RC 413: Just the Deets!

RandomChatter Media


RC 413: Just the Deets!


Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of Random Chatter.

I know it's been a while since we did a news episode, but we have such an incredible backlog

of news and almost all of it is interesting, too interesting to pass up.

And so we have to break this up into two episodes, only one of which we're going to be able to

get to tonight because we just did a massive marathon episode of Force Chatter, which you

cannot miss.

We broke down our fan casting.

If there were to be a remake of the original trilogy and you don't want to miss that episode

of Force Chatter, but we are going to break the news to you about lots of different things

with cancellations and renewals.

There's been a ton of trailers that just came out that you are definitely going to want

to check out.

And we've also got some box office results discussion.

And that's all we're going to focus on on this episode is just the details.

Just the deets.

That's it.

We're going to get into the discussion topics in another episode.

I'm Eric and I'm here tonight with Lou.

Lou, how are you doing?

I'm doing great.

Looking forward to the episode.

And once again, we have Tim back with us.

Who's been gone for a long time due to travel and various other things.

I think maybe people forgot Tim was even a thing, but he is.

He's here with us and it's awesome.

Tim, how are you doing?

Yeah, I'm doing good.


So we got a two word introduction on force chatter.

We got a one word introduction on random chatter.

I'm wondering, can we get it even lower?

Good is I'm good as two words.

It is, but you said good.

I didn't hear that.

I said, I'm oh, no, I, I, I said, I'm good.



Stupid noise canceling had microphone technology and yeah.


So the box office, not good news for Disney, Bob Iger.

It's funny.

He was really defensive in a very long interview recently that that's gotten a lot of press about a lot of different various topics where he seems to throw other people under the bus.

But looking at the box office results for this week, Renaissance, a film by Beyonce.

Yes, that's the title.

Just opened at number one with $21 million.

The hunger.

Oh, by the way, a hundred percent critic score on rotten tomatoes, a hundred percent audience score on rotten tomatoes.

Beyonce film.




I was shocked.

And so I'm like, okay, so there's like two critic reviews and four audience reviews.

No, there's like over 20 critic reviews checked in so far.

And I forget, but like a crap.

Ton of audience score so far.

Um, Hey, congrats to Beyonce.

I mean, that that's phenomenal.

Yeah, totally.

Uh, number two in its third week of release dropping from number one is the hunger games.

The ballot of songbirds and snakes brought in another 14 and a half million for total of $121 million.

And it's three weeks, which I'm sure makes Marvel really pissed.

Number three.

I want to see this and it's not at the Alamo where I have my movie pass thing.

And I'm really upset about it opening for its first week.

And number three is Godzilla minus one brought in 11 million dollars.

I've heard it is exceptional.

Uh, my buddy Seth, who was actually guested on, on the show, uh, before, uh, saw it last night and said it was great.

I've heard that 97% critic score.


The 8% audience score for a genre, but for a kaiju movie, that's unbelievable.

People are saying it really does a great job of focusing on the character.

Oh, oh, oh.

And it's a Japanese film.

It's not an American film.

So it's an import dubbed about kaiju and it's got 97 and 98% on rotten tomatoes for critics and audiences respectively.

That is just unheard.

Of people are saying that this really captures the human essence of, of what goes on in this world.

So I'm going to say, like, if you're looking for something to go see, this is the pick.

It's not showing on, I think it's showing on maybe half the theaters that, uh, wish was, I think it's like 2200 theaters or something instead of the normal.

I was like a big release is 3000 to 3300.

That kind of thing.

So it might be hard to find, but it sounds like it's really worth going out of, out of your way to look for a trolls band together has been in for three weeks.

It's holding at number four, brought in another 7.6 million for a total of 74.8 million wish, which is the new Disney release, which opened with the worst rotten tomato score for Disney in 18 years.


It dropped 77% from week one to week two brought in 7.4 million for a total of 41.9.

It has to make 400 million to break even it's in a second week.

It's only made a 10th of that.

Now that's domestic.

It needs to make 400 million worldwide, but still like, this is a big disappointment for Disney.

Napoleon is in sixth place in its second week.

It also.

Dropped massively.

It dropped 82%.

It was a number two last week, dropped to number six, brought in 7.1 million for a total of 45.7 million.

So Ridley Scott's not happy either.

The next three.

It's the first week of release for animal.

The shift.

And silent night.

And then Thanksgiving, which is another holiday themed horror movie is holding at number 10.


It's third week dropped from number five.

So some notes.

Talked about wish dropping 77%.

Napoleon, which is not a Disney property, dropped 82%.

The Marvels dropped.

I want to say it was in the high 70%.

It's like 79% from week one to week two, something like that.

The Marvels.

It was number 11 and it brought in two and a half million on Thanksgiving weekend.

Only brought in 80 million after four weeks.

Trolls band together.

Nearly beat that in three weeks and is still in the top five.

That is humiliating.

It's the freaking trolls movie.

The hunger games prequel beat it by 50% in its third week.

At 121 million.

So I don't think it's just like superhero fatigue.

I think there's some stuff that needs to change at Disney right now.

It seems so, but moving on when a Tim's favorite actors, uh, had a new comedy come out, uh, John Cena, it opened to a rare 0% on rotten tomatoes, 0%.

Now, to be fair, the Marvel's got 85% audience score.

So that's, you know, not too shabby, but yeah.



Now it's to, to be fair to John Cena, some good news.

It's gone up to seven.

So that's exciting.

I started to watch it.

I couldn't get more than 10 minutes through it.

Like, and I struggled to get through.

I spent most of the 10 minutes texting people online, complaining about the movie.

And then finally, I, I just, I couldn't even continue it.

So Tim, I know you're upset.

I know you like to see John Cena's work succeed.


I, I, I like to see everyone's work succeed, even John Cena's and Timothee Chalamet's.


Um, but, uh, you know, I mean, I, I, I, there's no reason for me to wish them ill, um, but

I just don't think that, you know, really anything for John Cena that includes acting

beyond anything, uh, in wrestling could succeed.

You got to see peacemaker and the suicide squad.

And here's the thing.

Here's another thing too.

Uh, we're going to save this for a discussion episode cause there's a long discussion about

this, but you know how the streaming companies have been like trimming stuff for like tax

deductions and okay.

So Warner brothers got into some deep water.

They finished a, um, a Wiley coyote themed movie about Wiley coyote in the, in the road

runner, uh, starring John Cena and everybody who's seen.

It said, it is absolutely amazing.

The test screenings were through the roof.

Warner brothers dropped it like it's in the can and they dropped it to the point where

there's now a federal investigation against Warner brothers for, I don't have the notes

in front of me, but kind of like a tax fraudy kind of thing.

And, and so now there's a bunch of studios looking to buy it.

Netflix, Apple TV.

Plus, um, so not everything that John Cena touches is, is crap saying other streaming

notes, uh, NCIS Sydney, a new NCIS spinoff set in Australia.

It's the fall's most watched debut, which sounds wonderful until you realize that with

all the strikes, not much has debuted this fall, but the numbers are, uh, apparently

really good record breaking.

These are huge documentaryë©´, not





He, he I actually like.

upcoming season for them will be their last they have announced that is correct yep the show's

gonna be wrapping up much to my son's dismay he really likes the show i never got into it

i liked big bang theory didn't like young sheldon that much there are a bunch of trailers

that have dropped recently i don't know if you guys got a chance to see any of these

first one a series that i feel like i should like more than i do because i like post-apocalyptic

stuff but a lot of it's set in a desert so furiosa a mad max saga starring anya joy taylor

and chris also known as anya taylor joy yes because i still have chemo brain and i can't

read my show notes correctly so anya taylor i got the pronunciation right so that everybody

says anya and she's like no it's anya like aneurysm oh is it yeah okay it's


i didn't know that and that's literally what she said no it's anya like aneurysm i'm thinking when

you have to like equate aneurysm to your first name that must be like i think i'd be doing that

really but it works like i mean it helps you remember yeah yeah but yes i thank you to anya

taylor joy okay yes and chris hemsworth did you guys see the trailer absolutely yeah what'd you

think trailer you like to be super excited for this i've i've been looking forward to this movie

anyway uh and the the trailer makes me you know

even more excited for it so yeah i'm looking forward to it i i love everything that they

have done with this universe and i'm glad that they're playing in it again after you know spending

time with it in in the 80s yeah um so yeah it's it's it's it's good i have to say i i did like

the more recent movie uh quite a bit and and this so this is a teaser uh it's a good length teaser

but i i thought it looked pretty good it made me curious to see it yeah lou what did you think

about it did you get to see it

yeah i liked it i thought it was really good i'm looking forward to it so yeah okay and you're a

fan of the mad max stuff yeah like i said i have not seen uh fury road but i need to see that now

i didn't see this but uh the older mad max stuff i loved so and i was i was wanting to see fury road

but somehow just got off my radar and didn't see it i feel like fury road did a really good job of

bringing the mad max series to the present day like filming it and i think it's a really good

production would you agree with that tim totally yeah okay um we talked already about godzilla minus

one there uh there was a new trailer that actually just dropped for it so again if you need some

convincing check out the trailer halo season two just got a trailer and i gotta say oh i didn't see

the trailer for it i was not yeah i think it just dropped in the last one to two days

yeah was not that thrilled with the first season but this second season looks okay it looks like

it's covering the fall of reach so we still haven't made it to the actual ring station yet

but this is kind of the prequel to the video games which has a really i've actually read the novel

for it it's got a good story to it i i like the first season i thought it was really well done i

thought yeah a lot of people i thought the story was good it was just it was slow yes slow moving

and it diverged a lot from

the lore that's known throughout the various novels and such people don't even know there

are novels but like i thought it was okay i i think it just like you said tim it was slow and

i think i just kind of accidentally fell off like it wasn't that i hated it

but but now i'm gonna go back and re-watch them and by the way um oh shoot i no longer have it up

in i'm gonna pull it up because i want to give credit to the person who pointed this out in our

discord server uh bravo

1138 pointed out that the episodes are up on the um the i think it's paramount plus youtube channel

right now for free oh season one yeah so if you don't subscribe but you're willing to watch it

on youtube there you go you can catch up before season two comes out um what else do we have here

fallout based on the video game series the post-apocalyptic video game classic series have

you guys seen the trailer?

for this one yeah super excited about this i mean the the just the imagery of what we're getting with

this uh from the video games and stuff i'm i'm really digging i'm i'm really really excited about

it it looks amazing yeah when they were talking about doing a fallout series i'm like yeah

okay maybe but this made me so excited this exceeded my expectations

by so much yeah have you played the games tim any of them uh yeah yeah some of the the originals

lou what about you i have not played the game so i am not as immersed in that um world but it does

look very cool so think of it as a bunch of nuclear fallout shelters made back in like the

1950s or so but almost more 1940s themed and then there's actually nuclear destruction and so people

have been living in these various underground vaults for a generation or two probably more than

that and then all of a sudden someone decides to venture outside the vaults and then and it's not

like silo like there's a world thriving out there that they were just completely oblivious to and

then so this is them trying to figure out like how to survive in this outside world and the video

game series all of well maybe not literally all of them but like it is a brilliant

classic video game series um that still gets new releases and everything like people love this

series and this trailer looks amazing so keep it on your radar lou have either of you guys been

watching the boys no i started to watch the boys season one i got it back and watch it because now

that the other ones are out i really want to catch up on it but yeah um i thought that for i watched

production was great um storylines were great little little violent no but it was good not

something you want to watch with the little ones around but it was fantastic yeah you don't even

want to watch this with the medium ones around like it and some of even the full-size ones like

it's it's it's rough but it's a brilliant series season four trailer just dropped it's got jeffrey

dean morgan in it um which is just perfect it's like why wasn't he in this from the beginning

but yeah i i think if you're sleeping on on this series you need to watch it like if you can

handle the violence and stuff this is this may be one of the best takes on the superhero genre

that's ever been made like this is right up with the top of the marvel stuff in my opinion um

tim i i can't recommend it highly enough consider watching it yeah yeah i mean i watched the first

like few episodes of the first season and then just kind of

it didn't like it was fine it just didn't really grab me it it does maybe i need to go back to it

yeah it gets more intense as it goes along by midway through the first season um i i was hooked

second season is still good i think the first season was better but the third season

like if you can get through the second it's not that the second season's bad it's

it was just a little bit different and then the third season was really good

yeah i'd recommend it uh speaking of jeffrey dean morgan he's going to be in a uh star wars movie

yeah we talked about that on on force chatter uh the original trilogy reboot we just we don't

have a role for him yet but we're going to find someplace to put him you know why because he's

jeffrey dean morgan deserves a role yes yes that's all the reason you need

yeah so um next up we've oh wow my computer just

locked me in my computer just locked me in my computer just locked me in my computer just locked

me in my it's not taking my password to unlock

i mean the good news is it's still recording there we go so next up we've got three other

trailers that nobody really knows about because they're smaller releases but in January we're

getting another Blumhouse movie called Night Swim and i have to say this is the first time

i've watched a trailer for an upcoming Blumhouse film and thought it looked ridiculous it's

about a haunted swimming pool

i saw the name for this thing out there i didn't know anything about it though

so i'm interested to hear what you have to say here yeah it's so it's like in a suburban setting

and it's like

some of it feels a little bit like the opening scene of the trailer kind of reminds me of it

where there's like something in the sewers trying to pull someone in it's like in the

water filtration system but then like other points there's just like this oozing stuff

in the pool and then at other points like people are hallucinating and seeing people that aren't

really there and it's like i i can't make out what's supposed to be going on and i you know

props for coming up with a unique idea i mean nobody's done a haunted swimming pool before

the the closest thing we've got on a variation of a haunted house theme was 1408 based on a

stephen king short story brilliant

movie by the way i mean this is my top 10 of all time films but even though it's like a unique

concept i just this i don't know you know lou watch the trailer and let me know what you think

i'm okay i don't get it it looks dumb and typically blumhouse films are are good so i don't

know um next one the book of clarence i'm not going to try to describe it too much it looks like

a very serious comedy i know that seems like a an oxymoron contradiction it's set during the life

of jesus but it's i don't want to try to describe it too much because i won't be able to do it

it's basically about a black guy who's trying to provide for his family and sees jesus doing

these miracles and so he decides

he's going to do miracles too because then you get people like you know donating coin and stuff

like that and i mean it sounds like a silly concept and it definitely seems like it's more

of a dark comedy but like as the trailer goes on it honestly it looks brilliant it it looks

interesting yeah that's actually exactly the word like it looks interesting it made me super super

super curious about like wow how do you take this concept and make it a movie that's going to be

like it work as a movie but the trailer makes it look like it really works as a movie like really

well so that's coming out in january check out the trailer for it i'm sure that there are a lot of

people who because of the religious themes in it might be offended just by the fact that they're

doing fiction during jesus's lifetime but i mean if you can get over that i think it looks amazing

i'm i'm super curious about it and then finally do you have a link to that trailer

by the way i don't have a link handy but i will try to put one in the show notes okay um i know

that the rotten tomatoes trailers channel on youtube they do like a weekly trailer release

and it was included in that okay just kind of click on the the time codes or shift around a

little bit you should be able to find it uh and then finally also in that that montage from rotten

tomatoes trailers on youtube was poor things which comes out in

december starring emma stone it looks ridiculous very very very stylistic i have no interest in it

at all yet it's got a 93 percent on rotten tomatoes and people seem to be really excited about it

so something you might want to check out all right i'm gonna try to lightning around through

a lot of this stuff i want you guys to hop in at any point if there's anything that you want to

comment on just

and and tim your microphone like background noise cancellation is so good that when you give like

one or two answers and they're quiet like the first word gets chopped off and i figured that

out because you said no earlier that you hadn't watched been watching the boys and it didn't come

i saw your lips move it didn't come across audio and that's why i thought you said good instead of

i'm good gotcha interesting so you gotta speak up you gotta project actually i don't want you to

because then you say stuff like timothy chalamet is a horrible act what bingo okay did you hear that

yeah no i i heard the bingo yep got it all right um let's start with the cancellations because this

is the longest list i'm going to whip through this real quick um because it's also probably

what we'll comment on the least uh riches on prime video swagger on apple tv plus miracle workers on

tbs the horror of dolores

roach on prime video harling cobin's shelter on prime video some of these i haven't even heard of

with love on prime video superman and lois on cw shadow and bone on netflix i was a little

surprised by this probably the budget expense glamorous on netflix agent elvis on netflix

barzar on netflix and captain fall on netflix i'm really disappointed about this one captain

falls an animated series and it was kind of a mix between it felt like

a better version of like the rick and mori animation style with a little bit of archers kind of

they use this cruise ship to smuggle stuff and commit crimes and stuff but then the captain

is always when he gets arrested so they find the least competent naval captain they can which is

this kid like who basically failed out of the naval academy they put him in

as the captain of this cruise ship and antics ensue i i loved it i thought it was good

uh still probably still worth watching on netflix just for season one it's fun

seal team on cbs plus the standalone movie going to paramount plus those are both cancelled

i think we mentioned before on paramount plus also rabbit hole and the fatal attraction series both

canceled and they both got really good ratings and high approvals from audience so surprising

labrea on nbc is cancelled joe pickett the rookie feds the muppets mayhem on disney plus canceled

after one season

blue blood blue bloods on cbs the good lawyer which is a good doctor spin-off on abc we talked

before about apple tv plus canceling both the after party and the problem with jon stewart

and uh top gear from bbc which i know is an insanely popular show

great is apparently canceled so there was some kind of big accident i guess

it's the third one they've had on the show now and when independent investigators came in

apparently i said i don't want to get sued so i don't have the all the details in front of me

because this is just a list of cancellations but apparently there were enough safety concerns with

how the show was being handled that after a long break the bbc decided to just shutter the show

so which for safety probably a good thing but i guess whoever was involved in the accent one of

the main hosts was like critically injured they i think they survived

but it was bad so that's not coming back and then finally the orville there was an interview

with adrian palecki recently and she indicated no she's moving on to other projects and the

implication the way the conversation was handled made it seem as if the orville was not coming back

she didn't flat out state it but she said she's not coming back for the orville

she's moved on to other things and it looks like the orville's not coming back

i mean it's too bad but i'm also not surprised i mean the the last um quite honestly the last

season like wrapped up reasonably well anyway yeah um but also the this is kind of where the

story has been going and i think eric you and i feel the same way about it that like

the whole like doctor focus thing was very weird yeah um and it was constant they they needed to

they like really

um like really relegated all other story lines to be like b level story

lines and just focused on that for the entire season and it was too much

right it kind of felt like you should be getting like episodes on different characters throughout

the ensemble kind of like a star trek kind of thing and instead it yeah felt like every

character was about or every episode was about her just like that character and her family and

what was going on yeah so yeah uh and you know also seth mcfarland wanted to do all the writing

well not i mean he had a team and actually the doctor character was one of the people on the

writing team um which is i think it's kind of what gave me a lack of hope that it was ever

going to steer away from her because like if she's one of the writers obviously she's but

seth mcfarlane i guess when it came to a lot of the the decision making the show running the higher

level productions he wanted to hand in so much of it and had written so much of the outlines and

stuff that adrian palecki was saying in this interview that it was just it was a lot for one

person to be taking on and it kind of sounds like maybe he's just burned out on it i don't know

yeah you guys have both watched reacher yes i hope okay so season two of reacher is coming soon

we just got a trailer for it recently season three has already been approved nice and apparently

they're already working on production for it

that shows a lot of confidence from amazon

to renew for a third season second season hasn't even aired yet so that's good news

uh nbc's renewed both found and the irrational

which i haven't watched either of them i heard the irrational was

okay i watched the irrational it's pretty good okay um found i haven't watched yet but i wanted

to it looked it was like good what was found about

i'm not sure

entirely the whole premise but um i don't know what her character is but she's holding somebody

in her basement and he's helping her solve a crime or something it looks interesting i mean i like

the character that the actress that plays her i can't remember her name off the top of my head but

um i like her as an actress so yeah yeah okay i've seen the the commercials for that okay yeah

i wanted to watch that too yeah and the rational the rational is good i like the premise of that

it's a it's a procedural but you know it's um it's got something going on and i'm not sure if

it's going on where he's got some stuff going on his life he's trying to find the overall answers

to so it's kind of you know are going through the whole series with that in mind as he's helping

people out and solve solving mysteries okay yeah i've heard i've actually heard good things about

both of them so uh and that's probably why they're both getting renewed for a second season so that's

good news black mirror is getting a season seven on netflix also um sitcom on netflix called unstable

starring rob low

and then starring his real life son as his on-screen son uh that is coming back for season

two on netflix i thought it was pretty good it wasn't perfect but it was worth watching

it was fun uh harley quinn is coming back for season five on hbo max

welcome to rexham is getting season three which i'm really excited about

and yeah how much i'm super excited you know how much i love sports right

i am addicted to this series like i i caught the first couple episodes literally the day of my

surgery i'm sitting in the hospital room and thought okay i'll i'll turn it on and like after

that it was like appointment viewing every time they released a new episode on hulu so really

excited that's coming back the bear is getting season three on fx futurama is getting two more

seasons and then gen v the boys spinoff which i think actually got higher than the first one

higher rotten tomato scores than any of the boys seasons it's got a season two on amazon prime

video not surprising i want to know what you guys think about this one there's a new karate

kid movie coming starring both jackie chan and ralph macchio i heard about that that's

really yeah interesting i i mean anything with jackie chan is a is a home run so uh you know

and it's

part of the franchise you know it's including ralph macchio so it's kind of bridging the gap

between the two generations of of the films yeah jackie chan was kind of the the mr miyagi

analog for the ones that came up what was it like late 90s or something early 2000s i think so i

think so i mean the only ones i ever watched were the ones that came out when we were younger the

original ones yeah i never watched those older ones i haven't watched cobra kai or anything but

i know that you know

of the folks who watch them like they're super into them and i guess they're very very well done

so yeah and i mean we we also do have a show on the network enter the dojo we do uh that that has

been covering cobra kai and other like martial arts oriented uh shows and movies so highly

to see what what they have to uh what they have to say about it i am very curious about this i i

haven't heard anything from carrie since i saw the news drop

but i imagine she's going to be super excited about it uh i yeah i kind of want to see where

they're where they're going with this i i don't know lou what do you think

i you know i watched some of cobra kai i i like the concept um

i'll have to see i mean this stuff i've seen has been good i haven't i'm not as huge a fan

as some people are of it i haven't watched everything out there but um yeah yeah i mean

i'd be up for it i have to imagine they can't tie the movie too directly into the show because a lot

have seen this show and there's been like what four seasons now of the show something like that

i believe so i've seen the first two i don't think i've seen anything after that i watched

a few episodes it was good like it's on my list i need to go back and finish it

yeah i don't know so this might be kind of like standal probably in the same universe but like

standalone from the show right i don't i don't know we'll see uh i don't know if you guys remember

the saint um i think it was an old either tv or

movie from like way back in like lube probably back when you were just out of college like back

in the 1800s or something it was like i think it was black and white then it got remade what

no keep going okay that's fine so it got remade in the late 80s i think with val kilmer maybe early

90s and then now it's getting another reboot by doug lyman have you guys do you guys not see the

val kilmer i want to say i don't know i want to say i saw something about the saint back with

val kilmer but i don't remember the story of the show or anything in the movie so it's it's kind of

like um uh and kingsman pointed in a return uh the not the marvel avengers but like the other

adventures uh like it was out in that time period when the avengers was on tv the british one and

mod squad and

uh get smart and stuff like that it's kind of one of those james bondy espionage type things

frozen four

that's a thing disney's working on that uh terminator seven apparently is being worked

on as well not by disney obviously but i didn't see the last i don't know if i saw like the fifth

and sixth

i don't know if i saw like the fifth and sixth

i kind of gave up i think i'm in the same boat yeah i don't think i've seen them either okay

they are apparently working on a live action he-man movie at amazon

okay yes this was never my thing growing up but i know the masters of the universe animated series

on netflix was pretty good that was the one done by kevin smith tim is there something on your

radar are you looking forward to this

yeah i mean i'm i'm i'm interested to see what they're going to do with it i i obviously the

the live action movie with dolph lundgren was just not good um yeah so there there does need to be

some live action redemption when it comes to he-man but you know the thing is it's a it's a

good universe with really good characters um i i i thoroughly have enjoyed what kevin smith is

has done uh with the the rebooted animated series yeah and uh yeah i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

i think there's some good opportunity i i think it just needs to it's it's one of those things

that it has to take itself seriously enough right um in order to be successful it can't be like

full-on super super serious because nope that's going to be too much there has to be you know

just there there's there's got to be that essence still of of you know kind of the stuff from the

animated series in it um i mean if you look at the toy line a lot of it especially as the years

went on is just utter ridiculous so you have you're right you have to take yourself seriously

like the animated series does but right you're working with material that is like just ludicrous

sometimes yeah yes i i think they really you know if they're going to do something like that they

they need to step back to like the the original material and look at that and say okay what what

can we build off of that and then we can do something like that and then we can do something

that we can do something like that and then we can do something like that and then we can do something

of this right um you know without even necessarily being iterative of it but just like okay let's

let's clean slate kind of let's build something within this universe we know that we have to have

these certain key characters we have to have these certain key elements let's build a a good story out

of that don't be doing some weird interdimensional traveling thing that love that dolph lundgren did i

that no no that just didn't work out i don't even remember that like let's never do that again

i i think with enough therapy i must have forgotten it yeah yeah um let's see here it

follows which is it's been on my list to watch for a long time because it got rave reviews even

from non-horror fans people are like no this is this is solid you need to see this it's getting

a sequel of course called they follow the

gargoyles animated series is also getting a live action series at disney plus

the gargoyles animated series has a massive fan following massive it was done kind of along the

lines of the batman animated series and it was kind of a kid's cartoon that felt like it was for

adults it did take itself very seriously and it did so very well

it was a really really good series uh i'm curious as to what they're going to do with a live action

series with this i hope that it doesn't devolve into something where it's kind of trying to show

off what they can do with it with live action and instead keeps to the themes that made the

animated series so good but but that's something that's in the works we talked on uh the force


episode that we just did about matthew vaughn rebooting kick-ass we mentioned it briefly

and netflix is apparently picking up star trek prodigy that that news is a little bit old but i

don't think we've gotten to discuss it yet on the show so that's been safe

and then finally we have release date updates release dates and updates for different things

coming out have you guys heard about a disturbance in the force

and i don't mean how bad episode nine was i mean like the documentary a disturbance in the force

yeah i knew it was coming okay it is a documentary on the star wars holiday special

which is oh okay yeah and it is coming out on tuesday

okay i think it's getting a limited theatrical run and then it's going to be

i think available for digital purchase first

And then it will end up streaming somewhere later.

I don't know,

but December 5th is a release date for that.

The trailer looks really good.

Like I am,

I'm all in on this fully all in,


Star Trek discovery is returning in April for its final season.

Invincible season two,

part two is coming quote after a few months.

Nice and specific there.

Another thing that like,

if you like the boys,

you need to be watching invincible.

Even if you don't like the boys,

you need to be watching invincible.

Invincible is like just a whole different level of superhero storytelling.

That is amazing.

And it again is one of those where Lou and I,

you and I talked about it in a recent episode of random cheddar that Tim

wasn't here for.

If you look at the top five superhero shows,

I think legitimately the boys,

Gen V and invincible are all in the top five.

And even despite all the Marvel and DC stuff that's come out,

they're that good.

The walking dead,

the ones who live,

this is the Rick and Michonne spinoff.

That's coming February 25th.

There is a Ted series coming for Peacock,

like Seth MacFarlane stuffed teddy bear.


really vulgar drinking,

smoking weed.


It's a prequel series.

It's coming to Peacock.

It's set.

When the main character,


So I can't imagine they're going to make it quite as vulgar as what the

movies were.

It's coming in January.

So pretty soon.


Pixar is coming out with its first series as opposed to film.

It's called win or lose.

And it is moved from December.

It was going to be coming up pretty soon.

I hadn't even heard about it.

It's moved somewhere into,

to 2024,

some nebulous state.


And Mrs.


which is coming to prime video.

This is the one with Donald Glover.

And it was going to have BB Waller bridge.

Ha ha.

My chemo brain did not mess that hyphenated name up.

BB Waller bridge.

She had left the project and now it's gotten,


Maya Erskine.

It's coming February 2nd.

The fall guy,


you and I discussed this recently,


on episode of random chatter.


it's been moved from March 1st to May 3rd.

Wonder man,

according to the show runner,


Daniel Cretton,

who did Shang Chi is set to resume filming.

He said it was filming was resuming after Thanksgiving.

And of course now it's after Thanksgiving.

So they should be filming that now it's going to be part of the Marvel

spotlight banner.

So there were some rumors that that might not still be happening,

but it looks like it is.

Also Nova,

which was going to be a Disney plus series,

apparently is going to a theatrical release instead.


have you heard anything about this?


beyond that?




It's very little that we know.

And it's very recent news.

What do you think?

Is that,

is it better?

Is it not as good?


what's your thoughts on no getting Nova into theaters instead of like under the

Marvel spotlight banner?

You know,


it depends on the story,

the story that they want to tell it,

to be honest.

I mean,


the spotlight banner is,

is fine.


you know,


for doing those things like,

you know,

like werewolf by night was where it's kind of this,


you know,

60 to 90 minute.


Kind of tangential thing.


which can be enough to,

to tell a good story.

If they stay very focused,

I thought werewolf by night was super,

super focused.


They're they,


they didn't venture off into,

anything else.

They stayed,

I mean,

literally in the same physical space,


With the same group of characters and they did their thing.

I mean,

that's opposed to like the normal modality of writing that you see for a

series or for a movie.

Like that's a very different thing.


I mean,

props to them for,

for saying,


this is what we're going to stick to.

Cause you usually don't see that.


So you can tell a good story with that.

If that's the kind of story that they want to tell,

if they want to tell something broader,

that's going to have a lot more.


you know,

that's going to have your a,

B and C stories going on throughout that are then going to connect at the

end of the film or at the end of the story,

then you,

then you need a film in order to do that.


you know,


I'm not going to say I necessarily have a preference.

It just,

they're the story that they want to tell needs to match the,


the medium.


I'd agree with that.

That makes sense.


We talked before about a reboot of the office.



I think you and I had discussed it on,

on one of the episodes,

Tim wasn't able to make it there for,

so it's been said by the showrunner,

Greg Daniels,

that they are not recasting the original characters that he considers this a

sister show.

So it looks like it's going to be focusing on a different workplace,

et cetera.


what do you think about that?

Does that help at all?


does that make,

it better?

You know,

I don't know.

I mean,


I mean,

they couldn't redo the original characters.

I mean,


that just wouldn't work in my mind at all.



I just questioned,

you know,

calling at the office,

doing this again.


is it worth it?

Is it going to flop?

Is it not going to,

I mean,

so many times they have a companion TV series or something.

I mean,

Frazier comes to mind now that it's not doing very well based on a really

popular show back,

you know,

what 20,

30 years ago,

whatever it was.


this isn't the same kind of timeframe,

but I just question if they're going to be able to find that magic again.

I mean,

so much of the magic of that show was,

you know,

the writing in the cast and the way they got together and the way things

worked out with everybody there.

It was a perfect storm.

Are you going to have that again?

I don't know.

I mean,

the heart I'll,

I'll do respect to John Krasinski and all of the other actors on the show,

but like Steve Carell carried that show early on.

Michael Scott was the character.

So if you're going to do this in a different setting,


do you have to create a new Michael Scott character?

And if so,

doesn't that feel kind of derivative?

But if you don't have a Michael Scott character,

then do you have a show,

you know?





I guess,

I mean,


we'll see how it turns out.

Greg Daniels did a great job with the first one.


I don't know.

Fingers crossed,

I guess.

The running,

man is getting remade by Edgar,


I think we mentioned this before.

So the running man was based on a really good Stephen King short story that

was made into a wildly different film with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the


And this apparently is going to be more closely tied to the book,

the short story or the novella.



it's going to start filming in 2024.

The girl with the dragon tattoo is still moving ahead.

At Amazon prime video.

And they've announced that Venus sud is going to be the showrunner.

Apparently she was a show running from the killing.

I haven't seen the other.

I haven't read the books.

I haven't seen the other movies.

Have you guys seen the girl with the dragon tattoo?


It was good.


I thought it was outstanding.


Very good.





maybe I'm missing out.

Maybe I need to go back and rewatch those.

Are you,

are you glad to see that?

That it's like coming back in a different form?

Or is it one of those things where you think it was good enough that there's

no reason to touch it?


I mean,

the thing is,

is that they,

there were some issues,

there were some production issues where they weren't able to continue into

the other books.



And so they do kind of need to,

I think,

restart because you have some of the same characters kind of threaded



So for them to,

to do a reboot,

to do a reboot of this,

I think is,

is smart.

And hopefully they'll actually get a chance to do the entire series.


I didn't realize they didn't finish the whole series.




they only did the first one.

And it was really good.

And I mean,

like super well done,

very edgy.

I think they did too.

I enjoyed it.


they did.

I think they did too.

They did two books.

I think there were two movies.

I thought.


I thought there was two.


I thought they only did one.


it looks like Lou's looking it up.

So while he's looking that up,

I'm going to move on to the last item for tonight's show.

And that is that the BBC is already filming Dr.

Who's second season with Nakuti Gatwa.

And I hope I'm pronouncing that name properly.

I've literally never heard it said out loud.

I've only ever seen it in print.


and to,

to that point,

the second season with Nakuti Gatwa is actually going to be season two of Dr.


because with his run as the doctor,

they are going to reset the season counter.

So the upcoming season is going to be season one of Dr.


I understand.

I don't understand why they're like,

I get that it's shifting over to Disney plus and in Britain,

they call seasons series.

So it's series one,

series two,

series three,

et cetera.

So they're no longer going with calling it series.

They're going to count,

call it season and they're going back with season one.




they're already filming the second one.


we just had two of the three specials drop over the last two Saturdays.

We've got one more coming next Saturday and then we've got a Christmas special.



at which point we will then transition into the new doctor and such.

And the specials are already available on Disney plus.

So that aspect of the transition has already happened.

So Lou,

before we continue talking about that,

were you able to find anything on the girl with dragon tattoo?

Not really.

I'm trying to find some.

I thought they did make the girl put his fire into a movie,

but I'm only finding the European version of that.


maybe there is only one.



Maybe it could be,

maybe Tim,

you're right.

So Lou,

I know you watched doctor who Tim,

you watched doctor who I thought you did.

Although actually I,

I have not watched,


the stuff that just came out.


Are you caught up prior to that?

Like the,

through the end of Jody Whitaker's run.



what about you?



which is about the last time I've seen,

I have not seen all of her stuff.


All right.


the last episode with Jody Whitaker was very controversial.

A lot of people complained because they seemed to have retconned the origin of

the doctor.

Didn't bother me that much.

Cause I mean,

it's doctor who it's all timey wimey stuff and you know,

it goes wherever it goes.

And then we always end up coming back around to good stuff.

So I didn't get that bothered by it,

but it was really controversial.

And then of course,

now we're in this little,

in between phase before we get to the next doctor.


I don't think it's a spoiler at this point because it's all over promotional material and stuff.

But David Tennant has returned for a bit as the doctor Donna Noble is traveling with him as his companion.

And I have to say of the,

of the two episodes that have been released so far,

it's been painful for me to get through them because I hate Donna Noble.

I've watched every episode that she,

so she had a good end,



I just couldn't take,


I just,

I hated her character,

like the ways in which they wrote her to be annoying.

Like I get it was intentional,

but for me it was just too far.

And so these two episodes,

the first one I did not like the second one,

I think was better.

I want to rewatch the second one.

I think the,

the second one is really good would have been better if there was less Donna Noble and there was more,

there has never been more Donna Noble in a doctor who episode than this.


and the audience members who've already watched it know exactly what I mean by that.

It has kind of a double meaning,

which also has a double meaning,

but I'll leave it at that.

You guys should watch it.

But that's all I got.

Any other comments before we wrap up?


nothing here.

All right.


we are going to be back next week.

We've got some reviews,


to cover.


I suffered through the first episode of obliterated the new series on Netflix so that you all don't have to.


we're going to talk more about Monarch.

I'd love to get Tim's opinion on Monarch.


a little bit more of,

of a murder at the end of the world squid game,

the challenge,

which I'll say right now,

I would not recommend to people.

The killer just came out on Netflix beacon 23.


we've got,


and we're going to have more stuff to cover between now and then,

as well as the doctor who episodes we were just talking about.

So we're going to be back next week with some reviews and,


we actually have other news items to discuss less detailed,

but more discussion based stuff.

So we're going to get to that next week as well.

So that's going to do it for this episode of random chatter.

Don't forget to check out.

The website at random shatter.com,

as well as the discord server,

random shatter.com slash discord.

Be sure to catch the other shows on the network.

We've been mentioning them throughout this episode of random chatter,

and it's because they cover stuff relevant to this.


if you're a Marvel fan,

DC fan,

Cobra Kai fan,

just fan of martial arts shows and movies in general,

like we've got you covered.

There's a lot of stuff.


one thing I actually glossed over cause I wanted to come back to,

which we also have,

we have a podcast for interestingly enough,

James S.



who wrote the expanse,

which was then turned into a series on,


Amazon ended up on Amazon prime.



we had a show called the crash couch and then it became the tight beam,

which is one of my favorite podcasts we have here on the network.


of course it wrapped up when the expanse ended,

but James S.


Corey just announced they have a new sci-fi novel trilogy coming out,

completely new universe.


so definitely check them out.


so when I say they,


I say,

Corey's a pseudonym for Daniel Abraham and Ty Frank.


they co-write all their books together and they are freaking amazing.

I'm looking forward to this new sci-fi trilogy,

but again,

yet another example of podcasts that we have in the random chatter network.

So be sure to check that out.

We are going to let you go.

Thanks for hanging out with us and we will be back very soon until then.

Take care.

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