Special with Nic Barrow (ENG)


Snookershow met Jan Poot en Corné Kuijpers

Special with Nic Barrow (ENG)

Snookershow met Jan Poot en Corné Kuijpers

Hallo, dit is de Snookershow podcast van de Nederlandse.

Hello, this is the Snookershow podcast from the Netherlands.

En voor deze speciale ocasie hebben we een gast genaamd Nick Barrow.

And for this special occasion, we have a guest named Nick Barrow.

Nick is een vorige speler en nu is hij een van de beste snookercoaches in de wereld.

Nick is a former player and now he is one of the best snooker coaches in the world.

En hij heeft veel video's online die vertellen hoe je dingen moet doen op de snookertabel.

And he has many videos online that explain how to do things on the snooker table.

Hij is ook een inventaris van een aantal erg, erg smarte snookergadgeten om je technische

He is also an inventory of a number of very, very smart snooker gadgets to enhance your technical.

kant van het spel te verbeteren.

to improve the side of the game.

We willen je voorzien voor de kwaliteit van de oplossing.

We want to provide you with the quality of the solution.

Zoals je ziet, voorkomen ze heel goed oplossingen op het audio.

As you can see, they are very good at providing solutions for the audio.

Soms heeft de verbinding afgeruimd en je zal ook waarschijnlijk iemand spelen in de background

Sometimes the connection has cleared up, and you will probably also play someone in the background.

van de snooker.

of the snooker.

Dit is de Snookershow.

This is the Snooker Show.

Wat een shot.

What a shot.

Kijk eens daar.

Look over there.

Dit is de Snookershow.

This is the Snooker Show.

Cuba, dat is immense.

Cuba, that is immense.

Dit is de Snookershow.

This is the Snooker show.

Wat een shot.

What a shot.

Dit is de Snookershow.

This is the Snooker show.

Met Jan Boot en Corné Coe.

With Jan Boot and Corné Coe.


To be?


To be.

So Nick, welcome to our World Championship special from the podcast Snooker Show in Holland.

So Nick, welcome to our World Championship special from the podcast Snooker Show in Holland.

Jan and myself are very happy to have you as our special guest on the podcast.

Jan and I are very happy to have you as our special guest on the podcast.

And we would love to hear some stories about you telling about snooker.

And we would love to hear some stories about you talking about snooker.

Thank you for inviting.

Thank you for inviting.

Yeah, well, you're welcome.

Yeah, well, you're welcome.

I knew already that you were the founder of the Snooker Gym.

I already knew that you were the founder of the Snooker Gym.

And it apparently has the largest amount of snooker training materials.

And it apparently has the largest amount of snooker training materials.

We do.

We do.

Just tell something about it.

Just tell something about it.

Well, it's an extension of my teenage dream, actually, where I left my advanced studies after three weeks because I thought, you know what, I don't want a proper career.

Well, it's an extension of my teenage dream, actually, where I left my advanced studies after three weeks because I thought, you know what, I don't want a proper career.

I refuse.

I refuse.

I must solve snooker firstly for myself and then for other people, because it was so frustrating and so disastrous for my mental health.

I must solve snooker first for myself and then for other people, because it was so frustrating and so disastrous for my mental health.

So I decided to do it on occasion because it's such a difficult, frustrating game and when you don't really have that many resources back in the 80s, I mean, it was hearsay really to learn effective techniques.

So I decided to do it on occasion because it's such a difficult, frustrating game and when you don't really have that many resources back in the 80s, I mean, it was hearsay really to learn effective techniques.

And I think deep down at some level, I found that so frustrating that I resolved to tidy up that path of snooker learning for others in the future as a way of almost healing that pain.

En ik denk dat ik diep van binnen op een bepaalde manier dat zo frustrerend vond dat ik besloot om dat pad van snooker leren voor anderen in de toekomst op te ruimen als een manier om die pijn bijna te genezen.

In arrears, if that makes sense.

In achterstand, als dat zinvol is.

So that is what has been driving me since then to avoid a proper career, do what I love and expand this hobby of solving snooker for people and just seeing where it goes.

So that is what has been driving me since then to avoid a proper career, do what I love and expand this hobby of solving snooker for people and just seeing where it goes.

Obviously, it's a very hard sport.

Obviously, it's a very tough sport.

I saw a little poll on Twitter, I think it was, or Facebook, where they would put a couple of games together like golf and dodgeball.

Ik zag een kleine poll op Twitter, geloof ik, of Facebook, waar ze een paar spellen bij elkaar zouden zetten zoals golf en trefbal.

And snooker, and they asked which sport would be the toughest one to play or to make the perfect score.

And snooker, and they asked which sport would be the toughest one to play or to achieve the perfect score.

Obviously, all snooker players were saying snooker is, but it's a real hard game, isn't it?

Obviously, all snooker players were saying snooker is, but it's a really hard game, isn't it?

Well, what differentiates it from golf and darts is that you have two projectiles.

Well, what differentiates it from golf and darts is that you have two projectiles.

One is the cue ball, and then you're sending it on to another object, which is the object ball.

One is the cue ball, and then you're sending it on to another object, which is the object ball.

In darts.

In darts.

You just have a board in golf, you have the hole in shooting, you have the target.

You just have a board in golf, you have the hole in shooting, you have the target.

But in snooker, there's another object between your projectile and the target, which is the pocket.

Maar in snooker is er een ander object tussen je projectiel en het doel, namelijk de pocket.

Yeah, you have to control both perfectly.

Yeah, you have to control both perfectly.

Yes, actually, yes.

Yes, actually, yes.

So you're almost doing two sports at the same time, the potting and the cue ball control.

So you’re almost doing two sports at the same time, the potting and the cue ball control.

But why did you start snooker and not just darts or golf?

But why did you start snooker and not just darts or golf?

How did it come?

How did it happen?



My dad used to watch.

My dad used to watch.

It in the late 70s, and I was just transfixed by Ray Ridd and John Spencer.

It was the late 70s, and I was just transfixed by Ray Ridd and John Spencer.

The ambiance of the game, the noise, the sound, the concentration, just you and the table.

The ambiance of the game, the noise, the sound, the concentration, just you and the table.

No other variables or influences.

No other variables or influences.

It was like going into another world.

It was like entering another world.

Did that experience help you as a player about concentrating and getting switched off from the environment?

Did that experience help you as a player in terms of concentrating and shutting out the environment?

I think a lot of my students who are business people.

I think a lot about my students who are business people.

They use snooker to escape and forget about everything.

They use snooker to escape and forget about everything.

And that's one of the powers the game has to involve you so completely that it's almost like going on to some kind of high.

And that's one of the powers the game has to involve you so completely that it's almost like going on to some kind of high.

Unless you're struggling with your game, which you go into a low.

Tenzij je moeite hebt met je spel, waar je in een dip terechtkomt.

But the appeal of being in the high more often, I think, is fairly addictive.

Maar de aantrekkingskracht van vaker in de high te zijn, denk ik, is behoorlijk verslavend.

And it's a bit of an adrenaline rush.

And it's a bit of an adrenaline rush.

But concentration.

But concentration.

For the game, I think, comes from an intrinsic love or motivation to do it and to play the game.

For the game, I think, comes from an intrinsic love or motivation to do it and to play the game.

And that's the anchor of foundation, I think, is the level of involvement and devotion and love and passion you have for the game.

And that's the anchor of the foundation, I think, is the level of involvement and devotion and love and passion you have for the game.

So that's my view on the anchor for concentration.

So that's my view on the anchor for concentration.

You started as a player, obviously.

You started as a player, obviously.

How was that?

How was that?

Yes, I did.

Ja, dat deed ik.

It took me.

It took me.

I used to save up my lunch money to go to Burton's, which was a men's clothes store.

Ik zette vroeger mijn lunchgeld opzij om naar Burton's te gaan, een winkel voor herenkleding.

They always had snooker tables above the Burton's men's stores.

They always had snooker tables above the Burton men's stores.

And that was in High Wycombe.

And that was in High Wycombe.

And it took me six years to make my first hundred.

And it took me six years to make my first hundred.

When I was 16 or maybe 17.

Wanneer ik 16 of misschien 17 was.

And then another five years after I stopped my studies.

And then another five years after I stopped my studies.

I went into banking actually to pay for my snooker tournaments.

I actually went into banking to fund my snooker tournaments.

Did that for three years.

Did that for three years.

By which time I.

By which time I.

By the time I resigned, I'd had a 147 or was just about to make a 147.

By the time I resigned, I had a 147 or was just about to make a 147.

So I'd reached that standard and that dovetailed with saying goodbye to the bank and embarking on a competitive spell of six or seven years in my twenties.

So I had reached that standard, and that coincided with saying goodbye to the bank and starting a competitive period of six or seven years in my twenties.

At which point.

At which point.

En ik herinner me dat ik in een wedstrijd in Swindon was en ik dacht, waarom doe ik dit?

And I remember that I was in a match in Swindon and I thought, why am I doing this?

Want ik was niet zelfs in de top 100 in de wereld op dat moment, 27 jaar oud, 28 jaar oud misschien.

Because I wasn't even in the top 100 in the world at that time, 27 years old, maybe 28 years old.

En ik dacht, ik denk instinktievelijk dat ik te veel snoekers nodig had in deze activiteit.

And I thought, I instinctively think that I needed too many snacks in this activity.

En ik bepaalde daar en dan, ik ben alleen 100% of 0, het is niet 99.

And I decided there and then, I am only 100% or 0, it's not 99.

Daarom ga ik nu naar coaching en ik maakte dat besluit om te stoppen met competeren.

That is why I am now going to coaching and I made the decision to stop competing.

Het was een switch.

It was a switch.

Ja, het was een lichte switch.

Yes, it was a slight switch.

En mensen zeggen, wanneer heb je opgegeven? Ik heb het niet gedaan.

And people say, when did you give up? I didn't do it.

Om te blijven spelen, heb ik opgegeven op mijn coaching-aspiraatie,

To continue playing, I have given up on my coaching aspiration.

waar ik 15 jaar voor wilde brengen. Laten we het nu doen.

where I wanted to spend 15 years. Let's do it now.

En synchronisch, soms werkt de wereld voor je, als je besluit.

And synchronously, sometimes the world works for you when you decide.

Ik heb Nick Bauer Snoeker Schools in Oxford opgezet, op dat moment, waar ik leefde.

I set up Nick Bauer Snoeker Schools in Oxford at that time, where I lived.

Dat was heel populair en de kinderen houden van het.

That was very popular and the children love it.

En dan, zes maanden later, de UAE zette een cirkele rondje naar de wereldsnoekercoaches,

And then, six months later, the UAE sent a circular to the world snooker coaches,

die zeiden, we hebben de hoofdcoach-positie.

they said, we have the head coach position.

Ze wilden iemand die junioren kon leren.

They wanted someone who could teach juniors.

Ik had net dit juniorenprogramma voor zes maanden aan het werken.

I had just been working on this junior program for six months.

De lucht was te laag op dat moment.

The air was too low at that moment.

Zeg het nogmaals.

Say it again.

De lucht was te laag op dat moment.

The air was too low at that moment.

Het was een mooie moment om in coaching te stappen.

It was a beautiful moment to enter coaching.

Ja, het was perfecte tijd en synchroniciteit.

Yes, it was perfect timing and synchronicity.

En toen gaf ik dat alles wat ik had en ze hebben me geaccepteerd.

And then I gave everything I had and they accepted me.

Wat ik effectief deed, was ze te vragen wat ze wilden voor drie dagen.

What I actually did was ask them what they wanted for three days.

Ze vliegden me eruit.

They flew me out.

Om elkaar te kennen en ik vroeg ze wat ze wilden voor twee of drie dagen.

To get to know each other, I asked them what they wanted for two or three days.



En aan het einde zei ik, ik liet af, dit is wat je hebt gezegd dat je wilde.

And in the end, I said, I let go, this is what you said you wanted.

Dit is hoe ik het kan voldoen.

This is how I can meet it.

En we gingen een beetje terug naar voren voor een paar weken op termen.

And we went back and forth a bit over a few weeks on terms.

En en hier is het gelukkige ding.

And here is the happy thing.

Ik denk niet dat ik dit ooit iemand heb verteld.

I don't think I've ever told anyone this.

Het letter dat ik krijg, ik herinner me dat ik ze een fax moet sturen.

The letter that I receive, I remember that I have to send them a fax.

Zeggen bedankt.

Say thank you.

En ik wist niet hoe te schrijven.

And I didn't know how to write.

Ik had de U.K. telefooncode.

I had the U.K. phone code.

We hadden geen e-mail toen.

We didn't have email back then.

Er was een 98.

There was a 98.

Of ik had niet echt e-mail gebruikt.

Or I hadn't really used email.

Ik denk niet dat ze dat waren.

I don't think they were.



Dus we.

So we.

Ik heb gewoon de nummer opgeschreven.

I just wrote down the number.

Op dit letter dat ik ze zou gaan faxen.

On this letter that I was going to fax them.

Zeggen bedankt voor de invloed.

Say thank you for the influence.

Ik hoorde niets voor twee of drie weken.

I didn't hear anything for two or three weeks.

Dus ik heb ze gebeld.

So I called them.

En ze zeiden oh Nick.

And they said oh Nick.

We konden je niet bezoeken.

We could not visit you.

Je nummer werkte niet.

Your number didn't work.

We waren aan het bezoeken van de andere coach.

We were visiting the other coach.

Om te kijken of hij de job wilde.

To see if he wanted the job.

En ik.

And me.

Want ik ben opgegaan.

Because I have ascended.

Ik was frustreerd.

I was frustrated.

Ik wist het niet.

I didn't know.

En ik voelde me onafhankelijk.

And I felt independent.

Ik ben opgegaan en heb de eerste antwoord gegeven.

I went up and gave the first answer.

In plaats van door de pijn te gaan leren.

Instead of learning through the pain.

De juiste manier om het te doen.

The right way to do it.

En dat was zo gelukkig.

And that was so happy.

Want dat was de opvangpunt van mijn carrière.

Because that was the turning point of my career.

En gegeven me een internationale publiek.

And given me an international audience.



Maar als je nog steeds een snooker speler bent.

But if you are still a snooker player.

Ik heb ergens gelezen.

I read somewhere.

Dat je naam was.

That your name was.

Dat je naam was The Wheel.

That your name was The Wheel.



Nou, eerst vertel mensen waarom Pete Townsend is genaamd The Wheel.

Well, first tell people why Pete Townsend is called The Wheel.

Pete Townsend is ook genaamd The Wheel.

Pete Townsend is also called The Wheel.

Hij is de lead guitarist speler in The Who.

He is the lead guitarist in The Who.

En waarom is hij genaamd The Wheel?

And why is he called The Wheel?

Hij maakt altijd een wheel gesture op zijn gitaar.

He always makes a wheel gesture on his guitar.



Nou, dat is niet.

Well, that's not.

Het was niet omdat van mijn cue actie.

It was not because of my cue action.



Het was.

It was.

Het was omdat in het Engels.

It was because in English.

Een wheelbarrow.

A wheelbarrow.

Een wheelbarrow is iets dat je in de aarde zet.

A wheelbarrow is something that you put in the ground.

En het heeft één wiel in de voorkant en twee handels in de achterkant.

And it has one wheel in the front and two handles in the back.

Het wheelbarrow.

The wheelbarrow.



Dat is een goede.

That is a good one.

Mijn vader werd een wheelbarrow genaamd.

My father became a wheelbarrow named.

Al zijn schoolvrienden maken ook van hem vreemd.

All his school friends also make fun of him.

Dus dat is wat...

So that's what...

Ik zag dat nooit komen.

I never saw that coming.

Wie heb je in de pro-am gekozen?

Who did you choose in the pro-am?

The Wheel.

The Wheel.

In dit geval de Wheel Junior.

In this case, the Wheel Junior.

Ja, precies.

Yes, exactly.



Nick, als speler wil iedereen natuurlijk altijd in de Crucible spelen, maar veel mensen hebben

Nick, as a player, of course, everyone always wants to play in the Crucible, but many people have

waarschijnlijk hun eerste ervaring als iemand in het publiek.

probably their first experience as someone in the audience.

Hoe was je eerste ervaring met de Crucible?

How was your first experience with the Crucible?

Nou, de lokale pro van de club in High Wycombe, Mike Darrington, hij heeft me een jaar

Well, the local pro from the club in High Wycombe, Mike Darrington, he has been teaching me for a year.

tickets gekregen.

received tickets.

Met mijn vader.

With my father.

En we gingen in 1987 waar hij Joe Johnson beat.

And we went in 1987 where he beat Joe Johnson.

The year before he had lost dramatically and this year I think it was 14 each if I'm not mistaken.

The year before he had lost dramatically and this year I think it was 14 each if I'm not mistaken.

So it was super knife-edge stuff.

So it was super tense stuff.

And that was a terrific experience.

And that was a terrific experience.

And I remember when the announcer, maybe it was David Vines, said

And I remember when the announcer, maybe it was David Vines, said

and welcome new world champion for 1987.

and welcome new world champion for 1987.

I remember shouting out, go on Steve.

I remember shouting out, go on Steve.

And that was my first experience of the Crucible.

And that was my first experience of the Crucible.

Well, I've been to see a few matches since then.

Well, I've been to see a few matches since then.

And we got front row tickets a few years ago as well when Williams beat Higgins.

And we got front row tickets a few years ago as well when Williams beat Higgins.

That was incredible, that comeback from Higgins.

That was incredible, that comeback from Higgins.



And it was interesting to note that as John was making those massive clearances

And it was interesting to note that as John was making those massive clearances

his arms started shaking even more toward the end of those clearances.

Zijn armen begonnen tegen het einde van die opruimingen nog meer te trillen.

But Mark Williams had no shaking at all at any point.

Maar Mark Williams had op geen enkel moment shake.

Really interesting to see.

Really interesting to see.

I think that's where he's famous for at the moment.

I think that's what he's famous for at the moment.

Being so relaxed at the Tour.

Being so relaxed at the Tour.

Yeah, he's a disaster to play against.

Yeah, he's a disaster to play against.

The two matches I played with him in my 20s were deciding frame matches both times.

The two matches I played with him in my 20s were deciding frame matches both times.

His white was on the cushion.

His white was on the cushion.

He just rolled in a red where if you miss, you lose basically.

He just rolled in a red where if you miss, you basically lose.

But he approached them as if it was nothing.

But he approached them as if it were nothing.

And I...

And I...

That is his strongest asset in my opinion.

That is his strongest asset in my opinion.

Yeah, it's all about concentration and not putting any pressure on yourself.

Yeah, it's all about concentration and not putting any pressure on yourself.

So your body is still very loose and able to do exactly what you want, isn't it?

So your body is still very flexible and able to do exactly what you want, isn't it?

Yes, so the more anxiety you have, the more you activate the large muscle groups.

Yes, the more anxiety you have, the more you activate the large muscle groups.

And the less fine-tuned your movements can be.

And the less finely tuned your movements can be.



But that was my first experience as a spectator in 87.

Maar dat was mijn eerste ervaring als toeschouwer in 87.

And being with a player was when Alfie Burden appeared in about 1997 or 98.

And being with a player was when Alfie Burden appeared in about 1997 or 98.

I was practicing with him quite extensively.

I was practicing with him quite extensively.

And then we found a little bit of sponsorship for him.

And then we found a little bit of sponsorship for him.

And with a friend of mine.

En met een vriend van mij.

And we were supporting him.

And we were supporting him.

We went to the audience.

We went to the audience.

And this is the funniest thing I never did at the Crucible.

And this is the funniest thing I never did at the Crucible.

You asked for Crucible stories.

You asked for Crucible stories.

The funniest thing I never did at the Crucible was...

The funniest thing I never did at the Crucible was...

We were four rows, five rows back or something.

We were four rows, five rows back or something.

And he was just about to go on and play Tony Drago.

And he was just about to go on and play Tony Drago.

And someone called out...

En iemand riep...

You know, come on Tony.

You know, come on Tony.

And then someone called out...

And then someone called out...

Come on Jimmy!

Come on Jimmy!

And everyone laughed.

And everyone laughed.

And I was going to call out...

And I was going to call out...

Come on Martina!

Come on, Martina!

But never at all over.

Maar nooit helemaal over.

Because she was the...

Because she was the...

Tennis queen at the time at the Wimbledon.

Tennis queen at the time at Wimbledon.

But I decided better of it because we were the sponsor.

Maar ik bedacht me beter, omdat wij de sponsor waren.

And I thought, oh, you've got to be a bit serious.

And I thought, oh, you have to be a bit serious.

You know, don't...

You know, don't...





The joke you never made.

The joke you never made.



The joke you never made.

The joke you never made.

Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, exactly.



Sometimes the best long pot you ever play is the one you refuse.

Sometimes the best long pot you ever play is the one you refuse.

Sometimes the best joke you ever say is the one you don't deliver.

Sometimes the best joke you ever tell is the one you don't deliver.

That's the ultimate inside joke, isn't it then?

Dat is dan de ultieme inside joke, toch?



And just going on to the flip side of that, which is the funniest crucible story.

En als we dan naar de andere kant kijken, wat is het grappigste verhaal over de beproeving?

My wife and I were invited there six years ago.

My wife and I were invited there six years ago.

And we met in the Champions Lounge, which is so small you wouldn't believe it.

And we met in the Champions Lounge, which is so small you wouldn't believe it.

And there's just one TV there.

And there's just one TV there.

And it's all very basic in the Crucible.

And it's all very basic in the Crucible.

I mean, it's almost like a prison block.

I mean, it's almost like a prison block.



Very grey and uniform and breezeblock walls.

Very grey and uniform with breeze block walls.



The auditorium is a very big contrast to the backstage.

The auditorium is a very big contrast to the backstage.

And anyway, Willie Thorne were there, Dennis and Joe Johnson.

And anyway, Willie Thorne was there, Dennis and Joe Johnson.

And my wife, she said, bang.

And my wife, she said, bang.

She's Thai originally.

Ze is oorspronkelijk Thais.

And she said, I'd love to take a photo with those.

En ze zei: Ik zou graag een foto maken met die.

And they're all lovely guys.

And they're all lovely guys.

And so they lined up.

And so they lined up.

And Fang said...

And Fang said...

And Fang said to Joe Johnson, she said, oh, are you Joe Davis?

And Fang said to Joe Johnson, she said, oh, are you Joe Davis?

So that got a laugh from all of us.

So that got a laugh from all of us.

I'm not that old.

Ik ben niet zo oud.

But talking about the Crucible predictions for this year,

Maar als we het hebben over de voorspellingen voor de Crucible dit jaar,

what would be your prediction for the top four players in the World Championships?

What would be your prediction for the top four players in the World Championships?

Well, what I would say, I did a little bit of research on this,

Well, what I would say is that I did a little bit of research on this.

because I knew you were going to put me under pressure.

because I knew you were going to put me under pressure.



I've got three answers to that question.

I have three answers to that question.

Oh, that's nice.

Oh, dat is leuk.

The my house is on it answer, which is a choice of Ronnie, Mark and Judd.

The my house is on it answer, which is a choice of Ronnie, Mark, and Judd.



Which Mark?

Which Mark?



And newcomer, if it would have to be a...

And newcomer, if it had to be a...

And my reason for that, I mean, is obviously their standard and record and previous winners,

And my reason for that, I mean, is obviously their standard and record and previous winners,

but also fluent...

maar ook vloeiend...

I haven't seen average shot time make such a huge difference in this modern era, I think.

I don't think I've seen average shot time make such a huge difference in this modern era.

Over that period of time, the two degree, the less your average shot time is,

Over that period of time, the two degrees, the less your average shot time is,

I think the better stead you're in and the more scoring you're likely to do

I think the better position you're in and the more scoring you're likely to do.

and the less bogged down you're going to get into very heavy matches.

and the less you will get bogged down in very heavy matches.

So energy is more likely to remain in place.

So energy is more likely to stay in place.

Plus their cue wall as well, of course, and break building and safety, all of them.

Plus their cue wall as well, of course, and break building and safety, all of them.

Much more accomplished in safety, especially Judd of late.

Veel meer bereikt op het gebied van veiligheid, vooral Judd de laatste tijd.

If it was a new winner, I'm going for Mark Allen.

If it was a new winner, I’m going for Mark Allen.

He would deserve it as well, as he had such a strong start of the season.

He would deserve it as well, as he had such a strong start to the season.

Well, he's done so well, hasn't he, with his turning his weight around and his financial woes.

Well, he has done so well, hasn't he, with turning his weight around and his financial troubles.

And that's a terrific mark of his mental strength and fortitude.

En dat is een geweldige uitdrukking van zijn mentale kracht en vastberadenheid.

If it's going to be a qualifier...

If it's going to be a qualifier...

If it's going to be a qualifier, it's Anthony McGill.

If it's going to be a qualifier, it's Anthony McGill.

So there you go, that's my three answers.

So there you go, that's my three answers.

Well, thank you.

Well, thank you.

Then final question of the Crucible things.

Then final question of the Crucible things.

They would be the top four, but who would you root for to be the champion this year?

They would be the top four, but who would you cheer for to be the champion this year?

Well, I think everyone, apart from the other players, would love to see Ronnie win eight.

Well, I think everyone, apart from the other players, would love to see Ronnie win eight.

We, as pro-armists back in the 80s and 90s, before he was even...

We, as pro-armists back in the 80s and 90s, before he was even...

Before he was even...

Before he was even...

Before he was even 14, would say to each other, he's going to win 10 world titles.

Before he was even 14, they would say to each other, he's going to win 10 world titles.



And it wouldn't surprise me if he still did win 10.

And it wouldn't surprise me if he still won 10.

And I...

And I...

Makes it look so easy.

Maakt het er zo makkelijk uit.

Yes, incredible.

Yes, incredible.

And I think he would get a buzz from winning one in his 50s.

And I think he would get a thrill from winning one in his 50s.

Just as something no one's done before in the modern era.

Just as something no one has done before in the modern era.

Yeah, I would refer to Joe, but I think it was Fred.

Ja, ik zou naar Joe verwijzen, maar ik denk dat het Fred was.

Yes, in the modern era, I mean from the 70s onwards.

Yes, in the modern era, I mean from the 70s onwards.

I think Ray was the oldest at 46, if I'm not mistaken.

I think Ray was the oldest at 46, if I'm not mistaken.

And then, of course, Judd is a great favourite.

And then, of course, Judd is a great favorite.

But I'm not rooting for a player in particular.

Maar ik steun niet specifiek een speler.

I think...

I think...

I have an appreciation of good snooker being played.

I have an appreciation for good snooker being played.

And the tournament I played in recently, Andrew Paget, he...

And the tournament I played in recently, Andrew Paget, he...

I entered a senior's tournament, first tournament in five years.

I entered a senior's tournament, the first tournament in five years.

He beat me 3-0 in three visits.

He beat me 3-0 in three matches.

And it was just such a joy to watch.

And it was just such a joy to watch.

His killing is so soft.

His killing is so gentle.

And for the club players who are out there wanting to learn about how to...

En voor de clubspelers die daar zijn en willen leren hoe ze...

reduce the gap to a top 100 player or to a 100 break.

reduce the gap to a top 100 player or to a 100 break.

I wrote a blog post.

I wrote a blog post.

On the website, thesnookergym.com, about my experiences on that tournament.

On the website, thesnookergym.com, about my experiences in that tournament.

And the three things he was doing, which separate him from club players.

And the three things he was doing, which set him apart from club players.

Which is how loose he's holding the cue.

Dat is hoe los hij de keu vasthoudt.

How simple the shots are that he plays.

How simple the shots are that he plays.

And how softly he plays the shots.

And how softly he plays the shots.

Most club players are way too tight with the grip hand.

Most club players grip the club way too tightly.

Way too much speed on every shot.

Way too much speed on every shot.

And moving the white way too much distance.

And moving the white way too much distance.

Yeah, but I think that's also got a lot to do with the speed of the cloth.

Yeah, but I think that's also related to the speed of the cloth.

No, I'm saying even on the same cloth.

No, I'm saying even on the same fabric.

He would be playing shots that are...

He zou slagen spelen die...

He's holding way looser, playing way softer and moving the white much less distance.

He's holding much looser, playing much softer, and moving the white much less distance.

Obviously, you have to play the shot three times harder on an old club table with dirty balls than on television.

Obviously, you have to play the shot three times harder on an old club table with dirty balls than on television.



Most cloths in the clubs are a lot thicker as well.

Most fabrics in the clubs are a lot thicker as well.

So, rolling the ball is going to be challenging because it could roll anyway.

So, rolling the ball is going to be challenging because it could roll in any direction.

It needs more speed.

It needs more speed.



It needs more speed.

It needs more speed.

And the mistake that I see club players doing, it's beyond their conscious awareness very often.

And the mistake that I see club players making is often beyond their conscious awareness.

Is that...

Is that...

And I battled with this for years.

And I battled with this for years.

Getting annoyed at slow tables or bad tables, let's call them.

Getting annoyed at slow tables or bad tables, let's call them.

Tables are neither bad nor good.

Tables zijn noch slecht, noch goed.

It just is how it is.

It just is how it is.

Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, exactly.

It's characteristics.

Het zijn kenmerken.

And they will adopt the table characteristics of their favorite, easiest table to play on,

And they will adopt the table characteristics of their favorite, easiest table to play on.

which is clean balls, new cloth, the ball glides in easy, you just need to tap the ball.

which is clean balls, new cloth, the ball glides in easily, you just need to tap the ball.

And they'll import that expectation onto every table they play on.

En ze zullen die verwachting op elke tafel waar ze spelen meenemen.

Oh, this table is rubbish.

Oh, this table is rubbish.

It's much slower than the table I played on the other day.

It's much slower than the table I played on the other day.

What happens, though, is that...

Wat er echter gebeurt, is dat...

They also import the shot speed requirement onto this slow table.

They also import the shot speed requirement onto this slow table.

And then there's a disconnect between the speed they want to play or they're expecting to play.

En dan is er een disconnect tussen de snelheid waarmee ze willen spelen of die ze verwachten te spelen.

And what their subconscious knows is the required speed, which is three times harder, let's say.

And what their subconscious knows is the required speed, which is three times harder, let's say.

And then that results in snatching the ball because they're not...

And then that results in snatching the ball because they're not...

What we need to do when approaching those tables is shrink our range...

What we need to do when approaching those tables is shrink our range...

...the possibility and our ambition for what shots are possible.

...the possibility and our ambition for what shots are possible.

Because we can only move the ball half the distance as on a television table.

Because we can only move the ball half the distance as on a television table.

You have to accept that.

You have to accept that.

And that's why it's so important to go for the easy shots.

And that's why it's so important to go for the easy shots.

Keep it simple.

Keep it simple.

Even more so on those club tables.

Even more so at those club tables.

And obviously club players make little mistakes that pros don't make.

And obviously club players make little mistakes that pros don't make.

And I've been watching your webinar and you were also talking about your very nice snooker jams.

And I've been watching your webinar, and you were also talking about your very nice snooker jams.

Could you tell us something about your snooker jams?

Could you tell us something about your snooker jams?

Yes, thank you.

Yes, thank you.

It's a set of one-minute building blocks to better your game, guaranteed.

Het is een set van eenminuutbouwstenen om je spel te verbeteren, gegarandeerd.

So that's the promise.

So that's the promise.

Now, how did I come up with that?

Now, how did I come up with that?

It was really for selfish reasons back in December.

It was really for selfish reasons back in December.

Where I find myself explaining some of these really powerful techniques I've discovered over the years.

Where I find myself explaining some of these really powerful techniques I've discovered over the years.

And I'll give an example of one in a minute.

En ik geef zo meteen een voorbeeld van eentje.

But for example...

Maar bijvoorbeeld...

Ways to smoothen the cueing out or to improve positional play or to straighten the backswing or whatever.

Ways to smoothen the cueing out or to improve positional play or to straighten the backswing or whatever.

I've discovered in 30-odd years, 35-odd years of training players some ideas that work.

I have discovered in 30-odd years, 35-odd years of training players some ideas that work.

And they work even if I give it to another coach and they train a player.

And they work even if I give it to another coach and they train a player.

It still works.

It still works.

So I know it's not me.

So I know it's not me.

I know it's the idea that works.

I know it's the idea that works.

That's a common mistake, isn't it?

Dat is een veelgemaakte fout, nietwaar?

That people that do some coaching try to coach something that works.

That people who do some coaching try to coach something that works.

Something that works for themselves and doesn't necessarily have to work for another player.

Something that works for itself and doesn't necessarily have to work for another player.

That's also true.

That's also true.

And some of these gems, we've got 50 at the moment, there'll be 100 of these little one-minute videos before May, before the end of May.

And some of these gems, we currently have 50, there will be 100 of these little one-minute videos before May, before the end of May.

And some of them are appropriate for different types of player.

And some of them are suitable for different types of players.

And what I've found is though that they work.

And what I've found is that they work.

I've discovered these little nuggets that work.

I've discovered these little nuggets that work.

These little nuggets.

Deze kleine brokjes.

These gems that work for players.

These gems that work for players.

And I found myself explaining on social media posts some solutions or to my students by email.

And I found myself explaining some solutions on social media posts or to my students via email.

Or if I'm doing video analysis by distance for people.

Or if I'm doing video analysis remotely for people.

I find myself explaining a lot of these prescriptions after I diagnose their problem.

I find myself explaining a lot of these prescriptions after I diagnose their problem.

I find myself explaining the prescription to solve it.

I find myself explaining the prescription to solve it.

I thought if I could just capture.

I thought if I could just capture.

In super quick 60 seconds.

In super quick 60 seconds.

All these ideas I find myself repeating to players to get a quick result.

All these ideas I find myself repeating to players to achieve a quick result.

It would save me time in all these communications.

It would save me time in all these communications.

But also give them such a quick prescription.

Maar geef ze ook zo'n snelle recept.

That it would offer them a lot of value as well.

That it would offer them a lot of value as well.

And it was only initially for my top 20, my one-to-one players.

And it was only initially for my top 20, my one-on-one players.

I can only handle 20 players on a regular basis.

I can only handle 20 players on a regular basis.

And it was for them really.

And it was really for them.

I thought I could use it for them.

I thought I could use it for them.

And then one of that group of players said why don't you release it to the public.

And then one of that group of players said, why don't you release it to the public?

And that's where the idea of this launch came up.

And that's where the idea for this launch came about.

An example of one of these gems is.

An example of one of these gems is.

A player will say oh my friend told me my tip is too far away from the cue ball.

A player will say, "Oh, my friend told me my tip is too far away from the cue ball."

When I'm addressing.

Wanneer ik spreek.

So I can't see the height I'm addressing that easily.

So I can't easily see the height I'm addressing.

How do I solve it?

How do I solve it?

Well the mistake is to try and go as close as you can without touching it.

Well, the mistake is to try to get as close as possible without touching it.

Because then all your bandwidth is taken up by not touching the white.

Because then all your bandwidth is taken up by not touching the white.

A super simple solution is set up a dead straight blue in the middle pocket.

A super simple solution is to set up a dead straight shot into the middle pocket.

White 12 inches away from the blue.

White 12 inches away from the blue.

And you get down and you touch the wire ball with your tip three times.

And you get down and you touch the wire ball with your tip three times.

So that the white doesn't even move.

So that the white doesn't even move.

It's just brushing the surface of the cue ball.

It's just brushing the surface of the cue ball.

You train your eyes and your hand and your body and your cue.

You train your eyes and your hand and your body and your cue.

And your tip to know where the surface of the cue ball is.

And your tip to know where the surface of the cue ball is.

To reduce the fear of fouling it.

To reduce the fear of fouling it.

Because if you know where the surface is.

Omdat als je weet waar het oppervlak is.

You have no fear of fouling.

You have no fear of fouling.

Just do that five minutes a day.

Just do that for five minutes a day.

For a week or a month.

For a week or a month.

Every time you're at the club before you practice.

Elke keer dat je in de club bent voordat je oefent.

And your tip should automatically over time just get a bit closer to the cue ball.

And your tip should automatically get a bit closer to the cue ball over time.

And you'll see where you're addressing more accurately.

And you'll see where you're addressing more accurately.

So that's an example.

So that's an example.

It's extremely important to hit the ball where you intend to hit it.

It's extremely important to hit the ball where you intend to hit it.



I think there are some players.

I think there are some players.

Paul Hunter, John Higgins.

Paul Hunter, John Higgins.

You're noticeably far away from the cue ball.

You're noticeably far away from the cue ball.

And there's not a cookie cutter for everybody.

And there's not a one-size-fits-all.

But generally the further you are away from the cue ball.

But generally, the further you are away from the cue ball.

The less likely you are to see where you're addressing.

The less likely you are to see where you're heading.

And to be able to hit where you're addressing as well.

En om ook te kunnen raken waar je naar verwijst.

Yes, awesome.

Yes, awesome.

Jan, did you have any more questions for Nick?

Jan, did you have any more questions for Nick?

I was curious about Nick's opinion on a piece of Crucible stuff.

Ik was benieuwd naar Nick's mening over een stuk Crucible-materiaal.

There were three very well-known players playing in the qualifiers.

There were three very well-known players competing in the qualifiers.

All champions.

All champions.

Ken Doherty.

Ken Doherty.

Steve Henry.

Steve Henry.

Timmy White.

Timmy White.



Why didn't they make it from the qualifiers into the final tournament?

Why didn't they make it from the qualifiers to the final tournament?

Steven is not practicing.

Steven is not practicing.

By his own admission.

By his own admission.

Doesn't have the hunger to practice.

Doesn't have the desire to practice.

And it really highlights how important match sharpness is.

And it really highlights how important match sharpness is.

And a very heavy practice schedule.

And a very heavy practice schedule.

He was also busy with singing.

He was also busy with singing.

Yeah, I've heard that.

Ja, ik heb het gehoord.

He's a DJ, isn't he?

Hij is een DJ, nietwaar?

No, that's Steve Davis.

No, that's Steve Davis.

Oh, right.

Oh, right.

Steven did some singing show or something like that.

Steven deed een zangshow of iets dergelijks.

Ken, he is practicing more than Steven.

Ken is practicing more than Steven.

But I think...

Maar ik denk...

I mean, the standard is so high these days.

I mean, the standard is so high these days.

And is Ken really playing 30 hours a week?

And is Ken really playing 30 hours a week?

I doubt it.

Ik betwijfel het.

And Jimmy, who did...

And Jimmy, who did...

I've got the draw out here.

I've got the draw out here.

Who did Jimmy lose to?

Aan wie heeft Jimmy verloren?

Yeah, that was a pity.

Yeah, that was a pity.

He was in big form the last couple of months.

He has been in great form the last couple of months.

Yeah, I've just got the draw in front of me here.

Yeah, I have the draw right in front of me here.

He lost a very solid player anyhow.

He lost a very solid player anyway.

And as Jimmy himself says, sometimes you miss, sometimes you lose.

And as Jimmy himself says, sometimes you miss, sometimes you lose.

Not because you're making mistakes, but because it's a difficult game.

Not because you're making mistakes, but because it's a difficult game.

Yeah, losing is not always your own fault.

Yeah, losing is not always your own fault.

I mean, if your opponent is very strong, like you had with your own tournament.

I mean, if your opponent is very strong, like you had in your own tournament.

Yeah, there's nothing you can do even when you're feeling good.

Yeah, there's nothing you can do even when you're feeling good.

Playing good.

Playing well.



Yeah, sometimes it's interactive, isn't it?

Yeah, soms is het interactief, toch?

Because it's an interactive game, it's less likely to have two players playing at the top of their form.

Because it's an interactive game, it's less likely to have two players playing at the top of their form.

And one thing about the crucible, I think, that extends this idea of preparation is that mental bubble you need to keep yourself in.

And one thing about the crucible, I think, that extends this idea of preparation is that mental bubble you need to keep yourself in.

Because there's a lot of media noise.

Omdat er veel media-rumoer is.

Because there's a lot of media noise and distractions at the crucible.

Omdat er veel mediaruis en afleidingen zijn bij de crucible.

And it's very easy to get carried away with the hype surrounding yourself.

And it's very easy to get carried away with the hype surrounding yourself.

One of the players who I've worked with said that he would view everyone and everything in the crucible like a box of tissues.

One of the players I’ve worked with said that he would view everyone and everything in the crucible like a box of tissues.

Like it's completely irrelevant.

Like it's completely irrelevant.

It's completely irrelevant.

Het is volkomen irrelevant.



And just to detach from everything that's going on so that you can focus on the table.

En gewoon om je los te maken van alles wat er gaande is, zodat je je op de tafel kunt concentreren.

Because these players, they're not there to be, they didn't pick up snooker to be famous.

Because these players, they're not here to be, they didn't take up snooker to be famous.

They picked it up because they love the game.

They picked it up because they love the game.

They've been there, done it before.

They've been there, done it before.

That helps as well.

That helps as well.

I mean, that's one reason I chose Ronnie, Mark, Selby or Judd.

I mean, that's one reason I chose Ronnie, Mark, Selby, or Judd.

My house was on it.

My house was on it.



Because they don't have to break through that barrier anymore.

Because they no longer have to break through that barrier.

But an anecdote just to finish off that point is where Andre Agassi was asked after his first Wimbledon title.

Maar een anekdote om dat punt af te ronden is waar Andre Agassi werd gevraagd na zijn eerste Wimbledon-titel.

How did you manage to break through the barrier?

How did you manage to break through the barrier?

And what does it feel like to win for the first time?

And what does it feel like to win for the first time?

He said I've won it hundreds, thousands of times already in my head.

He said I've won it hundreds, thousands of times already in my head.

So do the players have the courage to mentally rehearse?

So do the players have the courage to mentally rehearse?

Winning their matches and picking up the trophy, not just before the championship, but throughout their whole career?

Winning their matches and picking up the trophy, not just before the championship, but throughout their whole career?

And can that mindset drag their performance and their dedication up to the standard required to pick up the trophy?

And can that mindset elevate their performance and dedication to the standard required to win the trophy?

Really appreciate you sharing that.

I really appreciate you sharing that.

And obviously, Jan and I really appreciate you making time for us to do our podcast.

And obviously, Jan and I really appreciate you making time for us to do our podcast.

My pleasure.

Mijn plezier.

Thank you for the invite.

Thank you for the invitation.

I appreciate it.

I appreciate it.



Thank you.

Thank you.

We want to end the podcast with our own predictions.

We want to end the podcast with our own predictions.

My prediction will probably be Sean or Mark Selby in the final.

My prediction will probably be Sean or Mark Selby in the final.

Sean is the man in form, so I think he will win it.

Sean is the man in form, so I think he will win it.

And Jan said also Sean Murphy or Jack Liszowski.

And Jan also said Sean Murphy or Jack Liszowski.

And with a special note for Nick.

En met een speciale opmerking voor Nick.

Jan does not bet his house on it.

Jan doesn't stake his house on it.

Till next time.

Until next time.



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