
OpenLanguage 英语

潘吉Jenny告诉你|学英语聊美国|开言英语 · Podcast


潘吉Jenny告诉你|学英语聊美国|开言英语 · Podcast

Hello 大家好,你正在收听潘吉杰尼告诉你,我是杰尼。

Hello everyone, you are listening to Pan Jijie telling you that I am Jini.


It is all pain that needs to be avoided; it is not just pain.

That's right, things that require discipline, right?

That's right, things that require discipline, right?


Exactly, because I have heard many people say that learning English is against human nature.

I'm still not sure if it's entirely反人性, but I do know I need to force myself to do it.

I'm still not sure if it's entirely inhumane, but I do know I need to force myself to do it.

But once I do it, and once I start tasting the rewards of doing it, I feel so glad.


That's right.

That's right.

Sometimes you just need to get back into it, and then you find your motivation again, right?

Sometimes you just need to get back into it, and then you find your motivation again, right?

它其实是一个良性循环,virtuous cycle,对吧?

It's actually a virtuous cycle, right?

That's right, the opposite of vicious cycle.

That's right, the opposite of a vicious cycle.


It's not a vicious cycle.


Okay, since it's September now, many of our student friends, including parents, have gone through a summer vacation.


And our friends in the workplace, summer is so hot that you feel sluggish, oh, you just want to drink some cold beer and eat some barbecue, right?

But now, it's September, it is time to 来收拾心情,从那个放飞啊,要回到比较规律,自律的生活作息。

But now, it's September, it's time to tidy up my mood and return to a more regular and disciplined lifestyle.


So today we will share a series of English expressions related to self-discipline, routines, and revitalizing one's spirit.

Alright, and so for our first one here, we just have saying, get back into something.

Alright, and so for our first one here, we just have saying, get back into something.

Okay, get back into something.

Okay, get back into something.


This is quite vivid.


We have had a period of time, for example, when we didn't study English properly, or when we didn't exercise, right?


During the summer vacation, things became a bit relaxed, so now you need to get back into this routine.

That's right, it's like there's this path, and you're not on it, you're not in it, and so you gotta get back into it.

That's right, it's like there's this path, and you're not on it, you're not in it, and so you gotta get back into it.

好,那这个短语的用法呢,其实你就可以说,oh, I need to get back into it, or I need to get back into things.

Okay, so for the usage of this phrase, you can actually say, "oh, I need to get back into it," or "I need to get back into things."

And it's implied what this is, right?

And it's implied what this is, right?

Yeah, it's just telling the person that you need to get back into whatever routine you're talking about, right?


Whether it's work, or exercise, or study.

Whether it's work, exercise, or study.


Yes, that's right. Or you can replace "it" and "things" with something more specific.

Yeah, exactly, you could specifically say, I really need to get back into exercising.

Yeah, exactly, you could specifically say, I really need to get back into exercising.


Yeah, but the key here is that if you want to use a verb, we should use the gerund, which is the verb in the -ing form.

That's right.

That's right.

You gotta get back into really doing it, right?

You have to really get back to doing it, right?

You're moving, it's happening.

You're moving, it's happening.

Yeah, get back into studying, get back into running, get back into,或者也可以直接加名词,是吧?

Yeah, get back into studying, get back into running, get back into, or you can also just add a noun directly, right?

Yeah, you could say something like, after a long break, it always takes some time and effort to get back into my routine, or school routine.

Yeah, you could say something like, after a long break, it always takes some time and effort to get back into my routine, or school routine.

Or even work routine,就这些都是名词啊。

Or even work routine, these are all nouns.


Okay, then what does the word "routine" mean?


It is basically a routine you do every day, or even something that has become a habit.

Yeah, it's like a pattern or a habit, right?


Something you do over and over again.

Something you do repeatedly.

是的,比如说school routine,就是小朋友晚上要早一点睡觉,对吧?

Yes, for example, the school routine means that children should go to bed a bit earlier at night, right?

早上能早起,在学校可以focus,and then they come home, they do their homework,这些就是一个school routine。

Waking up early in the morning, being able to focus at school, and then coming home to do their homework—these are all part of a school routine.

That's right, yeah.


And for our listeners,大家应该也有自己的习惯吧?

And for our listeners, everyone should have their own habits, right?

有自己的learning, studying routine,你学英语,可能你每天有一个固定的时间,这些,that's a routine。

Having your own learning and studying routine, when you learn English, you might have a specific time each day, all of this is a routine.

That's right, and everybody's study routine could be, you know, quite different.

That's right, and everybody's study routine could be, you know, quite different.

Some people like to study one way, other people like to study another way, but it's all a routine, right?

Some people like to study one way, while others prefer a different approach, but it's all a routine, isn't it?


But sometimes your routine gets interrupted, like during the summer vacation, or just because it's too hot in the summer.

So your routine got disrupted, or you stopped.

So your routine got disrupted, or you stopped.

But no worries, you can always...


Make a new start, or start again, restart。

Make a new start, or start again, restart.


So all three statements are acceptable; it means that if you want to start over, don’t focus on that段.

Don't just focus on the stopping and disruption, focus on how to make a new start again.

Don't just focus on the stopping and disruption, focus on how to make a new start again.

That's right, and you're not saying specifically what you're starting, you're making a new start doing anything, right?

That's right, and you're not specifically saying what you're starting; you're making a new start doing anything, right?




So here, everyone, please don't forget.

当中这个啊,make a new start,不是make new start。

Among them, this one, "make a new start," is not "make new start."

That's right, you need the A。

That's right, you need the A.


Well, or for example, fitness, right?

I haven't been working out, I haven't been to the gym for a while, I really need to start again.

I haven't been working out, I haven't been to the gym for a while, I really need to start again.

Yeah, that's right, or you could say, I really need to restart。

Yeah, that's right, or you could say, I really need to restart.


However, all the things we've just talked about, whether it's studying or working out, are indeed quite tough.


Sometimes you have to...


You have to push yourself a bit.

Yeah, you need to make yourself do something, right?

Yeah, you need to make yourself do something, right?

Or sometimes you need to force yourself to do it.

Or sometimes you need to force yourself to do it.

Yeah, they mean the same thing, right?


Make yourself do something, force yourself to do something.

Make yourself do something, force yourself to do something.

但这里如果你用force的话呢,你要用force someone to do something。

But here, if you use "force," you need to use "force someone to do something."

那个make就是make someone do something。

The "make" means to make someone do something.

Yeah, for whatever grammatical reason, right, you have to have that to in there if you use the word force。



Hmm, okay.


Let me give a few specific examples. For instance, oh, I scroll through my phone until very late every day, and I really have to force myself to go to bed earlier.

Good thinking, you could say, I've been using my phone past midnight, and I really need to make myself sleep earlier。

Good thinking, you could say, I've been using my phone past midnight, and I really need to make myself sleep earlier.

Or I need to force myself to sleep earlier。

Or I need to force myself to go to sleep earlier.

You add the two in there if you use force, right?

If you use force, you add the two in there, right?

Or with kids,比如我的孩子, they don't really like eating vegetables,

Or with kids, like my child, they don't really like eating vegetables,

or they don't even like drinking water, so I really need to make them do it, you know?

Or they don't even like drinking water, so I really need to make them do it, you know?

嗯,you have to force them to eat their veggies, right?

Yeah, you have to force them to eat their veggies, right?


Yes, sometimes it is really necessary.


But I've now realized that if it's this vegetable, it should be cooked in soup or wrapped in dumplings.


They slurped it down.

So that's what I do now.

So that's what I do now.

Sneak the veggies in, right, to make sure they eat them。

Sneak the veggies in, right, to make sure they eat them.

对,哎,你孩子呢?What about your kids?

What about your kids?

They're pretty good.


Pretty good, but about the same, I would say, pretty picky about vegetables.


Gotta be the right veggie, right?

It has to be the right vegetable, right?

What kind of veggies?

What kind of vegetables?

Corn is at the top of the list.

Corn is at the top of the list.

Corn is something I can get both of my kids to eat very easily for some reason。

Corn is something I can get both of my kids to eat very easily for some reason.


Because it's sweet, yes, that's why children love to eat it.

那如果我们听众朋友有什么好的tips,how to make your kids or even yourself eat more veggies,

So if our listeners have good tips on how to make your kids or even yourself eat more veggies,


Welcome to leave a message and share with us.

Yeah, so we can make ourselves do it, right?





So it's not easy.


Ah, yes, discipline, right?


Yes, discipline is indeed discipline.


The difference I just noticed with the word "routine" is that our focus is more on the fact that it is something regular, right?

It's a pattern,就像Jason前面说的。

It's a pattern, just like Jason said earlier.


Discipline is more about rules and being disciplined.

Yeah,discipline is about making yourself.

Yeah, discipline is about making yourself.

You have to make yourself follow the routine in a sense,right?

You have to make yourself follow the routine in a sense, right?

Yeah,stick to the routine.

Yeah, stick to the routine.

Yeah,you have to have discipline to stick to the routine.



Yes, and then, the word "discipline" can be both a noun and a verb, and it can also change into an adjective by adding a "d" at the end.


First, let's take a look at its usage as a noun.

You could say,children need space and freedom, but they also need discipline.

You could say that children need space and freedom, but they also need discipline.


Yes, how do we balance this?


It's very important because a child needs both space and some freedom, but of course, he also needs some discipline.

Yeah,not only kids though, I think adults are the same way, right?

Yeah, not only kids, I think adults are the same way, right?

We need that space and freedom, but you also need discipline.

We need that space and freedom, but you also need discipline.

Exactly,we need discipline to accomplish things.

Exactly, we need discipline to accomplish things.


For example, when you learn something new.

You could say,having discipline is key to learning a new skill, be it English or piano.

You could say that having discipline is key to learning a new skill, whether it's English or piano.


Yes, it's just all kinds of things. If you want to learn something completely new, it's not easy at all. You definitely won't succeed if you only put in effort sporadically.

So having that routine, and then having the discipline to stick to the routine就是key。

So having that routine, and then having the discipline to stick to the routine is the key.

That's right,you need to make sure you stick to the routine or else it's wasted effort.

That's right, you need to make sure you stick to the routine or else it's wasted effort.


Hey, how should it be used as a verb?

So discipline as a verb can be both to punish, but not necessarily, it can also be about applying discipline.

So discipline as a verb can refer to both punishing and applying discipline, but not necessarily punishing.


As a verb, it has two meanings; one of them is somewhat punitive, right?

So sometimes when we say disciplining children,会让人可能misunderstand,他认为是,甚至体罚小孩哦。

So sometimes when we talk about disciplining children, it may lead people to misunderstand and think that it even involves physical punishment of the child.

But not necessarily,因为它还有一层意思就是,你要让它有纪律性,要有规矩,对不对?

But not necessarily, because it also has another meaning, which is that you need to ensure it has discipline and rules, right?

Yeah,it's like kind of both, right?


And if you say specifically, I disciplined my child last night.

And if you say specifically, I disciplined my child last night.

Last night, for example, it's going to mean punish, but if you said something like disciplining your child is more about being principled and firm with them,

Last night, for example, it's going to mean punish, but if you said something like disciplining your child is more about being principled and firm with them,

rather than being tough and harsh, you're talking more about giving them this sense of discipline through applying discipline。

Rather than being tough and harsh, you're talking more about giving them this sense of discipline through applying discipline.

Of course, we need to discipline our children, but it's about how we do it.

Of course, we need to discipline our children, but it's about how we do it.

Yeah,you can't be too tough and harsh, often has the opposite effect, right?

Yeah, you can't be too tough and harsh, as it often has the opposite effect, right?


Yes, yes, as it's often said in Chinese, we still need to reason with the children.

但是这个真的是easier said than done,他很小的时候,甚至长大的10H years,那个道理就是听不进去的时候,这是最大的挑战。

But this is really easier said than done. When he was very young, even throughout his 10 years of growing up, he just couldn't accept that reasoning; that was the biggest challenge.

Yeah,you hope that just by giving them the principle, they're going to understand, but sometimes they don't, and that can be pretty frustrating。

Yeah, you hope that just by giving them the principle, they're going to understand, but sometimes they don't, and that can be pretty frustrating.


Yes, so now we tell our children that when they don't want to listen to us or reason with us, we say,


Then don't yell at them.

They're older now,就你跟他大吼大叫也没用,真的。

They're older now, it’s useless to yell at him like that, really.

We've learned many failed lessons,所以现在就觉得,yeah,我们都take a break。

We've learned many failed lessons, so now we just feel like, yeah, we all take a break.


Let the children understand that, since everyone is learning, they need to control their emotions and avoid saying or doing anything that could hurt others.

Yeah,that's great.

Yeah, that's great.

They're also learning from you by example, right?


So when they see you handling this well, you know, I'm sure it has a good effect.

So when they see you handling this well, you know, I'm sure it has a good effect.

Yeah,we hope so, but it's definitely not easy,就像,比如说甜食。

Yeah, we hope so, but it's definitely not easy, just like, for example, sweets.

All the sweets, the treats, the desserts, they're so tempting,非常的诱人。

All the sweets, the treats, the desserts, they're so tempting.

Yes, you could say, I have a huge sweet tooth, and I really need to discipline myself when it comes to dessert。

Yes, you could say, I have a huge sweet tooth, and I really need to discipline myself when it comes to dessert.


Yes, let's say we'll eat out, and then after the meal say,

Are you going to have any dessert?

Are you going to have any dessert?

我叫一个,咱俩分,然后the dessert真来的时候,就我一个。

I called for one, we split it, and then when the dessert actually came, it was just for me.


Humans are all eaten, right?

That's not disciplining myself.


Yeah, or I'll just have a bite of yours, right?

Yeah, or I'll just take a bite of yours, right?

And then you end up eating all of your friends' or your partner's dessert.

And then you end up eating all of your friends' or your partner's dessert.


Yes, so everyone understands the reasoning, but it's really difficult to put it into practice.

It's not easy to be disciplined.

It's not easy to be disciplined.

That's right, being disciplined, right?

That's right, being disciplined, right?

Meaning you can apply a lot of discipline to yourself successfully.

This means you can successfully impose a lot of discipline on yourself.


Yes, so here it's made into an adjective.

I think that's probably a good idea.

I think that's probably a good idea.


Hey, I just suddenly thought of something we haven't talked about, which is self-discipline.

Ah, self-discipline。

Ah, self-discipline.


Ah, so it's very simple, just add a self in front.

那self-discipline,you can practice self-discipline,

That self-discipline, you can practice self-discipline.

you can be more self-disciplined,这些都行。

You can be more self-disciplined, that's all fine.

Yeah, all of those work, right?


And they're all talking about applying that only discipline.

And they're all talking about applying only that discipline.

To yourself, right?


That internal struggle to make yourself more disciplined.



Yeah, there’s a fitness app in the country, and its tagline is really good.


Discipline frees me, and it also frees others.

Through discipline, you find freedom, almost?

Through discipline, you find freedom, almost?

Yeah, self-discipline will set you free.

Yeah, self-discipline will set you free.

You think that's true?

Do you think that's true?

I think so,因为这样你就不再被不自律捆绑啊。

I think so, because then you won't be bound by a lack of discipline anymore.


Because when we are undisciplined, it may be said that we are just momentarily happy.


I regret a lot afterwards.

You know, like you're actually a slave to whatever is tempting you.

You know, it's like you're actually a slave to whatever is tempting you.


It is temptation; you are the captive of that temptation.


So when you are disciplined, you overcome temptation, and then you are free.

Yeah, that's a good point.


It reminds me of my son sometimes if he complains about doing something he has to do,

It sometimes reminds me of my son when he complains about having to do something.

and I say, well, you know, you're wasting all this time complaining, right?

And I say, well, you know, you're wasting all this time complaining, right?

Like, it's harming you to not just get it out of the way.

It's like, not addressing it is harming you.


We say the exact same thing to the children.




You handle these matters, you handle these matters, you handle these matters, you handle these matters.


If you had saved the time spent complaining, the homework would have been done long ago.

对吧,it's a total waste.

Right, it's a total waste.

It's like, why are you complaining?

It's like, why are you complaining?

You could just get it out of the way, right?

You could just deal with it, right?

So yeah, not being disciplined can have this like kind of restricting or negative impact on you.

So yeah, not being disciplined can have this kind of restricting or negative impact on you.


So, the other day I saw a quote that I thought was really great,

说self-discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Self-discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

啊,yeah, it's rare, I think, that people become so accomplished

Ah, yeah, it's rare, I think, that people become so accomplished.

without discipline, so I like that.


对,因为having goals,having dreams,有梦想,有目标是非常好的。

Yes, because having goals, having dreams, having aspirations, and having objectives is very good.

But if you lack self-discipline,那这些永远只是一个goal,

But if you lack self-discipline, then these will always just be a goal.


It won't become a reality, right?

Yeah, I'd say that's true of pretty much any task,


whether it's your hobbies or work or studying,

whether it's your hobbies, work, or studying,

you definitely need to apply some of this discipline if you want to find that success.

You definitely need to apply some of this discipline if you want to find that success.


Yeah, that's right.


Alright, that's it for our program today.


I wonder if our audience has any questions.

whether you're still studying or you're working,

whether you're still studying or working,

do you feel like you need to apply some self-discipline

Do you feel like you need to apply some self-discipline?

to help you get back into things?

To help you get back into things?

Yeah, or maybe share with us some of your tips

Yeah, or maybe share with us some of your tips.

on overcoming the challenges of self-discipline.

On overcoming the challenges of self-discipline.

What works for you?

What works for you?


We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone's comments.

And as always, thank you very much for listening.

And as always, thank you very much for listening.

We look forward to seeing you next time.

We look forward to seeing you next time.


Okay, see you next time!

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