The End: A Christmas Concert


basicmm radio

The End: A Christmas Concert

basicmm radio

Basic MM Radio is a free publication of rare and out-of-print music from the acoustic rock duo from Palmyra, New York, Greg and Jen Campbell, known as Basic.

Hi everybody and welcome to Basic MM Radio. My name is Greg Campbell and my wife Jen and I are known as Basic and this is our podcast, Basic MM Radio.

We've been sharing some songs with you over the months we've been doing this. Songs that you can't get elsewhere, live versions and bonus songs and things like that.

And even last episode we had a great interview with the original members of the Basic band. So I hope you enjoyed that. We had a blast doing that one. That was a lot of fun.

This is the final episode, at least for the first time.

This is the foreseeable future of Basic MM Radio and all of these will continue to be up there. We will keep the podcast page up indefinitely so perhaps you're stumbling upon this later than it was originally posted.

So feel free to check the archives and listen to all the episodes that we have up there. It's been fun making this but just time constraints. We need to stop for now.

So it's the end of the year and I figured that was a good time to bring this to a close. So I don't really need to say much more. Tonight you can of course check out our website and there's always a bunch of stuff going on there.

I'll put a plug in also for my blog page. Usually some good thoughts on life there from, I call it Greg's Head. All kinds of random stuff put up there.

There are links also from our Basic page and that'll keep you kind of up to date on what's going on in the land of Basic.

But tonight's episode, today's episode is a concert actually that we did following the last episode of Basic MM Radio. It was December 3rd, nope, December 2nd and it was out in a town called Clinton, New York, out near Utica and it was in the middle of a huge snowstorm.

So as you'll hear,

in the concert, there were only about 10 people there with us. It was pretty funny. We got within 10 miles of the church where it was and it just started snowing. Everything was fine up until then.

So that was pretty funny. But it's a fun kind of Christmas event and it's rather long so sorry for the big download.

I'm probably, it's going to be a little bit, it will be a little...

Lesser audio quality, but that'll make it an easier download for you on this one. It'll be over an hour. So listen when you get a chance, burn it to a disc, maybe if you have enough room and listen to it in your car, pop it on your iPod, whatever you'd like to do.

But thanks for listening and again, the podcast page will stay up at slash podcast or just visit our website

And usually I put a link to the songs that are included on these episodes, but there are so many this time, you should be able to find most of the ones that we sing in this concert on iTunes.

So stop by either our website, like I mentioned before, or you can go to iTunes and search for Basic and look for any of our albums that are there.

There's actually, I'll put a link to a iMix that I put together with all of our albums.

On one page that will make it easier for you to find the songs on iTunes. So check that link on included with this post.

All right. Thanks for listening, everybody, and enjoy the show. This is a concert basic live on Friday, December 2nd in Clinton, New York at the Resurrection Assembly.

Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing.

And o'er the plains and the mountains in reply, echoing their joyous strains.

Gloria in excelsis Deo.


Gloria in excelsis Deo.

In excelsis Deo.

Come to Bethlehem and see, Him whose birth the angels sing.

Come adore on bended knee, Christ the Lord the newborn King.


Gloria in excelsis Deo

That's when you gotta have a big breath on to get all the way through it.

Hark the herald angels sing

Glory to the newborn King

Peace on earth and mercy mild

God and sinners reconciled

Joyful all the nations rise

Join the triumphs of the skies

With the angelic host proclaim

Christ is born in Bethlehem

Hark the herald angels sing

Glory to the newborn King

Christ by highest heaven adorned

Christ the everlasting Lord

Late in time behold Him come

Offspring of a virgin's womb

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see

Hail incarnate Deity

Pleased as man with men to dwell

Jesus our Emmanuel

Hark the herald angels sing

Glory to the newborn King

Hark the herald angels sing

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace

Hail the Son of Righteousness

Light and life to all He brings

Risen with healing in His wings

Mild He lays His glory by

Born that man no more may die

Born to raise the sons of earth

Born to give Him second birth

Hark the herald angels sing

Glory to the newborn King

We should sing those songs more than once a year.

Hey, we're Basic and my name's Greg

and this is my wife, Jen,

our fourth baby.

And the other three are back there.

We live in Rochester area, Palmyra.


Alex is clapping for himself.

We live in Rochester area, Palmyra, actually,

if you've ever been out that way.

And made the trek over here tonight through the snow.

It wasn't bad until about ten miles away from here,

so you guys are getting all the snow.

It's fine back in Rochester.

And we've been doing music since about 1999.

This year we've been doing

some stuff.

In fact, today I put up an interview

with the original Basic band.

We have a CD out there that we put out

just about ten years ago now,

which is a long time.

And that's when I started off with my sister.

That's where Brother and Sister in Christ came from.


But now Jen and I picked it up in 1999

and we've been going since then.

Traveling and singing and making albums

including a Christmas one.

I wanted to tell you that too.

We got, just last year we were able to record

some of these Christmas songs on that CD.

So if you want to check those out, that's great.

And we're going to be singing lots more Christmas stuff.

But most of this first bunch of songs

is going to be stuff that I wrote.

That's how we got started,

was I started writing songs about my relationship with God.

And as he kept revealing himself more to me,

even through some of the songs that I would write,

I would learn about him as I would write these songs.

It was pretty amazing.

So I...

I'm going to share that with you.

And I hope that you have a close relationship with him

and are enjoying life to the full with him.

Because that's what it's about.


Somebody else just came in.

So this song is off of our Come As You Are CD.

It's called...

It's kind of the heart of who we are and what we're doing.

It's called The One.

I'm searching for something real to me

I'm searching for nothing that I see

They say there's nothing out there

They say that I'll go nowhere

But I say

Hey, I say

Hey, I want to know you better, Lord

I want nothing less, nothing more

I want to know you better

There's nothing new under the sun

Nothing that hasn't already been done

Nothing new under the sun

Lord, I want to know the one

Who made the land

Who made the sea

Who gave me life

And now watches me

From the tiny bird to the mountain

The desert refreshed by a fountain

He made it all

It all is his

And he gives the life that I now live, yeah

I want to know you better, Lord

I want nothing less, nothing more

I want to know you better

There's nothing new under the sun

Nothing that hasn't already been done

Nothing new under the sun

Lord, I want to know you

Lord, I want to know the one

Who made me

There's nothing new under the sun

Nothing that hasn't already been done

Nothing new under the sun

Lord, I want to know the one

Who made me

And formed me to be

Who caught me and brought me to my knees

I cannot believe you loved me

You hung on the cross thinking of me

And now I sit here knowing the one

Who's known me the best since my life began, yeah

I want to know you better, Lord

I want nothing less, nothing more

I want to know you better

There's nothing new under the sun

Nothing that hasn't already been done

Nothing new under the sun

Lord, I want to know you

Lord, I want to know the one

Who made me

The one who makes, the one who saves

The one who loves me

Lord, I want to know you

The one who loved me

The one who loves me

I think sometimes I take for granted that

we actually do get to know the one who created us,

who created everything that exists.

He's far beyond what we could ever imagine

imagine and yet he calls us to to to live with him to live life with him a relationship with him

we get to know him and that's that's kind of that's the longing of my heart

that's what this song is about

can i know you even more can i know you even more

i just want to know you my heart is longing deeply to know you even more

can i love you even more can i love you even more

i just want to love you my heart is longing deeply

to love you even more

can it be that i could know the one who made reality

yeah can it be that i could know the one who crafted me

yeah what could ever hold your deepness yet you run to meet me

can i know you even more can i know you even more

can i know you even more i just want to know you my heart is

longing deeply to know you even more can i love you even more

i just want to know you my heart is longing deeply to know you even more

can i trust you even more can i trust you even more

i just want to trust you my heart is longing deeply to trust you even more

can i love you even more can i love you even more

Yes, yes, you run to meet me And I pray that we would all together

Know His power So that we might grasp

How wide and long How high and deep is His love

This love that's greater than anything

Than we could ever know

And I pray that we would be filled

With all the fullness of God

And can it be that I could

Know the One who made reality

And can it be that I could

Know the One who crafted me

Yeah, I could ever hold your deepness

Yet you run to meet me

Yeah, I could ever hold your deepness

And can it be that I could

Know the One who made reality

I think that that...

You can clap if you want to.

I think that that was the moment for me

when I realized that God...

The invitation was to me to do this.

The invitation was for me to come to know Him

and not to go to church

and go to Sunday school

and go to all these different things.

That wasn't what made me a Christian.

That wasn't the cool thing.

You know, it's fun to go to church

and there's a lot of good stuff you can learn

and you meet nice people

and, you know, I'm not...

You can sing too.

But the amazingness

of God's love for me

and the invitation

to come and live life with God,

that's the heart of His invitation

is it's not an invitation really to heaven.

It's not an invitation to salvation.

Yes, those are part of it,

but I really think that the invitation from God is

come and know me.

Know me and as I know you.

You know, we can't ever understand Him

as much as we can,

but that prayer in the middle,

the bridge part of that song

is taken from where Paul prays

that we would know the height,

and depth,

and the unfathomable...

I can never say that word.

Unfathomable love

and greatness of God.

He prays that we would know that

even though we could never really know it.

I think that's great.

But that is the invitation.

It's not a knowledge thing.

It is the full and complete trust

in His love for us

and His invitation to us.

And I think when God revealed that part to me,

when I finally got it,

my relationship with Him

completely changed

from going to church

to living in the reality of Him every day

in every part of my life.

And it's awesome.

That is definitely...

That's definitely...

And you'll probably hear that

in all the songs that we sing.

That last one we did is not yet recorded.

Hoping to put it on the next CD, actually.

Did you know that?


We're hoping to sometime over the next year

get in the studio again

and do a worship CD.

And that song will be on there also.

Songs that are more conducive to singing together.

Ones that we do in worship settings.

And that one's one of them.

But this next one is on our Come As You Are CD.

And that CD is really cool.

It's kind of what I was just talking about.

It's the invitation.

The whole CD is songs that are about the invitation

that God calls us to come as we are.

And this one's called You Listen to Me.

It's the amazingness of Him listening to us.

You probably have already noticed

that Jen doesn't say very much, does she?

She sings nice, though.

Who and His Son asked for bread

Would give Him a stone instead

How much more than our dirty little hearts

Will the love of the Father fill our hearts

And give us what we need

You know the secrets of my heart

And still You call me Son

Just like the Son who asked for bread

I come to You and I am fed

You give me what I need

Oh, can it be

That You listen to me

I am not worthy of the love You've given me

You give me all I need

And You listen to me

Who put the earth in its place

And separated the seas

And who can calm an angry storm

And bring an oak tree from a seed

No, not me

What is man

That you would listen to anything he says

And who am I but one lone man

And yet you know me by my name

And you listen to me

Oh, can it be

That you listen to me

I am not worthy of the love you've given me

You give me all I need

Oh, can it be

That you listen to me

I am not worthy of the love you've given me

But you give me all I need

And you listen to me

As I sit down to pray

Pouring out my heart

I know your ears hear me

Your ears hear every word

And things may just work out that way

Cause you listen to me

Oh, can it be

That you listen to me

I am not worthy of the love you've given me

You give me all I need

Oh, I am not worthy of the love you've given me

I am not worthy of the love you've given me

But you give me all I need

And you listen to me

You listen


You listen

Listen to me

He wants to free you from the things that are binding you

And give you the peace that only he can give

You say you're going nowhere and fast and don't know how

But you gotta get off this crazy carousel

You say you don't know when

But you know you'll want it to end

But you go round and round again

He wants to free you from the things

That are bindin' you

And give you the peace that only he can give

He wants to free you from the things

That are bindin' you

that are binding you and give you the peace that only he can give you say

you'll never leave me and not a thing can separate me from the love in you

you say that I have love because of the love that was first shown me all I need

I got

you are

that abiding be

you can you

yeah give me the

you want to free me from


things that are binding me and give me the peace that only you can give

you want to free me from the things that are binding me and give me the peace that only

He wants to free you From the things that are binding you

And give you the peace that Only He can give

He wants to free you From the things that are binding you

And give you the peace that Only He can give

Only He can give

Hey, I saw some nods out there.

It's cool.

When I sing songs, that song is 10 years old,

and we sing that every time we sing, I think, don't we?

Pretty much every time we sing, we do that song.

So I've sung that song a lot.

And it's a fun song musically and easy to sing.

But I think we do it so much because it's so true.

And it's been true in different ways along my journey.

I think maybe when I first wrote it, I was thinking of sinful habits,

things that were areas of weakness for me.

And so early in my journey, I think it's something where he wants to free me

from the sin that is binding me.

And then later in my journey, I think I learned that some of the things

that were binding me were maybe good things that I was trying to do for him,

or either where I was trying so hard to clean myself up to be right before him,

and he wanted to free me from that and give me the peace of his grace.

I can't ever measure up to his standard, and he knows that.

That's what the cross is all about.

So he frees me from that and brings me the peace of just living in his love

and letting him work in me and him change me.

And then there's just even the whole idea of trusting him,

the worries of my life that bind me.

He wants to free me from those and give me peace.

I've come to look at Scripture from, I think I mentioned, I grew up in the church,

so I've always...

I've always been around God and always been around church and Sunday school and stuff.

And as you learn all the stories and the Ten Commandments and all that,

I think maybe some of us don't make the transition from understanding God's law

shows us that we can't measure up, and we just keep trying to measure up,

and we don't grow into that idea of God is showing us, one, yes,

everything that he tells us to do or not to do.

We should listen to him because our life will be better.

But the fullness of the gospel is the message of grace.

This is the standard.

You won't ever measure up, but that's why I gave my life for you.

And it's funny.

It just brings us along at whatever pace we want to come at

to where we understand the fullness of he's not a judgmental, do it this way,

restrictive kind of God.

He is one who invites us to come as we are.

He's the baby who was born.

You know, Christmas time, we celebrate.

God, this is God, decided, okay, sure, I'll be born in a barn.

This is who he is.

He is...

He leads by giving everything up for us.

He shows us his love in that way.

It's very...


And that is where we get our peace from.

His understanding, the fullness of his love for us

and what he has offered us.

And the more we can trust him, the more peace we'll have.

This song is also recorded.

This song, Bill has this song.

I sent you this one.

You're going to recognize this one, Bill.

It's just from Philippians 4 where Paul says,

Don't be anxious about anything, but trust God with everything in your life.

Be anxious for nothing, but give all things over to God.

And daily in prayer, present your requests and the peace that passes understanding.

We'll guard your hearts.

Yes, the peace that passes understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.

Be anxious for nothing, but give all things over to God.

And daily in prayer, present your requests and the peace that passes understanding.

We'll guard your hearts and your minds.

Yes, the peace that passes understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Christ

And the peace

That passes understanding

Will guard your hearts and your minds

Yes, the peace

That passes understanding

Will guard your hearts and your minds

His peace will guard your hearts and your minds

In Jesus Christ

Be anxious

For nothing in Jesus Christ

Be anxious

For nothing in Jesus

Be anxious

For nothing in Jesus Christ

One more time

Be anxious

For nothing in Jesus Christ

As I hear your voice softly whisper

Child, come spend some time with me

I go but then I falter

Doing only that which pleases me

Why do I wait?

Why do I lose my focus?

Doing the things I don't want to

You know my aim, my hope is

Only pleasing, loving you

My Lord, my God, my King

You are my everything

And right now as I sing

My heart is beating

Humble praise is all I can bring

My Lord, I know where I stand

My eyes can't even meet your feet

But still you call my name and

Lift me so our eyes can meet

My Lord, my God, my King

Oh, how undeserving

I'm a sinner saved by grace

In my walk I am swerving

But your spirit leads me straight

My Lord, my God, my King

My King

You are my everything

And right now as I sing

My humble praise is all I can bring

My Lord, my God, my King

You are my everything

And right now as I sing

My humble praise is all I can bring

My Lord, my God, my King

You are my everything

And right now as I sing

My humble praise is all I can bring

My Lord, my God, my King

There's a verse in the first chapter of Ephesians that says, and I don't have my Bible up here,

but I'm pretty sure I can remember it.

In Ephesians chapter 1, it says that God, long ago, even before he created the world,

God, help me out here, how does this start out?

Because, you know what, I'm not going to quote it, but I know what it says.

It says that before God made anything that exists, his plan was to adopt us as his own children.

He chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

Those are weird words.

He chose to think that we were perfect.

That's weird, because I know I'm not.

But that's what he did through Jesus.

So his plan, before he even created the world, before he made the world, which was before he made us,

he had this plan put in motion that we would be adopted as his own sons and daughters into his family.

And the end of this little paragraph says about this plan,

and this gave him great pleasure.

I love that line. That line is amazing.

That, again, is the invitation. That is the heart of our God.

If you read through scripture, it is not a list of rules that we are to keep.

It is the story of an omnipotent being who made everything that exists,

wanting a relationship with us, inviting us into a relationship with him.

Not a servanthood relationship.

He said, I no longer call you servants, but I call you my friends.

That's what Jesus said.


And in Romans 5, it talks about that.

How we weren't just saved so that we could be slaves to this almighty, powerful God.

He is that.

But he is the one who invites us to be friends, to restore our relationship with him.

Just like he was, he walked with Adam and Eve in the garden.

And that's what he wants with us.

And that is possible now, because of this plan that gave him great pleasure from the beginning of time.

The little baby.

There's got to be a manger in here or something.

The little baby.

Who came and gave his life so that we could live in complete...

Side B.

You are the called out ones.

Chosen by the Father to be like his Son.

You are the called out ones.

Chosen by the Father to be like his Son.

Before he made the world, he chose you as his own.

Before you did a thing, you take the love he showed.

It was God who made the loving sacrifice.

Calling out to you, my child, and take my life.

And that's why we are the called out ones.

Chosen by the Father to be like his Son.


We are the called out ones.

Chosen by the Father to be like his son.

Before he made the world, he chose you as his own.

Before you did a thing, you take the love he showed.

It was God who made the loving sacrifice.

Calling out to you, my child

Take my life

And that's why we are the called out ones

Chosen by the Father to be like His Son

We are the called out ones

Chosen by the Father to be like His Son

We are the called out ones

Chosen by the Father to be like His Son

We are the called out ones

Chosen by the Father to be like His Son

We are the called out ones

This is the part where you guys sing with us.

How's it going?

Hey Alex, this is the song with the drums.

He's talking to somebody.

Hey Ian, you want to come play with us?


Oh come all ye faithful

Joyful all ye faithful

And triumphant

O come ye

To Bethlehem

Come and behold him

Born the King of angels

O come

Let us adore him

O come

Let us adore him

O come

Let us adore him


The Lord


Alright we're gonna have Alex do it now too

It's time for younger brother to do it too

Okay Alex you do it

Do do do do do do do

Sing choirs of angels

Sing in exultation

Sing all ye citizens of heaven above

Glory to God

All glory in the highest

Oh come

Let us adore him

Oh come

Let us adore him

Oh come

Let us adore him

Come let us adore him

Oh come let us adore him


the Lord

That was great Alex

We're going to sing one more

Oh yeah

Yea Lord

We greet thee

Born this

Happy morning

Jesus to thee

Be all glory


Word of the


Now in

Flesh appearing

Oh come

Let us adore


Let us adore


Oh come

Let us adore


Come let us


Oh come let us




The Lord

Oh come

Let us adore



The Lord

That was great boys

Thanks for playing with us

Thank you

When Ian

Ian actually was born on Christmas Day

So this Christmas will be his 7th birthday

And when he turned 2

We got him a little set of drums for his birthday

Because he really liked the drums

So he was a little 2 year old

Banging on the drums

And doing pretty good

As our drummer friends would come over and say

Wow he really

He holds the sticks right

And he hits the drums

Just the way he hits the drums is great

And then along came a little brother

And Ian when he was born

He set this plan for Alex

He said I'm going to play drums

And Alex can play bass

Or electric guitar or something

But he didn't know

That Alex was going to be born

With this insane rhythm

Did you hear a little


So Alex

When we made the Christmas CD

He heard

He heard the beginning of the song

Starts with drums

It's a cool tom beat

And that's how the song starts on the CD

And so we heard Alex


On the drum set

Playing this song

That beat

It was just amazing

Because Alex was 2 at the time

Or 3 maybe I guess

He was 3


No I guess it was 2

Because it was last summer

A summer and a half ago

So a little 2 year old boy

Playing that

So it'll be fun

When we get our band together

And Ian and Alex

Are both playing the drums

Except Ian's learning guitar now too

You can play electric guitar

So we'll get a little band

Of our own starting here


The Christmas CD that we have

Has that song

And some other

Songs that you know

Songs you've always sung

Your whole life

Or at least heard in the malls

In Christmas time

I wrote this song

A long long time ago

It's one of the first songs

That I wrote

And it's called

God Came

And it's called

It's kind of the whole story

Of everything God wanted to do

In human history

All in one song

That's pretty neat

But it's called God Came

And as we were putting

The Christmas CD together

We were going to call it

You know Joy to the World

Or some song

That makes you think of Christmas

But I guess the idea

Of God coming

As a little baby to us

Again he came to us

His invitation is to us

So we thought that's perfect

We're going to call it

God Came

That's the name of our Christmas CD

And that is this song

Long ago

In the land of Israel

God sent to us

A babe


For so long before

This baby boy

Ever came

That's the way

That he would

Be born in Bethlehem

And that he would

Be called Emmanuel

God with us

Long before

Man ever fell

God's redemption plan

Was in place

He saw

There was a man

Who would be in need

For a savior

Of the human race

And then the word

Became flesh


Among the very ones

He would save

God came

To live with us

He would save us

God came

In the person of his son

And though we

Rejected him

For those who would believe

They will become

Children of God

He lived

For some thirty years

And he took me home

He taught us

The way to live

But we only

Laughed and sneered

We rejected

What he had to give

We sent him

To Calvary

To die there

In pain and suffering

On a tree

He could

Have freed himself

From the clutches

Of that bloody cross

But love held

His hands and feet

To that cross

Where his life was lost

And he said


Forgive them

For they know not

Just what it is

That they do

God came

To live with us

God came

In the person of his son

And though we

Rejected him

Those who would believe

They will become

Children of God

They buried him

That very same day

They mourned and wept

For he had gone away

But he rose

That setting

Glorious day

And through his life

We will see

All we all may live

God came

To live with us

God came

In the person of his son

And though we

Rejected him

Those who would believe

They will become

Children of God

God came

To live with us

God came

To live with us

God came to us

Joy to the world, the Lord is come.

Let earth receive her King.

Let every heart prepare Him room.

And heaven and nature sing.

And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.

Joy to the world, the Lord is come.

Let earth receive her King.

Let every heart prepare Him room.

And heaven and nature sing.

And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.

Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns.

Let men His songs employ.

While fields and floods, rocks, hills,

and hills, and hills, and hills,

and plains, repeat the sounding joy.

Repeat the sounding joy.

Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.

This is where the electric guitar solo goes.

So let's sing the third verse.

No more let sin or sorrows grow.

No thorns.

In deposit, I've been set the ground.

He comes to make His blessings known.

Far as the curse is bound, far as the curse is found.

Far as, far as, the curse is found.

One more verse.

He rules the world.

He rules the world with truth.

And grace and makes the nations thrill The glories of His righteousness

And wonders of His love And wonders of His love

And wonders, wonders of His love And wonders, wonders of His love

Merry Christmas everybody and we're just gonna be done singing so we're

gonna come and hang out with you. Is that it? Did anybody come up and say anything?

Feliz Navidad! Alright, we're done. Thank you.

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