«Retall de biografia apòcrifa de l'avi Rovelló (Nascut a Can Vallverdú, Puiggròs, Les Garrigues, 1968)»

Andreu Sotorra


«Retall de biografia apòcrifa de l'avi Rovelló (Nascut a Can Vallverdú, Puiggròs, Les Garrigues, 1968)»


La biografia apòcrifa

The apocryphal biography

de l'avi Rovelló

of Grandpa Rovelló

nascut a Can Vallverdú

born at Can Vallverdú

Puiggrós, Les Garrigues

Puiggrós, Les Garrigues



Els primers dies

The first days

encara que d'ell

even though of him

l'avi Rovelló m'esperava al buc

Grandfather Rovelló was waiting for me in the cabin.

de l'escala del bungalou

from the bungalow's stairs

i, havent passat jo

and, I have not passed.

saltava d'un bot

jumped in one leap

i aterrava just a tocar dels meus talons

and it landed just touching my heels

sense ni tan sols bordar

without even barking

ja que en tenia prou

since I had had enough

per s'englaçar-me amb el fre

to get tangled with the brake

i l'esgarrapada d'ungles a l'asfalt

and the claw scratch on the asphalt

Molts anys més tard

Many years later.

el van tancar

they locked him up

i el van lligar en un jardí vast

and they tied him in a vast garden

i amb una corda extensible

and with an extendable rope

va ser el destí

it was destiny

més benèvol que va aconseguir

more benevolent than achieved

l'allar d'avis de la Lliga Protectora d'Animals

the grandparents' home of the Animal Protection League

La societat del vedat de caça

The hunting reserve society

va al·legar que l'avi Rovelló

he claimed that Grandpa Rovelló

s'havia cruspit la gatonada

the cat had been crunched

de la marruixa del Forner

of the Forner's marruixa

que havia mastegat

that had chewed

més de mitja dotzena de teules àrabs

more than half a dozen Arabic tiles

d'algun dels bungalous

of some of the bungalows

i que havia arrossegat

and that had dragged

a ras de vorera

at curb level

un dels fanals de la colònia

one of the streetlights of the colony

Me'l mirava a través del reixat

He was looking at me through the bars.

ajaigut dins el porxo

fallen in the porch

al fons del jardí

at the bottom of the garden

on dormitava

where he/she was sleeping

L'avi Rovelló

Grandpa Rovelló

havia envellit tant

had aged so much

que semblava un indió

that looked like an Indian

tan barballeres

such bartenders

i se'l veia ullerós

and he looked bleary-eyed

entristit i valetudiniari

saddened and sickly

i ni tan sols s'alertava

and not even was it alerted

per la meva presència

for my presence

aferrat ara jo

now I am clinging

com un pres

like a prisoner

als barrots de la porta forjada

to the bars of the forged door

No enyorava saltar-me

I didn't miss skipping it.

a tocar dels talons

close to the heels

Era jo, potser

It was me, perhaps.

qui trobava a faltar

who was missing

les seves trapelleries

his mischiefs

Per la part del darrere del bungalou

At the back of the bungalow.

em vaig enfilar la taulada

I climbed up on the roof.

fins a arribar al ràfeg

until reaching the gust

que el protegia dels aiguats

that protected him from the floods

fent de sostre porxat

making a porticoed roof

i quan ni s'ho podia afigurar

and when he could not figure it out

vaig saltar de quatre potes

I jumped on all fours.

a resar-li malucs i cua

to pray to him with hips and tail



va fer un botet

he made a little jump

amb un sotrac gairebé imprescindible

with an almost essential jolt

que ens va posar

that put us

cara a cara

face to face

Fita, fita, fita

Checkpoint, checkpoint, checkpoint.

A tocar del le

Close to the law

li vaig dir

I told him/her.

L'aguantes tant d'amarriment?

Do you hold it for so long?

No enyores el cadell que eres

You do not miss the puppy you used to be.

replegat al buc?

collected in the hold?

És cert allò

Is that true?

que van fer córrer

that they made run

de la cria de gatons

of the kitten breeding

de les teules

of the tiles

del fanal

of the lantern

L'avi rovelló

The rusty grandfather

encara va cloure una mica més

it still closed a little more

els ulls

the eyes

Quan era lletor

When was it ugly?

va dir

he said

Em van implantar

They implanted me.

els ulls nous

the new eyes

de plexiglàs

made of plexiglass


Do you see?

I amb les dues potes davanteres

And with both front legs.

posant-se dret com un homenet

standing up straight like a little man

es va treure

he/she/it took off

el raïm de postissos

the grapes of postices

blancs com la neu

white as snow

única prova

only proof

d'alarma del delicte

of alarm of the crime

i fins i tot

and even

me'ls va deixar

he/she left them to me



que el dur Nil

that the tough Nil


It seems there might be a mistake as "ेaa" does not appear to be a Catalan word or phrase. Could you please provide a different text for translation?




llari translates to "home" in English.



és tan avi

he is so grandfather





Com si es fes de nit, m'agrada divertir-me, de tot ho vull saber, sempre que jo pugui, amb tu aniré.

As if it were getting dark, I like to have fun, I want to know everything, whenever I can, I will go with you.

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