Silendum Podcast




Hola a tothom!

Hello everyone!

Benvingudes, benvinguts a 30 i Tòpic.

Welcome to 30 and Tòpic.

Un altre capítol de 30 i Tòpic.

Another chapter of 30 and Topic.

L'últim de l'any.

The last of the year.

Avui molt especial.

Very special today.

Què fas per cantar?

What do you do to sing?

Doncs, doncs, doncs, doncs...

Well, well, well, well...

Ah! Me'n vaig a Nova York.

Ah! I'm going to New York.

El tanto, ell, el pijo, tu.

The score, he, the snob, you.

No sé per què pregunto.

I don't know why I ask.

T'hi queda una cara de gilipollas total.

You have a totally stupid face.

No sé per què pregunto.

I don't know why I ask.

Adiant, però té excusa.

Adiant, but he has an excuse.

Els meus cosins ara han anat a viure a Nova York.

My cousins have now moved to New York.

Llavors diguéssim que només he volgut pagar el bitllet d'avió.

Then we could say that I only wanted to pay for the plane ticket.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Tenim allotjament allà.

We have accommodation there.

Carai, tu.

Wow, you.

Ja m'hi convidaràs, no?

You'll invite me, right?

Anem allà, que s'està molt bé, fa molta calor,

Let's go there, it's really nice, it's very hot.

podrem anar a Maniga Curta...

we can go to Maniga Curta...

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

I tu què?

And you?

I jo al teatre.

And me at the theater.

Esteu tots convidats a veure com una cançó no s'aixenta

You are all invited to see how a song does not rise.

a l'Eixample Teatre.

to the Eixample Theatre.



Queda clar, sí?

It's clear, right?

Sí, tothom?

Yes, everyone?

Joanet del Poble Nou presenta...

Joanet from Poble Nou presents...

Tots a veure amb Mònica Magfer, Eixample Teatre.

Everyone to see Mònica Magfer, Eixample Theatre.

Doncs, escolta, anem a revisar què va passar el dia que va venir el Rubén,

Well, listen, let's review what happened the day Rubén came.

que ens va endevinar...

that guessed us...

El convidat d'avui.

Today's guest.

Anem a veure què va passar.

Let's see what happened.

Doncs, a veure, Rubén, aviam si endevines qui ve avui.

Well, let's see, Rubén, let's see if you can guess who is coming today.

Primer pista, és un actor.

First clue, he is an actor.

Xavi Duc.

Xavi Duc.



Va sortir al cor de la ciutat.

He/She went out to the heart of the city.

Al cor de la ciutat, a veure...

In the heart of the city, let's see...

¿Qué tiempos aquellos?

What times those were!

¿Qué tiempos?

What times?

¿El Quim Gutiérrez?

Is it Quim Gutiérrez?



Ara mateix està a pares normals del Poliorama.

Right now he is at normal parents of the Poliorama.

No serà el Víctor Gómez.

It won't be Víctor Gómez.



Va estar al programa El Llop, de TV3, com a jurat, com a coach.

He was on the program El Llop, on TV3, as a juror, as a coach.

Ah, com...

Ah, how...

Ah, l'Enric Cambrai.

Ah, Enric Cambrai.

Molt bé!

Very good!

Benvingut, Enric Cambrai!

Welcome, Enric Cambrai!

Benvingut, Enric!

Welcome, Enric!

Ai, estic tan content.

Oh, I am so happy.

De ser aquí, a l'Hormiguero, de les noves masculinitats, del podcast català...

To be here, at El Hormiguero, about new masculinities, about the Catalan podcast...

No, no, no, molt bé!

No, no, no, very good!

No, no, l'Hormiguero...

No, no, The Ant Show...

No, perdona, què he dit després de l'Hormiguero?

No, sorry, what did I say after El Hormiguero?

De les noves masculinitats.

Of the new masculinities.

Ah, ah, d'acord.

Ah, ah, okay.

Per tant, ja he obviat la part masclista, retrograda, dretista...

Therefore, I have already overlooked the misogynistic, retrograde, right-wing part...

Tu has anat a la qualitat, a l'entretenimenta...

You have gone to quality, to entertainment...

Vas sentir el capítol de la setmana passada amb la Júlia Monjoc, no?

Did you listen to last week's episode with Júlia Monjoc, right?

Ah, evidentment.

Ah, obviously.

I vens a retreure'm a la cara coses que dic.

And you come to confront me with things I say.

No, no, no, no, al contrari, però està bé, està bé això de les noves masculinitats.

No, no, no, no, on the contrary, but it's fine, it's fine this thing about new masculinities.



Està molt bé demanar permís per fer un petó.

It's very good to ask for permission to give a kiss.

I tant, sí.

Yes, indeed.

Millor anirien les coses.

Things would go better.

I tant.

I certainly do.

O fer un petó.

Or give a kiss.

T'ho imagines?

Can you imagine it?

O sigui, no he entès res, no he entès res.

So, I haven’t understood anything, I haven’t understood anything.

Ara fa que m'hi volta.

Now it has been circling around me.

No ho entendo, nada.

I don't understand it, nothing.

No, però jo soc molt fan de 30 i tòpic.

No, but I am a big fan of 30 and cliché.

I sempre penso, és que és molt guai, perquè clar, és com a l'Hormiguero.

I always think, it's really cool, because of course, it's like in El Hormiguero.

És allò de...

It's that of...

Oh, ja ha venit a divertir-se!

Oh, he has already come to have fun!

Tenim la mateixa audiència, eh?

We have the same audience, right?



Líquid Montero va dir que érem el gran prics català, també.

Líquid Montero said that we were also the great Catalan prics.

Està fiem allà.

It's being done there.

El passapalabra.

The pass word.

I què, i què, i què, i què?

And what, and what, and what, and what?

Doncs res...

Well then...

Què hem de fer?

What do we have to do?

Tirar daus, no?

Roll dice, right?


Come on.

Com s'ho sap, eh?

How do you know, huh?

Com va ser clar!

How clear it was!

Ha vingut amb tot après, tu.

He came with everything afterwards, you.

A partir d'aquí volem tots els convidats que hagin escoltat 30 i tòpic, com els dos últims.

From here we want all the guests who have listened to 30 and the topic, like the last two.

Sí, si no, no els acceptarem, bàsicament.

Yes, if not, we will not accept them, basically.

Vinga, tira els daus.

Come on, roll the dice.

Ui, un clàssic.

Oh, a classic.

Un clàssic de la casa.

A classic of the house.

Ja s'ha convertit en el nostre clàssic, eh?

It has already become our classic, hasn’t it?

Aquí ens agrada posar-vos en una prieto.

Here we like to put you in a bind.

En un compromís.

In a commitment.



Una cosa, per què no puntuen les proves prèvies al quiz cultureta?

One thing, why don't the pre-tests score for the culture quiz?

Perquè en realitat és el que és...

Because it really is what it is...

No és el quiz culturet.

It's not the culture quiz.

Ja, però en realitat és el que objectivament pot puntuar.

Yes, but in reality, it is what can objectively score.

Perquè aquí no esteu competint.

Because here you are not competing.



Perquè us hauríem de fer tots les mateixes proves.

Why should we all have to take the same tests?

Ho entens?

Do you understand?

Vinga, va.

Come on, go.

Tu pots.

You can.

Això per la segona temporada.

This for the second season.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

És molt divertit, ja veuràs.

It's very fun, you'll see.

Tu pots.

You can.

Ja veuràs.

You'll see.

Confia en mi.

Trust me.



Aquí ens agrada molt netejar els plats bruts, eh?

Here we really like to clean the dirty dishes, right?



La roba bruta i bé.

The dirty clothes and well.

T'ha sortit un dels nostres clàssics, que és matar, casar, follar.

You got one of our classics, which is kill, marry, fuck.



O sigui, ja...

I mean, already...

Veus, està a punt de rebentar la meva parella.

You see, my partner is about to explode.

La setmana passada...

Last week...

Sort que va sortir bé el maig.

It turned out well in May.

I ara a veure què diré.

And now let's see what I will say.

A veure què diré.

Let's see what I will say.



Vam reforçar la parella.

We strengthened the couple.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, però no espatlleu el que vau reforçar la setmana passada, sisplau.

Well, but please don't ruin what you reinforced last week.



Ara espatllarem les teves relacions laborals amb companys.

Now we will damage your work relationships with colleagues.

A veure.

Let's see.



Yo quiero que se peleen.

I want them to fight.



Y jútan muy fuerte.

And they hug very tightly.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

I diu així.

And it says like this.

Que és matar, follar, casar, no?

What is killing, fucking, marrying, right?



Has de decidir amb qui d'aquestes tres persones que et direm.

You have to decide who among these three people we will tell you about.

Aquest primer grup...

This first group...

Però escolta, jo no justificaré com aquell noi que va venir.

But listen, I won't justify like that guy who came.

Home, sí, clar.

Home, yes, of course.

No, no.

No, no.

No, perquè aquell justificava per quedar bé amb tothom.

No, because he justified it to get along with everyone.

I a mi no em cal.

And I don't need it.

Bueno, algun hauràs de dir.

Well, you must say something.

Et preguntarem.

We will ask you.

Aquest grup l'hem anomenat el mètode Gronholm.

We have named this group the Gronholm method.

Has de triar entre David Bardaguer, Marc Ulldemolins, Marc Rodríguez...

You have to choose between David Bardaguer, Marc Ulldemolins, Marc Rodríguez...

Em casaria amb la Marc...

I would marry Marc...

Per què?


Perquè em follaria el David i mataria la Marc.

Because I would fuck David and kill Marc.

Perquè em falta convivència amb el David i la Marc,

Because I lack companionship with David and Marc,

perquè el Marc era el meu company de camerino.

because Marc was my dressing room mate.

Per tant, en quant a com puc d'hores passar desplegats,

Therefore, as for how many hours I can spend deployed,

ja l'he complert amb el Marc.

I've already completed it with Marc.

Per tant, el puc matar.

Therefore, I can kill him.

Hi ha molta maldat en este món.

There is a lot of evil in this world.

Ara, per acabar, veient si mato els altres dos,

Now, to finish, seeing if I kill the other two,

he de conviure més.

I need to coexist more.

Per tant, a un me l'he de follar i a l'altre me l'he de casar.

Therefore, I have to sleep with one and marry the other.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Mònica, veig que aquesta prova, en realitat, la passen molt bé.

Mònica, I see that they are actually having a great time with this test.

O sigui, se van donar unes bones argumentacions...

In other words, some good arguments were presented...

Si me la fessin a mi, no sé si quedaria tan bé, jo.

If they did it to me, I don't know if it would turn out so well, I.

He de dir que això no està preparat, és a dir, que és espontani.

I have to say that this is not prepared, that is to say, that it is spontaneous.

Sí, sí, totalment.

Yes, yes, totally.

Al segon grup l'hem titulat El Llop, d'acord?

The second group is titled The Wolf, okay?

I tens l'Àngel Llaça, la Clara Careltó i la Beto Orfila.

You have Àngel Llaça, Clara Careltó, and Beto Orfila.

A veure...

Let's see...

Tranquil, pren-te'l tot temps.

Calm, take all the time you need.

Cri, cri, cri, cri...

Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp...

Esperando cinco minutos.

Waiting five minutes.

Diez minutos.

Ten minutes.

Durarà 40 minuts, avui.

It will last 40 minutes today.

Mira, jo crec que...

Look, I think that...

Vinga, home, va, home, va!

Come on, man, come on!

És que, clar, és que amb l'Àngel és com si estigués casat, ja.

It's just that, you see, it's like I'm already married to Àngel.

Per això...

For that reason...

Per tant, no el mataria.

Therefore, I would not kill him.



Mato l'Àngel, que és com matar el pare...

I kill the Angel, which is like killing the father...

I és una parella de molts anys.

And it is a couple of many years.

Em caso amb la Beto Orfila...

I am marrying Beto Orfila...

i em xusco la cara al to.

And I suck my face to the tone.

Una pregunta, et cases amb la Beto Orfila...

A question, are you marrying Beto Orfila...?

per descarte?

by elimination?

No, perquè així podré fer coses a la Biblioteca de Catalunya.

No, because that way I will be able to do things at the Library of Catalonia.



Lo ha dicho, lo ha dicho.

He has said it, he has said it.

Per interès.

For interest.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Segon grup, el petit príncep.

Second group, the little prince.

Marc Poziello, Xavi Duc o Iñaki Mur?

Marc Poziello, Xavi Duc, or Iñaki Mur?

Mira, em caso amb el Poziello...

Look, I'm marrying Poziello...

És un bon marit.

He is a good husband.

Em follo el Xavi Duc i mato l'Iñaki Mur.

I sleep with Xavi Duc and kill Iñaki Mur.

Per què?


No, no, no, per què? A veure...

No, no, no, why? Let's see...

El Poziello és que és el meu Jerónimo Stilton.

The Poziello is that he is my Geronimo Stilton.

I l'adoro.

And I adore him/her.





Clar, us coneixeu de molt abans vosaltres.

Of course, you've known each other for a long time.

El Xavi Duc té una tendència al travestisme que a mi m'agrada molt.

Xavi Duc has a tendency towards cross-dressing that I really like.

És veritat.

It's true.

Per tant, me l'hauria de xuscar.

Therefore, I would have to suck it.

I l'Iñaki és que...

And Iñaki is that...

O ve a matar perquè et fa competència.

Either he comes to kill because he sees you as competition.

No, no em fa competència.

No, it doesn't compete with me.

I l'Iñaki, doncs, l'he de matar.

And I must kill Iñaki.

Per descarte.

By elimination.

El quart grup, i aquí vigila perquè pots tenir problemes ara mateix...

The fourth group, and here be careful because you can have problems right now...

Et poden sentir.

They can hear you.

Es diu Pares Normals.

It's called Normal Parents.

I has d'escollir entre Anabel Tutosaus, Ana Herèvia o Lucía Torres.

You have to choose between Anabel Tutosaus, Ana Herèvia, or Lucía Torres.

Em caso amb la Tutosaus.

I am marrying Tutosaus.

Follo amb la Lucía Torres i mato a la Herèvia perquè em diu imbècil.

I sleep with Lucía Torres and kill Herèvia because she calls me an idiot.



Per què això?

Why this?

No ho sé, és molt al·ligat.

I don't know, it's very tied up.

Ai, mal rotllo en los camerinos del pollorama.

Oh no, bad vibes in the dressing rooms of the Pollorama.

Ets un imbècil, és un imbècil.

You are an idiot, he is an idiot.

No, però amb l'Herèvia tenim com aquesta relació.

No, but with Herèvia we have this kind of relationship.

De pique amistós.

In a friendly manner.

I riem molt.

I laugh a lot.

Però jo crec que en el fons ens estimem molt.

But I believe that deep down we love each other very much.

Per tant, si la matés tampoc m'ho tindria en compte.

Therefore, if she killed me, she wouldn't take it into account either.

Tampoc podria tenir-ho en compte, estaria morta.

I couldn't take it into account either, I would be dead.

I a l'Anabel total i a la Mateu Asena.

And to Anabel totally and to Mateu Asena.

Però tu per què fas espòilers?

But why do you spoil things?

La cagada es importante.

The shit is important.

Bueno, passa el minut número 5.

Well, the fifth minute is passing.

No es pot dir?

Can't it be said?



Però ja ho hem dit.

But we have already said it.

S'ha de retallar o no s'ha de retallar?

Should it be cut or should it not be cut?

No, no retallis.

No, don't cut it.

No retallis.

Don't cut it.

Al final és un reclam amb l'audiència que teniu de l'Hormiguero.

In the end, it's a call to the audience you have from Hormiguero.

Mal rotllo, mal rotllitonyo.

Bad vibes, bad vibe.

Bueno, jo crec que continuarem a ser relacions laborals, amistat, no?

Well, I think we will continue to have a working relationship, friendship, right?



Jo crec que ho has passat, ho has aprovat, però pels propers jocs una mica de ritm millor,

I believe you have passed it, you have approved, but for the upcoming games a bit better rhythm.




Come on.

Vinga, tira els taus.

Come on, roll the dice.



Ara ens tocava la segona part.

Now it was time for the second part.

Aquest és un estreno, eh?

This is a premiere, right?

Aquest no l'hem fet mai.

We have never done this one.

No l'hem fet mai.

We have never done it.



Ah, vale, vale, sí, sí, sí.

Ah, okay, okay, yes, yes, yes.

Per la següent prova, una mica més d'agilitat mental, d'acord?

For the next test, a little more mental agility, okay?


Come on.

Doncs bé, si la setmana passada vam tenir la Júlia i li vam fer el cuit de parella,

Well, if last week we had Júlia and we did the couple's cook.

avui li toca a l'Enric.

Today it's Enric's turn.

Clar, perquè ella sap molt de tu, però tu saps d'ella?

Of course, because she knows a lot about you, but do you know about her?



És a dir, la Júlia va fer maig.

That is to say, Julia made May.



O sigui, ets la persona perfecta per la Júlia, però és igual, a la inversa, anem a comprovar-ho.

So, you are the perfect person for Júlia, but it doesn't matter, let's check it in reverse.

Bé, ja.

Okay, already.

Un moment, sisplau.

One moment, please.

Primera pregunta.

First question.

Quin és el color preferit de la Júlia?

What is Julia's favorite color?

El blau.

The blue.

El verd, el ros, el vermell.

The green, the pink, the red.

Ah, és el vermell, és el vermell.

Ah, it's the red one, it's the red one.

Bueno, la pots tirar tan bé.

Well, you can throw it away just as well.

No, no, no, no, però crec que és el vermell.

No, no, no, no, but I think it is the red one.

El que vas posar jo...

What you put I...

No me'n recordava dels colors.

I didn't remember the colors.

Ja t'ingra indexada aquí, ja, ja.

I've already indexed here, ha ha.

Jo crec que és el vermell.

I think it is the red one.

I la Júlia ha d'ir.

And Julia has to go.



El meu color preferit?

My favorite color?



Hòstia, és que...

Damn, it's just that...

A mi m'ho arrenquen tots.

They all rip it from me.



Vale, doncs ja està.

Okay, then that's it.

I demà vermell, per dir-ne un.

And tomorrow red, just to name one.

Sí, en plan, ràpid.

Yes, like, quickly.

Havia dit blau primer.

I had said blue first.

Rosando el arquero.

Brushing the goalkeeper.

Una de una.

One out of one.

La segona diu...

The second says...

On li agradaria anar de viatge l'estiu vinent a la Júlia?

Would he like to go on a trip next summer with Julia?

A Nova York.

To New York.

Fàcil, eh?

Easy, huh?



A Nova York.

To New York.

Ho hauria d'haver dit amb aquest to, no?

I should have said it with that tone, right?

A Nova York.

To New York.

Jo vull fer èmfasi a aquesta diferència,

I want to emphasize this difference,

respondre les preguntes,

answer the questions,

perquè l'Enric sembla un robot la setmana passada.

Because Enric seems like a robot last week.





La Júlia.


I vas a mà.

And it goes by hand.

La Rosalia.

The Rosalia.

Bueno, i tu no ho saps perquè se'n va ficar a dins del plat de dutxa

Well, you don't know why he/she got inside the shower tray.

a donar les respostes i li vaig dir, home...

to give the answers and I said to him, come on...

Perquè no li sentís la Júlia, no?

So that Julia wouldn't hear him, right?

No, no, però estava al camerino.

No, no, but I was in the dressing room.



Llavors hi havia parames de salts,

Then there were waterfalls,

els companys parlant,

the friends talking,

i ell anava dient, però què era aquest xoroi, què era aquest xoroi?

And he kept saying, but what was this noise, what was this noise?

Bueno, doncs ja em tanco a la dutxa.

Well, then I'm getting into the shower.

Llavors em tanco a la dutxa i em diu, no, massa eco.

Then I close myself in the shower and he tells me, no, too much echo.

I dic, bueno, doncs em tanco a l'alba.

I said, well, then I will lock myself in at dawn.

I per anar com en temps vas optar per fer el robot, no?

And to go as in the old days, you chose to make the robot, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.





Molt bé, va.

Very well, go ahead.

La Júlia té fòbia a...

Júlia has a phobia of...

Són més difícils les meves.

Mine are harder.

Tu creus?

Do you believe?



Que té fòbia.

That has phobia.

Ui, és tu que no prestes prou atenció.

Oh, it's you who isn't paying enough attention.


I stop.

Presta no està ben dit en català.

"Presta is not well said in Catalan."

Això també us ho he de dir, eh?

I also have to tell you this, okay?

Que hi ha cada castellanada, a 30 i tòpic, que déu-n'hi-do, eh?

There's every Spanishism, at 30 and a cliché, which is quite something, huh?

Bé, som mil·lennials, jo fem aquestes coses.

Well, we're millennials, we do these things.

I l'altre dia que va venir aquell, l'Àlex Lessant,

And the other day that guy came, Alex Lessant,

Àxel Lessant, no sabia parlar català?

Àxel Lessant, didn't you know how to speak Catalan?

Quanto cabrón.

How much bastard.

A qui mataries?

Who would you kill?

Este programa no se hace responsable de lo que dicen sus...

This program is not responsible for what its...

Bueno, no passa res.

Well, it's alright.

No sabia parlar bé català.

I didn't know how to speak Catalan well.

Pobre nano, vos ja n'aprendrà, espero.

Poor kid, you'll learn from this, I hope.

Sí, segur que sí.

Yes, for sure.

Qui diria que...

Who would have said that...

Però aquí què hi diem a hablar?

But what do we say here to talk?

Bé, la Júlia té fòbia a...

Well, Júlia has a phobia of...

No intentis despistar.

Don't try to distract.

A les...

At the...

A les paneroles.

To the cockroaches.

A veure...

Let's see...

Doncs potser també has d'esbroncar a la teva nòvia.

Well, maybe you should also scold your girlfriend.

A les cucaratxes.

To the cockroaches.

Sí, les broncarem.

Yes, we will scold them.





Això no ho he dit, eh?

I didn't say that, okay?

Home, és que justament ha vingut després de fotre la bronca amb lo del català.

Dude, it just came after throwing a fit about the Catalan thing.


Of course.

La quarta pregunta diu...

The fourth question says...

Què s'enduria abans la Júlia a una illa deserta?

What would Julia take to a deserted island first?

Un reproductor de música o un joc de taula?

A music player or a board game?

Un reproductor de música.

A music player.

Un joc de taula.

A board game.

Va, home, va!

Come on, man, come on!

Baixa, baixa, baixa!

Lower, lower, lower!

Creus que està mentint?

Do you think he/she is lying?

Crec que està mentint completament.

I think he/she is completely lying.

Què fas sola en una illa deserta amb un joc de taula?

What are you doing alone on a deserted island with a board game?

No, eh, sola no se sap.

No, well, alone it cannot be known.

Bueno, hi ha jocs per...

Well, there are games for...

Mira, quan es fa aquesta pregunta a l'illa deserta sempre escrives sol.

Look, when this question is asked on a deserted island, you always write alone.

Home, hi ha jocs en solitari.

There are solitary games.

I per què vols un reproductor si també és de sol?

And why do you want a player if it is also solar?

Un Satisfyer.

A Satisfyer.

No és de taula.

It's not a table.



Bueno, no se sap.

Well, it is not known.

Potser sí.

Maybe yes.

Tampoc hi ha taules a les illes desertes.

There are no tables on the deserted islands either.

És veritat.

It's true.

Ah, és que ho he dit, ho he dit.

Ah, I have said it, I have said it.

Això fa figa pertot arreu.

This is falling apart everywhere.

Creus que s'ha volgut fer la idea intel·lectual i...

Do you think the intellectual idea has been made and...

Trobo que sí.

I think so.

A part, he de dir que ho tenia molt clar, eh?

Apart from that, I have to say he was very clear about it, huh?

No m'ha trigat gens a respondre.

I didn't take long to respond at all.

No, no ho entenc.

No, I don't understand it.

Si vol posar música sempre...

If you want to always play music...

Aquesta té tema, eh?

This one has a theme, huh?

Amb qui es va fer el seu primer petó?

Who did she have her first kiss with?



És que té tants primers petons.

It's just that it has so many first kisses.

Què vol dir, tants?

What does it mean, so many?

Sí, té molts primers petons.

Yes, it has many first kisses.



Mira, el primer cop que em va portar pel seu poble a passejar,

Look, the first time he took me for a walk around his village,

que ara jo visc,

that now I live,

m'anava dient, mira,

it kept telling me, look,

en aquesta casa viu un amb qui em vaig liar.

In this house lives someone I got involved with.

En aquesta casa també.

In this house as well.

Llavors diria com...

Then I would say something like...

La ruta és d'una dona d'èxit.

The route is of a successful woman.

Coneix la Júlia, no?

You know Julia, right?

La ruta...

The route...

Jo tinc aquest record, no sé, jo què sé.

I have this memory, I don't know, I don't know.

El seu primer nòvio, que era el Joan Marc.

Her first boyfriend, who was Joan Marc.

Joan Marc, eh?

Joan Marc, right?

Anem a comprovar.

Let's check.

El Joan Marc.

The Joan Marc.

Molt bé.

Very good.

A veure, tu coneixes el Joan Marc, o no?

Let's see, do you know Joan Marc or not?

Sí, sempre me'l trobo a casa.

Yes, I always find him at home.

Quan arribo sempre hi és.

When I arrive, it is always there.

Clar, és que aquests nòvios de la infància ja no són res, són amics.

Of course, those childhood boyfriends are nothing anymore, they are friends.


Of course.

Quina és la pel·lícula que més vegades ha vist la Júlia?

What is the movie that Julia has seen the most times?



Hi havia aquella, no sé què, de princesa.

There was that, I don't know what, about a princess.

Princesa per sorpresa?

Princess by surprise?



Anem a comprovar.

Let's check.

Però deu ser Harry Potter.

But it must be Harry Potter.

És que és Harry Potter.

It's just that it's Harry Potter.

No, t'has de quedar amb una d'aquestes.

No, you have to choose one of these.

Harry Potter.

Harry Potter.

Harry Potter, va, per dir alguna cosa.

Harry Potter, goes, to say something.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Per dir alguna cosa, però...

To say something, but...

Però és que és una saga.

But it's a saga.

Hem estat a punt de fer aigua, no?

We were about to sink, weren't we?

Clar, però...

Of course, but...

És una saga.

It is a saga.

Comptar, comptar.

Count, count.

Comptar com a...

Count as...

Té més mèrit haver-se vist tota la saga, moltes hores.

It is more commendable to have watched the entire saga, many hours.

Què preferiria la Júlia?

What would Júlia prefer?

Una subscripció de per vida a Spotify o a Filmin?

A lifetime subscription to Spotify or Filmin?

A Spotify.

To Spotify.

Potser Spotify, eh?

Maybe Spotify, huh?

Sí, és que li agrada la música.

Yes, he/she likes music.

Ha dubtat, eh?

He has doubted, hasn’t he?

Però li agrada la música.

But he/she likes music.



La següent diu...

The next one says...

Quin és el plat preferit de la Júlia?

What is Julia's favorite dish?

L'arròs a la cubana.

Rice Cuban style.

Amb tomàquet i pernil ibérico.

With tomato and Iberian ham.



Però què és això?

But what is this?

Una cosa tradicional de tota la vida.

A traditional thing of a lifetime.

Una cosa catalana.

A Catalan thing.

És que no està sortint gens com el de la Júlia.

It's not turning out at all like Julia's.

Estem trencant la parella.

We are breaking up the couple.

Home, te saps portar unes sorpreses importants.

Man, you know how to bring some important surprises.

Sobretot amb l'idioma.

Above all with the language.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

És una altra persona, de cop.

It's another person, suddenly.


The language.



Mira, parlant del suportable.

Look, speaking of the bearable.

Què no pots suportar de menjar, la Júlia?

What can't you stand eating, Julia?

El pollastre.

The chicken.

Que raro, no?

How strange, right?



Vull dir, a qui no li agrada el pollastre?

I mean, who doesn't like chicken?

A la Júlia.

To Julia.

Jo no puc suportar de menjar el pollastre,

I can't stand eating chicken,

però generalment m'agrada a tu.

but generally I like you.

És que és moníssima.

She's just so cute.

És tan bona que és...

It is so good that it is...

Molt estrany.

Very strange.

El pollastre és el típic que dones als nens.

The chicken is the typical one you give to children.





No, no, no, li fa bola.

No, no, no, it makes him feel awkward.

De cap manera.

In no way.

No, ara he trobat un...

No, now I have found a...

Una part del pollastre.

A part of the chicken.

Que no...




No recordo.

I don't remember.

El contramuslo.

The hamstring.



Que no es diu contramuslo.

It is not called "contramuslo."

Per això no ho he dit jo.

That's why I didn't say it.

Que li faig...

What can I do for him/her...?

O sigui, que li faig arrebossadet.

So, I’ll bread it.

Saps el que...

You know what...

És que és molt bo el...

It's just that it's very good the...

El d'això.

The of this.

Contra cuixa.


Sí, el contra cuixa.

Yes, the thigh.



I s'enganxa a la rodatge.

And it sticks to the filming.

Doncs això.

Well, that's it.

Aquesta part del pollastre arrebossadet

This part of the breaded chicken.

és molt bo i molt tendre.

It is very good and very tender.

La següent pregunta diu...

The next question says...

La Júlia preferiria sortir a la Casa de Papel

Julia would prefer to go out in Money Heist.

ensenyant la xona

showing the bedroom

o a la Casa del Dragón

or to the House of the Dragon

amb una bossa d'escombraries al cap?

with a garbage bag on their head?

A la Casa de Papel ensenyant la xona.

In Money Heist showing the room.

No, és Andrea Ros.

No, it's Andrea Ros.

Per què ho tens tan clar?

Why are you so sure about it?

És perquè han escoltat 30 tòpics

It's because they have heard 30 clichés.

i ho parlen i els comenten

and they talk about it and comment on it

i diuen, tu què faries?

And they say, what would you do?

No, no, aquesta no la vam comentar, crec.

No, no, I don't think we discussed this one.





Però, escolta, la Casa del Dragón

But, listen, the House of the Dragon

és una cosa internacional.

It is an international thing.

Que ningú ha vist.

That nobody has seen.

La Casa de Papel també és internacional, perdona.

Money Heist is also international, sorry.

Que ningú ha vist.

That nobody has seen.

Jo he vist.

I have seen.

Jo no l'he acabat de dir.

I haven't finished saying it.

La Casa del Dragón no l'ha vist.

He hasn't seen House of the Dragon.

L'has començat i vaig dir, quin rotllo.

You started it and I said, what a drag.

Si parlem-ho clarament.

Let's talk clearly.

Ai, de veritat.

Oh, really.

Ningú ha vist la Casa del Dragón.

Nobody has seen the House of the Dragon.

Sí que l'hem vist.

Yes, we have seen it.

O sigui, jo l'he vist però no me l'he acabat

So, I've seen it but I haven't finished it.

perquè no té el nivell de Jogo de Tronos.

because it doesn't have the level of Game of Thrones.

Això és veritat.

This is true.

La Casa del Drag.

The House of the Dragon.



A veure, anem a veure.

Let's see, let's take a look.

Anem a veure si ha volgut la Casa del Drag

Let's see if he wanted the Dragon House.

o la Casa de Papel.

or Money Heist.

Ai, jo crec que la Casa de Papel.

Oh, I think it's Money Heist.

Molt bé.

Very good.

La Júlia preferiria passar un cap de setmana

Julia would prefer to spend a weekend.

a soles amb l'Arevalo

only with Arevalo

o dormir durant dues setmanes a la banyera?

or sleep for two weeks in the bathtub?

Pensa-t'ho bé perquè són dues setmanes, eh?

Think it over carefully because it's two weeks, okay?

És que no sap qui és l'Arevalo.

It's just that he doesn't know who Arevalo is.

N'estic convençut que no sap qui és l'Arevalo.

I am convinced that he does not know who Arevalo is.

Algú amb bastanta caspa.

Someone with quite a lot of dandruff.

Ja ho sé, ja, ja.

I already know, yeah, yeah.

Per tant, jo crec que a la banyera.

Therefore, I think in the bathtub.

Dues setmanes a la banyera, no?

Two weeks in the bathtub, right?

Escolta una cosa.

Listen to one thing.

Sí que sabia qui era o almenys ho va fer veure.

He did know who he was, or at least he made it seem that way.

Sí, a lo millor...

Yes, maybe...

Tant de setmanes...

So many weeks...

És probablement intel·ligent com per entendre

He is probably smart enough to understand.

que la pregunta anava per aquí

that the question was going this way

i que és una persona detestable, no?

And he's a detestable person, isn't he?

La Júlia preferiria tenir 100.000 euros ara mateix

Júlia would prefer to have 100,000 euros right now.

o un milió d'euros d'aquí 10 anys?

or one million euros in 10 years?

El saqui ben lligat o...

The sack well tied or...

Jo espero que hagi dit la primera.

I hope that I have said the first one.

100.000, eh?

100,000, huh?

I tu també ets com ella, que te'ls fundiries o els invertiries?

And you are also like her, would you melt them down or invest them?

Jo els invertiria.

I would invest them.

Ho vam sentir la setmana passada.

We heard it last week.

No, va respondre la Júlia

"No," Julia replied.

que ella se'ls gastaria.

that she would spend them.

Ell sabem que preferiria 100.000 euros,

He knows that he would prefer 100,000 euros,

però jo li pregunto si els vol invertir o gastar.

but I ask him if he wants to invest or spend them.

Jo invertir.

I invest.

100.000 euros ara mateix.

100,000 euros right now.

Són propietaris d'una casa.

They are owners of a house.

La setmana passada...

Last week...

La setmana passada va respondre l'Enric.

Last week, Enric responded.

No m'hi liés.

Don't get me involved.

Sí, però no va respondre...

Yes, but he/she didn't respond...

A veure, Mònica, carinyo.

Let's see, Mònica, darling.

Mira, hola.

Look, hello.

Tu puedes, com m'has dit a l'inici del podcast.

You can, as you told me at the beginning of the podcast.

Sí, tu pots.

Yes, you can.

I veus que ja venint de tu

And you see that it's already coming from you.

ja em pensava que era en castellà.

I was thinking that it was in Spanish.

Perquè com es diu l'obra que fas, aquesta?

What is the name of the work you are doing, this one?

Del cap d'any?

From New Year's Eve?

Com una cançó de 1980.

Like a song from 1980.

Ah, val.

Oh, alright.

Doncs llavors...

So then...

Però també he fet l'èxit de la temporada.

But I have also made the success of the season.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Qui la devia escriure en català?

Who must have written it in Catalan?

Algú no, tu, d'aquests joves.

Someone not, you, of these young people.

No, ella va respondre...

No, she responded...

Que jo també preferiria 100.000 euros ara.

That I would also prefer 100,000 euros right now.

Que no, això ho resposa qui?

Who answers this, then?

No, ella va respondre que l'Enric preferiria...

No, she replied that Enric would prefer...

Mira, està tot gravat, Albert.

Look, it's all recorded, Albert.

Però no va dir...

But he/she did not say...

Que l'Enric preferiria, per això.

That Enric would prefer, for that reason.

Sí, però no va respondre

Yes, but he/she did not respond.

si l'Enric els preferiria invertir o gastar-se'ls.

if Enric would prefer to invest or spend them.

Ah, invertir, que gairebé.

Ah, to invest, almost.

Ai, Mònica, Mònica.

Oh, Mònica, Mònica.

No llegeixo els anunciats correctament.

I don't read the announcements correctly.

Que bé que ho feies, l'èxit de la temporada.

How well you did it, the success of the season.



La podeu recuperar al 3 de la carta.

You can find it on page 3 of the menu.

Segona pregunta.

Second question.

Si durant la resta de la seva vida

If during the rest of his life

només pogués escoltar les cançons

I could only listen to the songs.

d'un universitari,

of a university student,

un amic cantant,

a singing friend,

escolliria abans la discografia de la Rosalia

I would choose Rosalía's discography first.

o dels Amics de les Arts?

or of the Friends of the Arts?

Està difícil.

It's difficult.

És molt maca, aquesta pregunta.

This question is very nice.

La Rosalia.

The Rosalia.

Bà, Rosalia.

Bà, Rosalia.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Escolta, tu estàs passant bé?

Listen, are you having a good time?

Però molt, eh?

But a lot, huh?

Doncs ho allarga una mica, o què?

So it stretches it a little, or what?

I tant!

Of course!

Anem a posar el cronòmetre, o no?

Shall we start the stopwatch, or not?

Sí, però anem molt bé.

Yes, but we are doing very well.

Per això, no, anem una mica malament.

That's why, no, we're a bit off track.

No, perquè el curs cultural ho faré ràpid.

No, because I will do the cultural course quickly.

Jo vull fer un últim joc.

I want to play one last game.

També s'impugnaré una pregunta i ja està.

I will also challenge a question and that's it.

Un últim joc.

A final game.

Un últim joc i, què, ens dóna temps, no?

One last game and, what, we have time, right?

Sí, home, sí.

Yes, man, yes.

Doncs va, tira'ls d'ells.

Well go on, throw them at them.

T'ha tocat el joc del telèfon del 30 i Topi.

You've got the 30 and Topi phone game.

Aquest és nou!

This is new!

L'entrenem avui, quins nervis!

We're training him today, what nerves!

Aquest sí, eh?

This one, right?

Aquest sí, aquest sí.

This one, yes, this one.

Abans ha acabat en prova.

Before it ended in proof.

De què va?

What's it about?

Doncs mira, són com unes proves...

Well look, they are like some tests...

Ai, estic molt content d'estar aquí.

Oh, I am very happy to be here.



A tu que s'adona també parlar.

You who also notices speaking.

Exacte, a tu que ets tan de...

Exactly, to you who are so...

De localitzar i aquestes coses, sí.

Yes, to locate and those things.

Et donarem unes proves.

We will give you some evidence.

La veritat és que cap de l'altre no sap.

The truth is that none of the others know.

O sigui, jo donaré unes que l'Albert no sap.

So, I'll give some that Albert doesn't know.

Exacte, jo he preparat unes per la Mònica i la Mònica per mi.

Exactly, I have prepared some for Mònica and Mònica has prepared some for me.

I les has de dir, però de maneres diferents.

And you have to say them, but in different ways.



Amb impediments.

With impediments.

S'havien dit impediments?

Had they said obstacles?

Sí, però quins impediments?

Yes, but what obstacles?

Bueno, per exemple.

Well, for example.



Quina és la primera?

Which one is the first?


Let's start.

Mira, la primera és que has de dir amb la U

Look, the first thing is that you have to say it with a U.

i la Mònica ha d'endevinar la següent frase.

And Mònica has to guess the following sentence.

A baix te l'he posat.

I've put it down below for you.

Directament amb les U's.

Directly with the U's.

Això no ho he fet, he de dir.

I have to say I haven't done that.

A veure.

Let's see.



Mus d'ús collongonussos.

Mouse of Collongonous use.

És molt fàcil.

It is very easy.





Mus d'ús...

Usage mouse...

No és mímica, això, eh?

It's not miming, this, right?



És molt fàcil, Mònica.

It is very easy, Mònica.



Mus d'ús collongonussos.

Collongonussus use mouse.

Mus d'ús, amb D.

Use mouse, with D.



Pista, pista.

Tip, tip.


Of use.

És una dita catalana.

It is a Catalan saying.

Una dita catalana.

A Catalan saying.





Mus d'ús collongonussos.

Mouse of use collongonussos.

Ah, més dies que llonganisses.

Ah, more days than sausages.

Molt bé!

Very well!

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

Més dies que llonganisses.

More days than sausages.



Que difícil, eh?

How difficult, huh?

Sí, és molt maca, és molt maca.

Yes, it is very beautiful, it is very beautiful.

Va, la meva.

Come on, mine.

Amb la U.

With the U.

Amb la U, també?

With the U, too?

Això no ho puc llegir.

I cannot read this.

Són proves personalitzades.

They are personalized tests.

Ja ho veig.

I see it now.


The U.










I fly over you.



No sé què.

I don't know what.



No sé quantos.

I don't know how many.

Està sobrevalorada.

It is overrated.

Anem a veure el que està sobrevalorat.

Let's see what is overrated.











És un nom propi.

It is a proper name.













Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

La Míriam ja ho té, està sobrevalorada.

Miriam already has it, she is overrated.

És que t'he dit que l'Enric era súper fan de la Míriam, però un moment, a veure,

I told you that Enric was a huge fan of Míriam, but wait a moment, let me see,

el tiempo ha donat la raó que està fent aquesta noia ara.

Time has proven that what this girl is doing now is right.

Tocar a més suena.

Touching more sounds.

I l'altre dia em van veure un vídeo.

The other day they saw me a video.

Ah, sou amics.

Ah, you are friends.

No, però el meu...

No, but my...



L'amic que he matat, que és jurat de tocar a més suena,

The friend I have killed, who is sworn to play the melody more.

em van veure un vídeo de Mu-ru-um-do-tu.

They showed me a video of Mu-ru-um-do-tu.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

I ho feia molt bé.

I did it very well.

Que s'hauria de plantejar canviar el nom, Martín.

We should consider changing the name, Martín.



Molt bé.

Very good.

No, la Míriam...

No, Míriam...

Era una broma, era una broma.

It was a joke, it was a joke.

No, la Índigo i Mu-ru-um-do-tu.

No, the Índigo and Mu-ru-um-do-tu.

T'imagines que la m'agafa a tenir.

Can you imagine if she catches me having?

Dubut busbul.

I have doubts.



Dubut bustumuntu.

Dubut bustumuntu.







Ara, la següent.

Now, the next one.



Què és but?

What is but?


The Fir.





Ara has de dir, traient la llengua tant com puguis...

Now you have to say, sticking your tongue out as far as you can...



Aquest és perfecte per vocalitzar.

This is perfect for vocalizing.

Has de dir aquesta frase traient la llengua tant com puguis.

You have to say this sentence sticking your tongue out as far as you can.

Molt bé.

Very well.

És que no la veig, que no la veig.

I can't see her, I can't see her.

La Núria Feliu hauria de ser patrona de cada una.

Núria Feliu should be a patroness of each one.

Això ho posareu allà.

You will put this there.

La Núria Feliu hauria de ser patrona...

Núria Feliu should be a patron...

...de Catalunya.

...of Catalonia.

Molt bé!

Very good!

He de dir que aquesta prova la vaig fer.

I have to say that I took this test.

És molt difícil, però és que ho ha fet molt bé.

It's very difficult, but she has done it very well.

Ho ha fet molt bé, eh?

He did it very well, did he?


Well done.

La Mònica...


És que ho fa molt bé.

It's just that he/she does it very well.

La Mònica.

The Mònica.

Té la O.

It has the O.



Si gent...

If people...


It is...

La millor sèrie...

The best series...

De món.

Of the world.

La Mònica.

The Mònica.

Creu que la sèrie...

Do you think the series...



La Mònica.

The Mònica.


He/She has...

La O.

The O.

Té raó.

You are right.

I gent...

And people...

I friends...

I friends...


It is...

La pitjor sèrie...

The worst series...

De món.

Of the world.

Això té raó l'Albert, però...

Albert is right about this, but...

Alça, alça, l'altra.

Raise, raise, the other one.


The other.

Que no en té ni idea.

He has no idea about it.

Ara, la següent és que has de dir...

Now, the next thing is that you have to say...



És que ho feu fer l'idiota.

You're making him look like an idiot.

Ja saps.

You already know.

Has d'anar amb això, ja ho sabies.

You have to go with this, you already knew.

Home, a treure la llengua perquè sortia en un riu.

Home, sticking out his tongue because he was coming out in a river.

Bueno, podem triar moltes coses.

Well, we can choose many things.

Què triareu?

What will you choose?

Triarem aquest.

We'll choose this one.

Tornem de viralitzar.

Let's go viral again.

Triarem aquest.

We will choose this one.

Tornem de viralitzar.

Let's go viral again.

Ara, has de dir la següent frase afegint...

Now, you have to say the following sentence adding...

Ja sabeu que 30 i tòpic, nosaltres som el hashtag TIT, de 30 i tòpic.

You already know that 30 and cliché, we are the hashtag TIT, of 30 and cliché.

Has de dir la següent frase afegint TIT al final de cada paraula.

You have to say the following sentence adding TIT at the end of each word.

Això és difícil, eh?

This is difficult, isn't it?



Ets TIT.

You are TIT.

Ha de ser ràpid, això, eh?

It has to be quick, this, right?



Ets TIT.

You are a TIT.

Esclava TIT.

Slave TIT.



Res TIT.

Nothing TIT.


Neither TIT.

Ningú TIT.

Nobody TIT.


You TIT.

Comprarà de TIT.

He will buy from TIT.

No ets esclava de res?

Aren't you a slave to anything?

I no sé què comprarà.

I don't know what he/she will buy.


Neither TIT.



Ningú TIT.

Nobody TIT.


You are TIT.

Comprarà TIT.

He/She will buy TIT.

I ningú et comprarà.

And no one will buy you.

No ets esclava de res.

You are not a slave to anything.

I ningú et comprarà.

And no one will buy you.

Seràs lliure.

You will be free.

M'ha tan seït.

It has upset me.

Realment, aquesta frase la cantava el Gramaje com si la fes tot amb l'A.

Really, this phrase was sung by Gramaje as if he did everything with the A.

Era una prova de netòpic, no ho sabia.

It was a netopic test, I didn't know that.

No, era una prova.

No, it was a test.

Ara també el de TIT?

Now also the one from TIT?

Sí, també t'he escrit aquí sota.

Yes, I have also written to you below.

Oh, que m'ho ha transcrit, ella.

Oh, she transcribed it for me.











Porqui TIT.

Porky TIT.


Your TIT.

Tanto TIT.

So much TIT.

Miedo TIT.

Fear TIT.

Nuestras TIT.

Our TIT.


You have TITS.

No sé.

I don't know.

Per què.


Tenim por?

Are we afraid?

Però si l'he cantat.

But I have sung it.

No se TIT.

I don't know TIT.





Porqui TIT.

Why TIT.

No se TIT.

I don't know TIT.




It is small.

Porqui TIT.

Why TIT.

No se TIT.

I don't know TIT.

Tanto TIT.

So much TIT.

Miedo TIT.

Fear TIT.

Nuestras TIT.

Our TIT.



No sé porqui dan miedo a nuestras TETA.

I don't know why our TETA scares them.

Molt bé.

Very well.

No sé porqui dan tanto miedo a nuestras TETA.

I don't know why they are so afraid of our breasts.

Que estava sortint l'altre dia, també, el capítol de la Júlia, no?

That I was leaving the other day, also, Julia's chapter, right?



Sí, però perquè m'ho ha preparat l'Albert i he volgut tornar-l'hi.

Yes, but because Albert prepared it for me and I wanted to return the favor.

I ara que ho dius queda l'última posa de canviar-te els cascs.

And now that you mention it, there's the last chance to change your helmets.

Déu meu.

My God.

Avui era un dia especial.

Today was a special day.

Sí, és final de temporada.

Yes, it is the end of the season.

Sí, vinga.

Yes, come on.

No, final d'any.

No, end of year.

Capítol d'una hora.

Hour-long chapter.

Mentre estan preparant els torrons.

While they are preparing the nougats.

Dia 31.

Day 31.

Quina cosa millor que escoltar Trentaitòpics.

What could be better than listening to Trentaitòpics?

Però és que ja us ho sabia.

But I already knew it.

Venia jo a passar d'això.

I was going to ignore this.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Jo ja l'hi he dit a l'Albert.

I have already told Albert.

Fem menys proves.

Let's do fewer tests.

No més.

No more.

Anem a provar-ho.

Let's give it a try.

Anem a provar-ho de la forma difícil.

Let's try it the hard way.

Què és?

What is it?

Que has de dir Trentaitòpics.

What do you have to say, Trentaitòpics?

El que sentiràs.

What you'll feel.


Come on.

Dona bé aquesta.

Give this one well.


Thirty topics.

30, 30.

30, 30.






30 Topics.


30 Aitòpics.

30, 30Aitòpics.

30, 30Aitòpics.



30, 30Aitòpics.

30, 30Aitòpics.

És que la clau és la pista, eh?

So the key is the clue, right?


Thirty topics.


30 Aitòpics.

30, 30, 30, 30...

30, 30, 30, 30...


Thirty topics.

Molt bé.

Very good.

La clau és la 10, eh?

The key is 10, right?

La interpretació.

The interpretation.

Vinga, segona i última.

Come on, second and last.

I última? Sí. Però ràpid, això.

And the last one? Yes. But quickly, this.


Come on.

Trenta i tòpic.

Thirty and topical.



trenta i tòpic.

thirty and topical.

La de la Cris.

The one from Cris.

Hopelessly devoted to you.

Hopelessly devoted to you.

Molt bé!

Very good!

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Doncs, escolta, què?

Well, listen, what?

Digue'm tu si tot això que he fet no hauria de comptar

Tell me if all this I have done shouldn't count.

amb el test culturetes aquest. Ara ho veurem,

with the culture test this. Now we will see.

està difícil la cosa perquè...

it's tough because...

Està molt difícil. Has de superar 85 punts

It is very difficult. You have to score over 85 points.

de Martí Atante.

by Martí Atante.

I Júlia Bonjoc també va fer molt bona puntuació

I Júlia Bonjoc also scored very well.

la setmana passada. Això és veritat.

last week. This is true.

Què, què, què?

What, what, what?

Que el Martí Atante continua en el número 800

That Martí Atante continues at number 800.

en recordar-nos-en. Que mai no recordeu que aquest

in reminding us. That you never remember that this

pobre noi està al primer. És que no m'ho vaig

Poor boy is at the first. It's just that I didn't.

apuntar bé i ho tinc com a xota.

Aim well and I have it as a joke.

Superaràs els 85 o no?

Will you exceed 85 or not?

I hope. Doncs, que comenci

I hope. Well then, let it begin.

el Quiz Cultureta!

the Culture Quiz!

L'última pel·li que vas anar a veure

The last movie you went to see.

al cinema. Asbestes, fa 4 dies.

to the cinema. Asbestes, 4 days ago.

Quants llibres has llegit

How many books have you read?

en el que portem d'any? Quins són els títols?

What have we had this year? What are the titles?

És que n'he llegit molts perquè, a més a més,

I have read many because, furthermore,

jo llegeixo teatre, que també són llibres.

I read theater, which is also books.

Clar que són llibres. Per tant,

Of course they are books. Therefore,

puc començar a dir, doncs mira,

I can start by saying, well look,

des de Hamnet, de la

from Hamnet, of the

Mayo Farrell, obra

Mayo Farrell, work

maestra del Juan Tayón.

teacher of Juan Tayón.

Ara m'estic llegint el número 2

Now I am reading issue number 2.

del Faunicos, Terra Baixa...

of the Faunicos, Low Land...

Sí, que és la baixa de l'altre dia que us recomanàveu.

Yes, it's the absence from the other day that you recommended.

Me l'he demanat per reis. Però has de tenir el convidat?

I've asked for it for Christmas. But do you have to have the guest?

Has de tenir el convidat? És que ja està, ja tens el teu

Do you have the guest? It's just that it's done, you already have yours.

punt, tranquil·lament. Molt bé, gràcies.

Point, calmly. Very good, thank you.

Ets de Spotify, de reproductora

Are you from Spotify, from the player?

de CDs o vinyls? Spotify.

CDs or vinyls? Spotify.

També tenim vinyls.

We also have vinyls.

Ah, el tanto.

Ah, the score.

Però Spotify, no el fem servir. Però és que canvia.

But we don't use Spotify. But it changes.

Sí, sí, però...

Yes, yes, but...

A vegades, perquè tinc molts mirins de la Núria Feliu

Sometimes, because I have many recordings of Núria Feliu.

i de la Garcia Jurada. Però te'ls escoltes o no?

And from the Garcia Jurada. But do you listen to them or not?

Home, i tant, dels de Núria, i tant.

Sure, from Núria, absolutely.

No sé si canvia per viu o per malament,

I don't know if it changes for the better or for the worse,

però bueno, ja ho veurem.

but well, we will see.

Aquests científics que veig per aquí baix...

These scientists that I see down here...

No saps. Aviam, tens TikTok?

You don't know. Come on, do you have TikTok?



Has vingut de la Núria Feliu?

Have you come from Núria Feliu?

Has vist tota la sèrie Friends?

Have you seen the entire series Friends?

No. He de dir que això...

No. I have to say that this...

Ni un capítol? Jo impugno, i a la següent

Not even a chapter? I contest, and on to the next one.

temporada això serà diferent.

This season will be different.

No comptarà. No, no, he vist...

It won't count. No, no, I've seen...

He vist bastants capítols.

I have seen quite a few episodes.

Ah, és que ho has de especificar, perquè...

Ah, you have to specify it because...

I fins i tot he vist The Reunion.

And I have even seen The Reunion.

The Reunion, que va sortir la teoria

The Reunion, which came out the theory

que van cobrar cadascun d'ells per fer The Reunion.

what each of them was paid to do The Reunion.

Això ja ho sabíem tots.

We all already knew this.

Això, i el Shetler, i la Rachel, i el...

This, and the Shetler, and Rachel, and the...

Molt bé. Tots, tots.

Very good. Everyone, everyone.

Vale, vale. No és que tu mateix no l'havies vist cap.

Okay, okay. It's not that you yourself hadn't seen it at all.

Calla, calla, que ja tenies

Shut up, shut up, you already had it.

molt bona apuntació.

very good note.

No la caguéssim.

Let's not mess it up.

Últim concert en directe?

Last live concert?

Té tan gana, Rosalia i Manel.

Rosalia and Manel are so hungry.

Això va ser aquest estiu? Sí.

Was that this summer? Yes.

Quines plataformes d'estreaming tens?

Which streaming platforms do you have?

Tinc. Totes.

I have them all.

Tinc Netflix, tinc HBO,

I have Netflix, I have HBO,

tinc Prime Video, tinc

I have Prime Video, I have.

Filming, tinc Disney Plus,

I have Disney Plus.

tinc A3 Media,

I have A3 Media,

a vegades,


fins i tot he pagat Mi Teleplos.

I even paid for Mi Teleplos.

Què és això? Per veure què, un moment.

What is this? To see what, one moment.

Què és Mi Teleplos?

What is Mi Teleplos?

Per la Rosi i Tornos, amantes de l'Isla de les Tentes.

For Rosi and Tornos, lovers of the Island of the Tents.

Déu meu!

My God!

Ha, ha, ha. Mi Teleplus...

Ha, ha, ha. My Teleplus...

I saps això que em preguntes? Qui paga?

And you know what you're asking me? Who pays?

Jo. I tinc una cosa molt forta,

I have something very strong,

que no ho sap ni la Júlia, que la vaig començar a pagar ahir,

that even Júlia doesn't know, that I started paying her yesterday,

que m'he subscrit a una VPN

that I have subscribed to a VPN

per poder entrar legalment

to be able to enter legally

a qualsevol plataforma

on any platform

d'estreaming worldwide.

of streaming worldwide.

Això us rebenta

This will blow you up.

el marcador, xavals.

the scoreboard, guys.

Aquí hem de posar un...

Here we have to put a...

De fet, perquè m'interessava veure unes coses que estan només

In fact, because I was interested in seeing a few things that are only

en un streaming

in a streaming

del Regne Unit, de la BBC,

from the United Kingdom, from the BBC,

i ho he aconseguit.

and I have achieved it.

Vaig haver de pagar els meus 18 nyacos ahir.

I had to pay my 18 bucks yesterday.

Són mensuals.

They are monthly.

No, però anar a pagar per cultura està bé.

No, but paying for culture is fine.

Ah, mensuals, ja fa més mal.

Ah, monthly ones, that hurts more.

Quants cops vas al teatre sense actuar-hi?

How many times do you go to the theater without acting there?

Clar, quan no hi ha...

Sure, when there isn't...

Intento anar dos, tres cops a la setmana.

I try to go two or three times a week.

Ostres, molt bé. A la setmana?

Wow, very good. Next week?

Tenies garnet del Super3?

Did you have a garnet from Super3?

Sí. Va, i l'última, tres cançons

Yes. Come on, and the last one, three songs.

de la teva llista de favorits de Spotify.

from your Spotify favorites list.

Demasiades mujeres

Too many women

de té tan gana,

of being so hungry,

els focs artificials de Núria Feliu,

the fireworks of Núria Feliu,

i direm també,

and we will also say,

molt típica, però és capaç que ens dóna molta energia...

very typical, but it is capable of giving us a lot of energy...

No, mira, direm

No, look, we will say.

Alexander Hamilton del musical

Alexander Hamilton from the musical

Hamilton, l'obertura.

Hamilton, the opening.

Molt bé, doncs que surtin els nostres analistes,

Very well, then let our analysts come out.

sisplau. Endavant.

please. Go ahead.

Un poc enfadat molt, eh?

A little very angry, huh?

Ara farem un...

Now we will do a...

Els nostres analistes

Our analysts

diuen que...

they say that...

Ara farem un Dumbledore, eh?

Now we'll do a Dumbledore, right?

Per qui hagi vist...

For those who have seen...

És la casa!

It's the house!

Bueno, a veure.

Well, let's see.

He de dir que, tècnicament...

I have to say that, technically...

No hi ha un empat.

There is no tie.

Hi ha un empat amb Martí Atánce.

There is a tie with Martí Atánce.

Hi ha un empat amb Martí Atánce en primer lloc.

There is a tie with Martí Atánce in first place.

Però, justament...

But, precisely...

Hem de fer una revanxa.

We have to have a rematch.

Justament, això d'haver pagat...

Exactly, this about having paid...

Contribuir tant a la cultura

Contribute both to culture

i pagar...

and to pay...

Fagar de cantar la balança.

Make the scales sing.

Farem dos puntets a més i...

We'll add two more dots and...

Es corona com a

It is crowned as a

primer lloc amb 87 punts!

first place with 87 points!

Com havia de ser!

As it should be!

S'ha d'acabar l'any culturalment amunt!

We must end the year on a cultural high!

Perquè a partir d'aquí tot anirà amunt.

Because from here everything will go up.

Nuestra cultura és la que és.

Our culture is what it is.

La del bar.

The one from the bar.

Hem acabat molt bé

We have finished very well.

i abans d'acabar et posem unes preguntes

And before we finish, we have a few questions for you.

de la nostra audiència.

of our audience.

No s'acaba mai això!

This never ends!

Hola Enric, com a gran admirador

Hello Enric, as a great admirer

que ets de les dives Núria Faliu

What are you from the divas Núria Faliu?

i Rocío Jurado,

and Rocío Jurado,

quina és la teva cançó preferida

What is your favorite song?

de cada una d'elles?

of each of them?

La que més m'agrada és

The one I like the most is

cantar una mica de cada una de les cançons.

sing a little bit of each of the songs.

Per començar, qui és?

To begin with, who is he/she?

La Jolitru.

The Jolitru.

Crec que és l'única persona que li diu així.

I think he is the only person who calls him that.

Jolitru era el fotòleg?

Who was the photographer?

No, era el seu primer nom artístic.

No, it was her first stage name.

Li vaig fer un videoclip i tot.

I even made her a music video.

I un canal de YouTube.

And a YouTube channel.

Marta Trujillo.

Marta Trujillo.

A veure...

Let's see...

De la Rocío Jurado

Of Rocío Jurado

se nos rompió el amor.

Love has broken between us.

Se nos rompió el amor de tanto usarlo

Love broke between us from using it too much.

de tanto lo que abrazo

of so much that I embrace

sin medidas.

without measures.

M'heu fet cantar en castellà al final.

You made me sing in Spanish in the end.

I és un podcast en català.

It is a podcast in Catalan.

Se'ns va trencar l'amor de tant fer-ne ús.

Love broke between us from using it so much.

Mira, una prova

Look, a test.

el que podríem fer.

what we could do.

I de la Núria Faliu...

And from Núria Faliu...

És que totes.

It's just that all of them.

M'agraden per diferents coses.

I like them for different reasons.



el Jausi Reconegut és la top.

The Recognized Jausi is the top.

M'agraden molt els focs artificials

I really like fireworks.

que la posem sempre per Sant Joan.

that we always put it for Sant Joan.

Però ella també va adaptar moltes

But she also adapted many.

cançons de musicals al català.

songs from musicals in Catalan.

I clar, les gotes

And of course, the drops.

van caient, xap-xap

they were falling, splish-splash

en els vessals.

in the valleys.

Això és insuperable.

This is unbeatable.

És insuperable.

It is unbeatable.

Molt bé, següent pregunta.

Very well, next question.

Hola, Enric de Micorafao.

Hello, Enric from Micorafao.

Una pregunta

A question

que tinc per tu és

what I have for you is

com veus la teva jubilació?

How do you see your retirement?

Com et veus tu

How do you see yourself?

amb 65-70 anys?

at 65-70 years old?

Qui és?

Who is it?

Àlvaro Ajax.

Álvaro Ajax.

Sí, molt bé.

Yes, very well.

Ho he dit i després he vist

I said it and then I saw.

que et retenies aquí al WhatsApp web.

that you were holding you here on WhatsApp web.

Però ho he dit abans.

But I have said it before.

L'he reconegut abans.

I recognized him/her earlier.

Com veig la meva jubilació?

How do I see my retirement?

Més d'hora que tard?

Sooner rather than later?

Encara que la gent

Although people

es pensi el contrari.

he thinks the opposite.

Jo espero fer molts diners.

I hope to make a lot of money.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Però llavors,

But then,

jo em moriré a les taules.

I will die at the tables.

Si m'hi volen, al públic

If they want me there, in the audience.

de Catalunya.

from Catalonia.

Jo que he fet tant per la cultura d'aquest país.

I who have done so much for the culture of this country.

I per la nostra llengua.

And for our language.

Jo crec que no et jugueràs mai.

I believe you will never gamble.

Ho ha dit nou.

It has been said new.

És que t'han dictat.

They have dictated to you.

Jo m'ho he imaginat

I've imagined it.

dirigint el Nacional, allà.

directing the National, there.

Això passarà.

This will pass.

Més tard que d'hora?

Later than sooner?

Més d'hora que tard.

Sooner or later.

Adéu, és una altra pregunta?

Goodbye, is it another question?

Hola, Enric, què tal?

Hello, Enric, how are you?

Mira, per posar una mica el context,

Look, to set a bit of context,

un dia em vas dir que passaves

One day you told me that you were passing by.

per davant de casa, o sigui que

in front of the house, that is to say that

aparcaves el cotxe molt a prop de casa

you parked the car very close to home

meva i que passaves

mine and that you were passing

pràcticament per davant de casa meva cada dia

practically in front of my house every day

per anar al teatre. I em vas dir

to go to the theater. And you told me

un dia vindré en temps, a Picaré

One day I will come on time, to Picaré.

i pujaré i vindré a conèixer en Furtia.

I will go up and come to meet Furtia.

Això aquest dia encara no ha arribat.

This day has not come yet.

I la meva pregunta és

And my question is

quan arribarà aquest dia?

When will this day arrive?

Res, una abraçada.

Nothing, a hug.


I love you.

M'encanta que tothom fa preguntes

I love that everyone asks questions.

i aquesta persona

and this person

ha aprofitat per

has taken the opportunity to

enviar-me un WhatsApp.

send me a WhatsApp.

Volem saber qui és en Furtia. En Furtia és el fill del Pau Vinyals,

We want to know who Furtia is. Furtia is the son of Pau Vinyals.

la Judit Colomer. No ho sabies?

Judit Colomer. Didn't you know?

Van ser pares, ara fa tres setmanes.

They became parents three weeks ago.

Ah sí?

Oh really?

Jo li vaig dir

I told him/her.

no sé qui és en Furtia, ja m'ho explicarà en directe.

I don't know who Furtia is, they'll explain it to me live.

Doncs ja t'ho estic explicant.

Well, I'm already explaining it to you.

No, però ja aniré la setmana vinent, dimarts

No, but I will go next week, Tuesday.

a les cinc de la tarda.

at five in the afternoon.

Li enviem.

We send it to him/her.

Ja li fem arribar. Pau Vinyals,

We will send it to him. Pau Vinyals,

esperem que siguis a casa.

we hope you are at home.

No sabem quan s'emetrà això.

We don't know when this will be broadcast.

Per això ho he dit al dia, que no ho entens.

That's why I said it during the day, that you don't understand it.

Si dius dimarts vinent...

If you say next Tuesday...

Sí, quin dia sigui,

Yes, whatever day it is,

dimarts vinent.

next Tuesday.

Cada dimarts estarà allà.

Every Tuesday he/she will be there.

Potser escoltarà el podcast cada setmana

Maybe she will listen to the podcast every week.

en els propers cinc anys i em dirà

in the next five years and will tell me

dimarts t'espero.

I'll wait for you on Tuesday.

Ara sí que hem arribat al final.

Now we have indeed reached the end.

Final de temporada. Esperem que vinguin

End of season. We hope they come.

molts més episodis de 30 i Tòpic.

many more episodes of 30 and Tòpic.

Enric, ens ha encantat que tanquis

Enric, we loved that you ended it.

aquesta primera temporada.

this first season.

En el primer lloc del test cultureta.

In the first place of the cultural test.

És molt important.

It is very important.

Per següents temporades farem una modificació.

For the following seasons, we will make a modification.

Això és com els programes.

This is like the programs.

Però que no sigui una modificació que em tregui

But it shouldn't be a modification that takes me away.

el primer lloc al primer episodi, sisplau.

the first place in the first episode, please.

No, tu tindràs el primer lloc de la primera temporada.

No, you will have the first place of the first season.

Això és per temporales honorífiques.

This is for honorary positions.

És com allò del padrí del programa

It's like that thing about the godfather of the program.

però pel final.

but for the end.



Això és com les edicions. Ets el número 1

This is like the editions. You are number 1.

de la primera edició.

of the first edition.

Qui va ser el padrí del programa?

Who was the sponsor of the program?

El padrí seria l'Iker.

The godfather would be Iker.

Perquè és el primer.

Because it is the first.

Però tu ets...

But you are...

Sí, el convidat honorífic.

Yes, the honorary guest.

Mira, l'Iker segurament té més escoltes a Spotify

Look, Iker probably has more listeners on Spotify.

perquè quan acabes l'últim capítol

because when you finish the last chapter

de 30 i Tòpic, s'engega el primer.

of 30 and Topic, the first one starts.

Però això ho fan tots els podcasts.

But all podcasts do that.

S'engega el primer o s'engega

It turns on the first one or it turns on.

el que més gent ha escoltat?

What have the most people listened to?

No, s'engega el primer.

No, the first one is turned on.

Si tu poses l'últim, s'engega el primer.

If you put the last one, the first one turns on.

Però si tu poses el tercer, s'engega el quart.

But if you put in the third, the fourth turns on.

Que sí, que va així.

Yes, it goes like this.

No ho he triat jo, senyor.

I didn't choose it, sir.

Quan sigui president de Catalunya

When I am president of Catalonia

canviaré les llis de l'Spotify

I will change the Spotify playlists.

i em posaré el meu capítol.

And I will put on my chapter.

Visca l'Albert Carbó

Long live Albert Carbó!

i la Mònica Magfer

and Mònica Magfer

que escurren molt aquest podcast

they drain this podcast a lot

en català, que és molt necessari.

in Catalan, which is very necessary.

I cultural.

I cultural.

I per unes generacions

And for a few generations

que hem de tendir més a l'alegria

that we must tend more towards joy

i menys a l'autofustigació.

and less to self-flagellation.

I aquestes són les últimes paraules

And these are the last words.

d'aquest any de 30 i Tòpic.

of this year of 30 and Topic.

I així acabem

And so we finish.

i ens acomiadem.

And we say goodbye.

Estimada audiència, molt bon any.

Dear audience, Happy New Year.

Moltes gràcies per escoltar-nos.

Thank you very much for listening to us.

Seguiu-nos escoltant i seguiu-nos a xarxes.

Keep listening to us and follow us on social media.

De moment som pocs, però molt benvinguts.

For the moment we are few, but very welcome.

Esperem ser més ja cara a les següents temporades.

We hope to be more already looking ahead to the next seasons.

I ens veiem l'any que ve.

And we’ll see each other next year.

I ens acomiadem amb la música del Joanet del Poblenou.

And we say goodbye with the music of Joanet from Poblenou.

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