podcast autism insight part 1

Bram Reukers

Bram Reukers

podcast autism insight part 1

Bram Reukers

Hallo, het is Roger van de Ascendant Warriors en nogmaals Bram, een kracht om te worden vervolgd met, een kracht.

Hello, it's Roger from the Ascendant Warriors and once again Bram, a force to be reckoned with, a force.

Hallo, dit is Roger. We gaan dit een beetje anders doen, want ik sta in vijf. Hoe gaat het? Ik doe het goed, ik hoop dat je het geweldig doet.

Hello, this is Roger. We're going to do this a little differently because I'm in a rush. How are you? I'm doing well, I hope you're doing great.

We gaan veel meer content doen op de Ascendant Warriors. We gaan morgen of de dag erna, zien hoe het gaat, een YouTube pagina lanceren.

We are going to create a lot more content on the Ascendant Warriors. We are going to launch a YouTube page tomorrow or the day after, we'll see how it goes.

Het is de Ascendant Warriors YouTube pagina. Ik zal later deze avond een post maken over waar je ons kunt vinden op YouTube.

It is the Ascendant Warriors YouTube page. I will make a post later this evening about where you can find us on YouTube.

Ik hoop dat...

I hope that...

Dat zal veel toepassing brengen, want dit zal echt, echt geweldig zijn. Het zal zo licht worden. Het zal zo licht worden, geloof me.

That will bring a lot of application, because this will really, really be amazing. It will be so light. It will be so light, believe me.

Nou, de post van vanavond, in dat geval, is een nieuwe ding, want voor Duitse vrienden, nou, ze weten het al, het is King's Day.

Well, tonight's post, in that case, is a new thing, because for German friends, well, they already know, it's King's Day.

Het is bijna King's Day en vanavond is King's Night. Het is de nacht voor de vermoordheid van onze koning.

It is almost King's Day and tonight is King's Night. It is the night before the murder of our king.

Dank je, dank je dat je mijn pagina wil delen.

Thank you, thank you for wanting to share my page.

Cool, cool, cool.

Cool, cool, cool.



En, well, vanavond is de vermoordheid van onze koning en vanavond celebreren we, nou, bijna elke andere vermoordheid van onze vrienden of zoiets.

And, well, tonight is the murder of our king and tonight we celebrate, well, almost every other murder of our friends or something like that.



En voor dat hebben we een ander subject. Het heet Clubbing with Artism.

And for that, we have another subject. It's called Clubbing with Artism.



Ik ga in de verhaal van Instagram wat dingen geven die je kunt gebruiken als je artiest.

I'm going to give some things in the story of Instagram that you can use if you're an artist.

Of als je iets hebt dat je een beetje van, wow, kan ik dit doen?

Or if you have something that makes you think, wow, can I do this?

Ik geef je de regels van de eerste regel, als je het kunt zeggen.

I will give you the rules of the first rule, if you can say it.

Blijf altijd positief en vervolg jezelf met positieve mensen, want ze zullen je inspireren en ze zullen je helpen om door dat ding te komen.

Always stay positive and surround yourself with positive people, as they will inspire you and help you get through that thing.

Zoals clubbing, voorbeeld.

Like clubbing, for example.

Want clubbing voor mij, toen ik tien jaar jonger was, vijf jaar jonger.

Because clubbing for me, when I was ten years younger, five years younger.

Of twaalf jaar jonger zelfs, was voor mij heel anders dan het is voor mij nu.

Or even twelve years younger, was very different for me than it is for me now.

Ik ben veel grootschap als individueel, ik heb zoveel gedaan als individueel om te worden, nou, de man die je voor je ziet.

I have a lot of greatness as an individual, I have done so much as an individual to become, well, the man you see before you.

En omdat ik dat wil geven aan jonge mensen en mensen die het niet weten hoe je het moet doen, van mijn standpunt, ik zeg niet dat ik het allemaal weet, maar ik wil ze een paar basisregels geven.

And because I want to give that to young people and those who do not know how to do it, from my point of view, I am not saying that I know everything, but I want to give them a few basic rules.

Hoe je het doet.

How you do it.

Hoe dit gaat.

How this goes.

Hoe je dit doet, hoe je het be워요je bent, hoe dat lukt.

How you do this, how you are, how that succeeds.

Wat je doet, hoe dat die personaliteit is relieverend voor je, hoe dat jezelf Akbar wordt en hoe dat het kan

What you do, how that personality is relieving for you, how you become Akbar yourself and how that can be.

rijden met dat soort dingen.

driving with those kinds of things.


Turn around.

Net als, night kind.

Just like, night child.

In een unfair smartcast.

In an unfair smartcast.

Hoe doe je dat?

How do you do that?

In niezelf.

In itself.



Niet gewoon sommige Ez words, je denkt mooi, nee dat is niet zoveel,e복.

Not just some Ez words, you think it's nice, no that's not so much, e복.

En ik weet niet waarom ik dat habitueel heb.

And I don't know why I have that habitually.

Al heel baar kom je mehamen, dat is een macainatoek, of je denkt, nou niet goed U dat je hebben.

It's a bit difficult to understand, but it seems to say: "You come to me very often, that's a macainatoek, or you think, well, it's not good that you have it."



in het leven zetten. Ga ik

putting into life. Am I going

zorgen dat ook op de YouTube

make sure that on YouTube as well

wij heel erg gaan

we are going very much

de positiviteit

the positivity

gaan verspreiden en zorgen dat

to spread and ensure that

we echt iets moois uiteindelijk op de wereld

we actually create something beautiful in the end in the world

kunnen zetten. Dus we hebben ook een YouTube

can put. So we also have a YouTube

page. Dat is AscendWarriors.com

page. That is AscendWarriors.com



YouTube. En we gaan

YouTube. And we're going.

uiteindelijk zorgen dat we

ultimately ensure that we

daar ook uiteindelijk gaan rocken als

there too ultimately going to rock as

een malle. En dat we dan ook uiteindelijk mooie content

a nutcase. And that we ultimately end up with beautiful content

gaan maken. Vanavond gaat de eerste

going to make. Tonight the first is going to be.

content geschoten worden. Het heet

content being shot. It's called

Clubbing with Autism. Dus

Clubbing with Autism. So.

ik laat zien aan mensen dat je met autisme

I show people that you can have autism.

behoorlijk goed kan feesten

can party quite well

en beesten en feesten en zo alles. Want

and animals and parties and all that. Because

dat is gewoon uiteindelijk ook iets.

that is just ultimately something.

Ik wil ook aan mensen die autisme hebben

I also want to reach out to people who have autism.

een andere gewoon iets heel moois

another just something very beautiful

neerzetten. Zodat ze ook de vijf

put down. So that they also have the five

adviezen, guidelines

advice, guidelines

regels uiteindelijk kunnen hebben

rules can ultimately have

om te zorgen dat er echt

to ensure that there really

gefeest kan worden. Maar dat ze wel

Can be celebrated. But that they do.

uiteindelijk weten van oké. Wat moet ik doen

Eventually knowing of okay. What should I do?

als ik in een drukkom gegeven ben? Wat

If I have been given a pressure cooker? What?

gaat er gebeuren als ik bijvoorbeeld heel wat even

What will happen if I, for example, take a moment?

niet meer weet? Hoe kan ik mezelf herpakken?

don't know anymore? How can I get myself back on track?

En al die andere dingen die ik dan ga doen

And all those other things that I will do then.

ga ik dan op mijn Insta stories

Am I then going to my Insta stories?

uiteindelijk neerzetten. En natuurlijk trouwens

ultimately place. And of course by the way

even tussendoor.

just in between.

We gaan er absoluut niet van uit dat

We absolutely do not assume that

iedereen die ook iets met autisme heeft

everyone who also has something to do with autism

standaard moeite heeft met feesten

standard difficulty with parties

die zullen altijd, er zullen vast mensen zijn

they will always be, there will surely be people

inderdaad. Die een hele goede manier hebben gevonden

Indeed. They have found a very good way.

die los kunnen gaan aan zo'n beest.

that can get away from such a beast.

Maakt allemaal niet zoveel uit. Belangrijkste

It doesn't really matter. The most important thing.

is inderdaad dat we proberen

is indeed that we are trying

mensen te helpen die

to help people who

daar wel wat meer moeite mee hebben.

have a bit more trouble with that.



wat we ook uiteindelijk mooi vinden

what we eventually find beautiful

om te vertellen is dat wij ook waarschijnlijk

to say is that we are also likely

gaan we zeker doen

we will definitely do that

dan moeten we nog even kijken hoe dat uiteindelijk in werking

then we still need to see how that ultimately works

gaat gezet worden.

will be placed.

Op Spotify onze podcast

On Spotify our podcast

ook kunnen neerzetten zodat je

can also be placed so that you

uiteindelijk kan hebben van

eventually can have of

hoe we dat eigenlijk gaan doen. We hebben Anchor.

how we are actually going to do that. We have Anchor.

We werken vandaag voor het eerst met

We are working with for the first time today.

Anchor. En we gaan gewoon kijken

Anchor. And we're just going to watch.

hoe dat uiteindelijk gaat komen.

how it will ultimately come about.

En we willen gewoon

And we just want

zoveel mogelijk mensen helpen. Dus als

help as many people as possible. So if

ze bijvoorbeeld een podcast willen hebben

for example, they want to have a podcast

dat ze dan gelijk op Spotify kunnen

that they can go directly to Spotify

gaan en dat ze

go and that they

dan ook gelijk daarop kunnen vinden. Want wij

then can also find right after that. Because we

vinden het gewoon zo belangrijk dat de boodschap van

we just find it so important that the message of

positiviteit en de boodschap van

positivity and the message of

jezelf zijn

be yourself

en gewoon liefde verspreiden

and just spread love

in plaats van haat en negativiteit

instead of hate and negativity

dat het zo erg

that it is so bad

staat voor iets. En daarom

stands for something. And that's why

gaan we ook verder. We gaan ook nieuwe content

Shall we continue? We are also going to have new content.

er neerzetten. We gaan ook zorgen

put it down. We are also going to make sure

dat we onze creativiteit

that we our creativity

even bij elkaar steken. En dat we ook echt

just stick together. And that we really do

iets kunnen neerzetten waar jullie ook echt

putting something down that you really

wat aan hebben. What to do if you

what to wear. What to do if you

have no clue. Gaat uiteindelijk

have no clue. It will eventually

wat meer komen. Dus uiteindelijk van hoe ga

a bit more will come. So ultimately from how go

ik om met een probleem. Misschien kunnen we daar ook

I'm dealing with a problem. Maybe we can discuss it too.

een podcast over doen. Om uiteindelijk

a podcast about doing. In order to ultimately

mensen ook echt zorgen van hey

people are really concerned about hey

wij zijn er voor je. En ik help

We are here for you. And I help.

je zo goed en kwaad als ik kan

I do my best as well as I can.

ten opzichte van wat er allemaal mogelijk is.

in relation to what is all possible.

Wat ik allemaal heb meegemaakt

What I have experienced.

daar wil ik uiteindelijk het distilleren

That is where I ultimately want to distill.

en naar jullie uiteindelijk geven. Ik ga

and ultimately give to you. I am going

het weer even terug naar het Engels noemen. Ik heb ook Engelstalig.

It should be referred to in English again. I also speak English.

Mensen die naar hier naar kijken. Ik moet

People who look at this. I have to

een balans vinden. Sorry daarvoor.

finding a balance. Sorry about that.

Maar ja ik vind het

But yes, I think it's

ook gewoon belangrijk dat ook hun het kunnen luisteren.

It's also just important that they can listen to it too.



I told the people that

I told the people that

we are going to start a YouTube page

We are going to start a YouTube page.

and tonight it's going to be all about

and tonight it's going to be all about

clubbing with autism. I'm going to do a

Clubbing with autism. I'm going to do a

post there. I'm going to do a live there.

Post daar. Ik ga daar een live doen.

But I'm also going to try with my camera

Maar ik ga het ook met mijn camera proberen.

with my small camera. I don't

with my small camera. I don't

think the quality is that great. But

I think the quality is that great. But

we were what we got.

we were what we got.

So we are still able to see and hear something.

So we are still able to see and hear something.

Yeah you're able to hear and see something

Yeah, you can hear and see something.

but I'm going to

maar ik ga het doen

post that as well. I'm going to try

Post dat ook. Ik ga het proberen.

to edit that

to edit that

but who knows

maar wie weet

we will see and

we will see and

we will get on grips

we will get to grips

with that one and we have

with that one and we have

also an app called Anchor

also an app called Anchor

that will

dat zal

make podcasts also available

make podcasts also available

for I think

want ik denk

Spotify because you can use that

Spotify omdat je dat kunt gebruiken.

and you can make a Spotify

and you can make a Spotify

account and we're going to

account en we gaan naar

do also Spotify. That is also

do also Spotify. That is also

something that we're going to do so that you're going to listen

iets dat we gaan doen zodat je gaat luisteren

towards what we are saying

towards what we are saying

on Insta but we're also going to put that

on Insta but we're also going to put that

on Spotify so that you could have the

on Spotify so that you could have the

Spotify list. I think it's

Spotify list. I think it's

going to be called exactly the same as

going to be called exactly the same as

the YouTube page and as the

the YouTube page and as the

Facebook page and also

Facebook-pagina en ook

the Instagram page. So you can

the Instagram page. So you can

find this there.

vind dit daar.

We're going to do a lot more content. What to do

We're going to create a lot more content. What to do?

if you have no clue will be

if you have no clue will be

more in prone with

more in line with

what we are doing because I think

what we are doing because I think

I need to spend more information

I need to provide more information.

at you guys because

at you guys because

well, I like to

Well, I like to

make people also

make people too

know what coping mechanisms I use

know what coping mechanisms I use

to get to a day-to-day basis and

to get to a day-to-day basis and

what I could use from hey

what I could use from hey

this is going to be awesome and I'm going to make something

this is going to be awesome and I'm going to make something

great of it.

great of it.

Do you have anything else

Do you have anything else?

to say? What we are going to do

to say? What we are going to do

and how you feel about it?

and how do you feel about it?

Well, I think everything

Well, I think everything.

we're about to do you've already

we're about to do what you've already

said but

said but

I think the most important thing

I think the most important thing

is that I think

is that I think

that like things

that like things

you do on a daily basis well

you do well on a daily basis

maybe not that you don't go out on a daily basis

maybe it's not that you don't go out on a daily basis

unless you're studying

tenzij je aan het studeren bent

time. Well, that's

tijd. Nou, dat is

a bit of a difference but that's

a bit of a difference but that's

okay. Like when

okay. Like when

you go out and you have autism you

you go out and you have autism you

might face some difficulties and

might face some difficulties and

I feel that

Ik voel dat

a great amount of people

a great number of people

want to go out but don't really

want to go out but don't really

know what to do in critical situations.

know what to do in critical situations.

Like stress

Like stress

a lot of

a lot of

people in the room. What to do

people in the room. What to do

too much

too much

attention you experience

attention you experience

because of various reasons

omdat verschillende redenen

and I think that is

and I think that is

quite a big

eerder groot

thing to give

thing to give

like starting

like starting

points on what to do, where to do it

points on what to do, where to do it

and how

en hoe

you could accomplish like going out

you could achieve something like going out

and enjoying going out. Yeah, because

en genieten van uitgaan. Ja, omdat

I believe that

Ik geloof dat

and I think promise in the same sentiment

en ik denk belofte in hetzelfde gevoel

as well that we

as well that we

all should have a great time. We all

Everyone should have a great time. We all

should have a positive and happy time because

should have a positive and happy time because

we are in this world. At least if you go out.

we are in this world. At least if you go outside.

At least if you go out. You don't go

At least if you go out. You don't go.

there if you don't want to and you hate it.

there if you don't want to and you hate it.

Yeah, that's the truth. That's the thing

Ja, dat is de waarheid. Dat is het punt.

because I want to show

omdat ik wil laten zien

the world that we could also club

the world that we could also club

that we also could have a party

that we could also have a party

and that we also could so much more than

and that we could also do so much more than

what we are doing right now.

what we are doing right now.

Sure, the people that

Zeker, de mensen die

have really difficulties with it.

have really difficulties with it.

I say it is if it's not for you. It is

I say it is if it's not for you. It is.

not for you. I don't want to

not for you. I don't want to

push you into it. But if you

push you into it. But if you

want to experience in the slightest

want to experience in the slightest

partying or what clubbing

partying or what clubbing

is for you and that you could have

is for you and that you could have

some guidelines from me to you

some guidelines from me to you

that you could use as tools

that you could use as tools

to help yourself

to help yourself

to go having a good old

to go having a good old

time then I will

time then I will

truly I will make it

truly I will make it

that also my life work

that is also my life's work

to make you do that to make you

to make you do that to make you

feel the party and feel the groove

feel the party and feel the groove

and feel the positivity that is also there.

and feel the positivity that is also present.

Aside of that we are not

Aside from that, we are not.

our point is not that everyone who has

Our point is not that everyone who has

got autism has got trouble

has autism has trouble

going out. We are just

going out. We are just

trying to

trying to

trying to give

trying to give

you some points to start from

you some points to start from

when you do have problems going out.

when you do have trouble going out.

The people who are going out and having fun

The people who are going out and having fun.

in parties and have found their own

in parties and have found their own

coping mechanisms for the

coping mechanisms for the

difficulties during party time

difficulties during party time

and going out. Great.

en uitgaan. Geweldig.

Do that. Good for you man.

Do that. Good for you, man.

Because it is

Omdat het is

my humble opinion that

mijn bescheiden mening dat

I want all people

I want all people.

to have a great

to have a great

time. I say it so many times

time. I say it so many times

but I want this world filled with positivity

but I want this world filled with positivity

and greatness and love and respect

and greatness and love and respect

for all humanity

voor de hele mensheid

and all flora fauna that is out

and all flora fauna that is out

there because

there because

first I love that

First, I love that.

if that could be a thing if that could be

if that could be a thing if that could be

possible if people could really become

possible if people could really become

kind towards one another if they could help

kind towards one another if they could help

one another in true form

elkaar in ware vorm

then I am all for it.

Then I am all for it.

We have got enough with the negativity.

We have had enough of the negativity.

Negativity only begets

Negativity only begets.

negativity and I think

negativiteit en ik denk

in my humble opinion

in mijn bescheiden mening

I want just to

I just want to





Sorry if I make your name

Sorry if I make your name.







Veronica 189

Veronica 189



Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you for watching!

Thank you for watching!

We want

We want

so glad that you are here

so glad that you are here

I do this also for you guys

Ik doe dit ook voor jullie.

I want to give positivity to the world and I want

I want to give positivity to the world and I want

certainly to give positivity to you

certainly to bring you positivity

because you are awesome

omdat je geweldig bent

you are amazing. You make me do this

you are amazing. You make me do this

everyday even harder

iedere dag nog harder

that's why I want this community to grow

dat is waarom ik wil dat deze gemeenschap groeit

and I want this community to be

and I want this community to be

helpful towards one another

helpful towards each other

I want to lay the first

I want to lay the first.

brick of change

brick of change

and I want you to all to contribute

and I want all of you to contribute

if you have comments or if you have

if you have comments or if you have

something that I can

iets dat ik kan

talk about I will

talk about I will

and I will speak that with

and I will speak that with

my good friend Bram and with a lot of people

my good friend Bram and with a lot of people

that are in the Ascendant Warriors but

that are in the Ascendant Warriors but

as I told you they will all

As I told you, they will all.

you will get familiar in time

you will get familiar in time

with them. As a compliment to that

with them. As a compliment to that

if you like a shout out

if you would like a shout out

just DM Rogier

just DM Rogier

on the Ascendant Warriors

on the Ascendant Warriors

Instagram page. Yes. Ask for a shout out

Instagram page. Yes. Ask for a shout-out.

and maybe some text you

and maybe some text you

wanted to tell. Yeah I will

wanted to tell. Yeah I will

I will do it all

Ik zal het allemaal doen.

but first it needs to be respectful

maar eerst moet het respectvol zijn

it needs to be filled with positive

it needs to be filled with positive

and love base because

and love base because

this Ascendant Warriors is

this Ascendant Warriors is

a warrior for positivity and

a warrior for positivity and

goodness in the world and I want to give that to you

goodness in the world and I want to give that to you

and if you give that

and if you give that

towards the world the world will be such a better

towards the world the world will be such a better

place and I know you can because I believe

plaats en ik weet dat je het kunt omdat ik geloof

in you

in you

if you want to have a shout out

if you want to have a shout-out

I have shout out Wednesdays. Every Wednesday

Ik heb schreeuwwoensdagen. Elke woensdag.

I give three perhaps four

I give three maybe four.

or five people

or five people

wait sorry

wait sorry

phone call

telefonisch gesprek



well if one of you wants a shout out

well if one of you wants a shout out

I want to give you a shout out because

I want to give you a shout out because

you all deserve that

you all deserve that

you deserve to have a beautiful

you deserve to have a beautiful

day and

day and

you deserve to have

you deserve to have

so much positivity in your

so much positivity in your

life in your world because

leven in jouw wereld omdat

this is a most beautiful thing

this is a most beautiful thing

because I believe that you

omdat ik geloof dat jij

all could become

alles zou kunnen worden

what the game

what the game

changes the influences of the future

changes the influences of the future

that will make this world

that will make this world

truly worthy

truly worthy

of its name man kind

of its name mankind

human kind


women kind we are

women kind we are

we are basing now the Ascendant

we are now basing the Ascendant

Warriors to become the first

Warriors om de eerste te worden

of many communities

of many communities

to lay the bricks the foundations

to lay the bricks of the foundations

of a positive environment

of a positive environment

and because of that I

and because of that I

want us all to just

wanten dat we allemaal gewoon

say to

say to

want us all to unite I want us all

want us all to unite I want us all

to bring the most beautiful thing

to bring the most beautiful thing

together because I

samen omdat ik

believe that we can do this

believe that we can do this

we have said so much negativity

we have expressed so much negativity

in this world it is time that

in this world it is time that

we will bring positivity back

we zullen de positiviteit terugbrengen

that we will make it a powerhouse

that we will make it a powerhouse

that we will make it a creed that we will make

that we will make it a creed that we will make

it happen because I believe

It happens because I believe.

that we can do it I believe

that we can do it I believe

each and one of you that will watch

elke en één van jullie die zullen kijken

this live or watch it

this live or watch it

that you can make this world

that you can make this world

a better place that you could make this

Een betere plek die je hiervan zou kunnen maken.

world so much better because

wereld zo veel beter omdat

I believe in so many

I believe in so many.

people I believe that this

People, I believe that this

world could be so great for us

the world could be so great for us

enough with the negativity enough

enough with the negativity enough

with the pain enough with the struggle

met de pijn genoeg met de strijd

I know life can be hard sometimes

I know life can be hard sometimes.

I've been there sorry

Ik ben daar geweest, sorry.

sorry for the sound but

sorry voor het geluid maar

I try to

I try to

uhm could you

uhm could you

wait for one minute

wacht een minuut





yes I believe

yes I believe

uhm that

uhm that

I can do so much better in this

I can do so much better in this.

world uh

world uh

I'm humbled by you guys

Ik ben vereerd door jullie.

understand this I'm humbled

Understand this: I'm humbled.

by you guys you

by you guys you

follow me you know how much

volg me je weet hoeveel

followers I got right now

followers I have right now

and I'm so proud to say that

and I'm so proud to say that

and Bram well

and Bram well

he is proud as well

he is proud as well

how do you feel about how

hoe voel je je over hoe

many followers we got right now

hoeveel volgers hebben we nu?

we got over 600 now and that's pretty cool

we have over 600 now and that's pretty cool

uhm 600 followers

uhm 600 followers

we still want to grow some more because

we still want to grow some more because

we want to spread all the good

we want to spread all the good

stuff and all the love

spullen en alle love

and all everything good that comes to Ascendant Warriors

and all everything good that comes to Ascendant Warriors

yes which is obviously a lot

yes which is obviously a lot

so it should be shared with a lot

so it should be shared with many

uhm because I believe

uhm omdat ik geloof

it isn't about the follower count

it's not about the follower count

believe me

believe me

but so many of you are following

but so many of you are following

me a guy

me een jongen

that makes this tries to

that makes this tries to

make this world a better place for

make this world a better place for

us all for our children for our

us all for our children for our

peers and for our

peers en voor onze

like minded individuals

like-minded individuals

that's very cool and I think

dat is heel cool en ik denk

and over 600

and over 600



that is amazing

dat is geweldig

I never truly wanted to

I never truly wanted to.

say about the count how much I got because

Say about the count how much I got because

that's just like uhm a

that's just like uhm a

contest or something life isn't a

contest or something life isn't a

contest life is about

contest life is about

collaborating with one another

collaborating with each other

about making a change making a difference

about making a change making a difference

but you

maar jij

follow me

follow me

I'm just a guy

Ik ben gewoon een jongen.

that started something

that started something

Hi Maroes

Hi Maroes

hey she is actually

Hey, she is actually.

in here with us in the living room

in here with us in the living room

yes but she is watching

yes but she is watching

as well because she believes

as well because she believes

also in the positivity

also in the positivity

and the greatness that we gonna supply

and the greatness that we are going to provide



I believe in this world

I believe in this world.

I believe in you all

I geloof in jullie allemaal.

my dream

mijn droom

my dream of

my dream of

well we still got 5%

well we still got 5%

so I'm gonna make it very quick

so I'm going to make it very quick

my dream of for the ascended warriors

my dream of for the ascended warriors

is that we are

is that we are

becoming the greatest and biggest community

becoming the greatest and biggest community

that will truly help other communities

dat zal andere gemeenschappen echt helpen

to become a

to become a

powerhouse to be reckoned with that we could

krachtpatser om rekening mee te houden dat we konden

help and

help and

educate people with autism

educate people with autism

that we could make a positive change

that we could make a positive change

that we could make a positive reaction towards

that we could make a positive response towards

this world because I believe

deze wereld omdat ik geloof

Harpaloma Anneliese

Harpaloma Anneliese

I think we gonna change it up right now

I think we're going to change it up right now.

that we gonna go there because

that we are going to go there because

I get 5% and perhaps we can

I get 5% and perhaps we can.

do 5 more minutes

do 5 more minutes

well yes

well yes

I have to go like in 2 minutes

Ik moet over ongeveer 2 minuten gaan.



keep it short

keep it short

keep it simple

keep it simple

what we ascended warriors

what we ascended warriors

stand for

stand for

what I began 2 years ago

what I started 2 years ago

on my path out of negativity

on my path out of negativity

out of the cesspool that is my

out of the cesspool that is my

then life

dan het leven

I want to bring all the

I want to bring all the

positivity and all the greatness

positiviteit en alle grootsheid

and all the beauty

en al de schoonheid

and all the love in this world

en al de liefde in deze wereld

Harpaloma Anneliese

Harpaloma Anneliese

I want to

I want to

give you all that because you deserve it

I'll give you all that because you deserve it.

this is my

this is my

true quest

true quest

I hope you will help me to

I hope you will help me to

get the biggest community

get the biggest community

and that we all could help one another

and that we all could help each other

because I believe in us

omdat ik in ons geloof.

I believe that the ascended warriors could become a community

I believe that the ascended warriors could become a community.

that stands for positivity

that stands for positivity

for love for respecting one another

for love for respecting one another

and for being in love with oneself

and for being in love with oneself

and to give that love back

and to give that love back

towards the people around you

towards the people around you

because that is what I stand for

omdat dat is waar ik voor sta

I have to keep it very short right now

I have to keep it very short right now.

if you want another live

if you want another life

I will do that perhaps today

I might do that today.

certainly tomorrow

certainly tomorrow

but I want to give you all a shout out

maar ik wil jullie allemaal een shout-out geven

because you are all

omdat jullie allemaal zijn

so amazing

zo geweldig

and if you want a shout out

and if you want a shout out

shout out Wednesdays next week

shout out Wednesdays next week

leave it in the comments

leave it in the comments

or do a DM with me

or DM me

and I will get it done

en ik zal het afmaken

because I believe we can all do this

omdat ik geloof dat we dit allemaal kunnen doen

you are awesome

you are awesome

you are amazing

you are amazing

you don't have any clue

you don't have any clue

I want to say so much more

I want to say so much more.

but I got a few minutes

maar ik heb een paar minuten

but you are so amazing

maar je bent zo geweldig

thank you for following me

thank you for following me

and thank you for making this community

and thank you for creating this community

as great as tight knit as it is

as great as it is tightly knit

because I believe that we can do this

omdat ik geloof dat we dit kunnen doen

thank you so much

thank you so much

and out of the bottom of my heart

en uit de grond van mijn hart

thank you for doing this

thank you for doing this



for the podcast

for the podcast

we all love you

we allemaal houden van jou

we are wishing you a very very wonderful day

We wish you a very very wonderful day.

and we see you later

and we'll see you later

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