Equal pay: What does it bring and how to achieve it?



Equal pay: What does it bring and how to achieve it?


Goedemorgen, ik ben blij dat je aan dit podcast luistert en ik hoop dat je het genoten hebt.

Good morning, I'm glad you are listening to this podcast and I hope you enjoyed it.

Laatste vrijdag was de internationale Equal Pay Day, de initiatief van de Verenigde Nationen om bewust te worden en de Equal Pay voor mannen en vrouwen te promoten.

Last Friday was the international Equal Pay Day, the initiative of the United Nations to raise awareness and promote equal pay for men and women.

Dit komt van de twee bestaande ontwikkelde doelen die de UN heeft gemaakt om voor 2030 te bereiken, zowel gendergelijkheid als goede werk en economische groei.

This comes from the two existing developed goals that the UN has set to achieve by 2030, both gender equality and decent work and economic growth.

In dit podcast ga ik over Equal Pay, wat precies het probleem is, wat goed het kan brengen en hoe je het kan bereiken.

In this podcast, I discuss Equal Pay, what the problem actually is, what benefits it can bring, and how you can achieve it.

Ik ga over dit jaar's PWC, Women in Work Index, wat ik zeker zal blijven.

I will definitely continue with this year's PWC, Women in Work Index.

Ik hoop dat dit podcast je kan helpen om het probleem beter te begrijpen en oplossingen te bereiken.

I hope this podcast can help you better understand the problem and reach solutions.

Ik ben wel bewust van het feit dat dit op mensen exclueert, maar voor de zin van simpelheid zal ik het op mannen en vrouwen blijven.

I am aware that this excludes some people, but for the sake of simplicity, I will stick to men and women.

Simpel gezegd, het probleem is dat mannen meer worden betaald.

Simply put, the problem is that men are paid more.

Op de gemiddelde manier, voor elke uur die vrouwen werken, krijgen ze ongeveer 20% minder geld.

In the average way, for every hour that women work, they earn about 20% less money.

Nou, ze verdienen eigenlijk best hetzelfde.

Well, they actually earn about the same.

Maar vrouwen hebben vaak lage betaald werk en ze werken ook meer vaak dan mannen part-time.

But women often have low-paid jobs and they also work part-time more often than men.

Maakt dat niet uit?

Does that matter?

Ja, dat is waar.

Yes, that is true.

En zelfs al is dat ook een probleem,

And even if that is also a problem,

worden vrouwen ook 13% minder betaald voor precies hetzelfde werk, volgens de Verenigde Staten.

Are women also paid 13% less for exactly the same work, according to the United States?

Ik bedoel, hoe, wat, waarom?

I mean, how, what, why?

En het gaat er zelfs om.

And it even matters.

In de Europese Unie zijn er slechts een derde van alle managers vrouwen.

In the European Union, only one third of all managers are women.

In België en Duitsland, onze vrienden, is het slechts 25%.

In Belgium and Germany, our friends, it is only 25%.

Inzien, hebben ze bijna een kwart minder geld dan hun mannen.

Indeed, they have almost a quarter less money than their men.

Alle vrouwen, alle managers, allemaal hetzelfde werk.

All women, all managers, all doing the same work.

Oké, maar waarom is dit een slechte ding?

Okay, but why is this a bad thing?

Als dat hoe de markt werkt, of dat het meest efficiënt is, moeten we het niet gewoon laten zijn?

If that's how the market works, or if that's the most efficient way, shouldn't we just leave it be?

Nou, laat ik het je vertellen.

Well, let me tell you.

Buiten dat het gewoon moraal verantwoordelijk is, kunnen we zoveel geld maken uit vrouwenverwachting.

Aside from the fact that it is simply morally responsible, we can make so much money from women’s expectations.

De PwC heeft de Womeneerwerkindex gepubliceerd.

PwC has published the Women’s Work Index.

En het is verstaanjigend, het bleek me in mijn geest en ik ben er zeker van overtuigd dat het jou ook zal blijven.

And it is understandable, it became clear to me in my mind and I am sure it will remain so for you too.

Toen we naar de Zweedse standaard gingen, waar er nog steeds een 12% waardegap was en gewoon een 36% waardeparticipatie van vrouwen,

When we moved to the Swedish standard, where there was still a 12% value gap and only a 36% value participation of women,

de GDP van de OECD-landen, die van 37 van de hoogst ontwikkelde landen bestaat, zal groeien door 6 triljoen dollar.

The GDP of the OECD countries, which consists of 37 of the most developed countries, will grow by 6 trillion dollars.

En ja, ik bedoel, het zal de GDP groeien door 6 triljoen.

And yes, I mean, it will grow the GDP by 6 trillion.

Triljoen dollar als vrouwen wat meer kunnen verdienen dan ze nu.

Trillion dollars if women could earn a bit more than they do now.



Dus het kost ons niets om voor evenwicht te gaan en het zal onze productiviteit en bezorgingskwaliteiten vergroten door triljoenen dollar?

So it costs us nothing to strive for balance and it will increase our productivity and delivery qualities by trillions of dollars?



Het is eigenlijk best raar dat vrouwen minder kunnen betalen als je het rationeel kijkt.

It is actually quite strange that women have to pay less when you look at it rationally.

Neoclassicals argumenten dat discriminatie van wagen,

Neoclassical arguments that discrimination should be avoided,

is stupid, because

is stupid, because

if you for example pay women 5% less

if you, for example, pay women 5% less

for the same job

for the same job

the cheapest thing to then do is

the cheapest thing to do then is

only hire women as a company

only hire women as a company

and you will cut 5% in all wages you need to pay

and you will cut 5% from all wages you need to pay

apparently there are

apparently there are

some things holding companies back

some things holding companies back

to hire women and pay them what they deserve

to hire women and pay them what they deserve

decades ago

decades ago

maybe the educational level went

maybe the educational level went

versus women, but even that shifted

versus women, but even that shifted

and females are now on efforts

and females are now making efforts

higher educated in younger generations

higher educated in younger generations

but then

maar dan

what is holding women back

what is holding women back

from receiving equal pay?

van het ontvangen van gelijke beloning?

most of the time

most of the time

it is because the idea remains

it is because the idea remains

that women will not be fit for promotion

that women will not be suitable for promotion

because they can get pregnant

omdat ze zwanger kunnen worden

have to take care of their children

have to take care of their children

they cannot handle heavy work

they cannot handle heavy work

or are just less ambitious

or are just less ambitious

this is of course not right

this is of course not right

to assume


yes there are differences between men and women

Yes, there are differences between men and women.

but that doesn't mean that they cannot

maar dat betekent niet dat ze dat niet kunnen

work as hard or good

work as hard or well

as mentioned before

as mentioned before

a more diverse work environment

a more diverse work environment

is more productive

is meer productief

I will now tell you how to

I will now tell you how to

solve this complex phenomenon then

solve this complex phenomenon then

the easiest is legislation

the easiest is legislation

a company should not be able

a company should not be able

to pay a man

to pay a man

more than a woman for exactly the same job

more than a woman for exactly the same job



women do not even get the nice jobs

women do not even get the nice jobs

men get

men get

and gender quotas can work to combat that problem

and gender quotas can work to combat that problem

transparency can also be an issue

transparency can also be an issue

if companies need to show the difference

if companies need to show the difference

they pay men and women

they pay men and women

this can already make them adjust the pay gap

this can already make them adjust the pay gap

which can even lead to equal pay certificates

which can even lead to equal pay certificates

promoting companies that show that they

promoting companies that show that they

pay men as well as women

pay men as well as women

this is exactly the same for the same job

this is exactly the same for the same job

however just pushing for more rules and

however just pushing for more rules and



isn't the perfect strategy if we leave it

isn't the perfect strategy if we leave it

at just that

at just that

we want companies to be able to want to

we want companies to be able to want to

hire women and

hire women and

want to pay women better and equally

want to pay women better and equally

but it's very important if we did make

maar het is heel belangrijk als we het wel hebben gemaakt

sure that the pregnancy arguments against

sure that the pregnancy arguments against



against giving women promotions is

against giving women promotions is



we cannot of course change the way

we cannot of course change the way

reproduction work but we can make

reproduction work but we can make

disadvantages of hiring women

disadvantages of hiring women

way lower on this aspect

veel lager op dit aspect

like sweden did countries can make

Like Sweden did, countries can make.

child care almost free and give equal

child care almost free and provide equality

parental leave for mother and father

parental leave for mother and father

this way the argument that women with

this way the argument that women with

children will leave a company or work

children zullen een bedrijf verlaten of werken

less when they get children does not go

less when they have children does not work

up because men and women will be equal in

up because men and women will be equal in



another very important one is education

another very important one is education

on this topic

on this topic

and i did not in particular mean to

and I did not mean to in particular

children or to people in high school or

children or to people in high school or

university but mostly to human resource

university but mostly to human resources

and to the big companies which actually

en naar de grote bedrijven die eigenlijk

have to hire

have to hire

more women their knowledge of the added

more women their knowledge of the added

value to a bigger presentation of women

value to a larger presentation of women

in the workforce

in de werkgelegenheid

is key to solve this you do not want

is key to solve this you do not want

companies to

bedrijven naar

hire women just because of quota of

hire women just because of quota of



but because they want and recognize

maar omdat ze willen en erkennen

their value

hun waarde

lastly the american economic association

lastly the american economic association

public published a very interesting

The public published a very interesting.



that found that free trade agreements

that found that free trade agreements

lead to more wage equality

lead to more wage equality

in countries that is because the market

in countries that is because the market

becomes more competitive

becomes more competitive

and will bring new technologies which

en zal nieuwe technologieën met zich meebrengen die

will make the work less heavy and

will make the work less burdensome and

easier to do for women

easier for women to do

to conclude unequal pay is very much an

to conclude unequal pay is very much an

existing problem

existing problem

and equalizing it will result in

en het gelijkmaken ervan zal resulteren in

benefits for almost everyone in society

benefits for almost everyone in society

it will not be easy or quickly done to

it will not be easy or quickly done to

tighten the wage gap but where the

"Verminder de loonkloof, maar waar de"

solution is discussed

solution is discussed

if these are getting implemented i

If these are getting implemented, I.

believe that we can

believe that we can

come really far together and most of all

come really far together and most of all

thank you miss tunica for joining me

Thank you, Miss Tunica, for joining me.



thanks for having me i learned a lot

Thank you for having me; I learned a lot.

i hope everyone listening enjoy it and

I hope everyone listening enjoys it and

talk to you again next time

talk to you again next time

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