Treks in Sci-Fi_942_Anniversary

Rick A. Dostie


Treks in Sci-Fi_942_Anniversary


Hello, everyone. This is Rico, and this is Trexin Sci-Fi, your geeky dose of goodness.

I don't even know how often. Let's see. It's September 1st, 2024. This is show 942, which

I just literally checked. This is going to be a little bit of an odd show because normally

at this time of year, I would be doing an anniversary show live, but believe it or not,

I'm still kind of under the weather. I got a little bit of a cough and some other things

going on. So excuse me, but I wanted to put something out just to let you guys know what's

up and maybe chat about a few things and try not to overdo my voice or whatever. But yeah,

anyway, I think that's enough preamble. Yeah. So it's a little... I'm kind of

sad. I'm kind of sad. I'm kind of sad. I'm kind of sad. I'm kind of sad. I'm kind of sad.

Not doing a live video show. Maybe sometime in a few weeks when I'm better, I'll try to do that

just for the heck of it, not necessarily for the anniversary. But yeah, 19 years of podcasting.

What? What? It's a little longer than a lot of people have been alive, but yeah, 2005 it started.

Anyway, we'll talk a little bit about that here and other things on Trexin Sci-Fi. Here we go.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Trexin Sci-Fi podcast.

Scotty, beat me up.


Stand by to receive our transmission.

All right. Again, welcome to the show, everyone. This is Rico. And yeah, if I seem a little subdued,

I've been... It's really weird. I went to San Diego Comic-Con probably about a week after I

got back or a little bit less, six days, maybe, whatever. I felt really poorly.

Super tired. And it kind of like has sort of lingered and gone up and down a little bit.

I believe it or not. I mean, I've not been feeling great for quite a few weeks now. I finally went to

an urgent care. Here's Trexin Medical. I'm usually pretty healthy, honestly, most of the time. I went

to an urgent care last week. They gave me an antibiotic. Did a COVID test. I haven't had no

COVID, it says, or at least the tests don't say. I haven't had a COVID test. I haven't had a COVID test.

I haven't had a COVID test. I haven't had a COVID test. I haven't had a COVID test. I haven't had a COVID test.

But yeah, just headaches and super tired and some other things. But I'm going to a regular

doctor on Tuesday, the day after Labor Day here. I don't really even have a regular doctor because

knock on wood, I have not had to go very much. So I finally, I had to get a new patient thing,

which was a whole thing. And you couldn't even, I couldn't get in basically for a week. So

I mean, it's not like I'm terrible, but I'm not great either. It's kind of weird. It's kind of a

weird thing, this whole thing. But hopefully, hopefully sometime we'll get it figured out and

feel better. But anyway, enough about that. So that's kind of why I didn't really feel

up to doing a live show. That takes quite a bit. And I feel like I look pale.

I'm always pale. I'm a white guy. What do you want? But anyway, and I don't really get much

of a tan ever. I get more sunburn than tan, if anything. But yeah, I mean, I would have done a

live show. We would have had some fun for the anniversary, you know, the show I started back

in 2005, back when podcasting was not even really like hardly a thing, truthfully. You know, there

was some podcasting going on, but, and now it's kind of evolved into, you know, I think people do

podcasting for different reasons now than maybe they did back then. I've always been in it just

to talk about. I've always tried to be kind of a positive take on most things, even though a

couple of recent things, which I'll talk about here in a minute, that I didn't care for. But in

general, I'm a pretty easygoing fan, fanboy, whatever, of most genre, you know, sci-fi and

fantasy. I try to, you know, enjoy what I can out of most things. And except, you know, well, we'll

exceptions, but they're not very, it doesn't happen very often, truthfully. I mean, I kind of

always thought or say that I know what I like and I like what I know, kind of a thing. Like I've

gotten, you know, to the point, and this isn't even just recently, it's been for a very long time of,

you know, I started to read comics and watch Star Trek reruns, you know, growing up. And it's just,

it's always been a part of my life. So I kind of know, you know, this is,

this is my area, this is my, this is my, this is my wheelhouse. This is the kind of stuff that I

like, that I like talking to people about. So, you know, it was easy to start doing a podcast

and talk about, especially Star Trek a lot in the early days, and then moved on to other things. And

Star Wars has been a big part of it and met a lot of great people over the years through, you know,

we had the face, sorry, we had the forum that's still sitting there, kind of idle, but it's still

sitting there. I've preserved it somehow. But, you know, made a lot of good friends that way,

met some of them in person. And it's just been, it's been great. I mean, I didn't, I don't even

know what I thought when I first started the show, what, you know, how I thought it would go,

would I stick with it? I'm a very, it's hard for me to let go of things. I've said this before,

especially when you do anniversary podcasts. It's kind of when I, when I, when I get in on

something, like when I start in on something,

I, I, it's hard for me to stop. Like, like I, I feel kind of a commitment to it. Although I would

say, you know, I've, I've, I've paired the podcast down to only every two weeks now. Don't really do

guests because I, you know, Mark, you know, Mark Daniels, fantastic, you know, Mark, you got,

you've been great over the years, but since I'm only doing the show every two weeks,

don't really have a big need to do guests. Although if anybody wants to do a guest spot,

I can always slip it in.

Between my every two week shows, um, that's perfectly fine. But, um, you know, when I went

to, to every two weeks, I guess just this past year, I think I kind of did that right. Maybe

a little bit more than that. Um, I still, you know, I like doing the podcast a lot. I, I like

talking about whatever the current, you know, shows of the moment are or movies of the moment

are. I'll talk a little bit about that here. We'll, we'll switch off from sort of reminiscing,

and, and anniversary talk to just some recent stuff going on in sci-fi and fantasy. But, um,

but the, um, so yeah, it's, it's enjoyable for me to, to talk about these things, but just because

it's one, it, it sort of helps me coalesce my thoughts. Is that a good word to use? Coalesce?

Excuse me. But, um, you know, I don't know. I don't know. It's hard. It's hard to say,

but, um, but yeah, I,

whether I'll continue, I, I kind of have this little tick thing in the back of my brain,

you know, kind of like, oh, when I hit another year from now in 20, 20 years of podcasting,

maybe I'll just kind of ease, ease away from it. I, that's, we'll be pushing close to a thousand

podcasts, but, um, but anyway, well, you know, we'll see how it goes. I, again, it's,

it's mostly just, it's a, it's sort of a, I was going to say selfish.

It's sort of a self-indulgent pursuit in a way when, especially doing a solo podcast. I remember

I think it was Kenny, or I've talked to a few other people about solo podcasting and it's,

it, there are times where it's seems weird and tricky, but after obviously doing it this long,

there's part of me that sort of, in a way, pictures people listening on the other end,

as I talk, uh, that I don't know if that, I don't really like literally picture people in a,

and I'm talking to them at all, but I, I try to talk and, and, you know, how, how I discuss these

things. I try to be, let's say, I don't know if I'm a little bit more, uh, detailed or explanatory

than if I would be just talking to you and we were just sitting in a, whatever on a couch talking

about the latest, you know, star Wars, something or Star Trek or whatever episode of this or movie

that, uh,

um, but I feel like I talk, I feel like I mostly kind of conversationally talk. It's not a,

I've never wanted, it would have been, well, I would have never been able to survive this long

doing it, but it would have been, there are people who do very detailed podcasts that like

everything's more or less scripted out. Um, they do a lot of research and I've done a little bit,

you know, when I do certain shows, but it's much more time consuming and involved than the kind

of show that I've ever watched. Um, and I've done a lot of research and I've done a lot of

I think it takes away from the sort of spontaneity of it a bit. I like being able to just talk and

have things sort of bounce and pop in my head and just kind of bring it out on the show rather than

just reading like something that I've pre-written out. Um, I've, um, I'm not, I don't feel like I'm

a very, like I'm a speech maker, kind of a person very well, but I also feel like I can, I'm somebody

who can have a conversation or strike up a conversation with people. So, um, I think it's

so that helps. Um, I don't know. We're 10 minutes in. That's probably enough about

reminiscing and the anniversary show and all that. I'm going to take a short break,

get a little drink here and come back and talk about some recent things I've been watching,

some commentary on a couple of things in the world of sci-fi and fantasy. And, um, I'm,

I'm positive this show is going to be, I've said this before, but I'm probably going to only be

doing maybe like a half hour podcast this week or something like that. But I did want to get

something out.

To you guys. And, um, yeah, I'll take a break. I'll be back in a moment.

All right. I am back. Uh, one thing I wanted to talk about,

I kind of debated whether I want to talk about this much, uh, but I want to talk a little bit

more about the acolyte. Um, I did a show with Joe a few, maybe a month ago, maybe a little

bit more, whatever the acolyte ended. Um, we, we did a show where we talked about it. So if you

want to look back in the podcast archives, well, don't have to look back that far. I think it's

just two shows back. Maybe. Um, we talked about it quite a bit and I kind of gave you guys my

views and what I thought. Um, yeah, I was, I was definitely not happy with the show. I was

disappointed. The writing, you know, it wasn't, it wasn't a story that I liked and, or found,

well done. I didn't think the writing was very good. Um, I thought it was a bit, um,

it, it just cheapened a lot of the things that I love about star Wars, especially the Jedi.

Um, and, and I, you know, sometimes I know when I say stuff like this and I, I don't,

you know, I don't begrudge anyone, Kenny or anybody else, you know, for liking the show.

That's fine. Um, but, and I don't think, I mean,

I'm not, I'm not a super hyper picky fan, like I was saying earlier, and certainly not of star

Wars. I've liked most truthfully to some level, uh, with some exceptions to some degree, a lot

of caveats there, but I I've liked most of the Disney star Wars. I mean, the Mandalorian is

fantastic. I enjoyed book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka. I liked a lot. Uh, um, all the animated stuff

is fantastic. So, I mean, it's, it's, it was hard to watch this show.

I just, a lot of it, what it came down to was the characters. And I've said this, I know I said it

on the podcast a couple of weeks ago or maybe a month ago now. Um, there was just nobody on the

show that I could really root for or get behind. I mean, they all had their issues and yeah,

nobody's perfect. And I get that, but I mean, go back and watch. I've, I started to do this on the

Facebook group. I put little clips from some of the original trilogy, um, films and just the,

uh, the swashbuckling.

Kind of romantic, heroic stuff that went on in those movies is just sorely missing from some of

these recent things that they've done for star Wars, even the stuff that I've liked. But, but

then let me, and again, this is my brain bouncing around, but like the, the, the, um, sorry, I was

going to say the bounty hunter or whatever the, uh, the Mandalorian, um, just think of those first

couple of episodes, you know, where.

You've got this guy who's just kind of a, you know, he doesn't care. Truthfully, you kind of get this

impression. He's just, he's just a hired gun. Right. But when he, you know, sees baby Yoda, he,

he changes and it's, it's meaningful and it's good. And, you know, he's still, they still have

to struggle and fight, you know, the bad people, but you gotta have that. Right. And, uh, so that's

enough about that. But my, what I really wanted to talk about it regarding.

The big thing that happened, was it just last week, early last week, or maybe just the end of

the week before, I'm not sure what the, when it actually was announced, but it was announced as

not getting a season two. Um, it, you know, at the end of the day, the truth of the matter is

like it or don't like the show, whatever Disney and, and sure they want it to be liked because

that means people will watch and you get a lot of ratings. But at the end of the day, the show did

not get a lot of ratings. So I'm not sure what the truth of the matter is, but at the end of the day,

a lot of people watching it and did not get very good ratings. So ultimately that's really why it's

getting canceled. It's like any other show. It's like Firefly. It's like Star Trek, the original

show. I mean, the, if a show gets canceled, it's because it's not paying for itself. Essentially.

It's not, it's not attracting enough viewers to, to, you know, say, Hey, yeah, we'll do another

season. So, um, that's just all it really amounts to. And, you know,

some will say that a lot of the bad talk online was influencing people maybe to some degree, but

as I have always said, and, and you can only blame the people if, if they, if this is what

people ended up doing, but if you just hear something's bad and you don't watch it, and then

you also not only, you know, if it was something you thought you might be interested in, then you

don't watch it. That's not great, but, but the worst thing you can do is you don't watch it.

And I've never, ever, ever done this is sort of bad mouth something online or even to other people

to talk to. And you've never even watched it or seen it. And I think there are definitely people

who do that occasionally who just jump on the bandwagon with all the lemmings, right? Because

they don't want to be kind of left out. They don't want to be that guy that goes, Ooh, you know,

it's not so bad or whatever. You should always stick up for what you enjoy or what you don't

enjoy. I mean, when I, I say this all the time, when I was watching, I was watching a lot of

Star Trek reruns back in the day, nobody was a nerd or a Star Trek fan or whatever. Like this was

like, you are like, uh, and, uh, ostracized, like, you know, you were just not, it's amazing. I said

this, I say this a lot to my friends and Chris and Joe. And when we talk and you know, like

it's incredible to me, it's even like going to Comic-Con, it's incredible to me how much

nerd type things,

Trek, Star Wars, comics, comic book movies, how much they've become the most popular things.

Sometimes they bomb, sometimes they don't do well, but in general, this is what Hollywood is churning

out a lot of, right? So it's just incredible to me because nobody liked this stuff back in the day.

And, and, you know, a new TV season would come out and there'd be hardly any new sci-fi or fantasy

you know, fantasy was unheard of really truthfully. And now you've got like, you know,

the Rings of Power show was season two, which I enjoy that show. I, I'm not a Tolkien fanatic,

you know, whatever they've done to, to, to make it, but I just find it cool and fun to watch

and people with elves and speaking elvish and, and, and it's, and it looks cool and I enjoy it,

you know, and, and so, so be it. But, um,

but that kind of stuff was just, we didn't get it at all. You know, so, so the,

how did I get onto this topic? Sorry, folks. I'm on a way deep off ramp and how did I get there?

I know I was basically trying to talk about, you know, you know, the acolytes, you know,

the failure due to, you know, ratings and things. And that's still, you know, true, but, um, oh,

I was, I guess I was sort of talking about the word of mouth thing. I don't think that's a,

is big of a thing. I don't think that's a big of a thing. I don't think that's a big of a thing.

As most people seem to, they attribute a lot to it. You know, they attribute a lot of why these

shows fail by, they call it review bombing and, or, you know, just bad word of mouth. And then

people don't, don't go or don't watch or, you know, don't tune in at home. I think that's

giving people a lot of power and a lot of credit that I think you're, you're kind of, um, I, I,

I don't think that that, I think, yes, some people are influenced, but,

but still ultimately if, if a show is good, a movie is good, a show is good.

That's not going to be able to stop a good product and, and, or a show that I'll put a different way,

a show that most people will, or, or a show or a movie that most people will

root for and enjoy and tell their friends to go see that people being negative about something.

That's not going to stop that. You, you can't stop.

Remember in, uh, the serenity movie, right? You can't stop the signal mail.

You can't stop a good product. If it's a good product, I don't care how many people go on to

rotten tomatoes and put, you know, bad ratings up or whatever they do. I don't use really

rotten tomatoes, but point is, I don't think you can make a good product or something that most

people enjoy. Let's put it differently. Let's not even make it, call it a good or a bad product.

Let's just say it's a product that most people will enjoy.

I don't think you can kill that. I don't think you can destroy that. I think time and time again,

for one, a good example of that is even Star Trek, you know, it came back because it built a

following, a huge following and reruns. And who knows, maybe I'll, you know, maybe in three, four,

five, whatever years, maybe everyone will all of a sudden change their minds on the acolyte

and they'll do another season of it or something, you know, stranger things have happened.

So I guess, you know, at the end of the day, it just didn't get enough viewers and it was

canceled. So, you know, for those that enjoyed it, I feel sorry. I wish you guys, but it's a

cutthroat business. I mean, there's been plenty of shows. Another one I just saw that got canceled,

Dead Boy Detectives on Netflix. I really enjoyed that show a lot. It was quirky. It was different.

And that's, those are a couple of boxes if you check those, you know, and yeah, I enjoyed it.

And they're not getting,

another season. And I thought that show has a lot of potential to do, you know, a good few seasons.

And it was kind of sad, but it's, it's rough. Streaming is, is rough. And it's just, I was

kind of sad when they, you know, Halo isn't getting another season. I thought that was a

really cool show and it got dropped, you know, after two seasons with a lot of things still

left unresolved. And, and I thought it looked cool and yeah. So you can't control this stuff.

You just basically have to sort of, I would, I was going to say, accept it. You probably don't,

you don't have to necessarily accept it, but if you go, like I've watched some shows lately,

you know, shows are getting canceled like so fast sometimes. And, you know, I've watched some,

sorry, let's say this. I've watched a few shows in recent times where I'm about four or five

episodes in, and then they, I hear the show's been like canceled. It's not going to get any

more seasons.

But I still finished it. You know, it was like, nah, I'll finish it, you know, and get what I can

out of it. You know, I wish it got more. You know, it's, it's, it's unfortunate. I hope we

get more Star Trek Prodigy. And that just popped into my mind thinking of speaking more. That

second season of Star Trek Prodigy is some of the best Trek that's been done in a long time.

You know, I love Strange New Worlds. I love Lower Decks. But the, but that second,

third season of Prodigy was fantastic. I mean, Wesley came back, you know, I mean, it's just,

I don't want to spoil it or anything like that, but just, it's Chakotay and, you know, it's the,

it's the follow-up Voyager season that everybody who, you know, is Voyager fans would, would love.

But, but yeah, so it's, it's a weird business. Entertainment's just cutthroat. I mean, you just,

you got to have a tough skin to be in.


In the entertainment world, I think. Let's, let's also talk about, you know, another,

I, I watched this, it's on pay-per-view now, and I, I, I finally decided I'd, all right,

I'll watch this. Because I've just been basically vegging out a lot over the last week or two

anyway, and watching a lot of movies and TV. But the Borderlands movie, I finally saw it. And yeah,

I thought it was fun. I thought it was okay. I, I, I, I don't think,

um, I think it had a lot of, I think that there was a couple of things that were problems.

I think the biggest one was you had two other sort of genre type things out there right now.

You had the Deadpool Wolverine movie, and you have, um, that Alien Romulus, which I still haven't seen.

Um, both are doing pretty well. Both are, people are really enjoying it.

So when people go to the theater and, and if they're looking for that kind of a thing, you know,

a sci-fi or fantasy thing and then borderlands pops up like if those are your three choices

you know the other two if you haven't seen them especially are gonna win so i think it had some

bad competition or some stiff competition um there were some quirky things in the in the movie that i

could see some people maybe didn't appeal to and then the other one was i'm not a gamer of or not

a player of the borderlands games but i think i think some of the gamers really trounced on it i

think it got um i don't know how much it really captures the game i mean game you know we've

this is a common topic right a game uh game to movie or game to movie or game to tv show even

or whatever well like the halo thing i just mentioned that's a tough um that's a tough

transfer it doesn't um it usually does not go well it really does not

go well and and sometimes it goes really poorly um i kind of i saw some people saying about kate

blanchett you know being miscast i don't know i don't know that character she's playing and and

how much it seems like uh i'm assuming in the game she's probably like a younger person and kate's

even though she looks amazing and you know does a lot of stunts in the movie and everything like

that but she's like 50 something right you know so people were saying

she seemed to be out of place in that role so i don't know but i i thought the movie was fun

though i enjoyed it it was um you know moved pretty quickly had some cool scenes and everything

and again i don't really know the i don't know the game i don't know the genre you know whatever

is going on there but um but yeah i thought that was um i thought it was pretty well done um yeah

but it just got you know got destroyed it's like that crow remake now that that i my commentary on

that is why are you remaking this movie

that has such a history behind it you know poor brandon lee you know died on the set from that

you know gun prop thing that that had a blank in it that that you know actually you know

discharged something that actually you know still hit him and um you can read all about that in the

history but but i mean that original movie it's just you know and again i think also i think

there's competition and and then the last thing is

it's not a very happy not a happy movie you know the crow uh it's it's not that's a rough one

so um oh here's what i watched just recently just watched this last night actually um if

imaginary friend movie with ryan reynolds and it's on paramount plus which i thought for sure

that was like a disney thing that i i first check on disney plus like nope okay and then i did my

with my roku you can you know do the microphone and say okay show me where the you know the if

movie is and um anyway paramount plus but yeah that was a very cute movie um a little a little

more serious a little more of a tearjerker than i had expected and i don't want to give anything

away but there were some things in the movie some pretty heavy things uh but i like ryan reynolds a

lot i'll pretty much watch him in anything and uh i thought it was it was very well done and fun to

watch so watch that one and i'll see you next time bye bye

and um yeah what else i'm trying to think of a lot of the tv shows that i'm watching now are all

like they're not there's not much sci-fi fantasy that i've started watching um like i'm watching

the recruit on netflix i'm finally watching that that's a great show by the way it's not sci-fi or

fantasy but i really like it a lot and i'm maybe halfway through now i think and um also watching

i started watching that tracker show uh with justin hartley you know he used to be on smallville

right uh but um yeah that's a pretty cool show it's maybe a little hokey uh in in parts i've

only watched a couple episodes of that one but um oh oh i should talk about this one

um you know i was a big fan of the animated harley quinn series on um what's on max now

right and i think there's another season coming i know

there's another season coming i'm not sure when it's coming out it's totally over the top it's

it's hilarious though i i totally enjoy it um but they did a spin-off version that i hadn't watched

yet and it's called kite man which is he's basically a superhero that he's got this kite

on his back and he can kind of float around and fly around he he's he's just a guy but he's you

know kite man but he's he's trying to be sort of a villain a little bit anyway there's um

there's a character called golden glider uh who's the sister of captain cold she sort of popped up

a little bit in the flash the flash live action tv series um but um she's sort of the she is the

girlfriend of of kite man but this show is really good and really funny it's it's not a kid show

don't don't let it fool you that it's animated you know i i think we've gotten to the point in

the world that i think most

parents will should realize just because something's animated doesn't mean it's made for

kids this is not just like the harley quinn show is not made for little kids a lot of language a

lot of other stuff that happens a lot of violence um but i just find it just hilarious and and fun

to watch so if you if you were someone who watched the harley quinn show i'm sure that you'd enjoy

this one so check out uh yeah check out kite man on max and i think that's about it

i already talked briefly oh the other one that i'm watching rings of power i already talked about

that they did put out three episodes for season two uh i've watched the first two um all i want

to say is elrond is kind of a jerk you know but uh and the other thing i think about the elves

when i every time i see them although galadriel she's a little bit of the exception but all the

elves my goodness dirt just does not stick to them they never

look dirty they're too clean looking i mean there's never a smudge on their face even when

they're working and doing stuff they don't get sweaty or dirty or anything it's a little it's

a little off-putting it's a little weird looking to me a little i mean the elves are supposed to

be this you know these these beings that have lived for so long and they're sort of elegant

and pure and all this stuff but but i mean just come on you pull on your pants the same as the

rest of us come on so uh but yeah i'm enjoying that show i'll probably watch probably watch the

third episode of the first three they released um tonight i think probably i think so all right

everyone uh i'm gonna wrap this up i hope this has been fun i know it's not the usual live cast

as i said i'm under the weather and uh hopefully rico you know talk myself talk about myself in

the third person hopefully by the next time i do a podcast in two weeks i'll be able to do that

i'll have i'll be in better shape and uh we'll we'll do some good stuff so uh i think that should

do it um yeah so again hey thanks everyone there's a few of you i know for sure um kenny's been here

forever a lot of the other friends of mine started listening pretty early on too you guys you know

you guys are the best and and you know anyone else even if you just started like listening last week

it's uh

it's really fun still glad that i can do this for you hopefully you guys still uh get a kick out of

it i know i get a kick out of doing it um and uh yeah so uh just uh keep enjoying things you know

like what you like and uh watch what you want to watch and make up your own minds and make good

choices what are you 10 so my wife lynn was watching my uh one of uh one of our grandchildren

bryson the oldest

he had a little bit of lag time between school starts right after labor day here in michigan

but the last couple of weeks he was in this sort of summer um program um call it daycare slash

whatever i don't know what you call it but there was a couple of week lag time so she was watching

him a little bit and and uh you know he's he's a really good they're all good kids and uh but you

know kids can get a little weird and squirrely and you know so i kind of i'll joke with bryson

make good choices bryson

not really a joke true it's true so all right everybody take care take care of yourselves um

because really if you've got your health you got everything so which i feel right now

all right everybody i'll talk to you again in about two weeks uh take care and talk to you then



This has been a Rick Dostey podcast production.

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