Vol amb globus aerostàtic, novetat de les Jornades Somriu


El Recapte

Vol amb globus aerostàtic, novetat de les Jornades Somriu

El Recapte

Ja tornem a estar per aquí per entrar a la secció d'avui

We are back here to enter today's section.

on parlarem de la fira Somriu.

We will talk about the Somriu fair.

De Sant Jaume d'en Veja.

From Sant Jaume d'en Veja.

Sabem que són dies d'activitats, de tallers, de cultura,

We know that these are days of activities, workshops, and culture.

però volem saber, per enguany, què tenen preparat

but we want to know what they have prepared for this year

i qui millor per explicar-nos-ho que el regidor de fires i festes

And who better to explain it to us than the councilor of fairs and festivals?

de l'Ajuntament de Sant Jaume d'en Veja, Josep Subirats.

from the Town Hall of Sant Jaume d'en Veja, Josep Subirats.

Josep, bon dia, com estàs?

Josep, good morning, how are you?

Molt bon dia, molt bé.

Very good morning, very well.

Ja teniu encaminada esta fira?

Do you have this fair organized yet?

Sí, la veritat és que tenim tot preparat ja,

Yes, the truth is we have everything ready already,

tot el programa preparat, que avui mateix sortirà

the whole program prepared, which will go out today itself

perquè el públic pugui veure el que han preparat

so the audience can see what they have prepared

aquests tres dies de convivència,

these three days of coexistence,

com bé tu dius, de cultura, de tradició, de fira

As you say, of culture, of tradition, of fair.

i, sobretot, de xalera.

And, above all, for fun.

La veritat és que l'any passat vam fer un abans molt important,

The truth is that last year we made a very important advance,

canviant una mica el que vindria a ser el format de la fira,

changing a bit what would be the format of the fair,

introduint els concerts, introduint parades de menjar

introducing concerts, introducing food stalls

perquè la gent s'ho pugui passar millor

so that people can have a better time

i, enguany, ho hem acabat de fer la més grossa en una novetat

Yes, this year we have finished making the biggest thing in a novelty.

molt important que ara després t'explicarem.

very important that we will explain to you later.

Ui, doncs ja tinc ganes de saber la novetat,

Oh, well, I'm eager to know the news.

clar, ho diem així, quina és?

Sure, we say it like this, what is it?

Volíem fer una activitat,

We wanted to do an activity,

una activitat diferent per a la gent del territori,

a different activity for the people of the territory,

que per a la gent del poble pogués vindre a passar-se-ho bé

so that the people from the village could come and have a good time

en un preu que intentem quedar assequible per a tothom,

at a price we aim to keep affordable for everyone,

tenint en compte l'activitat en si,

taking into account the activity itself,

el que necessita aquesta activitat, les feines i tot,

what this activity needs, the work and everything,

i, enguany, la novetat és que venen tres globus aerostàtics

And this year, the novelty is that three hot air balloons are coming.

a la vora del riu Ebre

at the edge of the Ebre River

i es faran diferents activitats,

and different activities will be held,

en estos globos.

in these balloons.

Com ara?

Like now?

En dissabte a la tarda se faran tres vols captius,

On Saturday afternoon, three captive flights will take place,

és a dir, se'nlairaran los tres globos a la vegada

That is to say, the three balloons will rise at the same time.

i la gent podrà pujar o baixar cada mitja hora,

and people will be able to go up or down every half hour,

és a dir, compraran uns tíquets a 40 euros per cap

That is to say, they will buy tickets at 40 euros each.

i estiran mitja hora a dalt en lo globo,

and they will stretch half an hour up in the balloon,

podran fer fotos, podran passar-se-ho bé allí dalt,

they will be able to take photos, they will be able to have a good time up there,

gaudir del paisatge i del poble,

enjoy the landscape and the village,

i, a més a més, també la possibilitat de poder pujar amb una copa de cava

and, in addition, also the possibility of being able to go up with a glass of cava

i una petita explicació de les sensacions que mos genera

and a small explanation of the sensations it generates in us.

este cava quan mos bevem dalt,

this cava when we drink it up there,

i tot plegat, que sigui una experiència inoblidable.

and all in all, may it be an unforgettable experience.

Això pel que fa al dissabte,

This regarding Saturday,

i pel que fa també tant el dissabte al matí com el diumenge al matí,

and regarding both Saturday morning and Sunday morning,

a les sis del matí, faran tres vols.

At six in the morning, they will make three flights.

Ai, hi haurà tres vols, que seran vols amb globo normal i corrent.

Oh, there will be three flights, which will be regular hot air balloon flights.

Això ja sí que és una mica més car,

This is indeed a bit more expensive.

ja que este servei,

since this service,

requereix estos diners,

requires this money,

i està sobre uns 250 euros per persona,

and it's about 250 euros per person,

per a la gent que s'ho pugui permetre,

for those who can afford it,

que pugui anar estos vols dissabte matí, diumenge matí.

that I can take these flights Saturday morning, Sunday morning.

Has anat mai en globo, Josep?

Have you ever gone in a balloon, Josep?

Jo sí, lo que passa que al Delta no.

I do, but not in the Delta.

Ah, este és lo detall que fa falta, eh?

Ah, this is the detail that's missing, right?

Fa molts, fa bastants anys vaig anar en globo,

Many, many years ago I went ballooning.

i la veritat és que va ser espectacular,

and the truth is that it was spectacular,

però al Delta de l'Ebre no.

but in the Ebro Delta no.

Ho dic perquè,

I say this because,

de cara a promocionar esta activitat,

in order to promote this activity,

no és que sigui publicitat,

it's not that it's advertising,

és que jo no hi he anat, eh?

It's just that I haven't been there, okay?

Però a tothom que he preguntat si he pujat en globo aerostàtic,

But to everyone I've asked if I've been in a hot air balloon,

diu que és una passada, que la sensació és com d'estar flotant.

He says it's amazing, that the feeling is like floating.

És espectacular.

It is spectacular.

És a dir, tu vas pel cel i no vas en avió,

That is to say, you are going through the sky and not by plane,

no sents soroll de res, una tranquil·litat,

you don't hear any noise, a tranquility,

fa fred, inclús, encara que vagis a l'estiu,

it's cold, even if you go in the summer,

és espectacular la sensació que sents al pujar en globo.

The sensation you feel when you ride in a hot air balloon is spectacular.

I és lo que tu dius per a explicar-ho i per a promocionar-ho,

And that's what you say to explain it and to promote it,

estaria bé també conèixer-ho de primera mà,

it would also be good to know it firsthand,

i la veritat és que sí.

And the truth is that yes.

El que passa és que jo al Delta he de dir que no hi he anat mai.

The thing is, I have to say that I have never been to the Delta.

Quan era? Lo dissabte, no?

When was it? On Saturday, right?

Lo dissabte.

On Saturday.

Tenim la possibilitat de sortir a les 6 del matí,

We have the possibility to leave at 6 in the morning,

en un preu una mica més elevat,

at a slightly higher price,

o la possibilitat de fer un vol captiu,

or the possibility of taking a captive flight,

és a dir, només enlairar-se,

that is to say, only to take off,

per la tarda.

in the afternoon.

Pues este, per exemple,

Well this one, for example,

seria ideal.

It would be ideal.

Sí, lo tens.

Yes, you have it.

Lo tens ja perfecte per a poder pujar.

You have it perfect for uploading now.

Les places, poso que són limitades, evidentment, no?

The spots, I assume they are limited, obviously, right?

No sé quants de vols podran fer.

I don't know how many flights they will be able to make.

Claro, caben sobre unes 3 persones per globo.

Of course, about 3 people fit in a balloon.

És a dir, perquè no és lo mateix enlairar un globo gran,

That is to say, because it's not the same to launch a large balloon,

que caben unes 8-10 persones,

that fit about 8-10 people,

a un globo petit, que caben unes 3 persones.

a small balloon, which fits about 3 people.

Això mos dificulta una mica més la possibilitat

This makes it a little more difficult for us.

de que pugui pujar moltíssima gent,

that a lot of people can go up,

però, al fi i al cap,

but, after all,

també s'ha d'aprofitar l'experiència.

Experience must also be leveraged.

Les novetats, ja saps, Josep,

The news, you know, Josep,

i això no t'ho haig de dir jo,

and I shouldn't be the one to tell you that,

perquè tu tens més experiència com a regidor,

because you have more experience as a councilor,

però va, de calle, que diuen.

But come on, seriously, as they say.

Però saps què?

But you know what?

Les novetats d'aquest tipus,

The news of this type,

després, quan torneu a comentar-les,

afterwards, when you comment on them again,

dieu, hi havia moltíssima gent,

God, there were a lot of people,

no sabíem, se mos ha passat de números...

we didn't know, we've lost track of the numbers...

I aquesta té pinta, eh?

And this one looks good, huh?

Sí, la veritat és que és una cosa

Yes, the truth is that it is something

que no s'ha portat mai

that has never been brought

així aquí al Delta, trobo.

so here in the Delta, I find.

Sí que es fan vols pel Delta,

Yes, they do make wishes for the Delta,

en globo, però la possibilitat

By balloon, but the possibility

que la gent pugui pujar

that people can go up

en un preu més econòmic,

at a more affordable price,

més assequible, com vindrien a ser

more affordable, as they would be

els 40 euros, per mitja hora,

40 euros for half an hour.

crec que la gent que valora el territori

I believe that people who value the territory

i que possiblement

and that possibly

s'ho pugui permetre, perquè no tothom

can afford it, because not everyone

tenim aquestes possibilitats,

we have these possibilities,

però crec que

but I think that

serà una cosa excepcional, i és el que tu dius.

it will be an exceptional thing, and that's what you say.

Jo no ho sé, eh?

I don't know, you know?

Ara és una cosa que són

Now it is something that they are.

novetats i sempre tens una mica de temor, no?

new things and you always have a bit of fear, don't you?

Però després te'n dones compte

But then you realize.

que possiblement aquestes coses

that possibly these things

arriesgades funcionen.

risky functions.

Jo estic veient la cua allà de gent, eh?

I am seeing the line of people over there, right?

Ja te ho dic. Perquè, a més, és que és una

I'm already telling you. Because, in addition, it's that it's a

passada, i és una de les coses que sempre

past, and it is one of the things that always

penso, ai, ho he de fer, ho he de viure, perquè

I think, oh, I have to do it, I have to live it, because

tothom que ha pujat, la veritat, dius que

everyone who has gone up, the truth is, you say that

és una passada, i recordem dissabte,

it's amazing, and let's remember Saturday,

28 de setembre, no sé si per això s'haurien

September 28, I don't know if that's why they would have.

d'apuntar, o com ho...

of noting down, or how to...

Els tiquets se vendran a l'Ajuntament, i

The tickets will be sold at the Town Hall, and

de fos lo cas que, en horari

in the event that, during hours

laboral, evidentment, si fos lo cas

labor, obviously, if that were the case.

que ne s'obren

that open up

de totes les activitats que hi ha programades

of all the activities that are scheduled

que hi havent de tiquets, se venen tots a l'Ajuntament.

Since there are tickets, they are all sold at the Town Hall.

I, evidentment,

I, obviously,

allí mateix també es vendran

they will also be sold there

a l'estant de l'Ajuntament la resta

at the Town Hall shelf the rest

de tiquets que s'obren o que

of tickets that are opened or that

faiguen falta per a la gent, però

they are needed for the people, but

sí. Però que qui vulgui tiquets

Yes. But who wants tickets?

ja pot anar... Sí, a l'Ajuntament.

You can go now... Yes, to the Town Hall.

Vale, aneu a l'Ajuntament, perquè

Okay, go to the Town Hall, because

ja us dic jo que l'activitat esta

I'm telling you that the activity is

té una pinta que

looks like

no sé si arribarà el dia a que hi haurem

I don't know if the day will come when we will have it.

tiquets de sobre, com diu Josep.

envelopes, as Josep says.

Bueno, anem a deixar el tema del Globo,

Well, let’s leave the topic of the Balloon.

que és una passada, però per a no quedar-nos

it's amazing, but not for us to stay

en los aires, baixem otra vegada

in the airs, we go down again

i comentem la resta de Fira de

and we discuss the rest of the Fair of

Somriu. Divendres 27 de setembre,

Smile. Friday, September 27,

a les 8 de la tarda, inauguració

at 8 in the evening, inauguration

al Palo Pasado, no? Sí, la veritat

to the Past Pole, right? Yes, the truth

és que vam voler també l'any passat fer

it's that we also wanted to do it last year

tota fira o totes jornades

every fair or all days

mereixent una inauguració com a

deserving an inauguration as a

tal, encara que sigui simbòlica,

such, even if it is symbolic,

fer un acte

to hold an event

en una persona que mereix que

in a person who deserves that

inauguri la fira i creiem que

she inaugurates the fair and we believe that

és una de les coses

it is one of the things

que mos feia falta a naltros com a

what we needed as

com a fira i com a jornades.

as a fair and as conferences.

Llavors vam introduir la inauguració l'any passat,

Then we introduced the inauguration last year,

enguany ho tornem a fer, i

this year we're doing it again, and

el divendres mateix només

only on Friday itself

és la inauguració, peguem una volteta per

it's the inauguration, let's take a little walk around

la fira, visitem els estants,

the fair, we visit the stalls,

per allí et pots quedar a sopar, també, en tot

You can also stay there for dinner, in everything.

els estants gastronòmics que hi ha,

the gastronomic shelves that exist,

i per la nit ja gaudirem del concert

And at night we will enjoy the concert.

del grup Rock and Roll Carabè.

from the group Rock and Roll Carabè.

Ah, perfecte.

Ah, perfect.

L'any passat ja vam vindre,

Last year we already came.

va estar molt bé, ja que tenim un artista

It was very good, since we have an artist.

local dins en este grup,

local within this group,

i enguany tornem a apostar per ells,

and this year we are betting on them again,

tornem a apostar pel nostre artista local,

let's bet again on our local artist,

i la veritat és que estem molt contents que

And the truth is that we are very happy that

puguen tornar a vindre.

may come back again.

Després d'esta nit de

After this night of

concert i de rock, passem al

rock concert, we move on to

dissabte i l'obertura de la

Saturday and the opening of the

fira, i hi ha una activitat infantil

fair, and there is a children's activity

a càrrec dels 1.000 somriures que

in charge of the 1,000 smiles that

com se diu, ho han petat.

As they say, they've nailed it.

Sí, ells la veritat és que sempre ho peten,

Yes, the truth is that they always crush it.

és una

it's a

gent que sempre està disposada

people who are always willing

a fer activitats per als nens i nenes,

to carry out activities for boys and girls,

a passar-se-ho superbé,

to have a great time,

i la veritat és que es nota que els agrada

And the truth is that it shows that they like it.

la seva feina, ja que

his work, since

s'ho passen bé i fan passar bé

they have a good time and make others have a good time

a la gent.

to the people.

I seguim, a les 6

And we continue at 6.

de la tarda hi ha una xerrada, perquè

In the afternoon there is a talk, because

clar, nosaltres sempre que invitem a Josep

Of course, whenever we invite Josep.

és per a parlar de festes,

it's to talk about parties,

de xalera, però dins de

of joy, but within

totes aquestes organitzacions i tota la feina

all these organizations and all the work

que té Josep, hi ha una part que

what Josep has, there is a part that

sempre és una mica més cultural,

it's always a little more cultural,

més tranquil·la, i aquí la tenim, la

more calm, and here we have it, the

xerrada de quan vam aprendre a fer foc

talk about when we learned to make fire

a càrrec del ceramista Marco Pla,

in charge of the ceramist Marco Pla,

molt interessant. Sí, la veritat és que també

very interesting. Yes, the truth is that I also

com a regidor de cultura, m'agrada

As a councilor for culture, I enjoy it.

més clar-ho tot a poder ser i

the clearer the better and

fer d'aquestes jornades el que dèiem abans,

make these days what we said before,

culturals i de xalera,

cultural and leisure

i són unes xerrades que

and they are some talks that

mos venen a càrrec del Museu de les

they come to us from the Museum of the

Terres de l'Ebre, de les quals

Ebre lands, of which

se poden extreure molt bona

very good can be obtained

informació, poden ser molt útils

information, they can be very useful

i creiem que estan

and we believe they are

englobades en el que vindrien a ser

encompassed in what would come to be

lo marc de la fira i de les

the framework of the fair and of the

jornades Somriu. Sí, perquè a part de

Smiling days. Yes, because apart from

l'aprendre a fer foc,

learning to make fire,

també tenim a les 7, a continuació,

we also have at 7, next,

és a dir, ens quedem allà asseguts, perquè

that is to say, we stay there sitting, because

tenim l'avui i el demà de la ceràmica a càrrec

we have the today and the tomorrow of ceramics in charge

de la ceramista Teresa

of the ceramicist Teresa

Marta. Esta és la part

Marta. This is the part

més tranquil·leta, tot en tot

more calm, everything in everything

una cosa tan natural com és

something as natural as it is

el fer foc, que avui dia em sembla

the act of making fire, which today seems to me

algo prehistòric,

something prehistoric,

i la ceràmica.

and the ceramics.

A més, aquests dos ceramistes

Moreover, these two ceramicists

d'alt nivell, eh?

High level, huh?

Sí, la veritat és que

Yes, the truth is that

és així, lo que són

it is so, what they are

estes xerrades mos faran que

these talks will make us that

poguéssim gaudir d'informació

we could enjoy information

de primera mà i que

first-hand and that

tot plegat creiem

all in all we believe

que la gent s'ho podrà

that people will be able to do it

passar bé i podrà gaudir

have a good time and you will be able to enjoy

d'estes activitats que els hem preparat.

of these activities that we have prepared for them.

I ja, quan estes informats

And already, when you are informed.

i sabéssim tot això, tornem a la festeta, que és al final...

And knowing all this, let's go back to the little party, which is at the end...

Pues hem de ser sincers, Josep,

Well, we have to be honest, Josep,

al final la festa és lo que mos agrada

In the end, the party is what we like.

i com ens ho passem bé, eh? Sempre dic lo mateix,

And how well we're having fun, huh? I always say the same thing,

estan molt bé les jornades, de

the days are very good, of

per tot, pero allí en té

for everything, but there it has

hague, pa pegar un mosset

I should take a bite.

i una mica de musiqueta, no mos han

And a little bit of music, they haven't (given) us.

d'enganyar, que la gent anem en una altra idea.

to deceive, so that people have a different idea.

És que qui digui el contrari és mentira, a vore.

It's just that anyone who says otherwise is lying, let's see.

Sempre que pogués pegar mosset

Whenever I could take a bite

a un trosset de pizza, a algo,

to a piece of pizza, to something,

o sentir una musiqueta d'un concert,

or to hear a little music from a concert,

tu pots mesclar tot lo que vulguis.

You can mix whatever you want.

Pots ficar coses culturals,

You can include cultural things,

d'associacions del poble...

of associations of the village...

Pots crear unes jornades d'una programació

You can create some days of a program.

tot lo dia, però no mos deixéssim la part gastronòmica

all day long, but let's not forget the gastronomic part

i la part de festa, perquè la gent

and the party part, because people

volem això. Totalment. Pues sí.

We want this. Totally. Well, yes.

Ja en tenim prou de mals de caps durant la

We're fed up with headaches during the

setmana, durant lo dia a dia, i arriba

week, during the day to day, and arrives

una fira i el que volem, pues és jaleo.

a fair and what we want, well it's a commotion.

I ademés tenim a les 7 i mitja,

And we also have it at half past seven,

això m'encanta, lo bingo musical a carregte

I love this, the musical bingo at Chargate.

parlant de part i set. Bingo musical?

Speaking of part and seven. Musical bingo?

Com és això? Bingo musical. Bingo musical

How is this? Musical bingo. Musical bingo.

és una cosa que s'està posant bastant de moda, és una

it's something that is becoming quite trendy, it's a

veritat que aplega molta gent

truth that brings together many people

i que fa que la gent s'ho passi

and that makes people have fun

molt bé, creiem naltros,

very well, we believe.

i podem comprovar.

and we can check.

I la veritat és que

And the truth is that

per a que fer que la gent estés allí

to make people be there

i s'ho passi bé, hem volgut

and have a good time, we wanted

introduir lo bingo musical

introduce the musical bingo

que creiem que ho petarà.

we believe it will be a hit.

Perquè lo bingo musical és

Because the musical bingo is

bueno, un bingo normal, i van traient una

well, a normal bingo, and they are calling out one.

bola, pues la bola número 1

ball, well the ball number 1

és la cançó X, no? No sé.

It's the song X, right? I don't know.

I cada vegada, pues van posant les

And every time, well they keep putting the

diferents cançons i...

different songs and...

Així es juga el bingo. Però taches

This is how bingo is played. But you cross out.

la cançó més del número 1? Exacte.

The song most of number 1? Exactly.

Tens un cartonet de bingo i tens una llista

You have a bingo card and you have a list.

de les cançons. Ui, que divertit. Si sona

of the songs. Oh, how fun. If it plays

la cançó... no ho sé.

the song... I don't know.

Sí, pues... No me'n ve cap al cap.

Yes, well... I can't think of any.

No ho sé, la esta de...

I don't know, the thing about...

Lo carreglet de la cava? Sí. Mateix?

The little cork of the cava? Yes. Same?

La típica de Guildelta?

The typical one from Guildelta?

Pues... Taches.

Well... You cross out.

Si és el número 10 i tu tens el número 10,

If it's number 10 and you have number 10,

pues ja taches el número 10, per exemple.

Well, then you can cross out number 10, for example.

Ah, que interessant. Sí. I després

Ah, how interesting. Yes. And then.

no deixem la música, perquè a les 11 està el concert

We don't stop the music, because the concert is at 11.

en directe a Garra del Club de Rumba,

live at Garra del Rumba Club,

los Gitano Blanc.

the White Gypsy.

Sí, lo que veníem parlant, pues...

Yes, what we were talking about, well...

Allí hi hagué festeta i

There was a little party there and

concertets, pues fa que la gent s'ho passi

little concerts, because it makes people have a good time

bé, sempre i quan mos aguantigui

well, as long as it holds us

el temps i mos faigui súper bona

the weather and I hope it will be super good

hora, que suposem que sí. Sí, home.

time, which we suppose is yes. Yes, man.

L'any passat va ser un èxit, lo que venen a ser

Last year was a success, what they tend to be.

els concertets i lo caliu

the little concerts and the warmth

de la gent allí, i enguany esperem que

from the people there, and this year we hope that

també. Avui perquè plou,

also. Today because it is raining,

però quan plou tenim la sensació de que plourà

but when it rains we have the feeling that it will rain

ja per sempre, no? Això

forever, right? That

d'aquí uns dies quan serà això que és lo cap de setmanes,

in a few days when it will be what is the weekend,

del 28-29, 27-28-29

from the 28-29, 27-28-29

de setembre, això ho tindrem

in September, we will have this.

superat. A més, l'estiuet este últim, no?

overcome. Also, this last little summer, right?

De Sant Miquel o

From Sant Miquel or

que ja són les últimes calors de l'any, segur

that these are already the last warm days of the year, for sure

toca per en este cap de setmana. I

it's your turn this weekend. And

acabeu lo diumenge, que ho teniu ple

You finish on Sunday, as you have it full.

d'activitats. Ho repassarem

of activities. We will review it.

ràpid. Mos deixem també

Quick. We also leave ourselves.

lo dissabte, que farem la

On Saturday, what we will do is the

la dotzena trobada de

the twelfth meeting of

plaques d'intercanvi

exchange plates

de cava, que normalment se feia

of cava, which was usually made

en diumenge, però enguany se farà en dissabte.

on Sunday, but this year it will be on Saturday.

Com ja ve sent tradició, se

As has been the tradition, it

presentarà una nova placa

will present a new plaque

especial de Sant Jaume.

Saint James special.

Ah, mira, interessant.

Ah, look, interesting.

I si passem al diumenge, anem

And if we move on to Sunday, let's go.

ràpid, que se mos acabarà el

Quick, we will run out of it.

temps, però tenim...

time, but we have...

Bueno, esta del diumenge passem al

Well, this Sunday we move on to...

dissabte un tast de vermut,

Saturday a vermouth tasting,

ah, de Llúcia, la sommelier,

ah, from Llúcia, the sommelier,

que sempre està a tots

that is always there for everyone

los actes de

the acts of

fires i festes, i és una

fires and festivals, and it is one

passada, veure com treballa Llúcia, les coses

Past, seeing how Llúcia works, the things.

que organitza, una degustació de

that organizes a tasting of

paella de gentilesa de

paella courtesy of

Montsià, torneig de bac a càrrec

Montsià, backgammon tournament organized by

del Club Olímpic Cuxincai.

from the Cuxincai Olympic Club.

Molt interessant, la lluita del bac, eh? Torna a estar una mica

Very interesting, the fight of the bac, huh? It's a bit back again.

de moda, no, Josep? La lluita del bac és una cosa

In fashion, no, Josep? The fight of the bac is one thing.

que no s'ha de perdre, perquè

that should not be lost, because

sempre tenint en compte d'on venim

always taking into account where we come from

i del territori que som, s'han de

and of the territory that we are, must be

promocionar i s'han de

promote and must be

de fer grans aquelles

to make those big

petites coses que mos

small things that us

identifiquen, i esta és una de les coses que, com tu

they identify, and this is one of the things that, like you

dius ara, s'està posant molt de moda

You say now, it is becoming very fashionable.

i està molt, molt bé.

And it is very, very good.

Repartiment de paracotes.

Distribution of paracots.

Això ja mos agrada, també.

We like this too.

Clar, és que és el que sempre parlem.

Of course, it's what we always talk about.

És que la fira es diu Somriu, o sigui,

It's because the fair is called Smile, that is,

si no és coses d'aquí,

if it's not things from here,

no té sentit, i a més està molt

it doesn't make sense, and also it's very

organitzat entorn a

organized around

aquesta idea, és que és el que

this idea, is that it is what

ha de ser, no? Tenim també la xocolatada popular,

It has to be, right? We also have the popular hot chocolate,

que això entre els més

that this among the most

menuts triomfa, perquè comencen tots

youngsters triumph, because everyone starts

moníssims, i acaben

very cute, and they end



les mans a cara...

hands to face...

Les mares i els pares super contents...

The mothers and fathers super happy...

Bueno, jo, quan he portat els

Well, I, when I have brought the

veus alguna història d'estres, assumixes que

do you see any story of stress, you assume that

igual lo que porten ja no és

what they bring is no longer the same

per a cap vegada més, no? Sí, sí.

For never again, right? Yes, yes.

Però, no passa res.

But, it doesn't matter.

Taller de manualitats típiques del Taïques

Workshop of typical Taïques crafts

a càrrec de mil somriures.

at the expense of a thousand smiles.

No sé quines seran les manualitats típiques del Taïques.

I don't know what the typical crafts of Taïques will be.

La veritat és que sempre, igual que

The truth is that always, just like

l'any passat va ser sorpresa, enguany també

Last year was a surprise, this year too.

sempre mos sorprenen i segur

they always surprise us and surely

que faran algo super

that they will do something super

bonic i super del Taïc.

beautiful and super of the Taic.

A això li hauríem de preguntar a Carme Callao, no?

We should ask Carme Callao about this, right?

Sí, Carmen Rando.

Yes, Carmen Rando.

Sí, Carmen Rando. Carmen Rando, però

Yes, Carmen Rando. Carmen Rando, but

sempre es diu... El meu cognom és Callao,

it is always said... My surname is Callao,

però em coneixen per Carmen Rando. Ah, jo, Carmen Rando, veus.

But they know me as Carmen Rando. Ah, I, Carmen Rando, you see.

I el concert

And the concert

de la Unió Musical Artística, en fusió

of the Artistic Musical Union, in fusion

amb el grup de Jotes, Sara Bastall.

with the Jotes group, Sara Bastall.

L'any passat vol voler introduir a lo que és

Last year I wanted to introduce what it is.

la Unió Musical Artística, ja que és una entitat

the Artistic Musical Union, as it is an entity

del nostre poble que de gran pes

of our village that of great weight

i de gran

and of great



i enguany mos han

and this year they have given us

comentat que volíem fer una fusió amb el grup de Jotes

commented that we wanted to merge with the Jotes group

Sara Bastall, creiem que pot estar super bé

Sara Bastall, we believe it can be great.

i esperem que

and we hope that

gaudim d'este concert.

we enjoy this concert.

Després tenim lo task clandestí

Afterwards we have the clandestine task.

de Llúcia, que es vendran

of Llúcia, that will be sold

estos tickets i, hombre,

these tickets and, man,

quico el cel i el noi i el mut de ferreries, ja

Quico the celestial and the boy and the mute from Ferreries, already.

cumbre. Com va ser novetat,

summit. As it was new,

volíem portar un artista

we wanted to bring an artist

que mos pogués

that could

portar gent i que

bring people and that

poguéssim gaudir del seu concert.

we could enjoy its concert.

L'any passat va vindre Joan Rovira i

Last year Joan Rovira came and

enguany vam apostar per vindre

this year we decided to come

esta gent que són

who are these people

magnífics, que són tradicionals i que són culturals

magnificent, which are traditional and which are cultural

de les nostres terres.

from our lands.

Josep, pinta genial.

Josep, it looks great.

Que vagi molt bé. Moltes gràcies.

Take care. Thank you very much.

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