Spoiler 2: Final de temporada



Spoiler 2: Final de temporada


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Que em trobàs a faltar, no, deies?

That you missed me, right, you said?



És que marxes molt, em deixes molt sola.

It's just that you leave a lot, you leave me very lonely.

Marxo molt, marxo molt, marxo...

I'm leaving a lot, I'm leaving a lot, I'm leaving...

Ara no, ara ens quedarem una estona aquí, amb aquesta calorada.

Not now, we'll stay here for a while in this heat.

Ets un home que costa, eh?

You are a man who is difficult, huh?



A part, tu et mous...

Apart from that, you move...

Sí, sí, sí...

Yes, yes, yes...

De tinta!

Of ink!

Però ara que fa aquesta calorada,

But now that it's so hot,

ara em quedaré aquí per fregir-me viu.

Now I will stay here to fry myself alive.

A Barcelona que s'està tan bé, no?

In Barcelona, it's so nice, isn’t it?

Amb aquest, exacte.

With this, exactly.

Amb aquesta petita xafogor.

With this little humidity.

Verge santa!

Holy Virgin!

Quasi gens, eh?

Almost nothing, eh?

Que no en fa, quasi no fa gens de xafogor.

It hardly makes any mugginess at all.

Bueno, aquest any s'està portant bé, no ens enganyem.

Well, this year is going well, let's not fool ourselves.

Bueno, és el que m'han dit molts fills.

Well, that's what many children have told me.

Diuen, mira, fins que has arribat tu,

They say, look, until you arrived,

estava molt bé, arribes tu i fot una calda.

It was very nice, you arrive and it gets hot.



He pensat...

I have thought...

M'ho van dir, t'ho juro que m'ho van dir.

They told me, I swear to you that they told me.

Ets l'home del temps.

You are the weatherman.

Soc l'home de la calor.

I am the man of heat.

I l'home del sac.

And the man of the sack.

No, l'home de la xafogor.

No, the man of the sultriness.

L'home de l'escalfor.

The man of warmth.

I ets l'home que fa dedicatòries, no?

And you are the man who makes dedications, right?

Fa dedicatòries, però abans comencem aquest programa, no?

Make dedications, but first let's start this program, shall we?

Sí, sí, no?

Yes, yes, right?

Dediquem-ho, dediquem-ho, això?

Shall we dedicate it, shall we dedicate it, this?

Sí, perquè és l'últim capítol de la temporada.

Yes, because it is the last episode of the season.

Això és molt fort, eh?

This is really strong, huh?

I qui saps hi ha de l'any de l'Avonmer.

And what do you know about the year of the Avonmer?

No se sap, això, com que ho decim nosaltres,

It is not known, this, as we say it.

farem el que voldrem.

we will do what we want.

Depèn de com no es déu viento.

It depends on how the wind blows.



O l'aixafogor.

Or the extinguishing agent.

De moment això ho dedicarem, perquè és l'últim capítol,

For now we will dedicate this, because it is the final chapter,

a tothom.

to everyone.

Tothom que està aquí a la vora i que ens escolta.

Everyone who is here nearby and listening to us.

A en Joan, que el tenim aquí.

To Joan, who we have here.

Tothom que està a l'aigua.

Everyone who is in the water.

Que riu molt, a més a més, que es pixa sempre.

He laughs a lot, moreover, he always pees.

El que diem és el nostre millor oient, de fet.

What we say is our best listener, in fact.

Sí, ens en fiem, d'ella ens en fiem molt.

Yes, we trust her, we trust her a lot.



Sí, necessitem la seva opinió.

Yes, we need your opinion.

Quan ella riu, diem calla, això no funcionarà, això.

When she laughs, we say be quiet, this won't work, this.

És un bon termòmetre.

It is a good thermometer.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Estigui avui molt meteoròloga, potser?

Is it going to be very meteorological today, maybe?



Vale, endavant.

Okay, go ahead.

També a la Pamela, que avui ha vingut.

Also to Pamela, who came today.

La Pamela la tenim aquí.

We have Pamela here.

Perquè mai ve.

Because he/she never comes.

No, és veritat.

No, it's true.

Ella fa les xarxes allà en un núvol, però avui està aquí.

She does the networks up there in a cloud, but today she is here.

La seva solitud xarxil, i en canvi avui la tenim aquí fent equip.

Her network solitude, and yet today we have her here teaming up.

Exacte, i des de l'últim collons jo hi vaig.

Exactly, and since the last damn time I went there.

I també a tu, per estar aquí amb mi.

And also to you, for being here with me.

Per si fos el més difícil, sí.

Just in case it was the most difficult, yes.

I a la nostra cripta, a Marisol, a Anna Blanca, Barcelona Baracaldo i...

And in our crypt, to Marisol, to Anna Blanca, Barcelona Baracaldo and...

Ens deixem alguna cosa?

Are we forgetting something?

Fills, amics dels fills que han contribuït?

Children, friends of the children who have contributed?

Tu, Barcelona Baracaldo i...

You, Barcelona Barakaldo and...

Barcelona Baracaldo, Vic, perdona.

Barcelona Baracaldo, Vic, sorry.

A veure, Anna Baracaldo, Marisol Barcelona, Blanca...

Let's see, Anna Baracaldo, Marisol Barcelona, Blanca...



Ah, collons, això t'ha preguntat.

Oh, damn, that's what you asked him.

Home, Terrassa.

Home, Terrassa.

Perdona, perdona.

Sorry, sorry.



Terrassa, per favor.

Terrace, please.



A tota la gent del consultori.

To all the people of the clinic.

A tota la gent del consultori, que són tantes.

To all the people in the consulting office, who are so many.

Amics i amigues dels nostres fills, sobretot.

Friends of our children, above all.

Companys de feina, també.

Colleagues at work, too.

Sí, moltes repetides, perquè tirem de molta gent.

Yes, many repeated ones, because we rely on a lot of people.

No, jo crec que no, eh?

No, I don't think so, huh?

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

Això ho portes tu.

You carry this.

No, jo crec que no.

No, I don't think so.

Jo no sabria dir-te...

I wouldn't know how to tell you...

Crec que, si som completament honestos, una, ha repetit, i una altra perquè tenia dues consultes.

I think that, if we are completely honest, one has repeated, and another because she had two consultations.

Bueno, no, no, no, consultes són consultes.

Well, no, no, no, consultations are consultations.



També ho dicrem a en Cilde, que ja avancem a les oientes.

We will also tell Cilde, as we are already progressing in the matter.

Perquè, imagina't, són oientes, les que tenim, que avui no hi és.

Because, imagine, they are listeners, those we have, who is not here today.

Se'n s'ha anat de vacances.

He has gone on vacation.

Se'n va de vacances.

He's going on vacation.

Madrid és el que té.

Madrid is what it has.



Sant Isidro estava clapant i es diuen...

Saint Isidore was clapping and they say...

No t'emparcia molt, eh, de Madrid?

Don't get too carried away, huh, from Madrid?

Això ja ho sabem, també, ja ho hem après, ja ho hem après.

We already know this, too, we have already learned it, we have already learned it.

Sí, a Cilde també li dediquem molt.

Yes, we also dedicate a lot to Cilde.

Sí, li dediquem.

Yes, we dedicate it to him/her.

I li dediquem, també, a Harvard.

And we dedicate it, also, to Harvard.

A pesar de tot, li dediquem.

Despite everything, we dedicate it to him/her.

A pesar que se n'hagi anat de vacances abans d'hora, li dediquem.

Although he has gone on vacation early, we dedicate it to him.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No el cobrarà, aquest.

He won't collect it, this one.

Aquest no el cobra.

He doesn't charge this one.

No el cobrarà com nosaltres.

He won't charge it like we do.



No, no, li farem una rebaixa.

No, no, we will give him a discount.

Li farem una rebaixa.

We will give him a discount.

I els teus estudis a Harvard, a Princeton, per fer aquests grans estudis,

And your studies at Harvard, at Princeton, to make these great studies,

volen una dedicatòria general, en realitat.

they want a general dedication, actually.

Ja està, eh?

That's it, huh?

A partir de... ja podem tirar endavant?

Starting from... can we move forward now?

Jo crec que sí, no?

I think so, don't you?

Ens anem a la quotidianitat,

We are going to everyday life,

perquè tu crec que tornes d'un viatge i has tornat molt inspirat.

Because I believe you have returned from a trip and you have come back very inspired.



Perquè t'ha provocat...

Because it has provoked you...

Molt, m'ha provocat, m'ha provocat.

A lot, it has provoked me, it has provoked me.

Moltes sensacions, moltes teories a l'hora.

Many sensations, many theories at the same time.

M'ha provocat.

It has provoked me.

T'ha fet rumiar molt.

It has made you think a lot.



I explica què vols compartir amb nosaltres.

And explain what you want to share with us.

Vull democratitzar els viatges.

I want to democratize travel.

Ara em posaré una mica Marc Giró.

Now I'm going to put on a bit of Marc Giró.

Això no s'ha de fer.

This should not be done.

Si la gent no la viatja tant.

If people don't travel so much.

Això ha de ser més car i que la gent no viatgi.

This must be more expensive and that people don't travel.

Això és elitista, més que Marc Giró.

This is elitist, more than Marc Giró.

Sí, bueno, per això et dic que em posaré...

Yes, well, that's why I'm telling you that I will put on...

Però ell és un personatge, m'ha dit.

But he is a character, he told me.

Bueno, per això et dic que em posaré...

Well, that's why I'm telling you that I'm going to...

Tu vas a l'aeroport de Barcelona o vas a la Sociedad de Sants

Are you going to Barcelona airport or are you going to the Society of Sants?

i allà hi ha una gentada amb uns maletots

And there is a crowd of people with suitcases.

que sembla que se'n vagin un any.

that it seems they are going away for a year.

Que dius, senyora, senyor, no, no, no.

What are you saying, ma'am, sir, no, no, no.

Però cadascú amb dues maletes que són impossibles.

But each with two suitcases that are impossible.

Jo estic a una cua per entrar...

I am in a queue to enter...

O per accedir a la...

Or to access the...

Seguretat, la gent...

Safety, the people...

I a més, pip, tothom pita.

And besides, pip, everyone whistles.

Senyor, tregui el mòbil.

Sir, take out your mobile phone.

Saps? És com...

You know? It's like...

Què els passa?

What is happening to them?

Perquè tu viatges molt i clar, ets un...

Because you travel a lot and of course, you are a...

No parlem de pitar.

Let's not talk about whistling.

Sofreixes, es pot dir?

Can you say "suffer"?

De sofridor.

Of sufferer.

Ets sofridor?

Are you a sufferer?

Soc sofridor.

I am a sufferer.

Aquesta és una. La gent no ha de viatjar.

This is one. People should not travel.

Deixem-ho clar.

Let's be clear.

Però només per què?

But why only that?

No han de viatjar perquè fan bulto?

Do they not have to travel because they take up space?

O perquè, clar,

Oh because, of course,

amb això som una mica poc argumentats, no sé,

With that, we are a little under-argued, I don't know,

per desenvolupar el tema.

to develop the theme.

Tu vas a treballar i arribes allà i hi ha una gent...

You go to work and when you arrive there are some people...

Que dius, però què és aquesta merda?

What are you saying, but what is this crap?

Saps què vull dir-te? Perdó, eh?

Do you know what I want to tell you? Sorry, okay?

Si tu els enviaries a la costa, potser?

If you would send them to the coast, perhaps?

Han d'anar aquí a la vora.

They have to go here nearby.

Han d'anar al càmping, a la Vall d'Alegre, no sé.

They have to go to the camping site, to the Valley of Joy, I don't know.

Però a les capitals no?

But in the capitals, right?

Seria aquest el resum?

Would this be the summary?

Per què te'n vas a Pisa?

Why are you going to Pisa?

Per fer-te la foto aquella, la torre inclinada?

To take that photo of you, the leaning tower?

Ai, que l'estic aguantant!

Oh, I'm holding it in!

No et faci d'aquesta foto.

Don't worry about this photo.

Per 100 euros no he tornat a Pisa.

For 100 euros I haven't returned to Pisa.

Això deu costar 1.000 euros.

This must cost 1,000 euros.

I ningú se'n va a fer la foto.

And no one is going to take the photo.

A tu per què t'empipa que les senyores i els senyors vagin a Pisa?

Why does it bother you that ladies and gentlemen go to Pisa?

Perquè tu entres a l'aeroport i hi ha tota la gent

Because you enter the airport and there are all the people.

que va a Pisa a fer-se la foto de la torre inclinada.

who goes to Pisa to take a photo with the leaning tower.

Ara t'entenc.

Now I understand you.

Perquè tots són la mateixa foto.

Because they are all the same photo.

La gent que va a Pisa, tothom va allà i es posa així inclinat.

People who go to Pisa, everyone goes there and poses like this, leaning.

No m'estava dient ara, però ja ho entenen.

He wasn't telling me now, but they already understand it.

Com fem veure? Estic aguantant la torre.

How do we make it look? I am holding the tower.

Sí, jo també la tinc.

Yes, I have it too.

Tu també la tens.

You have it too.

Tu per què has viatjat?

Why have you traveled?

Tu per què viatges?

Why do you travel?

Bueno, teníem...

Well, we had...

Llavors, 17 anys jo tenia...

Then, I was 17 years old...

I clar, ens vam fer la foto que tocava...

And of course, we took the photo we had to.

En aquella època...

At that time...

Home, hi havia gent, però no tant.

At home, there were people, but not that many.

I això era un interrel, allò que feien els joves de...

And this was an interrel, what the youth did from...

Et perdono la foto.

I forgive you the photo.

De far el tren...

To make the train...

Et perdono la foto.

I forgive you for the photo.


Thank you.

Ja està, no ho direm.

That's it, we won't say it.

Què més t'empipa de viatjar?

What else annoys you about traveling?

El que més has descobert?

What have you discovered the most?

Que la gent no escolta.

That people do not listen.

La gent no escolta.

People do not listen.

O sigui, les hostesses dels avions, pobretes meves,

I mean, the flight attendants, poor things of mine,

diuen una cosa que tampoc cal.

they say something that is not necessary either.

També els dediquem al programa.

We also dedicate them to the program.

Diuen una cosa que no cal, que és...

They say one thing that is not necessary, which is...

Les letres A i K són ventana...

The letters A and K are window...

Així ho posa allà, allò ho posa.

That's how it says there, that's what it says.

A ventana...

To the window...


You know?

Però ells ho diuen.

But they say it.

A i K, ventana, D i C, pasillo.

A and K, window, D and C, hallway.


You say...

Jo estic...

I am...

No passa res.

It's okay.

Però diuen més coses.

But they say more things.

I una cosa que diuen molt és...

And one thing that they say a lot is...

Els compartiments superiors són per a maletes amb rueda.

The overhead compartments are for wheeled luggage.

Per favor, deposita't els seus morales,

Please, deposit your morals.

morales perquè hi ha entre les Amèriques,

morals because there is among the Americas,

i els seus bolsos de compra

and their shopping bags

d'abans de l'assentament enfront de tu.

from before the settlement in front of you.

Doncs la gent, ni corta ni paresosa,

Well, the people, neither short nor lazy,

van col·locant busetes i busines i busones

they were placing bushels and businesses and buskers

a les compartiments...

to the compartments...

I morales?

And morals?

I morales, que són motxiles,

And morals, which are backpacks,

als compartiments superiors.

to the upper compartments.

I arriben els pobres dels trolis amb les seves maletes

And the poor arrive from the trolls with their suitcases.

i no hi caben.

and they don't fit there.

No hi van cabent perquè hi està ple de marduflietes.

They can't fit in because it's full of marduflietes.

Senyor, el Toblerone, fot-hi-se'l a terra.

Sir, the Toblerone, throw it on the ground.

Hòstia, que t'ho ha dit la senyoreta.

Damn, the young lady told you that.

O el senyoret, perquè allà hi ha de tot, diguem, no?

Oh, the little gentleman, because there is everything there, let's say, right?

No escolten.

They do not listen.

És veritat.

It's true.

Això es pot comprovar sovint.

This can often be verified.

Esperen-se a levantar-se

They are waiting to get up.

fins que l'avió entant

until the plane lands

i s'ha anunciat un fil de desembarcament.

A landing line has been announced.

Tal com l'avió para,

Just as the plane stops,

allò és la guerra de Troia.

that is the Trojan war.

O sigui,

That is,

la maleta, no!

The suitcase, no!

Va, ja veurà, pum!

Come on, you'll see, boom!



No ho he entès mai,

I have never understood it.

perquè igualment es fa un tap, saps què vull dir?

because it still creates a blockage, you know what I mean?

Fins que no han desembarcat els de davant.

Until those in front have disembarked.

Què fas, dret?

What are you doing, standing up?

D'aquella manera, mitja repenjat amb el cul.

In that way, half leaning back on the butt.




You know?

Amb el cul entre dues cadires,

With your backside between two chairs,

vull dir, entre dues...

I mean, between two...

Sí, amb dos seients,

Yes, with two seats.

amb allò que hi ha al mig,

with what is in the middle,

per recolzar els...

to support the...

Els recolzals, sí.

The supports, yes.

Allà, mitja...

There, halfway...

Amb el cap ajupito jo, cosa mala.

With my head bowed down, something bad.

Sí, perquè hi ha gent que fa això.

Yes, because there are people who do that.

Perquè això és el passatís,

Because this is the corridor,

però hi ha gent que s'aixeca a la finestra...

but there are people who stand at the window...

I estan a la fila 29

And they are in row 29.

i dius, però si encara no han obert les portes,

and you say, but if they haven't opened the doors yet,

què fas?

What are you doing?

Són com Quasimodo,

They are like Quasimodo,

que dius, no veus que estàs més incòmode

What are you saying, don't you see that you're more uncomfortable?

fent aquesta entortúria que asseure?

doing this trick that makes you sit?

Però no t'ha passat mai que tu estàs assegut

But has it never happened to you that you are sitting?

i al teu costat veus que fissa?

And at your side, what do you see that is fixed?

Veus que estàs nerviós i penses,

You see that you are nervous and you think,

no em penso aixecar,

I'm not going to get up.

perquè no faré el Tetris

because I will not play Tetris

per estar-me aquí torta

to be here twisted

fins d'aquí 10 minuts,

see you in 10 minutes,

que no comencin a...

that they don't start to...

o que no arribem,

or that we do not arrive,

que han de sortir de les nostres files,

that must come from our ranks,

els de davant.

the ones in front.

Sí, sí, i la gent...

Yes, yes, and the people...

Perquè a més, com dius tu...

Because besides, as you say...

Això és molt important,

This is very important,

perquè com dius tu,

because as you say,

ets al passadís

you are in the hallway

i dius, ara sortiran tots corrents.

And you say, now they will all run out.

No, la gent va deixant

No, people are leaving.

que surtin les primeres files

let the front rows come out

amb la qual cosa

with which

perquè, collons, t'has aixecat.

because, damn it, you got up.

Saps què vull dir-te?

Do you know what I mean?

Sí, sí, hi ha gent que té molt d'ansia.

Yes, yes, there are people who are very anxious.

I és veritat,

And it is true,

si estàs al passadís,

if you are in the hallway,

el del mig està com...

the one in the middle is like...

Sí, està patint.

Yes, he/she is suffering.

La musculatura hi està com...

The musculature is like...

Ai, que engego.

Oh, I'm starting.

Com un ressort que coneix.

Like a spring it knows.

I tu estàs allà com dient,

And you are there as if saying,

no engegaràs.

you won't start.



No engegaràs.

You will not start.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Perquè no em penso aixecar.

Because I'm not going to get up.



Bueno, això és el mateix a vegades, també.

Well, that's the same sometimes, too.

Jo puc entendre amb les cues que es fan,

I can understand the queues that are formed,

també quan has d'embarcar,

also when you need to board,

que també hi ha molta gent

that there are also many people

que es fa una cua llarguissíssima

that forms a very long line

i a vegades també dius,

and sometimes you also say,

bueno, llavors diran allò,

well, then they will say that,

primer de la fila tal a la qual,

first in line such that,

i penses,

and think,

per què fa tanta estona que estàs dret?

Why have you been standing for so long?

Si no ens deixaran,

If they won't let us,

per què aniran?

Why will they go?

Vamos a ingressar por grupos.

We will enter in groups.

Grupo A.

Group A.

I us veus una gent allà aturada.

And I see some people standing there.

I tu que vas dient,

And you, what are you saying?

perdó, vostè és del grup A?

Excuse me, are you from group A?



I penses,

And you think,

què collons fa aquí?

What the hell is he doing here?

Perquè tu estàs com esperant

Because you are like waiting

que aquella persona humana

that human person

que està a la fila, no?

who is in line, right?

No, no.

No, no.

Estan pendents del grup 100.

They are pending from group 100.

Bueno, no escolten,

Well, they don't listen,

ni sienten, ni padecen.

they neither feel nor suffer.

O sigui, en grup som un desastre.

So, as a group, we are a disaster.

Per això no he de viatjar a la gent.

That's why I don't have to travel to the people.

Per no es trobar

To not be found

i perquè aprenguin a escoltar.

and so that they learn to listen.

I de viatge has anat a un festival

And on your trip, you went to a festival.

i quines conclusions n'has tret?

And what conclusions have you drawn from it?

Ui, he anat a un festival

Oh, I went to a festival.

i he tingut una conclusió

I have come to a conclusion.

del nostre tema estrella, també,

of our star topic, also,

que és sempre,

what is always,

que són els lavabos.

What are the toilets?

Que també hem de dedicar

That we also have to dedicate.

a aquest programa

to this program

als lavabos del món.

in the world's restrooms.



Roca i sangrà.

Rock and blood.

Vaig a un festival.

I'm going to a festival.

Feia anys que no hi anava,

I hadn't been there for years,

a un festival.

to a festival.

Anys i panys que no hi anava,

Years and years that I hadn't gone there,

a un festival.

to a festival.

Llavors, jo entenc

Then, I understand.

que si hi ha un teatre, no?

That if there is a theater, right?

Teatre Romea,

Romea Theatre,

Teatre Goia, Polirama,

Goia Theatre, Polirama,

ja estan construïts.

they are already built.

Estan construïts,

They are built,

bellugar-los és molt difícil.

Moving them is very difficult.

Però tu fas un festival

But you are having a festival.

que és una cosa efímera, no?

it's an ephemeral thing, isn't it?

Construeixes un escenari,

You build a scenario,

un estal, seguretat,

a strike, security

tot és tot...

everything is everything...

Allà no hi ha res,

There is nothing there,

un descampat.

an open area.

Llavors tu dius,

Then you say,

vaig a posar lavabos.

I'm going to put in restrooms.

No? Fins aquí dius,

No? Up to here you say,

home, la gent ha de pixar.

Man, people need to pee.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I dius, vaig a comprar

And you say, I'm going to buy.

155 policlínics d'aquests.

155 of these polyclinics.

Fins aquí anem bé.

So far, so good.

No en pots fer 75 i 70.

You can't make 75 and 70.

Saps què vull dir-te?

Do you know what I want to tell you?

Per homes i per dones.

For men and for women.

Perquè les dones

Because women

fan una cua quilomètrica,

they're forming a long queue,

no diré on hi ha aquest festival,

I will not say where this festival is.

però d'allà al mig de Catalunya

but from there in the middle of Catalonia

arribava Barcelona a la cua,

I was arriving in Barcelona at the back.

i als homes no hi havia ningú.

And there was nobody among the men.

Com sempre.

As always.

Llavors, si tu compres

Then, if you buy

150 policlínics d'aquests,

150 of these polyclinics,

en fots 120 per dones

you put 120 for women

i 30 per senyors.

And 30 for gentlemen.

O sigui, quina part no estem entenent

So, which part are we not understanding?

que les dones esteu set hores

that women you are seven hours

per entrar a lavabo

to enter the bathroom

per tot el que heu de fer?

for everything you have to do?

Jo ho entenc.

I understand it.

Hi havia una cua, és en sèrio.

There was a queue, I’m serious.

Tu no ho vas veure,

You didn't see it,

perquè tu estaves en una altra banda.

because you were on the other side.

Perquè no vaig anar-hi sol,

Because I didn't go there alone,

a aquest festival.

to this festival.

Una cua?

A queue?

Jo penso...

I think...

És que això ho acaben de fer.

They have just done this.

Això no és una construcció

This is not a construction.

feta l'any 1920.

made in 1920.

Saps què vull dir-te?

Do you know what I mean?



Jo no sé fins a quin punt...

I don't know to what extent...

Tu saps que ara hi ha

You know that now there is

com una tendència

with a trend

que els lavabos siguin unisex,

that the restrooms be unisex,

o sigui, que tant siguin

so, that they are both

per homes com per dones.

for men as for women.

Aquí no ho era.

It wasn't here.

Aquí hi havia un senyor i una senyora...

There was a gentleman and a lady here...

Clar, però jo llavors penso...

Sure, but then I think...

No sé si...

I don't know if...

Jo entenc que es vulgui

I understand that it is desired.

per tot el tema de gènere i tal,

for the whole gender issue and such,



A veure,

Let's see,

és que no sé ni com dir-ho.

I don't even know how to say it.

Però la part pràctica...

But the practical part...

La part pràctica, clar,

The practical part, of course,

és que contesta constantment

it's that he/she constantly responds

aquesta idea de que...

this idea that...

O sigui, el que acabes de dir.

So, what you just said.

Si fiquem lavabos per homes i per dones,

If we put sinks for men and for women,

que representa que és com més igualitari,

which represents that it is more egalitarian,

però clar, és que és veritat.

but of course, it's true.

Nosaltres hi estem...

We are there...

O hi estem, o vull dir...

Either we are there, or I mean...

És que és igual.

It doesn't matter.

No és si hi estem o no hi estem.

It's not about whether we are in it or not.

És que tu mires les cues d'un lavabo de dones

It's that you look at the queues of a women's bathroom.

i una...

and a...

Jo les del lavabo de dones.

I the ones from the women's restroom.

És que no tenen res a veure.

They have nothing to do with each other.

És pura violència.

It's pure violence.

No sé com es pot compaginar ser...

I don't know how one can reconcile being...

Volguem ser més igualitaris i més justos

We wanted to be more egalitarian and more just.

i menys discriminadors

and less discriminatory

i menys...

and less...

No sé com dir-te...

I don't know how to tell you...

No tenir aquests prejudicis

Not having these prejudices.

en molts temes

in many topics

i no estigmatitzar la gent

and not stigmatize people

i que jo ja entenc que si ets...

And I already understand that if you are...

Però és que no sé com es pot fer això.

But I don’t know how this can be done.

Saps què vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?

Que si ets un home,

That if you are a man,

si tens no sé què...

if you have I don't know what...

Saps què vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?

Que no t'hagis d'identificar, vull dir.

I mean that you shouldn't have to identify yourself.

Que no t'hagis d'identificar.

That you shouldn't have to identify yourself.

Que tu puguis entrar i...

That you can enter and...

Que per tant hi hagi un lavabo

So that there is a bathroom.

i tant és.

it doesn't matter.

No hagis de dir

Don't have to say

soc home, soc dona

I am a man, I am a woman.

perquè hi ha molta gent

because there are many people

que no se sent ni home ni dona

who feels neither like a man nor a woman

i per tant és una manera de...

and therefore it is a way of...

Però tinc entès, però tinc entès també

But I understand, but I also understand.

que hi ha dones que es queixen

that there are women who complain

quan hi ha aquesta cosa igualitària...

when there is this egalitarian thing...

Bueno, potser si hi hagués aquests 150 lavabos

Well, maybe if there were these 150 toilets.

en general, potser ja estaríem.

In general, we might already be.

Clar, però hi ha dones que es queixen

Of course, but there are women who complain.

quan són unisex

when they are unisex

penso que els senyors

I think that the gentlemen

són bastant més marranos pixant, diguem-ne.

They are quite a bit more messy when peeing, let's say.

Això és veritat.

This is true.

Hi ha un tema com que hi ha gent

There is a topic as there are people.

que no en certa...

that is not true...

De que no apunten.

That they do not point.

No apunten bé.

They don't aim well.

Hi ha un tema de punteria.

There is a matter of aiming.

Clar, però llavors jo et diria

Of course, but then I would tell you

tot no pot ser.

Not everything can be.

O apostem per no discriminar la gent

Either we bet on not discriminating against people.

per raons de sexe en els lavabos

for reasons of sex in the restrooms

i que tothom i tal...

and that everyone and such...

O fotem 500 per dones

Or we do 500 for women.

i 100 per homes, ja està.

and 100 for men, that's it.



I aguantem, diguéssim,

And we hold on, we would say,

que estiguin una mica més...

that they are a little more...



Com perdon?

What do you mean?

O fem això.

Let's do this.

100 per dones i...

100 percent women and...

Però clar, jo he de la món d'un festival

But of course, I have to the world of a festival.

i ho tinc claríssim.

And I am very clear about it.

Foto 100 lavabos de dones

Photo 100 women's toilets

i 20 d'homes, ja està.

And 20 men, that's it.

Bueno, jo estic pensant que no, eh?

Well, I'm thinking no, okay?



Ara què?

Now what?

Jo estic pensant que no,

I am thinking that no,

que en fem un festival...

let's make it a festival...

Que en fem un festival

Let's make it a festival.

i que cadascú...

and let each one...



Ah, que sigui unisex.

Ah, that it be unisex.

Que sigui unisex.

Make it unisex.

I ens aguantem una mica més

And we hold on a little longer.

i així no hi ha de ser homes i dones

and so there shouldn't be men and women

si jo no em sento ni home ni dona

if I do not feel like either a man or a woman



No sé què, saps què vull dir?

I don't know what, you know what I mean?

Ja, però jo crec que jo faria homes i dones

Yes, but I think I would make men and women.

que el que senti una cosa i l'altra

that what one feels one thing and the other

vagi d'una banda i l'altra, no?

It goes from one side to the other, right?

Home, hi ha gent que no se sent ni això ni allò.

At home, there are people who feel neither this nor that.



Hòstia, clar.

Holy shit, of course.


Do you understand me?

Bueno, esclar.

Well, of course.

Però no ho sé.

But I don't know.

Tocar la meva queixa era

Touching my complaint was

si vols uns lavabos nous

if you want some new restrooms

pensa en les dones

think of the women

que estan amb unes cues...

that they are with some queues...

Hòstia, gent, de veritat, eh?

Holy shit, guys, really, huh?

No, no, si ens hi trobem sempre...

No, no, if we always meet there...

Anàvem amb les aigües,

We went with the waters,

anàvem a deixar-ne una amiga...

we were going to leave a friend...

Fan com un doble festival

They do like a double festival.

entrar en un lavabo.

enter a bathroom.

És veritat que potser no sé si és cultural

It's true that maybe I don't know if it's cultural.

que a les dones ens hi estem més

that we are more into it for women

perquè llavors una es fa la ratlla dels ulls,

because then one does the line of the eyes,


the other...

Sí, però quan fas la ratlla dels ulls...

Yes, but when you draw the line of the eyes...

S'arregla els cabells i es pentina,

She fixes her hair and combs it.

l'altra no sé què, vull dir...

the other one I don't know what, I mean...

I estem més en general.

And we are more in general.

Però jo entenc,

But I understand,

no ho sé perquè no hi entro,

I don't know why I don't get into it,

que quan tu et fas la ratlla dels ulls

that when you make the line for your eyes

ja has alliberat el pixador.

You have already released the stamp.



Amb la qual cosa ja entra un altre pixar,

With which another peeing enters already,

i allò, el bolso entre les dents,

and that, the bag between the teeth,

amb la tira, saps què vull dir?

With the strip, do you know what I mean?

Quan mig a Cotahuasca...

When I was halfway to Cotahuasca...

Te remenques els pantalons

You adjust your pants.

perquè els pantalons no et toquin enlloc,

so that the pants don't touch you anywhere,

de terra i tot això,

of earth and all this,

perquè llavors n'hi ha que m'entens.

because then there are those who understand me.

Si vas amb sandàlies, ja no t'ho explico.

If you go in sandals, I won't explain it to you anymore.

I si és l'hivern,

And if it is winter,

amb bolsos i amb coses...

with bags and with things...

Bueno, no bolsos, vull dir jaquetes i no sé què,

Well, not bags, I mean jackets and I don't know what else,

o sigui acabem...

so we finish...

Què fas, clar.

What are you doing, of course.

És impressionant, eh?

It's impressive, isn't it?

El moment de...

The moment of...

Bueno, jo aquí sé que pobres dones...

Well, I know that poor women here...

Obrim, traiem, pipí cap dins.

We open, take out, pee inside.

Molt més ràpid.

Much faster.

Nosaltres mitges,

We are halfway,

també les que porten mitges a l'hivern.

also those who wear tights in winter.

Clar, clar, no, clar.

Of course, of course, no, of course.

És que és tot més complicat

It's just that everything is more complicated.

si tens la regla, evidentment.

if you have your period, obviously.



Però és ràpid, tampoc, eh?

But it's not quick, either, is it?

Jo abans tampoc ho entenc, eh?

I don't understand it either, you know?

Perquè jo, sent dona,

Because I, being a woman,

tampoc ho entenc jo,

I don't understand it either.

perquè t'arrenc tant.

why I tear you so much.

Perquè és tanta estona.

Why is it taking so long?

Jo crec que sóc...

I believe that I am...

Bueno, potser sóc semi, m'entens?

Well, maybe I'm semi, you understand?

Bueno, i això, saps?

Well, and that, you know?

Perquè, clar, jo crec que...

Because, of course, I think that...

Amb aquests termes jo tardo la meitat

With these terms, I take half the time.

de moltes altres dones.

of many other women.

Tu ets...

You are...

Que et posen la maneta per sota,

That they put their little hand underneath you,

vull dir que tu estàs en un...

I mean that you are in a...

Els lavabos tampoc seria una eminència.

The toilets wouldn't be an eminence either.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Ja està, això ho hem fet, eh?

That's it, we did this, right?

Ah, hi havia un tema també que m'has dit

Ah, there was a topic you also told me about.

de la quotidianitat,

of everyday life,

que et molesta que la gent trobes

What bothers you about people you meet?

que badalla molt...

he/she yawns a lot...



Què li passa a la gent?

What is happening to people?



No és que badallin sense posar-se la mà,

It's not that they yawn without covering their mouth,

que badallen sense posar-se la mà.

they chatter without putting their hand.

És que fan soroll, ara ja.

It's just that they are loud now.

Ja se'n feia, però ara molt.

It was already done, but now a lot.



Fa soroll?

Does it make noise?

En serios?

Are you serious?

Tu juro.

I swear to you.

Com si fos Nemo, saps?

Like it was Nemo, you know?

Com si paréssim Balleno.

As if we were stopping Balleno.

Un badall, cosa, però la maneta davant.

A yawn, a thing, but the little hand in front.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Dius, senyor, per què ho fa, això?

You say, sir, why do you do this?

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Aquí som un grup de gent social,

Here we are a group of social people,

hem de conviure.

we have to coexist.

No em faci Balleno, m'ha costat.

Don't make me struggle, it's been hard for me.

Ho fan.

They do it.

El civisme...


Això ja...

This already...

Brilla per la seva essència.

It shines for its essence.

Per la seva essència.

For its essence.

No recordo com era aquell llibre que vam dir l'altre dia,

I don't remember what that book we mentioned the other day was like,

el de les nostres costumbres del...

the one of our customs from...

Sí, alguna cosa així.

Yes, something like that.

Era un clàssic, tenia un nom, aquell senyor.

He was a classic, he had a name, that gentleman.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, urbanitat, res.

Well, urbanity, nothing.

Urbanitat, que dèiem.

Civility, as we said.

Que la gent baralla, jo què sé, enigmes insondables.

Let people argue, I don't know, unfathomable enigmas.

Molt bé, després d'aquestes reflexions profundes...

Very well, after these deep reflections...

Què més?

What else?

Et toca a tu, eh?

It's your turn, right?

No, a Boomer el rescat.

No, to the Boomer rescue.

Boomer el rescat.

Boomer the rescue.

Hi ha algú que necessita la nostra ajuda.

There is someone who needs our help.

Ara, ara, ara, ara, ara.

Now, now, now, now, now.

Hola, vida Boomer, mira, us escric perquè, bueno,

Hello, Boomer life, look, I'm writing to you because, well,

tinc un marron a sobre que no sé com sortir-ne.

I have a problem on my hands that I don't know how to get out of.

Aviam si em podeu ajudar.

Let's see if you can help me.

Mira, fa uns mesos vaig anar per primera vegada,

Look, a few months ago I went for the first time,

així oficial, a dinar a casa els sobres.

Thus official, at lunch at home the envelopes.

I abans d'anar hi van ser molt majos, molt atents,

And before going there, they were very nice, very attentive.

i em van demanar si tenia algun pla,

and they asked me if I had any plans,

d'allò que no pogués suportar o què volia i tal.

of that which I could not bear or what I wanted and such.

Jo vaig dir que m'ho menjava tot,

I said I would eat everything.

que jo, vamos, era de molt bon menjar, perquè és veritat.

That I, well, was very fond of good food, because it's true.

Però no vaig pensar en una cosa.

But I didn't think of one thing.

I va, i em presento el dia del dinar,

And yes, I will introduce myself on the day of the lunch.

i em trobo amb un plat que no puc suportar,

and I find myself with a dish that I cannot stand,

que són una mena de calamars tipus xipirons,

they are a kind of squid similar to baby squid,

que jo feia uns anys, bueno, pues se'm van sentar fatal,

a few years ago, well, they didn't sit well with me.

i vaig estar tota una tarda al lavabo.

I spent the whole afternoon in the bathroom.

Ai, pobre.

Oh, poor thing.

I em pregunten això.

They ask me that.

Jo vaig fer un paperàs.

I made a big mistake.



Que vaig menjar com una reina,

I ate like a queen,

però a la tarda, anant a casa, ho vaig vomitar tot,

but in the afternoon, on the way home, I vomited everything.

i em vaig estar un altre cop tota la tarda al vàter,

and I spent the whole afternoon in the bathroom again,

sense poder sortir.

without being able to go out.

Llavors, ho vaig passar una vegada,

Then, I passed it once,

però vaig fer tan bon paper que ara m'han tornat a copiar,

but I did such a good job that now they've copied me again,

és d'aquí dos dies.

It's in two days.

Ui, dos dies, per favor.

Oh, two days, please.

I m'han escrit i m'han dit d'allò, per cert,

They have written to me and told me about that, by the way.

com que vam veure que et van agradar tant,

since we saw that you liked them so much,

et repetim el plat de l'altre dia,

we're repeating the dish from the other day,

perquè, vamos, és que el vas disfrutar molt.

because, come on, you really enjoyed it a lot.



jo tinc un problema, perquè és que no m'ho vull tornar a menjar.

I have a problem, because I don't want to eat it again.

Ho vaig patir molt, de debò,

I suffered a lot, really.

no vull tornar a passar una tarda al lavabo.

I don't want to spend another afternoon in the bathroom.

Home, clar, per nota.

Home, of course, by note.

Però no sé què fer, perquè és de molt mala educació,

But I don't know what to do, because it's very rude,

de cop haver de confessar alguna cosa així.

Suddenly having to confess something like that.

És molt, bueno, em fa molta vergonya, perdona,

It’s a lot, well, I’m very embarrassed, sorry.

haver de dir als teus sobres,

having to tell your envelopes,

no, perdona, no em puc menjar aquest plat,

no, sorry, I can't eat this dish,

perquè m'he cagat a sobre.

because I have soiled myself.

Llavors, què faig?

So, what do I do?

Tinc un problema, els hi dic, no els hi dic,

I have a problem, should I tell them, or should I not tell them?

torno a passar una tarda al lavabo,

I'm back to spending an afternoon in the bathroom,

i les que puguin venir, ajudeu-me.

And those who can come, help me.

No ho sé, estic, estic bloqueada.

I don't know, I'm, I'm blocked.

Ajuda. Moltes gràcies.

Help. Thank you very much.

Un petó a Vida Búmez, espero que em pugueu ajudar.

A kiss to Vida Búmez, I hope you can help me.

Si jo és d'aquí dos dies, o sigui, demà passat.

If I am in two days, that is, the day after tomorrow.

Camp, divendres. Divendres.

Field, Friday. Friday.

I jo he de dir, sogra, quina il·lusió, gràcies,

And I have to say, mother-in-law, what a thrill, thank you.

de veritat, hi ha un problema.

Really, there is a problem.

Demà, des de fa temps, teníem una mariscada,

Tomorrow, for a long time, we had a seafood feast,

que menjarem xipirons, i fes un altre plat, home.

we'll eat baby squids, and make another dish, man.

Com dient, ja, ja estic de xipirons, fins aquí.

As I said, yes, I've had enough of squid, this is it.


You know?

Tinc una mariscada amb uns amics, tal i qual,

I have a seafood platter with some friends, just like that.

i bàsicament són xipirons, calamars, tal i qual,

and basically they are baby squids, squids, and so on,

fes qualsevol altra cosa, que a mi m'agrada tot.

do anything else, because I like everything.

Jo es canviarà de plat.

I will change my dish.

I quan canviï de plat divendres, jo he de dir,

And when I change plates on Friday, I have to say,

bueno, això sí que m'encanta.

Well, I really love this.

Perquè no tornin els xipirons, saps què vull dir-te?

So that the baby squids don't come back, do you know what I mean?

Perquè si no, d'aquí tres setmanes, pam!

Because if not, in three weeks, bam!

Com m'ha agradat la galta de porc que m'acabes de fer.

I really liked the pork cheek that you just made for me.

O sigui, res a veure amb els xipirons, que estan molt bons,

That is to say, nothing to do with the baby squid, which are very good,

però això és insuperable.

but this is unsurpassable.

I ja he canviat de plat. Com ho veus?

And I have already changed my plate. How do you see it?

Bueno, és una solució.

Well, it's a solution.

És una solució, eh?

It's a solution, isn't it?

Això, això, això, això.

This, this, this, this.

A veure, saps per què m'ha atraït?

Let’s see, do you know why it has attracted me?

Pensa, pensa.

Think, think.

Jo penso que ja gairebé millor anar amb la veritat per davant.

I think it’s almost better to go with the truth upfront.

Però pots fer un petit filtre,

But you can do a small filter,

que és que la seva parella li digui als seus pares

What is it that their partner tells their parents?

que ella està, o sigui, que ho exigiri una mica,

that she is, or rather, that she demands it a bit,

que està superpreocupada i que li sap molt greu,

that is very worried and feels very sorry,

però que... i que els digui tota la veritat.

but that... and that he tells them the whole truth.

I res més que la veritat. Saps què vull dir?

And nothing more than the truth. Do you know what I mean?

Vaig quedar molt bé, però la veritat és que està cagant tota la tarda.

I looked very good, but the truth is that I have been shitting all afternoon.

Amb suau, amb suau.

With gentle, with gentle.

En el fons no li agraden,

Deep down, he/she doesn't like them.

perquè una vegada va tenir una intoxicació,

because once he/she had food poisoning,

amb aquest aliment, i ho passa fatal,

with this food, and he/she suffers terribly,

i no va gosar dir-ho.

and he/she did not dare to say it.

O sigui, que li faci una prèvia, ja, saps?

I mean, that I give him a preview, you know?

I ho mati per sempre, diguem-ne.

I will kill it forever, let's call it that.

Sí, i que llavors, el dia que vagi a dinar allà,

Yes, and then, the day I go to have lunch there,

ja ho pot fer amb humor, ja se n'enrigui.

he can already do it with humor, let him laugh about it.

Digui, ah, ja us ho va dir en tal o en la tal,

Say, ah, they already told you in such and such a place,

que tenia aquest problema i no gosava dir-ho jo,

that had this problem and I didn't dare to say it,

perquè com que ja us ha dit, ha, ha, ha, hi, hi, hi,

because as I already told you, ha, ha, ha, hi, hi, hi,

i que et tregui pes. Saps què vull dir?

And that it takes weight off you. You know what I mean?

Això em supera perquè la teva ja ho mata per sempre.

This overwhelms me because yours already kills it forever.

Clar. La meva, en canvi, aquell xipiró sempre estarà...

Sure. Mine, on the other hand, that squid will always be...

Ara, ara. El cosí...

Now, now. The cousin...

El xipirón.

The baby squid.

Ja tenia un cosí del meu pare que li va passar amb el bacallà.

I already had a cousin of my father's who happened to him with the cod.

O sigui, la primera vegada que va anar,

That is, the first time he/she went,

ell no suportava el bacallà, però li van donar bacallà.

he couldn't stand cod, but they gave him cod.

I no va gosar dir que no li agradava el bacallà.

And he didn't dare say that he didn't like cod.

Llavors, també va fer un gran paper,

Then, he also played a great role,

a sobre el pobre n'hi va passar un altre.

Another one passed over the poor man.

I és que feia molta calor,

And it was very hot,

i es veu que la sogra era molt insistent,

and it seems that the mother-in-law was very insistent,

i que li anava dient, vés a la dutxa, home,

and I was telling him, go take a shower, man,

vés a la dutxa si et vols dutxar.

Go to the shower if you want to take a shower.

Però esclar, aquest pensant... O sigui, tu imagina't,

But of course, this thinker... I mean, just imagine,

la primera vegada que vas a dinar a casa els teus sogres,

the first time you go to have lunch at your in-laws' house,

que faci molta calor...

that it is very hot...

No et miraràs a dutxar, m'entens?

You won't look at yourself while showering, do you understand me?

Però tant va insistir la sogra...

But the mother-in-law insisted so much...

Que es va dutxar...

He/She took a shower...

Amb tan mala sort, que es va repenjar...

With such bad luck, he/she leaned back...

O sigui, va haver-hi un moment

So, there was a moment.

que es va repenjar amb la cortina,

that he/she got hung up with the curtain,

va saltar la cortina, amb la barra de la cortina,

she jumped the curtain, with the curtain rod,

va tirar tot el que...

he threw away everything that...

En fi, tot un plegat diu que estaven a fora,

Anyway, all put together they say they were outside.

això m'ho explicava la dona del cosí del meu pare,

this was explained to me by my father's cousin's wife,

i van sentir un terrabastall impressionant,

and they heard an impressive noise,

perquè el tio els hi va trencar el lavabo, diguéssim.

because the guy broke their bathroom, let's say.

Però de sobre la pica, saps que a vegades

But above the sink, you know that sometimes

el cosí de l'entorn,

the cousin of the environment,

a vegades hi havia com un mirall amb una mica de repisa,

sometimes there was like a mirror with a little shelf,

doncs es veu que va anar

so it seems that it went

la barra de la cortina

the curtain rod

a sobre la repisa, amb tot el que hi havia allà a sobre...

on the shelf, with everything that was on it...

Estàs dient? Però això és de Peter Sellers?

Are you saying? But is this from Peter Sellers?

Clar, com que...

Of course, since...

Com que ja va muntar aquest sidral,

Since he already caused this mess,

com que va muntar aquest sidral...

since he/she made this mess...

No va menjar el bacallà.

He did not eat the cod.

I a més a més, el bacallà no m'agrada.

And furthermore, I don't like cod.

Doncs no t'ho perdis.

So don't miss it.

Jo crec que van ser com més de vint anys

I think it was more than twenty years.

menjant bacallà, fins que

eating cod, until

al cap de vint i pico d'anys, un tio es va atrevir

after twenty-something years, a guy dared to

i els va dir, a mi no m'ha agradat mai.

And he told them, I have never liked it.

A mi el bacallà me'n menjo cada

I eat cod every...

cop que vinc a casa vostra,

every time I come to your house,

però a mi el bacallà no m'agrada.

but I don't like cod.

Clar, jo em veig avenir que aquesta criatura

Of course, I can see that this creature...

que ens ha confirmat això...

that has confirmed this to us...

Ha dit que es deia Clàudia.

She said her name was Clàudia.

Si no m'ha dit, tu ho saps.

If you haven't told me, you know it.

Clar, que no li passi

Of course, let it not happen to him.

el mateix que el cosí del meu pare.

the same as my father's cousin.

Mata-ho, mata-ho. Ves allà i digues

Kill it, kill it. Go there and tell.

voleu que us tranquil·leguem o no?

Do you want us to calm you down or not?

I si li fa vergonya, que jo ho entenc,

And if he is embarrassed, I understand that,

dir-ho a ella, que ho faci a la seva parella,

tell it to her, so she does it to her partner,

que li faci una prèvia, i així ja ho matem per sempre.

that I give him a preview, and that way we can settle it once and for all.

Ell ho fa greu i ell ho fa...

He does it seriously and he does it...

Exacte. Ja està. Ja ho tenim solucionat.

Exactly. That's it. We have it solved now.

Escolta, perdona, un moment.

Listen, excuse me, a moment.

Torno un moment al tema del bacallà.

I'll return for a moment to the topic of cod.

La sogra insistia tant perquè el tio suava

The mother-in-law insisted so much because the uncle was sweating.

com un porc, vull dir, perquè a veure, que faci calor.

Like a pig, I mean, because let's see, it's hot.

Jo aquí no estic dient aneu a dutxar-vos.

I'm not saying to go shower here.

El tio suava...

The guy was sweating...

Què li passava a aquest noi?

What was happening to this boy?

Suposo que devia suar molt.

I suppose I must have sweated a lot.

Ves a la dutxa, ves a la dutxa, el tio devia estar allò.

Go to the shower, go to the shower, the guy must have been there.

Però, bueno, jo pel que vaig entendre,

But, well, from what I understood,

quan vaig fer la composició

when I made the composition

del lugar de tot plegat i això,

from the place of all this and that,

diria que és que la sogra

I would say it's that the mother-in-law.

també és despesadeta. O sigui,

she is also a bit clumsy. I mean,

una dona peculiar, saps?

A peculiar woman, you know?

Perquè ell, a veure,

Because he, let's see,

jo he viscut

I have lived.

amb el conseller del meu pare

with my father's counselor

a casa seva, vull dir, perquè durant un temps

at your home, I mean, because for a while

vaig viure amb ells per unes coses

I lived with them for some things.

que ara no ben acuento, i jo no el vaig veure...

that I don't quite understand now, and I didn't see it...

A mi no em va cridar mai l'atenció que aquest senyor

This gentleman never caught my attention.

sués més que la resta, saps què vull dir?

You dream more than the rest, you know what I mean?

No era una font. Potser aquell dia, no ho sé,

It was not a fountain. Perhaps that day, I don't know,

anava, jo què sé, amb camises i tot...

I don't know, I was going with shirts and everything...

Ai, el tio s'ha començat a cobiar.

Oh, the guy has started to complain.

Però diria que va ser més que l'altre,

But I would say it was more than the other one,

tant i tant, que al final va dir, bueno, doncs en dutxo,

so much and so much, that in the end he said, well, then I'm going to shower,

perquè ja no sabia com més dir-li que no.

because I didn't know how else to tell him no.

A les sogres. A la primera vegada, a més a més.

To the mothers-in-law. To the first time, moreover.

O sigui, has de quedar marejat, saps què vull dir?

I mean, you must be feeling dizzy, you know what I mean?

Per això va caure. Clar.

That's why he/she fell. Clearly.

Per això va caure. S'estiva la cortina,

That's why it fell. The curtain was drawn.

fot un d'allò, i clar, i devia pensar,

do one of those, and of course, he must have thought,

i ara s'obre i diu, el tio que no t'agrada el bacallà,

and now he opens up and says, the guy who doesn't like cod,

me lo callo a 20 años. I s'ho va callar 20 anys.

I kept it to myself for 20 years. He/She kept it to himself/herself for 20 years.

I això és el que no desitgem que li passi a un altre pobre tio.

And this is what we don't want to happen to another poor guy.

Sobretot, para-ho. Para-ho,

Above all, stop it. Stop it.

el teu matxipiró, el teu matxipiró, aturem-lo.

your matxipiró, your matxipiró, let's stop it.

Com diuen allò, val més una vez colorada

As they say, it's better to have a red face once.

que cinta amarilla. Ara, ara, ara. Saps què vull dir?

What a yellow tape. Now, now, now. Do you know what I mean?

Gran frase. Que potser no la va dir Shakespeare,

Great phrase. Maybe it wasn't said by Shakespeare.

però, escolta, la podria haver dit, eh?

But, listen, she could have said it, right?

Segur que la podria haver dit. Ja t'ho dic.

I'm sure I could have said it. I'm telling you.

No la va dir. Perquè no en trobaràs una de millor.

He didn't say it. Because you won't find a better one.

No la va dir. Per anar per la vida,

She didn't say it. To go through life,

cada vegada ja som més partidària. Un moment.

every time we are more supportive. One moment.

Com anem? Perquè aquí estem per... Anem a estar, estupendos.

How are we? Because we are here to... We are going to be wonderful.

És igual, és l'últim, podem fer el que vulguem.

It doesn't matter, it's the last one, we can do whatever we want.

T'he valorat dues hores, això.

I have valued you for two hours, this.

Què més em dónes?

What else do you give me?

Anem a un màster de l'universo,

Let's go to a master's program in the universe,

uns estudis de Harvard.

Harvard studies.

És de Harvard?

Are you from Harvard?

Home, és que jo ja només els busco de Harvard.

Well, I only look for them from Harvard now.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Et fa com gràcia. Vinga, vinga, vinga.

It makes you kind of laugh. Come on, come on, come on.

Harvard desvela los trabajos

Harvard reveals the works

que nos hacen más infelices.

that make us more unhappy.

Hosti, això ens interessa. Que ho sàpigues.

Wow, this interests us. Just so you know.

Joan i jo ens hi posem els dos.

Joan and I will both get to work on it.

La primera és la de Joan. Molt bé.

The first one is Joan's. Very good.

Doncs diu, un estudio revela

Well, it says, a study reveals

que algunos de los trabajos más

that some of the jobs most

aislados involucran un trabajo

isolated involve a job

más independiente o requieren turnos

more independent or require shifts

nocturnos, como conducir camiones

nocturnal, like driving trucks

o trabajar en seguridad nocturna.

or work in night security.

I diu que això, o sigui, que tot el que està

And it says that this, I mean, that everything that is

relacionat amb solitud, et fa més infeliç.

related to loneliness, it makes you unhappier.

Diu, unos trabajos cada vez

He says, some jobs every time.

más comunes en industrias emergentes

most common in emerging industries

impulsadas por la tecnología, como los servicios

driven by technology, such as services

de entrega de paquetes y alimentos,

of package and food delivery,

donde a menudo las personas no tienen compañeros

where often people do not have companions

de trabajo en absoluto, o en el comercio

of work at all, or in trade

minorista en línea, donde el trabajo

online retailer, where the work

es tan rápido y frenético que los empleados

it's so fast and frenetic that the employees

en el mismo turno de almacén

in the same warehouse shift

pueden no conocer los nombres

they may not know the names

de los demás. O sigui,

of others. That is to say,

el que venen a dir és que això,

what they come to say is that this,

que si tu estàs més connectat amb

that if you are more connected with

altra gent, amb companys de treball... Ets més feliç.

Other people, with work colleagues... You are happier.

Ets més feliç, et sents més realitzat.

You are happier, you feel more fulfilled.

I que, en canvi, aquests que acabo d'inventar,

And what, on the other hand, these that I have just invented,

portar camions a la nit... Jo ja m'imaginava

driving trucks at night... I could already imagine

que portar camions a la nit igual no era

that bringing trucks at night might not be.

molt feliç. I seguretat nocturna,

very happy. And night security,

feliç tampoc. Ara, tampoc.

not happy either. Now, neither.

I això dels repartidors,

And what about the delivery people,

és veritat, o sigui, agafa't, dona, agafa't, dona.

It's true, I mean, hold on, woman, hold on, woman.

Bueno, jo a vegades sempre els veig que fan

Well, I sometimes always see them doing.

grupillos, saps què vull dir? S'ajunten.

Little groups, you know what I mean? They gather together.

Sí, vull dir, això no estan tan sols, potser.

Yes, I mean, they are not alone, perhaps.

Aquests que acaben amb bici, 4 o 5 estan allà

Those who finish with a bike, 4 or 5 are there.

xerrant una estona. Potser no estan tan sols, però bueno,

chatting for a while. Maybe they are not alone, but well,

rápido y frenético sí que ho és.

fast and frantic it certainly is.

Però ara amb això del teletreball,

But now with this telecommuting,

serem d'una infelicitat

we will be of an unhappiness

tremenda, això no? Clar. Tots ja tancats

Tremendous, isn't it? Of course. Everyone is already closed.

a casa. Diu, tras 85 anys

at home. He says, after 85 years

d'investigació, que és aquell senyor que va fer aquell

of investigation, that is that gentleman who did that

Estudi de la Felicitat, d'acord? Això seria

Study of Happiness, okay? That would be.

com una derivada d'aquell Estudi de la Felicitat

as a derivative of that Study of Happiness

que va fer el Robert Waldinger.

what Robert Waldinger did.

Aquí tornem a preguntar-nos

Here we ask ourselves again

el mateix. Aquest tio, quin

the same. This guy, what

at tenia quan va començar l'estudi? Dos anys.

How old was he when he started the study? Two years.

Estava amb 85 anys fent l'estudi. Tenia dos anys.

I was 85 years old doing the study. I was two years old.

El tio es va llicenciar a 20. No, es feien relleus.

He graduated at 20. No, they took turns.

Es feien relleus. Ah.

They were taking turns. Ah.

Es feien relleus. Va morir el primer i van dir infeliç.

They took turns. The first one died and they said unhappy.

Van començar l'any 38, i llavors

They started in '38, and then

han anat fent relleus. M'entiendes? 38.

They have been taking turns. Do you understand me? 38.

Això és el que expliquen. Va néixer ma mare.

This is what they explain. My mother was born.

Tras 85 años de investigación,

After 85 years of research,

el estudio encontró que los empleados más

The study found that the employees more

infelices suelen ser aquellos cuyos

unhappy are those whose

trabajos requieren poca interacción

Jobs require little interaction.

humana, y no

human, and not

ofrecen oportunidades para establecer relaciones

they offer opportunities to establish relationships

significativas con sus compañeros de trabajo. Que a

significant with their coworkers. That a

vegades també et dic que no sé com dir-te. És el que anava a dir-te.

Sometimes I also tell you that I don't know how to tell you. It's what I was going to tell you.

Depende de compañeros y compañeros.

It depends on colleagues and companions.

Ara, n'hi han de totes maneres.

Now, there are all kinds of them.

I també una altra cosa, que li han 85 anys

And also one more thing, that she is 85 years old.

per arribar a aquesta conclusió. Bueno, perdona.

to reach this conclusion. Well, sorry.

Ja saps que Harvard moltes vegades...

You already know that Harvard often...

El que fa és confirmar les...

What it does is confirm the...

Està reconfirmadíssim. Concluyendo que

It is reconfirmed. Concluding that

el secreto para vivir una vida más feliz,

the secret to living a happier life,

saludable y larga, no está

healthy and long, it is not

en el dinero, el éxito profesional,

in money, professional success,

el ejercicio o una dieta

exercise or a diet

saludable. No ens enganyem.

Healthy. Let's not fool ourselves.

Sino que son las relaciones

But it is the relationships.

positivas las que mantienen a las personas

positive those that keep people

felices a lo largo de su vida.

happy throughout their life.

Això també. També se aplica

This too. It also applies.

a nuestros trabajos.

to our jobs.

I no es parla entre ells. Aquest és el problema.

And they do not speak to each other. This is the problem.

Ara, ara. Tens tota la raó, aquest senyor.

Now, now. You are absolutely right, this gentleman.

Sabemos que las personas en los centros de

We know that people in the centers of

llamadas a menudo están enormemente

calls are often enormously

estresadas por sus trabajos, principalmente

stressed by their jobs, mainly

porque pasan todo el día al teléfono

because they spend all day on the phone

con personas frustradas e impacientes.

with frustrated and impatient people.

O sigui que ells també tenen molt mal pronòstic.

So they also have a very bad prognosis.

Si no treballes

If you don't work

amb una centraleta d'aquestes que aguantes a tothom...

with a switchboard like this that holds everyone…

Clar, tu imagina't Movistar.

Sure, just imagine Movistar.

No, no, no. Bueno, Movistar, vull dir

No, no, no. Well, Movistar, I mean.

una compañia telefònica, com perdons.

a telephone company, like excuses.

Clar, està rebent queixes tot el segon dia.

Of course, he is receiving complaints all the second day.

I a més, contra tu.

And moreover, against you.

Sí. Que tu, pobre...

Yes. That you, poor...

Vull dir...

I mean...

El senyor diu...

The gentleman says...

El tio no fa la línia, eh?

The guy doesn't do the line, huh?

Deuen ser d'aquelles feines que pots fer

They must be one of those jobs you can do.

i les feines que...

and the jobs that...

Però no pots fer més perquè si no és el cap.

But you can't do more because otherwise, it's the boss.

I les feines de...

And the jobs of...

No, gracias.

No, thank you.

Que no, gracias. Que te cuelgo.

No, thank you. I'm hanging up.

Sí, també.

Yes, also.

És que ofereixen coses.

It's just that they offer things.

Jo llavors penso... Realment algú els compra alguna cosa?

I then think... Does anyone really buy them anything?

Perquè clar, jo no entenc que ho continuïn fent.

Because of course, I don't understand why they continue to do it.

Jo no he comprat mai res d'aquesta manera.

I have never bought anything this way.

Tu? Però si ho fan és que algú ho compra.

You? But if they do it, it means someone is buying it.

No ho sé. No ho sé.

I don't know. I don't know.

No t'ho sabria dir.

I couldn't tell you.

Truca i pregunta.

Call and ask.

Però bé, tu treballes sol i aïllat? No.

But well, do you work alone and isolated? No.

No. Doncs mira, tens molt més números

No. Well, look, you have many more chances.

per estar feliç.

to be happy.

Però m'he acostumat a estar sol. Està bé.

But I have gotten used to being alone. It's fine.

Quan veig sol per feina, diguem-ne, i vas a dinar sol, tal, no sé què,

When I see the sun for work, let's say, and I go to lunch alone, such, I don’t know what.

després estàs molt bé i molt content.

then you are very good and very happy.

Ah, sí? Sí, perquè hi ha gent que necessita.

Ah, really? Yes, because there are people who need it.

Anem a dinar. Vaig jo també... Em toquis?

Let's go to lunch. Am I going too... Do you touch me?

No em toquis. Ja veia el meu rotllo.

Don't touch me. I already saw my vibe.

No em toquis.

Don't touch me.

Que no vull xerrar.

I don't want to talk.

Que no et vull explicar res.

I don't want to explain anything to you.

Clar, deixa'm estar.

Sure, leave me alone.

No et sents un rotllo.

You don't feel like a drag.

Sí, tinc aquest estudi discret i lloc.

Yes, I have this discreet study and place.

Bueno, 75 anys, són molts anys, està molt bé.

Well, 75 years, that's a long time, that's very good.

Ja et dic, és una derivada d'aquell de la felicitat,

I'm telling you, it's a derivative of that of happiness,

que en el fons el que ve a dir és que interaccionis amb la gent,

that deep down what it is saying is to interact with people,

que t'escoltis, que xerris, que comparteixis,

may you listen, may you talk, may you share,

que és el que fem aquí. És el que fem aquí.

What we do here. It is what we do here.

Ja està. Això són feliços.

That's it. They are happy.

I que les feines, això, mira, no les recomanis pels teus fills,

And as for the jobs, look, don't recommend them for your children.

que de fet són feines que

that in fact are jobs that

moltes vegades ja no les trien.

many times they are no longer selected.

És el que trobes, també.

It's what you find, too.

Vull dir que pobres, també.

I mean poor people too.

Des d'aquí enviem anys els que les tenen

From here we send years to those who have them.

però ho ha de fer.

but it has to be done.

Per canviar-les.

To change them.

Que intentin canviar-les.

Let them try to change them.

Vull dir que encara que les canviïn, algú vindrà a fer aquella feina.

I mean that even if they change them, someone will come to do that job.

Aquella feina s'ha de fer.

That job needs to be done.

Que la facin poc temps.

May it be done soon.

Que la facin per sortir del pas.

Let them do it to get by.

Que sigui per sortir del pas.

Let it be to get by.

Perquè així la infelicitat, diguéssim,

Because this way unhappiness, we would say,

tens un període curt de durada, no?

you have a short duration, right?

No logismes, perdona.

No excuses, sorry.

Ah, en tinc, en tinc.

Ah, I have it, I have it.

En tinc dos.

I have two.

I un me'l va dir algú d'aquí.

And someone from here told me.

D'aquesta sala.

From this room.

No som tanta gent en aquesta sala.

There aren't that many people in this room.

L'altre dia estàvem parlant

The other day we were talking.

amb una persona d'aquesta sala

with a person from this room

i va dir, com tres cops,

and he said, like three times,

ni un ni dos, tres cops, eh?

Not one, not two, three times, huh?

Amb la mateixa explicació.

With the same explanation.

Ja se sap qui és.

It is already known who it is.

Amb plans?

With plans?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.


To delay.

I no ve de trigo.

And it doesn't come from wheat.

Què vol dir triguejar?

What does triguejar mean?

Triguejar vol dir aquella cosa

Triguejar means that thing.

que ha provocat una...

that has caused a...

The trigger del gallet.

The trigger of the trigger.

Ah, de pull the trigger, sí.

Ah, to pull the trigger, yes.

Sí, amb una naturalitat.

Yes, with a naturalness.

Com qui diu, vaig a fer un cafè.

As they say, I'm going to have a coffee.

Si estàvem parlant d'una cosa...

If we were talking about one thing...

Això va ser el que va triguejar.

That was what took a long time.

Triguejar vol dir el que va disparar.

Triguejar means the one who shot.

Clar, el que va provocar aquella cosa, diguem-ne.

Of course, what caused that thing, let's say.

Saps què vull dir-te? No sé.

Do you know what I want to tell you? I don't know.

Quan aquell va ser això,

When was that?

aquell va ser el que va triguejar la discussió.

that was the one who delayed the discussion.

Com ho veus?

How do you see it?

Però ho va dir-ho, escolta'm.

But he said it, listen to me.

Jo ho veig raro.

I find it strange.

Què vols que m'ho vegi?

What do you want me to see it?


To linger.

Raro. Raro.

Strange. Strange.

Clar, saps què vull dir-te?

Of course, do you know what I mean?

Sembla que sí.

It seems so.

Sembla que no s'ha inventat ell, diguem-ne.

It seems that he hasn't invented it, let's say.

Que és un neologisme caparagut.

What is a caparagut neologism?

En tinc un altre.

I have another one.

Que ell no diu, però diu sa germana.

What he doesn't say, but his sister does.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Que en cap cas seria la teva filla.

That in no case would be your daughter.

No, què dius?

No, what are you saying?

Que és...

What is...

Tenia molt hype i em va decepcionar.

I was really hyped and it disappointed me.

Això jo ho he sentit.

I have heard that.

Molt hype vol dir altes expectatives?

Does a lot of hype mean high expectations?

És que sóc una senyora viatjada.

It's just that I am a well-traveled lady.



És que no se'm pot aguantar.

It's just that I can't be tolerated.

Ets inaguantable.

You are unbearable.

Tenia molt hype i, hòstia, no, eh?

I was very hyped and, damn, no, right?

Jo, clar, primer he pensat...

I, of course, first thought...

Què tenia, la meva filla?

What was wrong with my daughter?

Què tenies? I no.

What did you have? And I didn't.

No, que m'esperava molt més.

No, I was expecting much more.

Ah, tenir hype vol dir...

Ah, having hype means...

Jo ho he buscat. Ho he buscat ella, en realitat.

I have looked for it. I have actually looked for her.

Com dir, això és un collons.

How to say, this is a pain in the ass.

Perquè triguejar està clar.

Because it's clear to delay.

Sí, púl de triga.

Yes, wheat pulp.

Hype vol dir

Hype means

quan efectivament crees

when do you actually believe

falses expectatives amb algú.

false expectations with someone.



És com el populisme, diguem-ne.

It's like populism, let's say.

Hype és

Hype is

o promoció o publicitat,

or promotion or advertising,

però en negatiu,

but in negative,

curiosament. Creem unes expectatives

Curiously. We create some expectations.

que podrien ser que en compliran.

that they could be fulfilling.

Però això ara és una cosa que diuen els joves.

But this is something that the young people say now.

Tenia molt hype i... Vaja merda.

I was very hyped and... What a mess.

Molt bé. Sí, sí, sí.

Very good. Yes, yes, yes.

La jove no ho coneixes, compra un llibre, tal i qual.

The young woman you don't know, buys a book, just like that.

No, tenia molt hype amb aquest llibre.

No, I was very hyped about this book.

Tenia molt hype amb aquell i m'ha sortit...

I was really hyped about that and it turned out...

Ara, ara, ara. Que ho sàpigues.

Now, now, now. Just so you know.

Però com tu ja ho sabies, era això. Però triguejar, no.

But as you already knew, it was this. But to delay, no.

No, no. Bueno, l'havia sentit.

No, no. Well, I had heard it.

Ah, sí, eh? Jo no.

Ah, yes, huh? Not me.

I em semblava més o menys ubicar-la, la del hype, eh?

I thought I could more or less place it, the one about the hype, eh?

Però no, no. Com has fet anar? És que encara no em surt.

But no, no. How did you do it? I still can't get it.

Triguejar. Triguejar.

To trudge. To trudge.

Triguejar. És un verb. Sí, sí, sí.

To trudge. It is a verb. Yes, yes, yes.

És un verb.

It is a verb.

Escolta, i funciona, eh?

Listen, and it works, right?

Molt bé. Doncs ja en tinc un altre.

Very well. So I have another one.

Espera't, que en tinc un altre. Hòstia, aquest final de temporada

Wait, I have another one. Damn, this season finale.

està sent molt fort. En tinc una que la trobo terrible.

It's being very strong. I have one that I find terrible.

Ai, ai, ai. No l'has sentit, una que es diu

Oh, oh, oh. You haven't heard it, one that is called

Servin cony?

Are you kidding me?

Sirviendo coño?

Serving pussy?

Sirviendo coño? Sirviendo coño.

Serving cunt? Serving cunt.

Sí. Espera, un moment, un moment.

Yes. Wait, a moment, a moment.

És com per empoderar la...

It is like to empower the...

Representa que és com una dona empoderada.

It represents that she is like an empowered woman.

Saps què vull dir? Dius, per exemple...

Do you know what I mean? You say, for example...

A veure si em surt una frase de...

Let's see if I come up with a sentence about...

Estàvem a...

We were at...

Jo què sé... Estàvem

I don't know... We were

al concert i

to the concert and

al final va sortir una tia

In the end, a woman came out.

allà ballant sirviendo coño

there dancing serving pussy

i es va... Com dient?

And it was... How do you say?

I va deixar tothom impressionat.

It left everyone impressed.

Saps què vull dir? Sirviendo coño.

Do you know what I mean? Serving pussy.

Però no ha de ser... No vol dir tampoc un exhibicionisme així, eh?

But it doesn't have to be... It doesn't mean such exhibitionism either, huh?

No, no, no, no, no. I jo què sé,

No, no, no, no, no. And what do I know,

t'estàs discutint amb algú o no sé què

Are you arguing with someone or what?

i al final li vaig dir no sé què allà,

and in the end I told him I don't know what over there,

sirviendo coño, com vulguem dir. Toma ja.

Serving cunt, as we want to say. There you go.

Toma ja. Saps què vol dir? Sí.

Take that. Do you know what it means? Yes.

Sirviendo coño. Sí, és com... Sirviendo coño o

Serving cunt. Yes, it's like... Serving cunt or

servin cony. Sí, sí. Bueno, clar, sí, sí. Seria la traducció.

servin cunt. Yes, yes. Well, of course, yes, yes. That would be the translation.

Jo... Em sembla que és...

I... It seems to me that it is...

O... Serving the pussy. Bé, bé.

O... Serving the pussy. Good, good.

Bé, com que... Sempre anem a...

Well, since... we always go to...

No, no, ells diuen

No, no, they say.

serving cant, em sembla. Ah, cant.

serving sings, it seems to me. Ah, singing.

Cant també, és cony, clar. Sí, crec que és serving cant.

I sing too, of course. Yes, I think it's serving singing.

O sigui, perquè això no m'ho acabo d'inventar.

So, because I'm not just making this up.

No, és que té un munt de... Això han inventat tots d'aquí, eh?

No, it's just that he has a ton of... This is something everyone here has invented, right?

Sinònims, eh? Perquè es nota que és molt raro això de

Synonyms, eh? Because it’s obvious that this is very strange this...

sirviendo coño. Ve de... Anglès?

Serving pussy. Comes from... English?

Sí. No, segur. Sí, si ho vaig buscar...

Yes. No, certainly. Yes, if I looked for it...

Bueno, com a hype i altres coses. Tot ve allà.

Well, as for hype and other things. Everything comes from there.

Serving canta, em sembla. I és això, és com una manera

Serving sings, I think. And that's it, it's like a way.

de dir... Aquí estic jo.

to say... Here I am.

Podríem dir por mis huevos, o pels meus ous,

We could say "for my eggs."

pels meus collons, o pels meus no sé què, doncs

for my balls, or for my I don't know what, then

servin cony. Saps què vull dir? Allò...

"Servin cunt. Do you know what I mean? That..."

Amb un parell, aquí és

With a pair, here it is.

servin cony. Sí, doncs és servin cony. Exacte. Seria

serving cunt. Yes, well it is serving cunt. Exactly. It would be.

la mateixa expressió de... Amb un parell

the same expression of... With a pair

de... Tu ets un parell amb un parell...

You are a pair with a pair...

No, i va sortir la tia... Servin cony.

No, and the aunt came out... Serving cunt.

És lleig. Lleig,

It's ugly. Ugly.

lleigíssim, perdona. Trobo terrible.

very ugly, sorry. I find it terrible.

Més lleig. I per què hem de copiar aquesta

Ugly. And why do we have to copy this?

mena d'expressions de... Saps què vull dir?

kind of expressions of... You know what I mean?

Són lletges.

They are ugly.

No, però em refereixo a que,

No, but I mean that,

com a dona, vull dir,

as a woman, I mean,

per empoderar les dones hem de passar per fer

To empower women we must go through doing.

les mateixes similituds.

the same similarities.

No sé, saps? Posar... Sembla que sí.

I don't know, you know? To put... It seems like it is.

Aquesta similitud amb el que

This similarity with what

no m'agrada gens d'expressions com...

I don't like expressions like...

Saps? És que servin cony és lleig, eh? És molt lleig.

You know? It's just that serving cunty is ugly, huh? It's very ugly.

Bueno, també és molt lleig

Well, it's also very ugly.

fotre-hi dos collons. També és lleig,

"Give it some balls. It's also ugly,"

si tu vas a mirar, perquè hi estem superacostumats.

If you're going to look, it's because we're super used to it.

Estem acostumats, que és no val. Posar-hi collons

We are used to it, which is not worth it. Put some balls into it.

també és lleig. Saps què vull dir? El que passa és que

it's also ugly. Do you know what I mean? What happens is that

hi estem superacostumats. Pit i collons

We're super used to it. Heart and guts.

tindria. Pit i collons? Seria pit i cony.

Would it have? It would be breast and cunt.

Bueno, mira, pit i collons seria ni tu ni jo. Seria pit i cony.

Well, look, it would be neither you nor me. It would be chest and cunt.

Aquestes n'hi ha, aquestes, eh? Bueno, de fet, clar,

These are there, these, huh? Well, in fact, of course,

pit també pot ser masculí. Clar. Vinga, és que

"Pit can also be masculine. Of course. Come on, it's just that"

per un moment he vist... Has vist pit? D'un cantó i l'altre.

For a moment I saw... Have you seen it? On one side and the other.

Has vist tota l'hora, diguem-ne. Veus? Ja estem inclusius.

Have you seen the time, let's say. See? We are already inclusive.

Ja estem inclusius.

We are already inclusive.

Però bueno, ara ens n'anirem seguint

But okay, now we will continue on.

com que som boomers i per això...

since we are boomers and that’s why...

Jo crec que, esclar, no ens agrada aquesta expressió

I believe that, of course, we don't like this expression.

perquè hi ha un puntillo de boomersillos

because there is a little bit of a boomer vibe

que somos.

that we are.

Anirem amb una cançó... Ai, m'agraden les cançons.

We will go with a song... Oh, I love songs.

...que també, jo crec que

...that also, I believe that

pels boomers...

for the boomers...

És coneguda, és coneguda, no? És coneguda? No.

It is known, it is known, right? Is it known? No.

Ah, no és coneguda. Bueno, per nosaltres

Ah, she's not known. Well, to us.

no. Per la gent jove molt, perquè és del

No. For young people a lot, because it is from the

Bad Bunny. Hòstia, em fascina aquesta cançó.

Bad Bunny. Wow, I'm fascinated by this song.

Si tu novio te deja sola i en J Balvin...

If your boyfriend leaves you alone and in J Balvin...

J Balvin. Aquest no em fascina

J Balvin. This one doesn't fascinate me.

no el conec menys, però Bad Bunny em fascina. Escolta la lletra,

I don't know him less, but Bad Bunny fascinates me. Listen to the lyrics,

que veuràs tu on te'ns porta això.

You will see where this takes us.

Comença normal, eh? També t'ho dic.

It starts normal, okay? I'm telling you that too.

Bueno, xepa, xepa. No, xepa no.

Well, waste, waste. No, not waste.

Vull dir la lletra, ja ho veuràs.

I mean the lyrics, you will see.

Al principi s'entendrà.

At first, it will be understood.

Fins aquí anem bé. Anem bé.

So far, so good. We're doing well.

Yo vivo día y noche

I live day and night.

pensando en ti.

thinking of you.

Y tú perdiendo el tiempo

And you wasting time.

con él.

with him.

Dime dónde toque

Tell me where to touch.

yo te quiero ver. Va, fins aquí,

I want to see you. Come on, up to here,

a part de la patata que porta a la boca,

apart from the potato that it has in its mouth,

la lletra s'entén. Dime dónde estás y donde quiero

The letter is understood. Tell me where you are and where I want.

ver. Sí, sí. Día y noche pensando en ti.

Yes, yes. Day and night thinking about you.

I tu estàs con ell. I tot, tot, tot, tot, tot. Vale.

And you are with him. And everything, everything, everything, everything, everything. Okay.

Seguim. Ara veuràs.

Let's continue. Now you'll see.

No me bastarán un par de horas.

A couple of hours won't be enough for me.

Aquest és l'altre. Sí.

This is the other one. Yes.

Ese cabrón no va a recuperarte.

That bastard is not going to get you back.

Ja hem entrat un cabrón aquí que... Sí.

We've already let a bastard in here that... Yes.

Cuida-ho. Ah, no, encara no.

Take care of it. Oh, no, not yet.


Tell me

ese cabrón no va a

that bastard is not going to


to recover you.

Fins aquí bé. Fins aquí bé.

So far so good. So far so good.

Un culito así no se encuentra en eBay.

A little butt like that can't be found on eBay.

Este bicho es tuyo, te lo tengo en layaway.

This bug is yours, I have it on layaway.

Más ninguno tiene break. Yo soy un

None have a break. I am a

pitcher, pero a ti te voy a hacer doble play.

pitcher, but I'm going to turn a double play on you.

Vale. Fins aquí, un moment. Has

Okay. Up to here, just a moment. You have

entès alguna cosa? Doble play. Has

Understood something? Double play. You have.

entès alguna cosa? Y el bicho del way.

Did you understand anything? And the bug of the way.

Nos regalaba muchísimo.

He/She gave us a lot.

Joan, ens ho pots tornar a posar des del

Joan, can you play it again from the

culito? A culito.

Little butt? To little butt.

No va a recuperarte.

It won't get you back.

Un culito

A little bottom.

así no se encuentra en eBay.

It is not found on eBay.

Este bicho es tuyo, te lo tengo en layaway.

This bug is yours, I have it on layaway for you.

Más ninguno tiene break. Yo soy un pitcher,

No one else has a break. I am a pitcher.

pero a ti te voy a hacer doble play.

but I'm going to give you a double play.

Vale. La primera cosa que he entès és

Okay. The first thing I understood is

un culito así no se encuentra en eBay.

A little butt like this can't be found on eBay.

Molt bé. Un culito así no se encuentra en eBay.

Very good. A little butt like that can't be found on eBay.

Però després diu, el bicho aquí te lo tengo

But then he says, I've got the bug right here for you.

del waylay. Molt bé.

of the waylay. Very good.

Casi. O sigui,

Almost. I mean,

ja en teníem un 80%. Este bicho

We already had 80% of it. This bug.

es tuyo, te lo tengo

It's yours, I have it for you.

en layaway. Que no sé

on layaway. I don’t know

jo lo que és layaway. Algú d'aquí de la sala

I what is layaway. Anyone here in the room?

sap què és layaway? Deu ser com eBay

Do you know what layaway is? It must be like eBay.

o alguna cosa així. No ho sé. Este bicho es tuyo.

Or something like that. I don't know. This bug is yours.

Però si tu dius, un culito

But if you say, a little butt

así no se encuentra en eBay.

that is not found on eBay.

Este bicho es tuyo, quin bicho?

This bug is yours, which bug?

El culo o un somaro? No, el bicho és ell.

The ass or a donkey? No, the creature is him.

Este bicho es tuyo. Ah.

This bug is yours. Ah.

Pero te lo tengo en layaway.

But I have it on layaway for you.

No sabem què és layaway.

We don't know what layaway is.

Ve, que he fet això amb l'avió.

Come on, I did this with the plane.

Jo, lo del bicho... Sí,

Me, the bug... Yes,

clar, clar. Ah, bueno, clar, clar.

sure, sure. Ah, well, sure, sure.

Bicho és el pitot. Este bicho es tuyo.

Bug is the beak. This bug is yours.

Per no dir el peix.

Not to mention the fish.

Polla. Vale.

Dick. Okay.

Te lo tengo en layaway.

I have it on layaway for you.

Com s'escriu això?

How do you write this?



L'aia, en fi, layaway.

The grandmother, well, layaway.

L'aiaway, però tot junt, eh?

The aiaway, but all together, okay?

Almenys, com ho posen aquí

At least, as they put it here.

en la lletra de la cançó.

in the lyrics of the song.

Però entres en la primera frase

But you enter into the first sentence.

i una mica en la segona.

and a little in the second.

Ma ninguna, mas ninguna.

Not a single one, none at all.

Això ja entenc que falta...

I already understand what is missing...

Ma ninguna tiene break.

But none of them have a break.

Yo soy un pitcher, pero a ti

I am a pitcher, but to you.

te voy a hacer doble play.

I'm going to do a double play.

Ma ninguna tiene...

But none has...

O sigui, un culito así no se encuentra ni bé.

I mean, a little butt like that is hard to find.

Fins aquí bé, això ho hem entès.

So far so good, we have understood this.

Este bicho es tuyo, te lo tengo en layaway.

This bug is yours, I have it on layaway for you.

Quan s'escriu layaway, bé.

When layaway is written, it’s fine.

Ma ninguna tiene break.

But none of them have a break.

De qui estem parlant? Qui és el subjecte de l'oració?

Who are we talking about? Who is the subject of the sentence?

Ma ninguna tiene break.

But none of them has a break.

Ma ninguna, però aquí és la ninguna.

But none, but here it is none.

Yo soy un pitcher, pero a ti te voy a hacer doble play.

I am a pitcher, but I am going to make a double play on you.

O sigui, ja entenc què vol dir.

So, I already understand what he means.

Yo soc un prenda, diguéssim,

I am a piece of work, so to speak,

però a ti te voy a hacer doble play.

but I'm going to double play you.

O sigui, a tu t'ho faria dos cops.

I mean, I would do it to you twice.

Potser? No ho sé.

Maybe? I don't know.

Calla, calla, calla.

Shut up, shut up, shut up.

No ho sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

Què és layaway? A veure.

What is layaway? Let's see.

Collons, espera.

Wait, damn it.

Què és layaway en espanyol?

What is layaway in Spanish?

Es un plan de pago que ofrecen

It is a payment plan they offer.

algunas tiendas para vender sus productos.

some stores to sell their products.

Es como un eBay.

It's like an eBay.

Veus? Sí, es como un eBay.

See? Yes, it's like an eBay.

Este bicho es tuyo, te lo tengo en layaway.

This bug is yours, I have it on layaway for you.

Ma ninguna tiene break.

But none of them has a break.

Qui no té break? Jo és que no ho entenc.

Who doesn't have a break? I just don't understand it.

En fi, impossible.

Anyway, impossible.


Let's continue.

Doble play, doble jugada.

Double play, double move.

Ah, yo soy un pitcher de béisbol,

Ah, I am a baseball pitcher.

pero a ti te voy a hacer doble jugada.

but I’m going to make a double move on you.

Bueno, sí, metàfora que no l'entén ni ell.

Well, yes, a metaphor that even he doesn't understand.

O sigui, perquè ja es veu que tampoc ho entén ell.

That is, because it is already clear that he doesn't understand it either.

Ma ninguna tiene break.

But none of them have a break.

Si el culito no está en eBay.

If the little butt is not on eBay.

El bicho es tuyo, te lo tengo en layaway.

The creature is yours, I have it on layaway for you.

El bicho que no es un pito es tuyo

The bug that is not a penis is yours.

y lo tengo ahí para que lo recojas.

And I have it there for you to pick it up.

Ma ninguna tiene break.

But none have a break.

Oye, espera, que la cosa continúa.

Hey, wait, the thing continues.



Te voy a hacer doble play.

I'm going to do a double play on you.



Yo sé que eres fina, pero en la cama Sasha Grey.

I know you're refined, but in bed, Sasha Grey.

Fumando y bebiendo Grey.

Smoking and drinking Grey.

Lo siento por Casper, pero ya lo sé va con Drake.

I'm sorry for Casper, but I already know he's with Drake.

Vale, has entès alguna cosa?

Okay, did you understand anything?

Yo sé que eres fina, pero en la cama...

I know you're refined, but in bed...

En la cama...

In bed...



Yo sé que eres fina, pero en la cama Sasha Grey.

I know you are classy, but in bed, Sasha Grey.

Que igual es una actriu porno.

Maybe she's a porn actress.

Ah, bueno, clar, Sasha Grey.

Ah, well, of course, Sasha Grey.

No sé, no en tinc ni idea, però igual és una actriu porno.

I don’t know, I have no idea, but maybe she’s a porn actress.

Bueno, posem que és una actriu porno i que aquí ho entenem.

Well, let's say she's a porn actress and that we understand it here.

No entenem que hi hagi les sombres de Grey, no.

We don't understand why there are the shades of Grey, no.

Oh, espera, però és que és Grai.

Oh, wait, but it’s Grai.

O sigui, G-R-A-Y.

That is, G-R-A-Y.

Però llavors diu, fumando y bebiendo Grey.

But then he says, smoking and drinking Grey.

En G-R-E-Y.

In G-R-E-Y.

No entenem res.

We don't understand anything.

Jo no sé qui és la Sasha Grey,

I don't know who Sasha Grey is.

però posem, jo crec que ha de ser alguna actriu porno.

but let's say, I think it must be some porn actress.

Posem, va.

Let's go, okay.

Jo sé que eres fina, però en la cama Sasha Grey.

I know you are classy, but in bed, Sasha Grey.

És una actriu porno?

Is she a porn actress?

Va, és una actriu porno, veus com anava bé?

Come on, she's a porn actress, see how it was going well?

Fumando y bebiendo Grey, que potser és un whisky això.

Smoking and drinking Grey, which might be a whisky.

No et sona el nom de whisky?

Does the name whisky ring a bell?

Deu ser Grey House.

It must be Grey House.

Fumando y bebiendo Grey.

Smoking and drinking Grey.

Lo siento por Casper,

I'm sorry for Casper.

pero J-Lo se va con Drake.

but J-Lo goes with Drake.

J-Lo es la Jennifer Lopez.

J-Lo is Jennifer Lopez.

I el Drake és un cantant, tu,

And Drake is a singer, you,

que té el símbol que va portar la Barça, no?

What does the symbol that Barça wore have?

I qui és Casper?

And who is Casper?

El fantasma, Casper.

The ghost, Casper.

Lo siento por la fantasmita,

I'm sorry for the little ghost,

pero J-Lo se va con Drake.

But J-Lo is going with Drake.

I què té a veure tot això?

And what does all this have to do with it?

Amb la que no té break i amb el pitcher.

With the one that has no break and with the pitcher.

No ho sé, carinyo.

I don't know, darling.

Diu que el nòvio és el Casper.

She says the boyfriend is Casper.

Diu que el nòvio és el Casper?

Does she say that the boyfriend is Casper?

Ah, i és el Drake i la J-Lo és la seva...

Ah, and it's Drake and J-Lo is his...

Continuem perquè penseu que seguirem amagats.

We continue because you think we will remain hidden.

Jo crec que es prenen quan escriuen això.

I think they take it when they write this.

Bueno, i llavors et pren tu, això.

Well, and then it takes you, this.

Perquè tens la neurona guardada.

Because you have the neuron stored.

M'entens? Amb aquestes frases...

Do you understand me? With these sentences...

Va, què? Si no les entens ni tu.

Come on, what? You don't even understand them yourself.

I aquest bonic té mitja neurona.

And this lovely one has half a neuron.

Bueno, ja es veu, perquè memoritza això

Well, it's clear, because memorize this.

i no sap ni ell el que diu.

and he doesn't even know what he's saying.

No ho sap ningú.

No one knows it.


Come on.

Lo siento por Casper, pero J-Lo se va con Drake.

I'm sorry for Casper, but J-Lo is going with Drake.

Te llevo pa' New York un fin de semana.

I'm taking you to New York for a weekend.

Un polvo antes de acostarte y otro por la mañana.

A quickie before going to bed and another in the morning.

Un polvo?

A hookup?

Hay un chorrebo que te tienen ganas.

There's a guy who's interested in you.

Un chorrebo, què?

A mess, what?

Pero dile que tú eres de rey como lana.

But tell him that you are as royal as wool.



Tu eres de rey como lana, lana del rey.

You are of the king like wool, wool of the king.

Clar. Molt bé, aquesta l'has pillat.

Sure. Very good, you got that one.

La primera era fàcil. Te llevo un fin de semana a Nueva York.

The first one was easy. I'll take you for a weekend to New York.

Te llevo pa' New York un fin de semana.

I'm taking you to New York for a weekend.

Bueno, ho has fet al revés, ara.

Well, you did it the other way around now.

La segona començava bé però acabat malament.

The second one started well but ended badly.

Bueno, un polvo antes de acostarte y otro por la mañana.

Well, a quickie before going to bed and another in the morning.

Això sí, sí, perdó.

Sure, yes, excuse me.

Has d'acostar-te i quan te'n xiques.

You need to get closer and when you notice them.

Un polvo antes de acostarte y otro por la mañana.

A quickie before going to bed and another in the morning.

No hi va bé.

It's not going well.

Bueno, van al llit, foten un polvo, dormen i al matí foten un altre.

Well, they go to bed, have sex, sleep, and in the morning have another one.

Un polvo antes de acostarte y otro por la mañana.

A quickie before going to bed and another in the morning.

Però almenys entén.

But at least he/she understands.

Sí, però sembla que allò...

Yes, but it seems that...

Pim, pim, pim, pim, pim, pim, pim, pim, pim.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

Saps què vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?

A mi em dius, mira, però a mi em dius,

You tell me, look, but you tell me,

a mi em dius, a mi em dius,

you say to me, you say to me,

li fot una nata que beu arbúcies de cop.

He/she has a whipped cream that drinks goblets all at once.

Li dic, ni a New York jo et portaré arbúcies

I tell you, not even in New York will I bring you shrubs.

perquè et centris i entenguis el que és la vida normal.

so that you can focus and understand what normal life is.

Li dic, ni a New York jo et portaré arbúcies

I tell you, not even in New York will I bring you arbúcies.

perquè et centris i entenguis el que és la vida normal.

so that you can focus and understand what normal life is.

M'entens què vull dir?

Do you understand what I mean?

Però aquests nois canten això,

But these guys sing this,

a menys s'entén això que diu.

It is less understandable what he/she says.

Però què dius d'aquestes paraules?

But what do you say about these words?

Sí, sí, ja no es fan cançons com aquestes.

Yes, yes, they don't make songs like these anymore.

Va, va, va.

Come on, come on, come on.

Són molt més...

They are much more...

No entenc cap on estan.

I don't understand where they are.

A quin món ens porta el Bad Bunny?

What world does Bad Bunny take us to?

Ens porta a un món raríssim.

It takes us to a very strange world.

No s'ha de cantar aquest noi.

This boy should not be sung.

Acabo, acabo, perquè ara...

I'm done, I'm done, because now...

Hay un chorro de bobos que te tienen ganas.

There's a bunch of fools who fancy you.

Fins aquí també ho entenem.

Up to this point, we also understand it.

Hay un chorro de bobos que te tienen ganas.

There's a bunch of fools who are after you.

Pero diles que tú eres del rey como lana.

But tell them that you are of the king like wool.

O sigui, fa la conya de l'ana del rey,

So, he's making a joke about the king's wife.

però que ets meva, que soc el rei.

But you are mine, for I am the king.

Això més masclista i fastigós.

This is more sexist and disgusting.

Però d'aquí estem parlant.

But this is what we are talking about.

A veure, amiga meva de molt cor,

Let's see, my dear friend,

senyora Francis,

Mrs. Francis,

estàs fent una cançó

you are making a song

d'un reggaetonero d'aquests horrendos.

from one of those horrendous reggaeton artists.

Maluma va fer una cançó, recorda-te'n,

Maluma made a song, remember it,

que és Me las folla todas y creen por el culo,

What is "He fucks them all and they believe through the ass"?

que a mi m'és igual.

that is the same to me.

I les noies ho cantaven amb la vena que se'ls obria aquí,

And the girls sang it with the vein that opened up for them here,

que pensaves, però que no veus que està dient

What were you thinking, don't you see what he/she is saying?

que se les va follar todas como sale los huevos

that they were going to screw them all like he lays eggs

y luego se les deja tiradas?

And then they are left lying around?

Però no importa.

But it doesn’t matter.

Bueno, jo espero que n'hi hagi que no.

Well, I hope there are some that aren't.

Bueno, doncs n'hi ha uns quants d'aquests, eh?

Well, there are quite a few of these, right?

N'hi ha uns quants, ara mateix.

There are a few right now.

Doncs ja ho veus.

Well, you see.

T'agrada o no canta el J Balvin?

Do you like J Balvin's music or not?

No sé si canta.

I don't know if he/she sings.



No sé què fa aquest noi.

I don't know what this guy is doing.

Si anem escoltant tota la cançó, és clar,

If we keep listening to the whole song, of course,

és llarguíssima, potser el sentim.

It's very long, maybe we can hear it.

Perquè crec que ja queda el doble.

Because I think there is already double left.

Ja en tenim prou, ja estem prou disgustats.

We've had enough, we're already quite upset.

Saps què vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?

A mi ja me n'ha donat prou, eh?

I've already had enough of it, you know?

De bobos i de xorros i de treics.

Of fools and of idiots and of tricks.

Aquest noi s'ha fet multimilionària, eh?

This guy has become a multimillionaire, huh?

Amb aquesta veu que té.

With this voice that she has.

Tu t'imagines, quan la gent canta aquestes cançons,

Can you imagine, when people sing these songs,

saben què canten?

Do you know what they sing?

Vull dir, si és impossible, entenc.

I mean, if it's impossible, I understand.

Què diuen, si és impossible?

What do they say, if it is impossible?

És que no ho entenc.

I just don't understand it.

Saps que s'ho mengen tot?

Do you know that they eat everything?

Canten en castellà com tu i jo cantàvem en anglès

They sing in Spanish like you and I sang in English.

quan érem joves, que cantàvem inventant-nos-ho tot.

When we were young, we sang inventing everything.

Doncs això.

Well, that's it.

I aquí és on hem fet el mateix.

And here is where we did the same.

No entenc ni puta ella què diu.

I don't understand a damn thing she says.

Em sap greu acabar...

I'm sorry to end...

No, a mi m'encanta.

No, I love it.

Bad Bunny em fascina.

Bad Bunny fascinates me.

Acabar amb Bad Bunny...

Ending with Bad Bunny...

Aquest sí que va...

This one really works...

Aquest fa soroll badellant.

This one makes noise babbling.


It tells you...

Una cosa ricoixa just encertada.

A silly thing just right.















For 3 mesh...

For 3 mesh...

Algun questa viurem amb una que porta,

Some question we will live with one that carries.

乐al de petita Coca-cola a todos,

Enjoy a little Coca-Cola everyone,

o 7-up per 4,99 a cada.

or 7-up for 4.99 each.

R島 analysis de esport charges

R island analysis of sport charges

Bona nit.

Good night.

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