La Vida Sona #291 30-07-20

Cooltura FM

La Vida Sona amb Toni Guerrero

La Vida Sona #291 30-07-20

La Vida Sona amb Toni Guerrero

Cada dia, Toni Guerrero ens porta al magasí de proximitat.

Every day, Toni Guerrero takes us to the local warehouse.

La vida sona. És cultura, és gastronomia, és música, és actualitat.

Life resonates. It is culture, it is gastronomy, it is music, it is current affairs.

Un contacte directe amb entitats, comerç i petites i mitjanes empreses de Catalunya.

A direct contact with entities, commerce, and small and medium-sized enterprises in Catalonia.

Des de les 11 del matí a les 2 de la tarda.

From 11 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon.

La vida sona amb Toni Guerrero.

Life sounds with Toni Guerrero.

Aquests són els nostres patrocinadors.

These are our sponsors.

A la Fundació La Caixa tenim una manera de canviar el món

At the La Caixa Foundation, we have a way of changing the world.

i és fer-ho com ho hem fet sempre, persona a persona.

And it is to do it as we have always done, person to person.

Atenem les necessitats dels col·lectius més vulnerables

We meet the needs of the most vulnerable groups.

i fem arribar la recerca mèdica, la cultura i l'educació a tothom.

we deliver medical research, culture, and education to everyone.

Programa a programa, persona a persona.

Program by program, person by person.

Fundació La Caixa.

La Caixa Foundation.

Problemes con el alcohol?

Alcohol problems?

Quizá podemos ayudarte.

Maybe we can help you.

Alcohólicos anónimos.

Alcoholics Anonymous.

Telefono 93.

Telephone 93.



Missatge del doctor Gaspart Alomar Serrallac.

Message from Doctor Gaspart Alomar Serrallac.

La medicina del present i el futur marcada per el coronavirus.

The medicine of the present and the future marked by the coronavirus.

Entra al

Go to

El doctor Alomar i tot el seu equip de seguida parlaran amb tu.

Doctor Alomar and his entire team will speak with you shortly.

Aquesta és una nova guia a la ciutadania

This is a new guide to the citizenship.

per poder contactar i parlar de seguida amb un metge.

to be able to contact and speak directly with a doctor.

Recorda, al

Remember, to

I ara anem a parlar d'espais per viure i treballar i gaudir.

And now let's talk about spaces to live, work, and enjoy.

És l'hora d'un bon entrepà.

It's time for a good sandwich.



FB Disseny.

FB Design.











Aportem solucions a mida en forma de PACs.

We provide customized solutions in the form of PACs.







Centres mèdics.

Medical centers.

Centres esportius.

Sports centers.





Adaptem les solucions a la necessitat de cada un dels nostres clients.

We adapt the solutions to the needs of each of our clients.

Entreu a la nostra web.

Enter our website.

I al nostre telèfon.

And on our phone.

93 474 4060.

93 474 4060.

96 93 474 4066.

96 93 474 4066.





Que guai.

How cool.

Tu eliges.

You choose.

Ofertas para todos los presupuestos.

Offers for all budgets.

Infórmate en tu agencia en el 964-7272-70 o

Get information at your agency at 964-7272-70 or

A la Fundació La Caixa tenim una manera de canviar el món.

At the La Caixa Foundation, we have a way of changing the world.

I és fer-ho com ho hem fet sempre.

And it's doing it as we have always done.

Persona a persona.

Person to person.

Atenem les necessitats dels col·lectius més vulnerables

We attend to the needs of the most vulnerable groups.

i fem arribar la recerca mèdica, la cultura i l'educació a tothom.

and we bring medical research, culture, and education to everyone.

Programa a programa, persona a persona.

Program by program, person by person.

Fundació La Caixa.

La Caixa Foundation.

La vida sona. També podreu escoltar-la tots els dies d'una a tres de la matinada.

Life sounds. You can also listen to it every day from one to three in the morning.

Bon dia, areus, bon dia, pobilles de tota Catalunya.

Good morning, aunts, good morning, girls from all over Catalonia.

Benvinguts, sigueu tots amics oients.

Welcome, you all are friends listening.

Bon dia, Toni Guerrero, director d'aquest magazín.

Good morning, Toni Guerrero, director of this magazine.

Bon dia, Barcelona. Bon dia, Catalunya.

Good morning, Barcelona. Good morning, Catalonia.

Avui és dijous, és migdia i si estem a La vida sona

Today is Thursday, it's noon and if we are at La vida sona.

vol dir que comença la lírica i molt més.

it means that lyricism begins and much more.

A l'espai que prepara amb total independència per a tots vosaltres

In the space that he/she prepares with total independence for all of you.

qui us parla ara en directe Fèlix Serraclara.

who is speaking to you live now is Fèlix Serraclara.

I també vol dir que aleja l'ari indispensable, imprescindible,

And it also means that it distances the indispensable, essential air.

pren cura de la realització i la producció d'aquest programa.

takes care of the realization and production of this program.

Bon dia, aleja l'ari.

Good morning, clear the air.

Benvinguts oients, si penses com nosaltres que fem camí caminant.

Welcome listeners, if you think like us that we make our way by walking.

Si penses com el poeta Tomàs Elliot,

If you think like the poet Thomas Eliot,

que la cultura simplement és allò que fa que la vida mereixi ser viscuda.

that culture is simply what makes life worth living.

Benvinguts oients, si creus que la música és el millor vehicle

Welcome listeners, if you believe that music is the best vehicle.

per apropar la gent i cultures.

to bring people and cultures closer together.

Benvinguts oients.

Welcome listeners.

Si creus que un llibre intel·ligent és un transmissor potent de bones idees.

If you believe that an intelligent book is a powerful transmitter of good ideas.

Benvinguts oients.

Welcome listeners.

I si creus tot això, doncs aquest és el teu programa.

And if you believe all this, then this is your program.

Queda't amb nosaltres perquè comencem.

Stay with us because we are starting.

Benvinguts oients.

Welcome listeners.

Bé, avui tenim l'últim programa d'aquesta temporada

Well, today we have the last show of this season.

i portem un programa farcit de lírica

And we bring a program filled with lyrics.

perquè això és la lírica i molt més.

because this is the lyric and much more.

I volem començar aquest programa

And we want to start this program.

programa amb una de les òperes més populars, un fragment

"Program with one of the most popular operas, a fragment."

òbviament d'una de les òperes més populars

obviously from one of the most popular operas

i estimades del públic, com és Rigoletto

And dear members of the audience, how is Rigoletto?

Òpera de Verdi, forma part de la trilogia

Verdi's opera, part of the trilogy.

popular de Verdi, Traviata Trovatore

popular by Verdi, Traviata Trovatore

e Rigoletto. Com sabeu, l'història

It's Rigoletto. As you know, the story

d'un bufó que

of a jester that

d'alguna manera és

in some way it is

burlat per els

mocked by them

cortesans del duque de Mantua

courtiers of the Duke of Mantua

i volent-li fer una simple

and wanting to make it simple

broma, portant a la filla al duque

joke, taking the daughter to the duke

que la deshonra portant la tragèdia

that dishonor brings tragedy

a Rigoletto perquè no era

to Rigoletto because it was not

pensant que era l'amant de Rigoletto però era la filla

thinking he was Rigoletto's lover but it was his daughter

de Rigoletto. Bé, quan

of Rigoletto. Well, when

Rigoletto coneix tot aquest

Rigoletto knows all of this.

drama, doncs òbviament decideix

drama, so obviously decide

vengar-se del duque de Mantua

to take revenge on the Duke of Mantua

i dona peu amb una de les

and she stands on one of the

peces més conegudes i més

more well-known pieces and more

esperades de l'òpera Rigoletto, que és el famós

expected from the opera Rigoletto, which is the famous

duo de La Vendetta, en la qual

duo of The Vendetta, in which

el bufó Rigoletto jura

the jester Rigoletto swears

vengança amb el duque de Mantua

vengeance with the Duke of Mantua

i en el mateix duo la seva filla

and in the same duo his daughter

que ha quedat enamorada del duque

who has fallen in love with the duke

li demana que renunciï amb aquesta

he asks her to give it up with this

venjança i que perdoni el duque.

vengeance and may the duke forgive.

Rigoletto no ho fa i portarà

Rigoletto doesn't do it and will take.

la seva set de vengança fins al final

his thirst for revenge until the end

provocant una tragèdia enorme que és la mort

provoking an enormous tragedy which is death

de la pròpia filla perquè, amics

of her own daughter because, friends

urgents, la vengança, la vengança

urgent, the revenge, the revenge

sempre s'acaba tornant contra

it always ends up backfiring

el vengador, contra un mateix. Escoltem

the avenger, against oneself. Let's listen

La Vendetta de Rigoletto.

The Vendetta of Rigoletto.

La Vendetta de Rigoletto,

The Vendetta of Rigoletto,

Òpera de Giuseppe Verdi, una reflexió

Opera by Giuseppe Verdi, a reflection

al rodador de la venjança com a sentiment

to the roller of revenge as a feeling

que provoca tragèdia i que acaba sempre

that provokes tragedy and that always ends

sempre culpejant i culpejant

always blaming and blaming

el vengador. Amb les veus

The Avenger. With the voices

ho escoltàvem de Leo Nucci i la soprano

we heard it from Leo Nucci and the soprano

Nino Machaide, fragment

Nino Machaide, fragment

molt exigent, sobretot per la veu del barítono

very demanding, especially for the baritone's voice

que requereix una força vocal

that requires a vocal strength

i una força física gran aquest fragment

and a great physical force this fragment

i, malgrat tot, moltes vegades

and, nevertheless, many times

és demanat pel públic el vis

the audience is asking for the vis

al tornar-ho a sentir en teatre

upon hearing it again in the theater

exigint encara més de les facultats

demanding even more from the faculties

dels cantants. Leo Nucci, hem escoltat

of the singers. Leo Nucci, we have listened.

la veu de Leo Nucci i ha estat sens dubte

the voice of Leo Nucci and has undoubtedly been

un dels millors i més aclamats intèrprets

one of the best and most acclaimed performers

d'aquest rol de Rigoletto

of this role of Rigoletto

de les últimes dècades.

of the last decades.

Avui, més de juliol, hem de parlar també

Today, more than July, we also have to talk.

d'Antonio Machado. Antonio Machado

of Antonio Machado. Antonio Machado

perquè va néixer un 26 de juliol

because he was born on July 26

de 1875. Antonio Machado

from 1875. Antonio Machado

va néixer poeta andalús, va néixer

he was born an Andalusian poet, he was born

a Sevilla, a Sevilla i no a Sòria

to Seville, to Seville and not to Soria

com va manifestar el president

as the president stated

Sánchez Castejón amb una de les seves

Sánchez Castejón with one of his.

gafes culturals. Va néixer a Sevilla,

cultural glasses. He was born in Seville,

va ser un poeta espanyol, el més jove

he was a Spanish poet, the youngest

representant de la generació del 98.

representative of the Generation of '98.

La seva obra inicia amb un tall

His work begins with a cut.

modernista, però va evolucionant

modernist, but it is evolving

cap a un intimisme simbolista

towards a symbolic intimacy

amb trets romàntics.

with romantic traits.

Va madurant amb una poesia de compromís

It matures with a poetry of commitment.

humà, d'una banda, i de contemplació

human, on the one hand, and contemplation

gairebé taoïsta de l'existència.

almost Taoist of existence.

Una síntesi

A synthesis

que, en la veu de Machado, es fa

that, in Machado's voice, becomes

ressò de la saviesa popular més

echo of popular wisdom more

ancestral. Com va dir el poeta

ancestral. As the poet said

Gerardo Diego, Machado

Gerardo Diego, Machado

hablava en verso i vivia en poesia.

he spoke in verse and lived in poetry.

Va morir a Colliura,

He died in Collioure,

exilat a la fi o als últims

exiled in the end or in the last ones

setmanes de la República

weeks of the Republic

Espanyola. Sòria,

Spanish. Soria,

Sòria és, òbviament, un lloc que

Soria is, obviously, a place that

no es pot separar de la poesia

it cannot be separated from poetry

d'Antonio Machado. Amb la part

of Antonio Machado. With the part

literària, ni de la poesia ni de la vida

literary, neither of poetry nor of life

d'Antonio Machado. Sòria, en la part

of Antonio Machado. Soria, in the part

literària, va quedar reflectada

literary, was reflected

en un llibre meravellós que es diu

in a wonderful book that is called

Campos de Castilla.

Fields of Castile.

Amb la pa basana

With the heavy bread.

professional d'Antonio Machado

Antonio Machado's profession

va iniciar la seva vida

he started his life

com a mestre en el poble

as a master in the village

i, amb lo sentimental

And, with the sentimental.

molt important, va

very important, go ahead

descobrir i enamorar-se de Leonor,

discovering and falling in love with Leonor,

que va ser el gran amor de la vida

what was the great love of life

del poeta Antonio Machado.

from the poet Antonio Machado.

La va conèixer, com succedeix

He met her, as it happens.

tantes vegades amb aquestes

so many times with these

feines de l'amor,

works of love,

per casualitat, perquè

by chance, because

ell va canviar de pensió,

he changed his pension,

on s'allotjava modestament,

where he/she was modestly housed,

fent de mestre amb el poble,

being a teacher with the people,

i va canviar

and it changed

de pensió i va anar a parar

on a pension and ended up

a una pensió que regentaven

to a guesthouse they ran

els pares de la Leonor. I allà,

the parents of Leonor. And there,

òbviament, la va conèixer.

obviously, he met her.

Era la filla gran del matrimoni,

She was the eldest daughter of the couple,

i, a més, tenia

and, moreover, I had

13 anys, però Antonio Machado

13 years, but Antonio Machado

va quedar enamorat.

he fell in love.

Va ser tan intens

It was so intense.

que, per primera vegada,

that, for the first time,

amb la seva vida,

with his life,

Antonio Machado, com reflexa la seva poesia,

Antonio Machado, as reflected in his poetry,

era un home pausat i reflexiu,

he was a calm and thoughtful man,

però, per primera vegada,

but, for the first time,

l'amor de Leonor li va

Leonor's love suits her.

sacsejar i, per primera vegada, es va mostrar

shake and, for the first time, it showed itself

impacient i va acordar

impatient and agreed

el matrimoni que va tindre

the marriage he had

que esperar a la majoria

What to expect from the majority

d'edat d'aquell any,

of that year's age,

d'aquella època,

from that time,

perquè la noia

because the girl

donés el seu consentiment.

gave his/her consent.

I es van casar

And they got married.

quan Leonor

when Leonor

va complir els 15 anys.

he turned 15 years old.

Bé, Leonor tenia

Well, Leonor had

15 anys, el poeta 34.

15 years, the poet 34.

Avui en dia,


això donaria absolutament

this would absolutely give



a una guerra

to a war

segurament dels neopuritanistes

probably from the neopyrists

al voltant d'aquest matrimoni.

around this marriage.



a l'època, era usual

at the time, it was usual

i va ser una parella que va viure

and it was a couple that lived

amb amor i amb harmonia

with love and with harmony

per molt pocs anys,

for very few years,

perquè la tragèdia va

because the tragedy goes

colpir aquesta parella

hit this couple

i va provocar

and it caused

l'amor per malaltia de la pobra

the love for the poor disease

Leonor quan apenas comptava

Leonor when she barely counted

18 anys. És a dir, va ser un matrimoni

18 years. That is to say, it was a marriage.

i un amor apassionat,

and a passionate love,

però molt, molt efímer.

but very, very ephemeral.



el desembre


com deia

what did you say

del 1910

from 1910

Leonor i Antonio

Leonor and Antonio

van viatjar a París

they traveled to Paris

amb una beca que es va concedir

with a scholarship that was granted

al poeta per una junta

to the poet for a board

per l'ampliació d'estudis

for the expansion of studies

per perfeccionar els seus coneixements de francès

to perfect their knowledge of French

i durant els

and during the

sis primers mesos

six first months

la parella va viatjar, va visitar

the couple traveled, visited

els museus,

the museums,

París, etc.

Paris, etc.



repeteixo, quan

I repeat, when

el matrimoni

the marriage

anava de viatge cap a la Bretanya

I was traveling towards Brittany.

francesa de vacances, Leonor

French on vacation, Leonor

va patir un fort atac de tuberculosi

he suffered a severe attack of tuberculosis

i va estar

and it was

van tindre

they had

de tornar a Sòria

to return to Soria

per recuperar-se

to recover

amb una enganyosa millora

with a deceptive improvement

ja que va donar

since he/she gave

pas a l'amor

step to love

fulminant de Leonor.

fulminating from Leonor.

La seva última alegria

His/Her last joy

de Leonor va ser tindre

of Leonor was to have

les mans publicates

the published hands

al llibre que ella havia vist

to the book that she had seen

créixer il·lucinada

growing with illusion

dia a dia, que va ser

day by day, what it was

la primera edició de l'obra

the first edition of the work

Campos de Castilla.

Fields of Castile.

Bé, anem a escoltar

Well, let's listen.

una poesia d'Antonio Machado

a poem by Antonio Machado

perquè hem de conèixer

because we have to know

l'obra d'Antonio Machado

the works of Antonio Machado

i anem a fer-ho

And let's do it.

escoltant la poesia

listening to the poetry

El mañana efímero

The ephemeral tomorrow

amb la qual Machado

with which Machado

també la seva veu

also her voice

manifesta una preocupació

expresses a concern

sobre el futur d'Espanya

about the future of Spain

i el que és l'Espanya.

and what Spain is.

Ho sentim recitat

We hear it recited.

amb la veu de l'actor Francisco Raval.

with the voice of the actor Francisco Raval.

La España de charanga y pandereta

The Spain of brass bands and tambourines.

cerrado e isacristía

closed and in the sacristy

devota de frasquelo y de María

devotee of Frasquelo and Mary

de espíritu brulón

of a burning spirit

y de alma quieta

and with a calm soul

ha de tener su mármol y su día

he must have his marble and his day

su infalible mañana

his infallible tomorrow

y su poeta.

and its poet.

El vano ayer

The void yesterday

engendró la vida

spawned life

y engendrará un mañana vacío

and will engender an empty tomorrow

y por ventura pasajero.

and perhaps a passenger.

Será un joven lechuzo y tarambana

He will be a young wise guy and a fool.

un sallón con hechuras de bolero

a lounge with the shape of a bolero

a la moda de Francia realista

in the realistic fashion of France

un poco al uso de París pagano

a little in the pagan style of Paris

y al estilo de España

and in the style of Spain

especialista en el vicio

specialist in vice

al alcance de la mano.

within reach.

Esa España inferior

That inferior Spain

que ora y enviste

that prays and strikes

cuando se digna usar de la cabeza

when it deigns to use its head

aún tendrá a Luengo

he will still have Luengo

partos de varones

male births

amantes de sagradas tradiciones

lovers of sacred traditions

y de sagradas formas y maneras.

and of sacred forms and ways.

Florecerán las barbas apostólicas

The apostolic beards will bloom.

y otras calvas en otras calaveras

and other bald spots on other skulls


they will shine

venerables y católicas.

venerable and Catholic.

El vano ayer

The vanity yesterday

engendrará un mañana vacío

will give birth to an empty tomorrow

y por ventura pasajero.

and perhaps a passenger.

La sombra de un lechuzo tarambana

The shadow of a carefree owl.

de un sallón con hechuras de bolero

from a salon with the features of a bolero

el vacuo ayer

the vacuum yesterday

dará un mañana huero.

"will give an empty tomorrow."

Como la náusea de un borracho

Like the nausea of a drunkard.

ahito de vino malo

a sip of bad wine

la sombra de un lechuzo tarambana

the shadow of a foolish owl

un rojo sol

a red sun

corona de heces turbi

crown of turbid feces

en las cumbres de granito

on the granite peaks

hay un mañana estomagante

there is a stomach-turning tomorrow

escrito en la tarde pragmática

written in the pragmatic afternoon

y dulzona.

and sweet.

Mas otra España nace

But another Spain is born

la España del cincel y de la maza

the Spain of the chisel and the hammer

con esa eterna juventud

with that eternal youth

que se hace del pasado macizo

what becomes of the solid past

de la raza.

of the race.

Una España implacable y redentora

An unyielding and redemptive Spain

España que alborea con un hacha

Spain that dawns with an axe.

en la mano vengadora

in the avenging hand

España de la rabia y de la idea.

Spain of rage and of the idea.

El mañana efímero

The ephemeral tomorrow

magnífica poesia

magnificent poetry

de Antonio Machado

by Antonio Machado

a qui estem recordant en aquest programa

Who are we remembering in this program?

amb motiu de l'aniversari

on the occasion of the anniversary

del seu naixement

of its birth

26 de juliol.

July 26.



el gener de 1939

January 1939

i davant de la imminent ocupació

and in front of the imminent occupation

de la ciutat de Barcelona

from the city of Barcelona

per les forces franquistes

for the Francoist forces

el poeta i la seva família

the poet and his family

surten de Barcelona

they leave Barcelona

amb direcció cap a França

heading towards France

amb un veí que es diu

with a neighbor named

i una caravana de la direcció

and a caravan from the management

de sanitat

of health

que havia aconseguit un metge

that a doctor had achieved

amic d'Antonio Machado.

friend of Antonio Machado.

Antonio Machado

Antonio Machado

li acompanyava la seva mare.

his mother accompanied him.



d'una última

of a last

nit a sol espanyol

night in Spanish sun

les últimes

the last ones

aquesta caravana d'unes 40

this caravan of about 40

persones van cobrir

people covered

l'últim tram

the last stretch

cap a l'exili.

towards exile.

Tot just

Just now

a mig quinze

at a quarter past three

quilòmetre de la frontera

kilometre of the border

en França

in France

van haver d'abandonar

they had to abandon

els cotxes de sanitat

the health cars



en el col·lapse

in the collapse

de la fugida.

of the escape.

Ahir també

Yesterday too

van quedar

they were left

les seves maletes

their suitcases

a peu

on foot

de la llarga costa

of the long coast

que va caldre recórrer

that had to be appealed

sota la pluja

under the rain

i el fred

and the cold

del calvespre

of the calfskin

fins la dogana

up to the customs



Gràcies a les gestions

Thanks to the arrangements.

d'un amic

of a friend

de Machado

by Machado

va poder superar

was able to overcome

aquest últim tram

this last stretch

i entrar a França

and enter France

amb un parquet

with a parquet floor

i un permís

and a permit

de residència.

of residence.

I gràcies també

And thank you too.

a les influències

to the influences

d'en Xirau

of Xirau

se'ls va permetre

they were allowed

passar la nit

spend the night

amb un vagó

with a carriage



en una via morta

in a dead end

a França.

to France.

El matí

The morning



també amb ajuda

also with help


of friends

Antonio Machado

Antonio Machado

i la seva mare

and his mother

es van poder traslladar

they were able to relocate

amb tren fins a Colliure

by train to Collioure

on el grup

where is the group

va trobar

he/she found


of hostel

el 28 de gener

January 28

a l'hotel

at the hotel





va quedar

he/she/it remained

a l'espera


d'un ajut

of assistance

que no donaria

what I wouldn't give




to arrive

ja que Antonio Machado

since Antonio Machado

va morir

he/she died

el 22 de febrer

February 22

del 39

of 39

a dos quarts

at a quarter to

de quatre

of four

de la tarda.

in the afternoon.

I bé,

And well,

va morir

he died

per les circumstàncies

due to the circumstances

ligero d'equipatge

light luggage

com ell

like him

hauria desitjat

I would have wished.

i com ell

and like him

va preanunciar


amb una

with one





en el qual

in which



es retrata

is portrayed

com a persona.

as a person.

Anem a escoltar

Let's listen.

aquest retrato

this portrait

d'Antonio Machado

of Antonio Machado





i que compartim

and that we share


so many,


so many

de les seves

of theirs





amb aquest retrato.

with this portrait.

Ho sentim

We're sorry.

amb la veu

with the voice

de Pepe Mediavilla.

by Pepe Mediavilla.

Mi infancia

My childhood

son recuerdos

they are memories

de un patio

from a courtyard

de Sevilla

from Seville

y un huerto

and a vegetable garden







el limonero.

the lemon tree.

Mi juventud

My youth

veinte años

twenty years

en tierras

in lands

de Castilla.

from Castile.

Mi historia

My story

algunas cosas

some things

que recordar

what to remember

no quiero.

I don't want to.

Ni un seductor

Not a seducer.


he will tomorrow

ni un brandomín

not even a brandomín

he sido.

I have been.

Ya conocéis

You already know.

mi torpe

my clumsy








I received

la flecha

the arrow

que me asignó

that assigned me



Y amé

And I loved.

cuanto ellas

how much they

puedan tener

they may have

de hospitalario.

of hospital.

Hay en mis venas

There is in my veins



de sangre

of blood



pero mi verso

but my verse

brota de manantial

spring bud



y más

and more

que un hombre

that a man



que sabe

what do you know

su doctrina

his doctrine


I am

en el buen sentido

in a good way

de la palabra

of the word



Adoro la hermosura

I adore beauty.

de la vida

of life

y en la moderna estética

and in modern aesthetics

corté las viejas rosas

I cut the old roses.

del huerto de Ronsard

from Ronsard's garden

mas no amo

but I do not love

los aceites

the oils

de la actual cosmética

of current cosmetics

ni soy un ave

I am not a bird.

de esas

of those

del nuevo

of the new

gai trinar.

gay chant.


I disdain.

las romanzas

the ballads

de los tenores huecos

of the hollow tenors

y el coro

and the choir

de los grillos

of the crickets

que cantan

that sing

a la luna.

to the moon.

A distinguir

To distinguish

separo las voces

I separate the voices.

de los ecos

of the echoes

y escucho

and I listen



entre las voces

between the voices



Soy clásico

I am classic.

o romántico

or romantic

no sé

I don't know.

dejar quisiera

I would like to stop.

mi verso

my verse

como deja

as it leaves

el capitán

the captain

su espada

his sword



por la mano viril

by the virile hand

que la blandiera

that she would soften it

no por el docto

not by the learned one



del forjador

of the blacksmith




I converse

con el hombre

with the man

que siempre va conmigo

that always goes with me

quien habla solo

who speaks alone

espera hablar a Dios

I hope to talk to God.

un día.

one day.

Mi soliloquio

My soliloquy

es plática

it's chatter

con este buen amigo

with this good friend

que me enseñó

that taught me

el secreto

the secret

de la filantropía

of philanthropy

y al cabo

and in the end

nada os debo

I owe you nothing.


we must

cuanto he escrito

how much I have written

a mi trabajo agudo

to my sharp work

con mi dinero

with my money

pago el traje

I pay for the suit.

que me cubre

that covers me

y la mansión

and the mansion

que me cubre

that covers me

el pan que habito

the bread that I inhabit

el pan que me alimenta

the bread that feeds me

y el lecho

and the bed

de donde llamo

Where am I calling from?

y cuando llegue

and when I arrive

el día del último viaje

the day of the last trip

y esté al partir

and be ready to leave

la nave

the ship

que nunca ha de tomar

that should never be taken

me encontraréis

you will find me

a bordo

on board

ligero de equipaje

lightly packed

casi desnudo

almost naked

como los hijos

like the children

de la mar.

of the sea.



Magnífic aquest retrato

Magnificent this portrait.

personal d'Antonio Machado

personal of Antonio Machado

com hem dit moltes vegades

as we have said many times

un poema pot ser

a poem can be

un instant d'eternitat

an instant of eternity

i aquest sens dubte ho és

and this is undoubtedly it

un instant d'eternitat

a moment of eternity

i un instant de reflexió

and a moment of reflection

perquè amics oients

because friends listeners

quantes quantes coses

how many many things

podem treure d'aquest poema

we can take from this poem

si ho escoltem

if we listen to it

si ho llegim

if we read it

amb la nostra�íqueta

with our label



quantes coses podem compartir

how many things can we share

amb aquest retrat

with this portrait

que és una autèntica declaració

that is a genuine statement

de drets

of rights

del que té de ser

of what it has to be

un ésser humà

a human being



com ho era

how was it

el gran poeta

the great poet

Antonio Machado

Antonio Machado

el que hem recordat

what we have remembered

amb motiu

due to

de l'aniversari

about the anniversary

del seu naixement

from his birth

el 26 de juliol

July 26

tornem de la poesia

we return from poetry

de la poesia de la paraula

of the poetry of the word

a la poesia de la música

to the poetry of music

a la poesia de l'òpera

to the poetry of the opera

i ho farem

And we will do it.

de la mà de Giacomo Puccini

in the hands of Giacomo Puccini

el magnífic compositor

the magnificent composer

de Luca

of Luke

el millor retratista

the best portraitist

de l'alma femenina

of the feminine soul

amb feta òpera

with made opera

feta música

made music

i anem a fer-ho

And let's do it.

amb una de les seves òperes

with one of his operas

més populars del repertori

most popular in the repertoire

la bohem

the bohemian

un tema recurrent

a recurring theme

aquest de la vida bohèmia

this of the bohemian life

a la música

to the music

tenim exemples

we have examples

a la sarsuela

to the zarzuela

d'Antonio Vives

of Antonio Vives



tenim a Leon Cavallo

we have Leon Cavallo

famós sobretot

famous especially

per la seva òpera

for her opera

i pel Iacci

and for Iacci

però que va escriure

but what he wrote

també una bohem

also a bohemian

és un tema

it's a topic

molt suggerent

very suggestive

aquest de la vida bohèmia

this of bohemian life

però des de llavors

but since then

la més popular

the most popular

de totes les òperes

of all the operas

que s'han escrit

that have been written

és aquesta de Puccini

It is this one by Puccini.

la bohem

the bohemia

aquests quatre amics

these four friends

que comparteixen

that they share

una bohèmia

a bohemian

a la guardilla

in the attic

a París

to Paris

de la bohèmia

of the bohemia

amb grans necessitats

with great needs

de diners

of money

perquè són tots joves

because they are all young

perquè no tenen

because they do not have





venen de famílies

they come from families



però són feliços

but they are happy

són feliços

they are happy

perquè ells

because they

es dediquen a la creació

they are dedicated to creation

un pinta

a paint

un altre escriu

another writes



la bohem

the bohemian

de Puccini

by Puccini



les experiències

the experiences

les primeres experiències

the first experiences



d'aquest grup d'amics

of this group of friends

de joves

as young people

les seves primeres

their first



en l'amor

in love

i sobretot

and above all

aquest pas

this step

de l'adolescència

of adolescence

o de la vida

or of life



a l'edat adulta

in adulthood

que es produeix

that occurs

com es produeix

how it is produced

dintre de l'òpera

inside the opera

amb el coneixement

with knowledge

de primera mà


de l'amor

of love

perquè la tragèdia

why the tragedy

arriba a aquests quatre amics

arrives to these four friends

amb l'amor

with love

de la Mimi

of Mimi

una de

one of


let's call it

de les amigues

of the friends

del grup

of the group


we will feel

el duo

the duo

del primer acte

from the first act

o Soave Fanxula

O Sweet Fanxula

amb la qual

with which

comença l'òpera

the opera begins

i Rodolfo

and Rodolfo

i Mimi

and Mimi


they fall in love

i ho fan

and they do it

d'una manera

in a way





com escrivia

as I was writing

aquesta música

this music



ho sentirem

we will feel it

amb les veus

with the voices

de Luciano Pavarotti

by Luciano Pavarotti

i de Mirella Freni

and of Mirella Freni

Luciano Pavarotti

Luciano Pavarotti

no cal presentar-ho

no need to present it

és ben conegut

it is well known

de tot el públic

of the whole audience

i tots els aficionats

and all the fans

a l'òpera

to the opera

i més enllà

and beyond

de l'òpera

of the opera

Mirella Freni

Mirella Freni



no és tan coneguda

it is not so well known



fora del cercle

outside the circle

dels amants

of the lovers

de l'òpera

of the opera

i hem de dir

and we have to say

que va néixer

that was born

a Mòdena

to Modena

és a dir

that is to say

va néixer

was born

a la mateixa

to the same

ciutat de Pavarotti

city of Pavarotti

ja es coneixien

they already knew each other




of adolescents

va ser una cantant

she was a singer

molt important

very important





va fer una gran

he/she made a great

gran carrera

great race

va ser

it was

la parella

the couple

del baix

from the low


very important

Nikolai Yarov

Nikolai Yarov

amb el qual

with which

va també

go also


to act

i gravar

and record

moltes de les òperes

many of the operas

del seu

of his/her/their



Mirella Freni

Mirella Freni

va morir

he/she died

al febrer

in February

d'aquest any

of this year

fa poc


als 84 anys

at 84 years old

anem doncs

let's go then





a escoltar

to listen

aquest apassionat

this passionate one



Osoave Fanciulla

Osoave Girl

de l'òpera

of the opera

la boem

the bohemian

amb les veus

with the voices

de Luciano Pavarotti

by Luciano Pavarotti

i Mirella Freni

and Mirella Freni

amb el que va fer

with what he/she did

aquest any

this year

els seus



















the love












of love



Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Arriba el moment d'anar

The moment to go has arrived.

acomiadant el programa d'avui

closing today's program

a l'últim d'aquesta temporada.

at the end of this season.

Gràcies, amics oients,

Thank you, listening friends,

per escoltar-nos.

to listen to us.

Gràcies per escoltar-me, perquè la ràdio

Thank you for listening to me, because the radio

és ràdio no perquè estigui jo

It's not radio just because I'm here.

aquí retransmetent, sinó perquè

here broadcasting, but why

estàs tu a l'altre costat de les ondes

are you on the other side of the waves


listening to me.

Bé, qui més,

Well, who else,

qui menys,

who least,

marxaran de vacances.

They will go on vacation.

Bones vacances a tothom

Happy holidays to everyone!

que seguiu aquest programa,

that you follow this program,

els que aneu al mar, els que aneu a la muntanya,

those of you who go to the sea, those of you who go to the mountain,

els que romandreu a la ciutat

those who will remain in the city

amb companyia,

with company,

amb família, amb solitud.

with family, with solitude.

Aprofitar, aprofitar

Take advantage, take advantage.

per aquest temps lliure

for this free time

de vacances, per créixer,

on vacation, to grow,

per apropar-nos

to bring us closer

més a la cultura,

more to the culture,

amb un bon llibre, amb una bona

with a good book, with a good

música, amb una bona pel·lícula.

music, with a good movie.

Per què no, també

Why not, also?

dediquem una mica d'aquest temps lliure

let's dedicate a bit of this free time

a reflexionar,

to reflect,

a la meditació,

to meditation,

o a desenvolupar aquelles aficions

or to develop those hobbies

creatives que tenim

creatives that we have

una mica aparcades per la manca de temps.

a bit parked due to lack of time.

Qui li agrada pintar, qui li agrada

Who likes to paint, who likes it.

estudiar algun instrument,

to study an instrument,

qui li agrada escriure,

who likes to write,

aprofitem aquest temps lliure

let's make the most of this free time

que ens donen les vacances

that gives us the holidays

també per créixer personalment.

also for personal growth.

Bé, us desitjo

Well, I wish you.

molt bones vacances a tothom.

very good holidays to everyone.

Ens tornarem a trobar

We will meet again.

a partir del setembre

starting from September

i anem a acomiadar

And let's say goodbye.

amb un gran fragment

with a large fragment

de la més gran òpera

of the greatest opera

la més popular,

the most popular,

com és Aïda de Giuseppe Verdi.

How is Aida by Giuseppe Verdi.

I anem a fer-ho

Let's go do it.

amb el final de l'acte segon,

with the end of the second act,

que és el gran acte del triomf

what is the great act of triumph

amb una música

with a music



Aïda, estrenada al Cairo

Aida, premiered in Cairo

al desembre del 1871,

in December 1871,

va ser un encàrrec que

it was a commission that

el govern d'Egipci li va fer

the Egyptian government did it for him

a Verdi per

to Verdi for

commemorar la inauguració

commemorate the inauguration

del canal de Suez.

from the Suez Canal.

Òpera també farcida de passions,

Opera also stuffed with passions,

de grans passions humanes, la gelosia

of great human passions, jealousy

d'Amneris, l'ambició de Radamés,

of Amneris, Radamès' ambition,



d'Aïda dividit

of Aïda divided

a la seva pàtria, a la seva família

to his homeland, to his family

i a l'amor

and to love

que sent com a dona

what it feels like as a woman

per Radamés, que és el conquistador

for Radamés, who is the conqueror

de la seva pàtria.

from their homeland.

Bé, òpera absolutament

Well, absolutely opera

magnífica. Anem a gaudir

magnificent. Let's enjoy

i acabar aquest programa d'avui

and end this program today

amb el final

with the end

de l'acte segon de l'òpera Aïda

from the second act of the opera Aïda

de Giuseppe Verdi. Us ha parlat

by Giuseppe Verdi. It has spoken to you.

Fèlix Serraclara. Molt bones vacances

Fèlix Serraclara. Have a great vacation.

a tothom.

to everyone.


Thank you.

La vida sona amb Toni Guerrero.

Life sounds with Toni Guerrero.

Doncs a la vida sona

Well, in life it sounds.

especial vacances,

special holidays,

la vida sona, que és una vida sona

life sounds, what a life it is

molt musical, recordant

very musical, reminiscing

el que ens agrada més, aquelles cançons

what we like the most, those songs

dels anys 60, 70

from the 60s, 70s

i 80. Comencem

And 80. Let's begin.

amb Mediterrània, amb el Joan Manel Serrat

with the Mediterranean, with Joan Manel Serrat

i que et desitgen escoltar

and they wish to hear you

el Mateo i la Martina

Mateo and Martina

de Barcelona.

from Barcelona.


Thank you.

La vida sona, especial vacances,

Life sounds, special holidays,

ara al Frank Sinatra,

now to Frank Sinatra,

Mancway, per la Montse

Mancway, for Montse

de Sabadell.

from Sabadell.

I'll state my case

I'll state my case.

of which I'm certain

of which I'm certain

I've lived

I've lived

a life that's full

a life that's full

I've lived a life that's full

I've lived a life that's full.

I've traveled each

I've traveled each

and every

i cada



and more

i més

much more

much more

than this

than this

I did it

I did it.







I've had a few

I've had a few.

but then

però aleshores



too few

massa pocs

to mention

to mention

I did

I did.

what I

what I

had to do

had to do

saw it through

saw it through





I planned

I planned

each charted

cada gràfic



each careful

cada precaució



along the

al llarg de



and more

i més

much more

much more

than this

than this

I did it

I did it.





yes there were

yes there were



I'm sure

Estic segur.

you knew

you knew

when I

quan jo

bit off

a bit off

more than

more than

I could

I could



but through

però a través

it all

it all

when there

quan allà

was doubt

was doubt

I ate it up

I ate it up.

and spit it

i escopir-ho



I faced

I faced

it all


and I

and I

stood tall

stood tall

and did it

i ho va fer





I did it

I did it.

I've loved

He estimat

I've laughed

I've laughed.

and cried

i va plorar

I've had my

I've had my



my share

my share

of losing

of losing

and now

and now

as tears

like tears



I find it all

I find it all.

so amusing

so amusing

to think

to think

I did all

I did all.



and may

and may

I say

I say

not in a shy

not in a shy



oh no

oh no

not me

not me

I did it

I did it





for what

for what

is a man

is a man

what has

what has

he got

he got

if not

if not



I'm not

No sóc.

then he

llavors ell

has not

has not

to say

to say

the things

the things

he truly

he truly



and not

and not

the words

the words

of one

of one

who kneels

who kneels

the record

the record



I took

I took

the blow

the blow

and did

i va fer









I did it

I did it.

my way

my way



I did it

I did it.

but I left

però jo me'n vaig





Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

La cancion me recuerda aquel ayer

The song reminds me of that yesterday.

Cuando se marchó en silencio un atardecer

When he/she left silently one evening

Se fue con su canto triste a otro lugar

He went away with his sad song to another place.

Dejó como compañera mi soledad

My solitude was left as my companion.

Una paloma blanca me canta al albar

A white dove sings to me at dawn.

Viejas melancolías, cosas del alma

Old melancolies, things of the soul.

Llegan con el silencio de la mañana

They arrive with the silence of the morning.

Y cuando salgo a ver la abuela a su casa

And when I go to see grandma at her house.

¿Dónde va que mi voz ya no quiere escuchar?

Where is it going that my voice no longer wants to be heard?

¿Dónde va que mi vida se va a acabar?

Where is it going that my life is going to end?

Y cuando salgo a ver la abuela a su casa

And when I go to see grandma at her house.

¿Dónde va que mi voz ya no quiere escuchar?

Where does it go that my voice no longer wants to be heard?

¿Dónde va que mi vida se apaga

Where are you going that my life fades away?

Si junto a mí no está?

If they are not next to me?

¿Dónde va que mi vida se apaga?

Where is it going that my life is fading away?

Si junto a mí no está

If he/she is not next to me

La Isabel des de Tordera ens demana

Isabel from Tordera is asking us.

la vida sona en aquest especial

life sounds in this special

Vacances, poder escoltar el Tom Jones

Vacation, being able to listen to Tom Jones.

i The Layla

The Layla

I saw the light on the night

I saw the light in the night.

that I passed by her window

that I passed by her window

I saw the light on the night

I saw the light at night.

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind.

She was my woman

She was my woman.

As she deceived me I watched and went out of my mind

As she deceived me I watched and went out of my mind.

My, my, my Delilah

My, my, my Delilah

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind.

Why, why, why, Delilah

Why, why, why, Delilah

I could see

I could see.

That girl was no good for me

That girl was no good for me.

But I was lost like a slave

But I was lost like a slave.

That no man could free

That no man could free

At break of day

At break of day

When that man drove away

When that man drove away

I was waiting

I was waiting

I crossed the street to her house

I crossed the street to her house.

And she opened the door

And she opened the door.

She stood there laughing

She stood there laughing.

I felt the knife in my hand

I felt the knife in my hand.

And she laughed no more

I ella no va riure més.

My, my, my Delilah

My, my, my Delilah

I saw the light on the night

I saw the light in the night.

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind.

She was my woman

She was my woman.

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind.

She was my woman

She was my woman.

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind.

Bona nit.

Good night.

La vida sona amb Toni Guerrero.

Life sounds with Toni Guerrero.

I ara el Jaume i la Marta

And now Jaume and Marta

des de Sant Jus volen escoltar

from Sant Just they want to listen

a la vida sona en aquest especial vacances

In life, it sounds during this special holiday.

a la Rocío Jurado

to Rocío Jurado

com una ola.

like a wave.

Bona nit.

Good night.

La Maria i la Júlia

Maria and Julia

des de Roses

from Roses

desitgen escoltar a la Mari Trini

they want to listen to Mari Trini

i a Mores.

and to Mores.

A Mores, la vida sona, especial vacances.

In Mores, life sounds special during holidays.

El amor se va marchando

Love is fading away.

Como las olas del mar

Like the waves of the sea

Amores los tienen todos

Everyone has loves.

Pero quién los sabe cuidar

But who knows how to take care of them?

El amor es una barca

Love is a boat.

Con dos remos en el mar

With two oars in the sea

Un remo aprieta en mis manos

A paddle squeezes in my hands.

El otro lo mueve el azar

The other is driven by chance.

¿Quién no escribió un poema?

Who hasn't written a poem?

Huyendo de la soledad

Fleeing from loneliness

¿Quién a los que no se le ha dado

Who to those who have not been given

Quien no hace año

Whoever does not make a year.

No dejó su cuerpo abrazar

He didn't let his body embrace.

¿Y quién cuando la vida se apaga

And who when life fades away

Y las manos tiemblan ya?

And are the hands trembling already?

¿Quién no buscó ese recuerdo

Who hasn't sought that memory?

De una barca naufragada?

From a shipwrecked boat?

Amores se vuelven

Loves turn into

A viejos

To old people

Antes de empezar a amar

Before starting to love

Porque el amor es un niño

Because love is a child

Que hay que enseñarla

That it needs to be taught.

El amor es como tierra

Love is like soil.

Que hay que enseñarla

That it needs to be taught.

Que hay que hará y sembrar

What needs to be done and sown.

Míralo al caer la tarde

Look at it at dusk.

Que no lo vengan a pisar

Don't let them tread on it.

Quien no escribió un poema

Who didn't write a poem

Huyendo de la soledad

Fleeing from loneliness

Quien a los quince años

Who at fifteen years old

No dejó su cuerpo abrazar

Did not let his body embrace.

Y quien cuando la vida es una paga

And who when life is a payment.

Y las manos tiemblan ya

And the hands are already trembling.

Quien buscó ese recuerdo

Who searched for that memory?

De una barca maurada

From a moored boat

Quien a los quince años

Who at fifteen years old

Amores se van marchando

Loves are fading away.

Hay una chica que es igual

There is a girl who is the same.

Pero distinta a las demás

But different from the others.

La veo todas las noches

I see her every night.

Por la playa a pasear

For a walk along the beach.

Y no sé de dónde viene

And I don't know where it comes from.

Y no sé a dónde va

And I don't know where it goes.

Hace tiempo que sueño con ella

I've been dreaming about her for a long time.

Y solo sé que sueño con ella

And I only know that I dream of her.

Se llama Noelia

Her name is Noelia.

Hace tiempo que vivo por ella

I've been living for her for a long time.

Y solo sé que se llama Noelia

And I only know that her name is Noelia.

Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia

Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia

No quiero hablarle de mi amor

I don't want to talk to you about my love.

Pero ella va a la espalda y se va

But she goes behind and leaves.

Parece que me va a llamar

It seems that he is going to call me.

Y luego huye sin hablar

And then flees without speaking.

Hace tiempo que sueño con ella

I have been dreaming of her for a long time.

Y solo sé que se llama Noelia

And I only know that her name is Noelia.

Hace tiempo que vivo con ella

I have been living with her for a long time.

Y solo sé que se llama Noelia

And I only know that her name is Noelia.

Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia

Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia

Hace tiempo que no he vuelto a verla

I haven't seen her again for a long time.

Y ya no sé qué será de Noelia

And I no longer know what will become of Noelia.

Por la noche la busco en la playa

At night I look for her on the beach.

Y en el silencio yo grito

And in the silence I scream.



Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia

Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia

Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia

Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia, Noelia

No se quedará ni se vendrá

It will neither stay nor will it be sold.

Mas yo la espero

But I await her.

Alinyaki y Latania, desde Barcelona,

Alinyaki and Latania, from Barcelona,

ponen a escoltar a Juan Pardo amb Bravo por la música.

They put on Juan Pardo with Bravo for the music.

Bravo por la música

Bravo for the music.

Bravo por tener comunicación

Bravo for having communication.

Bravo por la música

Bravo for the music

Subtítols, tabús, por árbitros, bravo, por críticos, canción.

Subtitles, taboos, fear of referees, bravo, of critics, song.

Bravo por la música, siete notas clásicas

Bravo for the music, seven classic notes.

forman cualquier clase de combinación.

they form any kind of combination.

Unas son tristísimas y otras son muy trágicas

Some are very sad and others are very tragic.

y otras veces son más alegres que el sol.

and other times they are happier than the sun.

Con sonidos únicos juegan con tus ánimos

With unique sounds, they play with your emotions.

y provocan cambios extremos del mundo.

and provoke extreme changes in the world.

Bravo por la música, que derrama lágrimas

Bravo for the music that sheds tears.

y después sonrisas despertando al amor.

and then smiles waking up to love.

Bravo por la música, brama hermosa y cándida,

Bravo for the music, beautiful and candid roar,

la ánima enigmática y aburrida.

the enigmatic and boring soul.

Bravo por la música, que derrama lágrimas y ánimo.

Bravo for the music, which pours out tears and spirit.

Brother fucker.

Brother fucker.

Porque te quiero, señora, y te querré.

Because I love you, madam, and I will love you.

Bravo por la música que nos hace mágicos.

Bravo for the music that makes us magical.

Bravo por tener la comunicación.

Bravo for having the communication.

Bravo por los súbditos.

Bravo for the subjects.

Bravo por sus árbitros.

Bravo for their referees.

Bravo por los críticos de una canción.

Bravo for the critics of a song.

Bravo por la música que nos hace mágicos.

Bravo for the music that makes us magical.

Bravo por la gente que está en conexión.

Bravo for the people who are connected.

Bravo por la música que nos hace mágicos.

Bravo for the music that makes us magical.

Bravo por tener comunicación.

Bravo for having communication.

Bravo por los súbditos.

Bravo for the subjects.

Bravo por los árbitros.

Bravo for the referees.





de la nación

of the nation



por la música

for the music

que nos

that we

hace mágicos

makes magical



por tener

for having

la comunicación

the communication



por los súbditos

for the subjects



por sus

for his





por los críticos

by the critics

de una canción

from a song



por la música

for the music

que nos

that we

hace mágicos

makes magical



por la gente

for the people

que está en conexión

that is in connection



por la música

for the music



por la música

for the music

Cada dia, Toni Guerrero ens porta

Every day, Toni Guerrero brings us

al magasín de proximitat

to the proximity magazine

La vida sona, és cultura

Life sounds, it's culture.

és gastronomia, és música

it is gastronomy, it is music

és actualitat

it is news

Un contacte directe amb entitats

A direct contact with entities.

comerç i petites i mitjanes

commerce and small and medium-sized enterprises

empreses de Catalunya

companies of Catalonia

Des de les 11 del matí

Since 11 in the morning

a les 2 de la tarda

at 2 in the afternoon

La vida sona amb Toni Guerrero

Life sounds with Toni Guerrero

Aquests són els nostres patrocinadors

These are our sponsors.

A la Fundació La Carretera

At the La Carretera Foundation

A la Caixa tenim una manera de canviar el món

At Caixa, we have a way to change the world.

i és fer-ho com ho hem fet sempre

and it's to do it as we have always done

Persona a persona

Person to person

Atenem les necessitats dels col·lectius més vulnerables

We attend to the needs of the most vulnerable groups.

i fem arribar la recerca mèdica

and we bring medical research close.

la cultura i l'educació

culture and education

a tothom

to everyone

Programa a programa

Program to program

Persona a persona

Person to person

Fundació La Caixa

La Caixa Foundation

És l'hora d'un bon entrepà

It's time for a good sandwich.

acompanyat pel millor cafè

accompanied by the best coffee

Cafès Caracas, l'amor pel cafè

Cafès Caracas, the love for coffee

No deixis de provar i gaudir

Don't stop trying and enjoying.

del pa i la brioixeria

of bread and pastries

que podràs degustar

that you will be able to taste

a les botigues de Café Caracas

at the Café Caracas shops

Cafès Caracas, l'amor pel cafè

Cafès Caracas, the love for coffee

Missatge del doctor Gaspart Alomar Serrallac

Message from Dr. Gaspart Alomar Serrallac

La medicina del present i el futur

The medicine of the present and the future

marcada per el coronavirus

marked by the coronavirus

Entra al


El doctor Alomar

Doctor Alomar

i tot el seu equip

and all his team

de seguida parlaran amb tu

They will speak with you shortly.

Aquesta és una nova guia a la ciutadania

This is a new guide for the citizens.

per poder contactar

to be able to contact

i parlar de seguida amb un metge

I'll speak with a doctor right away.

Recorda, al

Remember, at

Atenció, quan va i com va néixer

Attention, when and how was he/she born?

el teu interès per la gastronomia

your interest in gastronomy

Recorda que la bona cuina

Remember that good cooking

ajuda molt al ser humà

helps a lot to the human being

La cuina segueix tenint un rol

The kitchen continues to have a role



Si et sents un bon gurmet

If you consider yourself a good gourmet.

t'esperem al racó de la vila

We are waiting for you at the corner of the village.

Seleccionem el nostre producte

We select our product.

Els peixos, la carn

Fish, meat

El millor oli per cuinar

The best oil for cooking

Restaurant al racó de la vila

Restaurant at the corner of the town

La nostra gran varietat d'arrosos

Our great variety of rice dishes.

La nostra bodega de vins

Our wine cellar

El restaurant del racó de la vila

The restaurant of the corner of the town

Està ubicat al carrer Ciutat de Granada

It is located on Ciutat de Granada street.

Número 33, Poblenou, Barcelona

Number 33, Poblenou, Barcelona

I el nostre telèfon

And our phone

93 309 1025

93 309 1025

El racó de la vila

The corner of the village

A la Fundació La Caixa

At the La Caixa Foundation

tenim una manera de canviar el món

we have a way to change the world

i és fer-ho com ho hem fet sempre

and it is to do it as we have always done

persona a persona

person to person

Atenem les necessitats dels col·lectius més vulnerables

We address the needs of the most vulnerable groups.

i fem arribar la recerca mèdica

and we advance medical research

la cultura i l'educació a tothom

culture and education for everyone

programa a programa

program to program

persona a persona

person to person

Fundació La Caixa

La Caixa Foundation

La vida sona amb Toni Guerrero

Life sounds with Toni Guerrero

La vida sona

Life sounds

especial vacances

special holidays

amb molta música

with a lot of music

recordant aquells anys 60, 70

remembering those 60s, 70s

i 80 anys inoblidables

and 80 unforgettable years

des de


la Garriga

the Garriga

volen escoltar a Mocedades

they want to listen to Mocedades

i Maiteche o Mia

and Maiteche or Mia

doncs el Toni i la Laura

so Toni and Laura

Buscando hacer fortuna

Looking to make a fortune

como emigrante

as an immigrant

se fue a otras tierras

he went to other lands

y entre las noces

and among the wedding celebrations

una quedó llorando

one was left crying

por su querer

for his/her love

Vuelve al caserío

Return to the farmhouse.

no llores más mujer

don't cry anymore woman

que dentro de unos años

that in a few years

muy rico he de volver

Very tasty, I have to come back.

y no me voy a quedar

and I am not going to stay

Y si me esperas

And if you wait for me

lo que tú quieras

whatever you want

de mí conseguirás

from me you will get

Maiteche o Mia

Maiteche or Mia

Calla y no llores más

Shut up and don't cry anymore.

Yo volveré a quererte

I will love you again.

con toda el alma

with all my soul

Maiteche o Mia

Maiteche or Mia

Calla y no llores más

Be quiet and don't cry anymore.

Maiteche o Mia

Maiteche or Mia

Calla y no llores más

Shut up and don't cry anymore.

Y en sus brazos

And in his arms

los dragones se arrojarán

the dragons will throw themselves

serán suyos

they will be yours

Marlene y Tarzán

Marlene and Tarzan

serán suyos

they will be yours

Quien compra nuestro billete

Who buys our ticket?

compra la felicidad

buy happiness

La alegría, la sorpresa

The joy, the surprise

y el carnaval

and the carnival

Todos juntos

All together

iremos allá

we will go there

todos juntos

all together

Y compra nuestro billete

And buy our ticket.

compra la felicidad

buy happiness

Viaje con nosotros

Travel with us

y quiere gozar

and wants to enjoy

Viaje con nosotros

Travel with us

a mil lugar

to a thousand places

y disfrute

and enjoy

de todo el pasar

of all the passing

y disfrute

and enjoy

de las hermosas historias

of the beautiful stories

que les vamos a contar

what we are going to tell you

Todos juntos

All together

Calla i no llores más

Shut up and don't cry anymore.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

La vida sona, especial vacances.

Life sounds, special holidays.

Imagina't John Lennon, quin delicatessen,

Imagine John Lennon, what a delicatessen,

que vol escoltar l'Olga i el Toni, també de Barcelona.

What Olga and Toni, also from Barcelona, want to hear.

Imagina't there's no heaven.

Imagine there's no heaven.

It's easy if you try.

It's easy if you try.

No hell below us.

No hell below us.

Above us only sky.

Above us only sky.

Imagine all the people.

Imagine all the people.

Sharing for today.

Sharing for today.

Imagine there's no countries.

Imagine there's no countries.

It isn't hard to do.

It isn't hard to do.

Nothing to kill or die for.

Res per matar o morir.

No religion too.

No religion either.

Imagine all the people.

Imagine all the people.

Living life in peace.

Living life in peace.

You may say I'm a dreamer.

You may say I'm a dreamer.

But I'm not the only one.

Però no sóc l'únic.

I hope someday.

I hope someday.

You'll join us.

You'll join us.

And the world will be as one.

I el món serà com un.

Imagine no possessions.

Imagine no possessions.

Wonder if you can.

Wonder if you can.

No need for greed or hunger.

No hi ha necessitat d'avarícia ni de gana.

Or brotherhood of man.

Or brotherhood of man.

Imagine all the people.

Imagine all the people.

Sharing all the world.

Sharing all the world.



You may say I'm a dreamer.

You may say I'm a dreamer.

But I'm not the only one.

Però jo no sóc l'únic.

I hope someday you'll join us

I hope someday you'll join us.

And the world will be as one

I el món serà com un.

Jardín Prohibido, del Sandro Jacobe,

Forbidden Garden, by Sandro Jacobe,

volen escoltar-ho la Maite i el Josep

they want to hear it Maite and Josep

des de Calella de la Costa.

from Calella de la Costa.

Això és La Vida Sona, especial vacances.

This is La Vida Sona, holiday special.

Esta tarde vengo triste y tengo que decirte

This afternoon I come sad and I have to tell you.

que tu mejor amiga ha estado entre mis brazos

that your best friend has been in my arms

Sus ojos me llamaban pidiendo mis caricias

Her eyes were calling me, asking for my caresses.

Su cuerpo me rogaba que le diera vida

His body begged me to give it life.

Comí del fruto prohibido dejando el vestido

I ate of the forbidden fruit, leaving the dress behind.

colgado de nuestra inconsciencia

hanging from our unconsciousness

Mi cuerpo fue el corazón de la vida

My body was the heart of life.

Durante un minuto mi mente lloraba a tu ausencia

For a minute my mind mourned your absence.

No lo volveré a hacer más

I won't do it again.

Pues mi alma volaba a tu lado

Well, my soul was flying by your side.

Y mis ojos te habían cansado

And my eyes had tired you.

Que eras tú, que eras tú

Who were you, who were you?

Que siempre serás tú

That it will always be you.

Lo siento mucho

I'm very sorry.

La vida es así

Life is like that.

No la he inventado yo

I didn't invent it.

Si el papel me ha mirado

If the paper has looked at me.

Los ojos le he cogido por mano

I have taken the eyes by hand.

Yo me he mirado y he parado por mi cuerpo

I have looked at myself and stopped for my body.

Y me he comportado como un ser humano

And I have behaved like a human being.

Lo siento mucho

I'm very sorry.

La vida es así

Life is like that.

No la he inventado yo

I didn't invent it.

Sus besos no me permitieron repetir tu nombre

Your kisses didn't allow me to repeat your name.

Y el suyo sí

And his does.

Por eso cuando la abrazé

That's why when I hugged her.

Me acordé de ti

I remembered you.

Comí del fruto prohibido

I ate from the forbidden fruit.

Dejando el vestido

Leaving the dress

Colgado de nuestra inconsciencia

Hanging from our unconsciousness.

Mi cuerpo fue el gozo

My body was the joy.

Durante un minuto

For a minute

Mi mente lloraba a tu ausencia

My mind cried for your absence.

No lo volveré a hacer más

I won't do it again.

Pues mi alma volaba a tu lado

Well, my soul was flying by your side.

Y mis ojos te envían cansado

And my eyes send you tired.

Que eras tú, que eras tú

Who were you, who were you?

Que siempre serás tú

That you will always be you.

Lo siento mucho

I'm really sorry.

La vida es así

Life is like that.

No la he inventado yo

I didn't invent it.

Si el papel me ha mirado

If the paper has looked at me.

Los ojos le he cogido por mano

I have taken the eyes by hand.

Yo me he dejado en el barco

I left it on the boat.



Y me he comportado como un ser humano

And I have behaved like a human being.

Lo siento mucho

I'm very sorry.

La vida es así

Life is like that.

No la he inventado yo

I didn't invent it.

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no

No la he inventado yo

I didn't invent it.

Nunca y nunca

Never and never

No me ha achicado

It hasn't shrunk me.

Nada de los malos

Nothing from the bad ones.

Que en ti te tengan

May they have you.

Que se aburran

Let them get bored.



Que se dan

That are given

Y que se pierdan

And may they get lost.

Y que te pierden

And that they lose you.

Y que te vayan

And may they go to you.

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