Més que Esport - 23/09/24

Ràdio 4

Més que esport

Més que Esport - 23/09/24

Més que esport

Bona nit.

Good night.

Com esteu? Benvinguts, benvingudes un dia més, una setmana més.

How are you? Welcome, welcome once again, another day, another week.

De fet, comencem nova setmana de programa en aquest nou horari,

In fact, we are starting a new week of programming at this new time,

dos quarts de deu de la nit i alguns segons,

nine forty-five and some seconds at night,

quan comencem a escoltar-nos fins a les deu en punt

when do we start listening to each other until ten o'clock sharp

amb el Marc Willi, el control de so.

with Marc Willi, the sound control.

I és que avui és dilluns, nova setmana,

And it's that today is Monday, a new week,

i com sempre, com fem històricament,

and as always, as we have historically done,

comencem conversant amb un exesportista d'elit

let's start by talking with a former elite athlete

sobre la vida després de l'esport.

about life after sports.

Recordem la seva carrera esportiva

Let's remember his sports career.

i ens interessem per com va ser la seva retirada

and we are interested in how his retirement was

i el que ha fet i fa des d'aleshores.

and what he has done and continues to do since then.

Com sabeu, en aquest espai passen esportistes de qualsevol disciplina

As you know, athletes from any discipline pass through this space.

i tant si s'acaben de retirar o si fa molt que ho van fer.

whether they have just retired or whether they did so a long time ago.

El nostre convidat d'avui porta anys retirat, gairebé 30,

Our guest today has been retired for almost 30 years.

tot i que no s'ha desvinculat del seu esport, l'atletisme,

although he has not distanced himself from his sport, athletics,

on va ser tot un referent durant molt de temps en salda allargada

it was a reference for a long time in elongated sauce

i tres cops finalista olímpic.

and three-time Olympic finalist.

Actualment és entrenador i es diu Antoni Corgos.

He is currently a coach and his name is Antoni Corgos.

Antoni Corgos Cervantes va néixer a Barcelona el 10 de març de 1960

Antoni Corgos Cervantes was born in Barcelona on March 10, 1960.

i va ser un destacat atleta especialitzat en salda allargada

He was a prominent athlete specialized in long jump.

tres cops sotscampió d'Europa i diploma olímpic a Seul 88,

three times European runner-up and Olympic diploma in Seoul 88,

als seus tercers llocs.

to their third places.

Corgos va començar a competir als 11 anys

Corgos started competing at the age of 11.

i als 16 ja tenia clar que volia ser atleta professional.

And by the age of 16, I was already clear that I wanted to be a professional athlete.

Ho va aconseguir i als 18 anys ja va superar el rècord d'Europa júnior

He achieved it, and at 18 years old, he already broke the junior European record.

i el d'Espanya, tant júnior com absolut,

and that of Spain, both junior and senior,

amb un 7.000 euros.

with 7,000 euros.

Corgos va ser un atleta especialitzat en salda 8 metres i 5 centímetres

Corgos was an athlete specialized in long jump 8 meters and 5 centimeters.

i va tornar a ser plusmarquista europeu júnior dos anys més tard,

and he became the junior European record holder years later,

amb 8.09.

with 8.09.

Va ser l'inici d'una brillant carrera

It was the beginning of a brilliant career.

on va ser tres cops finalista olímpic,

he was an Olympic finalist three times,

amb diploma a Seul, on va ser cinquè,

with a diploma in Seoul, where he was fifth,

tres cops sotscampió d'Europa

three times runner-up in Europe

i 17 cops campió d'Espanya entre l'Indor i l'Aire Lliure.

And 17 times champion of Spain in Indoor and Outdoor.

Els seus primers llocs van ser a Moscou 1980,

His first places were in Moscow 1980,

on va ser setè, però no diploma olímpic,

he was seventh, but no Olympic diploma,

perquè aleshores només l'obtenien del quart al sisè.

because then they only obtained it from the fourth to the sixth.

Si el va assolir amb el cinquè lloc, a Seul 88,

If he achieved it with the fifth place, in Seoul '88,

quatre anys després d'haver acabat de ser a Los Ángeles 84.

four years after having finished being in Los Angeles 84.

Abans ja havia obtingut la medalla de plata

Previously, I had already obtained the silver medal.

als campionats d'Europa amb pista coberta a Grenoble 88,

at the European indoor championships in Grenoble 88,

després també va ser segona a Atenes 82

then she was also second in Athens 82

i amb pista coberta de l'Aia 89.

and with the covered track of the Aia 89.

El millor salt de la seva carrera a Pro va ser el 24 d'agost de 1980,

The best jump of his Pro career was on August 24, 1980,

poc després dels Jocs de Moscou, a Madrid,

shortly after the Moscow Games, in Madrid,

on va saltar 8.23, una plusmarca espanyola

he jumped 8.23, a Spanish record

que es va mantenir 19 anys en vigor

that remained in force for 19 years

fins que la va superar el 1999

until she surpassed it in 1999

el meravellosament desaparegut Iago Lamela.

the wonderfully disappeared Iago Lamela.

Corgos va ser considerat en la seva època

Corgos was considered in his time.

el millor saltador espanyol de tots els temps

the best Spanish jumper of all time

i també va practicar esporàdicament el triple salt i el salt d'alçada.

He also sporadically practiced the triple jump and the high jump.

Si no va obtenir més èxits internacionals

If he did not achieve more international successes

és perquè li va tocar competir

it's because he had to compete

amb alguns dels millors atletes de sempre,

with some of the best athletes of all time,

entre ells el mític Carl Ruiz.

among them the mythical Carl Ruiz.

Un cop retirat el 1995, el català es va llicenciar a Nineve

Once retired in 1995, the Catalan graduated in Nineveh.

i actualment és entrenador

and is currently a coach

al grup de triple salt i llarga del car de Sant Cugat.

to the triple jump and long jump group of the Sant Cugat car.

També des de l'any 2009 és director tècnic i entrenador

Also, since 2009, he has been the technical director and coach.

del grup de salts del Club Montanyen de Sant Cugat del Vallès.

from the jumping group of the Montanyen Club in Sant Cugat del Vallès.

Més que esports.

More than sports.

En Marc Galluc.

Marc Galluc.

I l'entrenador.

And the coach.

Sí, bueno, em vaig retirar al 95

Yes, well, I retired in '95.

i vaig tenir 5 anys

I was 5 years old.

que estava vinculat a l'esport.

that was linked to sport.

Estava treballant al car de Sant Cugat

I was working at the car of Sant Cugat.

però estava a gestió d'instal·lacions,

but I was in facilities management,

feia de preparador físic,

I worked as a fitness trainer.

però com a entrenador, entrenador d'atletisme,

but as a coach, athletics coach,

fins al 2001 no...

not until 2001...

Fins al 2001.

Until 2001.

Sí, no vaig poder entrar.

Yes, I couldn't get in.

Clar, però ja són més de 20 anys

Of course, but it has already been more than 20 years.

per tant, dedicat al que més t'agrada, no?

Therefore, dedicate yourself to what you enjoy the most, right?

Sí, és la meva vida.

Yes, it is my life.

Jo sempre dic, jo no sóc el que sóc ara

I always say, I am not who I am now.

si no fos per l'atletisme.

if it weren't for athletics.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Tot el que em rodeja...

Everything that surrounds me...

L'altre dia pensava, no?,

The other day I was thinking, right?

a veure si tinc algun amic que estigui fora de l'atletisme

let's see if I have any friends who are outside of athletics

i no tinc cap...

and I have none...

No entens cap que estigui fora de l'atletisme?

Don't you understand that I am out of athletics?

No tinc cap fora de l'atletisme, és curiós, no?

I have no one outside of athletics, it's curious, isn't it?

Que fort.

How strong.

I amics a dins de l'atletisme en tens molts?

I have many friends within athletics?


Very many.



Bueno, ja sabem el que és el...

Well, we already know what it is the...

Amics o...

Friends or...

Amics i coneguts.

Friends and acquaintances.

Sí, i coneguts.

Yes, and acquaintances.

Amics pocs, però amics de fa 30 anys.

Few friends, but friends for 30 years.

O sigui, que encara...

So, that means...

Ara continuem amb una relació bastant estreta.

Now we continue with a fairly close relationship.

Això està molt bé.

This is very good.

És a dir, que l'atletisme t'ha donat molt.

That is to say, that athletics has given you a lot.

Tu l'hi has donat molt, a l'atletisme?

Have you given a lot to athletics?

Sí, ha sigut donar i treure.

Yes, it has been give and take.

I rebre, no?

And receive, right?

I rebre, sí, sí.

I will receive, yes, yes.

Donar i rebre en el món de l'atletisme.

Give and receive in the world of athletics.

I ara preparant atletes del present i del futur, no?

And now preparing athletes of the present and the future, right?



Per sort tinc dues vessants bastant diferents, no?

Fortunately, I have two rather different sides, right?

Perquè on estic, al Club Montanyenc de Sant Cugat,

Because where I am, at the Montanyenc Club of Sant Cugat,

és un club de promoció

it is a promotion club

i on sempre he trobat...

And I have always found...

He treballat amb gent jove fins als 16-17 anys.

I have worked with young people up to 16-17 years old.

I al car de Sant Cugat ha sigut el contrari, no?

And at the foot of Sant Cugat it has been the opposite, hasn't it?

Ha sigut gent una miqueta més gran,

They have been a little bit older people,

gent amb una projecció,

people with a projection,

però això m'ha ajudat també per poder fer una línia de treball, no?

but this has also helped me to establish a line of work, right?

Perquè els atletes que tenia a Sant Cugat

Because the athletes I had in Sant Cugat

que després tenien una projecció,

that later they had a projection,

me'ls portava al car.

he took them to the car.

I aleshores, per mi sempre era més fàcil treballar al car

And then, for me it was always easier to work on the car.

perquè ja venien amb una disciplina que era molt meva, no?

because they already came with a discipline that was very much mine, right?

I això m'ha ajudat moltíssim.

And this has helped me a lot.

Sí, que ja els coneixies i sabies com funcionaven.

Yes, you already knew them and knew how they worked.

I això t'ha ajudat molt durant molt de temps.

And this has helped you a lot for a long time.

No sé si tu continues fent esport,

I don't know if you still play sports,

perquè, escolta, et veig que tens una planta encara d'atleta extraordinària.

Because, listen, I can see that you still have the build of an extraordinary athlete.

Bueno, esport... A veure, faig salut.

Well, sport... Let's see, I make health.

Fa salut, això millor, no?

It does good, this is better, right?

És millor fer...

It's better to do...

A segons hi ha quant, és millor fer salut.

In seconds, there is how much, it's better to take care of health.

De l'altre ja no puc fer res perquè...

I can no longer do anything about the other because...

El cap...

The head...

Jo crec que nosaltres, l'esportista d'elit,

I believe that we, the elite athlete,

té un problema, que és el cap.

he has a problem, which is the head.

El cap.

The head.

El cap funciona com abans.

The head works like before.



I el cos no.

And the body not.

Per tant, ja m'he après a base de cops.

Therefore, I've learned from experience.



I ara faig un esport molt...

And now I do a sport that is very...

Bueno, aixecar-me, vigilar l'esquena,

Well, get up, watch my back,

tonificar una miqueta el tema de la força,

tone up the theme of strength a little bit,

que és molt important.

which is very important.

I sí que després de...

And yes, after...

Per exemple, després de l'atisme,

For example, after the hint,

vaig estar una època bastant...

I was in a pretty... period.

que ha ficat el golf.

that has put the gulf.

El golf?


Sí, necessitava un tema competitiu.

Yes, I needed a competitive topic.

Perquè això, aquest coquet competitiu...

Because this, this competitive flirtation...

Queda, queda.

Stay, stay.

Aquesta adrenalina que necessiteu una mica, no?,

This adrenaline that you need a little, right?

els esportistes.

the athletes.

Queda, queda.

Stay, stay.

I van ser...

They were...

Al millor van ser deu anys que jugava com un boig, no?

For the best part, it was ten years that I played like a madman, right?



Ara ja no, ara ja...

Now not anymore, now no...

I eres bo, en golf?

Are you good at golf?

Bueno, vaig aconseguir...

Well, I managed to...


Good grief.

Fins a handicap 5,

Up to a handicap of 5,

lo qual, bueno...

which, well...

Li vaig ficar hores, eh?

I put in hours, you know?

Ja, sí.

Yes, indeed.

No pensis que no.

Don't think that I'm not.

Al final tot necessita hores, no?

In the end, everything needs hours, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Al final necessita feina i esforç.

In the end, it takes work and effort.

A banda del talent que un pugui tenir.

Aside from the talent one may have.

Suposo que això ja l'inculques als teus...

I suppose you already instill this in your...



De xebles, no?

Of course, right?

Sí, és...

Yes, it is...

O sigui, el talent es treballa,

So, talent is worked on,

perquè si no, no...

because if not, no...

O sigui, no s'arriba enlloc.

In other words, you don't get anywhere.

Sí, a vegades en talent, però sense treballar.

Yes, sometimes in talent, but without working.

No, sense treballar és impossible,

No, without working it is impossible.



O sigui, em dono compte,

So, I realize,

perquè jo treballo amb gent molt jove,

because I work with very young people,

però nosaltres, en el nostre esport, són números,

but we, in our sport, are numbers,

i és molt fàcil saber si un arribarà o no arribarà, no?

And it is very easy to know if someone will arrive or not, right?

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

I gent que no arriba.

And people who don't arrive.

Gent que no arriba i és per falta de treball.

People who don't make it due to lack of work.

Que tenen números per ser bons,

What do they have numbers for to be good,

però que falta una mica.

but it's a little lacking.

És veritat que ho dius.

It is true that you say so.

El teu esport són números,

Your sport is numbers,

ningú s'enganya,

nobody is fooled,

perquè no és una apreciació d'un àrbitre o de...

because it is not an appreciation of a referee or of...

Són números reals, no?

They are real numbers, aren't they?

Si saltes el que saltes, saltes el que saltes.

If you jump what you jump, you jump what you jump.



Això és una vida...

This is a life...

A veure, és molt maco, la veritat,

Let's see, it's very nice, the truth is,

perquè no et pot enganyar ningú,

because no one can deceive you,

però també és molt dur, no?

but it is also very hard, isn’t it?

Perquè és una lluita constant amb tu mateix.

Because it is a constant struggle with yourself.

Amb tu mateix.

With yourself.

Tu mateix, no?

You yourself, right?

És una autopressió.

It is a self-pressure.

És aixecar-te...

It's getting up...

A vegades ho explico, no?

Sometimes I explain it, right?

És aixecar-me pel matí, mirar-me al mirall,

It’s getting up in the morning, looking at myself in the mirror,

i he de guanyar aquest senyor que està davant,

I have to beat this gentleman in front of me.

que és el meu.

that is mine.

Ja, que ets tu mateix.

Yes, because it is you yourself.

Que sóc jo mateix.

That I am myself.

I és un esport dur per això,

It is a tough sport for that reason,

però és maco perquè ningú et pot enganyar.

but it is nice because no one can fool you.

Si saltes 10 són 10,

If you jump 10, it's 10.

i ningú et dirà que són 8.

And no one will tell you that they are 8.

Per això, que ningú t'enganya,

So that no one deceives you,

ni tu enganyes a ningú,

neither do you deceive anyone,

fas el que pots fer el millor possible,

you do what you can do the best possible,

i tu ho estàs fent,

and you are doing it,

ja sé que ara no saltes,

I know that you are not jumping now,

perquè no sé què és el que et demana el cor,

because I don't know what your heart is asking for,

ah, i el cap,

ah, and the head,

que em deies el cap va diferent del cos, no?

You told me the head is different from the body, right?

El cap et demanaria encara saltar?

Would the boss still ask you to jump?

No, no, el cap el que em demana a vegades

No, no, what the boss sometimes asks me.

és més intensitat.

It's more intensity.

Més intensitat.

More intensity.

Més intensitat que podria,

More intensity than I could,

però ja no.

but not anymore.

Ja s'ha après, com en deies abans.

It has already been learned, as you said before.

Ja hem arribat a una...

We have already arrived at a...

Però són molts anys, el latisme,

But it has been many years, the latism,

perquè vas començar de nen.

because you started as a child.

Sí, amb molts anys.

Yes, with many years.

Els 11 anys ja vas començar.

You started at 11 years old.

Era un latisme, a veure,

It was a lath, let’s see,

jo estic acostumat a treballar en un club,

I am used to working in a club.

ja et dic, a promoció,

I'm telling you, in promotion,

i és molt diferent.

and it is very different.

Clar, no té res a veure.

Of course, it has nothing to do with it.

Els nens d'11 anys el que fan ara

The 11-year-old children what they do now.

o el que feies tu amb 11 anys?

or what you were doing at 11 years old?

No, jo no podia anar a entrenar, pràcticament.

No, I couldn't go to training, practically.

O sigui, nosaltres entrenavam el dissabte,

So, we trained on Saturday,

perquè els desplaçaments

for the movements

a Barcelona eren eternos

in Barcelona they were eternal

i no sorties com surten ara

and you wouldn't go out like they do now

de classe a les 4, a les 2,

class at 4, at 2,

jo sortia a les 6, era impossible.

I was leaving at 6, it was impossible.

Jo fins als 16, 17 anys

Me until I was 16 or 17 years old.

no vaig començar

I didn't start.

a desplaçar-me de casa meva fins a les pistes

to travel from my home to the slopes

i fer un entrenament una miqueta més...

and do a training a little bit more...

Perquè tu vivies...

Because you lived...

Jo vivia a Horta

I lived in Horta.

i entrenava a la universitària.

I was training at the university.

Clar, però no havia

Of course, but I hadn't.

la infraestructura de metros,

the metro infrastructure,

neutros, o sigui, tardava hora i mitja.

neutrals, that is, it took an hour and a half.

Era bastant més lluny.

It was quite a bit further away.

Hora i mitja d'arribar i no...

An hour and a half to arrive and not...

Tot estava més lluny, aquella època.

Everything was further away, that time.

Tot estava més lluny, sí.

Everything was further away, yes.

No només dintre de Barcelona,

Not only within Barcelona,

el món estava molt més lluny, no?

The world was much farther away, wasn’t it?

Sí, i era molt complicat.

Yes, and it was very complicated.

Vaig dir que acabaves a les 6,

I said you finished at 6.

arribaves a casa a les 7,

you were arriving home at 7,

i era inviable.

and it was unfeasible.

Repassarem una mica ara aquesta carrera teva

We'll go over your race a bit now.

que va ser referent durant molts anys,

which was a reference for many years,

però abans, la música, t'agrada molt o no?

But first, do you really like music or not?

Tu escoltes molta música?

Do you listen to a lot of music?



A veure, al cotxe,

Let's see, in the car,

escolto la meva

I listen to my

i, malauradament,

and, unfortunately,

quan arribo a les pistes,

when I arrive at the slopes,

la del 100...

the one with the 100...

La del 100.

The one with 100.

La del 100, però bueno.

The one with the 100, but okay.

Que no sé per què crec que no t'acaba d'agradar igual.

I don't know why I think you don't really like it all the same.

Bueno, a veure, jo els hi dic, a veure.

Well, let's see, I tell them, let's see.

Jo em ficaré amb vosaltres

I will stay with you.

i intentaré, doncs, ballar reggaeton, no?

And I will try to dance reggaeton, right?



Has intentat ballar reggaeton?

Have you tried dancing reggaeton?

Sí, a mi m'agrada molt.

Yes, I like it very much.

Sí? T'agrada ballar?

Yes? Do you like to dance?

Molt, molt, moltíssim.

Very, very, very much.





Ah, o sigui, i vas a ballar o no?

Ah, so, are you going to dance or not?

No, ara ja no.

No, not anymore.

Ja no.

Not anymore.

Però havies anat a ballar.

But you had gone dancing.

Sí, m'agradava molt.

Yes, I liked it a lot.

O sigui, que saltar, ballar i escoltar música.

So, jumping, dancing, and listening to music.

Ja ho diu la cançó,

The song says it all,

molt millor que ell.

much better than him.

Molt millor.

Much better.

Són els ulls de Beth Davies,

They are the eyes of Beth Davies,

Beth Davies Aïs,

Beth Davies Aïs,

el primer tema que ens ha demanat l'Antoni Corgos,

the first topic that Antoni Corgos has asked us,

el Toni, el nostre convidat d'avui.

Toni, our guest today.

Per què aquesta cançó, Toni?

Why this song, Toni?

Bueno, aquesta cançó,

Well, this song,

la veritat és que no sé com va arribar a mi.

The truth is that I don't know how it came to me.

No saps com va arribar a tu,

You don't know how it came to you,

però va arribar i s'hi va quedar.

but he/she arrived and stayed there.

Però va arribar

But it arrived.

i jo sempre he sigut una persona

and I have always been a person

que no li agrada sortir de casa.

that does not like to leave home.

Ah, no?

Oh, isn't it?

No t'agrada sortir de casa?

Don't you like to go out of the house?



Però vols dir que no t'agrada anar de festa o...

But you mean you don't like to go to parties or...

No, sortir de casa de viatge em refereixo.

No, I mean leaving home to travel.

Ah, de viatge.

Ah, traveling.

O sigui, dormir a casa.

So, sleep at home.

Ah, que a tu dormir a casa.

Ah, that you sleep at home.



Per tant, no t'agrada viatjar gaire.

Therefore, you don't really like to travel.

No, res, zero.

No, nothing, zero.

I aquesta cançó

And this song

la portava sempre

She always wore it.

a concentracions,

to concentrations,

competicions fora

external competitions

i per dormir.

and to sleep.

Per dormir?

To sleep?

Era el meu himne per dormir.

It was my anthem for sleeping.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Era com una cançó de bressol per tu.

It was like a lullaby for you.

Sí, total.

Yes, totally.

I els meus amics que saben

And my friends who know

que dormien amb mi

that slept with me

perquè abans no havia

because before there wasn’t

iPod ni tot això.

iPod nor all of that.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Era música en directe.

It was live music.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Aquí l'escoltava tota l'habitació.

Here the whole room was listening to him.

Els que tenim una edat ho sabem.

Those of us who are of a certain age know it.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Tota l'habitació escoltava

The whole room was listening.

el que tu posaves en aquest cas, no?

what you were putting in this case, right?



I aquesta era una cançó

And this was a song.

que m'ajudava molt, no sé,

that helped me a lot, I don't know,

per la sintonia,

for the tuning,

no per el que diu, no,

not for what it says, no,

sinó la sintonia...

but the tuning...

T'agradava la música.

You liked music.

Sí, m'agradava.

Yes, I liked it.

T'agradava aquesta cançó.

You liked this song.

Escolta, si no t'agrada viatjar,

Listen, if you don't like to travel,

per no agradar-te

to not please you

has hagut de viatjar molt,

you must have traveled a lot,

m'imagino, com a atleta.

I imagine myself, as an athlete.

Has fet tres Jocs Olímpics,

You have competed in three Olympic Games,

Champions d'Europa,

Champions of Europe,

Campionats del Món,

World Championships,

de tot una mica, no?

A little bit of everything, right?

Sí, per això arriba un moment que...

Yes, that's why there comes a moment when...

Clar, però t'agradava abans viatjar?

Of course, but did you like traveling before?

O és que ja t'has cansat de viatjar?

Or have you already grown tired of traveling?

A veure...

Let's see...

No has estat mai molt de viatjar?

Haven't you ever been very much into traveling?



M'agradava dormir a casa.

I liked sleeping at home.

T'agradava dormir a casa.

You liked sleeping at home.

Però, bueno,

But, well,

evidentment és una vida de l'esport

obviously it is a life of sport

que és complicada

that is complicated

i t'acostumes, no?

And you get used to it, don’t you?

Però no,

But no,

com el meu llit, res.

with my bed, nothing.

Res com el teu llit.

Nothing like your bed.



Però suposo que també viatjar,

But I suppose traveling as well,

en aquest cas com a esportista,

in this case as an athlete,

doncs et dona punts de vista

so it gives you points of view

de veure llocs

of seeing places



Sí, evidentment.

Yes, obviously.

Coneixes tot

You know everything.

i més que coneixes,

and more that you know,

veus els canvis, no?

You see the changes, don't you?

Perquè països d'abans

Because countries of the past

i els veus ara i...

and you see them now and...

Clar, i no tenen res a veure, no?

Of course, and they have nothing to do with each other, right?

I no tenen res a veure.

And they have nothing to do with it.

Perquè, clar,

Because, of course,

nosaltres vam viure

we lived

l'època dura

the hard times

de la Rússia...

from Russia...

Sí, sí, sí, clar.

Yes, yes, yes, of course.

Este, països de l'est...

This, eastern countries...

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

Ara te'n vas a un d'aquells països

Now you're going to one of those countries.

i és absolutament diferent.

and it is absolutely different.

I no té res a veure, no?

And it has nothing to do with it, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I, bueno,


això és maco, no?

this is nice, isn't it?

Però, d'altra manera,

But, in another way,

pensa que quan nosaltres viatjaven

think that when we were traveling



el turisme no estava

tourism was not

dintre de les nostres prioritats.

within our priorities.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

I, a més, aquest tipus de viatge

And also, this type of trip

són veure l'aeroport,

they are seeing the airport,


the hotel,

les pistes del latisme...

the clues of latism...

Exacte, i poc més.

Exactly, and not much more.

I poca cosa més, no?

And not much more, right?

Ens ha passat tan bé

We had such a good time.

com a periodistes

as journalists

cobrint diferents esdeveniments

covering different events

i és la realitat.

And it is the reality.

Però, ara que parlaves

But, now that you were talking

dels països de l'est

from Eastern countries

i de la Rússia,

and from Russia,

de fet, els teus primers jocs

in fact, your first games

van ser a Moscou

they went to Moscow

i, a més, van ser uns jocs

and, furthermore, they were games

que hi havia boicot...

that there was a boycott...

Vull dir que el tema polític

I mean that the political issue

passava també per sobre

it also passed over

el tema esportiu, no?

the sports topic, right?

Va ser una època complicada.

It was a complicated time.

Complicada perquè...

Complicated because...

A veure, en aquella època,

Let's see, at that time,



Jo tenia 20 anys.

I was 20 years old.

És molt jove.

He is very young.

El tema polític, la veritat, no...

The political topic, really, no...

No t'interessava gaire, no?

You weren't very interested, were you?

Ni m'interessava

I wasn't interested.

ni sabia de què hi va, la veritat.

I didn't even know what it was about, to be honest.

Però que sí,

But yes,

quan es va dir

when it was said

que potser no anàvem,

that perhaps we weren't going,



Això et va posar la por al cos, no?

That scared you, didn't it?


A lot.

I, a més, teníem números

And, moreover, we had numbers.

perquè Espanya

because Spain

estava a l'altre costat.

I was on the other side.

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

Vam ser dels pocs països d'Occident

We were one of the few countries in the West.

que van anar.

that went.

Als Jocs Olímpics.

At the Olympic Games.

I va ser xocant, no?

It was shocking, wasn't it?

Perquè era un país

Because it was a country

diferent, no?

different, right?

D'allò que havies vist.

Of what you had seen.

D'allò que havíem vist per aquí

From what we had seen around here.

i després havíem fet

and then we had done

una neteja

a cleaning

a nivell de població

at the population level

i no hi havia ningú.

and there was no one there.

O sigui, nens, per exemple...

So, kids, for example...

No veies nens?

Didn't you see the kids?

No, és que no n'hi havia.

No, it’s just that there weren’t any.

O sigui, és que, clar,

That is, of course,

és que allò estaria

it's that that would be

tan controladíssim.

so controlled.

Estava controladíssim.

I was completely in control.

Ja et dic, van ser uns Jocs

I'm telling you, it was quite a Games.

d'arribar, competir

to arrive, to compete

i desitjar marxar.

I wish to leave.

I desitjar marxar.

And I wish to leave.

I desitjar tornar, sí, sí.

I wish to return, yes, yes.

Després, m'imagino,

Afterwards, I imagine,

has estat a altres llocs

Have you been to other places?

i a altres Jocs

and to other Games

i a altres campeonats

and to other championships

que has gaudit de lloc, no?

You've enjoyed the place, haven't you?

Sí, molt diferent.

Yes, very different.

I de l'ambient, no?

And about the atmosphere, right?

Molt diferent.

Very different.

Allà va ser, a veure,

There it was, to see,

maco perquè són

pretty because they are

els teus primers Jocs

your first Games

i, clar, la por

Yes, of course, the fear.

que algú

that someone

te'ls tregui,

I'll take them off for you.

doncs era...

so it was...

Un cop saps que vas

Once you know where you're going

és la il·lusió, no?

It's the illusion, isn't it?

Clar, perquè ara,

Sure, because now,

per exemple,

for example,

sabem que la història,

we know that history,

que la vida d'un esportista

that the life of an athlete

es retiren en 30 i pico.

They retire in their 30s and some.

Però abans,

But first,

22, 23 era...

22, 23 was...



era superjove.

she was super young.

No n'hi havia diners.

There was no money.


Of course.

I, aleshores,

And, then,

però, clar,

but, of course,

jo pensava,

I thought,

potser són els únics

maybe they are the only ones

que puc anar, no?

I can go, can't I?

Tu tenies 20 anys.

You were 20 years old.

Jo tenia 20 anys, clar.

I was 20 years old, of course.

20 anys.

20 years.

I pensaves que s'havia de saber

And you thought it had to be known.

perquè quedaven 4

because there were 4 left

pels següents.

for the following.

Clar, que potser no arribava

Of course, maybe it wasn't arriving.

perquè la vida

because life

és el que era abans, no?

It's what it was before, isn't it?

Ara és diferent,

Now it's different,

evidentment, clar.

obviously, of course.

Però no només vas arribar

But you didn't just arrive.

sinó que vas fer

but what you did

3 Jocs Olímpics.

3 Olympic Games.

Sí, perquè van arribar

Yes, because they arrived.

els diners a l'atletisme

money in athletics

i vas poder,

and you were able to,



compaginar la teva vida esportiva

balance your sports life

amb els estudis

with the studies

i no haver de treballar

and not having to work

i, bueno...

And, well...

Tu feies estudiants

You were making students.

perquè et vas treure

why did you take off

el títol d'INEP

the title of INEP

però va ser un cop retirat

but it was a retired hit

o ja anaves estudiant abans?

Oh, were you already studying before?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Vaig començar

I started

quan, bueno...

when, well...

Quan tocava,

When it played,

quan tocava, no,

when it was time, no,

perquè em tocava la mili...

because I had to do my military service...

També hi havia la mili,

There was also military service,

en aquella època.

at that time.

També hi havia la mili

There was also military service.

i vaig començar

I started

justament després.

just after.

El que passa

What happens

és que vaig anar

it's just that I went

amb pausa.

with pause.

Clar, sí, sí,

Of course, yes, yes.

perquè no arribava.

because it wasn't arriving.

Perquè els entrenaments

Because of the training

i els viatges

and the trips

i tot això

and all this

és el que fan molts esportistes

it's what many athletes do

ara també

now also

en aquesta època

at this time

que vivim, no?

that we live, right?

Que és anar compaginant.

What it is to juggle.

No sé si tu parles

I don't know if you speak.

amb els esportistes

with the athletes

que entrenes

what do you train

i els dius

and you tell them

que no s'ha de deixar d'estudiar.

that one must not stop studying.

És la primera filosofia.

It is the first philosophy.

És la primera filosofia, no?

It's the first philosophy, right?

És la primera.

It's the first one.


It is...

On treballo,

I am working.

al CAR,

to the CAR,

és un lloc de...

it is a place of...

Clar, allà

Sure, there.

ho tenen claríssim, no?

They are absolutely clear about it, aren't they?

I per mi

And for me

és molt important.

It's very important.

Estudis i esports.

Studies and sports.

Perquè hi visc

Because I live there.

dintre d'esportistes meus

within my athletes

que no volien

that they did not want

i després en un petit cop

and then with a small hit

després la vida

after life

han tornat,

they have returned,

han canviat d'idea

they have changed their mind

i ara estan molt bé

and now they are very well

i això me n'alegro

and I'm glad about that

perquè hem tingut

because we have had

alguna cosa a veure, no?

something to do with it, right?

Clar, clar, segur que sí.

Sure, sure, of course.

Ara això

Now this

es té molt en compte

it is taken into great consideration

i a la teva època

and in your time

no tant,

not so much,

però tu estudiaves

but you were studying

i et preparaves

and you were preparing yourself

tres cops

three times

has estat finalista olímpic

you have been an Olympic finalist

tot i que no has aconseguit

even though you haven't achieved

una màdia olímpica.

an Olympic average.

Deia, va,

I said, come on,

als Jocs de Moscou

at the Moscow Games

vas ser satè

you were a satyr

que ara seria diploma.

that would now be a diploma.

Aleshores no ho era.

Then it wasn't.

No, ho van canviar després.

No, they changed it later.

Ho van canviar després.

They changed it afterwards.

Però sí que vas ser

But you were.

diploma olímpica

Olympic diploma

a Seúl, no?

to Seoul, right?



Als últims Jocs

At the last Games

i bé,

and well,

vas ser sots

you were under

campió del món

world champion

tres vegades

three times

i vas tenir una marca

And you had a mark.

aquella del 8-23

that of 8-23

que fins al llag o la mela

that until the llag or the mela

quants anys, no?

how many years, right?

Estan mantenint-se.

They are holding on.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Pensa que, bueno,

Think that, well,

és normal.

It's normal.

És normal?

Is it normal?

Dintre del que és

Within what it is

el salt d'allargada...

the long jump...

Els salts duren molt.

The jumps last a long time.

Tota la història,

The whole story,

ja siguin del món

whether from the world

o d'Europa,

or of Europe,


they float

i després

and then

fins que surten l'altre

until they come out the other

no és...

it's not...

No és fàcil.

It's not easy.

No és fàcil

It's not easy.

perquè és una disciplina

because it is a discipline

tan natural

so natural

que per molt ingredient

that for however many ingredients

que posis

that you put

i no n'hi ha...

and there aren't any...


Of course,

si de forma natural

if naturally

no et surt...

it doesn't come out for you...

No n'hi ha alguna cosa

There's nothing there.

és molt complicat.

it's very complicated.


Of course.

Tu et vas dedicar

You dedicated yourself.

als salts d'allargada

to the elongated jumps

perquè vas destacar

why did you stand out

de seguida

right away

però també havies fet

but you had also done

triple salt

triple jump

i salt d'alçada, no?

High jump, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

A mi m'agradaven...

I liked...

Una cosa és el que t'agrada

One thing is what you like.

i després és una altra cosa

and then it is another thing

són triomfes, no?

They are triumphs, right?

El que se't dona millor,

What you do best,

potser, no?

maybe, right?

Clar, a mi m'agradava

Sure, I liked it.

moltíssim l'alçada

very much the height

però faltava un puntet

but there was a little dot missing


of height

pel meu cos.

for my body.

Ets alt.

You are tall.

Sí, però faltava una mica.

Yes, but it was a bit lacking.

Quant m'ha deixat?

How much has he/she left me?



Metre 83

Meter 83

d'un i dos.

from one to two.

Però faltava una miqueta.

But it was missing a little bit.


It was missing.

Faltava una miqueta.

It was missing a little bit.

Després era un saltador de triple

Later he was a triple jumper.

frustrat una miqueta, també.

a little frustrated, too.

Ja, t'hagués agradat.

Yes, you would have liked it.

M'hagués agradat

I would have liked.

però el triple

but the triple

és una especialitat

it is a specialty

molt agressiva.

very aggressive.

I per sort

And luckily

va arribar l'alçada d'allargada

he reached the height of elongation

vaig fer un salt de 85, 0,5

I made a jump of 85, 0.5.

i vaig dir

I said

això ja...

this already...

Aquesta és la meva.

This is mine.

Això és més fàcil.

This is easier.

Aquesta és la meva.

This is mine.

Això és més fàcil, no?

This is easier, isn't it?

I ja em vaig dedicar

And I dedicated myself.

totalment a l'allargada.

totally elongated.

Totalment a l'allargada

Totally elongated.

durant tots els anys.

during all the years.



Vas ser considerat

You were considered.

el millor de tots els temps

the best of all time

en el teu temps.

in your time.





I vas assolir fites importants.

You achieved important milestones.

No sé si potser penses

I don't know if maybe you think.

que podies haver aconseguit més

that you could have achieved more

però, i a més

but, and moreover

he sentit que tu ho deies

I heard you say that.

en alguna ocasió

on some occasion

vas tenir uns monstres davant

you had some monsters in front

impressionants, no?

Impressive, isn't it?

Com Carlos, per exemple.

Like Carlos, for example.

Sí, jo crec que no vaig arribar

Yes, I think I didn't arrive.

al meu...

to my...

Al teu sostre.

To your ceiling.

No vaig arribar.

I didn't arrive.

No vas arribar.

You did not arrive.

Perquè vas tenir una carrera

Why did you have a career?



plegada de...

folding of...

Moltes lesions, no?

Many injuries, right?



A veure, petites.

Let's see, girls.

A veure, només...

Let's see, just...

Només he passat una vegada

I have only passed once.

per quiròfan, per exemple.

for the operating room, for example.

Només una vegada.

Only once.

O sigui, les lesions eren petites.

That is, the injuries were small.

Però t'anaven tallant.

But they kept cutting you.

Però t'anaven tallant

But they were cutting you.

tot el ritme, no?

all the rhythm, right?

I aleshores

And then

el bo que jo vaig tenir era

the good thing I had was

que em vaig començar a conèixer

that I began to know myself

molt aviat.

very soon.

Coneixer el teu cos.

Know your body.

I no vaig lluitar contra el que hi havia.

And I did not fight against what was there.



I les meves programacions

And my programming



de temporada

in season

eren sempre

they were always

al Campionat Internacional

to the International Championship



la marca la deixava una miqueta

the mark left it a little bit

de costat.

next door.

Ja, o sigui...

Yes, I mean...

Jo el que volia era guanyar.

What I wanted was to win.





Tu volies classificar-te

You wanted to classify yourself.

pels campionats importants.

for important championships.

I allà.

And there.

I allà intentar el màxim, no?

And there, try your best, right?

I vas acabar satisfet

And did you end up satisfied?

en aquest sentit.

in this regard.

En aquest sí.

In this yes.



En aquest sí.

In this one, yes.


Very much.

I amb el temps

And with time





I ara quan mires ara,

And now when you look now,

per exemple,

for example,

quan senties que fèiem

when you felt that we did

un petit resum

a brief summary

de la teva carrera esportiva,

of your sports career,

què en penses

What do you think?

de tot allò que vas fer?

of everything you did?



em dones compte

you realize

quan passa el temps

when time passes

de lo que has fet.

of what you have done.



En el moment no tant.

Not at the moment.

En el moment

At the moment

jo vaig estar enfadat

I was angry.

a Moscú.

to Moscow.

Perquè volies més.

Because you wanted more.



Estàs enfadat pràcticament.

You are practically angry.

O sigui,

That is,

sempre estaves enfadat.

you were always angry.

Tota la meva carrera

All my career

enfadat, no?

Angry, aren't you?



Però després

But afterwards

comences a estar

you are starting to be

més content


i comences a posar en valor

and you start to highlight

lo que has fet

what you have done

perquè estàs veient

why are you watching

lo que passa ara

what is happening now

i dius,

and you say,



doncs tampoc

then neither

estava tan malament

I was so bad.

lo que feies tu, no?

What you were doing, right?



si tornessis a néixer

if you were to be born again

tornaries a ser

you would be again

saltador enllargada?

long jump?



intentaria de triple,

he would attempt a triple,



Intentaries de triple,

Triple attempts,



En una altra vida

In another life

potser m'ho consagueixes.

maybe you can advise me.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Perquè m'agradava molt,

Because I liked it very much,

però ja t'ho...

but I'll...



ara tens atletes

now you have athletes

que fan triple.

that make triple.

Sí, més.

Yes, more.

Alguns i algunes

Some (masculine and feminine)

que segur que són molt bons.

that they are surely very good.

Més música.

More music.

A veure,

Let's see,

això es diu

this is called

Amor fugat

Fleeting love

des de la Unión.

from the Union.



Què ens expliques

What do you tell us?

d'aquesta cançó?

of this song?



a veure,

let's see,

jo tenia un

I had a

un casset al cotxe

a cassette in the car

que era...

that it was...



i llavors

and then

anàvem amb un casset,

we were going with a cassette,



...que donaves voltes i voltes

...that you kept going around and around

i era el concert de...

and it was the concert of...

un concert de la Unión,

a concert by the Union,



I aquesta cançó

And this song

em marca una miqueta

it marks me a little

que quan

that when

quan tenia algun...

when I had some...



potser no,

maybe not,

no tenia problemes

I had no problems.

però coses que no anaven

but things that didn't work

com tu volies,

as you wanted,

doncs este

so this

Te jodes

You're screwed.



¿Qué te jodes?

What the hell are you doing?



em donava

he/she was giving me

que si rellevant,

that if relevant,



A veure,

Let's see,

no hi ha coses tan...

there are no things so...

A veure,

Let's see,

evidentment hi ha coses greus

obviously there are serious things

però tot el que em passava

but everything that was happening to me

a mi o als meus amics

to me or to my friends

és una cançó

it's a song

que a vegades

that sometimes

els enviava als meus amics

I sent them to my friends.



es sufagava...

he was suffocating...

Si passava en un got d'aigua.

If it happened in a glass of water.



i les deia

and I told them



aquest te jodes.

this one gets fucked.

I t'ha quedat per sempre.

It has been left to you forever.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

i era...

and it was...

La manera de dir-ho,

The way to say it,

no és el missatge,

it's not the message,

no és un tema de sang,

it's not a matter of blood,

és un tema rellevant

It is a relevant topic.

de problemes que no són

of problems that are not

i que a vegades

and that sometimes

els hi donem

we give them

massa importància,

too much importance,



I és aquest...

And this is...

A problemes

To problems

que no són tan problemes.

that they are not such problems.

Amor fugaz

Fleeting love

és el títol de la cançó

it's the title of the song

El teu amor amb l'aldatisme.

Your love with aldatisme.

No ha estat fugaz

It has not been fleeting.

en absolut.

absolutely not.

Ha estat per sempre

It has been forever.

i que en tenia per sempre.

and that I had forever.

Però com va ser

But how was it?

el moment de la retirada

the moment of withdrawal

quan tu decideixes

when you decide


to withdraw

i pensar,

and think,

ja tenies pensat

you had already thought

com volies que fos

as you wanted it to be

la teva vida següent?

your next life?





Zero, zero.

Zero, zero.

Jo no tenia ni pensat

I hadn't even thought of it.

quan em retiraria.

when I would retire.

No tenies ni pensat?

You didn't even think about it?

No, jo...

No, me...

I et vas retirar així

You withdrew like that.

com de cop?

how suddenly?

A un avió.

To a plane.

I per què?

And why?

Què va passar en aquell avió?

What happened on that plane?

No, venia d'una competició.

No, I was coming from a competition.

És com els fumadors aquests

It's like those smokers.

que diuen

what they say

que m'he fumat

what I smoked

a l'últim cigarro.

to the last cigarette.

Sí, i ja ho deixo per sempre.

Yes, and I'll leave it forever.

Ja ho deixo per sempre,

I am quitting for good.

però jo ja

but I already

m'havia adonat

I had realized.

que havia fet

what he/she had done

l'últim salt.

the last jump.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

I això ho vas notar tu?

And did you notice that?

Per què ho vas notar?

Why did you notice it?

Sí, a veure,

Yes, let's see,

estava allà,

I was there,

el tema estava allà

the topic was there

molt proper, no?

Very close, isn't it?

Perquè ja eren 35 anys.

Because they were already 35 years.

Per qüestió d'edat

Due to age.

i de temps.

and time.

Jo era un lluitador, no?

I was a fighter, right?

Jo sempre tenia un objectiu

I always had a goal.

i anava per ell i per ell.

I was going for him and for him.

I no volies deixar-ho

And you didn't want to let it go.

així com que...

just as...

I no volia deixar-ho.

And I didn't want to leave it.

Però ja et dic,

But I tell you already,

va ser tornar en un avió

it was to return on a plane

i vaig dir

I said.

s'ha acabat.

it's over.

I va ser fàcil

It was easy.

perquè així tant de cop

why all of a sudden

o va ser complicat?

Was it complicated?

Va ser complicat després.

It was complicated afterwards.





Després de quant de temps?

After how much time?



Bueno, fins que trobes

Well, until you find.



A veure, a l'esport

Let's see, in sports.

el pots deixar

you can leave it

perquè són 4 hores

because it's 4 hours

que entrenes.

that you train.

Tampoc té 24 hores al dia.

He also doesn't have 24 hours a day.

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

Fas moltes altres coses.

You do many other things.



Però el problema

But the problem

són aquestes 20 hores.

these are the 20 hours.



Perquè quan feies esport

Because when you were doing sports

aquestes 20 hores

these 20 hours

estaven sempre

they were always

envoltant de l'esport.

surrounding the sport.



I estava tot organitzat.

It was all organized.



Això m'ho han dit molta gent.

Many people have told me this.

El dinar era

The lunch was

perquè feies força

because you were quite strong

o feies carrera.

or you were racing.

El massatge era...

The massage was...

Bueno, i de sobte

Well, and suddenly

passes a que tens 20 hores

you're going to have 20 hours

que no saps què fer.

that you don't know what to do.



I això mentalment

And this mentally

és molt difícil.

It is very difficult.

Vas tenir

You had

alguns problemes

some problems

en aquest sentit?

in this sense?

Bueno, a veure,

Well, let's see,

jo vaig tenir una crisi.

I had a crisis.

Vas tenir una crisi.

You had a crisis.

Una crisi forta, no?

A strong crisis, right?

Però no va ser...

But it wasn't...

No era per això.

It wasn't for that.

No era.

It wasn't.

O sigui, no era per això.

That is to say, it wasn't for that.

Va ser dur,

It was hard,

però no...

but no...

no massa.

not too much.

O sigui, veig gent

So, I see people.

que està pitjor que jo.

that is worse than me.

Ja, i tant.

Yes, indeed.

No, però que em refereixo

No, but what I mean is.

que ja ho tenia...

that I already had it...

Jo sóc molt planificador.

I am very much a planner.

Hi havia, per exemple...

There was, for example...

Ets metòdic?

Are you methodical?



I de rutines.

And of routines.

Jo sabia, doncs,

I knew, therefore,



El que passa és que a mi

What happens is that to me

m'hauria agradat

I would have liked.

acabar l'atisme

end the atheism

i començar d'entrenador.

and start as a coach.

I això no va ser tan ràpid.

And this wasn't so quick.

Això no va ser perquè...

This was not because...

Lo de ser profet d'autodidacta,

Being a self-taught prophet,

a vegades,


és molt complicat.

It's very complicated.

I et fan una miqueta...

They make you a little...

O sigui, no et van ajudar

So, they didn't help you.

en aquest sentit.

in this regard.

No, no.

No, no.

Triunfes amb una cosa

You succeed with one thing.

i amb l'altra et diuen

and with the other they call you

nene, tu has de...

baby, you have to...

Tu has de guanyar

You have to win.

d'alguna forma.

in some way.

Has de guanyar,

You have to win,

però més que guanyar.

but more than winning.

Però més que altres.

But more than others.

Més que altres, no?

More than others, right?



I ja et dic,

And I already tell you,

vaig estar 4 o 5 anys

I was there for 4 or 5 years.

donant voltes.

giving turns.

El CAR sí que em va ajudar,

The CAR did help me,



Perquè al CAR

Because at the CAR

portes molts anys, al CAR, no?

You've been at the CAR for many years, haven't you?

Sí, des de...

Yes, since...

Des del principi.

From the beginning.

Des de l'any 90,

Since the year 90,

que vaig entrar com a atleta,

that I entered as an athlete,

fins ara.

until now.

Fins ara.

Until now.

I quan jo pensava retirar-me,

And when I thought I would retire,

ja li vaig comentar al director.

I already mentioned it to the director.

Algú per mi aquí,

Someone for me here,

perquè clar...

because of course...

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

Havia començat a treballar.

I had started working.


I had...

Feia 3 hores a la setmana

It was 3 hours a week.

en un centre de...

in a center of...

de toxicòmens.

of drug addicts.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, a Coicerola.

Yes, to Coixerola.

Però feies què?

But what were you doing?

Activitat física.

Physical activity.

Sí, anava allà

Yes, I was going there.

i estava una hora amb ells

I was with them for an hour.

cada matí, no?

every morning, right?

O sigui, feia unes cosetes,

So, I was doing a few little things,

després estava en poliesportiu

after I was in the sports hall

fent preparació física.

doing physical training.

I això els ajudava, segur, no?

And that helped them, for sure, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

El tema de l'esport.

The topic of sports.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I ja ho tenia una miqueta,

And I already had a little bit of it,

però clar, eren treballs de res.

but of course, they were pointless jobs.

I el director del CAR em va dir

And the director of the CAR told me

jo t'ajudaré.

I will help you.

El que passa és que, clar,

What happens is that, of course,

em va ajudar, doncs,

it helped me, then,

a treballs de gestió,

to management tasks,

preparació física al CAR,

physical preparation at the CAR,

però no el que a mi

but not what to me

realment m'agradava

I really liked it.

i on jo volia...

And I wanted...

Tu el que volies era entrenar...

What you wanted was to train...

Jo volia...

I wanted...

És a dir, tu volies tornar a les pistes

That is to say, you wanted to return to the slopes.

d'alguna forma...

in some way...



Encara que no fossis tu

Even if it wasn't you.

el que competies, no?

What you were competing for, right?

Perquè, a més, jo pensava

Because, besides, I was thinking

que podia donar molt.

that could give a lot.

I, de fet, ho has demostrat, no?

I, in fact, you have demonstrated it, haven't you?

Bueno, donar, sí.

Well, to give, yes.

Els resultats...

The results...

I rebre...

I'll receive...

Va, hi ha hagut de tot, una mica.

Come on, there has been a bit of everything.

Però has tingut bons atletes,

But you have had good athletes,

estàs tenint bons atletes...

you are having good athletes...

Sí, el que passa és que jo m'he dedicat

Yes, what happens is that I have dedicated myself

a un perfil una miqueta més jove.

to a slightly younger profile.

Més jove.


Més jove i...

Younger and...

I és el que hi ha.

And that's that.


Of course.

Per tant, no has anat, diguéssim,

Therefore, you haven't gone, let's say,

amb atletes de primera línia.

with top-level athletes.

Com vas anar tu com a atleta.

How did you do as an athlete?

Això no.

Not that.

Però la base és el més important,

But the foundation is the most important.

al final, en l'esport.

in the end, in sport.

Sí, sí, no, no.

Yes, yes, no, no.

Jo estic content del que faig.

I am happy with what I do.

I no m'he...

And I haven't...

No intento projectar-me amb cap atleta.

I am not trying to project myself with any athlete.

Jo intento que ells...

I try to make them...

tinguin els seus somnis

may they have their dreams

i arribin on puguin,

and they may arrive,

però no projectar-me perquè això és el pitjor que hi ha.

but not to project myself because that is the worst there is.

Escolta, i com està la salut de l'atletisme actualment?

Listen, how is the health of athletics currently?

Vull dir, hi ha molta gent jove

I mean, there are a lot of young people.

que s'hi vol dedicar o no?

Do you want to dedicate yourself to it or not?

Nens, nenes...

Boys, girls...





Però és complicat.

But it's complicated.

És difícil.

It's difficult.

No és que sigui difícil,

It's not that it's difficult,

és que l'oferta és molt gran.

It's just that the offer is very large.

O sigui, l'oferta que tenen els nens d'ara és...

So, the offer that children today have is...

Ah, clar, sí.

Ah, of course, yes.

És enorme.

It is enormous.

Per triar, per triar, és impressionant, no?

To choose, to choose, it's amazing, isn't it?

A la nostra època,

In our time,

tots els amics que tenia jo

all the friends I had

sabíem que si volíem agafar un avió

we knew that if we wanted to catch a plane

era per l'atletisme.

it was for athletics.

Si volíem viatjar era per l'atletisme.

If we wanted to travel, it was for athletics.

Si volies comprar-te un cotxe era a través de l'atletisme.

If you wanted to buy a car, it was through athletics.

Era a través de l'atletisme.

It was through athletics.

Ara no, era per comprar-te el papa...

Not now, it was to buy you the pope...

Ara t'ho donen tot fet.

Now they give you everything done.

Tenen 40 viatges l'any...

They have 40 trips a year...

És més complicat...

It's more complicated...

També que valorin, no?

So that they also value it, right?



Però bueno, és el que hi ha.

But well, it is what it is.

No podem mirar enrere,

We cannot look back,

és tirar cap endavant.

it's about moving forward.

Tu sempre mires endavant?

Do you always look ahead?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I mirant endavant vols continuar molt de temps fent això?

And looking ahead, do you want to continue doing this for a long time?





No ho sé...

I don’t know...

O et vols jubilar?

Or do you want to retire?

No, a veure, ja dies que sí.

No, let's see, it has been yes for days.

Ja dies que sí, segons com ho vegis, no?

Well, yes, depending on how you see it, right?

I dies que no.

And days that don't.

A mi el que em cansa

What tires me out is

és que són moltes hores a vegades

it's just that there are a lot of hours sometimes

i el fred.

and the cold.

El fred no t'agrada.

You don't like the cold.

I clar, és un esport al teu,

And of course, it's a sport for you.

que és l'aire lliure.

what is the outdoors.

L'aire lliure,

The outdoors,

estar en peu com a entrenador...

to stand as a coach...

Suposo que d'aquí 3 o 4 anys

I suppose that in 3 or 4 years.

baixarem una miqueta el ritme.

we will slow down a little bit.

Bé, però encara queden 3 o 4 anys.

Well, but there are still 3 or 4 years left.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I encara queda música.

And there is still music left.

Si el nostre convidat d'Antoni Corgos

If our guest Antoni Corgos

va ser un crac de l'atletisme,

he was a crack in athletics,

que és un crac de la música,

he is a music whiz.

que era molt jovenet aquí, no, Michael Jackson?

He was very young here, wasn't he, Michael Jackson?



quan va sortir com a...

when it was released as...

Com a solista.

As a soloist.

Clar, després d'estar amb els seus germans, no?

Of course, after being with his siblings, right?

Jackson 5, això és Billie Jean

Jackson 5, this is Billie Jean.

i és una cançó que...

and it is a song that...

Per què?


Bueno, no...

Well, no...

A veure, la cançó és perquè va ser la primera

Let's see, the song is because it was the first.

i perquè a mi, com m'agrada molt el ball...

And because for me, as I really like dancing...

Això t'anava a dir.

I was just going to say that.

Has ballat amb Michael Jackson?

Have you danced with Michael Jackson?

Has ballat amb Michael Jackson, tu?

Have you danced with Michael Jackson?

Bueno, en aquella... Sí, clar.

Well, in that... Yes, of course.



No et demano una demostració

I'm not asking you for a demonstration.

perquè tampoc la veuen els veients.

because the sighted do not see it either.

No, no, no, però sí, sí.

No, no, no, but yes, yes.

M'agradava moltíssim.

I liked it a lot.

Ell, ell com a...

Him, him as...

Ell com a artista.

He as an artist.

Com a artista, no?

As an artist, right?

O sigui, concerts, quan ha vingut per aquí

So, concerts, when he/she has come around here.

he anat a tot.

I have been everywhere.

Has anat a tot?

Have you been everywhere?

A tot, el que ha passat.

To everything that has happened.

O sigui, superfan de Michael Jackson.

I mean, superfan of Michael Jackson.



A veure, i si em dius d'un altre et diria que no,

Let's see, and if you tell me about another one I would say no.

però d'ell, sí.

but of him, yes.

Michael Jackson, música i ball.

Michael Jackson, music and dance.



Tots junts.

All together.

Música, ball i atletisme.

Music, dance, and athletics.

Avui amb en Toni Corgos.

Today with Toni Corgos.

Un plaer que ens hagis acompanyat, en Toni.

A pleasure to have had you with us, Toni.

Toni, i que vagi molt bé tot.

Toni, and I hope everything goes very well.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.


Thank you.

Us deixem ballant amb Michael Jackson.

We leave you dancing with Michael Jackson.

Adeu, fins demà.

Goodbye, see you tomorrow.

Fins demà.

Until tomorrow.

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