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在出现些许变化后 他们便冷下来

After a slight change, they became cold.


Slow to warm up, a person's emotions come slowly and depart slowly as well.


They are usually the passive one in a relationship.


Liking someone doesn't mean they will rush up to you and say they like you.


It will only gradually accelerate after seriously recognizing you.


Maybe he won't say sweet nothings.


But everything I do is for your own good.

我以前喜欢那种能说会道 能逗我笑的男生

I used to like boys who were eloquent and could make me laugh.

后来发现 能逗你笑的也同样能逗别人笑

Later I found out that what can make you laugh can also make others laugh.

只有那些默默对你好的人 才是没人能抢走的人

Only those who silently treat you well are the ones no one can take away.


On Christmas, I went to a Christmas party with Xiao Qiu.

我们俩比较腼腆 就坐在角落里玩手机

We are both quite shy, so we sat in the corner playing on our phones.

过了一会儿 一个男生换到小秋了

After a while, a boy switched to Xiao Qiu.


Xiao Qiu greeted warmly beside Xiao Qiu.


The three of us also added each other on WeChat.


The boy is wandering again among the crowd.

没过几分钟 小秋让我看他手机

A few minutes later, Xiao Qiu asked me to look at his phone.


The boy sent him several WeChat messages.

竹如 你怎么都不唱歌啊 你这么害羞吗

Zhu Ru, why don’t you sing? Are you that shy?

小秋客气地回了他几句 就没了下文

Xiao Qiu politely responded to him a few times and then there was no further conversation.


The party ended close to three o'clock.


Xiao Qiu and I plan to spend the night at my house.


Pushing the door open, I saw a boy on the phone.

小秋跟他招了招手 说了声嗨

Xiao Qiu waved to him and said hi.


He immediately hung up the phone and asked us where we were planning to go.

得知我们要回家时 他又一再说要送我们回去

When he learned that we were going home, he repeatedly said he wanted to drive us back.

我们好不容易说服他不用 离得很近他再做吧

We finally persuaded him not to do it; let him do it when he is closer.


We just got home.


Xiao Qiu's phone is over there.

我打去说 这个男生挺热情的嘛 要不要处处看

I called to say that this guy is quite enthusiastic. Should we get to know each other better?

小秋摇了摇头 算了 这样的状态估计只有几天

Xiao Qiu shook her head and said, "Forget it, this state will probably last only a few days."

果然不出所料 男生和小秋热聊了几天就没了踪影

As expected, the boy chatted with Xiao Qiu for a few days and then vanished without a trace.

之前说过的一起去看电影 一起吃饭 一起去公园散步也随风而散

The plans we talked about before to go watch a movie, have a meal together, and take a walk in the park have also dissipated with the wind.


The boy said with just one sentence.

就活跃在各个社交场所 却再也没有给小秋发过短信

He is active in various social places but has never texted Xiao Qiu again.

动情容易 钟情很难

It's easy to be moved, but hard to be deeply in love.

一见钟情很常见 可你要分清他钟的是情还是别的

Love at first sight is common, but you need to distinguish whether what he is infatuated with is love or something else.


Because I genuinely liked you from the bottom of my heart the very first time we met, which is rare for me.


Some people easily become involved in a romantic relationship.


That person is slightly nicer to you.

少了点爱情 但却不太喜欢你

There is a lack of love, but I don’t really like you.

他会稍微关心你一下 稍微暧昧了一点

He will care about you a little and be somewhat ambiguous.

你就会在脑海里问自己 他是不是喜欢我

You will start to ask yourself in your mind, does he like me?


Then think about a bunch of random things.

可后来事实证明 那个人只是对你好那么一丢丢

But later, the truth proved that the person was just a little nice to you.


There is no other meaning.

昙花一现固然好看 可过了那一夜他就会枯萎

The night-blooming cereus may be beautiful for a moment, but after that night it will wither away.


Can only bring temporary pleasure.

那些四季常开的花 可能看得久了会有些厌烦

The flowers that bloom all year round may become a bit tiresome after a while.

可你任何时候望向他 他都能给你带来一片生机

But whenever you look at him, he can bring you a sense of vitality.


Feelings are the same.

突如其来的汹涌爱情 往往经受不住时间的考验

Sudden and tumultuous love often cannot withstand the test of time.

他来的时候越凶猛 越看不过时间的久远

The more fierce he was when he arrived, the less he could tolerate the passage of time.

因为他很容易感到疲惫 感到倦怠

Because he easily feels tired and fatigued.


And those


Someone who accompanies you like gentle flowing water.

他们从来不曾远离你 也不过分地参与你的生活

They have never truly been far from you, nor have they overly participated in your life.

只是在你需要的时候默默出现 然后悄悄消失

I just quietly appear when you need me, and then quietly disappear.


They may be in love with you.

但是他们在不确定你的心意之下 一直隐藏着自己的感情

But they have been hiding their feelings while being unsure of your intentions.


Maybe he will never suddenly appear to surprise you.


But he is very interested in you.


What he said to you will definitely be done.


Maybe he will never say I love you.

但他愿意在冬天做你的暖炉 在夏天做你的风扇

But he is willing to be your heater in winter and your fan in summer.


Relationships are most important when they last long.

有一个永远不会离开你的人在身边 才能有满满的安全感

Only when there is someone who will never leave you by your side can you have a sense of complete security.


I hope we can all meet a partner who will accompany us for a lifetime.

我是暖朵 愿我的声音温暖你的耳朵

I am Warm Blossom, may my voice warm your ears.

别忘了 世界和我爱着你哦

Don't forget, the world and I love you.

我们下期见 拜拜

See you next time, bye bye.

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