Tom Jones, het interview

Henkjan Smits


Tom Jones, het interview


Je luistert naar een eenmalige podcast in verband met het nieuwe album Surrounded by Time dat Tom Jones op zijn 80ste op 23 april 2021 heeft uitgebracht.

You are listening to a one-time podcast regarding the new album Surrounded by Time that Tom Jones released on April 23, 2021, at the age of 80.

Mijn naam is Henk-Jan Smits en ik interviewde Sir Tom Jones op 1 april 2021, midden in de COVID-19 tijd.

My name is Henk-Jan Smits and I interviewed Sir Tom Jones on April 1, 2021, in the middle of the COVID-19 period.

Een gesprek van 15 minuten via Zoom, waarbij duidelijk was dat we beide nog niet klaar waren toen het interview werd gestopt.

A 15-minute conversation via Zoom, during which it was clear that we were both not finished when the interview was stopped.

De Zoom-sessie begon eerst met matig geluid en Tom vertelde me dat hij mij niet in beeld had.

The Zoom session started with poor sound and Tom told me that he couldn't see me.

Ik zei hem dat dat wellicht voor hem ook beter was. Daarmee was het ijs gebroken en was de eerste lach daar.

I told him that it might be better for him as well. With that, the ice was broken and the first laugh was there.

Toen mijn camera ook aanstond, konden we beginnen.

When my camera was on as well, we could start.

I'll come to this country from a far away land.

I'll come to this country from a faraway land.

I can't quite remember the last time I was on shore.

I can't quite remember the last time I was on shore.

Could have been 12 years, might have been more.

Could have been 12 years, might have been more.

But I've seen tribulations and it troubled my mind.

Maar ik heb tegenslagen gezien en dat verstoorde mijn gedachten.

Can't quite remember what I came here to find.

Kan me niet precies herinneren wat ik hier kwam zoeken.

It's wind on the ocean, rain on the land.

It's wind on the ocean, rain on the land.

Three drops of water, one grain of sand.

Three drops of water, one grain of sand.

I'll tell you a story as quick as I can.

I'll tell you a story as quickly as I can.

I got nothing but time.

I got nothing but time.

I'm Lazarus, man.

I'm Lazarus, man.

Well, Sir Tom is the correct thing, but you can call me Tom if you want, that's fine with me.

Well, Sir Tom is the correct thing, but you can call me Tom if you want, that's fine with me.

Hij zei meteen dat ik hem Tom mocht noemen.

He immediately said that I could call him Tom.

Hoewel zijn officiële benaming Sir Tom is, aangezien hij in 2005 geridderd is.

Although his official title is Sir Tom, as he was knighted in 2005.

Nadat hij in 1998 al de titel OBE, Officer of the Order of the British Empire, had gekregen.

After he received the title OBE, Officer of the Order of the British Empire, in 1998.

Tom Jones zei daar zelf over dat het voor hem een absoluut hoogtepunt in waardering was en het beste dat hem ooit was overkomen.

Tom Jones himself said that it was an absolute highlight in appreciation for him and the best thing that ever happened to him.

Hij zei dat als je begint met muziek maken en een hit scoort, dat je het gevoel hebt aardig onderweg te zijn.

He said that when you start making music and score a hit, you feel like you're making good progress.

En dat het alleen maar beter wordt in de loop der jaren, maar dat je niet verwacht om geridderd te worden om je verdiensten in de muziek.

And that it only gets better over the years, but that you don't expect to be knighted for your merits in music.

Allereerst wilde ik weten of hij de uitdrukking stoppen op je hoogtepunt kende.

First of all, I wanted to know if he was familiar with the expression "stop at your peak."

Daarop gaf hij lachend en instemmend antwoord.

He responded with a laugh and in agreement.

Toen vroeg ik hem, terwijl hij meer dan 100 miljoen albums heeft verkocht, zoveel hits op zijn naam heeft staan, ontelbare prijzen heeft gekregen,

Then I asked him, while he has sold over 100 million albums, has so many hits to his name, and has received countless awards,

geacteerd heeft, gepresenteerd heeft.

has acted, has presented.

En dat hij al jaren en decennia op tv te zien is geweest, met als laatste wapenfeit een plek op een van de stoelen in The Voice UK

And that he has been seen on TV for years and decades, with his latest achievement being a spot in one of the chairs on The Voice UK.

en de 80-jarige leeftijd heeft behaald, waarom hij wederom een nieuw album heeft gemaakt.

and at the age of 80, he has achieved why he has once again made a new album.

Omdat ik het hou van het. Het is wat ik doe.

Because I love it. It's what I do.

Het is een ding, ik heb nooit leven weten zonder te zingen.

It is a thing, I have never known life without singing.

Ik heb gezongen sinds ik een kind was en ik wilde altijd een professioneel zinger worden.

I have been singing since I was a child and I always wanted to become a professional singer.

En dat ben ik. Dus mijn stem werkt nog steeds, dank God.

And that is me. So my voice is still working, thank God.

Ik ga het doen, zolang ik het mogelijk kan.

I will do it as long as I can.

Hopelijk zal ik een geweldig show doen, en dan ga ik naar huis, ga ik slapen en zal ik niet waken.

Hopefully, I will do a great show, and then I will go home, go to sleep, and will not wake.

Maar ik hoop dat ik eerst 100 miljoen heb gekregen, als ik het kan.

But I hope to have received 100 million first, if I can.

Tom Jones zei, dit is wat ik het liefste doe.

Tom Jones said, this is what I love to do most.

Ik zing mijn hele leven al en hoop het nog lang te kunnen doen.

I have been singing my whole life and hope to be able to do it for a long time.

Mijn stem is nog steeds in vorm en ik hoop dat ik ooit na een optreden in slaap val en dan nooit meer wakker word.

My voice is still in shape and I hope that one day I will fall asleep after a performance and never wake up.

Maar ik hoop eerst 100 jaar te worden.

But first, I hope to live to be 100 years old.

Het is onmogelijk om even snel door Tom Jones carrière te gaan.

It is impossible to quickly go through Tom Jones's career.

Simpelweg omdat hij zo ontzettend veel hits heeft gehad en steeds weer opnieuw van zich liet horen en daarmee een nieuwe doelgroep aansprak.

Simply because he has had so many hits and repeatedly made himself heard, thus appealing to a new audience.

Laten we eens naar een compilatie van een paar van zijn zestige jaren hits luisteren.

Let's listen to a compilation of a few of his hits from the sixties.

Te beginnen met zijn doorbraak single It's Not Unusual.

Starting with his breakthrough single It's Not Unusual.

Gevolgd door What's New Pussycat, geschreven door Burt Bacharach en Hal David.

Followed by What's New Pussycat, written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David.

Daarna Green Green Grass at Home, dan I'll Never Fall In Love Again en we besluiten met Delilah, waar Tom het later in het interview nog over heeft.

After that, Green Green Grass at Home, then I'll Never Fall In Love Again, and we conclude with Delilah, which Tom will mention later in the interview.

En aan het begin van de zeventiger jaren ging zijn populariteit gewoon door met hits als...

And at the beginning of the seventies, his popularity just continued with hits like...

She's a lady, oh oh oh...

She's a lady, oh oh oh...

En aan het begin van de zeventiger jaren ging zijn populariteit gewoon door met hits als...

And at the beginning of the seventies, his popularity just continued with hits like...

She's a lady, oh oh oh...

She's a lady, oh oh oh...

She's a lady, talking about that little lady, and the lady is mine...

She's a lady, talking about that little lady, and the lady is mine...

She's a lady, maar toen werd Tom Jones even minder populair.

She's a lady, but then Tom Jones became a bit less popular.

Hij bleef heel veel spelen en had een enorme schare fans, maar de echte grote hits bleven uit.

He kept playing a lot and had a huge fan base, but the real big hits didn't come.

In de jaren tachtig maakte hij een paar country platen, maar ook daarin bleven de echte wereldhits...

In the 1980s, he made a couple of country albums, but even then, the real world hits remained...

In 1986 stierf zijn manager Gordon Mills, die al vanaf de eerste single zijn manager was.

In 1986, his manager Gordon Mills, who had been his manager since the first single, passed away.

Tom's zoon, Mark, nam deze rol over.

Tom's son, Mark, took over this role.

Op dat moment veranderde zijn imago.

At that moment, his image changed.

We zagen hem niet meer met half opengeknoopte shirts, maar in keurige pakken.

We no longer saw him in half-unbuttoned shirts, but in neat suits.

Vrij snel daarna zagen we Tom Jones weer terug in de hitparade...

Quite soon after that, we saw Tom Jones back in the charts...

Vrij snel daarna zagen we Tom Jones weer terug in de hitparade.

Not long after that, we saw Tom Jones back in the charts again.

… met een cover van de Prince-hit pero.

... with a cover of the Prince hit pero.

met een cover van de Prince-hit pero.

with a cover of the Prince hit Pero.

… met een cover van de Prince-hit pero.

... with a cover of the Prince hit pero.

Tom Jones slaagde erin om met deze versie samen met Art of Noise een comeback te maken in de charts.

Tom Jones succeeded in making a comeback in the charts with this version together with Art of Noise.

Het volgende decennium stond hij voor het eerst op het prestigieuze Glastonbury Festival

In the following decade, he performed for the first time at the prestigious Glastonbury Festival.

en maakte het album Reload samen met allerlei bands en de Duitse DJ en producer Mouse T.

and created the album Reload together with various bands and the German DJ and producer Mouse T.

Met die laatste maakte Tom Jones een nieuwe signature song.

With that last one, Tom Jones created a new signature song.

Vanaf dat moment was Tom Jones weer helemaal terug.

From that moment on, Tom Jones was completely back.

Daarna scoorde hij geen top 40 hits meer in Nederland, maar zijn optredens waren altijd uitverkocht en een groot feest.

After that, he didn't score any more top 40 hits in the Netherlands, but his performances were always sold out and a big celebration.

Ik zag hem in 2003 als 60-plusser op het podium staan met een energie en een jeugdige uitstraling.

I saw him on stage in 2003 as a 60-plusser with an energy and a youthful appearance.

Een uitstraling die ik bij menig startend bandje zo ontzettend mis.

A presence that I miss so much in many starting bands.

De laatste drie albums die Tom Jones uitbracht waren allen geproduceerd door Ethan Johns.

The last three albums released by Tom Jones were all produced by Ethan Johns.

We kennen Ethan Johns van producties van onder andere Paolo Nottini, Kings of Leon en Ray LaMontagne.

We know Ethan Johns from productions for, among others, Paolo Nutini, Kings of Leon, and Ray LaMontagne.

Toen Tom Jones 80 was geworden wilde de platenmaatschappij een mooi overzicht van zijn carrière uitbrengen.

When Tom Jones turned 80, the record company wanted to release a nice overview of his career.

Maar Tom dacht aan een nieuw album maken, wederom met Ethan Johns.

But Tom was thinking about making a new album, once again with Ethan Johns.

En zo nam hij Surrounded by Time op.

And so he recorded Surrounded by Time.

De titel Surrounded by Time vind ik mooi voor iemand van middelbare leeftijd die net zoveel tijd voor zich verwacht te hebben als achter zich heeft.

I find the title Surrounded by Time beautiful for someone of middle age who expects to have just as much time ahead of them as they have behind them.

Maar dit verwacht je niet van iemand van 80.

But you wouldn’t expect this from someone who is 80.

Vanzelfsprekend vroeg ik Tom Jones of hij zich echt omringd door tijd voelde als een 80-jarige.

Naturally, I asked Tom Jones if he really felt surrounded by time as an 80-year-old.

Ik ben altijd geïnteresseerd door tijd. Zo ben je ook. Zo is iedereen.

I am always interested in time. So are you. So is everyone.

Tijd is heel belangrijk. We zijn geïnteresseerd door tijd.

Time is very important. We are interested in time.

We kijken altijd naar wat tijd het is nu. Wat tijd is het einde?

We always look at what time it is now. What time is the end?

Wat tijd kan ik een kip thee hebben?

What time can I have a chicken tea?

Wat tijd kan ik een kip bier hebben?

What time can I have a chicken beer?

Wat tijd ben ik op stage?

What time am I at the internship?

Normaal zou ik dat denken.

Normally, I would think that.

Als ik op de weg ben, wat tijd is het nu?

When I am on the road, what time is it now?

Hoeveel tijd heb ik ervoor dat ik op stage ben?

How much time do I have before I go on internship?

Dat is geweldig. Ik hou van dat.

That is awesome. I love that.

Maar ik kan dat niet doen op het moment.

But I can't do that at the moment.

Tom zegt dat hij zich altijd omringd voelt door tijd en dat iedereen omringd is door tijd.

Tom says that he always feels surrounded by time and that everyone is surrounded by time.

Hoe laat is het? Hoe laat is het interview?

What time is it? What time is the interview?

Is het al tijd voor een biertje? Hoe laat begint het optreden?

Is it already time for a beer? What time does the performance start?

Nee, dat laatste is het afgelopen jaar niet gevraagd.

No, that last thing has not been asked in the past year.

Maar dat mist hij dan ook enorm.

But he misses that a lot as well.

Hoe dan ook, Tom is er met Ethan Johns in geslaagd om een fantastisch album te maken

Anyway, Tom has succeeded in making a fantastic album with Ethan Johns.

met covers van songs die hij zijn hele leven heeft verzameld in zijn hoofd,

with covers of songs he has collected in his head his entire life,

maar nooit eerder heeft opgenomen.

but has never recorded before.

Hij heeft niet voor overbekende hits gekozen, maar nummers die een verhaal te vertellen hebben.

He hasn't chosen well-known hits, but songs that have a story to tell.

Ik vroeg hem of hij zich bij de selectie van de twaalf songs op dit album heeft laten leiden

I asked him if he was influenced by the selection of the twelve songs on this album.

door de teksten van de liedjes.

through the lyrics of the songs.



Because now, you know, being 80 years old, I want to reflect on my life.

Because now, you know, being 80 years old, I want to reflect on my life.

I want to try and express myself through different times of my life.

I want to try and express myself through different phases of my life.

Ethan Johns, who was my producer, you know, he said, what kind of songs do you want to do?

Ethan Johns, die mijn producer was, weet je, hij zei: wat voor soort nummers wil je doen?

He said, leave the sounds to me.

He said, leave the sounds to me.

You know, I want to experiment with some sounds.

You know, I want to experiment with some sounds.

But I said, as long as my voice still sounds like me, you know, okay, you can experiment with things.

Maar ik zei, zolang mijn stem nog steeds klinkt zoals ik, weet je, oké, je kunt met dingen experimenteren.

He said, okay, what songs?

He said, okay, which songs?

So I said, well, I got this one called I'm Growing Old.

So I said, well, I got this one called I'm Growing Old.

I'm Growing Old is een nummer uit 1967 van Bobby Cole.

I'm Growing Old is a song from 1967 by Bobby Cole.

Deze bezocht Tom Jones na een van Tom's Vegas shows in 1972.

This was visited by Tom Jones after one of Tom's Vegas shows in 1972.

Bobby Cole stelde voor dat Tom Jones I'm Growing Old zou opnemen.

Bobby Cole suggested that Tom Jones should record I'm Growing Old.

Tom's stem paste er zo goed bij, vond hij.

Tom's voice fits in so well, he thought.

Tom vond het een prachtig nummer, maar vond dat hij het als 32-jarige niet goed kon zingen vanuit zijn hart.

Tom thought it was a beautiful song, but felt that as a 32-year-old he couldn't sing it from his heart.

Ik vroeg wat hij nu als 80-jarige anders heeft gedaan,

I asked what he has done differently now as an 80-year-old.

dan hij in de tijd zou hebben gedaan en waarom hij het nu wel kan zingen.

than he would have done at the time and why he can sing it now.

Well, one thing that springs to mind right away is that my wife was still alive and well when I was 32.

Well, one thing that springs to mind right away is that my wife was still alive and well when I was 32.

You know, so I couldn't sing, you know, about their lock of hair and dream about her.

You know, so I couldn't sing, you know, about their lock of hair and dream about her.

That lyric, by the way, I've changed since I recorded it.

That lyric, by the way, I changed since I recorded it.

Because on the record I say, although I save a lock of hair, I seldom dream about my wife.

Because on the record I say, although I save a lock of hair, I seldom dream about my wife.

Well, that's not true.

Well, that's not true.

I don't save a lock of hair.

I don't save a lock of hair.

And I often dream about my wife.

And I often dream about my wife.

So when he gave me that song, I wasn't saying, you know, I dream about my wife because she was still with us.

Dus toen hij me dat nummer gaf, zei ik niet, weet je, ik droom over mijn vrouw omdat ze nog bij ons was.

But now, of course, five years ago, she passed away.

Maar nu, natuurlijk, is ze vijf jaar geleden overleden.

It's like ironic almost that this song is there saying about me dreaming about my wife who was no longer with us.

It's almost ironic that this song is talking about me dreaming of my wife who is no longer with us.

And I no longer ponder life.

And I no longer ponder life.

And I'm growing wiser, you know, like I'm going slower in my walk.

And I'm growing wiser, you know, like I'm walking slower.

But I'm...

Maar ik ben...

I'm wiser now than I was before.

Ik ben nu wijzer dan ik voorheen was.

But I no longer ponder life.

Maar ik overdenk het leven niet meer.

We're not pondering.

We zijn niet aan het mijmeren.

We're not thinking, oh, what is it going to be like, you know.

We’re not thinking, oh, what is it going to be like, you know.

Hopefully, I know what it's going to be like now.

Hopefully, I know what it's going to be like now.

At 80 years old, I should have learned something.

At 80 years old, I should have learned something.

I'm growing old.

Ik word oud.

It's not that I'm old.

It's not that I'm old.

You know what I mean?

Do you know what I mean?

Or I am old.

Or I am old.

It's I'm growing old.

I'm growing old.

So that's it, which I am.

So that's it, which I am.

So I wanted to do that.

So I wanted to do that.

And we did it once with a piano.

And we did it once with a piano.

The piano player suddenly said, let me just work out the chords.

The piano player suddenly said, let me just work out the chords.



I got it, I got it.

I got it, I got it.

Okay, let's try it.

Okay, let's try it.

And I sang it.

And I sang it.

For the first time in my life, I actually sang it.

For the first time in my life, I actually sang it.

It was in my head, but I'd never actually sung it before.

It was in my head, but I had never actually sung it before.

Tom antwoordde, ik loop wel langzamer, maar ben wel wijzer.

Tom replied, "I may walk slower, but I am wiser."

En ik stel niet meer zoveel vragen over het leven zelf.

And I no longer ask so many questions about life itself.

Ik zing niet dat ik oud ben, maar dat ik oud aan het worden ben.

I don't sing that I am old, but that I am getting old.

Ik had het nummer nooit eerder gezongen.

I had never sung the song before.

Het zat in mijn hoofd en we begonnen het gewoon te spelen.

It was in my head and we just started playing it.

En ik zong het.

And I sang it.

Ik zong het voor de eerste keer.

I sang it for the first time.

En dat is de take die je hoort op het album.

And that is the take you hear on the album.

I'm growing dimmer in the eyes.

I'm growing dimmer in the eyes.

I'm growing fainter in my toys.

I'm growing fainter in my toys.

I'm growing deeper in my sighs.

Ik groei dieper in mijn zuchten.

I'm growing slower in my woord.

I'm growing slower in my word.

I'm growing careless of my dress.

Ik word onvoorzichtiger met mijn jurk.

I'm growing thrifty with my gold.

Ik word zuinig met mijn goud.

I'm growing wise.

I'm becoming wise.

I'm growing, yes, I'm growing old.

Ik groei, ja, ik word oud.

I'm growing drowsy in my jeans.

I'm growing drowsy in my jeans.

I'm growing slowly, tapi I stop to move.

I'm growing slowly, but I stop to move.

A preskipto in signature.

A preskipto in signature.

And I no longer pondered life.

And I no longer pondered life.

And though I say a lock of hair.

And though I say a lock of hair.

I seldom dream about my wife.

I seldom dream about my wife.

And I no longer dream about my wife.

And I no longer dream about my wife.

Je hoorde I'm Growing Old, het elfde nummer op het nieuwe Tom Jones-album Surrounded by Time.

You heard I'm Growing Old, the eleventh track on the new Tom Jones album Surrounded by Time.

Tom hoorde je net ook over het overlijden van zijn vrouw Linda praten.

Tom just heard you talking about the death of his wife Linda.

Zij waren 59 jaar getrouwd en zij overleed vijf jaar geleden op 10 april.

They were married for 59 years, and she passed away five years ago on April 10th.

Vanzelfsprekend vroeg ik Tom ernaar, want er staat nog een nummer op het album dat met haar te maken heeft.

Naturally, I asked Tom about it, because there is still a song on the album that has to do with her.

Het nummer I Won't Crumble With You If You Fall staat op het album vanwege een belofte die Tom aan Linda op haar sterfbed maakte.

The song I Won't Crumble With You If You Fall is on the album due to a promise Tom made to Linda on her deathbed.

Wat was die belofte?

What was that promise?

Het nummer I Won't Crumble With You If You Fall staat op het album vanwege een belofte die Tom aan Linda op haar sterfbed maakte.

The song I Won't Crumble With You If You Fall is on the album because of a promise Tom made to Linda on her deathbed.

Linda, you know the situation, right?

Linda, you know the situation, don’t you?

And she said, yes, I know. I know that.

And she said, yes, I know. I know that.

She said, but you've got to make me some promises.

Ze zei, maar je moet me een paar beloften doen.

First of all, I don't want to lose my hair.

Allereerst wil ik mijn haar niet verliezen.

You know what I mean?

Do you know what I mean?

And I said, but you've got to have chemotherapy.

En ik zei, maar je moet chemotherapie ondergaan.

But I don't want to lose my hair.

Maar ik wil mijn haar niet verliezen.

If it means losing my hair, I don't want it.

If it means losing my hair, I don't want it.



And then she said, look, and the one thing I want from you, you don't fall with me.

And then she said, look, and the one thing I want from you is that you don't fall for me.



So she didn't say crumble, but that's what the song says.

So she didn't say crumble, but that's what the song says.

You know, I'll do.

You know, I'll do it.

I'll do anything for you.

Ik zal alles voor je doen.

You know, I wake in the morning.

You know, I wake up in the morning.

If you call, you know, I'll stand beside you as long as I can.

If you call, you know, I'll stand by you as long as I can.

I'll drink from the sweat of your brow.

I'll drink from the sweat of your brow.

You know, I'll do everything.

You know, I'll do everything.

But I won't crumble with you if you fall.

Maar ik zal niet instorten met jou als jij valt.

Because she told me not to.

Omdat ze me dat niet zei te doen.

She said, you must lift yourself up.

Ze zei, je moet jezelf omhoog tillen.

And you must go on the stage.

And you must go on stage.

And think of me laughing.

And think of me laughing.

Don't think of me in this hospital bed.

Don't think of me in this hospital bed.

You know, you've got to.

You know, you have to.

When you used to tell me jokes when you came off the road.

Wanneer je me vroeger grappen vertelde als je van de weg kwam.

She always loved, do you have any new jokes?

She always loved, do you have any new jokes?

You know, and I would tell her a joke and she would laugh.

You know, and I would tell her a joke and she would laugh.

So she said, think of me.

So she said, think of me.

Like that.

Like that.

When you go on the stage.

When you go on stage.

But I want to lift you up.

Maar ik wil je omhoog tillen.

I don't want to pull you down.

I don't want to bring you down.

So I heard this song and I thought, I got to do that song.

So I heard this song and I thought, I have to do that song.

Because it's really a tribute to her.

Omdat het echt een eerbetoon aan haar is.

You know, that I didn't, I did what she told me to do.

You know, I didn't, I did what she told me to do.

That I didn't crumble with her.

That I didn't crumble with her.

I'm carrying on with my life.

I'm carrying on with my life.

Tom was dus op tour toen hij hoorde dat het einde nabij was van zijn vrouw Linda.

Tom was on tour when he heard that the end was near for his wife Linda.

Hij en zijn zoon, manager Mark, vlogen meteen terug,

He and his son, manager Mark, flew back immediately.

liepen rechtstreeks naar het ziekenhuis,

went straight to the hospital,

waar zij in lag en ze had twee grote wensen.

where she lay and she had two big wishes.

De eerste was dat ze haar haar niet zou verliezen, ondanks de chemotherapie.

The first was that she would not lose her hair, despite the chemotherapy.

En de andere wens was dat Tom niet neer zou gaan als zij er niet meer zou zijn.

And the other wish was that Tom would not go down if she was no longer there.

Dat heeft hij beloofd.

He has promised that.

En toen hij het nummer van Bernie's Johnson Regan hoorde,

And when he heard the number of Bernie's Johnson Regan,

wist hij dat dit sowieso op het album moest komen.

He knew that this had to be on the album anyway.

I will awake in the morning if you call.

I will wake up in the morning if you call.

And I'll stand beside you as long as I can.

En ik zal naast je staan zolang ik kan.

I will hold back the evening of your son.

I will hold back the evening of your son.

But I won't crumble with you if you fall.

Maar ik zal niet in elkaar zakken met jou als je valt.

Tom had nog een belofte gedaan.

Tom had made one more promise.

Althans, Linda en Tom hadden al voordat ze ziek werd afgesproken samen weer terug naar Engeland te verhuizen.

At least, Linda and Tom had already agreed to move back to England together before she got sick.

Na jarenlang in Amerika te hebben gewoond, zouden ze naar Londen verhuizen.

After having lived in America for years, they would move to London.

Ze wilde met mij terugkomen en toen kwam dit heel snel.

She wanted to get back together with me, and then this happened very quickly.

Dus ze zei, laat ons niet stoppen met wat we planten.

So she said, let's not stop with what we are planting.

Om terug naar Engeland te gaan en met mijn zoon, z'n vrouw en mijn ouders te zijn.

To go back to England and be with my son, his wife, and my parents.

We wilden dat doen.

We wanted to do that.

Dus ze zei, laat ons niet stoppen.

So she said, let's not stop.

Je hoeft niet meer in L.A. te leven.

You no longer have to live in L.A.

Ik zei, nee, dat wil ik niet.

I said, no, I don't want that.

Ik zei, om eerlijk te zijn, ik wil niet in ieder geval leven.

I said, to be honest, I don't want to live in any case.

En ze zei, je moet niet zo praten, je moet er aan gaan.

And she said, you shouldn't talk like that, you have to get on with it.

En ik ben nu teruggekomen naar Londen, omdat ze dat wilde doen.

And I have now returned to London because she wanted to do that.

Daarna vroeg ik hoe Tom Jones de zin en de drang terug heeft gekregen om het leven weer op te pakken en weer te gaan zingen en optreden.

After that, I asked how Tom Jones regained the motivation and urge to pick up life again and to start singing and performing.

Dus ik was vervelend, meer dan ooit in mijn leven.

So I was annoying, more than ever in my life.

En ik ging een dag terug naar een meneer van Los Angeles, een griefmeneer.

And I went back one day to a gentleman from Los Angeles, a grumpy gentleman.

Ik zei, ik denk wel niet dat ik kan zingen.

I said, I don't think I can sing.

En ze zei, wat is het moeilijkste lied dat u denkt dat u niet kunt zingen?

And she said, what is the hardest song you think you can't sing?

Ik zei, het is een Bob Dylan liedje, waarin ik goed ben.

I said, it's a Bob Dylan song, in which I am good.

Het gaat om iemand die erbij staat terwijl iemand doodgaat.

It concerns someone who is standing by while someone is dying.

En ik denk, kon ik iets ervan maken?

And I wonder, could I make something of it?

De dokter zei, nee, je kon niets doen.

The doctor said, no, you couldn't do anything.

Maar dat lied is moeilijk voor mij.

But that song is difficult for me.

Dus de counsellor zei, dat is de eerste ding die je moet doen.

So the counselor said, that is the first thing you need to do.

Je moet die zong zingen.

You have to sing that song.

Als je dat doet, moet je goed zijn.

If you do that, you have to be good.

Dus ik kwam naar Engeland met mijn zoon.

So I came to England with my son.

Toen we Linda besloot.

When we decided on Linda.

We beslooten haar niet, ze was vermoeid.

We decided not to her, she was tired.

Ik heb haar asjes met me in de flat.

I have her ashes with me in the apartment.

Dus hij zei, laten we naar Londen gaan.

So he said, let's go to London.

En laten we de muzikanten samen nemen.

And let's take the musicians together.

En probeer gewoon je stem te zien.

And just try to see your voice.

Dus oké.

So okay.

We gingen naar een hotel in het land.

We went to a hotel in the countryside.

En een paar van mijn muzikanten kwamen.

And a couple of my musicians came.

En we zaten gewoon thuis.

And we were just at home.

En ik zei, ik moet dit proberen. Wat goed ben ik.

And I said, I have to try this. How good am I.

Oké. En ik deed het.

Okay. And I did it.

En ik zei, ik kan het doen.

And I said, I can do it.



Dit was de openingstrek van het album Praise & Blame uit 2010.

This was the opening track of the album Praise & Blame from 2010.

Dit was overigens het eerste Tom Jones-album dat geproduceerd werd door Ethan Johns.

This was, by the way, the first Tom Jones album produced by Ethan Johns.

Daarna volgden Spirit in the Room in 2012 en Long Lost Suitcase in 2015.

Then followed Spirit in the Room in 2012 and Long Lost Suitcase in 2015.

Allen, geproduceerd door Ethan Johns.

All, produced by Ethan Johns.

Tom vertelde dat hij bij een therapeut te raden ging en dat zij hem had gevraagd wat het moeilijkste nummer was voor hem om te zingen.

Tom mentioned that he consulted a therapist and that she had asked him what the hardest song was for him to sing.

Dat was dus dit nummer, oorspronkelijk van Bob Dylan.

So this was this song, originally by Bob Dylan.

Op het nieuwe album staat wederom een nummer van Bob Dylan, One More Cup of Coffee.

The new album features another song by Bob Dylan, One More Cup of Coffee.

44 jaar nadat hij het voor het eerst hoorde, voelde Tom zich eindelijk in staat om dit nummer zelf te doen zoals hij het zich altijd had voorgesteld.

44 years after he first heard it, Tom finally felt able to perform this song himself as he had always imagined.

Hij zegt er zelf over.

He speaks about it himself.

Dat het nummer hem terugbrengt naar jaren geleden, dat hij nog vol zelfmedelijden zat als hij in een dalletje terechtkwam.

That the song brings him back to years ago when he was still full of self-pity whenever he found himself in a bit of a slump.

Als ik de zin hoor om naar de vallei beneden te gaan, denk ik niet alleen aan de realiteit van te ver gaan, maar ook aan de kater.

When I hear the phrase to go down to the valley below, I don't just think of the reality of going too far, but also of the hangover.

Ik kan die persoon niet meer zijn, maar ik begin dat liedje te zingen en ik ben daar weer terug.

I can’t be that person anymore, but I start singing that song and I’m back there again.

Al dus Sir Tom Jones over One More Cup of Coffee.

Thus spoke Sir Tom Jones about One More Cup of Coffee.

In the night

In de nacht

Your back is straight, your hair is smooth

Your back is straight, your hair is smooth.

On the pillow where you lie

On the pillow where you lie

But I don't sense affection

Maar ik voel geen genegenheid.

No gratitude or love

No gratitude or love

Your loyalty is not for me

Your loyalty is not for me.

But to the stars above

Maar naar de sterren boven

One more cup of coffee

One more cup of coffee

For the road

For the road

One more cup of coffee

One more cup of coffee.

Before I go

Voordat ik ga

To the valley below

Naar de vallei beneden

Het is wel grappig om te zien dat Tom Jones nummers heeft gekozen die hij op zijn eigen manier heeft geïnterpreteerd.

It is quite funny to see that Tom Jones has chosen songs that he has interpreted in his own way.

Zo heeft hij het sarcastische Cat Stevens nummer Popstar opgenomen, maar Tom vertelde me dat hij het juist zonder ironie of sarcasme heeft gevoeld en gezongen.

He recorded the sarcastic Cat Stevens song "Popstar," but Tom told me that he felt and sang it without irony or sarcasm.

I was with Cat Stevens at the time he wrote it.

I was with Cat Stevens at the time he wrote it.

He said to me, the record company want me to be a popstar.

He said to me, the record company wants me to be a pop star.

You know, so maybe I'll maybe I'll write a song called popstar and maybe they'd be satisfied with that because it was sort of he was making the making fun of the record company, you know, he wanted to write more important songs, he said.

You know, maybe I'll write a song called popstar and maybe they'd be satisfied with that because he was sort of making fun of the record company, you know, he wanted to write more important songs, he said.

Well, to me, I look at it when I think of it as being a positive thing, you know, because I wanted to be a pop star, you know, and that's it.

Well, for me, I see it as a positive thing, you know, because I wanted to be a pop star, you know, and that's it.

So I, hey, mom, you know, here I am on TV.

So I, hey, mom, you know, here I am on TV.

Come and see me.

Come and see me.

I'm on TV.

I'm on TV.

You know, this is my first gig like that.

You know, this is my first gig like that.



It's the beginning of my life.

It's the beginning of my life.

That song is right there.

That song is right there.

My beginning of my professional life anyway.

Anyway, the beginning of my professional life.

Yes, I'm gonna be a pop star.

Yes, I'm going to be a pop star.

Yes, I'm gonna be a pop star now.

Yes, I'm going to be a pop star now.

Yes, I'm gonna be a pop star.

Yes, I'm going to be a pop star.

Oh, mama, mama, see me.

Oh, mama, mama, see me.



Mama, see me.

Mom, see me.

I'm a pop star.

Ik ben een popster.

Als we het dan toch over het starten van een carrière als popster hebben, kon ik het niet laten om te vragen wat hij de aspirant popster in The Voice adviseerde.

if we're talking about starting a career as a pop star, I couldn't help but ask what he advised the aspiring pop star in The Voice.

En het mooie was dat ik een hoop van mijn eigen stokpaardjes uit mijn idols juriteit weer terug hoorde.

And the beautiful thing was that I heard a lot of my own pet topics back from my idol's jurisdiction.

Je moet de tekst beleven en hem zingen als waren je een acteur, alsof je het op dat moment doormaakt.

You must experience the text and sing it as if you were an actor, as if you were going through it at that very moment.

You've got to put yourself in that position.

You have to put yourself in that position.

You've got to live the song.

You have to live the song.

When you sing it.

Wanneer je het zingt.

When I did Delilah, for instance.

Toen ik Delilah deed, bijvoorbeeld.

At break of day when that man drove away I was waiting

At break of day when that man drove away I was waiting.

I crossed the street to her house and she opened the door

I crossed the street to her house and she opened the door.

She stood there laughing

She stood there laughing.

I felt the knife in my hand and she laughed no more

I felt the knife in my hand and she laughed no more.

She laughed no more

Ze lachte niet meer.



We hadden nog zoveel te bespreken, maar op een gegeven moment

We still had so much to discuss, but at a certain point

brak een van de mensen van de platenmaatschappij in

broke in one of the people from the record label

dat ik nog een laatste vraag mocht stellen.

that I might ask one last question.

Maar ik wilde nog over zoveel songs op het nieuwe album praten.

But I still wanted to talk about so many songs on the new album.

Songs van helden van mij, zoals Michel Legrand, Michael Kiwanuka,

Songs by my heroes, such as Michel Legrand, Michael Kiwanuka,

Tony Jo White.

Tony Joe White.

Maar Tom wilde me vooral een mooie anekdote vertellen

But Tom mainly wanted to tell me a nice anecdote.

over het nummer This Is The Sea van de Waterboys.

about the song This Is The Sea by the Waterboys.

Hij is er zo trots op, want de versie die wij horen was gezongen,

He is so proud of it, because the version we hear was sung,

terwijl Tom dacht dat hij een soort guide vocal opnam,

while Tom thought he was recording some kind of guide vocal,

dat producer Ethan Jones de apparatuur aan het inregelen was.

that producer Ethan Jones was setting up the equipment.

I didn't even know the microphone was on, you know what I mean?

I didn't even know the microphone was on, you know what I mean?

It's like, I just sang it in the real vocal.

It's like, I just sang it in the real voice.

I thought it was a rehearsal.

I thought it was a rehearsal.

You can hear him shout in the thing, woe, he goes like that.

You can hear him shout in the thing, woe, he goes like that.

Because it's like happening, you know.

Omdat het gewoon gebeurt, weet je.

And he's playing guitar, so he's like, woe, you know, like that.

And he's playing guitar, so he's like, whoa, you know, like that.

So that was it, and that's the first time I'd sung it.

So that was it, and that's the first time I had sung it.

You know, I got the lyrics in front of me, and I'm singing it.

You know, I have the lyrics in front of me, and I'm singing it.

You know what I mean?

Do you know what I mean?

I'm going, you better throw them away.

I'm going, you better throw them away.

And I'm thinking, okay, I'm getting it.

And I'm thinking, okay, I'm getting it.

Like this.

Like this.

And he said...

And he said...

These things you keep

These things you keep

You better throw them away

You better throw them away.

You wanna turn your back

You want to turn your back.

On your soulless days

On your soulless days

Once you were tethered

Eenmaal was je vastgebonden

And now you are free

And now you are free.

Yes, once you were tethered

Ja, eens was je vastgebonden.

But now you are free

Maar nu ben je vrij.

That was the river

That was the river.

And this is the sea

And this is the sea.

That was the river

That was the river.

And this is the sea

And this is the sea

Now if you're feeling weary

Nu, als je je moe voelt

Het is bekend dat hij een tijdje geleden het advies heeft gekregen van zijn dokter

It is known that he received advice from his doctor some time ago.

om het wat rustiger aan te doen.

to take it a little easier.

Het lijkt erop dat hij dit advies in de wind slaat.

It seems that he is ignoring this advice.

Als laatste wilde ik toch van hem weten

Lastly, I still wanted to know from him.

wat hij voor advies kon geven aan leeftijdsgenoten

what advice he could give to his peers

of zelfs mensen die de tachtig nog moeten halen.

or even people who have yet to reach eighty.

Maar zich niet omringd door tijd voelen,

But not feeling surrounded by time,

maar aan het wachten zijn op het eind der tijden.

but waiting for the end of times.

Oh no, don't ever give up.

Oh nee, geef nooit op.

You gotta get the last.

You have to get the last one.

You gotta take it to the max, if you like.

You have to take it to the max, if you like.

You've got to.

You have to.

You've got to get as much out of life as possible.

Je moet zoveel mogelijk uit het leven halen.

We only come this way once.

We only pass this way once.

Make the most of it.

Make the most of it.

If you get it right, once is enough.

If you get it right, once is enough.

En bij dat advies sluit ik me graag aan.

And I would gladly agree with that advice.

Geef nooit op.

Never give up.

Laat je hoofd niet hangen.

Don't let your head hang.

Haal het maximale uit het leven.

Get the most out of life.

Of zoals Tom Jones het zegt,

Or as Tom Jones puts it,

live life to the max.

live life to the max.

We sluiten deze podcast af

We conclude this podcast.

met de eerste single van het album hier in Nederland,

with the first single of the album here in the Netherlands,

Hole in My Head.

Hole in My Head.

Dank voor het luisteren.

Thank you for listening.

En deel dit zoveel mogelijk met je vrienden die van muziek houden.

And share this as much as possible with your friends who love music.

Everybody thinks my head's full of nothing.

Iedereen denkt dat mijn hoofd vol met niets is.

They wanna put their own special stuff in.

They want to put their own special stuff in.

Fill up the space with candy wrappers.

Vul de ruimte op met snoepwikkels.

Keep out sex and revolution.

Keep out sex and revolution.

But there's no hole in my head.

But there's no hole in my head.

Too bad.

Too bad.

They call me a dude for this and the other.

They call me a dude for this and that.

They call me a puppet on the street.

They call me a puppet on the street.

They don't know my head's full of me.

They don't know my head's full of me.

And that I have my own special thing.

And that I have my own special thing.

And there's no hole in my head.

And there's no hole in my head.

Too bad.

Too bad.

I haven't lived since early childhood.

I haven't lived since early childhood.

Figuring out what's going on.

Figuring out what's going on.

I know what hurts.

I know what hurts.

I know what's easy.

I know what’s easy.

I know when to stand and when to run.

I know when to stand and when to run.

But there's no hole in my head.

But there's no hole in my head.

Too bad.

Too bad.

So please stop shouting in my ear.

So please stop shouting in my ear.

There's something I wanna listen to.

Er is iets dat ik wil luisteren.

There's a kind of bird song up there somewhere.

Er is ergens daarboven een soort vogelgezang.

People want me when I wanna run.

People want me when I want to run.

And there's no hole in my head.

En er zit geen gat in mijn hoofd.

Too bad.

Too bad.

Everybody thinks my head's full of nothing.

Iedereen denkt dat mijn hoofd vol met niets zit.

Trying to put their own special stuff in.

Trying to put their own special things in.

Fill up the space with candy wrappers.

Vul de ruimte met snoeppapiertjes.

Keep out sex and revolution.

Keep out sex and revolution.

But there's no hole in my head.

Maar er zit geen gat in mijn hoofd.

Too bad.

Too bad.

No, there's no hole in my head.

No, there's no hole in my head.

Too bad.

Too bad.

There's no hole in my head.

Er is geen gat in mijn hoofd.

Too bad.

Too bad.


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