Talamanca Dance Party. DJ Llop & DJ Luigi Lopino. 30 anys fent ballar al poble (16-08-2024)

Esteve Llop Bassiner

Track Dance

Talamanca Dance Party. DJ Llop & DJ Luigi Lopino. 30 anys fent ballar al poble (16-08-2024)

Track Dance

Buenas noches, bienvenidos, hijos del rock and roll

Good evening, welcome, children of rock and roll.

Los saludan los aliados de la noche

The allies of the night greet them.

Bienvenidos al concierto, gracias por estar aquí

Welcome to the concert, thank you for being here.

Vuestro impulso no será ser es eléctrico

Your impulse will not be electric.

Ayúdanos a conectar, solo por ti el rock resistirá

Help us connect, only for you the rock will endure.

Bona nit i benvinguts, eh?

Good night and welcome, huh?



Benvinguts a aquesta festa de celebració

Welcome to this celebration party.

que volem fer avui

What do we want to do today?

per a la festa de celebració

for the celebration party

per a recordar 30 anys que ja fa

to remember 30 years that have already passed

que tant un servidor com DJ Luis Gilopino

that both a server and DJ Luis Gilopino

estem aquí animant-vos

we are here cheering you on

Esperem que disfruteu al nostre costat avui

We hope you enjoy being with us today.

i que balleu, sobretot, molt

and dance, above all, a lot

Ayúdanos a construir

Help us to build.

Hoy el rock and roll se hace para ti

Today rock and roll is made for you.

Ayúdanos a construir

Help us build

Hoy el rock and roll se hace para ti

Today rock and roll is made for you.

A los hijos del rock and roll

To the children of rock and roll

Bienvenidos a la festa de celebració

Welcome to the celebration party.

Bona nit

Good night

No puc derritar

I cannot melt.

Ja no sé com fer-ho

I no longer know how to do it.

M'ha arribat a les mans

It has come to my hands.

Un coti ben salcero

A very salty car.

Que ha mogut tot el mercat

What has moved the entire market

No me'l puc treure del cap

I can't get it out of my head.

Si vols aquest secret

If you want this secret

Doncs perdres-les

Then lose them.

Bona nit

Good night

canviar. No ho puc

change. I can't do it.

evitar, ja

avoid, already

no sé com fer-ho,

I don't know how to do it.

m'ha arribat a les mans

it has come into my hands

un cot i ben salcero

a very flashy car

que ha mogut tot el

that has moved everything

mercat. No me'l puc treure

market. I can't get it out of my mind.

del cap. Si vols

from the head. If you want

aquest secret, doncs

this secret, then

per tres l'has de canviar.

for three you have to change it.

No en vull saber

I don't want to know about it.



Intento no creuar-te

I try not to cross you.

la mirada.

the gaze.

No em creguis

Don't believe me.

la història, és inventada.

The story is invented.

De tu ja no em puc

I can no longer do without you.

veure res.

see nothing.

Ahir em vaig trobar a l'Aleix

Yesterday I ran into Aleix.

i em va dir que tenia cotis, posaria

And he told me that I had contributions, I would put.

info, tenia bones refes.

info, I had good leftovers.

No sabia per què, però s'ajuntava a les notis.

I didn't know why, but he/she joined the notes.

El mercat està pel manito, estàs

The market is for the little one, you are

holding. Tira la manta, peli

holding. Throw the blanket, movie

de terror, no vulguis córrer

Don't want to run in terror.

a la sort del traïdor. I és que

to the luck of the traitor. And it is that

et miro davant de la platja i

I look at you in front of the beach and

em dius que no, que no, que no

you tell me no, no, no

ho pots evitar.

you can avoid it.

Ja no saps

You don't know anymore.

com fer-ho, t'ha arribat

how to do it, has it reached you

a les mans. Un coti

in the hands. A cot.

ben salcero que ha mogut

well salsero that has moved

tot el mercat.

the whole market.

No te'l pots treure del cap.

You can't get it out of your head.

Si vols aquest secret,

If you want this secret,

per tres l'hauràs

for three you'll have it

de canviar. No en vull saber

to change. I don't want to know about it.

res. Coti per

res. Coti for

coti, coti per coti. Intento no

coti, coti for coti. I try not to

creuar-te la mirada.

to cross your gaze.

Coti per coti, coti per

Coti for coti, coti for

coti. No em crec històries

coti. I don't believe stories.

inventades. Coti per coti,

invented. Penny for penny,

coti per coti. Intento no creuar-te la mirada.

inch by inch. I try not to meet your gaze.

De tu ja no em puc creure res.

I can no longer believe anything from you.

No en vull saber res.

I don't want to know anything about it.

Intento no creuar-te la mirada.

I try not to meet your gaze.

No em crec històries inventades.

I don't believe made-up stories.

De tu ja no em puc creure res.

I can't believe anything from you anymore.



Què, ens ho anem a passar avui?

What, are we going to have fun today?

Bé, ens ho anem a passar bé avui o què?

Well, are we going to have a good time today or what?

Teniu ganes de gresca o no?

Are you in the mood for a party or not?

Doncs vinga, va!

Alright, let’s go!

Subiendo pa'bajo, bajando pa'arriba

Going up down, coming down up.

perdiendo imperdibles que tú no querías

losing safety pins that you didn't want

que a gusto en tu colchón

How comfortable on your mattress.

bañado en sudor

bathed in sweat

Me encuentro a la luna que estaba dormida

I find the moon that was asleep.

estas no son horas

these are not the hours

pregúntale al día que vamos a hacer hoy

ask him what we are going to do today

pa' darle color

to give it color

Ei, xipirón, todos los días sale el sol

Hey, squid, the sun rises every day.

xipirón, todos los días sale el sol

squid, the sun rises every day

Ei, xipirón, todos los días sale el sol

Hey, squid, the sun rises every day.

xipirón, todos los días sale el sol

squid, the sun rises every day

La pegatina aquí comiendo xipirones

The sticker here eating squid.

con los bonos botracos, señores

with the botraco bonds, gentlemen

Otra tapita más

Another little bite.

Soñando en tus plagas, perdiendo la vida

Dreaming in your plagues, losing life.

Cruzando fronteras que no eran prohibidas

Crossing borders that were not forbidden.

Hagamos el amor, lullamos tú y yo

Let's make love, you and I lull.

Qué noche más corta, que nunca termina

What a short night, that never ends.

Qué ganas de verte y comerte la vida

I can't wait to see you and eat up life.

Y ya ha llegado el sol, chispilla y calor

And the sun has already arrived, sparkle and warmth.

Ey, chispirón, todos los días sale el sol

Hey, spark, the sun comes out every day.

Chispirón, todos los días sale el sol

Chispirón, the sun rises every day.

Ey, chispirón, todos los días sale el sol

Hey, little spark, the sun rises every day.

Chispirón, todos los días sale el sol

Chispirón, the sun rises every day.

Qué ganas de verte y comerte la vida

I can't wait to see you and enjoy life with you.

No importan las horas de noche y de día

The hours of night and day do not matter.

Qué ganas de verte y comerte la vida

Can't wait to see you and enjoy life with you.

Soñando en tus plagas, perdiendo la vida

Dreaming in your plagues, losing life.

Chispirón, todos los días sale el sol

Spark, the sun rises every day.

Ey, chispirón, todos los días sale el sol

Hey, little spark, the sun rises every day.

Chispirón, todos los días sale el sol

Chispirón, the sun rises every day.

Ey, chispirón, todos los días sale el sol

Hey, little spark, the sun rises every day.

Chispirón, todos los días sale el sol

Chispirón, the sun rises every day.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Y nos fuimos en uno

And we left in one.

Fui al apartamento en privado

I went to the apartment privately.

Me pedía que le diera un concierto

He asked me to give him a concert.

Le dije que por menos de un beso no canto

I told him that I don't sing for less than a kiss.

Y nos fuimos en uno

And we left in one.

Empezamos a la una

We start at one o'clock.

Y con la nota rápido

And with the note quickly.

Nos dieron las tres

They struck three o'clock.

Perreamos toda la noche

We danced all night.

Y nos dormimos a las diez

And we fell asleep at ten.

Ando rezando la diopa

I'm praying the diopa.

Repetirlo otra vez

Repeat it again.



Que la noche sin ti duele

That the night without you hurts.

Tengo en la mente la posa

I have the pose in mind.

Y todo lo que es mío

And everything that is mine.

Que ya no quiero nada

I no longer want anything.

Que no sea contigo

Let it not be with you.



Que la noche sin ti duele

That the night without you hurts.

Tengo en la mente la posa

I have the pose in mind.

Y todo lo que hicimos

And everything we did

Que ya no quiero nada

That I don't want anything anymore.

Que no sea contigo

Let it not be with you.

Bé, bona nit als que us acabeu d'incorporar

Well, good night to those who have just joined.

Els que acabeu d'arribar per aquí a la plaça

Those of you who have just arrived here at the square

Avui m'agradaria dedicar aquesta sessió

Today I would like to dedicate this session.

A un amic íntim

To an intimate friend

Que ens va deixar ara fa 30 anys

That left us thirty years ago.

El 3 de juliol del 94

July 3, 1994

Va tenir un accident de ciclisme

He had a cycling accident.

Malauradament ens va deixar el Ferran Garcia

Unfortunately, Ferran Garcia has passed away.

Així doncs un record pel meu amic de l'ànima

So here’s a memory for my friend of the soul.

I també recordar el que dèiem

And also remember what we were saying.

Que fa 30 anys

Thirty years ago.

Un servidor va començar a punxar

A server started to poke.

Per primera vegada

For the first time

Després que el Lluís estigués indisposat

After Lluís was unwell.

Així doncs em fa molta il·lusió

So it makes me very excited.

Tants anys després tornar a estar aquí

So many years later to be here again.

Amb tots vosaltres

With all of you

I aquesta cançó us la dedico a tots vosaltres

And this song is dedicated to all of you.

Com a clam a la vida

Like a clam to life

Life is life

La vida és vida.



La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bona nit, Lluís. A veure, ens ho mereixem, no?

Good night, Lluís. Let's see, we deserve it, don't we?

30 anys aquí fent coses,

30 years here doing things,

els dos, està bé, no?

the two, is it okay, right?

No sé si voldries dedicar algunes paraules

I don't know if you would like to say a few words.

a tota la població.

to the entire population.

No, no, que estic molt content

No, no, I'm very happy.

que continuï amb mi i amb tu

that it continues with me and with you

per aquestes festes.

for these holidays.

Molt bé, doncs, felicitats!

Very well, then, congratulations!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Vinga, il·lou!

Come on, lumière!

Vinga, el·lou!

C'mon, let's go!

Espero que gaudiu del moment. Bona festa major!

I hope you enjoy the moment. Happy festival!

Bona festa major!

Happy festival!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Vinga, ara tots, eh?

Come on, now everyone, okay?

Bona nit.

Good night.

Aquesta la dediquem a la Ingrid.

We dedicate this to Ingrid.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Aquesta, evidentment, és per l'Àfrica, eh?

This, obviously, is for Africa, right?

Qui els va fer descobrir molta música, eh?

Who made them discover a lot of music, huh?

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bona nit

Good night

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Dándola para.

Giving it to.

Dándola para con la gente de los minas.

Giving it to the people of the mines.

Tenemos el piquete que a tu jefa le fascina.

We have the picket that your boss loves.

Fregamos a tu casa en guagua de doble cabina.

We scrub at your house in a double cab truck.

Te agarramos por el pecho y te doy con las cámaras.

We grab you by the chest and I hit you with the cameras.

La empoñemos pa'l demari, la metemos en la cajuela.

We put it in the trunk for tomorrow.

Tenemos el VIP casi botando candela.

We have the VIP almost bursting with excitement.

me siguen preguntando y yo les digo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que yo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo sigo que jo

they keep asking me and I tell them that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I keep that I.

que passa

What's happening?

amb una botella de gai

with a bottle of gai

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Que dans la différence

That in the difference

Pourtant, je voudrais retrouver l'innocence

However, I would like to regain innocence.

Rien n'a de sens

Nothing makes sense.

Et rien ne va

And nothing is going well for you.

Tout est chaos

Everything is chaos.

À côté

Next to

Tous mes vidéos, mes mots

All my videos, my words



Je cherche une âme qui va m'aider

I am looking for a soul that will help me.

Je suis génération

I am generation.

Des enchantées

Of the enchanted

Qui pourrait m'empêcher

Who could stop me?


To try

De tout entendre

To hear everything

Quand la raison se fond

When reason melts

À quel sens vous êtes

What sense are you?

Qui peut prétendre

Who can claim

Nous percer dans son ventre

We pierce in her belly.

Si la mort est un mystère

If death is a mystery

La vie n'a rien de tant

Life has nothing so

Si le ciel a l'air

If the sky looks


The hell

Le ciel peut bien attendre

The sky can wait.


Tell me

Qu'en s'est pensé

What has he/she thought?

Comment s'y pens

How do you think about it?

Rien n'a de sens

Nothing makes sense.

Et rien ne va

Nothing is going well for you.

Tout est chaos

Everything is chaos.

À côté

Next to

Tous mes vidéos

All my videos

Des mots d'enfer

Words from hell

Des mots abimés

Damaged words

Je cherche une âme qui va m'aider

I am looking for a soul that will help me.

Je suis une génération

I am a generation

Des enchantées

Of the enchanted ones

D'abandonovan în activitat

They abandoned the activity.

I la However

And the However

Privarien amor

They would deprive love.

A mà�at


Com puc estar en crisi

How can I be in crisis?

De la lluny

From afar

Bona nit.

Good night.

Ah, no, sí

Ah, no, yes.

Vamos a la playa, a mí me gusta bailar

Let's go to the beach, I like to dance.

El ritmo de la noche, sounds of fiesta

The rhythm of the night, sounds of party

Vamos a la playa, a mí me gusta bailar

Let's go to the beach, I like to dance.

El ritmo de la noche, sounds of fiesta

The rhythm of the night, sounds of the party.

You know we go, where the feeling is right

You know we go, where the feeling is right

You know we go, where the groove is hot

You know we go, where the groove is hot.

You know we go, where the feeling is right

You know we go, where the feeling is right.

Vamos a la playa, a mí me gusta bailar

Let's go to the beach, I like to dance.

El ritmo de la noche, sounds of fiesta

The rhythm of the night, sounds of the party.

Vamos a la playa, a mí me gusta bailar

Let's go to the beach, I like to dance.

El ritmo de la noche, sounds of fiesta

The rhythm of the night, sounds of fiesta.

Bona nit!

Good night!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Llevo aguantándome la respiración

I've been holding my breath.

Qué mierda de situación

What a fucked up situation.

Qué mierda la despedida

What a shit farewell.

Puedo besarte

Can I kiss you?

Pero no desbesarte

But don't forget to kiss you.

Yo no puedo soltarte

I can't let you go.

Sin abrirme a una herida

Without opening up to a wound.

Puedo quererte

I can love you.

Pero no desquererte

But not to stop loving you.

Porque un amor tan fuerte como tú

Because a love as strong as yours

No se olvida

It does not forget.

Quisiera que esta noche no se acabe

I wish this night wouldn't end.

Quisiera que tus besos

I would like your kisses.

Se me graben

They are recorded in my mind.

Si no te vuelvo a ver otra vez

If I don't see you again.

Quiero comerte otra vez

I want to eat you again.

Juro que nunca te olvidaré

I swear I will never forget you.

Quisiera que esta noche

I would like this night

Si no te vuelvo a ver otra vez

If I don't see you again.

Voy a comerte otra vez

I'm going to eat you again.

Juro que nunca te olvidaré

I swear I'll never forget you.

Quisiera que esta noche no se acabe

I wish this night wouldn't end.

Amores tienen y van pero no así

Loves come and go, but not like this.

Te iba a querer para siempre o casi

I was going to love you forever or almost.

Fuimos amor de verano en Madrid sin ti

We were summer love in Madrid without you.

Y la verdad no me sirve en Madrid sin ti

And the truth is that it doesn't work for me in Madrid without you.

Y por fuera

And on the outside

Dilo que estoy bien aunque adentro duela

Say that I am fine even though it hurts inside.

Déjame un beso tuyo en mi cartera

Leave me a kiss of yours in my wallet.

Que me espera

What awaits me?

Para usarlo si no puedo dormir

To use it if I can't sleep.

Quisiera que esta noche no se acabe

I wish this night wouldn't end.

No se acabe

Don't end.

Quisiera que tus besos

I would like your kisses

Se me graben

They are engraved in me.

Si no te vuelvo a ver otra vez

If I don't see you again.

Quiero comerte otra vez

I want to eat you again.

Juro que nunca te olvidaré

I swear I will never forget you.

Quisiera que esta noche

I would like this night.

Si no te vuelvo a ver otra vez

If I don't see you again.

Voy a comerte otra vez

I'm going to eat you again.

Juro que nunca te olvidaré

I swear I will never forget you.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

No puedo escucharla con los altavoces, pero sé que quiere roce.

I can't hear her with the speakers, but I know she wants to touch.

Ella sé como que no me conoce, pero la tengo en mi cama a las doce.

She knows that she doesn't know me, but I have her in my bed at twelve.

Un y en tres semanas, yo la llevo buscando lana.

And in three weeks, I've been looking for wool.

Yo tu moro y tú mi gistana.

You my Moor and you my Gipsy.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, the first baby of my life.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, the first baby of my life.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, el conjuntito le queda.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, the little outfit looks good on her.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, llegamos a la disco y se pone y habla.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, we arrive at the club and she gets ready and talks.

Nunca sola viene con dos, se me pega y noto a la glock.

Never alone, it comes with two, it sticks to me and I feel the glock.

Calladita, yo sé que no, ese culo vale un millón.

Quiet, I know it's not, that ass is worth a million.

Vamos pa' afuera, que nadie vea, como la chucha ella ronea.

Let's go outside, so no one sees, how she flirts like crazy.

The first baby of my life, el conjuntito le queda guay.

The first baby of my life, the outfit looks cool on him/her.

Take off your clothes, mami, I don't want to waste my time.

Take off your clothes, mommy, I don't want to waste my time.

The first baby of my life, el conjuntito le queda guay.

The first baby of my life, the little outfit looks great on him/her.

Take off your clothes, mami, I don't want to waste my time.

Take off your clothes, mommy, I don't want to waste my time.

The first baby of my life.

The first baby of my life.



The first baby of my life.

The first baby of my life.

¿Qué hubiera sido si antes te hubieras conocido?

What would it have been if you had met before?



Estaría bailando hasta conmigo

She would be dancing even with me.

No como amigos, sino como otra cosa

Not as friends, but as something else.

Usted cerca me pone peligrosa

You make me dangerous.

Por un besito hago cualquier cosa

For a little kiss, I'll do anything.

La novia suya me pone celosa

His girlfriend makes me jealous.

Y aunque es hermosa

And although she is beautiful

No te va a tratar como yo

He won't treat you like I do.

No te va a besar como yo

He is not going to kiss you like I do.

No está tan rica así como yo

It's not as good as I am.

Ella es tímida y yo no con esta gana que tengo yo

She is shy and I am not with this desire I have.

Me atrevo a comérmelo yo

I dare to eat it myself.

Hoy está jangueando con ella

Today he is hanging out with her.

Pero después tal vez no

But maybe not afterwards.

¿Qué hubiera sido

What would it have been?

Si antes te hubiera conocido?

What if I had known you earlier?



Estaría bailando hasta conmigo

She would be dancing even with me.

No como amigos

I don't eat as friends.

¿Qué hubiera sido

What would it have been?

Si antes te hubiera conocido?

What if I had known you earlier?



¿Qué hubiera sido

What could it have been.

Si antes te hubiera conocido?

What if I had known you before?



Estaría bailando hasta conmigo

She would be dancing even with me.

No como amigos, ey

I don't eat as friends, hey.

Y yo te veo y no sé cómo actuar

And I see you and I don't know how to act.

Bebé pa' conquistarte que me pase en el manual

Baby to conquer you what happened to me in the manual.

Espero lo que sea yo no me voy a quitar

I hope whatever it is, I am not going to back down.

Tengo fe que esos ojitos un día me van a mirar

I have faith that those little eyes will look at me one day.

Yo me caso contigo

I am marrying you.

Mi nombre suena bien con tu apellido

My name sounds good with your last name.

Estoy esperando el primer descuido

I am waiting for the first mistake.

Pa' presentarte como mi marido

To introduce you as my husband.

Yo me caso contigo

I am marrying you.

Mi nombre suena bien con tu apellido

My name sounds good with your last name.

Estoy esperando el primer descuido

I am waiting for the first mistake.

Pa' presentarte como mi marido

To introduce you as my husband

No has entendido que

You haven't understood that.

No te va a tratar como yo

He won't treat you like I do.

No te va a besar como yo

He won't kiss you like I do.

No está tan rica así como yo

It's not as good as I am.

Ella es tímida y yo no con esta gana que tengo yo

She is shy and I am not with this eagerness that I have.

Me atrevo a comerme los dos

I dare to eat both.

Hoy estás jangueando con ella

Today you are hanging out with her.

Pero después tal vez no

But then maybe not.

Si hubiera sido

If it had been

Si antes te hubiera conocido

If I had known you earlier

Ey, come on

Hey, come on



Estaría bailando hasta conmigo

He would be dancing with me too.

No como amigos, no, no, no

Not as friends, no, no, no.

Si antes te hubiera conocido

If I had known you before

Chilla, chilla, chilla, chilla

Scream, scream, scream, scream.

lay, y, ya

lay, and, already

You´re my angel and you´re my star

You're my angel and you're my star.

Yo´ll my light and you´re a shining star

You're my light and you're a shining star.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Es la fiesta!

Up! Up! It's the party!

Bienvenido a mi planeta, que la fiesta va a empezar.

Welcome to my planet, the party is about to begin.

Tecno, tecno, tecno, vamos todos a volar.

Techno, techno, techno, let's all take flight.

El sonido es mi caballo, combustible, distorsión.

The sound is my horse, fuel, distortion.

Tecno, tecno, tecno, esta es la dimensión.

Techno, techno, techno, this is the dimension.

Dimensión divertida.

Fun dimension.

Histeria, histeria.

Hysteria, hysteria.

Histeria, histeria col·lectiva.

Hysteria, collective hysteria.

Histeria col·lectiva.

Collective hysteria.



Mi rey con la gil Jackson.

My king with the Gil Jackson.

Buena luna.

Good moon.

Comple expressió.

Complete the expression.

L brakeoooh.

The brakeoooh.

Comple expressió.

Complete the expression.



小 contingidora.

Small contingent.

Comple électrano.

Complete electron.



Està passant.

It's happening.

Xt Enri.

Xt Enri.


At least.



promou c programmer.

promotes C programmer.

El que estic amb elles.

What I am with them.

Estic amb elles.

I am with them.



C Count Ips.

C Count Ips.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

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