Broken Area - Episode 555 - Batteries and Extension Cords

Dave Brodbeck and Isabelle Michaud

Broca's Area

Broken Area - Episode 555 - Batteries and Extension Cords

Broca's Area

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

It has cooled down considerably.

Oh, that's the car behind us making all that noise.

Oh, my God, suddenly the car's loud?

It's like, oh, okay, there's mine.


So, everyone.

I had my first week of the term.


I had my first week of the term.

It was fine, actually.

It wasn't that bad.

And I...

It's weird, because I've never had 8.30 classes, except during the pandemic.

I had some, but that was different.

I could get up at 7.30 and still be early for class, because class was right over there.


But now I have to leave the house at 7.30 to get to work, and that was different.

The weirdest...

It's not hard.

It's not...

It's fine.

My body's adjusting to getting up earlier, and it's no big deal going to bed earlier.



The weirdest part is, my classes typically over the years have started either at 10 or

11.30, so I'd go in around 9.30, but now it's 8.30, so what ends up happening is that

I get done.


And it's like, the other day I got done, I went home.


I'm like, what the hell?

It's not even noon.

So, adjusting, that kind of thing, too, because I used to use that time.

In the morning, I used to work in the morning, I'd get up early, and before even you two

were up, I'd usually be sitting there answering all my emails and all that sort of admin stuff

you have to do.


And now that's...

I don't have time to do that.

I've got to go to work, so it's like, now I'll do that after.

But it's just...

It's quite a change.

It's a different...

You know, for years I told the university, I can't teach early because of John.


But now, and I told...

I said, a couple years ago, I said, you don't even have to worry about that anymore.

You can put me anytime you want, but not a night class, because if you do a night class,

you're going to have to also find some way for me to get there and get home.


Because the bus comes once every hour, and I'm not walking home, and I'm blind, and be



And they don't give me night classes, so...

They don't typically give us night classes anyway.


They're reserved for sessionals, because usually sessionals have extra things they're doing

in the day, very often.

That's the notion.

That's not always the case.


So, anyway, I had my first few classes.

John's sitting in on a couple.

He's sitting in on evolutionary.

He's sitting in on evolutionary psychology and animal cognition.


And, yeah.

And there it is.

Everything, we're back.

Everything's good.

It was funny.

I talked to a student of mine who is Ken Herndon's daughter's, like, best friend.


That was weird.



I said, so, I know Kara's Herndon.


She's like, I know.

I found that out.

I was there, and she was talking to her dad on FaceTime.

I thought it was pretty funny.

That's amazing.

Yeah, it's neat.

So, that's my week.

I also even got a couple bike rides in.

Yesterday, I wore my cold weather gear, because it was like this out.


You know, it's also windy today.

There are two guys with red hats.

I don't know.


Over there.

Oh, okay.

Oh, you thought they're like mega hats?

I think they're mega hats.

Oh, great.

They're boarding the bus.

Oh, if they're getting one.


That's fine.

They're getting on the bus.

I'm not on the bus, so that's fine.

They can get on the bus.

Because that's the bus I take, but I don't ever take it up here, so it doesn't matter.

Oh, yes, they were getting on at the Giant Tiger.


matched or like the end of the line or yes this one has a scratch on it whatever that all comes

from the first time that we had to buy a washing machine was when i was a postdoc i lived in london

and our townhouse came with a dryer but no washer if you remember yeah so we had to i thought you're

gonna get gas um right we'll get it up we can get it up here or on the way home i don't care

you don't have to go to so okay go wherever you want uh and we would uh um it's like saying

i lost my train of thought the washer washer uh and so that place had no i'll go over there sure

that had no washing machine so we had to buy one and that's when dad and i went to when

wolko was going out of business which is kind of great and being bought by walmart

and they were selling everything and i got a washing machine for 175 dollars because

uh because i did that's right because i said to the guy can i see the inside because you know

it's just sensible and he opened it up and he put two dents in and i said those dents are worth a

fifth at least 50 bucks a piece and dad was very proud of that moment by the way that's that that's

birthday today that's any first birthday today if you were still here um i remember how proud

dad was and he's like that was great september 10th well no september 7th because that's today

is later in the year oh sorry three days hence uh but yeah so it was um so then we didn't so then

we moved to here and i think yeah we didn't have a dryer so we bought a dryer then that dryer came

with us i've been trying to figure this out the other day then the dryer and that old watch me

came with it came as the corner brook moved around eventually we lost both of them in the

flood okay so then we got new that they were matching okay but they were shitty okay um

and then they came here no they didn't come here because we sold our appliances with our house

so then we got new ones here which both broke because we bought shitty ones then we bought

more which also broke and then we went oh my god and then we had a fire that burned our house

down and then we got the dryer we just had and then we got a new one so we've had like seven

dryers i don't know and now and now the washing machine is so good that you hardly need

the dryer yeah it stuff actually comes out it's so good it's so weird like we had a high efficiency

washer before but not a front loader yeah and i always i was amazed at how what's going on here

it's just an ambulance i was gonna say probably yeah yeah you have to i know that yeah it's an

ambulance or is nice there's a lot of kids probably but i remember

sister used to call it an ambulance the um but yeah uh

i i ran a load the first time and it said you know it said the first time you do it just put

some towels in to make sure everything's hooked up properly and run it on spin only so i do that

the stuff comes out and it's like but it's we're not spinning it rinse only so it's spinning rinse

it comes out and it's like um well i said we said to each other the other day and when i

showed you how the saw how dry the socks were i said you know i can actually put these on

they're fine yeah i mean you could put them on the socks they would finish drying on your two

three minutes which was like in the 90s it was the version of i need to go to work the

clothes aren't dry yet i'm putting them on they'll dry in the subway let's hope they dry the subway

90s before the 90s

yeah it's pretty funny um

but yeah it uh so they're nice and new they're they're they don't have the wi-fi option whoa

holy christ jesus folks is everybody is everybody an i guess our answer is yes okay

that could have been the second live accident on our podcast

my god it's a different alarm sound than that one

the alarm that time was more like um you guys should watch out you should be careful now

jesus christ all right we have to put some hydrocarbons in the car so i'll take care of that

get the circle k man

here we go

all right

we'll be right back

all right fuel has been obtained

it's been obtained now we will go buy food

yeah isabel was going to turn off at the gas station and that's what happened there

was suddenly there were like a car coming right at us and then there was also one

to the right of us that was way way way too far over so we couldn't it was bad combination of

things that's um there's an entrance to the school now and there's oh there were all kinds

of people going to that extra parking lot right there's probably some kind of event or something

unusual yeah kind of thing so right i was maybe too early in the turning lane well i don't know

it said the turning lane showed you could turn then yeah just you know you were totally i pay a

lot of attention to those things just because of yeah they also got in early that that was it

that was both of us going too early it wasn't as much that it was the person on the right of us i

was like dude do you have to be right beside us it's like come on

i haven't been here all year i i have all my bike riding i never come this way anymore


this is willoughby right willoughby willoughby next stop willoughby yeah and i'll turn into

willow now yeah it's just another way to get there we're almost yeah we're almost there

i think it's fine like that back there was fine i think okay i think check yeah you're right yeah

i know where a lot of the streets are now i still don't know where the streets are in corner brook

which i know it doesn't really matter but

we'll see

the grocery

entrance is on willow ah okay right of course of course of course because that's

second line and it's not at second line okay right that's funny i literally haven't been

there all year i was thinking about this just the other day on my bike but there's an old route i

used to take that i just don't ride there anymore i used to be literally right here seven days a week

and it never happens anymore

because i uh i go further

yeah we took a bit of a different ride yeah and all that yes

so i've been looking for the flu shots and that they there's no indication yet of when that

starts okay so but i've been i'm still keeping my eye on stuff yeah for flu shot covet shot because

i spend all day with people

yes last year i got covered so which i don't really want again because

yeah like you're it's not great it's not a good time classrooms have been crowded well i'm pretty

awesome so a lot of people take my classes yes also we have too many people at our university

it's actually it's got nothing to do with me it's mostly because they just let in all the people

yeah i used to joke that our our motto in latin if you looked at it it says got a checkbook and a heart

come on in um we don't even have a latin motto actually which i think is kind of cool

i think not having a latin motto is cool i think we should have like a moan motto or something yeah

i really do i think we should we should be something like that yeah uh so it's like

you know um nothing wrong with latin mottos i just think while the um institution of university is a

descendant of sort of latin and greek stuff or at least at least think it is i think it probably is

uh i think also it still makes some sense but you gotta i think you get a bigger trailer uh

oh i read a thing and see today a guy had his trailer stolen oh my god a year ago and then he

saw it being towed by somebody and he called he followed it called the cops he got his trailer

back oh a year later a year later i remember when we first got our trailer i was interested in you

know i was reading some forums and stuff and like someone said at a campground they came back to

watching people tear down their campsite and looking up their trailer what are you doing

i just uh getting ready to go home with my stuff they ran god

because you know if you just see a car coming up and hooking up a trailer you think oh okay

in fact you might get it you want to give a hand uh oh god uh you know what i'm not even

gonna carry this thing with me i'm just gonna have it play the song and it'll pause when it should


all my friends

something they didn't understand


in the forms of my hand

you know what i mean

i know you've heard that the woman soon takes advantage of you let me tell you my friend

my friend

my friend just

my friend just ain't







And there you have it. I said it's the easiest, simple way. If you fail to do this, don't blame her if she looks my way.

Because I'm going to treat her like a lady. So affectionately, I'm going to treat her like a lady.

And she'll give in to me. Lord, look and see. You know what I mean. Oh, you've got to treat her like a lady.

You've got to treat her like a lady.

Boy, that's a dirty truck beside us.

Wow. Okay. So that's that. That's done.

Yes. Good job.

It's like I'm in.

John would be happy to know. It's kind of like I'm in the amazing fucking race when I'm shopping.


Well, yeah, because constantly the shopping list gets edited as I go along.

And John asked for updates. Did you see that I put this on the list?

Yeah, I saw, son.

Sometimes I make command decisions that say I'm not getting Haagen-Dazs ice cream.

Just not getting it. I don't care that you put it on the list.

Or the other thing he does. He doesn't care as much about it as he used to, because I told him you have to stop caring about this.

But he used to really get upset if I had the wrong, like, brand.

Well, I asked for Ruffles, not Lay's. It's like they're all fucking chips.

You know, so you don't get to complain about that.

And still, even today, I don't think supply chain things are quite fixed.

As good as they were.

Oh, yeah.

You know, because it's still times when there's, like, well, there's still no Fresca in the store.

Last week there was, for example.

So it's not all come back yet, I don't think.

But, so there's a lot of running around that I do.

There's a lot of, um...

It's a lot of, I've read that other countries, the states, the state of, like, of other countries is affecting the supply chain as well.

Of course, yeah. It's a globalized world, yeah.

And, uh, like, when there's a drought or some kind of wars in South America or something,

that can also...

So, you know, uh, so, it's, we're connected.

Oh, of course.


Much of the inflation right now is because of Putin attacking Russia.


I mean, that's what most of it's from.

Uh, it's, it's just, you know, that's the way, that's, that's the thing.

The, uh...

Okay, okay, go, go.

We're very impressed.

What is it with people?

Somehow, I caught her up, you know?

Catch up to her so I can yell at her.

Catch up to her, we'll get it all in the podcast.

I'll call her horrible names.

Oh, my God.

She's speeding to the next slide.

Oh, she's gotta go cure cancer.

Oh, you gotta give her a break.

She's got cancer to cure.

Maybe I'll open the...

You know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna open the sunroof, and I'm gonna step out, stand up and yell,

Hey, fuck you!

No, no.

You don't want, you don't want me to do that?

She's at that light.

You want me to stand up in the sunroof and yell at her?

No, I won't.

I'm not gonna do that.

As tempting as it may be.

I thought it went back further than that.


She stopped to get to the next light.

So that goes like that.



And that closes like that.

I'm still learning about the car.

We got all these new things.

The car...

We're learning procedures.

You're learning your procedures, Chef Ramsay.

Well, you can't, you can't skip on the procedures, you know?

It's great.

Oh, I thought it opened, I thought that the thing opened further than that.

People have their procedures.

Everybody's got their way they do things.

That's true.


Yeah, the, yeah, so I get, one of the things that happens is, as I'm going along, I get

these, like, things get added, things get deleted, things get changed, and it's very


And I, it's not as hard as it was.


But there's times when it's like, oh, I forgot to get that.

And now that's eight aisle, eight aisles away.

And that's because he put it in the wrong section or something.


And it's fine.


That's enough of my complaining.


And the upper is...

So how was your week?

I had a, you know, a pretty good week.

I just kind of went back to the studio and I'm fixing a few things here and there, just

slowly kind of making some tweaks, and waiting for a subcontract.

waiting for september 28th to come so i can set up my installation and

it will be you know like a busy day of of setting up and

it's not something that i'll be able to leave so it will right uh start around

like four i'm hoping and then take about two hours to set up and then the hours

the viewing hours start at six from six to ten right and um

probably gonna be done around 9 30 9 9 30 i'm imagining okay um

and uh

yeah i'll i'll be doing this kind of long term performance

in one moment i will think that the weather holds sure that i can get all the bolts fixed and

and then i'll have the projectors to figure out in a few hours too right so it's

it's i found two plugs outside so i'm counting on those to be working

i'm hoping i'm crossing my fingers

uh so you know like there's going to be a lot of uh unpredictable things that will happen i'm

guessing and maybe one projector might not be working or something else like some like i'm

just planning for sure you have to for things not to work on you know that's the best way to do it

that day and but if i can still have whatever projection happening that would be great

i'm pretty sure i can do it and i have contingency plans i have batteries and i have

i have uh extension cords and right um so it's gonna happen i just uh yeah i'm

it's gonna be one of those things where it'll be in the day of on the day of

it'll start and then it will end and whatever it is that's what it's going to be

well that's that's all you can do yeah i mean frankly that is literally all you can

do so do that and you'll be fine yeah because uh i will not be in a gallery i will not be in a

curated white box gallery i will be outside and you know there are a lot of unpredictable things

that can happen sure between the walk from my studio to the back of the area in the courtyard

it's it's going to be a fluid space and i won't have a tent or anything like that protecting

it it's going to be like there it is you know let's hope it doesn't rain so yeah i know i know

because yeah but i figured that as long as i have another person with me i can bring the whole

box through the back doors and into the lobby at least quickly right if it rains okay like this can

be done okay

i can also have a tarp ready just to cover it quickly right if there's anything like i will have

these and i will park my car nearby so that if i need to quickly throw some equipment in the car

that can be done you know right so like the projectors the laptop all this electronic

equipment can quickly be taken and put in the back of the car so that's what i'm going to do

back of my car good yeah so i'm like planning for these sort of contingencies and ideas

when i tested in our backyard i was lucky because i had two three plugs nearby and i

could just kind of run the equipment right off those plugs right they were so strategically well


well it's good you found ones outside the building that's good and they're uh outside by the parking

spot actually so well we have a couple of like 100 foot extensions so you should be fine we have

in the front there that will be that will be good there's also one in the shed another one that's

again that long so yeah because we used to have and you're not really using it like too too much

hardly at all yeah no because all the stuff is all cordless recently like this summer with uh

uh what's his name the hedge trimmer and then the chainsaw our electric chainsaw yeah yeah

so yeah i i could use those too yeah run them from inside the building you couldn't even do that yeah

if i need to yeah and like there are power bars that we have like you could hook into that yeah

worst case scenario

yeah you could hook into that yeah worst case scenario

you'll be fun yeah yeah just kind of thinking of all of these things sure and i might have

pram's help for a few hours so that will be good and i will i will have you at the end

i'm hoping you will okay yes at the very end that way

i'm just letting john know we're on our way i don't know if he's following us on find my or not

because he does like to help and he does it makes him sad when he doesn't get to help in fact it

upsets him when he doesn't get to help which is kind of a nice thing that he's like i want to

be part of this yeah but sometimes it's like dude it's okay we're just putting my groceries

but it's nice that he wants to contribute i think it's really cool and that that's something

he's been doing only in the last year is this sort of i am part of this whole thing and i want to be

which i really like

like it's a very mature kind of thing that he's sort of headspace he's getting into which i really

like you know i really like it now i will say that he doesn't like taking the bus with me to

the university because he doesn't well i probably wouldn't want to take the bus with my dad then

again my dad never take a bus so the chance of that ever happening is you know vanishingly small

and now of course impossible but yeah uh i kind of see that

the thing is though he doesn't like when there are people on the bus so sometimes he'll send

me a text message half-packed bus today and he'll send me a picture it's like there's three other

people on the bus that's not a half-packed bus what i will have to do is find a friend

that can drive you right well or depending because the bus isn't is it a saturday running

it's a saturday depends on what it is

it might be maybe yeah we'll have to look at it but we can figure that out it'll be around

nine o'clock at p.m that you would come it may be that that's fine actually


and here we are goodbye

in the midnight

i'll be walking along a lonely mind

and every time i do i keep seeing this picture of you here comes my baby here she comes now

and then come there's no surprise to me with another guy

here comes my baby here she comes now walking with a love with a love that's all so fine

never could be mine no matter how i try

you never walk alone

and you're forever talking on the phone

i've tried to

call you names

but every time it comes out the same

here comes my baby here she comes now

and then come there's no surprise to me with another guy here comes my baby

here she comes now

walking with a love with a love that's all so fine

I'm still waiting for your heart

Cause I'm sure that someday it's gonna start

You'll be mine to hold each day

But till then this is all that I can say

Here comes my baby

Here she comes now

And then come there's no surprise to me

With another guy

Here comes my baby

Here she comes now

Walking with love, with a love that's all so fine

Never could be mine, no matter how I try


Here comes my baby

Here she comes now

And then come there's no surprise to me

With another guy

Here comes my baby

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