La Universitat Invisible 7x09: The End

La Universitat Invisible

La Universitat Invisible

La Universitat Invisible 7x09: The End

La Universitat Invisible


Amigues, amics, benvingudes una vegada més a la Universitat Invisible!

Friends, welcome once again to the Invisible University!



El programa amb més informació inútil per minut,

The program with the most useless information per minute,

o com diu l'escut de la nostra universitat...

or as the coat of arms of our university says...

Avui haureu d'austrar de la nostra universitat el formen

Today you will have to leave our university the form.

i espero els vostres crits a continuació.

I look forward to your shouts below.

L'Adriana Fernández!

Adriana Fernández!

El David Krul!

The David Krul!

Edgar Costilla!

Edgar Rib!

Alberto Hidalgo!

Alberto Hidalgo!

Albert Pagès!

Albert Pagès!

I avui com a convidats especialíssims el Chema Peral!

And today as very special guests, Chema Peral!

I el Joan García que torna a casa!

And Joan García is coming home!

Jo mateix, l'Enric Garriga.

I myself, Enric Garriga.

Què tal? Com esteu avui?

How are you? How are you all today?

Viva, bravo, burra!

Hip, hip, hooray, bravo, donkey!

Disparos al cielo, piñao, piñao!

Shots in the sky, piñao, piñao!

Una cosa meravellosa.

A wonderful thing.

Argentinos tirándose desde autobuses.

Argentinians jumping from buses.

Avui, com veieu, tenim un programa molt especial

Today, as you can see, we have a very special program.

i de fet és un programa molt especial perquè

and in fact it is a very special program because

és com una espècie de final

it's like a kind of ending

de la Universitat Invisible.

of the Invisible University.

Feia molts mesos que no apareixien pels vostres

It had been many months since they last appeared for you.

timelines ni pels vostres

timelines nor for yours

recomanats de Spotify, si alguna vegada

Spotify recommendations, if ever.

hem estat el recomanat d'alguna banda

we have been recommended by some band

i bàsicament perquè, com veieu,

and basically because, as you can see,

el programa cada vegada ha anat espaiant-se

the program has increasingly been spreading out

més en el temps, s'ha anat espaiant tant que hem decidit

Over time, it has spread so much that we have decided

que fem una cosa, fem un final,

let's do something, let's make an ending,

deixem-ho aquí i després ja ho veurem

let's leave it here and then we'll see later

perquè, aviam, no se sap mai les coses,

because, you see, you never really know things,

potser tornen en forma de xapa o

perhaps they return in the form of a badge or

d'una altra manera, no se sap mai.

in another way, you never know.



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