Radioaffliction Classics with The Bummin Cousins: Delightfully Weird Streaming!

Peter A. Clay

The Radioaffliction

Radioaffliction Classics with The Bummin Cousins: Delightfully Weird Streaming!

The Radioaffliction

it's time to check in on the bum and cousins the bum and cousins have been searching treasures

from flea markets and thrift stores let's see what they have found

well greetings everyone and welcome to another exciting edition of the bum and cousins bumming

from deep into the suburbs of madison wisconsin not prairie lakes very close but you'd be wrong

it's it's madison i'm peter clay and uh from a cold and damp central california not el nino

fied yet we're still waiting but um definitely some rain i'm jim reed i'm dick sports

well good to have you aboard jim how are things good nothing exciting

actually um i think this is going to be our holiday show so to speak uh being as it's december

22nd a ketchup show a show not ketchup we're not going to have ketchup anywhere right a show that

can be that is just there that will be shown sometime played sometime because you play it

so i've been i'll tell you what some interesting things because that's the beauty of podcasting

you never know when it's gonna be on you know it's been a while since we've been on uh even

a while since we recorded i've been going through our texts and it looks like we text at least twice

a week sometimes a little longer but and sometimes more you never know but the beauty of podcasting

is just to know hey there it is and so i've been playing around with different podcast apps because

when the year started i'm looking at this here and i'm bragging on the 21st of january 2015

i'm bragging about a new uh case i got from

my iphone 3gs for 40 cents at a local thrift store so i have now that would imply that you

actually have an iphone 3gs i did as of until like the summer all right then i graduated up

to an iphone 4 and now last week i have gone up to an iphone 4s with siri and ios 9 so i've been

hearing all these things about oh the apple podcast app is is no good i'm like i've been

it's been fine for me because i've been on ios 6 and 7 for the like the last three years so now

in the last week i've been on ios 9 and i'm going what the heck is this and what's up next and where

is everything you know so i've been trying out different uh podcast apps and i think for uh and

i think this works on both ios and android and that's

overcast and now i can tell a good podcast app how is that beat when i type in radio

affliction or bum and cousins it shows up then i know hey that's a good app well it sounds like

ios is a lot like windows every new version it's like why did you do that it was just fine

yeah and so and eventually you get over it and you say thank you apple may i have another

and yeah

but uh so yeah that's so we're still kicking in there we're still still alive and uh here's

another bit of advice uh is just go to bum and and one you can see if there's been

a podcast or not or you can catch up on older ones like every one we've done

but on the top i think it's the top right hand corner of the website there's a little thing that

says all that met millions and millions of subscribers that we have on the website and

if you click on that button then if you do that on your phone or your computer or whatever then

it'll come up with the best program that you can choose to play it on so that's a so whether it's

overcast or podcasts or stitcher or anything uh tune in i think i think we're on there too

so um before we uh

get on to two things you say you have nothing to talk about i need to know something about here

you say you have a garage sale score this is on the 24th of january 2015 garage sale score

20 with tank and cover i'm assuming that's a gas grill oh yes right that was god

it's less than a year ago but it seems like five years ago

that was a neighbor across the street had a weber q grill

they're kind of cool um and even now i guess they come out in what do you call it designer colors

i've seen like a lime green one a purple one they're pretty cool and so it was complete with

the cover um there was actually enough and a propane tank with enough gas to cook about you

know six eight hamburgers before it um shut itself off okay okay um and then we have a

lot more um but you know that was a good deal yeah and and i still use it although i haven't used it

much this summer as i had hoped but um it's still sitting out there covered up ready to go well

there you have it with a fresh tank of propane now so well that's important so now which is

important that because if you get it because i'm assuming as it is here it's it's cheaper to

exchange than it is to buy a whole new tank yeah i think so they got like what blue rhino back there

too yeah you just

you just have to buy a whole new tank and then you have to buy a new tank and then you have to

you have to buy a whole new tank and then you have to buy a whole new tank and then you have to


Go to Home Depot or whatever.

Yeah, $20 or less to a refill, and it's like $50 or more to get one brand new.

But if you exchange it, it's like a lot less or something.

Yeah, it depends if you can find someone to fill your tank locally

as opposed to just going and getting one that's already filled.

See, being in – well, no, because you've got farmers there.

I was going to say there's farmer's co-ops.

I think they can fill propane tanks and stuff like that.

Yeah, there's a couple places that'll do it.

It's not a big deal.

It's just what's convenient for you and what isn't.

It weighs the pros and cons.

Okay, so if it's $9, $10 to fill it, otherwise if it's just $15 to $17 to exchange,

unless you're like, I must have that tank.

I cannot live without that tank.

I must have that tank.

I must have propane.

Everybody needs propane.

That's right.

Was this King of the Hill?

Oh, I suppose, yeah.

I was thinking of something else, but I just think we're on the wrong side of it.


Is that funny?

That would imply you were recording this.


Bye, Cracky.

Delightfully weird.

All right, so tell me if this is –

it says 30 delightfully weird items that people have found at a thrift store.

Okay, so number one is an autographed Weezer CD

that somebody bought then for 99 cents at Goodwill.


That's just delightful.

I don't know if that's delightfully weird.

That's not weird.

If you're into Weezer, that's a score.


Okay, next.

An old-school arcade game.

It's called Operation Wolf, so it looks like it's like a first-person shooter.

So it's got like – instead of where a joystick would be on an arcade game,

it's got like a machine gun.

I can't see a price on it, but I can see other items,

like a dresser.

A dresser next to it and all that stuff.

I'd probably leave that there.

It depends how much they want for it.

It still works.

I don't know.

You're talking to somebody who wants to buy an original slot machine someday.

An upsetting bike helmet, so it looks like a fox with horns on it.

A three-carat diamond ring.

okay this would be this i can't believe we haven't found this yet

uh the wine rack it's a bra that you can drink wine out of

you gotta look up a picture of that do a search right now

oh my god all right hang on the wine rack sneak it drink it

it works with uh wine cosmos margaritas martinis anything you want wine rack bra yeah

cup size um here's a oh that's

but you know what i was talking to somebody this week you know what they told me

this guy does what


he puts alcohol in a catheter bag and straps it to his leg

and they can't do anything because they he just says well i have to wear a catheter

and so he's got a tube that runs down and he sucks on it

drinks booze out of a catheter bag oh

yeah i don't think there's any cleansing in the world

well they're sterile when they're brand new okay oh i suppose okay okay

brandy you need to say that part

yeah no not not

sorry all right so here's an original gucci sweater that still has the 490 dollar price tag on it

no so what does goodwill want for 200 probably all right so now i gotta forget it hit next

yeah no i just bought um what's the famous uh polo uh ralph lauren pants six bucks

uh the new star wars toy which is going on ebay for close to 200 was picked up at a thrift store doesn't say how much but it's the new uh bb8


wow why would somebody get rid of that already

yeah so here for 99 cents a calvin and hobbs shirt that um calvin and hobbs are uh looks like uh han solo chewbacca they're riding the millennium falcon

so that's a t-shirt

for uh uh here's a 2.6 carat diamond ring which was found at thrift store and then appraised for 17 500

the benders game of bluff futurama drink slurm

um a special edition playstation controller that pays respect to the wu-tang clang

clan sorry clang clan this was found in a desk at goodwill

uh eighty thousand dollars of bonds

wow us treasury bonds looks like so one hundred dollars

uh that's number 12 i thought there was 30 did i say that 30 30 delightful things here

why does this say oh never mind sorry here we go my bad uh

oh an amazing 70s batman uh shirt button-down shirt says t-shirt but it's a button-down shirt

uh here we go uh postered

which turned out to be a Picasso original

even has his signature on it.

A scale

that has

fur on it.

So your feet stay warm.

So a reprint

of the Declaration of Independence was purchased

at a thrift store for $2.48

only it wasn't a reprint.

It was one of 200 original copies

and it was worth $477,000.

I wouldn't have bought it.

Oh, here we go.

A combination telephone and radio

combo that is

you put in the bathroom and it's also a toilet paper


It's from Hope Sonic.

See if you can look at a picture up on that.

Hang on a second.

A Hope Sonic AM FM

restroom radio with telephone.

Hope Sonic.

AM FM restroom radio.

How did those things ever go out of style?

You know, because now you got your iPhone,

you know, but

giant dinosaur bust.


This is probably

a picture you took. It's an old-fashioned

phonograph. It looks like a Victrola.

It's got the

it's the master's voice. It's got the dog

looking at the horn.

Yeah. So it looks like an RCA then.



Oh my god. Alright.

You gotta look this.



The underwear built

for two.

Twice the...

I just don't...

Includes four legs,

two rears,

two close friends not included.

Yes, this episode of Bum and Cousins

is brought to you by Fundies.

The underwear built for two.

Now if you look

at the box there, you can't...

That almost looks like two women, actually.

Uh, Michael

Sarah Snowglobe.

Uh, collection of

Pokemon figurines.

I don't know. A, uh, Kindle

Fire HD. It looks like

an older one. Uh, or like the

first one, and it went for 24 bucks.

That sounds about right, actually.

Okay, a chair that a cat

lover in your life desperately needs. So it's

a chair. Just a single

chair that's been

the, uh, what do you call it?

The fabric? It's just a bunch of cats.


is that 30? No, that's only 24.

So hold on, the fun hasn't stopped yet.


Um, an entire collection of

thrifted Harry Potter memorabilia.

Yeah, that doesn't seem...

And our jet sound is back here.

That's kind of cool.


The other half is up to you.


Uh, okay, so this...

Look this up and see...

Let's see what you can... what this is for.

Okay. Um...

The Jolly

Vibrating Cucumber.

The average cucumber

is 7 inches long. Cucumbers

stay hard for a week.

With a cucumber, you won't

have to check in to hotels

as Mrs. Cucumber.


will always respect you in the

morning, and cucumbers won't write your

name and number.

Cucumber on the men's room wall. 45 additional

reasons included.

I want to... Oh.

Huh. So that was found at a thrift store.



That's no fundies.

Well, if you find

in your fundies, you might want to use the

vibrating cucumber. Yeah, so number 27

is thrift store art

that they

ended up putting up in a gallery then.

And some of it is like...

8 feet long and stuff like that.

So another thing I've been noticing

articles on again, and I don't know

if it's with the movie coming out, is like people

getting just random

artwork from a thrift store

and then adding and painting in

Star Wars characters.

Or like adding like

TIE Fighters and stuff like that.

I see this all the time. This is

no surprise to me. Five bucks? I guess that's

a little... An old school Game Boy

and games all for five bucks. I see

Game Boy stuff all the time.


A Bill Cosby

anti-drug campaign

on vinyl.

Help me out here. I don't know

what to do with my Bill Cosby

albums. I have a couple that I got in the

Great California

excursion. I don't know if I should throw them

in the fire pit or what.

He was still a funny guy.

I mean...


I don't even know where any of that is gone now.

It's kind of... You're not hearing too much.

Well, there's so much stuff

going on. It'll boil

up again. Okay, so I can't tell

what number 30 is.

It's a mishmash of items, which

all total $59. So there's a chair,

a telescope, two guitars,

and some


computer system.

Oh, you know what it is? It's a bowling


I got it.

Okay. Alright.

So there you go.

Things found.

Delightfully weird items that people

have found at thrift stores.


So I reported that my

Roku, original

Roku XD had died.

But it turns out...

This is going great!

So it turned

out that doing a Google

search on the bottom of it,

there is a reset button

and then I had to go into Roku and then

re-establish it,

reconnect it, and then

it was fine.

However, it's like over

six years old, and so I'm

getting emails from Roku saying that,

okay, this app doesn't work anymore, so it's

essentially useless, so

in reality, it really is



A couple things work on it, but

I just get an email now saying that, you know,

MLB doesn't work on it and stuff. But Hulu

still works, and I'm sure Netflix does

and all that stuff.

Up to Pandora and just have it for background

music on the stereo or something.

Yeah, but you know, we've got

two tablets, a phone,

a iPod Touch,

and I'll have to check.

The good electronics, just, you know,

set it over

in a corner and...

Yeah, so we got the... And now,

oh my gosh, so, okay, so there's

Pandora. Yes.

I don't

like Pandora. Okay,


requires work.

It does have the best

thing, so it takes work for you

to thumbs up and thumbs down.

It takes you to add in

the things that you want.

So it does take work.

So yeah, Spotify.

I tell you what, I'm falling in love with Spotify.

And so now I found a deal

to get three months of it for

99 cents.

You know, I was doing

it, just the free version, just shuffling.

Anyone who knows me knows that

all I did was take all my music

and shuffle it, even when I had CDs.

I had two Sony

300 CDs, you know, each one

would hold 300, and then

I'd connect them, and so when the one song ended,

the other one would start.

And stuff, so I was just

always in shuffle mode, so shuffle play didn't

bother me too much.

But there's just so many new albums

from old artists,

like Enya, Chris Isaac.

It's not ELO,

it's Jeff Lynn's ELO.

So I just wanted to hear

the whole album and not have...

It played three songs

randomly, and then play

older songs

before it would get back to the


So when I saw the chance at 99 cents

for three months, I felt like a higher power

was talking to me.

But I tell you what,

if you have Amazon Prime,

Amazon Music is getting better.

They have full albums on there too,

plus streaming stuff and all that stuff.

They probably don't have

as much, but I use them more for classical.

And jazz,

just for things that I don't know

any better about anyway.

So right now,

I'd say I go back and forth.

The one that's really gotten better, because it can also

include the music that you've uploaded to it,

and that is Google.

So I'm going, because Google

bought out Songza,

which was pretty good, because that could say,

hey, it's Tuesday

9.30, what are you in the mood

for? It would have all these different


And then,

another way of algorithmically

either choosing songs for you

or basing it upon what you've said

yes or no to.

That was always pretty good. So Google bought them

and then added that to its

Google Play.

So I go

back and forth between Google and


And so one week, I'm in love with one, and then

next week, I'm like, oh, I like the other one.

And I just go back and forth.

But I like the idea of Spotify

where you can find a particular

album and

essentially try it out, you know?


They have a free version of it

as well? Yeah.

In the free version, then, it's in

Shuffle Play. It'll play three songs in the

album, and then if it's, okay, so

say it's ELO. Okay, so

say you want to hear the new ELO album.

I'm sorry, Jeff Lynn's ELO.

So it'll play three songs, and

sometimes it plays the first song, but sometimes it plays,

a middle song, and

typically they'll play them in a row. So

it'll play tracks 7, 8, and 9.

Then there'll be a commercial break.

Then it'll play

Mr. Blue Sky or

Evil Woman or something like that. It'll play, you know,

they'll call it a suggested song.

And then it'll go back and

play a couple songs from the new album

and then, and so on

and so forth. So, you know,

it's pretty cool.

But it also has a radio function

too, so if you just want to hear Christmas music,

you know, there's a, or the Top 40 or something like that,

you can do that too, like

Pandora style.

And then Google

does the same thing.

And what I like about Google

is even if you do the free version on that, it's like

it's like one commercial

right off the bat

and then I, then it doesn't,

I don't think it ever has a commercial after that.

Really? Yeah.


I've checked that one out too.


I don't know. I'm just, when I'm out in the shop,

I just want music and

I would like a certain genre

and Pandora doesn't seem

to do it. It, it, it drifts.

Yeah. And it just

drifts too far. And that's the thing with

Pandora, then, like you said, that's work.

And so when you're wanting background music

and all that, you don't, you don't want the work on that.

You want to just be able to.

Right. I'm, you know, I'm on the other side of the shop

or I'm, you know, got my hands

someplace I can't just

easily go over there and go,

no, yes, no, yes.

Right. Exactly. Yeah.

Yeah. So I would recommend Spotify

or I really,

really like what

Google has done. And

if you upload music to them now, man,

you can upload like 50,000 songs

to them too. So like if I do a recording

from an album and if it's

got it in its

catalog, it'll play the catalog

version then. So I think

we've wasted enough of your

time. This has been the most


Show I think we've done

in like a long time.

I'm going to

disagree, but what you're

filling in between what we've already talked

about and now, so

maybe it could be more than more.

You're giving everything away. Now you're giving away the secret sauce,

but that's OK. Whatever.

Bombing from deep into the suburbs

of Madison, Wisconsin.

It's not deforested, even though the water tower

says so. It's Madison. I'm Pete



I hate to give up my precise location,

but from Nipomo,

little podunk town

close to San Luis Obispo,

I'm Jim Reed.

OK, well, we'll see you next time

on the Bummin' Cousins.

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