El Tribunal #15 | Fenomenologia de Maradona, 1 any després de la seva mort | amb Daniel Gamper

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El Tribunal

El Tribunal #15 | Fenomenologia de Maradona, 1 any després de la seva mort | amb Daniel Gamper

El Tribunal

Si Kamala diu que l'economia s'ha reconegut,

If Kamala says that the economy has been acknowledged,

ella és o mentida o delusional.

She is either lying or delusional.

De qualsevol manera, ella ens deixa enrere.

In any case, she leaves us behind.

Rejecta Kamala.

Reject Kamala.

Pagada per Duty to America PAC.

Paid by Duty to America PAC.

No autoritzada per cap candidat o comitè de candidats.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.



Per nosaltres era fantàstic.

For us, it was fantastic.

Tot això només ho puc explicar com un nen.

I can only explain all of this like a child.

Jo ho vaig viure amb la cosa magnífica

I experienced it with the magnificent thing.

que ens podia passar que algú

that could happen to us that someone

amb aquelles pintes tan extraordinàries...

with those extraordinary hairstyles...

Perquè és molt fotogènic, Maradona.

Because he is very photogenic, Maradona.

És un element bàsic de la creació de la icona.

It is a basic element in the creation of the icon.

És el fet que el paio és molt fotogènic.

It's the fact that the guy is very photogenic.

I que aquell individu amb el pelusa,

And that individual with the fluff,

que li deien la sonoritat del nom,

that they called the sonority of the name,

Diego Armando Maradona.

Diego Armando Maradona.

És pràcticament...

It is practically...

Són aquelles coses que dius, com pot ser que ja tingués...

They are those things that you say, how could I have already had...

Hi ha alguna cosa en aquest nom.

There is something in this name.

Tot plegat, per mi va ser...

All in all, for me it was...

Maradona, jo el vaig viure com una cosa fantàstica

Maradona, I experienced him as something fantastic.

que ens passava que el Barça fitxava el millor del món

What was happening to us that Barça was signing the best in the world?

perquè tothom ja començava a parlar en aquests termes.

because everyone was already starting to talk in these terms.

Des del punt de vista econòmic ja va ser una xifra

From an economic point of view, it was already a figure.

que a mi com a nen, òbviament,

that for me as a child, obviously,

em semblava simplement molt gran

it seemed simply very big to me

i que segueix sent...

and that continues to be...

Avui en dia són 6 milions,

Today there are 6 million.

més d'euros, aproximadament,

more euros, approximately,

però en aquell moment era un fitxatge molt important.

but at that moment it was a very important signing.

I el vam rebre...

And we received him...

Clar, i aquí és on...

Of course, and here is where...

Jo en aquesta fenomenologia de Maradona,

In this phenomenology of Maradona,

que és el llibre aquest del qual estem parlant,

what is this book we are talking about,

per cert, a Editorial Altamarea,

by the way, to Editorial Altamarea,

per si algú decideix comprar-lo...

just in case someone decides to buy it...

Em semblava que fessis tu la falca, diríem,

I thought you were the one making the pitch, we would say.

perquè així era més natural.

because it was more natural that way.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Doncs, clar, jo el fenomen només el puc explicar en primera persona

Well, of course, I can only explain the phenomenon in the first person.

i després, òbviament, l'he anat seguint.

And then, obviously, I have been following him/her.

I l'he viscut molt a Nàpols, on encara és viu.

And I have lived it a lot in Naples, where he is still alive.

Aquí Maradona no és viu.

Here Maradona is not alive.

De fet, va morir i es va voler reivindicar

In fact, he died and wanted to reclaim himself.

com una figura del Barça.

like a figure of Barça.

Però, doncs, aquí no va triomfar.

But then, it didn't succeed here.

I no va triomfar per molts factors

And it did not succeed for many factors.

que és el que també m'interessa

what is also of interest to me

i que intento explicar una mica aquí, no?

And I'm trying to explain a little bit here, right?

En el llibre aquest, on hi ha l'experiència infantil

In this book, where there is childhood experience.

i hi ha l'experiència, doncs, més de com l'he anat seguint

And there is the experience, then, more of how I have been following it.

i com he vist, o sigui,

and as I have seen, I mean,

i la inevitabilitat que n'és a Nàpols

and the inevitability that it is in Naples

per tancar la història.

to close the story.

O sigui, per crear la història.

So, to create the story.

Crec que sense anar a Nàpols

I think that without going to Naples

difícilment el mite seria tan gran com és.

hardly the myth would be as great as it is.

Si només hagués guanyat el Mundial...

If only I had won the World Cup...

Però quin altre equip podria fer això?

But what other team could do this?

On hagués trobat un encaix

I would have found a match.

entre dintre el camp i fora el camp.

between inside the field and outside the field.

Això d'anar a Nàpols, o sigui...

Going to Naples, I mean...

Bueno, primer, aquí a Barcelona per què no va triomfar?

Well, first, why didn't it succeed here in Barcelona?

O sigui, hi va haver la lesió del test, hi va haver una malaltia...

In other words, there was an injury to the testicle, there was an illness...

Sí, hi va haver molts factors, molts.

Yes, there were many factors, many.

Molts factors.

Many factors.

I podríem destacar, el primer que podríem destacar

And we could highlight, the first thing we could highlight

és el fet purament futbolístic.

It is purely a footballing matter.

Futbolísticament són els dos anys que guanya

Football-wise, it's the two years he wins.

la Lliga el Bilbao.

the League of Bilbao.

Que ja sé que s'ha de dir atlètic, però jo dic el Bilbao

I know it should be called athletic, but I call it Bilbao.

precisament per la rancúnia, d'alguna manera,

precisely because of the resentment, in a way,

que queda d'aquells anys

what remains of those years

on un futbol tremendo

with tremendous football

guanya la Lliga.

wins the League.

És l'equip que crec que marca menys gols,

It's the team that I think scores the least goals.

és la Lliga dels últims 50 anys

it is the League of the last 50 years

amb menys gols marcats per l'equip que la guanya.

with fewer goals scored by the team that wins.

Perquè això estava dirigit per un tal Començament,

Because this was directed by someone named Beginning,

estava dirigit per un tal Clemente,

it was directed by a certain Clemente,

que després, juntament amb l'anomenat Carnicer de Bilbao,

that later, together with the so-called Butcher of Bilbao,

van formar la dobleta d'entrenadors de la selecció espanyola

they formed the coaching duo of the Spanish national team

durant molts anys en algun Mundial.

for many years in some World Cup.

O sigui que no era estrany que no guanyés Espanya res

So it was not surprising that Spain did not win anything.

amb aquesta nena de...

with this girl from...

Era un futbol de bèsties, no?

It was a beastly kind of football, wasn't it?

Era un futbol molt bèstia.

It was a very brutal football.

Jo crec que s'ha de mirar.

I believe it should be looked at.

I aquest paio, Maradona,

And this guy, Maradona,

s'ha de reconèixer que si et poses un vídeo d'ell,

it must be acknowledged that if you watch a video of him,

el vídeo de la final, el seu últim partit amb el Barça,

the video of the final, his last match with Barça,

la final del Bernabéu, la que acaba amb les patades,

the final at the Bernabéu, the one that ends with the kicks,

que és l'única vegada que jo he estat al Bernabéu en la meva vida,

that is the only time I have been to the Bernabéu in my life,

que tinc un record espantós,

that I have a terrible memory,

espantós perquè va ser horrorós.

terrifying because it was horrific.

Va ser realment espantós.

It was really scary.

I si mires simplement el futbol,

And if you simply watch football,

veus aquest individu que li fan unes entrades però criminals

Do you see this individual who is being given some but criminal tickets?

i que cada vegada s'aixeca com un valent.

And that each time he/she gets up like a brave one.

Això també.

This too.

Maradona era un tio molt valent.

Maradona was a very brave guy.

A més a més, aquell era el futbol d'aquella època.

Moreover, that was the football of that time.

El que passa és que ell mateix ho diu a la seva autobiografia,

What happens is that he himself says it in his autobiography,

que la recomano molt perquè és molt entretinguda de llegir.

I highly recommend it because it is very entertaining to read.

Jo soc el Diego.

I am Diego.

Ell mateix qualifica el període de Barcelona com la frustració,

He himself describes the Barcelona period as frustration.

la frustració,

the frustration,

i després hi ha el capítol de Nàpols,

and then there's the chapter of Naples,

que és una mena de ressurrecció,

that is a kind of resurrection,

i després hi ha la glòria, que és el Mundial.

And then there is glory, which is the World Cup.



Però aleshores se'n va frustrat de no haver pogut jugar ni guanyar.

But then he leaves frustrated for not having been able to play or win.

Sí, a més a més la relació amb Núñez és tremenda.

Yes, moreover the relationship with Núñez is tremendous.

Ella a l'autobiografia ho diu.

She says it in the autobiography.

El que no m'esperava era trobar-me un tarado com Núñez.

What I didn't expect was to meet a jerk like Núñez.

Que el presidente fuera un tarado como Núñez.

That the president was an idiot like Núñez.

O sigui, tarado.

I mean, you idiot.

Així l'anomena.

Thus he/she names it.

I clar, diguem,

And of course, let's say,

Maradona és l'anti-tribunero.

Maradona is the anti-tribune.

Que em sembla molt important deixar-ho clar

I think it's very important to make it clear.

en una entrevista per un lloc que es diu el Tribú.

in an interview for a place called the Tribu.

No era el nostre estil.

It was not our style.

I jo, en aquest sentit,

And I, in this regard,

reivindico el Barça no-tribunero.

I reivindicate the non-tribune Barça.

És a dir, un Barça...

That is to say, a Barça...

Què vol dir no-tribunero en aquest sentit?

What does non-tribunero mean in this sense?

Un Barça que hagués escoltat a Maradona.

A Barça that would have listened to Maradona.

Però per això calia un altre ambient social.

But for that, another social environment was needed.

Calia tot un altre biotop.

It needed a whole different biotope.

En el qual pogués sorgir la genialitat de Maradona.

In which the genius of Maradona could emerge.

Que seria el de Nàpols.

That would be the one from Naples.

És a dir, aquí el president era un desastre.

That is to say, here the president was a disaster.

Per ell.

For him.

Per Maradona.

For Maradona.

Diu que no es van arribar.

He says they did not arrive.

No es van arribar a entendre en cap moment.

They did not manage to understand each other at any moment.

Arriba, d'una altra banda,

Arrives, from another side,

hi ha un entrenador alemany,

there is a German coach,

que és Udo Lattek.

who is Udo Lattek.

Que havia vingut una mica perquè estava a Schuster, també.

That I had come a little because I was at Schuster, too.

Futbol alemany.

German football.

I de sobte arriba Maradona.

And suddenly Maradona arrives.

Lattek dona bastant poc.

Lattek gives very little.

Diu que...

He says that...

Maradona mateix ho diu.

Maradona himself says it.

L'única cosa bona que va fer Núñez va ser fer fora Lattek.

The only good thing Núñez did was to get rid of Lattek.

Diu, jo lo respeté mientras pude.

He says, I respected him as long as I could.

Després ja no el va poder respectar més.

After that, he could no longer respect him.

Va portar a Menotti.

He brought Menotti.

Menotti posa l'entrenament a la tarda.

Menotti schedules the training for the afternoon.

De manera que Maradona pot sortir.

So Maradona can leave.

Veu sortir el sol.

I see the sun rising.

En la forma de Menotti.

In the style of Menotti.

En la forma que cada matí ell es pot llevar més o menys quan vulgui.

In the way that every morning he can get up more or less whenever he wants.

Perquè arriba, és un noi molt jove.

Because he is coming, he is a very young guy.

Molt jove.

Very young.

Amb un cor...

With a heart...

Jo crec que un tio que té un cor molt gran.

I believe that a guy who has a very big heart.

O sigui, és algú que ve del poble.

So, it is someone who comes from the village.

Però ve de la villa...

But he comes from the town...

De les Villes Miseries.

Of the Miserable Cities.

De Villafiorito.

From Villafiorito.

I allà, doncs, en el mateix...

And there, then, in the same...

Nosaltres tenim aquí un text de Signorini.

We have a text by Signorini here.

L'altre dia llegia una entrevista amb Signorini.

The other day I was reading an interview with Signorini.

Que és una de les persones que més ha conegut a Maradona.

That is one of the people who knew Maradona the best.

Que el va conèixer el 82 aquí.

He met him in '82 here.

I parla d'aquesta noblesa.

And speaks of this nobility.

Hi ha una certa noblesa en el seu caràcter.

There is a certain nobility in his character.

Pel que fa a identificar les necessitats i qui són els dèbils.

Regarding identifying needs and who the vulnerable are.

Que després es tradueix en un discurs d'esquerres per part seva.

Which then translates into a leftist discourse on their part.

Que és del que parla Zavala sobretot en aquest llibre.

This is what Zavala talks about most in this book.

En el seu article.

In his article.

Aquest Diego populista.

This populist Diego.

Que aquí no pot trobar cap de les maneres.

That he cannot find any of the ways here.

Perquè ell arriba...

Because he arrives...

El Barça ja és un club senyor.

Barça is already a gentleman club.

O sigui, el Barça ja és el club aquest que tenim com la imatge de que som els nens bons del futbol i tot això.

So, Barça is already the club that we have as the image of being the good kids of football and all that.

Això ja passava.

This was already happening.

En aquella època no sé si jugàvem tant aquesta imatge.

At that time, I don't know if we played that image so much.

Però Maradona quan va venir aquí no va dir el que va dir a Nàpols.

But Maradona, when he came here, didn't say what he said in Naples.

Quan va arribar allà va dir.

When he/she arrived there, he/she said.

Jo he vingut aquí a posar un somriure a les cares dels nens pobres napolitans.

I have come here to put a smile on the faces of poor Neapolitan children.

Aquí, si ho hagués dit, òbviament també n'hi ha.

Here, if I had said it, obviously there is also some.

Però com que els tenim una mica més marginats.

But since we have them a little more marginalized.

I no estan tan presents.

And they are not so present.

I òbviament no hi ha la plebs.

And obviously there are no plebs.

Que constitueix una de les particularitats.

That constitutes one of the particularities.

Que constitueix una de les particularitats de Nàpols.

What constitutes one of the peculiarities of Naples.

Un poble, realment molt poble.

A village, really very much a village.

On hi ha pobresa, on hi ha misèria.

There is poverty, there is misery.

I està present.

And is present.

Maradona allà podia dir això.

Maradona could say this there.

Aquí, doncs, l'eix a través del qual transcorre el vessant polític del Barça.

Here, then, is the axis through which the political aspect of Barça transpires.

No és el de rics i pobres.

It is not the one of rich and poor.

Sinó que seria el de Catalunya i Espanya.

But it would be that of Catalonia and Spain.

Que sembla ser que podria ser un dels significats del més que un club.

It seems that this could be one of the meanings of "more than a club."

Però, francament, crec que això és bastant problemàtic.

But, frankly, I think this is quite problematic.

I caldria parlar-ho amb un cert deteniment.

We need to discuss it with a certain deliberation.

En tot cas, diguem, si...

In any case, let's say, if...

Una de les dificultats del Barça és que s'hi ha de tirar endavant el país ell.

One of the difficulties for Barça is that the country has to move forward with it.

Pensant que ja en té prou amb guanyar els partits el cap de setmana.

Thinking that he has enough just winning the matches on the weekend.

El camp de l'Elche.

The Elche field.

El camp del Getafe.

The Getafe field.

Doncs em sembla una exigència una mica excessiva, no?

Well, it seems to me a bit of an excessive demand, doesn’t it?

Per partit de futbol.

Per football match.

Però, bueno, en tot cas, allà allò va quallar, aquí no va quallar.

But, well, in any case, there it took off, here it didn't take off.

I aquí, doncs, ell va venir molt jove i rodejat de persones

And here, then, he came very young and surrounded by people.

que, doncs, probablement no tots el protegien ni l'ajudaven, no?

So, then, probably not everyone was protecting or helping him, right?

Sinó que, al contrari, buscaven la seva protecció.

But, on the contrary, they sought his protection.

I ell mateix ho diu de manera molt clara a la seva autobiografia.

And he himself says it very clearly in his autobiography.

Diu, jo, quan llogué aquí, s'ha començat a parlar del Clan Maradona.

He says, when I rented here, they started talking about the Maradona Clan.

Diu, no hi havia Clan Maradona.

He says there was no Clan Maradona.

Jo tenia una casa enorme a Pedralbes, molt a prop d'una escola on tu vas treballar un temps.

I had a huge house in Pedralbes, very close to a school where you worked for a while.

Estava allà al costat.

It was right there next to me.

Tenia una casa molt gran, diguem, 8 dormitoris, pileta, piscina de tenis.

I had a very large house, let's say, 8 bedrooms, a pool, tennis court.

I què podia fer sinó obrir-la a la gent que passava per aquí, no?

And what could I do but open it to the people passing by, right?

I llavors posa un parell de noms de persones que entraven.

And then he/she put a couple of names of people who were entering.

I un d'ells té el sobrenom de El Ladilla, no?

And one of them is nicknamed El Ladilla, right?

De manera que ens podem imaginar que hi havia tota mena de personatges.

So we can imagine that there were all kinds of characters.

A més a més, jo crec que alimentats també pel submón de la perversió barcelonina.

Furthermore, I believe that they are also fueled by the underworld of Barcelona's perversion.

Perquè, òbviament, aquesta societat burgesa i tan ordenadeta, doncs,

Because, obviously, this bourgeois and so orderly society, then,

s'assosté perquè hi ha un submón de drogues, de prostitució, etcètera,

it is assumed because there is an underworld of drugs, prostitution, etc.

que en aquell moment també estava en gran pujança, no?

that at that moment was also on the rise, right?

Perquè estem parlant de la transició i, doncs, Barcelona estava bastant descontrolada

Because we are talking about the transition and, therefore, Barcelona was pretty out of control.

i les drogues corrien, doncs, amb molta, diguem, com si fossin un riu, eh?

And the drugs were flowing, so to speak, as if they were a river, right?

I llavors no és estrany que Maradona comença a drogar-se.

And then it's not surprising that Maradona starts using drugs.

A drogar-se amb la cocaïna a Barcelona, ell ho diu a la seva autobiografia.

He talks about getting high on cocaine in Barcelona in his autobiography.

De manera que s'ajunta tot això i després, doncs, que també té una lesió importantíssima

So all of this is combined and then, well, he also has a very significant injury.

per una jugada, doncs, criminal.

for a move, then, criminal.

I això, doncs, clar, viscut per un nen tot plegat fa que, doncs, creixis bastant ràpid, no?

And this, therefore, clearly experienced by a child makes you grow quite fast, right?

Des del punt de vista d'abandonar les il·lusions, no?

From the point of view of abandoning illusions, right?

Perquè t'il·lusiones.

Because you get your hopes up.

En aquell cas em vaig il·lusionar molt amb Maradona.

In that case, I was very excited about Maradona.

Recordo el seu primer gol a l'Estadi, que, a més a més, és un gol que no existeix a les biblioteques ni a les biblioteques.

I remember his first goal at the Stadium, which, moreover, is a goal that does not exist in the libraries or in the archives.

No l'he vist, només tinc el meu record i, per tant, doncs, el tinc absolutament magnificat.

I haven't seen him, I only have my memory and, therefore, I have absolutely magnified it.

En aquell moment a l'Estadi, que hi havia 120.000 persones, en el meu record i pel que he llegit als diaris,

At that moment in the Stadium, which had 120,000 people, in my memory and from what I have read in the newspapers,

l'Estadi estava ple.

The stadium was full.

És la primera vegada que el Barça no només perd el Gàmper, sinó que va quedar quart.

It is the first time that Barça has not only lost the Gàmper, but also finished fourth.

Vam perdre els penaltis tant a les semis com al partit pel tercer i quart lloc.

We lost the penalties both in the semifinals and in the match for third and fourth place.

I vam jugar contra el Colònia de Litvarsky, que haig de dir que també es va convertir en aquell partit

We played against the Colonia de Litvarsky, which I have to say also became in that match.

i en un altre partit del Colònia que ens van guanyar a l'Estadi.

And in another match, Köln won against us at the stadium.

Em sembla que 0-3 amb una actuació d'ell espectacular, no?

I think it's 0-3 with a spectacular performance from him, right?

Doncs per mi també era un dels herois d'aquella època, no?

Well, for me he was also one of the heroes of that time, right?

Un tio petit, també, com Maradona, amb un look bastant especial.

A small guy, too, like Maradona, with a quite special look.

Llavors, aquí això no podia funcionar.

Then, this couldn't work here.

En gran mesura també pel futbol que en aquell moment es practicava

To a large extent, also because of the football that was being played at that time.

i que aquí, doncs, és que Maradona havia d'anar a Nàpols.

And here, then, is that Maradona had to go to Naples.

La història s'explica a posteriori.

The story is told in hindsight.

Hi ha una necessitat teleològica de la seva anada a Nàpols.

There is a teleological need for his going to Naples.

Portar aquell club a una cosa que no havien aconseguit mai

To take that club to something they had never achieved before.

i fer-lo somiar d'una manera com ells no havien somiat mai.

and make him dream in a way they had never dreamed before.

D'una manera tan bèstia, tan bèstia.

In such a brutal way, such a brutal way.

Però això és una mica estrany en el sentit...

But this is a bit strange in the sense...

Bé, per mi, eh?

Well, for me, eh?

Perquè ja saps que el meu gran problema és que no entenc pràcticament cap dels moviments de Maradona

Because you already know that my big problem is that I hardly understand any of Maradona's moves.

ni d'on ve aquesta fascinació.

nor where this fascination comes from.

Però el fet que, o sigui, si ell seguia sent, després de l'etapa del Barça,

But the fact that, I mean, if he continued being, after the Barça stage,

per dir-ho així, considerat el que havia de ser el millor jugador del món,

to put it this way, considering what was supposed to be the best player in the world,

o pràcticament ho era, com és que se'n va a un club com el Nàpols?

or practically it was, how is it that he goes to a club like Napoli?

Que precisament la gràcia és que era un club molt més petit,

The point is that it was a much smaller club,

que no havia guanyat mai, no?

that you had never won, right?

Un Scudetto que no...

A Scudetto that doesn't...

O sigui, no podia haver anat...

So, I couldn't have gone...

No sé si això és una cosa de l'època o és una cosa de Maradona, que va anar...

I don't know if this is a thing of the time or if it's something about Maradona, who went...

No, allò és un acte de Ferlai, no?

No, that's an act of Ferlai, isn't it?

El president del Nàpols en aquell moment.

The president of Napoli at that time.

Núñez, doncs, era un passatero.

Núñez, therefore, was a pedestrian.

Jo crec que és un president que fa una certa modernització,

I believe that he is a president who brings about a certain modernization,

però, en tot cas, no el posaria entre el...

but, in any case, I wouldn't put it among the...

O sigui, no és en absolut el millor de l'època moderna.

So, it is not at all the best of modern times.



També hem de pensar, recordem aquella junta, no?

We also have to think, remember that meeting, right?

Diguem, tota una sèrie de tribuns, aquelles figures, aquells cognoms,

Let's say, a whole series of tribunes, those figures, those surnames,

aquelles coses de la Barcelona d'aquell moment, no?

those things about Barcelona at that time, right?

Que després, doncs, quan va arribar a la porta,

That then, when he arrived at the door,

la gràcia va ser que ho va refrescar allò, no?

The fun part was that it refreshed that, right?

Va portar gent jove i, doncs, dinàmica, moderna, etcètera.

It brought young people and, therefore, dynamic, modern, etcetera.

I llavors, doncs, aquest el va vendre, no?

And then, well, he sold this one, right?

Va quedar com el Judas, no?, del Barça.

He ended up like Judas, right?, from Barça.

És a dir, aquell que ven a Déu, d'alguna manera.

That is to say, the one who sells to God, in some way.

Però, venent-lo, també era necessari Judas, no?

But selling him, Judas was also necessary, right?

Per portar Crist a allò que va ser, no?

To bring Christ to what he was, right?

Calia que algú el venés, doncs, calia, també,

Someone had to sell it, then, it was also necessary,

que hi hagués aquesta transferència de Maradona,

that there was this transfer of Maradona,

que el van vendre, em sembla, per 1.100 milions.

They sold it, I think, for 1.1 billion.

I, a més a més, diguem, s'ha de tenir en compte, també,

And, moreover, let's say, it must be taken into account, too,

una de les coses que va dir Núñez en aquell moment.

one of the things Núñez said at that moment.

I que, doncs, era veritat, després de la batalla campal,

And what, then, was true, after the all-out battle,

a Maradona li va caure una suspensió a la Lliga Espanyola,

Maradona received a suspension in the Spanish League.

no sé si de 40 partits o d'una barbaritat, no?

I don't know if it's about 40 matches or something outrageous, right?

Quan s'ha de recordar que el carnisser,

When one has to remember that the butcher,

quan li va fer la falta aquella,

when he committed that foul,

li van caure primer un munt de partits, una cosa exagerada,

a bunch of parties fell to him first, an exaggerated thing,

i després el van dir com 15 partits, no?, per aquella falta.

And then they said he got something like 15 matches, right?, for that foul.

I després, al final, va quedar pràcticament amb no res.

And then, in the end, he was left practically with nothing.

I, bé, és igual.

I, well, it doesn't matter.

La història aquella va ser molt trista, va ser molt desagradable.

That story was very sad, it was very unpleasant.

Jo estava a l'estadi, també, el dia aquell que el van massacrar.

I was at the stadium, too, that day when they were massacred.

I, clar, com a nen, doncs, era molt dur,

I, of course, as a child, it was very hard,

perquè, a més, tothom allò va cridar,

because, moreover, everyone shouted that.

cridant assassino, assassino a tot l'estadi.

calling murderer, murderer throughout the stadium.

Bé, era això, era aprendre a anar al futbol

Well, that was it, it was learning to go to football.

i tenir, sobretot, decepcions.

and to have, above all, disappointments.

Òbviament, Maradona, també, en el meu cas, doncs,

Obviously, Maradona, also, in my case, then,

va contribuir a la meva formació.

it contributed to my education.

Recordo escoltant a la ràdio el Puyall,

I remember listening to Puyall on the radio,

cantant el gol de Maradona contra l'Estrella Roja de Belgrado.

singing the goal of Maradona against Red Star Belgrade.

I Puyall, doncs, clar, va dir, va cantar les excel·lències d'aquell gol,

I Puyall, then, of course, said, sang the excellences of that goal,

que després, quan el veus, òbviament, és fantàstic.

that later, when you see him, obviously, it's fantastic.

Potser, com a nen, no te'n saps adonar de la bellesa.

Perhaps, as a child, you don't realize the beauty.

Jo, com a mínim, necessito, de vegades, que m'expliquin

I, at least, sometimes need someone to explain things to me.

per què les coses són boniques i, a partir d'aquell moment,

why things are beautiful and, from that moment on,

les puc gaudir, no?

I can enjoy them, right?

I, doncs, Puyall i Maradona, junts, em van ajudar.

And so, Puyall and Maradona, together, helped me.

I Maradona, junts, em van ajudar a veure aquesta mena de coses.

I Maradona, together, helped me to see this kind of things.

També la final de la Copa del Rei a la Romareda contra el Madrid,

Also the final of the King's Cup at La Romareda against Madrid,

el 2-1, amb un gol a l'últim minut de Marcos.

the 2-1, with a goal in the last minute from Marcos.

Bueno, allò, jo estava també a la Romareda en aquell partit

Well, I was also at La Romareda in that match.

i, per mi, allò va ser com una mena d'epifania, no?

And, for me, that was like a kind of epiphany, right?

Haig d'entendre que el futbol era molt bo.

I have to understand that football was very good.

Pel Núñez, també, es va posar a plorar.

For Núñez, he also started to cry.

Hi ha les seves imatges, plorant, allò.

There are his images, crying, that.

Per una Copa del Rei, aleshores, ploràvem per Copes del Rei, no?

For a Copa del Rei, then, we cried for Copas del Rei, right?





Bueno, ja som a prop de...

Well, we are already close to...

Sí, sí, jo estic disposat...

Yes, yes, I am willing...

Bueno, jo, plorar, plorar...

Well, I, cry, cry...

El Barça només em fa plorar de bellesa

Barça only makes me cry with beauty.

i ho ha aconseguit només en una ocasió i amb Romario.

And he has only achieved it once and with Romario.



I després hi ha una necessitat.

And then there is a need.

O sigui, hi ha una necessitat...

So, there is a need...

Era necessari que ell anés a Nàpols.

It was necessary for him to go to Naples.

En cap altre partit, en cap altre equip,

In no other party, in no other team,

s'hauria donat aquesta identificació.

this identification would have been given.

Estem parlant de Nàpols,

We are talking about Naples,

una ciutat de més d'un milió de persones,

a city of more than a million people,

una de les poques grans ciutats d'Europa que només té un equip,

one of the few large cities in Europe that only has one team,

perquè gairebé a totes sempre hi ha una petita rivalitat,

because almost always there is a small rivalry,

fins i tot a la nostra.

even to ours.

Em sembla recordar que n'hi ha una,

I seem to remember that there is one.

però ara mateix no recordo molt bé com es diu l'altre equip.

but right now I don't remember very well what the other team is called.

Europa, no?

Europe, right?

Crec que és el que està aquí més amunt.

I think it's the one that's higher up here.

Sí, no ho sé, aquest tampoc ara mateix no hi caic.

Yes, I don't know, I can't think of it right now either.

La qüestió és que allà són clarament monoteïstes.

The issue is that there they are clearly monotheists.

Òbviament hi ha molta gent també de la Juve,

Obviously, there are many people from Juve as well,

perquè la Juve és com transversal a tota Itàlia,

because Juve is like transversal to all of Italy,

però allà el monoteïsme maradonià i napolità és total

but there the Maradonian and Neapolitan monotheism is total

i amb l'arribada de Maradona es converteix en monoteïsme maradonià.

And with the arrival of Maradona, it becomes Maradonian monotheism.

Cosa que aquí no podia passar,

A thing that could not happen here,

perquè aquí d'alguna manera el lloc de Déu no està desocupat,

because here in some way the place of God is not empty,

perquè tampoc no és necessari que ningú l'ocupi de manera monoteïsta.

because it is not necessary for anyone to occupy it in a monotheistic way either.

Per mi l'ocupa Messi, perquè jo en això el glorifico,

For me, Messi occupies it, because I glorify him in this.

no l'idolatro perquè seria pecat,

I do not idolize him because it would be a sin,

però per mi trobo que és el jugador gloriós de la nostra història,

but for me, I believe he is the glorious player of our history,

però en aquest cas jo parlaria d'una trinitat.

but in this case I would speak of a trinity.

És ell, Xavi i Iniesta.

It's him, Xavi and Iniesta.

I per mi en aquest ordre es podria discutir sobre això,

And for me, in this order, we could discuss about this.

però aleshores aquests tres podrien constituir alguna forma de trinitat

but then these three could constitute some form of trinity

des del punt de vista d'una teologia blaugrana,

from the perspective of a blaugrana theology,

però sempre ho compartiran amb Kovala, segur, com a mínim,

but they will always share it with Kovala, for sure, at least,

Cruyff com a figura, tal com a jugador, com a entrenador,

Cruyff as a figure, both as a player and as a coach,

com a mena d'ideòleg,

as a kind of ideologue,

i òbviament Guardiola també,

and obviously Guardiola too,

també hi ha de ser,

it has to be too,

i segur que n'hi ha d'altres, n'hi ha molts altres abans.

And I'm sure there are others, there are many others before.

Ara, si comencés, no pararia.

Now, if I started, I wouldn't stop.

Però allà no. Allà, diguem, estava desocupat enlloc i ell el va ocupar.

But not there. There, let's say, he was unemployed anywhere and he occupied it.

A la gespa, perquè a la gespa va fer el que va fer,

On the grass, because on the grass he did what he did,

i després en els títols i en la creació d'un relat que l'han mantingut molt, molt viu,

and then in the titles and in the creation of a story that has kept it very, very alive,

ha tingut moments de baixada i ara clarament està en classes.

It has had moments of decline and now is clearly in classes.

Perquè si fa 12 anys hi havia el grafiti aquest tan famós,

Because if 12 years ago there was this famous graffiti,

doncs estava bastant despintat, estava fotut,

well, it was quite chipped, it was messed up,

perquè a més a més té una finestra al mig de la cara.

because it also has a window in the middle of its face.

La qüestió és que estava una miqueta menys tingut,

The thing is I was a little less restrained.

però a la capelleta hi ha un parell de capelles,

but in the chapel, there are a couple of small chapels,

i els nanos portaven fotos,

and the kids were carrying photos,

porten fotos de Maradona i les han portat sempre al mòbil.

They have photos of Maradona and they have always carried them on their mobile phones.

A tots els bars hi ha una foto de Maradona,

In every bar, there is a photo of Maradona.

als mecànics, a les botigues, al fruitet, a tot arreu.

to the mechanics, to the shops, to the little fruit seller, everywhere.

A tot arreu hi ha Maradona, i cada vegada més.

Everywhere there is Maradona, and more and more.

Després de la seva mort, més encara.

After his death, even more so.

Per què? Doncs perquè era un mes, era un napolità més.

Why? Well, because it was a month, it was one more Neapolitan.

Ell va entendre molt bé.

He understood very well.

La ciutat el va entendre, el va seduir.

The city understood him, seduced him.

Òbviament hi ha malíssimes companyies allà també,

Obviously, there are very bad companies there too,

perquè Maradona no triava molt bé els seus amics.

because Maradona didn't choose his friends very well.

Per mi la història de Maradona és la història d'un pobre tio

For me, the story of Maradona is the story of a poor guy.

que de sobte li donen tots aquests diners,

that suddenly they give him all this money,

però no només, sinó que és un individu que quan decideix parlar

but not only that, he is an individual who, when he decides to speak

i decideix dir coses que són molt simples però que són molt clares,

and decides to say things that are very simple but very clear,

és a dir, els poderosos, la FIFA, Joao Belange, Núñez, la Juve,

that is to say, the powerful, FIFA, Joao Belange, Núñez, Juve,

el capitalisme, al final.

capitalism, in the end.

Llavors dona veu a una indignació,

Then it gives voice to an indignation,

a una injustícia òbvia a les nostres societats

an obvious injustice in our societies

que podem atribuir a molts factors,

that we can attribute to many factors,

i que ell, en la contraposició aquesta, diguem-ne, populista d'esquerres,

and that he, in this opposing, let's say, left populist,

doncs atribuïa al capitalisme en definitiva, als poderosos.

thus attributed to capitalism ultimately, to the powerful.

El capitalisme, tampoc, ell no sé si parlava del capitalisme,

Capitalism, neither, I don't know if he was talking about capitalism,

en realitat té aquesta mena de cosa amb fascinació amb Cuba i el Che Guevara,

in reality, he has this kind of fascination with Cuba and Che Guevara,

però, diguem, si s'ha de posar en el lloc d'algú,

but, let's say, if you have to put yourself in someone else's shoes,

doncs es posa en el lloc del pobre.

then he puts himself in the place of the poor.

I això, que ho faci un futbolista, doncs francament em sembla que no està malament,

And this, for a footballer to do it, frankly seems not bad to me,

perquè avui en dia són tots molt nets.

because nowadays they are all very clean.

Molt impecables.

Very impeccable.

Les sortides de to són totes xorrades integrals.

The outputs of tone are all complete nonsense.

L'únic futbolista que hem tingut nosaltres amb una mica de consciència d'aquesta era el Luleguer,

The only footballer we had who had a bit of awareness of this was Luleguer.

que va dir fins i tot que era antisistema,

he even said he was antisystem,

però bueno, al final Paiu anava amb una furgoneta a entrenar.

But well, in the end Paiu was going with a van to train.

I jo conec, és l'únic jugador del qual conec algun amic.

And I know him, he is the only player of whom I know a friend.

És a dir, doncs és algú que...

That is to say, therefore it is someone who...

vulguis que no, està més proper a nosaltres i no viu en aquesta mena de bombolla on viuen aquesta gent.

Whether you want it or not, he is closer to us and does not live in this kind of bubble where these people live.

I Maradona doncs trencava.

So Maradona would break.

Aconseguia trencar la línia i aconseguia la identificació amb la gent.

He managed to break the line and achieved identification with the people.

I a més una cosa que a mi m'ha sorprès ara mirant alguns documentals i així,

And also one thing that has surprised me now while watching some documentaries and so on,

és que quan arriba realment sembla un noi pobre.

It's just that when he arrives, he really looks like a poor boy.

O sigui, quan baixa de l'avió, quan el veus,

So, when he gets off the plane, when you see him,

hi ha com una cosa que... a més he vist que li diuen el Negrito,

there's like a thing that... plus I've seen that they call him Negrito,

i que ve de Villaflorito i així,

and he comes from Villaflorito and so on,

i tot és com molt més pobre del que...

and everything is like much poorer than what...

Clar, la imatge que tenim de Maradona després doncs sembla indicar, no?

Of course, the image we have of Maradona afterwards seems to indicate, doesn’t it?

O sigui, que realment conserva aquesta vinculació amb una pobresa

So, it really maintains this connection with a poverty.

que és una pobresa també més difícil d'imaginar,

that is a poverty also more difficult to imagine,

sobretot en aquestes alçades a Barcelona, per exemple, no?

especially at this stage in Barcelona, for example, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

La altra idea és que Villaflorito segueix sent un barri sense pràcticament canonades

The other idea is that Villaflorito remains a neighborhood with hardly any plumbing.

i sense aigua, una cosa molt miserable.

And without water, a very miserable thing.

Sí, sí, sí. Ell ve de la misèria total.

Yes, yes, yes. He comes from total misery.

Òbviament passa a ser un paio ric, també ostentós,

Obviously, he becomes a rich guy, also ostentatious.

però no al grau al que ens hem habituat ara, no?

but not to the extent that we have become accustomed to now, right?

És a dir, on, no sé, et poden fer un reportatge sobre l'armari de sabates de Benzema, no?

That is to say, where, I don't know, they can do a report on Benzema's shoe closet, right?

I hi ha més metres quadrats allà que en moltes famílies de Barcelona.

And there are more square meters there than in many families in Barcelona.

I em sembla normal, no?

It seems normal to me, right?

És a dir, avui en dia hi ha una ostentació de la riquesa per part d'aquests ninyatos

That is to say, nowadays there is an ostentation of wealth by these little brats.

que és el que són, que realment fa venir basques

what is it that really makes you feel nauseous

i fa venir ganes de deixar de mirar-se el futbol

and it makes you want to stop watching football.

perquè realment és bastant repugnant tot plegat, no?

because it is really quite repugnant overall, isn't it?

Maradona també és pervertit pels diners

Maradona is also corrupted by money.

que, doncs, no li fan bé perquè fan que estigui envoltat de gent tremenda,

that, then, do not do him good because they surround him with tremendous people,

d'una quantitat de gent que el volen vampiritzar al·lucinant, no?

of a number of people who want to vampire him is astonishing, isn’t it?

I ho veiem fins i tot en la seva mort.

We see it even in his death.

És tràgic.

It's tragic.

O sigui, el tio està envoltat d'un grup de persones

That is to say, the guy is surrounded by a group of people.

i ja des de fa mesos, des que es va morir,

and for months now, since he/she passed away,

una polèmica argentina sobre si el van deixar morir,

an Argentinian controversy about whether they let him die,

sobre què va passar amb ell.

about what happened with him.

Hi ha un tal Stimfale,

There is a certain Stimfale,

un tal Cossachoff, un quinaciólex,

a certain Cossachoff, a quinoxielex,

un grup de persones que ja des que va arribar a Barcelona

a group of people who have been here since they arrived in Barcelona

sempre ha tingut satèl·lits i ell els ha mantingut

he has always had satellites and he has maintained them

i la seva vida ha estat d'una sordidesa tremenda.

And her life has been of tremendous sordidness.

I malgrat això, és un individu que quan li posaven un micròfon al davant

And despite this, he is an individual who, when a microphone was put in front of him,

resulta que deia coses que no estaven del tot malament

it turns out that he said things that weren't entirely wrong

i que de vegades aconseguien ressonar moltíssim

and sometimes they managed to resonate a lot

i tenia la capacitat de transmetre el missatge

I had the ability to convey the message.

amb el qual molta gent es podia sentir identificada.

with which many people could identify.

I després, doncs, era enginyós.

And then, therefore, he was clever.

Jo tinc un llibre aquí de Diego Dijo, es diu, no?

I have a book here by Diego Dijo, it's called, right?

I són com les 120 millors frases de Maradona.

And they are like the 120 best quotes from Maradona.

I la veritat és que en té moltes, d'enginyoses.

And the truth is that she has many clever ones.

I n'hi ha prou de pensar la famosa frase

Just thinking of the famous phrase is enough.

del comiat de jugador més tràgica i més trista que s'ha vist mai,

the most tragic and saddest farewell of a player that has ever been seen,

que és el seu comiat, em sembla que és el novembre-octubre del 2001,

what is his farewell, it seems to me that it is November-October 2001,

que és un moment també molt trist de la humanitat,

which is also a very sad moment for humanity,

això, bé, com a mínim de la humanitat no ho sé,

this, well, at least humanity I don't know,

però de moment de canvi, no?, després de l'11 de setembre.

But for now, no change, right?, after September 11th.

Després es juga aquest partit de comiat d'ell,

Afterwards, this farewell match for him is played.

el qual ell quan entra a l'estadi ja és...

the moment he enters the stadium is already...

quan entra a l'estadi ja entra, diguem, derrotat,

when he enters the stadium, he already enters, let's say, defeated,

fa temps que no juga, està gras,

he hasn't played for a long time, he is overweight,

i es posa a plorar amb les filles al seu costat.

And she starts to cry with the daughters by her side.

I després el partit, doncs, és relativament trist.

And then the match, well, it's relatively sad.

Ell fa un parell de gols de penalti amb Liguita de porter,

He scores a couple of penalty goals with Liguita as the goalkeeper.

que no es tira.

that doesn't throw itself.

Està Stoichkov a l'altre equip.

Is Stoichkov on the other team?

Bé, tot plegat molt...

Well, all in all very...

Un grup d'amics, però tot molt trist.

A group of friends, but everything is very sad.

I llavors ell fa un discurs al final on diu, entre altres coses, doncs,

And then he gives a speech at the end where he says, among other things, well,

la frase famosa aquesta, la pelota no se matxa, no?

The famous phrase, the ball is not matched, right?

Que, doncs, bé, és una frase que dintre de l'absurd i ridícul

Well, it is a sentence that is within the absurd and ridiculous.

que pot arribar a ser el món del futbol, doncs aquesta, doncs,

what the world of football can become, well this, well,

és de les que té una certa gràcia dita per ell, no?

It's one of those that has a certain charm said by him, right?

Perquè, a més a més, és algú que viu la seva tragèdia

Because, moreover, it is someone who lives their tragedy.

davant de tota la humanitat, pràcticament, no?

in front of all humanity, practically, right?

És a dir, el detenen per drogues i està allà a la televisió filmant-lo,

That is to say, they arrest him for drugs and he is there on television filming him.

amb aquella cara de malalt, drogat i amb la policia, la televisió

with that sick, drugged face and the police, the television

i tothom atent a les seves misèries, no?

and everyone attentive to their miseries, right?

Clar, això, doncs, no deu ser fàcil.

Of course, that must not be easy.

Des del punt de vista personal és normal que hagi mort,

From a personal point of view, it's normal that he has died.

encara gràcies, que ha durat fins als 60 anys, no?

thank goodness, it lasted until 60 years, right?

I després, doncs, clar, és un individu que...

And then, of course, he is an individual who...

que després diu, no, aquest individu no tenia una vida exemplar.

that then says, no, this individual did not have an exemplary life.

Òbviament que no tenia una vida exemplar, no?

Obviously, he didn't have an exemplary life, did he?

És aquesta la gràcia de...

Is this the grace of...

Està travessat per totes les contradiccions, no?

It is crossed by all the contradictions, isn’t it?

Comença... Aquí fa...

It begins... Here it is...

Els nens d'aquí ja els recordem el seu famós anunci

The children here already remember their famous advertisement.

en contra de les drogues, no?

against drugs, right?

Que no sé si era subvencionat per la Generalitat o per qui, no?

I don't know if it was subsidized by the Generalitat or by whom, right?

Que està ell allà jugant a futbol a la platja

He is over there playing football on the beach.

i si t'ofereixen drogues, di no.

And if they offer you drugs, say no.

I justament quan ell estava començant a consumir-ne, no?

Just when he was starting to consume it, right?

Per tant, doncs, és...

Therefore, it is...

Té, hi ha la gràcia aquesta del...

Well, there is this charm of...

O sigui, que...

That is to say, that...

que ofereix molts... moltes perspectives

that offers many... many perspectives

per apropar-se a aquest individu, no?

to get close to this individual, right?

I després hi ha el vessant del Mundial, no?

And then there is the aspect of the World Cup, right?

Òbviament, sense el Mundial Maradona no és Maradona.

Obviously, without the World Cup, Maradona is not Maradona.

Però, clar, arriba...

But, of course, it arrives...

arriba a uns graus de...

reaches some degrees of...

de duració...

of duration...

per part tant d'argentins com de napolitans

for both Argentinians and Neapolitans

que des del punt de vista futbolístic

from a football perspective

jo crec que després els ha perjudicat, no?

I think that later it has harmed them, right?

Perquè, òbviament, ell és Déu

Because, obviously, he is God.

i... i no...

and... and no...

i el número 10

and the number 10

tant de l'Argentina com de Nàpols

both from Argentina and Naples

porta una càrrega que és impossible de portar.

it carries a burden that is impossible to bear.

En el cas de Nàpols, vam fer...

In the case of Naples, we did...

vam decidir retirar la samarreta del Déu

we decided to withdraw the God t-shirt

que, òbviament, és un error

that, obviously, is a mistake

perquè, de sobte, l'equip passa a jugar només amb Déu

Why, all of a sudden, does the team play only with God?

perquè el Déu és un número massa important per retirar-lo

because God is a number too important to withdraw it

i... i tots els que, d'alguna manera,

and... and all those who, in some way,

podrien haver merescut posar-se el Déu

they could have deserved to put on God

que ja no... no poden perquè està retirat

that can no longer... they cannot because he is retired

doncs, des del...

Well, since the...

el Pocho, la Betsy, el Pipita, el...

the Pocho, Betsy, Pipita, the...

l'Uruguaià aquell, que no me'n recordo com es diu

That Uruguayan, whose name I can't remember.

tots es mesuren sempre amb el Déu, no?

Everyone is always measured against God, right?

i és impossible

and it's impossible

i... i aquell equip del Nàpols, doncs

and that Napoli team, then

ha d'aconseguir guanyar una Lliga

He must manage to win a league.

sense Maradona

without Maradona

i sense... i...

and I feel... I...

o sigui, aconseguir allò que va fer Maradona

that is, to achieve what Maradona did

és una fita tan...

it's a milestone so...

tan encombrada, no?

so burdensome, isn't it?

que per ells... que... que...

that for them... that... that...

que és un equip que...

what is a team that...

que pràcticament s'ha... s'ha...

that has practically... has...

s'ha tret a si mateix la possibilitat de tornar a aconseguir-ho, no?

He has taken away the possibility of achieving it again, hasn't he?

ara estan primers a la Lliga

now they are at the top of the League

i tant de bo veure si... si ho aconsegueixen

I really hope to see if... if they manage to do it.

perquè seria una manera, doncs, de treure's de sobre

because it would be a way, then, to get rid of it

també el pes futbolístic de Maradona

also the footballing weight of Maradona

i Argentina, doncs...

and Argentina, then...

podríem parlar d'una cosa semblant, no?

we could talk about something similar, right?

perquè Messi s'ha de mesurar amb Maradona

Why does Messi have to be compared to Maradona?

també porta el Déu...

he also brings the God...

i com deia una mica...

And as I was saying a little...

Napolità l'altre dia

Napoli the other day.

diu que la grandesa de Messi

says that Messi's greatness

no és si és més o menys que Maradona

it's not whether he is more or less than Maradona

és que com a mínim ha suscitat la pregunta

It's just that it has at least raised the question.

sobre si es pot comparar amb Maradona

about whether it can be compared to Maradona



i això ja és... ja és molt

and this is... this is a lot

clar, però això és increïble perquè el que...

sure, but this is incredible because what...

o sigui, amb el Maradona futbolista

that is to say, with Maradona the footballer

diríem... clar, jo tot el mèrit que li recull...

we would say... of course, all the merit that it collects...

o sigui, que li sé veure a Maradona

So, I know how to see Maradona.

quan veig aquestes jugades o així, clar

when I see these plays or like that, of course

sense haver-lo seguit

without having followed it

és que s'assembla una mica a Messi

It's just that he looks a bit like Messi.

o sigui, això que diuen

that is to say, what they say

no, Messi ha fet els gols de Maradona

No, Messi has scored Maradona's goals.

clar, per mi és al revés

of course, for me it's the other way around

o sigui, és que Maradona en aquella època

So, it means that Maradona at that time

en aquells camps, en aquell funk

in those fields, in that funk

amb aquelles patades

with those kicks

va aconseguir fer gols que s'assemblen als magnífics gols

he managed to score goals that resemble the magnificent goals

que ha fet Messi

What has Messi done?

que és el... que és el bo, no?

what is it... what is the good one, right?

és a dir...

that is to say...

i és clar, costa molt saber quina...

And of course, it's very hard to know which one...

o sigui, en quina mesura és un gran jugador Maradona

So, to what extent is Maradona a great player?

o sigui, el mèrit, per exemple, de Nàpols

that is, the merit, for example, of Naples

això que deies, clar

what you said, of course

que guanya dos escudetos

that earns two escudets

una UEFA


però després el Nàpols no ha guanyat res

but then Naples has not won anything

o sigui, el Nàpols no havia guanyat res

So, Napoli hadn't won anything.

i després no ha guanyat res

and then he/she hasn't won anything

bueno, després ha guanyat, no sé si tres o quatre copes

Well, then he has won, I don't know if three or four cups.

en els últims anys

in recent years

el que passa que després de Maradona

What happens after Maradona

o sigui, la despesa que fa Ferlai, no?

I mean, the expenditure that Ferlai makes, right?

per Maradona

for Maradona


it is...

hipoteca al club

mortgage at the club

i després de la sortida a Maradona

and after the exit to Maradona

el Nàpols entra en...

Naples enters...

en concurs i baixa fins a la sèrie C

in competition and drop to series C



i... però

and... but

com que ha creat ja una gran afició

since it has already generated a great enthusiasm

que ja la tenia

that I already had it

doncs hi ha moments èpics del club

so there are epic moments of the club

a la sèrie C

to series C

i quan tornen a pujar a primera, no?

And when do they go back up to the first division, right?

a la sèrie...

to the series...

que és una de les coses bones que té també

which is one of the good things it also has

ser d'un equip no tan gran com el Barça

to be part of a team not as big as Barça

pretén ser, no?

it aims to be, right?

és a dir que...

that is to say that...

que doncs que tens moments d'èpica

so then you have moments of epicness

i en situacions de precarietat, no?

And in situations of precariousness, right?

i nosaltres sempre estem doncs

and we are always then

patint per guanyar, etcètera

suffering to win, etc.

per estar molt amunt

for being very high up



i caldria veure fins a quin punt l'afició

and we would need to see to what extent the hobby

resistiria en situacions de precarietat, no?

It would resist in situations of precariousness, right?

que diguem que

that we say that

et posa més a prova en un equip petit

it challenges you more in a small team

però clar, això que deies de Messi i Maradona

but of course, what you said about Messi and Maradona

el mite de Maradona

the myth of Maradona

també s'alimenta del fet

it also feeds on the fact

que moltes vegades quan s'explica el que va fer

that many times when it is explained what he/she did

es diu que ell va

it is said that he goes

fer guanyar el Nàpols

to make Napoli win

pràcticament ell solet

practically all by himself

i que les seleccions argentines

and that the Argentine selections

que ell va portar

that he brought

una al campionat i una altra gairebé

one in the championship and another almost

són seleccions amb jugadors pèssims, no?

They are selections with terrible players, aren’t they?


si és veritat o no és veritat

whether it is true or not true

òbviament aquí podríem entrar a discutir-ho

obviously we could get into a discussion about it here

veritat, veritat no és

truth, it is not truth

també necessita jugadors al seu voltant

he also needs players around him



probablement no va estar acompanyat

he probably wasn't accompanied

de dos jugadors tan grans com Xavi i Iniesta

of two players as great as Xavi and Iniesta



clar, Messi no ha guanyat un Mundial

Of course, Messi hasn't won a World Cup.

i diuen, no, tenir equips més bons...

and they say, no, having better teams...

que els de Maradona

that of Maradona

bé, pot ser, no ho sé

well, maybe, I don't know

això és difícil de...

this is difficult to...

és molt difícil de valorar

it is very difficult to assess

però clar, diguem, el mite és aquest

but of course, let's say, the myth is this

i llavors

and then

sempre hauràs de respondre

you will always have to respond

al que hauria fet Messi

what Messi would have done



al Parma

to Parma

o en un altre equip

or on another team

jo crec que

I believe that

hauria pogut portar un equip

I could have brought a team.

a guanyar una Lliga

to win a league

per mi és inconmensurable

for me it is immeasurable

el que ha fet Messi

what Messi has done

i no entraria

and I wouldn't enter

a comparar-los

to compare them

bàsicament perquè

basically because

he tingut massa converses amb nepolitans

I have had too many conversations with Neapolitans.

sobre això

about this

i òbviament

and obviously

els deixo guanyar

I let them win.

i els reconec que

and I acknowledge them that

Maradona és incomparable

Maradona is incomparable.

a qualsevol altra cosa

to anything else

el problema és que Messi

the problem is that Messi

s'acaba al camp

it ends in the field

Maradona és camp i fora del camp

Maradona is a champion on and off the field.

Maradona és

Maradona is

una història, és un discurs, és una tragèdia

A story is a discourse, it is a tragedy.

és un...

it's a...

a més aconseguir un contra de les circumstàncies

besides achieving a counter to the circumstances





fent mala vida

living a bad life

estar en males companyies

to be in bad company

havent, a més a més, de defensar-se

having, moreover, to defend oneself

de coses, decidint

of things, deciding

agafar el micròfon i xerrar

take the microphone and chat

amb dificultats

with difficulties

passa pels clubs

it goes through the clubs

amb dificultats econòmiques

with economic difficulties

a Naples se'n va fatal

It's going terribly in Naples.

les imatges seves

your images

a l'aeroport

at the airport

se'n va malament

things are going poorly

no pot anar-se'n

he cannot leave

a més se'n va sancionat per drogues

in addition, he was fined for drugs

tot és una situació

everything is a situation



i després

and then

ella es retira molt jove

She retires very young.

a més a més, té una carrera relativament

furthermore, he/she has a relatively career



el pas pel Sevilla és bastant

the pass through Sevilla is quite

dramàtic també

dramatic too

ha de fer esforços

must make efforts

constants per superar la drogadicció

constants to overcome drug addiction

mentre és jugador

while he is a player

clar, estem parlant

of course, we are talking

d'una figura que és molt més polièdrica

of a figure that is much more polyhedral

que Messi

That Messi

que Messi, doncs, nosaltres l'adorem

that Messi, therefore, we adore him



òbviament, doncs, Messi

obviously, then, Messi

és només

it's only

és que ell

it's that he

té un ecosistema

it has an ecosystem

perfecte que

perfect that

es redueix a la gespa

it is reduced to the grass

allà dintre

in there

Messi, doncs, jo no he vist a ningú

Messi, then, I haven't seen anyone.

que entri en una

let it enter into one

és com el Gepard

it's like the Cheetah

que diuen que està perfectament adaptat

that they say is perfectly adapted

a un determinat territori

to a certain territory

qualsevol modificació el pot posar

any modification can put him/her/it

en perill i no pot aconseguir

in danger and cannot achieve

doncs aquelles puntes de velocitat

so those speed tips

Messi està perfectament

Messi is perfectly fine.

el jugador perfectament adaptat

the perfectly adapted player

a aquella mena de

to that kind of

situació, per això el que ens passa

situation, that's why what's happening to us

ara és que si

now it is that if

fas l'experiència d'anar a l'estadi, doncs

you have the experience of going to the stadium, then

fas l'experiència de l'absència

you experience the absence

que falta

what's missing

falta algú, falta algú que dona

someone is missing, someone who gives

sentit a més a més a aquella gespa

felt moreover on that grass

i aquella

and that one

gespa concreta de l'estadi

concrete grass of the stadium

durant 16 anys, doncs hi havia algú

for 16 years, there was someone

que donava sentit, tot allò tenia sentit

that gave meaning, it all made sense

per la manifestació

for the demonstration


of this

d'aquesta prestació atlètica

of this athletic performance



Maradona és com

Maradona is like

hi ha una imperfecció en Maradona

There is an imperfection in Maradona.

és malgrat

it's despite

les circumstàncies, ell aconsegueix

the circumstances, he achieves

el que aconsegueix

what he/she achieves

a part del futbol

apart from football

totalment diferent

totally different

molt més

much more



totes aquestes càmeres

all these cameras

que hi ha avui en dia i tal

what there is nowadays and such

doncs fan que sigui

so they make it so that I am

potser massa net

maybe too clean

o sigui, Maradona també és un fill del futbol

In other words, Maradona is also a son of football.

brut, el futbol

dirty, football

on no sabies

or you didn't know

mai si

never if

què passava perquè hi havia

what was happening because there was

dues càmeres, o sigui la patada

two cameras, that is the kick

de Goicoechea vista amb

from Goicoechea seen with

les càmeres d'avui probablement

the cameras of today probably

aniria directament al jutjat de guàrdia

I would go straight to the court on duty.

seria considerada una agressió

it would be considered an aggression

amb arma blanca

with a bladed weapon



clar, en aquella època tot això

of course, at that time all of this

passava desapercebut

went unnoticed

però vaja, l'Emil

but well, Emil

ja et dic, des d'un punt de vista

I tell you, from a point of view



jo crec que molts van fer aquesta

I think many did this.

els nens d'aquella època van ser els únics

the children of that time were the only ones

que vam entendre

that we understood



que vam veure

that we saw

les possibilitats que hi havia a Maradona

the possibilities that there were in Maradona

la tribuna

the grandstand

no ho va entendre mai això

he never understood this

i probablement també

and probably also

jo no sé, hi havia una qüestió al final

I don't know, there was a question at the end.

de que

of what

era impossible identificar-se amb aquest tio

it was impossible to identify with this guy


let's call it that

el classisme del club

the classism of the club

però amb aquest individu

but with this individual

no era fàcil

it wasn't easy


to identify oneself

és més fàcil identificar-se amb el Xavi

it is easier to identify with Xavi

amb un catalanet ordenadet

with a neat little Catalan

que no amb aquest

that not with this

individu que portava

individual that carried

tot el salvatgisme

all the savagery

de Villa Fiorito

from Villa Fiorito

i que

and that

tenia un discurs

I had a speech.

que no podia encaixar

that I could not fit

amb nosaltres

with us

discurs jo no l'anomenaria un discurs

I wouldn't call it a speech.

al final

in the end



una forma de comunicar

a way of communicating



és que era agut

it was sharp

el Paiu

the Paiu

tenia les seves agudeses

he had his sharpnesses


of this

astúcia infantil

childish cunning



en el lloc on ell

in the place where he

va créixer

grew up

que també és l'astúcia del futbolista

which is also the cunning of the footballer

que veu

what do you see

espais on no n'hi ha

spaces where there are none

i òbviament

and obviously

també s'ha de parlar

it must also be talked about

de la qüestió atlètica

of the athletic question

Maradona era un atleta

Maradona was an athlete.

de primer ordre

of first order



tenia unes possibilitats

I had some possibilities.



sense droga

without drugs

hauria estat un absolut fenòmeno

it would have been an absolute phenomenon





potser només futbolístic

perhaps only football-related


we imagine it

amb una vida ordenadeta, dietes, hores de son

with a neat little life, diets, hours of sleep

una parella fixa

a steady partner



però clar

but of course

seria una figura incomplerta

it would be an incomplete figure

si perd la contradicció

if you lose the contradiction



la seva capacitat

her capacity

de suscitar

to raise

jo he participat

I have participated.

en aquest llibre

in this book

i en un altre llibre

and in another book

on hi ha com 30 articles

there are about 30 articles

més d'una perspectiva

more than one perspective

del Maradona populista

of the populist Maradona

també uns quants

also a few

de dones

of women

en aquest també n'hi ha dos

there are also two in this one

de dues dones argentines futbolistes

of two Argentine women footballers

les dues

the two

que parlen del Maradona

that talk about Maradona

que va ser un dels

that was one of the

que va apujar sempre a les eleccions femenines argentines

that always supported the Argentine women's elections

que tenia aquesta humilitat

that had this humility

d'anar a veure les capitanes

to go see the captains

o d'anar a veure l'equip

or to go see the team

i d'animar-los

and to encourage them

i de considerar-se

and to be considered

honorat de poder animar

honored to be able to cheer up

i tal

and such

era un tio que també tenia

he was a guy who also had

aquesta mirada a la justícia social

this look at social justice

la tenia

I had it.

d'una manera ben explícita

in a very explicit way

i això

and this

un futbolista

a footballer



un futbolista preocupat

a worried footballer

de manera grandiloquent

in a grandiloquent manner

per l'emancipació dels pobres

for the emancipation of the poor

jo trobo que és d'agrair

I find it commendable.

i que seria d'agrair

and that would be appreciated

que ara ja és impossible

that now is already impossible

perquè són una mena de robots

because they are a kind of robots

que estan perfectament

that are perfectly



a l'època de Maradona encara et podies

In the time of Maradona, you could still...

apropar a ell, probablement

getting closer to him, probably

els periodistes podien apropar-se

journalists could approach

Sí, de fet molta gent ho explica

Yes, in fact many people talk about it.

que aquesta gent que el coneixia

that these people who knew him

d'aquí o que el va conèixer a Nàpols

from here or that he met him in Naples

és perquè un dia es van presentar allà i es van caure bé

It's because one day they showed up there and got along well.

o sigui que són coses

that is to say, they are things

que ara sembla absolutament increïble

that now seems absolutely incredible

presentar-te als voltants del Camp Nou

introduce yourself around the Camp Nou

a conèixer un jugador

to meet a player

no pot passar

it can't happen

no sé si el futbol era menys competitiu

I don't know if football was less competitive.

aleshores, o sigui

then, I mean

era més fàcil que algú que es prengués el futbol en sèrio

it was easier than someone who took football seriously

pogués arribar a jugar

could reach to play

a futbol a aquest nivell

football at this level

o el futbol del Barça

or the Barça football

No ho sé, la veritat

I don't know, the truth.

ara suposo

now I suppose

que n'hi ha més de nanos

that there are more boys

però ja en aquella època

but even at that time

no estava tan extremadament

it was not so extreme

professionalitzat, tot plegat

professionalized, all in all

però no crec que fos

but I don't think it was

vaja, jo per exemple

well, I for example

òbviament vaig tenir aquest somni

obviously I had this dream

però jo era bastant dolent

but I was quite bad

era lent

was slow

no tenia en absolut les aptituds

I absolutely did not have the skills.

per ser futbolista

to be a football player



seriosament, òbviament

seriously, obviously

no m'ho vaig poder plantejar mai

I could never consider it.

però això no és una

but this is not a

això no demostra

this does not prove

que fos difícil arribar-hi

that it was difficult to get there

no ho sé

I don't know.

jo crec que era també

I think it was also.

extremadament competitiu

extremely competitive



no ho sé, hi havia, aquest individu

I don't know, there was, this individual.

hi havia una cosa que connectava

there was something that connected

jo recordo en un Barça-Madrid

I remember in a Barça-Madrid.

que vam arribar

that we arrived

jo anava a l'estadi com dos hores

I was going to the stadium for about two hours.

abans, pràcticament

before, practically

i recordo

I remember.

que està creuant la diagonal per baixar

that is crossing the diagonal to go down

cap a l'estadi

to the stadium

i que en aquell moment va passar

and what happened at that moment

l'autobús del Barça, el dels jugadors

the Barça bus, the one for the players

i era un grup de nanos

and it was a group of kids

ens vam posar a cridar, a saltar

we started to shout, to jump

i tal

and so on

i Maradona es va posar dret

And Maradona stood up.

a l'autobús

on the bus

a saltar com era

jump as it was

o sigui, no ens va mirar així

that is to say, he/she didn't look at us like that

sinó que el tio buscava

but the guy was looking for

connexió i realment

connection and really

la trobava perquè també venia dels estágers

I found her because she also came from the stagers.






the heater

és tot un altre

it's a whole other thing

i l'organització dels

and the organization of the

cants, bé, ja coneixem

songs, well, we already know

com és el camp del Barça

What is the Barça field like?

el camp del Barça és extremadament soso

the Barça field is extremely bland

comparat amb molts altres

compared to many others

entre altres motius

among other reasons

també perquè hi ha una tribuna que no

also because there is a platform that does not



de l'animació i que espera

of the animation and that waits

ser animada per l'equip

to be encouraged by the team

no contempla la possibilitat

does not contemplate the possibility

d'esforçar-se mínimament

to make a minimal effort

perquè els jugadors

because the players

ho facin perquè aquí suposadament

they do it because here supposedly

com que els paguem

as we pay them

que és el que diu el tribunero habitualment

What is it that the auctioneer usually says?

quan cobra aquest tio

When does this guy get paid?

que aquest és un dels problemes també

that this is one of the problems too

que trobo que s'estan donant a les

that I find that they are being given to the

gent en el futbol en general

people in football in general

i és que aquesta gent

and it is that these people

amb tants diners que després resulta

with so much money that it turns out later

que porten l'equip

that they bring the team

etc. i tots els

etc. and all the

els ricatxos

the rickety ones

de la

of the

tribuna que els donen suport

tribune that supports them

de sobte es troben que clar

suddenly they find that it is clear

no tenen ni

they don't have even

una quinzena part del que té

a fifteenth of what he/she has

el lateral esquerre

the left back

amb la qual cosa

with which

fa que al final tot plegat

makes everything in the end

sigui un

be one

un joc de bé tot plegat

a game of good all together

és molt repugnant

it's very disgusting

com ho és sempre que

as it is always that

entren els diners d'aquesta manera

money comes in this way

en alguna cosa no jo crec que

I don't believe in something.

si ja a l'època de Maradona els diners

if already in the time of Maradona money

doncs estaven fent malbé el futbol

they were ruining football

i probablement el van començar a fer

and they probably started to make it.

malbé en el moment en què els jugadors del

wasted at the moment when the players of the

Barça li van dir al

They told him at Barça.

meu besavi a la resta de la Junta

my great-grandfather to the rest of the Board

que doncs que volien una

so then they wanted one

part també dels diners de les entrades

part of the money from the tickets

perquè caramba

why the hell

al final la gent els venia a veure ells

In the end, people came to see them.

llavors doncs clar primer

then of course first

la Junta es va resistir

the Board resisted

a que l'esport deixés de ser mater

to make sport stop being a matter

però clar

but of course

i aquella resistència

and that resistance

ha portat aquest desgavell

has brought this mess

d'avui en dia


que fa que

that makes that

bueno que hi hagi

well that there is

una enorme contradicció en el fet de

a huge contradiction in the act of

seguir mirant aquesta

keep looking at this

aquest espectacle

this show

que s'ha convertit el futbol

what football has become

en un espectacle televisiu

in a television show

fet per

made by

perquè en gaudeixin a l'altra punta

so that they enjoy it on the other side

del món

of the world

no sé si el futbol segueix vivint

I don't know if football is still alive.

en el futbol

in football

si no

if not

segueix vivint als patis de les

continues living in the courtyards of the



als camps de futbol sala

in the futsal fields

dels pobles

of the towns

a mitja tarda


però vaja i Maradona

but come on, and Maradona

doncs el feia

then it made me

viure més enllà dels diners

live beyond money

suposo que demostrava

I suppose it was showing.

també que els diners no ho són tot

also that money is not everything

en el futbol

in football

bueno més tenir una relació una de les coses que m'ha fet

Well, having a relationship is one of the things that has made me.

gràcia és que hi ha algun moment

the grace is that there is some moment

d'aquests que li fan com no sé si un homenatge

of those who make it feel like, I don't know if it's a tribute

però que i

but what and

fa aquesta cosa de Maradona

do this Maradona thing

que es posa com a plorar i tot això

that starts to cry and all that

li va comentar un del costat i diu

he commented to one beside him and said

clar és impossible tornar tot el que

of course it's impossible to return everything that

aquesta gent m'ha donat com ho faré això

these people have told me how I will do this



com els hi tornaré sempre

How I will always return them.

té aquesta bueno m'ha sorprès molt

It’s good, it surprised me a lot.

d'això de mirar algun

about this of watching someone

documental aquests dies i tot això

documentary these days and all that

la generositat de Maradona en aquest sentit

Maradona's generosity in this regard.

i el dir ostres

and the saying wow

és un nen pobre que està en deute amb el món

he is a poor child who is in debt to the world

que al final és

that in the end is

una cosa molt impressionant

a very impressive thing

i com li pesa això

and how does this weigh on him

en molts moments

at many moments

se sent que no podrà tornar tot el que

it feels that he/she will not be able to return everything that

i de fet el discurs aquell que comentaves abans

And in fact, that speech you mentioned before

la pelota no se manxa

the ball doesn't get dirty

que diu una cosa una mica estranya

that says something a bit strange

una mica estranya de sentir

a little strange to feel

que no s'acabi mai aquest amor que en tenim

may this love we have never end

que és com

it's like

si si bueno és el que

yes yes well it is what

va dir el papa no també quan va

He said the pope no when he went.

quan el va fer papa va dir

When he made it, dad said

pregueu per mi

pray for me

que és una forma

what is a form


of humility

i de

and of



d'humilitat i d'absoluta

of humility and absolute

també grandiloqüència

also grandiloquence

és a dir

that is to say



òbviament Maradona

obviously Maradona

se sent estimat i en pes

he feels loved and in weight



per dos pobles sencers

for two whole towns

que seria pràcticament un de sol

which would be practically one alone

que és Argentina

what is Argentina

i Nàpols

in Naples

o sigui Nàpols és la ciutat més argentina

In other words, Naples is the most Argentine city.

més llatinoamericana d'Europa

more Latin American than Europe

si no comptem

if we do not count



i per tant

and therefore


it is

aquest poble també tant

this town also so much

que tendeix aquesta

that tends to this

religiositat popular

popular religiosity

molt expressiva

very expressive



es troba

is found

o sigui el van

that is, they go

posar en un lloc

put in a place

perquè de sobte

because suddenly

els van fer sentir

they made them feel



bons en alguna cosa

good at something

és a dir això dels argentins

That is to say this about the Argentinians.

el segon mundial

the second world

el primer sempre ha estat

the first has always been

un mundial una mica brut

a somewhat dirty world cup

perquè al final doncs està en plena

because in the end it is in full



està també bé hi ha

it is also good there is

partits comprats etc

bought matches etc.

en canvi aquella altra

on the other hand that other one

doncs els va fer sentir

so it made them feel

que els diners no ho eren

that the money was not them

tot precisament i a Nàpols

everything exactly and in Naples

igual el fet d'imposar-se contra la lluvia

just the fact of imposing oneself against the rain

contra els equips del nord

against the teams from the north

doncs això també és

so this is also

per ells una gran

for them a great

va ser un moment

it was a moment

únic els va donar

only gave them

és aquesta cosa el futbol

it is this thing football

en aquest moment doncs els va donar

at this moment therefore they gave them

doncs un

so one

un substitut

a substitute

fals jo crec que probablement fals

false I think it is probably false

no de

not of

de felicitat

of happiness

clar diguem si poses

of course, tell us if you put it in

són pobles també

they are also towns



que tendeixen doncs

what do they tend then

i fatalistes

and fatalists

no hi ha un cert fatalisme

there is no certain fatalism

que fa que aquest tipus

that makes this kind

de fenòmens

of phenomena

també els

also them

els faci confiar simplement

make them trust simply

que el

that the

que Déu proveirà

God will provide.

i llavors

and then

doncs fa que

so it makes that

una ciutat com Nàpols

a city like Naples

molt detinguda en el temps

very thorough in time

i amb una

and with a

amb una dificultat de

with a difficulty of

construir un futur

build a future

aleshores clar

then clear

el Maradona els va donar

Maradona gave them.

la possibilitat de sentir-se grans

the possibility of feeling great

per un moment que és una

for a moment that is one

maledicció però és una maledicció al mateix temps

curse but it is a curse at the same time

tinc un amic que està obsessionat

I have a friend who is obsessed.

amb això a Argentina que diu clar

With that in Argentina that says clearly.

els argentins aquesta devoció que tenen

the devotion that the Argentines have

per Maradona i per aquell Mundial

for Maradona and for that World Cup

que va guanyar però al final

who won but in the end

el país no va anar millor o sigui

the country did not go better in other words

és un és un amic això

It's a friend, this.

que semblen unes societats

that seem like societies

on Déu proveeix alguna vegada

God provides sometimes.

se celebra això però després es torna

this is celebrated but then it turns back

una normalitat de

a normality of

de pobresa o d'espera o d'alguna manera

of poverty or of waiting or in some way

sense que

without that

no sense que sigui un revulsiu real en la vida

no sense it being a real stimulus in life


of the

sí sí sí jo crec que

yes yes yes I believe that

això també

this too

ens ho podríem preguntar

we could ask ourselves

pel que fa al

as for the

l'auge de l'independentisme

the rise of independence movements

aquí no que coincideix

here does not match

amb una magnífica

with a magnificent

potser la millor època del Barça

perhaps the best era of Barça

jo crec que

I believe that

alguns catalans de fet va haver un moment

some Catalans actually there was a moment

on es parlava

where it was spoken

seriosament que el país

seriously that the country

l'havia de portar el Guardiola ja

I should have brought it to Guardiola already.

o sigui que era el candidat

so it was the candidate

perfecte el qual demostra

perfect which proves

també doncs

also then

la maduresa política del país

the political maturity of the country

i clar

Of course.

va haver un moment on

there was a moment when

aquí semblava que

here it seemed that

la independència era tan fàcil com

independence was as easy as

fotre-li 6 gols al Madrid al Bernabéu

scoring 6 goals against Madrid at the Bernabéu

i òbviament fer 6 gols

and obviously score 6 goals

al Bernabéu és molt difícil

At the Bernabéu it is very difficult.

al Barça més encara

to Barça even more

doncs imagina't la independència

so imagine independence

què t'haig de dir

what should I tell you

que tu no sàpigues

that you do not know

però vaja

but well

que sí que va haver

that there was indeed

aquí la gent no sé què es va pensar

Here the people don't know what they were thinking.

és molt semblant

it is very similar

un fenòmen és

a phenomenon is



doncs el futbol com a eina

so football as a tool

de creació de populismes

of the creation of populisms

està clar que

it is clear that



en el cas de Nàpols també

in the case of Naples also

no els va fer viure millor

it did not make them live better

els va fer sentir doncs això

it made them feel thus

és un substitut

it's a substitute

un substitut d'una victòria

a substitute for a victory

i aquí doncs hem viscut bastant

And here then we have lived quite a lot.

també d'això del Barça com un substitut

also about this from Barça as a substitute

d'altres coses

of other things

i ara doncs

and now then

ara ens aniria a perles

now it would go swimmingly for us

perquè ni una cosa ni l'altra

because neither one thing nor the other

estan funcionant i és molt més fàcil

they are working and it is much easier

que funcioni el Barça que no

that the Barça works that it doesn't

l'així anomenada independència

the so-called independence

sigui que

be it that

potser el que hauríem de fer és subvencionar

perhaps what we should do is subsidize

al Barça

to Barça

diner públic

public money

d'igual manera que s'ha subvencionat

in the same way that it has been subsidized

la independència


amb un nou Maradona

with a new Maradona

i que aquesta vegada

and this time

Maradona català no

Catalan Maradona no.

nosaltres Maradona no podem

we cannot Maradona

és que no és un tipus de jugador

it's just that he is not the type of player

que funcionés amb nosaltres

that it worked with us

nosaltres funciona una altra cosa

we function another thing

un fill del poble

a son of the town

no funcionaria

it wouldn't work

perquè Guardiola i Xavi

because Guardiola and Xavi

són fills

they are children

són el fill de qualsevol

they are the child of anyone

és el catalanet

it is the little Catalan

i el

and the

Piqué segons com també

Piqué depending on how you look at it too.

el Busquets

the Busquets



tots plegats o sigui tots els grans

all together or in other words all the adults

d'aquella època gairebé tots

from that time almost everyone

els que són catalans

those who are Catalan

doncs eren

so they were

era una de les gràcies

it was one of the graces

o sigui

that is to say

la nostra gran joia va ser el partit

Our great joy was the match.

aquell del Tito amb els 11

that one of Tito with the 11

de la Pedrega

of the Stone

o sigui nosaltres ens

that is, we ourselves

és l'especificitat del Barça

it is the specificity of Barça

el Nàpols allò no ho busca

Napoli is not looking for that.

no s'ho han plantejat mai

they have never considered it

per exemple

for example

per ells és completament irrellevant

for them it is completely irrelevant

si el jugador ve o no ve de la Pedrera

whether the player comes from La Pedrera or not

nosaltres doncs li tenim aquesta

we have this for him then

ara eh

now eh

li tenim perquè a l'època de Maradona

we have it because in the time of Maradona

de la Pedrera hi havia el Carrasco

From the Pedrera there was the Carrasco.

el Miguel

the Miguel

no el Migueli no

not Migueli no

el Carrasco

the Carrasco

i algun altre

and some other

el Sánchez

the Sánchez

però hi havia pocs jugadors de la Pedrera

but there were few players from the academy

eren molt poc habituals i pujaven amb 24-25 anys

they were very rare and were rising at 24-25 years old

el Clos

the Enclosure

el Paco Clos

the Paco Clos

el Rojo

the Red

que aquests sí que van jugar amb Maradona

that these did indeed play with Maradona

i després l'Amor

and then Love

però l'Amor va venir a jugar després

But Love came to play afterwards.

però l'Amor va substituir a Maradona

but Love replaced Maradona

en el partit d'inauguració

in the opening match

al Ministadi

to the Ministry

Amor era cadet

Love was a cadet.

amb 15 anys em sembla

I think I was 15 years old.

clar clar és molt

clearly clearly it's a lot

clar jo el veig d'una generació molt posterior

Of course, I see him from a much later generation.

sí això

yes this

van fer entrar el cadet aquest

they had the cadet come in

després són d'aquests gestos

after are these gestures

que a posteriori adquireixen molt de sentit

that later acquire a lot of meaning

perquè va debutar un tio

because a guy made his debut

que després va ser un líder de la Pedrera

who later became a leader of La Pedrera

però no va ser

but it wasn't

el matrimoni no es podia donar

the marriage could not take place

amb Maradona aquí

with Maradona here

jo m'ho vaig creure però

I believed it, but

llavors em vaig adonar que allò no podia ser

then I realized that it couldn't be

i em vaig fer gran

and I grew up

amb unes quantes decepcions d'aquestes

with a few disappointments like these

i poc després

and shortly after

va venir el de Sevilla

he came from Seville

o sigui va ser tot un

so it was quite a

va haver una lliga pel mig

there was a league in between

sense Maradona

without Maradona

o sigui Maradona se'n va

So Maradona is leaving.

i guanem la lliga

and we win the league

al cap d'un parell d'anys em sembla

in a couple of years, it seems to me

però és que era impossible

but it was impossible

aleshores el Barça no podia guanyar la lliga

then Barça could not win the league

és que no hi havia manera humana

there was no human way

de guanyar la lliga

to win the league

però per cosa d'àrbitres i tot això

but for referee stuff and all that

no perquè no

no because no

no en sabien més

they didn't know any more

va haver

there was

el moment que l'haurien pogut guanyar

the moment they could have won it

va haver el segrest aquell del Kini

there was that kidnapping of Kini

allò ens va fastidiar

that upset us

perquè aquella lliga estava guanyada

because that league was won

quedaven 6 partits

there were 6 matches left

no aquella va ser una altra

No, that was another one.

va haver una que quedaven 6 partits

There was one where there were 6 matches left.

teníem 6 punts de diferència

we had a 6-point difference

quan les lligues valien

when the leagues mattered

les victòries 2 punts

the victories 2 points

i la van perdre

and they lost her

allò diguem

let's say that

hi havia una impossibilitat interior

there was an inner impossibility

de guanyar

to win

ho fitxava a bons

I recorded it as good.

teníem el Schuster

we had Schuster

que era un jugador espectacular

that he was a spectacular player

tenia el Simonsen

I had Simonsen.

també un magnífic

also a magnificent

no es podia

it could not be done

això com a mínim

this at least

si no i després

if not and then

jo em vaig adonar

I realized.

va haver un dia

there was a day

on de sobte ens vam adonar

suddenly we realized

que de fet

that in fact

no és estrany

it is not strange

que va ser precisament Menotti

it was precisely Menotti

qui ho va diagnosticar això

who diagnosed this

i Menotti va fer unes rodes de premsa

Menotti held some press conferences.

que eren magnífiques

that were magnificent

no tenien res a veure

they had nothing to do with it

amb el que havia hagut fins ara

with what there had been until now

el late que pràcticament no sabia castellà

the guy who hardly knew Spanish

i Menotti va dir allò

And Menotti said that.

de les urgències històriques

of historical urgencies

és un club amb urgències històriques

it is a club with historical urgencies

ens va psicoanalitzar

he psychoanalyzed us

estava ple de psicoanalistes argentins

it was full of Argentine psychoanalysts

va venir un altre

another one came

i va dir això

and he said that

i era claríssim

and it was very clear

i Mardona a més a més va arribar aquí

And Mardona also arrived here.

va ser tot per ell molt complicat

It was all very complicated for him.

va ser un club nou en el Mundial

it was a new club in the World Cup

el partit d'inauguració del Mundial del 82

the opening match of the 82 World Cup

poc, o sigui després al setembre

little, so later in September

jugarà amb el Barça

he will play with Barça

i aquell ja el perd contra Bèlgica

and he already lost it against Belgium

i el Mundial és fatal

and the World Cup is terrible

acaba expulsat

ends up expelled

del Mundial 82

from the 82 World Cup

surt expulsat

is expelled

amb el partit contra Brasil

with the match against Brazil

és a dir

that is to say

el seu començament és molt complicat

its beginning is very complicated

molt complicat

very complicated

al partit contra Itàlia li fan 20 i pico faltes

In the match against Italy, they commit over 20 fouls.

és el mateix tio

it's the same guy

o sigui

that is to say

cosa que no té cap mena de sentit

thing that makes no sense at all

que ara no té cap mena de sentit

that now makes no sense at all

però el futbol aleshores era així

but football was like this back then

i bueno

and well

es simulava molt menys

it was simulated much less

i els tios s'aixecaven

and the guys got up



diria que com a homes

I would say that as men.

perquè sí que hi havia

because there was indeed

aquell punt de virilitat

that point of virility

un futbol més viril

a more masculine football

més violent

more violent

entesa la virilitat com a violència

understanding masculinity as violence

en aquest sentit

in this regard

que feia que fos

that it had been



des del punt de vista de l'espectacle

from the point of view of the show

no era molt

it wasn't much

molt agradable

very pleasant

i diguem també s'ha de dir

and we must also say

i ja no sé

I don't know anymore.

ja ho deixem estar

Let's leave it at that.

que en aquell moment a Espanya

that at that moment in Spain

era una situació de molta violència

it was a situation of a lot of violence

o sigui els anys de Maradona aquí

So it's the years of Maradona here.

que són els anys que guanya el Bilbao

what are the years that Bilbao wins

són els anys que

they are the years that

Caeta està matant setmanalment

Caeta is killing weekly.

no sé

I don’t know.

que més d'una persona a la setmana

more than one person a week

mataven en aquella època

they were killing at that time

i a les grades

and to the terraces

també hi havia moltíssima

there was also a lot



perquè les aficions no estaven

because the hobbies were not there

separades o sigui allò

separated or that means

va ser a partir de la tragèdia

it was from the tragedy

Hazel que van descobrir que

Hazel that they discovered that

convenia separar

it was advisable to separate

les aficions i van començar a

the hobbies and they started to

establir unes zones en les quals no hi havia ningú

establish areas where there was no one

t'havies d'anar

you had to go

a la teva zona hi havia

in your area there was

guàrdies de seguretat van duplicar

security guards doubled

i triplicar la policia

and triplicate the police

perquè la situació s'havia

because the situation had

descontrolat totalment i es veia

totally uncontrolled and it showed

constantment violència

constant violence

a la gespa i també

on the grass and also

a la grada i al camp del Barça

in the stands and on the field of Barça

he vist escenes

I have seen scenes.

de molta violència

of a lot of violence

a la tercera graderia

to the third tier

quan encara era general

when he was still a general

situacions bastant

rather situations

bastant brutals

quite brutal

Déu n'hi do

Good grief!

i un ambient inimaginable

and an unimaginable atmosphere

i pacífic

and peaceful

això que deies

what you were saying

que aquí és tot molt pacífic

that here it is all very peaceful

jo clar, jo soc molt favorable

I am clear, I am very favorable.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

esclar, esclar

of course, of course

està a fer-lo més pacífic però

is to make it more peaceful but

aleshores el converteix més en un circ

then it turns it more into a circus

en un espectacle

in a show

que bueno, nosaltres és el que

how good, that's what we

jo crec que en certa manera hem gaudit

I think that in a way we have enjoyed.

enormement amb aquest Barça

enormously with this Barça

magnífic que vam tenir

magnificent that we had

és el fet que vam

it is the fact that we did

dir el Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

say Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

que és un

what is a

un profe que fa estètica

a teacher who teaches aesthetics

té un article sobre el moment

he has an article about the moment

àlgid del Barça-Guardiola

peak of Barça-Guardiola

i diu una cosa que el que fa

And he says something that what he does.

aquell Barça és crear bellesa

that Barça is to create beauty

mentre busca el gol

while looking for the goal



per tant, diguem clar, nosaltres

therefore, let's be clear, we

hem vist aquesta mena de futbol

we have seen this kind of football

diguem, artístic

let's say, artistic

sí, sí

yes, yes

és tot una altra cosa

it's a whole different thing

sí, una altra cosa

yes, another thing

que ha estat molt

that has been very

plaent però no ha deixat de ser

pleasing but it has not ceased to be

una estona

a while

que ha estat molt plaent

that has been very pleasant

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