Se'ns ve un Esdeveniment Canònic

Se'ns ve un Drama

Se'ns ve un Drama

Se'ns ve un Esdeveniment Canònic

Se'ns ve un Drama

A veure, nenes, la cultura d'internet i tot això, que totes puguem ser opinadores i influir, em sembla mel als llavis.

Let's see, girls, the internet culture and all that, where we can all be opinionated and influence, seems like honey on the lips to me.

Però ja valerà banalitzar conceptes per parlar del nostre melic, no?

But it will be enough to trivialize concepts to talk about our navel, right?

Vull dir, en sèrio, podem parlar del fet que tirar-se un pet potser només potser no és un esdeveniment canònic?

I mean, seriously, can we talk about the fact that farting might just not be a canonical event?

Us he trobat molt a falta aquest estiu. Ens veiem aquesta tarda.

I've missed you a lot this summer. See you this afternoon.

Se'ns ve un drama. Una fantasia podcastejada per l'Evars, el Vito i el Miki.

A drama is coming to us. A podcasted fantasy by Evars, Vito, and Miki.



1. Se'ns ve un esdeveniment canònic.

1. A canonical event is coming to us.

Benvingudis, benvingudes, benvinguts, si és que algun home aquí és hetero, que ja ho sabem, que sí.

Welcome, welcome, welcome, if there's a heterosexual man here, we already know it, yes.

Per tant, és possible que durant aquesta tercera temporada deixem de dir això.

Therefore, it is possible that during this third season we will stop saying this.

Dramàtiques, dramàtiques totis.

Dramatic, dramatic all of them.

Deixeu-me acabar, sisplau, la introducció.

Please let me finish the introduction.

És que t'hem trobat massa a faltar, Miki.

We have missed you too much, Miki.

Però si tu vius amb mi, l'única que jo he trobat a faltar és l'Evars.

But if you live with me, the only one I have missed is Evars.

Tu l'has trobat a faltar perquè et tinc cada dia.

You have missed him/her because I have you every day.

Acabes la intro ja?

Are you done with the intro yet?

Bueno, dramàtiques tòtiques, sigui on sigui, que hi sigueu.

Well, dramatic topics, wherever you may be.

Dramàtiques tòtiques.

Dramatic topics.

Això està sent molt bo.

This is being very good.


Very good.

Dramàtiques tòtiques.

Dramatic topics.

No puc.

I can't.

Això és per això.

That's why.

Dramàtiques tòtiques.

Dramatic topics.

Pots tornar a començar a teixir.

You can start knitting again.

No, dramàtiques tòtiques.

No, dramatic topics.

Sigui on sigui, que hi sigueu.

Be it wherever it may be, may you be there.

Sigui quan sigui, que ens estigueu escoltant.

Whenever it is, that you are listening to us.



Això és la tercera temporada de Se'ns ve un drama.

This is the third season of We Are Going to Have a Drama.

Segurament estic saturant, que flipes.

I’m probably saturating, no way.

Sí, tens molt de por.

Yes, you are very scared.

Bé, doncs ja està, estem aquí i parlarem sobre

Well, that's it, we are here and we will talk about

eventos canònicos, events canònics.

canonical events.

Esdeveniments canònics, sisplau, estimada.

Canonical events, please, dear.

Esdeveniments canònics, que volem que Catalunya...

Canonical events, that we want Catalonia...

Aspiro que la Corpo ens contracti, sí.

I hope that Corpo hires us, yes.

Com dic jo, eventos canònicos.

As I say, canonical events.

Eventos canònicos.

Canonical events.

Que seria com esdeveniments canonges.

That would be like events canons.

Em sembles molt més interessant.

You seem much more interesting to me.

Perdona aquest llibre.

Sorry for this book.

Bueno, de què veníem a parlar avui?

Well, what were we going to talk about today?

Això ho vull saber jo, perquè jo...

I want to know this, because I...

Home, tant ser típic, tant ser nútrio...

Home, as typical as being nurturing...

Perquè això és un esdeveniment canònic.

Because this is a canonical event.

Això que està passant avui, en aquest moment, és un esdeveniment canònic.

What is happening today, at this moment, is a canonical event.

A veure, explica.

Let's see, explain.

L'únic que és un esdeveniment canònic del que està passant aquí ara mateix

The only thing that is a canonical event of what is happening here right now.

és que en aquest nou set que ens hem muntat

it's that in this new set that we have put together

i tenint en compte que la gossa està com les maragues de machín,

and taking into account that the dog is like Machín's maragas,

ara mateix la tinc asseguda aquí als meus peus.

Right now I have her sitting here at my feet.

Estàs sabent que parlo d'ella?

Are you aware that I'm talking about her?

Ja no la tinc asseguda als peus.

I no longer have her sitting at my feet.

És que per què parles d'ella?

Why are you talking about her?

Home, perquè estava molt tranquil·la.

Home, because I was very calm.

I ella és la quarta membre de...

And she is the fourth member of...

d'aquest espai segur que tenim.

of this safe space that we have.

Bueno, després d'aquesta breu interrupció presentant la gossa,

Well, after this brief interruption introducing the dog,

que és la quarta integrant d'aquest podcast,

what is the fourth member of this podcast,

seguim amb que això és un esdeveniment canònic,

we continue with this being a canonical event,

perquè òbviament...

because obviously...



Canonja, és un esdeveniment canonja,

Canonja, it's a cannon event,

perquè òbviament ens havíem de reunir per una tercera temporada dramàtica

because obviously we had to meet for a dramatic third season

i òbviament, doncs, doncs, no ho sé.

And obviously, then, I don't know.

Vull dir, això deu ser una cosa que a vosaltres us peta el cap

I mean, this must be something that blows your mind.

i a partir d'ara sereu millors persones per escoltar-nos.

And from now on you will be better people for listening to us.

Vull dir, això és un esdeveniment canònic també per les vostres vies.

I mean, this is a canonical event for your channels as well.

Ah, això per suposat, no en tenia cap dubte.

Ah, that, of course, I had no doubt about it.

Tot i que renego d'aquest concepte d'esdeveniment canònic.

Although I renounce this concept of a canonical event.

Però per què has de renegar del concepte d'esdeveniment canònic?

But why do you have to renounce the concept of a canonical event?

Per començar, o sigui, el primer cop que m'heu dit que parlaríem d'això,

To begin with, that is, the first time you told me that we would talk about this,

jo, com a mil·lenni, el que sóc...

I, as a millennial, what I am...

No, et vam dir no, et vam dir no.

No, we told you no, we told you no.

Aquí hi va haver una reunió sobre els...

Here there was a meeting about the...

Clar, o sigui, esdeveniments canònics, estimades dramàtiques,

Of course, that is, canonical events, dear dramatic ones,

abans de començar cada temporada,

before starting each season,

com un mes i mig abans de començar-la,

a month and a half before starting it,

fem una reunió, triem els temes,

let's have a meeting, choose the topics,

els endrecem pel llarg de la temporada,

we arrange them throughout the season,

després de vegades canvien-ho...

afterwards sometimes change it...

Pues jo aquell dia anava fumada o alguna cosa, perquè jo recordo...

Well, I was high or something that day, because I remember...

He de dir que aquella tarda tu venies i estaves així i vas dir

I have to say that that afternoon you came and were like this and you said

ah, jo no porto cap tema.

Ah, I don't have any topic.

Ah, sí, va ser molt divertit.

Ah, yes, it was very fun.

Va ser molt divertit del pal.

It was very fun in a silly way.

Ja, jo no he pensat res, bueno...

Yes, I haven't thought about anything, well...

No has pensat res, però ara et queixo dels temes que n'has portat.

You haven't thought of anything, but now I'm complaining about the topics you've brought up.

Ja, exacte, exacte, era típic.

Yes, exactly, exactly, it was typical.

És el meu rol, és el meu rol en aquesta tria.

It is my role, it is my role in this choice.

O sigui, la idea...

So, the idea...

Està clar.

It is clear.

Està claríssim.

It is very clear.

La idea, el millor de les idees, la millor de les idees,

The idea, the best of ideas, the best of ideas,

és no portar res preparat, però queixar-se de tu.

It is not bringing anything prepared, but complaining about you.

I queixar-se del que han preparat els altres.

And complain about what others have prepared.

Doncs és el que penso fer avui, perquè quan em vau dir

Well, that's what I plan to do today, because when you told me

el primer ser aquest, vaig dir

the first being this, I said

horror, què és això dels esdeveniments canonges?

Horror, what is this about canon events?

Bueno, un esdeveniment canònic, pots explicar-ho tu?

Well, a canonical event, can you explain it?

Què és així en general?

What is it like in general?

Bueno, a veure, doncs, pel que jo entenc un esdeveniment canonge

Well, let's see, then, from what I understand, a canon event.

o esdeveniment canònic...

or canonical event...

Podem parar de dir això?

Can we stop saying this?

No, no pararem.

No, we will not stop.

Necessito que després d'aquest programa,

I need that after this program,

totes les dramàtiques, quan facin aquests rils horribles

all the dramatic ones, when they make these horrible rils

parlant d'esdeveniments canonges,

speaking of canonical events,

de com s'han tirat un pet i un esdeveniment canonge,

about how they have passed gas and a canon event,

el hashtag sigui esdeveniment canonge.

the hashtag is event canon.



Jo espero que marquem que això sigui un esdeveniment canònic.

I hope we can mark this as a canonical event.

L'Ivald vol ser de millor, very mindful.

Ivald wants to be better, very mindful.

Mira, pareu d'inventar-vos de veritats.

Look, stop making up truths.

Semblo la Úrsula.

I resemble Ursula.

Semblo una senyora.

I look like a lady.

No podem mais, o sigui, aneu més ràpid que el meu cervell.

We can't take it anymore, I mean, you go faster than my brain.

Jo no entenc res del que dieu.

I don't understand anything you are saying.

Però un esdeveniment... anem a sentar-vos.

But an event... let's have a seat.

Un esdeveniment canonge, senyores i senyors...

A canon event, ladies and gentlemen...

Jo tinc 34 anys, senyores i senyors.

I am 34 years old, ladies and gentlemen.

Jo tinc 35 i vaig per 36.

I am 35 and I am turning 36.

Però tu vius en un cenutrio, és diferent.

But you live in a sentry, it's different.

Perdona? Un cenutrio? Això què vol dir aquest atac cap a mi?

Excuse me? A centaur? What does this attack towards me mean?

Gensit. Gensit cenutrio.

Gensit. Gensit fool.

És que no sé com es diu. Millenial és Millenial, però gensit com es diu?

I don’t know what it’s called. Millennial is Millennial, but what is it called in general?

Millenial sou nosaltres.

We are millennials.



Un gensit, sí, un cenutrio.

A jerk, yes, a fool.


I buy.

Mira, després d'aquest programa canviarem

Look, after this program we will change.

el nostre llenguatge.

our language.

Si vosaltres influïu inventant-vos llenguatge,

If you influence by inventing language,

jo també. Es dirà esdeveniment canonja

me too. It will be called canonja event.

i els gens hi sereu zenútios.

And you will be zenutians.

I punto en boca.

I point in mouth.

Em sembla meravellós.

I think it's wonderful.

Ara bé, el que anava a dir.

Well, what I was going to say.

Un esdeveniment canonja, què és?

What is a cannon event?

Un esdeveniment canonja és

An event canon is

una cosa...

one thing...

És un esdeveniment...

It's an event...

Però podem intentar...

But we can try...

Quan tu et menges un canonja...

When you eat a cannoli...

Jo pensava que aquest capítol

I thought that this chapter

seria una cosa seriosa.

it would be a serious thing.

Amb nosaltres, no, amore.

With us, no, darling.

No, no, no. Som el podcast

No, no, no. We are the podcast.

més seriós del panorama català.

more serious of the Catalan landscape.

La resta fan...

The rest do...

Per això,

For this reason,

tots els podcasts del panorama català,

all the podcasts from the Catalan landscape,

la majoria...

the majority...

Cobran i nosaltres no, perquè som seriosos.

They get paid and we don't, because we are serious.

Hem de començar a fer el gili.

We need to start being silly.

L'esdeveniment canonja, que ja porto

The event canister, which I already have.

tres vegades començant la puta frase

three times starting the damn sentence

i no aconsegueixo acabar-la.

and I can't manage to finish it.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Putera frase. Perdó.

Put this sentence. Sorry.

Tampoc es pot dir això, però no passa res.

You can't say that either, but it's okay.

L'esdeveniment canonja

The event canonja

és quan a tu et passa una cosa

it's when something happens to you

que et defineix i et redefineix la teva vida.

that defines and redefines your life.

És a dir, és com un punt d'inflexió

That is to say, it's like a turning point.

que a partir d'aquest moment

that from this moment on

t'ha definit tant o defineix tant

it has defined you so much or defines you so much

la teva vida que sense aquest esdeveniment

your life that without this event

la teva vida no aniria

your life wouldn't go

com anirà a partir d'aquí.

how it will go from here.

Jo en això he de dir que

I have to say that in this regard

estic molt en desacord i estic molt d'acord

I strongly disagree and I strongly agree.

amb la meva coetània

with my peer

millenial i bars.

millennial and bars.

I de dir no.

And to say no.

Una cosa, per culpa vostra

One thing, because of you.

els nostres viewers

our viewers

tenen de 35 a 40.

they are between 35 and 40.

Tu saps el mal que em fa això.

You know how much this hurts me.

Una por com una o!

A fear like a one!

Per fi això va ser un esdeveniment canònic.

Finally, this was a canonical event.

Que sàpigues que el que té els viewers més

Just so you know, the one who has the most viewers.

joves sóc jo, que tinc

young people, it is me, who has

un 42 de 18 a 25.

a 42 from 18 to 25.

Vosaltres, tu senyora,

You, ma'am,

et veuen gent de 45 a 55.

They see you as people aged 45 to 55.

No ho entenc, ho sento molt.

I don't understand it, I'm very sorry.

Em sap molt de greu.

I am very sorry.

Jo no sabia que aquesta gent feia servir TikTok

I didn't know that these people used TikTok.

però el faig servir.

but I use it.

Veuen-se els meus pares.

My parents see each other.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

Jo el que estic segur és que

What I am sure of is that

com que tenim tan poques ganes de parlar sobre els esdeveniments canònics...

since we are so reluctant to talk about the canonical events...

Bueno, és que els 50% si en veuen 10 persones

Well, it's just that the 50% if 10 people see it.

són 5, són els meus pares i els meus tiets.

There are 5, they are my parents and my uncles.

Que no, que no, que...

No, no, no...

Que tens 330

What do you have 330?

persones que t'han mirat individualment.

people who have looked at you individually.

Més enllà de les vegades

Beyond the times

que s'ho han repetit perquè com que són

that they have repeated it because since they are

iaios i no...

grandparents and no...

I estan tenint...

And they are having...

Bueno, això també és un esdeveniment canònic

Well, this is also a canonical event.

però jo no volia parlar d'això.

but I didn't want to talk about that.

Jo crec és que d'això que has explicat

I think it's about what you have explained.

sobre com la generació Z

about how Generation Z

enteneu els esdeveniments canònics

do you understand the canonical events

perquè jo no diré canònies, m'hi nego.

because I will not say canons, I refuse.

Que avorrit.

How boring.

Molt bé, sí, jo sóc aquí

Very well, yes, I am here.

la veu, la voz de les savietes.

the voice, the voice of the wise ones.

Cui, cui, natura

Coo, coo, nature

i lo entenderás.

and you will understand it.

Tu no has entès això tampoc?

You haven't understood this either?

És la Pocahontas, és l'abuela Sanfe.

It's Pocahontas, it's grandma Sanfe.

També tens collons d'ahir

You also have balls from yesterday.

que ell té

that he has

els viures més joves.

the youngest lives.

Els tinc, és una realitat.

I have them, it is a reality.

T'ensenyo les mètriques.

I'll show you the metrics.

Te les he ensenyat aquest matí.

I showed them to you this morning.

T'he fet foto de tot.

I have taken pictures of everything.

Soc el més jove.

I am the youngest.

Soc el que té els viures més joves.

I am the one who has the youngest provisions.

També estic ahir ahir

I am also here yesterday.

amb els més male, cosa que no m'agrada.

with the most cursed, which I don’t like.

El que jo volia dir és

What I wanted to say is

que em sembla malament

that I think is wrong

que assumim...

that we assume...

Crec que està molt bé que en el món de les xarxes

I think it's great that in the world of networks

tothom pugui

everyone can

dir la seva, que tothom m'influeixi

to say their piece, let everyone influence me

i de fet nosaltres tenim un podcast.

And in fact, we have a podcast.

Bàsicament perquè ens agrada parlar

Basically because we like to talk.

i ens agrada que ens sentin.

and we like to be heard.

Ens agrada col·locar la nostra veu.

We like to place our voice.

Però els esdeveniments canònics

But the canonical events

segons jo els tenia entès

as far as I understood them

abans que es fessin virals

before they went viral

a xarxes socials

to social networks

eren esdeveniments que modificaven

they were events that modified

generacions senceres.

whole generations.

Vull dir, que modificaven la manera d'entendre el món.

I mean, they changed the way of understanding the world.

Llavors, veig una mica problemàtic

Then, I see it a bit problematic.

que assumim

that we assume

la banalització

the trivialization

dels conceptes

of the concepts

de manera que de cop

so that suddenly

un esdeveniment canònic sigui

a canonical event is

com jo feia conya, tira'm un pet.

As I was joking, give me a kiss.

És un esdeveniment canònic.

It is a canonical event.

O no la molesto

Oh, I'm not bothering her.

perquè tot i que està fent el gili

because even though he is being silly

està en el seu esdeveniment canònic

it is in its canonical event

i llavors no la molesto.

And then I won't bother her.

L'estàs molestant perquè l'estaves gravant.

You are bothering him because you were recording him.

O sigui, què estem fent amb la nostra vida?

So, what are we doing with our lives?

O que un esdeveniment canònic sigui

Or that a canonical event is

Britney Spears ha recuperat

Britney Spears has recovered.

la seva autonomia.

its autonomy.

Això és un esdeveniment canònic.

This is a canonical event.

Per ella, però no pels seus seguidors.

For her, but not for her followers.

Ni per...

Neither for...

O sigui, bueno,

So, well,

per ella sí, suposo, però...

for her yes, I suppose, but...

És un esdeveniment canonja com una catedral.

It is an event as big as a cathedral.

Sí, per tota la teva generació.

Yes, for your entire generation.

Per tu és un esdeveniment canonja.

For you, it's a cannon event.

En què et canvia això?

How does this change you?

En què hem canviat? Doncs per Britney Spears.

In what have we changed? Well, for Britney Spears.

Sí, però tu, a la teva vida, com impacta?

Yes, but you, in your life, how does it impact?

És una fita.

It's a milestone.

És una fita a la teva vida, això.

It's a milestone in your life, this.

No, però és un esdeveniment canònic

No, but it is a canonical event.

a la història de la humanitat.

in the history of humanity.

La Britney Spears ha canviat mons.

Britney Spears has changed worlds.

La Britney Spears ha canviat mons?

Has Britney Spears changed worlds?

Com es nota que es té en un trio.

How it shows that one is in a trio.

Un moment.

One moment.

Una cosa és canviar...

One thing is to change...

Una cosa és que em digui

One thing is that you tell me.

que el Free Britney,

that the Free Britney,

que té molt a veure amb els drets d'autor,

that has a lot to do with copyright,

amb la manera d'entendre els drets d'autor,

with the way of understanding copyright,

amb la manera d'entendre...

with the way of understanding...

En qualsevol cas, una cosa és dir

In any case, one thing is to say

que la Britney Spears

that Britney Spears

ha millorat

has improved

qüestions de com entenem

questions of how we understand

l'autonomia dels artistes.

the autonomy of artists.

Ara dir, la Britney Spears ha canviat mons.

Now say, Britney Spears has changed worlds.

O sigui, el món d'aquí ha canviat.

That is to say, the world here has changed.

Home, per començar...

Home, to start...

El de la General, perquè, efectivament.

The one from the General, because, indeed.

Perquè, sense tot, sí que ja no us ho diria.

Because, without everything, I wouldn't tell you anymore.

Però l'escena, l'escena pop, la va canviar.

But the scene, the pop scene, changed it.

Això, per començar.

This, to begin with.

Va començar canviant la Madonna,

It started by changing the Madonna,

però a la Madonna se li atribueix molt de mèrit,

but much credit is attributed to the Madonna,

però la Britney Spears després ha redefinit el pop

but Britney Spears has redefined pop

en moltes maneres.

in many ways.

Va canviar com s'entenia el pop.

It changed how pop was understood.

Jo, reconeixent que has dit tu,

I, recognizing that you have said you,

i per seguir recolzant a l'audiència anciana

and to continue supporting the elderly audience

que em segueix,

that follows me,

perquè es puguin...

so that they can...

Perquè es puguin identificar.

So they can be identified.

I jo dic...

And I say...

A veure, he de dir que...

Let's see, I have to say that...

S'ha de sentir identificats?

Should we feel identified?

Ja m'he pres una copa i mitja de vi abans de començar,

I've already had a glass and a half of wine before starting,

que normalment a casa meva no ho faig,

that normally I don't do it at my house,

però com que aquest cop ens hem ajuntat les tres,

but since this time we have all come together,

perquè avui estem gravant juntes...

because today we are recording together...

I som unes borratxes.

We are a bunch of drunks.

Aquí està el resultat, mare meva.

Here is the result, my goodness.

En fi, jo quan em veu dir això,

Anyway, when I hear you say this,

perquè, efectivament,

because, indeed,

no tenia ni idea de quin tema m'atractava,

I had no idea what topic attracted me.

em veu dir això i vaig dir

he told me this and I said

no sé què, ovaris, és això que m'esteu dient

I don't know what, ovaries, is that what you're telling me?

de l'event canonja aquest.

of this cannon event.

I he estat molts dies sense saber què era això.

I have been many days without knowing what this was.

Fins que avui he dit, bueno, busque-ho per internet,

Until today I said, well, I'll look it up on the internet,

però vull dir, busca els trens que hi ha d'això.

But I mean, look for the trains there are for this.

Perquè si és una cosa que s'ha dit a les xarxes socials...

Because if it's something that has been said on social media...

Perquè, clar, jo vaig buscar una mica el...

Because, of course, I looked for a bit the...

El concepte?

The concept?

El concepte en si era el que deies tu, no?

The concept itself was what you were saying, right?

O també em sortava...

Or it also came out to me...

Em sortava...

I was getting out...

Per favor, no em deixeu veure abans de gravar...

Please, don't let me see before recording...

Dramàtiques tòtiques...

Dramatic topics...

Això serà un podcast de borratxes.

This will be a podcast for drunks.



Jo no vaig borratxar, però...

I didn't get drunk, but...

O sigui, ara això està quedant per la posteritat.

So, now this is being left for posterity.

És la teva pitjada digital, sí.

It is your digital footprint, yes.

Això és un esdeveniment canonja en el que jo estaré gravada

This is a cannon event in which I will be recorded.

intentant fer un podcast seriós borratxa.

trying to make a serious podcast drunken.

Sense saber parlar.

Without knowing how to speak.

És el millor de la vida.

It is the best of life.

Et posarem a 1x2.

We'll set you to 1x2.

Total, que jo vaig llegir una mica el significat en si, no?

So, I read a bit about the meaning itself, right?

I sí que vaig llegir una mica que també era depenent

And I did read a bit that it was also dependent.

de l'àmbit de la vida.

in the realm of life.

O sigui, que es fes aviat en diferents àmbits, no?

So, that it would happen soon in different areas, right?

Per exemple, en àmbit literari,

For example, in the literary field,

doncs, volia dir, en una trama,

well, I meant, in a plot,

era aquell esdeveniment...

it was that event...

A més, posava que era un esdeveniment

In addition, it stated that it was an event.

que no es pot evitar.

that cannot be avoided.

Que el protagonista, el que li està succeint,

That the protagonist, what is happening to him,

és inevitable.

It is inevitable.

I que canvia el transcurs de la història

And it changes the course of history.

i que fa canviar la trama.

and that changes the plot.



Rollo tragèdia, crec que...

Drama roll, I think that...


Of course.

I llavors després dic, ah, bueno, ok.

And then later I say, ah, well, okay.

Jo pensant, jo no he necessitat mai

I thinking, I have never needed.

utilitzar aquest concepte per sobreviure

use this concept to survive

i aquí estic.

And here I am.

I aquí estic fent un podcast

And here I am making a podcast.

parlant d'això.

Speaking of this.

Perquè m'han obligat.

Because they forced me.

Si no, jo no hauria esperat.

If not, I would not have waited.

Perdona, però també he portat algun tema de reunió.

Sorry, but I have also brought up some meeting topics.

Que allà seria un esdeveniment canònic,

That would be a canonical event there,

un esdeveniment canonja, i aquí...

a cannon event, and here...

El que dieu que perdrem molts seguidors

What you say is that we will lose many followers.

amb aquest capítol.

with this chapter.

Què dius? Jo fins ara he viscut tranquil·lament

What are you saying? Until now, I have lived peacefully.

sense utilitzar aquest tema

without using this theme

i ara de cop dic, bueno, vaig a mirar què fan

And now all of a sudden I say, well, I'm going to see what they're doing.

aquests tenutius, aquesta gentzit.

these tenutius, these gentzits.

A les xarxes.

On social media.

I he posat hashtag.

I have added a hashtag.

Hashtag. Evento canònico.

Hashtag. Canonical event.

I he dit, no es trobeu bé.

I have said, you do not feel well.

Clar, de cop he vist

Of course, suddenly I saw.

tonta de rils, de gent dient

silly of rils, of people saying

Ai, mi amiga está a punto

Oh, my friend is about to

de quedar con el chico feo

to end up with the ugly guy

que no vale nada

that is worth nothing

pero no le voy a decir nada

but I am not going to say anything to him/her

porque es su evento canónico.

because it is their canonical event.

Y me he quedado como...

And I've been left like...

Es que eso es un esdeveniment canónico.

That's a canonical event.

A veure, un moment.

Let's see, one moment.

Queda'm un lleig.

Leave me a scar.

A veure un moment, Ibarz.

Let's see a moment, Ibarz.

Primer de tot, és que li dóna raó

First of all, it is that it makes sense to him.

al Vitu el que ha dit, però moltíssim.

to Vitu what he said, but a lot.

O sigui, s'estava analitzant un terme

That is, a term was being analyzed.

que tenia un sentit dintre de...

that had a meaning within...

Perquè després també parlaven que en informàtica

Because later they also talked about computer science.

també existeix aquest terme, però ja no ho he entès.

This term also exists, but I no longer understand it.

Què volia dir?

What did it mean?

Perquè jo sóc de lletres,

Because I am from the humanities,

no ho he entès, però vaja.

I didn't understand it, but oh well.

Que es fa servir en diferents

What is used in different

àmbits com més acadèmics.

more academic fields.

Aquest concepte, i de cop l'estan fent servir

This concept, and suddenly they are using it.

per el que deia el Vitu.

for what Vitu said.

A veure, que surtis con el feo

Let's see, that you go out with the ugly one.

al que tu le sacas

to which you take out

mucho más

much more

ventaja en todo,

advantage in everything,

això no és cap esdeveniment canònic.

this is not any canonical event.

Saps què he pensat?

Do you know what I've thought?

Tenen 14 anys, no tenen ni idea del que serà important

They are 14 years old, they have no idea what will be important.

o no a la seva vida.

or not in their life.

Però jo sóc de l'opinió que fins que no tinguis 80 anys

But I am of the opinion that until you are 80 years old

no podràs dir quin han sigut els teus esdeveniments canònics.

you will not be able to say what your canonical events have been.

Doncs llavors què estem fent aquí?

So then what are we doing here?

Res, el ridícul.

Nothing, the ridiculous.

El ridícul no, estem fent unes rises.

Not the ridiculous, we are making some rises.

Però en qualsevol cas,

But in any case,


holding you,

agafant el fil i estant molt d'acord amb tu,

picking up the thread and very much agreeing with you,

jo estic molt d'acord amb que

I very much agree that

ens podem reapropiar de termes de l'acadèmia

we can reclaim terms from the academy

com els esdeveniments canònics

like the canonical events

i el fet que sociològicament

and the fact that sociologically

fessin referència


a esdeveniments que modificaven

to events that modified

tota una generació o la manera de viure

a whole generation or the way of living

d'una societat concreta

of a specific society

i te'ls portis a tu i diguis

and you take them to you and say

en la meva vida

in my life

hi ha hagut esdeveniments canònics.

There have been canonical events.

En la meva vida, la primera vegada

In my life, the first time

que vaig sortir de casa

that I left home

a viure sense els pares,

to live without parents,

que en el meu cas va ser molt jove

that in my case was very young

perquè va ser amb 17 anys,

because it was at 17 years old,

doncs allò va conformar molt fortament

well that shaped very strongly

la meva personalitat.

my personality.

Llavors, això va ser un esdeveniment canònic

Then, this was a canonical event.

de la meva vida com

of my life like

la crisi del 2008

the 2008 crisis

és un esdeveniment canònic de la meva generació

It is a canonical event of my generation.

o com les olimpíades de Barcelona

or like the Barcelona Olympics

són un esdeveniment canònic

they are a canonical event

de la ciutat de Barcelona.

from the city of Barcelona.

Ara bé, agafa...

Now then, take...

Aquí estàs introduint un terme que és bàsicament

Here you are introducing a term that is basically

que els esdeveniments canònics es poden viure

that the canonical events can be experienced

de forma individual o de forma col·lectiva.

individually or collectively.

És que era el tema

It was the subject.

que volia treure.

that I wanted to get out.

Volia treure dos temes.

I wanted to address two topics.

Un, el fet que

One, the fact that

hi ha esdeveniments

there are events

canonges. Ja ho estic

canons. I am already on it.

fent servir jo també. Us ho diu!

Using me too. I'm telling you!

Arribotar sempre a les modes.

Always conform to trends.

Us ho diu. Es quedara així per tota la temporada.

It tells you. It will stay like this for the whole season.

T'he de dir. El què?

I have to tell you. What?

Que jo arribotar-te tot? Sí.

That I can reach you all? Yes.

Els esdeveniments canonges.

The canonical events.

Jo diria, els esdeveniments canonges.

I would say, the events are canonical.

Això es queda aquí. En qualsevol cas,

This stays here. In any case,

la cosa és, d'una banda,

the thing is, on the one hand,

que hi ha esdeveniments

that there are events

que modifiquen

that they modify

la col·lectivitat

the community

i això t'ho pots portar a la teva vida individual,

and you can bring this into your individual life,

però després hi ha

but then there is

tota aquesta cosa del tren de xarxes

all this thing about the network train

que jo s'entén tu molt, em fa una mica

That I understand you very well, it makes me a little...

cagar, que és... Ai, que antiguos que sou!

to poop, what it is... Oh, how old-fashioned you are!

...banalitzar-ho tot. No! banalize everything. No!

No, perquè no és de ser

No, because it's not about being.

antiga. És que si tot

ancient. It's just that if everything

pot ser un esdeveniment canònic,

it can be a canonical event,

de cop res té agència

suddenly nothing has agency

per ser-ho realment. Però si per un moment us estàveu cagant

to really be it. But if for a moment you were shitting

en el tema de l'esdeveniment canònic. I llavors

in the matter of the canonical event. And then

m'atabalo. No, no, no. No t'és igual que tothom el faci servir.

I'm confused. No, no, no. You don't care if everyone uses it.

No, m'hi cago perquè la gent diu

No, I don't give a damn because people say.

que avui ha vingut

that has come today

el meu esdeveniment canònic d'avui.

my canonical event of today.

He cagat. He cagat.

I have pooped. I have pooped.

Això no és l'esdeveniment canònic

This is not the canonical event.

que estàs fent una mica al pene.

What are you doing a little to the penis?

No. És una mica cringe el que acabes

No. What you just did is a bit cringe.

de fer. Però no és veritat.

to do. But it is not true.

Un esdeveniment canònic pot ser

A canonical event can be

moltes coses. Poden ser,

many things. They can be,

perdó, però quantes

sorry, but how many

vegades les teves amigues han

Sometimes your friends have

dit, bueno, li estoi dando una oportunidad a este

Said, well, I am giving this one a chance.

que no m'agosta demasiado porque no es mi tipo

I don't like it too much because it's not my type.

i acaba sent la pitjor persona que han conegut en la seva

and ends up being the worst person they have ever known in their

puta vida i l'estrauma i l'esmandaterapia

damn life and the trauma and the therapy

durant dos anys. Això és un esdeveniment canònic.

for two years. This is a canonical event.

Això passa. I això és divertit.

This happens. And this is funny.

Vull dir, és simplement

I mean, it's just

banalitzar un terme

to banalize a term

per portar-lo a la vida quotidiana i fer-lo

to bring it into daily life and make it

servir a xarxes i viralitzar-te.

serve networks and go viral.

Que realment a la gent que li molesta

That really bothers people.

és perquè no té res més a fer

It's because he/she has nothing else to do.

a la seva vida que veure xarxes i molestar-se

in their life to see networks and get bothered

pel que veu a les xarxes. Si no t'agrada, no.

As for what you see on social media. If you don't like it, no.

A mi no m'agosta, jo, per fer la broma.

I don't like it, I, to make a joke.

Però clar, com que no ho he vist mai, m'ha sorprès.

But of course, since I've never seen it, it surprised me.

He pensat, en sèrio.

I have thought about it, seriously.

Sí, jo també al principi

Yes, me too at the beginning.

em vaig quedar com... De fet, li he agafat la gràcia, vull dir,

I was left like... In fact, I’ve found it amusing, I mean,

de la ridiculesa d'això. Vull dir,

of the ridiculousness of this. I mean,

en sèrio estàs redefinint la teva vida

seriously are you redefining your life

i penses que això és un event

And do you think this is an event?

canònic? Doncs sí, és un event canònic.

Canonical? Well yes, it is a canonical event.

És divertit. I una altra cosa,

It's fun. And one more thing,

jo trobo que els esdeveniments canònics serius

I find that the canonical events are serious.

són els que ens marquen de forma

they are the ones who shape us

col·lectiva com a societat.

collective as a society.

Això per mi ja és més sèrio.

This is more serious for me now.

Els individuals, tant pot ser

The individuals, it can be both.

que se't mori una mare, que se't mori un pare,

that your mother dies, that your father dies,

que se't mori un germà, que se't mori

let a brother die on you, let a brother die

fins i tot un animal,

even an animal,

un home escotes,

a man listens,

o que neixi un fill,

or that a child is born,

però això, però cadascú

but this, but everyone



la seva vida com li ve de gust.

his life as he likes it.

Sí, i jo sóc la mamarratxa mama.

Yes, and I am the silly mama.

Potser per mi una mort no té cap mena d'això, però

Perhaps for me a death has no kind of this, but

jo sóc la mamarratxa mama i a mi m'encanta

I am the mama mamarratxa and I love it.

i em flipa

and it blows my mind

tirar-ho tot cap avall en el sentit

throw it all down in the direction

de prendre'ns la vida

to take our lives

amb humor, perquè la vida ja és prou dura

with humor, because life is already tough enough

com per a sobre quan fem aquest tipus de coses

as for when we do this kind of thing

com un podcast o estar a xarxes socials.

like a podcast or being on social media.

Fent-se les intensites,

Making the intensities,

vull dir, la vida és prou intensa

I mean, life is intense enough.

quan parlem de coses serioses

when we talk about serious things

com per també

as for also

haver-nos de fer les intenses.

having to be intense with ourselves.

A mi l'únic que m'ha fet ràbia

The only thing that has made me angry.

quan he vist aquests rins

when I saw these kidneys

en realitat ha sigut que no m'he entès de res,

In reality, it has been that I haven't understood anything.

que sóc una iaia, que no estic a la moda.

I'm a grandma, I'm not fashionable.

És un esdeveniment canònic.

It is a canonical event.

Et dic una cosa,

I'm telling you one thing,

quan realitzes

when you carry out

que ja no estàs allà.

that you are no longer there.

Això és un esdeveniment molt canònic.

This is a very canonical event.

És un esdeveniment canònic.

It is a canonical event.

M'he fet gran.

I have grown up.

Hi haurà un dia,

There will be a day,

quan he sentit diversos

when I have heard several

podcasts sobre la bellesa últimament,

podcasts about beauty lately,

i diuen, en quin moment

and they say, at what moment

vas descobrir que t'havies fet gran?

Did you discover that you had grown up?

Hi haurà un moment que

There will be a moment when

arrel d'això, perquè això serà un gran èxit,

As a result of this, because this will be a great success,

l'any que ve estarem a la Corpo,

Next year we will be at the Corpo.

però és que d'aquí no res estarem.

but soon we will be here.

El CNN et vindran

The CNN will come for you.

a entrevistar i et dirà, Times,

to interview you and will tell you, Times,

et dirà, en quin moment

it will tell you, at what moment

vas descobrir que et vas fer gran?

Did you discover that you have grown up?

En el moment que vaig entendre

At the moment I understood

que jo ja no estava allà.

that I was no longer there.

En aquell moment

At that moment

jo vaig entendre...

I understood...

És que t'ho juro que a mi s'ha sentit com una iaia,

I swear to you that I felt like a grandmother.

com les nostres mares, que els dius algo

like our mothers, that you say something to them

però això què vol dir? I t'has d'explicar i no ho entenc,

But what does that mean? And you have to explain it to me, and I don't understand it.

però perquè són aquests conceptes

but why are these concepts

que ja no estan fets per aquest tipus de mens,

that they are no longer made for this type of man,

que ja...

that already...

perquè són molt banals.

because they are very trivial.

O tu no ensenyes memes

Or you don't teach memes.

a la gent gran i no els entenen,

the elderly people and do not understand them,

però perquè és un llenguatge diferent.

but because it is a different language.

Perquè és un tipus d'humor,

Because it is a type of humor,

és un humor molt diferent.

It's a very different kind of humor.

Jo penso que l'ensenyo memes a ma mare

I think I teach my mother memes.

i no els entenc. Però no és dolent.

And I don't understand them. But it's not bad.

A tu et passa amb ta mare.

It happens to you with your mother.

El Miki m'ensenya memes i jo...

Miki shows me memes and I...

Vull dir una cosa, això és confessió,

I want to say one thing, this is a confession,

però al Víctor li agraden els típics memes

but Víctor likes typical memes

de la teva mare de Facebook,

from your mother's Facebook,

del post de Facebook.

from the Facebook post.

Això t'ho talles.

You cut that for yourself.

Has rigut per fer-te la gràcia,

You have laughed to amuse yourself,

però està en el meu club.

but he is in my club.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Les bars li agraden memes més sofisticats

She likes more sophisticated memes.

que simplement aquest tipus de post.

that simply this type of post.

La primera vegada que em va ensenyar

The first time he/she taught me.

la cosa aquesta del Demiurge...

this thing about the Demiurge...

I això encara no sé què és, eh?

And I still don't know what this is, you know?

Després al final...

After in the end...

Ja ho he entès i ara em fa molta missa.

I understand it now and it makes me very worried.

Not Demiurge.

Not Demiurge.

Et dic una cosa, és que l'altre dia...

I'll tell you something, the other day...

Ara això sí que ve confessió.

Now this is indeed a confession.

L'altre dia estàvem anant a comprar.

The other day we were going shopping.

D'on veníem?

Where were we coming from?

De casa amb uns pares, de dinar

At home with parents, for lunch.

amb uns pares.

with some parents.

Vam entrar al Mercadona

We entered the Mercadona.

a comprar, perdó.

to buy, sorry.

No anàvem a lligar, anàvem només a comprar.

We weren't going to hook up, we were only going to shop.

Segur? Seguríssim.

Sure? Absolutely sure.

I a més és super fatal perquè tampoc

And also it's super fatal because neither

hauríem de comprar al Mercadona.

We should buy at Mercadona.

En qualsevol cas, vam anar al Mercadona

In any case, we went to Mercadona.

i de cop estic entrant al Mercadona.

And suddenly I am entering the Mercadona.

Anava vestida de...

She was dressed in...

a petar els meus pares.

to crash my parents.

Vull dir, molestar-los una mica

I mean, to bother them a little.

amb la meva manera de vestir.

with my way of dressing.

Anava vestit com si fos

He was dressed as if he were.

una cowgirl

a cowgirl

amb uns pantalons taxans

with some taxans pants

que m'arribaven...

that reached me...

Sempre que ens posem a gravar hi ha un puto cotxe

Every time we start recording, there’s a damn car.

que li surt una...

that a... comes out.

Sí, no, no, és que això és cosa d'aquest barri.

Yes, no, no, it's just that this is a thing of this neighborhood.

Cada cop que ens posem a gravar el que sigui,

Every time we start recording whatever it is,

als cotxes els encanta això.

Cars love this.

Veus? I ara ha parat.

You see? And now it has stopped.

Al Mercadona, per l'entrada.

At Mercadona, for the entrance.

I una pava que estava a la porta

And a girl who was at the door.

carregant el carrito

loading the cart

una noia d'uns

a girl of about



amb unes trenes que li arribaven als genolls

with braids that reached her knees

de cop comença a mirar

suddenly starts to look

m'assenyala i em diu

she points at me and says to me

You're very mindful.

You’re very mindful.

You're very demure.

You're very demure.

I jo em quedo així i dic

And I'll stay like this and say

Què diu aquesta senyora? Això és un meme.

What does this lady say? This is a meme.

Què vol dir? Explica-m'ho.

What does it mean? Explain it to me.

És que ni tan sols ho entenc.

I don’t even understand it.

Qui és la senyora?

Who is the lady?

Rut, tu m'entens.

Rut, you understand me.

Qui és la Rut?

Who is Rut?

És la cinquena integrant d'aquest podcast i no ens hem enterat.

She is the fifth member of this podcast and we didn't even notice.

No, es diu Rut, la vostra...

No, she is called Rut, your...

Ai, dic Rut sempre. Com es diu?

Oh, I always say Rut. What is it called?





Mar, riuràs molt d'això.

Sea, you will laugh a lot about this.

En el meu cap us ho juro

In my head, I swear to you.

que es diu Rut.

her name is Rut.

La Rut?

The Rut?

No sé per què, mira que Mar i Rut no tenen res a veure.

I don’t know why, given that Mar and Rut have nothing to do with each other.

Té una germana que té un nom molt graciós

He has a sister with a very funny name.

es diu Eugènia, però tampoc no és Rut.

Her name is Eugènia, but she is not Rut either.

En qualsevol cas,

In any case,

lo del very demure és una

the very demure thing is a

dona trans

trans woman

dels Estats Units

from the United States

que va fer un vídeo

that made a video

ella en un taxi

she in a taxi

o sigui va en un cotxe

that is, he/she is in a car

però ella va darrere

but she is behind

i fa un vídeo rient

and makes a video laughing

no rient-se, dient que

don't laugh, saying that

la gent ha de...

people have to...

és que en realitat si ho expliques

It's just that in reality, if you explain it.

no té gràcia. No té gràcia.

It’s not funny. It’s not funny.

Va, ho veurem després.

Okay, we will see it later.

De fet,

In fact,

jo això ho vull enllaçar perquè

I want to link this because

aquestes petites tonteries de les xarxes

these little nonsense from the networks

i tal, no, vull dir,

and so, no, I mean,

són com coses que al final ens acaben com

they are like things that in the end end up like

vull dir, com tu has dit, hi ha salges

I mean, as you said, there are salgs.

relacionals perquè, per exemple, lo del demure

relational because, for example, the demure thing

o per exemple, no sé si ho has sentit, lo del

or for example, I don't know if you've heard about it, the

Brad Summer

Brad Summer

Una tragada que m'ha costat la puta vida.

A swallow that has cost me my damn life.

Però són coses que ens conformen

But they are things that shape us.

no només com a societat sinó com a

not only as a society but also as a

individus, i llavors jo

individuals, and then me

a vegades em pregunto si totes aquestes coses

Sometimes I ask myself if all these things

que poden ser més comuns o menys comuns

which can be more common or less common

són totes les més comuns, per on passem tothom

they are all the most common ones, where everyone goes through

sigui de la generació que siguis, és a dir

whatever generation you belong to, that is to say

la universitat, l'escola, perdre la

the university, the school, lose the

virginitat, el matrimoni,

virginity, marriage,

tenir un fill, etc, etc. Celebro que algú s'hagi llegit

having a child, etc, etc. I celebrate that someone has read it.

el guió. Veus? Finally.

the script. See? Finally.

Dos temporades després. És que, amore...

Two seasons later. It's just that, my love...

És que estàs...

It's just that you are...

Amor... Bueno,

Love... Well,

és igual. Això és un esdeveniment canònic.

It doesn't matter. This is a canonical event.

Això és un esdeveniment canònic. M'estic posant les piles.

This is a canonical event. I'm getting my act together.

Anyway. Llavors

Anyway. Then

tots aquests esdeveniments, creieu que ens

all these events, do you think that we

conformen individualment?

Do they conform individually?

És a dir, formen

That is to say, they form

part de la nostra identitat, i per tant

part of our identity, and therefore

hi ha aquesta cosa de

there is this thing about

ningú ser humà té una experiència

no human being has an experience

completament única? No.

completely unique? No.

No. O sigui, resposta fàcil.

No. So, easy answer.



Pedant, pedant, pedant

Pedant, pedant, pedant.

pedant, pedant, pedant

pedant, pedant, pedant

pedant, pedant, pedant, pedant.

pedant, pedant, pedant, pedant.

Estimades dramàtiques, avui parlem

Dear dramatics, today we talk

d'esdeveniments canònics. I què

of canonical events. And what

és un esdeveniment canònic? Un esdeveniment

Is it a canonical event? An event.

canònic poden significar moltes coses,

"Canonic can mean many things,"

però en resum, com ja heu estat

but in summary, as you have already been

escoltant durant tot el capítol, per tant no m'allargaré

listening throughout the chapter, so I won't go on.

gaire sobre l'explicació, és

more about the explanation, it is

bàsicament un esdeveniment,

basically an event,

un fet de la teva vida, que de cop

a fact from your life that suddenly

resulta molt important.

it is very important.

Que canvia la teva vida, que canvia el

That changes your life, that changes him.

transcurs de la història de la humanitat, o

the course of human history, or

que resulta crucial

which is crucial

per entendre qui ets ara mateix,

to understand who you are right now,

o com funciona la societat ara mateix.

or how society works right now.

Tot ve a dir el mateix, que és, que bàsicament

Everything says the same, which is, that basically

és una cosa molt important. Què ha passat?

It's a very important thing. What happened?

Llavors, quina sèrie recomano?

So, which series do I recommend?

Doncs, és molt xorra,

Well, it's very silly,

està a Netflix,

it's on Netflix,

perdó per recomanar Netflix un altre cop,

sorry for recommending Netflix again,

i és

and it is

The Umbrella Academy. The Umbrella Academy és

The Umbrella Academy. The Umbrella Academy is

bàsicament una sèrie de fantasia,

basically a fantasy series,

és una sèrie de ciència-ficció, però que tracta

it's a science fiction series, but it deals with

sobre esdeveniments importants, o

about important events, or

més aviat, sobre l'esdeveniment

rather, about the event

d'uns naixements d'unes persones

of the births of some people

molt especials, i com això

very special, and like this

repercuteix en el món sencer.

it has an impact on the whole world.

O també, totes les coses que fan aquestes

Or also, all the things that they do.

persones que han nascut en aquest dia especial i que han

people who were born on this special day and who have

canviat el món, canvien de nou el món,

changed the world, change the world again,

o, en alguns casos,

or, in some cases,

el destrueixen. Doncs per això, la

they destroy it. Well, for that reason, the

recomano, perquè exemplifica el que

I recommend it because it exemplifies what

és un esdeveniment canònic, que

it is a canonical event, that

pot ser tan personal, perquè hi ha

it can be so personal, because there is

algunes coses que són molt personals,

some things that are very personal,

i com totes les sèries i tots els viatges de l'heroi,

and like all series and all hero's journeys,

que segurament sabeu el que és el viatge de l'heroi,

that you probably know what the hero's journey is,

i si no, ho busqueu pedantes.

And if not, you look for pedants.

Tots els personatges acaben

All the characters end up

tenint un desenvolupament,

having a development,

i també ho té la societat en la que es mouen.

and so does the society in which they operate.

Per tant, no us la perdeu.

Therefore, don't miss it.

No és una

It's not one.

qualitat guionística,

script quality,

cinematogràfica, d'imatge brutal.

cinematographic, with brutal imagery.

Els actors

The actors

ho fan bé, això sí, crec.

They do it well, that’s for sure, I think.

I... no ho sé.

I... don't know.

Espero que us agradi. És lleugereta.

I hope you like it. It's lightweight.

I jo crec que per començar la temporada va bé.

And I think that for starting the season, it's good.

Ens veiem a la pròxima tant... Dramàtiques!

See you next time, both... Dramatic ones!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Resposta elaborada. No què?

Elaborate answer. What?

Resposta elaborada. Jo crec...

Elaborated response. I believe...

Però no què? No tenim una experiència única?

But what not? Don't we have a unique experience?

O sí cadascú té la seva experiència única?

Oh yes, does everyone have their unique experience?

Jo crec que cadascú té la seva

I believe that everyone has their own.

experiència única, i llavors els teus

unique experience, and then your

esdeveniments canònics són els teus,

canonical events are yours,

jo he dit el meu.

I have said my part.

Sortir de casa amb 17 anys.

Leaving home at 17 years old.

Però això m'ha passat a mi.

But this has happened to me.

No li ha passat a molta gent.

It hasn’t happened to many people.

Bueno, tu et vas independitzar amb...

Well, you became independent with...

18, 19

18, 19

menys una setmana.

less than a week.

Però tu

But you

quan vas sortir de casa als papes?

When did you leave home to your parents?



I la meva germana va sortir de casa

And my sister left the house.

amb 27. El meu esdeveniment

with 27. My event

canònic, que és marxar de casa

canonical, which means to leave home

amb 17, no és el de la meva

At 17, it's not the one for me.

germana amb 27, perquè

sister with 27, why

el moment vital és diferent. Llavors,

the vital moment is different. Then,

no és el mateix sortir

it's not the same to go out

de postadolescent


que sortir de

to leave from

persona que podries tenir 3

person you could have 3

crios de

young of

3 anys.

3 years.

O sigui, no és el mateix

That is to say, it's not the same.

el punt vital en què fas les coses.

the vital point at which you do things.

Ara, que hi ha moments que ens

Now, there are moments that we


we can...

que hem socialitzat que són

that we have socialized that are

esdeveniments canònics col·lectius.

collective canonical events.

Però vull dir, per exemple,

But I mean, for example,

que sigui anar a la Uni.

that it is going to university.

Anar a la Uni no és un esdeveniment canònic col·lectiu.

Going to university is not a collective canonical event.

D'entrada, perquè assumim que a la Uni va

To begin with, because we assume that it goes to the Uni.

un percentatge de la població mundial

a percentage of the global population

al 5%.

at 5%.

Jo què sé,

I don’t know.

a l'Àfrica viu molta gent i

in Africa lives a lot of people and

no tothom va a la Uni. A Espanya

Not everyone goes to university. In Spain.

no tothom va a la Uni. A Barcelona

not everyone goes to university. In Barcelona

no a tots els barris es va a la Uni

Not all neighborhoods go to university.

de la mateixa manera. Hem

in the same way. We have

identificat com a

identified as

esdeveniment canònic anar a la Uni

canonical event going to university

d'una manera que és com ens ensenyen les sèries

in a way that is like how the series teach us

yanquis, que vol dir anar a la Uni.

Yanks, which means going to university.

Ho dubto, perquè les sèries yanquis

I doubt it, because the American series

anar a la Uni, te'n vas a un camp,

going to college, you go to a field,

tu te'n vas a un altre

you are going to another



Tens mandades grieques...

You have Greek cravings...

Jo això sí que ho volia lligar

I definitely wanted to tie this up.

amb una altra cosa, que és

with another thing, which is

que crec que els esdeveniments

that I think the events

canònics col·lectius

collective canons

o individuals

or individuals

ens venen imposats per

they are imposed on us by

estaments determinats.

specific wills.

O sigui, jo crec que el pur

So, I think that the pure

concepte d'esdeveniment canònic, fins i tot

concept of canonical event, even

quan és seriós i quan es parla

when it is serious and when it is spoken

de termes

of terms

col·lectius, generacionals

collectives, generational

o culturals

or cultural

o socials, estem parlant

or social, we are talking

sempre de qui explica la història

always from the one who tells the story

i com explica aquesta història.

And how this story is explained.

I crec que

I believe that

en tots els esdeveniments canònics que

in all canonical events that

ens han conformat com a societat

they have shaped us as a society

hi ha una visió profundament

there is a profoundly vision

política de poder.

power politics.

La crisi del 2008,

The crisis of 2008,

com s'explica i

how is it explained and

de quina manera modifica

in what way does it modify

la societat?

the society?

La pandèmia de la Covid-19, com s'explica

The Covid-19 pandemic, as it is explained.

i què diu

And what does it say?

del que va passar?

What happened?

Les Olimpiades de Barcelona...

The Barcelona Olympics...

És a dir, les Olimpiades de Barcelona són

That is to say, the Barcelona Olympics are

el millor que li ha passat a la ciutat de Barcelona?

the best thing that has happened to the city of Barcelona?

O va significar que una ciutat

Or it meant that a city

industrial que

industrial that

sobrevivia humilment

survived humbly

però dignament

but with dignity

es va convertir en una

it became a

fita turística mundial

world tourist landmark

i ara la gent de Barcelona no pot viure a Barcelona

And now the people of Barcelona cannot live in Barcelona.

perquè ens fan fora, perquè els lloguers són

because they kick us out, because the rents are

inviables... I això és

unviable... And that is

perquè Barcelona es va posar a l'ull

why Barcelona got into the spotlight

del món.

of the world.

La crisi del 2008

The crisis of 2008

va significar


l'empoderament de tota aquella gent

the empowerment of all those people

que va veure com

that saw how

la seva idea de censor social

his idea of social censor

es troncava? O va ser

Was it broken? Or was it?


the arrival


of the



de l'austeritat per tothom?

of austerity for everyone?

La Covid-19

The Covid-19

va significar...

it meant...

És una guàrdia...

It's a guard...

Sí, ho estava anomenant tot, estava pensant...

Yes, I was naming everything, I was thinking...

No, no, però vull dir...

No, no, but I mean...

Jo trobo que hi ha una voluntat política

I believe that there is a political will.

a l'hora d'escriure la història

when it comes to writing history

i que aquesta voluntat política vol

and that this political will wants

que els esdeveniments canònics

that the canonical events

que ens conformen com a societat

that shape us as a society

passin per un lloc

pass through a place

i ens col·loquin

and place us

en un espai determinat

in a determined space

i hi ha una cosa que em fa

And there is one thing that makes me

por... Bé, no em fa por,

fear... Well, it doesn't scare me.

senzillament em fa entendre, em fa ser escèptic

simply makes me understand, makes me skeptical

amb el món, que és

with the world, which is

qui determina esdeveniments

who determines events

canònics i sempre és el poder econòmic.

canonical and it is always the economic power.

Vull dir, per mi,

I mean, for me,

una de les forces transformadores més grosses

one of the greatest transformative forces

de la societat és

of society is

el feminisme i el moviment pels drets LGTBI

feminism and the movement for LGTBI rights

i, per tant, el

and, therefore, the

no crec que sigui un esdeveniment

I don't think it's an event.

que només els poders econòmics

that only the economic powers

facin esdeveniments canònics.

hold canonical events.

Digue'm un sol esdeveniment canònic que vingui

Tell me a single canonical event that comes.

marcat pel feminisme.

marked by feminism.

La Llei de Només Sí és Sí.

The Law of Only Yes is Yes.

És que el problema és que això...

The problem is that this...

Que les dones poguessin votar?

That women could vote?

Que les dones puguin votar, les sufragistes.

That women can vote, the suffragists.

Aquest el compro.

I'll buy this.

Aquest el compro, o sigui, ja l'havia

I buy this, that is, I already had it.

pensat quan pensava aquesta reflexió,

thought when I was thinking about this reflection,

pensava, si em treuen el

I was thinking, if they take away my...

sufragi femení...

women's suffrage...

Bueno, la despatogenització de

Well, the depathogenization of

les persones trans. Això no és un esdeveniment

trans people. This is not an event.

canònic? Potser per tu no, però per tot el col·lectiu

Canonical? Maybe not for you, but for the whole collective.

trans, sí.

trans, yes.

I és una fita feminista

And it is a feminist milestone.

que és un avenc canònic.

What is a canonical cave.

Sí, però com, però, o sigui,

Yes, but how, but, I mean,

jo no estic dient, o sigui,

I'm not saying, I mean,

t'ho compro del tot, us ho compro del tot

I completely buy it from you, I completely buy it from you all.

i teniu raó.

And you are right.

El que em refereixo és que, en el fons,

What I mean is that, deep down,

en el curs de la història

in the course of history

de la humanitat,

of humanity,

això es veu com

this is seen as

un aconseguiment d'un dret

an achievement of a right

per les minories.

for the minorities.

I com que aquests,

And since these,

aquestes coses de les que estem parlant ens agafen com

these things we are talking about catch us like

No a lo global de la humanitat.

Not to the global humanity.

No generacional.


No global, efectivament.

Not global, indeed.

Com que ens agafa, com que

As it takes us, as it does.

ens toca molt a la pell perquè

it touches us a lot because

ha passat darrerament, me'n vaig

It has happened recently, I'm leaving.

molt més enllà. Per què

much further. Why

la descoberta

the discovery

d'Amèrica, i per tant la descoberta

of America, and therefore the discovery

de tot aquell

of all that

recurs natural que podíem expuliar

natural resource that we could exploit

colonialment les persones blanques

colonially the white people

d'Europa, va ser

from Europe, was

un canvi d'era

a change of era



i l'abolició

and the abolition

de l'esclavitud no ho ha estat mai.

It has never been of slavery.

Perquè l'evolució de l'esclavitud no interessa.

Because the evolution of slavery is not interesting.

Perquè en realitat, fer que la gent

Because in reality, making people

digui... O sigui, com s'estructuren

Tell me... I mean, how are they structured?

aquests esdeveniments canònics?

these canonical events?

I qui tria

And who chooses

que la descoberta d'Amèrica

that the discovery of America

ho sigui? Quan la descoberta

Is it? When is the discovery?

d'Amèrica, perdó, el país més poblat

of America, sorry, the most populated country

del món fins fa no res,

from the world until very recently,

si no ho és encara, era la Xina.

if it is not yet, it was China.

Als xinesos no els hi va importar mai.

The Chinese never cared.

Ara crec que és la Índia.

Now I think it's India.

Però en qualsevol cas,

But in any case,

a l'Àsia no li va importar mai el descobriment de la Xina.

Asia never cared about the discovery of China.

Ells ja tenien relacions amb... De la Xina.

They already had relationships with... from China.

El descobriment de l'Amèrica.

The discovery of America.

Ells ja tenien relacions.

They were already having relations.

En canvi, això no importa.

On the contrary, this doesn't matter.

Perquè Àsia i Amèrica

Because Asia and America

són canonges, nosaltres som esdeveniments.

they are canons, we are events.

El descobriment dels canonges.

The discovery of the canons.

Que intensa t'has posat de cop.

You've gotten so intense all of a sudden.

Jo el que anava a dir és que crec que aquí

What I was going to say is that I think here

podeu dir que som... Com has dit?

can you say that we are... What did you say?

Anava a dir que... Cenotrios.

I was going to say that... Cenotrios.

Anava a dir que érem uns canònigos.

I was going to say that we were canons.



No, però que anava a dir que som uns cenotrios,

No, but I was going to say that we are a bunch of idiots.

però la generació Z aquí està posant crec que molt de fre,

but Generation Z here is slowing down a lot, I think,

un fre de mà molt potent,

a very powerful handbrake,

davant de tot això.

in light of all this.

Perquè crec que per primera vegada

Because I think that for the first time

potències hipercapitalistes,

hypercapitalist powers,

com poden ser els dels Estats Units,

as those of the United States,

la sort és que els joves cada vegada més

The luck is that young people increasingly

s'estan adonant de coses que per nosaltres,

they are realizing things that for us,

crec que la gent d'esquerres d'aquí d'Europa

I think that the leftist people here in Europe

és una cosa claríssima,

it's a very clear thing,

i fins i tot de Centroamèrica i Sud-Amèrica

and even from Central America and South America

coses que ja estaven clares,

things that were already clear,

de per exemple la lluita de classes,

for example, the class struggle,

és una cosa que fins fa poc

it's something that until recently

jo no t'ho he començat a sentir a xarxes.

I haven't started to hear it from you on social media.

I ara a xarxes hi ha un moviment bastant fort,

And now there is a fairly strong movement on social media,

que és bastant palpable,

that is quite palpable,

de gent jove,

of young people,

de generació Z,

of Generation Z,

qüestionant-se drets laborals

questioning labor rights

d'un munt.

of a pile.

De 9 a 5 dient

From 9 to 5 saying.

per què estem treballant de 9 a 5,

why are we working from 9 to 5,

o de queixant-se

or complaining

d'actituds que tenen les empreses,

of attitudes that companies have,

de comparant-se amb drets

of comparing oneself with rights

que tenim nosaltres els europeus,

that we Europeans have,

que nosaltres som el més normal del món

that we are the most normal thing in the world

perquè hem viscut sempre amb això,

because we have always lived with this,

però allà no entenen tot això.

but they don't understand all this there.

Jo crec que sí que hi ha una miqueta d'esperança.

I believe that there is indeed a little bit of hope.

Perquè la generació Z ve

Because Generation Z comes.

una mica a challenge

a bit of a challenge

tots els conceptes que estaven

all the concepts that were



Estic en part d'acord,

I partially agree.

però també penso que

but I also think that

ho tractarem en altres programes

We will address it in other programs.

d'aquesta temporada,

of this season,

perquè tenim bastants temes

because we have quite a few topics

que confronten generacions.

that confront generations.

Però trobo que la pandèmia

But I find that the pandemic

va ser un hit terrorífic

it was a terrifying hit

en el fet d'individualitzar tothom.

in the act of individualizing everyone.

Quan m'heu tallat,

When you cut me,

perquè estava narrant

because I was narrating

tots els esdeveniments canònics

all the canonical events

de la nostra generació,

of our generation,

hi havia un terrorífic

there was a terrifying

que és com la Covid va venir a dins

that is how Covid came inside

que havíem d'individualitzar-nos

that we had to individualize ourselves



En teoria la idea era una altra.

In theory, the idea was different.

Recordo quan estàvem en confinament

I remember when we were in lockdown.

era ara serem tots més solidaris,

now we will all be more supportive,

farem més comunitat

we will build more community

perquè ens ajudarem entre tots.

because we will help each other.

Perquè hem vist

Because we have seen

que ens necessitem,

that we need each other,

que hem de fer aquest esforç col·lectiu.

that we must make this collective effort.

I ha passat el contrari.

The opposite has happened.

És culpa no només

It's not only your fault.

no nostra directament,

not ours directly,

sinó de les generacions

but of the generations

que venen per damunt de la nostra

that come above ours

que tenien aquest discurs

that had this discourse

però perquè havien viscut

but because they had lived

una vida col·lectiva.

a collective life.

La generació

The generation

automàticament per damunt de nosaltres

automatically above us

5 anys més, la gent que ja té 40

5 more years, the people who are already 40.

generació X

Generation X

ha viscut la vida d'una manera.

he lived life in a certain way.

Els xilòfons.

The xylophones.



Canonges, xilòfons i cenotriós.

Canons, xylophones, and cenotaphs.

Millenials, xilòfons

Millennials, xylophones

i cenotriós.

and Cenotrians.

Però és cert que va haver-hi

But it is true that there was

tota una generació de gent que ara té

a whole generation of people who now have

23 anys

23 years

que va entrar, o sigui, va fer

that entered, I mean, did

la Sele.

the National Team.

Els van confinar, van fer la Sele

They were confined, they made the Sele.

confinats i no van anar a la Uni

confined and did not go to university

fins al segon semestre de segon.

until the second semester of second.

Això et

This you

conforma d'una manera una mica

somewhat conforms





la gent que ja havien viscut

the people who had already lived

una vida col·lectiva i que ja sabíem

a collective life and that we already knew

el que era segons quines coses

what it was according to certain things

vam assumir

we took on

allò d'una manera.

that in a way.

La invenció de les xarxes socials

The invention of social networks

la farà diferentíssim als

she will make it very different to the



A més era la gent

Furthermore, it was the people.

que havia crescut molt dins de xarxes

that had grown a lot within networks

socials ja des del primer moment.

socials right from the very beginning.

Llavors, entre

Then, between

que s'havien conformat dins de xarxes

that had conformed within networks

socials, que els vam tancar

social networks, which we closed them

en un moment clau de la seva vida

at a key moment in his life

i que després, quan vam sortir de la pandèmia

and then, when we came out of the pandemic

la joventut ha de ser

youth must be

rebel, però si fan

rebel, but they do.

botellots, llavors

bottles, seeds

ojo, peligro,

watch out, danger,

perquè són el perill de la nostra societat

because they are the danger of our society

que allò va haver-hi un moment de criminalització

that there was a moment of criminalization

de la joventut horrorós.

of the horrendous youth.

Jo recordo

I remember

el setembre del 21

September 21

crec que va ser

I think it was.

a la Mercè del 21

to the Mercè of 21

que van ser els macrobotellots

what the macrobotellots were

de l'Avinguda Maria Cristina

from Maria Cristina Avenue

que tothom era com

that everyone was like

aquesta gent què fa?

What are these people doing?

I jo dic, fan el que poden fer

And I say, they do what they can do.

si els teniu tancats.

if you have them closed.

El que tu has dit

What you have said.

de que ara estan

what they are now

més conscients sobre

more aware of

els drets

the rights

laborals, etc.

labor-related, etc.

El que em fa por

What scares me

és que es queda una mica en el postureig

It’s that it comes off as a bit pretentious.

de simplement fer aquests vídeos

of simply making these videos

a xarxes socials, que sembla que és el que estigui passant

to social networks, which seems to be what is happening

hi ha una passivitat

there is a passivity

jo no veig que els centros

I don't see that the centers

estigueu organitzant

be organizing

de manera col·lectiva


simplement, potser de manera individual

simply, perhaps in an individual way

perquè té individualisme, també

because it has individualism, too

sí que cadascú va fent petits actes

yes, everyone is doing small acts

individuals que sí que poden

individuals who can indeed

anar cap a millorar tot això, no?

to move towards improving all of this, right?

No acceptar una sèrie de condicions a la teva feina

Not accepting a series of conditions at your job.

que això al final fa

that this in the end does

vull dir, és molt important i està molt bé

I mean, it's very important and it's very good.

que tu diguis, home, anem a fer una feina

Whatever you say, man, let's go do a job.

el que passa ara amb els cambrers

what is happening now with the waiters

que ja no, ai camarero, ja no criden a treballar

that they no longer, oh waiter, no longer call to work

no, el que no volen és que els explotis

No, what they don't want is for you to exploit them.

i potser abans la gent tenia tanta consciència

And perhaps before people had such awareness.

però ara estem agafant consciència

but now we are becoming aware

i estem dient, jo no faré

and we are saying, I will not do it

12 hores per

12 hours for

5 euros l'hora, doncs no

5 euros an hour, so no.

llavors està molt bé, però que no sé

then it's very good, but I don't know

si es queda una mica en fer vídeos, en fer tiktoks

if it takes a little to make videos, to make tiktoks

fer reels, o si traspassa

to make reels, or if it crosses over

més enllà de manera col·lectiva

beyond collectively

jo crec que no hi ha organització

I believe that there is no organization.

hi ha molt poca, a veure

there is very little, let's see

dins de tot això hi ha una gran

within all of this, there is a great

desafecció cap a tot el que és un moviment

disaffection towards everything that is a movement

social, fins i tot polític

social, even political



com també va haver-hi un event canònic

as there was also a canonical event

que va ser el 15M

What was the 15M?

que es van prometre moltes coses

they promised each other many things

que passarien i al final

what would happen and in the end

diguem que no han passat

let's say they haven't happened

vull dir, han passat d'aquella manera

I mean, they have gone past in that way.

sí, han millorat

yes, they have improved

certes coses, però no ha

certain things, but it has not

canviat l'estructura per se, llavors

changed the structure for itself, then

jo m'imagino, o sigui

I imagine, I mean

tot això jo m'imagino com

I imagine all this as

o sigui, és un event canònic que sempre

In other words, it is a canonical event that always

tant els poders econòmics

both the economic powers

i llavors els poders econòmics

and then the economic powers

empotxaran els nostres pares i els nostres progenitors

they will empower our parents and our progenitors

fins i tot la generació X

even Generation X

se'ls va prometre una terra prometida

they were promised a promised land

o sigui, la terra prometida se'ls va prometre

that is to say, the promised land was promised to them

la generació X

Generation X

era la primera que se'ls va prometre

she was the first to be promised to them

aquesta terra, i van creure

this land, and they believed

i alguns van poder arribar

and some were able to arrive

els millenials

the millennials

i van poder arribar en un terreny

and they were able to arrive in a territory

que ja veieu la batalla campal

that you can already see the street battle

i era com, bueno, chicos

And it was like, well, guys.

nos dicen que tenemos que luchar, vamos a luchar

they tell us we have to fight, we are going to fight

la generació Z simplement veu

Generation Z simply sees.

tot això

all this

i simplement diu

and simply says

a tu casa, o sigui

to your house, that is

a tu casa del pal, que la generació Z

to your house of the stake, that Generation Z

veu tot el percal i veu la promesa

you see all the chaos and you see the promise

i diu, això és fals

And he says, this is false.

estic absolutament d'acord amb tu

I absolutely agree with you.

que és diferent a tot el que ha vingut després

that is different from everything that has come after

llavors, per exemple, jo ho veig molt amb la meva feina

So, for example, I see it a lot with my job.

que soc generació Z

that I am Generation Z

hi ha gent que és millenial

there are people who are millennial

o fins i tot generació X, que accepta moltes coses

or even Generation X, which accepts many things

que jo és com

that I is like

al meu cap jo me'ls he de donar una vegada i li he dit

In my head, I have to give them to myself once, and I have told him.

por 50.000 euros

for 50,000 euros

tengo que duplicar o triplicar

I have to double or triple.

mi carga de trabajo, no señor

my workload, no sir

no ho faré

I will not do it.

estic absolutament d'acord amb tu, m'encanta

I completely agree with you, I love it.

el ril que t'acabes de marcar, però

the ril that you've just marked, but

he de fer uns matisos

I have to make some nuances.

és a dir, la generació X

that is to say, Generation X

per començar, no va ser la primera

To begin with, it was not the first.

a la que se'ls va oferir, o sigui

to which they were offered, that is to say

en l'Europa

in Europe

o en l'Espanya

or in Spain



que els fills vivien

that the children lived

millor que els pares perquè venien d'un espai

better than the parents because they came from a space

molt precari

very precarious

és cert que

it is true that

la nostra generació

our generation

jo parlo des d'aquesta repetició cíclica

I speak from this cyclical repetition.

i jo dic

and I say

però que no eren els primers

but they were not the first

o sigui, l'ascensor social

in other words, the social elevator

no s'inventa als anys 70

it is not invented in the 70s

l'ascensor social

the social elevator

ve d'aquesta repetició cíclica

comes from this cyclical repetition

més propera a nosaltres

closer to us

la qüestió és, estic d'acord que

the question is, I agree that

en el model

in the model

d'ascensor social

of social elevator

la generació

the generation

que vam arribar a la universitat

that we arrived at the university

el 15M, o sigui

the 15M, that is

entre el 2008 i el 2012

between 2008 and 2012

ens vam ficar

we got involved

l'ascensor, vam tallar el cable

the elevator, we cut the cable

i va caure allò

and that fell down

i estic molt d'acord que

and I completely agree that

després, la generació

then, the generation

que ha vingut després, que és la Z

what has come after, which is the Z

com que l'ascensor

as the elevator

ja estava fet una truita

it was already made into an omelette

de patates

of potatoes

perquè després tallessin el cable

so that they would cut the cable later

directament hi ha gent que o no puja

there are people who simply do not climb

o directament puja per les escales

or just go directly up the stairs

però el que et vull dir és que

but what I want to tell you is that

el que

the one that

els events canònics

the canonical events

que han marcat la societat

that have marked society

des del poder

from the power

han destruït és que

they have destroyed it is that

per aconseguir

to achieve

el cicle d'ascensor social

the cycle of social ascension

previ hi havia

previously there was

l'organització social i el fet

the social organization and the fact

que la gent es col·lectivitzés

that people would collectivize

en els problemes per lluitar

in the struggles to fight

i després

and then

de la caiguda de l'ascensor

from the fall of the elevator

com que cadascú és

as each one is

tu enfront de les xarxes socials

you in front of social networks

si en xarxes socials la petes

if you "rule" on social media

no hauràs tingut

you will not have had

ascensor social, senzillament

social elevator, simply

viuràs de fer publicitat a marques

you will live by advertising brands

i si no triomfes

and if you don't succeed

et quedaràs igual

you will stay the same

a baix de tot

at the bottom

com sempre on estaves

as always, where were you

que ens hem carregat l'ascensor social

that we have destroyed the social elevator



jo no sé si s'ha quedat clar

I don't know if it has been made clear.

que clarament com tu dius és cíclic

that clearly as you say is cyclical

l'únic que he dit és

the only thing I have said is

per respondre que crec

to respond that I believe

que sí que la generació Z

that yes, Generation Z

fins i tot la generació alfa

even Generation Alpha

però fins i tot crec que l'alfa

but I even think that the alpha

repeteix i la generació Z

repeat and Generation Z

és al final del cicle

it's at the end of the cycle

l'alfa està començant a recuperar

the alpha is starting to recover

patrons de generacions molt posteriors

patterns of much later generations

és a dir, de la posteriora de la generació X

that is to say, from the later generation of Generation X

una promesa

a promise

i una desafecció política brutal

and a brutal political disaffection

hi ha però confien

There is, however, trust.

en l'extrema dreta

on the far right

per fer això

to do this

els que confien en política

those who trust in politics

perquè hi ha molts que directament no hi participen

because there are many who do not participate directly

perquè no hi confien

because they don't trust it

vull dir, crec que aquí hi ha una lectura mal donada

I mean, I think there is a misinterpretation here.

que és que el gran problema de les generacions joves

What is the great problem of the young generations?

no és que votin a l'extrema dreta

It's not that they vote for the far right.

que és un problema

that is a problem

el gran problema de les generacions joves

the great problem of the young generations

és que no els interessa per cap mena de motiu

It's just that they are not interested for any reason.

la política

the politics

però això ho sabem totes

but we all know this

no és que votin a l'extrema dreta

it's not that they vote for the far right

que és un problema

that is a problem

és que directament la majoria d'ells no voten

it's just that most of them don't vote directly

els únics que estan una mica interessats en política

the only ones who are a bit interested in politics

són els que voten a l'extrema dreta

they are the ones who vote for the far right

perquè són els convençuts

because they are the convinced

de tota manera

in any case

i per intentar una mica acabar

and to try a little to finish

amb un missatge esperançador

with a hopeful message

però abans d'acabar

but before finishing

de dir quins són els nostres

to say which are ours

tu sí que has dit

you have indeed said

quins són els nostres esdeveniments

what are our events

ara si vols juguem això

Now if you want, we can play this.

que a tot això no és

that all of this is not

com acabarem

how will we end up

però abans d'això volia dir una cosa

but before that I wanted to say something

jo crec que tot i que

I believe that even though

el procés independentista de Catalunya

the independence process of Catalonia

no fos el meu gran moviment

it wasn't my grand movement



jo crec que quan es troben

I believe that when they meet

esdeveniments col·lectius

collective events

i col·lectivitzants

and collectivizing

mobilitzen molt

they mobilize a lot

a la gent jove

to young people

és a dir la gent jove

that is to say the young people

del 98

of 98

al 2004

to 2004

la gran majoria

the vast majority


it is

molt indepe i mucho indepe

very independent and very independent

i és

and it is

perquè va haver-hi un moviment col·lectiu

because there was a collective movement

que els va encoratjar a viure

that encouraged them to live

igual que

just like

la joventut


de la nostra edat

of our age

va haver-hi molt bon marketing també d'això

There was also a lot of good marketing for that.

i de la nostra època

and of our time

hi ha moltíssima joventut

there is a lot of youth



filopodemita o filoquincemer

filopodemat or filoquinquemer

és el que vam viure

it's what we lived through

perquè és el que vam viure

because it is what we lived

en el moment en el que estàvem més

at the moment when we were most



érem joves i podíem

we were young and we could

tenir aquests ideals

to have these ideals

vull dir que si en aquesta època

I mean that if at this time

t'agafa un moviment col·lectivitzant

it takes hold of a collectivizing movement

prou potent

strong enough

ens interessen més

we are more interested in

les experiències col·lectives

the collective experiences

les experiències individuals

individual experiences

el problema és que des de fa

the problem is that for a long time

des de després del procés

since after the process

i el procés va afectar Catalunya

And the process affected Catalonia.

no a la resta ni de l'estat ni del món

no to the rest neither of the state nor of the world



si no t'agafa res

if nothing gets you

et quedes amb tu

you stay with yourself

i jo el problema

and I the problem

el que trobo a faltar són moviments col·lectivitzants

What I miss are collectivizing movements.



i m'he tornat a posar molt intensa

I've become very intense again.

però realment

but really

ja fa molt

it's been a long time

el procés

the process

jo no he vist res

I haven't seen anything.

el procés va significar

the process meant

un esdeveniment canonja

a cannon event

però abans d'aquest esdeveniment

but before this event

ja es parlava de desafecció

there was already talk of disengagement

jo ja no era joventut

I was no longer youth.

en aquell moment

at that moment

home sí que érem joventut

there we were indeed youth

però abans

but first

vull dir que per lo general

I mean that generally speaking

des de la perspectiva dels nostres pares

from the perspective of our parents

que van viure la fi una dictadura

that lived the end of a dictatorship

que hi havia moviments molt forts

that there were very strong movements

i tal

and such

i d'aquest tipus de moviments

and of this type of movements

però fixa't

but pay attention

que sense dictadura

that without dictatorship

sense moviments repressius

without repressive movements

d'aquest estil

of this style

i tot i això

and despite that

hem viscut el 15M

we lived the 15M

i el procés

and the process

que han estat capaços de mobilitzar

that have been able to mobilize

a la immensitat

to the immensity

de la joventut

of youth

jo quan ara veig

I when I see now

aquest fet de banalitzar

the act of trivializing

l'event canònic

the canonical event

a tirar-te un pet

to fart on you

o sortir amb un feo

or go out with an ugly person

doncs dic

then I say

home doncs

man then

per això dic

that’s why I say

a mi m'ha fet risa

it made me laugh

quan ho he vist

when I saw it

és entrar en el llenguatge

it's entering the language

és entrar en el llenguatge aquest

it's about entering this language

i fer rises

and make rises

però realment és com

but it really is like

a part que hi havia aquesta cosa

apart from that thing that was there

de no interferir

not to interfere

perquè això és un esdeveniment canònic

because this is a canonical event

que jo pensava

that I thought

potser no cal

maybe it's not necessary

que el passis

that you have it

és a dir potser no cal

that is to say perhaps it is not necessary

que tinguis un trauma

may you have a trauma

amb un home que et maltracta

with a man who mistreats you

home és que potser una violació

man is perhaps a violation

és un esdeveniment canònic

it is a canonical event

segurament és un esdeveniment

it is probably an event

però potser no caldria no

but maybe it wouldn't be necessary, would it?

però és que hi havia molts

but there were many

que eren la majoria

that they were the majority

que jo he vist eren

that I have seen were

mi amiga está a punto de hacer

My friend is about to do.

no sé qué

I don't know what.

potser estic veient aquesta

maybe I'm watching this

aquesta cosa com romàntica

this thing like romantic

els esdeveniments canònics

the canonical events

hem de deixar que passin perquè és el que

we have to let them pass because it is what

et conforma en la personalitat

it shapes your personality

us esteu posant molt intensos

you are getting very intense

és una cosa que en realitat no és així

It's something that is actually not like that.

que en realitat

that in reality

com he dit abans

as I said before

la generació Z resignifica moltes coses

Generation Z redefines many things.

i crec que vosaltres també heu

and I believe that you also have

resignificat moltes coses per altres

re-signified many things for others

generacions anteriors a la vostra

previous generations to yours

i crec que us esteu fent un gramassa

And I think you are making a big mistake.

d'una cosa que és simplement banalitzar

of something that is simply trivializing

gràcia, a algú li ha fet gràcia

thanks, someone found it funny

i ha fet gràcia, igual que el del The Muir

It has been amusing, just like the one from The Muir.

i igual que el Brad Summer

and just like Brad Summer

igual que qualsevol altra merda

just like any other crap

tu el que m'estàs dient és que el que estic fent

What you're telling me is that what I'm doing

és sent ma mare quan em diu

it is my mother when she tells me

no te llames maricón

don't call yourself a faggot

exacte, eres gay

exactly, you are gay

bueno pues sí mama, ahora nos llamamos

Well, yes mom, now we call each other.

maricones y luego nos hemos llamado queer

faggots and then we called ourselves queer

y luego nos llamaremos pinocho

and then we will call ourselves Pinocchio

¿me entiendes?

Do you understand me?

és possible

it is possible

és que em moro

I'm dying.

és que et diu això i

it's just that it tells you this and

estic veient la meva mare dient-me

I am seeing my mother telling me.

tu no eres maricón, eres gay

You are not a queer, you are gay.

com he dit abans mai he necessitat aquest

As I said before, I have never needed this.

concepte, ara que ja el sé no el deixaré

concept, now that I know it, I won't let it go

de veure a tot arreu, és un típic

to be seen everywhere, it is a typical

però clar això sí que m'ha fet de copte

but of course this has really taken me by surprise

de copte

of Coptic

de sobte pensar quins són els meus

suddenly thinking about what mine are

perquè jo mai m'havia posat a pensar

because I had never stopped to think

o sigui jo en un àmbit terapèutic per exemple

that is, me in a therapeutic context for example

amb la meva terapeuta he pogut arribar a

with my therapist I have been able to reach

parlar de quins

talk about which

o sigui quins esdeveniments de la teva vida

so what events in your life

t'han marcat o t'han

have they marked you or have they

aromatitzat d'alguna manera

flavored in some way

però mai els havia posat

but I had never put them on

una decisió que tu hagis pensat

a decision that you have thought about

que t'ha ressignificat la teva vida

that has redefined your life

anar-te'n a Madrid, això és una cosa ben canònica

going to Madrid, that's something quite canonical

ah clar, no, jo el que sí que veig

Ah sure, no, what I do see is...

més que m'ha canviat

more than it has changed me

jo hagués sigut una persona amb una personalitat

I would have been a person with a personality.

completament diferent

completely different

és no haver estudiat

it is not having studied

però en el meu cas no haver estudiat

but in my case, not having studied

art dramàtic

dramatic art

en el meu cas que jo era una persona tímida

in my case, I was a shy person

tímida, tímida, que no parlava amb ningú

shy, shy, who didn’t talk to anyone

que anava així, encorvada

that was like this, hunched over

a mi m'ha canviat, o sigui

it has changed me, I mean

si hagués estudiat l'altra cosa que m'agradava

if I had studied the other thing I liked

que era traducció i interpretació, que és quedar-se a casa

that was translation and interpretation, that is staying at home

amb un ordinador traduint

with a computer translating

segurament seria una persona diferent

it would probably be a different person

clar, jo sempre ho he pensat

Sure, I've always thought that.

és que jo recordo la Ivars

It's just that I remember Ivars.

que no parlaria pràcticament amb la gent

that I would hardly talk to people

que em costaria molt, que em posaria vermella

that would cost me a lot, that would make me blush

com un tomàquet, encara em passa, però imagina

like a tomato, it still happens to me, but imagine

clar, o sigui, que potser no

Sure, so maybe not.

hauria tingut ni relacions sexuals, o sigui

I wouldn't have had any sexual relations, I mean.

és que t'ho juro, a mi m'ha

it's just that I swear to you, it has happened to me

transformat aquest, llavors sí que em va fer

transform this one, then yes it did make me

retraccionar en aquest aspecte, dic bueno

to retract in this aspect, I mean well

mira, m'ha fet pensar i mirar enrere

Look, it has made me think and reflect back.

i a mi em sembla super guai

and I think it's super cool

un throwback, molt bé

a throwback, very good

un throwback

a throwback

i a mi reapropiant-se de conceptes

and to me reclaiming concepts

em sembla meravellós, vull dir

I think it's wonderful, I mean.



moments, ho trobo

moments, I find it

esplèndid, ara bé

splendid, now good

recuperar-los per fer-los

recover them to make them

servir bé, no per banalitzar

serve well, not to trivialize

o sigui, a mi la banalització

that is, for me the trivialization

segons quines coses

depending on certain things

ens posem massa intenses en coses

we get too intense about things

que no calen, i crec que potser

that are not needed, and I think that maybe

anar fent un feina molt meravellós

doing a very wonderful job

que faré jo aquí

what will I do here


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Doncs fins aquí el capítol d'avui

So that's it for today's chapter.

estimades dramàtiques

dear dramatic ones

on hem parlat d'esdeveniments callònics

we have talked about calonic events

esdeveniments canonges

events canons

esperem que canvieu a partir d'ara el concepte

We hope that you will change the concept from now on.

m'agrada molt més així

I like it much more this way.

ja que hem de individualitzar-lo com a mínim

since we have to individualize it at least

una paraula graciosa, no?

a funny word, right?

fer-hi una mica aquest twist

give it a little twist

Doncs, hem parlat de coses

Well, we have talked about things.

molt interesting

very interesting

he fet xerinola, com sempre

I've made a racket, as always.

però aquesta vegada acabem

but this time we end

bé, aquesta temporada, com és noves

Well, this season, as it is new.

nova temporada, nous jocs, novetats, perquè ja estàvem una mica fartes dels jocs de les altres temporades,

new season, new games, new features, because we were already a bit tired of the games from the other seasons,

així que, oh, quina pena, no, perquè el que farem es fa molt divertit i molt maco,

so, oh, what a pity, no, because what we will do is very fun and very nice,

i és que us hem consultat a vosaltres, de fet, vosaltres podreu ser dramàtiques protagonistes també,

And it's that we have consulted you, in fact, you will also be able to be dramatic protagonists.

vam fer un consultori que ens féssiu arribar preguntes sobre aquest tema,

we created a consultation for you to send us questions on this topic,

o comentaris sobre les anècdotes canonges, i ens han arribat forces, la veritat.

or comments about the anecdotal canons, and we have received quite a few, to be honest.


Very many.

És que ha sigut un èxit, hemos muerto de éxito.

It has been a success; we have died of success.

Hi ha crítica i públic.

There is criticism and an audience.

No, sempre pot ser més, eh? Ara no us faci vergonya enviar-nos coses perquè ja en tenim moltes, no?

No, it can always be more, right? Now, don't be shy to send us things because we already have a lot, don't we?

De fet, no, sisplau, si deixeu d'enviar-ho a les quatre persones que ho envieu, ja morim.

In fact, no, please, if you stop sending it to the four people you send it to, we will die.

No, no, envieu-ho molt més, però vull dir, tenir sis...

No, no, send it much more, but I mean, have six...

Avieu, avieu, perquè serà sempre així, d'acord? Al final del capítol, en comptes de dir si hem explicat una anècdota,

Come on, come on, because it will always be like this, okay? At the end of the chapter, instead of saying if we have explained an anecdote,

que és veritat o no?

What is true or not?

Això ho hem deixat enrere, ara...

We have left this behind, now...

O quina frase ens ha dit qui fos, ho hem oblidat.

Oh, what a phrase has been said to us, whoever it was, we have forgotten it.

Ho hem oblidat molt perquè allò era una tortura.

We have forgotten it a lot because it was torture.

Si no ho sabeu, escolteu els capítols de primera temporada, que són molt xulos.

If you don't know, listen to the first season episodes, which are really cool.

Ara no.

Not now.

Va, no s'ha patit, eh?

Come on, it hasn't been a big deal, has it?

Pasadi, què és?

What is a pasadi?

A partir d'ara us farem preguntes, us farem participar vosaltres.

From now on we will ask you questions, we will make you participate.

Això ho han fet altres potes, i què? No passa res, el que funciona s'ha de reutilitzar.

Others have done this in different ways, and so what? Nothing happens, what works should be reused.

Aleshores, ja pel següent estigueu atentes a xarxes, que us preguntarem cosetes.

So, for the next one, stay tuned on social media, as we'll be asking you some questions.

Però per què?

But why?

Per què? Doncs anem a resoldre tots aquests missatges que ens heu donat.

Why? Well, let's address all these messages you've given us.

Recorda que ens hem fet un TikTok.

Remember that we made a TikTok.

Ens hem fet un TikTok, exacte. Seguiu-nos també, subscriviu-vos a tot arreu que us pugui deixar subscriure, etcètera.

We have made a TikTok, that's right. Follow us too, subscribe everywhere that allows you to subscribe, etc.

D'acord, doncs ens han enviat, per exemple, el nostre estimat Artur Lencuti a les xarxes,

Alright, so they have sent us, for example, our beloved Artur Lencuti on social media.

que parléssim sobre quan et posen les banyes.

let's talk about when they put the horns on you.

Com a esdeveniment canònic.

As a canonical event.

De fet...

In fact...



I el seu comentari va ser

And their comment was

Heu de parlar de posar les banyes.

You have to talk about putting on the horns.

I jo crec que hauríem de guardar-nos el tema per fer un capítol sencer.

And I think we should save the topic to do a whole chapter on it.

He de dir que crec que ho vam parlar bastant a romanticisme, més o menys.

I have to say that I think we talked about it quite a bit in romanticism, more or less.

Però bueno, suposo que es referia, també coneixent-lo ell personalment,

But well, I suppose he meant, also knowing him personally,

a com et conforma a tu com a persona que t'hagi posat les banyes.

How you conform to yourself as a person who has been cheated on.

És que nosaltres tenim un problema...

It's just that we have a problem...

Com a esdeveniment canònic individual.

As a canonical individual event.

O sigui, nosaltres, el Miki i jo tenim un problema,

So, we, Miki and I have a problem,

que és que com a parella no monògama...

what is it that as a non-monogamous couple...

Mareu, però pots opinar d'alguna cosa que t'hagi passat.

Mareu, but you can share your thoughts on something that has happened to you.



A mi tampoc m'ha passat.

It hasn't happened to me either.

Clar, o sigui, el que puc dir és...

Of course, what I can say is...

Deixa de considerar que el sexe és tan important o tan exclusiu com això

Stop considering that sex is as important or as exclusive as that.

i respira una mica.

and breathe a little.

Després, la gelosia existeix, la gelosia fa mal...

Then, jealousy exists, jealousy hurts...

La gelosia fa mal.

Jealousy hurts.



És com tot, és simple.

It's like everything, it's simple.

Hem de treballar perquè la salut pública tingui prou psicòlegs com per fer teràpia.

We must work to ensure that public health has enough psychologists to provide therapy.

És sempre segons els pactes que tu hagis fet amb la teva parella.

It always depends on the agreements you have made with your partner.

Llavors entenc que si el teu pacte era un pacte monògam d'exclusivitat,

Then I understand that if your agreement was a monogamous exclusivity agreement,

pugui ser un cop molt dur i que et pugui modificar les teves futures relacions.

it can be a very hard blow and it can affect your future relationships.



Perquè al final és el que dèiem de la teràpia.

Because in the end it's what we said about therapy.

Què és el que t'ha traumatitzat?

What is it that has traumatized you?

Què ha fet que després estiguis fatal

What has made you feel terrible afterwards?

o que les pròximes relacions que tinguis, això sigui un...

or that the next relationships you have, this is a...

Jo crec que ho vam parlar bastant, tot això que està dient el Vitu,

I think we talked about it quite a bit, all this that Vitu is saying.

se'ns ve un romanticisme.

A romanticism is coming to us.

De totes maneres...


Ho podeu tornar a escoltar, molt bon capítol.

You can listen to it again, very good chapter.

Si voleu alguna cosa de parlar l'esbanya, sí, jo crec que és una vent canònica.

If you want to talk about Spain, yes, I think it is a canonical wind.

Òbviament, una vent canònica, ni que sigui, serà una vent canònica per la teva parella

Obviously, a canonical wind, even if it is, will be a canonical wind for your partner.

si és una parella tancada...

if it is a closed couple...

O si és oberta i algú dels dos ha trencat el pacte per alguna raó...

Or if it is open and one of the two has broken the pact for some reason...

O vull dir...

Oh, I mean...

Sí, òbviament serà una...

Yes, obviously it will be a...

Haurà malmès la confiança de la parella i segurament, sí, es marcarà un avanç i un després.

It will have damaged the trust of the couple and surely, yes, there will be a before and an after.

Exacte, per això.

Exactly, for that reason.

D'acord, doncs continuem. Moltes gràcies, Artur.

Alright, let's continue then. Thank you very much, Artur.

Aitana, t'estimem però li agrada molt.

Aitana, we love you but he likes her a lot.

Aitanaem a Instagram.

Let's go to Instagram.

Sí, l'Aitana és meravellosa però ens ha...

Yes, Aitana is wonderful but she has...

Perquè, o sigui, ens ha dit...

Because, I mean, he/she has told us...

Ens ha llançat moltes.

She has thrown many at us.

Sí, o sigui, d'entrada ens pregunta, no ens pregunta, ella es pregunta a si mateixa i diu

Yes, I mean, at first she asks us, she doesn't ask us, she asks herself and says

entenc que una vent canònica és una cosa que et marca vitalment.

I understand that a canonical wind is something that marks you vitaly.

Entens bé.

You understand well.

O sigui, en això, ho has entès?

So, in this, have you understood it?

Em sembla que l'Aitana és millenial o xilòfon o...

I think Aitana is a millennial or xylophone or...

Sí, no, no és millenial i...

Yes, no, it's not millennial and...

T'entenc, germana.

I understand you, sister.

T'entenem molt bé.

We understand you very well.

Diu, mudar-se sola a una ciutat.

She says, moving alone to a city.

Ella no deia mudar-se sola a una ciutat.

She would not move alone to a city.

A una ciutat, si no deia...

To a city, if it didn't say...

Venir a viure a Barcelona sola.

Come to live in Barcelona alone.

De jove.

As a young person.

Perdre una amistat de llarg recorregut,

Losing a long-standing friendship,

sigui sobtadament o gradualment.

whether suddenly or gradually.

Diu, acompanyar, i va dir, acompanyar una malaltia dels pares,

He says, accompany, and he said, accompany a parent's illness,

una malaltia que saps...

a disease that you know...

Una malaltia generativa dels pares quan són grans.

A generative disease of the parents when they are old.

Home, és que són tot temazos.

Dude, they're all great tracks.

Sí, efectivament.

Yes, indeed.

Òbviament, són esdevenits canons.

Obviously, they are established canons.

Són esdeveniments canònics, efectivament.

They are indeed canonical events.

Jo diria que potser jo puc parlar sobre les amistats llargues, vull dir...

I would say that perhaps I can talk about long-term friendships, I mean...

Jo crec que el que és menys esdeveniment canònic

I believe that what is least is canonical event.

és acompanyar la malaltia dels pares,

it is to accompany the illness of the parents,

perquè no és tant una cosa que et conformi a tu,

because it is not so much something that conforms you,

sinó una circumstància que t'ha tocat viure per desgràcia.

but a circumstance that you have had to live through unfortunately.

Home, però sí que et pot conformar.

It can be disappointing, but it can still satisfy you.

Jo crec que sí que et conforma, vull dir, com a exemple, ma mare.

I believe it does shape you, I mean, as an example, my mother.

Clar, és com, per exemple, la mort d'un familiar

Of course, it's like, for example, the death of a family member.

pot ser un esdeveniment canònic.

it can be a canonical event.

És que depèn de com t'ho prenguis tu.

It depends on how you take it.

Pots ser que a tu et canviï la trama de la teva vida,

It may be that the plot of your life changes for you,

com dèiem al principi, que era la definició,

as we said at the beginning, which was the definition,

que et canvia la trama,

that changes the plot,

o no, o pot ser que continuï la teva vida igual,

oh no, or maybe your life will continue the same,

depèn de com t'ho prenguis.

It depends on how you take it.

És que la qüestió de totes aquestes preguntes

It's that the question of all these questions

que totes donen per capítol sencer,

that all count as a whole chapter,

i llavors és com, em sap greu entrar per parlar mig minut

And then it's like, I'm sorry to come in to talk for half a minute.

de temes tan profuns,

of such deep topics,

em sap molt de greu, i tot i que m'encanten,

I'm very sorry, and even though I love them,

i me'ls plantejo per la temporada vinent,

and I am considering them for the next season,

però la cosa és, estem parlant com que jo tot el que he defensat

but the thing is, we're talking as if everything I've defended

és que jo defenso els esdeveniments canònics

I defend canonical events.

des del punt de vista col·lectiu,

from a collective point of view,

i des del punt de vista individual em fan bastanta mandra

And from an individual point of view, they make me quite lazy.

com a concepte, no com a concrecions,

as a concept, not as specific instances,

és a dir, com a concrecions les trobo totes meravelloses.

That is to say, as specific examples I find them all wonderful.

Però jo no puc dir què vol dir venir a Barcelona sola

But I can't say what it means to come to Barcelona alone.

de jugar, som d'Africa i Barcelona.

from playing, we are from Africa and Barcelona.

Bé, et configura, t'activa unes coses de responsabilitat,

Well, it configures you, it activates some things of responsibility,

has de pagar un lloguer, has de pagar unes factures,

you have to pay rent, you have to pay some bills,

de cop no tens el suport dels pares, t'has de cuinar,

suddenly you don't have the support of your parents, you have to fend for yourself,

t'has de començar a preocupar de coses que abans no et preocupaves,

you have to start worrying about things you didn't worry about before,

i no només això, sinó tenir el hàndicap de dir

And not only that, but to have the handicap of saying

no estic a 10 minuts, un dia 30 minuts, un dia 45 minuts...

I'm not here for 10 minutes, one day 30 minutes, one day 45 minutes...

I començar a conèixer...

And begin to get to know...

I començar a conèixer persones molt diverses

I started to meet very diverse people.

de les que potser has pogut tenir contacte en un poble més petit,

from which you may have been able to make contact in a smaller town,

home, et conforma la personalitat completament,

man, it completely shapes your personality,

et canvia la trama de la vida de manera radical,

it changes the plot of life in a radical way,

i és que crec que és una cosa ben canònica.

And I believe that it is something quite canonical.

I us heu posat amb la més banal,

And you have gotten involved with the most trivial one,

perquè no heu entrat ni en la malaltia dels pares,

because you haven't even mentioned the parents' illness,

ni en la perduda de l'amistat.

nor in the loss of friendship.

Home, perdre l'amistat llarga crec que és molt més ben canònica

At home, losing a long friendship I think is much more canonical.

que passi sobtadament a que passi gradualment.

that it happens suddenly to that it happens gradually.

Gratualment, és com més paulatí,

Gradually, it is more gradual.

per tant, no és un event, un esdeveniment,

therefore, it is not an event, an occurrence,

que de cop és...

that suddenly it is...

Clar, és que jo quan pensava en els esdeveniments,

Of course, it's just that when I thought about the events,

jo pensava, els que jo veig que han canviat més la meva personalitat,

I thought, those who I see have changed my personality the most,

tampoc són esdeveniments, això, que passin de cop, no?

These are not events that happen all of a sudden, are they?

És tenir una carrera, una carrera són quatre anys,

It's having a degree, a degree is four years,

potser és més el fet d'haver escollit aquella carrera.

perhaps it's more about having chosen that career.

Però clar, quan parles d'esdeveniment,

But of course, when you talk about an event,

és un esdeveniment clau que un canvia tot.

It is a key event that changes everything.

El fet d'anar deixant paulatinament una relació,

The fact of gradually letting a relationship fade away,

no és un esdeveniment, no?

it's not an event, is it?

No sé si pot considerar un esdeveniment.

I don't know if it can be considered an event.

Depèn si la deixes tu o si la deixa l'altra persona.

It depends if you leave it or if the other person leaves it.

Clar, vull dir, jo també crec que aquí depèn.

Sure, I mean, I also think it depends here.

És a dir, no és el mateix que tu i jo siguem molt amics.

That is to say, it is not the same that you and I are very close friends.

I, o sigui, al final, la idea general dels dos

I, that is, in the end, the general idea of the two.

serà que la cosa s'ha mort.

It might be that the thing has died.



Però parlàvem més de si és de cop,

But we were talking more about whether it's sudden,

si és de cop, tant si sóc jo com l'altre,

if it's sudden, whether it's me or the other,

pot ser un esdeveniment clau.

It can be a key event.

Si és una cosa que va passant paulatinament,

If it's something that happens gradually,

perquè no és un esdeveniment clau.

because it is not a key event.

Però de cop pot ser.

But it can be sudden.

Us aneu distanciant i tal.

You are distancing yourselves and such.

No, no, no, però aquest impuls a distància

No, no, no, but this remote impulse

és per part d'una persona.

It is from a person.

I jo, o sigui, ara m'obro al que no m'havia obert

And I, that is, now I open myself to what I had not opened myself to.

a la primera part del programa.

to the first part of the program.

Jo demà he quedat amb una persona

I have an appointment with someone tomorrow.

que va ser ultra amiga meva

who was my super friend

durant la meva primera adultesa

during my early adulthood

i va haver-hi un moment en el qual

and there was a moment when

jo vaig decidir deixar d'apropar-me

I decided to stop getting closer.

a aquella persona.

to that person.

No, però, o sigui, sí que és un esdeveniment canònic

No, but, I mean, yes, it is a canonical event.

com tornar de trobar-me amb aquesta persona, potser.

How to meet this person again, perhaps.

Crec que és menys esdeveniment canònic

I think it is a less canonical event.

trobar-te amb aquesta persona de nou

to meet this person again

a menys que sigui un reencontre molt...

unless it's a very... reunion

Però per mi no va ser un esdeveniment canònic

But for me, it was not a canonical event.

deixar-la, eh?

Let her go, huh?

Vull dir, jo va haver-hi un moment en el qual

I mean, there was a moment when

vaig dir, aquesta persona ha deixat de portar-me...

I said, this person has stopped taking me...

És que els esdeveniments canònics,

It is that the canonical events,

segons el que estem veient, és alguna cosa molt subjectiva

according to what we are seeing, it is something very subjective

que cadascú considera si l'hi ha

let each one consider if there is one

transformat o no.

transformed or not.

Que també quins podríem estar tot el dia.

That we could also be all day.

Però això és quan...

But this is when...

quan parlem de coses individuals

when we talk about individual things

i a mi m'agrada dels esdeveniments canònics

And I like canonical events.

quan parlem col·lectivament

when we speak collectively

totes aquestes coses les trobo

I find all these things.

superinteressants, però...

super interesting, but...

Ah, hi ha hagut

Ah, there has been

una oienta

an eighty-something

o un llent

or a lentil

Jillian Nas

Jillian Nas

que ens ha dit quan un amic o amiga

what a friend has told us

vol tatuar-se la cara.

wants to tattoo their face.



Jo he de dir-li que efectivament...

I have to tell him that indeed...

I ver esdeveniment canònic.

It is a canonical event.

Home, no et canvia la personalitat.

Man, it doesn't change your personality.

O sí. No ho sé.

Oh yes. I don't know.

Et canvia la vida.

It changes your life.

No m'he tatuat la cara.

I haven't tattooed my face.

Et canvia l'aspecte físic.

It changes your physical appearance.

Jo crec que és un esdeveniment canònic

I believe it is a canonical event.

que et canvia la vida.

that changes your life.

O sigui, a mi si un amic em ve i em diu...

So, if a friend comes to me and tells me...

Li canvia la vida a l'amic, no a la persona que s'ha tatuat.

It changes the life of the friend, not the person who has been tattooed.

Me la canvia a mi.

He/She changes it for me.

Per què?


Jo no m'ha... Home.

I don't have... Man.

Home, perquè he de plantejar-me

Home, because I have to consider.

tota la meva relació d'amistat amb tu.

all my friendship relationship with you.

És a dir, no, no, és a dir...

That is to say, no, no, that is to say...

Sóc un bon amic i et dic

I am a good friend and I tell you.

estàs fent els gilipolles?

Are you being an idiot?

O sóc un mal amic i et dic

Either I'm a bad friend and I tell you

fes el que vulguis?

do what you want?

Que en realitat és ser un bon amic.

What it really means to be a good friend.

Una puta merda.

A fucking shit.

Tindràs 80 anys i tindràs la cara tatuada, eh?

You'll be 80 years old and you'll have a tattooed face, right?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Això sí que és de iaio.

This is really old-fashioned.

Ser un bon amic és dir-te això no ho has de fer.

Being a good friend means telling you that you shouldn't do this.

Pensar si el tatuatge et queda bé

Think about whether the tattoo looks good on you.

amb 80 anys

at 80 years old

és una miqueta de iaieta.

it's a little bit of a grandmother.

A ningú li queda bé...

Nobody looks good in it...

Ja arribaràs.

You will arrive.

No, a ningú no li queda bé un tatuatge amb 80 anys.

No, no one looks good with a tattoo at 80 years old.

Però és de la mateixa manera que no li queda bé la cara

But it is in the same way that the face doesn't suit him/her.

Sí, perquè és un iaio.

Yes, because he is an old man.

Que més dona.

What difference does it make.

Però a més la tindrà amb taques verdes.

But also it will have green spots.

M'entens? No.

Do you understand me? No.

I què? D'igual, doncs pots explicar

And what? Never mind, can you explain?

igual que m'entens una cicatriu o així com molona

Just like you understand a scar or something cool like that.

A la cara no.

Not in the face.

Si em ho vaig fer no sé quines o quantes...

If I did it, I don't know which or how many...

Sisplau, a la cara, a la cara de debò

Please, to the face, to the real face.

que jo he vist el Grinder Penya que té

that I have seen the Grinder Penya that you have

frases tatuades al front

tattooed phrases on the forehead

i és del pal vols que et faci un petó

And it's from the end, do you want me to give you a kiss?

o que llegeixi la Bíblia.

or that he/she reads the Bible.

O sigui, no, stop, no.

So, no, stop, no.

It's hot.

It's hot.

It's hot what?

It's hot, what?

Vinga, que el que havia de durar, aquesta secció havia de durar 15 minuts

Come on, this section was supposed to last 15 minutes.

i ja portem mitja hora.

And we've been at it for half an hour.

Anem a escoltar els àudios.

Let's listen to the audio.

Molt bé, anem a escoltar els àudios, d'acord.

Very well, let's listen to the audios, alright.

Aviam, anem a veure...

Let's see...

Vale, escoltem el primer, d'acord?

Okay, let's listen to the first one, alright?

De la Marina, Marina Xeix.

From the Marina, Marina Xeix.

La Xeix.

The Xeix.

Doncs per mi, esdeveniment canònic

Well for me, canonical event.

que m'ha vingut al cap ha sigut

what has come to my mind is

el dia que em va venir la regla

the day I got my period

per primera vegada.

for the first time.

Un puto drama.

A fucking drama.

Jo no volia convertir-me

I didn't want to become.

en el que se suposava que era

in what was supposed to be

ser una dona. Vaig pensar

to be a woman. I thought

quina mandra, ara, deixar de ser nena

What a drag, now, to stop being a girl.

i haver de tenir responsabilitats.

and having to have responsibilities.

Vaig plorar

I cried.

i no va ser gens d'allò de

and it wasn't at all about that

ah, s'ha fet dona, uh, quina alegria,

ah, she's become a woman, uh, how joyful,

va ser un drama i va ser un trauma.

It was a drama and it was a trauma.

No sé,

I don’t know,

ho comparteixo perquè potser a més d'una

I share it because maybe more than one

també li ha passat

it has also happened to him/her

i bé,

and well,

podria saber si a la Laura

Could I know if Laura

li va passar així

it happened to him/her like this

o va tenir una alegria

he had a joy

del primer dia de menstruació.

from the first day of menstruation.

Una abraçada dramàtiques.

A dramatic hug.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Gràcies Marina per la teva aportació.

Thank you, Marina, for your contribution.

Molt interessant.

Very interesting.

Ja que m'has preguntat a mi,

Since you asked me,

per al·lusions responc jo.

I will respond for the allusions.

Primer, jo no ho vaig viure com un esdeveniment

First, I did not experience it as an event.

canònic, va ser una cosa bastant natural

canonical, it was quite a natural thing

i normal que no em va canviar res al moment.

It's normal that nothing changed for me at that moment.

Òbviament després tenint la regla

Obviously after having the period.

es pot considerar un esdeveniment canònic

It can be considered a canonical event.

però, o sigui, ja com a llarg

but, I mean, already as a long

plaç, o sigui, efectivament després

space, that is, indeed afterwards

doncs has d'anar portant

so you have to carry on

les compreses tot el dia,

the pads all day,

al principi no saps com funciona

at first you don't know how it works

tot allò i no pares de tacar

everything and you don't stop touching

totes les cadires de l'institut,

all the chairs of the institute,

tot, bueno, fatal.

everything, good, fatal.

Però jo en si, en el moment, jo li vaig

But I, in that moment, I go to him.

dir, home, tinc les calces marró,

say, man, I have the brown panties,

em va dir, ah, t'ha vingut la regla i ximpum,

She told me, oh, you've got your period and that's it,

ja està. No va voler dir res, ni jo

That's it. He didn't want to say anything, nor did I.

vaig tenir cap trauma, ni res.

I had no trauma or anything.

Per mi no ho va ser.

For me, it wasn't.

Que no, ja no.

No, not anymore.

En aquell moment, com a

At that moment, as a

fet del dia que em va venir, no. Que després

Made the day that came to me, no. That later.

de cop digués, hòstia, quina putada això que han passat

All of a sudden, I thought, damn, what a bummer that this has happened.

tots els mesos, i em conformés com a persona.

every month, and I conformed as a person.

A llarg plaç sí, però no

In the long term yes, but no.

aquelles de... Per tant, més enllà del fet

those of... Therefore, beyond the fact

que sigui una cosa més o menys

that it is something more or less

agradable, que et passa

pleasant, what's wrong with you

sovint, com

often, as

a mi, que tinc problemes intestinals

me, who has intestinal problems

o el fet de cagar,

or the act of pooping,

que, doncs, no m'agrada, però...

that, then, I don't like it, but...

No, no, no. És sempre igual.

No, no, no. It's always the same.

Tinc la regla per cagar.

I have my period to poop.

O sigui, quan és molest,

I mean, when it's annoying,

perquè he entès que és molest,

because I understood that it is annoying,

però el que

but what

em refereixo és que

I mean that

jo crec que

I believe that

per la Xeix, i em sap greu,

for the Xeix, and I am sorry,

va ser un esdeveniment canònic

it was a canonical event

més per una qüestió forçada social,

more due to a forced social issue,

que per allò que li va passar.

that for what happened to him.

És el que anava a dir, és que

It's what I was going to say, it's that

en aquest cas, aquest esdeveniment canònic

in this case, this canonical event

tindrà a veure amb com

it will have to do with how

el discurs que has anat rebent

the speech you have been receiving

tu al llarg de la teva infantesa sobre això.

you throughout your childhood about this.

Si a tu t'han dit que això és natural, és normal,

If you have been told that this is natural, it's normal,

i passarà un dia,

and one day will pass,



la incomoditat, com el meu cagar,

the discomfort, like my shit,

que era el que jo volia dir,

that was what I wanted to say,


it is...

No té un simbolisme...

It doesn't have a symbolism...

Jo quan cago

I when I poop

no tinc un esdeveniment canònic

I do not have a canonical event.

cada cop que hi haig al bany.

every time I'm in the bathroom.

Jo aquesta cosa de de cop sóc dona

I this thing of suddenly being a woman.

no la vaig tenir, potser per

I didn't have it, perhaps because of

com m'havien anotat a mi, però que entenc

as they had noted me, but I understand

que a moltes noies puguin passar pel que

that many girls can go through what

li ha passat a la Marina, perquè al final

it has happened to Marina, because in the end

tot el...

all the...

el discurs que hi ha al voltant de la regla

the discourse surrounding the rule

tot aquest romanticisme de

all this romanticism of

t'hi haces mujer, no sé què, de repente

You become a woman, I don't know what, suddenly.

ja és adult, existeix, i per tant pot ser

he is already an adult, he exists, and therefore he can be

un moment que faci molta por

a moment that is very scary

i que diguis...

and you say...

I jo trobo que l'interessant per alliberar...

And I find that the interesting thing to free...

O sigui, hem viscut el que

That is to say, we have lived what

hem viscut, les que ja

we have lived, those who already

tenim, les que ja som millennials,

we have, those of us who are already millennials,

però de cara a

but facing

les que en un futur

those that in the future



continuar perpetuant

continue perpetuating

aquesta espècie, si això té sentit,

this species, if that makes sense,

que no ho sé, però

I don't know, but

no caiguem en

let's not fall into

aquestes trampes, és a dir,

these traps, that is to say,

no fem que les nostres criatures

we do not make our children

passin per on hem passat nosaltres

pass through where we have passed.

si era... meh.

if it was... meh.

Vull dir... Això és complicat, perquè

I mean... This is complicated because

aquí estàs mesclant temes

here you are mixing topics

i això és trauma

and this is trauma

generacional. No, no, no, però parlo...

generational. No, no, no, but I speak...

Si la seva família mai li va dir res a cap d'això,

If your family never told you anything about this,

simplement tot el que s'escolta...

simply everything that is heard...

Parlo com a col·lectivitat,

I speak as a community,

parlo com a societat,

I speak as a society,




let's desensitize...

Passem al següent àudio, que aquest consultori

Let's move on to the next audio, as this consultation

podria ser un podcast sencer,

it could be a whole podcast,

però... Ho vaig dir jo. Tots

but... I said it. Everyone

són un podcast sencer, perquè

they are a whole podcast, because

tothom ens diu... Però anem a

Everyone tells us... But let's go to

veure el següent, que és

see the following, which is

de la nostra estimada Ruth.

from our beloved Ruth.

Perdona, Marc.

Sorry, Marc.

No sé per què, però des del principi que et

I don't know why, but from the beginning, I...

vaig conèixer, al meu cap et dius Ruth,

I met, in my head you are called Ruth,

no sé per què.

I don't know why.

Que sàpigues que la Ruth...

Know that Ruth...

Ho diu als esdeveniments canònics,

It says so in the canonical events,

tot i que trobo que

although I find that

són fonamentals per construir-nos

they are fundamental for building ourselves

tant individualment com

both individually and

com a societat. Ara bé,

as a society. However,

en el meu cas, els esdeveniments

in my case, the events

canònics, que són

canonic, what are they

tipus personals o familiars,

personal or family types,

el que em passa

what's happening to me

és que mai me'n recordo

It's just that I never remember.

de celebrar-los

to celebrate them

o de commemorar-los.

or to commemorate them.

I per tant, no em serveixen de gaire.

And therefore, they are of little use to me.

I després,

And then,

els que són ja de gaire més col·lectiu,

those who are already more of a collective,

no estic mai

I am never.

a l'alçada. Mai he estat

at the height. I have never been

a l'alçada d'un esdeveniment

at the height of an event

canònic col·lectiu.

canonical collective.

Així que,


la meva conclusió és que odio

my conclusion is that I hate

els esdeveniments canònics.

the canonical events.

He de dir dues coses abans que comencem a parlar.

I have to say two things before we start talking.

quina veu més radiofònica

which voice is more radio-friendly

que té la Ruth Barramar?

What does Ruth Barramar have?

Però se la vam convidar al podcast.

But we invited her to the podcast.

Tens raó. Segona.

You are right. Second.

Però és que ara... No ho sé.

But it's just that now... I don't know.

Segona. Però preciosa. Segona,

Second. But beautiful. Second.

quina manera de fustigar-se ella mateixa, dona.

What a way to chastise herself, woman.

Anava a dir exactament el mateix.

I was going to say exactly the same.

Què vol dir que a l'alçada de...

What does it mean that at the height of...

A l'alçada de què?

At what height?

És que jo estava pensant...

I was just thinking...

Només estàs pensant en els esdeveniments...

You are only thinking about the events...

O sigui, el drama

So, the drama.

que jo he tingut amb aquest comentari

that I have had with this comment

és que, havent

it is that, having

representat jo aquesta visió

I represent this vision.

constant dels esdeveniments canònics,

constant of canonical events,

em llepen el peu a esquerra,

they lick my left foot,



pots parar de pensar que

can you stop thinking that

els esdeveniments canònics

the canonical events

els has de celebrar i tu no estàs a l'alçada.

You have to celebrate them and you are not up to the task.

De vegades són merdes.

Sometimes they are crap.

O sigui, de vegades...

So, sometimes...

Abans he parlat d'un altre

I have talked about another one before.

esdeveniment canònic de la meva família, però

canonical event of my family, but

un dels meus esdeveniments canònics

one of my canonical events

és que vam tenir un accident de cotxe

it's just that we had a car accident

una gosna

a gnawer

al poble

to the village

el 1999.

the 1999.

Jo és que no ho vull celebrar, jo.

I just don't want to celebrate it, I do.

Clar, és que quan ella deia celebrar

Of course, it's just that when she said celebrate

suposo que es deu referir, jo què sé,

I suppose it must refer to, I don't know,

a l'esdeveniment que has acabat... Gradues.

at the event you just finished... You graduate.

És que jo crec

It's that I believe.

que arrel...

that root...

O potser els aniversaris...

Or perhaps the birthdays...

És que jo crec que arrel d'aquesta cosa

It's just that I think that as a result of this thing.

del tren

of the train

de xarxes socials que hem parlat abans

of social networks that we talked about earlier

hi ha una visió

there is a vision

que els esdeveniments canònics són

that the canonical events are

aquelles coses xatxes de la vida.

those cool things in life.

I potser no són xatxes.

And maybe they're not chats.

Potser són...

Maybe they are...

Clar, però és que els esdeveniments canònics...

Of course, but the canonical events...

L'esdeveniment canònic també pot ser que t'hagin violat.

The canonical event may also be that you have been raped.

Això ho celebres?

Do you celebrate this?

Clar. No sé quin concepte tenia

Sure. I don't know what concept I had.

ara mateix la Marta.

Right now, Marta.

No sé fins a quin punt això és guai dir-ho,

I don't know to what extent it is cool to say this,

però tens tota la raó del món.

but you are absolutely right.

O sigui, tens tota la raó.

So, you are absolutely right.

Per un accident de cotxe, això ho celebres?

For a car accident, do you celebrate this?



A menys que t'hagi permès, com a pel·li romàntica

Unless I allowed you, like a romantic movie.

dels anys 90,

from the 90s,

conèixer l'amor de la teva vida,

to meet the love of your life,

ho celebres?

Do you celebrate it?

O començar a valorar més la teva vida.

Or start to value your life more.

Sí, o començar... No ho sé.

Yes, or start... I don't know.

També cal dir que vam parlar del dol

It should also be said that we talked about grief.

i vam parlar d'això, i vam parlar de

and we talked about this, and we talked about

saber confrontar el dol, o no saber...

to know how to confront grief, or not to know...

O sigui...


Després, quan parla dels esdeveniments

Later, when he talks about the events.

més globals, que no està a l'ençada,

more global, which is not at the height,

clar, necessitaríem que ens ho expliqués millor.

Of course, we would need you to explain it to us better.

Perquè no sé a què es refereix.

Because I don't know what it refers to.

Que no has anat al 15M i no has acompat el 15M.

You haven't gone to the 15M and you haven't supported the 15M.

O, per exemple, que...

Oh, for example, that...

O que no ens recordes

Or that you don't remember us.

tot el temps.

all the time.

Et dic una cosa.

I'm telling you something.

La vida és frenètica, i la vida ens empeny

Life is frenetic, and life pushes us.

a viure una vida frenètica.

to live a frantic life.

Prou que fem amb el que fem.

Enough with what we do with what we do.

Per tant, prou fem

Therefore, we are doing enough.

amb el treball que podem fer com a formiguetes

with the work we can do as little ants

d'activisme del que sigui.

of activism of any kind.

Que jo, ja sabeu

That I, you already know

que sóc molt proactiu

that I am very proactive

en que, sisplau,

in which, please,

generació jove, generació zeta, no em falleu,

young generation, generation z, don't let me down,

hem d'estar a tot arreu.

we must be everywhere.

Ah, sí, queda un àudio molt interessant.

Ah, yes, there is a very interesting audio left.

Queda un àudio, ella diu

There is one audio left, she says.

que és molt interessant.

that is very interesting.

Jo no l'he escoltat, però sé de què va.

I haven't heard it, but I know what it's about.

Connecta, com en la Terra, d'una manera molt bèstia,

Connect, like on Earth, in a very brutal way,

que és la cosa més, saps,

what is the most, you know,

en plan, com més primitiva del món,

like, more primitive than the world,

perill, saps?

Danger, you know?

I tots els avanços tecnològics, tots els avanços

And all the technological advances, all the advances

fan que sigui més fàcil, no?

They make it easier, don't they?

Però no deixes d'expulsar

But don't stop expelling.

un bebè, no?, per la vagina,

a baby, right?, through the vagina,

que és superbèstia.

what is superbèstia.



I després perquè et converteixes en

And then why do you become

en mare o en pare, no?

in mother or in father, right?

I és fort.

And it's strong.

És una cosa molt animal

It is something very animal.

i molt instintiva

and very instinctive

i molt bèstia.

it's very brutal.

I per últim, dic que

And finally, I say that

és molt fort com

it's very strong how

s'acaba gestionant

it ends up being managed

el dolor, perquè és un dolor

the pain, because it is a pain

superbèstia, en el meu cas va ser dolor

superbeast, in my case it was pain

total part, perquè l'epidural

total part, because the epidural

no va estar efecte del tot, tot, tot, diguéssim.

It wasn't effective at all, at all, at all, let's say.

I és fort com

And it's strong as

el teu cos gestiona aquest dolor

your body manages this pain

que... que sembla impossible.

that... that seems impossible.

De que, si t'ho diuen

What, if they tell you.

abans, que ho poguessis gestionar.

before you could manage it.

I... i és fort

I... and it's strong.

el David, per exemple,

David, for example,

que ell no va patir el dolor

that he did not suffer the pain

i quan vaig parir,

and when I gave birth,

jo vaig fer una pujada d'oxitocina

I had a surge of oxytocin.

brutal que jo me n'hagués anat a l'Esbega,

brutal that I would have gone to the Esbega,

saps? I en canvi ell estava com si estés

Do you know? And on the other hand, he was as if he were.

borratxo de... de cansament,

drunk with... exhaustion,

saps? De tantes hores, de tanta

You know? From so many hours, from so much

intensitat. Però bueno,

intensity. But okay,

és un moment molt bonic,

it's a very beautiful moment,

això sí. Molt intens

that's for sure. Very intense

i molt bonic, i en el meu cas, ja dic, la medicina

and very beautiful, and in my case, I already say, the medicine

va fer que... i els llanços mèdics

made it so... and the medical throws

van fer que tingués un gran pat.

they made me have a great deal of suffering.

Jo crec que és maco.

I think it's beautiful.

D'acord, doncs fins aquí...

Alright, then that's it...

M'ho entenc una mica, això.

I understand it a little, this.

No, vull dir que fins aquí, els àudios

No, I mean that so far, the audios.

de la Txuel...

from the Txuel...

Bueno, fins aquí l'àudio de la Txuel.

Well, that's it for the audio from Txuel.

Doncs moltes gràcies, Txuel.

Well, thank you very much, Txuel.

És molt interessant.

It is very interesting.

Home, evidentment, és, o sigui,

Home, obviously, is, I mean,

a més el que dius, com de... tot i que

besides what you say, as for... even though

et portis ja nou mesos amb un gestant

you have been with a pregnant person for nine months now

sa un bebè a dins, que et pots anar fent a la idea,

there's a baby inside, so you can get used to the idea,

sí que és veritat, això sí que és un esdeveniment canònic,

it is true, this is indeed a canonical event,

perquè no és algo gradual, o sigui,

because it is not something gradual, I mean,

de cop en unes hores et surt un xerombello

suddenly in a few hours you get a sore throat

del cony, i de cop

out of nowhere, and all of a sudden

has de criar-lo. L'has tingut nou mesos

You have to raise him. You have had him for nine months.

de dins. L'has tingut nou mesos, però no és el mateix.

From inside. You've had it for nine months, but it's not the same.

Sí, crec que no ho acabes de... Tu estàs fent la teva vida

Yes, I think you don't quite... You are living your life.

més o menys igual, només... D'assumir...

more or less the same, just... To assume...

Clar. Fins que, com

Sure. Until, like

ha dit la Txuel a l'àudio,

Txuel said in the audio,

fins que realment hi ha el moment de l'expulsió...

until there is really the moment of expulsion...

Clar. I trobes el...

Sure. You find the...

Tu segueixes fent la teva vida normal. I veus un

You continue to live your normal life. And you see a

i veus un bebè

and you see a baby

que ha sortit de tu...

that has come out of you...

A veure, jo no, jo també he de dir una cosa,

Let's see, I don't, I also have to say something,

aquí, com a persona adoptada,

here, as an adopted person,

no estic fent apologia de

I am not advocating for

la maternitat biològica. Vull dir

the biological motherhood. I mean

que deu ser important, sí, que hi ha gent

that must be important, yes, that there are people

que simplement pareix, i quan pareix diu

that simply appears, and when it appears it says

hasta luego, Mari Carmen.

See you later, Mari Carmen.

I això que acaba de sortir de mi

And this that has just come out of me

m'importa poc,

I don't care much.

pot passar. Vull dir,

it can happen. I mean,

també és natural, també és una cosa

it is also natural, it is also a thing

que és legítim,

what is legitimate,

però també és natural

but it is also natural

veure allò i dir, joder,

see that and say, damn,

quin... Això ha sortit de mi.

what... This has come out of me.

Això ha sortit de mi i em provoca tant orgull

This has come out of me and it makes me so proud.

com amor, fins i tot com

with love, even as

certa depressió, perquè per això

certain depression, because of this

també existeix la depressió postpartum. Sí, però

there is also postpartum depression. Yes, but

també perquè diu la Txuel, i és veritat, no deixa de ser

also because Txuel says so, and it's true, it doesn't stop being



un procés fisiològic que és al·lucinant.

a physiological process that is amazing.

Sí, és al·lucinant. És una cosa bastant

Yes, it's amazing. It's quite something.

al·lucinant, i que tu viure això

amazing, and you living this

com a algú inèdit, que després ho viuen

like someone unpublished, who then lives it

moltíssima altra gent, però... De fet,

very many other people, but... In fact,

no només moltíssima altra gent, jo he de

not only a lot of other people, I have to

dir una cosa, perquè no considerem

say one thing, why don't we consider

tan inèdit, no considerem tan inèdit

so unprecedented, we do not consider so unprecedented

quan veiem

when we see

parir a una vaca. Tu has vist

to calve a cow. Have you seen?

el pariment d'una vaca? Sí, sí.

the stomach of a cow? Yes, yes.

Per... Insara m'he vist... Jo he de

For... Insara I have seen myself... I have to

dir que trobo bastant... I no ho veiem tant,

to say that I find quite... and we don't see it as much,

i no ho veiem tant, tampoc. També perquè ara ha parit

And we don't see it that much, either. Also because she has given birth now.

menys, llavors quan parim és una cosa bastant

less, then when we stop it is something quite

especial. Bueno, carinyos, doncs fins aquí, ja està.

Special. Well, darling, that's it then, it's done.

Vull dir, estem fins als collons de les vostres

I mean, we are fed up with your...

consultes, no és mentida.

consultations, it's not a lie.

Volem que en seguiu... En volem més.

We want you to follow us... We want more of you.

És real. El Víctor està tan

It's real. Víctor is so

cansat que simplement s'ha apagat el metro, per això...

tired that the subway has simply turned off, that's why...

En volem més, però com a consell,

We want more of it, but as advice,

si ens envieu àudios, que ja ho vaig posar

if you send us audio messages, which I already mentioned

al vídeo aquell que heu de veure. Que siguin breus.

in the video that you have to watch. Let them be brief.

Que siguin de menys d'un... Bueno,

Let them be less than one... Well,

un minut o dos, com a molt. Gràcies. Dos minuts.

One minute or two, at most. Thank you. Two minutes.

Un... Màxim trenta segons.

A... Maximum of thirty seconds.

O sigui... No, bueno, posem

So... No, well, let's put it this way.

un minut màxim, però sisplau,

one minute maximum, but please,

ens encanta que ens envieu totes aquestes coses

we love that you send us all these things

perquè ens ajuden a reflexionar,

because they help us to reflect,

a veure altres punts de vista.

to see other points of view.

Els encanta a ells, a mi no. Però això va ser

They love it, I don't. But that was

idea teva, caput. Va ser idea meva,

your idea, caput. It was my idea.

però no m'encanta. És que és un...

but I don't love it. It's just that it's a...

evento canónico, amores.

canonical event, loves.

Bueno, vinga, tòtiques,

Well, come on, silly ones,

dramàtiques... Canonges...

dramatic... Canons...



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