call us criminals, criminals

Call us criminals, criminals.

Criminals, Criminals

Criminals, Criminals

Anything that feels this good

Qualsevol cosa que se senti tan bé

Must be illegal

Must be illegal.

Anything that feels this good

Qualsevol cosa que se senti tan bé

Must be illegal

Must be illegal

Criminals, Criminals

Criminals, Criminals

Si és un èxit, sona a la primera llista.

If it's a success, it sounds on the first list.

Número 38

Number 38

Número 39

Number 39

Entrades, sortides i les novetats de la setmana

Entries, exits, and the news of the week.

a la primera llista.

to the first list.

Número 37

Number 37

Número 40

Number 40

Número 41

Number 41

Número 42

Number 42

Número 43

Number 43

Número 44

Number 44

Número 45

Number 45

Número 46

Number 46

Número 48

Number 48

Número 49

Number 49

Bona nit

Good night

a la primera llista.

to the first list.

Número 34

Number 34

Número 35

Number 35

Número 36

Number 36

Número 37

Number 37

Número 38

Number 38

Número 39

Number 39

Número 40

Number 40

A tot just una setmana, Dua Lipa es va incorporar entre les 40 de la llista

Just a week ago, Dua Lipa joined the top 40 of the list.

amb aquesta cançó que es deia This Walls.

with this song called This Walls.

Avui, en suma 4, la tenim ja a la 34.

Today, in total 4, we already have it at 34.

A la 33, caiguda de 3 llocs per

At 33, dropped 3 places for

Passes al costat de Julieta, amb aquesta que ens encanta.

You pass by Julieta, with this one that we love.

22 setmanes per Com el dia i la nit.

22 weeks for Like day and night.

Com el dia i la nit

Like day and night.

Vaig comptant estats per culpa teva

I'm counting states because of you.

Em cauen del llit

They fall off the bed.

Número 33

Number 33

Som el dia i la nit

We are the day and the night.

Complido de manar el desig

Fulfilled to command the desire

I em cauen al llit

They fall on the bed.

Uh uh uh

Uh uh uh

En el sol està callada

In the sun it is silent.

Vé la por d'estar perdent

See the fear of being lost.

Una nit més

One more night

sense dir-te res

without telling you anything

La veritat

The truth

Et juro que si fos per mí

I swear to you that if it were up to me.

Seria menys complicat

It would be less complicated.

Marxem demà

We're leaving tomorrow.

per no tornar

for not returning

Som enrere el cabell

We are behind the hair.

El pis desendreçat

The untidy apartment

Recasa una relació

Rebuild a relationship.

Em fa avorrit quan és massa normal

It bores me when it is too normal.

Marxem demà

We're leaving tomorrow.

Flors on estava buit

Flowers where it was empty.

Deixem enrere el pes

We leave the weight behind.

Vull ser un cor que floreix

I want to be a heart that blooms.

Com si m'hagués fet fred

As if I had gotten cold.

Si sé que visc per això

If I know that I live for this

Ho noto a dins el pit

I feel it in my chest.

Ho sé segur

I know for sure.

Segur que visc per això

I'm sure I live for this.

De la il·lusió vivim

We live from illusion.

De la il·lusió

Of the illusion

De la il·lusió vivim

We live from illusion.

De la il·lusió

Of the illusion

De la il·lusió vivim

We live from illusion.

Vivim així

We live like this.


We live


We are sorry.


We live

Vegem-ho així, vivim.

Let's see it this way, we live.

Senzill, no hi ha motius per perdre'ns en pensar.

Simple, there is no reason to get lost in thought.

Mirar enrere costa més seguir.

Looking back makes it harder to move forward.

Si no patim només serem aquí.

If we don't suffer, we will only be here.



Tots els èxits del moment a la primera llista.

All the hits of the moment on the top chart.

Número 32

Number 32

Per a tots els que no ens hem aconseguit ni el que ens han aconseguit.

For all of us who have not achieved even what they have achieved.

Si no patim només serem aquí.

If we do not suffer, we will only be here.



Tots els èxits del moment a la primera llista.

All the current hits in the top list.

Tots els éxits del moment a la primera llista.

All the current hits in the top chart.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Descobreix les cançons més importants de la setmana a la primera llista.

Discover the most important songs of the week in the first chart.

Número 30.

Number 30.

Descobreix les cançons més importants de la setmana a la primera llista.

Discover the most important songs of the week in the first chart.

Evitant les emocions, evitant confrontacions,

Avoiding emotions, avoiding confrontations,

perds l'equilibri sense propòsits, en mans de si mateix.

You lose balance without purposes, in the hands of yourself.

Vius constantment mirant el mirall,

You constantly live looking in the mirror,

vius abraçat només a tu.

I live embraced only by you.

Content de conèixer-te, tot ja està perdut,

Nice to meet you, everything is already lost,

vius esclau del teu.

you live a slave to yours.

Ego, ego, ego, ego, ego.

I, I, I, I, I.

T'admires però no t'admiren,

You admire yourself but they do not admire you.

t'estimes però no t'estimen,

you love, but you are not loved,

t'escoltes però no t'escolten,

you listen to yourself but they don't listen to you,

encara hi ets atents a convertir-te en persona.

You are still attentive to becoming a person.

T'admires però no t'admiren,

You admire yourself but they do not admire you,

t'estimes però no t'estimen,

you love yourself but they don't love you,

t'escoltes però no t'escoltes,

you listen to yourself but you don’t listen to yourself,

encara hi ets atents a no ser esclau del teu.

you are still attentive to not be a slave to yours.

Ego, ego, ego, ego, ego.

Ego, ego, ego, ego, ego.

Ego, ego, ego, ego.

I, I, I, I.

Ego, ego, ego, ego, ego.

I, I, I, I, I.

De llistes n'hi ha moltes,

There are many lists,

però nosaltres tenim la primera llista.

but we have the first list.

Número 29.

Number 29.

For a while that it was rough,

For a while it was rough,

but lately I've been doing better

but lately I've been doing better

than the last four cold Decembers I recall.

than the last four cold Decembers I remember.

Rècord de permanència.

Record of stay.

And I see my family every month.

And I see my family every month.

I found a girl my parents love.

I found a girl my parents love.

She'll come and stay the night

Ella vindrà i es quedarà a passar la nit.

and I think I might have it all.

i crec que potser ho tinc tot.

And I thank God every day

And I thank God every day.

for the girl he sent my way.

per la noia que va enviar a la meva direcció.

But I know the things he gives me

Però sé les coses que em dona.

he can take away.

he can take away.

And I hold you every night

I hold you every night.

and that's a feeling I want

i això és un sentiment que vull

and I want you to know.

and I want you to know.

And I think I used to.

I think I used to.

But there's no man as terrified

Però no hi ha cap home tan aterroriat.

as the man who stands to lose you.

as the man who stands to lose you.

Oh, I hope I don't lose you.

Oh, espero no perdre't.



Please stay.

Si us plau, queda't.

I want you, I need you.

I want you, I need you.

Oh, God, don't take.

Oh, God, don't take.

These beautiful things that I've got.

These beautiful things that I've got.

Please stay.

Sisplau, queda't.

I want you, I need you.

I want you, I need you.

Oh, God, don't take.

Oh, Déu, no em prenguis.

These beautiful things that I've got.

These beautiful things that I've got.



Please don't take.

Si us plau, no ho prenguis.

I feel like I'm alone.

I feel like I'm alone.



Bona nit.

Good night.

Primera llista, en Marc Clapés.

First list, Marc Clapés.

Número 26.

Number 26.

Bona nit.

Good night.

presentant els seus èxits, aquestes

presenting their achievements, these

diuen La Faràndula, en una setmana ho han anunciat

they say La Faràndula, they announced it in a week.

un cert de presentació

a certain presentation

el 2025 d'un nou treball

the 2025 of a new job

d'estudi que esperem amb moltes ganes, de moment

of study that we are eagerly awaiting, for now

escoltem La Faràndula, encara una de

let's listen to La Faràndula, still one more

les seves últimes cançons, que en baixa 5

their latest songs, which drops 5

i atenció, parem màquines

And attention, stop the machines.

perquè a la posició 23

because in position 23

hi tenim la quarta i última incorporació

Here we have the fourth and final addition.

aquesta setmana a la llista per Capo

this week on the list for Capo

la setmana passada també et vam presentar

last week we also introduced you

una cançó que durant tot l'estiu

a song that throughout the whole summer

s'ha fet tips de sonar, però que ens agrada tant

he's gotten tired of ringing, but we like it so much

que hem dit, va, escolta, continuem sonant

What we've said, come on, listen, let's keep playing.

aquest Onana que està tenint molt bones

this Onana who is having very good performances

posicions, tant a les listes

positions, both in the lists

espanyoles com també a les listes internacionals

Spanish as well as in the international lists

Onana, Capo, avui

Onana, Boss, today

entra a la llista

enter the list

Onana, Capo, avui entra a la llista

Onana, Capo, today you enter the list.

Onana, Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana

mira la luna y siente que

look at the moon and feel that

tú ya lo viste

you already saw it

con una rosa la conquiste

With a rose, I conquered you.

bailando tan sal me la llevé

dancing so much, I took it away from me

y sin brisa yo la mueve

and without breeze it moves her

sin tocarla la desnude

without touching it I undress it

vos sos hermosa

you are beautiful

que no sabes que a todos los días

Do you not know that every day

luego sabes que me tienes

then you know that you have me



con ese baile

with that dance

sigo pensando

I'm still thinking.

en tu boca

in your mouth

me cierro en cuatro paredes

I shut myself in four walls.

una historia tan hermosa

a story so beautiful

en estos tiempos no se ve

in these times it is not seen

y yo tan loco, tan loco

and me so crazy, so crazy

siempre pensando en tu baile

always thinking about your dance

mira la luna y siente que

look at the moon and feel that

estoy al oído

I'm all ears.



Onana, Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana

una historia tan hermosa

such a beautiful story

que en estos tiempos no se ve

that is not seen in these times

Onana, Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana, Onana

una historia tan hermosa

a story so beautiful

que en estos tiempos no se ve

that is not seen in these times

Onana, Onana, Onana

Onana, Onana, Onana

en estos tiempos no se ve

in these times, it is not seen

Onana, Onana Als números 1 del moment

Onana, Onana At the number 1s of the moment

a la primera llista

to the first list

La cançó que més puja

The song that rises the most

Número 22

Number 22

Què he d'esperar per ajuntar Menorca amb Barcelona?

What should I expect to connect Menorca with Barcelona?

Quant tardarà en arribar l'estiu que tant ens dona?

How long will it take for the summer that we long for to arrive?

Té sa galeria cremada de tant de veure fotos nostres

Your gallery is burned out from looking at so many of our photos.

Visca en una via trucada i no ho puc aguantar

I live on a called line and I can't stand it.

Fa dies que et penso, ja fa dies que estem separats

I've been thinking about you for days, it's been days since we’ve been apart.

Segur estic tu tan lluny, quan tornaré a estar al teu costat

Surely I am so far from you, when will I be by your side again?

Fa dies que et penso, ja fa dies que em rondes pel cap

I've been thinking about you for days; you've been running through my mind for days.

Només tinc ulls per tu i papallones d'enamorat

I only have eyes for you and butterflies of love.

Perquè saps que fa dies, fa dies, ja fa massa dies

Because you know that it's been days, it's been days, it's been too many days.

Fa dies que estic esperant

I've been waiting for days.

Perquè saps que fa dies, fa dies, fa dies, fa dies, fa dies

Because you know that it has been days, days, days, days, days.

M'estic planejant

I am planning.

I jo tot recordo

And I remember everything.

Fem-me petons a sota l'aigua

Kiss me underwater.

I deies que sempre i per sempre

And you said forever and ever.

Aquella cançó jo recordava

I remembered that song.

I jo et deia Kiki, do you love me?

And I told you Kiki, do you love me?

No m'oblidis, sempre tornaré per tu

Don't forget me, I will always come back for you.

I jo baby, no te preocupis

And me baby, don't worry.

Ja t'esperes allà on fa dies que et penso

I already wait for you there where I have been thinking of you for days.

Ja fa dies que estem separats

It has been days since we have been apart.

Segur estic tu tan lluny

Sure I am, you so far away.

Quan tornaré a estar al teu costat

When will I be by your side again?

Fa dies que et penso, ja fa dies que em rondes pel cap

I have been thinking about you for days, you have been circling in my mind for days.

Només tinc ulls per tu

I only have eyes for you.

I va arribar el fred i se'm va anar el sol

The cold arrived and the sun went away from me.

Vaig agafar un avió cap a casa tu tot sol

I took a plane home to you all alone.

Ja l'estic fred i sé que queda poc

I'm already cold and I know there's little left.

Per tu compten dies des de l'últim cop

For you, days count since the last time.

No puc evitar, se'm va anar el costum

I can't help it, I've lost the habit.

Enamorar-me cada estiu d'un català com tu

Falling in love with a Catalan like you every summer.

Ei, pujo per Sant Joan

Hey, I'm coming up for Sant Joan.

Caem a l'imperi com cada any

We fall into the empire like every year.

Perquè saps que fa dies, fa dies

Because you know that it's been days, it's been days.

Ja fa massa dies, fa dies que estic esperant

It's been too many days, it's been days that I've been waiting.

Perquè saps que fa dies, fa dies, fa dies, fa dies

Because you know that it's been days, days, days, days.

Fa dies m'ho estic planejant

I have been planning it for days.

La Kiki, the tired

The Kiki, the tired

De Matarau a Menorca

From Mataró to Menorca

Kiki, do you love me?

Kiki, m'estimes?

No et preocupis

Don't worry.

I'm a congo

I'm a congo.

Doncs acabem de soltar la pujada més important de la setmana

So we just released the most important rise of the week.

Estat de 10 posicions per als tiets

State of 10 positions for uncles

Al costat de Chiara Oliver

Next to Chiara Oliver.

Amb això que es deia fa dies

With what was said a few days ago

Estem a punt de tancar Hora

We are about to close Hour.

De seguida recobrarem una cançó que va ser número 1

Soon we will recover a song that was number 1.

De la primera llista abans

From the first list above

Alan Walker, Inna Rolsen

Alan Walker, Inna Rolsen

En sumen 6 en Barcelona

It adds up to 6 in Barcelona.

Número 21

Number 21

I found my feet again and now

I found my feet again and now

I need to teach them how to run

I need to teach them how to run.

I found the beat I lost

I found the beat I lost.

When you left in the corner

When you left in the corner.

Before I rise of a song

Abans d'aixecar-me d'una cançó.

I love the anger I was feeling

I love the anger I was feeling.

At a bar in Barcelona

At a bar in Barcelona

Another brick, another wall

Another brick, another wall

And any day now I'll be okay

And any day now I'll be okay.

I won't miss you anymore

I won't miss you anymore.

La, la, la, la

La, la, la, la

I'm gonna dance until it dumps you off my mind

I'm gonna dance until it gets you out of my mind.

La, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Doncs nosaltres ens queda només un

So we only have one left.

temps limitat per escoltar una cançó

limited time to listen to a song

que va ser número 1 de la primera lista.

which was number 1 on the first list.

Avui ens anem 11 anys enrere

Today we're going back 11 years.

amb una de les

with one of the

primeres cançons de la primera lista.

first songs from the first list.

De fet,

In fact,

la llista es va començar a repassar el 2013

The list began to be reviewed in 2013.

i aquell any vam presentar

And that year we presented.

com a líder aquesta cançó dels

As a leader, this song of the

Capital Cities, una peça

Capital Cities, a piece

que es diu Safe and Sound i que es va estar dues setmanes

called Safe and Sound and that it lasted two weeks.

liderant la llista. Avui la recuperem.

leading the list. Today we get it back.

Ha arribat el moment de viatjar en el temps.

The time has come to travel in time.

Aquesta cançó va ser número 1

This song was number 1.

de la primera llista.

from the first list.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Doncs hem obert la segona hora de la primera llista

Well, we have opened the second hour of the first list.

amb Shawn Mendes i aquest

with Shawn Mendes and this

guai, guai, guai de pujar de 3

Cool, cool, cool to go up 3.

a 1.

a 1.

L'artista canarenca

The Canary artist

presentarà noves cançons durant les properes

will present new songs during the upcoming ones

setmanes. Obrim la segona hora de la

weeks. We open the second hour of the

llista. Ja hem escoltat la pujada més important a la

list. We have already heard the most important rise in the

primera hora, que ha estat per Tietz i Chiara per

first hour, which has been for Tietz and Chiara for

fa dies. També hem escoltat les 4 entrades

It's been days. We have also listened to the 4 entries.

que hem tingut a la llista per Capo

that we have had on the list for Capo

a Monana des de la 23, de Weekend

To Monana from 23, of Weekend

Dancing in the Flames des de la 27,

Dancing in the Flames from 27,

també Take My Ray des de la 36,

also Take My Ray from the 36,

Amids Ok, I'm Ok, i també

Amids Ok, I'm Ok, and also.

Criminals de Megantrainers des de la 39.

Megantrainers criminals since 39.

Avui ara van donar la llista Halsey,

Today they just gave the Halsey list.

Flashy Ice Cream, Els Catarres i Gin

Flashy Ice Cream, Els Catarres and Gin

Està. Però avui és una llista

It is. But today it is a list.

també molt catalana perquè tenim

also very Catalan because we have

4 aspirants que són de casa. Hem escoltat

4 candidates who are from home. We have heard.

Ja Miquel Abres a la primera hora i ara en aquesta

You open Miquel at the first hour and now at this one.

segona hora l'obrim escoltant

we open it in the second hour listening

els Buos, que ens han presentat una cançó

the Buos, who have presented us with a song

d'aquelles de pell de gallina, una més a més, i col·laboren

"from those goosebumps, one more in addition, and they collaborate."

els fills de Guillem

the children of Guillem

Soler, la Ivette, i Lixent

Soler, Ivette, and Lixent

i col·laboren amb aquesta cançó que es

and they collaborate with this song that is

diu Amb Tu, que també és

says With You, which is also

d'ou aspirants.

where aspirants.

Aquesta cançó vol entrar

This song wants to enter.

a la primera llista.

to the first list.

I ha sorgit el sol a sobre del mar

The sun has risen over the sea.

D'això hi ha el gran sol que ens hem

Of this, there is the great sun that we have.

de llevar. Bon dia,

to take away. Good morning,

bon dia

good morning

M'has ensenyat

You have taught me.

amor pur perquè tu ets el més sagrat

pure love because you are the most sacred

I ara estic segur que per

And now I am sure that for

sempre, que per sempre més

always, that forever more

Viuré enamorat

I will live in love.

Un tresor, un regal, el més especial

A treasure, a gift, the most special.

Un trosset de cel a la terra

A little piece of heaven on earth

Quan et tingui lluny

When I have you far away.

Tot em farà mal

Everything will hurt you.

I res em fa més feliç

And nothing makes me happier.

Que tenir el temps

What having time

Per estar junts

To be together

Si existeix el paradís

If paradise exists

S'assembla molt

It looks very much alike.

A estar amb tu

To be with you

Estar amb tu

Being with you

Jo ja no hi seré

I will no longer be there.

Tu t'hauràs fet gran

You must have grown up.

I aquesta cançó seguirà sonant

And this song will keep playing.

Bon dia, bon dia

Good morning, good morning.

Jo t'estimaré

I will love you.

Fins a l'infinit

To infinity

Mai oblidaré el que hem compartit

I will never forget what we have shared.

Bon dia, bon dia

Good morning, good morning.

I res em fa més feliç

And nothing makes me happier.

Que tenir el temps

What to have the time

Per estar junts

To be together

Si existeix el paradís

If paradise exists

S'assembla molt

It looks very similar.

A estar amb tu

To be with you

Estar amb tu. Estar amb tu.

Being with you. Being with you.

Si em dius que no estàs bé, tot el món es para.

If you tell me that you are not well, the whole world stops.

Tot ens acosta, res ens separa.

Everything brings us closer, nothing separates us.

No puc més si pogués aturar el temps per abraçar-te i acaronar-te.

I can't take it anymore; if I could stop time to hug you and caress you.

Tu m'has ensenyat la felicitat, voldria estar per sempre al teu costat.

You have taught me happiness, I would like to be by your side forever.

Bon dia, bon dia.

Good morning, good morning.

Si és un èxit, sona a la primera llista.

If it's a success, it sounds on the first list.

Número 19.

Number 19.

Número 20.

Number 20.

Tot allò que és un èxit és un èxit.

Everything that is a success is a success.

Sona a la primera llista.

Sounds like the first list.

Tot allò que és un èxit és un èxit.

Everything that is a success is a success.

Número 17.

Number 17.

Tot allò que és un èxit és un èxit.

Everything that is a success is a success.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Els números 1 del moment a la primera llista.

The current number 1s in the first chart.

Número 16.

Number 16.

Els números 1 del moment a la primera llista.

The number 1s of the moment on the first list.

Número 15.

Number 15.

Els números 1 del moment a la primera llista.

The number 1 of the moment on the first list.

Rècord de permanència

Record of permanence

Ara mateix és la cançó més veterana de la llista

Right now it is the oldest song on the list.

juntament amb Beautiful Things

together with Beautiful Things

de Benson Moon. Parlem d'aquest èxit

from Benson Moon. Let's talk about this success.

de Cyril que es diu Estava l'enill

from Cyril who is called Estava l'enill

i que té 33 setmanes de permanència

and has a stay of 33 weeks

a la llista i manté posició.

on the list and maintains position.

De seguida ens anem a la 14

We're going to 14 right away.



Passem d'anar per la categoria dels aspirants

We move from being in the category of aspirants.

per escoltar Mamadusha.

to listen to Mamadusha.

De fet avui hem obert la llista escoltant a

In fact, today we opened the list listening to

Quechevere que ha caigut fins a la 40

How cool that it has fallen to 40.

i ara, a aquesta hora, podem posar el seu nou senzill

And now, at this hour, we can play your new single.

que forma part del mateix EP.

that is part of the same EP.

Cançó fantàstica que dona una mica

Fantastic song that gives a little.

el retorn a la feina,

the return to work,

el retorn a la rutina

the return to routine

amb el joc que es diu

with the game that is called

Santornemis, el seu nou aspirant

Santornemis, his new aspirant.

de Mamadusha, la nova cançó

from Mamadusha, the new song

que segur que us enganxa de mala manera.

that will surely hook you in a bad way.

Aquesta cançó aspira a entrar a la llista.

This song aims to make it onto the chart.

M'ha robat tot el cor

He has stolen my whole heart.

vinga Santornemis

come Santornemis

m'has deixat tot pelat

you've left me completely bare.

vinga Santornemis

come on Santornemis

i em di trons un altre cop

and they call me thunder again

vinga Santornemis

come Santornemis

la flor al cul que ja no val

the flower on the ass that is no longer worth it

fins un altre immersi.

until another immersion.

Ai, tantes ganes

Oh, so much desire.

que tenies de mi

what you had of me

ara em diuen

now they call me

que m'he d'animar

that I have to cheer up

ja no queda

there's no longer any left

una foto a Instagram

a photo on Instagram

se'm fa gran el meu llit

my bed feels big to me

m'ha robat tot el cor

He has stolen my whole heart.

vinga Santornemis

come Santornemis

m'has deixat tot pelat

you've left me completely bare

vinga Santornemis

come Santornemis

i em di trons un altre cop

and they call me thunders again

vinga Santornemis

come Santornemis

la flor al cul que ja no val

the flower in the ass that is not worth it anymore

fins un altre immersi.

Until another time immersed.

Ai, si la cosa

Oh, if the thing

jo ja sé com va

I already know how it goes.

però a la pràctica

but in practice

estic rebentat

I'm exhausted.

molt bonic

very pretty

el missatge final

the final message

va quedar super clar.

It was super clear.

M'ha robat tot el cor

He has stolen my whole heart.

vinga Santornemis

come Santornemis

m'has deixat tot pelat

you've left me totally bare

vinga Santornemis

come on Santornemis

i em di trons un altre cop

and they call me thunder again

vinga Santornemis

come Santornemis

la flor al cul que ja no val

the flower on the ass that is no longer worth it

fins un altre immersi.

until another time.

vinga Santornemis

come on Santornemis

Ha, ha, ha, ha robat tot el cor, vinga se'n torne a mi

Ha, ha, ha, ha, stolen all the heart, come back to me.

M'has deixat tot pelat, vinga se'n torne a mi

You've left me all bare, come on, I'm going back to myself.

I em llitrons un altre cop, vinga se'n torne a mi

I'm in lemons again, come back to me.

La flor al cul que ja no val, fins un altre i més, sí

The flower in the ass that is no longer worth it, until another one and more, yes.

De llistes n'hi ha moltes, però nosaltres tenim la primera llista

There are many lists, but we have the first list.

Número 14

Number 14

Vull que vinguis, que m'ho diguis a la cara i m'ho expliquis

I want you to come, tell me to my face and explain it to me.

Baiem junts la posta de sol, sentit que estem bé, sentit que estem living

Let's dance together at sunset, feeling that we are well, feeling that we are living.

Vull que vinguis, que estarem un rato de tranquils

I want you to come, so we can have a quiet time together.

Baiem junts la posta de sol, fent una perola

Let's dance together at sunset, making a pearla.

M'has deixat tot pelat, vinga se'n torne a mi

You've left me completely bare, come on, I'm going back to myself.

I amb un brindis, mentre sona el

And with a toast, while the...

Descobreix les cançons més importants de la setmana a la primera llista

Discover the most important songs of the week in the first chart.

Número 13

Number 13

Descobreix les cançons més importants de la setmana a la primera llista

Discover the most important songs of the week in the first chart.

I amb un brindis, mentre sona el brindis

And with a toast, while the toast sounds.

Descobreix les cançons més importants de la setmana a la primera llista

Discover the most important songs of the week in the first list.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa papallones,

With a horse he rides up and down butterflies,

passigolles a la panxa de les bones.

tickles in the belly of the good ones.

Quan hauré d'escriure fort, fes-me veure que ets aquí,

When I have to write loud, make me see that you are here,

fes-me creure que has vingut per el destí.

make me believe that you have come for destiny.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa papallones,

With a horse, he rises and falls butterflies,

passigolles a la panxa de les bones.

Tickles in the belly of good ones.

Nervis dos minuts abans de quedar amb tu,

Nervous two minutes before meeting you,

el meu cap en blanc, només faig que pensi en tu.

my mind is blank, I can only think of you.

Quatre mesos massa establats,

Four months too established,

ja no caic més en picat,

I no longer fall headlong.

però tampoc me l'airo,

but I don't bother either,

se me'n van els cables.

I'm losing my mind.

Com fa sentir el cor desubicat,

How the misplaced heart feels,

i miro i danqueix amb algú.

I look and complain with someone.

Però ningú em fa sentir el que em feies sentir tu,

But no one makes me feel what you made me feel.

ja m'han dit que tard o d'hora el meu amor arribarà,

I've already been told that sooner or later my love will arrive.

no pateixis que no tardarà.

Don't worry, it won't take long.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa i veig sentir,

With a horse, I go up and down and I feel.

fins que m'encongeixi de naví.

until I shrink down to nothing.

Massa temps per tot xir.

Too much time to waste.

Mira'm que sóc aquí.

Look at me, I'm here.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa papallones,

With a horse, he goes up and down butterflies,

passi-golles a la panxa de les bones.

pass-throughs to the belly of the good ones.

Quan arribis crida fort,

When you arrive, shout loud.

fes-me veure que ets aquí,

make me see that you are here,

fes-me creure que has vingut per el destí.

make me believe that you have come for destiny.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa papallones,

With a horse, it rises and falls with butterflies,

passi-golles a la panxa de les bones.

belly tickling of the good ones.

Nervis dos minuts abans de quedar amb tu,

Nervous two minutes before meeting you,

el meu cap en blanc,

my mind blank,

només faig que pensi en tu.

I can only think about you.

Quan l'amor arriba la vida se'ns descontrola,

When love arrives, life gets out of control.

i flotu de desig.

and I float with desire.

No t'entenc igual que no entenc que és la Coca-Cola.

I don't understand you just like I don't understand what Coca-Cola is.

Digue-li a tota la bitxis,

Tell all the bitches,

que s'apartin ja del mig.

to get out of the way already.

Del mig.

From the middle.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa i vull sentir,

With a horse, I go up and down and I want to feel,

més que encongeixi de naví.

more than it shrinks from the navel.

Massa temps per tot xir.

Too much time to do everything, man.

Mira'm que sóc aquí.

Look at me, I am here.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa papallones,

With a horse, he goes up and down butterflies,

passi-golles a la panxa de les bones.

pass the balls to the belly of the good ones.

Nervis dos minuts abans de quedar amb tu,

Nervous two minutes before meeting you,

el meu cap en blanc,

my blank mind,

només faig que pensi en tu.

I can't help but think about you.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa papallones,

With a horse, it goes up and down butterflies,

passi-golles a la panxa de les bones.

belly-flops on the good ones.

Nervis dos minuts abans de quedar amb tu,

Nervous two minutes before meeting with you,

el meu cap en blanc,

my blank head,

només faig que pensi en tu.

I only think about you.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa papallones,

With a horse, it goes up and down butterflies,

passi-golles a la panxa de les bones.

belly flop on the good ones.

Nervis dos minuts abans de quedar amb tu,

Nervous two minutes before meeting you,

el meu cap en blanc,

my blank mind,

només faig que pensi en tu.

I can only think of you.

Amb un cavall puja i baixa papallones,

With a horse, butterflies rise and fall,

Arriben les 10 cançons més importants de la setmana.

Here come the 10 most important songs of the week.

El top 10 de la primera llista.

The top 10 of the first list.

Número 10

Number 10

Número 11

Number 11

Número 12

Number 12

Número 13

Number 13

Número 14

Number 14

Bona nit.

Good night.

Avui hem obert el top 10 amb a Marc Song Tipsy,

Today we opened the top 10 with Marc Song Tipsy.

l'èxit de Shabuzi, que després d'unes setmanes que va estar fora

the success of Shabuzi, which after a few weeks it was out

va tornar a entrar, i ja la tenim, el número 10,

it came back in, and here we have it, number 10,

sumant-ne 4, a la nova baixada de dos llocs

adding 4, to the new drop of two places

per Feels Like I'm Falling In Love, l'èxit de Coldplay.

for Feels Like I'm Falling In Love, the success of Coldplay.

El número 9.

The number 9.

El número 10.

The number 10.

Escolta's la primera llista

Listen to the first list.

amb en Marc Lapés

with Marc Lapés

Número 8

Number 8

Número 9

Number 9

Número 10

Number 10

Número 11

Number 11

Número 12

Number 12

Número 13

Number 13

Número 14

Number 14

Número 15

Number 15

Número 17

Number 17

Número 18

Number 18

Número 19

Number 19

Número 20

Number 20

Número 21

Number 21

Número 22

Number 22

Número 23

Number 23

Número 24

Number 24

Número 27

Number 27

Número 28

Number 28

Número 29

Number 29


Food number

Número 30

Number 30

Número 31

Number 31

Número 38

Number 38

Número 39

Number 39

i les novetats de la setmana

and the news of the week

a la primera llista.

to the first list.

Número 6

Number 6

Número 7

Number 7

Número 8

Number 8

Número 9

Number 9

Número 10

Number 10

Número 11

Number 11

Número 12

Number 12

Número 13

Number 13

Número 14

Number 14

Número 15

Number 15

Número 16

Number 16

Miles Smith manté el mateix número que fa 7 dies.

Miles Smith maintains the same number as 7 days ago.

La número 6, Stargazing,

Number 6, Stargazing,

es queda aquí plantada en aquesta posició.

it stays here planted in this position.

També es queda aquí estancada

It also gets stuck here.

Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

amb una de les cançons de la temporada,

with one of the songs of the season,

sens dubte la més important del seu últim treball d'estudi,

undoubtedly the most important of his latest research work,

que suma més de mil milions de repressions

that adds up to more than a billion repressions

i produccions.

and productions.

Això es diu Birds of a Feather

This is called Birds of a Feather.

i la tenim a la 5.

And we have it at 5.

Número 5

Number 5

I'm turning blue

Estic tornant-me blau.

Please don't save me

Si us plau, no em guardis.

Nothing left to lose

Nothing left to lose

Without my baby

Sense el meu nadó

Birds of a feather

Birds of a feather.

We should stick together

We should stick together.

I know I said I'd never

I know I said I'd never

Think I wasn't better

Think I wasn't better.

Alone can't change the weather

Alone can't change the weather.

Might not be forever

Potser no sigui per sempre.

But if it's forever

Però si és per sempre.

It's even better

It's even better.

And I don't know what I'm crying for

I don't know what I'm crying for.

I don't think I could love you more

No crec que pogués estimar-te més.

It might not be wrong

It might not be wrong.

But maybe I

Però potser jo

I'll love you till the day that I die

I'll love you till the day that I die.

Till the day that I die

Fins al dia que mori.

Till the light leaves my eye

Fins que la llum abandoni el meu ull.

Till the day that I die

Fins al dia que mori.

I want you to see

I want you to see.

How you look to me

How you look to me

You wouldn't believe

You wouldn't believe.

If I told you

If I told you

You wouldn't keep the compliments I throw you

You wouldn't keep the compliments I throw at you.

But you're so full of shit

Però estàs tan ple de merda.

Tell me it's a bit too late

Tell me it's a bit too late.

Say you don't see it

Say you don't see it.

Your mind's polluted

Your mind's polluted.

Say you wanna quit

Say you want to quit.

Don't be stupid

Don't be stupid.

I don't know what I'm crying for

No sé per què estic plorant.

I don't think I could love you more

No crec que pogués estimar-te més.

Might not be wrong

Might not be wrong.

But maybe I

Però potser jo

Don't think I could love you more

No pensis que podria estimar-te més.

I don't wanna say goodbye

I don't want to say goodbye.

I hope it's forever

I hope it's forever.

Till the day that I die

Fins el dia que mori

Till the light leaves my eye

Fins que la llum abandoni el meu ull

Till the day that I die

Fins el dia que mori.

It's forever

It's forever.

It's even better

It's even better.

And I don't think I could love you more

I don't think I could love you more.

Maybe I could love you more

Maybe I could love you more.

Say you don't think I could love you more

Say you don't think I could love you more.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

No te va a besar como yo, no está tan rica así como yo.

She won't kiss you like I do, she's not as good as I am.

Ella es tímida y yo no con esta gana que tengo yo.

She is shy and I am not with this desire I have.

Me atrevo a comérmelo yo.

I dare to eat it myself.

Hoy estás jangueando con ella, pero después tal vez no.

Today you're hanging out with her, but maybe not later.

¿Qué hubiera sido?

What would it have been?

Hey, come on.

Hey, come on.

Seguramente estarías bailando hasta conmigo.

You would probably be dancing with me too.

No como amigos, no, no, no.

Not like friends, no, no, no.

Es bastar dues setmanes a la primera posició de la llista.

It is enough to be two weeks in the first position of the list.

Karol G, si antes te hubiera conocido, manté encara bones posicions.

Karol G, if I had known you before, you still hold good positions.

En baixa una, de la 3 a la 4.

Lower it, from 3 to 4.

I atenció perquè a Ocas Grases estaven a la posició número 2.

And I noticed because at Ocas Grases they were in position number 2.

Semblava que podrien arribar al lideratge,

It seemed that they could reach the leadership,

però perden la segona posició i cauen dins la 3.

but they lose the second position and fall into third.

Això es diu jubilar-me.

This is called retiring.

Sé feliç.

Be happy.

Número 3.

Number 3.

Ja no importa, no està de moda.

It doesn't matter anymore, it's not in fashion.

Ara importa més.

Now it matters more.

Aquesta nit, molta feina, molta pasta.

Tonight, a lot of work, a lot of cash.

Amicament, ginal.

Medicinal, genital.

La cosa canvia,

The thing changes,

no es pot canviar res del que he fet.

Nothing can be changed about what I have done.

No sé si aquest és el camí, però crec que és el moment.

I don't know if this is the way, but I think it's the time.

Vull recollir trossets de cada plat que s'ha trencat.

I want to collect bits of each dish that has broken.

Ja no vull tot de presca una mica per entrar a les mans.

I no longer want everything at once a little to get into my hands.

Ara podem lliscar mitjons damunt el terrenet.

Now we can slide socks on the little hill.

M'he tret el pes, no hi perdo res.

I've taken the weight off, I lose nothing.

Ara no sé si estic a punt per tornar a estar amb algú.

Now I don't know if I'm ready to be with someone again.

Però si arriba l'amor, faria igual que tu.

But if love arrives, I would do the same as you.

No vull un vaixell, dóna'm il·lusió.

I don't want a ship, give me hope.

No puc ser tan guai com una cançó.

I can't be as cool as a song.

Falta molt amor, falta molt amor.

There is a lot of love missing, there is a lot of love missing.

Jo vull ser el meu gos i passar de tot.

I want to be my dog and ignore everything.

No vull un vaixell, no puc ser tan guai com una cançó.

I don't want a boat, I can't be as cool as a song.

No vull un vaixell, dóna'm il·lusió.

I don’t want a boat, give me hope.

No puc ser tan guai com una cançó.

I can't be as cool as a song.

Escric mil papers i tot ve de l'aire.

I write a thousand papers and everything comes from the air.

Mira, sembla que sona la flauta.

Look, it seems that the flute is sounding.

Ser feliç ja no importa.

Being happy no longer matters.

No està de moda, ara importa.

It's not fashionable, now it matters.

Més tenim molta feina, molta pasta.

But we have a lot of work, a lot of money.

A mi que menys no.

Not me, at least not that.

Més que menys no.

More or less no.

De gran vull ser heavy, hippie, fer gimnàstica.

When I grow up, I want to be heavy, a hippie, do gymnastics.

Vull ser dentista, fakiri, però fer de plàstica.

I want to be a dentist, a fakir, but do plastic surgery.

Em molaria ser ric i jugar amb el Barça.

I would love to be rich and play with Barça.

Vull conquerir Amèrica i no tinc pasta.

I want to conquer America and I don't have any money.

Sorta el sol mentre plou i naixem i ens morim.

The sun shines while it rains, and we are born and we die.

No vull gastar ni un minut més mirant tot aquest circ.

I don't want to waste another minute looking at this circus.

Estar al pati ple d'ànimes que s'estan venent.

Being in the courtyard full of souls that are being sold.

Jo vull mirar enrere amb orgull quan em faci vent.

I want to look back with pride when the wind blows.

No vull un vaixell, dóna'm il·lusió, no puc ser tan guai com una cançó

I don't want a boat, give me passion, I can't be as cool as a song.

Falta molt amor, falta molt amor, jo vull ser el meu gos i passar de tot

There's a lot of love missing, there's a lot of love missing, I want to be my dog and not care about anything.

No vull un vaixell, dóna'm il·lusió, no puc ser tan guai com una cançó

I don't want a ship, give me hope, I can't be as cool as a song.

Escric mil papers i tot ve de l'aire, mira, sembla que sona, sí

I write a thousand papers and everything comes from the air, look, it seems to sound, yes.

No em donis ruix, vull tot, no vull vol soprada, jo vull jubilar-me

Don't give me a spray, I want it all, I don't want a surprise, I want to retire.

Jo vull que soni la flauta, jo vull fer cançons

I want the flute to sound, I want to make songs.

Vull emocionar-me, jo vull jubilar-me

I want to be moved, I want to retire.

I mira, sembla que sona la flauta

And look, it seems that the flute is playing.

Així sí

That's how it is.

El kit del rellotger, escolta, escolta

The watchmaker's kit, listen, listen.

Beverly Hills, 1840

Beverly Hills, 1840

Encara queda, mans en l'aire

There is still time, hands in the air.

Em faré un tuit, sí

I'll tweet, yes.

Un dia em faré un tuit

One day I will send a tweet.

Número 2

Number 2

Suau, suau, ma don me va aquí en cacao

Softly, softly, but here in cocoa it goes for me.

Suau, suau, s'ha guimam al tumbau

Gently, gently, it has been buried in the tomb.

Xiringuito, xiringuito

Beach bar, beach bar

Abanico, abanico

Fan, fan

Para, para, para mi papa

Stop, stop, stop for my dad.

La marina està morena

The marina is tanned.

A pantina fa una trena

A pancake makes a braid.

Lo rompe, lo rompe, ho trenca

It breaks it, it breaks it, it breaks it.

I el tamalena

And the tamalena.

Sembla l'aigua a una sirena

It looks like water to a mermaid.

Lo rompe, lo rompe, ho trenca

It breaks it, it breaks it, it breaks it.

Van d'olera

They are of fragrant smell.

Monta l'aftera, la Kelly

Set up the afterparty, Kelly.

Van darrere

They are behind.

S'imagina'n fan la peli

They're imagining making the movie.

A part, si ens suau la crema

Apart from that, if the cream softens us.

El cotam en aflicció

The cotam in affliction

Pull floretes i la crema

Pull flowers and the cream

Sortim al balcó, m'estimaríeu

We go out to the balcony, would you love me?

I gana murant

I hunger while dying.

I li hauré d'acomfassar

And I will have to accommodate him/her.

Li queda bé

It looks good on him/her.

La sala al banyador

The room at the swimming pool

Li queda bé

It suits her/he well.

Da perfil, da cara i da esquena

Gives profile, gives face, and gives back.

La marina està morena

The marina is tanned.

A pantina fa una trena

A puppy makes a braid.

Lo rompe, lo rompe, ho trenca

It breaks it, it breaks it, it breaks it.

I el tamalena

And the tamalena

Se veu que no hi ha res

It seems that there is nothing.

Sembla l'aigua a una sirena

It resembles water to a mermaid.

Lo rompe, lo rompe, ho trenca

It breaks it, it breaks it, it breaks it.

Fem-nos un petó

Give us a kiss.



Que duri deu nits

May it last ten nights.


For always

I fem-nos l'amor

Let's make love.



Que duri deu nits

May it last ten nights.



Mi paso

My step

Doncs la marina està morena

Well, the marina is tanned.

No es repetirà per quarta setmana

It will not be repeated for the fourth week.

El lideratge de la presó

The leadership of the prison

La primera llista perquè cau fins la número dos

The first list because it falls to number two.

Això vol dir que avui tenim un nou número

This means that today we have a new issue.

Que no serà per Figaflaues

That won't be for Figaflaues.

Sinó que serà per un duet també

But it will also be for a duet.

No serà el duet de Figaflaues

It won't be the Figaflaues duet.

Però sí que serà el duet de Lady Gaga i Bruno Mars

But it will be the duet of Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars.

En la seva primera col·laboració plegats

In their first collaboration together

Amb aquesta cançó que en tan sols cinc setmanes

With this song that in just five weeks

Arriba ja al lideratge de la primera llista

He is already reaching the leadership of the first list.

Es diu Die With A Smile

It's called Die With A Smile.

És el nou número un per tota aquesta setmana

It is the new number one for the whole of this week.

Ens retrobem en una setmana que vagi bé

See you again in a week, take care.



Una producció de

A production of

Número un

Number one

Subtítols per la comunitat

Subtitles for the community

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