《呐喊》自序 (na han zi xu)


呐喊 (Call to Arms) by Xun Lu (1881 - 1936)

《呐喊》自序 (na han zi xu)

呐喊 (Call to Arms) by Xun Lu (1881 - 1936)

吶喊 自叙 这是李晶为LibriVox.org所提供的录音 一切LibriVox的录音都为公众所有 如果您想知道更多有关LibriVox的信息 或者提供支援服务 请参看LibriVox.org网站

Shouting Self-narration This is a recording provided by Li Jing for LibriVox.org All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain If you want to know more about LibriVox or offer support services, please visit the LibriVox.org website.

吶喊 作者 鲁迅

A Call to Arms Author: Lu Xun

吶喊 自叙

Shout self-narration

我在年轻时候也曾经做过许多梦 后来大半忘却了 但自己也并不以为可惜

I made many dreams when I was young, most of which I later forgot, but I don't think it's a pity.

所谓回忆者 虽说可以使人欢心 有时也不免使人寂寞 使精神的思虑还牵着已逝的寂寞的时光 又有什么意味呢

So-called reminiscers, while they can bring joy to people, sometimes inevitably lead to loneliness, as the mind's thoughts are still tethered to the already departed lonely times. What is the meaning of that?

而我偏苦于不能全忘却 这不能全忘的一部分 到现在变成了吶喊的来由

Yet I suffer from not being able to fully forget; this inability to forget has now become the reason for my cries.


I have more than four years.

曾经常常 几乎是每天 出入于置铺和药店里 年纪可是忘却了 总之是药店的柜台正和我一样高 置铺的是比我高一倍

I used to often, almost every day, go in and out of the shop and the pharmacy. I don't recall my age, but in any case, the counter of the pharmacy was just as high as I was, while the shop's counter was twice my height.

我从一倍高的柜台外送上衣服或首饰去 在五面里接了钱 再到一样高的柜台上给我久病的父亲去买药

I deliver clothes or jewelry from a counter that is one meter high, collect money at five different sides, and then go to another counter of the same height to buy medicine for my chronically ill father.

回家之后又需忙别的事了 因为开放的医生是最有名的

After returning home, I need to忙 with other matters again because the open doctor is the most famous.


So-called doctors.

尤其是待能通人的时候也不知道 如今凭借放手臂 Zap我İo

Especially when it can communicate with people, I still don't know how to rely on letting go of my arms Zap me.

我们的兄弟们 laboratories

Our brothers' laboratories


Everything is fine.


The text provided is not in Chinese and appears to be in a different script (Cyrillic). Please provide the original Chinese text for translation.

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Become wide.


To be filled back in.

The character "厷" does not have a widely recognized meaning in modern Chinese. It may be a variant or less common character, and further context would be needed for a specific translation.

我不 only

I am not only














The term "aré" does not appear to be Chinese. Please provide a Chinese phrase or word for translation.




Let's go.









Can be straight



俗 utilized atokk

The phrase "俗 utilized atokk" appears to be a mix of Chinese characters and non-Chinese words. The Chinese character "俗" translates to "vulgar" or "common," but "utilized atokk" does not seem to form coherent meaning in English. Please provide more context or clarify if there's a specific text you would like translated.


My mother did not punish me; instead, she paid eight yuan for my clothing, saying it was for my convenience. However, when I cried, it was indeed a matter of being in the midst of organization, because at that time studying for exams was the right path. The so-called learning of Western affairs was thought in society to be a last resort for those with no other options.


One had no choice but to sell one's soul to the devils, subject to even greater ridicule and rejection. Moreover, one could no longer see one's own son. Nevertheless, I couldn’t care less about these matters and finally went to N to attend K Academy. In this school, I learned that there were things in the world such as regulations, mathematics, geography, history, drawing, and physical education. Although physiology was not taught, we did see some holistic theories on wooden planks and topics like chemical hygiene.


I still remember the discussions and prescriptions of the previous doctors. Compared to what I know now, I gradually realized that Traditional Chinese Medicine is just a kind of intentional or unintentional deception. At the same time, I developed sympathy for the deceived patients and their families. Additionally, from historical accounts, I learned that the Meiji Restoration in Japan largely originated from Western medicine.


Because of this childish knowledge, I later found my student status listed in a specialized medical school in Japan.


My dream is very fulfilling, preparing to return every night to heal the suffering of patients who have been misunderstood like my father. During the war, I will serve as a military doctor, while also promoting the belief in reform among my fellow countrymen.


I no longer know what advances have been made in the methods for teaching microbiology, but back then, films were used to show the shapes of microorganisms. As a result, sometimes when a section of the lecture was completed and there was still time left, the teacher would print some pictures of landscapes or current events.


I showed these pictures to the students to make use of the extra time.


Actually, during the Russo-Japanese War, there were naturally quite a few pictures related to the war.


I often have to follow the applause and cheers of my classmates in this classroom.


Once, I suddenly encountered many Chinese people whom I hadn't seen for a long time on a picture. One was tied in the middle, many stood on the left and right, all with strong physiques but displaying a numb expression.


It is also said that the one being tied up is acting as a military spy for Russia, set to have his head severed by the Japanese army for public display, while those gathered around are there to witness this grand spectacle.


The school year is not over yet, but I have already arrived in Tokyo, because since that time, I觉得医学并非一件紧要事.


Any foolish and weak nation, no matter how strong or healthy its people may be, can only serve as meaningless material for display or as an audience.


The number of deaths due to illness need not be considered unfortunate.


So our primary focus is on changing their mindset.


I thought that promoting literature and art was certainly necessary for changing the spirit, so I wanted to advocate for a literary and artistic movement.


International students in Tokyo are very knowledgeable about legal and industrial matters, but no one is focused on literature and art.


But in the cold air, I was fortunate enough to find a few comrades.


In addition, a few necessary people were also invited.


After discussing, the first step is definitely to publish a magazine, titled to signify new life. At that time, we generally had some retro tendencies, so we simply called it "New Birth."


The publication date of the new issue is approaching, but first a number of those responsible for the writing vanished, followed by the escape of capital, leaving only three people whose identities remain unclear.


When it has already been recognized during the creative process, there is naturally nothing to say in the face of failure.


However, afterwards, even these three people were gone.


The three people are also constrained by their own fates and can no longer freely discuss their bright dreams for the future together.


This is the outcome of our ungenerated new life.


I felt the boredom of untried experiences, which only came afterwards.


I initially did not understand the reason for it.


Later I thought, any proposal that has received praise from even one person serves to encourage progress.


Getting opposition is a motivator for striving.


Only shouting among strangers, but the strangers have no reaction.


Neither in approval nor in opposition, it feels as if one is in a boundless wilderness, left with no way to cope.


What a sorrow this is!


I then regard what I feel as loneliness.


This loneliness has grown day by day, like a great poisonous snake, entangling my soul.


However, although I have my own inexplicable sorrow, I am not indignant, because this experience makes me reflect and see myself.


I am definitely not the same.


I am merely a voice raised, reflecting the gathering heroes.


However, I cannot avoid my own loneliness, because it is too painful for me.


I then used various methods to numb my soul, allowing myself to sink into the masses and return to ancient times.


Later, I also personally experienced or witnessed a few even lonelier and sorrowful things, all of which I do not wish to reminisce about, willingly allowing them to be buried in the soil along with my memories.


But my anesthesia method seems to have worked, and I no longer have the passionate enthusiasm of my youth.


There are three rooms in the S clubhouse, which is said to be the place where a woman died in the past under the locust tree in the courtyard. Now, the locust tree has grown too tall to climb, and no one has lived in these rooms since.


For many years, I have been copying ancient inscriptions in this room.


Few people come during class, and there are hardly any problems or ideas encountered in the ancient stele.


But my life actually faded away quietly, and this is my only wish.


On a summer night, with more mosquitoes around, I sat under the locust tree, fanning myself with a palm fan, looking at the bits of blue sky through the gaps in the honey leaves. The late-emerging locust caterpillars gracefully and coolly fell onto my head and neck.


At that time, an old friend, Jin Xingyi, came to visit unexpectedly. He placed his large leather wallet on the broken table, took off his long gown, and sat down across from me.


Because I'm afraid of dogs,


It seems that the heart is still beating wildly.


What use is it for you to copy these?


One night, he was looking through my copy of the ancient tablet and raised some research questions.


It's useless.


So, what do you mean by copying it?


It's not meaningful.


I think you can write something.


I understand what he means.


They are accompanying the new youth.


However, it seemed at that time not to be the new youth.


I not only have no one to agree with me, but also no one to oppose me.


I think they feel lonely in their storytelling.


However, it is said that if there is an iron house with no windows and is nearly indestructible, many people inside who are sound asleep will soon suffocate to death.


However, it is from a deep slumber into death, and does not feel any sorrow in this.


Now, you are shouting loudly, startling a few people who are relatively awake, causing this unfortunate minority to suffer helplessly.


Do you really think it's fair to impose irredeemable suffering at the end of life on these unfortunate minorities?


However, since a few people have risen up, one cannot say that there is absolutely no hope of destroying this iron house.




Although I have my own convictions, when it comes to hope, it cannot be erased.


Because hope lies in the future, it cannot be convinced by my proof of its supposed non-existence.


So I finally agreed to him.


However, hope lies in the future; it cannot be convinced by my inevitable lack of proof of its so-called possibility.

原本我就问他他 stock up 的文章了《伊丹志 locked her up in the pub》。

I originally asked him about his stock-up article "Idan Shi locked her up in the pub."

原本我就问他他也做文章了《伊丹志 locked her up in the pub》。

I originally asked him, and he also wrote an article titled "Itami Shi locked her up in the pub."


This is the very first "Diary of a Madman."


From then on, it became uncontrollable, and I wrote some articles resembling novels to fulfill my friends' requests, and over time, I ended up with more than ten pieces.


In myself, I thought that I had long since become a person who could break through and express myself in words, but perhaps I still have not been able to forget the loneliness and sorrow of that day.


So sometimes a person can't help but shout a few times, to comfort the warrior galloping in loneliness, so that he is not only humble.


As for whether my cry is fierce or sorrowful, detestable or laughable, that is of little concern; but since it is a shout, one must naturally listen to it.


So I often do not need to use a roundabout way, adding a flower wreath out of thin air on the grave of the fish I want; tomorrow, I also do not need to take it upon myself to sweep and thus fail to see the dream of my son, because at that time, the main general does not advocate negativity.


As for myself, I also do not wish to infect the young man, who is dreaming sweetly just like I did in my youth, with the loneliness that I mistakenly thought was suffering.


In this way, the distance between my novel and art can be imagined.


However, to still be able to hide behind the name of a novel today, and even have a chance of success, can hardly be regarded as anything other than a lucky occurrence.


Although my luck makes me uneasy, I am still ultimately happy that there are still readers in the world, even if it's only for a while.


So I actually compiled my short stories, and made copies of them, and for the reasons mentioned above, I called it "The Cry."

AIDS 1922年12月3日,陆迅寄于北京

AIDS December 3, 1922, sent by Lu Xun in Beijing.


The end of the preface to "The Cry".


This recording was provided by Li Jing.

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