The Xuscos capítol pilot.


The Xuscos

The Xuscos capítol pilot.

The Xuscos

Som PaintCare, i estem a prop de mantenir-ho simple.

We are PaintCare, and we are close to keeping it simple.

Fem reciclar la pintura restant fàcil, amb llocs convenients com el nostre restaurant de pintura local.

Let's recycle the remaining paint easily, with convenient places like our local paint restaurant.

Tenim tres regles simples per a pintar més còmode i reduir el desastre.

We have three simple rules for more comfortable painting and reducing the mess.

1. Compra només el que necessites.

Buy only what you need.

2. Usa el que ja tens, i 3. Recicla el restant.

2. Use what you already have, and 3. Recycle the rest.

Visita slash tres simples regles per a aprendre més, o troba un lloc de pintura a prop de tu.

Visit slash three simple rules to learn more, or find a painting location near you.

I com comencem?

And how do we begin?

Hòstia, ja em sap, no? I ja està.

Damn, you know I feel bad, right? And that's it.

The Chuscos Podcast

The Chuscos Podcast

Bé, benvinguts al primer podcast de The Chuscos,

Well, welcome to the first podcast of The Chuscos,

un món màgic de fantasia,

a magical world of fantasy,

en el qual anem a pintar.

in which we are going to paint.

I ara anem a veure què passa si intentem fer un podcast.

And now let's see what happens if we try to make a podcast.

Bàsicament és això.

Basically, it is this.

Aquí estem en Raimon i en Jaume,

Here we are with Raimon and Jaume,

germans nascuts cada un un dia diferent de la vida.

brothers born each on a different day of life.

No sé si ha començat molt bé.

I don't know if it has started very well.

Estem desentrenats de fer xous.

We are out of practice at doing shows.

Estàs aquí, Raimon?

Are you here, Raimon?

Sí, em sembla molt penós que no confiïs en tu mateix.

Yes, I find it very sad that you don't trust yourself.

Per què?


És molt trist.

It is very sad.

Què? Perquè no confiï? Per què?

What? Why shouldn't I trust? Why?

Home, sí.

Home, yes.

Sí, un bon comunicador ha de transmetre confiança en la seva penocitat.

Yes, a good communicator must convey confidence in their awkwardness.

Ja, però és que no tinc experiència en fer podcast.

Yes, but I don't have experience in making podcasts.

Com que no, tio? Ja portes no sé quants amb els jacins.

Why not, man? You've been hanging out with the Jacins for I don't know how long now.

Amb els jacins de mil rotllos.

With the jackets of a thousand rolls.

Sí, però ell és el presentador, quasi sempre.

Yes, but he is the host, almost always.

Portes tota la vida fent ràdio, Jaume, des que eres petit, amb cintes de caset.

You've been doing radio your whole life, Jaume, since you were a kid, with cassette tapes.

Quins rotllos em pots explicar a mi?

What stories can you tell me?

Portes tota la vida fent vídeos de YouTube.

You've been making YouTube videos your whole life.

Has fet espectacles en directe, 50 o més.

You have performed live shows, 50 or more.

De què em parles?

What are you talking about?

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

Estàs borratxo de tu mateix.

You are drunk on yourself.

Com t'aniria o què et passa?

How are you doing or what's wrong with you?

Sí, però és igual, és igual.

Yes, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Excuses vàries.

Various excuses.




Thank you.



I ara estem fent el primer programa pilot, o episodi zero, o com li vulguem dir,

And now we are doing the first pilot program, or zero episode, or whatever we want to call it,

que no sabem ben bé encara com serà aquest programa.

we don't quite know yet what this program will be like.

Però a mi ja m'agrada que sigui així.

But I already like it this way.

De fet, no sabíem si fer-lo...

In fact, we didn't know if to do it...

Com que tenim aquesta audiència tan milionària a Latinoamèrica,

Since we have such a millionaire audience in Latin America,

hem de fer-ho en castellà.

We have to do it in Spanish.

Però ha sortit així?

But has it turned out like this?

Però clar, és que sempre que fem els xous aquí, a Barcelona,

But of course, it's just that whenever we do the shows here in Barcelona,

sí que és veritat que fem les cançons, la majoria en castellà,

It is true that we make the songs, mostly in Spanish,

però sempre presentem en català.

but we always present in Catalan.



Així que surt una mica...

So it comes out a bit...

Ara estem parlant, perquè estem parlant, i parlem en català,

Now we are talking, because we are talking, and we speak in Catalan,

però si en algun moment ens dona per cantar,

but if at any moment we feel like singing,

per exemple, hola, bon dia...

for example, hello, good morning...

Si ens ofereixen un bon fajo de bitllets, jo m'hi vendo, eh?

If they offer us a good bundle of cash, I'm selling out, okay?



Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs, per exemple, jo vaig a recitar els Segadors,

Well, for example, I am going to recite the Segadors,

Catalunya triomfant tornarà a ser rica i plena...

Catalonia triumphant will be rich and full again...

Però si ho faig cantant, em sortirà així.

But if I do it singing, it will come out like this.

Catalunya triomfant te volverà a ser rica i llena...

Triumphant Catalonia will be rich and full again...


Do you see?

És el que em passa.

It's what happens to me.

Ara que em poso a cantar, se'm posa en castellà.

Now that I start to sing, it comes out in Spanish.


Thank you.





Però no, també tenim cançons en català, eh?

But no, we also have songs in Catalan, right?

Sí, és el que és.

Yes, it is what it is.

Tenim aquesta tan maca...

We have this one so beautiful...



Només va ser una nit, i la ranxera d'autoajuda...

It was only one night, and the self-help ranch...

Escolta, una cosa, una pregunta, per no agobiar l'audiència amb la meva tos,

Listen, one thing, a question, to not overwhelm the audience with my cough,

puc posar el mute quan tu estàs parlant?

Can I put you on mute when you are talking?

Doncs no ho sé, imagino que sí.

Well, I don't know, I guess so.

Prova-ho, a veure.

Give it a try, let's see.

I digues coses.

Tell me things.

Posa el mute i digues coses.

Put on mute and say things.

És que no ho sé, no ho veig, no veig que pugui posar el mute.

I don't know, I don't see it, I don't see how I can mute it.

Veig que hi ha un micro aquí...

I see there's a microphone here...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Si poses a sobre del micròfon aquest que hi ha aquí, posa mute.

If you put this one here on the microphone, it mutes.

A mi no em dona.

It doesn't work for me.

A mi sí.

I do.

A veure, vaig a posar el mute.

Let's see, I'm going to mute it.

Jo no et sento ara, eh?

I can't hear you now, ok?

Sí, ha funcionat el mute.

Yes, the mute has worked.

Però a tu, però a mi no.

But for you, but not for me.

En el meu no em deixa fer-ho.

In my case, it doesn't let me do it.

Fes-ho apretar a mi, ara.

Make it squeeze me, now.

Et puc posar jo el mute.

I can mute you.

És que ets tu, però...

It's just that it's you, but...

Ah, doncs quin gustasso poder-te posar el mute quan vulgui.

Ah, what a pleasure it is to be able to mute you whenever I want.

Sí, sí, però...

Yes, yes, but...

Has vist que hi ha una maneta que pots demanar al torn?

Have you seen that there is a handle that you can ask for at the turn?

Sí, però tampoc em deixa apretar-la.

Yes, but it also doesn't let me press it.

No serveix de res, estan totes dues en blau.

It's useless, both are in blue.

És perquè jo estic llogat i tu no.

It's because I am rented and you are not.

Ah, doncs podria ser.

Ah, then it could be.

No ho sé, però ja solucionaràs el tema.

I don't know, but you'll sort it out.

Sí, són coses tècniques que hi farem.

Yes, these are technical things that we will do.



Bueno, però si ens senten, tu sí que sàpiguen que així és la vida.

Well, if they hear us, they should know that this is how life is.

Sí, no passa res.

Yes, it's okay.

Tu tus, però intenta apartar-te del micròfon.

You cough, but try to move away from the microphone.

No, Raimon, aparta't del micròfon.

No, Raimon, move away from the microphone.

Que m'ho quedo dins, el moc?

Should I keep it inside, the snot?

No, home, que m'ho fego.

No, come on, I'm being serious.

No, però no crec que sigui...

No, but I don't think it is...

Sembla una pel·lida d'Adam Sandler, això, ja.

It looks like an Adam Sandler movie, this does.

Has vist l'última?

Have you seen the latest one?

Sí, tenia...

Yes, I had...

Em semblava que començava bé, però després és xuxeta.

It seemed to me that it was starting off well, but then it is a flop.

Però és més digna que altres, no?

But she is more worthy than others, right?

Home, i tant!

Of course!

Sí, sí, sí, d'entrada de la merdota que ha fet aquest tio.

Yes, yes, yes, to begin with, the crap that this guy has done.

Ha fet obres genials, obres mestres, grans merdes i cosetes interessants.

He has done brilliant works, masterpieces, great crap, and interesting little things.

I aquesta és una coseta interessant.

And this is an interesting little thing.

Ah, bueno, ja la miraré.

Ah, well, I'll take a look at it.

Encara no...

Not yet...

El Jairín Casalamón deia que era boníssima.

Jairín Casalamón said it was very good.

El Jairín Casalamón s'ho ha de fer mirar.

Jairín Casalamón needs to get it checked.

Com Little Nicky, 50 primeres cites...

Like Little Nicky, 50 First Dates...

La de Click i potser...

The one of Click and maybe...

Fa temps que no la veig, la de un padre...

I haven't seen her in a long time, the one from a father...

La primera, aquesta, quan era molt jove, un padre genial o no sé...

The first one, this one, when I was very young, a great father or I don't know...

Un padre... No, és veritat, un papa genial, sí.

A father... No, it's true, a great dad, yes.

Sí, aquesta recordo que em va agradar quan la vaig veure, però fa molts anys.

Yes, I remember that I liked it when I saw it, but it was many years ago.

La vaig veure a l'encina, o sigui que no sé si ara m'agradaria.

I saw her at the holm oak, so I don't know if I would like her now.

Ai, sí.

Oh, yes.

Bueno, jo crec que era una de les més bones, també.

Well, I think it was one of the best ones, too.

Ai, i que no és seva, però també és veritat que en la pel·li que hi ha agafada un tio que jueu,

Oh, and it's not his, but it's also true that in the movie there's a guy who's Jewish,

que compra i ven diamants...

who buys and sells diamonds...

No sé què demostra.

I don't know what it proves.

És un bon actor, que si vulguis...

He is a good actor, if you want...

Ah, però aquí estava enfadat perquè va dir que...

Ah, but here he was angry because he said that...

Això m'ho han dit, no sé qui m'ho ha dit,

Someone has told me this, I don't know who told me.

que com que no li havien donat els premis, no sé què, o no l'havien nominat,

that since they hadn't given him the awards, I don't know what, or he hadn't been nominated,

o no sé quina cosa, que no li havien reconegut el bé que havia fet els crítics o alguna cosa,

or I don't know what, that the critics had not acknowledged the good he had done or something,

s'havia cabrejat i que ara faria la pitjor pel·li de la història,

he had gotten angry and now he would make the worst movie in history,

que en principi era aquesta, la de Halloween.

that in principle was this, the one for Halloween.

Que faria la pitjor pel·li que fos capaç de fer.

What would make the worst movie I could possibly make.

I sembla que ja ha sortit aquesta de Halloween, que tampoc és tan dolent.

It seems that this Halloween one has already come out, which isn't so bad either.

Ja ha sortit prou bé.

It has turned out quite well.

Sí, però bueno, la intenció està allà.

Yes, but well, the intention is there.

Segur que la intenció no és perdre diners, o sigui que ha donat el que el públic li demana.

Surely the intention is not to lose money, so he has given what the audience demands.

Jo vam començar a mirar-la amb la mare i només comença a vomitar dalt de la bici i ja me la va fer treure.

I started to watch it with my mother and as soon as she began to vomit on the bike, she made me take it off.

Però només és aquesta escena, no té coses...

But it's only this scene, it doesn't have things...

A vegades es flipa amb les coses guarres, però en aquesta no, en aquesta no.

Sometimes you freak out about dirty things, but not in this one, not in this one.

És aquest moment i poc més.

It is this moment and little more.

A veure, avui ja seguirem.

Let's see, today we'll continue.

I, bueno, havíem dit que parlaríem de notícies d'actualitat,

Well, we had said that we would talk about current news,

amb un podcast també.

with a podcast too.

Jo crec que prefereixo...

I think I prefer...

Vull parlar del que ens roti.

I want to talk about whatever comes to mind.

Ara mateix ha sortit el Sadler i mira que maca que ha sigut la conversa.

Right now, Sadler has left and look how nice the conversation has been.

Sí, doncs sí, perquè les notícies d'actualitat ara mateix,

Yes, well yes, because the current news right now,

que tanquen els bars, seria el més preocupant.

that the bars close would be the most concerning.

Sí, que em deixen sense feina, a mi.

Yes, they leave me without a job.

Ah, sí, vaja.

Ah, yes, well.

Jo ja estic sense feina, però no passa res.

I'm already out of work, but it’s okay.

Estic preparant-me per triomfar en diversos aspectes.

I am getting ready to succeed in various aspects.

Un d'ells és el fer aquest podcast, que ens pot portar a l'èxit mundial.

One of them is making this podcast, which could lead us to global success.



Sí, sí, sí, però...

Yes, yes, yes, but...

Jo crec que l'èxit ha de començar en un mateix.

I believe that success must start within oneself.

Tu t'estimes?

Do you love yourself?

No em toco... Últimament no em toco gaire.

I don't touch myself... Lately I don't touch myself much.

Veus? És que només intentes estimar amb el sexe.

You see? It's just that you only try to love with sex.

Aquest és un dels problemes que tens.

This is one of the problems you have.

Ah, vaja, és veritat.

Oh, really, it's true.

Tu et respectes?

Do you respect yourself?







Més o menys.

More or less.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Com se sap si ens respecta?

How do we know if he/she respects us?

Bueno, pues si no s'odia un mateix, és que es respecta.

Well, if you don't hate yourself, it means you respect yourself.



I com ho sé si m'ho diu o no m'ho diu, com puc notar si m'ho diu, quins senyals hi ha?

And how do I know if he tells me or not, how can I notice if he tells me, what signs are there?

Si dius que ets tonto, que no t'enteres, que no sé què...

If you say that you're stupid, that you don't understand, that I don't know what...

Bueno, totes coses que ens diem a nosaltres mateixos.

Well, all the things we tell ourselves.

I que potser ja ni ens les diem.

And perhaps we don't even say them anymore.

A vegades sí que em dic tonto. Ai, que tonto, no sé què.

Sometimes I do think I'm stupid. Oh, how stupid, I don't know what.

Una cosa és puntualment, i una altra cosa és que sigui part del teu caràcter, de la teva personalitat.

One thing is to be punctual occasionally, and another thing is for it to be part of your character, of your personality.

Aquí és on està el símptoma preocupant.

Here is where the worrying symptom is.

No, però a més a més, sempre que em passa intento...

No, but besides that, whenever it happens to me, I try to...


I try...

No, intento que no...

No, I try not to...

Intento dir-me...

I try to tell myself...

Em renyo, em renyo...

I scold myself, I scold myself...

Ja estàs fent el que parlem.

You are already doing what we talked about.

Per exemple, dic...

For example, I say...

Hosti, que tonto ets, Jaume!

Damn, how silly you are, Jaume!

I després dic...

And then I say...

No, gilipolles, no t'has de dir tonto, saps?

No, idiot, you don't have to call yourself stupid, you know?

I així pots seguir tot el dia.

And this way you can carry on all day.





De xuscos tenim vàries cançons que els nostres fans...

We have several songs about the scraps that our fans...

Bé, ara fa temps que no toquem en directe. Quants anys deu fer que no toquem en directe?

Well, it's been a while since we played live. How many years must it be since we played live?

No ho sé, tio. Si em dius cinc et crec, si em dius tres et crec, no ho sé.

I don't know, man. If you tell me five, I believe you; if you tell me three, I believe you; I don't know.

Jo crec que tres.

I think three.

Sí, és correcte.

Yes, it is correct.

Jo crec que uns tres l'estiu de fa tres anys. O dos anys i mig, no arribarà encara a tres.

I think about three, the summer of three years ago. Or two and a half years; it won't reach three yet.

Si no comptem allò...

If we do not count that...



Tenen les familiars de Nadal.

They have the Christmas relatives.

Ah, sí, és veritat. Allò deu fer dos anys?

Ah, yes, it's true. That must have been two years ago?



No ho sé, vaig penjar el vídeo...

I don't know, I uploaded the video...



Està una mica harmonitzant...

It's a bit harmonizing...

Ho vam deixar de fer concèrcits quan estàvem a punt ja de començar a anar a teatres.

We stopped doing concerts when we were about to start going to theaters.

No sé, a triomfar, però anar a teatres on van gent ja conegudeta. Ja estàvem a punt, ja en teníem propostes.

I don't know, to succeed, but to go to theaters where people are already somewhat known. We were already ready, we already had proposals.

Doncs sí, a veure, un momentet, de xuscos... Estic mirant a veure el nostre canal...

Well, yes, let's see, just a moment, about snacks... I'm looking at our channel...

Tenim el canal Jaumes Club, que és on va néixer...

We have the Jaumes Club channel, which is where it was born...

Ui, espera, que he activat un vídeo de de xuscos,

Oh, wait, I have activated a video of junk.

sense voler. Tenim el canal Jaume's Club,

unintentionally. We have the Jaume's Club channel,

que és on vam començar

that is where we started

a posar vídeos, i després vam fer aquell altre

to put videos, and then we made that other one

que és el de de xuscos, ja per personalitzar-ho

what is it about chuscos, just to personalize it

només en aquell canal, que tampoc

only in that channel, which not either

no sé si va ser una gran idea.

I don't know if it was a great idea.

Però, bueno,

But, well,

allà està, no? I no és un canal que haguem cuidat

There it is, right? And it's not a channel that we have taken care of.

gaire. Tenim 317 subscriptors

hardly. We have 317 subscribers

només en aquell canal.

only in that channel.

I el vídeo de...

And the video of...

Sí, segur.

Yes, sure.

El vídeo d'aquest edent

The video of this edent.

és el que vaig penjar d'aquell

it's what I posted about that

dia a Nadalenc, que vam fer concerts.

Christmas day, when we held concerts.

Fa cinc mesos que ho vaig penjar,

I posted it five months ago,

però ja l'havien gravat feia un any i mig.

but they had already recorded it a year and a half ago.

Hòstia, tio.

Holy shit, dude.

Trigades tant

You took so long.

amb la producció d'això,

with the production of this,

d'aquest podcast.

of this podcast.

Què vols dir, no? No, no, això ho farem

What do you mean, right? No, no, we will do this.

de seguida, no sé.

Right away, I don't know.

L'únic que li hem de posar una miqueta de musiqueta

The only thing we need to add is a little bit of music.

i ja està. Li preguntaré al Jessin com ho fa,

And that's it. I will ask Jessin how he does it.

perquè jo no en tinc ni idea.

because I have no idea.

El típic...

The typical...

No sé ni amb què ha dit.

I don't even know what he/she said.

No sé ni amb què ha dit els podcasts, ni res.

I don't even know what he said about the podcasts, or anything.

Però bé, ho intentaré. I si aprenc a fer-ho,

But well, I'll try. And if I learn to do it,

potser el Jadín ja m'encarregarà

maybe Jadín will take care of it for me

d'editar-ho jo.

to edit it myself.

O sigui, mala cosa.

That is, a bad thing.

Mala cosa, sí. Millor que no ho senti, això.

Bad thing, yes. Better that he/she doesn't hear this.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs, a veure,

Well, let's see,

l'última cosa penjada en aquest canal

the last thing posted in this channel

de xuscos era

of scraps it was

la cançó que té d'ent,

the song that has to be in,

que ens vam gravar allà

that we recorded there

per Nadal amb els cosins.

for Christmas with the cousins.

L'actuació del castell de Palau de Plagamans,

The performance of the castle of Palau de Plagamans,

això va ser fa cinc anys.

that was five years ago.

L'actuació és la que guardo en la memòria

The performance is the one I keep in my memory.

com un bon record, un bon moment.

like a good memory, a good moment.

Sí, els nostres fans

Yes, our fans.

van poder-ho veure.

they were able to see it.

Està guai perquè no hi havia cap amic nostre,

It's cool because none of our friends were there,

tothom era desconegut i hi havia un públic molt gran,

everyone was unknown and there was a very large audience,

el lloc era gran.

the place was large.

Hi ha com a mínim que hi havia ple, ple,

There is at least that there was full, full,

o ple de persones assegudes

or full of seated people

i algunes de peu, tal,

and some standing, like this,

com es van quedar al final.

how did they end up in the end.

Jo crec que cent persones podrien quedar tranquil·lament, no?

I think that a hundred people could comfortably fit, right?

Sí, jo anava a dir dos-centes.

Yes, I was going to say two hundred.

És que jo m'he quedat curt expressament

It's just that I've intentionally fallen short.

per no flipar-me, però sí, sí, por ahí, o més.

Not to freak out, but yes, yes, around there, or more.

Sí, sí, el lloc era gran.

Yes, yes, the place was big.

I després

And then

teníem la cançó del Cántico del Guerrero

we had the song of the Warrior's Canticle

que la vam pujar, però no està del tot encara acabada.

that we raised it, but it is not quite finished yet.

Bé, jo tinc una cançó que es diu

Well, I have a song called

Mela Pelo.

Mela Hair.

Mela Pelo. Aquesta és maca, no?

Mela Pelo. This one is pretty, right?

És molt maca i... Ah, per cert, tinc una notícia per tu

She is very pretty and... Oh, by the way, I have some news for you.

que no t'havia dit, te la donaré com a primícia

What I hadn't told you, I'll give it to you as a preview.

aquí en el podcast.

here in the podcast.

Estem invitats a cantar

We are invited to sing.

en la boda del nostre fan

at our fan's wedding

número 1, Sam.

number 1, Sam.

Ah, i quan és a casa?

Ah, and when is he/she home?

No sé, d'aquí un minut.

I don't know, in a minute.

D'aquí uns mesos.

In a few months.

En ple virus?

In the midst of a virus?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Potser no, d'aquí uns mesos, qui sap, no?

Maybe not, in a few months, who knows, right?

Potser només estem amb els marcians

Maybe we are only with the Martians.

i els reptilians.

and the reptilians.

No ho sé, perquè diuen que

I don't know, because they say that

Austràlia no matarà turistes

Australia will not kill tourists.

fins d'aquí un any i mig.

until a year and a half from now.

O sigui que aquests ja veuen que això va per llarg.

So they can already see that this is going to take a while.

Els australians són gent...

Australians are people...

Sí, com sigui, estem invitats.

Yes, anyway, we are invited.

I jo tinc aquesta cançó

And I have this song.

que es diu Mela Pelo

it is called Mela Pelo

pensant en tu, nòvia.

thinking of you, girlfriend.

A veure...

Let's see...

No sé si ho tenia apuntat, això.

I don't know if I had noted that down.

O sigui que pot ser un bon moment per gravar-ho, no?

So it could be a good time to record it, right?

O sigui, gravar aquesta cançó en una boda

That is, to play this song at a wedding.

i publicar-ho ens pot donar

and publishing it can give us

una certa autenticitat, no?

a certain authenticity, right?

I dedicar-li al nòvio i a la nòvia.

I dedicate it to the boyfriend and the girlfriend.

Ah, la cançó la vas fer per ell, no?

Ah, you made the song for him, didn't you?

Sí, per ells. No, per ells, no, per ells.

Yes, for them. No, for them, no, for them.

Per tots dos.

For both.

Que maco, no? Que romàntic.

How beautiful, right? How romantic.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Vols que te la canci una mica, l'estribillo?

Do you want me to sing the chorus a bit for you?

Vols que t'ho atreveixes?

Do you want me to dare you?

Si t'ho atreveixes, endavant.

If you dare, go ahead.

Mela Pelo

Mela Hair

pensant-ho en tu, nòvia.

thinking of you, girlfriend.

Mela Pelo

Mela Pelo

no és ninguna broma, va en serio.

It's no joke, it's serious.

Mela Pelo

Mela Pelo

Hi ha molta més lletra, hi ha més fitxa.

There is much more text, there is more record.

Ah, però ja...

Ah, but already...

Em sembla que té drama, té emoció, humor...

I think it has drama, it has emotion, humor...

Sí, sí, està molt bé.

Yes, yes, it's very good.

Bueno, no sé l'humor si el trobaran, ells.

Well, I don't know if they'll find the humor, they.

Sí, sí, jo mai tant. Me la va demanar.

Yes, yes, I never asked for that. He/she asked me for it.

És una cançó feta per petició

It's a song made at request.

d'una broma que va sortir en un bar

from a joke that came up in a bar

prenent cervesa. Ah, sí?

drinking beer. Oh, really?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I em va demanar que féssim

He asked me to do.

que la fés, que la fés, que la idea era boníssima

that she did it, that she did it, that the idea was brilliant

i jo dic, vale, vale, quan em vingui

And I say, okay, okay, when it comes to me.

la inspiració la faré, i la vaig fer ja fa

I will do the inspiration, and I already did it a while ago.

dos anys o així.

two years or so.

I la sentida? No, la sentida per primer cop

And the feeling? No, the feeling for the first time.

a la seva boda.

to their wedding.

O el podcast, si l'escolta, no?

Or the podcast, if you listen to it, right?

Però no, no, no.

But no, no, no.

A poques no l'hi diré, perquè

I won't tell her in a few, because...

la sentida per primer cop a la boda...

the feeling for the first time at the wedding...

Tu imagina't el vídeo, la reacció, pot ser boníssima.

Just imagine the video, the reaction, it could be great.

Sí, ja, però clar, aquest podcast

Yes, already, but of course, this podcast

el posarem a les xarxes

We'll put it on social media.

socials, potser li dóna per escoltar-lo.

socials, maybe it gives him the chance to listen to it.

Jo no l'hi diré.

I won't tell him/her.

Bé, més que res fa que em reservo aquest moment.

Well, more than anything, it makes me hold on to this moment.

Aquí, revisant

Here, reviewing.

arxius, tenim xuscos,

files, we have bits,

cançons i idees. I diu

songs and ideas. And he/she says

una que diu, no soy nada.

one that says, I am nothing.

Aquesta no sé si ho vaig apuntar jo o tu.

I don't know if I wrote this down or you did.

No soy nada. I diu així la lletra,

I am nothing. And the lyrics say so,

que està una mica...

that is a bit...

Hòstia, és que hi ha coses molt cutres.

Damn, there are some really cheesy things.

Diu, cuando estoy sin ti no soy nada.

He says, when I'm without you, I am nothing.

O bueno, soy algo.

Oh well, I am something.

Algo debo ser. Un organismo

I must be something. An organism.

respirante. Pero no me siento

breathable. But I don't feel

gran cosa, porque tengo un complejo

big thing, because I have a complex

de inseguridad que te cagas.

of insecurity that you can't believe.

Soy el antimacho alfa. Soy un macho alfalfa.

I am the anti-alpha male. I am an alfalfa male.

Soy un macho alfalfa.

I am an alfalfa male.

Això ho havia escrit un ullo.

This was written by a fool.

Sí, està clar que sí.

Yes, it is clear that it is.

Desde el principio.

From the beginning.

Y resulta que siempre estoy sin ti porque tú odias

And it turns out that I'm always without you because you hate.

a los tíos inseguros y a los inmaduros y no soportas

to insecure guys and to the immature and you can't stand them

a los quejicas. Así que, de hecho, llevo años

to the complainers. So, in fact, I have been doing this for years.

sin ti. Solo soy un macho alfalfa.

without you. I’m just an alfalfa male.

Pero me gusta hacerlo. A la puta mierda

But I like doing it. To hell with it.

todo. Y así acaba.

Everything. And that's how it ends.

Al final es lo mejor.

In the end, it's the best.

Una altra.

Another one.

Diu, idea. Si no me importaras, no te estaría

He says, idea. If you didn't matter to me, I wouldn't be...

cantando esta puta canción. Valora el esfuerzo

singing this damn song. Appreciate the effort

que hago. Això no sé ben bé.

What should I do? I don't really know.

Em falta un sorra, ja, tio. Quin to més agressiu.

I need some sand, man. What a more aggressive tone.



Això no sé. Ho vaig escriure

I don't know. I wrote it.

el 22 de novembre del 2018. Devien ser

November 22, 2018. They must have been.

temps tan pastuosos per mi.

Such pasty times for me.

Joder. Sí, sí. És que en el to ja

Damn. Yes, yes. It's just that in the tone already


it was noted.

Després aquí tenim

After here we have

de Xuscos, Let Me by Raimon.

of Xuscos, Let Me by Raimon.

Ah. Una bonica melodia.

Ah. A beautiful melody.

La posarem. Que se senti.

We will put it on. Let it be heard.

Això és del musical de Superport.

This is from the Superport musical.

Ah, sí. Era per al musical

Ah, yes. It was for the musical.

de Superport. Que maco. Ostres.

of Superport. How nice. Wow.

Seria bo que si algú

It would be good if someone

tenim dramaturgs

we have playwrights

o algun director de teatre

or some theater director

o actors que vulguin apuntar-se

or actors who want to sign up

a aquest projecte que tenim, el musical

to this project we have, the musical

del Superport,

from the Superport,

doncs ja saben on estem, no?

So you already know where we are, right?

Que ens ho proposin i podem muntar

Let them propose it to us, and we can set it up.

alguna cosa xula. I negociant i parlem.

something cool. I negotiate and we talk.







tenim aquí una altra...

we have another one here...

Llocs on tocar. Teníem apuntat

Places to touch. We had noted down.

a un puesto que es deia De l'Abuela. Ja no sé ni on estava.

to a place called De l'Abuela. I no longer know where it was.

Però per què estem repassant

But why are we reviewing?

el llet de Xusca aquí en el podcast?

the milk of Xusca here in the podcast?

I De la Cueva del Lobo. Bueno, trobo que pot ser

From the Wolf's Cave. Well, I think it could be.

curiós pels nostres milions de fans, no?

Curious for our millions of fans, isn't it?

Home, sí, però és que ara mateix

Home, yes, but right now

està sonant molt avorrit, no?

It sounds very boring, doesn't it?

Sí? Sí, és com si els hi parlessis

Yes? Yes, it's as if you were speaking to them.

del que has comprat, però no una estoneta, no?

of what you bought, but not for a little while, right?

Portes una bona estona parlant de tota la compra.

You've spent a good while talking about the whole purchase.

Sembles la típica iaia que t'explica tot.

You seem like the typical grandma who tells you everything.

A vegades.


Ja. Doncs mira, encara faltava

Yes. Well, look, it was still missing.

bastant, no? Sí, sí, ja, ja, per això

Quite a lot, right? Yes, yes, haha, that's why.

et tallo.

I cut you off.

Però faig jo sempre parlant de l'Alan Sanders,

But I always talk about Alan Sanders.

no? És més divertit criticar-lo

No? It's more fun to criticize him.

i elevar-lo, perquè ja et dic

and elevate it, because I already tell you

que en aquella pel·li ho fa de puta mare, eh?

that in that movie she does it incredibly well, huh?

Que a mi em va sorprendre, eh?

That surprised me, you know?

Però t'agrada tant de retressat, no?

But you like to be so backward, don't you?

No, en la pel·li que no

No, not in the movie.

li van dominar. Ah, sí.

they dominated him. Ah, yes.

Pensa que deies

Think what you said

que ho feia puta mare de retressat.

that it made you a damn retard.

Sí, per exemple, ho ha fet. No, en aquesta no.

Yes, for example, it has done so. No, not in this one.

En aquesta ho fa exageradament

In this one, he/she does it excessively.

malament i

bad and

expressament, i ara entenc per què, quan tu

on purpose, and now I understand why, when you

m'ho has explicat. Ah, sí, era

you have explained it to me. Ah, yes, it was

com fer, ja que deien que no havia actuat

how to do it, since they said he had not acted

bé, doncs ara anava a fer la pitjor actuació possible.

Well, I was just about to give the worst performance possible.

Sí, sí, sí. Alguna cosa així.

Yes, yes, yes. Something like that.

Sí, sí, sí. Sí, no, ara

Yes, yes, yes. Yes, no, now.

ara ho entenc perquè jo l'he vist

now I understand because I have seen him/her

en altres perfils, sí, exagerats,

in other profiles, yes, exaggerated,

però graciós. En aquest no, el personatge

but funny. In this one, the character

no era tan graciós.

it wasn't that funny.

Bueno, si vols... Que sí, eh? Que tenia

Well, if you want... Yes, right? That I had

algo, és que tenia potencial, la pel·li, tenia potencial.

Something is that it had potential, the movie had potential.

Però és com si digués, bé, vull acabar una pel·li

But it's like saying, well, I want to finish a movie.

amb potencial i al final, a la mèdia pel·lícula

with potential and in the end, to the halfway through the film

la vaig a convertir en algo...

I'm going to turn her into something...

A mi m'agrada aquella de...

I like that one about...

Aquella que va fer de...

The one who played as...

Hazme reír, que semblava una miqueta

Make me laugh, it seemed a little bit.



Com ell mateix, no? Una miqueta.

Like him, right? A little bit.

No me'n recordo d'aquesta, no sé si l'he vist.

I don't remember this one, I don't know if I've seen it.

Era de monologuistes,

It was an era of monologists,

bueno, d'un monologuista que entra

Well, from a monologuist who comes in.

en una crisi d'identitat o alguna cosa així,

in an identity crisis or something like that,

està trist i es vol suïcidar.

He is sad and wants to commit suicide.

Hi havia un pau d'aquests argentins

There was a guy like this from Argentina.

que critiquen Sina, no sé si és

that they criticize Sina, I don't know if it is

el que coneixem o un altre molt semblat.

what we know or another very similar one.

El de Terrasubo, no és més,

The one from Terrasubo is nothing more.

o un altre similar a aquest tio.

or another similar to this guy.

Aquell és un geni, sí, aquell és un geni.

That one is a genius, yes, that one is a genius.

I hi ha un altre, em sembla que és similar,

And there is another one, I think it is similar,

o que no sé si és el mateix o és similar,

or I don't know if it's the same or similar,

que parlava d'en Sanya i deia

that spoke of Sanya and said

perquè l'odiava. I l'odiava perquè

because she hated him. And she hated him because

ell havia vist

he had seen

monòlegs seus

your monologues

abans de ser famós

before being famous

i abans de ser conegut, o sent conegut i tal,

and before being known, or being known and such,

i deia que allà demostrava

And I said that there it demonstrated

que el tio tenia molt de talent

that the guy had a lot of talent

i que després feia les merdes que feia

and then he/she did the shit that he/she did

en el cine i per això l'odiava.

in the cinema and that’s why I hated him.

Perquè el tio tenia molt de talent

Because the guy had a lot of talent.

però feia les merdes.

but it was making a mess.

Que no totes són merdes, però jo l'entenc

Not all of them are crap, but I understand him.

perquè la majoria ho són.

because the majority are.

He trobat un article

I have found an article.

que ens diu que

that tells us that

una promesa que va fer Adam Sandler

a promise that Adam Sandler made

donava a entendre que Hubby Halloween va ser feta

It implied that Hubby Halloween was made.

amb intenció de convertir-se en la pitjor pel·li de la història.

with the intention of becoming the worst movie in history.

I aquí ens expliquen

And here they explain to us.

allò que et deia jo.

that which I was telling you.

Ell va assegurar que si no li donaven a l'Òscar

He insisted that if they didn't give him Oscar.

per aquesta pel·li que va fer de Diamantes en Bruto

for this movie he made of Uncut Gems

faria la pitjor pel·li de la història

I would make the worst movie in history.

com a venjança.

as revenge.

Però no pot donar per consumada.

But it cannot be considered completed.

Però no és la pitjor pel·li, no?

But it's not the worst movie, is it?

No, però

No, but



dintre dels seus objectius

within its objectives

n'ha aconseguit divers.

He has achieved several.

Una pel·li que ja tinc

A movie that I already have.

que semblava prometedora.

that seemed promising.

No sé.

I don't know.

Ell intentava fer-la dolenta, dolenta

He tried to make her bad, bad.

però mira, li va sortir quasi bé.

but look, it almost worked out for him.

Que curiós, no?

How curious, isn't it?

Bueno, igual intentant fer bones

Well, maybe trying to do good things.



Va com va.

It goes as it goes.

Ja et dic, jo no sé, no recordo més

I'm telling you, I don't know, I don't remember anymore.

d'ell, però aquesta de la que dius

of him, but this one you mention

tinc curiositat per veure-la, però

I'm curious to see her, but

aquella de la germana Bessona

that of sister Bessona

és que ni l'he vist.

I haven't even seen him/her.

Ah, no, aquella diuen que és la pitjor que ha fet mai.

Ah, no, they say that one is the worst one ever made.

Sí, aquesta sí que crec que és la pitjor que ha fet mai.

Yes, I think this one is the worst he has ever done.

El meu és que només el tràiler ja no em crida.

Mine is that the trailer alone doesn't appeal to me anymore.

Jo crec que

I believe that

a mi la que més ràbia em fa

the one that angers me the most

és la de Niños Grandes.

It's the one from Big Kids.

Ah, sí, aquesta tampoc.

Ah, yes, this one neither.

Aquesta tampoc m'agrada.

I don't like this one either.

Que es facin una segona és com, hòsties, tio.

That they get a second one is like, damn, dude.



Hi ha una altra pel·li que no és d'aquest tio,

There is another movie that isn't by this guy,

però que també vaig veure la primera i la segona

but I also saw the first and the second

perquè vaig veure que n'havien fet com tres parts

because I saw that they had made it into like three parts

i dic, bueno, potser estan bé.

I say, well, maybe they're fine.

I dic, potser la primera no es va anar a arrencar

I mean, maybe the first one didn't go to take off.

i a la segona se'n desmadran més.

and in the second one, they will go awry even more.

Li vaig donar l'oportunitat a la segona.

I gave her a second chance.

Quina gran cagada, la de les ties aquestes que canten.

What a big mess, those girls who sing.

Ah, sí, com es deien?

Ah, yes, what were they called?

Jo tinc les tres, me les vaig comprar

I have all three, I bought them for myself.

per Apple TV.

for Apple TV.

Com es diuen?

What are they called?

En 5...

In 5...

Ai, no.

Oh no.

Hòstia, com es diuen?

Holy shit, what are they called?

Que canten a capella i hi ha aquella noia...

That they sing a cappella and there is that girl...

Sí, sí, l'anglès aquella.

Yes, yes, the English one.

L'anglès en cau simpàtic.

English seems friendly.

Sí, és graciosa, però jo dic que la pel·li...

Yes, it is funny, but I say that the movie...

Després hi ha la gorda amb bromes escatològiques.

Then there's the fat one with scatological jokes.



Bueno, no sé.

Well, I don't know.

Sí, com que li donen el paper

Yes, as they give him the paper.

que li donen al de

what they give to the one from

Resacón a Las Vegas, però en dia.

Hangover in Las Vegas, but during the day.

El paper de...

The role of...

El barbú.

The bearded one.

Pitch Perfect, que es deia.

Pitch Perfect, it was called.

Pitch Perfect, que en castellà era...

Pitch Perfect, which in Spanish was...

Dando la nota.

Making a scene.

Pitch Perfect, dando la nota.

Pitch Perfect, hitting the note.

Bueno, la primera era simpàtica,

Well, the first one was nice,

la segona crec que baixa una mica

the second I think goes down a little

i la tercera crec que encara baixa més.

And the third one, I think, goes down even more.

És que a la altra gent ni l'he vist,

It's just that I haven't seen the other people.

però la primera a sobre és un caca.

but the first one on top is a poop.

Bueno, sí, totes són caca,

Well, yes, they're all crap.

però són simpàtiques, més o menys, elles.

but they are nice, more or less, they are.

I per això, no ho sé, me les vaig comprar.

And that's why, I don't know, I bought them for myself.

Sí, sí, va ser el triumf que cridaven

Yes, yes, it was the triumph they were shouting about.

més que la pel·li.

more than the movie.

Però aquestes no tenen res a veure malalt amb Sandler, no?

But these have nothing to do with Sandler, right?

No, però ja que parlàvem de la sòfia...

No, but since we were talking about Sofia...



Home, parlant de la sòfia,

Home, speaking of Sofia,

últimament he vist

lately I have seen

alguna cosa que no m'ha agradat gaire,

something that I haven't liked very much,

que jo li vaig posar, no sé si un 4,

that I gave him, I don't know if a 4,

o sigui, ha de ser dolenta, dolenta,

that is to say, it must be bad, bad,

perquè jo saps que

because I know that

acostumo a posar...

I usually put...

Bones notes.

Good notes.

A veure, deixa'm pensar, va ser una pel·li...

Let me think, it was a movie...

No sé si del Netflix...

I don't know about Netflix...

Ah, sí!

Ah, yes!

Vampiros en Brooklyn, o alguna cosa així.

Vampires in Brooklyn, or something like that.

O Vampiros en el Bronx.

O Vampires in the Bronx.

Una cosa així.

Something like that.

Aquesta va ser.

That was it.

És com...

It's like...

Està plena de bromes

It is full of jokes.

o idees copiades,

or copied ideas,

homenatges, idees, no sé,

tributes, ideas, I don't know,

copiades de molts llocs,

copied from many places,

una mica jóvenes ocultos...

a bit of hidden youth...

Sembla molt també Stranger Things,

It also looks a lot like Stranger Things.

aquest rotllo d'Stranger Things...

this Stranger Things vibe...



No me'n recordo què més,

I don't remember what else,

la veritat, però...

the truth, however...

Mentre ho veia, sí que vaig veure

While I was watching it, I did see.

ple d'homenatges a coses.

full of tributes to things.

Li dono un 5, un passable.

I give it a 5, just passable.

Saps quina té pinta...

Do you know what it looks like...

He vist més de la meitat, eh?

I've seen more than half, right?

Però la vaig parar, però no perquè no m'agradés,

But I stopped her, but not because I didn't like her,

sinó per coses de la vida.

but due to things in life.

Està a Netflix,

It's on Netflix.

és una que és com una espècie de paròdia

it's one that is like a kind of parody

entre Resacón en Las Vegas

The Hangover in Las Vegas

i Los Juegos del Hambre.

The Hunger Games.

Resacón en Las Vegas?

The Hangover in Las Vegas?

I que és una de riure?

And what is a joke?

Sí, és una d'aquestes de riure,

Yes, it's one of those that make you laugh,

que és de paròdia, però que...

that is a parody, but that...

Jo la vaig posar pensant, bueno,

I put her there thinking, well,

a veure, si em fan riure una vegada o dues,

let's see, if they make me laugh once or twice,

ja és un èxit.

It's already a success.

Ah, sí, ja et diu...

Ah, yes, it already tells you...

Los Juegos del Resacón.

The Hangover Games.

Sí, doncs a mitjans de pel·li ja m'havien fet riure 4 o 6 vegades

Yes, well, by the middle of the movie they had already made me laugh 4 or 6 times.

i hi ha alguna tonteria d'allà que

And is there any nonsense from there that

no et fas riure, però que et fas somriure per dintre.

You don't laugh, but you do smile inside.

O sigui, sí, sí,

So, yes, yes.

a part que no només surten altres Resacons,

apart from the fact that other Resacons also come out,

també surten diversos Johnny Deeps,

several Johnny Depps also appear,

que és un altre grup

that is another group

que lluiten entre ells.

that fight among themselves.

Hòstia, que ràpid.

Holy shit, that's fast.

També surten l'oso aquest, el Ted.

They also feature this bear, Ted.



Una versió del Ted, així.

A version of Ted, like this.

I diverses coses rares, i zombis, i la de Carri.

And various strange things, and zombies, and Carrie.

Totes les tants, no sé, surten diverses.

All the dances, I don't know, come out varied.

Bueno, veig que té crítiques

Well, I see that it has reviews.



I ties entetes, ja, ja, surten ties entetes.

I get stupid girls, haha, stupid girls come out.




Think about it.

Bueno, totes les ties tenen tetes, no?

Well, all the girls have boobs, right?

Però ja surten a l'aire, fresques,

But they are already coming out into the open, fresh,

com hauria de ser.

how it should be.

Ja, però si mirem una pàgina porno

Yes, but if we look at a porn page

hub o alguna cosa així, ja veiem.

hub or something like that, we'll see.

Però és que no, perquè s'ha de considerar això porno.

But no, because this has to be considered porn.

Els tios en Instagram ensenyen les seves tetes,

The guys on Instagram show their tits,

perquè les ties, no?

because the girls, right?

Perquè hi ha una censura.

Because there is a censorship.

Exacte, exacte, és superabsurd.

Exactly, exactly, it's super absurd.



I el cine fa molt que no gasto, no?

And I haven't been to the cinema in a long time, have I?

Però no sabria quina és l'última que vaig anar,

But I wouldn't know which was the last one I went to,

la veritat.

the truth.

Jo sí, l'última que vaig anar va ser

Yes, the last one I went to was



el último refugio.

the last refuge.

De que ve un meteorit

What is a meteorite made of?

i ens mata a tots.

and kills us all.

Ah, bueno, original.

Ah, well, original.

Està bé.

It's okay.

Té original, que sembla que no tenen massa pasta,

It has an original feel, as it seems they don't have much dough.





El primer que va pagar pel plató

The first one who paid for the set.

per 18 anys,

for 18 years,

va ser el primer que va pagar per 18 anys.

he was the first to pay for 18 years.

I després va ser laothèesia.

And then it was laothèesia.

Però no n'hi ha.

But there aren’t any.

El primer que va pagar per 18 anys

The first one who paid for 18 years.

va ser la infermeria.

it was the infirmary.

I això és el que fa que que tingués

And this is what makes you have.

una fusta.

a board.

Aolnque se senten uns personatges

Although some characters feel

que veu la lluita

that sees the fight

i que és la fera.

and what is the beast.

I no hi vas havent ni aquesta lluita

And you didn't go there without this struggle.

ni els personatges que hi ha,

not the characters that are there,

ni l'espècies,

nor the species,

ni la violenta,

neither the violent,

ni tot això.

not all of this.

I és que és una lluita

And it is that it is a struggle.

que no és la que en fan els personatges.

that is not what the characters do.

I això és el que tenia...

And this is what I had...

I està bé que no siguin superhéroes,

And it's okay that they are not superheroes,

que són com...

that are like...

gent normal

normal people

que té problemes

that has problems

i que la caga

and that he messes it up

diverses vegades, això està bé

several times, this is fine

després, no sé què més dir-te

afterwards, I don't know what else to tell you

he vist la pel·li

I've seen the movie.

El Diablo a totes les hores

The Devil at all hours

aquesta estava xula

this was cool

però bueno

but well

si parlàvem de Bodrius

if we were talking about Bodrius

diria que

I would say that

Babysitter 2

Babysitter 2

no l'he vist la primera

I haven't seen him/her the first time.

la primera estava guai, a mi m'agrada

the first one was cool, I liked it

la segona tenia pinta que podia estar guai

the second one seemed like it could be cool

però em va deixar una mica

but it left me a little

no tan com la del Ben Sandler

not as much as Ben Sandler's

aquesta de Halloween

this one for Halloween

però li donaria un 6

but I would give it a 6

però per simpatia

but out of kindness

perquè la primera m'agrada molt

because I really like the first one

però és de riure o és de terror?

but is it funny or is it scary?

bueno, de gore

well, of gore

de gore graciós

of funny gore

i has vist

I have seen.

Feliz Día de Tu Muerte?

Happy Death Day?


a mi la primera em va semblar super bona

The first one seemed super good to me.

a mi em va semblar que estava bé la primera

I thought the first one was good.

i ara he vist la segona

And now I have seen the second one.

que està

that is

em sembla que és Amazon Prime

I think it's Amazon Prime.

i la segona fa por

and the second one is scary

baixa molt el nivell

lowers the level quite a bit

si a l'altra li vaig donar un 8

if I gave the other one an 8

aquesta li dona un 6

this one gives her a 6

és un rotllo destino final

it's a final destination drag

que la primera està bé

that the first one is fine

i després les altres...

and then the others...

en realitat comença molt bé

in reality it starts off very well

i és una mica com Reso Futuro

and it's a bit like Reso Futuro

que es mesclen també

that blend together as well

quan Reso Futuro 2

when I solve Future 2

que utilitzen escenes de la primera

that use scenes from the first

i es mesclen amb les noves

and they blend with the new ones

això ho fan molt

they do this a lot

però clar, ja comencen a explicar

but of course, they are already starting to explain

per què va passar

why it happened

i li donen un toc

and they give him a tap

potser massa de comèdia juvenil

perhaps too much youth comedy



massa exagerat

too exaggerated

i sembla que no saps si estàs veient això o Glee

It seems that you don't know if you are watching this or Glee.

és una cosa que dius

it's something you say

no deixava de ser una pel·li

it was still just a movie

d'aquestes d'adolescents

of these teenagers

sí, però aquí era massa

yes, but it was too much here

han passat amb el to adolescent

they have passed with the adolescent tone

exagerat, i moltes bromes tontes

exaggerated, and a lot of silly jokes

la primera crec que tenia un punt

I think the first one had a point.

un bon equilibri entre

a good balance between

rotllo viernes 13 assassins

Friday the 13th assassins

i tal, i diversió

and such, and fun

però aquesta no

but this one not

parlant d'aquest tipus de pel·lis

talking about this type of movies

ara també me'n recordo

now I remember it too

que vaig veure al Filmin

that I saw on Filmin

una que es diu

one that is called

Tu eres el asesino

You are the killer.

aquesta està molt xula

this one is very cool

tracta d'això

it deals with this

un paio que es troba

a guy who finds himself

enmig d'un campament ple de sang

in the middle of a camp full of blood

i tots els seus col·legues morts

and all his dead colleagues

com si fos viernes 13

as if it were Friday the 13th

i truca a la col·lega

And call the colleague.

a una amiga que està treballant

to a friend who is working

a un supermercat

to a supermarket

i l'amiga li diu

and the friend says to her

potser eres tu mateix

maybe it's you yourself

el que els ha matat

what has killed them

i a partir d'aquí es comença

And from here it starts

a desentrallar el misteri

to unravel the mystery

de què ha passat

of what has happened

em va semblar bastant divertida

I found it quite funny.

molt bé, me l'apunto

Very good, I'll note that down.

sí, apunta, apunta

yes, note it down, note it down

a part d'això

apart from this

vaig veure la pel·li del Pau Donés

I saw the movie about Pau Donés.

aquest testament

this will

sí, jo tinc ganes de veure-la

Yes, I am looking forward to seeing her.

trista, però bé

sad, but okay

en realitat

in reality

el Pau Donés ja ha dit tot el que volia

Pau Donés has already said everything he wanted.

l'altre sembla més com allargar

the other seems more like stretching

en mitja hora

in half an hour

el Pau Donés ja ha dit tot el que volia dir

Pau Donés has already said everything he wanted to say.

i després la resta és més

and then the rest is more

l'altre estirant-li una mica la corda

the other pulling the rope a little

però bé

but well

molt trist la veritat

very sad the truth



no sé

I don't know.

jo no estic segur que sigui tan trist

I'm not sure it's that sad.

no l'he vista, però

I haven't seen her, but

intentant no potenciar el tema del llacrimògen

trying not to amplify the topic of the tear gas



però bé

but well

però és trist

but it is sad

et quedes una mica...

you stay a little...

surts tocadet de veure la pel·li

you come out a bit affected after watching the movie

però no crec que sigui la intenció del Pau Donés

but I don't think that is Pau Donés's intention

no, no ho és

no, it isn't

però tu el veus, la primera imatge

but you see it, the first image

només apareix que està extremadament

it only appears that it is extremely



molt més que...

much more than...

si clar, si no ho havia vist

Yes, of course, I hadn't seen it.

però el primer impacte

but the first impact

i parlant així amb aquella veu

and speaking like that with that voice

sí, a més que no té la veu normal

yes, moreover he doesn't have the normal voice

està més fotut

it's more messed up

i quan comença a parlar

And when does he/she/it start to speak?

del tema que

of the topic that

sap que es va morir i tal

he knows that he died and such

et quedes com mut

you remain silent

i després

and then

et poses una miqueta més

you put yourself a little more

rius i tot, algunes coses que diu

rivers and all, some things he/she says

tu ja saps que jo

you already know that I

i la mort

and death

a mi sempre m'ha agradat parlar-ne

I have always enjoyed talking about it.

encara que també

although also

em remogui coses

it stirs things up

i em faci sentir incòmode

and make me feel uncomfortable

però sempre ha sigut un tema que em sembla una tonteria

but it has always seemed to me a silly topic


to hide it

que s'ha de parlar

that must be discussed

i que em sembla

and it seems to me

un gran regal que ens va fer abans de marxar

a great gift he gave us before leaving

parlar sobre aquest tema

talk about this topic

i com ho estava vivint una persona

and how a person was living it

que realment sabia que en una setmana

that I really knew that in a week

o pocs dies anava a morir

I was going to die in a few days.

i que deia i que feia i com vivia

and what I said and what I did and how I lived

em sembla interessant

I find it interesting.

i el tio disfrutant de la vida

and the guy enjoying life

dintre de les seves possibilitats

within its possibilities

i dintre de la putada

and inside the mess

de les petites coses

of the small things

com la cançó que canta

like the song she sings

la cançó final es queda al cap

The final song sticks in the head.

té cançons molt bones aquest tio

this guy has very good songs

a mi la de humo

the smoke one

llibita i diverses

free and diverse

però aquestes són potser les meves que faria

but these are perhaps the ones I would do

humo està molt guai

smoke is really cool

humo m'agrada molt

I really like smoke.

ah si humo està molt bé

Oh yes, smoke is very good.

i la d'aigua i set aquestes

and the water and seven of these

les clàssiques també

the classics too

la flaca és que

the downside is that

a mi m'agrada la d'oscur

I like the dark one.

si no en té diverses

if you don't have several of them

que més té

what else does it have

ja he posat

I have already put.

l'altre dia vaig estar escoltant

The other day I was listening.

la Petito

the Petito

ah si a lo loco

oh yes, like crazy

amb la feria cru

with the raw fair

i aigua

and water

aigua l'has dit no?

You said water, right?

no l'has dit tu però si

you haven't said it but yes

déjame vivir

let me live

aquesta potser no l'he sentit

I might not have heard this one.

ja la buscaré

I will look for it later.

jo crec que si

I think so.

la et sonarà quan la sentis

It will ring for you when you hear it.

el veus a la peli

you see him in the movie

i dius aquest tio

and you say this guy

és el nou Jesucristo o algo

Is he the new Jesus Christ or something?

per mi

for me

per les coses que diu

for the things he/she says

per mi no sé

for me I don't know

són aquestes històries que passen a la vida

these are the stories that happen in life

i que la gent li dóna importància

and that people take it seriously

i que a tu casualment també et toquen

and that you also happen to get them

si no i si

if not and if

em sembla molt important

I think it's very important.

parlar de la mort

talking about death

de fet faria un post sencer

In fact, I would make a whole post.

parlant de la mort

talking about death

i les experiències de la mort

and the experiences of death

i tot el que puguem dir sobre la mort

and everything we can say about death

ens va deixar

he/she left us

el mini de l'astrolavi

the mini of the astrolabe

però quan fa d'això?

but how long ago was that?

ja fa un any no?

It's been a year, hasn't it?

no fa tant

not so long ago

és que ha passat volant

It has flown by.

fa només uns pocs mesos

only a few months ago

va ser el primer

he was the first

ens va obrir les portes

he opened the doors for us

i sempre ha sigut molt agradable

and it has always been very pleasant

i molt amable amb nosaltres

and very kind to us

i em consta que amb tu encara més

And I know that with you even more.

perquè deu tenir més relació

because it must have more to do with

tu vas anar molt més a aquell bar

you used to go to that bar much more


però sempre una persona d'aquestes

but always a person like this

que estaves al seu costat

that you were by their side

i et senties a gust

and you felt comfortable

no et senties

you didn't feel

fa cinc mesos que va morir

He died five months ago.

va córrer

he/she ran



doncs sí

so yes

i ara

and now

no sé què hi ha

I don't know what's there.

no sé si l'astrolavi encara existeix

I don't know if the astrolabe still exists.

l'astrolavi com a tal no

the astrolabe as such no

però no sé si encara hi ha un bar allà

but I don't know if there is still a bar there

jo crec que sí que encara hi ha un restaurant

I believe there is still a restaurant.

un rotllo de coronavirus també

a roll of coronavirus too

sòlia no te la puta

"Don't give a damn about the floor."

perquè és que

because it is that

no sé

I don't know.

tu què penses d'això?

What do you think about this?

creus que hi ha una conspiració xunga

Do you think there is a shady conspiracy?

darrere de tot això?

behind all this?

té raó Miguel Bosé

Miguel Bosé is right.

home el primer que hem de

man is the first thing we have to

tindre clar a tots

to make it clear to everyone

és que creiem el que creiem

it's that we believe what we believe

ens sortem o ens equivoquem

do we succeed or do we make a mistake

però són creences

but they are beliefs

no en tenim ni puta idea

we have no fucking idea

són creences

they are beliefs

sí i que encara que encertis

yes, and even if you get it right

moltes vegades tenim tendència a recordar

many times we tend to remember

les que ens sortim segons el tipus de personalitat

those of us who stand out according to personality type

al contrari només recordes les que

on the contrary, you only remember the ones that

t'equivoques perquè ets un pessimista

You are mistaken because you are a pessimist.

o recordes només les que encertes perquè

or you only remember the ones you get right because

ets un tio que vol creure que ho sap tot

you are a guy who wants to believe that he knows everything

però tenim aquesta tendència

but we have this tendency

a oblidar, a omitir

to forget, to omit

les que ens sortim

those of us who stand out

si ets pessimista les que t'equivoques

if you are pessimistic, you are the one who is wrong

si ets optimista

if you are optimistic

per fer un grup bàsic

to form a basic group

però bueno tot són creences i des de la meva pròpia

but well, it's all beliefs and from my own perspective

creença crec que tot és possible

I believe that everything is possible.

pot ser que hi hagi una conspiració sí

It could be that there is a conspiracy, yes.

però crec que més aviat és com una pilota

but I think it's more like a ball

que els ha arribat putant i que aprofiten

that they have arrived by screwing and that they take advantage

l'inentesa per fer coses

the intention to do things



tots, ja se senten tots

everyone, they can all be heard now

en una taula i fan plans malèfics

at a table and they are making evil plans



ho fan

they do it

alguns poderosos adinerats

some wealthy powerful individuals

i polítics que estan com xavats

and the politicians who are like idiots

i tot això

and all that

però que no

but no

no és tant ni tan poc

it's not that much nor that little

o sigui que passa però que

so it happens but that

moltes vegades creiem que passa més

Many times we believe that it happens more.

del que passa realment

of what really happens

jo a vegades veig a la gent com se n'enfot

I sometimes see people making fun of it.

del Miguel Bosé que primer

from Miguel Bosé that first

el Miguel Bosé té pinta de que

Miguel Bosé looks like he

no està bé ara

it's not good now

que està passant un mal moment

that is going through a tough time

que a algú li passa greu

that something serious happens to someone

i no en plan de fotre'n d'ell

and not in a way of making fun of him

sinó que se veu que no està bé

but it is clear that he/she is not well

és evident que Miguel Bosé tu el veies parlant abans

It is obvious that you saw Miguel Bosé speaking before.

i parlava d'una forma intel·ligent i normal

and spoke in an intelligent and normal way

i el veus ara i està alienat

And you see him now and he is alienated.

la pinça

the clip

és com si hagués passat per una popleja o alguna cosa

It's as if I had passed through a crowd or something.

sí, sembla que li hagi donat un atac o alguna embòlia

Yes, it seems like he/she has had an attack or some kind of stroke.

jo sí, però jo ho dic

I do, but I say it.

honestament, no sé el que li ha passat

Honestly, I don't know what happened to him/her.

però sembla

but it seems

bueno, aquí diuen que

well, here they say that

com que estimava molt aquella noia la Bimba

since he loved that girl Bimba very much

ah, hòstia sí, és veritat

Ah, damn yes, it's true.

la Bimba potser li ha fotut una bona hòstia

Bimba may have given him a good slap.

i després la seva mare també va morir

And then her mother also died.

estava molt bonic també

it was very beautiful too

va morir pel coronavirus

he died from the coronavirus

i també diuen que

and they also say that

al principi es va volcar amb els metges i infermeres

At first, he/she poured himself/herself into the doctors and nurses.

feia donacions de mascarilles

he was donating masks

no sé, que estava com molt volcat

I don't know, I was very focused.

en ajudar en aquest tema

in helping on this matter

i després va fer com un canvi

and then he/she made like a change

un clic, que se li va anar la pinça

a click, he lost his mind

i va començar amb això

and it started with this

però va ser tota una mica real

but it was all a bit real

aquestes coses dolentes que li han passat

these bad things that have happened to him/her

però igualment, el que jo volia dir

but nonetheless, what I wanted to say

és que quan veig gent rient-se d'ell

it's that when I see people laughing at him

també penso

I also think.

és que a veure

it's that, let's see

tu t'estàs rient d'alguna cosa que tampoc saps

You are laughing at something you also don't know.

si ell té raó o no la té

whether he is right or not

t'estàs rient simplement

you're just laughing

perquè diu unes coses

because he/she says some things

que és que no tens proves tampoc

What is it that you don't have any evidence either?

que no siguin certs

that they are not true

ell simplement està dient una sèrie de coses

he is simply saying a series of things

que dubta d'això i d'allò

who doubts this and that

però els que

but those who

afirmen el contrari

they claim the opposite

només es creuen el discurs oficial

they only believe the official narrative

simplement tenen tota la fe posada

they simply have all their faith placed

en el que els diuen

in what they call

del govern

of the government

o dels periodistes

or of the journalists

i tot això

and all this

aquest clima que crea en una opinió

this climate that creates an opinion

però fa poc vaig

but recently I went

jo no miro gaire la tele

I don't watch TV much.

em refereixo a temes d'actualitat

I'm referring to current affairs.

notícies i tal, ho miro de tant en tant

news and stuff, I check it from time to time

fa el que et convé

do what suits you

per l'època en què estem també

for the time we are in as well

però no ho miro gaire

but I don't watch it much

però fa poc vaig posar la tele a la primera

but recently I turned on the TV to channel one

i a la primera

and to the first

hi havia un tio que ara

there was a guy who now

presenta com un programa d'actualitat

presents as a current affairs program

d'aquests que parlen de polítics

of those who talk about politicians

i li entrevistaven

and they interviewed him/her

a un tio

to a guy



deia diverses coses

said several things

i una de les coses que deia

and one of the things that he/she said

parlo des de la meva horrible memòria

I speak from my terrible memory.

però venia a dir que molts dels casos

but I came to say that many of the cases

que deien de coronavirus

what they said about coronavirus

eren d'altres malalties

they were from other diseases

i que també pel tema del coronavirus

and also because of the coronavirus issue

moltes malalties normals

many normal diseases

no s'estaven tractant

they were not being treated

i estaven entrant en el sac del coronavirus

and they were entering the sack of the coronavirus

s'implicaven les xifres del coronavirus

the figures of the coronavirus were involved

i ell portava dades i coses

And he brought data and things.

que deia

what he/she said

que s'havien publicat aquí

that had been published here

i allà a llocs oficials

and there in official places

i en aquella puta taula

and at that fucking table

de sis persones que en teoria són intel·ligents

of six people who are theoretically intelligent

periodistes, professionals

journalists, professionals

o especialistes

or specialists

que haguessin invitat allà

that they would have invited there

l'única resposta que li van donar va ser

the only answer they gave him was

dir-li negacionista

to call him a denier

és l'única resposta que li van donar

It is the only answer they gave him.

en comptes de dir

instead of saying

no, vostè ha agafat aquests dades

No, you have taken this data.

però són autèntics

but they are authentic

és negacionista

he is a denialist

cap dels fills d'aquesta taula

none of the children at this table

i és com, escoltin

And it's like, listen.

si aquest tio s'equivoca

if this guy is wrong

doncs demostreu-me que s'equivoca

then show me that he is wrong

però no li dieu negacionista perquè això no demostra res

but don't call him a denier because that doesn't prove anything

bueno, és això

well, that's it

quan algú

when someone

moltes vegades

many times

quan algú diu una opinió equivocada

when someone expresses a wrong opinion

o quan algú s'equivoca fins i tot

or when someone makes a mistake even

amb una falta d'ortografia a internet

with a spelling mistake on the internet

o qualsevol cosa, el que fa molta gent

or anything, what a lot of people do

és en fotre's d'ell, en riure-se'n

it's about making fun of him, laughing at him

o jo què sé, o atacar-lo

or I don't know, or attack him

amb el qual no aconsegueixes que la persona

with which you do not manage to get the person

ni canviï

nor change

la seva falta d'ortografia

his/her spelling mistakes

o la seva opinió equivocada

or your mistaken opinion

ni l'ensenyes a que aprengui alguna cosa

nor do you teach him to learn something

la gent no és didàctica

people are not didactic

per ensenyar-te

to teach you

moltes vegades hi ha persones que no saben expressar-se bé

Many times there are people who do not know how to express themselves well.

jo soc una persona que si estic nerviosa

I am a person who, if I am nervous.

no em sé expressar bé

I don't know how to express myself well.

i si estic calmat m'expresso molt millor

And if I am calm I express myself much better.

i noto la diferència

I notice the difference.

i llavors moltes vegades es fixen

and then many times they notice

en això que tu dius, en els petits errors

in what you say, in the small mistakes

en el teu comentari

in your comment

i en comptes d'estar amb la intenció d'intentar entendre't

And instead of being with the intention of trying to understand you

intentar entendre't no vol dir creure't

trying to understand you doesn't mean believing you

si no vol dir dintre del seu món

if it doesn't mean inside its world

de la pel·lícula que m'estàs explicant

of the movie you are telling me about

doncs entendre'l, igual que quan mires una pel·li

so understanding it, just like when you watch a movie

d'un assassí

of a murderer

que no estàs d'acord amb la seva política

that you do not agree with his policy

però expliques la seva pell i l'intentes entendre

but you explain her skin and try to understand it

com l'aníbal Lecter o coses així

like Hannibal Lecter or things like that


he/she understands it

en comptes de tindre aquesta actitud d'intentar entendre

instead of having this attitude of trying to understand

què vol dir

what does it mean

i intentar extreure't del que vol dir

and try to get you out of what it means

a través de preguntes, busca en qualsevol error

through questions, look for any errors

en el teu argument

in your argument

o en la teva forma d'expressar-te

or in the way you express yourself

o en la teva pròpia confusió

or in your own confusion

que en aquell moment estàs intentant explicar

that at that moment you are trying to explain

que potser no has expressat mai

that perhaps you have never expressed

i és la primera vegada que ho intentes expressar

And it is the first time you try to express it.

i com que cometràs errors

and since you will make mistakes

et dediques bàsicament a buscar l'error

you basically dedicate yourself to finding the error

no a buscar el contraargument

not to look for the counterargument

no a intentar entendre què vols dir realment

not trying to understand what you really mean

hi ha pocs periodistes que facin això

There are few journalists who do this.


o entrevistadors en general

or interviewers in general

tu creus que el Jordi Ébola

Do you think that Jordi Ébola?

creus que ho fa?

Do you think he's doing it?

com tothom té els seus cantons

just like everyone has their corners

els seus punts secs

its dry points

el Jordi Ébola és dels millors que he vist

Jordi Ébola is one of the best I have seen.

jo crec que sí que sap fer bones entrevistes

I think he/she does know how to conduct good interviews.

per exemple, algun que m'agradava molt

for example, someone I liked a lot

però en el seu nou programa no m'agrada

but in his new program I don't like it

és el Risto

it's Risto

en les entrevistes que feia del sofà de Risto

in the interviews he did from Risto's sofa

m'agradava la forma que feia les entrevistes

I liked the way he/she conducted the interviews.

els tractava bé

he treated them well

però en el programa aquest de tu és mentida

but in this program of yours it is a lie

que al principi m'agradava

that I liked at first

després he vist coses que també

afterward, I have seen things that too

una vegada vam portar un tio

one time we brought a guy

amb arguments i contraarguments

with arguments and counterarguments

no en dir-li

not telling him/her

tonto intel·ligentment

intelligently silly

és que estic segur que per exemple

it's just that I'm sure that for example

en aquest programa del qual et parlo

in this program I’m talking about

que van entrevistar el Roman no sé què

that interviewed Roman I don't know what

un tio de youtuber

a YouTube guy

ah sí sí, Roman

Ah yes yes, Roman

ja t'ho diré, Roman no sé què

I'll tell you, Roman I don't know what.

a aquest tio li tinc amor-odi

I have a love-hate relationship with this guy.

però la veritat és que és un tio

but the truth is that he's a guy

que de tant en tant

now and then

veus que persones que el tracten amb respecte

you see that people treat him with respect

escolta i contraargumenta

listen and counter-argue

i si són persones intel·ligents

and if they are intelligent people

que també li contraargumenta

that also counters him

de forma intel·ligent es calla i escolta

Intelligently, he/she stays silent and listens.

Roma Gallardo

Roma Gallardo

sí, té els seus moments

Yes, it has its moments.

i fa els vídeos amb certa

and makes the videos with a certain

massa ràbia

too much anger

és un antifeminista

he is an anti-feminist

sí sí

yes yes

també hi ha feministes que és per tancar-les

there are also feminists who want to close them

però clar, fica el sac a totes

but of course, put the bag in all

però ell tampoc fica el sac a totes

but he doesn’t put the bag in all of them either

simplement que té aquesta actitud de provocadora

simply that she has this provocative attitude

que per mi em sobra, no fa falta provocar

What I'm left with is enough for me; there's no need to provoke.

sembla Sandokan

it looks like Sandokan

es veu que també li han passat coses

It seems that things have also happened to him/her.

segons ell, es veu que també l'han denunciat

According to him, it seems that he has also been reported.

falsament i per aquí potser ve la seva ràbia

falsely and perhaps this is where his rage comes from

és una mica cunyau, no?

He's a bit of a jerk, isn't he?

no li diria cunyada

I wouldn't call her sister-in-law.

perquè crec que aquest tio té prou intel·ligència

because I think this guy has enough intelligence

per no considerar-lo cunyau

for not considering him a brother-in-law

sembla una mica Jesucrist cunyau

it looks a bit like Jesus Christ, cousin

sí que potser a vegades es tracta

yes, perhaps sometimes it is about

els entrevistats per ell mateixos al carrer

those interviewed by him on the street

com si fossin tontos del cul

like they were fools of the ass

i amb poc respecte

and with little respect

i a mi això no m'agrada

I don't like this.

és que se li veu un ego com una catedral

It's that you can see an ego as big as a cathedral.

té més ego que músculs

he has more ego than muscles

mira que el tio està fornit

look that the guy is built

és com un peixón momo

it's like a goofy pigeon

més o menys

more or less

amb aquestes grenyes

with these braids

la barba i tot

the beard and everything

has vist el Jordi Wild aquest alguna vegada a YouTube?

Have you ever seen Jordi Wild on YouTube?

qui és el Jordi Wild aquest?

Who is this Jordi Wild?

un youtuber català però fa vídeos en castellà

a Catalan YouTuber but makes videos in Spanish

Jordi Wild com de salvatge

Jordi Wild as a savage

està a catxes

it's in hiding

i aquest l'ha entrevistat

and this one has interviewed him/her

una entrevista que li va fer de dos hores

an interview that lasted two hours

o tres

or three

i fa uns vídeos

a few videos ago

el Jordi Wild jo diria que és el Pepe Navarro de YouTube

I would say that Jordi Wild is the Pepe Navarro of YouTube.

perquè fa un canal

because it makes a channel

de tot variat

of all kinds



parla de qualsevol tema

talk about any topic

de ciència, de feminisme, de cabres

of science, of feminism, of goats

de tot

of everything

i en realitat

and in reality

ho fa entretingut

it makes it entertaining

només li falta un Crispin Klander i seria perfecte

it just needs a Crispin Klander and it would be perfect

ara que has dit

now that you have said

Pepe Navarro

Pepe Navarro

has vist la sèrie La Veneno?

Have you seen the series La Veneno?

l'estàs veient?

Are you watching it?

és una obra mestra

it is a masterpiece

val la pena veure-la

it's worth seeing her.

de veritat?


és una obra mestra

it is a masterpiece

en sèrio?


on ho veus tu això?

How do you see this?

amb xanxollets

with little kids

això és antena 3

this is antenna 3



la 3 media

the 3rd grade

paga 4 o 5 euros al mes

pays 4 or 5 euros a month

però hi ha formes

but there are forms

això no ho podem dir

we cannot say this

jo dic que hi ha formes

I say that there are forms.

però hi ha formes de matar

but there are ways to kill

jo no dic que ningú mati a ningú

I do not say that anyone should kill anyone.

hi ha formes com ara pagar la subscripció

there are ways such as paying the subscription



o anar a casa d'un amic

or go to a friend's house

que ho paga

who pays for it

això també és veritat

this is also true

jo crec que

I believe that

podem anar

we can go

no sé si anar tancant ja el programa

I don't know if I should start closing the program now.

tu què dius?

What do you say?

home no sé

I don't know.

portem quasi tres quarts

we have been here for almost three quarters of an hour

tres quarts d'hora

three quarters of an hour

posarem una cançoneta de xuscos al final

We will put a little song of xuscos at the end.

qui no t'agradaria que poséssim per

Who wouldn't you like us to put in?

amb la primera temporada de Malaïs Malparit

with the first season of Malaïs Malparit

vam posar a cada episodi

we placed in each episode

una cançó de xuscos

a song of xuscos

i no està mal

and it's not bad

la idea em sembla bona

I think the idea is good.

crec que podríem repetir-la

I think we could repeat it.

però si vols comentem una miqueta

but if you want we can comment a little

que hem d'inventar

that we have to invent

primer triem-la

first let's choose her

anem per ordre

let's go in order

de xuscos

of scraps


we take out

quina seria la teva preferida?

Which one would be your favorite?

no en tinc una

I don't have one.

jo no sé

I don't know.

realment les meves preferides

really my favorites

són les que fan reaccionar al públic

they are the ones that make the audience react

podríem començar

we could start

amb la de Clowns in the Closet

with Clowns in the Closet

i explica una mica

and explain a little

com va sortir aquesta cançó

how did this song come about

aquesta va ser màgica

this was magical

que havíem gravat

that we had recorded

i publicat per ai

and published by AI

era un fitany

he was a fool

o algo així

or something like that

em sembla que era fitany

I think it was Fitany.

ja havíem sopat

we had already had dinner

ja havíem pres el raïm

we had already harvested the grapes

ja havíem begut el cava

we had already drunk the cava

i totes les coses que s'havien de beure

and all the things that had to be drunk

però no anàvem borratxos

but we weren't drunk

anàvem amb el contentillo pujat

we were quite happy

jo vaig agafar la guitarra

I picked up the guitar.

i vaig començar a improvisar una mica

I started to improvise a bit.

estàvem parlant

we were talking

mentre jo tocava no tocava res

while I played nothing was played

amb els tres i tal

with the three and such

i de sobte vaig començar a fer veu

And suddenly I started to make a sound.

així com de

as well as from

amb el ritme que estava tocant

with the rhythm that was being played

de sobte se'm va vindre

suddenly it came to me

tota una pel·lícula

a whole movie

vaig començar a improvisar

I started to improvise.

van sortir dues o tres frases

two or three sentences came out

que ens va fer gràcia

that we found funny

i després ens va vindre

and then he/she came to see us

tota la pel·lícula

the whole movie

de com ho interpretaríem

how we would interpret it

la lletra com la vam fer?

How did we make the letter?

jo vaig improvisar tot això

I improvised all this.

i després no sé si

and then I don't know if

després a casa vaig seguir improvisant

then at home I kept improvising

i després ho vaig compartir amb tu

And then I shared it with you.

i ho vam escriure entre els dos

and we wrote it together

aquesta és de les que no val la pena

this is one of those that isn't worth it

discutir qui l'ha escrit

discuss who wrote it

perquè és entre els dos

because it is between the two

o sigui que té que ser el mèrit compartit

so it has to be the shared merit

aquesta sí

this one yes

per exemple aquest event

for example this event

que és un dels nostres kits

that is one of our kits

és el meu

it's mine

sí, aquesta la vas fer tu sol

Yes, you did this alone.

jo sol solet sí

I alone, yes.

i el moradín

and the little purple one

que anava de super transgressius

that was super transgressive

li va semblar massa bèstia

it seemed too brutal to him/her

això m'ho havies dit

you had told me that

que el moradín no s'atrevia a tocar-la

that the moradín did not dare to touch her

sí sí sí

yes yes yes

què t'he dit?

What did I tell you?

jo posaria aquesta

I would put this one.

però és que hem dit

but we have said

les pallassos

the clowns

i tu què recordes?

And what do you remember?

com recordes aquesta cançó de les pallassos?

How do you remember this song by the clowns?

quins són els primers records que tens?

What are your earliest memories?

jo recordo això

I remember that.

que estàvem allà

that we were there

no sé si era Fidaño o què era

I don't know if it was Fidaño or what it was.

però que vas començar a fer

but what did you start to do

i ens va fer molta gràcia

and it made us laugh a lot

ella només d'això

she only of this



tu només deia

you only said

era cantar com un pallassó

It was like singing as a clown.



el que ens va fer gràcia

what made us laugh

era que vas fer una cançó de cantar

It was that you made a song to sing.

com si fos un pallassó

as if he were a clown

i clar, un pallassó passat de voltes

And of course, a clown out of control.

i al pensar en com ho podríem cantar

and thinking about how we could sing it

doncs i si fem que siguin dos que estan enamorats

So, what if we make it so that they are two who are in love?

això ja sortia a l'Estribillo

this was already in the Chorus

t'ho estic dient

I'm telling you.

a l'Estribillo ja sortia

In the refrain, it was already coming out.

ja sortia la frase aquesta

that phrase was already coming out

hace mucho tiempo que le quiero tocar

I've wanted to touch you for a long time.

tot això ja sortia a l'Estribillo

All of this was already mentioned in the Chorus.



al final el mèrit és teu

In the end, the merit is yours.

el mèrit de l'esperit de l'inici

the merit of the spirit of the beginning

però no

but no

quan el mèrit és meu

when the merit is mine

t'asseguro que et foto un cop de cos

I assure you that I'll give you a body blow.

i t'aparto i et dic que és meu

and I set you aside and tell you that it is mine


el foc

the fire

el vaig engegar allò

I kicked that out.

per menjar el vent

to eat the wind

creus que és una cançó

do you think it's a song

no sé

I don't know.



o sigui què pot pensar el col·lectiu

so what can the collective think

de pallassos gais d'aquesta cançó

about gay clowns of this song

poden sentir uns rats

they can hear some rats

o més aviat es poden ofendre

or rather they can take offense

són uns pallassos

they are clowns

és que importa el que pensin

it's that what they think matters

és veritat

it's true

va bé

it's going well

doncs així

so like this


we listen to him/her/it


let's listen to her

la cançó

the song

és una cançó

it's a song

per recolzar

to support

la lluita del col·lectiu

the struggle of the collective


gay clown


tinc la bocina per aquí

I have the horn around here.

clowns in the closet

clowns in the closet

pallassos en el armari

clowns in the closet

i i

and and


to dance









































Clowns in the Closet

Clowns in the Closet

Aplaudiments ben merescut, sens dubte.

Well-deserved applause, without a doubt.

Doncs ha sigut un programa màgic, un primer intent a veure si érem capaços de fer-ho.

Well, it has been a magical program, a first attempt to see if we were capable of doing it.

Jo crec que almenys hem sigut capaços de fer-ho.

I believe that at least we have been able to do it.

Una altra cosa és que sigui entretingut o divertit.

Another thing is that it is entertaining or fun.

Això ja ho jutjarà el públic i nostre senyor.

This will be judged by the public and our Lord.

Doncs, algunes paraules que vulguis dir com a comiat?

Well, are there any words you would like to say as a farewell?

No, no, no, no, que va.

No, no, no, no, not at all.

Vale, doncs xatxi.

Okay, then chat.

Bueno, una abraçada i tornem, no sabem quan tornarem.

Well, a hug and we'll return, we don't know when we'll return.

Hem de decidir encara quan serà el programa, si serà cada 15 dies, cada mes, cada setmana, cada dos dies.

We still have to decide when the program will be, whether it will be every 15 days, every month, every week, or every two days.

Ara va ser el coronavirus, si no ho fem cada setmana com a mínim, som un...

Now it was the coronavirus, if we don't do it at least every week, we are a...

Sí? Bueno, ja ho veurem.

Yes? Well, we'll see about that.

Bueno, està bé, podem fer-ho cada setmana.

Well, that's fine, we can do it every week.

Si volem ens enrotllem. I hi ha temes, i temes, i temes.

If we want, we can get carried away. And there are topics, and topics, and topics.

Sí, no ho sé.

Yes, I don't know.

O un, dos o tres, mentre parlàvem.

Or one, two or three, while we were talking.

Si no, sempre podem tornar a parlar de l'Adam Sandler.

If not, we can always talk about Adam Sandler again.

Sí, però pot ser la mulatilla.

Yes, but it could be the mulatilla.

O els teleñecos, mira, els teleñecos també m'agradaria parlar.

Oh, the Muppets, look, I would also like to talk about the Muppets.

Doncs apa, gràcies amics per escoltar-nos, beneïts sigueu tots, en ordre alfabètic, i fins aviat.

Well then, thank you friends for listening to us, blessed be all of you, in alphabetical order, and see you soon.

Un petó.

A kiss.

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